Newsletter 01/2012


Newsletter 01/2012
Dear participants and friends of the GSBC,
In this edition of the GSBC newsletter you will find information on the recent
ments at the Graduate School “Human Behaviour in Social and Economic
(GSBC), including upcoming courses, workshops and conferences as well as
highlights relevant to the researchers and doctoral candidates in the GSBC. The
of this newsletter are as follows:
Latest News
Study Programme in Summer Term 2012
All announcements (especially of publications and lectures) are based on information
supplied to us.
Latest News
Grants and Offers
Award and mentorship for Rainer K. Silbereisen
The International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development
(ISSBD) awarded the 2012 ISSBD Distinguished Scientific Award for
the Applications of Behavioral Development Theory and Research to
Rainer K. Silbereisen.
Rainer K. Silbereisen took over mentorship for Rukmen Sehmi who
is a PhD student based in the Department of Quantitative Social
Science at the Institute of Education, University of London. The
mentorship is part of the Mentored Fellowship Program for Early
Career Scholars, which is a joint project by the International Society
for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) and the Jacobs
Foundation. Rukem Sehmi plans to investigate psychological wellbeing of ethnic minority children in the Millennium Cohort Study.
New position for Martin Tomasik (CADS)
Martin Tomasik has left Jena and started a position as a post-doctoral
research associate with Alexandra Freund at the Department of Applied
Psychology: Life Management, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He now
works in a research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation on "Readiness to Disengage from Motivational Conflict: Adult Age
Differences and Implications for Emotional Experiences".
Newsletter 0101-2012
New Projects for Elena Semenova
The International Network “Selection and Deselection of Political Elites” (SEDEPE) invited
Elena Semenova to participate in two publication projects. The first project deals with the
recruitment of ministers in presidential systems. The editors of the book project “Selection of Ministers Around the World”, Patrick Dumont (University of Luxembourg) and
Keith Downing (National University of Australia) invited Elena Semenova to provide a
book chapter on ministerial recruitment in Russia from 1991 to 2012. The book proposal
was accepted by Routledge and will be published in 2013.
The second project focuses on political elites in multi-level countries. Elena Semenova
was invited by Matthew Kerby (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) and Csaba
Nikolenyi (Concordia University, Canada) to contribute a chapter on governors in postSoviet Russia. The first meeting of the research group takes place at the World Congress
of Political Science in July 2012, and the second meeting will be organized in Montreal
(Canada) in October 2012.
Elena Semenova and David Winter (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) has started a new
project on political psychology of political leaders. The project includes a number of articles on motivational aspects of leaders in a historical (Soviet and German politicians at
the beginning of the World War II) and regional perspective (American and Russian parliamentarians: Motivation and Institutions).
A new project on networks and institutional development of Ukrainian parliament has
been initiated by Elena Semenova and Tetiana Kostuichenko (Institute of Sociology, KyivMohyla Academy, Ukraine). The project analyses survival rates of Ukrainian politicians
since the collapse of Communism.
Visiting Fellowship for Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova was awarded a Visiting Fellowship at the Munk School for Global Affairs
at the University of Toronto. The Munk School for Global Affairs is one of North America's
leading academic institutes for the study of the member countries of the European Union,
the countries of the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe. During her
stay at the University of Toronto, Elena Semenova will write an article on parliamentary
representation of businessmen in Central and Eastern Europe, give two presentations and
supervise doctoral students.
New Projects for Nikolaus Knoepffler
Nikolaus Knoeppfler launched two new research projects. The first is
the DFG funded project “Der pietätvolle Umgang mit dem menschlichen Leichnam im Kontext von Bestattung und Beisetzung im
Schnittfeld von Ethik und Recht“. It is a joint research project with
Tade Spranger from the Institute of Science and Ethics (Institut für
Wissenschaft und Ethik, IWE) at the University of Bonn and the chair
of Applied Ethics led by Nikolaus Knoepffler at the University of Jena.
This project started on January 1st, 2012.
The second is the BMBF-project “Die Gestaltung des tiermedizinischen Fortschritts im tierärztlichen Berufsethos. Die Tierärzteschaft als Schlüsselgruppe in der Realisierung lebenswissenschaftlicher Forschung“. Head of this research project is Peter Kunzmann and the project started
on February 1st, 2012.
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Katja Rost elected as board member of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS)
The European Public Choice Society aims at promoting scientific research on the economic and interdisciplinary analysis of non-market
decision making processes and institutions, and to facilitate the exchange of work and ideas about it.
The most recent annual meetings were attended by approximately 350
people from around thirty countries who presented about 280 scientific
Peter Walgenbach takes over the chair of the scientific commission organization within
the German Academic Association for Business Research
The German Academic Association for Business Research pursues the
development of business administration as an academic discipline at
The main objective of the association is to foster research and education
in business administration, as well as providing a platform for members,
practitioners, and domestic and foreign institutions with similar objectives.
New DFG-project for Peter Walgenbach
The project “Multinational corporations, regional governance and human resources“ is
funded by the DFG and is a joint research project with Anne Tempel und Stefan Süß from
the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf as well as international cooperation partner
from Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and Spain.
Research professorship for Michael Fritsch
Michael Fritsch has been appointed a Research Professor at the Halle Institute for Economic Research. The IWH and Michael Fritsch
intend to intensify their collaboration in the field of innovation research. Currently, they are working on a joint project (together with
the Institute of Higher Education Research Halle-Wittenberg) “The
Contribution of Universities to Regional Development under Conditions of Demographic Change” financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
New project for Gabriele Wilz (from May 2012)
The new research project “Telefonische Therapie für Angehörige von
Demenzkranken. Praxistransfer einer telefonischen Therapie zur Unterstützung von betreuenden Angehörigen“ (Tele.TAnDem.Transfer) is
funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG “Zukunftswerkstatt Demenz”). The project is scheduled to run until April 2015.
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Andreas Freytag is a member of Transformation Research Initiative (TRI) at Stellenbosch
University (South Africa) and Senior Associate at Tutwa Consulting (Pretoria)
Transformation Research Initiative (TRI) is an interdisciplinary research
team. Its members represent the disciplines of political science, sociology, economics, history and theology and they hail from eight countries
located in globally diverse cultural regions. Their common quest is the
pursuit of quality research on democracy.
Tutwa consulting conducts authoritative research into and analysis of
complex policy and regulatory matters affecting business in emerging
markets (
DAAD Funding Granted for a fourth Caucasus Workshop on “Disaster and Bereavement in
Central Asia”
Professor Rainer Silbereisen and colleagues in the Department of Developmental Psychology have learned that the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) has granted
funding for a new Caucasus workshop to be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in October 2012. This
is the fourth in a series of capacity-building workshops on Bereavement, Research and
Practice that was instigated following the 2008 Russian–Georgian armed conflict and the
urgent request from Georgian psychologists to the International Union of Psychological
Science (IUPsyS), of which Professor Rainer Silbereisen is currently President, for support
of their work with internally displaced persons.
