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Produktübersicht Brikettierpressen Product overview Briquetting Presses deu · eng Brikettierpressen für zellulosehaltige Materialien BrikStar Briquetting Presses for Cellulose-Content MaterialsÞ`À>ÕÃV iÊ BrikStar CS – schlank und smart iÊÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ`iÀÊ>ÕÀi iÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ -Êi}iÊÃV Ê`>Ê ÀiÀÊ>V L>ÕÜiÃiÊ«iÀviÌÊvØÀÊ`iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃi Hydraulic Briquetting >V ÀØÃÌÕ}ÊLi Press BrikStar Value, not Volume. • Additional revenue through recycling of production by-products • Substantial reduction of storage and disposal expenditures ÀiÌÃÊÛÀ >`iiÀÊÌiÀ>>}i]Ê`iÊÃiÊÜÕÀ`iÊiÝÌÀ>ÊvØÀÊ`iÊ1ÌiÀL>ÕÊÕÌiÀÊÌÃÌ>ÕLiÀÊ`iÀÊÌiÀ>>}iÊâ«iÀÌ°Ê • Significant lowering of fire and explosion risks iÃiÊ`iiÊÜiÀ`iÊÊ,> iL>ÕÜiÃiÊLiÀiÌÃÊÃÌiViÀviÀÌ}Ê}iiviÀÌ]ÊÜ`ÕÀV ÊÃV Ê`iÊÌ>}iÃÌiÊ>ÕvÊiÊ • Environmentally-friendly disposal of dust and chips ÕÊÀi`ÕâiÀi°ÊiÊÀiÌÌB}iÊÃÜiÊ`iÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâiÃÌÕ}ÊÛ>ÀiÀiÊiÊ>V ÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>ÊÎäÊLÃÊÈäÊ}É ®ÊLiÊ}iV LiLi`iÀÊiÃÌ}iÌÊ`iÀÊÀiÌÌðÊiÊ-ÌiÕiÀÕ}ÊØLiÀÊiÊiÝÌiÀiÃÊ-Ì>ÀÌÃ}>ÊÊL>ÌÊÌÊiiÀÊ When the Chips are Down. LÃV >Ì>ÕÌ>ÌÊÛiÀ `iÀÌÊØLiÀyØÃÃ}iÊiÌÀiLÃâiÌi° Storing and disposing of non-compacted dust and chips is not only expensive but BrikStar also potentially dangerous. Höcker Polytechnik’s hydraulic briquetting presses simplify the disposal of metal and cellulose materials, making it economic and safe to dispose of production by-products such as Klasse statt Masse. • paper dust, cellulose materials UÊi ÀÜiÀÌÊ`ÕÀV Ê,iVÞV}Ê`iÃÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>à • Wood shavings and saw dust UÊ,i`ÕâiÀÕ}Ê`iÀÊ>}iÀÊÕ`ÊÌÃÀ}Õ}ÃÃÌi • Metal chips UÊiÀÕ}Ê`iÀÊÀ>`ÊÕ`ÊÝ«ÃÃ}iv> À • Sanding dust UÊ->ÕLiÀiÊÌÃÀ}Õ}ÊÛiÀÃV i`iiÀÊ-ÌBÕLiÊÕ`Ê-«Bi BrikStar CS – ingenious and neat • Forest chips The briquetting presses of the CS series are • Dust from rockwool and other mineral materials specifically designed for mounting underneath a separator or dust collector. The low profile of Compacting production by-products to a fraction of their original volume reduces storage and disposal costs. Organic theseWerke. presses also makes them ideal for reWeltweite tro-fitting underneath existing dust collectors. iLiÊ`iÀÊÌÕiÀV iÊ7iÌiÀiÌÜVÕ}Ê`iÀÊ/iV Ê material reducedund down to a tenth of its volume, lightweight metals can be reduced down to a twentieth. ComBrikStar can C – be vielseitig kompakt pacting produces high-value material, for example biomass briquets that are *ÀiÃÃiÊ sought Ê after as an alternativeÌÊ energy iÊ `iiÊ `iÃiÀÊ -iÀiÊ ÜiÀ`iÊ «>ÌÊ Õ`Ê ÃÌiViÀviÀÌ}Ê >ÃÊ «iÌÌiÊ ,> iL>ÕÜiÃiÊ Ìi}ÀiÀÌiÀÊ The presses are built on frames and are delii}ÌÊViÀÊ*ÞÌiV Ê}À~ÌiÊ7iÀÌÊ>ÕvÊiiÊ>V >Ì}iÊ veredÕ`Ê ready for connection to reduce installa-ÕÃiÀiÊ iÌÀiÕÕ}Ê 7>ÀÌÕ}Ê `iÀÊ >}i°Ê -iÊ iÊ source; the calorific value of 2 kilograms of briquets is equal to approx. 