Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents


Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents
This is an extract from:
Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents:
A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments
edited by John Thomas and Angela Constantinides Hero
with the assistance of Giles Constable
Published by
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Washington, D.C.
in five volumes as number 35 in the series Dumbarton Oaks Studies
© 2000 Dumbarton Oaks
Trustees for Harvard University
Washington, D.C.
Printed in the United States of America
General Bibliography
General Typika
Byzantine Church
Byzantine Monasticism
Byzantine Monks
Earlier Monastic Rules
Egyptian Monasticism
Basilian Monasticism
Syro-Palestinian Monasticism
Early Ascetic Fathers
Early Constantinopolitan Monasticism
Italo-Greek Monasticism
Byzantine Monasticism and the West
Byzantine Monasticism and the Slavs
Foundation and Governance
Monastic Property
External Relations
Monasticism in the Provinces
Women in Byzantine Monasticism
Monasticism and the Charistike
Monasticism and Ecclesiastical Reform
Monastic Architecture and Furnishings
Daily Life
A. Manual Labor and Crafts
B. Diet
C. Dress
D. Hygiene
Books and Libraries
Lexicographical Studies
[ 1725 ]
I General Typika
Allatius, Leo. De libris et rebus ecclesiasticis graecorum (Paris, 1646).
Bezobrazov, P. “Materiali dlya istorii vizantiiskoi imperii: I. Ne izdannie monastirskie ustav,”
ZMNP 254 (1887), 65–78; rev. Ed. Kurtz, BZ 2 (1893), 627–31.
Dmitrievsky, Aleksei. Opisanie liturgicheskikh rykopisei, vol. 1: Typika (Kiev, 1895); vol. 2:
Euchologia (Kiev, 1901); vol. 3: Typika (Petrograd, 1917).
Galatariotou, Catia. “Byzantine Ktetorika Typika: A Comparative Study,” REB 45 (1987), 77–
Janin, R. “Le monachisme byzantin au Moyen Age. Commende et typica (Xe–XIVe siècle),” REB
22 (1964), 5–44.
Konidares, Ioannes M. Nomike theorese ton monasteriakon typikon (Athens, 1984).
MacCoull, L. S. B. “Typos in Coptic Legal Papyri,” ZSR 106, k. a. 75 (1989), 408–11.
Manaphes, Konstantinos A. Monasteriaka typika-diathekai (Athens, 1970).
Mansvetov, Ivan. Tserkovnii ustav (Moscow, 1885).
Meester, Placide de. “Les typiques de fondation (Typika ktetorika),” SBN 6 (1940), 496–508.
Nesbitt, J., and Wiita, J. “A Confraternity of the Comnenian Era,” BZ 86 (1975), 360–84.
Talbot, Alice-Mary. “Typikon, Monastic,” ODB, p. 2132.
Thiermeyer, Abraham-Andreas. “Das Typikon-Ktetorikon und sein literarhistorischer Kontext,”
OCP 58 (1992), 475–513.
Steinwenter, Artur. “Byzantinische Mönchstestamente,” Aegyptus 12 (1932), 55–64.
Zielinski, Th. “Projet de la création d’un ‘Corpus scriptorum juris graecoromani tam canonici
quam civilis,’” SBN 5 (1939), 735–40.
II Byzantine Church
Beck, Hans-Georg. Geschichte der orthodoxen Kirche im byzantinischen Reich (Göttingen, 1980),
esp. IV. 4: Das Klosterwesen, pp. 134–38.
———. Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich (Munich, 1959).
Herman, Emil. “The Secular Church,” in Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 4, 2nd ed., pt. 2 (Cambridge, 1966), pp. 104–33, 425–32.
Hussey, Joan. Church and Learning in the Byzantine Empire (London, 1937).
———. The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire (Oxford, 1986).
Janin, R. La géographie ecclésiastique de l’empire byzantin, pt. 1: La siège de Constantinople et
le patriarcat oecuménique; vol. 2: Les églises et les monastères des grands centres byzantins
(Paris, 1975); vol. 3: Les églises et les monastères [de Constantinople], 2nd ed. (Paris, 1969).
Majeska, George. Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
(Washington, D.C., 1984).
Morris, Rosemary, ed. Church and People in Byzantium (Birmingham, 1990).
Thomas, John Philip. Private Religious Foundations in the Byzantine Empire (Washington, D.C.,
[ 1726 ]
III Byzantine Monasticism
Bryer, Anthony. “The Late Byzantine Monastery in Town and Countryside,” SCH 16 (1979), 219–
Darrouzès, Jean. “Le mouvement des fondations monastiques au XIe siècle,” T&M 6 (1976), 159–
Delehaye, Hippolyte. “Byzantine Monasticism,” in Byzantium: An Introduction to East Roman
Civilization, ed. Norman H. Baynes and H. St. L. B. Moss (Oxford, 1948), pp. 136–65.
Failler, Albert. “Le monachisme byzantin aux XIe–XIIe siècles. Aspects sociaux et économiques,”
Cahiers d’histoire 20 (1975), 279–302.
Guilland, Rodolphe. “Remarques sur la vie monastique à Byzance,” EEBS 30 (1960), 39–53.
Herman, Emil. “Ricerche sulle istituzioni monastiche bizantine. Typika ktetorika, caristicari e
monasteri ‘liberi,’” OCP 6 (1940), 293–375.
Hussey, Joan. “Byzantine Monasticism,” in Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 4, 2nd ed., pt. 2
(Cambridge, 1966), pp. 161–84, 439–43.
Kazhdan, Alexander. “Vizantiiskii monastir XI–XIIvv. kak sotsialnaya gruppa,” VV 31 (1971),
Leroy, Jules. “Monachisme oriental aux Xe–XIIIe siècles,” Cahiers d’histoire 20 (1975), 303–31.
Marin, Eugène. Les moines de Constantinople depuis de la fondation de la ville jusqu’à la mort de
Photius (Paris, 1897).
