Indigenous peoples of the Arctic countries
Indigenous peoples of the Arctic countries
Aleut previously Ainu previously Ainu Aleut Aleut previously Ainu Kamchadal Taz Even Alutiiq Koryak Central Alaskan Yup'ik Alutiiq Haida Nootka Dena’ina ALASKA Eyak Tsimshian Salish U S A C A N AD A Cree Yukagir Gwich'in Sakha (Yakut) Even Northern Slavey Inuvialuit Evenk Dolgan Inuit Evenk Nganasan Ket Enets NUNAVUT Nenets Buryat Soyot Buryat Tofa Tuvinians TuvinianTodzhin Tuvinians Khakas Chelkan Shor Telengit Tuba Teleut KumanAltai din Chulym Selkup Nenets Khant Inuit 80o Cree Khant GREENLAND Kalaallit 70o Kalaallit N Saami Abnaki Komi KomiKomi Permyaks Kalaallit Naskapi Mansi IzhmaKomi IO MontagnaisNaskapi Ket Selkup Kalaallit Buryat Evenk Nenets Haudenosaunee Evenk Inuit Inuit Haudeno- Algonkin saunee Huron Evenk Sakha (Yakut) I A N F E D E RAT Ojibwa Even Yukagir Yellowknife Chipewyan Cree Chukchi Evenk Even SS Dogrib Cree Cree Bear Lake Orok Ulchi Nanai Nivkh Negidal RU Assiniboine Kaska Southern Slavey Beaver Atsina Tlingit Sarsi Blackfoot Chuvan Tanacross Upper Ahtna Upper Tanana Kuskokwim Iñupiat Tsetsaut Tuchone Tanana Carrier Deg Tahltan Tlingit Hit'an Babine Holikachuk Tagish Sekani Hän Koyukon Iñupiat Kwakiutl Itelmen Alyutor Chukchi Siberian Yup'ik Udege Orochi Koryak Kerek Ainu Karelians Saami Karelians Vepsians ICELAND Beothuk Saami FAROE ISLANDS Faroese FINLAND NORWAY 60o SWEDEN DENMARK 50o Indigenous peoples of the Arctic countries Subdivision according to language families Na'Dene family Eskimo-Aleut family Inuit group of Eskimo branch Athabaskan branch Yupik group of Eskimo branch Eyak branch Aleut group Tlingit branch Haida branch Penutan family Macro-Algonkian family Algonkian branch Wakasha branch Salish branch Macro-Sioux family Sioux branch Iroquois branch Indo-European family Germanic branch Uralic-Yukagiran family Finno-Ugric branch Samodic branch Yukagiran branch Altaic family Turkic branch Notes: For the USA, only peoples in the State of Alaska are shown. For the Russian Federation, only peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East are shown. Majority populations of independent states are not shown, not even when they form minorities in adjacent countries (e.g. Finns in Norway). Areas show colours according to the original languages of the respective indigenous peoples, even if they do not speak these languages today. Overlapping populations are not shown. The map does not claim to show exact boundaries between the individual groups. In the Russian Federation, indigenous peoples have a special status only when numbering less than 50,000. Names of larger indigenous peoples are written in green. Mongolic branch Tunguso-Manchurian branch Chukotko-Kamchatkan family Ket (isolated language) Nivkh (isolated language) Ainu (isolated language) compiled by W.K. Dallmann © Norwegian Polar Institute