The first two workshops were held in 2009 and 2010 at the University of Jena when approximately 30 participants, including senior and young scientists, as well as practitioners, came from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to spend one week meeting and working with international specialists in the field of bereavement and trauma. A special focus
was placed on bringing young researchers into discussion with internationally reputed
experts. Whereas these two workshops mainly focused on basic theory and practical
training, the third workshop, which was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 2011, dealt with advanced in-field training and curriculum development. Participants again came from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and faculty members were internationally renowned experts.
The fourth workshop “Disaster and Bereavement in Central Asia” will focus on the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge from the South-Caucasus region towards other countries in Central Asia such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. The workshop is part of the long-term plan to establish Georgia as a hub, connecting scientists and practitioners in the single Central Asia countries with international networks. Workshop participants will be drawn from the Central Asia countries, and faculty
members will again be of the highest international repute and from across the world. The
workshop will take place during the second week of October (exact dates are to be confirmed) and will be held at Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
Support for the workshop series is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD), the IUPsyS, and the University of Jena. Further background information on this
workshop series and the role of the DAAD can be found by going to where there is the
transcription of an interview between Professor Silbereisen and the DAAD concerning the
Caucasus capacity-building workshop series.
For further information on the third workshop please contact Verona Christmas-Best via
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Annual Meeting of the socio-scientific committee of the “Verein für Socialpolitik” 2012
(organized by Oliver Kirchkamp)
May 03-05, 2012, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Senatssaal, main building, first floor,
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
Welcome address
Chair - Brenner, Thomas
Weimann, Joachim - Öffentliche Gut Experimente in großen Gruppen und
mit realen öffentlichen Gütern
Tietz, Reinhard - Laissez-faire ist nicht fair - Durch Besteuerung zu konzentrationsneutraler Vermögensbildung
coffee break
Chair - Pickl, Stefan
Neugebauer, Tibor - Forecasting security prices in experimental callauction and double-auction markets
Engelmann, Dirk - Choosing how to Choose: Efficiency Concerns and Constitutional Choice
17:10-18:00: Grimm, Veronika - Reputation Formation in Economic Transactions
Dinner „Zur Noll“, Oberlauengasse 19, 07743 Jena
Guided city tour
Friday, May 4th, 2012
08:30-09:20: Engelmann, Dirk - Choosing how to Choose: Efficiency Concerns and Constitutional Choice
09:20-10:10: Orzen, Henrik - Strategic and natural risk in experimental market entry
10:10-10:40: coffee break
10:40-12:20: Chair - Heinemann, Frank
10:40-11:30: Alós-Ferrer, Carlos - Preference Reversals: Time and Again
11:30-12:20: Breitmoser, Yves - Modelling choice and estimating utility in simple experimental games
12:20-13:20: lunch
13:20-15:00: Chair - Lehmann-Waffenschmidt, Marco
13:20-14:10: Riedl, Arno - Coordination in heterogeneous populations: On the focality of
(multiple) fairness ideals
14:10-15:00: Bolle, Friedel - Passing the Buck
15:00-15:30: coffee break
15:30-19:30: Guided tour to 1806 memorial
19:30-21:00: Dinner „Im Sack“, Oberlauengasse 14, 07743 Jena
Saturday, May 5th, 2012
08:30-09:20: Leopold-Wildburger, Ulrike - Effects of bribes and leniency policy in negotiations
09:20-10:10: Achtziger, Anja - Die neuronale Basis von Belief Updating
10:10-10:40: coffee break
10:40-11:30: Schunk, Daniel - Expectations as Reference Points: Field Evidence from
Experienced Subjects in a Competitive High Stakes Environment
11:30-12:20: general meeting
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12:20-13:20: lunch
14:00-17:00: Hiking around the Kernberge
New EIC-Fellows
Thomas de Haan
My name is Thomas de Haan, I am 27 years old
and from Holland. For the coming 2 years, I'll be a
postdoctoral researcher at the GSBC-GK EIC group.
Before I was a PhD student at the University of Amsterdam in the experimental economics department
which was named CREED. Here at the GK my research focus will be mostly on experimental economics, specifically looking at how theories regarding knowledge sharing, R&D investing or creativity
stimulation could be tested and enhanced using
laboratory experiments. One goal will also be to get many EIC-phd students involved in
using the lab to tackle questions regarding innovation. Next to this I am open to many
more topics and methods of research. I am looking forward to many "gemeinschaftliche
Projekte" with the other members of the GSBC/EIC group.
Johannes Karl Herrmann
I studied economics (Volkswirtschaftslehre, diploma) at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. My diploma thesis in 2010 was
about the role of emotions in economic theory. I also studied
abroad at the Högskolan Dalarna in Sweden. This march I started
my PhD work at the graduation program “Economics of innovative change” here in Jena. I am now working at the GRETCHENproject (Chair Prof. Cantner), which attempts to evaluate certain
policy measures aiming at encouraging renewable energies both
in production and consumption. My interest in this topic was induced by an internship at the Thuringian Ministery for Economics,
Labour and Technology.
I have a number of topics I am generally interested in. The most prominent are economic
policy, energy supply, psychology and institutional economics. I hope to have a good
time with you at the GSBC-EIC in Jena and am looking forward to get to know all of you
better over time.
Contact: johannes.herrmann(at)
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Zahra Lotfi
I am Zahra Lotfi and born in Iran. I’ve joined GSBC-EIC as PhD student in February 2012. I completed my Bachelor degree with the major of Industrial Economic in 2007. Then I studied for Master of Business Administration (MBA) at University of Tehran and finished my
master in 2010. My master thesis was about reviewing and commenting “marketing strategy” in one of well-known Iranian manufacturing
company specialized in pumping. I did quantitative and qualitative
research method for designing of upgraded marketing strategies.
During my master degree I worked as a market researcher in one of
the biggest pump producer.
I am planning to focus my research in “PATENT”. I am interested in some subjects like,
“Patent Pool” and “The relation between Patent and Pay-for-performance (compensation
Contact: zahra.lotfi(at)
Abdolreza Momeni
I am Abdolreza Momeni and came from Iran. I have jointed
GSBC-EIC University recently from February 2012 as PhD student. I completed my bachelor degree in industrial engineering
and master degree in Master of Business Administration (MBA)
from University of Tehran. My master thesis was about “Surveying of relationship between the Internal Marketing and External
Marketing in PUMPIRAN Co, the well known pumping manufacturer in Iran”. Furthermore I completed my research focusing on
customer satisfaction, market attractiveness and after sales service during my thesis in this company. During my master study I
gained a lot of experience when I worked at the Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) the
biggest oil and gas company for developing of oil and gas fields. During my work in this
company I promoted as deputy of manager of one of service departments. I am planning
to do my further research on innovation focusing on disruptive technology.
