Hanby Herald - Westerville City Schools


Hanby Herald - Westerville City Schools
March 2011
Hanby Arts Magnet School
Hanby Herald
614-797-7100 (office)
614-797-7104 (clinic)
[email protected]
2010 - 2011 PTA OFFICERS:
Tammy Cardoso
[email protected]
Jennifer Chambers
[email protected]
VP—Volunteer Coordinator
Kelley Femia
[email protected]
VP - Ways & Means
Betsy Binnig
[email protected]
Secretary/Hanby Herald Editor
Mandy Powell
[email protected]
Kristin Gillenwater
[email protected]
Parent Council
~ Vision ~
The vision of the
Hanby Arts Magnet School
is to embrace teaching
and learning through a
unique academic
community that
integrates the arts.
From the principal...
Greetings to the Hanby Community,
Welcome to March. Hopefully we will be welcoming
in warmer weather and watch the blossoming of
flowers in the Hanby garden signaling the onset of
spring! March is a busy month ending with spring
break. Preparations are underway for our annual
art auction sponsored by the PTA. Do you have an
art talent or a craft you can share? The Art Auction
Committee is seeking donations and welcome your
personal donations or contributions by your friends
or local business organizations!!! The Arts Auction is
a fabulous family event and a Hanby tradition!!!
During the first few weeks of March, students in
grades 2-5 will be participating in Terra Nova testing. This testing is a district administered assessment to provide information about student learning
for teachers and the district. Many thanks to PTA
for providing snacks during this test.
The Magnet School Fair will be held on Thursday,
March 10 at Heritage Middle School from 6:30 p.m.
to 8:00 p.m. We are very excited about sharing the
wonderful things that happen at Hanby!!! Please
encourage your friends who are interested in the
magnet program to attend. The lottery drawing will
be on April 14 at 2:00 p.m. at the Westerville Recreation Center.
We are planning lots of activities for the Month of
April which is Arts Month. Several students have
participated in the writing contest at the library and
we are anxiously waiting for the results that will be
shared in May. The school district will have an elementary art show with student artwork on display at
the Westerville Community Center and we will also
have some student photography on display at
Chocolaterie Stam. Look for arts activities that you
can share with your family during Arts Month in
I look forward to a wonderful spring at Hanby as we
continue growth as a school community and family
of learners!!!
Dr. Jan Fedorenko
Magnet School Application Timeline
Week of Feb. 14
- Letter of Intent Sent Home to Parents of Existing Magnet Students Grades 1-4
- Magnet Application with Cover Letter Mailed to all Kindergarten Parents
February 25
Letter of Intent Due Date
March 4
Somali (10:00 A.M.) / Latino (1:00 P.M.) Parent Group Meeting @ Enrollment Center
March 10
Magnet School Program Fair @ Heritage MS, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
March 14
Emerson Open House, 4:00 to 5:00 P.M.
March 15
Central College Open House, 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.
March 16
Robert Frost Open House, 4:00 -5:00 p.m.
March 17
Longfellow Open House, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
March 22
Hanby Open House, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
March 25
Application Due Date and Postmarked Accordingly
April 14
Public Lottery Drawing – Westerville Community Center, 2:00 P.M.
April 21
Notification Letter of Lottery Status and Invitation Mailed to Parents
April 28
Letter of Invitation and Acceptance Due Date
New Parent Orientation – To be Scheduled by Each Magnet School
Hanby Herald
Page 2
Hanby PTA News
It’s The PTA Calling AGAIN!
Ever think to yourself:
―Man that PTA is always
asking for something - my
money, my time, my stuff
(for the Art Auction)!‖ ? I
do too!
So I thought I’d break
things down. The things
we do fall into a couple
main camps:
Social Events & Other ―Breakeven‖ Activities - PTA functions like the
Italian Dinner, Swim Nights and Ice Cream Social are designed to be
social events, not fundraisers. Any money families pay to attend a
social event is specifically to off-set the cost of the event. Other
things the PTA does that may cost families money but are not fundraisers include PTA membership dues; Back-to-School supply sales;
yearbook sales; and sales of author visit books.
