German Stage 6 Extension Syllabus Resources
German Stage 6 Extension Syllabus Resources
German Stage 6 Extension Syllabus Resources The Extension syllabus may be implemented with minimal variation in the resources currently used, though additional items may be added as issue-specific items are identified or developed. The following list has been developed by practising teachers of German, in the light of the new syllabus. A list of general resources has been provided and, where appropriate, resources have also been listed under prescribed issues. The list is not definitive and is provided for guidance only. GENERAL RESOURCES • Texts Für und Wieder, Internationes, 1998. Modelle 6, Internationes, 1998. Stocker, P & Saunders, K, Einsicht- Neue Ausgabe, Hodder and Stoughton, 1998. Stocker, P & Saunders, K, Einsicht, Hodder and Stoughton, 1998. Sundry, C & Somerville, J, Brennpunkt, Thomas Nelson, 1994. Themen 3 Neu. Themen und Meinungen, Internationes, 1998. • Websites (links to most German magazines, eg freundin, brigitte etc) RESOURCES BY PRESCRIBED ISSUES 1. DIVISIONS IN SOCIETY • Print Materials Course Books: Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart, Kapitel 2, Advance Materials, 1999. DeutschAktiv 3, Langenscheidt, 1984. Deutschland nach der Wende, Kapitel 3, Verlag fur Deutsch. Eckhard-Black, C, Aktuelles aus Radio und Presse, Chapter 16, 1989. Thematisch 10, Kapitel 6, Mary Glasgow Publications, 1998. Magazines: Aktuell Internationes: Von Aachen bis Zwickau, Kapitel 19, 20. Short Stories: 'Als ich noch jung war' 'Die Tochter' 'Ein alter Mann stirbt' Past HSC Resources: Reading & Responding, 1999. Speaking, 1991 task 4, 1994 task 1, 1995 task 2, 1997 task 3, 1998 task 2. • Audio Radio Plays: Essen Bananen gern Kuchen Songs: Manchmal weine ich sehr White Town 2. PRESSURES ON THE INDIVIDUAL • Print Materials Texts: Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart, Kapitel 4, Advance Materials, 1999. Borgert, Moulden & Wolters, German in Focus, Sydney University Press, 1988. Sprungbrett, Ökotypen, p 63, Stanley Thornes Ltd, 1990 . Thematisch 10, Kapitel 2 & 7, Mary Glasgow Publications, 1998. Themen 3, Die Architektur des Konsums. Magazines: Aktuell Juma PZ Short Stories: Bichsel, P, 'Die Tochter', in either Junge Deutsche Prosa or Sprungbrett. Past HSC Resources: Reading and Responding, 1995, 1998. Speaking, 1991 tasks 1 & 3, 1992 tasks 1 & 4 , 1995 task 1 , 1997 task 1, 1998 tasks 3 & 5, 1999 tasks 1 & 5. Writing in German, 1991, 1992 (b), 1994, 1998. • Video Films: Bin ich schön? • Audio Songs: Alles Lüge Ein Jahr Garantie Frauen kommen langsam aber gewaltig Heute hier, morgen dort Männer • Websites 3. OVERCOMING ADVERSITY • Print Material Course Books: Aspekte deutscher Gegenwart, Kapitel 1,Advance Materials, 1999. Borgert, U, Moulden, K & Wolters, K, German in Focus, Sydney University Press, 1988. Eckhard-Black, C, Aktuelles aus Radio und Presse, Kapitel 18, Macmillan, 1989. Sprungbrett, Kapitel 7 und 8. Von Ostsee bis zum Bodensee, Kapital 10, 11, 12, 22, Internationes. Magazines: Aktuell Past HSC Resources: Reading And Responding, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997. Speaking, 1995 task 3, 1999 task 4. Writing in German, 1992, 1997, 1999. • Audio Songs: Brandstifter Heute sowie damals Sylvi Radio Plays: der Todesengel • Video Film: Jenseits der Stille Video and Play: Voll auf der Rolle This resource list will be regularly up-dated. Suggestions in respect of additional resources will be most welcome and should be forwarded to the Inspector Languages, Curriculum Branch, Office of the Board of Studies.