0.9 litres of heating oil. Prices for scrap Þ`À>ÕÊ}iiviÀÌÊqÊÌÊiiÊBÕ~iÀÃÌÊ}ØÃÌ}iÊ*ÀiÃiÃÌÕ}ÃÛiÀ BÌðÊÊÀi yØ}ii`iÀÊÃÌiÕiÀÌÊ`iÊ-Ì>ÀÌÊÉÊ-Ì«« metal continue to rise. Briquetting of metal chips increases the cash value of metal scrap by 50.00 to 200.00 ` >ÕÌ>ÌÊÕ`ÊiÀë>ÀÌÊÃÊÕÌ}iÊiÌÀiLÃÃÌÕ`i°Ê>ÀØLiÀÊ >ÕÃÊ}iÜB ÀiÃÌiÌÊ`iÊÃiÀiB~}iÊ,iÛÃÃvvÕ}ÊÌÊ tion cost to a minimum. For each material, the /iV iÀÊ>ÊÃiLiÊ/>}iÊÊ`iÀÊ7V iÊÀÕ`ÊÕÊ`iÊ1 ÀÊ briquet length depends on the form, the briquet iÌâÊ iÀÀiV i°Ê1`ÊâÜ>ÀÊÜiÌÜiÌ°ÊiÊÜÀÊ >LiÊÕÃiÀÊ per metric tonne. -V iÀ iÌÃi`>LÃV >ÌÕ}ÊiiÊiÌÀiLÊ iÊ,ðÊiÊiÃV VÕ}Ê`iÃÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ ÊØLiÀÊiiÊÃÌ>LiÊÃiÀÃV iViÊ Höcker Polytechnik’s briquetting presses incorporate more than 40 years experience in designing and building ÌÊiiÊ}À~âØ}}Ê`iÃiÀÌiÊ-V iViÌÀ}ÊÃÀ}ÌÊvØÀÊiiÊ iÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊÎäÊqÊ£xäÊ}É ®Ê>ÕV ÊLiÊiV ÌiÊÕ`Ê density varies little, is in the B >ÕÃÊ -iÀÛViÃÌ>ÌiÊ ØLiÀÊthe >iÊthroughput ÜV Ì}iÊ ,i}i]Ê range from 30 – 60 kg/h. Unnecessary run`iÀÊÕ`ÊÌiÌiÊ}ii}Ì°Ê7ÀÊÜi]Ê`>ÃÃÊ ÀiÊ>}iÊ special purpose machinery. Machines of the BrikStar series are distinguished by their rugged build and innovative }ÀLiÊ>ÌiÀ>i° controls. These machines make production cleaner and safer. UÊ-V ivÃÌ>ÕL >Õvi°ning of the press is prevented by the combination of an external start-signal with an au- UÊ>VÃV Ìâi tomatic switch-off. In weiter Ferne so nah. BrikStar C – compact and versatile Global Reach. Briquetting presses of the C series are compact, built with a solid frame and have an integrated hydraulic system. They Höcker Polytechnik is connection. not only focussing on the continuousratio development of the applied technology also on the are shipped ready for Their price/performance is very attractive. Start-stop controlsbut prevent unnecessary UÊiÀ> >Ì}iÊ-ÌBÕLi "LÊ-iiÃÊ*ÀÌÊ`iÀÊÜ ivÊqÊViÀÊ*ÞÌiV Ê Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne. iÊ >}iÀÕ}Ê Õ`Ê ÌÃÀ}Õ}Ê ÛÊ ÃiÊ -ÌBÕLiÊ `iÀÊ -«BiÊ ÃÌÊ V ÌÊ ÕÀÊ ÌiÕiÀ]Ê Ã`iÀÊ >ÕV Ê }ivB ÀV °ÊÊ Þ`À>ÕÃV iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ÛiÀiv>V iÊ `iÊ ÃV iÀiÊ Õ`Ê ÃÌi}ØÃÌ}iÊ ÌÃÀ}Õ}Ê ÀiÀÊ âiÕÃiÊ `iÀÊ i Ì> >Ì}iÊ*À`ÕÌÃ>LvBi]ÊÜiÊâ°° UÊ*>«iÀÃÌ>ÕL]Ê<iÃÌvvi UÊLiÊÕ`Ê-B}iëBi UÊiÌ>ëBi iÀÃÌiÌÊ Õv>}ÀiV iÊ 6ÃÕ>ÃiÀÕ}ÃÃÞÃÌiiÊ vØÀÊ v>ÃÌ®Ê comprehensive support and maintenance of machines on customers’ sites. Our service technicians near you can running of the press. be interlocked reached around the clock, days a week. We have an established centres in all majortrough An inspection door seven ensures safe operation. A stable screw feedernetwork housedofinservice a generously dimensioned iÊÀ>`>iÊ6iÀ`V ÌÕ}Ê`iÃÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>ÃÊiÀÌÊ >iÊ >}i°Ê ÌÊ viÊ `iÀÊ `iÀiÊ *,-iÀÜÀÌiV industrial regions and continents. We want to Asee your machines running. feeds the material to the briquetting chamber. high throughput (30 – 150 kg/h) is possible no matter whether the material >V >Ì}Ê ÀiÊ >}iÀÕ}ÃÊ Õ`Ê ÌÃÀ}Õ}ÃÃÌi°Ê "À}> ÊLiÌ}iÊ-iÊiiÊi}iiÊ`ÕÃÌÀi* ]ÊÃ`iÀÊi ÃV iÊ-ÌvviÊiÊLÃÊâÕÊ£äv>V iÊÛiÀiiÀÌÊÜiÀ`i°Ê `}V