Events & Activities that ARE Fundraisers – Our two biggest fundraisers are in the Fall (Walk-a-Thon) and Spring (Art Auction). These two
activities account for about 67% of the needed income for this
school year. The other 33% of our income comes from things like
the book fairs; Square One Art and spirit wear sales; dine-out nights;
grocery (Kroger’s, Meijer) partners; and special programs like Market Day and Boxtops. (It takes a BUNCH of the smaller activities to
make-up that remaining 33%.)
Okay, so now you know where the PTA get’s its money, but what do
we do with it? Well that is the best part - It goes back to the students!
About 96% of this year’s income is designated to go to what we call
Curriculum Enhancement and Teacher Allotments.
Under these categories you’ll find expenses
related to artists who work with individual
grades at school like 1st grade’s Basic Drawing program or 2nd
grade’s BalletMet residency program; and artists who bring programs for the whole school such as author/illustrator Robert J.
Blake’s visit and Columbus Children’s Theater’s program Fun, Fact
or Fiction.
Then there are the field trips like 4th grade’s trip to Ohio Historical
Society and 5th grade’s All That Jazz trip. Did you know that because
of your support the PTA is able to pay the transportation costs of this
year’s 20+ field trips? (Yes, the district charges us for the use of
school buses and drivers for school field trips!) Also, PTA pays the
admission price for students and teachers at ALL (but the most recent BalletMet’s Cinderella) field trips.
And lastly under these categories are special budgets that allow
teachers to purchase materials to aid in teaching and classroom setup. For example, 3rd grade will purchase ladybug larva to support
their Life Cycle lessons; 5th grade A&T purchased a series of science
DVD’s to introduce subjects in a new way; and the Intervention program purchased a recordable tape/cd player with microphone so
kids getting support can hear themselves read and learn from it.
The remaining 4% (and funds carried over from last year) allow us to
provide class t-shirts; games for the playground; support programs
like Field Day, Reflections, and Invention Convention; provide books
to the library and snacks to the students during district testing days;
and even offer a scholarship to a college bound graduate who once
attended Hanby!
Believe it or not, these are just the highlights! So, when that next
email or flyer reaches you don’t say to yourself ―There they go again‖
but instead say ―Let’s see how I can help the Hanby students‖!
Tammy Cardoso, PTA President
Reminder: March PTA Meeting! 7:00 PM March 15th!
From Westerville Parent
Council ...
Mark your calendars for the Summer
Camps & Activities Expo. This free event
allows families to explore opportunities in
which families can participate over the summer. The Expo will be held on March 15th
and there are tons of vendors and fun
things planned already.
Please contact Tracey Davis if you have any questions
([email protected]).
Lunch Money
When sending in lunch money with
your child, please place it in an
envelope and write ―Lunch‖ along with
your child’s name & student I.D.# on it.
Also, you can write checks for any amount to be applied to the
student's account rather than to send in daily cash. The checks
can be made out to W.B.O.E. (Westerville Board of Education).
Lisa Mounts, Hanby Clerk
March 2011
Page 3
Make plans to attend the Hanby Arts Auction. This spring fundraiser is critical to support our approved
budget. Our goal: $8500.
This event is fun for everyone! From 2-5 pm, we will have:
LIVE AUCTION: Class projects made by our students! Art work from staff members and more!
SILENT AUCTION: Awesome class baskets, gift certificates, baked goods, artwork, services and more. It
is not just art!
KID's RAFFLE & ACTIVITIES: ALL kids who attend will receive 1 FREE TICKET to bid on an item of their
choice. Tickets will be available before and during the event. Toys, posters, books, DVDs, etc.
RAFFLE-RAFFLE-RAFFLE: Three separate raffles with great prizes!! Tickets will be available before and
during the event.
NO PRODUCT BAKE SALE: If you prefer to make a cash donation, we'll take it! We will even provide a
special tax receipt just for you.
If you have a special skill you would like to share, don't hold back! Consider donating a service, gift
card left over from the holidays, quality handmade items/art, or a gift basket. If you work for a business that would be willing to support your child's school with a certificate or silent auction item, let us
know. We provide a tax deductible receipt and recognition in our program. Contact Linda Ferguson,
donations coordinator, at [email protected].
