Pa l, M i n n e s ota 55114 25 50 U niversit y Avenue We s t, S u i te 330 N | SStt.Pau OUR M IS S ION HOUSING WITH CARE The mission of Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) is to provide accessible, affordable, assisted, supportive and independent living opportunities for persons with physical disabilities and brain injuries as well as seniors. This mission is accomplished through the development and cost-effective management of accessible, affordable housing, assisted/supportive/independent living and rehabilitation services. AC KNOWLE DGE ME NTS FUNDING AND SUPPORT Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for their funding and/or support: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); The City of Great Falls HOME Program Funds; and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines’ Affordable Housing Program/U.S. Bank. ASI Committed to the success of equal housing opportunities throughout the nation MEADOW LARK APARTMENTS Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI): Sponsor, Developer and Management Agent G R E AT FA L L S , M O N TA N A Acce s s i b l e, A ff o r d a b l e A p a r t m e n t s Fo r Ad u l t s Wi t h Q ua l i f y i n g D i s a b i l i t i e s 1701 First Street Nor thwest Great Falls, M o ntana 59404 HOUSING WITH CARE MEADOW LARK APARTMENTS TS G R E AT FA L L S , M O N TA N A Accessi b le, A ffo r dabl e A par tm e n t s For Ad u lt s Wit h P hys ica l D is a b ili t i e s AFFORDA BL E ¬ Qualifying households pay 30% of adjusted BASIC QUALIFIC ATIONS ¬ One household member must have a qualifying disability gross monthly income for rent ¬ Applicants are screened for credit, rental and ¬ Rent is subsidized by the U.S. Dept. of Housing criminal history and Urban Development (HUD)-Income limits apply ¬ Households must be income qualified (income ¬ Rent includes: Heat, water, sewer, trash & snow limits apply a) removal APARTMENT FEATURES ¬ 17 accessible, one and two bedroom apartments ¬ Spacious accessible kitchens ¬ Large accessible bathrooms ¬ Carpeted bedroom & living room ¬ Air conditioning & window blinds ¬ Roll-in showers BUILD ING F EATURES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Accessible main enterence Controlled access entr y system Large communit y room & outdoor patio Approved pets welcome! On-site laund r y fac ilit ies Elevator ser vice CONV E N I E NT N E I G H B O R H OOD LOC ATION ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Grocer y stores, shopping & restaurants B ank ing S er v ices Ho s pital s, m edic al & pro fes s io n a l c l i n i c s C hu rc hes For m ore i n for m at i on or to re que s t a h ous i n g ap p l i cat i on , p l e as e call ¬ to l l -f ree 1 -80 0-4 66 -77 22 ¬ tt y /tdd 1-8 00 -62 7-3 52 9 Apply online w w w. acces s ibl es pace.o rg 1705 First Street Nor thwest G re at Fa l l s, M o n t a n a Acce s s i b l e S p ace, I n c. (A S I ) 2550 Universit y Avenue West, Suite 330 Nor th S aint Pau l, M innes o ta 55 11 4