The State of the Art in the Daily Practice


The State of the Art in the Daily Practice
Piezoelectric Bone Surgery
The State of the Art
in the Daily Practice
Florence - Italy
June 13-14-15, 2013
Board of Directors
Enzo Rossi
[email protected]
Honorary President
International Chairman
Tomaso Vercellotti
Vice President
Giampaolo Vincenzi (†)
President Elect
Domenico Baldi
Umberto Pratella
Crescenzo Russo
[email protected]
Board of Directors
Massimo Robiony
Simone Verardi
Association Membership Enquiries
MV Congressi
Ms. Sara Corbia
Tel. +39 0521 290191
[email protected]
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am very pleased to invite and present you the 2nd Piezosurgery International
Symposium, it will be held in Florence, Italy on June 13,14, and 15, 2013 at
Congress Palace. Every two years the greatest experts of piezoelectric bone
surgery come together for three days to determine “state of the art” and
future prospects of this fundamental discipline in dentistry. This Symposium
is a unique opportunity to learn -in an organized and effective manner- all
the advantages in oral surgery, implantology and orthodontics. The topic
was chosen to provide operators with clinical indications for their practical
needs and to diffuse proficiency and knowhow. The Symposium is organized
in three days: on the first day the themes of research in piezoelectric surgery
will be discussed with emphasis end the first ten years of experience in the
maxillary sinus augmentation with the use of ultrasonic instrumentation; the
second day will be dedicated to implantology with particular regard to site
preparation and finally, on Saturday top speakers will discuss surgically driven
orthodontics and innovations on orthognatic surgery. We invited those top
international speakers who are already using their innovative skills in the every
day clinic. On the last day, in parallel with the Symposium, there will be courses
on basic and advanced implantology and crestal sinus elevation. Courses will
also be available on how to use a new implant system, specifically designed
for narrow ridges. The social program will be just as attractive with a private
visit to the Uffizi Gallery and the Vasari Corridor, exclusively opened for us. The
gala dinner will be held at Palazzo Pitti. See you in Florence!
Cari Colleghi ed Amici
È con grande piacere ed onore che vi invito a partecipare al 2° Simposio
Internazionale di Piezochirurgia che si terrà a Firenze il 13-14-15 Giugno 2013
al Palazzo dei Congressi. Ogni due anni i più grandi esperti di chirurgia ossea
piezoelettrica si riuniscono per tre giornate per stabilire lo stato dell’arte e le
prospettive future di questa fondamentale disciplina in odontoiatria e questo
Simposio è un’occasione unica per conoscere in modo organizzato ed efficace
i vantaggi clinici nella pratica di tutti i giorni in chirurgia orale, implantare
ed ortodontica. La scelta di questo argomento è stata presa per rispondere
alle esigenze pratiche degli operatori nell’attuazione delle loro terapie e per
la diffusione del sapere e del fare. Il Simposio è organizzato in tre giorni: nel
primo verranno trattati i temi della ricerca nella chirurgia piezoelettrica, la
pratica dei clinici nel quotidiano e i primi dieci anni di esperienza sul rialzo del
seno mascellare con l’uso di strumentazione ultrasonica. Il secondo giorno
sarà dedicato all’implantologia con particolare riguardo alla preparazione
ultrasonica del sito implantare e ai vantaggi clinici della ultra-osseointegrazione.
La giornata di sabato vedrà confrontarsi illustri relatori esperti in ortodonzia
chirurgicamente guidata. Infine verranno presentate innovative tecniche
di chirurgia ortognatica. Per tutto questo abbiamo invitato quei relatori
internazionali e nazionali di altissima competenza scientifica, capaci di
applicare le loro conoscenze ed esperienza alla pratica quotidiana. L’ultima
giornata di lavoro prevede la possibilità di partecipare, in parallelo al Simposio,
ad innovativi corsi di implantologia con diverse sistematiche implantari e corsi
monografici di tecniche di rialzo di seno crestale e di nuovi impianti per creste
sottili. Il programma sociale sarà altrettanto attraente con la visita alla bella
città di Firenze e accesso privato al museo degli Uffizi e del corridoio Vasariano,
aperto per l’occasione, fino ad arrivare a Palazzo Pitti per la cena di Gala.
