Advanced Strategic Problem Solving and Communication
Advanced Strategic Problem Solving and Communication
FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG FACHBEREICH WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN Institut für Management Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung Prof. Dr. Harald Hungenberg Lange Gasse 20 90403 Nürnberg [email protected] Nürnberg, Advanced Strategic Problem Solving and Communication - Overview Two challenges are fundamental to managerial success: (1) innovative, team-based problem solving, and (2) powerful communication. The goal of this highly interactive seminar is to provide upcoming managers and entrepreneurs with effective tools to meet these challenges. For this course, participants join on Tuesdays, 13.15 – 16.30h in room 0.225 (first session on May, 15). Below, you find the exact dates and an outline of the content discussed in each session: Session 1 Structuring innovative problem solving May 15 Topics: Overview of seminar Soft Skills as fundament of managerial success Approaches to problem solving Logical trees / pyramid principle Challenging managerial assumptions Literature: Minto (2003) Session 2 Brainstorming-based problem solving in teams May 22 Content: Problem solving in teams Creating an innovative team environment IDEO-Deep Dive Literature: Kelly (2008) -2- Session 3 Fundamentals of Communication June 12 Content: Cialdini model of persuasion C-R-E structures Literature: Cialdini (2006) Session 4 Communication Structures June 26 Content: S-C-Q-A Introductions Introduction to formal logic Using syllogisms to build effective logical chains Literature: Copi (1998), Weston (2000) Session 5 Story telling in managerial communication July 3 Content: S-U-C-C-E-S framework Process of Analogy building Literature: Heath & Heath (2007); Denning (2008) Session 6 Stage presence and speaking skills July 10 Content: Voice and diction Body language, gesture and mimic Dealing with stage fright Literature: t.b.d. Session 7 Student presentations July 17 Content: Student teams present their ideas to a board of investors Literature: t.b.d. -3- The course handouts are going to be downloadable from the Lehrstuhl Homepage on April 19. Grading: Class participation is mandatory. Students are graded based on the combination of two elements: 1. Presentation (in session 7, 40% of final grade) Teams of participants together present an innovative idea to a board of investors. Goal of the presentation is to use to tools discussed throughout the course to persuade the board to invest in the team’s innovation. 2. Term paper (to be handed in by August 31st, 60% of final grade) Each participant writes a short paper (max. 8 pages). The paper should analyze the communication style of a person you choose as a role model. Details are explained in class. -4- Recommended readings Presentation – Story Telling Cialdini, R.: Influence: The psychology of persuasion. Harper Business, 2007. Denning, S.: The Secret Language of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative: How Leaders Inspire Change Through Narrative, New York, 2007 Detz, J.: It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, New York 2000. Heath, C. und Heath, D: Made to Stick. Why some ideas survive and others die. Random House, 2007. Pöhm, M.: Präsentieren Sie noch oder faszinieren Sie schon?, Heidelberg 2006. Argumentation / Logic / Rhetoric Copi, I.M.: Introduction to Logic, 7. Aufl., New York 1986. Minto, B.: The Pyramid Principle, 3. Aufl., Harlow 2002.