Contact: abdolreza.momeni(at)
Martin Kalthaus
My name is Martin Kalthaus and I`m working at the
chair of Prof. Cantner since March. I’m part of the
GSBC-EIC and the research project GRETCHEN (The
Impact of the German Policy Mix on Technological
and Structural Change in Renewable Power Generation Technologies). I studied Management and Economics at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and graduated as Diplom-Ökonom in 2011. Furthermore, I
studied abroad at the Aalto School of Economics in
Helsinki and at the University of California, Berkeley. I wrote my thesis about the interaction between renewable energy subsidies and
environmental policies (Economic Evaluation of Subsidy Schemes for Renewable Energies
and their Integration into the European Union‘s Emission Trading System). During my
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studies I worked for different companies (Douglas Holding, Evonik Industries, PricewaterhouseCoopers, …) on financial topics. In my further research I will analyze the innovative impacts of renewable energy subsidies and take a closer look at the interactions between these subsidies and how they induce innovations.
Contact: martin.kalthaus(at)
Sven Kaden
I started in March 2012 as research assistant at the Chair of Prof.
Cantner and as a doctoral student in the Jena Graduate School
“The Economics of Innovative Change” (GSBC-EIC). Prior I received my diploma in economics at the Technical University of
Dresden (TUD) in 2011. During my time at the TUD I focused my
studies especially on industrial economics, international economic
relations, economic psychology, statistics as well as econometrics.
My diploma thesis was about modeling market transparency and
how a more transparent market influences the decisions made by
an exporting firm. Some of my research interests are topics like
behavioral economics, game theory and evolutionary economics.
Contact: sven.kaden(at)
Study Programme in Summer Term 2012
Theoretical Courses
Organization theory
Peter Walgenbach
Basics of Economics of Innovation
Uwe Cantner
Evolutionary Economics
Ulrich Witt
Strategic Interaction in Innovation
Uwe Cantner
Methodological Courses
Social Network Analysis
Holger Graf
Analysis of Pooled Time Series Cross-Section Data
Vera Tröger
Monte Carlo simulation methods: their basics and application
Ivan Savin
For further information or for course registration please see
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5th GSBC Schools Day
May 31st, 2012 (13:45 – 17:45), Senatssaal (Main University Building), Fürstengraben 1,
This year’s topic of the GSBC Schools Day is “Migration”. Prominent experts from four
different disciplines will discuss this topic together with the audience.
13.45 Welcome Address (Uwe Cantner)
14:00 Sociology: Donald J. Hernandez (City University of New York)
14:50 Law: Constanze Janda (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
16.00 Economics: Silke Übelmesser (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
16:50 Psychology: Colleen Ward (Victoria University of Wellington)
At 18:00, you are welcome to join the Graduate Academy’s “Sommerfest” (please register at until May 22nd).
You are cordially invited to this event!
2012 ESI Spring Workshop
Werner Güth and the Strategic Interaction Group (ESI) of the Max Planck Institute of
Economics are pleased to announce the 2012 ESI Spring Workshop in Jena from June 4 6, 2012. The workshop will start on Monday, June 4, at 12.55. The end of the workshop
will be on June 6 at 17.30. The workshop venue is the Max Planck Institute of Economics
preliminary presentations
Monday, June 4
Edward J. Cartwright, University of Kent. “Endogenous leadership in public good games”
Anders Poulsen, University of East Anglia, “Efficiency, Equality, and Labels in an Explicit
Bargaining Situation”
Astrid Gamba, MPI of Economics, Jena, “tba”
Zacharias Maniadis, Bocconi University, Italy, “Is learning rational? Reexamining observational vs. experiential information”
Topi Miettinen, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, “Commitment in Bargaining Some Laboratory Experiments”
Tuesday, June 5
Fabrizio Mazzonna, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, “tba”
Heiko Rauhut, University of Zurich, “Punishment and Reciprocity in Inspection Game
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Sonja Vogt, University of Zurich, “Can We See Inside? Predicting Strategic Behavior
Given Limited Information”
Wojtek Przepiorka, Oxford University, “Who bells the cat?" An experiment with the sanctioning dilemma”
Michael Mäs, ETH Zurich, “The Emergence of Social Norms in Diverse Social Networks.
A Formal Model and Experimental Results”
Vincenz Frey, Utrecht University, “Embedding Trust: A Game Theoretic Model for Investments in and Returns on Social Capital”
Fabian Winter, MPI of Economics, Jena, “You Are Who Your Friends Are - A study in
Trust and Homophily”
Wednesday, June 6
Alessandro Bucciol, University of Verona, Italy, “tba”
Marco Piovesan, Harvard Business School, “tba”
Sigrid Suetens, Tilburg University. “tba”
Enkelejda Havari, University of Rome II Tor Vergata, “Childhood circumstances and adult
outcomes: Evidence from SHARELIFE”
Franco Peracchi, University of Rome II Tor Vergata, “tba”
Michael Roos, Ruhr University Bochum. The effects of fairness and real effort in unstructured bargaining
When you would like to attend the workshop we would like you to register latest till May
15 ( If there are any questions please do not
hesitate to contact Sylvia Arnold ([email protected]).
Symposium on Causality 2012 "Conditional and Direct Causal Effects"
July 24 – 26, 2012, Altes Schloss Dornburg, near Jena, Großer Kaisersaal
(Subject to funding the travel expenses of speakers by the DFG)
Aim of the symposium
The symposium is intended to sharpen our
ideas and instruments for the analysis of conditional and direct treatment effects. Why
does this aim seem to be warranted? In the
last decades, analyses of causal effects have
mainly focused on average total effects of
treatments. This is appropriate if we are interested in the overall or total effectiveness of
treatments in a population of subjects. HowPage 10
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ever, conditional and direct treatment (intervention, exposition) effects are more informative and scientifically more interesting.
Focus presentations
Thomas D. Cook (Northwestern University, Evanston, USA)
Imai Kosuke (University of Princeton, NJ, USA)
"The potential outcome approach to direct effects: Definition, identification, and
sensitivity analysis"
Andreas Klein (Universität Frankfurt, Germany)
"Conceptual difficulties of modeling mediation: Logical and statistical problems intertwined"
Axel Mayer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany)
"Identification and estimation of direct and indirect effects"
Susanne Rässler (Universität Bamberg, Germany)
"Conditional effects: How to use them in practice"
Rolf Steyer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany)
"The definition of total, direct and indirect effects and their identification"
Felix Thoemmes (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
"The use of propensity scores in estimating direct effects"
Please see to get
up-to-date information about the Symposium.
6th Jena Summer Academy on Innovation and Uncertainty
As in the last 5 years, also this year about 60 PhD students will meet in Jena, Germany,
where they will enjoy a unique opportunity to present and discuss their research with
other peers and several renowned scholars in the field of Economics of Innovation, and
Economics of Uncertainty.
