Law Review - United Legal Network
Law Review - United Legal Network
Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– The ULN Law Review is the market-place for news, information and updates believed relevant and of interest for the practice and businesses of the, their clients and business partners. ULN Law Review is distributed free of charge, and further information about us and any of the articles and information published may be obtained from either the uln secretary in Cologne, Germany or directly from the author. Even though the information contained in this ULN Law Review has been compiled carefully, no warranty is made as to the correctness and accurancy thereof, and nothing containd herein shall constitute any form of legal advice. Les litiges commerciaux en Roumanie En Roumanie, la Directive 2011/7/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil de l'Union Européenne concernant la lutte contre le retard de paiement dans les transactions commerciales est transposée en droit interne par les dispositions spéciales du Livre IV, intitulé « Procédures spéciales », Titre IX Procédure de l'ordonnance de paiement de la Loi no 134/2010 sur le Code de procédure civile. Ces dispositions légales s'appliquent aux créances certaines, liquides et exigibles consistant en obligations de paiement de montants résultant d'un contrat civil, y compris de ceux conclus entre un professionnel et un maître d'ouvrage. Ils doivent être constatés par un document ou déterminés en vertu d'un statut, règlement ou tout autre document, accepté par les parties par leur signature ou de toute autre manière permise par la loi. La définition du professionnel est assez large puisque sont considérés comme professionnels tous ceux qui exploitent une entreprise, non uniquement les sociétés commerciales. Content: Les litiges commerciaux en Roumanie Daniela David, Bucharest, Romania EU-Erbrechtsverordnung – Handlungsbedarf bei Auslandbezug Dr. Paul Schaltegger, Zurich, Switzerland The essence of Directors Liability according to Dutch Law Michael Parramore, Amsterdam, Netherlands La créance est certaine lorsque son existence actuelle et incontestable résulte du titre même, liquide lorsque son montant est déterminé ou lorsque le titre comporte les éléments permettant son établissement et exigible si l'obligation du débiteur est arrivée à échéance ou s'il est déchu du bénéfice du délai de paiement. La transposition actuelle des règles européennes est différente quant à la définition des créances acceptées dans ce type de procédure. Plus précisément, les dispositions légales internes ne concernent pas uniquement les créances incontestées comme c’est le cas pour les dispositions de la Directive 2011/7/CE. Dans l'hypothèse où la créance est contestée, le tribunal vérifie si la plainte est fondée, sur la base des pièces du dossier et des explications et éclaircissements des parties. Il a le droit de se prononcer sur la demande du créancier s'il considère la contestation du débiteur comme infondée. Neue Freihandelszone in Afrika New Free Trade Zone in Africa Nicolas Meyer, Cologne/ Köln, Germany Acquisition of real estate in Bulgaria and some restrictions for citizens of the EU and of countries outside the EU Svilena Dimitrova, Sofia, Bulgaria 1 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– Il convient de noter que, avant l'introduction de l'action pour émettre l'ordonnance de paiement, le créancier est tenu de transmettre au débiteur, par l'intermédiaire de l'huissier de justice ou par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception et contenu déclaré, une mise en demeure lui notifiant qu'il doit payer le montant dû dans un délai de 15 jours à compter de sa réception. Une nouveauté législative consiste dans le fait que ladite mise en demeure interrompt la prescription extinctive. Le créancier n'a pas le droit d'introduire l'action en justice avant l'expiration du délai indiqué dans la mise en demeure. période requise pour la communication des actes de procédure et les retards causés par le créancier. Contre l'ordonnance de paiement, le débiteur a le droit d'introduire une demande en annulation dans le délai de 10 jours à compter de sa notification. Le créancier a le droit d'introduire une telle demande uniquement dans l'hypothèse de l’admission de la contestation du débiteur et du rejet de son action ou de l’admission seulement partielle par le tribunal. Par la demande en annulation, il est possible d’invoquer uniquement l'infraction aux dispositions légales de l'ordonnance de paiement ou les causes d'extinction de l'obligation de paiement après l'émission de l'ordonnance de paiement. Dans le cadre de l'action relative à l'émission d'une ordonnance de paiement, le créancier a le droit de demander et d'obtenir les intérêts y afférents ou d'autres dédommagements causés au créancier, tels que des dommagesintérêts supplémentaires pour toutes les dépenses engagées pour récupérer les montants suite à l'inexécution des obligations à temps par le débiteur. Si les parties n'ont pas établi le niveau de