ÊÕÃiÀÊ-«iâ>`i]ÊiiÊÓLvÕÛiÀÌÀ>}Ê is light or coarse. Distant, but Close. >ÃÊ6ÕiÊÛÊiV ÌiÌ>ëBiÊBÃÃÌÊÃV ÊÃ}>ÀÊÕÊ Õ`Ê ÕÃiÀÊ Ü ÜÊ Õ`Ê ÃV Ê iÊ -iÊ ÀiÊ >}iÊ Whether it is FlowChief or Siemens’ Protool − Höcker Polytechnik designs and builds process visualisation systems `>ÃÊÓäv>V iÊÀi`ÕâiÀi° ÜiÌÜiÌÊ>Ãi iÊÕ`ÊviÀÃÌiÕiÀ°ÊÊ>ÕÃVÊ}iØ}Ì° for (almost) any type of installation. An industrial PC is no longer required when a state-of-the-art GPRS-based remote access control system is used. With our modem, our expertise, and access to a cellular GPRS service network, Õ~iÀ`iÊiÀâiÕ}iÊ-iÊ>ÕvÊ`iÃiÊ7iÃiÊ V ÜiÀÌ}iÊ, customers can control their machines worldwide − at the click of a mouse. ÃÌvvi]Ê`iÊâÕÊiëiÊ>ÃÊ>ÃÃiLÀiÌÌÃÊ V ÊÊÕÀÃÊ Tausendundeine Presse. Ã`\ÊiÀÊÀiÜiÀÌÊÛÊÓ}ÊâLÀiÌÌÃÊiÌëÀV ÌÊiÌÜ>Ê ÌÊ `iÀÊ Àv> ÀÕ}Ê >ÕÃÊ Ì>ÕÃi`Õ`iiÀÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ä]ÊÌiÀÊiâ°Ê1`Ê>ÕV Ê`iÊ*ÀiÃiÊvØÀÊiÌ>ÃV ÀÌÌÊÃÌi Õ`ÊØLiÀÊ{äÊ> ÀiÊ>}iL>ÕÊ>ÊÕÃÊiiÀÊÃÊÃV iÊ Not a Fairy Tale. }iÊiÀÊÜiÌiÀ°ÊÕÀV Ê`>ÃÊÀiÌÌiÀiÊ`iÀÊiÌ>-«BiÊ iÌÜ>ÃÊ ÛÀ>V i°Ê 1ÃiÀiÊ }iÃ>iÌiÊ iÌÃÃiÊ Õ`Ê We know what we are talking about. We have the benefit of experience gained iÀâiiÊ -iÊ iiÊ i ÀiÀÃÊ iÊ >V Ê i}iÀÕ}Ê âÜÃV iÊ B }iÌiÊ ÌiiÊ ÜÀÊ ÌÊ ÀiÕ`iÊ ÌÊ ÕÃiÀiÊ Õ`i°Ê from building and shipping 1001 briquetting presses and from more than 40 years xä°qÊLÃÊÓää°qÊ`Ê«ÀÊ/i° iÊiÃÊ}LÌÊV ÌÃ]ÊÜ>ÃÊi ÀÊ6iÀ}Ø}iÊ>V Ì]Ê>ÃÊÃV Ê of building special purpose machinery. We want to share our knowledge with our Ê `iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ÛÊ ViÀÊ *ÞÌiV Ê ÃÌiVÌÊ iÀÊÜiÌiÀÊâÕÊiÌÜVi°ÊiÀÊiiÊ`iiÊi À° customers because nothing is more rewarding than moving ahead together; to be `iÊ Àv> ÀÕ}Ê ÛÊ i ÀÊ >ÃÊ {äÊ > ÀiÊ >}iL>Õ°Ê iÊ À-Ì>À-iÀiÊ iâiV iÌÊ ÃV Ê `ÕÀV Ê iiÊ LiÃ`iÀÃÊ ÃÌ>LiÊÕÃvØ ÀÕ}ÊÊL>ÌÊÌÊiiÀÊÛ>ÌÛiÊ -ÌiÕiÀÕ}ÃÌiV °ÊØÀÊiiÊÃ>ÕLiÀiÊÕ`ÊÃV iÀiÊi ÌÀiL° always one idea ahead. Brikettierpressen für metallhaltige Materialien Briquetting Presses for Metals BrikStar CM – platzsparend, stark und wirtschaftlich iÃiÊ>ÕÀi iÊÃÌÊÕÃiÀÊ-«iâ>ÃÌÊvØÀÊÕÕ]Ê>}iÃÕÊÕ`Ê`ÛiÀÃiÊiV ÌiÌ>i}iÀÕ}i°ÊiÊivØÕ}Ê `iÃÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ ÊØLiÀÊiiÊÃÌ>LiÊÃiÀÃV iViÊÌÊiiÊ}À~âØ}}Ê`iÃiÀÌiÊ-V iViÌÀ}ÊiÀ}LÌÊiiÊ BÕ~iÀÃÌÊivviÌÛiÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊâÜÃV iÊ{äÊÕ`ÊÓääÊ}É °Ê>ÃÊØ -V iÀÌÌiÊÜÀ`Ê`>LiÊ>ÕÃ}i«ÀiÃÃÌÊÕ`Ê`ÀiÌÊ iiÀÊiÛiÌÕiÊÛÀ >`iiÊ,i}Õ}Ã>>}iÊâÕ}ivØ ÀÌ°ÊiÊ`iiÊ`iÃiÀÊ-iÀiÊÜiÀ`iÊ«>ÌÊÕ`ÊÃÌiViÀviÀÌ}Ê >ÃÊ«iÌÌiÊ*ÀiÃÃiÊÊ,> iL>ÕÜiÃiÊÌÊÌi}ÀiÀÌiÀÊÞ`À>ÕÊ}iiviÀÌÊqÊiÃV i~V Ê7>ÀÌÕ}ÃvvÕ}ÊÌÊ -V iÀ iÌÃi`ÃV >ÌiÀ°Ê<> ÀiV iÊ"«ÌiÊiÀÜiÌiÀÊ`iÊÃ>ÌââÜiVÊÕ`ÊÀÕ`iÊ`>ÃÊ*À}À>Ê>L° BrikStar CM – powerful and economical BrikStar VM – die flexible Variante The BrikStar CM series is specifically desi- iÃiÊÀiÌÌiÀ>>}iÊÜÀ`Ê iÊ,Ø ÀÜiÀÊ`iÀÊ-V ÕLL`iLi BÌiÀÊ>ÃÊÀiiÊ*ÀiÃÃi iÌÊÌÊÃi«>À>ÌiÀÊÞ`À>Õ]Ê-V >Ì gned for briquetting aluminium, magnesium al- ÃV À>ÊÌÊ-*--ÌiÕiÀÕ}®ÊÕ`ÊÃV ÕÃÃy>ÃV ÊvØÀÊ`iÊ<ÕvØ ÀÃV iViÊ}iiviÀÌ°ÊiÊÀ-Ì>À,i iÊ6ÊÃÌÊ`iÊ`i>iÊ loys and other lightweight alloys. A solid screw -ÞÃÌiÃÕ}ÊvØÀÊëiâwÃV iÊiÌÀiLÃ>vÀ`iÀÕ}iÊqÊÌÊ>ÃÃÌiÊ}iV iÊiÃÌÕ}iÊÜiÊ`iÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ °Ê7ÀÊâi}iÊ feeder – housed in a generously dimensioned iÊ}iÀi]ÊÜiÊ-iÊ`iÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ6Ê«Ì>ÊÊ ÀiÊiÌÀiLÊi«>ÃÃi° trough – feeds material from the hopper to the put in the range 40 to 200 kg/h achievable. BrikStar VM – variable and adaptable Cooling and cutting fluids are extracted and A BrikStar VM is configured as a press unit with separate hydraulic system, electrical panel (including PLC controls) and recycled for re-use. CM briquetting presses flange for connecting a screw feeder and trough; but without hopper and agitator or hopper and walking floor. This press is are compact, built with a solid frame, and the ideal solution for very specific requirements, otherwise it has an identical performance to a BrikStar CM. We would wel- have an integrated hydraulic system. The in- come the opportunity of discussing with spection door has an interlock guard switch. you how a BrikStar VM could be integrated Each CM briquetting press is shipped ready into your production process. for connection. Numerous options are available that optimise performance and widen the range of applications where a BrikStar BrikStar M/MD – schnell und kraftvoll CM can be used. iÃiÊ *ÀiÃÃiÊ ÛiÀ>ÀLiÌiÊ ÕÀâi]Ê ViÀiÊ -«BiÊ >ÕÃÊ `iÀÊ iV >ÃV iÊ 6iÀ>ÀLi ÌÕ}Ê ÛiÀÃV i`iÃÌiÀÊ iÌ>i°Ê ÕÌi Ì>i]Ê -Ì> Ê Õ`Ê ÕÃÃëBi]Ê >LiÀÊ >ÕV Ê âÕÊ iëiÊ ÕÕëBiÊ ÜiÀ`iÊ Ê iiÀÊ <Þ`iÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ÌÊ iiÊ *ÀiÃà `ÀÕVÊ ÛÊ LÃÊ âÕÊ Î{äÊ *>Ê âÕÊ *ÀiÃà }iÊ ÛiÀ>ÀLiÌiÌ°Ê ÕÀV Ê `iÃiÃÊ *ÀiÃÃÛiÀ v> ÀiÊ ÜÀ`Ê >ÌiÀ>Ê ivviÌÛÊ âÕÊ ÀiÌÌÃÊ ÕÀV iÃÃiÀÊ xxÊ qÊ äÊ ]Ê B}iÊ V>°Ê ÈäÊ qÊ £{äÊ ]Ê iÜV ÌÊ LÃÊ âÕÊ {]xÊ }Ê ®Ê ÛiÀ`V ÌiÌ°Ê >LiÊ ÜÀ`Ê iÊ ÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊ ÛÊ £ääÊqÊ£ÓääÊ}É ÊiÀÀiV Ì° BrikStar M/MD – quick and efficient These briquetting presses compact short, gravity flowing chips produced during metal cutting. The press cylinder achieves a face pressure of up to 340 MPa; chips of non-ferrous metals, steel, cast iron, and also aluminium chips, are pressed into high-density briquets, diameter 55 or 90 mm, length approx. 60 – 140 mm, weight up to 4,5 kg. Throughput is in the range 100 – 1200 kg/h. Aluminium, Messing, Kupfer, Gußeisen ... Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Cast Iron ... briquetting chamber, and makes a through- Brikettierpressen für zellulosehaltige Materialien BrikStar Briquetting Presses for Cellulose-Content MaterialsÞ`À>ÕÃV iÊ BrikStar CS – schlank und smart iÊÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ`iÀÊ>ÕÀi iÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ -Êi}iÊÃV Ê`>Ê ÀiÀÊ>V L>ÕÜiÃiÊ«iÀviÌÊvØÀÊ`iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃi Hydraulic Briquetting >V ÀØÃÌÕ}ÊLi Press BrikStar Value, not Volume. • Additional revenue through recycling of production by-products • Substantial reduction of storage and disposal expenditures ÀiÌÃÊÛÀ >`iiÀÊÌiÀ>>}i]Ê`iÊÃiÊÜÕÀ`iÊiÝÌÀ>ÊvØÀÊ`iÊ1ÌiÀL>ÕÊÕÌiÀÊÌÃÌ>ÕLiÀÊ`iÀÊÌiÀ>>}iÊâ«iÀÌ°Ê • Significant lowering of fire and explosion risks