3rd International Congress on Integrative Medicine


3rd International Congress on Integrative Medicine
dr. reinwald
partner Academy
3rd International Congress
on Integrative Medicine
Hallmarks in Cancer Treatment:
Immunotherapy, Stem Cells & Nutrition
28./29. November 2015, Fulda (Germany)
Congress Language: English
Hotel Esperanto Fulda
Conference Fee: € 370,00
Die Kongresssprache ist
Englisch – Simultanübersetzung ins Deutsche
Program of 3rd International Congress on Integrative Medicine
28.11.2015: 29.11.2015: Saturday · Samstag
Sunday · Sonntag
Place / Ort:
Hotel Esperanto, Fulda (Germany)
Congress fee /:
€ 370.00, incl. lunch, gala dinner (Saturday) and Get together drink (Friday)
€ 370,00, inkl. Mittagessen, Gala Dinner (Samstag) und Get together-Drink (Freitag)
09:00 – 18:30
09:00 – 16:30
Congress registration · Kongress-Registrierung
dr.reinwald healthcare gmbh + co kg
Friedrich-Luber-Str. 29 . DE 90592 Schwarzenbruck/Germany
[email protected] . Phone +49 9128 739 770
Congress fee, incl. lunch, gala dinner, Get together drink:
€ 370.00. Each additional participant from your clinic pays only the discounted fee of € 320.00.
Gebühr inkl. Mittagessen, Gala Dinner, Get together-Drink:
€ 370,00. Jeder weitere Teilnehmer Ihrer Klinik erhält einen Kongressrabatt und zahlt lediglich € 320,00.
Friday, 27th November 2015 · Freitag, 27. November 2015
Get together drink for the early birds
Speakers · Redner
Saturday, 28th November 2015
Samstag, 28. November 2015
09:00 – 09:15
Introduction · Einführung
09:15 – 10:00
Dr. Stephen Cunnane PhD (1):
The importance of ketones for human brain development:
implications for human brain evolution and aging
Die Bedeutung von Ketone für die Entwicklung des
menschlichen Gehirns: Auswirkungen auf die Evolution und
das Altern des menschlichen Gehirns
10:10 – 10:55
Dr. Mary Newport MD (2):
Medium Chain Triglycerides and Ketones as an Alternative
Fuel for Alzheimer’s and Other Disorders
Mittelkettige Fettsäuren und Ketone als alternative Energielieferanten bei Alzheimer und anderen Erkrankungen
11:05 – 11:30
Coffee break · Kaffeepause
11:30 – 12:15
Prof. Dr. Adrienne Scheck (3):
The Ketogenic Diet as an Adjuvant Treatment for Glioma
Die Ketogene Diät als Begleittherapie bei Glioblastomen
12:25 – 13:10
Prof. Dr. Colin E. Champ MD (4):
The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer: Teaching an old dog new tricks
Die Ketogene Diät und und Krebs: Bring einem alten Hund neue Tricks bei
13:20 – 15:00
Lunch break · Mittagspause
15:00 – 15:45
Dr. Rainer Klement (5):
Fats and Physics: Adding a Ketogenic Diet to radiotherapy
Fette und Physik: Radiotherapie und Ketogene Diät
15:55 – 16:40
Dr. Damien Downing MD (6):
Feed the Membranes. Lipid Therapy 40 Years On
Ernähre die Membranen: 40 Jahre Fett-Therapie mit Zukunft
16:40 – 17:00
Coffee break · Kaffeepause
17:00 – 17:45
Dr. Heinz Reinwald (7):
Optimizing protein intake in a Ketogenic Diet with MAP®
Die Optimierung der Proteinernährung in einer Ketogenen Diät mit MAP
Gala Dinner
Sunday, 29th November 2015
Sonntag, 29. November 2015
08:30 – 09:15
Dr. Richard de Andrea MD (8):
Laser activated stem cells, Exosomes & Somatids:
is »Germ Theory« the real deal?
