CV Herzog english April 2013 - Institut für Sozialforschung


CV Herzog english April 2013 - Institut für Sozialforschung
Curriculum vitae
(April 2013)
Personal details
Date of birth:
Lisa Maria Herzog
Institut für Sozialforschung, Senckenberganlage 26, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
[email protected]
December 17th, 1983
Areas of research
Political theory, philosophical foundations of economics, moral philosophy, business ethics, Adam Smith,
Hegel and German Idealism
My current book project is provisionally entitled Moral subjects in complex systems. Based on the assumption
that many moral ills are caused not by individuals’ evil intentions, but by organizational failures, I explore
the conditions of individual agency in complex organisations, integrating a number of discourses in moral
and political philosophy, but also empirical research (qualitative interviews). The book turns around
themes such as the relation between private self and professional role, responsible handling of
information, the responsibility for a culture in which moral concerns can be raised, and more generally our
understanding of the relation between individuals and society and the meso-level of organizational
My research project in Frankfurt, which partly overlaps with the book project, is an in-depth case study of
the possibilities and limits of ethical finance. For this purpose I work with a bank that has previously been
active in microfinance and is now mainly active in lending to SMEs and offering saving accounts in
emerging economies in Latin America, Africa, and Eastern Europe, with an explicit commitment to
ethical values and social impact. My focus is on exploring the ways in which this organization has built its
culture, what specific constraints it encounters in the financial sector, and what role globally active
organizations such as these can play for global justice.
Areas of competence
Virtue ethics, existentialism, critical theory, Kant, Cassirer, philosophy of social sciences, history of
economic thought
Academic positions
2014/15 (planned)
Academic education
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Ethics in Society, Stanford University, USA
Post-doctoral researcher, Goethe University Frankfurt (Cluster “Normative
Orders”) and Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt, Germany
Visiting scholar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium
Lecturer in philosophy, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; member of the
research group “Global Democratic Governance” (since 09/2012)
‘wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin’ (pre-doctoral lecturer (50%), Peter Löscher
Chair for economic ethics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
DPhil in Political Theory, New College, Oxford
Inventing the market. Smith, Hegel and political theory
Supervisors: Alan Ryan, Mark Philp
Examiners: Michael Freeden, Dudley Knowles
Viva: August 22nd, 2011 – passed without corrections
Master of Studies in Philosophy, Oxford University
Areas of interest: moral philosophy, Hegel, political theory
Studies of Economics, Philosophy and History, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität (Munich) and Oxford University (visiting student);
MA in Economics (“Diplom-Volkswirtin”) – result: 1.18 (very good);
“Zwischenprüfung” in philosophy – result: 1.0
Internships in social work (Argentina), European Parliament (Belgium),
corporate social responsibility (Germany) and development cooperation
Prizes and Scholarships (selection)
Ernst Bloch-Förderpreis der Stadt Ludwigshafen (for dissertation and newspaper
Sir Ernest Barker Prize for the best dissertation in political theory in the UK
(awarded by the Political Studies Association)
Doctoral scholarship by the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Rhodes Scholarship
Alumni-Preis (prize for best degree in economics)
Scholarships by Stiftung Maximilianeum, Bayerischen Begabtenförderung and
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Publications (* marks peer reviewed)
*Inventing the Market. Smith, Hegel and Political Theory. Oxford University Press, 2013
Articles in journals and edited volumes
“Adam Smith’s account of justice between naturalness and historicity”, Journal of the
History of Philosophy
Herzog, Lisa and Thomas Wischmeyer, „’Moral Luck’ in Moralphilosophie und
Recht“, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
Herzog, Lisa, „Virtues, interests, and institutions“, Philosophisches Jahrbuch 2013(2)
Herzog, Lisa, "Markets", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Summer 2013 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL =
Herzog, Lisa, “The community of commerce. Smith’s rhetoric of sympathy in
the Wealth of Nations”, Philosophy and Rhetoric, , vol 46.1, 65-87.
Herzog, Lisa, „Intersubjektive Sanktionen als normative Gründe bei Adam Smith“, in
Moral und Sanktion. Eine Kontroverse über die Autorität moralischer Normen, ed. by A. Vesper
and E. Buddeberg, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 209-235.
Herzog, Lisa, “Ideal and non-ideal theory and the problem of knowledge”, Journal of
Applied Philosophy, 29(4), 271-288.
Herzog, Lisa, “The modern social contract tradition”, in: Handbook of the
Philosophical Bases of Business Ethics, ed. by Christoph Lütge, Springer.
Herzog, Lisa, „Wer sind wir, wenn wir arbeiten? Soziale Identität im
Markt bei Smith und Hegel,“ Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59(6), 835-852.
(= chapter IV of Inventing the Market in German)
Herzog, Lisa, „Der politische Mythos“, in U. Büttner/M. Gotterbarm/L. Herzog/M.
Hoch (eds.), Potentiale der symbolischen Formen. Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung in Ernst
Cassirers Denken. Würzburg: Königshausen&Neumann, 101-110.
Herzog, Lisa, “Higher and lower virtues in commercial society – Adam Smith and
motivation crowding out”. Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10(4), 370-395.
Herzog, Lisa, “Economic Ethics for Real Humans - The Contribution
of Behavioral Economics to Economic Ethics.” Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und
Unternehmensethik, Sonderausgabe: Veröffentlichungen zur European Conference on
Business and Economic Ethics - Heidelberg 09/07 – October, 112-128.
Book reviews
Herzog, Lisa, invited book review of Spencer J. Pack, Aristotle, Adam Smith and
Karl Marx, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5(2), 138-143.
Herzog, Lisa, book review of Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Philosophisches
Jahrbuch, (2012/2), 480-482.
Herzog, Lisa, invited book review of Fonna Forman-Barzilai, Adam Smith and
the Circles of Sympathy, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 44 Issue 3, 725-726.
Edited and coedited volumes
Lisa Herzog, A. Honneth (eds.), Moral und Marktwirtschaft (under contract with Suhrkamp)
Lisa Herzog (ed.) Hegel’s thought in Europe – Currents, Crosscurrents, Countercurrents. Palgrave
Macmillan, in print.
U. Büttner/M. Gehring/M. Gotterbarm/L. Herzog/M. Hoch (eds.) Potentiale der
symbolischen Formen. Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung in Ernst Cassirers Denken. Würzburg:
Königshausen & Neumann.
Courses taught
Introduction to Philosophy – Existentialism (University of St. Gallen)
Responsibility – theoretical approaches and practical experiences (with C. Schank)
(University of St. Gallen)
Market and State (University of St. Gallen)
Introduction to Philosophy – Critical Theory (University of St. Gallen)
Introduction to Philosophy – Existentialism (University of St. Gallen)
Introduction to Philosophy – Virtue Ethics (University of St. Gallen)
Moral Philosophy (Technical University Munich)
Classical social contract theories (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)
Economic Philosophy (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)
The liberal-communitarian Debate (with M. Rechenauer) (Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität Munich)
Other academic activities (selection)
Certificate in Didactics for University Teaching, University of St. Gallen (300 hours)
Initiator and Co-Leader of a “peer mentoring group” for female postdocs at the
University of St. Gallen (budget: CHF 16.000 for 18 months)
2012, 2013
Co-organizer, “Thinking the economy” at the MANCEPT Workshops
University of Manchester, UK (2012: with Christian Neuhäuser, 2013: with Andrew
Co-organizer, conference on “Democracy and the Market”, University of Leuven,
Belgium (with Karin de Boer, Nicholas Vrousalis, Matthias Lievens, and Antoon
2011Book reviews and articles in newspapers such as Die ZEIT, Frankfurt Allgemeine
Sonntagszeitung, Neue Züricher Zeitung; public talks on philosophy
Initiatior and co-organizer, international conference “The Many Colours of Hegelianism
– Hegel’s philosophy and its reception in an international context” (Oxford)
Talks at conferences, seminars and workshops (selection)
(* =invited, ** =accepted after review of abstract/paper)
Workshop on Tomasi’s Free Market Fairness, University of Tilburg
*Paper: Preaching to the Lockean choir? Human motivation and the feasibility of
economic utopias
RIPPLE Research Seminar, University of Leuven
*Paper: “Self and Professional Role”
“Research Forum” Philosophy & Economics, University of Bayreuth
*Paper: “Whom should we blame when we blame “the economy”? Responsibility
and constraints in economic contexts.”
