List of academic works


List of academic works
List of academic works with Positive Psychotherapy
(as of 26 November 2015)
Habilitation (Doctor of Science)
Boncheva, Ivanka (2004): Психологически параметри на комуникацията "Лекар-Болен"
(Psychological Parameters of Communication „Doctor-Patient“), Clinical Psychology
University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Peev, Ilia Petrov (2003): Vazmozhnosti za prilozhenie na psihotherapeftichni metodi v
podgotovkata na savremenata armija – problemi i perspektivi (Possibilities of applying
psychotherapeutic methods in training of modern armies – Problems and perspectives),
Voenno Izdatelstvo, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Peseschkian, Hamid (1998): Позитивная психотерапия как транскультуральный подход
в российской психотерапии», диссертация в виде научного доклада на соискание
ученой степени доктора медицинских наук, СПб, 1998, научно-исследовательский
психоневрологический институт им. В.М.Бехтерева. (Positive Psychotherapy as
transcultural approach in Russian psychotherapy). Habilitation, published as book in German
language (2002): Die russische Seele im Spiegel der Psychotherapie. Ein Beitrag zur
Entwicklung einer transkulturellen Psychotherapie. VWB, Berlin, Germany.
Peseschkian, Nossrat (1988): Die Bedeutung sozialer Normen in der Positiven
Psychotherapie unter dem transkulturellen Gesichtspunkt (The meaning of social norms in
Positive Psychotherapy from the transcultural view). Empirical survey on the basis of the
„Wiesbadener Differenzierungsanalytischen Fragebogens (WDF)“. Habilitation in
psychotherapy, faculty of human medicine, University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Dissertation, Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, Diploma thesis
Chebotareva, I. S. (2001): Эмоциональность и личность беременных женщин и
Изменение динамического в процессе позитивной психотерапии Лечение (Emotionality
and Personality of Pregnant Women and the Changing Dynamic in the Process of Positive
Psychotherapy Treatment). Psychological dissertation, faculty of medical psychology and
general psychology, University Kazan, Russia.
Cherenshchikova, Daria Victorivna (2011): Позитивна психотерапія як засіб оптимізації
педагогічного спілкування у вищих навчальних закладах (Positive psychotherapy as a
method of optimization of pedagogical intercourse in higher educational institutions).
Dissertation for obtaining the candidate degree of psychological science,
Vasyl Stefanyk Prycarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Deychakiwsky, Galina (2011): Психологічні особливості самореалізації студентів психологів (Psychological characteristics of self-students – psychologists). Bachelor thesis,
Carpathian National University V. Stefanyk, Ukraine.
Deychakiwsky, Galina (2012): Соціально-психологічні чинники самореалізації
особистості студента - психолог (Social and psychological factors of self-identity student –
psychologist). Master thesis, Carpathian National University V. Stefanyk. Ivano-Frankivsk,
Dumsch, Tina (1998): Der Ansatz der Positiven Psychotherapie im sozialpädagogischen
Handeln, dargestellt am Beispiel einer tagesklinischen Einrichtung (Positive Psychotherapy
approach in social-pedagogic action, explained by an example of a day hospital). Diploma
thesis in social pedagogy, faculty of social work, Fachhochschule Münster, Germany.
Eliceeva, Marina V. (2000): Психосоматические отношения в клинических проявлений,
диагностики и лечения внутренних болезней на примере бронхиальной астмы
бронхиальная (Psychosomatic relations in the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and
treatment of internal diseases on the example of bronchial asthma). Medical dissertation,
Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Goncharov, Maxim A. (2003): Эмоциональные отношения и их роль во взаимодействии
психотерапевта и пациента (Emotional relationship and its role in interaction between
psychotherapist and the patient). Medical dissertation, Bekhterev Federal Neuropsychiatric
Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Gyula, Vadas (1992): Positive Psychopedagogy. Doctoral thesis, Pecs, Hungary.