Laser aktivierte Stammzellen, Exosome und Sojatide:
ist die Keimtheorie von Pasteur eine wirklich gute Idee?
09:25 – 10:10
Prof. Dr. John G. Ionescu (9):
The clinical and therapeutic relevance of redox, pH and glucose metabolism
changes in tumor tissue
Klinische und therapeutische Relevanz von Änderungen des Redox, pH und
Glukosestoffwechsel in Tumorgeweben
10:10 – 10:30
Coffee break · Kaffeepause
10:30 – 11:15
Florian Schilling (10):
Next Generation Hallmark of Cancer: Metabolic Tumor Typing
Die nächste Generation an Tumorkennzeichen: Metabolic Tumor Typing
11:20 – 12:30
Prof. Dr. Marco Ruggiero MD (11):
A novel integrated approach to the nutritional immunotherapy of cancer
Eine innovative Annäherung an eine ernährungsbasierte Immuntherapie bei Krebs
12:40 – 14:00
Lunch break · Mittagspause
14:00 – 14:45
Dr. Jürgen Arnhold MD (12):
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Immunotherapy with GcMAF in Cancer
Photodynamische Therapie (PDT) und Immuntherapie mit GcMAF bei Krebs
14:55 – 15:30
Florian Schilling (10):
Case Studies in Cancer Therapy
Fallstudien von Krebspatienten
15:30 – 16:00
Future Perspectives … what comes up & good bye
Perspektiven, Ausblick und Auf Wiedersehen
Speakers · Redner
Prof. Dr. Stephen Cunnane
Stephen Cunnane obtained a PhD in Physiology at McGill University in 1980, followed by
post-doctoral research on nutrition and brain development in Aberdeen, London, and
Nova Scotia. He was a faculty member in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University
of Toronto, from 1986-2003, where his research was in two overlapping areas – (i) the role
of omega-3 fatty acids in brain development and human health, and (ii) the role of ketones
in brain development and human brain evolution. In 2003, Dr. Cunnane was awarded a senior Canada Research Chair at the Research Center on Aging and became a full professor in
the departments of Medicine and Physiology & Biophysics at the Université de Sherbrooke.
The two main themes of his current research are to – (i) use imaging techniques to study
the impact of changing brain fuel metabolism on cognitive function during aging and (ii)
to understand how and why omega-3 fatty acid homeostasis changes during aging. He has
published over 300 peer-reviewed research papers and was elected to the French National Academy of Medicine in 2009. Dr. Cunnane has published five books including two
on flaxseed in human health and two on nutritional and metabolic constraints on human
brain evolution - Survival of the Fattest: The Key to Human Brain Evolution (World Scientific
2005), and Human Brain Evolution: Influence of Fresh and Coastal Food Resources (Wiley,
Dr. Mary T. Newport, M.D., F.A.A.P.
born January 31, 1952
Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Degree: Doctor of Medicine June 11, 1978
Honors: Grass Foundation Research Grant 1975, Senior Research Award, 6/1978
Pediatric Residency Levels I & II: Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 6/1978 – 6/1980
Pediatric Residency Level III: Medical University Hospital – Charleston, S.C., 7/1980 – 6/1981
Neonatology Fellowship: Medical University Hospital, Charleston, S.C, 7/1981 – 8/1983
Certifications: National Board of Medical Examiners: July 2, 1979; American Board of Pediatrics: November 13, 1983; Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: November 28, 1983
Mease Healthcare System, Dunedin, Florida: March 1987 to December 31, 2002. Medical
Director of Neonatology and Newborn Services – March 1987 to December 31, 2002
Community Hospital of New Port Richey: November 2000 to April 2003; Co-Director of Neonatology
South Florida Neonatology Association, Hollywood, Florida – August 1983 through February 1987 Medical Director, Memorial Hospital, Hollywood, Florida and attending neonatologist in this multi-hospital clinical neonatology practice.
