Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic
Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic
Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish (Syngnathidae) Master Thesis Florian Moser January 2013 Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies University of Zurich Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tony Wilson Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Peter Linder “The role of hybridization in evolution has been one of the most controversial topics in the whole field of evolutionary study.” (Stebbins 1963) Acknowledgements Without the following persons, my thesis would not have turned out the way it did. Therefore many thanks to: Prof. Dr. Tony B. Wilson, for supervision and advice in all matters and his help in the beginning of my fieldwork Prof. Dr. Maria B. Rasotto, for hosting me in the Stazione Idrobiologica Umberto D’Ancona in Chioggia and some inspiring discussions Wilson group: Camilla Whittington, for advice and support in all matters and always giving her best to create a good atmosphere Alexander Nater, for advice and support in lab work and statistics Stefan Sommer, for precious statistical advice Jan Knott, for advice and support for everything concerning aquaculturing of pipefish, from the setup of the system to animal care advice, and for his help with sampling pipefish and in breaking down and returning all the equipment safely from Chioggia back to Zurich Alexandra Wegmann, for advice and support in administrative manners and help with the planning of my fieldwork Team at the Stazione Idrobiologia Umberto d’Ancona in Chioggia: Carlotta Mazzoldi, for help and advice during fieldwork Lisa Locatello, for help and advice during fieldwork and support with Italian Authorities Federica Poli, for help and advice during fieldwork and long discussions about experimental setup, results and other concerns Andrea Sambo, for his ability to fix every problem, his help with connecting my tanks to the system and his support during various sampling trips Verena Riedl, for help during sampling and nerves as strong as steel in unexpected situations Anamarija Vrbatović, for help with sampling pipefish on early mornings Vito Sabia, for his support during sampling and his delicious lunches Further Elisa Cenci, Emilio Riginella, Linda Pasolli, Valentina Melli, … i Further: Offices in Italy (Pierpaolo Penzo at the Servizio Caccia e Pesca di Venezia and Dr. Maria V. Gravina at the Servizio Pesca di Rovigo), for sampling permissions Swiss Academy of Sciences, for their financial support of my fieldwork Daniel Heersink and Steven Geinitz, for their statistical advice concerning GLM Glauco Camenisch und Eliane Escher, for their help with genotyping Linda Rudin, for her Tetris-skills while packing the car My parents, Doris and Konrad Moser, for their financial support during my education and for their backing during this year My girlfriend, Anja Ziegler, for her support with all my smaller and larger problems during this year and for being a source of relaxation beyond the life at University ii Table of Contents Acknowledgements i List of Figures and Tables v 1 Summary 1 1 Zusammenfassung 3 2 Introduction 4 2.1 Main consequences of hybridization 4 2.1.1 Reinforcement of isolating mechanisms 4 2.1.2 Merging of taxa 5 2.1.3 Introgression 5 2.1.4 Development of novel multi-gene-complexes 5 2.2 Isolating mechanisms and mating systems 6 2.2.1 Sex-roles 6 2.2.2 Partner preferences 6 2.2.3 Multiple mating 7 2.3 Study organisms 7 3 Aim of this study 10 4 Materials and Methods 12 4.1 Samples 12 4.2 Aquaculture facility 13 4.3 Experimental design 13 4.3.1 Mating pattern in S. taenionotus and Hybridization in the wild 13 4.3.2 Preference experiments 15 4.3.3 No-choice hybridization experiment and viability of hybrid offspring 18 4.4 5 Statistical analyses 18 4.4.1 Genetic data 18 4.4.2 Preference experiments 18 Results 5.1 20 Mating pattern in S. taenionotus 20 5.1.1 Allelic richness 20 5.1.2 Multiple mating in S. taenionotus 20 5.2 Preexperimental observations 22 5.2.1 Body measurements 22 5.2.2 Mating behavior 23 iii 5.3 25 5.3.1 Body measurements 25 5.3.2 Time measurements 25 5.3.3 Preference for larger partners 26 5.3.4 Variables influencing the large preference index 27 5.4 Experiment 2: Preference between con- and interspecific partners 27 5.4.1 Body measurements 27 5.4.2 Time measurements 28 5.4.3 Preference for conspecific partners 30 5.4.4 Variables influencing the conspecific preference index 30 5.5 No-choice mating experiment 31 5.5.1 Body measurements 31 5.5.2 Behavior 32 5.6 6 Experiment 1: Size dependent preference in S. taenionotus Hybridization in wild populations Discussion 6.1 Mating systems 33 36 36 6.1.1 Mating behavior 36 6.1.2 Sex-roles 37 6.1.3 Preference for large partners 38 6.1.4 Multiple mating 39 6.2 Hybridization in the Adriatic pipefish species S. taenionotus and S. typhle 40 6.2.1 Body measurements 40 6.2.2 Species recognition 42 6.2.3 Experimental hybridization 43 6.2.4 Hybridization in wild populations 44 7 Conclusions 46 8 References 47 9 Appendix 52 iv List of Figures and Tables Figure 4.1 Map of the sampling sites 12 Figure 4.2 Setup of the experimental tanks 16 Figure 4.3 Experiment 1: Experimental setup for size-based preference in S. taenionotus Standard length (SL) of pipefish 17 17 Figure 5.3 Experiment 2: Experimental setup for the interspecific preference experiment Developmental stage of the embryos of pregnant male S. taenionotus collected in 2012 Correlation between standard length [cm] and wet weight [g] in the experimental pipefish Length of all sampled S. typhle in Venice in three summers Figure 5.4 Experiment 1: Boxplot of choice time [s] per sex 25 Figure 5.5 26 Figure 5.6 Experiment 1: The preference for large partners ranked by increasing SL Experiment 1: Boxplot of lpi per sex Figure 5.7 Experiment 2: Boxplot of cpi per species and sex 29 Figure 5.8 Experiment 2: Boxplot of choice time [s] per species and sex 29 Figure 5.9 31 Figure 5.10 Experiment 2: Relation between cpi and the size difference between the SL of stimuli [cm] No-choice experiment 1: Size distribution Figure 5.11 No-choice experiment 2: Size distribution 32 Figure 5.12 Female S. taenionotus a) displaying the ornaments and b) not displaying the ornaments Structure plot for all six analyzed microsatellite loci in adult pipefish Structure plot for all six analyzed microsatellite loci in the embryos 33 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 5.13 Figure 5.14 17 21 22 23 27 32 35 35 v Table 4.1 Variables included in the Generalized Linear Models (GLM) 19 Table 5.1 20 Table 5.2 Number of alleles of the embryos of every clutch and heterozygosity of each locus Minimal number of mothers contributing eggs per clutch Table 5.3 Experiment 1: Measurements for focal females 26 Table 5.4 Experiment 1: Measurements for focal males 26 Table 5.5 Experiment 1: GLM table 27 Table 5.6 Experiment 2: Standard length (SL), choice time and cpi measurements for S. taenionotus and S. typhle Experiment 2: GLM table 28 31 Table 5.9 No-choice experiment: SL measurements for S. taenionotus and S. typhle No-choice experiment: Observed courtship and mating behavior Table 5.10 FST- and P-values between different sampling sites and years 34 Table 5.7 Table 5.8 21 30 32 vi Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Summary 1 Summary Interspecific hybridization is an important mechanism in evolutionary processes which may result in both the gain or loss of biodiversity. Hybridization has received increasing attention due to the detection of hybrid swarms and the breakdown of isolating mechanisms in natural populations, events which can lead to speciation reversal and to the loss of biodiversity. In this study I investigated the importance of hybridization in the evolutionary history of the Adriatic pipefish species Syngnathus typhle and S. taenionotus. This system is an especially interesting model of hybridization, as previous research suggests a hybrid origin of S. taenionotus as the result of crosses between S. rostellatus and S. typhle ca. 0.25 mya. Whereas morphological and ecological similarities between S. taenionotus and S. typhle suggest that contemporary hybridization between these species may still be possible, S. rostellatus is no longer found in the Adriatic. While considerable data are already available on the mating behavior of S. typhle, nothing is known about the mating system of S. taenionotus. Because many premating isolating mechanisms are associated with courtship behavior, I examined key aspects of reproductive ecology in S. taenionotus, including sexroles, multiple mating and courtship behavior, and compared those findings with those of S. typhle. I also carried out a series of preference experiments, aimed at detecting the factors responsible for reproductive isolation between S. taenionotus and S. typhle in natural populations. Behavioral observations revealed interspecific differences in courtship behavior, including sex-specific differences in the initiation of courtship. In S. typhle courting is initiated by females, while reproductive behavior in S. taenionotus is initiated by males. While major components of courtship behavior were similar between the two species, they were performed in different spatial orientations. Whereas S. typhle remained in a vertical position within the eelgrass, S. taenionotus were often horizontal and close to the ground. The experiments and genetic data together revealed sex-role reversal, multiple mating and a preference for large partners in S. taenionotus males, patterns that have been previously found in S. typhle. Reciprocal no-choice mating experiments resulted in a low frequency of matings between S. typhle males and S. taenionotus females, but no matings between S. taenionotus males and S. typhle females. Successful matings involved the transfer of small numbers of 1 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Summary eggs, none of which survived to maturity, suggesting possible gametic incompatibility. As the no-choice experiments and genetic data of wild-caught males failed to reveal evidence for viable hybrid offspring, reproductive isolation between the two species appears to be complete. Despite superficial similarities in courtship behavior between the two species, both pre- and post-mating isolating mechanisms appear to be sufficient to limit the frequency of interspecific matings, and to maintain species separation. 2 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Zusammenfassung 1 Zusammenfassung Kreuzungen zwischen verschiedenen Arten können evolutionsbiologisch sowohl kreative als auch destruktive Folgen haben und somit zum Gewinn, Erhalt und Verlust von Biodiversität führen. Seit Kurzem wird der Hybridisierung wieder vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, da vermehrt Hybridzonen, in welchen sich Arten vermischen, entdeckt wurden. Dies kann im Extremfall zur Artenverschmelzung und somit zum Verlust von Biodiversität führen. In dieser Studie untersuchte ich, welche Rolle Hybridisierung in der evolutionären Vergangenheit der beiden Seenadelarten Syngnathus typhle und S. taenionotus gespielt hat und noch heute spielt. Dieses System ist besonders interessant, da vorangegangene Studien entdeckten, dass S. taenionotus durch hybride Artbildung aus den Arten S. typhle und S. rostellatus hervorging. Während S. taenionotus und S. typhle in der Adria noch koexistieren, und somit Hybridisierung möglich wäre, findet sich zwischen den Vorkommen von S. rostellatus und von S. taenionotus keine Überlappung mehr. Das Paarungsverhalten von S. typhle wurde bereits sehr gut erforscht, während über das Paarungssystem von S. taenionotus so gut nichts bekannt ist. Da die meisten Isolationsmechanismen, Gegenspieler der Hybridisierung, an das Paarungssystem der involvierten Arten gebunden sind, erforschte ich die wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Paarungssystems von S. taenionotus um sie mit denjenigen von S. typhle zu vergleichen. Zusätzlich führte ich verschiedene Preferenzexperimente durch, um weitere Informationen über reproduktive Isolationsmechanismen zwischen den beiden Arten zu erhalten. Nebst vertauschten Geschlechterrollen, Polygynie und Präferenz für grosse Paarungspartner in S. taenionotus-Männchen, alles Merkmale die auch in S. typhle zu finden sind, entdeckte ich Unterschiede im Paarungsverhalten der beiden Arten. In S. typhle initiierte das Weibchen die Balz, während in S. taenionotus die Männchen dieselbe initiierten. Ein weiterer Unterschied war die Lage, in welcher das ansonsten gleiche Paarungsverhalten gezeigt wurde. S. typhle blieb dabei stets, dem Seegras gleich, in vertikaler Lage, während S. taenionotus die meisten Verhaltensmuster horizontal und in der Nähe des Grundes vollzog. Da ich weder in den No-choice Versuchen hybriden Nachwuchs erzeugen konnte, obwohl unidirektional einige wenige Eier übertragen wurden, noch die genetischen Analysen Hinweise auf lebende Hybride gaben, komme ich zum Schluss, dass sich diese beiden Arten untereinander nicht mehr fortpflanzen und dass diese reproduktive Isolation auf verhaltenstechnische und postkopulative Isolationsmechanismen zurückzuführen ist. 3 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction 2 Introduction Interspecific hybridization, defined as the interbreeding of organisms of different species, is a widespread phenomenon in plants and animals. Among animals, hybridization has long been thought to be a destructive force, due to the inviability or infertility of most hybrids (Darwin 1859; Mayr 1963). Currently the importance of hybridization in evolutionary processes is widely accepted, and both destructive and constructive effects of hybridization have been detected (Hubbs and Hubbs 1932; Anderson 1936; Anderson and Hubricht 1938; Hubbs 1955). The four most common consequences of hybridization are thought to be the reinforcement of isolating mechanisms, the merging of taxa, introgression, and the development of novel multi-gene-complexes (leading to hybrid speciation), as reviewed by Scribner et al. (2000). Hybridization thus can be an important mechanism for both the gain and loss of biodiversity (Dowling and Secor 1997; Seehausen 2004). 2.1 Main consequences of hybridization 2.1.1 Reinforcement of isolating mechanisms When hybridization was described by Darwin (1859), he mentioned that “Hybrids, ... , have their reproductive organs functionally impotent“. A similar conclusion was reached by Mayr (1963): ‘‘The majority of ... hybrids are totally sterile. ... Even those hybrids that produce normal gametes in one or both sexes are nevertheless unsuccessful in most cases and do not participate in reproduction ... when they do backcross to the parental species, they normally produce genotypes of inferior viability that are eliminated by natural selection.” The opinion that hybrids are infertile, or not even viable, has been demonstrated in many systems. When hybrid offspring are inviable or infertile, their parents’ fitness is reduced compared to individuals mating conspecifically. Under such circumstances natural selection is expected to act against hybrid matings, favoring individuals mating with conspecific mating partners and having reproductive isolating mechanisms to prevent interspecific mating (Dobzhansky 1937). Selection against hybridizing individuals is thus expected to lead to a relative increase and accumulation of both pre- and postmating isolating mechanisms. Premating isolation can be caused by temporal (differences in mating season and/or timing), ecological (different distributions or niches), and behavioral or mechanical (incompatibility due to anatomical reasons) isolation whereas postmating isolating mechanisms include con4 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction specific sperm precedence (Hewitt et al. 1989; Howard et al. 1998), gamete incompatibility (Lessios and Cunningham 1990; Alipaz et al. 2001) and hybrid infertility (Dobzhansky 1937; Mayr 1963; Coyne 2004). 