The Jena Summer Academy on Innovation and Uncertainty will take place for the 6th
time in Jena, between the 22nd July and the 5th August 2012. This event is jointly organized by the Max Planck Institute of Economics and Friedrich Schiller University, both in
Jena, Germany. The Summer Academy consists of two parallel Summer Schools, one
designed by the GSBC-EIC and one by the IMPRS-Uncertainty.
This year’s topics include: innovation studies, creativity research, innovation policy, innovation and development, experimental economics, network analysis, basics of game theory, and microeconometrics. Just like in the last five years, the IMPRS Summer School
will continue in the second and the third week of August to cover a number of specific
topics related to how subjects behave under fundamental uncertainty.
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The confirmed lecturers for this year are: Robin Cowan (UNU-MERIT and University of
Strasbourg), Jan Fagerberg (University of Oslo), Gerlinde Fellner (University of Vienna),
Hans-Georg Gemünden (TU Berlin), Bronwyn Hall (University of California, Berkley),
Robert Jung (University of Erfurt), Luigi Mittone (University of Trento), Axel Ockenfels
(University of Cologne), and Kai Sassenberg (Knowledge Media Research Center).
GSBC - Brown Bag Seminar (BBS)
In the upcoming term we will continue the GSBC-Brown-Bag-Seminar-Series. The fellows
and the faculty of the GSBC have invited interesting guests and in some cases members
of the GSBC will give lectures about their current research results:
April, 18th
Elena Semenova (GSBC)
Back in the USSR? Continuities in
the formation of political elites in
post-Soviet Russia
May, 2nd
Daniel Albuquerque (International
Centre for Management Training,
Goa, Indien)
Ethical growth and its institutionalization in organizations
May, 9th
Marco Guerzoni (University of Torino,
Cultural consumption in the rising
music industry: explaining a cultural
May, 23rd
Fons J. R. van de Vijver (Tilburg University and North-West University,
the Netherlands)
Cross-Cultural Differences in Response Styles: Prevalence and
Meaning (with Jamis He)
May, 30th
Elif S. Durgel (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences)
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June, 06th
Patrick Dumont (University of Luxembourg)
June, 20th
Morten Huse (Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation,
Norwegian Business School)
July, 11th
Sonja Utz (NHL Leeuwarden and VU
University Amsterdam)
The GSBC-BBS takes place every Wednesday at 12.00 p.m. in room 102, Bachstraße 18k
(east wing), Jena. Please see to get
up-to-date information about the GSBC-BBS.
Lectures and Workshops
• March, 21st - 22nd 2012, Workshop on Corporate Governance, “Steuermann …
wer und wo bist du?”, organized by Bernd Hüfner, Harald Jansen, Wolfgang
Kürsten, Christian Lukas and Katja Rost, Großer Rosensaal, Fürstengraben 27, Jena.
March, 22th 2012, Abendveranstaltung der Jenaer Energiegespräche, Des einen
Glück, des anderen Leid - zur Verbraucherfreundlichkeit im novellierten
Energievertriebsrecht, (organized by the Institut für Energiewirtschaftsrecht Jena - Kompetenzzentrum für Technik, Wirtschaft, Recht).
April, 17th 2012, 04:00 pm, guest lecture by Lars P. Feld (Walter Eucken Institut
and SVR), Quo vadis, Europa?, HS 6, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3.
April, 25th 2012, 14:00 - 15:30, JERS/MPI Visitor Seminar by Jan Fagerberg (University of Oslo, Norway), Technological Dynamics and Social Capability: U.S.
States and European Nations, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
April, 25th 2012, 15:45 - 17:15, JERS/MPI Visitor Seminar by Koen Frenken (Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University (UU); School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), NL), Organizational Genealogy: A unifying framework for evolutionary economics?, Bachstr. 18, building K, room
April, 27th 2012, symposium "Aktuelles GmbH-Recht" (organized by the Institut für
Notarrecht, FSU Jena).
May, 2nd 2012, 14:00 - 15:30, JERSeminar by Erik Stam (Utrecht School of Economics), Institutions and Entrepreneurship, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
May, 2nd 2012, 15:45 - 17:15, JERSeminar by Arno Riedl (Maastricht University),
Justice under uncertainty, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
May, 7th 2012, 18:00-20:00, "ta ethika" talk by Oliver Müller (University of Freiburg), Ethik und Synthetische Biologie, Schillers Gartenhaus, Schillergäßchen 2,
May 9th 2012, 15:15 - 16:45, JERS/MPI Visitor Seminar by Thomas Reydon +
Markus Scholz (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Searching for Darwinism in the
Generalized Darwinism of evolutionary economics, MPI seminar room V14,
Max Planck Institute of Economics, Kahlaische Straße 10.
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May, 16th 2012, 14:00 - 15:30, JERSeminar by Giuseppe Delmestri (Johannes Kepler University, Linz), From Cinderella to Princess. Radical Recategorization in
Markets, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
May, 16th 2012, 15:45 - 17:15, JERSeminar by Nicolas Jonard (University of Luxembourg), The Co-evolution of Organizational Performance and Emotional
Contagion, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
May, 22nd 2012, 14:00 - 16:00, MPI Visitor Seminar by Tilman Boergers (University
of Michigan), tba, MPI seminar room V14, Max Planck Institute of Economics,
Kahlaische Straße 10.
May, 23rd 2012, 14:30 - 16:00, JERSeminar by Dermot Breslin (University of Sheffield), The Evolving Organzational Routine, MPI seminar room V14, Max Planck
Institute of Economics, Kahlaische Straße 10.
May, 23rd 2012, 16:15 - 17:45, JERSeminar by Volker Böhm (University of Bielefeld), Efficient Wage Bargaining in a Dynamic Macroeconomic Model, MPI
seminar room V14, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Kahlaische Straße 10.
June, 6th 2012, 14:00 - 15:30, JERSeminar by Andrés Perea (Maastricht University), Utility proportional beliefs in games, Bachstr. 18, building K, room 102.
June, 22nd 2012, 09:00-18:00, Meeting in the context of “Fortschritt im tierärztlichen Berufsethos“, Wandel im Mensch-Tier-Verhältnis, Plenarsaal im Rathaus,
July, 2nd 2012, 14:00 - 16:00, JERSeminar by Nir Halevy (Stanford), tba, MPI seminar room V14, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Kahlaische Straße 10.
Please see to get up-to-date information about the GSBC-EIC seminars and lectures.
Completed Dissertation
Altmann, Uwe (under supervision of Rolf Steyer), Synchronisation nonverbalen
Verhaltens. Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung zeitreihenanalytischer Identifikationsverfahren.
Casper, Catharina (under supervision of Klaus Rothermund), Activation of specific
elements of the gender role self-concept is context-dependent, (FG).
Dieling, Gunnar (under supervision of Walter Bayer), Die Kontrolle des Managements in den großen börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaften.
Göthner, Maximilian (under supervision of Uwe Cantner) From Lab to Market
Place: an Empirical Investigation of the Emergence and Early Performance of Academic Spin-off Companies, (EIC).
