One Sunday in October 2014 we were on the way to the dog park in


One Sunday in October 2014 we were on the way to the dog park in
One Sunday in October 2014 we were on the
way to the dog park in Cologne. Emanuele
was driving and he began to sing the song
"Say something". Suddenly Junior (our
French Bulldog) started to sing to the song.
Walter, who was sitting in the passenger seat,
started to laugh, because he saw for the first
time that Junior raised his head, howled to the
music and his friend who normally acts like an
Italian Macho, did the same, namely to imitate
our dog lifting the head to the sky.
book more than 3.2 million people. Every few
seconds were received friend requests on Facebook from strangers from all around the
A few days later the video made his way to the
online portals of Germany's largest daily
newspapers. A virtual video hit was born.
Meanwhile, there are already a large Juniorfan-base. 120.000 people from all around the
world are following our postings on Juniors
Our videos have been broadcasted in Spain,
Walter filmed this scene and uploaded the file
Brazil, Netherland, Japan, Germany, UK and
to Facebook to share it with our friends.
even in Dubai. And it seems that every week
The video has been shared and liked from our
approximately 1.000 Fans are joining the Junfriends. In 3 days the video reached on Faceior-fan group. Be a part of the Junior-mania.
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Junior was born on 21 August 2012 in the
near of Hamburg at a breeder of French
bulldogs. Usually Bulldogs gets up to 7 children.
Junior, however, has only a brother who is
also as big as Junior.
Junior is unusually strong. He currently
weighs 22 kg. Bulldogs usually do not
weigh more then the maximum of 17 kg.
Emanuele was looking
for a French Bulldog 5
years ago. He had a
bulldog with the name
”Monty” before, but he
had to gave his former
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bulldog away, because
he moved from Germany to LA (USA) and a female friend who was very ill at that time
needed Monty to recover.
Emanuele saw Junior first on the webpage
of the breeder. He immediately fallen in
love with the baby photo of Junior. He
picked Junior at the age of
11 weeks and brought him
to Cologne.
The breeder needed several minutes alone with
Junior and she cried a lot,
before she handled Junior
to Emanuele.
Her husband told Emanuele that she is always crying when she has to say
goodbye to one of her
dogs. This was a sign that
Junior was in good hands
and he has been well socialized as a baby.
Junior began to communicate with Emanuele already as babe and he was
also singing to songs so
early. Emanuele considered it quite as normal.
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Emanuele is our linguistic genius. His father is
Italian, his mother is Portuguese and he grew
up in Luxembourg.
His parents and his family have already spoken
to him in several languages when he was a
child. This is the reason why he speaks fluently
7 languages (EN, FR, DE, IT, SP, Luxembourgish and Portuguese). So he can communicate
with everybody. He may look older, but his
passport is showing the evidence that he was
born 1975. Emanuele is the typical Italian
Macho (a real man with hard outer shell, but
also with a big heart inside).
Still quite often he make jokes like a child and
he can also fool around like a teenager.
He is generous, loves fashion und strong
cars. He has many friends and his friends
love him because of his sense of humour,
but also for his profundity.
Emanuele is extroverted and very communicative, but he has also this certain
charisma and peaceful aura that even
strangers trust him after knowing a short
time of knowing him. Even not close
friends feel very comfortable with him and
speak with him open about private issues.
Singing is his passion, even if he does
not always hit all the notes.
Loveable on him is that he does not take
himself all too seriously. Therefore, he
does not strive for perfection, because
his main goal is to have fun and to made
the best of his life without considerable
effort. With his languages skills he could
live everywhere, but he has chosen Cologne,, because the people are amazing 3
friendly in this town.
Walter has studied law and business for
real estates. He works as lawyer in the
Austrian administration, specialized in
trademark law.
He first met Emanuele in Brussels at
Easter in 2012. Since about 3 years he is
working in Vienna and also living with his
family in Cologne.
