Advertiser`s Guide
Advertiser`s Guide
MAGA ZI N E T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D SUMMER 2016 ADVERTISER’S GUIDE GSTAAD’S MEDIA LANDSCAPE G R A N D H O T E L PA R K · 2 9 W I S P I L E N S T R A S S E · C H 3 7 8 0 · T H E A L P I N A G S TA A D · 2 3 A L P I N A S T R A S S E · C H 3 7 8 0 · TEL: +41 33 744 97 00 TEL: +41 33 744 74 80 W W W. G R A F F D I A M O N D S . C O M There are four publications covering the Gstaad region: GSTAADLIFE A monthly English-language magazine December 19, 2014 - Issue 7 – CHF 3.50 excl VAT Anzeiger von Saanen A weekly newspaper in German LUMP-SUM LIMBO Gstaad My Love An annual, trilingual glossy magazine Swiss Vote to Keep Status-Quo Gstaad sur la terre An annual glossy magazine Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015 Nr. 7 AZ 3780 Gstaad 135. Jahrgang Heute Anzeiger» «Amtlicher GSTAAD/SCHÖNRIED Le Rosey: Die Überbauung Erli in Schönried bleibt im Fokus der Privatschule «Die Unterkünfte bei der Sport Lodge sind nur eine Zwischenlösung – wir brauchen die Überbauung Erli» Foto: Blanca Burri HOLIDAY TUNES New Year Music Festival in Gstaad Die Zeitung für die Gemeinden Saanen, Gsteig und Lauenen Das Le Rosey konnte am 1. Januar erstmals die Sport Lodge beim Sportzentrum in Gstaad beziehen. Das bringt der Privatschule zwar eine gewisse Entlastung, doch der Neubau in Schönried hat oberste Priorität. Christophe und Philippe Gudin, Besitzer und Direktoren der Privatschule, erklären wieso. Philippe Gudin, das Le Rosey hat am 1. Januar die Unterkünfte in der Sport Lodge bezogen. Braucht es den neuen Campus Erli bei Schönried noch? Philippe Gudin (PhG): Ja, unbedingt! REKLAME PhG: Erste Priorität hat das Saanenland. Wenn wir bis im Jahr 2020 im Erli nicht einziehen können, orientieren wir uns neu. Falls wir eine neue Region suchen müssen, leiten wir ein Evaluationsverfahren ein. Alles ist offen. «Die Sport Lodge ist zwar sehr wichtig für uns, doch es ist nur eine Zwischenlösung.» Christophe Gudin Wieso? Christophe Gudin (ChG): Die Sport Lodge ist zwar sehr wichtig für uns, doch es ist nur eine Zwischenlösung. RALLY QUEEN Interview with Isabelle de Sadeleer Sie haben beim Sportzentrum zwei Doppelhäuser mit Platz für 180 Personen bezogen. Trotzdem ist es nur eine Zwischenlösung. Wollen Sie die Schule vergrössern? ChG: Nein, darum geht es nicht. Seit Jahren haben wir 420 Schüler, was für uns eine ideale Grösse ist. Es geht um die Wo steht das Projekt Erli heute? Grösse des Geländes und somit um das Angebot an Räumlichkeiten für den Unterricht. In unserem Hauptsitz in Rolle verfügen wir über eine Fläche von 28 Hektaren. Dort haben wir im Herbst die Carnal Hall, ein Kunst- und Kulturzentrum, eröffnet, welches unsere Schule unglaublich bereichert und deren öffentliche Anlässe auf positives Echo stossen. Das Gelände in Gstaad ist aber nur 7500 m2 gross. Wir haben hier keine Aula, wenige Kunsträume, keinen Sportplatz und keinen Sportraum. Wir müssen den gesamten Ablauf des Schulalltages umgestalten. PhG: Die Überbauung im Ried genügt unseren Ansprüchen einfach nicht mehr, weil die Diskrepanz zwischen Rolle und Gstaad zu gross ist. Wenn wir im Erli nicht bauen können, müssen wir wegziehen. Wieso bauen Sie die Chalets im Ried nicht nach Ihren Bedürfnissen um? PhG: Wir hätten schlichtweg zu wenig Platz. Die Studenten sind in Gstaad zu REKLAME IN KÜRZE «MUTTER, HAB KEINE ANGST» So heisst das neuste Buch von Nicole Maron. Das Buch zeigt exemplarisch die Geschichte von Zerin, einer kurdischen Frau, und ihrer Familie, die grundlos beschuldigt wird, terroristische Aktivitäten unterstützt zu haben. Das Publikum im Kirchgemeindehaus Gstaad folgte der Lesung in einer konzentrierten und fast schon andächtigen Stille. PhG: Das Projekt ist bereit für den Baustart, aber es sind noch Einsprachen hängig. Sohn und Vater: Christophe Gudin de la Sablonnière und Philippe Gudin beim Rosey-Campus in Ried. eng aufeinander, wir brauchen dringend mehr Raum, damit wir uns wohl fühlen. Bis wann glauben Sie, diese Einsprachen bereinigt zu haben? PhG: Spätestens 2017 sollten wir von den Behörden das