l'intérêt pour retard de paiement, le tribunal, à la demande du créancier, appliquera l'intérêt légal de pénalité qui est régi par Ordonnance du Gouvernement no 13/2011 sur l'intérêt légal de rémunération et de pénalité pour les obligations pécuniaires, ainsi que pour la réglementation de certaines mesures financières et fiscales dans le secteur bancaire. L'introduction de la demande de suspension ne suspend pas l'exécution de l'ordonnance de paiement. Celle-ci peut être accordée par le tribunal uniquement à la demande de la partie intéressée avec le paiement d'une caution s'élevant à un montant établi par le tribunal mais qui ne doit pas dépasser 20% des montants soumis à l'exécution. Les avantages de cette procédure sont nombreux, comme par exemple le montant réduit du droit de timbre judiciaire, la durée du litige ainsi que le fait que l'ensemble des preuves soit limité aux documents. Si le créancier déclare avoir reçu le paiement du montant dû, le tribunal en prendra note et décidera de la clôture du dossier. En revanche, si les parties parviennent à un accord sur le paiement, le tribunal prendra note dudit accord et rendra un jugement qui constatera et homologuera cet accord et qui sera exécutoire. Le jugement qui intervient dans ce cadre est un jugement d’expédient. Dans le cas où la demande du créancier d'émission d'une ordonnance de paiement est rejetée définitivement, en tout ou en partie, il a le droit d'introduire une action contre le débiteur en droit commun. En droit commun, la durée moyenne d'un litige est plus élevée principalement en raison de l'ensemble de preuves qui n'est plus limité seulement aux documents. En outre, le créancier est tenu de payer un droit de timbre judiciaire qui est calculé selon la valeur du litige. En cas d'admission, en tout ou en partie, des réclamations du créancier, le tribunal rendra une ordonnance de paiement dont le contenu va indiquer le montant et le délai de paiement. Dans le cas où le débiteur ne conteste pas la créance, l'ordonnance de paiement sera émise au plus tard 45 jours après l'introduction de la demande, délai qui ne comprend pas la Si le créancier a une créance certaine, liquide et exigible de plus de 60 jours et dépassant 40 000 RON (environ 9 000 euros), il est en mesure de demander l'ouverture de la procédure d'insolvabilité contre le débiteur. Celui-ci a le droit de contester l'état 2 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– Dies bedeutet beispielsweise, dass bei einem deutschen Rentner mit gewöhnlichem Aufenthalt in Spanien das spanische Erbrecht auf dessen Nachlass anzuwenden ist. Das materielle Erbrecht regelt unter anderem, wer erbberechtigt ist und mit welcher Quote. Vom materiellen Erbrecht erfasst werden auch die Pflichtteile, mögliche Enterbungen, Vermächtnisse, Annahme oder Ausschlagung der Erbschaft, aber auch die Haftung für Erbschaftsschulden (Art. 23 EuErbVO). Das anwendbare materielle Recht gilt für den gesamten Nachlass, auch für Liegenschaften in einem anderen Land. So ist etwa für einen deutschen Staatsbürger mit Grundvermögen in Frankreich, weiteren Vermögenswerten in Deutschland und in Österreich, der seinen Lebensabend im Südtirol verbringt, italienisches Erbrecht auf seinen gesamten Nachlass anzuwenden. d'insolvabilité et de déposer des preuves à cet égard, mais seul le juge peut décider si la demande du créancier est fondée ou non. Daniela David Attorney-at-law Bucharest, Romania EU-Erbrechtsverordnung Handlungsbedarf bei Auslandbezug Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung (EuErbVO) regelt die Zuständigkeit sowie die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen und öffentlichen Urkunden in (internationalen) Erbschaftsachen. Neu wird ein europäisches Nachlasszeugnis eingeführt. Nicht erfasst von der Verordnung werden neben anderen Bereichen alle Steuersachen (auch Erbschaftssteuern) oder das Ehegüterrecht. Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung ist in allen europäischen Staaten, mit Ausnahme von Grossbritannien, Irland und Dänemark, direkt anwendbar, und zwar für Todesfälle ab dem 17.8.2015. Die Verordnung gilt auch für Angehörige von Drittstaaten, die ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt oder Vermögenswerte in der EU haben. Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung lässt jedoch eine Rechtswahl zugunsten des Heimatrechts zu: Ein Schweizer mit gewöhnlichem Aufenthalt in Frankreich kann somit mittels Testament das schweizerische Heimatrecht als anwendbar erklären, wenn er mehrere Staatsangehörigkeiten hat, kann er sich auf eines der verschiedenen Heimatrechte festlegen. Nach bisherigem deutschem Recht galt für deutsche Staatsangehörige mit Wohnsitz in einem anderen Land immer das deutsche materielle Erbrecht ohne Rechtswahlmöglichkeit. Um weiterhin die Anwendung des deutschen Erbrechts zu gewährleisten, sollten deshalb deutsche Staatsangehörige, die ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt in einem anderen Land haben, eine Rechtswahl zugunsten des deutschen Heimatrechts treffen. Eine solche Rechtswahl soll