Unit 4
Unit 4
New English File Pre-I File 4 +ger = followed by –ing-form adj = adjective adv = adverb aux = auxiliary verb coll = colloquial conj = conjunction idiom = idiomatic expression inf = infinitive irrpl = irregular plural n = noun phv = phrasal verb pl = plural pp = past participle prep = preposition pron = pronoun sg = singular vi = irregular verb vr = regular verb U nnPE:= Unit nn Practical English U nnW:= Unit nn Writing U 4A English belt blouse boot cap coat dress fancy dress get dressed hat jacket jeans put on pyjamas react ruin German belt blaÁz bu…t kœp kEÁt dres fœnsI dres get drest hœt "dZœkIt dZi…nz pÁt "Ån pE˛"dZA…mEz rI˛"œkt "ru…In Example Gürtel n SB Bluse n SB Stiefel n SB Mütze n SB Mantel n SB Kleid n SB Verkleidung n SB sich anziehen vi SB Hut n SB Jacke n SB Veston Jeans n n pl anziehen vi phv Schlafanzug n pl reagieren vr SB verderben vr SB ruinieren Schal vr n SB SB You should ~ a sweater, it's cold. SB SB SB SB scarf "skA…f shirt S∏…t Su… "SO…ts sk∏…t sÅk su…t "swetE teIk "Åf taI taIts tÅp "trœk su…t "treInEz "traÁzEz traI "Ån Hemd n Schuh n Shorts n Rock n SB Socke n SB Anzug n SB Pullover n ausziehen vi Krawatte n Strumpfhose n Oberteil n Trainingsanzug n Turnschuhe n pl Hose n pl anprobieren vr phv "ti…S∏…t w”E "bIznIs T-Shirt n SB tragen vi SB Firma n WB Geschäft Kette n n WB WB Firma n WB shoe shorts skirt sock suit sweater take off tie tights top tracksuit trainers trousers try on T-shirt wear business chain company copyleft wm 7/07 "tSeIn "kØmpEnI irrpl The fans were waving their scarves. SB SB pl SB SB phv She took off her coat in the hall. SB SB pl SB SB SB SB SB Would you like to ~ these trousers? New English File Pre-I File 4 SEITE 1 VON 4 SB U English 4A fashionable 4B modisch adj have an argument hœv En "A…gjÁmEnt modern sich streiten adj vi main meIn Haupt- adj wichtigste adj Laden n Geschäft Waschmaschine n n WB WB (im Internet) chatten vr SB putzen vr beitragen vr unerträglich adj liegen lassen vi aufräumen vr in letzter Minute adv sich beschweren vr "kØvEd Ig˛"zœktlI gEÁ tE "kO…t In˛"sØlt dZØdZ bedeckt adj WB genau adv WB vor Gericht gehen vi WB beleidigen vr Richter(in) n mes "mu…dI TrEÁ ˛"aÁt Durcheinander n launisch adj hinauswerfen vi tri…t "A…nsEfEÁn ges behandeln vr Anrufbeantworter n SB raten vr SB schätzen vorhersagen vr vr SB SB öffentliche Verkehrsmittel n seIv taIm "sIknIs weIst taIm "hedlaIn "nju…zpeIpE "A…tIkl Eb˛"sest "pri…vIEs Zeit sparen vr Krankheit n Zeit verschwenden vr Schlagzeile n Zeitungsartikel n besessen adj He is ~ with football. WB vorherig adj Jane has children from a ~ marriage. WB rI˛"lœkst "slEÁ "daÁn spi…d strest "stresfl "trœfIk "œksEnt "œtmEsfIE entspannt adj langsamer werden vr Geschwindigkeit n gestresst adj WB stressig adj WB Verkehr n Akzent n He spoke with an Irish ~. SB Stimmung n There was a fantastic ~ at my party. SB "bO…rIN kli…n langweilig adj SB sauber adj SB store stO… washing machine "wÅSIN mE˛"Si…n tSœt kli…n kEn˛"trIbju…t In˛"tÅlErEbl li…v "taIdI Et DE lA…st "mInIt kEm˛"pleIn chat (on the Internet) contribute intolerable leave tidy at the last minute complain covered exactly go to court insult judge