2.1.2 Merging of taxa As hybridization leads to the exchange of genetic material between species, it can lead to the breakdown of isolating mechanisms and may ultimately reverse speciation (Fredrickson and Hedrick 2006; Seehausen et al. 2008; Grobler et al. 2011). This consequence has recently gained considerable attention, because of the detection of hybrid swarms in which reproductive barriers have completely broken down (Bettles et al. 2005). The loss of reproductive isolation is often caused by the loss of environmental heterogeneity (Seehausen et al. 1997; Crispo et al. 2011) or the introduction of new species (reviewed in Rhymer and Simberloff 1996). 2.1.3 Introgression Introgression, the exchange of genes between evolutionary distinct lineages, generally leads to increased genetic diversity within a species and can therefore be an important source of genetic variability (Anderson 1948). As proposed by the sexual selection hypothesis, introgression often results in the exchange of genetic material from a common to a rare species (Moyer 1981; Wirtz 1999; Grant and Grant 2008). Introgression appears to be the most common consequence of hybridization if hybrids are viable and fertile (Scribner, Page, Bartron 2000). 2.1.4 Development of novel multi-gene-complexes If hybrids are viable and fertile, the development of novel multi-gene-complexes in hybrid offspring may occur, an event which can lead to hybrid speciation. This happens if hybrids mate with one another instead of backcrossing to parental species. Hybrids consequently diverge from their parental species until they become reproductively isolated and independent species. This outcome is possible if hybrids are intermediate to their parents (Hablützel 2009) as well as if they transgress the range of their parental species (Lexer et al. 2003). In both cases backcrossing must be somehow restricted, which can be achieved via the rapid development of sexual isolating mechanisms such as distinct coloration patterns 5 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction involved in mate choice (Stelkens and Seehausen 2009), or the occupation of a niche that the parental species are unable to access (Uzzell and Darevsky 1975; Lexer et al. 2003). 2.2 Isolating mechanisms and mating systems Reproductive isolating mechanisms among species are typically separated into pre- and postmating isolating mechanisms, reflecting separate episodes in the reproductive process (Arnold 1997). Both factors can impede or promote the formation and persistence of hybrids (Coyne 2004). In most systems of teleost fish premating isolating mechanisms are stronger than postmating isolating mechanisms (Blum et al. 2010). Most premating isolating mechanisms are linked to the mating system of the two possible parental species (reviewed in Arnold 1997). Therefore knowledge about the mating system of potentially hybridizing taxa is essential to understand factors influencing hybridization intensity. If mating systems are very similar between two potential congeners, premating isolation may be incomplete, and hybridization may occur. Sexual selection plays an important role in reproductive divergence, and not surprisingly, the most rapidly developing and strongest differences among recently diverged taxa are often differences in mating and courtship behavior (Mayr 1963; Mendelson 2003). Small changes in behavior or slightly different preferences are often sufficient to prevent interspecific hybridization (reviewed in Turelli et al. 2001). 2.2.1 Sex-roles The majority of species have conventional sex-roles, in which males play the more active part during courtship and mating, resulting in increased intrasexual competition and therefore stronger sexual selection in males (Bateman 1948). While less common, sex-role reversed species are also found, in which females actively court males and males are choosy. Different sex-roles in potentially hybridizing species may reduce the probability of hybridization in at least one direction, because when potential mating partners of both species discriminate during mating, the likelihood of interspecific reproduction may be reduced. 2.2.2 Partner preferences In species with conventional sex-roles, males often develop secondary sexual traits, which are thought to indicate male quality (described in Darwin 1871). Mate choice is fre6 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction quently based on such quality traits. Strong species-specific preference for such traits may reinforce intraspecific matings and lead to reproductive isolation. If traits preferred within a species are even more highly developed in a sister species, this can lead to a conflict between sexual traits and species recognition in the choosy sex, and therefore increase the chance of hybridization (Hankison and Morris 2002). 2.2.3 Multiple mating Multiple mating is a widespread pattern in many taxa and the causes and consequences of polygamy have been well studied. The numerous hypotheses for the evolution of multiple mating (Berglund et al. 1988; Jennions and Petrie 2000) typically assume that the search for mating partners and mating itself is costly, and that multiple mating must thus provide benefits which exceed the costs of additional matings. Benefits could include the inheritance of good genes, which enhance the viability of offspring or increase sexual attractiveness (Fisherian sexy sons) and genetic “bet-hedging”, reducing the negative effects of mating with low quality partners (Olsson and Shine 1997; Lorch and Chao 2003). If hybrid offspring reduce the fitness of the parents in species which cannot clearly differentiate between own and closely-related species, multiple mating may be beneficial, as it may help to “dilute” the negative effect of mating with interspecific partners (Yasui 1998; Lorch and Chao 2003). 2.3 Study organisms Bony fish have the highest rate of hybridization among vertebrates (Wirtz 1999), offering a great opportunity to assess the causes and consequences of hybridization. Members of the genus Syngnathus, which show extraordinary parental care, with males protecting and brooding the offspring in specialized brood pouches, seem especially well suited to address questions concerning how mating behavior influences hybridization, because eggs are fertilized after their transfer from the female (Fiedler 1954) ensuring paternity of the brooding male (Berglund et al. 1986a). Therefore stochastic hybridization, such as that sometimes detected in open substrate spawners (Stewart 1966; Cooper 1980), can be excluded. The first evidence of interspecific mating in Syngnathus pipefish was provided by Wilson (2006a), who detected the occurrence of unidirectional hybridization between two Californian Syngnathus species, S. leptorhynchus and S. auliscus. A genetic analysis of wild-caught pregnant males revealed hybrid offspring in 2/7 (28.6%) S. leptorhynchus clutches, but no 7 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction hybrids in an equal number of S. auliscus broods. Interestingly, despite the relatively high frequency of interspecific matings between S. leptorhynchus males and S. auliscus females, no free-living hybrid adults were found in the adult population, and all hybrid individuals were early-stage embryos, suggesting that S. leptorhynchus x S. auliscus hybrids are inviable (Wilson 2006a). Analyses of Mediterranean pipefish by Hablützel (2009), using both genetic and morphological data, determined that S. taenionotus is a species of hybrid origin, which was produced by interspecific matings between S. typhle, a widespread European species, and S. rostellatus, a pipefish species that is no longer found in the Adriatic Sea, as parental species. Close affinities of mtDNA haplotypes from S. taenionotus and S. typhle haplotypes, led Hablützel (2009) to infer “massive mitochondrial introgression to S. taenionotus” from S. typhle. A molecular clock analysis suggests that S. typhle and S. taenionotus separated 0.25 – 1.11 million years ago (mya, Hablützel 2009). Considering that interspecific mating occurs between the more distantly related Californian Syngnathus species (divergence time = 1.45 ± 0.42 mya), which differentiated earlier than S. typhle and S. taenionotus (Wilson 2006a), and the coexistence of S. taenionotus with one of its parental species, interspecific hybridization in Mediterranean populations may be influencing the population genetic structure of these two relatives. The distribution of S. taenionotus and S. typhle broadly overlap in the Adriatic. S. typhle is most often found in eelgrass beds with Zostera spp., whereas S. taenionotus prefer sandy habitats with some Ulva spp. or Gracilaria spp. (Franzoi et al. 1993; Franco et al. 2006; Hablützel 2009) for shelter. The reproductive season of the two species also differ, with S. taenionotus reproducing from February to August, while S. typhle mates between April and October. Despite differences, hybridization between the two species is possible during the four months in which both species are reproductively active (Franzoi et al. 1993; Rispoli 2007). Mating behavior and mate choice is well studied in S. typhle but remains poorly understood in S. taenionotus. Size-dependent mate choice has been detected in male S. typhle (Berglund et al. 1986a; Billing et al. 2007; Sundin et al. 2010), and active courtship behavior and intrasexual competition in females, including dances and ornament displays, consistent with sex-role reversal, have been observed (Fiedler 1954; Berglund et al. 1986a; Vincent et al. 1995). Similar data for S. taenionotus would be useful to assess the likelihood of interspe8 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Introduction cific hybridization between these two species. As S. taenionotus is significantly smaller than S. typhle (16.5 cm (N = 75) for S. taenionotus vs. 20.7 cm (N = 63) for Venetian S. typhle), size-based mating preference could have significant impact on the frequency and direction of hybridization. 9 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Aim of this study 3 Aim of this study The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of contemporary hybridization between S. typhle and S. taenionotus and to what extent interspecific mating is influencing the genetic structure of the two species. The fact that S. taenionotus appears to be of hybrid origin, with S. typhle as one of its parental species (Hablützel 2009), makes this system especially interesting, as genetic divergence since the original hybridization event reflects the early stage of the early development of pre- and postreproductive isolating mechanisms. While the reproductive behavior of S. typhle has been well characterized, very little is known about mating behavior in S. taenionotus, as an aspect of life history critical to understanding the likelihood of interspecific reproduction between these two species. As part of a general effort to investigate interspecific hybridization between these two species, this thesis investigates the following questions: (1) Is there evidence for sex-role reversal in Syngnathus taenionotus as it has been found in S. typhle? Differences in sex-roles between the two species would reduce the likelihood of hybridization in at least one direction, because of the low likelihood of interspecific mating between two putatively choosy individuals. (2) Do S. taenionotus males and/or females show a preference for large mating partners? A preference for large mating partners in S. taenionotus could lead to high rates of hybridization with S. typhle, due to the larger size of the latter species. (3) Does S. taenionotus mate multiply? Multiple mating is thought to be a mechanism to dilute costly mating in species unable to differentiate among costly and beneficial mating partners. If S. taenionotus mate multiply, the genetic consequences of hybridization may be reduced. (4) Do S. typhle and S. taenionotus hybridize under no-choice conditions in the laboratory? Do such hybrid matings produce viable and fertile offspring? The frequency of hybridization in laboratory populations provides an indication of the extent to which premating isolating mechanisms prevent hybridization in the wild. If 10 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Aim of this study hybrid offspring from laboratory-crosses are viable and fertile, they could potentially be having an important impact on natural populations. (5) Is there ongoing hybridization between S. taenionotus and S. typhle in nature? Genetic evidence of clutches of mixed parentage would indicate the contemporary frequency of hybridization in natural populations of the two species. (6) Do S. taenionotus and S. typhle prefer conspecific partners over heterospecific partners? Conspecific mating preference would provide clear evidence of premating isolation between the two species. Due to the hybrid origin of S. taenionotus and its distribution overlap with S. typhle, the Adriatic pipefish provide an extraordinarily interesting system to investigate the process of reproductive divergence. This study is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the early stages of reproductive isolation and may also be relevant for understanding how hybridization may potentially lead to the reversal of speciation (Fredrickson and Hedrick 2006; Seehausen 2006; Seehausen et al. 2008; Grobler et al. 2011). 