Unfortunately, Walter can not sing. It
seems that the life is playing a trick on
him, because he is getting known for the
singing videos with Junior and Emanuele.
All kind of technology is his passion. He
also takes care that the music videos will
be uploaded to Facebook and You-Tube.
He is so proud that Junior has more than
120,000 fans on Facebook
So some thousand people regularly following the life of Junior and his family.
He likes to work and he is happy that he
found his family.
Although we are not superstitious,
2013 was a very difficult year for us
and for many of our friends.
Emanuele got cancer (first) without realizing it. Junior was the reason why he
discovered cancer early enough and
right in time.
Middle / End of May 2013 Junior
changed his behaviour suddenly. He
began to lick the skin of Emanuele constantly and incessantly. At the beginning we did not understand his behaviour and found it strange and funny.
However, Junior crept even at night under the bedcover of Emanuele (which
he had never done before) and could
not stop to lick Emanuele.
We are not biologists and not scientists.
Bulldogs are often licking wounds on them
or on people to clean the wounds to support the healing process.
Dogs have an incredible sense of smell,
because they have more olfactory cells
than humans (Bulldogs: 100 million / humans: 5 million) and a larger proportion of
the brain (bulldogs: 10% / humans: 1%)
deals with the evaluation of these sensations. Dogs can smell "stereo" and track
the trace of odor for months. Imagine, you
would have these skills. You stand on the
street and smell, who has passed 2 or 3
days ago on this point. Unbelievable, right?
Everyone has a unique smell image for the
dogs. A change of this Odor image can be
recognised by the dogs. For example, diabetes-sniffing dogs are trained to give signs
and alarms in the case of a low sugar level.
These dogs have the ability to smell a low
blood sugar level in the sweat and in the
breath of the patient.
On the Internet there are many experience
reports that dogs have discovered the cancer of their owners. Some fans wrote us
that the own dog wanted to bite the skin
cancer out of their skin and therefore the
owner only thereby became aware of the
skin cancer.
Emanuele’s situation was similar. Junior
changed his behavour. He pressed in that
time his head against the place of Emanuele’s body where the cancer later was
found. He also wanted to bite Emanuele’s
During a “fight” between Emanuele and
Junior, who wanted to bite Emanuele’s testicle, Emanuele noticed an unusual hardening why Emanuele went the next day to his
The first diagnostic, namely testicular cancer, was wrong. It has been corrected to
"non-Hodgkin” lymphoma.
Emanuele got chemotherapy for several
He is now cancer-free and he enjoys his
The chemotherapy was very tough and
changed his attitude towards life. He tries
to enjoy his life to the fullest and he is
grateful to be alive.
The video "Your Raise Me Up" was made in
November 2014. We wanted to exchange a
laptop in our lunch break and drove therefore to the relevant computer shop. On the
route we were recording 3 videos with Junior singing with our "iPhone 4".
We never thought that one of these videos
would reach even more than 75 million people within a week.
The team of Ellen DeGendres, a megastar
in the US, called us, because they wanted to
show the video in the Ellen DeGendres
The video was finally not broadcast in the
show, but it is already an honour for us that
the team called us and that the video can be
seen on the Video-Channel of Ellen.
Our video has been copied several times
and shared on other video-channels and facebooksites and also reached on other platforms millions of people. In total we reached
more then 100 million people with this video.
The team wanted to make a joke and to
make a reference to Madonna and Lady Gaga in the show, because the "singing dog"
has reached more people than Lady Gaga
or Madonna with their videos.
The video was shown in television in UK,
Germany and even in Japan.
The video is almost perfect, because Junior
is singing to the song and raising his head at
the right moments. His funny face and his
apparently must be the reason why so many
people are fascinated by it. It is a masterpiece which was created by chance.