Arrivederci a Firenze!
Invited speakers, chairmen
and moderators overview
Chairmen and moderators
Bilal Al-Nawas (Germany)
Domenico Baldi (Italy)
Dario Bertossi (Italy)
Alberto Bianchi (Italy)
Giuseppe Bianco (Italy)
Mauro Bovi (Italy)
Matteo Capelli (Italy)
Jeevan Chokanda (India)
Luigi Clauser (Italy)
Giuseppe Consorti (Italy)
Alberto De Biase (Italy)
Luca Di Alberti (Italy)
Nikolaos Donos (UK)
Marco Finotti (Italy)
Roberto F. Grassi (Italy)
John Jensen (Denmark)
Ole T. Jensen (USA)
Ye Lin (China)
Christian Makary (Lebanon)
Claudio Marchetti (Italy)
Nikos Mardas (UK)
Mauro Merli (Italy)
Pier Francesco Nocini (Italy)
Francesco Oreglia (Italy)
Andrea Podestà (Italy)
Umberto Pratella (Italy)
Mirco Raffaini (Italy)
Massimo Robiony (Italy)
Enzo Rossi (Italy)
Gianmario Schierano (Italy)
Karl A. Schlegel (Germany)
Kiyoto Shiratori (Japan)
Giuseppe Spinelli (Italy)
Tiziano Testori (Italy)
Simone Verardi (Italy)
Tomaso Vercellotti (Italy)
Thomas Wilcko (USA)
Raffaele Vinci (Italy)
Christopher F. Viozzi (USA)
Constantin von See (Germany)
Radoslaw Witkowski (Poland)
Antonio Barone (Italy)
Jean-Luc Béziat (France)
Stefano Carossa (Italy)
Ugo Consolo (Italy)
Ugo Covani (Italy)
Alberto Fonzar (Italy)
Luigi Guida (Italy)
Carmen Mortellaro (Italy)
Piotr Majewski (Poland)
Pier Francesco Nocini (Italy)
Alberto Rebaudi (Italy)
Giano Ricci (Italy)
Carmela Savastano (Italy)
Soren Schou (Denmark)
Dong-Seok Sohn (Korea)
Claudio Stacchi (Italy)
Tomaso Vercellotti (Italy)
Organizing Secretariat
Quintessenza Edizioni - Mrs. Silvia Fassetti
Tel. +39 02 93180821 - Fax +39 02 93509126
[email protected] -
Università degli Studi di Bari
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Università degli Studi di Genova
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Università degli Studi di Pisa
Università degli Studi di Torino
Università degli Studi di Udine
Università degli Studi di Verona
Scientific Program
Thursday 13
Registration and Opening Symposium at Auditorium
Welcome: Enzo Rossi (Italy)
1st session
Chairmen: Alberto Fonzar (Italy), Giano Ricci (Italy)
8.30 | 9.00
Alberto De Biase (Italy)
A Method for measuring in Vitro Bone Temperature during Ultrasonic Implant Site
9.00 | 9.30
Roberto F. Grassi (Italy), Umberto Pratella (Italy)
Germectomy Advantages of using Piezosurgery and Osteogenic Differentiation
of Dental Follicle Stem Cells.
9.30 | 10.00
Claudio Marchetti (Italy), Alberto Bianchi (Italy)
3D Navigation and Piezosurgery Technologies to optimize Maxillo-Facial Osteotomy
and Orthodontic Corticotomy.
