cv english-3 - Maria Gstättner


cv english-3 - Maria Gstättner
Curriculum Vitae of
Maria Brigitte Gstättner-Heckel, Mag.a art
*31st May 1977
Degree programme bassoon with Prof. Stepan Turnovsky (further
professors: Prof. Dietmar Zeman, Prof. Richard Galler) at the
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna from sept 1997.
2005, degree with distinction, artistic thesis: "Fagottkammermusik
mit Streichern - Continuo zur Multiphonik" (Chambermusic for
bassoon and strings - basso continuo to multiphonics")
Degree programme “Instrumental (Voice) Education Bassoon” at
the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna from sept 1999
– 2003, teaching certificate (degree with distinction, specialisation:
Artistic doctoral degree programme (PhD) at the University of Music
and Performing Arts Graz (KUG), doctoral thesis: "Fagottperformanz
- Die Kunst ist eine Tochter der Freiheit" (Bassoonperformances art is the daughter of freedom), supervisors: Prof. Gerald Preinfalk,
Prof. Dr. Andreas Dorschel, Dr. habil. Jens Badura MAS, Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang Rüdiger)
Completed training as a music-kinesiologist
Masterclasses with Oscar Bohorquez, Pascal Gallois, Michael Werba,
Klaus Lienbacher, Gottfried J. Pokorny
Projects, artistic, educational and scientific work
Artistic work
International chamber music activity with "die Reihe", the wind
octet of the Collegium Viennense, the Wiener Virtuosen, the Prager
Trio, the United Sounds of Bassoon and the Auris Stringquartet in
Japan, the US, Australia, Israel, Canada, Slovenia, Hungary,
Slovakia, the Czech Republik, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark
Many years of national and international chamber music concerts
with the “Pentagon” wind quintet (classical wind quintet repertoire
with colleagues of the special Viennese instruments)
Founder, leader and organiser of the trio: Gstättner – Heckel –
Sahmaoui (bassoon, piano - accordion, percussion – guitar). 2010
CD "LAVA" at crackedanegg records
International concerts with this specialised ensemble (e.g. in
Marrakech, Paris, Budapest and Berlin). This ensemble is the
laureate of the Austrian World Music Awards’ Public Choice Award in
Co-founder of the successful Austrian chamber music-jazzcontemporary music-band “Studio Dan” consisting of 17 people
(Laureate of the German Record Critics’ Award 2010)
Participation in the Komponistenforum Mittersill 2011 (Composer
Forum Mittersill)
International soloist; Concerts with the chamber orchestra of the
Radio Symphony Orchestra Prague, among others
Many concerts with international orchestras such as the Vienna
Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Radio
Symphony Orchestra Vienna, the Tonkünstlerorchestra Vienna, the
Vienna Chamber Orchestra, the Vienna Kammeroper, the Orchestra
of the Vienna Volksoper and the Vienna Kammerphilharmonie
2004 – 2005 employment as bassoonist in the Philharmonic
Orchestra Graz, the orchestra of the Opera Graz
Involvement (as a musician) in many CD-recordings of classical
music, but also of cross-over and free improvisation (including
recordings of her own works) with “Studio Dan”, the LFO,
Klangforum Vienna, the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the
Janus Ensemble and many more
Principal Bassoonist at the Burgtheater Vienna, also for example in
Franzobel’s play “Wir wollen den Messias jetzt..”
Principal Bassoonist in the Volkstheater Vienna, also for example in
Henrik Ibsen’s play “Peer Gynt”
Internationally acclaimed solo performances: „liebes Fagott“ (dear
bassoon) and „sie singt Fagott“ (she sings the bassoon) (concept:
Maria Brigitte Gstättner-Heckel)
Educational work
Teaching improvisation and performance experiences for music
students in ensembles as well as one-on-one lessons in the
framework of the research projekt "Quo Vadis, Teufelsgeiger?" at
the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Design, development and conducting of the workshop CMA
(Contemporary Musicians´ Awareness) at the Leonard Bernstein
Institute of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Guest at the KUG Graz conducting the CMA-workshop, 2009
Teaching a course on " Improvisation for chamber music ensembles
and orchestras" at the Orchester Akademie Ossiach
Instructor for a course on free improvisation at ISA (International
Summer Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts
Vienna), 2011
Instructor at a course on improvisation in chamber music at the
Joseph Haydn Konservatorium Eisenstadt with string players in the
class of Prof. Grönert
2000 – 2005 bassoon professor at the music school Bisamberg/
Leobendorf, at the same time lecturer for „Hospitation an
Musikschulen/Fagott“ (“Hospitation at music schools/bassoon”) at
the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Scientific work
Research contract as an “artistic scientist” for an FWF-project (peek
project: Program for arts-based research) at the University of
Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Project: “Quo Vadis,
Teufelsgeiger?” ( Ended: April 2012
Member of the Centre for Gender Studies at the KUG Graz
Lecture Performances:
"sich zeigen, sich mitteilen. Sondierung zur Präsentation künstlerischer
Forschung" (present yourself, communicate. Study concerning the presentation
of artistic research) at the IKM, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
"Reflective Conservatoire" at the Guildhall School of Music, London
Ich habe geträumt .. was sich Studierende vom Studium wünschen
(I dreamed of .. what students would wish for in their studies), in:
Kunsträume der MDW, January 2012
Innovation aus Tradion (Innovation and tradition), in: Kunsträume
der MDW, April 2011
Grenzen sprengen: Von der Reflexion zur Präsentation (Breaking
boundaries: from reflection to presentation), in: Kunsträume der
MDW, May 2009
1999 Tokyo Foundation scholarship
2000 Herbert von Karajan Centrum Vienna scholarship
Academic year 2011/12 KUG-scholarship
Academic year 2012/13 Centre for Gender Studies-scholarship at
the KUG
Laura Maria Gstättner *26th september 1997
Gabriel Felix Heckel-Gstättner *2nd december 2011