Mullett, Margaret, and Kirby, Anthony, eds. The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism (Belfast, 1994).
Oikonomidès, Nicolas. “Monastères et moines lors de la conquête ottomane,” SF 35 (1976), 1–10.
Papachryssanthou, Denise. “La vie monastique dans les campagnes byzantines du VIIIe au XIe
siècles,” Byzantion 43 (1973), 158–80.
Papadakis, Aristeides. “Byzantine Monasticism Reconsidered,” Byzantinoslavica 47 (1986), 34–
Pargoire, Jules. “Le début du monachisme à Constantinople,” RQH 65 (1899), 67–143.
———. “Les monastères doubles chez les Byzantins,” EO 9 (1912), 21–25.
Rousseau, Olivier. “Le rôle important du monachisme dans l’Église d’Orient,” OCA 153 (1958),
Salaville, Sévérien. “La vie monastique grecque au début du XIVe siècle d’après un discours
inédit de Théolepte de Philadelphie,” EB 2 (1944), 119–25.
Savramis, Demosthenes. Zur Soziologie des byzantinischen Mönchtums (Leiden-Köln, 1962).
Sokolov, Ivan I. Sostoyanie monashestva v vizantiiskoi tserkvoi s poloviny IX do nachala XIII
veka (842–1204) (Kazan, 1984).
Talbot, Alice-Mary. “The Byzantine Family and the Monastery,” DOP 44 (1990), 119–29.
———. “An Introduction to Byzantine Monasticism,” ICS 12 (1987), 229–41.
IV Byzantine Monks
Besse, Jean-Martial. Les Moines d’Orient antérieurs au concile de Chalcédoine (Paris, 1900).
Bréhier, Louis. “Les populations rurales au IXe siècle d’après l’hagiographie byzantine,” Byzantion
1 (1924), 177–90.
[ 1727 ]
Browning, Robert. “The ‘Low Level’ Saint’s Life in the Early Byzantine World,” in The Byzantine
Saint, ed. Sergei Hackel (London, 1981), pp. 117–27.
Charanis, Peter. “The Monk as an Element of Byzantine Society,” DOP 25 (1971), 61–84.
Congourdeau, Marie-Hélène. “Un procès d’avortement à Constantinople au 14e siècle,” REB 40
(1982), 103–15.
Graniç, B. “Die privatrechtliche Stellung der griechischen Mönche im V. und VI. Jahrhundert,”
BZ 30 (1929–30), 669–76.
Herman, Emil. “Die Regelung der Armut in den byzantinischen Klöstern,” OCP 7 (1941), 406–
———. “La ‘stabilitas loci’ nel monachismo bizantino,” OCP 21 (1955), 115–42.
Horden, Peregrine. “The Death of Ascetics: Sickness and Monasticism in the Early Byzantine
Middle East,” SCH 22 (1985), 41–52.
Jeanselme, Edouard, and Oeconomos, Lysimaque. “La Satire contre les Higoumènes,” Byzantion
1 (1924), 317–39.
Joakeim Iberites. “Ek tou archeiou tes en hagio orei hieras mones ton Iberon,” Orthodoxia 6
(1931), 364–71.
Magdalino, Paul. “The Byzantine Holy Man in the Twelfth Century,” in The Byzantine Saint, ed.
Sergei Hackel (London, 1981), pp. 51–66.
Morris, Rosemary. “The Political Saint of the Eleventh Century,” in The Byzantine Saint, ed.
Sergei Hackel (London, 1981), pp. 43–50.
Nicol, Donald M. “Instabilitas Loci: The Wanderlust of Late Byzantine Monks,” SCH 22 (1985),
Patlagean, Evelyne. “Sainteté et Pouvoir,” in The Byzantine Saint, ed. Sergei Hackel (London,
1981), pp. 88–105.
Ringrose, Kathryn. “Monks and Society in Iconoclastic Byzantium,” BS/EB 6 (1979), 130–51.
Wawryk, Michaël. Initiatio monastica in liturgia byzantina (Rome, 1968).
V Earlier Monastic Rules
Keil, V. “Zur Form der Regel des Schenute,” Göttinger Miszellen 30 (1978), 39–44.
Vogüé, Adalbert de. Les règles monastiques anciennes (400–700) (Turnhout, 1985), with a list of
early rules, pp. 53–60.
VI Egyptian Monasticism
Bacht, Heinrich. “Antonius und Pachomius. Von der Anachorese zum Cönobitentum,” in Antonius
Magnus Eremita, ed. Basilius Steidle (Rome, 1956), pp. 66–107.
———. “L’importance de l’idéal monastique de s. Pacôme pour l’histoire du monachisme chrétien,”
RAM 26 (1950), 308–26.
———. “Pakhôme et ses disciples (IVe siècle),” in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961),
pp. 39–71.
———. Das Vermächtnis des Ursprungs: Studien zum frühen Mönchtum, vol. 2: Pachomios. Der
Mann und sein Werk (Würzburg, 1983).
Barison, Paola. “Ricerche sui monasteri dell’Egitto bizantino ed arabo secondo i documenti dei
papiri greci,” Aegyptus 18 (1938), 29–148.
[ 1728 ]
Chitty, Derwas. The Desert a City: An Introduction to the Study of Egyptian and Palestinian
Monasticism under the Christian Empire (Oxford, 1966).
Gascou, Jean. “P. Fouad 87: Les monastères pachômiens et l’état byzantin,” BIFAO 76 (1976),
Goehring, James. “New Frontiers in Pachomian Studies,” in The Roots of Egyptian Christianity,
ed. Birger Pearson and James Goehring (Philadelphia, 1986), pp. 236–57.
———. Chalcedonian Power Politics and the Demise of Pachomian Monasticism (Claremont,
Calif., 1989).