10.00 | 10.30
Constantin von See (Germany)
New Piezoelectric Surgical Technique to maintain Microcirculation Integrity
while raising Periosteal Flaps
10.30 | 11.00
Coffee Break
Scientific Program
Thursday 13
Chairmen: Ugo Covani (Italy), Dong Seok Sohn (Korea)
2nd session
11.00 | 11.30
John Jensen (Denmark)
Piezosurgery as Minimal Approach for Harvesting Bone Graft
in the Anterior Part of the Mandible
11.30 | 12.00
Karl A. Schlegel (Germany)
The Benefits of Piezosurgery in Major Augmentation Procedures:
Sandwich Osteotomy in the Mandible
12.00 | 12.30
Radoslaw Witkowski (Poland)
Piezosurgery Concepts for Inferior Alveolar Nerve Transposition
12.30 | 13.00
Ye Lin (China)
Piezosurgery and Implant in Anatomical Compromised Cases
13.00 | 13.30
Jeevan Chokanda (India)
Autogenous Bone Grafts Assessment using Clinical, Radiographic
and Radionuclide Parameters
13.30 | 15.00
Scientific Program
Thursday 13
Chairmen: Ugo Consolo (Italy), Soren Schou (Denmark)
15.00 | 15.30
Ole T. Jensen (USA)
Alveolar Split Osteoperiosteal Flaps using Piezosurgery
and BMP-2 Grafting for the Posterior Maxilla
3rd session
15.30 | 16.00
Bilal Al-Nawas (Germany)
Sinus Floor Elevation - How Piezosurgery changes our Surgical Approach
16.00 | 16.30
Tiziano Testori (Italy)
The State of the Art in Sinus Lift with Piezosurgery
16.30 | 17.00
Tea Break
17.00 | 17.30
Kiyoto Shiratori (Japan)
Sinus Lift using Piezoelectric Device - A Focus on the Crestal Approach
17.30 | 18.00
Domenico Baldi (Italy), Massimo Robiony (Italy)
Endoscopic Sinus Lift with Crestal Approach
18.00 | 18.30
Giuseppe Bianco (Italy)
How and why to become IPA Active Member
Poster Commission visit
“Giampaolo Vincenzi Award” for the best Research Presentation
at the President dinner
Scientific Program
Friday 14
Chairmen: Carmen Mortellaro (Italy), Antonio Barone (Italy)
9.00 | 9.30
Mauro Merli (Italy)
Osseointegration: Surgical and Clinical Rationale
4th session
9.30 | 10.00
Nikolaos Donos (UK), Nikos Mardas (UK)
Osseointegration: Scientific Rationale
10.00 | 10.30
Gianmario Schierano (Italy), Christian Makary (Lebanon)
Ultra-Osseointegration: Scientific Rationale
10.30 | 11.00
Tomaso Vercellotti (Italy)
Ultra-Osseointegration: Surgical and Clinical Rationale
11.00 | 11.30
Coffee Break
Ultrasonic Implant Site Preparation (UISP)
11.30 | 12.00
Matteo Capelli (Italy)
Clinical Considerations in Posterior Vertical Bone Resorption
12.00 | 12.30
Luca Di Alberti (Italy)
Implant Site Preparation and New Era for Future Osseointegration Perspectives
12.30 | 13.00
Simone Verardi (Italy)
Advantages in Immediate Implant Placement in Aesthetic Zone
Moderator: Tomaso Vercellotti (Italy)
13.30 | 14.30
Scientific Program
Friday 14
Chairmen: Stefano Carossa (Italy), Luigi Guida (Italy)
14.30 | 15.00
Mauro Bovi (Italy)
Instant Ridge Expansion: Technical Notes and Clinical Cases
5th session
15.00 | 15.30
Raffaele Vinci (Italy)
Alternative Strategies for Narrow Ridge Expansion Therapy
15.30 | 16.00
Francesco Oreglia (Italy)
New Wedge Implant Shape to simplify Narrow Ridge Treatment
16.00 | 16.30
Moderator: Alberto Rebaudi (Italy), Claudio Stacchi (Italy)
16.30 | 17.00
Elisabetta Chiari Poster Award:
Gianmario Schierano (Italy), Domenico Vercellotti (Italy)
Meeting point at Uffizi entrance
18.30 | 20.00
Private Visit to the Uffizi Museum and Vasarian Corridor
(Upon reservation only: limited attendance)
Enzo Rossi (Italy) and Horst-Wolfgang Haase (Germany)
invite you at the Gala Dinner at Pitti Palace
Honorary Members presentation: Daniel Laskin, Lewis Clayman
(Upon reservation only: limited attendance)
Scientific Program
Saturday 15
Chairmen: Jean-Luc Béziat (France), Pier Francesco Nocini (Italy)
8.30 | 9.00
Giuseppe Spinelli (Italy)
Piezosurgery in Orthognatic Surgery: Present Experiences
6th session
9.00 | 9.30
Luigi Clauser (Italy), Giuseppe Consorti (Italy)
Piezoelectric Bone Surgery: A New Way of making Cranio-Orbito-Facial Osteotomies