Thanks to Apple that they are selling so
damn expensive computers equipped with
such small HDD / SSD memory that we
wanted to exchange our computer on that
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Martin Rütter is famous in Germany as dog whisperer. He saw our Video (“Say something”) in the car
when he was driving. He must stop driving immediately, because he was laughing so hard. This was the
reason why he invited us to his show in TV at the end of 2014.
The show (Martin Rütter Tierischer Jahresrückblick) was showing interesting stories about animals in year
He ranked our video on No. 1 of his favourite videos. We felt more than honoured, because "grumpy cat" was ranked
on place no. 2.
Grumpy Cat is global megastar.
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We had
the funniest interview with
The Cologne television team is
very young and engaged.
In the case that you understand German than it is
really worth to watch it, because it shows a good mixture of Juniors videos.
We had the very first interview with
"Gassi TV". The charming Isabel
Bierbaum interviewed Emanuele and
talked with him about his
cancer treatment and about
the first success with our
singing videos.
The feedback of Junior’s
fans is our motivation to
move on and to continue
with our postings about Junior. We are receiving messages which are sometimes
very personal, heart-
breaking or just make us
At the same time our fans
show us how
creative they are.
Here are some examples:
The fact that Junior has
discovered the cancer of
Emanuele early enough
was not a secret any more
when we told the story
Jasmin a reporter from a small internet portal
called “Meine Südstadt”.
The website of them has every day a cover
story and they publish articles about people
and other interesting issues of the region of
Cologne in there we live. The cover story about
Junior was published on the following website:
We never thought that the
article would reach many
people, but we were wrong.
Some days after the publication the “Bild” wanted also
an interview with us.
After the “Bild” had reported about Junior, we
received invitations to the main German television companies, such as Sat1 and RTL. Junior
was on German television 8 times in July 2015.
In June 2015 we were invited to a (Pre-) Casting
for the „Super Talent“-show (Germany‘s got talent)
in Cologne.
Junior had to sing in front of juries 3 times. The first
performances was all right, but the important last
one was not good, because Junior was not singing.
So, we did not know if Junior would make it to the
Week later we received the call that Junior is part of
the show and it will be broadcasted on 19th Sep.
2015 on RTL.
Last year, about 4.96 million people watched
(market share 17.7%), the premier episode of Season 8. In the relevant advertising target group (age
from 14 to 49 years) the market share was at
We are looking forward to the reactions of the television-viewers.
The following videos are not in our TOP-10Lists, but we think that they are funny or worth
Vivo per lei
to watch. Just click on the
picture to watch our video-pearls.
Who would have ever thought that a
private video that we uploaded to Facebook in October 2014 would change
our lives so much.
So many people knows Junior already
and every week they are getting more.
It was such a funny moment when a
Canadian had recognized us during
our vacation in February (on the other
side of the world, namely) in Thailand.
He was so overjoyed that he met us.
So many kind and nice people told us
that they have seen our videos with
Junior and that our videos would
cheer them up.
Friends told us that a television broadcaster in Brazil was showing our videos nearly every week in
a show about internet video clips.
People from all parts of the world are following our postings about Juniors. We hear very often that
people love our videos, because they can then forget their problems for a brief moment.
The love between a man and his dog is something that the people like all around the world. The
relationship between Emanuele and Junior is really something special. It is true love. You can see
that love in our videos and you can also feel it.
It was not planed that we are getting known by so many people. What should we do with this publicity?
Well, we do not take ourselves all too seriously. For us it is fun to put our videos online.
We will continue as long as we have fun.
Medial we are inexperienced and still experimenting. The interviews with radio / television and for
various newspapers were very interesting and so
far we have met a lot of young and passionate
people from the media industry.
What is coming next? We will see it, because every publication or report about Junior was causal
for the next media event.
We do not have the need to be in the public spotlight. In the case that the public interest is gone
then it will be fine for us.
Emanuele wants to write a book about his experience of his cancer treatment, because he wants
to give other cancer patients hope and the
strength not to give up.
His book will likely appear 2016.
You can find more about us here:
Our Guesthouse: