
Bernd Simeon
Fachbereich Mathematik
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
March 4, 2016
+49 631 2055310
[email protected]
2010 – Present:
Full Professor (W3),
Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
2002 – 2010:
Associate Professor (C3),
Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München, Germany
2000 – 2002:
Lecturer, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
1999 – 2000:
Associate Professor by proxy, Fakultät für Mathematik, Univ. Ulm, Germany
1994 – 1999:
Lecturer, Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Univ. Darmstadt, Germany
1990 – 1994:
Scientific assistant, Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Univ. München, Germany
1989 – 1990:
Scientific assistant, Institut für Robotik, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Habilitation in mathematics, Universität Karlsruhe
1990 – 1994:
Dr.rer.nat. (PhD) in mathematics, Technische Universität München
1983 – 1989:
Diplom (M.S.) in mathematics, Technische Universität München
University of La Laguna, Spain, 2009/10
University of California, Santa Barbara and Berkeley, 2007
University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Scholar, 2004/05
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2002
University of Pittsburgh, 1996 and 1997
Applied and computational mathematics, in particular numerical analysis
for coupled systems of differential-algebraic and partial differential equations
Multidisciplinary collaborations in vehicle dynamics, materials science and fluid dynamics
Isogeometric analysis
Microstructures and numerical homogenization
1. Simeon, B., Führer, C., Rentrop, P.: Differential algebraic equations in vehicle system
dynamics. Surv. on Math. in Ind. 1, 1-37 (1991)
2. Simeon, B., Führer, C., Rentrop, P.: The Drazin inverse in multibody system dynamics.
Numer. Math. 64, 521-539, (1993)
3. Simeon, B.: An extended descriptor form for the numerical integration of multibody systems. Appl. Numer. Math. 13, 209-220 (1993)
4. Schaller, C., Führer, C., Simeon, B.: Simulation of multibody systems by a parallel extrapolation method. Mech. Struct. Mach. 22, 473-486 (1994)
5. Simeon, B., Grupp, F., Führer, C., Rentrop, P.: A nonlinear truck model and its treatment as a multibody system. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 50, 523-532 (1994)
6. Hahn, H., Simeon, B.: Separation principle of mechanical system models including stabilized constraint relations. Archive of Appl. Mech. 64, 147-153 (1994)
7. Simeon, B.: MBSPACK - Numerical integration software for constrained mechanical
motion. Surv. on Math. in Ind. 5, 169-202 (1995)
8. Rheinboldt, W.C., Simeon, B.: Performance analysis of some methods for solving EulerLagrange equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 8, 77-82 (1995)
9. Simeon, B.: On the numerical solution of a wheel suspension benchmark problem. Comp.
Appl. Math. 66, 443-456 (1996)
10. Simeon, B.: Modelling a flexible slider crank mechanism by a mixed system of DAEs and
PDEs. Math. Modelling of Systems 2, 1-18 (1996)
11. Simeon, B.: Order reduction of stiff solvers at elastic multibody systems. Applied Numerical Mathematics 28, 459-475 (1998)
12. Simeon, B.: DAE’s and PDE’s in elastic multibody systems. Numer. Algorithms. 19,
235-246 (1998)
13. Kirchner, E., Simeon, B.: A higher order time integration method for viscoplasticity.
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 175, 1-18 (1999)
14. Rheinboldt, W.C., Simeon, B.: On computing smooth solutions of DAE’s for elastic
multibody systems. Computers Math. Applic. 37, 69-83 (1999)
15. Arnold, M., Simeon, B.: Pantograph and catenary dynamics: a benchmark problem and
its numerical solution. Appl. Numer. Math. 34, 345-362 (2000)
16. Simeon, B., Arnold, M.: Coupling DAE’s and PDE’s for simulating the interaction of
pantograph and catenary. Math. and Computer Model. of Systems 6, 129-144 (2000)
17. Simeon, B.: Numerical analysis of flexible multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics 6(4), 305-325 (2001)
18. Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: Pantograph-Catenary Dynamics: An Analysis of Models and
Simulation Techniques. Math. and Computer Model. of Systems 7, 225-238 (2001)
19. Büttner, J., Simeon, B.: Runge-Kutta methods in elastoplasticity.
Appl. Numer. Math. 41, 443-458 (2002)
20. Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: Automatic h-Scaling for the Efficient Time Integration of Stiff
Mechanical Systems. Multibody System Dynamics 8, 329-345 (2002)
21. Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: Blended Lobatto Methods in Multibody Dynamics. ZAMM 83,
720-728 (2003)
22. Büttner, J., Simeon, B.: Time Integration of the Dual Problem of Elastoplasticity by
Runge-Kutta Methods. SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 41(4), 1564-1584 (2003)
23. Lunk, Ch., Simeon, B.: Runge-Kutta-Nyström Methods with Maximized Stability Domain
in Structural Dynamics. Appl. Numer. Math. 53, 373-389 (2005)
24. Teichelmann, G., Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: Modelling and Simulation of Railway Cable
Systems. ZAMM 85, 864-877 (2005)
25. Simeon, B.: On Lagrange Multipliers in Flexible Multibody Dynamics. Computer Methods Applied Mechanical Engineering 195, 6993-7005 (2006)
26. Lunk, Ch., Simeon, B: Solving Constrained Mechanical Systems by the Family of Newmark and α-Methods. ZAMM 86, 772-784 (2006)
27. Esterl, B., Butz, T., Simeon, B., Burgermeister, B.: Real-time integration and vehicle
trailer-coupling by algorithms for differential-algebraic equations.
Vehicle System Dynamics 45 (9), 819-834 (2007)
28. Zheming, Zh., Simeon, B., Petzold, L.: A Stabilized Explicit Lagrange Multiplier Based
Domain Decomposition Method for Parabolic Problems. J. Computational Physics 227,
5272-5285 (2008)
29. Simeon, B., Serban, R., Petzold, L.: A Model of Macroscale Deformation and Microvibration in Skeletal Muscle Tissue. ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
(M2 AN) 43, 805-820 (2009)
30. Aigner, M., Heinrich, C., Jüttler, B., Pilgerstorfer, E., Simeon, B., Vuong, A.-V.: Swept
volume parametrization for isogeometric analysis. The Mathematics of Surfaces (MoS
XIII 2009), LNCS 5654, 19-44 (2009)
31. Dörfel, M., Jüttler, B., Simeon, B.: Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis Based on T-Splines.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 199, 264-275 (2010)
32. Vuong, A.-V., Heinrich, C., Simeon, B.: ISOGAT: A 2D Tutorial Matlab Code for Isogeometric Analysis. Computer Aided Geometric Design 27, 644-655 (2010)
33. Butz, T., Simeon, B., Stadler, M.: Optimal Design of Experiments for Estimating Parameters of a Vehicle Dynamics Simulation Model. ASME JCND, Volume 5(3) 11-31
34. Zharovsky, E., Simeon, B.: A space-time adaptive approach to orientation dynamics in
particle laden flows. Procedia Computer Science 1, 791-799 (2010)
35. Vuong, A.-V., Giannelli, C., Jüttler, B., Simeon, B.: A Hierarchical Approach to Local
Refinement in Isogeometric Analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering 200, pp. 3554-3567 (2011)
36. Zharovsky, E., Moosaie, A., Le Duc, A., Manhart, M., Simeon, B.: On the numerical
solution of a convection-diffusion equation for particle orientation dynamics on geodesic
grids. Applied Numerical Mathematics 62, 1554-1566 (2012)
37. Heinrich, Ch., Simeon, B., Boschert, St.: A Finite Volume Method on NURBS Geometries and its Application in Isogeometric Fluid-Structure Interaction. Mathematics and
Computers in Simulation 82 (9), 1645-1666 (2012)
38. Dornisch W., Klinkel S., Simeon B.: Isogeometric Reissner-Mindlin shell analysis with
exactly calculated director vectors. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 253, 491-504 (2013)
39. Weeger, O., Weber, U., Simeon, B.: Isogeometric analysis of nonlinear Euler – Bernoulli
beam vibrations. Nonlinear Dynamics 72 (4) 813-835 (2013)