klar und unmissverständlich in einer Verfügung von Todes wegen erklärt werden. Die allgemeine Zuständigkeit für die Befassung mit Erbfällen liegt bei den Gerichten des Staates, wo der Verstorbene seinen letzten gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hatte (Art. 4 EuErbVO). Eine Definition des gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts gibt die Verordnung jedoch nicht. Die Behörden und Gerichte sollen eine Gesamtbeurteilung der Lebensumstände des Erblassers in den Jahren vor seinem Tod und im Zeitpunkt des Todes vornehmen. Der Erblasser kann jeweils nur einen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt haben. Dies gilt auch für den "IbizaRentner", der im Sommer in Deutschland und im Winter in Spanien lebt. Als Verfügungen von Todes wegen gelten gemäss der EU- Erbrechtsverordnung das Testament, das gemeinschaftliche Testament und der Erbvertrag. Insbesondere Erbverträge wurden bisher nicht von allen nationalen Rechtsordnungen anerkannt. Das auf den Nachlass anwendbare Recht ist das Recht des letzten gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts des Erblassers (Art. 21 EuErbVO). Entscheidungen eines zuständigen Gerichts müssen grundsätzlich in allen anderen Mit3 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– gliedstaaten ohne besonderes Verfahren anerkannt werden (Art. 39 EuErbVO). forthcoming damages, and immediately its director(s). Das neu eingeführte europäische Nachlasszeugnis (Art. 62 ff. EuErbVO) dient in Fällen mit Bezug zu mehreren Ländern als einheitlicher Legitimationsausweis für Erben, Testamentsvollstrecker und weitere Berechtigte. Es kann anstelle eines nationalen Erbscheins in allen mit dem Nachlass befassten Ländern verwendet werden. Es geniesst Gutglaubensschutz und ist sechs Monate lang gültig. Die Gültigkeit kann verlängert werden. In special circumstances however, it will be possible to blame the director(s) for these caused damages, as well! To be able to accept such liability, circumstances will require that the director(s) are severally personally, to be blamed!, which means that higher requirements are needed than generally accepted for a tort. A higher threshold to prevent acceptation of any liability of a director versus a third party is justified by the circumstance that , with respect to the opposing party, primarely only the legal entity acted and it is unaccepted to have directors acting limited by only defencing considerations by social interest. Fazit: Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung bringt in Erbrechtsfällen mit Bezug zu mehreren Rechtsordnungen auf der Stufe Zuständigkeit, anwendbares Recht, Anerkennung von Entscheidungen und Legitimation der Erben einen wesentlichen Fortschritt und eine wünschbare Vereinheitlichung. Allerdings sind viele Detailfragen noch nicht klar und müssen durch die zukünftige Rechtsprechung und Verwaltungspraxis gelöst werden. The afore stated does not exclude tortial behaviour of directors in society which could be considered as a tort of the legal entity of which he/she is director, which can cause that also the legal entity will be liable for a tort on its own. Dr. Paul Schaltegger Rechtsanwalt Fachanwalt für Erbrecht SAV Zurich, Switzerland However, when a director is acting within the duties of his assignment, the question of his personal liablility must be answered according to the aggravating criteria. Generally, one needs to review/ verify person’s actions in accordance with the standard of upmost care within circumstances. This review is strongly depending on the quality in which the blamed person was acting regarding the blamed acting. The essence of Directors Liability according to Dutch Law In which capacity could a director be hold liable personnally? Summarizing Dutch High Court Judgements referring to Civil Code books articles: 6:9 and 6:162, and judgements: HR 1979: AH8595, NL 1980/34, HR 2008: BC 4959, NJ 2000/21; HR 2012 BX5881, NJ 2013,/302; HR 13/ 03314; HR 2014,2628; HR 05-09-2014,NR 13/03314 Lately some confusion seems to have been caused by a judgement of the Dutch High Court (Hoge Raad, HR 23 November 2012, RO 2013/8). The case was dealing with a real estate agent, acting as such but being a director of a legal entity from which the profession was performed, as well. Now a legal entity is defaulting in fulfulling obligations or is committing a tort, basically only the legal entity will be responsible for the A third party blamed him personally with respect to mistakes as made in advising on buying real estate in Spain. In that respect 4 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– Infrastrukturausbau und der Bau von Produktionskapazitäten beschleunigt wird. Kritiker des TFTA monieren, dass diese Institution lediglich ein weiterer Handelszusammenschluss in Afrika ist, der letztendlich genau so wenig bewirken wird wie seine Vorgängerinstitutionen. primarely the usual elements of a tort have to be considered because he violated the standards of carefulness resting on him as a person advising as real estate agent. In this case