
11. xii. 2008
KADLEC Stanislav
Litvinov, Czech Republic
I have got articles only :
"o--" - original
I am very interested in : "§---"
"c--" - copy
(MG) - morphology, genitalia
---1980, 40 (8): 117-118, Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam)
Interessante en nieuwe Boktorren voor de Nederlandse fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*ABANG Fatimah
Literature Review - Cerambycidae - Sarawak
o--2004, 104 (2/2): 233-237, Lambillionea
(et VIVES E.)
Two new species of Callichromatini from Sarawak, South-Western Borneo (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Pachyteria samarahanensis - sp.n. - Fc - ID
Asmedia flavofasciata - sp.n. - Fc - ID /
---1996, 4: 1-96, Min. Agriculture, Beyrout
In: Etude de la diversité biologique du Liban
La faune terrestre, Insectes.
§---1976, Publication 30: 1-41, Natural History Research Centre of Iraq, Baghdad
Checklist of Iraq National History Museum Insects Collection
---1983, 119 pp., FRC Publication No. 8, Sabah Forest Dept., Sandakan
Plantation forest pests in Sabah.
---1869, 1 (2): 42, Petites Nouvelles d'Entomologie
Coléopteres nouveaux
---1881, No 34: 133-139, Abeille (2 sér.)
Notes sur les generes Molorchus et Callimus.
---1885, : 140, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Mallosia imperatrix Ab.
---1967, 59: 425-429, Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie
Insect pests of Cyrenaica-Libya.
/ Cerambycidae - ??? /
---1943, Sayı 142, 163 pp., Zir. Vek. Yük. Zir. Enst. Çal.
İstanbul çevresi ve bilhassa Belgrad ormanındaki zararlı orman böcekleri, mücadeleleri
ve işletme üzerine etkileri.
---1959, 32 :4-5, Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde
Phoracantha semipunctata F. (Col., Cerambycidae) in der Türkei.
---1962-1963, 51: 114-121, Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie
Über das Auftreten von einigen Forstschädlingen in der Türkei.
---1911, (14):280-281, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France
Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Chelidonium Thoms. [Col. Cerambycidae].
---1912, (10): 220-221, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France
Description d’une nouvelle espèce d’Euryphagus [Col. Cerambycidae].
---1989, 31 (2):343-352, Res. Pop. Ecol.:
Spatial distribution and mortality process of Anoplophora malasiaca (Col.,Ceramb.) eggs in groves.
---1992, 23: 179-191, Bulletin of the Fruit Tree Research Station
Movement patterns of Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomsosn) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
adults within a citrus tree.
/ Citrus tree – hosts plant – Japan /
---2001, pp. ???, Izhevsk
Insects. Red Data Book of Udmurtia Republic. Animals.
/ Cerambycidae: pp. 12-50; 140-143 /
(Adám L.)
---1988, 49: 217-225, Folia entomologica Hungarica
The Coleoptera fauna of the County Bekes (SE Hungary) S. Cerambycidae-Bruchidae.
---1817, 5: 278-314, Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Descriptio Insectorum novorum imperii Rossici, imprimis Caucasi et Siberiae.
c--1972, 70: 8-14, Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der im Forst schädlichen Insekten des Iran. I. Coleoptera
/ Cerambycidae - šílené !!! /
c--1976, 80: 132-138
Insects on Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis ssp. macrphylla) in Iran and their importance for forestry
practices and wood utilization.
---1975, 5: 21-23, Berichte der Arbeitgemeinschaft für Ökologische Entomologie in Graz
Einige beachteneswerte Böckkäferfauna in der Steiermark.
o--1977, 107: 221-222, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark 20/1
Faunistische Nachrichten aus der Steiermark (XXII). Eine für die Steiermark neue Bockkäferart:
Molorchus marmottani Brisout, 1863 (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Molorchus marmottani - nový pro Štýrsko /
---1978, 108: 197-203, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark
Beitrag zur Verbreitung und Lebensweise der Bockkäfer in der Steiermark (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1979, 2 (1): 3-10, Abhandlungen, Natur und Umwelt Burgenland
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der burgenländischen Bockkäferfauna (Col.Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - 26 sp. - F:AT /
---1979, 109: 201-203, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark
Erste gesicherte Fundmeldung der Bockkäfer Rhopalopus femoratus un Saperda punctata
aus der Steiermark (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1979, 109: 205-206, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark
Plagionotus floralis (Pallas, 1773), eine für die Steiermark neue Bockkäferart (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1981, 30 (2): 17-24, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Zur Taxonomie von Purpuricenus globulicollis MULS. und Phytoecia julii MULS.
---1981, 111: 175-182, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark
Beobachtungen zur Verbreitung und Biologie der Bockkäfer in der Steiermark (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Biology - 30 sp. - Oberea pedemontana - F:AT /
---1982, 79-84, Graz , In: GEPP J. (ed.): Rote Listen gefährdetenr Tiere der Steiermark.
Rote Liste der in Steiermark gefährdeten Bockkäfer (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1982, 31 (6): 104-107, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus Kleiasien (Col.Ceramb.)
/ D. nigrostriatum - sp.n. - TR /
o--1982, 5 (1,2): 5-13, Natur und Umwelt Burgenland
Neue und seltene Bockkäfer aus dem Burgenland (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - 6 sp. - F:AT /
o--1984, 33 (1): 16-19, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Zur Unterscheidbakeit von Callimellum angulatum (Schr.) und Callimellum abdominale (Ol.).
o--1985, 34 (4): 119-123, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Das Mänchen von Rhagium phrygium Daniel (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1985, 10: 1-34, Berichte der Arbeitgemeinschaft für Ökologische Entomologie in Graz
Die Bockkäfer des Marchfeldes (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Cerambycidae - 80 sp. - ekologie - F:AT /
o--1987, 27 (133): 17-19, Steirischer Naturschutzbrief
Zur Situation der Bockkäfer in der Steiermark.
o°--1988, 9 (12): 257-297, Entomofauna
Neues zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Bockkäferfauna der Türkei (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Cortodera humeralis orientalis - ssp.n. - Nurdagi Gec.
Molorchus kiesenwtteri anatolicus - ssp.n. - TR
Stenurella bifasciata ssp. nigrosuturalis Reitter - st.n./
---1990, 120: 299-397, Mitteilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark
Die Bockkäfer der Steiermark unter dem Aspekt der Artenbedrohung (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - 172 sp. - Steiermark - F:AT /
---1990, 80: 65-69, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Gesselschaft
Die Phryneta-Arten Madagaskars und der Komoren (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1991, 44: 33-34, MJOA
Wiederentdeckung von Tetrops starki CHEV. in der Steiermark (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1991, 61: 181-182, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Das Vorkommen von Stenidea genei (Aragona) in Österreich (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, 61: 183, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine für Österreich neue Bockkäfer (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Oberea moravica – new for AT /
---1992, 19: 253-293, Berichte der Botanisch-Zoologischen Gesellschaft Lichtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg
Die Bockkäfer des Fürstentums Lichtenstein (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1992, 13 (30): 485-509, Entomofauna
Zur Faunistik und Taxonomie der Bockkäferfauna der Türkei. II (Col., Cermbycidae)
/ Alosterna anatolica, Chlorophorus niehuisi - sp.n. - F:TR /
---1993, 63: 279-292, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Cerambyciden aus Senegambien.
---1994, 17 (2): 157-160, Spixiana
Frea viossati, spec. nov., eine neue Crossotini-Art von den Komoren und Bemerkungen zu einer weiteren
Art dieser Tribus aus Madagaskar (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1994, 48: 41-62, Mitt. Abt. Zool. Landesmus.Joanneum
1. Nachtrag zur Bockkäferfauna der Steiermark unter dem Aspekt der Artenbedrohung (Col.,Cerambycidae).
---1994, 64: 241-248, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Neue Cerambyciden aus Ost- und Südostafrika (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1994, 94 (3): 293-303, Lambillionea
Bockkafer aus Zimbabwe und Transvaal. Teil I - Prioninae und Spondylinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1995, 95 (2): 155-180, Lambillionea
Revision der Gattung Cymatura (Col.,Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
---1995, 95 (4): 477-496, Lambillionea
Bockkafer aus Zimbabwe und Transvaal. Teil II - Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1995, 45 (3-4): 209-223, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, Bonn
Zur Bockkäferfauna von Togo I. Parandrinae, Prioninae, Cerambycinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1995, 65: 201-202, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine neue Typocaeta-Art aus Togo (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1995, 47 (3/4): 70-76, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Revision der Gattung Prosphilus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1995, 95 (4): 477-496, Lambillionea
Bockkäfer aus Zimbabwe und Transvaal, Teil II – Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1996, 19 (3): 307-314, Spixiana
Revision der Callichrominengattung Agaleptus mit Beschreibung von drei neuen Arten (Col., Ceramb.).
---1997 (1996), 26: 195-199, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz Jahrsbericht
Eine fur die Steiermark neue Bockkaferart; Cyrtoclytus capra (Germar) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1997, 97 (2): 298-320, Lambillionea
Bockkafer aus Zimbabwe und Transvaal. Teil III - Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1997, 5 (1): 39-44, Acta Entomologica Slovenica
(et EGGER M.)
Vier für Slowenien neue Bockkäferarten (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Vadonia steveni, Callimoxys gracilis, Leptura aethiops, Lpturalia nigripes rufipennis /
o--1997, 97 (4): 585-586, Lambillionea
Pachydissus deroliformis sp. n. - eine neue Cerambycidenart aus dem State Museum of Namibia
(Col., Ceramb., Cerambycini).
---1997, 73 (2): 287-289, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin
Eine neue Myrmecoclytus–Art aus Südafrika (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
---1998, 30 (2): 533-568, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Cerambyciden vom Kayambura game Reserve in W-Uganda.
---1998, 98 (3): 391-397, Lambillionea
Neue Arten, taxonomische Änderungen und Bemerkungen zu äthiopischen Cerambyciden (Col., Cer.).
c--1998, 98 (4): 605-607, Lambillionea
Eine neue Planodema-Art aus Namibia (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
---1998, 21 (1): 43-51, Spixiana
Die Gattung Daramus Fairmaire in Schwarzafrika (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Spondylinae).
o--1998, In: Ebermann E. (Ed.) – Arthropod Biology: Contributions to Morphology, Ecology and Systematics. -
Biosystematics and Ecology Series 14: 333-363
Revision der Gattung Taurotagus Lacordaire (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycini).
/ Taurotagus Lac. – Revision – 7 sp. – 1 ssp. – key
T. similis, T. elegans, T. impressus – sp. n. & ssp. n. /
---1998, 4: 18-19, Joanneum aktuell
Ein Schutzprogramm für den Alpenbockkäfer.
---1998, 30 (2): 533-557, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Cerambyciden vom Kyambura Game Reserve in W-Uganda (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1999, 99 (1): 55-59, Lambillionea
Die Gattung Bolbotritus Bates und ihre offten fragen (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycini)
c--1999, 69: 159-165, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zur Bockkaferfauna des Viktoriasee-Gebietes (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
---1999, 31 (1): 431-435, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Zwei neue Clytini aus Namibia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 48 (3-4): 329-352, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, Bonn
Zur Bockkäferfauna von Togo II. Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
(et DAUBER D.)
---1999, 31 (2): 603-622, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Zur Cerambycidenfauna Äthiopiens I - Prioninae, Spondylinae, Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 31 (2): 623-628, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Zur Taxonomie von Bockkäfern aus dem südlichen Afrika, den Komoren und Madagaskar (Col.,Cer.).
---2000, 76 (1): 101-112, Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berlin, Zool. Reihe
Bockkäfer aus dem Comoé-Nationalpark in der Elfenbeinküste (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2000, 16: 137-142, Cimbebasia
Neue Bockkäfer vom Brandberg in Namibia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2000, No. 2: 1-7, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Cerambyciden aus der Côte d'Ivoire und aus Zimbabwe (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---2000, 32 (2): 963-998, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Zur Cerambycidenfauna Äthiopiens II - Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2000, 4: 1-12, Coleoptera
Neue Bockkäfer aus dem Transvaal Museum mit weiteren taxonomischen Bemerkungen: (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---2000, 9: 209-214, Cimbebasia, Mem.
in: Kirk-Spriggs A. H. & Marais E. (Ed.). Dâures - biodiversity
of the Brandberg Massiv, Namibia.
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea).
---2001, 5: 1-11, Coleoptera
Neue Cerambyciden aus der Äthiopischen Region mit Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie und Variabilität
weiterer Arten (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae).
---2001, 2: 118-120, Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik, Wien
Cortodera flavimana - neu für Österreich (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
o--2001, 101 (1/2): 84-92, Lambillionea
Neue Cerambyciden-Gattungen und -Arten aus der Äthiopischen Region
und taxonomische Neueinstufungen.
---2001, No. 6: 1-13, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Cerambyciden aus Madagaskar und dem südlichen Afrika (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2001, 3: 83-104, Joannea - Zool.,Landesmuseum Joanneum
2. Nachtrag zur Bockkäferfauna der Steiermark unter dem Aspekt der Artenbedrohung (Col.,Cerambycidae)
---2001, 80 pp., Taita Publishers, Hradec Kralové
Katalog und Fotoatlas der Bockkäfer Namibias (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---2002, 34 (2): 1029-1033, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Drei neue Clytinen aus der Äthiopischen Region.
/ Calanthemis schmidi - sp.n. - Malawi, Cal. schmidi ater - ssp.n. - Congo
Chlorophorus drumonti - sp.n. - Ivory Coast /
(et DAUBER D.)
---2002, N° 13: 1-10, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Cerambyciden aus Afrika sowie neue Synonymien (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--2002, 7 (2): 19-22; Entomologia africana
A new Chariesthes Species from the Socotra-islands and transfer of another Tragocephalini
into the genus Kerochariesthes Teocchi, 1989 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
/ Kerochareiesthes holzschuhi (Teocchi, 1989) - b. sp. & comb.n.