Ladeuze, Paulin. Etude sur le cénobitisme pakhomien pendant le IVe siècle et la première moitié
du Ve (Louvain-Paris, 1898).
Leipoldt, Joannes. Schenute von Atripe und die Entstehung des national-ägyptischen Christentums
(Leipzig, 1903).
MacCoull, Leslie S. B. “Coptic Documentary Papyri as a Historical Source for Egyptian Christianity,” in The Roots of Egyptian Christianity, ed. Birger Pearson and James Goehring (Philadelphia, 1986), pp. 42–50.
———. “The Apa Apollos Monastery of Pharoon (Aphrodito) and Its Papyrus Archive,” Le Muséon
106 (1993), 21–63.
Nagel, Peter. “Diktion der römischen Kommandosprache in den Praecepta des Pachomius,” ZÄS
101 (1974), 114–20.
Rousseau, Philip. Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt (Berkeley,
Calif., 1985).
Ruppert, Fidelis. “Arbeit und geistliches Leben im pachomianischen Mönchtum,” OS 24 (1975),
———. Das pachomianische Mönchtum und die Anfänge klösterlichen Gehorsams (Münsterschwarzach, 1971).
Steinwenter, Artur. “Aus dem kirchlichen Vermögensrechte der Papyri,” ZSR 75, k. a. 44 (1958),
———. “Die Rechtsstellung der Kirchen und Klöster nach den Papyri,” ZSR 50, k. a. 19 (1930),
Timbie, Janet. “The State of Research on the Career of Shenoute of Atripe,” in The Roots of
Egyptian Christianity, ed. Birger Pearson and James Goehring (Philadelphia, 1986), pp. 258–
Wipszycka, Ewa. “Les factions du cirque et les biens ecclésiastiques dans un papyrus égyptien,”
Byzantion 39 (1969), 180–98.
———. Les ressources et les activités économiques des églises en Égypté du IVe au VIIIe siècle
(Brussels, 1972).
VII Basilian Monasticism
Amand de Mendieta, Emanuel. L’ascèse monastique de saint Basile (Maredsous, 1948).
———. “Le système cénobitique basilien comparé au système cénobitique pachômien,” RHR
152 (1957), 31–80.
Bardy, Gustave. “Basile (Règle de saint),” DDC 2 (1937), cols. 218–24.
Chrestu, P. K. Ho Megas Basileios (Thessaloniki, 1978).
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Clarke, W. K. L. St. Basil the Great: A Study in Monasticism (Cambridge, 1913).
Fedwick, J. P. The Church and the Charisma of Leadership in Basil of Caesarea (Toronto, 1979).
Frank, Karl Suso. “Monastische Reform im Altertum. Eustathius von Sebaste und Basilius von
Caesarea,” in Reformatio Ecclesiae: Festgabe für Erwin Iserloh, ed. Remigius Bäumer
(Paderborn, 1980), pp. 35–49.
Gribomont, Jean. “L’Exhortation au renoncement attribuée à saint Basile. Etude d’authenticité,”
OCP 21 (1955), 375–98.
———. Histoire du texte des Ascétiques de saint Basile (Louvain, 1953).
———. “Saint Basile,” in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961), pp. 99–113.
Hauschild, Wolf-Dieter. “Basilius von Caesarea (ca. 329–379),” Theologische Realenzyklopädie,
vol. 5 (Berlin, 1980), pp. 301–13.
Humbertclaude, M. La doctrine ascétique de saint Basile de Césarée (Paris, 1932).
Laun, Ferdinand. “Die beiden Regeln des Basilius, ihre Echtheit und Entstehung,” ZKG 44 (1925),
Morison, E. F. St. Basil and His Rule: A Study in Early Monasticism (Oxford, 1912).
Murphy, Margaret G. St. Basil and Monasticism (Washington, D.C., 1930).
Pichler, Theodorich. Das Fasten bei Basileios dem Grossen und im antiken Heidentum (Innsbruck,
Rothenhäusler, Matthäus. “Der hl. Basilius der Grosse und die klösterliche Profess,” BM 4 (1922),
Savramis, Demosthenes. “‘Ora et labora’ bei Basilios dem Grossen,” Kyrios 6 (1966), 129–49.
Vogüé, Adalbert de. “The Greater Rules of Saint Basil—A Survey,” Word and Spirit: A Monastic
Review 1 (1979), 49–85.
VIII Syro-Palestinian Monasticism
Griffith, Sidney. Arabic Christianity in the Monasteries of Ninth-Century Palestine (London, 1992).
Leroy, Jules. Moines et monastères du Proche-Orient (Paris, 1957).
Patrich, Joseph. Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries (Washington, D.C., 1995).
Vailhé, Siméon. “Les monastères de la Palestine,” Bessarione 3 (1897–98), 209–25, 334–56; 4
(1898–99), 193–210.
———. “Les premiers monastères de la Palestine,” Bessarione 3 (1897–98), 39–58.
Vööbus, Arthur. History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient, 3 vols. ( = CSCO, Subsidia, vols. 14,
17, 81) (Louvain, 1958, 1960, 1988).
———. “Die Rolle der Regeln im syrischen Mönchtum des Altertums,” OCP 24 (1958), 385–92.
———. History of Ascetism in the Syrian Orient, 3 vols. ( = CSCO, Subsidia, vols. 14, 17, 81)
(Louvain, 1958, 1960, 1988).
IX Early Ascetic Fathers
Altenburger, M., and Mann, F. Bibliographie zu Gregor von Nyssa (Leiden, 1988).
Daniélou, Jean. “Saint Grégoire de Nysse dans l’histoire du monachisme,” in Théologie de la vie
monastique (Paris, 1961), pp. 131–41.
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Guy, Jean-Claude. “Les Apophthegmata Patrum,” in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961),
pp. 73–83.
Hausherr, Irénée. “La théologie du monachisme chez saint Jean Climaque,” in Théologie de la vie
monastique (Paris, 1961), pp. 385–410.