9.30 | 10.00
Christopher F. Viozzi (USA)
Piezosurgery in Orthognathic and Reconstructive Surgery:
the Mayo Clinic Experience
10.00 | 10.30
Mirco Raffaini (Italy)
Advantages and Benefits of Piezosurgery for Orthognatic Cases
10.30 | 11.00
Coffee Break
Scientific Program
Saturday 15
Chairmen: Piotr Majewski (Poland), Carmela Savastano (Italy)
11.00 | 11.30
Thomas Wilcko (USA)
Wilckodontics Technique: Advantages in Adult Treatment
7th session
11.30 | 12.00
Andrea Podestà (Italy)
Orthodontic Microsurgery: Advantages in Adult Treatment
12.00 | 12.30
Marco Finotti (Italy)
Piezosurgery Technique in the Complex Orthodontics Movements
12.30 | 13.00
Pier Francesco Nocini (Italy), Dario Bertossi (Italy)
Microsurgical Orthodontics: Biological and Ultrastructural Evidences in Animal and
Human Model. The Definite Protocol for Patient Treatment after Four Years Experience
Closing Symposium
Enzo Rossi (Italy), Domenico Baldi (Italy)
parallel program
THursday 13
Parallel Industry Symposia: COURSES and HANDS ON
8.30 | 12.00
Andrea Tedesco
Zygomatic Implants and Piezosurgery Course
Abstract: In this course we will talk about the zygomatic Implants and their clinic application with the intra and extrasinusal approach, and we will discuss
the use of Piezosurgery applied to these techniques.
Saturday 15
Parallel Industry Symposia: COURSES and HANDS ON
8.30 | 12.00
Pedro Peña Martínez
Piezosurgery and the Implant Direct Replant System.
Theoretical and Practical Workshop on Site Preparation
Simone Verardi
Abstract: Piezosurgery has now become an important part of the surgical treatment of the mouth. Initially presented for sinus lift, osteoplasty
and extraction cases, it has now become a successful system for implant site preparation. This technique enables to be accurate, effective and
reliable. Knowledge of the inserts features and how to use them is however a requirement. The course is organised in a theoretical and a practical
part: the former provides a description of the instrument features and how to use it ideally with the conic shaped Replant implant; the latter
features hands on procedures on animal bone under the speakers’ guidance.
Massimo Frosecchi
Workshop with Doctor M. Frosecchi and R. Sentineri
Rosario Sentineri
Abstract: During the theoretical presentation the operating principles of this Piezosurgery system will be described, highlighting the
peculiar clinical advantages. In particular, the advantages for sinus lift surgery will be presented, for both crestal and buccal approach.
Implant site preparation techniques will be shown, for both receiving sites with appropriate morphology and in combination with bone
augmentation, as in the split crest technique.
Francesco Oreglia
Rex Implants. A Revolutionary Implant System
Claudio Stacchi
Abstract: Aim of this workshop is to introduce this revolutionary, innovative implant system specifically designed for reduced thickness ridges. Reduced
thickness bone crests are a frequent issue in implant rehabilitation procedures. Today, this innovative surgical technique enables to treat cases previously
treated with regenerative procedures. Two implant types will be presented that are placed with the help of a piezoelectric technique: the Bone Level and the
Tissue Level systems. The speakers will describe the rationale of this technique, the criteria for case selection, the implant design and the experimental and
clinical results of the study group who tested the new implant system. A hands-on part will follow, during which the speakers will demonstrate the steps
involved in implant site preparation and implant placement. All participants will then have the opportunity to learn and experience, under the speakers’
guidance, the different steps involved in the surgical protocol developed for the correct placement of the Rex Implants and consider the possibilities offered
by this implant technique.