John Hopkins/All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida – November 2006 through
June 2013. Affiliate Staff Member as satellite hospital employee of All Children’s/ West Coast
Neonatology - All Children’s Specialty Physicians St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Hernando Health Care – Spring Hill Regional Hospital, Spring Hill, Florida and Brooksville
Regional Hospitals, Brooksville, Florida - July 1, 2003 through June 28, 2013; initially my
corporation Spring Hill Neonatology, Inc. had contract with Hernando Healthcare, from
2003 through 2006, then employee of All Children’s Hospital in November 2006. Founding
Medical Director of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Spring Hill Regional Hospital
Current Employment: Independent contractor since June 1, 2014 for Hospice and Palliative
Author – Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? The Story of Ketones (Basic health
Publications, Laguna; Beach, California 2011)
Speakers · Redner
Prof. Dr. Adrienne C. Scheck
Adrienne C. Scheck, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Barrow Neurological Institute in
Phoenix Arizona. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona
State University and an Associate Investigator in the Cancer Biology Program at the Arizona
Cancer Center of the University of Arizona. Dr. Scheck received her undergraduate degree
from the University of Rochester in NY and her PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in
Troy, NY. After a postdoctoral fellowship in viral oncology at the Pennsylvania State College
of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania she moved to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to study AIDS-related dementia. She began her studies of brain tumors while at Sloan-Kettering and moved to the Barrow Neurological Institute in 1989. Current work in her
laboratory has 2 major goals. The first is to devise novel therapeutic regimens to improve
survival and minimize side effects for patients with malignant brain tumors. To this end, her
laboratory has been studying the use of the ketogenic diet (KD) for the treatment of malignant brain tumors. Their work has shown that the KD reduces the growth of malignant
brain tumors through a variety of mechanisms, and it potentiates the effect of radiation
and temozolomide chemotherapy. These preclinical studies have led to a clinical trial for
patients with glioblastoma multiforme (www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT02046187). The second
main goal of her research is to identify markers that improve on the current methods of
diagnosis and prognosis for this devastating disease. In addition to her love for horses,
one of Adrienne’s pet projects comes from her interest in science education. She directs a
program that places high school students in research laboratories and gives Cancer Biology
lectures to area high school students, and she was a co-investigator on a Science Education
grant with the Arizona Science Center.
Prof. Dr. Colin E. Champ
Board-certified radiation oncologist and assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh
Cancer Institute and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Dr. Champ has extensively researched cancer treatment as well as diet and nutrition and
has been invited to lecture on the topic around the world.
As only a resident, he published over 20 peer-reviewed articles, started at the website Cavemandoctor.com with nearly three million visitors and co-hosted a top-ranked podcast.
Dr. Champ is considered an energetic voice in the field of medicine as one of the few physicians adamantly pushing the message of the benefits of diet and exercise.
Dr. Rainer Klement
Rainer Klement is a physicist, health and fitness enthusiast, critical thinker and co-founder
of the German Society for Paleo Nutrition. In 2013 he graduated in an advanced course for
Medical Physics at the German Cancer Research Center, In January 2012, he moved back
to his Frankonian home and started his training as a medical physicist at the Department
of Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital of Würzburg. There he was also able to
pursue some research on the Ketogenic Diet and cancer, together with Prof Kämmerer. At
the moment he is working at the Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiotherapy at
the Leopoldina Hospital in Schweinfurt, Germany.
Speakers · Redner
Dr. Damien Downing, MBBS MRSB
Dr Downing is President of the British Society for Ecological Medicine < ecomed.org.uk>
and was for 20 years Editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He is
Chief Medical Advisor to the cancer charity Yes to Life < yestolife.org.uk>, and serves on the
Editorial Board of the Orthomolecular News Service <orthomolecular.org>.
His 1988 book Daylight Robbery pioneered our understanding of how vital sunlight and vitamin D are for health. The Vitamin Cure for Allergies was released in 2010, and The Vitamin
Cure for Digestive Disorders came out in 2014
He practises as part of New Medicine Group in Harley St, London; newmedicinegroup.com
He has particular interests in membrane lipids and lipid therapy, in mitochondrial dysfunction, in environmental toxic effects, and of course in sunlight and vitamin D.