Leloir, Louis. “Saint Ephrem, moine et pasteur,” in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961),
pp. 85–97.
Leroux, Jean-Marie. “Monachisme et communauté chrétienne d’après saint Jean Chrysostome,”
in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961), pp. 143–90.
Plagnieux, Jean. “Saint Grégoire de Nazianze,” in Théologie de la vie monastique (Paris, 1961),
pp. 115–30.
Regnault, L. Les pères du désert à travers leurs apophtegmes (Sablé-sur-Sarthe, 1987).
Ruether, R. Gregory of Nazianzus: Rhetor and Philosopher (Oxford, 1969).
X Early Constantinopolitan Monasticism
Dagron, Gilbert. “Les moines et la ville: Le monachisme à Constantinople jusqu’au concile de
Chalcédoine (451),” T&M 4 (1970), 229–76.
von Falkenhausen, Vera. “Monasteri e fondatori di monasteri a Costantinopoli tra Costantino Magno
e Giustiniano I,” Corsi di cultura sull’arte ravennate e bizantina 26 (1979), 151–55.
Pargoire, Jules. “Les débuts du monachisme à Constantinople,” RQH 65 (1899), 67–143.
———. “Un mot sur les acémètes,” EO 2 (1898–99), 304–8, 365–72.
Talbot, Alice-Mary, and Taft, Robert. “Monastery of Akoimetoi,” ODB, p. 46.
XI Italo-Greek Monasticism
Borsari, Silvano. Il monachesimo bizantino nella Sicilia e nell’Italia meridionale prenormanna
(Naples, 1963).
———. “Monasteri bizantini nell’Italia meridionale longobarda (sec. X e XI),” Archivio storico
per le provincie Napoletane, n.s., 32 (1950–51), 1–16.
Cappelli, Biagio. Il monachesimo basiliano ai confini Calabro-Lucani (Naples, 1961).
von Falkenhausen, Vera. “I monasteri greci dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia dopo l’avvento
dei Normanni: continuità e mutamento,” in Il passaggio dal dominio bizantino allo stato
normanno nell’Italia meridionale (Taranto, 1977), pp. 197–219.
———. “Patrimonio e politica patrimoniale dei monasteri greci nella Sicilia normanno-sveva,” in
Basilio di Cesarea. La sua età, la sua opere e il basilianesimo in Sicilia, vol. 2 (Messina,
1983), pp. 777–90.
———. Untersuchungen über die byzantinische Herrschaft in Süditalien vom 9. bis ins 11.
Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden, 1967).
Fonseca, Cosimo Damiano. “La prima generazione normanna e le istituzioni monastiche dell’Italia
meridionale,” in Roberto il Guiscardo e il suo tempo (Rome, 1975), pp. 135–46.
Giovanelli, Germano. “Il tipico archetipo di Grottaferrata,” BBGG, n.s., 3 (1949), 17–30, 98–113.
Giunta, F. “Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia normanna,” in Basilio di Cesarea. La sua età,
la sua opere e il basilianesimo in Sicilia, vol. 2 (Messina, 1983), pp. 709–31.
Guillou, André. “La classe dei monaci-proprietari nell’Italia bizantina (sec. X–XI). Economia e
[ 1731 ]
diritto canonico,” BISIAM 82 (1970), 159; repr. Culture et société en Italie byzantine (VIe–
XIe s.) (London, 1978).
———. “Grecs d’Italie du Sud et de Sicile au Moyen Age: Les moines,” MAH 75 (1963), 79–110;
repr. Studies in Byzantine Italy (London, 1970).
Korolovsky, K. “Il rito italo-bizantino dei secoli X–XIV. Studio storico-liturgico,” BBGG, n.s., 1
(1947), 4–16, 144–54; n.s., 2 (1948), 76–86.
Ladomérszky, N. “L’influsso del monachismo basiliano greco sulla vita culturale dell’Italia
meridionale,” SBN 7 (1953), 395–96.
Minisci, Teodoro. “I monaci basiliani in Sicilia e in Albania,” BBGG, n.s., 11 (1957), 73–89.
———. “Riflessi studitani nel monachesimo italo-greco,” OCA 153 (1958), 215–33.
———. “I typika liturgici dell’Italia bizantina,” BBGG, n.s., 7 (1953), 97–104.
Morini, E. “Eremo e cenobio nel monachesimo greco dell’Italia meridionale nei secoli IX e X,”
RSCI 31 (1977), 1–39.
Patlagean, Evelyne. “Recherches récentes et perspectives sur l’histoire du monachisme italo-grec,”
RSCI 22 (1968), 146–66.
Pertusi, Agostino. “Rapporti tra il monachesimo italo-greco ed il monachesimo bizantino nell’alto
medio evo,” in La chiesa greca in Italia dall’VIII al XVI secolo (Padua, 1972), pp. 473–520.
Rougeris, Petros. “Ricerca bibliografica sui ‘Typika’ italogreci,” BBGG, n.s., 27 (1973), 11–42.
Russo, Francesco. “L’importanza delle opere ascetiche basiliane nella vita spirituale del
monachesimo orientale dell’Italia meridionale,” Nicolaus 8 (1980), 173–82.
Scaduto, Mario. Il monachismo basiliano nella Sicilia medievale (Rome, 1947).
Turyn, Alexander. Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the
Libraries of Italy, vol. 1 (Urbana, 1972).
White, Lynn Townsend, Jr. Latin Monasticism in Norman Sicily (Cambridge, Mass., 1938).
XII Byzantine Monasticism and the West
Gay, Jules. “L’abbaye de Cluny et Byzance au début du XIIe siècle,” EO 30 (1931), 84–90.
Leclercq, Jean. “Les relations entre le monachisme oriental et le monachisme occidental dans le
haut moyen âge,” in Le Millénaire du Mont Athos, 963–1963, vol. 2 (Chevetogne, 1965), pp.