the real estate agent didn’t act in his capacity as a director, which means that the legal entity could not be blamed for mistakes made by the real estate agent. Insbesondere erwartet wird von der neuen Freihandelszone, die jedoch die Staaten Westafrikas auslässt, dass sie den rechtlichen Rahmen schaffen kann, wie mit Handelsstreitigkeiten zwischen den Mitgliedern umgegangen wird, um dadurch Investitionssicherheit, gerade für kleine und mittlere afrikanische Unternehmen, herzustellen. Summarising, when a person is acting, fulfilling his tasks as a director of a legal entity, one always needs to answer the question if he was acting in his quality of a director, or in his quality of a professinal acting as such. Michael Parramore Advocat Amsterdam, Netherlands ◊ After more than five years of negotiations, the leaders from 26 African countries signed the joint Tripartite Free Trade Area TFTA that integrates the three existing trade blocs on the continent and that facilitates the movement of goods between the countries with a total gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 900 billion euros. The TFTA thus consists of the members of the East African Community (EAC), the Southern African Development Community (SDAC) and the Comisa, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. Neue Freihandelszone in Afrika New Free Trade Zone in Africa Nach über fünf Jahren Verhandlungen unterzeichneten die Staatsund Regierungschefs aus 26 Ländern Afrikas die gemeinsame Dreier-Freihandelszone TFTA, die die drei bereits bestehenden Handelsblöcke des Kontinents integrieren und den Warenverkehr zwischen den Staaten mit einem Gesamtbruttoinlandsprodukt von mehr als 900 Milliarden Euro erleichtern soll. Die TFTA besteht somit aus den Mitgliedern der Ostafrikanischen Gemeinschaft (EAC/East African Community), der Südafrikanische Entwicklungsgemeinschaft (SDAC/Southern African Development Community) und der Comisa, dem gemeinsamen Markt für Ost- und Südafrika. This trade zone with around 625 million people is predicted an enormous potential for development, because, in addition to the South and East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique and Botswana for example Egypt, Ethiopia and Mauritius are members of the zone as well. From TFTA, it is expected that the infrastructure development as well as production capacities will increase. Critics of TFTA complain that this institution is merely another trade merger in Africa, which will effect just as little as its predecessor institutions. Dieser Freihandelszone mit rund 625 Millionen Menschen wird ein enormes Entwicklungspotential vorher gesagt, da unter anderem neben den süd- und ostafrikanischen Ländern Kenia, Tansania und Uganda, Südafrika, Angola, Mosambik, Botswana zum Beispiel auch Ägypten, Äthiopien und Mauritius zu der Freihandelszone gezählt werden. Von der TFTA wird erwartet, dass der In particular, the hope is that the new free trade zone could create a legal framework, how to deal with trade disputes between members and thereby, to provide certainty for 5 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– you do wish to conclude the transaction, it is mandatory prior to the signing of a preliminary agreement for purchase of the real estate, to assign a check of the ownership. This normally is also the stage at which it is a good idea to engage a lawyer who is to see to the protection of your legal interests. In theory, a transaction may be concluded also without using the consultation of an expert – lawyer, since a great number of brokers provide their service as a complex one and the transaction itself is executed and registered by a Notary. This however, implies a risk, because frequently the aforementioned intermediaries “protect the interests” of both the seller and the buyer which cannot be deemed as a guarantee for security. In addition to the documents certifying ownership, there can be also other document to be examined in order to ensure a secure transaction. Depending on the legitimating of the seller, a necessity may arise to examine some family and succession relations, restitution, corporate documents or privatization transactions. When the party is represented by a proxy, you should always require the original of the document whereby representative power is being granted, inspect its scope, restrictions and validity. This note holds valid about all transactions without exception, when a proxy is present. It is necessary to examine all elements of the transaction before signing the Preliminary agreement since the latter has a material weight for both parties. As at the time of its signing you should be aware that you buy the real estate from the only owner, i.e., that the seller has the right to dispose with the property. Checks must also include a data report as to whether there are any pending litigations in respect of the real estate, or any imposed mortgages, injunction. The existence of any of the listed circumstances means that an encumbrance of the relevant order has been registered over the real