11 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods 4 Materials and Methods 4.1 Samples S. taenionotus specimens were caught at the entrance to the Sacca degli Scardovari (44°50.4' N 12°27.0' E, Figure 4.1), located south of the Po Delta. Samplings were performed between 12th and 20th May using a Zodiac trawling a seine with a squared opening of 1 m2 and a mesh size of 4 mm resulting in 62 adult males and 34 females. For an additional sampling on the 13th July, an 8 m hand-trawled beach seine was used, with which 12 males and six females were caught. Beach seine sampling was restricted to low tide, as the algal habitat preferred by Syngnathus spp. was not accessible during high tide. The sampled habitat was generally sandy, partly covered by macroalgae, mainly Gracilaria, Ulva and Enteromorpha. Eelgrass was not found in this area. The success of each haul ranged from 0 18 adult S. taenionotus with both methods. S. abaster were frequently caught in the seine as well as other marine species including fish (e.g. Pleuronectiformes, Gobidae, Atherina sp., Mugil sp.), crabs, shrimps and cuttlefish. Additionally a single juvenile S. typhle individual was collected during beach seining in July. Figure 4.1: Map of the sampling sites: right top: Sampling area for S. typhle, right bottom: Sampling area for S. taenionotus 12 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods S. typhle were caught in the southern part of the Lagoon of Venice near Chioggia (45°13.8′N 12°16.5′E, Figure 4.1). Samplings were performed from mid May until 20th July by trawling (see above details for methodology) resulting in 41 adult males and 37 females. S. abaster and Nerophis ophidion were caught in high abundance as well as few S. acus and two Hippocampus sp. Other fish, crustacean, jelly- and cuttlefish species were also caught regularly. The sampled habitats were eelgrass meadows containing Zostera marina or Z. nolti and sparsely some Ulva sp. and Enteromorpha sp. Despite efforts to collect pipefish to the east of Pila (44°58.5’N 12°29.8’E), located between the Lagoon and the Sacca, we were unable to identify a site at which both species co-occur. Consequently, animals used in the subsequent experiments were all collected allopatrically. 4.2 Aquaculture facility All experiments were performed at the Stazione Idrobiologica “Umberto D’Ancona” of the University of Padua in Chioggia, Italy. Animals were held in plastic tanks (60 x 40 x 30 cm3) with three darkened sides (one short side was left clear for observation) for at least nine days prior to experiments. All tanks contained artificial eelgrass for shelter and an air stone to promote gas exchange. Stock tanks were located in the same air-conditioned (20°C) room as experimental tanks (for description see part 4.3.3) and attached to the same flow-through system. Water conditions followed natural variation except for fluctuations in temperature (19-25°C) which were reduced due to air-conditioning in the room. Photoperiod was kept constant (13.5 h light, 10.5 h dark). Pipefish were held separated by sex and species and fed ad libidum with frozen gamma blister mysis shrimp (Tropical Marine Centre) twice daily. 4.3 Experimental design 4.3.1 Mating pattern in S. taenionotus and Hybridization in the wild Previous parentage analyses in S. typhle collected across the species range revealed multiple mating in 76% of males, with a maximum of five (2.7 ± 1.2) females per clutch. The males of the Venetian population, however, mated monogamously in 88% of cases (7/8, 13 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods Rispoli and Wilson 2008), indicating broad differences among populations. To investigate the existence of polygyny and to determine whether there is evidence for interspecific hybridization in natural populations in S. taenionotus, seven pregnant males were sampled for parentage analyses. Animals were euthanized with an overdose of MS222 (Ethyl-3aminobenzoate, methansulfonate acid salt, 98%). Four additional pregnant males caught in summer 2008 were also included in this analysis. Two random adult S. typhle collected from the Venice Lagoon and the S. typhle individual from the Sacca degli Scardovari were genotyped at the same loci for comparison. All samples were stored at -20°C at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich prior to genetic analyses. DNA extraction Embryos were removed from male brood pouches and stored individually in 96-well polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plates to maintain pouch order. DNA was extracted from all fathers and every fifth embryo of each clutch (1+N*5), systematically sampling of the male brood. Adult DNA was extracted from tail tissue (5.7 – 11.7 mg) with DNeasy 96 Tissue Kits (QIAGEN, Basel, Switzerland) following the manufacturer’s recommendations except for the final step, where DNA was diluted in 95 µl AE Buffer. Embryo DNA was extracted following the extraction protocol outlined in Gloor and Engels (1992). Microsatellites Microsatellites are highly variable repetitive sequences of two to six base pairs of DNA (Jarne and Lagoda 1996). Alleles differ in the number of repeat units of the repetitive sequences and therefore in length. Due to their high mutation rate and their inheritance, microsatellites are well-established genetic markers for studies of closely related species. For parental analyses, I used six microsatellite loci which have been shown to amplify successfully in S. typhle and S. taenionotus (Hablützel 2009), four of which were originally developed for S. leptorhynchus (Slep06, Slep10, Slep12, Slep13; Wilson 2006b), and two (Styph12 and Styph44) developed for S. typhle (Jones et al. 1999). 14 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods PCR amplification and genotyping Microsatellites were PCR-amplified using a DNA Engine Tetrad® 2, Peltier Thermal Cycler (MJ Research, Waltham, MA, USA), following the protocol outlined in Hablützel (2009). For genotyping, 1 µl of the PCR product was added to a solution containing 0.08 µl GeneScan 500 LIZ genotyping standard (Applied Biosystems), 9.92 µl of 99.5 % deionized HiDi Formamide (Sigma) and 10 µl ddH2O, and incubated for 10 minutes at 95°C before snap cooling on ice for at least five minutes. Fragment separation was performed on an automated sequencer (ABI 3730, Applied Biosystems) and output data were analyzed using GeneMapper® v4.0 (Applied Biosystems). 4.3.2 Preference experiments Preference experiments were performed in four glass tanks measuring 55 x 55 x 75 cm 3 (l x w x h). These tanks were subdivided into three sections, two smaller compartments (22.3 x 22.3 x 75 cm3) containing stimulus animals, and a larger third compartment (22.3 x 55 x 75 cm3) containing the focal individual (Figure 4.2). Dividers between the stimulus and focal compartment were transparent (to include visual cues) and porous (to include olfactory cues), and were opaque and solid between the stimulus compartments to exclude intrasexual competition. Each corner of the experimental tank was equipped with artificial eelgrass for shelter. All individuals were transferred into experimental tanks before 5pm on the evening before the experiments were performed for acclimatization. During acclimatization, all compartments were separated by opaque dividers to prevent water flow. The opaque divider between the focal and stimulus compartments was removed at the start of each experiment, allowing visual and chemical communication between stimulus and focal individuals. Each trial ran for 60 minutes. The total time the focal individual spent in each preference area (two choice areas, highlighted in yellow in Figure 4.3) was recorded for further analyses. All trials were recorded by two cameras (Abus, ProfiLine, TV7043 and TV7047), one recording from top to determine preference according to the time spent in the confined areas, and the other camera recording from the front to detect courtship behavior associated with reproductive preference. During the acclimatization period and experiments, animals were not fed. 15 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods A preference index (lpi = large preference index or cpi = conspecific preference index) was calculated for every trial using the following formulae: Figure 4.2: Setup of the experimental tanks (55 x 55 x 75 cm3) Size dependent preference experiment in S. taenionotus (Experiment 1) The goal of this experiment was to investigate whether S. taenionotus shows size associated preferences, a pattern observed in S. typhle males (Berglund et al. 1986a; Billing et al. 2007; Sundin et al. 2010). Standard length (= SL; Figure 4.4) of each individual was measured before each experiment. The two stimulus animals differed by at least 1.3 cm in female focal experiments (2.3 ± 1.1 cm) and by at least 0.8 cm in SL in male focal experiments (1.8 ± 1.0 cm), with the placement of the stimulus individuals randomized to prevent spurious correlation. The focal individual was of the opposite sex and of random size. 20 replicates were performed for each sex. 16 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods ♀ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ Legend: yellow = choice area = transparent and porous = opaque and solid Figure 4.3: Experimental setup for the size-based preference in S. taenionotus (Exp. 1) Figure 4.4: Standard length (SL) in pipefish (by Hablützel 2009) Preference between con- and interspecific individuals (Exp. 2) A second experiment was designed to test for conspecific preferences in males and females of both S. taenionotus and S. typhle (Figure 4.5). Because S. typhle are typically larger than S. taenionotus (Dawson 1986), the S. typhle stimulus was larger than the S. taenionotus stimulus (8.0 ± 3.7 cm) in 81/82 trials. Again here, the placement of stimulus animals was randomized during each trial. Experiments were conducted with males and females of both species as focal animals (S. taenionotus male (N=20), S. taenionotus female (N=20), S. typhle male (N=22), S. typhle female (N=20)) to detect preferences for conspecifics. SL (Figure 4.4) and wet weight was measured for every individual at the conclusion of the first experimental trial of each fish. Each individual was used a maximum of one time as focal, conspecific and interspecific individual. Animals were held for a minimum of two days (2 – 18 days) after the conclusion of an experiment before use in a subsequent trial. 1 ♀ ♂ 3 ♂ ♀ ♀ 2 ♀ ♂ ♂ Legend: red = S. taenionotus blue = S. typhle yellow = choice area = transparent and porous = opaque and solid ♀ ♀ ♂ ♂ Figure 4.5: Experimental setup for the interspecific preference experiment (Exp. 2) 17 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods 4.3.3 No-choice hybridization experiment and viability of hybrid offspring To investigate whether hybridization is possible between S. typhle and S. taenionotus, a reciprocal no-choice mating experiment was carried out, with 10 S. taenionotus females together with 10 S. typhle males in a single tank (55 x 55 x 75 cm3) and 10 S. taenionotus males together with 10 S. typhle females in a second tank of equal size. Both tanks contained artificial eelgrass for shelter. Pipefish were sampled to cover their natural size range to simulate natural mating conditions as closely as possible. Animals were held together for seven days (08/07 – 15/07). Behavioral observations of interspecific interactions were carried out on the first day of the experiment, and video recordings throughout the entire experimental period provided additional data on individual behavior. To investigate the viability of hybrid offspring and the number of eggs present in male brood pouches, transferred eggs were counted weekly. Pregnant males were held individually in plastic tanks of 60 x 40 x 30 cm3 (lwh), equipped with artificial eelgrass. After the conclusion of the experiments, three randomly selected, non-mated males of each species were placed to mate with the ten conspecific females for 24 hours to assess reproductive activity. 4.4 Statistical analyses 4.4.1 Genetic data To infer the genetic mating pattern in S. taenionotus, genetic data were analyzed using Cervus version 3.0.3 (Field Genetics Ltd., Tristan Marshall 1998-2007) for allele counts and heterozygosity, and GERUD2 (Jones 2005), which calculates the minimal number of mothers contributing eggs to a clutch by using multi-locus data. FST-analyses were performed using Microsatellite-analyzer software (Weir and Cockerham 1984; MSA, Dieringer and Schlotterer 2003) version 4.05, using 10’000 permutations of genotypes among populations to test the reliability of FST-values (Schafer et al. 2006; Mirol et al. 2007). This conservative procedure allows for linkage among the loci without the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Bonferroni correction was applied to account for multiple testing. 4.4.2 Preference experiments Analyses were performed using R version 2.13.2 (© 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing) and graphical outputs were produced using R and MICROSOFT EXCEL 2007. 18 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Materials and Methods Two sided one sample t-tests, concerning the null hypothesis of no preference (i.e. lpi/cpi = 0.5) were used to test for preference for each sex and species independently. Pearson correlation analyses were performed to test for correlation between two variables (SL against wet weight and several variables against the two preference indexes). To test for differences among fixed factors (time of day, tank, sex and species of the focal fish) Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were performed in R. Comparisons between regressions between sexes were tested with the smatr-package in R (Warton et al. 2012). Levene tests, which test for the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity between two groups of samples, were performed in R to test for difference in variance among the different focal fish types for the preference indexes and total choice time. Finally, Generalized Linear Models (GLM) were used to test the combined effects of the variables listed in Table 4.1. Two-way interactions among all variables were included in the initial models, and factors and covariates of the model were then reduced stepwise based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). All abiotic factors were excluded from the GLM of experiment 1 due to the lack of Pearson correlation with the preference indexes (date: r2 = 0.136, P = 0.423) or the lack of difference among groups (time of day of experiment: KruskalWallis Chi-squared H = 0.001, P = 0.973, tank: H = 17.57, P = 0.484). Abiotic factors were similarly excluded from experiment 2 (date: r2 = 0.085, P = 0.469 (Pearson correlation); tank: H (Kruskall-Wallis) = 2.224, P = 0.5272; time of day: H = 0.336, P = 0.0562). Table 4.1: Variables included in the Generalized Linear Models (GLM) Dependent variable Fixed factors Covariates lpi Sex of focal fish cpi Sex of focal fish Species of focal fish SL of focal fish [cm] ∆SL between stimuli [cm] SL of focal [cm] ∆SL between stimuli [cm] 19 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 5 Results 5.1 Mating pattern in S. taenionotus 5.1.1 Allelic richness For each microsatellite locus, 1 - 12 alleles were detected in the eleven clutches (Table 5.1). The most variable microsatellite was Slep12 with a total of 30 alleles and an observed heterozygosity of 0.84, whereas Styph44 was essentially fixed with a single allele of high frequency in each species (134 bp for S. taenionotus and 143 bp for S. typhle, Table 9.1 in the Appendix) with an observed heterozygosity of 0.05 (Table 5.1). Table 5.1: Number of alleles detected in each clutch and heterozygosity of each locus Father SCA08_086 SCA08_097 SCA08_098 SCA08_100 SCA12_1 SCA12_2 SCA12_3 SCA12_4 SCA12_5 SCA12_6 SCA12_7 Total Observed heterozygosity Expected heterozygosity Slep06 5 6 5 7 6 4 7 5 5 8 4 13 0.836 Slep10 2 3 2 2 5 1 3 3 3 2 3 7 0.276 Slep12 9 7 7 12 9 6 6 6 5 12 5 30 0.839 Slep13 4 6 4 5 6 4 5 3 4 6 6 16 0.741 Styph12 6 8 3 7 5 5 6 6 5 7 4 18 0.868 Styph44 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 0.053 0.834 0.290 0.916 0.822 0.855 0.262 5.1.2 Multiple mating in S. taenionotus All embryos had pigmented eyes, and at a late stage of development (stage 7-10 of 11; Sommer et al. 2012; Table 5.2 and Figure 5.1). Microsatellite amplifications were typically more successful in clutches with embryos of an earlier developmental stage (Table 9.2 in the appendix), which is opposed to previous genetic analyses of S. typhle embryos (Rispoli 2007). Microsatellite analyzes using GERUD2 (Jones, 2005) revealed multiple mating in S. taenionotus with a minimum of 3 mothers (4.3 ± 1.25 mothers) contributing eggs to a complete clutch and at least 2 mothers in the incomplete clutch of SCA12_7 (Table 5.2). 