Leroy, Julien. “S. Athanase l’Athonite et la Règle de S. Benoit,” RAM 29 (1953), 108–22.
Lialine, Clément. “Monachisme orientale et monachisme occidental,” Irénikon 33 (1960), 435–
McNulty, Patricia, and Hamilton, B. “Orientale lumen et magistra latinitas. Greek Influences on
Western Monasticism (900–1100),” in Le Millénaire du Mont Athos, 963–1963, vol. 2
(Chevetogne, 1965), pp. 181–216.
Saint-Laurent, G. E. “St. Basil of Caesarea and the Rule of St. Benedict,” Diakonia 16 (1981), 71–
Salaville, Sévérien. “Fragment inédit de traduction grecque de la Règle de saint François,” EO 28
(1929), 167–72.
———. “Une version grecque de la règle de Saint Augustin,” Hellenika 4 (1931), 81–110.
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XIII Byzantine Monasticism and the Slavs
Casey, Robert P. “Early Russian Monasticism,” OCP 19 (1953), 372–423.
Çoroviç, V. Spisi Sv. Save (Belgrade, 1928).
Graniç, Branko. “Die Disziplinarstrafbestimmungen des vom hl. Sabbas, dem Erzbischof und
Gründer der serbischen Autokephalkirche erlassenen Typikons des Chilandar-(Cheilantar- )
Klosters,” SBN 5 (1939), 646–56.
Heppell, Muriel. “The Early History of the Kievan Monastery of Caves,” in The Theotokos Evergetis
and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullett and Anthony Kirby (Belfast, 1994),
pp. 56–66.
Iscenko, D. S. Tserkovnie i monastirskie ustavi (Moscow, 1976).
Majeska, George. Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
(Washington, D.C., 1984).
Mirkoviç, Lazar. “Tipik arhiepiskopa Nikodima,” Bogoslovlje 1.2 (1957), 12–19; 2.1 (1958), 69–
———. “Ein Typikon des serbischen Erzbischofs Nikodemos: vom Einfluss Konstantinopels auf
den Gottesdienst der serbischen Kirche,” SBN 8 (1953), 429–33.
Rouët de Journel, M.-J. Monachisme et monastères russes (Paris, 1952).
Shchapov, Ya. “Ustav knyazya Yaroslava i vopros ob otnoshenii k vizantiiskomu naslediyu na
Rusi v seredine XI v.,” VV 31 (1971), 71–78.
Smolitsch, Igor. Das russische Mönchtum. Entstehung, Entwicklung und Wesen (Würzburg, 1953).
Troickij, S. “Ktitorsko pravo u Vizantiji u Nemanskoj Srbiji,” Glas Srbske Kralevske Akademije
86 (1935), 79–133.
XIV Foundation and Governance
Alivisatos, Hamilcar. Die kirchliche Gesetzgebung des Kaisers Justinian (Berlin, 1913).
Deslandes, S. “De quelle autorité relèvent les monastères orientaux,” EO 21 (1922), 308–22.
Graniç, B. “L’acte de fondation d’un monastère dans les provinces grecques du Bas-Empire au Ve
et au VIe siècle,” in Mélanges Charles Diehl, vol. 1 (Paris, 1930), pp. 101–5.
———. “Das Klosterwesen in der Novellengesetzgebung Kaiser Leons des Weisen,” BZ 31 (1931),
———. “Die rechtliche Stellung und Organisation der griechischen Klöster nach dem justinianischen Recht,” BZ 29 (1929), 6–34.
Hergès, Adolphe. “Élection et déposition des hegoumènes au XIIe siècle,” EO 3 (1899–1900),
Herman, Emil. “‘Chiese private’ e diritto di fondazione negli ultimi secoli dell’impero bizantino,”
OCP 12 (1946), 302–21.
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Zöckler, Otto. Askese und Mönchtum, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (Frankfurt, 1897), esp. pp. 285–99.
XV Patronage
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Vryonis, Speros, Jr. “The Will of a Provincial Magnate, Eustathius Boilas (1059),” DOP 11 (1957),
Zhishman, Joseph von. Das Stifterrecht in der morgenländischen Kirche (Vienna, 1888).
XVI Monastic Property
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XIIe congrès international d’études byzantines (Belgrade, 1964), 103–14.
Angelov, D. “Post i struktura krupnogo monastirskogo zemlevladeniya v severnoi i srednei
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Orestano, Riccardo. “Beni dei monaci e monasteri nella legislazione giustinianea,” in Studi in
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24 (1964), 202–8.
Sokolov, Platon Petrovich. Tserkovnoimushchestvennoe pravo v greko-rimskoi imperii (Novgorod,
XVII Philanthropy
Bardy, Gustave. “Les origines des écoles monastiques en Orient,” in Mélanges J. de Ghellinck,
vol. 1 (Louvain, 1951), pp. 293–309.
Bréhier, Louis. “L’enseignement classique et l’enseignement religieux à Byzance,” RHPR 21 (1941),
Constantelos, Demetrios. Byzantine Philanthropy and Social Welfare (New Brunswick, N.J., 1968);
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[ 1735 ]
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in Antidoron pneumatikon timetikos tomos Gerasimou Io. Konidare (Athens, 1981), pp. 156–
Leclercq, Henri. “Hospices, hôpitaux, hôtelleries,” DACL, vol. 6, pt. 2 (Paris, 1925), cols. 2748–
Mentzou-Meimari, Konstantina. “Eparchika euage idrymata mechri tou telous tes Eikonomachias,”
Byzantina 11 (1982), 243–308.
Miller, Timothy. The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire (Baltimore, Md., 1985).
Philipsborn, A. “Der Fortschritt in der Entwicklung des byzantinischen Krankenhauswesens,” BZ
54 (1961), 338–65.
Volk, Robert. Gesundheitswesen und Wohltätigkeit im Spiegel der byzantinischen Klostertypika
(Munich, 1983).
