yourself! - Spotlight Online


yourself! - Spotlight Online
LANGUAGE | Vocabulary
Welcome to Spotlight express !
This fast, fresh vocabulary trainer teaches you how to talk about festivals and traditions — in just 15 minutes.
1. Introduction
Presenter: Welcome to Spotlight express, your 15-minute English vocabulary trainer. Today, we’ll be talking about festivals
and traditions.
2. New words and expressions
Presenter: To begin, listen to the first five words and phrases
we’re going to learn. You’ll hear each one in German first,
and then in English. Just listen.
German: Feiertag
English: bank holiday
German: einen freien Tag haben
English: have a day off
German: ein verlängertes Wochenende haben
English: make it into a long weekend
German: Heiligenfest
English: saint’s day
German: lang schlafen
English: have a lie-in
Sie möchten Ihren Wortschatz effektiv erweitern? VANESSA CLARK zeigt
Ihnen, wie Sie das mit Hilfe unseres neuen Vokabeltrainers erreichen.
ords are the building blocks of language. You take in new words and phrases
all the time — with every page of this magazine, for example. Sometimes,
though, it’s helpful to try other approaches, too. That’s why we have set out
to create the best possible vocabulary trainer for our readers — the new interactive
audio download called Spotlight express.
You don’t have much time? Spotlight express is only 15 minutes long, but it
gives you the valuable practice you need for learning and remembering useful
words and expressions. You can download a new express audio file every two
weeks and listen to it on your computer, laptop, MP3 player or smartphone.
Professional speakers from Britain, Ireland and the United States will
guide you through useful topics such as making introductions, going out
to dinner and asking for directions. There are tips on correct pronunci­
ation, and you’ll learn some of the differences between English as it’s
spoken in the US and in Britain.
Now you can test this product for free. The script begins
opposite. Why not try listening to the audio first? Get your
download of this exclusive episode of Spotlight express at
3. Dialogue: It’s the first of May
Ansatz, Methode
sich an etw. machen,
sich etw. vornehmen
Fotos: iStock
Spotlight 5|15
Presenter: Now repeat the following words and phrases:
Bank holiday. The first of May is a bank holiday.
Have a day off. All workers have a day off.
Make it into a long weekend. They can make it into a long
Saint’s day. Saint George’s Day is in April.
Have a lie-in. I’d be having a nice long lie-in.
5. Which is correct?
approach [E(prEUtS]
set out [)set (aUt]
4. Listen and repeat
Presenter: Now, listen to the following dialogue. Sue and Mike
are having breakfast at home. Mike is looking at the calendar
on his phone.
Mike: Oh, that’s not fair!
Sue: What’s not fair?
Mike: It’s a bank holiday in a lot of different countries today, but
not here in England.
Sue: Is it? Oh, yes, it’s the first of May — May Day. It’s International Workers’ Day.
Mike: Yes, all workers have a day off. And because it’s a Friday,
they can make it into a long weekend. Not us, though. We
don’t have a day off.
Sue: I think it’s a special day in the church calendar, too. Saint
George’s Day? No, that’s in April. Saint Andrew’s Day?
Mike: I don’t know about saints’ days. All I know is that I have to
go to work today, while the rest of Europe is at home enjoying itself with a day off.
Sue: Easter wasn’t so long ago. You can’t need another break
already. What would you do with your day off?
Mike: Well, I wouldn’t be sitting here. I’d be in bed having a nice
long lie-in.
Presenter: Now let’s practise these expressions. I’m going to
say two sentences. One is correct; the other has a mistake in
it. Listen and repeat the correct phrase each time.
The first of May is a bank holiday. — or — The first of May is a
The first of May is a bank holiday.
shop holiday.
I need a day on. — or — I need a day off.
I need a day off.
Shall we make it into a long weekend? — or — Shall we make
Shall we make it into a long
it into a short weekend?
When is Saint Patrick’s Day? — or — When is Holy Patrick’s
When is Saint Patrick’s Day?
I always have a sleep-out on Sundays. — or — I always have a
I always have a lie-in on Sundays.
lie-in on Sundays.
5|15 Spotlight