estate, which accompanies the latter and will be assigned to you as well, as a subsequent owner or possessor. In this case additional legal due diligence is necessary and assessment of the transaction’s seriousness. Another point preceding the execution of a investors, especially for small and mediumsized African companies. Nicolas Meyer Rechtsanwalt Köln/ Cologne, Germany Acquisition of real estate in Bulgaria and some restrictions for citizens of the EU and of countries outside the EU. The real estate market in Bulgaria is popular among foreigners because of the comparatively low prices of real properties in the country and because of the lovely nature. Irrespective whether the interest in acquisition of a real estate concerns a vacation type of residential area in the popular resort locations at the seaside or in the mountain, industrial or agricultural land for development of a business in the country, it is necessary to have in mind several pieces of advice related to the acquisition of real estate as per Bulgarian legislation. I present the disposal with real properties through the prism of the three elements of title: possession, use and disposal. Upon purchase of a real estate – for vacation, investment or development of a business in the country, there are more than one option – the building in which the purchase object is located has already been built, or is a subject of forthcoming, respectively, ongoing construction, or you buy a land on which to build subsequently, etc. Irrespective which one of the assumptions is valid for you, the first and most important issue is in respect of the legitimating of your predecessor as the owner. This is executed by way of a title deed or other document of ownership (contract, will, etc.). Please, bear in mind that the Real Estate Register is public and any person who pays the requisite charges has the right to obtain a report about a real estate docket, an owner, or even a copy of a title deed. That is why, if the submission of a document evidencing ownership is refused to you and 6 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– greened areas, security. This service is usually provided under additional agreement, which also must be examined before the decision for purchase. transaction is the establishment of the real estate users and the legal grounds for such use – respectively – under what conditions and within what terms the possession of the real estate will be released and delivered to you as a new owner. There are encumbrances that cannot be circumvented except with the express consent of those for the benefit of whom same are registered (e.g., the life-long right to use follows the real estate). One of the most important parts of the transaction is the signing of a Preliminary agreement. You should bear in mind that this is the point when your conditions for the transaction are negotiated, since this document regulates all important elements of the transaction by merits – conditions, timelines, guarantees, additional suspension and termination conditions. A good Preliminary agreement, preceded by the respective checks, guarantees for you a great degree of certainty about the successful finalization of the transaction. Drawing up of an agreement complied with your interest may be guaranteed only by your lawyer. Pursuant to Article 19, para.3 of the Obligations and Contracts Act, each of the parties may request the declaring of the Preliminary agreement as final and that is why it is a good idea to have it contain your conditions, needs and arrangements, and not blanket provisions. At this stage it is important for you to be informed also about the possible expenses, which will arise in relation to the purchase of the real estate. Apart from the price that you need to pay to the seller, you will owe also a tax for transfer of the real estate that is different in different municipalities, but may vary from 0.1% to 3% of the real estate’s evaluation. There is an option to divide the tax payment between the two parties. In addition, it will be necessary that you should pay notary’s fees – both for the preliminary agreement and for the final contract, and for the registration of the title deed in the Real Estate Register. Possibly, some additional expenses may also arise for you, in relation to the real estate’s examination. Facility management is also offered in Bulgaria. This product includes overall care of the real estate – from maintenance of the common parts to all systems of the building, In the event that you buy a building that is not yet constructed, the checks that you should make as an investor in a building in a process of construction accompany the transaction on a mandatory basis, especially if the entire project is “greenfield”. Given the number of construction companies in Bulgaria, it is possible that the seller could be also a builder or employer of a subcontractor who is to implement the construction. In all cases, the reliability of the construction company that is to implement the project is a guarantee for