20 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results The number of eggs a mother contributed was very variable as well, ranging from 1 – 12 analyzed embryos, indicating a transfer of up to 64 eggs, as only every fifth embryos was analyzed. A positive linear correlation was detected between SL of the father and number of embryos (r2 = 0.892, df = 4, t = 3.948, P = 0.017), but no correlation between number of embryos and the minimum number of mothers per clutch (r2 = 0.469, df = 4, t = 1.061, P = 0.348). Table 5.2: Minimal number of mothers contributing eggs per clutch, * = pouch only half filled, SCA = Sacca degli Scardovari Sampling area and month of collection Father ID Paternal SL [cm] # of embryos # of analyzed embryos # of analyzed loci Min. # of mothers Developmental stage of embryos (Sommer 2012) SCA June 2008 SCA July 2012 086 097 098 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7* n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 17.6 17.0 15.1 15.1 13.9 16.8 14.6 140 135 104 154 150 105 75 64 70 135 37 15 18 14 24 17 19 14 10 12 19 6 6 5 4 4 6 3 6 >6 6 4 6 4 6 5 3 3 6 3 6 5 6 2 10 10 10 10 10 8 7 10 8 10 8 Figure 5.1: Developmental stage of the embryos of pregnant male S. taenionotus collected in 2012 21 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 5.2 Preexperimental observations 5.2.1 Body measurements SL of S. taenionotus ranged from 12 - 19.7 cm (15.35 ± 2.09 cm) with a wet weight between 0.5 g and 2.8 g (1.31 ± 0.54 g). S. typhle SL ranged from 15.8 - 30.1 cm (23.78 ± 3.42 cm) with wet weights ranging from 1.6 - 10.8 g (5.69 ± 2.47 g). SL and wet weight were positively correlated in both species (S. taenionotus: df = 35,t = 9.37, r2 = 0.85, P < 0.001; S. typhle: df = 36,t = 14.7, r2 = 0.93, P < 0.001; Figure 5.2). Sex-specific differences were not detected (S. taenionotus: lr < 0.001, b = 0.251, df = 1, P = 0.995; S. typhle: lr = 0.016, b = 0.708, df = 1, P = 0.898). Therefore SL was used in further analyses as an estimate of body size. Figure 5.2: Correlation between standard length [cm] and wet weight [g] in the experimental pipefish; orange = S. taenionotus females (N = 20), red = S. taenionotus males (N = 17), green = S. typhle females (N = 19) and blue = S. typhle males (N = 19), red line = all S. taenionotus, blue line = all S. typhle Although all adult S. typhle were collected in the Lagoon of Venice, the individuals collected for this study were significantly larger than those collected in previous sampling seasons (2006 vs. 2012: t = -8.82, df = 44.5, P < 0.001; 2008 vs. 2012: t = -6.04, df = 23.5, P < 0.001). Adult S. typhle collected from the Lagoon of Venice in June 2006 (Rispoli and Wilson 2008) reached an average female SL of 21.1 ± 3.6 cm (N = 4), while males reached an average SL of 14.2 ± 1.0 cm (N = 19, Figure 5.3)). Similarly, pipefish sampled in the Lagoon in June 2008 (Wegmann 2009) reached an average total length (TL = SL + length of the tail fin) 22 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results of 14.3 ± 3.6 cm for females (N = 12) and 14.9 ± 3.3 cm for males (N = 10, Figure 5.3). The animals collected for the present study reached an average SL of 23.0 ± 3.0 cm for females (N = 19) and 24.4 ± 3.8 cm for males (N = 19, Figure 5.3). 35 Length [cm] 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Individual Figure 5.3: Length of all sampled S. typhle in Venice; red = 2006 (SL), green = 2008 (total length – 1 cm, as an approximation to SL), blue = 2012 (SL) 5.2.2 Mating behavior Detailed observation of reproductive activity during mating in experimental tanks containing a single male and female S. taenionotus, which performed four egg transfers within the observed eight hours, revealed that courtship always started with the horizontal approach of the male to the female from behind, which was repeated several times without the female showing any reaction. The male performed a cycling movement so that his approach is always from behind. When the female reacted, she exposed her ventral surface to the male (ventral exposure) by swimming ahead of him until her ventral surface was even with the male’s head. The male consistently reacted to the female’s behavior by flicking, a short rotating or shaking movement along the anteroposterior axis. This flicking-behavior was shown before, during and/or after dancing, when male and female synchronously swam in circles facing one another in a horizontal orientation. Following several bouts of dancing, the mating pair switched to a vertical orientation, connected to one another and passively but quickly shot to the surface, while the eggs were transferred. While the male and female returned to the bottom of the tank, the male performed shaking movements, which, according to Fiedler (1945), may be associated with egg fertilization and packing within the pouch. Repeated approaches occurred after a break of variable length (here: 10, 18 and 10 minutes), during which the male promenaded or remained in an S-shaped posture with the tail laying on the ground. One of these mating events took place during the dark portion of 23 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results the light cycle, indicating that mating behavior in S. taenionotus is not strictly limited to daytime. In the male-biased mixed tank (three males and ten females, four observed egg transfers within 160 min), it was more difficult to assess which behavior acted as the initiator to subsequent egg transfer. In one of four cases the process occurred as outlined above, whereas in another case reproductive behavior started in similar fashion, but the first flicking of the male attracted a second female and the dance was performed in a group of three, until one female retired and egg transfer was performed as described above. In the other two cases, the male joined two females already performing dance-like competition. These groups then danced as a group of three, until one female returned to the ground while the other one transferred eggs, while shooting to the surface. Postcopulatory behaviors did not differ from the description above. Observation of mating behavior in a single pair of S. typhle (two egg transfers over two hours) revealed some notable differences from the pattern exhibited by S. taenionotus. In contrast to S. taenionotus, mating behavior in S. typhle was initiated by the female with both individuals aligned vertically (head up) in the eelgrass (vertical approach). The female always approached from above the male, with her ventral surface at the height of the male’s head. In the absence of a male response to this ventral display the female reapproached the male in a similar fashion. The female then placed herself close to the male and performed a short shaking movement. The male reacted with a shaking behavior along his anteroposterior axis, identical to the flicking behavior described for male S. taenionotus. This flicking of the male was repeated several times before the male and female connected and moved passively, but quickly to the surface during the egg-transfer. Similar to the pattern observed in S. taenionotus, male S. typhle exhibit shaking behavior after egg transfer while moving to the bottom of the tank, a behavior which is, according to Fiedler (1945), associated with egg fertilization and packing in the pouch. The female then continued to exhibit courtship behavior of increased intensity, no longer moving beyond the male, leading to a dance-like behavior with the fish in vertical orientation, wherein the male frequently performed the S-shaped posture. The dance lasted until the male started flicking once more and the next egg transfer took place. 24 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 5.3 Experiment 1: Size dependent preference in S. taenionotus 5.3.1 Body measurements In this experiment focal female SL ranged from 12.6 – 18.9 cm (16.4 ± 1.2 cm; Table 5.3). Male focal fish were slightly larger, measuring between 13.2 - 18.9 cm SL with a mean of 16.6 ± 1.2 cm (Table 5.4). 5.3.2 Time measurements There were significant differences in how much time focal animals spent in either choice area (= choice time) in these trials. This pattern was especially pronounced for focal females, which spent from none (choice time = 0 s) up to the entire experimental period (choice time = 3600 s) in the choice areas (Table 5.3). In general, female focal fish spent slightly but not significantly (U = 141, P = 0.385) more time in the choice-area than did males (mean: 1915 ± 1320 s vs. 1498 ± 1210 s; Figure 5.4). The trials in which the focal animal did not spend any time in the choice areas (females: N = 3, males: N = 0) were excluded from further analyses. Figure 5.4: Box-whisker plot (median/quartiles/range) of choice time [s] per sex 25 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results Table 5.3: Measurements for focal females in experiment 1 Focal females (N = 20) ID SL focal Choice∆ SL lpi [cm] time [s] stimuli [cm] 28 12.6 7 1.4 1 13 15.0 3533 3.1 0.604 4 15.4 0 1.5 7 15.5 3368 1.7 1 18 15.6 1051 1.5 0.986 20 15.6 111 1.7 0 30 15.9 260 5.1 0.877 26 16.0 424 3.0 1 33 16.0 906 1.4 0 9 16.1 3106 1.9 0.231 19 16.4 3099 5.5 0.122 5 16.6 3599 1.9 0.621 8 16.6 1163 2.3 1 12 17.1 0 2.2 16 17.1 2607 2.6 0.857 6 17.3 3156 1.9 0.608 29 17.3 2534 2.0 0.750 23 17.4 2373 1.8 0.753 21 17.5 1199 2.4 0.061 22 18.3 0 1.3 - Table 5.4: Measurements for focal males in experiment 1 Focal males (N = 20) ID SL focal Choice∆ SL lpi [cm] time [s] stimuli [cm] 40 13.2 1416 1.5 0.336 31 14.8 607 1.5 0.787 10 15.0 3418 1.5 0.899 35 15.7 2405 2.4 0.230 11 16.1 1122 5.3 0.525 38 16.1 2248 1.8 0.976 37 16.2 172 1.3 0.669 2 16.7 192 1.7 0.990 24 16.9 41 1.8 1 32 16.9 1006 1.3 0.694 1 17.0 718 1.4 0.585 34 17.1 85 2.4 1 17 17.2 968 1.3 0.654 36 17.2 3218 2.4 0.886 42 17.2 3406 0.8 0.816 15 17.4 789 1.4 0.286 27 17.4 1472 2.9 1 3 17.6 3441 1.8 0 14 17.6 582 1.3 0.911 41 18.9 2664 1.0 0.983 5.3.3 Preference for larger partners A two sided, one sample t-test, concerning the null hypothesis of no size-dependent partner preference (lpi = 0.5) revealed no significant preference in females (mean = 0.616, T16 = 1.247, P = 0.231, Figure 5.5a) but highly significant preference for large partners in males (mean = 0.711, T19 = 3.152, P = 0.005, Figure 5.5b) a) b) Figure 5.5: Size preferences for a) female and b) male focal fish ranked by increasing SL on the x-axis 26 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 5.3.4 Variables influencing the large preference index Sex (P < 0.001) and size (P < 0.001) of the focal fish and their interaction (P < 0.001) had a significant impact on the lpi (Table 5.5). Size difference between the two stimuli did not affect lpi, either alone or in interaction with either of the other two variables. Table 5.5: GLM table for experiment 1 Coefficients: (Intercept) Sex of the focal fish Size of the focal fish Stimuli size difference Interaction of sex and size of focal interaction of size of focal and stimuli size difference Estimate 9.17440 -10.00190 -0.52533 -1.61488 0.63580 Df 31 1 1 1 1 Std. Error 2.07171 1.15629 0.12795 0.98585 0.07072 z-value 4.428 -8.650 -4.106 -1.638 8.990 Pr(>|z|) 9.49e-06 < 2e-16 4.03e-5 0.101 < 2e-16 0.09480 1 0.06087 1.557 0.119 The effect of sex of the focal fish is shown in the figure 5.6, where a stronger preference for large partners was detected in male experiments. Lpi values of focal males were also more clustered and less scattered than those of the focal females. Although differences in lpi were not significant (t = -0.834, df = 30.1, P = 0.411), the difference in variance was (Levene Test Statistic W = 0.307, P = 0.012). Figure 5.6: Box-whisker plot (median/quartiles/range) of lpi per sex 5.4 Experiment 2: Preference between con- and interspecific partners 5.4.1 Body measurements S. typhle used in this experiment were significantly larger than S. taenionotus individuals (t = 12.75, df = 61.9, P < 0.001), reflecting species-specific size dimorphism (see Intro27 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results duction). SL of S. taenionotus ranged from 12.0 - 19.7 cm (15.4 ± 2.1 cm) and from 15.8 30.1 cm (23.8 ± 3.4 cm) for S. typhle (Table 5.6). 5.4.2 Time measurements The conspecific preference index (cpi) indicates the focal individual’s preference for an individual of its own species relative to the total time spent in the preference zones of both species (choice time). All four groups (each sex and species as focal animal) showed a broad range in both choice time and cpi (Table 5.6, Figures 5.7 and 5.8). Trials in which focal animals spent no time in the choice zones (N = 6) were excluded from further analyses. Generally S. typhle show slightly higher preference for conspecific partners than do S. taenionotus (t = 1.38, df = 67.7, P = 0.172). Whereas the cpi values of S. typhle cluster around 0.8, the values for S. taenionotus cluster at the two extremes. This difference in variance among species is highly significant (W = 7.721, P = 0.007, Figure 5.8). Table 5.6: Measurements for experiment 2 for a) focal female S. taenionotus, b) focal male S. taenionotus, c) focal females S. typhle, d) focal male S. typhle a) focal female S. taenionotus (N = 20) focal SL choice cpi ∆ SL stim[cm] time [s] uli [cm] 12.0 1243 0.049 5.2 12.5 2213 0.134 7.3 12.9 3572 0.964 9.8 13.3 228 0.346 7.9 13.4 476 0.897 12.9 13.4 374 0.751 11.3 13.7 2533 0.666 16.9 14.0 347 0.813 17.0 14.5 678 0.935 11.5 14.6 81 0.222 7.7 15.5 1032 0.057 1.3 15.5 3600 0.003 2.0 15.6 807 0.093 9.9 15.7 2371 0.183 7.4 16.5 3229 1 11.3 16.6 316 0.532 7.5 17.2 2279 0.297 8.6 17.5 2553 0.914 10.6 17.9 1385 0.796 4.8 19.7 1385 0.929 5.2 b) focal male S. taenionotus (N = 20) focal SL choice cpi ∆ SL stim[cm] time [s] uli [cm] 12.6 826 0.168 4.5 13.1 3586 0 6.0 13.2 484 0.847 7.3 13.3 1984 0.862 5.1 13.4 0 10.7 13.5 3600 1 15.5 13.8 3585 0.008 12.0 13.8 546 0.341 10.9 14.5 18 1 10.6 14.6 1243 0.978 14.2 15.9 0 6.9 16.0 3048 1 6.8 16.5 281 0.456 6.6 16.5 1065 0.151 6.1 16.8 2921 0.507 4.9 17.7 2491 0.536 2.7 18.0 1718 0.782 3.8 18.0 281 0.1 7.3 18.8 3292 0.334 8.5 19.2 1830 0.089 8.4 28 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results c) focal female S. typhle (N = 20) focal SL choice cpi ∆ SL stim[cm] time [s] uli [cm] 17.4 2471 0.153 8.3 20.2 2097 0.728 9.8 20.3 2158 0.565 5.3 20.5 2027 0.683 6.1 20.6 2001 0.125 4.8 21.6 1829 0.579 8.7 22.0 425 1 5.2 22.1 1957 0.427 5.2 22.1 2783 0.944 10.2 22.5 1434 0.85 10.6 22.8 2505 0.317 11.9 22.9 1886 0.019 13.0 24.0 2632 0.687 1.3 24.0 2187 0.697 11.3 24.0 643 0.764 7.2 25.1 2495 0.596 6.1 27.4 1975 0.459 10.8 28.5 2832 0.951 16.3 29.5 3383 0.749 12.9 d) focal male S. typhle (N = 20) focal SL choice cpi ∆ SL stim[cm] time [s] uli [cm] 15.8 1576 0.895 7.6 16.8 590 0.832 11.4 20.7 1388 0.576 6.1 21.1 1827 0.794 5.6 23.0 3551 0.566 10.2 23.2 2332 0.816 15.4 24.0 3285 0.939 0.8 24.0 2426 0.955 7.0 24.2 1600 0.679 6.1 25.2 1172 0.872 4.1 25.3 2566 0.552 5.6 25.3 2041 0.991 8.3 25.7 987 0 6.0 26.7 1639 0.051 0.8 26.7 1760 0.338 5.8 27.5 2409 0.597 6.6 27.8 1841 0.843 9.2 29.5 2247 0.768 8.4 30.1 598 0.452 7.4 In S. typhle, males showed higher preference for conspecific partners (t = -1.06, df = 35.9, P = 0.298) and were less active than females (t = 0.84, df = 35.5, P = 0.406, Figure 5.7 and 5.8), whereas in S. taenionotus, males showed reduced preference for conspecifics (t = 0.40, df = 34.1, P = 0.690) and were more active than females (t = -0.98, df = 33.3, P = 0.332, Figure 5.7 and 5.8). Figure 5.7: Box-whisker plot of choice time [s] per species and sex; taf = S. taenionotus female, tam = S. taenionotus male, tyf = S. typhle female, tym = S. typhle male Figure 5.8: Box-whisker plot of cpi per species and sex; taf = S. taenionotus female, tam = S. taenionotus male, tyf = S. typhle female, tym = S. typhle male 29 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 5.4.3 Preference for conspecific partners A two sided, one sample t-test, revealed a significant preference for conspecific partners in male S. typhle (mean = 0.66, t = 2.41, df = 18, P = 0.027). No evidence for species preference could be detected in either sex of S. taenionotus (female: mean = 0.53, t = 0.35, df = 19, P = 0.730; male: mean = 0.48, t = -0.23, df = 16, P = 0.825) and female S. typhle (mean = 0.56, t = 0.99, df = 18, P = 0.336). 