Chareiesthes (Sokothesthes) socotraensis - sbg.n. & sp.n. - YE:Sokotra /
---2002, 4: 83-86, Joannea - Zool.,Landesmuseum Joanneum
Vadonia unipunctata (F.) und Trichoferus pallidus (Ol.) – zwei für die Steiermark
neue Bockkäfer (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2003 (2002) , 6 (1-2): 157-185, Coleoptera
Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Pachydissus Newman, 1838 (Col.: Cerambycidae: Cerambycini).
o°--2003, 8 (2): 35-40, Entomologia Africana
(et SUDRE J.)
Two new Cerambycid species from tropical Africa and remarks to two other ons (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Lygrus holoniger - sp.n. - Burkina Faso
Teocchius cruciatus - gen. et sp.n. - Rep. Centroafricaine /
---2003, N° 25: 1-15, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Cerambyciden aus der Äthiopischen Region wie auch taxonomische Bemerkungen
bzw. Änderungen (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---2003, N° 29: 1-30, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Die Cleomenini-Gattung Apiogaster Perroud, 1855 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---2003, 35 (2): 1327-1334, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Neue Bockkäfer aus Westafrika, eine neue Gattung aus dem südlichen Afrika und eine neue Synonymie
bei einem Taxon aus Ostafrika (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2003, 5: 91-95, Joannea – Zool., Landesmuseum Joanneum
Stictoleptura erythroptera (Hagenbach, 1822) und Stenhomalus bicolor (Kraatz, 1862)
in der Steiermark (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2004 (2003) , 7 (): 85-87, Coleoptera
Macrohammus deyrollei (Thomson, 1879) - bisher bekannte Verbreitung und Beschreibung
des Weibchens. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
o--2004, 6: 217-222, Joannea - Zool.,Landesmuseum Joanneum
Fungivore Nahrungsaufnahme bei Imagines der Bockkäfer Mesosa curculionides (L.)
und - möglicherweise - Pogonocherus ovatus (Goeze) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
---2004, 9 (1): 14-17, Entomologia Africana
The hitherto unknown female of Neoclosterus bernardii Quentin & Villiers, 1969
with further remarks to this species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---2004, N° 34: 1-17, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Zur Cerambycidenfauna von Malawi (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---2004, N° 37: 1-17, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Disteniidae und Cerambycidae aus Afrika und den Seychellen (Coleoptera).
o--2004, N° 42: 1-18, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Beschreibung neuer Bockkäfer aus der Äthiopischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae)
/ Aforoeme - gen.n. - ; etc. /
o°--2004, 74: 419-421, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine neue Obriini-Art aus der Türkei (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Anatolobrium eggeri - gen.n. & sp.n. - TR: NW Alanya /
o--2004, 20: 431-433, Fauna of Saudi Arabia
A new species of Iranobrium (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Obriini) from Sokotra Island.
/ Iranobrium abbreviatum - sp.n. - YE: Socotra Is. /
o--2005, 105 (3/2): 437-439, Lambillionea
Das Weibchen von Guitelia nigrescens Lepesme, 1952 mit Bemerkungen zur Gattung Paraguitelia
Quentin & Villiers, 1971 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Callichromatini).
c--2005, 37 (2): 1007-1011, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Neue Bockkäfer von Yemen (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Yemenobrium velutinum - gen. & sp.n.
Anisogaster kabateki - sp.n.
Afroeme fusca Gahan - comb.n. /
o--2006, 76: 379-382, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Graecoeme eggeri gen.n., sp.n. - der erste Vertreter der Oemini aus Europa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Graecoeme eggeri - sp.n. - GR (=Penichroa fasciata) /
---2006, 75(8): 301-306, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon
Plantes hôtes de quelques Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) africains..
---2007 (2006), 10: 35-42, Coleoptera
Gemeinsam mit Delahaye N. The Plectogasterini Quentin & Villiers, 1969 of Gabun with revalidation
of Plectogaster puncticollis Burgeon, 1947 and description of his hitherto unknown female. (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Cerambycinaae).
---2007 (2006), 10: 43-60, Coleoptera
Die Gattungen Ptycholaemus, Striatoptycholaemus, Odzala, Sudreana und Djabiria. (Cerambycidae:
---2007 (2006), 10: 61-82, Coleoptera
Die Cerambycini der Äthiopischen Region. – Die Gattungen Diorthus, Margites, Dissaporus,
Graciliderolus, Microderolus und Spiniderolus.
---2007, 12 (1): 61-62, Entomologia Africana
Diagnose d´une nouvelle espéce d´Ecyroschema Thomson, 1864 de Zanzibar
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Crossotini).
---2007, 12 (1): 63-64, Entomologia Africana
Agaleptus drumonti sp. n. – a new member of Callichromatini from Tanzania (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2007, 76: 189-190, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Synonymisierung von Graecoeme eggeri Adlbauer, 2006 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Graecoeme eggeri - sp.n. - GR (=Penichroa fasciata) /
o--2007, N°69: 1-21, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Neue Bockkäfer aus der Arabischen Halbinsel und Afrika (Coleoptera, Disteniidae und Cerambycidae)
/ Yementallyrama nasheri - gen. et sp.n. - YE (Oemini)
Hologaster kabateki - sp.n. - YE /
---1846, xi + 170 pp., Jent et Gassman, Soloduri
Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium, tam venetium quam fossilum.
---1846, vii + 393 pp., Jent et Gassman, Soloduri
Nomenclatoris Zoologici index universalis, continens nomina systematica generum animalium,
tam venetium quam fossilum.
c°--1998, 21: 19-20, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Coleopteros interesantes atraidos por las luces de Penalba (Huesca).
/ Vesperus xatarti, Arhopalus ferus /
*AGRAS Mustafa
c°--2006, 41 pp., MSc Thesis
(only abstract)
Investigation abouth identification of insects species which belong to Cerambycidae
and Buprestidae (Coleoptera) families and their distribution acording to the elevation
in the Amanos Mountains (the city of Osmaniye).
/ F:TR /
(Aguado Martín Luis Oscar)
c°--1996, N°15: 69, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Nota faunística (Coleoptera).
/ Cerambycidae: F:SP /
o--2000 (1999), 16 (1-2): 67-78, Biocosme Mésogéen
Un nuevo Iberodorcadion Breuning (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) de Castilla y Léon
: Iberodorcadion aguadoi.
(et TOME M.)
---1980, 1 (B): 343-348, Proceeding of Pakistan congress of Zoology
Natural enemies of poplar borers.
/ Aeolesthes sarta, Apriona cinerea – Populus /
*AKBULUT Süleyman
c°--2007, 31: 413-422, Turk. J. Agric. For.
The Effect of Log Seasonality on the Reproductiv Potential of Monochamus galloprovincialis Olivier
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Reared in Black Pine Logs under Laboratory Conditions.
*AKINO Toshiharu
c°--2001, 4 (3): 271-277, Entomological Science
Sexual Dimorphism in Cuticular Hydrocarbon of the White-spotted Longicorn Beetle, Anoplophora
malasiaca (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
*AKSIT Tülin
c°--2005, 29: 211-215, Turk. J. Zool.
Some New Xylophagous Species on Fig Trees ( Ficus carica cv. Calymirna L.) in Aydin, Turkey
/ Stenopterus flavicornis - TR: Aydin / F:TR
---1983, 27 (3): 189-196, Japanes Journal of applied Entomology and Zoology
(et KUBOKI M.)
Mating behavior of the udo longicorn beetle, Acalolepta luxuriosa Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
---1983, 27: 247-251, Japanes Journal of applied Entomology and Zoology
(et KUBOKI M. )
Analysis of mating behavior of the udo longicorn beetle, Acalolepta luxuriosa Bates (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1987, 18 (3): 1-5, fig., Journal of Biological Sciences Research
New species of Dorcadion (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Iraq.
/ D. iraquensis - sp.n. - IQ (compared with D. hampei) /
(in Arabian)
( et ISMAIL S.I.)
§---1987, 28 (3-4): 536-543, Iraqui Journal of Science
(in Arabian)
/ A new species of Purpuricenus (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) from Iraq. /
/ Purpuricenus mesopotamicus - sp.n. - IQ /
( et ISMAIL S.I.)
(Alexandrovitch O.P.)
---1996, 103 pp., Minsk
A catalogue of Coleoptera (Insecta) of Belarus.
---2003, 1: 111-115, Archives of state natural reserve “Kaluzhskie Zaseki”] 1. Kaluga: Poligraf-Inform
[A preliminary checklist of (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of the State Nature Reserve “Kaluzhskie Zaseki”
and adjacent territories.]
---2007, 7 (1): 37-62, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis
Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Kaliningrad region.
---1998, 134 (1604-1607), January-April: 9-10, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
The Cotswold Hills: a national stronghold for Stenostola dubia (Laicharting) (Col., Cerambycidae).
*ALKAN Hazan
---2001, 25 (4): 243-255, Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi
A contribution to the knowledge of Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) species
of the eastern Black Sea region in Turkey.
(et EROGLU M.)
*ALFIERI Anastase
---1909(1910), (3): 154-158, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Note sur Macrotoma Boehmi Rttr. (Coléopt.).
---1911 (1910), 3: 118-121, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Note sur larve et la nymphe de Macrotoma palmata F. = M. Boehmi Rttr.
c--1916, 10 (4): 63-76, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Catalogue des Cerambycides d´Egypte.
---1976, pp. 287, Atlas Press, Cairo (???)
The coleoptera of Egypt.
/ Cerambycidae: 220-225 pp. /
---1976, 5: XVI + 1-362, Mémoires de la Sociéte entomologique d´Egypte
The Coleoptera of Egypt
c--1945, N°1: 30-31, pl.1/1-3, Izvestiya Kharbinskogo Kraevedcheskogo Muzeya
Rosalia coelestis Sem. v faune zhukov Manchzhurii (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1970, 25 (3): 71-74, Bolletino dell' Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Osservazioni sulla fauna coleotterologica della Pineta di Linguaglossa.
c--2002, 71 (3): 105-114, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Une espece de Cerambycidae nouvelle pour la faune de France, Aegomorphus francottei Sama (Coleoptera).
---1980, 115, (Jan.-Apr.): 75, Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Saperda populnea (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae) bred from ash.
---1993, 105 (7-8): 197-198, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
On a Cambridgeshire capture of Strangalia revestita (Col.: Cerambycidae)
---1965, 37: 173-179, Mitteilungen der Schweizerische entomologische Gesselschaft
Zur Faunistik unserer flügellosen Bockkäfer.
---1970, 43 (2): 156-160, Mitteilungen der Schweizerische entomologische Gesselschaft
Parmena interruptus (Cerambycidae) bon. spec. (Parmena balteus) var. interrupus Pic.
---1972, 45 (1-3): 217-219, Mitteilungen der Schweizerische entomologische Gesselschaft
Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Parmena Latr. (Col., Cerambycidae) in der Schweiz.
---1973, 216 pp., Ed. Schweizerische entomologische Gesselschaft, Zürich
Catalogus Bd. 3. - Cerambycidae
c°--1998, 54: 131, Graellsia
Nomenclatural Notes. A replacement name for Argalia Mulsant, 1863 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Saperda (Lopezcolonia) - nom.n. - for S.(Argalia) /
---2007, No 37: 308-309, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Echinocerus Mulsant, 1862 is a valid genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1997, pp. 1-64, Slovensko entomološko društvo Štefana Michielija, Lubljana (et DANILEVSKY M.)
Seznam kozličev (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) Evrope. [A Check-list of Longicorn Beetles
(Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Europe.]
(in Slovenian and English)
(Angel Álvarez Pérez)dara
c°--2004, 11: 49-50, Boletino de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Nuevos datos sobre Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
en la campiňa de Jerez (Cadiz, Andalucia).
[New data on Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the campina
de Jerez region (Cadiz, Andalucia).]
---1974, 61 (1): 5-18, RIVS
Le versant sud de la chaine du mont Vial. II. Analyse des especes.
---1974, N°32: Entomops
Observations sur les Coléopteres du Midi de la France.
c--1984, 1 (2): 35-38, Biocosme Mésogéen
Douze jours de récoltes dans le Pélopennese Oriental (Mission 1977 du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice).
VI. Cerambycidae (Ins. Coleoptera).
o--1999 (1998), 15 (2): 187-210, Biocosme Mésogéen
(et BRACONNOT Sabine)
Iconographie commente de quelques especes remarquables de la region Nicoise. Faune et Flore. 5e partie.
/ Coleoptera: 187-194, CERAMBYCIDAE: Pterolophia m-grisea : 189-200 /
---1981, 1: 371-383, Natural History of the National Parks of Hungary
The gall-makink arthropod of the Hortobagy National Park and their relation to host-plants.
/ Cerambycidae - Saperda populnea /
*AN S.L.
(AN Seung Lak)
o--1991, 8: 30-59, Insecta Koreana
(et KWON Yong Jung)
Classification of the genus Pidonia from Korea (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia alpina, elegans, longipennis, seungmoi, weolseoense - sp.n. - KO /
---1993, 10: 1-24, Insecta Koreana
(et KWON Y.J.)
Numerical taxonomy of the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Korea (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1993, 23 (1): 57-88, Nature and Life
(et KWON Y.J., LEE C.E.)
Biogeographical studies on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Korea (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1868-1869, 5: 149-170, L'Abeille
Relation d´un voyage en Syrie
---1977, 98 (3): 97-102, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Notiser om svenska skalbaagar. 2 (Coleoptera)
---1910, : 148-149, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Note sur Hesperophanes sericeus F.
---1900, 13: 1-337, Bulletin of the British Museum. Natural History. Geology Series
A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).
---1986, 21: 37-125, Entomologica Bari
Coleotterofauna del Massicio del Pollino (Basilicata-Calabria) (Coleoptera).
*ANGELOV Pavel Atanasov
---1964, Bd. 1: 307-324, In: Die Fauna Thrakiens. Bulgarische Akademie der Wiessenschaften, Sofia
Coleoptera aus der Thrakischen Tiefebene und einigen angrenzenden Gebieten.
---1967, 5 (1): 113-128, Travaux scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure "Paisii Hilendarski - Plovdiv "
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bulgarischen Cerambyciden-Arten.