Einverständnis erhalten. Danach würde während zweier Jahre gebaut und wir würden spätestens 2020 einziehen. Gibt es andere Bauplätze im Saanenland, wo das neue Le Rosey gebaut werden könnte? PhG: Nein. Seit zehn Jahren suchen wir einen geeigneten Platz. Das einzige Grundstück, auf dem sich unser Projekt realisieren lässt, ist das Erli. Können Sie sich vorstellen, dass den Einsprechern Recht gegeben wird? PhG: Ja, wir haben zahlreiche Angebote aus unterschiedlichen Regionen erhalten. In Crans-Montana zum Beispiel wurde bereits ein Projekt auf 40 000 m2 entworfen, das umgesetzt werden könnte. PhG: Wir haben ein sehr gutes und solides Projekt geplant. Wir haben es dem ortsüblichen Baustil angepasst und so gestaltet, dass es sich optimal ins Gelände einfügt, zudem halten wir uns an alle Vorschriften. Ich kann mir nicht vorstel- Möchten Sie das Angebot annehmen? Fortsetzung Seite 3 Gibt es alternative Regionen? REKLAME SEITE 5 WINTERSPORT Mit dem Schnee kommen auch die Skirennen. Die Nachwuchsathleten aus dem Saanenland haben an den verschiedenen Anlässen gute Resultate herausgefahren. SEITEN 8–10 Festveranstaltung mit Lodovico Antinori, 29. Januar 2015 Wir laden Sie an diesem Abend herzlich ein, kulinarische Höchstgenüsse unseres Küchenchef Marcus G. Lindner und edelste Tropfen aus der Toskana zu geniessen. Das Fünf-Gang-Menü wird begleitet von der feinsten Auslese von Antinori-Weinen, welche Ihnen vom Marchese von Antinori persönlich präsentiert werden. Cocktail: 19.30 Uhr • Dinner: 20.00 Uhr • Preis pro Person: CHF 440 Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen unter T. +41 33 888 98 88 oder [email protected] gern zur Verfügung. Alpinastrasse 23, 3780 Gstaad, Switzerland T. +41 33 888 98 88, [email protected] Anzeiger von Saanen · 3780 Gstaad · Tel. 033 748 88 74 · Fax 033 748 88 84 · · E-Mail Abonnemente und Inserate: [email protected] · E-Mail Redaktion: [email protected] T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 2 GSTAADLIFE & ITS READERS GSTAADLIFE is the only monthly English-language publication in the Saanenland. The integrity of the content mirrors that of its sister publication, the Anzeiger von Saanen. This unique magazine serves as the link between Gstaad’s high net-worth patrons and the region itself. Gstaad’s inhabitants and regular guests are an exclusive group, representing some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful families. They have a very strong affinity with the Saanenland, and are deeply interested in local news, politics, glamour, arts, and culture. There is no better way to access these individuals than through GSTAADLIFE. Gstaad is known for its luxurious hotels and chalets, glamour, high society patrons and for being one of the most exclusive ski regions in the Alps. T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 3 urs g a von l l unger e r y w w w. u r s v o n u n g e r . c o m 4 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 7 // DECEMBER 19, 2014 High-end service providers from jewellers to banks such as Graff, Chopard, Adler, de Grisogono, Omega, Mercedes-Benz and Credit Suisse have all advertised in GSTAADLIFE in order to access this special and finely targeted premium audience. T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 4 DISTRIBUTION GSTAADLIFE is distributed to all luxury hotels in the Gstaad region, to private chalets, to homes throughout the world via subscription, and is sold at all local newsagents. GSTAADLIFE appears eight times per year and is seasonally focused. Four summer issues span June to August and four winter issues span December to February. 