Ku-Yen Lin (under supervision of Eberhard Eichenhofer), Steuerungsinstrumente
der Arzneimittelversorgung - Ein Vergleich von Deutschland und Taiwan.
Lücke, Bastian (under supervision of Thomas Kessler), The escalation of intergroup conflict, (FG).
Mazziotta, Agostino (under supervision of Amélie Mummendey), Vicarious intergroup contact effects: Applying social-cognitive theory to intergroup contact research, (IGC).
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Newsletter 0101-2012
Müller, Stefan (under supervision of Walter Bayer), Das Gesellschaftsrecht der
gemischt-wirtschaftlichen GmbH unter dem besonderen Blickwinkel öffentlichrechtlicher, insbesondere kommunalrechtlicher Anforderungen.
Otto, Stefan LL.M. (under supervision of Walter Bayer), Vorstandsvergütung – Gesetzliche Obergrenzen als Garant für Angemessenheit?.
Rieger, Katja (Kleist) (under supervision of Walter Bayer), Legalitätspflicht des
Saur, Michael (under supervision of Andreas Beelmann), „PARTS – Die Evaluation
eines multimodalen Präventionsprogramms zur Förderung von Intergruppenbeziehungen bei Grundschulkindern, (FG).
Stenzel, Roman (under supervision of Walter Bayer), Rechtliche und empirische
Aspekte der Vorstandsvergütung.
Wiederhold, Simon (under supervision of Uwe Cantner) The Role of Public Procurement in Innovation: Theory and Empirical Evidence, (EIC).
Zaklan, Georg (under supervision of Oliver Kirchkamp) Adaptive Behavior in Strategic Settings with Multiple Agents - Theoretical Considerations, Empirical, an
Simulation Analyses, (IMPRS).
We congratulate them and wish them all the best for their future careers.
Conference presentations by the GSBC fellows
Dario Montero on "A Taylorian Perspective on Social Change: Social Meanings
and Cultural Identities"
Presentation at the International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS), Cairo, Egypt (October 21-23, 2011)
----------------------------------------------------Mainstream social science has not been able to go beyond an individualistically framed
study of socio-cultural phenomena and its processes of transformation. In this prevailing
view, values and beliefs, meanings and identities, are always thought of as individual
occurrences, and macro explanations are only reached by aggregation. In this paper, I
want to argue for a new conceptualization of social change that explicitly takes into account irreducibly ’social‘ meanings, those which are not decomposable into individual
properties. The concept of a ’social imaginary‘ set out recently by the Canadian social
philosopher Charles Taylor illustrates the way to approach the study of change in this
holistic fashion, thus providing a concrete alternative to atomistic accounts of change. I
end up with a brief discussion on the dynamics of social change in general.
Elena Semenova on "Survival of Nomenklatura in Post-Soviet Russia"
Presentation at the international conference “Elite (Dis-)continuities in East and Central
Europe since 1989/90”, Jena, Germany (December 8-9, 2011)
----------------------------------------------------After the collapse of the Soviet Union, new institutions emerged and changed a structure
of opportunities for political elites. In some areas of society, post-Soviet Russia has attempted to distance itself from its Soviet heritage. A large proportion of former nomenclature members, however, survived the collapse of the Soviet Union and adopted themselves to new political and economical circumstances. The presentation pursues two
aims. The first aim is to reveal structural and functional continuities in the formation of
post-Soviet political elites. The second aim is to access the effect of the nomenclature
background on political careers. Longitudinal data of recruitment patterns and career
paths of post-Soviet parliamentarians, cabinet ministers and regional prime ministers
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Newsletter 0101-2012
(governors) are used. This presentation contributes to a better understanding of structural and functional patterns of elite formation and circulation in post-communist countries.
Leonhard K. Lades on "Impulsive Consumption and Reflexive Thought: Nudging
Ethical Consumer Behavior"
Grenzen der Konsumentensouveränität, Tagung in der Reihe Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, March 7-9, 2012
----------------------------------------------------The paper deals with impulsive consumption and highlights the roles that cognitive and
motivational aspects of reflexive thought (namely self-control and self-image motives,
respectively) play in intertemporal decisions. While self-control inhibits individuals from
consuming impulsively, self-image motives can induce impulsive consumption. Based on
recent neuroscientific findings about ‘wanting’–‘liking’ dissociations, the paper presents a
potential motivational mechanism underlying such impulsive consumption decisions. Utilizing the knowledge of this mechanism and acknowledging both cognitive and motivational aspects of reflexive thought, the paper expands on three libertarian paternalistic
means to foster an ethical way of impulsive consumption: strengthening willpower, reducing impulsive desires to consume, and guiding impulsive behavior in ethical directions
by making salient certain self-images that favor ethical consumption.
Dario Montero on "A Taylorian approach to the study of social movements: The
student protests in Chile"
Presentation at the international conference “ALTERNATIVE FUTURES and POPULAR PROTEST XVII” organized by the Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England
(April 2-4, 2012)
----------------------------------------------------David Snow’s interpretive approach for the study of social movements relies on a series
of assumptions which unfit this theory to properly understand the emergence of this kind
of collective phenomenon. These assumptions refer to the preeminence of the individual
and its interests over the group; an emphasis on cognitive/articulate interpretive processes; the active role of social movement organizational elite versus the rather passive
role of the people (possible participants), among others. Following my own hermeneutical
approach –recently developed based on ideas from the social philosopher Charles Taylor
— I propose to understand the emergence of social movements as a result of a clash of
self-interpretations, say, between the political doctrines and policies of the government in
power and the aspirations of the citizenry.
Drawing on the example of the 2011 student protests in Chile, I want to argue that the
outburst of a revolution or protest presupposes (and is expression of) a ‘social culture’
(or citizen culture) of self-rule, in the sense the historian Gabriel Salazar uses it, which in
turn has to be understood as the fruit of a long historical process: as the product of a
dialectics or tension between divergent self-interpretations.
Maria K. Pavlova presented the paper "Supportive family and community contribute to East Germans’ willingness to be civically and politically engaged"
(with Rainer K. Silbereisen)
2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference “Political and Civic Participation”, University of Surrey, UK, April 16-17, 2012.
----------------------------------------------------Given that psychological factors, such as scepticism about the effectiveness of collective
action, are among the major obstacles for civic and political engagement in the former
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Newsletter 0101-2012
East Germany, it is important to address its cognitive antecedents. In the present study,
we drew on the developmental systems theory and the theory of planned behaviour to
investigate the role of supportive social contexts for East Germans’ intentions to be engaged. Participants were 1390 East Germans aged 20–40 surveyed by telephone in winter 2010–2011. We conducted multiple regression analyses to predict cognitive antecedents of civic and political engagement from self-report indicators of supportive family,
friends and acquaintances, local authorities, and neighbourhood, controlling for sociodemographic variables, social capital, and past experience of civic and political engagement. Supportive family, supportive local authorities, and perceived good neighbourhood,
but not supportive friends and acquaintances, were positively associated with intentions
via attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control concerning civic and political engagement. As our participants reported high support from their families but low support
from local authorities and neighbourhoods on average, policy makers may be advised to
focus on community asset building to foster civic and political engagement in the former
East Germany.