40. Goyal, A., Simeon, B.: Isogeometric shell discretizations for flexible multibody dynamics.
Multibody System Dynamics, 30, 139-151 (2013)
41. González-Pinto, S., Hernández-Abreu, D., Simeon, B.: Strongly A-Stable First Stage
Explicit Collocation Methods with Stepsize Control for Stiff and Differential-Algebraic
Systems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 259, 138-152 (2014)
42. Blanchard, L., Duvigneau, R., Vuong, A.-V., Simeon, B.: Shape Gradient for Isogeometric Structural Design. JOTA 161, 361-367 (2014)
43. Niemeyer, J., Simeon, B.: On Finite Element Method–Flux Corrected Transport Stabilization for Advection-Diffusion Problems in a Partial Differential-Algebraic Framework.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 262, 115-126 (2014)
44. Roth, A., Klar, A., Simeon, B., Zharovsky, E.: A Semi-Lagrangian Method for 3-D Fokker
Planck Equations for Stochastic Dynamical Systems on the Sphere. Journal of Scientific
Computing 61, 513-532 (2014)
45. Becker, U., Simeon, B., Burger, M.: On Rosenbrock methods for the time integration of
nearly incompressible materials and their usage for nonlinear model reduction. Journal
of Computational and Applied Mathematics 262, 333-345 (2014)
46. Kleinert, J., Simeon, B., Obermayr, M.: An Inexact Interior Point Method for the LargeScale Simulation of Granular Material. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering 278, 567-598 (2014)
47. Weeger, O., Wever, U., Simeon, B.: Nonlinear frequency response analysis of structural
vibrations. Computational Mechanics. 54, (6), 1477-1495 (2014)
48. Fußeder, D., Simeon, B., Vuong, A.-V.: Fundamental Aspects of Shape Optimization in
the Context of Isogeometric Analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering. 286, 313-331 (2015)
49. Giannelli, C., Jüttler, B., Kleiss, S., Mantzaflaris, A., Simeon, B., Speh, J.: THB-splines:
an effective mathematical technology for adaptive refinement in geometric design and
isogeometric analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 299,
337-365 (2016)
50. Chen, L., Simeon, B., Klinkel, S.: A NURBS based Galerkin approach for the analysis of
solids in boundary representation. Submitted
51. Goyal, A., Simeon, B.: On Penalty-free Formulations for Multipatch Isogeometric KirchhoffLove Shells. Submitted
52. Simeon, B.: On the History of Differential-Algebraic Equations. A Retrospective with
Personal Sidetrips. Submitted
53. Schneider, F., Burger, M., Arnold, M., Simeon, B.: A new approach for force-displacement
co-simulation using kinematic coupling constraints. Submitted
54. Kleinert, J., Simeon, B., Dressler, K.: Nonsmooth Contact Dynamics for the Large-Scale
Simulation of Granular Material. Submitted
Theses and Books
55. Simeon, B.: Numerische Integration mechanischer Mehrkörpersysteme: Projizierende
Deskriptorformen, Algorithmen und Rechenprogramme. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe
20, Nr. 130, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1994
56. Simeon, B.: Numerische Simulation gekoppelter Systeme von partiellen und differentialalgebraischen Gleichungen in der Mehrkörperdynamik. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe
20, Nr. 325, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2000
57. Simeon, B.: Computational Flexible Multibody Dynamics: A Differential-Algebraic
Approach. 250 pages, Springer 2013
58. Jüttler, B., Simeon, B. (Eds.): Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014. Springer
Lecture Notes Computational Science and Engineering, 2015
Proceedings and Book Contributions
59. Simeon, B., Rentrop, P.: An extended descriptor form for the simulation of constrained
mechanical systems. In Schiehlen W.(Ed.): Advanced Multibody System Dynamics,
469-474, Stuttgart: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1993
60. Simeon, B.: A projection oriented formulation of constrained multibody dynamics. ZAMM
Proceedings of ICIAM 95, Vol. 3, 159-162 (1996)
61. Simeon, B.: Stiff solvers and model reduction in flexible multibody systems. ZAMM 78,
1079-1083 (1998)
62. Scherf, O., Simeon, B.: Viscoplastic deformation from the DAE perspective - a benchmark
problem. ZAMM 79, 17-20 (1999)
63. Rentrop, P., Scherf, O., Simeon, B.: Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Multibody
Systems with Deformable Components. In H.-J. Bungartz, F. Durst, Chr. Zenger (Ed.),
High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing. LNCSE 8, Springer 1999
64. Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: The system of pantograph and catenary: mathematical models
and numerical techniques. In I. Troch, F. Breitenecker (Ed.): 3rd MATHMOD Vienna.
