CV Paul Gragl - School of Law - Queen Mary University of London


CV Paul Gragl - School of Law - Queen Mary University of London
Paul Gragl
Mag.phil., Mag.iur., Dr.iur.
Academic Career and Other Employments
September 2013 – present:
Lecturer in Law at Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
October 2012 – August 2013:
Research Fellow at City University London, United Kingdom
May 2010 – May 2012:
Teaching and Research Assistant at the Institute of International Law and
International Relations of the University of Graz, Austria
February – March 2010:
Marking Assistant at the Institute of International Law and International
Relations of the University of Graz, Austria
January – April 2010:
Postgraduate Judicial Service Traineeship, Bruck a.d. Mur and Graz, Austria
May – June 2009:
Internship at the Austrian Consulate-General and the Austrian Trade
Commission in Chicago, Illinois, United States
Academic Education
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (University of Graz)
April 2012:
Doctor of Law (“Doctor iuris”); University of Graz
2009 – 2012:
Enrolment Doctoral Studies in Law. Doctoral Thesis: „The Accession of the
European Union to the European Convention and Human Rights – A Study on
the Compatibility of the European Union’s Legal Autonomy with the System of
Human Rights Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights“;
Mark: First Class Honours (in German: “sehr gut”)
Master of Law (“Magister iuris”); University of Graz
2003 – 2009:
Enrolment at Law School, Master Thesis at the Institute of International Law:
„The US Alien Tort Claims Act within the System of International Law
Enforcement“; Mark: First Class Honours (in German: “sehr gut”)
Master of Philosophy (“Magister philosophiae”); University of Graz
2001 – 2008:
Enrolment at the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Field of Study: Philosophy
and Philosophy of Law. Master Thesis: „Wrongful Life – Is there a Right Not to
be Born?“ Mark: First Class Honours (in German: “sehr gut”)
Semesters Abroad and Projects
July – August 2009:
Summer School Program „Orientation in USA Law“ at the
University of California in Davis (UC Davis), participation in the
„Constitutional Law Project“
March 2009:
World Model United Nations in The Hague, Netherlands
March 2008:
World Model United Nations in Puebla, Mexico
March 2007:
National Model United Nations in New York
February 2006 – July 2006:
Semester abroad („Erasmus“ semester) at the Université Paris VIII – Vincennes
à Saint-Denis
Presentations in Public International Law and European Union Law
“Obsolete Dichotomy? The European Union between Monism and Dualism”; Presentation at the Austrian
International Law Conference on 8 June 2013.
“The European Union and the International Law of Treaties”; Presentation at the International Law and Affairs
Group (ILAG) research seminar on 1 October 2012.
“Inter-Party Cases after the EU’s Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights”; Presentation at the
University of Surrey School of Law (Workshop: “A Europe of Rights: The EU and the ECHR”, on 9 June 2012)
Paul Gragl, The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights (Hart Publishing,
Articles and Contributions:
Paul Gragl, ‘Obsolete Dichotomie? Die Europäische Union zwischen Monismus und Dualismus’ in
Wolfgang Benedek, Hans-Peter Folz, Hubert Isak, Matthias C. Kettemann, Renate Kicker (eds), Bestand und
Wandel des Völkerrechts: Beiträge zum 38. Österreichischen Völkerrechtstag 2013 (Peter Lang 2014, forthcoming).
Paul Gragl, ‘A Reminiscence of Westphalia: Inter-Party Cases After the EU’s Accession to the ECHR and
the EU’s Potential as a Human Rights Litigator’ in T. Lock, K. Dzehtsiarou, T. Konstadinides, and N.
O'Meara (eds), Human Rights Law in Europe: The Influence, Overlaps and Contradictions of the EU and ECHR
(Routledge 2013, forthcoming).
Paul Gragl, ‘Agreement on the Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human
Rights’ in Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner and Angela Ward (eds), The EU Charter of Fundamental
Rights - A Commentary (Hart Publishing 2013, forthcoming).
Paul Gragl, ‘(Judicial) Love is Not a One-Way Street: The EU Preliminary Reference Procedure as a Model
for ECtHR Advisory Opinions under Draft Protocol No. 16’ (2013) 38 European Law Review 229-247 (this
article will also be published under the same name in [2013] European Current Law 573-595).
Paul Gragl, ‘Europäische Jurisdiktionsgrenzen und Dublin II: Straßburgs M.S.S.-Urteil und dessen Folgen
für die Europäische Union’ in Matthias Kettemann (ed), Grenzen im Völkerrecht (Jan Sramek 2013).
Paul Gragl/Heike Montag, ‘Völkerrecht 2012 - Richterliche Praxis und politische Realität. 37.
Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag’ (2012) 25 Humanitäres Völkerrecht – Informationsschriften, 163-164.
Paul Gragl, ‘Strasbourg’s External Review after the EU’s Accession to the European Convention on
Human Rights: A Subordination of the Luxembourg Court?’ (2012) 17 Tilburg Law Review, 32-62.
Paul Gragl, ‘The Shortcomings of Dublin II: Strasbourg’s M.S.S. Judgment and its Implications for the
European Union’s Legal Order’ in Wolfgang Benedek/Florence Benoît-Rohmer/Wolfram Karl/Manfred
Nowak (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2012 (NWV, 2012) 123-139.
Paul Gragl, ‘Der rechtliche Status der EMRK innerhalb des Unionsrechts. Zu den Auswirkungen auf die
Rechtsautonomie der Europäischen Union nach ihrem Beitritt zur EMRK’ (2011) 14 Zeitschrift für
Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS), 409-431.
Paul Gragl, ‘Accession Revisited: Will Fundamental Rights Protection Trump the European Union’s Legal
Autonomy?’ in Wolfgang Benedek/Florence Benoît-Rohmer/Wolfram Karl/Manfred Nowak (eds),
European Yearbook on Human Rights 2011 (NWV, 2011) 159-172.
Paul Gragl, ‘Der EMRK-Beitritt der EU. Eine kritische Darstellung zum Spannungsfeld von effektivem
Rechtsschutz und Rechtsautonomie der EU’ (2011) 23 juridikum, 178-186.
Paul Gragl, ‘Anwendungsbereich und Tragweite der Europäischen Grundrechte. Die Bedeutung der
Grundrechtecharta für die Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten und den Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz’
(2010/2011) 21 Juristische Ausbildung und Praxisvorbereitung (JAP), 47-51.
Paul Gragl, ‘EU und Europarat – zwei sich ergänzende Institutionen’ in Politicum 108. Europarat. Pionier und
unverzichtbarer Garant für Menschenrechte und Demokratie, Heft 2, 2009, 116.
Book Reviews:
Paul Gragl, ‘Jens Meyer-Ladewig: Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention. Handkommentar’ in Wolfgang
Benedek/Florence Benoît-Rohmer/Wolfram Karl/Manfred Nowak (eds), European Yearbook on Human
Rights 2012 (NWV, 2012).
Paul Gragl, ‘Dirk Ehlers: Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten’ Wolfgang Benedek/Florence
Benoît-Rohmer/Wolfram Karl/Manfred Nowak (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2011 (NWV,
Paul Gragl, ‘Giacomo di Federico: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: From Declaration to Binding
Instrument’ Wolfgang Benedek/Florence Benoît-Rohmer/Wolfram Karl/Manfred Nowak (eds), European
Yearbook on Human Rights 2011 (NWV, 2011).