Damien Downing practises Ecological Medicine, a systems approach to health that considers interactions between individuals and the environment, and their health consequences:
• INPUTS; the impact of Nutrition and Environment factors on the individual
• PROCESSING; how our Immunity and Individuality handles those inputs the way we
handle inputs and how that determines our health
• OUTPUTS; the impact of each individual’s actions on the Environment, upon which we all
Dr. Heinz Reinwald
Studies in political economics, cultural anthropology and cultural sociology at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Scientific assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Doctoral degree at the faculty
for philosophy and political economics in Germany.
Training as alternative practitioner with particular emphasis on clinical nutrition, general
regulatory medicine and detoxification, practicing in own clinic in Bayreuth.
Managing Director of dr. reinwald healthcare gmbh+co kg, dr. reinwald innotec gmbh+co
kg and dr. reinwald global health ltd. In accordance with the spirit of integrative medicine,
we were keen to invite high-ranking representatives from the world of science and research
as well as practicing alternative therapists to have their say. Publications in various professional journals for alternative medicine.
Dr. Richard A. DeAndrea
Post Graduate in Cornell University New York Hospital. Cornell University New York Hospital, Lenox Hill Manhattan, New York City, General Surgery, 1991, American Naturopathic
Medical Association, Naturopathic Degree, 1996, Herbal Healer Academy, Herbalist, 1997,
Hyperbaric Medicine, 1999, Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001; Ayuved Medicine, Hypnotherapy/NLP, 2007, Energy Medicine, Core-Inergetics 2008. Master Regenerative Medical
Solutions/Global Stem Cell Network; Medical Director, 2011, VERITA, Inc.Medical Director,
Dr. Richard A. DeAndrea served as medical advisor to the American Naturopathic Medical
Association, the Physician‘s Committee for Responsible Medicine, and Earth Save International. He was awarded the Los Angeles Outstanding Community Service Award by the
Training and Research Foundation in 1997 for teaching the fundamentals of self-care to
poor at risk families.
His journey through medicine has grown from inventor and founder of the Oxygen Bar
made famous by actor Woody Harrelson to pioneering cell therapies where he serves as
Medical Director for the Global Stem Cell Network, advancing a stem cell delivery method
known to the US, Australia, EU, South Korean and Japanese FDA’s.
He has trained over 100 physicians in 45 countries in stem cell methods of which over 5,000
treatments performed to date through the Global Stem Cell Network, the training division. His direct association with Dr. Richard Ellenbogen and Dr. Georg Heinrick, MD moved
stem cell therapy into the mainstream in Hollywood and Europe as the technique used on
Susan Sommers and Madonna picked up favorable reviews in the mainstream media. The
method was featured on Fox News and CNN in 2006.
The technique has been recognized as an advanced treatment of type 2 diabetes with the
US FDA, an advanced treatment of Autism in association with Greek authorities, an advanced treatment of sports injuries as delivered by an Orthopedic surgeon to the New York
Yankees, reported in the New York Times.
Presently Dr. DeAndrea is the Medical Director of Verita: Integritive Regenerative Bio-Enhancement Center. Dr. DeAndrea formerly served as the Medical Director at Regenerative Medical Solutions in Bangkok, Thailand in a teaching position known to the National
Innovation Association. His current focus is in breakthrough therapies using stem cells,
peptides, auto-immunization (vaccines) and blood enhancing effects in the reversal of HIV/
AIDS, Cancer and other forms of bio-warfare.
Dr. DeAndrea served Royal duty physician’s including Dr. Nithi Mohananda in service to
his HRH King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand and Dr. Abdul Elah Faisal Bassas, MD, PhD
to HRH Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz in contract to Security Forces Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi
As Medical Advisor and Holistic Health Director to Dr. Nithi in the development of Tria: Integrative Medical Institute; under direct supervision of the Ministry of Health he trained and
re-introduced adipose derived stem cell therapies to Thailand.