5.4.4 Variables influencing the conspecific preference index A significant effect of the interaction of the sex of the focal fish and size difference between stimuli was found (P = 0.045), along with a minor effect of the sex of the focal fish (P = 0.062) and the interaction of focal individual sex and size (P = 0.064) on the cpi (Table 5.7). Table 5.7: GLM table for experiment 2 Coefficients: (Intercept) Sex of focal fish Species of focal fish Size difference between the stimuli Size of focal fish Interaction of focal sex and stimuli size difference Interaction between sex and size of focal fish Interaction of focal size and stimuli size difference Estimate -4.61526 6.71585 1.93092 -0.26828 0.19463 Df 67 1 1 1 1 Std. Error 2.885474 3.598167 1.369417 0.175177 0.157273 z-value -1.599 1.866 1.410 -1.531 1.238 Pr(>|z|) 0.1097 0.0620 0.1585 0.1256 0.2159 0.20293 1 0.101073 2.008 0.0447 -0.33893 1 0.183215 -1.850 0.0643 0.00388 1 0.008322 0.466 0.6415 Focal males and females differed in their response to size differences between stimuli, with males showing stronger preference when stimuli differed more greatly in size (t = 1.69, df = 34, r2 = 0.28, P = 0.100) and females showing the opposite pattern (t = -0.90, df = 37, r2 = -0.15, P = 0.37). When considering the species separately, both sexes of S. taenionotus showed stronger conspecific preference when size differences were high (female: t = -2.97, df = 18, r2 = -0.57, P = 0.008; male: t = -0.71, df = 15, r2 = -0.18, P = 0.488; Figure 5.9a) and female and male S. typhle differed in their response, with males showing stronger conspecific preference when size differences were high (t = 1.35, df = 17, r 2 = 0.31, P = 0.196), and females showing a stronger conspecific preference when the two stimuli were of 30 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results similar size (t = -0.78, df = 17, r2 = -0.19, P = 0.448; Figure 5.9b). The relationship between stimulus size and cpi was only significant for female S. taenionotus. a) b) ∆ ∆ Figure 5.9: Relation between cpi and stimulus SL difference [cm] for focal a) S. taenionotus and b) S. typhle; red = male S. taenionotus, orange = female S. taenionotus, blue = male S. typhle, green = female S. typhle 5.5 No-choice mating experiment 5.5.1 Body measurements Pipefish used in this experiment ranged between 12.4 - 28 cm SL (Table 5.8). Overlap in size between species was possible in the experiments involving S. typhle females and S. taenionotus males, but all S. typhle males were larger in size than S. taenionotus females (Figures 5.10 and 5.11). In both experiments, the two species were significantly different in size (male S. typhle and female S. taenionotus: t = 6.21, df = 10.4, P < 0.001; male S. taenionotus and female S. typhle: t = -4.23, df = 17.9, P < 0.001). Table 5.8: SL measurements for S. taenionotus and S. typhle in the no-choice experiments SL [cm] Min. – Max. Median Mean ± SD S. taenionotus females 15.3 – 18.0 16.4 16.49 ± 0.94 S. taenionotus males 12.4 – 20.4 17.45 17.33 ± 2.17 S. typhle females 17.2 – 25.5 21.8 21.61 ± 2.36 S. typhle males 18.6 – 28.0 23.35 23.23 ± 3.30 31 30 30 25 25 20 20 SL [cm] SL [cm] Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results 15 10 15 10 5 5 0 0 Figure 5.10: SL [cm] distribution in the no-choice experiment 1; red = S. taenionotus males, blue = S. typhle females Figure 5.11: SL [cm] distribution in the nochoice experiment 2; red = S. taenionotus females, blue = S. typhle males 5.5.2 Behavior Behavioral interactions among species could be observed regularly, throughout the experimental period, and male flicking was observed in both trials (Table 5.9). Interestingly, several S. typhle specimens of both sexes were horizontally aligned along the bottom of the experimental tanks, a behavior atypical for this species (see 5.2.2). In addition to courtship behavior, intrasexual competitive behavior could be observed in both sexes of the two species, including chasing behavior, dance-like paired or grouped swimming and ornament display in females (Figure 5.12). Table 5.9: Observed courtship and mating behavior; taf = S. taenionotus females, tam = S. taenionotus males, tyf = S. typhle females, tym = S. typhle males Behavior Approaching the partner Ventral display Flicking Dancing Going up to the surface Shaking S. taenionotus Male (horizontal, on the ground) Female S. typhle Female (vertical, in the eelgrass) Female Observed in the no-choice experiment tam /tyf taf /tym tam approaching tyf, taf approaching tym, tyf laying on the tym laying on the ground (unusual for ground (unusual for S. typhle) S. typhle) No No Male Horizontal Both Male Vertical Both Yes No No Yes No No Male Male No No 32 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results a) b) Figure 5.12: Female S. taenionotus a) displaying the ornaments and b) not displaying the ornaments After one week of free mating in the no-choice experiment, two S. typhle males carried eggs, though the number of eggs detected was low, with two eggs in one male and four eggs brooded by the second individual. After the first week of pregnancy, the first male had already lost both of his eggs, whereas the other individual still carried four eggs, none of which showed further development or growth. A week later there were still four bulges visible in this individual, but still no growth or development detectable. After the third week (06.07.2012) the second male was no longer pregnant. In subsequent intraspecific mating trials, 1/3 (33%) of S. typhle and 2/3 (66%) of S. taenionotus males successfully mated within 24 hours. 5.6 Hybridization in wild populations Microsatellite data show clear differentiation between S. taenionotus and S. typhle alleles at at least two of the six analyzed microsatellites (personal data and data from Hablützel 2009; Table 9.1 in the appendix). These two loci (Slep12 and Styph44) are 33 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results subsequently useful for identifying hybrids between the two species. S. taenionotus show a broad range of alleles at Slep12, with alleles ranging in length between 188 bp and 238 bp (25 alleles). S. typhle, in contrast show less variability (7 alleles) and are almost fixed to the 194 bp-allele (72.1 %). Similarly, Styph44 differed between the two species, essentially fixed for a single allele of high frequency in each species (134 bp for S. taenionotus (96,3%) and 143 bp for S. typhle (92.3%); Table 9.1 in the Appendix) and an observed heterozygosity of 0.05 (Table 5.1). The S. typhle individual caught in the Sacca degli Scardovari was heterozygous for this locus, with one allele of 143 bp and the other one of 134 bp. FST-analyses revealed the smallest differences (FST < 0.115) within species collected in different years (Table 5.10), and indicated that the differences between the S. typhle specimens caught near Scardovari (SCA) and the S. taenionotus specimens collected at this site (FST = 0.204 – 0.212) were smaller than those detected between S. typhle of Venice (VEN) and S. taenionotus of Scardovari (FST = 0.288 – 0.310). Interestingly, the lowest interspecific FST values were detected between the S. typhle collected at the Sacca degli Scardovari and the S. taenionotus from the Lagoon of Venice (FST = 0.144) a value only slightly larger than that detected between S. taenionotus from Venice and those from Scardovari (Table 5.10). Table 5.10: FST- (below axis) and P-values (above axis) between different sampling sites and years; B = significant after Bonferroni-correction S. taenionotus S. typhle P-values: FSTSCA 2008 SCA 2012 VEN VEN 2008 VEN 2012 SCA values: (N = 41) (N = 7) (N = 2) (N = 43) (N = 2) (N = 2) 2008 0 0.213 0.065 < 0.001B < 0.001B 0.002B S. taenionotus 2012 0.008 0 0.015 < 0.001B < 0.001B 0.024 B VEN 0.055 0.114 0 < 0.001 0.344 0.357 2008 0.288 0.308 0.289 0 0.088 0.026 S. typhle 2012 0.297 0.310 0.246 0.052 0 0.325 SCA 0.204 0.212 0.144 0.092 0.053 0 An individual-based analysis of hybridization revealed clear differentiation among the two species, but a significant number of individuals of mixed genetic ancestry could be detected (Figure 5.13). S. taenionotus individuals caught in the Lagoon of Venice (Hablützel 2009) show a pattern similar to that detected in the Sacca degli Scardovari population. Interestingly one of the two S. typhle specimens caught near Scardovari in 2012 (SCAty12) is of mixed ancestry (Figure 5.13), showing indications of hybrid ancestry. 34 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Results The S. taenionotus clutches, analyzed from the Sacca population showed little evidence of hybrid ancestry, and the single outlier individual may be an artifact as data were only VENta08 SCAty12 SCAty08 VENty08 SCAta08 VENty12 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% SCAta12 assignment probability available from 3 markers for this individual. Figure 5.13: Newhybs plot for six analyzed microsatellite loci in adult pipefish, red = S. taenionotus, blue = S. typhle, purple = F1-Hybrids, light purple = F2-Hybrids, orange = Backcrosses to S. taenionotus, green = backcrosses to S. typhle, VEN = Lagoon of Venice, SCA = Sacca degli Scardovari, ta = S. taenionotus, ty = S. typhle, 12 = caught in 2012, 08 = caught in 2008 (samples of 2008 provided by Hablützel 2009) assignment probability 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1 2 3 2012 4 5 6 7 86 97 98 100 2008 Figure 5.14: Newhybs plot for six analyzed microsatellite loci in the embryos, red = S. taenionotus, blue = S. typhle, purple = F1-Hybrids, light purple = F2-Hybrids, orange = Backcrosses to S. taenionotus, green = backcrosses to S. typhle, VEN = Lagoon of Venice, SCA = Sacca degli Scardovari, x-axes: identity of the fathers 35 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion 6 Discussion The experimental analyses carried out here provided evidence of multiple mating and a significant preference for large females in S. taenionotus, both patterns previously found in S. typhle. Observation of courtship behavior revealed minor differences between the two species, including sex-specific differences in the initiation of courtship and in courtship orientation. While courtship was initiated by males in S. taenionotus, and mating behavior was exhibited mainly in horizontal orientation close to the bottom, courtship in S. typhle was initiated by females and was performed in vertical orientation. Reciprocal no-choice experiments between S. taenionotus and S. typhle resulted in a low frequency of matings between S. typhle males and S. taenionotus females, but no reciprocal matings. Successful matings involved the transfer of small numbers of eggs, none of which survived to maturity. Genetic analysis of wild-caught pregnant males revealed no evidence for interspecific gene exchange. Taken together these results suggest reproductive isolation of the two species due to differences in courtship behavior and postmating barriers. 6.1 Mating systems 6.1.1 Mating behavior Courtship and mating behaviors observed in S. taenionotus are generally similar to behaviors exhibited by other members of the genus Syngnathus (described in Fiedler 1954). However minor differences were detected which may be relevant for understanding the lack of evidence for contemporary hybridization between S. taenionotus and S. typhle. For example, the sex initiating mating appears to differ between the two species in single pair matings. Additionally, all behaviors prior to egg transfer, including dancing, are performed in different orientations; vertically in the eelgrass in S. typhle and horizontally close to the floor in S. taenionotus. Interestingly, results for S. typhle from previous observations of mating behavior differ among populations and studies. Fiedler (1954) described the active search for mating partners in both sexes of S. typhle, followed by dancing behavior in a horizontal orientation similar to that observed in S. taenionotus here. His description of female trunk bending and “fake” dodging (“sprödes” Ausweichen) by the male are similar to the dancing behavior described in this study and previously by Vincent et al. (1995). In contrast to Fiedler’s (1954) observation of mainly horizontal courtship, Vincent et al. (1995), analyzing courtship in the wild, observed vertical courtship, as observed here in S. typhle, after a hori36 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion zontal search by males for receptive females. Vincent (1995) also described egg transfer in S. typhle following female-female competition without obvious courtship behavior, a pattern similar to that observed in S. taenionotus, where egg transfer was twice observed after a male joined two dancing females. Mating behavior in S. typhle thus appears to be variable, depending on populations and the abundance of potential mating partners, competitors and ecological conditions (Fiedler 1954; Ahnesjö 1995; Vincent et al. 1995; Rispoli and Wilson 2008). Further analyses of geographical variation in mating behavior would be of interest in order to determine the extent to which the pattern observed for Venice pipefish is generalizable to other populations in the region. 