CAPETIMES JUNE 2011 7 SOCIETY Ball once again highlight of Cape Town’s social calendar ONCE again, the annual Ball of HOPE proved to be a highlight of Cape Town’s social calendar. The Brooklyn Holy Cross Senior Choir and Dancing Group set the tone for the evening with an outstanding performance. Consul-general of Switzerland Irene Flueckiger welcomed guests on behalf of the patrons, and Minister of Finance and Economic Development in the Western Cape Alan Winde pointed out the importance of co-operation between the business/private and the public sectors. An exciting raffle, live music and dance, as well as a three-course meal completed the evening. All proceeds have gone to the organisation HOPE Cape Town, one of the major HIV/Aids role players in the Western Cape, with its 29 employees, serving more than 300 000 people in the Western Cape, infected or affected by HIV/Aids. HOPE Cape Town meanwhile not only works at a grassroots level but also in the academic field in partnerships with the University of Stellenbosch, the Hochschule Niederrhein and the Technical University in Munich, and is an integral part of the partnership between the Western Cape and Bavaria. For more information, visit The Ball of HOPE is also the annual event of the Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cape Town. REV FR STEFAN HIPPLER, Anja Tambusso-Ferraz (Ball of Hope organiser) and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Alan Winde. MARTINA POPKISS and Axel Simon (both of Lufthansa). FRIEDRICH AND LORRAINE SCHAEFER (Westin Grand Hotel Cape Town). DR PETER SUTTER and Irene Flueckiger (consul-general of Switzerland). BETTINA KAUKE, Rev Fr Stefan Hippler, Anja TambussoFerraz and Andreas Kauke (Consul of Germany). SUSANNE, Thomas and Olivia Ringer (Greenways Hotel). MICHAELA SOULE (Essential Consulting), Dr Monika Brink (HOPE) and Petra Reichwein (Mediterranean Villa). VAL SHARKEY and Neil Westerman (Milnerton Men Society). MELANEY BRODNER, Jean Davidson and Bronwyn Moses. DR MICHAEL ZIPP and Carole Armstrong-Hooper (Highlands Country House). JAN-KARL SCHIEBE and with singer Keezee (Paulaner Bräuhaus, Clocktower Waterfront). MICHAEL AND STEFANIE BAUMANN (MTU SA) CARRYN TODD and Sven Moeller (ThyssenKrupp).