7700 copies are distributed per issue, with a total reach of over 60 000 annually. It has been said that Gstaad hosts one of the highest number of billionaires, per square metre on Earth. T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 5 Photo: zVg coiffeur & more DER HAS TO GO UN TIME EVEN A HOUSE OM TIME TO THE KNIFE FR 63 years of experience Romuald Bour, left, and Andrea Scherz, right, celebrate Bour's promotion to Director, Gstaad Palace. Gstaad Palace Names New Director Romuald Bour has been named director of the Gstaad Palace. Andrea Scherz, the third generation to run the family hotel, will remain in his position of General Manager. The 37-year old Bour, who is Alsatian by birth, graduated from the Ecole Hotelière Strasbourg in 1992. He gained experience at luxury establishments in England and Austria before relocating to Switzerland. BY GSTAADLIFE JA N UA RY 3 0 st - F E B R UA RY 7 t h “Romuald is my right hand man,” beams Scherz, whose grandfather acquired the hotel after WWII. “He understands the Scherz Family philosophy and demonstates it every day with his engagement in the business.” visit hair_room_gstaad and experience our 63 years of cutting edge, hairstyling and coloring skills His is a classic tale of working one’s way to the top; Bour began at the Palace as a cashier in 1999, then moved on to positions as food & beverage manager and eventually assistant director. He continued his studies in Bern, obtaining a diploma in Hotel Management in Bern in 2011. “Even after 15 years, I'm still proud to come to work every day,” says Bour, when asked what he enjoys most about the Palace. “Our co-workers and regular guests are like family, which gives the Palace its incredible, and very unique, atmosphere.” Jacques Naegeli Compilation Published A hardcover book on legendary local photographer Jacques Naegeli (1885– 1971) has just been published under the title, Welt & Gstaad. BY GSTAADLIFE This is the first volume to provide holistic examination of Naegeli’s work–until now his well-known works had never been compiled or discussed in entirety. hair_room_gstaad Orchestre Symphonique de la Radio de Prague|Ondrej Lenárd|Emmanuel Ceysson|Inva Mula|Agne Keblyte|Orchestre de Chambre Philharmonique de Pologne|Wojciech Rajski|Elisabeth Leonskaja|Alexander Boldachev|Arcadi Volodos Giulia Ott|Geneva Camerata|David Greilsammer|Jennifer Larmore|Ramón Ortega Quero|Carlos del Ser|Coline Jaget mo–sa 9.00–19.00h Dora Schwarzberg|Giuliano Mazzoccante|Nora Romanoff|Romain Garioud|Agnès Clément|Wiener Klaviertrio|Regula Mühlemann|Stojan Krkuleski|Remy van Kesteren|Classica Francese|Anaïs Gaudemard|Sinfonia Varsovia|Michel Tabachnik|Ivo Pogorelich|Sarah Verrue|Orchestre de Chambre de Vienne|Stefan Vladar|Daniel Lozakovitj|Composer in residence: Ivan Fedele 033 744 98 88 Naegeli grew up in Gstaad and lived here for most of his life. During a career which spanned over 50 years, Naegeli's iconic photographs were taken both here in the Saanenland and on numerous trips worldwide. He left a significant mark throughout Gstaad and the region –Naegli's images adorn the walls in many places and recall beautiful memories for locals and visitors alike. Welt & Gstaad is part of a greater project which has been exhibited at Saanen’s Museum der Landschaft since December 2014. It features a short film with historic restored clips of Naegeli’s film works. The book is written in German and features 296 black and white photographs. It is available for purchase at Müller Medien and at all bookstores in Gstaad and Saanen. graphic works currently available. Phone: 033 748 84 00 6 LOCAL NEWS // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 1 // JANUARY 30, 2015 FLY_SMGV_A5.indd 3 8.8.2008 18:08:02 Uhr Château-d’Oex – Gstaad Valley T E L : + down 4 1 3 3 7 4 4in 9 7a0 0 Two opportunities to settle EL: +41 33 744 74 80 very enjoyableT village G R A N D H O T E L PA R K · 2 9 W I S P I L E N S T R A S S E · C H 3 7 8 0 · T H E A L P I N A G S TA A D · 2 3 A L P I N A S T R A S S E · C H 3 7 8 0 · MÜ W W W. G R A F F D I A M O N D S . C O M * Le Hameau de Vert Pré * December 19, 2014 - Issue 7 – CHF 3.50 excl VAT LUMP-SUM LIMBO Quarter page Half page Full page Double page CHF CHF CHF CHF 750 1400 2600 4800 Half page advertorial Full page advertorial Double page advertorial CHF 750 CHF 1400 CHF 2600 Classified @ CHF 17 per column line + CHF 20 for highlight box * Le Domaine des Bois * Allmedia: All ads automatically appear on www.gstaadlife. com,, and on the TV-Screens in shops and businesses in the region. Come and have a look at our show Apartments in both residences The new residence “The Hameau de Vert Pré” is full of charm and authenticity. It’s located at the edge of an agricultural area, just minutes from the village centre. This unique location guarantees optimal sunshine and stunning views over the valley and surrounding mountains. Apartments with 3 to 6 rooms. Very large terrasses or balconies for each apartment. Basement garage. Finished to owner’s liking. 