(in Bulgarian, German summary)
---1987, 25 (6): 63-64, Travaux scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure "Paisii Hilendarski - Plovdiv "
Phytoecia manicata REICHE (Cerambycidae, Col.) nov vid za faunata na Blgaria
[Phytoecia manicata - eine unbekante Art für dieFauna Bulgariens.]
---1989, 27 (6): 105, Travaux scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure "Paisii Hilendarski - Plovdiv "
[Zvei unbekanten für die Fauna Bulgariens Cerambyciden-Arten.]
---1989, 27 (6): 137-138, Travaux scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure "Paisii Hilendarski - Plovdiv "
Neizvestni vidove Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) za faunata na Blgaria.
[Unbekannten Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) für die Fauna Bulgariens.]
c--1995, 206 pp., Sofia, In: Aedibus Academiae Scientiarum Bulgaricae.
(in Bulgarian)
Fauna bulgarica. 24. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. Part I (Prioninae, Lepturinae, Necydalinae,
Aseminae, Cerambycinae)
c°--2004, 11: 31-42, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) zenete, nueva especie iberica de cerambicido (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) procedente de Sierra Nevada (Andalucia, Espana).
[Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) zenete, new Iberian species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Sierra
Nevada (Andalusia, Spain).]
/ Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) zenete - sp.n. - SP: Sierra Nevada /
Biodiversita Dobrogea
/ Cerambycidae- Moldova - F: /
c°--1999, unpaginated (3 pp.) - Autor de la Memoria: Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta
Dorysthenes (Opisognathus) forficatus (Fabricius, 1792)
/ O. forficatus - SP: Ceuta - F:SP /
c°--2007, pp. 1-3,
Pest Datasheet Callidiellum villosulum (Fairmaire) /Coleoptera: Cerambycidae/.
c°--2007, pp. 1-4,
Indiana’s „Most Unwanted“ Invasive Plant Pest List - FY 2007
/ Trichoferus campestris, etc. /
o--1953, 20 (3): 202-223, Revue francaise d´Entomologie
Notes d´entomologie Marocaine. LVI. – Mélanges cléoptérologiques
/ Phytoecia rungsi - sp. n. - MA
Conionia aresteni Pic - note
+ Carabidae, Buprestidae, Scarabaeidae,Curculionidae and Tenebrionidae - sp.n. /
*AOKI Shigeyki
c°--1972, 40 (3): 162-173, Kontyu
A revision of the Japanese species of Rhagium.
---1984, 28 (5): 216-219, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Nachweise von Acanthocinus griseus (F.) (Col., Cerambycidae)
und Melanophila acuminata (Deg.) (Col. Buprestidae)
---1980, : 9-10, Theses of reports to 2nd Congress of Entomol. Soc. of USSR (in Russian)
[On longicorn-beetles fauna of Crimea.]
---1830, 31 pp., Typ. Bizzoni
De quibusdam Coleopteris Italiae novis aut rarioribus - Ticini Regii.
c°--1932, 6: 15-13, Kontyu
A new Cerambycidae and Buprestidae from South Manchouria.
/ Purpuricenus pirus - sp.n. - (=Anoplistes hallodendri ssp. pirus) /
---1988, 23 (12): 5-13, illustr., Nature and Insects
Some longicorn beetles from Hokkaido.
---1977, 20 (3-4): 159-164, REBE
Notas sobre Parandrinae (Col. Cerambycidae). V. Redescricao de P. (Archandra) caspia Ménetr., 1832
/ Hesperandra sbg.n. - American sp. /
---1983, No. 63: 39-44, Iheringia Serie Zoologia
Notas sobre Parandrinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 6. Parandra solomonensis, sp. n.
---1984, No. 64: 87-125, Iheringia Serie Zoologia
O subgenero Parandra Latreille, 1804 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae): estudo fenetico
e cladistico de 12 especies.
c°--2005, 155 pp., Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias.
(et ZURITA N., MARTÍN J.L. eds.)
Lista preliminar de especies silvestres de Cabo Verde (hongos, plants y animales terrestres).
/ F:SP - F:PT - Cerambycidae : 5 sp. - Cabo Verde /
c--1899, : 208, Bulletin de la Soc. Ent. de France /u Pic 1899/
Description d´un Cérambycidae nouveau de l´Afrique orientale (Col.)
/ Sternonotomis fairmairei - sp.n. - SO /
c°--2005, 135 (2): 127-133, Belg. J. Zool.
Epiedaphic Coleoptera in the Daida forest reserve (Thrace, Greece): the effect of human activities
on community organizations patterns.
---2004, 7 (2): 53-56, Revue Rutilans
(et MICAS Lilian)
Une redecouverte dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence: Stenostola ferrea Schranck, 1776 et
Stenostola dubia Laicharting, 1784. [Rediscovery in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence of Stenostola
ferrea Schranck, 1776 and Stenostola dubia Laicharting, 1784.]
---1953, 32 (2): 175-194, Zool. Jr.
[On forest-steppe sources and character of penetrations to steppe of forest insects during steppe forestry.]
---2007, N°40: 565-566, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevo registro ibérico Obrium cantharinum (Linnaeus, 1767) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1993, saved in VINITI, Moscow, No 1042 - V93 (et KASATKIN D.G, FOMICHEV A.I., KATCHIKOV E.A.)
Materialy k faune zhestokrylych (Col.) Severnogo Kavkaza i Nizhnego Dona . 4.
---1983, 33 (119): 21-28, Pirineos
Contribucion al estudio de coleopteros cerambicidos del Alto Aragon
/ Cerambycidae - faunal list - Alto Aragon - F:SP /
---1982, 26 (1): 15-22, Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the development of the grape borer,
Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
---1832, (1) 1: 118-201, 443, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes. I
---1833, (1) 2: 528-573, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (suite). II
---1834, (1) 3: 5-110, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (suite). III
---1835, (1) 4: 5-100, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (suite). IV
---1835, (1) 4: 197-228, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes (suite et fin). V
*AURIVILLIUS Ch. 1853 - 1928
(Per Olof Christopher Aurivillius)
---1887, 8: 89-106, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Nya Coleoptera Longicornia
---1887, 8: 191-197, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Nya Coleoptera Longicornia
---1891, 12: 97-106, 6 figs., Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue Coleoptera Longicornia.
---1897, 14: 177-186, 12 figs., Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 4.
---1897, 18: 241-248, pl. 3, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 5.
/ Aegosoma ossea - sp.n. - Borneo: Sabah ....
---1899, 20 259-265, 5 figs., Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 6.
---1903, 23: 207-224, 9 figs., Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 7.
---1903, 24: 241-248, 1 pl., Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 8.
c--1906, No 10 a: 1-20 pp., In: JÄGERSKIÖLD L.A. - Results of The Swedish Zoological Expedition
to Egypt and the White Nile 1901.
Coleoptera from the Swedisch Zoological Expedition to Egypts and the White Nile.
Fam. Cerambycidae (pp. 17-18)
---1907, 3 (18): 1-39, pl. 1, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Logicornia. 9.
---1907, 3 (18): 93-131, 9 fig., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Logicornia. 9.
---1907, 51: 77-85, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue westafrikanische Cerambyciden des Deutschen Entomologischen National-Museums (Col.)
---1907, 52: 211-224, 1 pl. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleoptera Longicornia (Col.) aus einer vom Herrn Gouverneur von Benningsen
zusammengebrachten Sammlung.
---1908, In: Sjöstedts: Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition, (7): 139-152, Uppsala
---1910, 7 (3): 143-187, 1 fig., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Logicornia 11.
---1910, 7 (19): 187-227, fig. 49-57, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Logicornia 12.
---1912, Pars 39: 574 pp., W. Junk, Berlin
In: Schenkling S. (Ed.): Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio. Pars 39 (vol. 22)
Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae
---1913, 8 (22) : 229-263, 11 figs, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 13.
---1913, 1 (3): 1-20, 1 pl., Sarawak Museum Journal
New species of longicorns from Borneo.
---1914, 8 (29) : 256-318, 1 pl. 9fig., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 14.
---1915, 9 (8) : 319-334, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 15.
---1916, 10 (19) : 335-360, 1 pl., fig. 69-72, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 16.
---1920, 59: 214-224, 1 pl., Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam
Neue Cerambyciden aus der Sammlung G. van Roon.
---1920, 13 (19): 335-360, 4 figs., 1 pl., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 16.
---1920, 13 (19): 361-403, 9 figs, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 17.
---1922 (1920), 14 (18): 405-436, 30 figs., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 18.
---1923, 15 (25): 437-479, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 19.
---1922, 65:160-173, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Neue Cerambyciden aus der Sammlung G. van Roon. 3
---1922, (9) 10: 421-443, 6 pls, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Coleoptera (Cerambycidae) from the Seychelles Islands, Aldabra, and Rodruguez.
§---1922, 1: ???, N. Ent. Tidskr.
/ Anoplodera rufiventris jenseni (Aurivill.) - ? ssp.n.- p. 117 /
---1922, Pars 73: 1-322 pp., W. Junk, Berlin
(Mroshnikov - 1921)
In: Schenkling S. (Ed.): Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio. Pars 73
Cerambycidae: Lamiinae I
---1923, Pars 74: 323-704 pp., W. Junk, Berlin
In: Schenkling S. (Ed.): Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio. Pars 74
Cerambycidae: Lamiinae II
---1923, 15 (25): 437-479, 21 figs, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 19.
---1925, 17B (1):1-4, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Dr. E. Mjöberg's Zoological Collections from Sumatra. 3. Cerambyciden.
---1925, 17A (12): 481-501, 7 figs., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 20.
---1925, 18A (9): 503-524, 141-163 fig., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenige bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 21.
---1925, 13(1): 52-56, Rev. zool afric
Cerambycides nouveaux du Musée du Congo Belge.
/ Microderolus latevittatus - gen. et sp.n. - Congo Belge
---1926, 30: 89-115, Philippine Journal of Science
Revision of the Philippine species of the Gleniini.
---1926, 52: ???, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
/ Acartus biplagiatus, Sophronica intricata - sp.n. - Ns; ... /
---1927, 19A (17): 525-547, fig. 164-177, 1 pl., Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 22.
---1927, 19A (23): 548-589, fig. 178-202, Arkiv vör Zoologi, Uppsala
Neue oder wenig bekkante Coleoptera Longicornia 23.
c--1928, 49 (1): 41-44, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Cerambycider fran Kamtschatka (Ent. Ergeb. Der schwedischen Kamtschatka-Exped.. 1920-1922, n° 17a)
insamlade av R. Malaise.
/ Leiopus malaisei - sp.n. - Kamtschatka /
---1928, In: Insects of Samoa and Other Samoan Terrestrial Arthropoda. Part IV. Coleoptera,
fasc. 2: 67-174. British Museum (Natural History), London
Cerambycidae 135-153, 1 pl.
---1928, 36: 307-329, 1 plt., The Philippine Journal of Science
Revision of the Philippine Species of the Clytini (Coleoptera, Longicornia).
*AUVRAY Claude
c--1998, 19 (1-2): 6, Bulletin de l'Entomologie tourangelle et ligérienne
(et AUVRAY N.)
Gynandromorphisme parfait chez le Longicone Akimerus schaefferi Laicharting, 1784 (Col., Cerambycidae)
---2002, 570 pp., The Biological Society of Okinawa
Check list of the insect of the Ryukyu Islands.
*BABAN Elena
c°--2006: 3-136, Teza di doctor in biologie, Chisinau
Diversitatea coleopterelor (Coleoptera: Crabidae, Silphidae, Scarabaeidae, Cerambycidae) din ecosistemele
forestiere ale Podisului Moldovei centrale.
---1903, 3: 115-116, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Eine neue Pidonia Serv. aus dem Amur-Gebiet (Col. Ceramb.).
/ Pidonia suvorovi - sp.n. - Siberia /
c--1903, 3(N°6): 394-396 , Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Die palaearktischen Vertreter der Gattung Anaesthetis Muls.
/ An. confosicollis, flavipilis, lanuginosa, testacea var. rufescens - nov. /
c--1922, 18: 28-35, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Revision der Gattung Pronocera auctorum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Turanium johanis - gen. et sp.n - Talas-Alatau-Gebirge /
c--1924, 18: 229-234, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden Ostsibiriens.
/ syn. Pseudosieversia rufa, Pidonia alticollis, Chloridolum sieversi, Leipus albivittis
Grammoptera semenovi - sp.n. - Amur
Purpuricenus (Asiates) grallator - sp.n. - Sibiria /
---1886, (6) 6: 6-97, Annales de la Sociéte entomologique de France
Catalogue des coléopteres des iles Phlippines.
c--1989, 3: 309-313, Estudio del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava
Dos coleopteros interesantes de la coleccion del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava
(Col. Cerambycidae).
c--1990 (1989), 4: 181-184, Estudio del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava
Dos coleopteros interesantes de la coleccion del Museo de ciencias de Alava (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Exocentrus punctipennis, Musaria rubropunctata – SP /
---1991, 6: 115-19, Estudio del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava
La armadura genital masculina en la diagnosis especifica de los Arhopalus Ibérica Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1992, 92 (2): 128-140, Lambillionea
El genero Stenopterus Illiger, 1804 en la peninsula Iberica (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1993, 6: 11-20, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Algunos datos sobre Cerambycidae de la Península Ibérica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1993, 7: 65-69, Elytron
Una nueva subspecie de Iberodorcadion (s.str.) seoanei (Graells, 1858) (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ I. seoanei laurae - ssp.n. /
---1995, pp. 377, Facultad de Ciéncias. Dpto. Biologá Animal y Genética. Leioa
Estudio faunístico de los Cerambícdos (Col. Cerambycidae) del Pais Vasco.
c--1995, 19 (3-4): 204, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Primera cita de Callidiellum rufipenne (Motschulsky, 1860) para la Peninsula Iberica (Col., Cer.)