Alexia Gaudeul on “Do Consumers Prefer Offers that are Easy to Compare? An
Experimental Investigation” (with Paolo Crosetto)
8th annual Competition & Regulation Meeting on the topic of Behavioral Competition and
Regulation, hosted by the Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics (ACLE), Amsterdam,
Netherlands (April 20, 2012)
----------------------------------------------------Consumers make mistakes when facing complex purchasing decision problems but if at
least some consumers disregard any offers that is difficult to compare with others then
firms will adopt common ways to present their offers and thus make choice easier. We
design an original experiment to identify consumers’ choice heuristics in the lab. Subjects
are asked to choose from menus of offers and we measure the extent to which they favor
those offers that are easy to compare with others in the menu. A sufficient number of
subjects do so with sufficient intensity for offers presented in common terms to generate
higher revenues than offers that are expressed in an idiosyncratic way.
Alexia Gaudeul on “The role of reciprocation in social network formation, with
an application to blogging” (with Caterina Giannetti)
13th annual conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory, hosted by the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (June 12-14, 2012)
----------------------------------------------------This paper deals with the role of reciprocation in the formation of individuals' social networks. We follow the activity of a panel of bloggers over more than a year and investigate the extent to which initiating a relation brings about its reciprocation. We adapt a
standard capital investment model to study how reciprocation affects the build-up of the
individual social capital of bloggers, as measured by their links and interactions with others. This allows us to measure the role of content production and relationship building in
the dynamics of online social networks and to distinguish between the social networking
and media aspects of blogging.
Elena Semenova on "Elite Foundations of Russia: Personality and Institutional
Presentation at the XXIInd World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain (July 8-12,
----------------------------------------------------The “great social experiment” of 1990-91 led to the rebirth of parliamentary democracy
in Russia after decades of dictatorship. The new Russian parliamentarians, though not
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Newsletter 0101-2012
necessarily complete political novices, were “newcomers” to the world of representative
democracy. Learning by doing, the new MPs, as the actors in parliamentary democracy,
had to define their roles as the elected representatives of the people and accustom
themselves to the rules of the parliamentary “game”. During the 1990s, political scientists had hoped that the development of Russia would have been democratic. In the first
decade of the 2000s, Russia has decayed to a consolidated autocratic regime according
to the Freedom House Index. Political elites have actively contributed to this development. This proposal focuses on the members of the national parliament in Russia and
through inclusion of personal factors aims at improving our understanding of parliamentary recruitment, legislative careers and personality of MPs. In this paper, personal characteristics such as motivation and perceptions of social context by Russian Members of
Parliament (MPs) are investigated. The results of the analysis will be connected with general patterns of legislative recruitment and careers in post-Soviet Russia. This analysis
focuses on the fifth term of the Russian Duma (2007-2011) and is based on 30 in-depth
interviews with MPs and 10 expert interviews.
Elena Semenova on "Career Duration of Russian Prime Ministers (1991-2011)"
Presentation at the XXIInd World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain (July 8-12,
----------------------------------------------------This paper aims to analyze regional differences in career duration of Russian governors
from 1991 until 2012. Russian federal system consists of regions which differ from each
other in their competencies and rights in economic and regional politics. And, more specifically, Russian regions differ from each other in proportion of ethnic minorities living
there. We expect that Prime Ministers in economically powerful regions stay longer in
their office; and that career duration of Prime Ministers in ethnic regions lasts longer than
in other Russian regions.
Maria K. Pavlova will present the paper "Cumulative disadvantage explains age
divergence in well-being between employed and unemployed Germans" (with
Rainer K. Silbereisen)
XXX International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 22-27, 2012.
Her attendance at this conference will be partly supported by the ProChance Programme,
University of Jena.
----------------------------------------------------The negative impact of unemployment on subjective well-being (SWB) is well known, but
the role of age in this relationship remains unclear. We suggest that the age-related duration of current employment status contributes to greater SWB among the employed
and to lower SWB among the unemployed via the life-course mechanism of cumulative
advantage and disadvantage. In particular, in the context of a stable labour market with
low job mobility and high unemployment rates, as in Germany in the mid 2000s, some
labour market entrants quickly achieve stable employment and start to accumulate related benefits, whereas the others are channelled into long-term unemployment, whereby
their resources are depleted. With age, such cumulative processes may exacerbate the
well-known gap in SWB between the employed and the unemployed. To test this proposition, we used cross-sectional data on employed (n = 1382) and unemployed (n = 254)
Germans (age 18–42) surveyed in 2005. By estimating a moderated mediation model,
we found that, among currently employed individuals, relatively older age predicted
longer employment duration (tenure), which was related to higher SWB via higher income and higher perceived occupational security. Among currently unemployed individuals, age predicted longer unemployment duration, which was associated with lower SWB
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Newsletter 0101-2012
via lower perceived social support. Thus, age was indirectly related to higher SWB in employed individuals and to lower SWB in unemployed individuals, which supported our expectations. Findings also shed light on the psychosocial advantages of long-term employment, which were not the polar opposites of the disadvantages of long-term unemployment.
Recent Scholarly Publications of GSBC Members
Bayer, W. & Lieder, J., Die Lehre vom fehlerhaften Bestellungsverhältnis, NZG 2012, 1-9.
Bayer, W., Aktienrechtsnovelle 2012 – Kritische Anmerkungen zum Regierungsentwurf,
AG 2012, S. 141-153.
Bayer, W., BB-Gesetzgebungs- und Rechtsprechungsreport zum Europäischen Unternehmensrecht 2010/2011, BB 2012, S. 3-13 (mit Jessica Schmidt)
Bayer, W., Gesellschafterliste: Einreichungspflichtige Veränderungen der Beteiligungsverhältnisse, GmbHR, 2012, 1 ff..
Bayer, W., Verbesserung der Beteiligungstransparenz zur Bekämpfung von Terrorismus
und Geldwäsche: Viel Lärm um Nichts?, DB 2012, S. 23 f.
Best, H. & Vogel, L., The Emergence and Transformation of Representative Roles, in:
Oliver Rozenberg/Magnus Blomgren (eds.), Parliamentary Roles in Modern Legislatures,
Routledge (2012), 37-65.
Cantner U., Hinzmann, S., Kann Clusterförderung Innovationen fördern?, in: J. Weingarten (ed.), Infrastruktur für Wissen und Wirtschaft, Idar-Oberstein: Hilden GmbH&Co KG
(2012), 86-94.