300 meters from the railway station. Réf. 200 – From CHF 610 000.– GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 2 // FEBRUARY 20, 2015 Swiss Vote to Keep Status-Quo 1400 3600 3100 5600 Technical specs for ads Document type: High-resolution-PDF Fonts: Have to be embedded in the document Colour-space: CMYK Delivery: One week before the date of publication ‘The Site’, in Saanen 033 744 06 03 [email protected] CHF CHF CHF CHF Ad sizes 1/4 page: 97 x 139mm 1/2 page: 200 x 139 mm 1/1 page: 200 x 284 mm / 230 x 310 mm Double page: 430 x 284 mm / 460 x 310 mm Holiday apartments A good chalet investment. Front page masthead Outside back cover Inside front or back cover Double page inside front cover / first page Welt & Gstaad, edited by Suzanne Potterat and Christian Högl, is the only compilation of the famed Jacques Naegeli's photo- ADVERTISING INFORMATION 23 Ideally located in the centre of Château-d’Oex, “Le Domaine des Bois” is close to shops and the railway station. This new residence, comprising apartments of 4.5 or 7,5 rooms, offers you the opportunity to make a good investment and to enjoy a peaceful and happy existence in the heart of the local community life. Large balconies or terraces for each apartment – underground parking space. Finished to owner’s liking. Ref. 300 – From CHF 750 000.– Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Our office is opened 6/7 days CF Immobilier Compagnie Foncière SA Rue du Village 40 – 1659 Rougemont Tel. +41 26 925 10 00 – [email protected] T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 12 GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 1 // JANUARY 30, 2015 6 A TRUE FASHION EXPERIENCE IN GSTAAD Indispensable Indulgences Visit Lorenz Bach’s exclusive shop in the Palace for such necessary extravagances as Goralska Jewelry, Memo Perfumes and Luxury Cashmere pieces by Kadri. Ring in the New Year à la LB You’ll outshine the stars and out-sparkle the champagne this New Year’s Eve when you gild yourself in this gorgeous floor length gown by Chloe or this stunning emerald green lace dress by Ermanno Scervino, both available at Bach Sign – along with many more striking ensembles guaranteed to dazzle! PLUS DESIGN CREATIVE CONSULTING Forget Santa Claus. Thanks to Lorenz Bach, you can treat yourself to the holiday gift – or two or three – you so richly deserve! REINVENTING TRADITION: Reinventing tradition: the new Alpine Chic THE NEW ALPINE CHIC With the newly completed project of the Hotel de Rougemont, the architects Claudia Sigismondi and her husband The Proto pair’sdi Santa multidisciplinary approach Andrea Dorotea, have displayed their creative talents also in is evident throughout their projects– the Swiss Alps. Claudia brings her vision in terms of atmosphere, mood Originally from Rome, whereand they’vecolour, while Andrea spatial planning skills and worked foruses manyhis years in the field of architecture, sustainable attention tointerior detaildesign, to make them a reality. architecture, art exhibitions and graphic design, they’ve now opened a new office in the Gstaad region, with their company Plusdesign. Their multidisciplinary approach to work is a guideline in their projects, with Claudia bringing her visions in terms of atmosphere, mood and color and Andrea With the newly completed turning them intoHôtel reality,et with his space planning skills and his attention to detail. For more than 35 years, Lorenz Bach has graced the Promenade with his simple philosophy of exceptional service and extraordinary clothing. combination of local materials and traditional craftsmanship, with innovative design solutions