---1996(1995-1996), 10-11: 229-231, Estudio del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava
Presencia de Phoracanta [Phoracantha] semipunctata (Fabricius, 1775) (Col., Cerambycidae)
en la Cornisa Cantabrica.
o--1996, 96: 19-25, Lambillionea
La estructura genital de los Exocentrus ibéricos (Coleoptera, Crambycidae, Lamiinae).
o°--1996, N°14: 55-62, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Sobre la recoleccion, tratamiento y conservacion de los Cerambicidos.
o°--1996, (15): 9-12, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Algunas reflexiones sobre los Iberodorcadion.
o--1996, (19): 1-244, pl.I-XIV, Cuadernos de Investigación Biológica
Cerambícidos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) del País Vasco.
o--1996, 7: 11-19, Zoologica Baetica
Algunos casos teratológicos en Coleoptera.
o°--1997, N°17: 39-40, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
De Monstruos y Prodigios (3): Caso teratológico en Callidiellum rufipenne (Motsch.,1863).
c°--1997, N°19: 6, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Hemibrachyelitría en Iberodorcadion seoanei ssp. laurae Bahillo, 1993.
o--1997, 21 (3-4): 211-220, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Estudio de la variabilidad en las poblaciones de Iberodorcadion fuliginator (Linneo, 1758)
del País Vasco y Navarra (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Iberodorcadion fuliginator fuliginator - = Ib. fuliginator urgulli - syn.n. /
o--1999(1998), 15 (1): 273-284, Biocosme Mésogéen
Un posible hibrido intersubgenerico entre Iberodorcadion (s.str.) spinolae ssp. caunense (Lauffer,
1910) e Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) ruspolii (Breuning, 1975) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2000, 27: 68, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Sinfisocería atenal unilateral de tipo 8-9 en antena izquieredra de Stromatium fulvum (Villers, 1789).
---1996, 6: 46, Vestnik Zoologii
Novyi dlya Kavkaza vid usacha (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
[A species of cerambycid beetle new to the Caucasus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Asias halodendri - 1st record - Caucasus: Daghestan /
---1996, 6: 78, Vestnik Zoologii
Stenurella jaegeri (Hummel, 1825) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - pervoe soobshchenie dlya Ukrainy.
[Stenurella jaegeri (Hummel, 1825) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - first record for Ukraine.]
---1997, 3 (1): 8, Zhurnal ukrainskogo entomologichnogo Tovarishchestva
Novye i maloizvestnye zhuki-usachi Ukrainy (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[New and little-known longicorn beetle species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Ukraine.]
/ Brachyleptura tonsa - 1st record - F:UK and Europe /
---1919, : 33-288 Proceedings of the third entomological Meeting, Pusa, 1919
Annotated list of Indian crop-pest
/ Cerambycidae - ??? pp. /
---1962, T.1 (1), 564 pp., Masson et Cie Ed., Paris
Entomologie appliqué a l'Agriculture. Traité 1.
---1962, 1391 pp., Masson et Cie Ed., Paris
Entomologie appliqué a l'Agriculture. Traité 2.
---1990, 87 (1): 165-166, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Jatropha gossypifolia L. and Jatropha curcas L. - new host plants for the longhorned beetle
Sthenias grisator Fb. (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
c°--2004, pp. 1-66, EntomoLex
La conservazione degli insetti e la legge (4°aggiornamento: 30 guigno 2004).
/ Cerambycidae + Melandryidae /
c°--2006, i-vii + 1-166 pp., Biodiversity Research Program for Development of Mindanao, SEARCA
Arthropod Faunal Diversity and Relevant Interrelationships of Critical Resources in Mt. Malindang,
Misamis Occidental.
/ Cerambycidae - F:PH /
---1878, 53: 253-389, Bulletin de la Socété Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Verzeichniss der im Kreise von Kuldsha gesammelten Käfer.
---1975, 43: 65-96, Ent. Meddr.
Fjerde tillaeg til "Fortegnelse over Danmarks biller" (Coleoptera).
---1975, 48: 49-103, Ent. Meddr.
Fjerde tillaeg til "Fortegnelse over Danmarks biller" (Coleoptera).
c°--1999 (1998-1999), 23: 341, Folia historico naturalia Musei Matraensis
A Stenidea genei Aragona, 1830 cincerfaj ujabb hazai elofordulasai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[The new Hungarian occurences [occurrences] of the Stenidea genei Aragona, 1830.]
---1991, 26 (2): 195-204, Applied Entomology and Zoology
Life cycle and larval survival rate of the redspotted longicorn beetle, Eupromus ruber (Dalman)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1964, 40 (1-2): 37-41, Eos
/ Vesperus aragonicus sp. nov., et Strangalia pubescens F. dans les Pyrénées.
---1997, 120 (1): 99-119, Bulletin de la Societe neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles
Faunistique de 47 cerambycides (Col., Cerambycidae) captures dans les Gorges de l'Areuse
(Neuchatel, Suisse).
---1975, 31 (3): 133, L'Entomologiste
Observations diverses et notes de chasse. Hesperophanes sericeus.
---1873, 5 (4): 244-247, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Materiali per la fauna entomologica di Sardagena.
(Bargaňo Galan J.R.)
---1981, 7 (1-2): 161-167, Boletín del Servicio de Defensa Contra Plagas e Inspeccion Fitopatologica
Agapanthia asphodeli Latreille (Col., Cerambycidae) : cria artificial y estudio cariologico.
o--1988, 39 (5): 45-52, MOBO
Studi su Oberea pedemontana Chevrolat 1856 (Cer.)
(José Manuel Barreda)
c°--2001, 2: 27-29, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Cerambícidos nuevos e interesantes para Andalucía y Espaňa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2002, 3: 13-39, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Cerambícidos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) de la provincia de Sevilla (Espaňa).
c°--2003, N°8: 7-9, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia (et NAVARO J., LLINARES A., URBANO J.-M)
Primerac adiciones ados catlógos provinciales de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) : Nustera distigma
Charpentier, 1825 para Cádiz y Aredolpona trisignata Fairmaire, 1852 para Sevilla (Andalucía, Espaňa).
c°--2005, 69 (2): 397-401, Guayana
A new species of the genus Estola Fairmaire et Germain, 1859 from Chile (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae, Desmiphorini).
/ Estola kuscheli - sp.n. - Chile /
---1978, No 164: 79-81, Vestnik Kharkovskogo Universiteta
K izucheniu zhukov usachey (Cerambycidae) i zlatok (Buprestidae) v Kharkovskoi oblasti.
---1984, , Kiew (p.46)
Nekotorye itogi izuchenia zhukov-usachey (Cerambycidae) Krymskogo poluostrova.
---1989, pp. 22, Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad
(In Russian)
[Longicorn Beetles of Crimea Peninsula. / Sinopsis of thesis of the dissertation for the degree
of candidate of biological science.]
---2004 (2003), 11 (1-2): 24-43, Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva
A review of the long-horned beetles species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the fauna of Ukraine.
c--1947, 3: 142, L'Echange
Capture de Neomarius gandolphei Fairm. (Col.Ceramb.)
---1993, 185-195, In: GHOSH A.K. (Ed.) - Fauna of Orissa. Part 4., Zoological Survey of India, Calcuta,
i-v, 1-195
(et BISWAS S.)
Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
(Baselga Andrés)
---1998 (1997), 8: 301-302, Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana (Bioloxia)
Nuevas citas de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de la Peninsula Iberica.
[New records of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Iberian Peninsula.]
(et NOVOA F.)
---2000, 10: 101-102, Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana (Bioloxia) -cocq(et NOVOA F.)
Citas nuevas o interesantes de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) del noreste de la Penísula Ibérica.
c°--2004, 28 (1-2): 121-143, Boletino de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
(et NOVOA F.)
Coléopteros de Parque Natural de las Fragas de Eume (Galicie, noreste de la Penísula Ibérica), II:
Scarabeoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Bostrychoidea, Lymexyloidea, Cleroidea,
Cucujoidea, Tenebrioidea, Chrysomeloidea y Curculionoidea.
/ F:SP - Cerambycidae + Melandryidae /
---1986, 1 (2): 25-28, Acta coleopterologica, München
Dati biologici inediti su Musaria tirellii (Luigioni, 1913) e Musaria cephalotes (Küster, 1946)
(Col. Cerambycidae).
---1989, 64-65: 409-410, Veroffentlichungen für Naturschutz und Lanschaftspflege in Baden-Württemberg
Moschusbock (Aromia moschata L.) bei Radolfzell am Bodensee (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1992, 124: 79-80, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 216. - Phoracantha semipunctata (F., 1775) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1873, (4) 12: 1-39, 148-156, 193-201, 308-318, 380-390, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of Japan.
---1875, 12: 47-53, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
New genera and species of Prionidae (Longicorn Coleoptera).
---1877, 14: 37-38, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Three new species of longicorn Coleoptera from Japan.
---1878, 14: 272-274, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
New genera and species of longicorn Coleoptera.
---1878, 713-721, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
On new species of coleopterous insects (Geodephaga and Longicornia) taken
by Dr. Stoliczka during the Forsyth Expedition to Kashgar in 1873-74.
/ Hespperophanes cribricollis (p. 720) - sp.n. - /
---1879, 2: 395-419, Cistula Entomologica
New genera and species of Callichrominae (Coleoptera Longicornia)
---1884, 18: 205-262, pls. 1-2, The Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology)
Longicorn Beetles of Japan. Additions, chiefly from the later Collections of Mr. George Lewis;
and Notes on the Synonymy, Distribution, and Habits of the previously known Species.
---1884, 21:14-18, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
New longicorn Coleoptera of the Monohamminae group from tropical West Africa.
---1888, : 367-380, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
On a collection of Coleoptera from Korea (Tribes Geodephaga, Lamellicornia, and Longicornia).
---1889, 383-393, Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London
On new genera and species of coleopterous insects from Mount Kinibalu, North Borneo.
---1890, ???, Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission
/ Hesperophanes cribricollis (p. 21)
---1891, 27: 158-161, The Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
New longicorn Coleoptera, chiefly from Mexico.
---1975, 79: 30-37, Ber. Offenbach. Ver. Naturk.,
Ein Beitrag zur Cerambycidenfauna (Ins. Coleoptera) der weiten Umgebung von Offenbacham Main,
von Langenbrombach im odenwald und des Hessischen Rieds.
---1982, 6: 50-51, Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Darmstadt Bericht N F
Bockkäfer (Col., Cerambycidae) aus einer Korbflasche.
/ Gracilia minuta, Nathrius brevipennis - F:DE /
---1882, 14: 77-78, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
In: Narrazione della escurzione fatta al Vulture ed al Polinonel luglio 1880
da A. Biondi, C. Caroti e G. Cavanna.
Catalogo degli animali raccolti al Vulture, al Pollino ed in altri luoghi dell´Italia meridionale.
---1889, 32: 51-274, Ann. R. Accad. Agric., Torino
Catalogo dei Coleotteri del Piemonte.
*BAUGNEE Jean-Yves
o--2002, 102 (3/1): 241-244, Lambillionea
Nouvelles observations de Deilus fugax (Olivier, 1790) et de Xylotrechus antilope (Schönherr, 1817)
en Belgique.
*BAUR Bruno
---1997, 47 (2-3): 59-124, Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
(et al)
Der Erdbockkafer, Dorcadion fuliginator (L., 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), in Basel.
---1999, 23 (3-4): 485-492, Naturalista siciliano
Coleotteri nuovi o poco noti di Sicilia (Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Coccinellidae, Curculionidae).
/ Rhagium inquisitor - F:IT:Si /
---2002, (4) 29 (1-2): 79-92, Naturalista siciliano
Coleotteri nuovi o poco noti di Sicilia II (Carabidae, Cetoniidae, Elateridae, Buprestidae, Cleridae,
Melyridae, Coccinelidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Bruchidae, Curculionidae).
/ F:IT:Si /
---2004, 28 (2): 1051-1064, Naturalista siciliano
III contributo alla conoscenza della collezione Francesco Vitale: Coleoptera Buprestidae et Cerambycidae.
---2005, (4) 29 (1-2): 77-81, Naturalista siciliano
Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) nuovo per la fauna siciliana (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
/ F:IT:Si /
---2006, (4) 30 (1): 21-28, Naturalista siciliano
Coleotteri nuovi o poco noti di Sicilia III.
/ F:IT:Si /
---2006, : ???, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
in press
Coleotteri nuovi o poco noti di Sicilia IV (Carabidae, Histeridae, Cholevidae, Elateridae, Cerambycidae,
/ F:IT:Si /
---1976, 170 pp., Instituto agronomico per l'Oltremare, Firenze
Catalogo della collezione entomologica. II. Coleoptera
/ Cerambycidae - pp. ?? - LY+ /
(et GERINI V.)
---1871, 44 (1-2): 290-302, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Reise nach Temir Chan Schora und Derbent mit ergaenzungen zur fauna von Astrachan und Sarepta.
---1881, (6) 1, Annales de la Socété entomologique de France, Bull.: 103
Communications: Cnizonia cirtana.
---1889-1890, 104 pp. + Addenda, Annales de la Socété Entomologique de France
Faune des Coléopteres du Bassin de la Seine. Tome V. Phytophaga
/ Cerambycidae, 1889 - pp. ?? /
---1894, 28: 150-156, L'Abeille
Recherches sur la synonymie des coléoptres de l'Ancien Monde.
---1895, 1-200, Paris
Catalogue raisonné des coléoptčres du Nord de l’Afrique.
---1907, pp. 125-160, Annales de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouvelle liste de Coléopteres reécoltés a la Ferté-Alais et Itteveille (Siene-et-Oise).
/ Cerambycidae: 147-149 pp. /
---1921, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Cerambycidae nouveaux du nord du Maroc.
---1919, 45: , Indian Forest
The food-plants of Indian forest insects
---1939, 5 (1): 1-235, Figs. 1-17, pls. 1-8, Indian Forest Rec., (N.S.) (Dauber: 1939:1-233 ??)
On the biology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
(et BHATIA B.M.)