Cantner U., Innovationes Jenenses - Some insights into the making of a hidden star, in:
Bünstorf (ed.), Evolution, Organization and Economic Behaviour, Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar (2012), 222-243.
Cantner U., Innovationes Jenenses - Some insights into the making of a hidden star, in:
Bünstorf (ed.), Evolution, Organization and Economic Behaviour, Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar (2012), 222-243.
Cantner U., Quo vadis, Jena?, in: K. Dicke, U. Cantner, M. Ruffert (eds.), Die Rolle der
Universität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, IKS Garamond (2011).
Cantner U., Wohlgemuth, M., Evolutionary public choice, in: M. Reksulak, L. Razzolini and
W.F. Shughart II (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, 2nd edition, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham (2012).
Crosetto, P. & Gaudeul, A., Do Consumers Prefer Offers that are Easy to Compare? An
Experimental Investigation, Jena Economic Research Papers 2011 – 044, Available at
SSRN: or
Dicke, K., Cantner, U., M. Ruffert (eds.), Die Rolle der Universität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, IKS Garamond (2011).
Dicke, K., Cantner, U., Ruffert, M. (Editorial), in: K. Dicke, U. Cantner, M. Ruffert (eds.),
Die Rolle der Universität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, IKS Garamond (2011).
Dicke, K., Cantner, U., Ruffert, M. (Editorial), in: K. Dicke, U. Cantner, M. Ruffert (eds.),
Die Rolle der Universität in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, IKS Garamond (2011).
Eckstein, K., Noack, P., & Gniewosz, B., Attitudes towards political engagement and willingness to participate in politics: Trajectories throughout adolescence. Journal of Adolescence (2012), 35, 1-11.
Eichenhofer, E., Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit als Ausgangspunkt einer europäischen Sozialbürgerschaft, in: Eva Kocher/Carsten Nowak (Hg.), Freie Fahrt für Arbeitnehmer/innen
zwischen Ost und West, Schriften des Frankfurter Instituts für das Recht der Europäischen Union, Band 1, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2012, 51-67.
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Newsletter 0101-2012
Eichenhofer, E., Das soziale Menschenrecht auf Bildung, in: Klaus Vieweg/Michael Winkler
(eds.), Bildung und Freiheit. Ein vergessener Zusammenhang, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2012, 165-172.
Eichenhofer, E., Der soziale Rechtsstaat – ein Staat sozialer Rechte?, in: Ulrike Haerendel
(ed.), Gerechtigkeit im Sozialstaat, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2012, 139-152.
Eichenhofer, E., L’assurance sociale des artistes en Allemagne, in: Bettina KahilWolff/Stéphanie Perrenoud (eds.), Les acteurs culturels en droit social, Stämpfli Editions,
Bern 2012, 93-108.
Eichenhofer, E., Öffentlich-rechtliche Erstattung bei unstatthafter Beschäftigung gegen
Mehraufwendungen, SGb 2/2012, 66-69.
Eichenhofer, E., Zugang zu Sozialleistungen für Drittstaatsangehörige, in: Klaus Barwig/Rainer Dobbelstein (eds.), Den Fremden akzeptieren, Festschrift für Gisbert Brinkmann, Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden 2012, 97-108.
Engelhardt, S. von, Freytag, A. & Schultze, C., On the Geographic Allocation of Open
Source Software Activities, International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy
(2012, forthcoming).
Fahrholz, C. & Freytag, A., A Way to Solve the European Balance of Payments Crisis?
Take a Chance on Market Solutions!, CESIfo Forum (Special issue) (2012), 77-81.
Fahrholz, C., Freytag, A., & Ohler, C., Die EWU vor der Rückkehr zur Stabilität: Regeln
und Institutionen, INSM: Texte zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft (2012, forthcoming).
Freytag, A. & Heckelman, J., Has Assistance from USAID been Successful in Promoting
and Sustaining Democracy? Evidence from the Transition Economies of Eastern Europe
and Eurasia, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (2012, forthcoming).
Freytag, A. & Wangler, L., The G-8 and the Move to an Internationalised Global Economy,
in: B. McKercher (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Statecraft and Diplomacy, Basingstoke:
Routledge (2011), 338-348.
Freytag, A., Vietze, C. & Völkl, W., What Drives Biodiversity? An Empirical Assessment of
the Relation between Biodiversity and the Economy, International Journal of Ecological
Economics & Statistics 24(1) (2012, forthcoming), 1-16.
Freytag, A., Wachstum und weltwirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel im 21. Jahrhundert, in:
Lars Feld and Karen Horn (eds.), The Age of Herbert Giersch, Tübingen: Mohr (Siebeck)
(2012, forthcoming).
Fritsch, M. & Schilder, D., The Regional Supply of Venture Capital – Can Syndication
Overcome Bottlenecks? Economic Geography 88 (2012), 59-76.
Fritsch, M., Kritikos, A. & Rusakova, A., Selbständige in Deutschland: Der Trend zeigt seit
langem nach oben, DIW-Wochenbericht, No. 4/2012, 3-12. English version: SelfEmployment in Germany: The Trend Has Been Increasing for Some Time, DIW Economic
Builletin, 2(3) (2012), 17-26.
Fritsch, M., Kritikos, A. & Rusakova, A., Who Starts a Business and who is Self-Employed
in Germany? Jena Economic Working Papers 001-2012, Friedrich Schiller University and
Max Planck Institute of Economics Jena.
Galander, A., Oertel, S., Walgenbach, P., Imprinting und Regelkonformität: Die Bedeutung des institutionellen Gründungskontexts für die Übernahme der Richtlinien des Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex, Managementforschung (22) (2012).
Gaudeul , A., Peroni, C. & Mathieu, L., Blogs and the economics of reciprocal attention,
"Internet Econometrics", in: S. Allegrezza/A. Dubrocard (eds.), Applied Econometrics
Association Series, Palgrave, MacMillan (2012).
Gniewosz, B., & Noack, P., Mamakind or Papakind? [Mom’s Child or Dad’s Child] Early
Adolescents’ Parental Preferences in Intergenerational Academic Value Transmission.
Learning and Individual Differences (in press).
Gniewosz, B., & Noack, P., The role of between-parents value agreement in parent-toPage 20
Newsletter 0101-2012
child transmission of academic values. Journal of Adolescence (in press).
Gniewosz, B., & Noack, P., What you see is what you get: The role of early adolescents’
perceptions in the intergenerational transmission of academic values. Contemporary Educational Psychology (in press).
Gniewosz, B., Noack, P., Kessler, T., & Diener, K., A time to make (and lose) friends:
Effects of the soccer tournaments on German adolescents attitudes towards foreigners.
European Journal of Social Psychology (in press).
Göthner, M., Obschonka, M., Silbereisen, R. K., Cantner, U., Scientists' transition to academic entrepreneurship: Economic and psychological determinants, Journal of Economic
Psychology 33(3) (2012), 628–641.