Conference “Democracy and the Market”, Leuven
**Paper: Two ways of taming the market, or: what do Hegel’s corporations have
to do with today’s financial markets?
Conference “Hegel and Capitalism” by the American Hegel Society, Chicago
**Paper: Two ways of taming the market, or: why Hegel needs the police and the
MANCEPT Workshops 2012, workshop “Thinking the economy”, Manchester
Paper: “Whom should we blame when we blame “the economy”? Responsibility
and constraints in economic contexts.”
Conference “Adam Smith and the Law”, London School of Economics, London
*Paper: Adam Smith’s law between naturalness and historicity
Conference “Ideals and Reality in Social Ethics”, University of Newport, Wales
**Paper: If you want to change the world, should you talk to the experts?
3. Frankfurter Nachwuchs-Konferenz des Clusters “Normative Ordnungen”, Frankfurt
**Paper: (with Thomas Wischmeyer): ‘Moral Luck’ in Moral und Recht
3rd Dutch Conference in Practical Philosophy, Amsterdam
**Paper: Virtues and Interests, or: Ordinary and heroic virtues
DGPhil Kongress 2011 “Welt der Gründe” (München), Sektion Politische
Philosophie (Leitung: Prof. Stefan Gosepath und Prof. Corinna Mieth)
**Paper: (Nicht-)ideale politische Theorie und nicht-ideales Wissen
DGPhil Kongress 2011 “Welt der Gründe” (München), Sektion
Wirtschaftsphilosophie/ethik (Leitung: PD Dr. Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze)
**Paper: Kosmische Gerechtigkeit im Markt?
Hegel-Kongress 2011, invited speaker for the panel ‘Freedom and the
market’, Stuttgart
*Paper: ‘Free selves in free markets? Smith and Hegel on negative and positive
Conférence ‘Justice et Économie’, Association Charles Gide, Toulouse
**Paper: ‘Desert in the market. The case of Adam Smith’
Centre for the Study of Political Ideologies Lunch Time Seminar, Oxford
Paper: ‘Identity in the market. Smith and Hegel on professional identity and
‘Philosophical Masterclass’ with Professor Axel Honneth, Goslar
**Paper: ‘Identität im Markt und Räume der Anerkennung’
Articulations of Justice Pt. 1: Justice and Liberty. Conference of the International
Political Science Association, Jena
**Paper: ‘Adam Smith and Hegel on Liberty and Justice’
Political Theory Graduate Workshop, Oxford
Paper: ‘Ideal and non-ideal theory, economics and ethics in Adam Smith’
Graduate Conference “Norms and Sanctions”, Frankfurt
**Paper: “Die Entwicklung moralischer Normen in Adam Smiths
Ockham Society, Oxford
Paper: ‘Norms and sanctions in Adam Smith’s moral philosophy’
International Conference of Political Economy, Kocaeli (Turkey)
**Paper: ‘Adam Smith, “mauvaise foi” and the moral fate of commercial society’
European Conference on Business and Economic Ethics, Heidelberg
**Paper: ‘Economic ethics for real humans – the contribution of behavioural
economics to economic ethics’