Hardt, Andreas (1988): Mikrotraumen in der Sozialpädagogik am Beispiel der Positiven
Psychotherapie (Micro trauma in social pedagogy using the example of Positive
Psychotherapy). Diploma thesis in social pedagogy, faculty of Social Pedagogy,
Fachhochschule Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Hübner, Gunther (1994): Planung einer Fortbildungsmaßnahme zum Burnout-Syndrom auf
der Basis der Positiven Psychotherapie (Planning an advanced training about the burnoutsyndrome on the basis of Positive Psychotherapy). Diploma thesis in pedagogy sciences,
University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Hübner, Gunther (2009): Burnout - Neue Impulse für Forschung und Praxis (Burnout – New
impulses for research and practice). Dissertation, Lenzkircher Verlagsbuchhandel, Lenzkirch,
Jabbarian, Abbas (2008): Ängste und ihre positiven Botschaften - Im Kontext der Positiven
Psychotherapie. Von der symbolischen Sprache des Unbewussten (Fears and their positive
messages – in the context of Positive Psychotherapy. About the symbolic language of the
subconscious). Dissertation, faculty of human and social sciences, Carl-von-Ossietzky
University, Oldenburg, Germany.
Jossé, Tillmann (1992): Darstellung ausgewählter Beispiele familientherapeutischer
Konzepte und ihr Bezug im Arbeitsfeld der sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe (Description
of selected examples of family therapeutic concepts in the field of social-pedagogic family
assistance). Diploma thesis, Fachhochschule für Sozialwesen (advanced college for social
sciences), Mannheim, Germany.
Karpenko, Yevhen (2012): Трансформація захисних механізмів у процесі
самоактуалізації особистості (Transformation of defense mechanisms in the process of selfactualization of a personality). PhD dissertation, Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
Kiev, Ukraine.
Kirillov, Ivan O. (2002): Супервисион в позитивной психотерапии (Supervision in
Positive Psychotherapy). Medical dissertation, Bekhterev Federal Neuropsychiatric Research
Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kravchenko, Yurii (2011): Управління тренінговими та коучінговими технологіями в
освіті протягом життя. Позитивний крос-культурний підхід (Management of training and
coaching technologies in life-long education. Positive cross-cultural approach). Master thesis,
University of economics “Krok”, Kiev, Ukraine.
Naghashian, Laura (2012): Gesundheit und Resilienzförderung durch das „Nachdenken über
das geistige Leben“? Eine Untersuchung und Evaluation mit Blick auf das salutogenetische
Konzept und das „Balance-Modell“ nach Peseschkian (Health and advanced resilience by
„reflection about the spiritual life“ An evaluation with respect to the salutogenetic concept
and “Balance model” after Peseschkian). Bachelor thesis in the field of social work, social
medicine and pedagogy, Fachhochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Peseschkian, Hamid (1988): Psychosoziale Aspekte beim lumbalen Bandscheibenvorfall.
Eine psychosomatische Untersuchung von 100 Patienten (Psychosocial aspects of the lumbar
disk herniation. A psychosomatic evaluation of 100 patients). Medical dissertation, University
Mainz, Germany.
Peseschkian, Nawid (1990): Psychosoziale Aspekte bei der Neurodermatitis constitutionalis
(Psychosocial aspects of neurodermatitis constitutionalis). Medical dissertation, Mainz ,
Schwamberger, Claudia (2011): Heilerwesen in Bulgarien, Traditionelle Heilerinnen versus
PsychotherapeutInnen (Healers in Bulgaria, traditional healers versus psychotherapists).
Dissertation at the SFU Vienna, psychotherapy sciences, Vienna, Austria.
Shyichuk, Anna Oleksandrivna (2011): Психологічні детермінанти здійснення
політичного вибору (Psychological determinants of making political choices).
Bachelor thesis, Carpathian National University V. Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Shyichuk, Anna Oleksandrivna (2012): Психологічні засоби професійного
самоствердження молодих фахівців (Psychological means of professional selffulfillment of young professionals). Master thesis, Carpathian National University V.
Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Shlyakhteko, E.V. (2001): Новое в психотерапии и психодиагностики
психосоматических эквивалентов стресса у больных с бронхиальной астмой (News in
psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy of psychosomatic equivalents of stress in patients with
bronchial asthma). Pavlov Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sirtsova, E.Yu. (2001): Оптимизация диагностики внутренних беспорядков, на примере
hemostatiopathy и ulceral заболеваний (Optimization of the diagnostics of internal disorders,
at the example of hemostatiopathy and ulceral diseases). Medical dissertation, Samara State
Medical University, Samara, Russia.