Proceedings IMACS Symposium on Math. Modelling, Argesim Report No. 15, 2000
65. Schaub, M., Simeon, B.: Blended Lobatto Methods with Variable Numerical Damping in
Multibody Dynamics. In: A. Anile et al., Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI
2000, Springer 2002
66. Büttner, J., Simeon, B.: Numerical Treatment of Material Equations with Yield Surfaces.
In: K. Hutter, H. Baaser (Ed.), Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials, Springer
LN in Mechanics 10, 3-30, 2003
67. Scherf, O., Simeon, B.: Differential-Algebraic Equations in Elasto-Viscoplasticity. In: K.
Hutter, H. Baaser (Ed.), Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials, Springer LN in
Mechanics 10, 31-50, 2003
68. Lunk, Ch., Simeon, B.: Runge-Kutta-Nystrom Methods with Maximum Stability Domain.
In: Buikis, A. et al. (Ed.), Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002, Springer
69. Teichelmann, G., Simeon, B.: Numerical Simulation of SMA Actuators. In: Progress in
Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004, Springer 2005
70. Alles, B., Simeon, B.: Data Evaluation as Source for Modelling in Nano-Imaging. In: I.
Troch, F. Breitenecker (Ed.): 5th MATHMOD Vienna. Proceedings IMACS Symposium
on Mathematical Modelling, Argesim Report No. 26, 2006
71. Teichelmann, G., Helm, D., Simeon, B.: Modelling and Simulation of Shape Memory
Alloys. In: I. Troch, F. Breitenecker (Ed.): 5th MATHMOD Vienna. Proceedings
IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Argesim Report No. 26, 2006
72. Lunk, Ch., Simeon, B.: The Reverse Method of Lines in Flexible Multibody Dynamics.
In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006, Springer 2006
73. Alles, B., Simeon, B., Cotte, E., Wandel, T., Schulz, B.: An Empirical Approach Addressing the Transfer of Mask Placement Errors During Exposure. Proceedings of the
EML Conference, Grenoble 2007
74. Butz, T., Stadler, M., Simeon, B.: Optimum Design of Experiments for the Estimation
of Suspension Model Parameters. In: C.L. Bottasso, P. Masarati, L. Trainelli (eds.),
MULTIBODY DYNAMICS 2007, Milano 2007
75. Teichelmann, G., Simeon, B.: Numerical Simulation of Shape Memory Actuators in
Mechatronics. In: Breitner, M., Denk, G., Rentrop, P. (Eds.): From Nano to Space:
Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch, Springer 2007
76. Lunk, Ch., Simeon, B.: The Reverse Method of Lines in Flexible Multibody Dynamics. In: Carlo L. Bottasso (Ed.), Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and
Applications, pp. 95-118, Springer, 2008
77. Plinninger, Th., Simeon, B.: Adaptivity in Space and Time for Solving Transient Problems in COMSOL. Proceedings COMSOL Multiphysics User Conference, Hannover 2008
78. Dörfel, M.R., Simeon, B.: Analysis and acceleration of a fluid-structure interaction coupling scheme. In Proceedings of ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala University 2009
79. Vuong, A.-V., Simeon, B.: On Isogeometric Analysis and its Usage for Stress Calculation.
Proceedings of HPSC 2009, Springer 2011
80. Dörfel, M.R., Simeon, B.: Fluid-Structure Interaction: Acceleration of Strong Coupling by
Preconditioning of the Fixed-Point Iteration. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011, University of Leicester 2009, appeared in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications
2011, Springer 2013
81. Harutyunyan, M., Simeon, B.: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of
a Magnetostrictive Euler-Bernoulli Beam. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics 14 (1), 517-518 (2014)
82. Merkert, D., Andrä, H., Kabel, M., Schneider, M., Simeon, B.: Voxel-based fast solution
of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation with smooth material interfaces. Proceedings in
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 14 (1), 579-580 (2014)
83. Merkert, D., Andrä, H., Kabel, M., Schneider, M., Simeon, B.: An Efficient Algorithm
to Include Sub-Voxel Data in FFT-Based Homogenization for Heat Conductivity. Recent
Trends in Computational Engineering-CE2014, pp. 267-279, Springer 2015
84. Simeon, B.: Mechanical Systems. In Engquist, B. (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Applied and
Computational Mathematics, pp. 865-874, Springer, 2015
85. Fußeder, D., Simeon, B.: Algorithmic Aspects of Isogeometric Shape Optimization. In:
Jüttler, Bert and Simeon, Bernd (eds.): Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014,
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 107, 183-207, Springer 2015
Further Writing
86. Günther, M., Lehn, J., Rentrop, P., Rettig, S., Simeon, B.: Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
aus der Sicht der Mathematik. THD-Forschung aktuell 9/95, 26-38 (1995)
87. Heger, M., Liese, R., Simeon, B.: Studieren-Lehren-Forschen: ein hochschuldidaktisches
Weiterbildungsprogramm am FB Mathematik der TU Darmstadt. TUD Intern 2/98
88. Günther, M., Simeon, B.: Wissenschaftliches Rechnen am Beispiel Technischer Netzwerke. Fridericiana 58 (2002), Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)
89. Vuong, A.-V., Simeon, B., Boschert, S.: Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Interfacial
Flow. Blauer Bericht Numerische Mathematik TUM 34/2008
90. Simeon, B., Führer, C., Rentrop, P.: Wheelset. In Lioen, W., de Swart, J.: Test Set for
IVP Solvers, Report MAS-R9832, CWI Amsterdam, 1998
91. Simeon, B.: Flexible Slider Crank. In Lioen, W., de Swart, J.: Test Set for IVP Solvers,
Report MAS-R9832, CWI Amsterdam, 1998.
New release at˜ testset/
Multi-ObjecTive design Optimization of fluid eneRgy machines (MOTOR)
Grant of the European Union within Horizon 2020, joint proposal with
11 partners from Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Czech Republic;
jointly with Christoph Garth (Computer Science Dept.), September 2015 – August 2018,
total volume is 4.300.000,– EUR, work package at UNIKL amounts to 430.000,– EUR
Hybrid Galerkin-collocation methods for surface oriented modeling in nonlinear solid mechanics
DFG grant, jointly with Sven Klinkel, RWTH Aachen
Januar 2016 - Dezember 2018, project at UNIKL amounts to
200.000,– EUR
Modellierung und strukturerhaltende Diskretisierung inelastischer Komponenten
in der Systemsimulation (MusiKa), coordinated by B. Simeon
BMBF funded project network. July 2013 – June 2016,
total volume is 970.000,- EUR, project at UNIKL amounts to
173.000,– EUR
Towards Enhanced Integration of Design and Production in the Factory of the Future
through Isogeometric Technologies (TERRIFIC)
Grant of the European Union within Framework Program 7, joint proposal with
10 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Norway
(3 universities, 2 research labs, and 5 companies). October 2011 – September 2014,
total volume is 3.500.000,– EUR, work package at UNIKL amounts to 280.000,– EUR
Gekoppelte Simulation und Optimierung für robustes virtuelles Fahrzeugdesign (SOFA) ,
BMBF funded project network. July 2010 – June 2013,
128.000,– EUR
Multidisziplinäre Simulation, nichtlineare Modellreduktion und
proaktive Regelung in der Fahrzeugdynamik (SNiMoRed)
BMBF funded project network. July 2010 – June 2013,
135.000,– EUR
Exact Geometry Simulation and Design Optimization of Vehicles and Vessels (EXCITING)
Grant of the European Union within Framework Program 7, joint proposal with
9 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Greece, and Norway
(3 universities, 2 research labs, and 4 companies). October 2008 – March 2012,
total volume is 2.700.000,– EUR, work package at TUM amounts to
287.000,– EUR
Particle Dynamics in Turbulent Flow
DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) grant within IGSSE (International Graduate
School of Science and Engineering) at TU Munich, jointly with M. Manhart
(Civil Engineering). September 2008 – August 2011, total volume is
160.000,– EUR
Fluid-Structure Interaction in Hemodynamics
DFG grant within IGSSE (International Graduate School of Science and Engineering)
at TU Munich, jointly with W. Wall (Mechanical Engineering) and
R. Botnar (Medical Imaging), July 2007 – June 2010,
160.000,– EUR
Coupled Systems of PDE’s and DAE’s for Shape Memory Actuators in Robotics
DFG grant, May 2005 – April 2008. Principal investigator,
180.000,– EUR
Sensitivity Analysis of Lithographic Mask Overlay for Mix and Match Exposure Techniques
Grant by AMTC GmbH Dresden (Joint venture of AMD, Infineon, and Toppan
Photomasks), September 2005 – April 2008. Principal investigator,
180.000,– EUR
Model Reduction and Flatness Analysis for EUV Nano-Imaging
Grant by SIEMENS AG, Oct. 2005 – June 2006. Principal investigator, 4.000,– EUR
Simulation and Design Optimization of SMA Actuators in Robotics
Travel Grant by the Bavarian-Californian High-Tech Initative,
July 2004 – March 2005, american partner L. Petzold,
7.000,– EUR
Numerical Simulation of Materials with Yield Surface, TP A14 of SFB 298
DFG grant, December 2000 – November 2002. Principal investigator,
120.000,– EUR
Multibody Systems with Plasticity, TP A11 of SFB 298
DFG grant, December 1997 – November 2000.