mess moody throw out treat answerphone guess predict public transport save time sickness waste time headline newspaper article obsessed previous relaxed slow down speed stressed stressful traffic 4D Example "fœSnEbl clean 4C German accent atmosphere boring clean copyleft wm 7/07 prI˛"dIkt "pØblIk "trœnspO…t WB We had a terrible argument last night. WB WB WB What's the ~ reason for Federer's success? Do you need anything? I'm going to the ~. WB WB SB I ~d a lot to your success. SB SB I left my umbrella on the train. SB SB WB She ~ed about the service in the restaurant. WB WB The ~ sentenced him to two years in prison. My room is in a ~. WB WB WB phv sg If you don't stop talking, I'll throw you out! He was badly ~ed. WB WB ~ in Switzerland is very SB efficient. You could ~ by taking the train. SB SB Don't ~ on the Internet. SB WB WB WB WB He was driving at a high ~. WB WB New English File Pre-I File 4 SEITE 2 VON 4 U 4D English comfortable crowded dangerous empty exciting far happy healthy impatient impolite impossible inexpensive interesting key ring modern near noisy old patient polite polluted possible quiet German "kÅmftEbl "kraÁdId bequem adj überfüllt adj voll gefährlich adj adj SB SB leer adj SB aufregend adj SB weit adj SB glücklich adj SB gesund adj SB ungeduldig adj SB unhöflich adj SB unmöglich adj SB preiswert adj SB billig interessant adj adj SB SB Schlüsselring n SB modern adj SB nah adj SB laut adj SB alt adj SB geduldig adj SB höflich adj verschmutzt adj möglich adj ruhig adj leise grob adj adj SB SB unverschämt sicher adj adj SB SB sauber adj SB ordentlich unbequem adj adj SB SB U-Bahn n unglücklich adj SB ungesund adj SB unordentlich adj Unfall n "tSeIndZ fO…l EÁvE faInd aÁt "gA…dnE "gri…ngrEÁsE Ev˛"kO…s ÆrepjÁ˛"teISEn Wechselgeld n hinfallen vi phv WB herausfinden vi phv WB Gärtner(in) n WB Gemüsehändler(in) n WB natürlich adv Ruf n "sevErEl SÁE tu… mØtS "œksEnt kaInd streIt E˛"hed "œtmEsfIE mehrere adj WB sicher adj WB zu viel adv WB Dialekt n SB nett adj geradeaus adv Atmosphäre n "deIndZErEs "emptI Ik˛"saItIN fA… hœpI "helTI Im˛"peISnt ImpE˛"laIt Im˛"pÅsIbl InIk˛"spensIv "IntrIstIN "ki… rIN "mÅdEn "nIE "nOIsI EÁld "peISEnt pE˛"laIt pE˛"lu…tId "pÅsEbl "kwaIEt rude "ru…d safe seIf "taIdI tidy uncomfortable underground unhappy unhealthy untidy accident change fall over find out gardener greengrocer of course reputation several sure too much 4PE accent kind straight ahead 4W atmosphere copyleft wm 7/07 Example Øn˛"kØmftEbl "ØndE˛Ægraund Øn˛"hœpI Øn˛"helTI Øn˛"taIdI "œksIdEnt SB Buses are often ~ in the morning. SB SB ~ air is a major problem in cities. SB SB I live in a ~ street. Did you come by ~ or by bus? SB SB SB He had an ~ on the way to work. WB WB WB She has a good ~ as a business woman. WB SB Just walk ~ . New English File Pre-I File 4 SEITE 3 VON 4 SB SB U English 4W hammer narrow outdoor population German "hœmE "nœrEÁ "aÁtdO… pÅpjÁ˛"leISn Example Hammer n SB eng adj SB im Freien adv Bevölkerung n SB The ~ of the UK is over 60 million. http://homepage.hispeed.ch/RedRiver/English/NEFPre/NEFPreI_Vocab.html copyleft wm 7/07 New English File Pre-I File 4 SEITE 4 VON 4 SB