Dr. DeAndrea uses stem cell therapy to regenerate, rejuvenate and restore the healing
powers of the body using safe EU and FDA recognized techniques that offer obvious long
lasting results. It is our commitment to make this and many other therapies affordable,
accessible and safe.
Prof. Dr. John G. Ionescu
1983 doctoral degree in medical biochemistry at the University of Saarbrücken.
Until 1985 research director in a German dermatology clinic. 1986 foundation and scientific
director of a specialized clinic in nutritional and environmental medicine in Neukirchen,
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology(EAACI) Member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM),
German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (GSAAM), European Academy of Environmental
Medicine (EUROPAEM). Associate Professor for integrative medicine and gerontology at the
Carol Davila University (Bucharest). Lecturer for clinical nutrition at the Danube University
Krems in Vienna. Since 2009 member of the task force
Florian Schilling
Studies in pre-clinical medicine at the LMU in Munich (2001–2003). Training as alternative
practitioner. Practicing in own clinic since 2006. Particular emphasis on integrated and
complementary tumor therapy, CFS/ME, general regulatory medicine and detoxification.
Lecturer at the Paracelsus College in Munich (since 2007).
Lectures delivered internationally and at domestic in alternative and naturopathic advanced training.
Prof. Dr. Marco Ruggiero
Degrees in medicine and surgery. Specialization in clinical radiology and PhD in molecular
biology. Full professor of molecular biology at the University of Firenze.
Teaching: faculties of biology, chemistry, medicine and engineering. Research in signal
transduction and molecular carcinogenesis (USA/Europe). Collaboration with Nobel
laureate Sir John Vane and scientists such as Eduardo Lapetina, Stuart A. Aaronson and
Peter Duesberg. Publications: more than 100 papers indexed in the U.S. National Library of
Medicine. Numerous lectures delivered at international congresses.
Since 2009: work and publications in the field of immunotherapy with particular emphasis
on the vitamin D-derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF).
Dr. med. Jürgen Arnhold
Borne in 23.02.1953 in Bad Homburg, MD for urology. Current field: Tumor therapy, Photodynamic Therapy with Laser. 1984 Graduate as MD at University of Frankfort, 1989 specialization in urology, 1990 guest assistant medical director at Anderson Cancer Hospital,
Houston, US, 1991-1992 head of medical department, Hospital Offenbach, 1993-2000 clinic
for urology in Friedrichsdorf/Ts. 2001-2001 medical director for Urology, Hospital St. Georg
Bad Aibling, 2003-2015 private clinic for complementary urology, immunotherapy and
laser therapy. Since 2012 he is also international consultant MD for special tumor therapies
in Austria, Italy, France and Sweden.
Congress Hotel:
Conference Hotel: awarded, superior Four Star Hotel with exceptional service and ambience.
Modern areas in noble ambiance for seminars and conferences with several restaurants. We arranged special prices
for accommodation. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel, contingent »dr. reinwald« valid until 28 day
before event.
Prämiertes Vier-Sterne-Superior-Tagungshotel mit außergewöhnlichem Service und Ambiente
Hochmoderner Seminar- und Konferenzbereich mit edlem Ambiente und verschiedenen Restaurants. Für Übernachtungen haben wir Sonderraten vereinbart. Zimmerreservierung bitte direkt im Hotel auf Kontinget »dr.reinwald« –
gültig bis zu 28 Tage vor dem Kongress.
Room booking · Zimmerbuchung
Esperantoplatz · 36037 Fulda
Phone +49 661 24291-999
Mail for reservation:
[email protected]
More information:
Please make your reservations directly with
the hotel, contingent »dr. reinwald« valid until
28 day before event.
Zimmerreservierung bitte direkt im Hotel auf Kontinget
»dr.reinwald« – gültig bis zu 28 Tage vor dem Kongress.
dr. reinwald healthcare gmbh+co kg
Friedrich-Luber-Straße 29
DE 90592 Schwarzenbruck
Fon +49 (0)9128 73977-0
Fax +49 (0)9128 73977-29
[email protected]

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