and creative décor, sets the work of Plusdesign apart. As warm and inviting as an antique chalet, this effortlessly elegant boutique welcomes you out of the cold and into the glamorous world of Lorenz Bach – where modern classics and fine details encourage you to explore every corner and fall in love at every turn. Here you will find pieces that are destined to become the stars of your wardrobe for years to come – including the exclusive pieces that Lorenz has produced only for his boutiques. Now that their signature project Hotel et Résidences de Rougemont has reached fruition, Claudia and Andrea are ready to meet the new challenges of future work in the region. Résidences de Rougemont, architects They work through every stage of the Claudia Sigismondi and her husband design process, from concept to compleAndrea Proto di developing Santa Dorotea now have tion, the idea from mood boards, freehandtalent sketches 2D drawings their trademark creative onand display photorealistic 3D renderings. From concept to completion, they work in the Swissto Alps. The result is a style that blends timeless through every stage of the design process Originally from Rome, they luxury, worked for including developing the idea from mood elegance and modern combining materials andoftraditional craftsman-boards, freehand sketches and 2D drawmany years local in the fields architecture, ship with innovative design solutions and interior design, sustainable architecture, ings to photorealistic 3D renderings. creative decor. art exhibitions and graphic design. They Now that theaproject Rougemont and Andrea are The fulfilled, result Claudia is a style that blends timeless have recently opened new inoffice in thehas been ready meetfirm the new challenges of theirelegance future works so...modern keep an eye on The striking and luxury. Gstaad region for to their Plusdesign. PLUS DESIGN CREATIVE CONSULTING PLUS DESIGN PLUS DESIGN CREATIVE CREATIVE CONSULTING CONSULTING CREATIVE CONSULTING 58, 58, Route Route de de la la Villa Villa d’Oex d’Oex 58, Route de la Villa d’Oex 1660 Château d’Oex 1660 Château Château d’Oex d’Oex 1660 16 [email protected] T +41 26 924 41 43 M +41 79 315 16 09 [email protected] [email protected] T +41 26 924 41 43 T +41 +41 26 26 924 924 41 41 43 43 T M +41 79 315 16 09 M +41 +41 79 79 315 315 16 16 09 09 M SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 2 // FEBRUARY 20, 2015 Soft, Softer, Softest Head to Bach Sign for soft cashmere sweaters with a touch of Fringe “Then Paris”. These modern cardigans will only grow softer and sweeter with time... Ski Chic Look swell on the slopes this season – check out the New Bach’s Bazar Sport Shop exclusive collection of Bogner and Jet Set! Maison Lorenz Bach – Promenade 81 Bach Sign – Promenade 47 Bach’s Bazar Sport – Victoriastrasse 3 Gstaad Palace Boutique Lorenz Bach considers fashion a game played by very personal rules – rules that you can make your own. His mission is as beautifully clear-cut as his mode: to provide the finest in fashion for your everyday life, from Dior and Saint Laurent to unique artisan brands that have caught his eye around the world. Whether you’re in New York or Dubai, at work or at home, shopping by day or clubbing by night, you’ll stand out, dressed in the luxuriously chic style that reflects the status and beauty of Gstaad. Plusdesign website for updates! 58, Route de la Villa d’Oex 1660 Château d’Oex Each Lorenz Bach boutique offers a special brand of style designed just for you: 10 For when you have more to say than what you can present in an advertisement. You may have an agenda you wish to display, special product ranges or service features that need to be explained. This cannot always be done in a print advertisement. A GSTAADLIFE advertorial allows you a half page or a full page in our magazine explaining with text and pictures all you want to get across. Hotels, sports shops, specialized business and brands with extensive product ranges, all use advertorials in GSTAADLIFE to effectively display their offers. SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 