6.1.2 Sex-roles Intrasexual competition was observed among males and females of both species during the no-choice experiment, and dance-like competitive behavior was also exhibited in both sexes of the two species. Fiedler (1954) observed the same intrasexual behavior in both male and female S. typhle, but interpreted this as courtship rather than competition. He suggested that intrasexual interactions reflected the inability of S. typhle to differentiate between the two sexes when aroused. Coloration-specific competition as described in S. typhle females (Berglund and Rosenqvist 1993; Bernet et al. 1998) was restricted to females of both species, suggesting stronger sexual selection on females and possible sex-role reversal in both species. Sex-specific activity levels differed between the two experiments, with females showing higher activity during the intraspecific experiment (female: 1915 ± 1320 s vs. male: 1499 ± 1210 s) and males showing higher activity when presented with both S. taenionotus and S. typhle females (male: 1927 ± 1240 s vs. female: 1535 ± 1167 s). While this differences likely reflects stochastic variation, further investigation of sex-specific courtship activity would be worthwhile. Although activity during preference experiments and competitive behavior during nochoice mating experiments failed to provide clear indications of the dominant sex-roles in S. taenionotus, previous studies have provided evidence of sex-role reversal in several Syngnathus spp (Roelke and Sogard 1993; Jones and Avise 1997; Watanabe et al. 2000; Jones et al. 2001) including S. typhle (Berglund et al. 1986a; Berglund et al. 1988). Further investigations of intrasexual competition and choosiness in S. taenionotus will be needed to see if it shows sex-roles consistent with the other species in the genus Syngnathus. 37 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion 6.1.3 Preference for large partners Pipefish exhibit indeterminate growth. As such, body size provides an estimate of individual age, possibly reflecting genetic quality, and acting as an indicator mechanism during courtship (Andersson and Simmons 2006). Individuals which live longer are successful in predation avoidance, foraging and potentially have a higher quality immune system preventing illness or parasitism (Folstad and Karter 1992). Mating with larger females also provides direct benefits in Syngnathus spp. because larger females typically both produce larger eggs, leading to larger embryos and therefore better survival rates, and transfer more eggs per mating (Berglund et al. 1986a; Berglund et al. 1988). In this study, preferences for large partners were detected in male S. taenionotus, but not in females, a pattern expected to lead to larger body size in females due to sexual selection. However, there is no evidence of sexual size dimorphism in this species, in contrast to the female-biased sexual size dimorphism detected in some populations of S. typhle (Rispoli and Wilson 2008). This may indicate that additional selective forces may act to limit female size in S. taenionotus and S. typhle populations in which males and females are similar in size (Berglund et al. 1986a; Svensson 1988; Rispoli and Wilson 2008). Although a number of studies have investigated preferences for large mating partners in S. typhle, the results of these studies differ. Whereas most studies detected significant preferences for large mating partners in males (Berglund et al. 1988; Billing et al. 2007; Sundin et al. 2010), Sandvik et al. (2000) found no such preference. The experimental design of the Sandvik (2000) study may be prone to errors, as the placement of shelters in the choice areas may have induced focal fish to stay in the choice areas longer than they otherwise would. In addition, Sandvik (2000) scored mating activity only every 30 minutes, which may not adequately reflect natural mating behavior, considering the large number of movements of the focal fish detected in the experiments described here. Such point sampling could lead to a non-representative pattern differing from that for the full experimental period. The experimental design of Sundin et al. (2010) is most similar to that carried out here, and is perhaps the best comparison. The Sundin et al. (2010) study detected a highly significant size preference for large mating partners in male S. typhle. Convincing data for size preference in S. typhle females are not yet available, as previous studies revealed contradicting results (Berglund et al. 1986a; Sandvik et al. 2000) or failed to investigate female preference (Billing et al. 2007; Sundin et al. 2010). The present study 38 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion found no preference for large partners in female S. taenionotus. Interestingly, lpis were neither randomly distributed nor did they cluster around 0.5 as would be expected if individuals were uninterested in the trait of interest. The fact that females’ values cluster around zero and one (Figure 5.5) suggest that there may be some size associated preferences in females, although these preferences may be individual specific. To isolate the effects of size from other preference cues, the use of video-playback in mate choice experiments could be helpful (Robinson-Wolrath 2006). Data for Hippocampus abdominalis from an identical experimental setup (Mattle 2007) shows a very similar pattern to that observed here. Both S. taenionotus and H. abdominalis show higher preference for large partners in males (S. taenionotus: mean = 0.71 ± 0.30; H. abdominalis: 0.71 ± 0.27) than in females (S. taenionotus: 0.62 ± 0.38; H. abdominalis: 0.61 ± 0.39), and female variance is higher in both studies (S. taenionotus: females: 0.147; males: 0.090; H. abdominalis: females: 0.149; males: 0.071). The results of these studies indicate that preferences for large mating partners in males but not in females may be a widespread phenomena in syngnathids. 6.1.4 Multiple mating Multiple mating in males is common in Syngnathus spp. (Wilson et al. 2003; reviewed in Coleman and Jones 2011). Only S. scovelli (Jones and Avise 1997; Jones et al. 2001), some S. floridae (Mobley and Jones 2009) and Italian populations of S. typhle (Rispoli 2007) exhibit frequent monogamy. The present study supports the general pattern of multiple mating in Syngnathus males. With an average of more than 4 females contributing eggs to each clutch, S. taenionotus shows one of the highest rates of multiple mating in the genus. These numbers may be underestimates, since GERUD2 calculates the minimum number of mothers required to produce the observed allele combinations. As only every fifth embryo was analyzed, females which contributed a small number of eggs may not have been sampled in the analysis (Jones et al. 1999). Since all of the males (11/11) analyzed here mated multiply, the frequency of multiple mating in S. taenionotus appears to be close to 100%. Multiple mating is also common in S. typhle, and has been detected in both males and females (Berglund et al. 1988; Rispoli and Wilson 2008). Whereas the parentage analysis carried out here does not allow for inferences concerning polyandry in S. taenionotus, I ob39 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion served four mating events of the same pair of fish within eight hours, indicating that females do not transfer all ripe eggs at once and are thus physiologically capable of multiple mating. Multiple mating by males may occur due to physiological constraints, including limits in the number of mature eggs produced by females (Berglund et al. 1988; Franzoi et al. 1993), or may be an adaptive tactic to increase fitness. Female S. typhle produce more than enough eggs to fill male brood pouches (Berglund et al. 1989; Berglund and Rosenqvist 1990), but the large brood pouch of male S. taenionotus is capable of holding all ripe eggs from ≥ 2 females (Franzoi et al. 1993). Multiple mating for genetic “bet-hedging” is most important in species which are not able to clearly differentiate between beneficial and costly mating partners (Jennions and Petrie 2000). Mating partners can be costly due to intragenomic conflicts, sterility or kin, all of which generally reduce the fitness of the parents (Lorch and Chao 2003). The lack of clear species recognition in preference trials suggests that S. typhle and S. taenionotus individuals may be unable to distinguish conspecifics before commencing courtship. As such, multiple mating in this two species could be selected for, as it may lead to higher average fitness due to the dilution of costly mating. Therefore “bet-hedging” may be one of the benefits advancing multiple mating in Syngnathus spp. Furthermore, multiple mating is inevitable for S. taenionotus males looking to make use of their large brood pouch capacity. 6.2 Hybridization in the Adriatic pipefish species S. taenionotus and S. typhle 6.2.1 Body measurements The S. typhle specimens collected during this study, were significantly larger than the S. taenionotus individuals, and significantly larger (SL = 23.8 ± 3.4 cm) than previous field collections of S. typhle. In the well-studied Swedish population, specimens rarely reach SL of more than 20 cm (Berglund et al. 1986, Berglund et al. 1988, Sandvik et al. 2000, Sundin et al. 2010). Other populations of S. typhle reach an average total length (TL = SL + length of the tailfin) between 13.4 cm (Askö, Sweden) and 24.5 cm (France; Morey et al. 2003; Gurkan and Taskavak 2007; Rispoli and Wilson 2008). Rispoli (2007) sampled adult S. typhle from a number of populations in Europe and revealed significant interpopulational size differences. Specimens from the Lagoon of Venice reached an average SL of 21.1 ± 3.8 cm (N = 4) for females and 14.2 ± 1.0 cm (N = 19) for 40 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion males. Subsequent sampling in Venice by Wegmann (2009) yielded an average total length of 14.3 ± 3.6 cm for females (N = 12) and 14.9 ± 3.3 cm for males (N = 10). Since S. typhle exhibits indeterminate growth, differences between studies may indicate that younger adults were collected in previous surveys relative to the individuals sampled here. When considering all S. typhle collected in Rispoli (2007), Wegmann (2009) and the present study (Figure 5.3), animals appear to fall into a number of groups of similar size. Assuming that these groupings reflect annual cohorts, individuals younger than a year can reach SL up to 17 cm, those between one and two years of age may reach SL up to 26 cm and larger animals are most likely to be older than 2 years. Sampling dates alone do not explain the major size differences of the Venetian populations collected in different years. Both of previous samplings were carried out at the end of June in 2006 (Rispoli) and in 2008 (Wegmann), close to the middle of the sampling period of the present study (mid of May until end of July 2012). One potential explanation for the absence of small and young adult S. typhle here is a possible shift in the mating season in 2012 due to an extremely cold winter, with two days of water temperature below 0°C in February 2012 and an ice layer on the lagoon (data from the hydrobiological station in Chioggia, see Figures 9.1 and 9.2 in the Appendix), something which delayed reproduction in other fish species in the lagoon (i. e. Zosterissessor ophiocephalus; Poli, personal communication). A temporal shift in the mating season in 2012 due to climatic conditions could explain the absence of small adults in this summer, but not the apparent absence of large individuals in previous studies. Possible reasons therefore include temporal migration of adult pipefish (Vincent et al. 1994), variable size-specific selection pressure related to predation pressure and/or food availability, and/or differences in sampling methods. Whereas previous studies used a boat driven by a 15 PS motor, the use of a 55 PS motor in 2012 allowed for a more rapid trawling. If larger individuals are able to swim faster than smaller pipefish, they may have been able to evade capture during earlier sampling. S. taenionotus collected in 2012 reached an average SL of 15.3 ± 2.1 cm, slightly smaller than those collected by Hablützel (2009; TL = 18.0 ± 1.3 cm), leading to an unexpectedly large interspecific size difference (difference of means: 8.5 cm), something which led to a significant size bias in the experiments involving both species (experiment 2 and no-choice experiments). As a consequence at least two classes of factors in experiment 2, speciesspecific and size-dependent, likely influenced preferences of focal individuals. Because males 41 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion of both species exhibit preference for large partners (Berglund et al. 1986a; Sundin et al. 2010, this study) a bias to the generally larger S. typhle females would be expected in the male trials of both species. As S. typhle were sometimes more than double the size of the S. taenionotus in the same trials, size sometimes may have acted as a species-recognition cue, with individuals falling far outside the range of conspecifics being avoided. The potential interaction between size- and species-recognition cues makes it difficult to interpret the results of this experiment. However, as this interspecific size dimorphism reflects the situation in wild populations, no efforts were taken to reduce size differences, i.e. by excluding the largest S. typhle and the smallest S. taenionotus individuals. To check whether size differences prevent animals from mating, intraspecific mating experiments with different sized mating partners could be helpful. 6.2.2 Species recognition The concept of species recognition is often used in studies investigating the origin and maintenance of species (Mendelson and Shaw 2012). Mendelson and Shaw (2012) defined species recognition as “a measurable difference in behavioral response toward conspecifics as compared to heterospecifics”. Species able to distinguish between conspecifics and other species are expected to show stronger responses to conspecific stimuli relative to these from other species. Since no such pattern could be detected for S. taenionotus and female S. typhle, their ability to clearly identify conspecifics is doubtful. Female S. typhle failed to exhibit any clear difference. In S. taenionotus, however, some individuals showed clear preferences for one or the other stimulus, but such preferences were not evident at the population level. To check whether the individual preferences detected here reflect real preferences, or whether they occurred by chance, repeated trials with the same focal animal would be helpful. If the same preference is shown in most trials, individual preference may be assumed, otherwise these patterns may reflect a stochastic artifact. S. typhle, and possibly S. taenionotus (see 5.1.2), appear to be sex-role reversed (Berglund et al. 1986b). As such, males of both species are expected to be more choosy, and therefore should perform better in species recognition to reduce costly interspecific interactions. The fact that male S. typhle showed stronger response to conspecific stimuli than did S. taenionotus males, can be explained by the preference for large sized individuals in both species (Berglund et al. 1988; Billing et al. 2007; Sundin et al. 2010, this study). In male S. 42 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion typhle, species recognition and preference for large partners are expected to reinforce one another, as larger S. typhle females should be preferred both due to species and to size. These two signals are in conflict in S. taenionotus males, which would be expected to prefer S. taenionotus females due to species recognition, but S. typhle due to their larger size. The high variance in preferences shown by S. taenionotus males thus suggests that individual males may differ in their response to size- and species-based cues. A similar conflict between sexual selection and species recognition has been observed in several hybridizing fish taxa (Hankison and Morris 2002; Rosenfield and Kodric-Brown 2003; Rosenthal and Ryan 2011). The absence of a significant preference for conspecific partners in females may reflect the lower degree of female choosiness in these two species (Berglund and Rosenqvist 1993). Because S. typhle females showed no preference (cpi ca. 0.5), they are either not able to discriminate between con- and interspecifics, or they simply do not mind with whom they mate. The pattern found in S. taenionotus females was similar to that observed in males, with no clear overall preference, but individual preferences for either the large or the conspecific stimulus, reflected in higher female variance, similar to the pattern detected in experiment 1. This may indicate some degree of choosiness in at least some female S. taenionotus. As a consequence, there may be a sexual trait preference independent of size in female S. taenionotus that is competing with species recognition. Further experiments to investigate sexual-traits and species recognition-cues would allow a better understanding of mate choice in S. taenionotus. 