iÃiÊ`iiÊÜiÀ`iÊÊ,> iL>ÕÜiÃiÊLiÀiÌÃÊÃÌiViÀviÀÌ}Ê}iiviÀÌ]ÊÜ`ÕÀV ÊÃV Ê`iÊÌ>}iÃÌiÊ>ÕvÊiÊ • Environmentally-friendly disposal of dust and chips ÕÊÀi`ÕâiÀi°ÊiÊÀiÌÌB}iÊÃÜiÊ`iÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâiÃÌÕ}ÊÛ>ÀiÀiÊiÊ>V ÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>ÊÎäÊLÃÊÈäÊ}É ®ÊLiÊ}iV LiLi`iÀÊiÃÌ}iÌÊ`iÀÊÀiÌÌðÊiÊ-ÌiÕiÀÕ}ÊØLiÀÊiÊiÝÌiÀiÃÊ-Ì>ÀÌÃ}>ÊÊL>ÌÊÌÊiiÀÊ When the Chips are Down. LÃV >Ì>ÕÌ>ÌÊÛiÀ `iÀÌÊØLiÀyØÃÃ}iÊiÌÀiLÃâiÌi° Storing and disposing of non-compacted dust and chips is not only expensive but BrikStar also potentially dangerous. Höcker Polytechnik’s hydraulic briquetting presses simplify the disposal of metal and cellulose materials, making it economic and safe to dispose of production by-products such as Klasse statt Masse. • paper dust, cellulose materials UÊi ÀÜiÀÌÊ`ÕÀV Ê,iVÞV}Ê`iÃÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>à • Wood shavings and saw dust UÊ,i`ÕâiÀÕ}Ê`iÀÊ>}iÀÊÕ`ÊÌÃÀ}Õ}ÃÃÌi • Metal chips UÊiÀÕ}Ê`iÀÊÀ>`ÊÕ`ÊÝ«ÃÃ}iv> À • Sanding dust UÊ->ÕLiÀiÊÌÃÀ}Õ}ÊÛiÀÃV i`iiÀÊ-ÌBÕLiÊÕ`Ê-«Bi BrikStar CS – ingenious and neat • Forest chips The briquetting presses of the CS series are • Dust from rockwool and other mineral materials specifically designed for mounting underneath a separator or dust collector. The low profile of Compacting production by-products to a fraction of their original volume reduces storage and disposal costs. Organic theseWerke. presses also makes them ideal for reWeltweite tro-fitting underneath existing dust collectors. iLiÊ`iÀÊÌÕiÀV iÊ7iÌiÀiÌÜVÕ}Ê`iÀÊ/iV Ê material can reducedund down to a tenth of its volume, lightweight metals can be reduced down to a twentieth. ComBrikStar C – be vielseitig kompakt pacting produces high-value material, for example biomass briquets that are *ÀiÃÃiÊ sought Ê after as an alternativeÌÊ energy iÊ `iiÊ `iÃiÀÊ -iÀiÊ ÜiÀ`iÊ «>ÌÊ Õ`Ê ÃÌiViÀviÀÌ}Ê >ÃÊ «iÌÌiÊ ,> iL>ÕÜiÃiÊ Ìi}ÀiÀÌiÀÊ The presses are built on frames and are delii}ÌÊViÀÊ*ÞÌiV Ê}À~ÌiÊ7iÀÌÊ>ÕvÊiiÊ>V >Ì}iÊ veredÕ`Ê ready for connection to reduce installa-ÕÃiÀiÊ iÌÀiÕÕ}Ê 7>ÀÌÕ}Ê `iÀÊ >}i°Ê -iÊ iÊ source; the calorific value of 2 kilograms of briquets is equal to approx. 0.9 litres of heating oil. Prices for scrap Þ`À>ÕÊ}iiviÀÌÊqÊÌÊiiÊBÕ~iÀÃÌÊ}ØÃÌ}iÊ*ÀiÃiÃÌÕ}ÃÛiÀ BÌðÊÊÀi yØ}ii`iÀÊÃÌiÕiÀÌÊ`iÊ-Ì>ÀÌÊÉÊ-Ì«« metal continue to rise. Briquetting of metal chips increases the cash value of metal scrap by 50.00 to 200.00 ` >ÕÌ>ÌÊÕ`ÊiÀë>ÀÌÊÃÊÕÌ}iÊiÌÀiLÃÃÌÕ`i°Ê>ÀØLiÀÊ >ÕÃÊ}iÜB ÀiÃÌiÌÊ`iÊÃiÀiB~}iÊ,iÛÃÃvvÕ}ÊÌÊ tion cost to a minimum. For each material, the /iV iÀÊ>ÊÃiLiÊ/>}iÊÊ`iÀÊ7V iÊÀÕ`ÊÕÊ`iÊ1 ÀÊ briquet length depends on the form, the briquet iÌâÊ iÀÀiV i°Ê1`ÊâÜ>ÀÊÜiÌÜiÌ°ÊiÊÜÀÊ >LiÊÕÃiÀÊ per metric tonne. -V iÀ iÌÃi`>LÃV >ÌÕ}ÊiiÊiÌÀiLÊ iÊ,ðÊiÊiÃV VÕ}Ê`iÃÊÀ-Ì>ÀÊ ÊØLiÀÊiiÊÃÌ>LiÊÃiÀÃV iViÊ Höcker Polytechnik’s briquetting presses incorporate more than 40 years experience in designing and building ÌÊiiÊ}À~âØ}}Ê`iÃiÀÌiÊ-V iViÌÀ}ÊÃÀ}ÌÊvØÀÊiiÊ iÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊÎäÊqÊ£xäÊ}É ®Ê>ÕV ÊLiÊiV ÌiÊÕ`Ê density varies little, is in the B >ÕÃÊ -iÀÛViÃÌ>ÌiÊ ØLiÀÊthe >iÊthroughput ÜV Ì}iÊ ,i}i]Ê range from 30 – 60 kg/h. Unnecessary run`iÀÊÕ`ÊÌiÌiÊ}ii}Ì°Ê7ÀÊÜi]Ê`>ÃÃÊ ÀiÊ>}iÊ special purpose machinery. Machines of the BrikStar series are distinguished by their rugged build and innovative }ÀLiÊ>ÌiÀ>i° controls. These machines make production cleaner and safer. UÊ-V ivÃÌ>ÕL >Õvi°ning of the press is prevented by the combination of an external start-signal with an au- UÊ>VÃV Ìâi tomatic switch-off. In weiter Ferne so nah. BrikStar C – compact and versatile Global Reach. Briquetting presses of the C series are compact, built with a solid frame and have an integrated hydraulic system. They Höcker Polytechnik is connection. not only focussing on the continuousratio development of the applied technology also on the are shipped ready for Their price/performance is very attractive. Start-stop controlsbut prevent unnecessary UÊiÀ> >Ì}iÊ-ÌBÕLi "LÊ-iiÃÊ*ÀÌÊ`iÀÊÜ ivÊqÊViÀÊ*ÞÌiV Ê Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne. iÊ >}iÀÕ}Ê Õ`Ê ÌÃÀ}Õ}Ê ÛÊ ÃiÊ -ÌBÕLiÊ `iÀÊ -«BiÊ ÃÌÊ V ÌÊ ÕÀÊ ÌiÕiÀ]Ê Ã`iÀÊ >ÕV Ê }ivB ÀV °ÊÊ Þ`À>ÕÃV iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ÛiÀiv>V iÊ `iÊ ÃV iÀiÊ Õ`Ê ÃÌi}ØÃÌ}iÊ ÌÃÀ}Õ}Ê ÀiÀÊ âiÕÃiÊ `iÀÊ i Ì> >Ì}iÊ*À`ÕÌÃ>LvBi]ÊÜiÊâ°° UÊ*>«iÀÃÌ>ÕL]Ê<iÃÌvvi UÊLiÊÕ`Ê-B}iëBi UÊiÌ>ëBi iÀÃÌiÌÊ Õv>}ÀiV iÊ 6ÃÕ>ÃiÀÕ}ÃÃÞÃÌiiÊ vØÀÊ v>ÃÌ®Ê comprehensive support and maintenance of machines on customers’ sites. Our service technicians near you can running of the press. be interlocked reached around the clock, days a week. We have an established centres in all majortrough An inspection door seven ensures safe operation. A stable screw feedernetwork housedofinservice a generously dimensioned iÊÀ>`>iÊ6iÀ`V ÌÕ}Ê`iÃÊÕÃ}>}Ã>ÌiÀ>ÃÊiÀÌÊ >iÊ >}i°Ê ÌÊ viÊ `iÀÊ `iÀiÊ *,-iÀÜÀÌiV industrial regions and continents. We want to Asee your machines running. feeds the material to the briquetting chamber. high throughput (30 – 150 kg/h) is possible no matter whether the material >V >Ì}Ê ÀiÊ >}iÀÕ}ÃÊ Õ`Ê ÌÃÀ}Õ}ÃÃÌi°Ê "À}> ÊLiÌ}iÊ-iÊiiÊi}iiÊ`ÕÃÌÀi* ]ÊÃ`iÀÊi ÃV iÊ-ÌvviÊiÊLÃÊâÕÊ£äv>V iÊÛiÀiiÀÌÊÜiÀ`i°Ê `}V ÊÕÃiÀÊ-«iâ>`i]ÊiiÊÓLvÕÛiÀÌÀ>}Ê is light or coarse. Distant, but Close. >ÃÊ6ÕiÊÛÊiV ÌiÌ>ëBiÊBÃÃÌÊÃV ÊÃ}>ÀÊÕÊ Õ`Ê ÕÃiÀÊ Ü ÜÊ Õ`Ê ÃV Ê iÊ -iÊ ÀiÊ >}iÊ Whether it is FlowChief or Siemens’ Protool − Höcker Polytechnik designs and builds process visualisation systems `>ÃÊÓäv>V iÊÀi`ÕâiÀi° ÜiÌÜiÌÊ>Ãi iÊÕ`ÊviÀÃÌiÕiÀ°ÊÊ>ÕÃVÊ}iØ}Ì° for (almost) any type of installation. An industrial PC is no longer required when a state-of-the-art GPRS-based remote access control system is used. With our modem, our expertise, and access to a cellular GPRS service network, Õ~iÀ`iÊiÀâiÕ}iÊ-iÊ>ÕvÊ`iÃiÊ7iÃiÊ V ÜiÀÌ}iÊ, customers can control their machines worldwide − at the click of a mouse. ÃÌvvi]Ê`iÊâÕÊiëiÊ>ÃÊ>ÃÃiLÀiÌÌÃÊ V ÊÊÕÀÃÊ Tausendundeine Presse. Ã`\ÊiÀÊÀiÜiÀÌÊÛÊÓ}ÊâLÀiÌÌÃÊiÌëÀV ÌÊiÌÜ>Ê ÌÊ `iÀÊ Àv> ÀÕ}Ê >ÕÃÊ Ì>ÕÃi`Õ`iiÀÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ä]ÊÌiÀÊiâ°Ê1`Ê>ÕV Ê`iÊ*ÀiÃiÊvØÀÊiÌ>ÃV ÀÌÌÊÃÌi Õ`ÊØLiÀÊ{äÊ> ÀiÊ>}iL>ÕÊ>ÊÕÃÊiiÀÊÃÊÃV iÊ Not a Fairy Tale. }iÊiÀÊÜiÌiÀ°ÊÕÀV Ê`>ÃÊÀiÌÌiÀiÊ`iÀÊiÌ>-«BiÊ iÌÜ>ÃÊ ÛÀ>V i°Ê 1ÃiÀiÊ }iÃ>iÌiÊ iÌÃÃiÊ Õ`Ê We know what we are talking about. We have the benefit of experience gained iÀâiiÊ -iÊ iiÊ i ÀiÀÃÊ iÊ >V Ê i}iÀÕ}Ê âÜÃV iÊ B }iÌiÊ ÌiiÊ ÜÀÊ ÌÊ ÀiÕ`iÊ ÌÊ ÕÃiÀiÊ Õ`i°Ê from building and shipping 1001 briquetting presses and from more than 40 years xä°qÊLÃÊÓää°qÊ`Ê«ÀÊ/i° iÊiÃÊ}LÌÊV ÌÃ]ÊÜ>ÃÊi ÀÊ6iÀ}Ø}iÊ>V Ì]Ê>ÃÊÃV Ê of building special purpose machinery. We want to share our knowledge with our Ê `iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ ÛÊ ViÀÊ *ÞÌiV Ê ÃÌiVÌÊ iÀÊÜiÌiÀÊâÕÊiÌÜVi°ÊiÀÊiiÊ`iiÊi À° customers because nothing is more rewarding than moving ahead together; to be `iÊ Àv> ÀÕ}Ê ÛÊ i ÀÊ >ÃÊ {äÊ > ÀiÊ >}iL>Õ°Ê iÊ À-Ì>À-iÀiÊ iâiV iÌÊ ÃV Ê `ÕÀV Ê iiÊ LiÃ`iÀÃÊ ÃÌ>LiÊÕÃvØ ÀÕ}ÊÊL>ÌÊÌÊiiÀÊÛ>ÌÛiÊ -ÌiÕiÀÕ}ÃÌiV °ÊØÀÊiiÊÃ>ÕLiÀiÊÕ`ÊÃV iÀiÊi ÌÀiL° always one idea ahead. Auszug aus unserer R Ê,iÞ>Ê"vwViÊÕL> ,ʱÊiiVÊØV i]Ê 7ÊÀÕ«ÊÕV ]Ê ,ʱÊ>Ì>Ê`ÕÃÌÀiÃ]Ê ØÀLi]Ê,ʱÊÀiÞ iiÌi]Ê,ʱÊ>ÃÌ BrikStar V – die variable Lösung ÊLiÊL]Ê, iÊ À-Ì>À,i iÊ 6Ê ÃÌÊ `iÊ Û>À>LiÊ >Õ>ÃÌiÃÕ}Ê vØÀÊ Ã«iâwÃV iÊ 1ʱÊBViÀÊØV i]Ê vÀ`iÀÕ}iÊ ÃV ÌV Ê ÕvÃÌiÕ}Ê Õ`Ê iÃV VÕ}Ê qÊ ÌÊ iiÊ iÊ iÌâÊ ÕÀiÀi]Ê ,Ê ±Ê ÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊÎäÊqÊÈääÊ}É ®°ÊiÃiÊÀiÌÌiÀ>>}iÊÜÀ`Ê iÊ,Ø ÀÜiÀÊ`iÀÊ âv>V ÃV ÕiÊii] -V ÕLL`iLi BÌiÀÊ>ÃÊÀiiÊ*ÀiÃÃi iÌÊÌÊÃi«>À>ÌiÀÊÞ`À>Õ]Ê-V >Ì 6Ê>V i]Ê,ʱÊ6 ÃV À>ÊÌÊ-*--ÌiÕiÀÕ}®ÊÕ`ÊÃV ÕÃÃy>ÃV ÊvØÀÊ`iÊ<ÕvØ ÀÃV iViÊ *ÀwÕ>ÌiÕ}i] iÀ}iÃÌiÌ°Ê1ÃiÀiÊ/iV iÀÊLiÀ>ÌiÊ-iÊ}iÀiÊLiÊ`iÀÊ`Û`ÕiiÊÀ}B >} ÀiLÊL>>}i]Ê âÕ}Ê Õ`Ê «>ÃÃÕ}Ê >Ê `iÊ LiÃ`iÀiÊ i}iLi iÌiÊ Ê ÀiÊ iÌÀiL°Ê iÕvÀÊ/ØÀiÜiÀ]Ê 1v>}ÀiV iÊi BÌiÀÃÕ}iÊÕ`ÊiÃV VÕ}ÃÛ>À>ÌiÊ>ÕÃÊÕÃiÀÊ*À ,ʱÊ*i«>Ê+ÕVÃiÌÊ }À>ÊÃÌi iÊâÕÀÊ6iÀvØ}Õ}° >L]ÊʱÊ+Õ>ÌÞÊÌV -ÊÕÀÌÕÀiÊÀÕ«]Ê Ì]Ê/ʱÊ-Ê/À>] -Ì>ÀÊ6iÀ>}]Ê,ʱÊ-Ì BrikStar V – flexible and customizable ʱÊ/Ü>Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞ]Ê A BrikStar V is of modular design and can meet very demanding requirements /ʱÊ6ÃÞÊ*>«iÀ]Ê1-Ê regarding siting and feeding. Throughput is in the range 30 – 600 kg/h. BrikStar Magnum - electrical panel (including PLC controls) and flange for connecting a screw die Verbindung von Umwelt und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Ìi}ÀiÀÌiÀÊ feeder and trough; but without hopper and agitator or hopper and walking Þ`À>ÕÃV iÊ ÀiÌÌiÀ«ÀiÃÃiÊ âÕÀÊ iÀÃÌiÕ}Ê ÛÊ ÕÜiÌ ÌÊÉÊ-Ì«« floor. Our sales engineers are happy to give advice on available options and vÀiÕ`V iÊÃÌ>«ivB }iÀÊÀiÃÌvvLÀiÌÌðÊÕ~iÀÃÌÊiiÀ vÕ}ÊÌÊ how to adapt the press to your individual requirements; for this we have a }iivwâiÌÊ iÀâiÌÊ `iÊ À-Ì>ÀÊ >}ÕÊ ÌÊ ÕÀÊ ÓÓ7Ê Þ ÃV iViÊ wide range of hoppers and feeding arrangements. `À>ÕiÃÌÕ}ÊiiÊ iÊÕÀV Ã>ÌâÊÛÊLÃÊâÕÊxääÊ}É Ê V ÌiÊÕ`Ê LiÊÃi ÀÊ}À~iÀÊÀiÌÌ`V ÌiÊvØÀÊÀ}iÀiV ÌiÊÀiÌÌÃ]Ê`iÊ ÃV Ê}ÕÌÊÛiÀ>ÀÌiÊ>ÃÃiÊ£ÓÊÀiÌÌÃÊÜi}iÊV>°Ê£äÊ }À>®°ÊÕÀV Ê`iÊÀiV ÌiV}iÊÀÊ`iÀÊÀiÌÌÃÊÜiÀ`iÊ> }iÀÊ6iÀ«>VÕ}ÃÊÕ`Ê/À>ëÀÌÃÌiÊiÀ iLV ÊÀi`ÕâiÀÌ° tem. They ÃÊ À}iLÃÊ ÃÌÊ `iÀÊ iÃ>Ì«ÀâiÃÃÊ ÜiÃiÌV Ê ÜÀÌÃV >vÌ necessary V iÀ]Ê`iÊÀÌÃiÀÕ}ÃâiÌÊÛiÀØÀâÌÊÃV ÊÕ`ÊÃV >vvÌÊÀi ÀBÕiÊvØÀÊiÕiÊ`ii° ed trough e material BrikStar Magnum the link between environment and economy. Hydraulik briquetting press for producing environmently and easily stackable combustible briquettes. The BrikStar Magnum is extremely energy-efficient and achieves outstanding throughput of nearly 500 kg/h and a very high density for standard briquettes that are easily to market (12 briquettes have a weight of approx. 