7 // DECEMBER 19, 2014 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Length of text: Up to 250 words for a half page, up to 500 words for a full page Deadline: Text and pictures must be furnished two weeks prior to date of publication Pictures: Hi-res .jpeg, 300 dpi Layout: Performed by the GSTAADLIFE team, based on the suggestions of the advertiser Logos: .pdf or .ai ADVERTORIALS DEVELOPING AN ADVERTORIAL Information can either be supplied in totality or developed in collaboration with the GSTAADLIFE editorial team. All text is laid out by the GSTAADLIFE team in the look and feel of the magazine and GSTAADLIFE reserves the right to edit submitted text. Editorial services are not included and will be charged separately. Two proofs are included; every additional proof will be charged. T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 7 ONLINE ADVERTISING On we cover the most recent headlines from the magazine and provide news from the Gstaad region between the high seasons. Users from all over the world access to see what is happening in Gstaad. You have two possibilities to draw the online user‘s attention to your business and services: a banner or an advertorial that appears as a blog post. Online advertorial Place your advertorial blog post in the editorial section on Online banners Maxi board Price: CHF 450.– per month Size: 1140 x115 pixel Length: up to 600 words Price:CHF 350.– for up to 300 words CHF 650.– for 300 to 600 words Rotator bottom Price: CHF 300.– per month Size: 375 x 126 pixel T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 8 Taking him from South East Asia to Singapore, the Middle East to the Caribbean, Mr Graff’s travels earned him a reputation as the “King of Diamonds”. And yet, it was a land closer to home that captivated his imagination. The quintessential charm of the traditional Swiss mountain village of Gstaad spoke to Mr Graff from his first trip here decades ago. The picturesque mountains, rolling hills and looking-glass lakes of this, his home away from home, have inspired the Snowflake collection. within a minimal surround so the luminosity of each individual stone can scintillate like icy white powder brought to life by the crisp sunlight on the Swiss peaks. “The way the light reflects here reminds me of the sparkle of a diamond,“ Mr Graff observes. Delightful, delicate pendants and drop earrings, bearing the diamond snowflake motif and complemented by luscious rubies, sapphires or emeralds are all hand-crafted in Graff’s London workshop. The Snowflake collection draws on this image, using the finest white diamonds to depict the silhouette of individual snowflakes. DATES OF PUBLICATION Dates of Publication Photo: Photocase – boing SCINTILLATING DIAMONDS IN THE FORM OF SNOWFLAKES Since his very first exploration to Australia as a young jeweller, Laurence Graff has embarked on many extraordinary voyages introducing his fabulous jewels to the wider world. Summer issues 24 June 2016 15 July 2016 5 August 2016 26 August 2016 Within the collection, brilliant round cut diamonds are handset Do You Fondue? FEMININE TASSELS WITH A DYNAMIC DESIGN These distinctly feminine and dynamic tassel jewels unveiled by Graff showcase the very best of its atelier’s mastery. Beaded jewellery is said to be the oldest form of decoration; the intricate adornment of a tassel pendant worn as a talisman, a sacred offering or a symbol of status, and remains a prevailing style of choice within unique jewellery today. necklace with accompanying earrings exemplifies the attention to detail required in the process of colour matching gems. The design of each unique tassel necklace is influenced by a central gemstone. In this enchanting collection, for example, a 10.03 carat cushion cut Colombian emerald, a 5.89 carat briolette diamond or 21.72 carat oval ruby cabochon form the pinnacle of the necklace, from which perfectly matched gems seamlessly flow within the tassel. Diamond Company Extraordinaire Graff is involved in every stage of the jewellery making process - from the sourcing of each rough stone, right through to the cutting, polishing and final setting of each exquisite jewel. Graff’s Senior Gemmologists spend many months selecting the jewels to incorporate into each tassel. For example a tantalising ruby and diamond Through meticulous attention to detail an exceptional three-dimensional tassel is formed. Graff’s expertise ensures the central element, from which the finest diamonds, blazing rubies, or hypnotic emeralds cascade, creates a sculptural and tactile tassel of captivating jewels. Throughout its rich history, Graff is said to have handled more diamonds of notable rarity and beauty than any other jeweller. Today, after more than five decades at the pinnacle of the luxury jewellery industry Graff continues to push the boundaries of ever-greater innovation and excellence. For further information, please visit Cheese Specialties in the Saanenland Switzerland is one of the world’s leading cheese producers, with nearly 500 varieties available. It comes as no surprise that Swiss national cuisine is based around this delicious dairy product. Two main dishes featuring cheese in melted form top the country’s ‘to eat’ list – fondue and raclette. BY ALEXIS MUNIER Here in the Saanenland, cows head to the hills, literally, to take advantage of sweet alpine herbs, grasses, and flowers in the summertime. Often produced using ancient methods in a giant copper kettle, Alpkäse is a firm, strong cheese which takes on an intensely earthy flavor. When aged for several years, the cheese is known as Hobelkäse. In the Berner Oberland, Höbelkäse is crumbly and sharp – it’s always served in thinly shaved slices or larger crumbles. These pieces are designed to allow the beauty and brilliance of each jewel to radiate. This renowned nominal setting encourages an extremely fluid design. Celebrating this technique, the tassel creates an alluring and sensual movement. Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands After a day on the slopes, hungry skiers can be found gathered around a swirling pot of Switzerland’s famous fondue. Whether a mix of Gruyère and Vacherin 13 While locals do tend to eat it only in winter, tourists partake all-year round. But when freezing temperatures set in, this blend of melted cheese, white wine, kirsch, corn starch and garlic is one of the best ways to warm up. Just Scraping By If you like fondue but it doesn't like you, try a portion of raclette instead. Originally hailing from France’s Haute-Savoie region, the dish consists of a half wheel of cheese heated then scraped piping hot onto boiled potatoes. Each region has its preferred accompaniments; here in Gstaad you’ll most likely find it eaten with pickled cucumbers, onions, and a selection of dried meats. Supposedly the vinegar-soaked vegetables cut through the grease, helping you digest this calorie bomb. As opposed to fondue, order raclette and at least you’ll be sure to get your daily vegetable intake. Swiss Cheese Awards Once again, the Gstaad region has been honoured for its wealth of excellent dairy products. At the ninth annual Swiss Cheese Awards in Rapperswil, entries were evaluated by a large panel of more than 100 judges from the dairy and catering industries, as well as media representatives and consumers. No fewer than four local offerings from Schonried Molkerei and Gstaad Molkerei were selected for distinction amongst over 800 products in 28 categories. Bruno Buchs cleaned up in the soft cheeses, with his “Délice de Schönried” placing second. But Buchs’ luck didn’t end there–his 100% goat cheese took seventh place in the very same category. In the semi-hard category, Erhard Kohli’s herb-encrusted Gstaader Alpkäse garnered a respectable seventh place, with his plain version just making the cut at nineteenth place. TRADITIONS // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 8 // DECEMBER 30, 2014 Photos: Mark Nolan SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION // GSTAADLIFE // ISSUE 8 // DECEMBER 30, 2014 (known as moitié-moitié) or the less pungent mix of several hard cheeses, fondue is a countrywide