parallel program
Saturday 15
Scientific Society “Il Giglio” of Florence
10.00 | 12.30
Course of Updating (Italian language)
The Use of the Piezosurgery in Fixed Prosthesis
Moderator: Giorgio Lombardo
Speaker: Domenico Baldi
Free admission for the meeting for the Giglio and IPA Members
(Non Members € 90)
In aesthetic rehabilitation the final touch-up and repositioning of the finishing line is a critical
moment for the final success. In this situation the use of non-rotating instruments can be a valid
alternative to rotating traditional one. Using ultrasonic device we have a micrometric and precise
cut that allows great control by the operator, without damaging of gingival tissues, thanks to its
frequency range set (25-37 khz). According to these characteristics we can use a new component
for piezolelectric instruments (Tipholder DB) which induces a similar-elliptic movement on
the insert. This new tool provides both a movement comparable to sonic instruments and an
enhanced patient comfort and high performance typical of ultrasonic instruments. Furthermore
the innovative tipholder shape permits a great visibility on preparation phases and also allows
reaching all tooth surfaces easily without removing the tip from the work area.
Elisabetta chiari Poster award
The best research project related to Piezoelectric Bone Surgery (poster format) will be awarded with
one last generation Mectron Piezosurgery® unit
- The author submitting the work should be
under 35 years of age.
- The abstract should be submitted in English
and sent by e-mail no later than March 2013
to: [email protected]
- The name of the writer submitting the work
should be written in bold.
- The abstract should include: objectives,
materials and methods, results, discussion and
conclusions, brief bibliography (indicate the
five (5) bibliographic references that are the
most relevant with the work submitted).
- Reserch subjects presented in the form of
posters should be related to Piezoelectric
Bone Surgery.
- If the poster presented outlines work already
published then authorization from the journal
where it was published, should be mentioned
at the bottom of the poster.
- The size of the posters should be 100 cm in
height and 70 cm at the base.
- For each abstract submitted the author
and co-author should send full payment
corresponding to the Symposium registration
fee in the name of: Quintessenza Edizioni.
- Any co-author, who would like to register for the
Symposium, should complete the registration
form and submit payment as required.
- All posters will be exhibited in the poster
exhibition area and marked with a number by
order of submission.
- Poster will be hung up on Thursday June 13
at 10.00 a.m.
- Authors should be present in front of their
posters on Friday May 14 at 04.30 pm in
order to present and outline their work to the
Judging Committee.
- Poster can be collected on
Saturday at the Closing
Remarks. The organization is
not responsible for posters not
- The winner will be awarded
with one last generation Mectron
Piezosurgery® unit, on Friday 14.
General Information
Palazzo dei Congressi Piazza Adua, 1 - Firenze
How to reach the congress venue:
Palazzo dei Congressi
Organizing Secretariat
Quintessenza Edizioni
Via Ciro Menotti, 65 - 20017 Rho (MI)
Tel. +39 02 93180821 - Fax +39 02 93509126
Mail: [email protected]
Registration Fee
• The registration fee includes participation in
scientific sessions, coffee breaks and lunches
and certificate of participation.
• Registration is valid only when accompanied by
the order of payment receipt.
• Registrations will be accepted in order of arrival
• The Organizing Secretariat will not accept
additional registrations once the maximum
number of participants has been reached.
• Changes may be made to program and
Santa Maria Novella
Cancellations and Reimbursement
• Any cancellations must be received by the
Organizing Secretariat by May 13, 2013
(30 days prior to the Symposium).
No reimbursements will be made after that date.
• Registration fees will be reimbursed for
cancellations made before May 13, 2013 minus
Euro 50 (21% VAT included).
• Should the Symposium not take place due to
force majeure, participants will be entitled to
reimbursement of the registration fee only.
Video or photography will not be
allowed during the symposium.
Official Language: English
Simultaneous translation into Italian.
Panorama e Lungarno
General Information
Basilica di San Lorenzo
Florence: the town
Florence is situated in central Italy, in the
heart of Tuscany, and the most developed
area of tourism in the city is undoubtedly
artistic-religious, thanks to the presence of
innumerable works of art and churches. The
historical centre of Florence is quite small,
so it is easy to visit on foot.Often when we
go somewhere far from home for a short
or longer stay, we have doubts as to what
to bring, how to move around, how to act,
who to contact in case of emergency. For
this reason we have tried to provide all the
information necessary to ensure that you will
have a wonderful holiday in Florence.