Tabatabai, Mohammad (2011): Ressourcen und Konfliktpotenziale in binationalen
Partnerschaften. Eine Studie zu deutsch-iranischen Paarbeziehungen im Kontext der Positiven
Psychotherapie (Resources and conflict potentials of binational partnerships. A study about
German-Iranian couple relationships). Dissertation, faculty of psychology and intercultural
pedagogy. Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany.
Yakubenko, O.V. (2001): Больничное, медицинское и психологическая коррекция и
профилактика нарушений нейропсихологических в подростков границе (Hospital,
medical and psychological correction and prevention of neuropsychological disorders in
adolescents). Medical dissertation, Omsk State Medical Academy, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Master theses of the Master of Science program „Masters for Positive
Psychotherapy“ at the Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA,
Bolivia, postgraduate studies:
Álvarez, Teresa Baldiviezo (2005): Integración de la psicoterapia positive al psicodrama
(Integration of Positive Psychotherapy in Psychodrama). Master thesis for Positive
Psychotherapy at Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Anzoategui, Dolly Medina (2005): Uso de la psicoterapia positive para interpreter conflictos
de las mujeres activas contemporáneas en nuestro contexto cultural (Use of Positive
Psychotherapy for conflict interpretation of active contemporary women in our cultural
context). Master thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz,
UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Cho, Esteban (2005): Los efectos terapeuticos del fortalecimiento de espiritualidad por
medio de aplicacion de los cuentos biblicos en psicoterapia positiva, en los pacientes del
consultorio de U.B.F. (University Bible Fellowship) (The therapeutic effects of the
strengthening of spirituality through application of biblical stories in Positive Psychotherapy,
patients of U.B.F. office (University Bible Fellowship)). Master thesis for Positive
Psychotherapy at Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Crespo, Juan Domingo Fabbri (2005): Factores de personalidad y capacidades actuales.
Comparación teórica entre el constructo planteado por Peseschkian con el de Catell
(Personality factors and actual capacities. Comparison between the theoretical construct
proposed by Peseschkian with Cattell). Master thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at
Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia .
Pol, Beatriz (2005): Uso de las herramientas de la psicoterapia positive y de la terapia de
esquemas para dar asesoría a estudiantes con problemas de adaption y rendimiento en el nivel
inicial en la universidad NUR (Using the tools of Positive Psychotherapy and Schema
Therapy in giving advice to students with initial level adaption and performance problems at
the NUR university). Master thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at Universidad Tecnologica de
Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Quiroz, Alcira Agreda (2005): Psicoterapia positive y la teologia ecofeminista biblica para
hacer frente a los postraumas del abuso y violacíon sexual intrafamiliar, desde la categoría del
cuerpo de la mujer y sus capacidades (Positive Psychotherapy and feminist biblical theology
to deal with the post-traumas of domestic sexual abuse and rape, from the category of the
female body and its capacities). Master thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at Universidad
Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Rojas, Dalcy Flores (2005): Programa de capacitatión en jóvenes para mejorar su
autoconocimiento a través de la psicoterapia positiva (Youth training program to enhance the
self-knowledge through Positive Psychotherapy). Master thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at
Universidad Tecnologica de Santa Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Sciaroni, María Susana Castro (2005): Propuesta de taller de “Comunicación intercultural”.
Para evitar conflictos basado en psicoterapia positive a ser implementada en la normal para
docentes de Puerto Rico (Proposed workshop "Intercultural Communication". How to avoid
conflicts with the help of Positive Psychotherapy to be implemented in the normal teaching of
Puerto Rico). Master Thesis for Positive Psychotherapy at Universidad Tecnologica de Santa
Cruz, UTEPSA, Bolivia.
Further scientific works and publications, e.g. from Bulgaria (like Boncheva I., 2013:
Psychologische Psychotherapie. Psychotherapeutische Kompetenz. Slavena, Varna), or
Romania (Hum-Ursachi, G., Don L. (2000): WIPPF Profile in Patients with Anxiety
Disorders), Ukraine or Turkey can be obtained directly from the authors or via WAPP
Head Office: [email protected].

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