If you are able to volunteer for this event (before, during, or after), please let us know!
Thank you!
Kelley Femia, [email protected], 823-8630
Tammy Cardoso, [email protected], 581-4740
Hanby Herald
Page 4
Primary Drama Club News
weeks to come we will be mastering stage positions, getting
costumes ready, and running
lines. We are very excited to see
what our little actors and actresses have in store
for everyone. Thank you for
being so supportive of your
child's activities this year. And a
special thanks to the moms and
dads who have taken the time to
come help us out...we really
Alice in Wonderland
appreciate it! If anyone is interested in
volunteering to help with P.D.C., please
With the Spring play quickly approach- contact Lisa at
ing, Primary Drama Club has been hard [email protected] or myself
at work painting backgrounds and
at [email protected] (we
making scenery. We have also been
will be needing some more help).
performing memorization exercises
Remember, the first rule of Drama
and practicing voice projection. Our
Club is....There's no drama in Drama!!!
teamwork is improving constantly, GO DRAMA! We recently anHave a Magnificent March :o)
nounced casting and will be extending
a copy of the play to our members to
Your P.D.C Leaders
practice, practice, practice!!! In the
Hanby 3rd Graders Explore Rocks & Minerals
Students have been learning about Rocks and Minerals in third grade. Thanks
to the Curriculum Enhancement funding through our PTA 3rd graders have
integrated the art of weaving with science. Each student created a "rock
pocket" or ―rock blanket" for their pet rock. What a fun learning experience this
has been. Thank You!
The 2011 Invention Convention for Hanby Arts Magnet School will be held on Thursday April 7th. The
Invention Convention inspires curiosity, confidence,
invention, and creative problem solving. All students
at Hanby are invited and encouraged to participate in
our school’s Invention Convention. Westerville school
district winners will be invited to participate in the
Columbus Regional Invention Convention on Saturday, May 21st, 2011 at COSI. Deadlines for participating is Friday March 11th (contracts must be turned
into teacher or office).
We encourage parents, and friends of the community,
to stop in during the day to see all of the invention
work created by our talented children. We don’t want
our children’s work to go unnoticed as they put so
much effort into these inventions. The inventions will
be on display from 10 am through 3 pm on April 7th in
the Hanby gymnasium.
If you have any questions please contact Tammy
Dixon at [email protected].
*Note that the information students received (to take
home) said Wednesday April 7th, but it really is Thursday April 7th!!
Locks of Love
It is almost time for Spring cleaning. Out
with the old, in with the new! New paint,
new carpet, new furniture...why not a
new haircut??? Hanby will host a haircutting / gathering to benefit the Locks of Love Foundation. You simply need to have at least 10" of hair to cut, be ready &
willing to donate it to a good cause, & plan on having
some good old fashioned Hanby FUN! (Children will
need a parent / guardian consent to donate
hair). Please visit www.locksoflovefoundation.org to
see other contributions you can make and to learn
more about this wonderful cause.
This haircutting / gathering will depend on a reasonable number of participants. Anyone is welcome to
donate. I can schedule a date once I know how many
people have volunteered.
Please contact [email protected] with
questions or to place your name on the donation list.
Your hair will grow back 1/2" at a time!
Jaimie Fugate, Hanby PTA Member
March 2011
Page 5
5th Grade Art Show
Hanby 5th graders made
over $1000 through their
annual candy factory.
Proceeds from the activity will be split between
the Homeless Families
Foundation, the YWCA
Family Center, and the
St. John’s Community
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com ttend, p ild
pare to one an to
to fin t meeti f the
the b t how to
Come to ONE o
these parent
meetings for m
Anyone can participate!
All 6th Graders in
Westerville will schedule a
music class...
What a great time to learn
how to play a band
14 @ 6:30
Monday, March
p.m. s
School Common
h 16@
e Middle
6:30 p.m
School Common
Come find out why band is such a great opportunity
for your students!
Questions? Email your band director!
Blendon Middle School— Mrs. Cristina Wade; [email protected]
Genoa Middle School—Mr. Phil Louden; [email protected]
Heritage Middle School—Mr. Chris Kuhn; [email protected]
Walnut Springs Middle School—Ms. Barb Sutton; [email protected]
W.A.R.M. The Westerville Area Resource Ministry is excited to work with Hanby Arts Magnet
School in displaying our 5th graders artwork.
There will be a reception to celebrate their artistic talent and what W.A.R. M. does for our community on Wednesday March 2nd at W.A.R.M.
from 4-6pm.
This affiliation between W.A.R.M. and Hanby
began a few years ago through fundraisers and
donations. However, this art exhibit titled ―Food
for the Soul‖ is the first collaboration on the
artistic level. The hope is that students, parents, and community members can come together to feed their souls and their community.
One in four children in the Westerville school
district are food insecure. Please come and see
what W.A.R.M. does for them and their families
and how you can get involved.
There will be refreshments, you will get a
chance to see wonderful 5th grade ―Mixed Media Architecture Castles‖ and Mini- Masterpiece
Value Studies on display, and take the opportunity to see the wonderful things W.A.R.M. does
A food donation is appreciated, but not necessary.
Westerville Area Resource Ministry
175A East Broadway
Westerville OH 43081
Phone: (614) 899-0196
Fax: (614) 899-1042
Email: [email protected]
“WARM provides compassionate, short-term
assistance, educational services and spiritual
support to families living within the 52 square
mile area that makes up the Westerville school
Hanby Herald
Page 6
From the school nurse...
Sip warm liquids
hand washing. Children can also avoid sore
throats by:
Eat cold or frozen liquids such
as popsicles
 Gargle with salt water
Sore throats are common at any age and
can be one of the first signs of another illness, like a cold, the flu, or mononucleosis.
They can also be caused by a strep throat
infection, although this is rare in children
younger than 2 years.
Sign and Symptoms
Painful throat
Swollen glands in the neck
Bad breath
Scratchiness in the throat
Redness in the back of the mouth
Suck on hard candy or throat
lozenges if older than 4 years
Take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen as
Seek medical care if your child:
Has difficulty swallowing or breathing
Is drooling (in a young child)
Tires easily
Has pus in the back of the throat
Has a sore throat that lasts longer than
a week
Think Prevention!
Not sharing food utensils and glasses
with others
Avoiding contact with people who have
sore throats
*Info from Nationwide Children’s Hospital
*For other information from Health Services
(including nurses’ schedules, area clinics, medication forms, and more), go to the district web site at
www.wcsoh.org , select ―Departments‖, then Dept.
of Administrative Services, then ―Health Services‖.
Linda Davis, RN, School Nurse, Wellness
Mon & Tues: Fouse Elementary 797-7409
Wed: Enrollment Center 797-7711
What to Do:
Ways to relieve sore throat pain:
~Word of the Month~
Preventing a sore throat is similar
Thurs: Wilder Elementary 797-7337
to preventing most common illFri: Wilder/Hanby Arts Magnet 797-7104
nesses – it starts with regular
to persist in spite of difficulties, steadfastness.
Persistence, Tenacity
March 2011
Page 7
February 2011 Collection
Pamela Schira
It's another amazing collection drive at
Kelly Patton
Rouxanne Brown
Hanby! Thanks to all the students and
families who brought in Box Tops during the Dinah Robinson
first two weeks of February. Tammi Banks, Kelly Walk
Kristina Roggenkamp
Lori Giffin, Lori Mon, Jenn Hottle, and
Kathy Anclien
Stefanie Mayotte were great volunteers! Thanks also goes to the
Linda Cullison
office staff and teachers for helping get collection envelopes to
Lindsay Powell
students of volunteers. Mrs. Brown's second grade class won
Sara Thiegs
the campaign by collecting 960 Box Tops! Each student in her Sarah Alexander
class received a voucher for use at the book fair. We are very
Marti Corna
close to hitting the school Box Top goal for the year! Stay tuned Tara Norling
Miriam Herrick
for the final Box Top drive of the year Box Top MAYnia!
Box Tops Bonanza Again!
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 4 A&T
Grade 4 A&T
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5 A&T
Grade 5 A&T
Grade 5
Grade 5
Papa John’s Pizza
Party Race
Mrs. Schira’s first grade class
is still in FIRST place!! All
classes are competing in the Pizza Party Race.
The top two classes for the school year will
have a Papa John’s Pizza Party in May!
our volunteers who helped to make the
book fair successful. Special thanks to
Hanby's Spring Book Fair was a tremenLinda Ferguson, Diana Opoku, Chrissy
dous success! Our sales total was
Nichols, and Michelle Scott, our book fair
$6,225.71! We furnished $1,486 in
committee. They organized, planned, and
books to teachers, students, the library
spent multiple hours volunteering. Thank
and the Arts Auction in addition to the
you parents, teachers, kids, grandparcash sales! We held a number of special
ents, etc. for supporting the book
events during the Book Fair to encourage
fair! The proceeds from the Book Fair
participation, and we appreciate the willwill continue to support Hanby students
ingness of Hanby families in joining us in
throughout the school year in a myriad of
our efforts! On Tuesday, February 15th,
ways - join us at a PTA meeting to see
each student was invited to attend a
how your participation in the Book Fair is
Carnival during their recess. The carnival
returned to Hanby students!
included games, clowns, balloons, coloring, etc. What a fun day! On Thursday,
Mrs. Brown's and Ms. Robinson's second
grade classes held their annual
"Grandparents Night" and we included a
visit to the Book Fair as part of the festivities. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday during lunch and recess we held a
"Grand Event", where students were
asked to bring a parent, grandparent, or
special person to enjoy popcorn and
shop at the book fair. While shopping,
students enjoyed getting their picture
taken in the Read-a-coaster! Even Dr.
Fedorenko, Mrs. Schell, and Mrs. Mounts
hopped in for a ride! Thank you to all of
Book Fair Success!
Return your price sticker from your Papa John’s
order placed on our Papa John’s Days in order to
qualify for the contest.
Top 4 Standings as of
1st: Schira
2nd: Cullison
3rd: Walk
4th: Preschool
Keep buying those pizzas! 15% of all purchases comes directly back to our school.
Every little bit helps!
Thank you for braving the weather on our
No School Ice Day!
Our Mama Mimi's Fundraiser brought in
$65.00 to support Hanby PTA.
Peter Tanski at Mama Mimi's is also
donating a Gift Card for the Arts Auction.
Make plans to come and bid!
The arts make stories come alive...
3:30p G1-2 Nature & Science
Parenting Awareness Month Club
Women's History Month 3:30p Hanby Choir
National Nutrition Month
Music in our Schools Month
Youth Art Month
3:30p Primary Drama Club
3:30p Intermediate
Drama Club
4p School Advisory
6:30p Daisy Scouts
Elementary 2nd
Specials Rotaion
A Day
3:30p Shutterbug Group B
3:30p Hanby Choir
6p Kindergarten Registration
Packet Pick-up
Lego Competition
Registration Forms Due
3:30p Primary Drama Club
7p Middle School 101
3:30p Intermediate
Drama Club
6:30p Magnet
School Fair
Student Contracts
Time Begins
F Day
3:30p G3 Brownie Troop
Papa Johns Fundraiser Days
Tuesday & Wednesday
3:30p G3-5 Nature & Science
3:30p Hanby Choir
7p PTA General Membership
Meeting (Grade 1 art show/
performance prior to the meeting)
Papa Johns Fundraiser Days
Tuesday & Wednesday
Magnet School Applications
3:30p Primary Drama Club
St. Patrick's Day
3:30p Lego Club
3:30p Intermediate
Drama Club
3:30p ASL Club
10a WCS Lego
E Day
3:30p G1-3 Art Club
3:30p Shutterbug Group A
5:15p Market
Day Pick-up
3:30p Primary Drama Club
2:30p Early
Release Day
Grades K-12
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
3rd Grading
Period Ends
Hanby Herald
For More Hanby News, visit the Hanby Arts Yahoo Group at:
& Sign up to follow Hanby News on Twitter at: www.twitter. com/hanbynews
Visit our Public Website at: www.HanbyArts.com
These sources provide information as a service to the Hanby Community from the Hanby PTA, which is an independent entity not
owned or sponsored by the Westerville City School District. Membership and subscriptions are voluntary.

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