staple. Winter issues 16 December 2016 30 December 2016 27 January 2017 17 February 2017 9 It’s A Jolly Holiday With Julie Saanerin Dame Julie Andrews Kapälliplatz came alive with the sound of music on Friday, June 6, when Dame Julie Andrews was presented with honorary citizenship of the Saanenland. BY ALEXIS MUNIER The British actress, singer and writer Andrews is best known for her roles in films Mary Poppins (1964) and The Sound of Music (1965). As a child star on the British vaudeville circuit, she began wowing audiences with her extraordinary soprano voice and a kind, sincere manner that epitomises Andrews to this day. Let’s Start At The Very Beginning Andrews and her late husband Blake Edwards discovered the Saanenland in the 1960’s, and quickly fell in love with the place. They soon purchased a chalet, Fleur de Lys, which sits perched above the village. Here, the couple spent countless time, Andrews calling the village a “last paradise in a crazy world”. Andrews introduced other stars to the area, including Elizabeth Taylor, setting the stage for Gstaad to grow into the well-known village it is today. She Must’ve Done Something Good Saanen City Council President Aldo Kropf officiated the ceremony, during which both English and German were spoken. He recalled the generous gifts both Edwards and Andrews bestowed upon Gstaad, most famously the more than 1,000 Christmas lights she offered in the 1970’s. “For 12 years you paid the maintenance of these delightful Christmas decorations. The Julie-Lämpli – as we call them here – can still be seen all over the Saanenland and are still very much appreciated!” said Kropf, with gratitude. But Andrews’ commitment to the region didn’t stop there – for many years she appeared at Gstaad’s Grand Slam tennis tournament to hand out the trophies to the winners. She and Edwards also founded the film score festival CINEMUSIC, which ran for five years in the mid-1990’s. Andrews used this opportunity to bring friends like Roman Polanski and Liza Minnelli to Gstaad, sparking their interest in the Saanenland and adding a welcome sheen of understated glamour to the village. Victor/Victorious A radiant Andrews, dressed in bright blue silk blazer, took to the podium and was presented with an oversized, framed copy of the honorary citizenship document. “I am so happy to now be a Gstaaderin,” Andrews smiled, with tears in her eyes. The open-air ceremony also included the unveiling of a sculpture, “Sitting Duck” made by Edwards, and generously donated to the community by Andrews. Musical entertainment replete with music from both Edwards’ and Andrews’ films was played by local students. Afterward, devoted fans had the chance to greet Andrews personally at an apéro. Judging by the enthusiasm of the crowd and their roaring applause to her heartfelt speech, it’s clear the Saanenland is just as enamoured of its most beloved celebrity resident as she is of it. Julie Andrews‘ Written Response To Her Nomination As Honorary Citizen: 10 PROFILE // GSTAADLIFE 11 T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 9 CONCLUSION GSTAADLIFE prints more copies per annum than any other English-language publication in the r egion. It is the only non-German monthly magazine covering local news and events, culture, and glamour. GSTAADLIFE is the sister publiaton of the Anzeiger von Saanen. It reports with legitimacy and integrity, providing an in-depth view on local matters. The discreet high net wealth population and patrons of Gstaad subscribe and read GSTAADLIFE. The harnessing of luxury, discretion and elegance are key to the eternal lustre of Gstaad. By perfecting this, Gstaad has become an outstanding jewel of the Alps. T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 10 Contact CONTACT Send your inquiries and bookings to: Fotos: zVg, © bloomua – Fotolia, © Leonid Tit - Fotolia Eliane Behrend GSTAADLIFE Müller Medien AG Kirchstrasse 6, 3780 Gstaad Phone +41 (0)33 748 88 71 [email protected] T H E E X C L U S I V E M O N T H LY P U B L I C AT I O N A B O U T T H E G O O D L I F E I N G S T A A D 11