Turistic information
To discover Florence, one of the cities that
everyone wants to visit at least once in their
lifetime, a city beloved and sung by the
greatest poets in the world and long the
mecca of intellectuals, artists, travellers, and
Pleasant itineraries winding through the
streets, squares, churches, and museums of
the historical centre of Florence, historical
memories, legend, and atmospheres that for
centuries have enchanted those who visit this
marvellous land of light and art.
More information at
Train Station
Ponte Vecchio
Piazza della Signoria
Palazzo Pitti
Galleria degli Uffizi
BY BUS. The public transportation network
(ATAF & Li-nea s.c.a.r.l.) connects the city
centre to the suburban area with over 100
urban and extra-urban lines.
More information at
BY TAXI. Taxis can be called by phone or
can be caught directly from the appropriate
reserved taxi points, located in various parts
of the city centre and in other areas.
Ph. +39 055 4390 - +39 055 4499
BY CAR. The city centre is a ZTL (Zona a
traffico limitato - Limited Traffic Zone),
controlled by cameras from 7.30 am to 7.30
pm, from Mondays to Fridays, and from 7.30
am to 6.00 pm on Saturday.
Financial Cooperation Projects
Water for Africa:
Uffizi Museum:
wells construction in Burkina Faso
paint restauration
“Water for Africa” IBAN for donations:
IT 49 U 06300 71150 CC1000006324
Cassa di Risparmio S. Miniato - Movimento Shalom Onlus
Recommended Hotels
Hotel ★★★★ S
1 Grand Hotel Minerva
2 Hotel Santa Novella
3 Hotel L’Orologio
4 Hotel Gallery
5 Hotel Lungarno
Hotel ★★★★
6 Hotel Berchielli
7 Hotel Brunelleschi
8 Hotel Londra
Hotel ★★★ S
9 Hotel Unicorno
10 Hotel Bonciani
11 Hotel delle Nazioni
12 Hotel Cosimo dei Medici
hotel reservation booking form
2nd International
Symposium of Piezosurgery.
Italy - Florence
June 13-14-15, 2013
Booking form to be forwarded to: ALBATRAVEL GROUP FLORENCE*
Last Name
Full Address
* Albatravel Group Florence
P.zza dei Rossi, 1 - 50125 - Firenze
Ph. +39 055211528
Fax: +39 055 2650316 E-mail: [email protected]
Hotel choice
Hotel Name
Albatravel is committed to
safeguarding your privacy and
all your personal data will be
handled observing the principles
of lawfulness, correctness for the
purposes for which you have
released them to our company,
in conformity with what Legal
Decree (D.l.g.) 196/2003 provides
regarding the ‘Code of protection
of personal data’. Your personal
information will be used to
communicate with you, to send
the confirmation of bookings,
vouchers, invoices, information on
promotional offers.
Your personal data could be
handled to fulfill any obligations
according to the law. You can
exercise your rights regarding the
handling of your personal data
according to article 7 of the Law
196/2003 and you can modify,
update or cancel them whenever
you want. You simply can write to
owners of the datas:
Double Number of
Max 1 km € 220 - € 270
Max 1 km € 180 - € 225
Max 1 km € 100 - € 160
Double Room Number of
Single Use
€ 200 - € 250
€ 160 - € 210
€ 100 - € 150
Prices are per room, per night, in bed and breakfast service, Vat included.
Florence city tax not included and to be paid on spot in hotel.
Recommended Hotels:
• Hotel 4★ superior: Grand Hotel Minerva, Hotel Santa Novella, Hotel L’Orologio, Residence Palazzo Vecchietti,
Hotel Gallery, Hotel Lungarno or similar.
• Hotel 4★: Hotel Berchielli, Hotel Londra or similar.
• Hotel 3★ superior: Hotel Unicorno, Hotel La Fortezza, Hotel Bonciani, Hotel delle Nazioni, Hotel Cosimo dei Medici
or similar.
Terms of Payment
Bank Wire Transfer to: Albatravel Genova Srl
Intesa Sanpaolo SPA , Via Timavo - 16147 Genova - Ag: 03937
IBAN: IT23W0306901409615252226027
Originator to beneficiary notes:
*Please input passenger’s name and hotel stated in the reservation.
Credit Card Payment
Visa/Mastercard N°
Total €
Albatravel Srl
Via Rimassa 51/1
16129 Genova
Ph: +39 010 5299206
Ph: +39 010 5299873
Mail: [email protected].