---1941, pp. 767, Dehra Dun
/First reprint 1961, pp. 767, Government of India, Dehra Dun /
The Ecology and Control of the Forest Insects of India and Neighbouring Countries (Part 1)
---2000, 44 (1): 37-42, Entomologische Nachrichte und Berichte
[Studies on the occurrence of longhorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) in the former GUS military training
area "Dallgow-Doberitz" near Potsdam (Brandenburg).]
---1988, pp. 160, Nauka, Moscow
In: Rasnitsyn A.P. /Ed./ - [Insects of the Moscow Region: cadaster problems and conservation. ]
[Several rare species of entomofauna in projected reserves in the south of the Moscow region.]
/ Dorcadion holosericeum /
Chapter pagination - 151- 154
---1988, 4 (2): 23-24, illustr., Acta coleopterologica, München
La Leptura rufa Brulle, 1832 in Calabria (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2001, 25 (3-4): 443-444, Naturalista Siciliano
Sulla presenza di Monochamus galloprovincialis galloprovincialis (Olivier, 1795)
in Sicilia (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1891, 60: 54-55, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
(Description d’un genre nouveau de Longicorne Lamiide: Argodia).
---1992, 1 (2): 92-93, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Nota sobre citas interesantes de coleopteros buprestidos y cerambicidos del Valle del Ebro.
---1993, 3: 107-108, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Cuatro nuevas especies de Cerambycidae para la Comunidad Autonoma de Aragon.
/ 4 sp. – first record – F:SP - Aragona /
*BENDA Pavel
---2000, 25: 165-168, Fauna Bohemiae Septentrionalis
[A new species of the carpenter beetle in the surrounding Decin.]
/ Xylotrechus antilope - new record Děčín - F:CZ /
(et VYSOKÝ V.)
---1987(1986), 62: 281-300, Veroffentlich für Naturschutz und Lanschaftspflege in Baden-Würtenberg
Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchung zur Bockkäfer-Fauna des Banngebiets Staudacher am Federsee.
---1988, 23: 81-82, Mitteilungen entomologischer Verein Stuttgart
Ein Massenfund von Tetropium gabrieli Weise im Ludwigsburger Favoritepark (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1990, 25: 142-143, Mitteilungen entomologischer Verein Stuttgart
Zum Vorkommen von Chlorophorus varius (Müll.) (Col., Cerambycidae) in Südbaden.
c--1995, 512 pp., Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim
Longhorn Beetles. Illustrated key to the Cerambycidae and Vesperidae of Europe.
---2005, N°50: 1-6, Les Cahiers Magelanes
Une nouvelle espece du genere Embrikstrandia Plavils., 1931
o--1993, 6: 99-100, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Contribución al conocimiento de Chlorophorus herbsti (Brahm, 1790) (Col., Cerambycidae)
o°--1998, N°22: 9-10, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevas localizaciones de Plagionotus marcorum Lopez-Colon, 1997 en la Comunidad Autonoma
de Madrid (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1998, N°22: 26, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): Puntualizaciones sobre
su distribucion ibérica.
c°--1998, N°23: 52-54, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Phoracantha recurva (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): Una nueva plaga en los eucalyptales espaňoles.
o°--1999, 55: 149-156, Graellsia
Nueva especie de Vesperus Dejean, 1821 de la Penísula Ibérica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Vesperus jertensis - sp.n. - SP: Caceres /
o--1999, 14: 1169-174, Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava 21/0
Primera cita para Europa de Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Ph. recurva - morphology, biology, distribution, photo - F:SP /
*BERGER Pierre
c--1969, 38 (2): 61-62, Bulletin Mensuel de la Socété Linnéenne de Lyon
Note sur Phytoecia rubropunctata Goeze (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(et LESIGNEUR Lucien)
c--1981, 37 (6): 228-233, L'Entomologiste (Paris)
Sur la présence en France de Leioderus kollari.
o--1985, 41 (4): 169-172, L'Entomologiste
Note sur la genere Tetrops (Col.,Cerambycidae)
o--1987, 4 (3-4): 233-248, Biocosme Mésogéen
Un voyage entomologique en Crete (7.-13.VI.1981)
/Pedostrangalia ariadne slamai - var.n./
o--1988, 5 (3-4): 77-83 Biocosme Mésogéen
Contribution a l'histoire naturellede l'ile de Chypre. Col.:Cerambycidae,Buprestidae, Elateridae
o--1992, 61 (10): 301-304, Bulletin Mensuel de la Socété Linnéenne de Lyon
Présence de Phoracantha semipunctata F. dans le sud de la France : une menace pour les eucalyptus
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
o--1993, 10 (1): 1-6, Biocosme Mésogéen
Note sur Dorcadion (Iberodorcadion) ruspolii Breun.
c--1993, 10 (2): 31-32, Biocosme Mésogéen
Note complementaire sur Dorcadion (Iberodorcadion) ruspolii Breuning (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1996, 52 (2): 83-87, L'Entomologiste
Tetrops starkii Chevrolat, espéce novelle pour la faune de France (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1996, 52 (3): 119, L'Entomologiste
Une nouvelle plant-hote pour Drymochares cylindraceus Fairmaire (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Host-plant - Cytisus /
c--1997, 14 (1): 39-48, Biocosme Mésogéen
Une nouvelle espece d´Iberodorcadion Breuning d´Aragon - Espagne: I. loarrense (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae): I. loarrense.
/ Iberodorcadion loarrense - sp.n. - SP /
---1999(1998), 15 (3): 229-235, Biocosme Mésogéen
Une espéce nouvelle pour la faune de France, Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ L. femoratus bonafontei - var.n. - FR /
o--1999(1998), 15 (3): 237-242, Biocosme Mésogéen
Contribution a la connaisasnce de la faune de Grece - 1re note (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Blepisanis vittipennis, Phytoecia pubescens - host palnts /
o--2000(1999), 16 (1-2): 101-106, Biocosme Mésogéen
Contribution a la connaissance de la faune de Grece: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, 2me note
/ Acmaeops marginatus, Akimerus schaefferi, Brachyleptura erythroptera,
Obrium brunneum, Tetropium castaneum - first record for GR /
c--2005, 22 (2): 81-96, Biocosme Mésogéen
Contribution a la connaissance de la faune de Grece: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. 3eme note.
---2006, 23 (3): 91-101, Biocosme Mésogéen
Etude sur le complexe strepens Fabricius, 1792 du genre Vesperus Dejean, 1821
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Vesperinae).
(et SAMA G.)
?c--199 Biocosme Mésogéen
ERRATUM – 15(3), Biocosme Mésogéen
o--1976, 25 (6): 123-127, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Eine neue Purpuricenusart aus Anatolien, sowie kritische Bemerkungen zur durchgesehenen Literatur.
/ P. konradi - sp.n. - TR /
c--1976, 10,11 (1): 2-9, Mitteilungen entomologischer Verein Stuttgart
Ex-Ovo-Zucht von Bockkäfern (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1978, 27 (4): 69-71, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Eine neue Agapanthien-Art aus Kreta (Col.,Cerambyc.)
/ Ag. cretica - sp.n. - GR:Cr /
o--1988, 98 (8): 97-104, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Türkische Dorcadien (1. Beitrag) (Col.: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ Dorcadion kraetschmeri, martini, ullrichi - sp.n. – TR /
c--1985, 34 (4): 101-104, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Purpuricenus creticus nov. spec. eine neue Purpuricenus-Art von Kreta (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ P. creticus - sp.n. - GR:Cr - syn. - (=P. schurmanni Slama) /
---1983, 7 (1): 25-27, Annales de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-Maritime
Rosalia alpina (Linne 1758) (Coleoptere Cerambycidae) en Charente-Maritime.
---1875, 7: 1-263, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana , Suppl.
Catalogo sinonimico e topografico dei Coleotteri d´Italia
/ Cerambycidae: 205-214, 252 /
---1876, 8: 1-6, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Excursioni entomologiche nella Calabriai.
---1887, 19: 303-322, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Contribuzione alla Fauna Trentina dei Coleotteri.
---1899, :107-111, Riv. ital. Sci. nat., Siena
Catalogo dei Coleotteri d´Italia.
---1904, Riv. Ital. Sci. Nat. Siena, senza numerazione
Catalogo dei Coleotteri d´Italia.
(Besçeli, Ö.)
---1969, No 33: 94 pp., Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Teknik Bülten Serisi Ankara
Büyükdüz Araştırma Ormanlarının Zararlı Böceklerinin Biyolojisi, Koruyucu Tedbirler ve Mücadelesi.
---1958, 171 (2): 1-126, Forest Bull., Entomol., (N.S.)
A list of insects pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent counries (Arranged alphabetically according
to the genera and species for the use of forest officers). part 2.
---1983, 8 (4): 331-336, Entomon
(et SINGH S.P.)
Some observations on the biology and habits of orange shoot borer, Oberea lateapicalis Pic
(Coleoptera: Lamiidae).
/ food plants – Citrus /
---1916 (1915), 20: 1-102, Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd
[Aves expeditionis P.K. Kozlowi per Mongoliam orientalem et Tibetiam orientali-septentrionalem
1907-1909.] (Avec 1 carte).
---2005, 1: 71-80, Aldrovandia
Osservazioni su alcuni longicorni della fauna italiana.
---1999, 8 (1): 21-23, Revue se l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Voyage entomologique en Haute Corse (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Scarabaeidae).
---2000, 9 (1): 21, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
(et CAMARD Alain)
Observations biogeographiques sur quelques coléopteres (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cerambycidae).
/ Icosium tomentosum ssp. atticum - F:FR /
---1983, (No. 60): 1-62, Centre for Overseas Pest Research Miscellaneous Report
Checklist of Cerambycidae, Curculionidae, Attelabidae, Scolytidae and Platypodidae of Melanesia.
/ checklist – Melanesia – Papua New Guinea /
---1980, 36 (6): 268, L'Entomologiste
Neoclytus acuminatus (Col., Cerambycidae) dans le Tarn.
---1815, (2) 7: 271-281, Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsaliensis
Insecta ex ordine coleopteorum descripta.
---1817, 1 (3): ???,
In: Schönherr C.J. - Appendix ad Synonymiam Insectorum
/ Dorcadion crux - (= D. smyrnense) /
*BILY Svatopluk
(Bílý Sv.)
c--1989, 203 pp., E.J.Brill/Scandinavian Science Press Ltd. Leiden. New York. Kobenhavn. Koln
Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica Vol. 22
Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Fenoscandia and Denmark
(et MEHL O.)
---1973, 11 (2): 141-149, Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachic
Note bioetologiche su Oberea erythrocephala Schrank
---1974, 55: 109-113, Redia
Note bioetologiche su Oberea linearis L.(Col.,Cer.)
---1975 (1974-1975), 4: 27-31, Annali dell´Istituto sperimentae per la Zoologia Agraria
Note bioetologiche su Oberea linearis L. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Toscana.
c--2000, 56 (5): 181-194, L'Entomologiste
Longicornes du Loiret (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---2002, 57 (1-4): 1, Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Endemismi italiani No. 45: Parmena subpubescens Hellrigl, 1971 (Col. Cerambycidae).
---2002, 57 (1-4): 49-62, Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Novi dati geonemici su alcuni cerambycidi italiani (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - faunistic record - F:IT /
(Biström Olof)
---1983, 63: 1-9, Notulae Entomologicae
Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae.
---1985, 65: 143-154, Notulae Entomologicae
Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae.
---1985, 65: 156-157, Notulae Entomologicae
Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae.
---1988, 68: 49-60, Notulae Entomologicae
Additions and corrections to Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae.
---2004, 9 (2): 127-128, Sahlbergia
Import av bredbandad ekbarkbock, Plagionotus detritus (L.), till Finland (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Imports of the longhorn beetle Plagionotus detritus (L.), to Finland (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1993, 92 (1-4): 161-172, Records of the Zoological Survey of India
(et BASAK P.K.)
Studies on longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from India. Part 1. On Indian species
of Apomecyna Latreilie [Latreille] with a key to Indian genera of tribe Apomecynini.
---1894, 18:138-168, 200-240, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia
Notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species.
---1903, 3 (10): 122, Butlletí de la Institucó Catalana d'Historia Natural
Parasites natureles de l'olivier observés dans la plaine d'Urgell. Vesperus flaveolatus Mulsant.
---1944, 185: 551-1492, Bull. Smithsonian Institution United States national Museum
Check list of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America
---1946, 10: 4-190, Australian Mus. Mem.
Catalogue of the Cerambycidae of Australia.
c°--1940, 16 (6): 131-157, Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu
Coleoptera from the Caroline Islands.
---1832, London In: Griffith E. et E. Pidgeon: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its
organization by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary addition to each order.
---1842, 11: 49-51, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
Notice sur un insecte de la familie des longicornes.
---1845, vol. 2: 1-524, Didot, Paris
Histoire des insectes, traitant de leurs moeurs et de leurs métamorphoses en général,
et comprenant une nouvelle classification fondée sur leurs rapports naturels.
---1848, (2) 9: 210, Ann. Sci. Nat.
Notes sur genere d'insectes de la famile des prionides.
---1853, 422 pp., Gide et J. Baudry, Paris
In: J. Dumont D'Urville. Voyage au pole sud et dans l'océanie sur les corvettes
l'Astrolabe et la Zélée; exécuté par ordre du roi pendant les années
1837-1838-1839-1840, sous le commandement de M.J. Dumont-d'Urville,
Capitaine de Vaisseau; publie par ordre du gouvernement, sous la direction
supérieure de M. Jacquinot, Capitaine de Vaisseau, commandant de la Zélée.
Zoologie. Description des insectes.
---1850, 2: 1-240, Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris
Catalogue de la collection entomologique; Classe des Insecte. Ordre des Coléopteres.
---1977, 24 (9):101-102, Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Réuinons Comission Internationale pour l´Exploration
Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée, Monaco (Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Medit.)
Los Cerambícidos de las Islas Baleares.
/ species list – 5 first records /
---1987, 10: 63-79, 305-308, Fundacioó Enciclopedia Catalana, Barcelona
Artropodes (II), a Historia Natural dels Paisos Catalans
(et VIVES E.)