XVIII External Relations
Angelov, D. “Zur Frage der Immunitätsrechte der balkanischen Klöster im 13.–14. Jahrhundert,”
in Akten des XI. Internationalen Byzantinistenkongresses, München 1958 (Munich, 1960),
pp. 27–33.
Herman, Emil. “Bénéfices dans l’église orientale,” DDC, vol. 2 (Paris, 1937), cols. 706–35.
———. “Das bischöfliche Abgabenwesen im Patriarchat von Konstantinopel vom XI. bis zur
Mitte des XIX. Jahrhunderts,” OCP 5 (1939), 434–513.
Levcenko, M. V. “Tserkovnie imushchestva V–VII vv. v vostocno-rimskoi imperii,” VV 27 (1949),
Ruggieri, Vincenzo. Byzantine Religious Architecture (582–867): Its History and Structural Elements (Rome, 1991).
Skabalonovich, M. Vizantiiskoe gosudarstvo i tserkov v XI veke (St. Petersburg, 1884).
Sokolov, Platon P. Tserkovnoimuschchestvennoe pravo v greko-rimskoi imperii (Novgorod, 1896).
Troianos, Sp. “Ein Synodalakt des Sisinios zu den bischöflichen Einkünften,” FM 3 (1979), 211–
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Konzil von Chalkedon, ed. A. Grillmeier and H. Bacht, vol. 2 (Würzburg, 1953), pp. 569–
XIX Revenues
Bartusis, Mark. “Solemnion,” ODB, p. 1924.
Herman, Emil. “Die kirchliche Einkünfte des byzantinischen Niederklerus,” OCP 8 (1942), 378–
———. “Zum kirchlichen Benefizialwesen im byzantinischen Reich,” SBN 5 (1939), 657–71.
Hrochova, Vera. “Zur wirtschaftlichen Rolle der byzantinischen Klöster im 13.–15. Jahrhundert,”
JÖB 32.2 (1982), 85–93.
[ 1736 ]
Lemerle, Paul. “‘Roga’ et rente d’État aux Xe–XIe siècles,” REB 25 (1967), 77–100.
Schmid, H. F. “Byzantinisches Zehntwesen,” JÖBG 6 (1957), 45–110.
XX Monasticism in the Provinces
(see also XI. Italo-Greek Monasticism)
Epstein, Ann. “The Problem of Provincialism: Byzantine Monasteries in Cappadocia and Monks
in South Italy,” JWCI 42 (1979), 28–46.
Janin, R. “Les monastères nationaux et provinciaux à Byzance,” EO 32 (1933), 429–37.
Papachryssanthou, Denise. “La vie monastique dans les campagnes byzantines, du VIIIe au XIe
siècle,” Byzantion 43 (1973), 158–80.
Sevcenko, Ihor. “Constantinople Viewed from the Eastern Provinces in the Middle Byzantine
Period,” HUS 3–4 (1979–80), pt. 2, pp. 712–47.
Trombley, Frank. “Monastic Foundations in Sixth-Century Anatolia and Their Role in the Social
and Economic Life of the Countryside,” GOTR 30 (1985), 45–59.
XXI Women in Byzantine Monasticism
Abrahamse, Dorothy. “Women’s Monasticism in the Middle Byzantine Period: Problems and Prospects,” BF 9 (1985), 35–58.
Anson, J. “The Female Transvestite in Early Monasticism: The Origin and Development of a
Motif,” Viator 5 (1974), 1–32.
Carr, Annemarie Weyl. “Women and Monasticism in Byzantium: Introduction from an Art Historian,” BF 9 (1985), 1–15.
Clark, Elizabeth. “Authority and Humility: A Conflict of Values in Fourth-Century Female Monasticism,” BF 9 (1985), 17–33.
Galatariotou, Catia. “Byzantine Women’s Monastic Communities: The Evidence of the Typika,”
JÖB 38 (1988), 263–90.
Herrin, Judith. “Women and the Church in Byzantium,” BBAO 11 (1979–80), 8–14.
Laiou, Angeliki. “Observations on the Life and Ideology of Byzantine Women,” BF 9 (1985), 59–
Patlagean, Evelyne. “L’histoire de la femme déguisée en moine et l’évolution de la sainteté féminine
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Talbot, Alice-Mary. “Bluestocking Nuns: Intellectual Life in the Convents of Late Byzantium,”
Okeanos 7 (1983), 604–18.
———. “A Comparison of the Monastic Experience of Byzantine Men and Women,” GRBS 30
(1985), 1–20.
XXII Spirituality
Hausherr, Irénée. “L’hésychasme. Étude de spiritualité,” OCP 22 (1956), 5–40, 247–85.
Holl, Karl. Enthusiasmus und Bussgewalt beim griechischen Mönchtum (Leipzig, 1898).
Krivocheine, Basil. “The Most Enthusiastic Zealot, ‘Zelotes manikotatos,’ St. Symeon the New
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Meyendorff, John. Byzantine Hesychasm: Historical, Theological, and Social Problems (London,
[ 1737 ]
———. “Les débuts de la controverse hésychaste,” Byzantion 23 (1953), 87–120.
———. “Mount Athos in the Fourteenth Century: Spiritual and Intellectual Legacy,” DOP 42
(1988), 157–65.
Podskalsky, Gerhard. “Zur Gestalt und Geschichte des Hesychasmus,” OS 16 (1967), 15–32.
Ware, Kallistos. “Prayer and Sacraments in the Synagoge,” in The Theotokos Evergetis and
Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullet and Anthony Kirby (Belfast, 1994),
pp. 325–47.
XXIII Liturgy
Arranz, Miguel. “La liturgie des heures selon l’ancien Euchologe byzantin,” Studia Anselmiana
68, Analecta liturgica 2 (1979), 1–19.