6.2.3 Experimental hybridization Few eggs were transferred from S. taenionotus to S. typhle during the no-choice experiments, and no S. taenionotus males mated at all during the trials. These results conflict with the results from the preference experiments in indicating strong premating isolation between the two species. In cases of successful mating, all transferred eggs failed to develop, indicating that postmating isolation is also strong in this system. Observations of intraspecific matings in both species at the same time of day suggest that temporal barriers to mating likely are not present in this system. Post-experimental tests led to intraspecific mating in less than24 h in 2/3 S. taenionotus and 1/3 S. typhle, indicating that individuals were reproductively receptive during the trials. 43 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion The absence of strong conspecific preferences in experiment 2 suggests that both species do not discriminate in terms of potential mating partners. The exhibition of intrasexual competition and the beginning of courtship behavior, i.e. flicking, reinforces this assumption, as well as the exhibition of S. taenionotus-behavior in S. typhle, displaying in horizontal orientation. Nonetheless, there were few successful matings, indicating that interspecific differences in early courtship behavior may act to limit mating between the two species. Mechanical barriers to egg transfer may also exist, as the eggs of S. typhle are larger (2.0 mm) than these of S. taenionotus (1.4 mm). As such, egg transfer from S. typhle females to S. taenionotus males may be restricted. The experimental design used here may have also limited opportunities for mating due to high densities, which may have increased competitive interactions. Additional no-choice mating experiments using variable densities and sex ratios would provide valuable additional data on the potential for hybridization between the two species under laboratory conditions. The precise form of postmating isolation responsible for the inviability of S. taenionotus eggs brooded by S. typhle males is unclear (Lessios and Cunningham 1990; Alipaz et al. 2001). Another possibility is the absence of a species-specific fertilization stimulus either during egg transfer, which would lead to successful transfer of unfertilized eggs, or after egg transfer, which triggers sperm release and fertilization of the transferred eggs. 6.2.4 Hybridization in wild populations Perhaps unsurprisingly given the results of the laboratory trials, FST and structure analyses revealed clear differentiation of the two species in natural populations. FST values between temporal samples of the same populations were low, indicating stable allele frequencies over time. Interspecific differences, in contrast, were significantly higher. The individuals collected from sites where they occur at low densities (i.e. S. taenionotus in the Lagoon of Venice and S. typhle in the Sacca degli Scardovari) were less distinct, but still closer to their own species than to the sympatric population of the heterospecifics. These results indicate limited gene flow between populations north and south of the Po, and a lack of contemporary gene flow between the two species. Structure analyses provided some evidence of ancestral hybridization, but the absence of F1 or F2 hybrids, suggests that these results could reflect the hybrid origin of S. taenionotus (Hablützel 2009). This suggestion is further reinforced by the fact that the spe44 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Discussion cies remain genetically distinct, even when collected in areas where they occur in low densities relative to heterospecifics, something which has been suggested to increase hybridization frequency in the less frequent species (Moyer 1981; Arnold et al. 1993; Wirtz 1999). Parentage analyses revealed a similar pattern, with few embryos providing some evidence of ancestral hybridization. The only wild-caught individual which showed evidence of backcrossing to both species, and therefore could not be assigned with confidence to a single species based on genetic data, was the Scardovari S. typhle specimen caught in 2012, which carried an allele common in S. taenionotus. Again, this counterintuitive pattern may simply reflect incomplete lineage sorting since the ancient hybridization event 0.25 – 1.11 mya. Larger collection of such individuals would be necessary to infer contemporary mating between the two species. The pre- and postmating isolating mechanisms explored here are likely reinforced by ecological isolating mechanisms in natural populations. Despite efforts to identify a site at which both species occur at high densities, such a location has not yet been found. As a consequence, the S. taenionotus and S. typhle individuals used here were collected from sites where they largely interact with conspecifics. As both of the S. typhle specimens collected near Scardovari were juveniles, a resident population of S. typhle may not be found in the region, and juvenile pipefish may be transferred beyond their natural range by currents (Giani et al. 2012). Previous studies have detected high densities of S. typhle and low densities of S. taenionotus in the Lagoon of Venice with a ratio of ca. 150 : 1 (Riccato et al. 2003; Franco et al. 2006), and high densities of S. taenionotus and low densities of S. typhle in the Sacca degli Scardovari, with a ratio of ca. 100 : 1 (Franzoi et al. 1993; Hablützel 2009). Detailed spatial surveys of the region would be necessary to identify whether the two species occur sympatrically at sites along the Italian coastline. Such an area would be the most likely location for hybridization, and would provide for more realistic tests of conspecific preference, which would be expected to be especially highly developed in mixed populations. Even if the two species do co-occur spatially, they may be ecologically segregated, because S. typhle mainly occur in eelgrass beds, which they only leave sparsely, whereas S. taenionotus are mainly found in areas with sandy bottoms partly covered with macroalgae. Such habitat segregation may act to minimize species interactions, and further limit the possibility for hybridization. 45 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Conclusions 7 Conclusions The present study provided insights into the mating system of S. taenionotus and S. typhle. Both species show evidence for sex-role reversal, with female-female competition and increased sexual selection on females. Males of both species show a preference for large mating partners. The species exhibit different levels of multiple mating: Venetian S. typhle males mated with fewer females than S. taenionotus males. Despite the general similarities in reproductive behavior, the two species show sex-specific differences in the initiation of courtship and differ in their courtship orientation. Whereas S. taenionotus perform their courtship close to the ground and in horizontal orientation, S. typhle exhibit mating behavior in a vertical orientation, mimicking eelgrass. To detect contemporary hybridization, reciprocal no-choice mating experiments between S. taenionotus and S. typhle were carried out, which resulted in a low frequency of matings between S. typhle males and S. taenionotus females, but not vice-versa. Successful matings involved the transfer of small numbers of eggs, none of which survived to maturity. Additional genetic analyses of adult pipefish did not reveal evidence for contemporary hybridization in wild populations, even though S. typhle females and both sexes of S. taenionotus did not discriminate between species in experiment 2. 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VENty08_16 VENty08_17 Slep06 197 199 194 194 194 194 194 194 195 192 194 194 196 202 194 204 194 196 196 190 190 192 196 194 194 194 190 194 194 194 198 192 190 196 194 198 194 192 192 196 196 194 190 196 194 196 192 194 197 203 192 192 192 192 198 192 192 194 198 192 192 192 192 192 198 199 203 199 197 201 203 199 205 212 196 201 200 200 202 200 206 194 210 208 198 198 200 196 200 194 198 192 200 198 198 198 194 196 208 202 200 204 192 194 198 196 194 194 198 204 212 192 198 201 205 198 202 200 198 200 194 200 200 200 208 198 194 208 198 200 Slep10 271 271 267 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 269 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 267 271 271 267 271 271 271 271 271 275 271 271 275 271 271 275 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 275 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 267 275 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 275 271 271 271 271 275 271 271 269 271 269 269 273 269 269 269 269 269 271 269 271 269 273 277 273 273 271 269 275 271 271 271 273 271 271 271 273 273 273 Slep12 204 208 192 208 208 216 205 208 200 208 198 198 204 204 194 208 198 192 233 208 188 196 196 200 206 223 223 227 233 198 198 198 208 198 219 196 208 208 213 208 194 192 200 213 223 200 208 233 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 221 219 216 216 208 221 238 216 213 238 218 217 229 213 208 208 213 196 233 229 190 225 200 227 225 231 223 233 233 211 219 198 208 198 227 196 215 208 227 208 221 233 208 221 223 213 208 233 194 194 198 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 196 194 194 198 198 194 198 Slep13 350 350 352 350 352 350 344 352 350 348 350 350 352 348 339 354 341 352 337 350 350 348 346 353 352 335 339 350 352 352 344 354 350 350 335 344 352 352 350 348 335 352 354 350 352 350 348 350 345 353 345 347 347 352 346 352 347 347 347 345 350 348 352 345 346 352 357 352 354 354 357 353 354 356 356 350 350 352 350 346 356 355 357 350 352 350 352 352 357 352 357 350 353 357 353 357 357 352 350 335 344 354 352 350 352 335 352 355 352 352 357 356 352 349 353 346 357 352 353 355 357 353 352 349 351 352 352 355 352 345 Styph12 155 149 153 176 155 163 170 155 163 153 163 163 153 165 149 172 145 153 153 178 163 165 153 180 172 165 176 163 184 157 176 176 153 188 153 178 153 186 180 188 163 143 163 252 149 172 143 155 157 149 161 163 163 172 163 153 153 163 153 153 176 159 163 174 155 172 163 186 170 184 172 165 153 151 163 157 149 180 172 174 153 172 161 157 186 163 170 153 184 157 163 184 178 174 169 172 161 172 195 178 172 165 165 172 163 157 167 174 170 167 172 172 159 167 Styph44 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 127 127 127 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 130 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 52 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Appendix VENty08_18 VENty08_19 VENty08_20 VENty08_21 VENty08_22 VENty08_23 VENty08_24 VENty08_25 VENty08_26 VENty08_27 VENty08_28 VENty08_29 VENty08_30 VENty08_31 VENty08_32 VENty08_33 VENty08_34 VENty08_35 VENty08_36 VENty08_37 VENty08_38 VENty08_39 VENty08_40 VENty08_41 VENty08_42 VENty08_43 VENty08_44 VENty08_45 SCAty12_1 SCAty08_1 VENta08_1 VENta08_2 192 192 192 192 192 198 192 192 192 192 194 200 194 192 192 192 192 192 192 198 192 192 192 192 194 192 192 198 194 204 208 194 200 194 208 198 198 198 202 206 238 194 200 198 196 202 202 192 202 202 198 200 206 200 200 200 200 194 192 198 0 269 0 273 269 269 269 273 271 273 271 271 269 269 269 271 269 273 269 269 273 273 273 271 269 269 269 271 279 273 273 273 273 271 269 269 269 273 273 269 273 271 267 271 271 270 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 198 194 192 194 192 190 194 194 194 198 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 192 194 194 194 194 196 196 211 196 194 194 196 194 194 211 225 194 196 198 194 198 194 194 198 198 194 194 194 194 198 194 194 198 194 198 198 194 196 213 345 345 351 345 352 347 348 345 330 352 348 348 330 330 325 353 347 347 352 353 353 347 350 347 352 353 330 353 346 345 349 354 353 353 353 348 353 352 352 347 353 352 353 348 354 330 345 354 353 350 353 353 354 353 351 355 357 353 330 357 354 352 350 354 159 169 170 164 163 157 167 154 169 159 168 170 178 178 165 169 163 170 165 167 165 157 165 157 165 167 174 170 169 151 163 171 153 170 157 165 194 155 153 153 169 192 184 190 172 163 186 172 197 170 172 163 174 201 169 192 165 201 194 155 180 169 136 143 134 143 143 143 129 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 132 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 136 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 134 143 134 134 143 143 143 143 134 134 53 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Appendix Table 9.2: Genotypes of S. taenionotus embryos: SCA = Scardovari, fat = father SCA1_000 SCA1_001 SCA1_006 SCA1_011 SCA1_016 SCA1_021 SCA1_026 SCA1_031 SCA1_036 SCA1_041 SCA1_046 SCA1_051 SCA1_056 SCA1_061 SCA1_066 SCA1_071 SCA1_076 SCA1_081 SCA1_086 SCA1_091 SCA1_096 SCA1_101 SCA1_106 SCA1_111 SCA1_116 SCA1_121 SCA1_126 SCA1_131 SCA1_136 SCA1_141 SCA1_146 SCA2_000 SCA2_001 SCA2_006 SCA2_011 SCA2_016 SCA2_021 SCA2_026 SCA2_031 SCA2_036 SCA2_041 SCA2_046 SCA2_051 SCA2_056 SCA2_061 SCA2_066 SCA2_071 SCA2_076 SCA2_081 SCA2_086 SCA2_091 SCA2_096 SCA2_101 SCA3_000 SCA3_001 SCA3_006 SCA3_011 SCA3_016 SCA3_021 SCA3_026 SCA3_031 SCA3_036 SCA3_041 SCA3_046 SCA3_051 SCA3_056 SCA3_061 SCA3_066 Slep06 197 194 199 197 194 199 199 197 197 194 197 194 197 194 194 194 194 197 197 194 194 192 199 201 199 199 199 199 197 199 197 197 199 197 197 197 197 199 199 199 192 197 194 199 194 197 194 199 203 199 199 197 197 199 194 194 203 199 203 194 201 201 194 199 194 194 199 201 201 199 199 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 199 