---1872-1873, 9: 161-260, plts. 7,8, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Zur Kentnnis der Käferfauna Süd-Ost-Sibiriens inbesondere des Amur-Landes.
(et SOLSKY S.)
(Bočánek jiří)
o--1990, 26: 147, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Další nález tesaříka Calamobius filum (Rossi, 1790) na jihovýchodní Moravě (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Calamobius filum in Südost Mähren]
o--1900, pp. 169, Verl. Doelter, Emmendingen
Quer durch Kleinasien in den Bulghar-Dagh.
/1899 Expedition - Brussa - Konia - Bulghar-Dagh /
§---1906, 59: 417-453, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Feststellung von Verbreitungsdaten paläarktischer Coleopteren.
o--1927, Alfred Kernen, Verlag, Stuttgart
Ueber meine Entomologischen Reisen nach Kleinasien (1911). Ost-Sibirien, Schilka und Amur (1912),
Tunis, Oasis Gafsa, Khroumerie (1913) und Iran, das Elbursgebirge (1914)
Bd. I. - Kleinasien - 85 pp.
Bd. II. - Ost-Sibirien, Schilka und Amur - 90 pp.
Bd. III. - Tunis, Oasis Gafsa und die Khroumerie - 79 pp.
Bd. IV. - Iran, das Elbursgebirge - 96 pp.
---1930, 10: 1-438, P.Parey, Berlin
Die Schädlingsfauna Palästinas
---1934, 18: 211-241, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Studies on the ecology of Palestinian Coleoptera. II. Seasonal and diurnal appearance and activity.
---1935, 506 pp., (Hebrew), Jerusalem
Animal Life in Palestine
---1937, 36: 1-286, Mémoires présentes a l'Institut d´Égypte, Le Caire
Prodromus Faune Palestinae. Essai sur les éléments zoogéographiques et historiques du sud ouest
du sous regne paéarctoque.
/ Coleoptera: 108-155 : Cerambycidae 145-146 /
c--1908, (N°2): 179-180, Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie /Revue Russe d'Entomologie/
De Hesperophanus specie nova transcaucasica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Hesperophanes pilosus - sp.n. - Transcaucasia /
(Bogdanov-Kat'kov N.N.)
---1917, T. XI, (1-2): 3-52, Izvestiya Kavkazkogo Muzeya, Tiflis
K faune usachey Kubanskoy oblasti. [Contribution to the fauna of longicorn beetles of the Kuban Province]
(Bogachev A.V.)
---1934, 7:-71, Тр. Азерб. отд. Закавк. фил. АН СССР, сект. зоол. 7:14-71
Материалы к изучению фауны жуков Апшеронского полустрова.
[The materials to study the beetles fauna of Apsheron Peninsula.]
c--1962, 3(10): 96-98, Izvestia otdeleniya biologicheskikh nauk AN Tadzhikskoy SSR
[Proceedings of the Department of Biological Sciences of Academy
of Sciences of Tadzhik Soviet Socialist Republic]
[in Russian]
Tadzhikskii muskusnyi usach Aromia moschata cruenta, subsp. nova A. Bog.
[Tadzhik „Musk“-beetle Aromia moschata cruenta , subsp. nova A. Bog.]
---1994, 90 (3): 224, Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käffer
Bemerkenswerte Kaferfunde aus Mitteleuropa (Carab., Ceram., Platyp., Curcul.).
*BOISDUVAL Jean Baptiste A.
---1835, 716 pp. Paris
Voyage de découvertes de l’Astrolabe. Exécuté par ordre du Roi, pendant les années
1826-1827-1828-1829, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont D’Urville. Faune
entomologique de l’Océan Pacifique, avec l’illustration des insectes nouveaux recueillis
pendant le voyage, deuxième partie, coléoptères et autres ordres.
---2002, N°4: 8-30, Biodiversity of Tula region on the boundary of centuries.
(in Russian)
Collection of the scientific works.
[Longhorn beetles (Hexapoda: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Tula Area.]
o--2000(1999), 16 (1-2): 107-120, Biocosme Mésogéen
Leiopus femoratus Fairmaire, 1859 et Leiopus nebulosus (L., 1758) dans la région de Grenoble (Isere, France)
(Coleoptera : Cerambycidae).
/ L. femoratus manivalensis - var.n. - FR /
c°-- , N° 19: 10-14, Bulletin du Club Rosalia
Les Longicornes du Manival (Coleoptera - Cerambycidae).
(Bondgar ???)
---1956, No 3: 765-768, Longicornia
A biologia do genero Oncideres (Col. Ceramb.) e descricao de nova especie
---1929, 6: 67-149, Bol. Lab. Path. Veg., Bahia
Pragas da lavoura, II
---1984, 40 (1): 26, L'Entomologiste
Deux captures interessantes a la Sainte-Beaume (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Hesperophanes pallidus, Purpuricenus globulicollis /
---1987, 43 (4): 17-23, L'Entomologiste
Une variété nouvelle de Purpuricenus globulicollis Mulsant (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1910, : 235-237, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
/ Rosalia /
---1911, : 29-33, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Un genere nouveau de Prioniens du Yunnan (Col.).
/ Palaeomegopis lameerei - gen. et sp.n. - CN /
---1911, : 103-107, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
/ Rosalia lesnei - sp.n. - /
---1921, Fascicule 178, i + 121 pp., 8 pls., Dermet-Verteneuil, Bruxelles
In: Wytsman P. (ed.) - Genera Insectorum.
Coleoptera, Longicornia, Fam. Cerambycidae, Subfam. Disteniinae - Lepturinae.
---1977, (): 47-48, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes relatives á Monochamus galloprovincialis Ol. et Monochamus sutor L. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1979, (avril-juin): 32, Bulletin de la Société entomologique du Mulhouse
Note sur Saperda similis (Laich.) (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1989, 36 (2): 144, Fauna norvegica, Ser. B
[Coleoptera new for Norway.]
---1991, 38 (1): 33, Fauna norvegica, Ser. B
Grammoptera ustulata Schaller, 1783 (Col., Cerambycidae) in Norge.
*BORGES Paulo A. V.
---1990, 42: 87-136, Boletim do Museu Municipial do Funchal
A checklist of the Coleoptera from the Azores with some systematic and biogeographic comments.
---1990, 44: 5-76, Boletim do Museu Municipial do Funchal
Biogeography of the Azorean Coleoptera.
---2005, pp.317, Horta, Angra do Heroísmo e Ponta Delgada. Direccao Regional do Ambiente e Universidade
Listagem da Fauna e Flora (Mollusca e Arthropoda) (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta e Spermatophyta) terrestres
dos Acores.
*BORSS Sándor
c°--1998, 13: 287-289, Somogy Múzeumok Közleményei
Data to the longhorn beetle fauna of the Marcali surroundings (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - 98 sp. /
---1972, 28 (4-5): 118-119, L'Entomologiste
Sur deux variétes d'Anoplodera sexguttata (Col.)
---1930, (3) 3: 281-307, Annali del regio Instituto superiore agrario, Portici
Elenco delle specie d'insetti dannosi ricordati per la Libia fino al 1926.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. ?? - LY /
---1988, 44 (6): 305-307, L'Entomologiste
Un Longicorne nouveau pour la Faune de France: Phoracantha semipunctata en Corse (Col., Ceramb.).
*BOURDONNÉ Jean-Claude
---1973, 78 (5-6): 193-195, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Sur la capture de Clytus (Cyrtoclytus) capra (Germar) (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1983, 1 (1): 4, Entomologica Gallica
Clytini (Col., Cerambycidae) en forest de Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
*BOUYER Thierry
c°--2005, 10 (2): 35-37, Entomologia Africana
Note synonymique sur le genre Guedesia Ferreira & Veiga Ferreira, 1952 (Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o--2006, 106 (1/2): 85-89, Lambillionea
Description d'une nouvelle especede Ceratocentrus (Col., Cerambycidae, Acanthophorini)
---1966, 2: i-x, 1-129, Mon. nes. ent. Ver.
Lijst van Coleoptera uit Nederland en omliggend gebied.
(Brancsik Károly)
HETSCHKO A. - 1932, 49 (1): 51-55, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zu Erinnerung an Dr. Karl Brancsik.
/ Curiculum vitae + bibliography /
---1874, 18: 227-231, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Ungarn.
/ Pachyta excellens - sp.n. (=Pseudogaurotina excellens) /
c--1876, 20 (2): 316, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Bemerkungen zu Pachyta excellens Brancsik.
(u Heyden 1876)
---1886 (1885), 8: 45-92, Jahresbericht des naturwiessenschaftlichen Vereines des Trencsiner Komitates
Reise an der Küste Dalmatiens im Jahre 1885.
/ Saphanus ganglbaueri - sp.n. - ; ... /
---1900 (1898-1899), 21-22: 97-130, Jahresbericht des naturwiessenschaftlichen Vereines des Trencsiner Komitates
Aliquot Coleoptera nova Russiae asiaticae.
/ Prionus Angheri - sp.n. - Transcaspie:Askhabad /
---1976, 25 (4): 71-75, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Meldungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bayerischer Koleopterologen.
/ faunistika - 4 sp. Cerambycidae /
*BRAUD Yoann
(u Sama,Katbeh,Miloud 2002)
c--2002, 107 (2): 481-482, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France (et RAMOS R., COQUEMPOT Ch.)
Nouvelles observations de Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan, 1906, en Europe et en Afrique du Nord (Col.,Cer.)
*BRAUN Walter
c--1975, 85 (3): 17-21, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadion Anatoliens
c--1975, 85 (5): 41-44, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Kenntnis des Dorcadion boluense Breuning.
c--1975, 85 (11): 121-126, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadien Anatoliens. Systematisch neu bewertete Dorcadion-Arten und
Bemerkungen zur Variationsbreite des Dorcadion iconiense (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c--1976, 86 (6): 54-60, Entomologische Zeitschrift
2. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadien Anatoliens.
c--1976, 86 (15): 173-175, Entomologische Zeitschrift
3. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadien Anatoliens.
c--1976, 86 (23): 254-264, Entomologische Zeitschrift
4. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadien Anatoliens.
o--1978, 88 (16): 185-187, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine neue Art der Gattung Dorcadion aus Anatolien.
/ D. ortrudae - sp.n. - TR /
c--1978, 27 (6): 101-116, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Die Dorcadienausbeute der Forschungsreisen von W.Heinz 1963 - 1977.
o--1979, 28 (5): 82-86, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dorcadion.
---1878, 32: 58-74, Archiv Fr. Nat, Mecklenb.
Nachträge zum Verzeichnis der Käfer Mecklenburgs von Clasen.
---1986, 12 (2): 169-186, Behavioural Processes
Studies on the stridulatin of Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) (Cerambycidae): communications
*BREIT Josef
c°--1911, 30 (4): 108-115, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der europaischen Coleopteren - Fauna.
/ Cerambycidae pp. 114-115, F:BH /
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 353-356, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beitrag zur der Paläarktischen Cerambyciden-Fauna.
/ Akimerus berchmansi - sp.n. - Akbés - Nordsyrien
Evodinus bifasciatus plasoni - v.n. - Kulgan, Mongolei
Chloroph. nigripes perfidus - v.n. - Italia
Chloroph. nivipictus persicus - v.n. - Astarbad,Siaret IR
Neodorcadion quadrilineatum - sp.n. - Kulgan,Mongolei /
c°--1917, 6 (11-12): 65-67, Coleopterologische Rundschau
Zwei neue zentralasiatische Käferarten.
/ Neodorcadion gassneri - sp.n. - Altaj /
c°--1917, 6 (11-12): 68-73, Coleopterologische Rundschau
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der europäischen Käferarten.
/ Purpuricenus globulicollis coccineus - var.n. - Italy /
c°--1923, 40 (5-10): 145-149, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadion-Arten des Balkans
/ Dorcadion pelionense, maderi - sp.n.
Dorcadion valonense Apfelbeck, 1923 - sp.n. - GR /
c°--1929, 14 (5-6): 205-207, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zwei neue Dorcadion-Arten vom Balkan.
/ Dorcadion meschniggi, ljubetense - sp.n. - GR,MC /
---2006, 58: 1-442, Scopolia
Gradivo za favno hroscev (Coleoptera) Slovenije : 2. prispevek : Polyphaga: Chrysomelidea
(=Phytophaga): Cerambycidae.
[Material for the beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Slovenia. : 2nd contribution :
Polyphaga: Chrysomeloidea (= Phytophaga): Cerambycidae]
c--1884, 28 (1): 17-100, 2 plts, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Neuer Beitrag zur Käferfauna Griechenlands.
/ Cerambycidae - Dorcadion minutum var. Brenskei - pp. 99-100 /
---1934, 67: 88-91, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Descriptions de quelques Longicornes de l´Afrique.
---1934-1935, No 1-13: 7-98, Novitates entomologicae, 2e Suppl.
Études sur Lamiaires (Coléop., Cerambycidae). I. Tribu: Tragocephalini Thomson
---1935, No 13-20: 99-156, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. II. Tribu: Sternotomini
c--1935, 7 (2): 153-174, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. I.
c--1935, 7 (2): 241-254, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. II.
---1935, 67: 76-77, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Description d´un nouveau Longicorne.
o--1935, 8: 51-71, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. III.
c--1935, 8: 251-276, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. IV.
---1936 (1935-1936), No 21-29: 157-230, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. III. Prosopocerini.
c--1936, Vol. 1: 274-325, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. V.
---1936, 72: 109, Entomologists' Monthly Magazine
Results of the Oxford Expedition to Sarawak (Borneo) 1932,
A new species of Lamiinae. (Col., Cerambyc.)
c--1937 (1936-1937), 3e Suppl., No 30-34: 231-270, Novitates entomologicae
Études sur les Lamiaires. IV. Tribu: Ceroplesini.
---1937, 73: 57-58, Entomologists' Monthly Magazine
Results of the Oxford Expedition to Sarawak (Borneo) 1932.
Three new species of Lamiinae. (Col., Ceramb.)