———. “L’office de l’Asmatikos Orthos (‘matines chantées’) de l’ancien Euchologe byzantin,”
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Engberding, Hieronymus. “Die Hochschätzung des Mönchtums in ostkirchlichen Liturgien,” BM
18 (1936), 362–73.
———. “Osterfeier und Osterfreude in byzantinischer Liturgie,” BM 21 (1939), 106–17.
Herman, Emil. “Die häufige und tägliche Kommunion in den byzantinischen Klöstern,” in Mémorial
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Klentos, John. “The Typology of the typikon as Liturgical Document,” in The Theotokos Evergetis
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———. Le typicon de la Grande Église, 2 vols. (Rome, 1962–63).
Noret, Jacques. “Ménologes, synaxaires, ménées. Essai de clarification d’une terminologie,” AB
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Pantelakis, E. G. “Livres ecclésiastiques de l’orthodoxie,” Irenikon 13 (1936), 521–77.
Petit, Louis. “La grande controverse des Colybes,” EO 2 (1898–99), 321–31.
Salaville, S. “Messe et communion d’après les Typica monastiques byzantins du Xe au XIVe
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Schulz, H.-J. Die byzantinische Liturgie. Glaubenszeugnis und Symbolgestalt (Trier, 1980).
Souliotes, Giannes. To Kollyba (Athens, 1986).
Stoelen, André. “L’année liturgique bizantine,” Irenikon 4 (1928), 307–38.
Taft, Robert. “The Byzantine Office in the Prayerbook of New Skete: Evaluation of a Proposed
Reform,” OCP 48 (1982), 336–70.
[ 1738 ]
———. “How Liturgies Grow: The Evolution of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy,” OCP 43 (1977),
———. “The Liturgy of the Great Church: An Initial Synthesis of Structure and Interpretation on
the Eve of Iconoclasm,” DOP 34–35 (1980–81), 45–75.
———. Liturgy of the Hours in East and West (Collegeville, Minn., 1986).
———. “Mount Athos: A Late Chapter in the History of the Byzantine Rite,” DOP 42 (1988),
———. “The Synaxarion of Evergetis in the History of Byzantine Liturgy,” in The Theotokos
Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullet and Anthony Kirby
(Belfast, 1994), pp. 274–93.
———. “Liturgical Typikon,” ODB, pp. 2131–32.
Trombley, Frank, and Kazhdan, Alexander. “Kollyba,” ODB, pp. 1137–38.
Wellesz, E. A History of Byzantine Music and Hymnography (Oxford, 1949).
XXIV Monasticism and the Charistike
Ahrweiler, Hélène. “Charisticariat et autres formes d’attribution de fondations pieuses aux Xe–
XIe siècles,” ZRVI 10 (1967), 1–27; repr. Études sur les structures administratives et sociales
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Bartusis, Mark. “Charistikion,” ODB, pp. 412–13.
Herman, Emil. “Charisticaires,” DDC, vol. 3 (Paris, 1939), cols. 611–17.
Kaplan, Michel. “Les monastères et le siècle à Byzance: les investissements des laïques au XIe
siècle,” CCM 27 (1984), 71–83.
Kazhdan, Alexander. “Charistikariersystem,” Lexikon des Mittelalters, vol. 2 (Munich-Zurich,
1983), cols. 1723–24.
Lemerle, Paul. “Un aspect du rôle des monastères à Byzance: les monastères donnés à des laïcs,
les charisticaires,” CRAI (Paris, 1967), pp. 9–28.
Thomas, John Philip. “The Crisis of Byzantine Ecclesiastical Foundations, 964–1025,” BF 9 (1985),
XXV Monasticism and Ecclesiastical Reform
Boojamra, John Lawrence. Church Reform in the Late Byzantine Empire: A Study for the Patriarchate of Athanasios of Constantinople (Thessaloniki, 1982).
———. “Social Thought and Reforms of Athanasios of Constantinople (1289–1293; 1303–1309),”
Byzantion 55 (1985), 332–82.
Gautier, Paul. “Diatribes de Jean l’Oxite contre Alexis Ier Comnène,” REB 28 (1970), 5–55.
———. “L’édit d’Alexis Ier Comnène sur la réforme du clergé,” REB 31 (1973), 165–201.
———. “Jean V l’Oxite patriarche d’Antioche, notice biographique,” REB 22 (1964), 128–57.
———. “Réquisitoire du patriarche Jean d’Antioche contre le charisticariat,” REB 33 (1975), 77–
———. “Le synode des Blachernes (fin 1094). Étude prosopographique,” REB 29 (1971), 213–
[ 1739 ]
Glavinas, A. He epi Alexiou Komnenou (1081–1118) peri hieron skeuon kai keimelion kai hagion
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Grumel, V. “L’affaire de Léon de Chalcédoine. Le chrysobulle d’Alexis Ier sur les objets sacrés,”
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———. “L’affaire de Léon de Chalcédoine. Le décret ou ‘semeioma’ d’Alexis Ier Comnène (1086),”
EO 39 (1941–42), 333–41.
———. “Documents athonites concernant l’affaire de Léon le Chalcédonien,” in Miscellanea
Giovanni Mercati, vol. 3 (Vatican City, 1946), pp. 116–35.
Polyzoides, Konstantinos. Ho Vasileus kai hoi laikoi eis to en genei dioiketikon ergon tes ekklesias
epi Alexiou Komnenou (1081–1118) (Thessaloniki, 1979).
Stephanou, Jean. “La doctrine de Léon de Chalcédoine et ses adversaires sur les images,” OCP 12
(1946), 177–99.
Stephanou, Pelopidas. “Le procès de Léon de Chalcédoine,” OCP 9 (1943), 5–64.
Thomas, John Philip. “A Byzantine Ecclesiastical Reform Movement,” M&H, n.s., 12 (1984), 1–
———. “Documentary Evidence from the Byzantine Monastic typika for the History of the
Evergetine Reform Movement,” in The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullet and Anthony Kirby (Belfast, 1994), pp. 246–73.