203 203 199 203 199 199 199 199 199 203 199 199 194 194 199 194 199 194 194 199 192 199 199 199 205 194 205 201 201 201 201 201 201 194 107 207 203 Slep10 271 267 271 271 271 275 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 277 271 271 271 275 273 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 267 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 267 267 267 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 275 275 271 275 271 271 275 271 271 275 271 275 271 275 Slep12 204 204 204 204 221 204 221 221 204 204 221 221 221 204 204 204 221 204 204 221 221 204 204 204 204 204 204 208 208 213 204 208 196 208 196 196 198 198 198 198 198 219 208 219 198 208 198 198 198 219 198 208 208 192 192 192 216 192 194 216 192 192 192 192 216 192 196 196 221 208 208 208 240 240 240 221 221 231 231 231 231 204 221 204 221 204 231 221 233 221 221 221 208 210 221 221 221 221 214 219 208 218 208 208 208 208 208 219 208 235 235 235 208 235 219 219 208 235 208 235 219 216 192 216 216 200 216 216 216 215 215 196 216 196 216 216 Slep13 350 350 352 352 Styph12 155 163 350 352 153 163 346 342 352 345 352 352 352 352 350 352 352 352 350 352 352 350 352 354 352 352 350 352 352 352 153 153 155 163 155 163 155 136 188 188 352 350 352 350 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 163 188 155 163 155 188 163 155 188 163 352 346 350 352 352 352 352 350 350 357 357 357 352 352 352 352 353 353 350 352 350 350 352 350 350 350 350 350 353 352 352 352 352 352 335 344 344 344 344 344 340 350 350 344 352 352 350 352 352 352 352 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 352 357 352 352 357 353 353 353 353 353 357 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 352 153 163 155 163 153 153 153 149 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SCA4_036 SCA4_041 SCA4_046 SCA4_051 SCA4_056 SCA4_061 SCA5_000 SCA5_001 SCA5_006 SCA5_011 SCA5_016 SCA5_021 SCA5_026 SCA5_031 SCA5_036 SCA5_041 SCA5_046 SCA5_051 SCA5_056 SCA5_061 SCA5_066 SCA6_000 SCA6_001 SCA6_006 SCA6_011 SCA6_016 SCA6_021 SCA6_026 SCA6_031 SCA6_036 SCA6_041 SCA6_046 SCA6_051 SCA6_056 SCA6_061 SCA6_066 SCA6_071 SCA6_076 SCA6_081 SCA6_086 SCA6_091 SCA6_096 SCA6_101 SCA6_106 SCA6_111 SCA6_116 SCA6_121 SCA6_126 SCA6_131 SCA7_000 SCA7_001 SCA7_006 SCA7_011 SCA7_016 SCA7_021 SCA7_026 SCA7_031 SCA7_036 SCA086_000 SCA086_001 SCA086_006 SCA086_011 SCA086_016 194 194 197 197 197 194 197 194 194 207 197 203 199 199 201 203 203 203 194 197 194 194 194 194 197 197 194 192 194 192 192 192 194 192 192 192 192 192 194 194 194 194 194 201 194 194 194 194 194 194 203 194 203 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 197 201 197 203 197 201 201 201 205 201 205 201 201 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 203 203 194 194 203 203 194 194 197 203 194 194 205 203 205 205 205 203 203 199 199 207 207 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208 208 218 208 218 218 221 221 221 221 221 216 221 221 231 229 223 221 221 223 223 223 221 223 221 221 221 227 227 227 227 221 233 233 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 214 238 216 216 231 216 208 350 350 352 354 345 350 153 176 163 176 176 172 180 176 180 180 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 161 155 180 180 134 134 155 176 134 134 134 126 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 126 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 127 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 352 346 346 346 346 346 346 346 350 352 350 352 350 352 352 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 354 354 352 354 354 352 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 352 352 357 357 350 352 357 357 350 165 155 155 155 155 165 155 165 155 155 155 155 153 155 153 153 163 163 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SCA086_121 SCA086_126 SCA086_131 SCA086_136 SCA097_000 SCA097_001 SCA097_006 SCA097_011 SCA097_016 SCA097_021 SCA097_026 SCA097_031 SCA097_036 SCA097_041 SCA097_046 SCA097_051 SCA097_056 SCA097_061 SCA097_066 SCA097_071 SCA097_076 SCA097_081 SCA097_086 SCA097_091 SCA097_096 SCA097_101 SCA097_106 SCA097_111 SCA097_116 SCA097_121 SCA097_126 SCA097_131 SCA098_000 SCA098_001 SCA098_006 SCA098_011 SCA098_016 SCA098_021 SCA098_026 SCA098_031 SCA098_036 SCA098_041 SCA098_046 SCA098_051 SCA098_056 SCA098_061 SCA098_066 SCA098_071 SCA098_076 SCA098_081 SCA098_086 SCA098_091 194 194 194 196 199 194 205 205 194 194 194 194 199 205 194 201 205 194 205 205 194 194 205 201 194 201 205 194 199 199 205 205 199 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 195 212 201 212 269 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 201 212 271 275 197 212 267 271 271 271 205 212 195 199 271 267 267 271 271 271 271 271 195 199 195 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194 201 194 194 201 194 194 194 201 194 190 190 194 194 194 194 197 197 194 197 194 201 196 196 201 201 201 201 201 194 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 194 194 196 203 205 205 201 201 197 201 197 205 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 269 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 208 208 198 198 198 198 194 198 212 216 194 194 198 194 198 194 194 198 198 194 194 194 212 198 198 218 216 198 208 208 218 216 200 218 218 198 218 218 198 198 204 198 108 218 218 234 208 218 218 218 218 212 212 218 218 224 348 348 350 350 350 350 350 339 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 339 350 350 350 350 350 348 352 350 358 352 350 356 350 350 350 350 352 356 352 352 352 356 350 352 352 356 352 350 350 356 218 198 218 198 198 227 224 224 224 198 350 350 350 350 352 352 153 153 163 153 157 163 155 157 173 163 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 149 149 149 155 155 153 153 153 153 157 163 155 163 157 153 157 163 157 176 163 163 176 163 176 176 173 176 176 176 163 176 176 163 163 176 163 176 176 163 163 176 176 163 163 176 163 176 176 163 176 134 134 134 134 134 125 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 134 57 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Appendix Table 9.3: Raw data of experiment 1: m = male, f = female, lpi = large preference index Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Date 29.05. 29.05. 29.05. 30.05. 30.05. 30.05. 31.05. 02.06. 02.06. 03.06. 03.06. 04.06. 04.06. 05.06. 05.06. 06.06. 06.06. 07.06. 07.06. 08.06. 08.06. 09.06. 09.06. 10.06. 11.06. 11.06. 13.06. 13.06. 14.06. 14.06. 15.06. 15.06. time 10:24 08:58 08:57 08:56 08:59 10:37 09:25 09:03 09:04 10:30 10:29 09:04 09:05 09:08 09:08 09:23 09:24 09:03 09:03 09:10 09:10 10:35 10:35 09:06 08:56 08:57 10:31 10:32 09:05 09:06 08:12 08:12 sex m m m f f f f f f m m f f m m f m f f f f f f m f m f f f m m f Focal SL [cm] 17.0 16.7 17.6 15.4 16.6 17.3 15.5 16.6 16.1 15.0 16.1 17.1 15.0 17.6 17.4 17.1 17.2 15.6 16.4 15.6 17.5 18.3 17.4 16.9 16.0 17.4 12.6 17.3 15.9 14.8 16.9 16.0 Stimulus left SL [cm] time [s] 17.6 420 17.7 190 15.5 3441 15.0 0 18.0 2269 16.9 1918 17.4 3368 13.3 0 15.1 2387 17.1 3074 17.7 589 17.5 0 16.9 2135 17.6 530 16.6 226 17.1 374 15.5 335 18.6 1036 12.1 2721 17.6 0 17.5 1126 16.8 0 17.1 1786 15.6 0 16 0 15.5 0 17.4 7 16.5 634 12.2 32 15.7 129 15.7 308 18.0 0 Stimulus right SL [cm] time [s] 16.2 298 16.0 2 17.3 0 16.5 0 16.1 1384 15.0 1238 15.7 0 15.6 1163 17.0 719 15.6 344 12.4 533 15.3 0 13.8 1398 16.3 52 15.2 563 19.7 2233 16.8 633 17.1 15 17.6 378 15.9 111 19.9 73 18.1 0 15.3 587 17.4 41 19.0 424 18.4 1472 16.0 0 18.5 1900 17.3 228 17.2 478 17.0 698 16.6 906 ∆ SL [cm] 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.9 1.9 1.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 5.3 2.2 3.1 1.3 1.4 2.6 1.3 1.5 5.5 1.7 2.4 1.3 1.8 1.8 3.0 2.9 1.4 2.0 5.1 1.5 1.3 1.4 lpi 0.585 0.990 0 0.621 0.608 1 1 0.231 0.899 0.525 0.604 0.911 0.286 0.857 0.654 0.986 0.122 0 0.061 0.753 1 1 1 1 0.750 0.877 0.787 0.306 0 58 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Appendix Table 9.4: Raw data of experiment 2: Spec = species, SL = standard length, w = wet weight, ta = S. taenionotus, ty = S. typhle, m = male, f = female, cpi = conspecific preference index Focal fish Date 26.06. 26.06. 27.06. 27.06. 28.06. 28.06. 29.06. 29.06. 30.06. 01.07. 01.07. 03.07. 03.07. 03.07. 04.07. 04.07. 04.07. 04.07. 05.07. 05.07. 05.07. 06.07. 06.07. 06.07. 06.07. 07.07. 07.07. 07.07. 08.07. 08.07. 08.07. 08.07. 09.07. 09.07. 10.07. 10.07. 10.07. 11.07. 11.07. 12.07. 12.07. 14.07. 14.07. 14.07. 15.07. 15.07. 15.07. 16.07. 16.07. 17.07. 17.07. 17.07. 18.07. 18.07. 18.07. 18.07. 19.07. 19.07. 20.07. 20.07. 20.07. 20.07. 21.07. 21.07. time 08:43 08:44 09:00 09:01 08:57 09:02 09:03 09:04 09:04 08:52 08:52 09:02 09:03 10:21 08:47 08:49 10:19 10:20 10:30 09:00 10:32 08:58 10:35 09:01 10:37 10:33 10:34 08:58 10:37 09:02 09:08 10:38 08:58 08:59 08:58 10:24 09:07 09:00 09:01 08:56 08:57 08:57 09:03 10:36 09:03 09:04 10:54 09:06 10:31 08:58 08:58 10:30 08:47 10:20 08:48 10:21 09:04 09:04 10:25 09:05 09:05 10:26 08:58 10:33 name tank tam1 a tam2 b taf1 a taf2 b tam3 a tym1 b tyf1 a tyf2 b tam4 b tym2 a taf3 b tyf3 a tam5 b taf4 c tym3 a tym4 c tyf4 b taf5 d tyf6 a tyf5 b taf6 c taf7 a tym6 b tyf7 c tym7 d tyf8 b tam6 c taf8 d tam8 a tyf9 b tam7 c tyf10 d tyf11 a tym9 b taf9 b tam9 c taf10 d tyf13 a tyf14 b tam10 a tym10 b taf11 a tam11 c tam12 b tym11 b tam13 c tam14 a taf12 b tym13 c tyf15 a tym14 b tam15 c tyf16 a tym15 b tym16 c taf13 d tym17 a taf14 c tyf17 a tym18 b taf15 c tym19 d tam16 a tym20 b spec ty/ta ta ta ta ta ta ty ty ty ta ty ta ty ta ta ty ty ty ta ty ty ta ta ty ty ty ty ta ta ta ty ta ty ty ty ta ta ta ty ty ta ty ta ta ta ty ta ta ta ty ty ty ta ty ty ty ta ty ta ty ty ta ty ta ty sex m/f m m f f m m f f m m f f m f m m f f f f f f m f m f m f m f m f f m f m f f f m m f m m m m m f m f m m f m m f m f f m f m m m SL cm 13.3 16.0 17.2 17.5 16.8 20.7 22.8 22.5 17.7 27.5 15.7 17.4 18.8 17.9 25.2 25.7 20.6 12.5 22.0 24.0 15.6 15.5 25.3 21.6 24.0 20.2 15.9 15.5 12.6 22.9 18.0 24.0 20.5 24.0 16.6 18.0 16.5 25.1 22.1 16.5 29.5 19.7 14.5 19.2 24.2 13.8 16.5 13.7 15.8 27.4 25.3 13.8 22.1 16.8 27.8 12.0 21.1 14.5 24.0 30.1 13.4 26.7 13.4 23.2 W g 0.83 1.08 1.19 1.32 2.02 3.41 4.26 5.14 1.78 7.9 0.98 2.09 1.7 2.17 5.5 6.76 2.6 0.53 3.66 6.95 1.13 0.96 6.01 3.84 5.41 2.64 1.41 0.93 0.57 4.58 2.07 4.85 3.25 6.06 1.33 1.95 1.22 6.15 5.1 1.87 10.3 2.8 1.35 2.67 5.81 1.07 1.58 0.89 1.62 6.18 9.05 1.06 5.17 1.97 10.8 0.80 3.43 1.15 4.85 9.11 1.06 8.82 1.06 5.74 left sec 273 3048 677 2333 1480 799 1711 215 1340 1438 1938 2093 1100 1102 1022 987 1751 295 425 152 75 59 18 770 201 570 0 12 139 1850 1345 1808 643 2317 168 253 0 1009 836 128 522 98 0 163 1086 3555 161 1686 1411 906 1417 360 155 491 1552 1182 1450 634 1524 270 49 84 0 1903 right sec 1711 0 1602 220 1441 589 794 1219 1151 971 433 378 2192 283 150 0 250 1918 0 491 732 973 2023 1059 3084 1527 0 3588 687 36 373 824 1384 109 148 28 3229 1486 1121 153 1725 1287 18 1667 514 30 904 847 165 1069 1149 186 2628 99 289 61 377 44 663 328 427 1555 0 429 cpi 0.862 1 0.297 0.914 0.507 0.576 0.317 0.850 0.536 0.597 0.183 0.153 0.334 0.796 0.872 0 0.125 0.134 1 0.764 0.093 0.057 0.991 0.579 0.939 0.728 0.003 0.168 0.019 0.782 0.687 0.683 0.955 0.532 0.100 1 0.596 0.427 0.456 0.768 0.929 1 0.089 0.679 0.008 0.151 0.666 0.895 0.459 0.552 0.341 0.944 0.832 0.843 0.049 0.794 0.935 0.697 0.452 0.897 0.051 0.816 stimulus stimulus left compartment rigth compartment spec SL w spec SL w ty/ta cm g ty/ta cm g ty 20.6 2.6 ta 15.5 0.96 ta 15.7 0.98 ty 22.5 4.26 ta 15.6 1.84 ty 24.2 5.81 ta 16.9 1.56 ty 27.5 7.9 ta 12.5 0.53 ty 17.4 2.09 ty 21.6 3.84 ta 15.5 0.93 ta 13.3 0.83 ty 25.2 5.5 ta 16.9 1.56 ty 27.5 7.9 ta 17.9 2.17 ty 20.6 2.6 ty 22.0 3.66 ta 15.4 1.7 ty 20.7 3.41 ta 13.3 0.83 ta 18.4 1.7 ty 26.7 8.82 ta 15.5 0.93 ty 24.0 6.95 ta 19.2 2.67 ty 24.0 6.06 ty 21.6 3.84 ta 17.5 1.32 ta 16.5 1.22 ty 22.5 4.26 ta 15.9 1.41 ty 20.7 3.41 ta 18.0 1.95 ty 25.3 6.01 ty 24.0 6.06 ta 18.8 1.7 ta 17.7 1.78 ty 24.9 7.12 ta 16.8 2.02 ty 26.7 8.82 ta 14.5 1.35 ty 15.8 1.62 ta 15.7 0.98 ty 24.0 4.85 ta 16.5 1.87 ty 25.2 5.5 ta 16.6 1.33 ty 17.4 2.09 ta 18.0 1.95 ty 27.8 10.8 ty 22.5 5.14 ta 15.6 1.13 ta 18.8 1.7 ty 16.8 1.97 ta 17.5 1.32 ty 22.0 3.66 ta 16.5 1.58 ty 29.5 10.3 ta 16.5 1.22 ty 20.3 3.17 ty 15.8 1.62 ta 14.5 1.35 ta 19.2 2.67 ty 25.3 6.01 ty 22.5 5.14 ta 15.5 0.96 ta 16.5 1.87 ty 24.0 5.41 ty 22.9 4.58 ta 15.6 1.13 ty 27.8 10.8 ta 16.5 1.58 ta 19.2 2.67 ty 25.3 9.05 ty 23.2 5.74 ta 18.0 2.07 ta 16.6 1.33 ty 23.2 4.42 ta 15.6 1.13 ty 24.0 4.85 ty 21.1 3.43 ta 15.9 1.41 ta 14.5 1.15 ty 25.1 6.15 ta 13.7 0.89 ty 22.1 5.1 ty 22.9 4.58 ta 13.3 0.89 ty 24.0 4.85 ta 12.0 0.8 ta 14.4 1.02 ty 20.5 3.25 ta 12.6 0.57 ty 29.5 10.3 ty 22.1 5.1 ta 14.5 1.15 ty 24.2 5.81 ta 13.4 1.06 ty 25.3 5.12 ta 19.7 2.8 ty 24.2 4.68 ta 13.3 0.89 ta 13.8 1.07 ty 24.0 5.41 ty 25.1 6.15 ta 13.7 0.89 ty 23.2 4.42 ta 14.0 1 ty 23.2 5.74 ta 18.0 2.07 ty 20.2 2.64 ta 14.6 1.17 ta 13.8 1.06 ty 25.3 9.05 ty 24.9 5.55 ta 13.6 1.15 ty 20.3 3.17 ta 12.9 0.69 ty 26.7 7.75 ta 13.8 1.07 ty 20.5 4.58 ta 19.7 2.8 ta 14.6 1.17 ty 25.3 5.12 ty 27.4 6.18 ta 12.0 0.8 ∆ SL stimuli 5.1 6.8 8.6 10.6 4.9 6.1 11.9 10.6 2.7 6.6 7.4 8.3 8.5 4.8 4.1 6.0 4.8 7.3 5.2 7.2 9.9 1.3 8.3 8.7 0.8 9.8 6.9 2.0 4.5 13 3.8 1.3 6.1 7.0 7.5 7.3 11.3 6.1 5.2 6.6 8.4 5.2 10.6 8.4 6.1 12.0 6.1 16.9 7.6 10.8 5.6 10.9 10.2 11.4 9.2 5.2 5.6 11.5 11.3 7.4 12.9 0.8 10.7 15.4 59 Hybridization vs. reproductive isolation: Mating patterns and mechanisms of isolation in Adriatic pipefish Appendix 21.07. 21.07. 22.07. 22.07. 22.07. 22.07. 23.07. 23.07. 23.07. 23.07. 24.07. 24.07. 24.07. 24.07. 09:02 10:34 10:25 09:03 10:26 09:04 09:05 10:25 10:26 09:05 10:32 09:01 10:33 09:02 taf16 tam17 tam18 tym21 tyf18 tyf19 taf17 taf18 tam19 tyf20 tam20 taf19 tym22 taf20 c d a b c d a b c d a b c d ta ta ta ty ty ty ta ta ta ty ta ta ty ta f m m m f f f f m f m f m f 13.3 13.1 13.2 23.0 29.5 28.5 13.4 14.6 14.6 20.3 13.5 12.9 26.7 14.0 0.89 1.09 0.81 4.61 10.7 8.76 1.00 1.17 1.43 3.17 1.09 0.69 7.75 1.53 149 0 74 1542 849 976 93 18 1216 938 3600 3444 1165 65 79 3586 410 2009 2534 1856 281 63 27 1220 0 129 595 282 0.346 0 0.847 0.566 0.749 0.951 0.751 0.222 0.978 0.565 1 0.964 0.338 0.813 ty ta ty ta ta ty ty ta ta ta ta ta ta ty 22.5 13.4 20.2 14.0 13.8 30.1 24.9 13.4 13.2 18.1 14.0 13.2 13.6 30.1 4.02 1 2.64 1.53 1.06 9.11 5.55 1.06 0.89 2.58 1 0.81 1.11 9.11 ta ty ta ty ty ta ta ty ty ty ty ty ty ta 14.6 19.4 12.9 24.2 26.7 13.8 13.6 21.1 27.4 23.4 29.5 23.0 19.4 13.1 1.43 3.74 0.69 4.68 7.75 1.06 1.15 3.43 6.18 5.75 10.7 4.61 3.74 1.09 7.9 6.0 7.3 10.2 12.9 16.3 11.3 7.7 14.2 5.3 15.5 9.8 5.8 17.0 40 Air Temperature [°C] 35 30 Water Temperature [°C] 25 20 Salinity [g/kg] 15 10 pH 5 0 Oxygen [ml/l] 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 Figure 9.1: Hydrobiological data of the Lagoon in Venice from 2002 – 2012 measured in Chioggia based on monthly averages (Data provided by the hydrobiological station in Chioggia: Temperature [°C] 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Sep Nov Jan Mar Mai Jul 05 05 06 06 06 06 Sep Nov Jan Mar Mai Jul 07 07 08 08 08 08 Sep Nov Jan Mar Mai Jul 11 11 12 12 12 12 Figure 9.2: Water and air temperature in Chioggia in the sampling years; red = water temperature, blue = air temperature, grey = sampling period (Data provided by the hydrobiological station in Chioggia: 60