I authorize Albatravel, to charge on my credit card the amount of €
I authorise the use of my personal data in compliance with Legislative Decree 196/03.
Symposium Registration Form
Friday June 14
Private Visit to the Uffizi
¨ E 40,00 VAT included*
Gala Dinner
¨ E 120,00 VAT included*
* payable at registration desk
(very limited attendance)
Reservations are accepted only
from those people who register
for the congress;
Reservations are recorded
in chronological order and
confirmed only at the congress
registration desk;
Reservations can be made
by ticking the corresponding
cost box.
This registration form
(also available online)
shall be considered valid
only if all information is
included and accompanied
by the order of payment
Please complete and send
by email or fax to:
Quintessenza Edizioni
[email protected]
Fax +39 02 93509126
Symposium Registration Fees (VAT 21% included):
Early registration Late registration
by March 30, 2013 after April 1, 2013
Active IPA Members Free Admission
Ordinary IPA Members ¨ € 280,00
Non Members ¨ € 420,00
ANDI Toscana and Firenze, FPG Members
¨ € 320,00
Giglio, SICOI, SIdCO, SIDO, SIdP, SIO Members ¨ € 320,00
Young Doctors (graduated in the last 5 years)
¨ € 300,00
Students ¨ € 180,00
Friday session for Societies Members only ¨ € 160,00
Saturday session for Societies Members only ¨ € 110,00
Workshop Implant Direct (limited attendance) ¨ € 180,00
Workshop Mectron (limited attendance) ¨ € 180,00
Workshop Nobel Biocare (limited attendance) ¨ € 180,00
Workshop Rex Implants (limited attendance) ¨ € 180,00
Course of Updating (Italian Language)
GIGLIO and IPA Members
¨ Free Admission
Non Members
¨ € 90,00
The registration fee includes: 2 lunches and 4 coffee breaks.
Free Admission
¨ € 300,00
¨ € 500,00
¨ € 380,00
¨ € 380,00
¨ € 360,00
¨ € 240,00
¨ € 160,00
¨ € 110,00
¨ € 240,00
¨ € 240,00
¨ € 240,00
¨ € 240,00
¨ Free Admission
¨ € 90,00
Billing Address
Last Name:
First Name:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
ZIP code:
Fiscal code:
VAT (if available):
Method of payment
• By Wire Transfer payable to: Quintessenza Edizioni - Congress Service
Bank: Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria
IBAN: IT 16T 05048 33190 00000000 2010 - SWIFT: POCIITM1
or Bank: Banca Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT 42U 03069 20501 615240013121 - SWIFT: BCITITMM
(Please attach a copy of the bank transfer and specify the name of the participant).
Registration is considered valid only if accompanied by the order of payment receipt.
• Online payment by credit card through PayPal certification:
My personal information will be
treated as per D. Lgs. 196/2003
¨ NO
Bilal Al-Nawas
Domenico Baldi
Dario Bertossi
Antonio Barone
Jean-Luc Béziat
Alberto Bianchi
Giuseppe Bianco
Mauro Bovi
Matteo Capelli
Stefano Carossa
Jeevan Chokanda
Luigi Clauser
Ugo Consolo
Giuseppe Consorti
Ugo Covani
Alberto De Biase
Luca Di Alberti
Nikolaos Donos
Marco Finotti
Alberto Fonzar
Roberto F. Grassi
Luigi Guida
John Jensen
Ole T. Jensen
Ye Lin
Piotr Majewski
Christian Makary
Claudio Marchetti
Mauro Merli
Carmen mortellaro
Pier Francesco Nocini
Francesco Oreglia
Andrea Podestà
Umberto Pratella
Mirco Raffaini
Alberto Rebaudi
Giano Ricci
Massimo Robiony
Enzo Rossi
Gianmario Schierano
Soren Schou
Karl A. Schlegel
Carmela Savastano
Kiyoto Shiratori
Dong-Seok Sohn
Giuseppe Spinelli
Claudio Stacchi
Tiziano Testori
Simone Verardi
Tomaso Vercellotti
Thomas Wilcko
Raffaele Vinci
Christopher F. Viozzi
Constantin von See
Radoslaw Witkowski

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