Tiftixoglu, V. “Gruppenbildungen innerhalb des konstantinopolitanischen Klerus während der
Komnenenzeit,” BZ 62 (1969), 25–72.
XXVI Monastic Architecture and Furnishings
Babiç, Gordana. Les chapelles annexes des églises byzantines: Fonction liturgique et programme
iconographique (Paris, 1969); rev. Slobodan Çurciç, Art Bulletin 53 (1973), 448–51.
Barber, Charles. “The Monastic typikon for Art Historians,” in The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullet and Anthony Kirby (Belfast, 1994), pp.
Bouras, Laskarina. “Byzantine Lighting Devices,” JÖB 32.3 (1982), 479–91.
———. “Dyo byzantina manoualia apo te Mone Metamorphoseos ton Meteoron,” Byzantina 5
(1973), 129–47.
Çurciç, Slobodan. “Architectural Significance of Subsidiary Chapels in Middle Byzantine Architecture,” JSAH 36 (1977), 94–110.
James, Liz. “Monks, Monastic Art, the Sanctoral Cycle and the Middle Byzantine Church,” in The
Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed. Margaret Mullet and Anthony
Kirby (Belfast, 1994), pp. 162–75.
Kalavrezou-Maxeiner, Ioli. Byzantine Icons in Steatite (Vienna, 1985).
Krautheimer, Richard. Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture, 4th ed., rev. Slobodan Çurciç
(Harmondsworth, 1986).
Mathews, Thomas. The Byzantine Churches of Istanbul: A Photographic Survey (University Park,
Pa., 1976).
———. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy (University Park, Pa.,
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———. “‘Private’ Liturgy in Byzantine Architecture: Toward a Reappraisal,” CA 30 (1982), 125–
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Orlandos, Anastasios. Monasteriake Architektonike (Athens, 1958).
Ousterhout, Robert. “Polycandelon,” Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol. 10 (New York, 1988),
pp. 28–29.
Teteriatnikov, Natalia. “Upper-Story Chapels near the Sanctuary in Churches of the Christian
East,” DOP 42 (1988), 65–72.
Van Millingen, A. Byzantine Churches in Constantinople: Their History and Architecture (London, 1912).
XXVII Daily Life
A. Manual Labor and Crafts
Magoulias, Harry J. “Trades and Crafts in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries as Viewed in the Lives
of the Saints,” Byzantinoslavica 37 (1976), 11–35.
Teoteoi, Tudor. “Le travail manuel dans les typika byzantins des XIe–XIIIe siècles,” RESE 17
(1979), 455–62.
B. Diet
Dembinska, Maria. “Diet: A Comparison of Food Consumption between Some Eastern and Western Monasteries in the 4th–12th Centuries,” Byzantion 55 (1985), 431–62.
Grumel, Venance. “Le jeûne de l’Assomption dans l’église grecque (étude historique),” EO 32
(1933), 162–94.
Herbut, Joachim. De ieiunio et abstinentia in Ecclesia byzantina ab initiis usque ad saec. XI
(Rome, 1968).
Holl, Karl. “Die Entstehung der vier Fastenzeiten in der griechischen Kirche,” APAW, Phil.-Hist.
Klasse (1923), 3–40.
Jeanselme, Edouard. “Le régime alimentaire des anachorètes et de moines byzantins,” extract
from 2e Congrès d’histoire de la médecine (Evreux, 1922), 28 pp.
Karpozelos, Apostolos. “Diet,” ODB, pp. 621–22.
———. “Realia in Byzantine Epistolography, X–XII c.,” BZ 77 (1984), 20–37.
Kislinger, E. “How Reliable Is Early Byzantine Hagiography as an Indicator of Diet?” Diptycha 4
(1986–87), 5–11.
C. Dress
Innemée, Karel. Ecclesiastical Dress in the Medieval Near East (Leiden, 1992).
Meester, Placide de. “Autour quelques publications récentes sur les habits des moines en orient,”
EL 47 (1933), 446–58.
———. “Le rasophorat dans le monachisme byzantin,” IBID 16–17 (1940), 323–32.
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D. Hygiene
Berger, Albrecht. Das Bad in der byzantinischen Zeit (Munich, 1982).
Karpozilos, Apostolos. “Baths,” ODB, pp. 271–72.
Magoulias, Harry J. “Bathhouse, Inn, Tavern, Prostitution and the Stage as Seen in the Lives of
the Saints of the Sixth and Seventh Centuries,” EEBS 38 (1971), 233–52.
XXVIII Books and Libraries
Bompaire, Jacques. “Les catalogues de livres-manuscrits d’époque byzantine (XIe–XVe s.),” in
Byzance et les Slaves, Études de Civilisation: Mélanges Ivan Dujcev (Paris, 1979), pp. 59–81.
Crostini, Barbara. “Towards a Study of the Scriptorium of the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis:
Preliminary Remarks,” in The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, ed.
Margaret Mullet and Anthony Kirby (Belfast, 1994), pp. 176–97.
Mercati, S. G. “Un testament inédit en faveur de Saint-Georges des Manganes,” REB 6 (1948),
Noret, J. “Ménologes, synaxaires, ménées. Essai de clarification d’une terminologie,” AB 86 (1968),
Oikonomides, Nicolas. “Mount Athos: Lands of Literacy,” DOP 42 (1988), 167–78.
Pantekalis, E. “Livres ecclésiastiques de l’orthodoxie,” Irenikon 13 (1936), 521–77.
Volk, Otto. “Die byzantinischen Klosterbibliotheken von Konstantinopel, Thessalonike und
Kleinasien” (Ph.D. diss., Munich, 1955).
XXIX Lexicographical Studies
Krumbacher, Karl. “Ktetor, ein lexicographischer Versuch,” IF 25 (1909), 393–421; rev. A.
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