---1937-1938, 3e Suppl.No 35-38: 271-302, Novitates entomologicae
Études sur les Lamiaires. V. Tribu: Phrynetini.
---1937-1938, No 38-40: 303-318, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. VI. Tribu: Pachystolini.
c--1938, 3e Suppl., fasc. 46: 319-363, Novitates entomologicae
Études sur les Lamiaires. Tribu: VII. Ancylonotini.
c--1938, fasc. 47: 365-392, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. VIII. Mesosini.
c--1938, 3e Suppl , fasc. 4-8: 30-63, Novitates entomologicae
Nouveaux Cerambycidae (Col.).
---1938, Vol. 4: 180-392, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. VI.
---1938, 30: 469-475, Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Quelques nouveaux Lamiides du Musée du Congo belge.
---1938, 63: 204-206, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Quelque nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae de l´Afrique orientale.
---1938, 14 (6): 107-123, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
Longicorni (Lamiinae) della Somalia raccolti dal Maggiore Cesare Lomi durante
la Campagna Etiopica.
o--1938, 16: 93-96, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Einige neue Cerambyciden aus den Sammlungen des Nationalmuseums Prag.
/ Falsangia obenbergeri gen.n. + sp.n. – Sikkim, 1 gen.n., 4 sp.n. – Australia /
---1939, Vol. 5: 144-290, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, Riga
Novae Cerambycidarum. VII.
---1939, 18: 53-79, Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Neue Lamiinae aus dem Museo Civico di Storia naturale in Genua.
---1939, 9: 30-64, Novitates entomologicae
Nouveaux Cerambycidae (1e note)
---1939, 9-10: 65-74, Novitates entomologicae
Nouveaux Cerambycidae (2e note)
---1939, 6 (8): 147-148, Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise
Deux nouvelles espéces de Longicornes.
---1939, (2, parte I): 76-78, Missione Biol. Paese Borana, Rac. Zool.
Descrizione di nuovo di Lamiinae scoperto dal prof. Ed. Zavattari nella regione dei Borana.
c--1940, 10 (1): 37-85, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga (partim)
Novae species Cerambycidarum.VIII.
/ Sophronica nigriceps, chinensis, indica, pseudintricata - sp.n. /
---1940, 10: 115-214, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. IX.
---1940, No 66-71: 527-568, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. IX. Tribu: Dorcaschematini.
---1940, 26: 213-219, Redia / Bol. Staz. Ent. Agrar. Firenze/
Cerambyciden (Lamiinae) aus Somaliland.
---1940, 10 (2): 407-437, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. X.
---1940, 79: 157-174, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco
di Storia Naturale di Milano
Lamiini dell´Africa Orient. Italiana esistenti nel Museo di Milano.
---1941, 23: 47-106, Zoologische Mededeelingen, Leiden (et de JONG C. )
Neue und seltene Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Agelasta (Dissosira) cana - sp.n. - TW
Sybra longipes - sp.n. - Sikkim; etc. Ns As /
c--1942, 12, No 72-84: 8-101, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. X. Dixieme tribu: Crossotini Thoms.
c--1942, 32: 125-129, Boll. Lab. Zool. Fac. Portici
Neue Art von Dorcadion aus Süditalien
/ Dorcadion mediterraneum, fiorii, calabricum - sp.n. - IT
D. epirense - sp.n. - GR /
---1942, 11: 113-175, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. XI.
/ Pterolophioides stramentosus - gen. et sp.n. c--1942, No 84-88: 102-136, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. XI. Onzieme tribu: Phrissomini.
/ Dorcatypus beieri - sp.n. - GR: Épire, Cumerka, Kataphigi
Morimus verecundus, orientalis, ganglbaueri p.126 - etc. /
---1942, fasc. 19: 142-148, Novitates entomologicae
Nouveaux Cerambycidae (3e note).
---1942, 15: 87-94, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
Ueber einige neue ostafrikanische Cerambyciden (Lamiinae) des Museo Civico di Storia naturale Trieste
o--1942, 20: 132-134, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Nonnullae species novae Cerambycidarum.
/ Egesina albolineata, Sybra malaccensis - sp.n. - MY + gen. et. sp.n. Madagascar /
---1943, 12: 12-66, Folia zoologica et hydrobiologica, Riga
Novae species Cerambycidarum. XII.
---1943, 82: 12-13, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Due nuovi Cerambicidi della Somalia italiana.
---1943, 82: 36-54, pl. 1, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco
di Storia Naturale di Milano
Cerambicidi birmani del Museo di Milano.
/Neocerambyx pellitus Itzinger - sp.n. - Caren Hills (Birmania)
Eurybatus birmanicus Itzinger - sp.n. - Palaing (Birmania)
Mesosa marmorata Breuning - sp.n. - Palaing (Birmania)
Pothyne longipennis Breuning - sp.n. - Lashi (Birmania)
Cleptometopus auratoides Breuning - sp.n. - Bilan (Birmania)
Niphona lateraliplagiata Breuning - sp.n. - Monti Cariani, Bihtan (Birmania)
Pterolophia (s.str.) nigrodorsalis Breuning - sp.n. - Caren Hills (Birmania)
Desisa (Cylidrostyrax) stramentosa Breuning - sp.n. - Monti Cariani,Bihtan
Morimus ovalis Breuning - sp.n. - Monti Carini, Bihtan (Birmania)
Phrissomorimus brunneus Breuning - sp.n. - Monti Carini, Bihtan (Birmania)
Cremnosterna alternans Breuning - sp.n. - Palaing (Birmania)
Parasophroniella birmanica Breuning - sp.n. - Monti Carini, Bihtan (Birmania) /
c--1943, 40 (9): 89-104, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cérambycides paléarctiques (1re note). /Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion/
/ Dorcadion albicolle, convexum, pseudocinctellum, pilosipenne, pilosum, pseudarcivagum,
rufoapicale (=rufoapicipenne), nachycevanicum, griseipenne, glabricolle, elbursense, persianum
pseudinfernale, amanense, syriense, chan-tengrii, chrysochroum, veluchianum, pseudolugubre,
heyrovskyi, glabriscapus, basigranosum, evorense, impunctatum - sp.n.
Neodorcadion rubrosuturale, albescens, multicarinatum, gansuense - sp.n.
Thyestilla coerulea - sp.n. - CN
Stenostola callosicolla - sp.n. - CN
Phytoecia kashmirica, stenostoloides, bucharica, chinensis, kukunorensi - sp.n.
Phytoecia (Rubrophytoecia) moreana - sp.n. - GR (?=Pilemia hirsutula - Sudre 2000*)
Conizonia chehirense, tauricola - sp.n. - TR
Saperda manschukuoensis - sp.n. - CN /
o--1943, 39: 523-526, Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Öekologie der Tiere
Beitrag zur Wertung der Geschlechtsorgane für die Systematik.
---1943, 13-16: 137-523, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. XII. Agniini
---1944, 41: 11-16, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cérambycides palearctiques (2e note)
---1944, 41: 14-15, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion
---1945, 20: 152-153, Novitates entomologicae
Nouveaux Cerambycidae (4e note).
---1945, No 137-138: 525-535, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. XIII. Gnomini.
---1945, No 139-148: 537-615, Novitates entomologicae, 3e Suppl.
Études sur les Lamiaires. XIV. Tmesisternini.
---1946, 43: 21-24, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cérmbycides paléarctiques (3e note).
---1947 (1946), 43: 93-132, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 2e note (1)
/ Dorcadion rufipenne - sp.n.
---1947 (1946), 43: 141-149, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cérambycides paléarctiques (4e note).
---1947 (1946), 43: 149-172, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 2e note (2)
---1947, 46: 57-61, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Quelques nouvelles formes des generes Nupserha Thoms., Oberea Muls., Conizonia Fairm.
et Phytoecia Muls.
---1947, 39A (6): 1-68, Arkiv för Zoologi, Stockholm
Nouvelles formes de Longicornes du Musée de Stockholm.
---1948, 15: 93-95, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Quelques nouveaux Longicornes des iles Mascareignes.
---1948, 24 (38): 1-44, Bulletin du Musée royal d´Histoire naturelle de Belgique
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (1re partie).
c--1948, 24 (47): 1-47, Bulletin du Musée royal d´Histoire naturelle de Belgique
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires, (deuxieme partie).
/ Sybrinus (Arabosybrinus) flavescens, albosignatus - sbg. et sp.n. - Arabie: Aden
Bulborhodopis barbicornis - Assam
Paramesosella alboplagiata - Brit. Bootan
Tuberculosybra tuberculata - gen. et sp.n. - India
Cleptometopus annulicornis - Inde
Athylia signatoides - Tonkin
Pothyne elegantula, longiscapus, harmandi, pseudorufipes, pici - sp.n. - Tonkin, Siam
Hyllisia chinensis, tonkinensis - sp.n. - Chine, Tonkin
Mimohyllisia tonkinensis - gen. et sp.n. - Tonkin
Pseudocalamobius diversus - sp.n. - Tonkin
Tetraglenes flavovittatus - sp.n. - Tonkin
Aegoprepes affinis - sp.n. - Siam
c--1948, 24 (4): 503-523, Eos
Notes concernant la répartition geographique et les tendances de specialisation ches les Dorcadionini.
---1948, 44: 61-64, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion
---1948, 45: 57-64, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouvelles formes de Dorcadion (Col.,Cerambycidae) (3e note)
---1948, 45: 91, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cerambycidae paléarctiques (5e note)
---1948, 45: 119-121, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Nouveaux Cérambycides paléarctiques (Col.) (6e note)
---1949, (12) II: 212-229, Ann.
Description d´un genere nouveau nouvelles especes et formes Lamiaires.
---1949, 42: 1-21, Arkiv för Zoologi, Stockholm, A-15
Entomological results from the Expedition 1934 to Burma and British India.
Coleoptera: Cerambyciae Lamiinae recueillis par Ren‚ Malaise.
---1949, 88: 243-245, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Musée de Milan.
/ Glenea fasolii - sp.n. - Caren Hills (Birmania)
peregoi - sp.n. - Palaing, (Birmania)
Scythasis nitida anticerufa - m.n. - Monti Carini, Bihtan (Birmania) /
---1949, 25 (38): 1-32, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Notes systématiques sur les Lamiaires (Col. Cer.)
---1949, 12: 401, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Un nouvel Oxylamia du Cameroun.
---1950, 26 (12): 1-32, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (trisieme partie)
---1950, 64: 170-201, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Musée de Genes.
---1950, 5: 373-388, Sarawak Museum Journal
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires.
---1950, 1 (19): 265-274, Arkiv för Zoologi, Stockholm (2)
Quelques nouveaux Lamiaires du Riksmuseum.
---1950, Vol. 4: 7-46, Annales du Musée Congo Belge Trevuren, Serie in 8°, Sciences Zoologiques
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires du Congo Belge.
/ SAPERDIN - Africa: Nupserha, Gleneonupserha, Blepisanis, Oberea, etc. /
c--1950, No 1: 25-28, Longicornia 1
Considérations préliminaires sur la clasification des Lamiaires.
c--1950, No 1: 29-159, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Parmenini".
c--1950, No 1: 161-262, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Morimopsini".
c--1950, No 1: 263-270, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Oculariini".
c--1950, No 1: 271-278, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Xenoleini".
c--1950, No 1: 279-303, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Theocridini".
c--1950, No 1: 305-315, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Stenobiini".
c--1950, No 1: 317-377, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Homonoeini".
c--1950, No 1: 379-410, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Xylorhizini".
c--1950, No 1: 411-414, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Proctocerini".
c--1950, No 1: 415-421, Longicornia 1
Revision des "Cloniocerini".
c--1950, No 1: 511-535, Longicornia 1
Lamiaires nouveaux de la collection Lepesme.
c--1950, No 1: 591-594, Longicornia 1
Liste des publications scientifiques sur les Longicornes.
c--1951, 2: 101-103, 353-460, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Révision du genere Phytoecia Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae).
?---1951, 13: 42-55, L'Entomologiste
Les Dorcadion francais
c--1951, 3: 107-213, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision einiger Gattungen aus der Gruppe der Saperdini Muls.
---1952, 45: 313-323, Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Lamiaires nouv. du Congo Belge appartenant au genre Glenea.
---1952, 1(31):1-3, Doriana
Lamiaires nouveaux de la collection du Museo civico di Storia Naturale, Genova.
c--1953, 4: 1-9, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing,
Verzeichnis der von Dr.J.Bechyne‚ in Französisch Guinea im Jahre 1951 gesammelten.
---1953, ?49: 1223-1271, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire,sér.A4
Revision de genere Xystrocera Serv.
---1953, 29 (8): 1-38, Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bruxelles
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (quatrieme partie)
---1953, 4: 95-111, Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. (series nova)
Note sur les Lamiaires de Nouvelle Guinée et de quelques îles limitrophes
du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Budapest.
c--1954, 5: 136, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Zwei neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum Georg Frey.
/ Asaperda rufa - sp.n. - CN, Sophronisca flavostictia - sp.n. - Tanganyika /
c--1954, 5: 401-567, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision von 35 Gattungen aus der Gruppe Saperdini.
o--1954, 5: 265-272, Ann. Hist.Nat.Mus.Nat.
Quelques nouveaux Lamiaires (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) de l´Asie orientale.
/ Trichodorcadion dubiosum - sp.n. - IN or BU, Cypriola mausoni - sp.n. - VN; etc. ID /
c--1954, 30 (11): 1-23, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (cinquieme partie)
/ Lamiinae sp. et ssp. n. – Orient. Reg., Africa /
---1955, 9 (3): ???, Entomology, Indian Forest Records
Revision du genere Obereopsis Chvrl. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1955, 68: 244-259, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Longicornes nouveaux de la collection museo civico di storia naturale Genova (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1955, ???, Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. (series nova)
Beschreibung einer neuen Rasse des Dorcadion divisum Germ. (Ceramb., Coleoptera).
/ D. (Pedestredorcadion) divisum subdivisum – ssp.n. – Anatolia, Ankara /
---1955, 60: 59-64. fig. 1-4, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (2e note)
(Col. Cerambycidae).