accurate and high-quality performance. The check of the legitimacy of the builder, respectively of the construction, includes: registration regime for performance of construction activity – since the beginning of 2008 the registration of construction companies in the Central Professional Register at the Construction Chamber is obligatory; status- established building rights of the seller; superficies is a restricted real right, the disposal with which is executed in a notarized form and is respectively registered in the Registry Agency); administrative regularity of the project – before the commencement of construction, the seller must have obtained all necessary documents and permits required under the Spatial Development Act and the secondary legislation regulations applicable by the respective municipalities on the territory of which the real estate is located (the most important of which is the construction permit). Issues and checks of not lesser interest are implied by the purchase of land – agricultural or regulated. I only mention that in this case you should pay attention to any possible easement rights, restitution claims, forthcoming expropriation, environmental pollution not allowing the performance of certain activities, area falling within Natura 2000, necessity of environmental impact assessment, etc. In the cases in which a subsequent change of the land’s status is forthcoming, please pay attention in advance also to the urban regulation and technical parametres of the plot, in order to be certain 7 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– in the country for a period longer than 5 years, has been incorporated by individuals or legal entities domiciled in the country for a period longer than 5 years and meeting the aforementioned requirements. The above entails the conclusion that citizens of countries outside the EU, or of an EU member-state who do not fulfill the 5-year domicile requirement, may not acquire any agricultural land neither in their personal capacity, nor through participation in a business company registered under the Bulgarian legislation. that the project planned on your part can be implemented in the real estate. I will also review one special case – the right of acquisition of agricultural land by foreign individuals and legal entities. The title over agricultural land is regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Property Act, the Forest Act and the Ownership and Usage of Agricultural Land Act. The title over agricultural land by foreign individuals and legal entities is restricted. Citizens of the EU member states and of the countries that are parties to the EEA Agreement may acquire title over agricultural land under the conditions of the Ownership and Usage of Agricultural Land Act after expiry of the term set in the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union, that has expired in the beginning of 2014. Same is valid for legal entities from the EU member states as well. All other foreigners or foreign legal entities may acquire title over agricultural land under the conditions of international agreement and the foreigners – also in case of inheritance under the law. Pursuant to Article 3, para.7 of the Ownership and Usage of Agricultural Land Act, a title over agricultural land cannot be additionally acquired and held by: 1. business companies the partners or shareholders of which are companies directly or indirectly registered in jurisdictions with preferential tax regime; 2. business companies the partners or shareholders of which are foreigners other than the citizens of the EU and EEA, or foreign legal entities and sole proprietorship companies incorporated by such individuals or legal entities; 3. joint-stock companies that have issued shares to bearer. Svilena Dimitrova Attorney-at-law Sofia, Bulgaria Under Bulgarian legislation an additional requirement is introduced, namely: title over agricultural land may be acquired by individuals or legal entities meeting the above requirements who have resided or are domiciled in the Republic of Bulgaria for a period longer than 5 years. Right of use over agricultural land may be acquired also by a legal entity which, even though not registered 8 Law Review Vol. 1/ 2015 ULN EEIG www.united–legal– Published by: ULN Hohenstaufenring 63, 50674 Köln / Cologne - Reg. Cologne HR A 14903 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Turkey Authors: Daniela David, Attorney-at-law, 6 Fagaras Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Paul Schaltegger, Rechtsanwalt, Florastrasse 49, Zurich, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] Svilena Dimitrova, Attorney-at-law, 85, “Tzar Boris III” Blvd., 1-st floor, office 2, Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail: [email protected] Nicolas Meyer, Rechtsanwalt, Hohenstaufenring 63, 50674 Köln/ Cologne, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Michael Parramore, Advocat, J.C. Geesinkweg 901, 1114 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands E-Mail: [email protected] 9