Göthner, M., Obschonka, M., Silbereisen, R. K., Cantner, U., Social identity and the transition to entrepreneurship: The role of group identification with workplace peers, Journal
of Vocational Behavior 80(1) (2012), 137–147.
Güth, W. & Kirchkamp, O., Will You Accept Without Knowing What? - A Thuringian Newspaper Experiment of the Yes-No Game, Experimental Economics (2012),
Hagemeyer, B. & Neyer, F. J., Assessing Implicit Motivational Orientations in Couple Relationships: The Partner-Related Agency and Communion Test (PACT). Psychological Assessment (24) (2012), 114-128.
Hermann, M., Schachner, M., & Noack, P., „Ich bin eigentlich anders“. Subjektive Konstruktionen ethnischer Identität im Migrationskontext und neue Wege in der psychologischen Akkulturationsforschung. Intercultural Journal (in press).
Hiss, S. & Akos, R.-T., Wie entstehen Preise? Zur Lösung des Bewertungsproblems auf
dem Markt für Ratingurteile strukturierter Finanzprodukte. [The Making of Prices. How
the Valuation Problem is Solved on the Market for the Rating of Structured Finance Products.], Berliner Journal für Soziologie 21(4) (2012), 469-494.
Hiss, S. & Nagel, S., Ratingagenturen zwischen Krise und Regulierung. [Rating Agencies
Between Crisis and Regulation.] Baden-Baden: Nomos (2012).
Hiss, S., Konfligierende Rationalitäten – wie Nachhaltigkeit die Rationalitätsordnung des
Finanzmarktes irritiert. [Conflicting Rationalities – How Sustainability Confuses the Financial Market’s Order of Rationality.], in: Anita Engels/Lisa Knoll (ed.), Wirtschaftliche Rationalität: Soziologische Perspektiven. [Economic Rationality: Sociological Perspectives.]
Wiesbaden: SpringerVS (2012), 85-107.
Jugert, P., Benbow, A:, Noack, P. & Diener, K., Politische Partizipation und soziales Engagement unter jungen Deutschen, Türken und Spätaussiedlern: Befunde aus einer qualitativen Untersuchung mit Fokusgruppen. Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie (in press).
Kirchmann, H., Steyer, R., Mayer, A., Joraschky, P., Schreiber-Willnow, K., & Strauss, B.,
Effects of adult inpatient group psychotherapy on attachment characteristics: An observational study comparing routine care to an untreated comparison group. Psychotherapy
Kurz, A. & Wilz, G., Die Belastung pflegender Angehöriger bei Demenz: Entstehungsbedingungen und Interventionsmöglichkeiten. Nervenarzt (2011), 82, 336-42.
Lades, L. K., Towards an incentive salience model of intertemporal choice, Journal of
Economic Psychology, Volume 33, Issue 4, August 2012, 833-841.
Lutter/Bayer, W. /J. Schmidt, J., Europäisches Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktrecht,
(Berlin: de Gruyter 5. Aufl. 2012)
Montero, D., Some Elements of a Cultural Theory of Social Change," International Journal
of Social Science and Humanity 2(1) (2012), 52-58.
Müller, F., & Rothermund, K., Talking loudly but lazing at work – behavioral effects of
stereotypes are context dependent. European Journal of Social Psychology (in press).
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Newsletter 0101-2012
Mund, M. & Mitte, K., The costs of repression: A meta-analysis on the relation between
repressive coping and somatic diseases. Health Psychology (in press).
Neyer, F. J., Felber, J. & Gebhardt, C., Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kurzskala zur
Erfassung von Technikbereitschaft (technology commitment). Diagnostica (in press).
Oertel, S. & Walgenbach, P., The effect of partner exits on survival chances of SMEs, in:
Journal of Organizational Change Management (2012).
Pavlova, M. K. & Silbereisen, R. K., Age, cumulative (dis)advantage, and subjective wellbeing in employed and unemployed Germans: A moderated mediation model. Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology, 17 (2012), 93-104.
Pavlova, M. K. & Silbereisen, R. K., Dispositional optimism fosters opportunity-congruent
coping with occupational uncertainty. Journal of Personality, (2012), Advance online
publication. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2012.00782.x.
Ruffert, M., Der rechtliche Rahmen für die gegenseitige Nothilfe innerhalb des EuroRaumes, in: Gesellschaft für Rechtspolitik Trier (ed.), Die Europäische Union nach Lissabon, 54. Bitburger Gespräche, Jahrbuch 2011/I, 2012, 15-29.
Ruffert, M., Die europäische Schuldenkrise vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht – Anmerkung zum Urteil vom 7. September 2011 –, EuR 2011, 842-855.
Ruffert, M., Le droit administratif européen, in: Gonod, P./Melleray, F./Yolka, P. (eds.),
Traité de droit administratif, Paris 2011, 733-772.
Ruffert, M., The European Debt Crisis and European Union Law, CMLRev. 48 (2011),
Schinköthe, D. & Wilz, G., Beziehungsänderung, Trauer- und Verlusterleben bei Angehörigen von Demenzerkrankten – Ansätze für Therapie und Beratung. Familiendynamik
(2011), 36, 286-295.
Schinköthe, D., Kalytta, T. & Wilz, G., Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie mit Partnern von
Schlaganfall- und Demenzerkrankten. Psychotherapie im Alter (2011), 8, 71-83.
Semenova, E., ‘Ministerial and Parliamentary Elites in an Executive-Dominated System:
Post-Soviet Russia 1991-2009’, Comparative Sociology (10) (in press), 908–927. DOI:
Semenova, E., ‘Patterns of Parliamentary Recruitment and Careers in Ukraine, 19902007’, East European Politics and Societies (in press).
Semenova, E., Continuities in the formation of post-Soviet political elites, Historical Social Research (in press).
Stuetzer, M., Obschonka, M. & Schmitt-Rodermund, E., Balanced skills among nascent
entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics (in press), doi: 10.1007/s11187-012-9423-2.
Titzmann, P. F., Silbereisen, R. K. & Mesch, G. S., Change in Friendship Homophily: A
German Israeli Comparison of Adolescent Immigrants. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43 (2012), 410-428.
Wilz, G. & Kalytta, T., Evaluation eines kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppenkonzepts für pflegende Angehörige von Demenzerkrankten. Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische
Psychologie (PPmP) (in press).
Wilz, G., Schinköthe, D. & Soellner, R., Goal attainment and treatment compliance in a
cognitive-behavioral telephone intervention for family caregivers of persons with dementia. GeroPsych The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry (2011), 24,
Wrzus, C., Hänel, M., Wagner, J. & Neyer, F. J., Social network changes and life events
across the lifespan: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin (in press).
Wrzus, C., Wagner, J. & Neyer F. J., Interdependence of horizontal family relationships
and friendships relates to higher well-being. Personal Relationships (in press).
Page 22
Newsletter 0101-2012
Best Wishes,
Uwe Cantner (Director)
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