Co-principal investigator with P. Rentrop,
115.000,– EUR
Coupled Systems of DAE’s and PDE’s in Flexible Multibody Dynamics
Travel grant by DAAD, June 1996 – May 1998,
american partners P. Rabier and W.C. Rheinboldt,
7.800,– EUR
Over 20 years of experience as a teacher of mathematics at 5 german universities
Courses taught so far – undergraduate level: Basic Calculus I and II for Engineers,
Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Introd. to Partial Differential Equations,
Introd. to Numerical Analysis, Numerical Analysis for Engineers.
Graduate level: Numerical ODE’s, Numerical PDE’s, Scientific Computing in Mechanical
Engineering, Differential-Algebraic Equations, Multibody Dynamics, Computational Fluid
Dynamics, B-Splines and NURBS, Computational Science and Engineering
Dialogue and group work are an integral part of my teaching philosophy
Lecture notes available for download
Demo sessions with MATLAB, Maple, or COMSOL Multiphysics
Numerical programming projects
Supervised over 90 bachelor and master theses in mathematics
Attended a two-year program on teaching at TU Darmstadt from 1996 – 1998;
program included video-based analysis of lecturing techniques and various workshops
Teaching award for lecture Computational Science and Engineering II,
Summer Term 2010, TU München
Lecturer at several summer schools on differential-algebraic equations,
industrial mathematics, and computational mechanics
1. Jörg Büttner: Numerical Simulation of Material Laws with Yield Surface.
TU München 2003
2. Meike Schaub: Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Stiff Mechanical Systems.
TU München 2004
3. Christoph Lunk: Time-Space Adaptivity in Structural Dynamics.
TU München 2007
4. Gunnar Teichelmann: Dynamic Iteration for the Transient Simulation of
Materials with Memory. TU München 2008
5. Benjamin Alles: Coupled Drift Diffusion Problems with Implicit Source Function.
TU München 2008. This thesis won
the highly prestigeous EON Future Award which is worth 10.000,- EUR
6. Michael Dörfel: Fluid-Structure Interaction: A Differential-Algebraic Approach and
Acceleration Techniques for Strong Coupling. TU München 2011
7. Michael Burger: Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems: Calculating Input Data for
Multibody System Simulation. TU Kaiserslautern 2011
8. Anh-Vu Vuong: Adaptive Hierarchical Isogeometric Finite Elements.
TU München 2011
9. Christoph Heinrich: A Finite Volume Method on NURBS Geometries and its Application
in Fluid Flow and Fluid-Structure Interaction. TU Kaiserslautern 2012
10. Evgeniy Zharovsky: Fast Numerical Algorithms for Advection-Diffusion Equations
and Applications in Particle Dynamics. TU Kaiserslautern 2012
11. Urs Becker: Efficient Time Integration and Nonlinear Model Reduction
for Incompressible Hyperelastic Materials. TU Kaiserslautern 2012
12. Julia Vuong: Finite Element Method–Flux Corrected Transport Stabilization for
Advection-Diffusion Problems in a Partial Differential-Algebraic Framework.
TU Kaiserslautern 2014
13. Anmol Goyal: Isogeometric Shells in Flexible Multibody Dynamics. TU Kaiserslautern 2015
14. Oliver Weeger: Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Vibrations.
TU Kaiserslautern 2015
15. Jan Kleinert: An Interior Point Method for Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics
in Granular Material. TU Kaiserslautern 2015
16. Daniela Fußeder: Isogeometric Finite Element Methods for Shape Optimization.
TU Kaiserslautern 2015
Current PhD students:
Mane Harutyunyan: Modeling and Simulation of Magnetostrictive Materials.
Student is assistant at Dept. of Mathematics
Dennis Merkert: Voxel-based Fast Solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger Equation
with Smooth Material Interfaces. Student is assistant at Dept. of Mathematics
Fabio Schneider: A Differential-Algebraic Coupling Approach for Flexible Multibody Systems.
Student at Fraunhofer ITWM
Alexander Leichner: Dynamic Contact in Microstructures and Voxel-Meshes.
Student at Fraunhofer ITWM