10 kg). Due to their rectangular form transport-, storing- and packaging costs are considerably reduced. As a result the whole process is much more economic, amortisation is shortened and new scope for development is made. Mehr als 40.000 Anla weltweit. ÊÊB`iÀÊÌÊViÀÊ Holz, Papier, Kunststoff, Getreide ... Wood, Paper, Plastics, Grain ... A BrikStar V is configured as a press unit with separate hydraulic system, À} iÀÊ-ÌÀ>~iʣʱÊ{ Auszug aus unserer Referenzliste / Excerpt from our list of references Ê,iÞ>Ê"vwViÊÕL>]Ê1ʱÊV]ÊʱÊiÌÊ]Ê,ʱÊÀ>L>Ê*>V>}}ÊÕL>]Ê1ʱÊ- "Ê`ÕÃÌÀiÃ]ÊʱÊ>V iÞiÀÊ>`iL>Õ]Ê ,ʱÊiiVÊØV i]Ê,ʱÊ-Ê ÀÀÕ}>Ìi`]Ê,ʱÊiÊ>ÕÃÊ]Ê,ʱÊ>ÀÊiÌ>i]Ê,ʱÊw}iÀÊEÊiÀ}iÀ]Ê,ʱÊÌâÊ*ÀÌÊiÛ]Ê1,ÊÊ 7ÊÀÕ«ÊÕV ]Ê,ʱÊi À}iÀÊ}i i]Ê,ʱÊ}vÀ>ÊLi]Ê*"ʱÊ`iÀ>>]Ê/ÊÊ±Ê i>>Ü>Þ]Ê,ʱÊ>iÀÊ ÀÞÃiÀÊ]Ê ,ʱÊ>Ì>Ê`ÕÃÌÀiÃ]Ê1-ʱÊiÌ>Ê1Ã>}iÃ]Ê,ʱÊiÌiV Ê-°°]Ê-1ʱÊiÕÌÃV iÊ> Ê]Ê,ʱÊiiÀÊÕÌ]Ê Ê±Ê>Ã]Ê/1ʱÊLiÀ}Ê ØÀLi]Ê,ʱÊÀiÞiÀÊEÊ>ÊLiÜiÀi]Ê,ʱÊÕLÊÃÌÌÕÌiÊvÊ/iV }Þ]Ê,ʱÊÕ>Ê7iÀi]Ê,ʱÊÕÀ«>VÊ]Ê,ʱÊ}}iÀÊ iiÌi]Ê,ʱÊ>ÃÌvÀÊLiv>LÀÊ]Ê,ʱÊ>ÃÌ}À>ÊÕÃÌÃÌvvi]Ê,ʱÊÀ>ÌiÊiiÀÃ]Ê1ʱÊÕÀÜi]Ê,ʱÊiÊÀà Ê*i]Ê,Ê ÊLiÊL]Ê,ʱÊÀ>ÊÀÕV]Ê,ʱÊÀÃ>ÊLiÌii]Ê,ʱÊ>À>ÌÊ/ØÀiÊÕ`Ê<>À}i]Ê,ʱÊ1ÊV>]Ê,ʱÊÕvÊ/LiÀÊ>VÌÀÞ]Ê 1ʱÊBViÀÊØV i]Ê,ʱÊ>`ÜiÀÃ>iÀÊ>V i]Ê,ʱÊ>`ÜiÀÃ>iÀÊ"Ã>LÀØV]Ê,ʱÊiViÜiÀÌ ÊâÜiÀÃÌvvi]Ê,Ê iÌâÊ ÕÀiÀi]Ê ,Ê ±Ê iÀÌâÊ iÀ]Ê ,Ê ±Ê i >ÕÃiÊ -Ì>Õ]Ê ,Ê ±Ê âÊ ]Ê ,Ê ±Ê âv>V ÃV ÕiÊ >`Ê 7`Õ}i]Ê ,Ê âv>V ÃV ÕiÊii]Ê,ʱÊâ>Ê >Ü]Ê,ʱÊ>}ÊÊ-V «yV ]Ê,ʱÊÀÛ>Ì ]Ê1 ʱÊÞiÀÊ >À>Û>]Ê,ʱÊ>µÕ>ÀÊÌ`°]Ê ÊÊ 6Ê>V i]Ê,ʱÊ6Êi`iÀ]Ê,ʱÊ>ÀLÕÊÀii]Ê,ʱÊiâÊÃiÀÃÌvvi]Ê,ʱÊ"]Ê* ʱʫi ÜiÀ]Ê Ê±ÊÃV iÊ *ÀwÕ>ÌiÕ}i]Ê,ʱÊÕÀiÃÃ]Ê/ʱÊÕÃV ÊEÊ °]Ê,ʱÊ>ÌÛ>ÊiÀÃÊÀÕ«]Ê/ʱÊiviÛÀi]ÊʱÊiÀ]Ê,1-ʱÊÌÌiÀÊ]Ê,ÊÊ >} ÀiLÊL>>}i]ÊʱÊ>`Ê7`Ê`ÕÃÌÀiÃ]Ê1ʱÊ>iÃ>Êi>}]Ê,ʱÊ>ÀµÕ>À`ÌÊØV i]Ê,ʱÊiÕLÊ/Ài`]Ê Ê iÕvÀÊ/ØÀiÜiÀ]Ê,Ê±Ê ÌiÊiÃÌiÊÕ°Ê*>ÀiÌÌ]Ê,ʱÊ"Li>ÊÀÕ«Ê,Þ>`]Ê-ʱÊ"LiÀ iÃÃÃV iÃÊâÜiÀ]Ê,ʱÊ"Ê>ÕBÀÌi]Ê ,ʱÊ*i«>Ê+ÕVÃiÌÊLi]Ê,ʱÊ*iÀÊ-V >Õ}ÃL>Õ]Ê,ʱÊ*ÞÜ`Ê>VÌÀÞÊÀV >}iÃÊ]Ê,1-ʱÊ*««iÃiiÀÊEÊiÀÝ]Ê,ʱÊ*ÌÌi>ÕÊ >L]ÊʱÊ+Õ>ÌÞÊÌV iÃ]Ê,ʱÊ,iÕÌiÀÊLiÜiÀÃÌBÌÌi]Ê,ʱÊ,Ü`ÊâÌiV ]Ê,ʱÊ->â}ÌÌiÀÊ>}iÃÕÊ/iV }i]Ê,ÊÊ -ÊÕÀÌÕÀiÊÀÕ«]Ê/1ʱÊ-V À>`iÀÊ>`iL>Õ],ʱÊ-V ÜÀiÀÊiÀÌ} BÕÃiÀ]Ê,ʱÊ-iLiÊEÊ7iÞiÀ]Ê,ʱÊ-iÌâÊÕÃÌÃÌvvi]Ê,ʱÊ-Ê Ì]Ê/ʱÊ-Ê/À>]Ê/ʱÊ-iiÃÊ]Ê,ʱÊ->ÊÕÃÌÃÌvviÊ]Ê,ʱÊ-/Ê-Õiâ]Ê,ʱÊ6Ã>}iÊ>Ê-ÊvÕÀÌÕÀi®]Ê/Ê -Ì>ÀÊ6iÀ>}]Ê,ʱÊ-ÌÀ>iÃ]Ê Ê±Ê-ÌÀiLiÃÌÊ>`iL>Õ]Ê,ʱÊ-ÌÀÊiÀ]Ê Ê±Ê-Ü>ÌV ÊÀÕ«]Ê-1ʱÊ/>À]Ê Ê±Ê/ iÕ>Ê/ØÀi]Ê Ê±Ê/Ü>Ê`ÕÃÌÀÞ]Ê* ʱÊ/ÀÕÊ7`]Ê1-ʱÊ6iÀiÃÊ-]Ê/ʱÊ6iÀÃiÌÌÊ]Ê-1ʱÊ6}Ê7`ÜÃ]Ê-/ʱÊ6Ã>}Ê>Ê-ÊÕÀÌÕÀi®]Ê /ʱÊ6ÃÞÊ*>«iÀ]Ê1-ʱÊ7,Ê]Ê,ʱÊ7i>Ê]Ê,ʱÊ<iiÀÊ>ÕÃ]Ê, Mehr als 40.000 Anlagen in über 40 Jahren – We have delivered globally more than 40,000 systems in just over weltweit. 40 years. Countries where Höcker Polytechnik has reference customers HÖCKER POLYTECHNIK GmbH À} iÀÊ-ÌÀ>~iʣʱÊ{£ÇÈÊÌiÀʱÊiÀ>ÞʱÊʳÊ{Êä®Êx{äÊ{äxÊÊäʱÊ>ÝÊʳÊ{Êä®Êx{äÊ{äxÊÊxxx ÜÜÜ° iViÀ«ÞÌiV °`iʱÊvJ «Ì°iÌ $PQZSJHIU)¯DLFS1PMZUFDIOJL(NC)u%SVDLGFIMFSVOEUFDIOJTDIFOEFSVOHFOWPSCFIBMUFOuu ÊÊB`iÀÊÌÊViÀÊ*ÞÌiV ,iviÀiâ>>}i