---1955, 60: 70-77, fig. 5-8, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (2e note)
(Col. Cerambycidae) (suite).
---1956, 7: 1-199, 671-893, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Gattung Glenea Newm. (part 1)
o--1956, 7: 403-404, Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. (series nova)
Deux nouveaux Lamiaires de Sumatra et deux nouvelles formes de Dorcadion du Musée
de Budapest (Col.)
/ Dorcadion pedestre kaszabi- ssp.n. - HU /
---1956, 68: 244-258, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Longicornes nouveaux de la collection du Museo civico di Storia Naturale - Genova
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1956, 9 (12):355-361, Arkiv för Zoologi, Stockholm, (Ser. 2)
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Riksmuseum.
---1956, 8: 10-16, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichischer und Schweizer Entomologen
Neue Lamiinae aus der Sammlung F. TIPPMANN (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
c--1956, 32 (25): 1-23, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires. (huitieme partie)
/ Dorcadion paradoxum m. obscurefemoratum - m.n. - SP
Monochamus subfasciatus shikokuensis ssp.n. - JP
Lamiinae gen., sp. et ssp.n. – Orient. Reg., Africa /
c--1956(1954-1956), 68: 244-258, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Longicornes noveaux de la collection du Museo Civico di Storia naturale - Genova (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Eryssamena birmana - sp.n. - BU
Paraegocidnus feai - gen.n. et sp.n. - BU + gen. et sp.n. - ID,N. Guinea, ... /
---1956, 7 (1): 1-199, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Gattung Glenea Newm.
---1956, 7 (2): 671-893, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Gattung Glenea Newm. (1. fortsetzung).
---1956, 92: 120-136, Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, Bruxelles
Lamiaires nouveaux du Musée Royal du Congo belge.
---1956, 1-3: 229-236, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, Bonn
Die Ostasien-Cerambyciden im Museum A. Koenig, Bonn.
---1956, No 3: 349-392, Longicornia III
Revision des „PETROGNATHINI“
---1956, No 3: 393-416, Longicornia III
Revision des „ACMOCERINI“
---1956, No 3: 417-520, Longicornia III
Revision des „ASTATHINI“
---1956, No 3: 665-702, Longicornia III
Lamiaires nouveaux de la collection Lepesme (2e note).
---1956, No 3: 703-722, Longicornia III
Notes sur les Lamiaires
---1956, No 3: 703-722, Longicornia III
Notes sur les Lamiaires
c--1956, No 3: 723-728, Longicornia III
Quelques nouvelles formes du genere Dorcadion.
---1957, 13: 42-55, L'Entomologiste
Les Dorcadion francais.
c--1957, 53: 7-127, Annales du Musée royal du Congo Belge Tervuren (Belgique), Sciences Zoologiques (8 sér)
Révision du genere Eunidia Erichson (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1957, 96: 200-202, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Quatre nouveaux longicornes du Musée de Milan.
/ Neosybra costipennis - sp.n. - Tien Yen (Tonchino) /
---1957, 35: 113-123, Zoologische Mededeelingen, Leiden
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Riksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie.
---1957, 401 pp., publié sous les auspices du Haut-Commissariat de Madagascar
Coléopteres Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Faune de Madagascar IV
---1957, 33 (8): 1-24, Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bruxelles
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (9eme partie).
---1957, 8 (3): 10-16, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt für osterreichische und schweizerische Entomologie
Neue Lamiinae aus der Sammlung F. Tippmann.
c--1957, 19A: 792-869, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
/ Revision - tribus Agapanthiini - Africa /
---1957, 19A: 1223-1271, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Révision du genre Xystrocera Serv.
---1957, 276-278, Novitates Entomologicae
Neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum G. Frey.
---1957, 8 (2): 683-686, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Sechs neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum G. Frey (Cerambycidae, Col.)
---1957, 9 (3): 17-122, ). Indian Forest Records. (new series) Entomology
Révision du genre Obereopsis Chvrl. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1958, 11 (14): 193-254, Arkiv för Zoologi, Stockholm
Revision der Gattung Serixia Pasc.
c--1958, 7(5): 209-328, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology Series
Révision du genere Exocentrus Mulsant (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1958, 9: 175-351, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Gattungen Glenea Newm. (2. Fortsetzung )
---1958, 9 (3): 804-907, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Gattungen Glenea Newm. (3. Fortsetzung und Schluss).
§---1958, 8 (3/4): 491-494, Beiträge zur Entomologie
Bemerkungen zu einigen Lamiiden des Deutschen Entomologischen Instituts (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1958, 25 (3): 221-232, fig. 1. , Revue francaise d'Entomologie
Cerambycidae de la région malgache.
---1958, (62): 261-270, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (3e note)
(Col. Cerambycidae).
---1958, (63): 31-37, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (3e note)
(Col. Cerambycidae).
o--1958, 34 (22): 1-47, 11 figs., Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (dixieme partie)
/ Lamiinae gen. et sp.n. – Orient. Reg., Africa,Australia /
c--1958-1968, 1269 pp., Verlag des Mus. G. Frey, Tutzing
Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde.
c--1958, 20 (3): 979-1065, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Révision des Acanthocinini de l´Afrique noire. (Premiere partie)
c--1959, 21 (1): 113-170, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Acanthocinini de l´Afrique noire. (Deuxieme partie)
c--1959, 21 (2): 607-652, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Acanthocinini de l´Afrique noire. (Troisieme partie)
c--1959, 21 (2): 1052-1098, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Acanthocinini de l´Afrique noire. (Fin)
o--1959, 35 (6): 1-14, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (onzieme partie)
/ Saperda haemorrhoidalis F.,1794= Ph. (Musaria) nigripes v. milliati Pic (syn.n.),
Lamiinae gen. et sp.n. – Oriental Reg., Africa …/
---1958, 63 (1-2): 31-37, 2 figs., Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.
---1959, 10 (1-2):126-131, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, Bonn
Neue und bemerkenswerte Käfer-Formen aus der Sammlung des zoologischen
Forschunsinstituts und Museums Alexander Koenig. 5. Lamiiden.
---1959, 35: 149-175, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin.
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Sammlungen des zoologischen Museums der HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1959, 98: 211-214, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Missione 1957 del Prof. Giuseppe Scortecci in Migiurtinia (Somalia sett.) Lamiidae
(Coleoptera Longicornia).
---1959, 98: 379-380, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Une nouvelle espece du genere Obereopsis Chvr. de l´Ile Fernando Poo (Coleoptera Lamiidae).
c--1959, 21 (3): 1052-1104, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Acanthocinini de l´Afrique noire.
---1959, ??? 6pp.
Neue Lamiiden aus der Sammlung des Museums Frey (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1959, 38: 185-187, Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Note sur la répartition géographique des Dorcadion Italiens (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1960, (65): 143-149, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (4e note)
(Col. Cerambycidae) (suite et fin).
---1960, 36 (2): 463-486, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Sammlungen des zoologischen Museums der HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). zweiter teil.
---1960, 36 (10): 1-62, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Révision des espéces asiatique du genere Nupserha Thomson (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1960, 22 (1): 217-266, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Apomecynini d'Afrique noire.
/ Ogmodera, Apomecynoides, etc. /
c--1960, 22 (2): 555-609, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Apomecynini d'Afrique noire.
/ Apomecyna, etc. /
o--1960-1962, 232 pp., Frustula entomologica,
Révision systématique des espéces du genere Oberea Mulsant du globe. (part 1-3)
c--1960, 22 (4): 1298-1305, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série A (et VILLIERS A.)
Coléopteres Cérambycides récoltés au Tibesti par Ph. Bruneau de Miré.
/ Derolus (s.str.) mirei - sp.n. - Tibesti
Sophronica mirei - sp.n. - Tibesti /
o--1960, 36 (7): 1-30, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (douzieme partie)
/ Dorcadion ispartense - sp. n. – TR
Sybra (s.str.) subtesselata - sp. n. – JP, Oshima
Hyagnis ohbayashii - sp.n. – JP, Honshu
Oberea erythroceph. rufoscapus - m. n. – TR, Silifke
Phytoecia (s. str.) parvula - sp.n. – AG, Teniet el haad
Lamiinae - gen. et sp.n. – Orient. Reg., Africa …/
---1961, 12: 140-160, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue oder schlecht bekannte Cerambyciden (Col.).
/ Pseudocalamobius japonicus tsushimae - ssp.n. - JP............. /
---1961, 12 (1): 245-250, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1961, 12 (2): 326-342, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col. Cerambycidae).
c°--1960, 12 (3): 133-135, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Einige interessante neue Lamiinen der Sammlung Obering. F. P. Tippmann - Wien.
/ Ostedes (Trichostedes) assamana - sbg. et sp.n. - Assam /
o--1961, 37 (20): 1-44, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (treizieme partie)
/ Pterolophia (s.str.) yayeyamai sp .n. – JP,
Lamiinae gen. et sp.n. – Orient. R.,Africa, Austr./
c--1961, Heft 1-2: 142-144, Bonner zoologische Beiträge
Die Himalaja-Cerambyciden im Museum A. Koenig in Bonn.
/ Egesina (s. s.) basirufa - sp.n.
E. (Pseudoenispia) flavopicta - sp.n. - IN: Sikkim /
---1961, (5) 9: 5-60, Pesquisas
Revision des Pteropliini.
---1961, 23: 452-484, 739-781, 1054-1097, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Révision des Pteropliini de l'Afrique noire.
---1961, : 16-18, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Cerambycides nouveaux de la collection Heyrovsky.
---1961, 32 (6): 536-548, Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. (2e série)
Nouveaux Cerambycidae des collections du Muséum de Paris.
c--1962, (13) 5: 233-241, Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Nouveaux Lamiaires du British Museum (Natural History) (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Paratitoceres arabicus - sp.n. - YE
Eunidia kristenseni arabica - morpha n. - YE
Sophronica arabica - sp.n. - YE
Spinosophronisca - gen.n. /
---1962, 52: 108-110, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Gesselschaft
Neue Lamiiden aus den Beständen der Zoologischen Staatsammlung in München (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ 1 gen. n. + 4 sp. n. - Africa trop. /
---1962, ??? 2pp.
Zwei neue Lamiiden aus dem Beständen des Museums G. Frey (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1962, 1: ??? , Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Neue Lamiiden (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1962, 1: 37-40, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Neue und interessante Formen der Gattungen Carabus L. und Dorcadion Muls. aus Anatolien.
/ Dorcadion boluense, muchei - sp.n. - TR /
§---1962, 13: 371-493, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Bestimmungstabelle der Lamiiden-Triben nebst Revision der Pteropliini der asiatischen
Region (Col. Cerambycidae) I. Teil
o--1962, 27: 665, Entomologische Abhandlungen Mus. Tierk. Dresden
Revision der Dorcadionini.
---1963, 38 (40): 1-16, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (quatorzieme partie)
---1963, 7: 3-22, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos, 6. partie.
---1963, 5: 47-62, 19 fig., Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos, 4. partie.
o--1963, 55: 347-348, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, series nova
Neue oder interessante Lamiiden der Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums.
---1963, 39 (34): 1-11, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (quinzieme partie)
/ Oxylia androsensis - sp.n. - GR (=Pilemia hirsutula - Sudre 2000*) /
c°--1963, 15 (1-2): 35-36, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen,
Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadion Dalm.
/ Dorcadion turcicum; janczyki - sp.n. - TR,TK /
c--1963, 10 (3-4): 217-219, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, N.F.
Neue Lamiiden aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums der Humbldt-Universitat zu Berlin
/ Acalolepta subspinosa - n.sp. - CN
Acalolepta hunanensis - sp.n. - CN
Hyllisia indiana - sp.n. - IN /
Neue oder interessante Lamiiden des Ungarischen Naturwisenschaflichen Museums (Col., Ceramb.)
---1963, 14 (1) 76-90, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue Lamiinae aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Spinozorilispe fusca - gen. et sp.n. - BT
---1963, 14: 446-455, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue Lamiinae aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col., Ceramb.)
---1963, 29 (1): 1-274, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Revision der Pteropliini der australischen Region. (Teil 1)
---1963, 14: 167-251, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Bestimmungstabelle der Lamiiden-Triben nebst Revision der Pteropliini der asiatischen Region
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae). Teil 2
---1963, 14: 466-537, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Bestimmungstabelle der Lamiiden-Triben nebst Revision der Pteropliini der asiatischen Region
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae). Teil 3
c--1964, 15 (1): 91-97, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Neue Lamiiden aus dem Museum G. Frey (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Mesosa (Saimia) amakusae - sp.n. - JP
Mesosa (s.str.) subkonoi - sp.n. - JP
Pterolophia (s.str.) bipostfasciculata - sp.n. - IN
Pseudoterinaea nigerrima - sp.n. - Cochinchina,
etc. Africa, PH, ID /
c--1964, mars-avril: 23-27, Bulletin de la Societé entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvaux Lamiaires de Madagascar (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera)
---1964, 10: 13-24, 12 fig, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos (Coll. Céramb.) neuvičme partie.
c--1964, mars-avril: 27-30, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Cérambycides nouveaux de la collection Heyrovsky. (deuxieme partie)
/ Pterolophia (s.s.) subtubericollis - sp.n. - Sikkim
Obereopsis darjeelingensis - sp.n. - Sikkim; ..... /
c--1964, novémbre - décembre: 95-103, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description de nouveaux Lamiaires (Col. Ceramb.).
Paramimiculus pterolophoides gen. et sp.n. – Madagaskar
Lasiocercis (s.s.) hovanoides sp.n. – Madagaskar
Prosoplus major sp.n. – Celebes
Mispila (s.s.) tonkinensis sp.n. – Tonkin
Ramularius albostictus sp.n. – Lorenzo Marques
Geophanes (s.s.) ruficornis sp.n. – Madagaskar
Ph. (Helladia) orbicollis ankarensis - m.n. – TR
D.(Pedestrdorcad.) macedonicum praeapicemaculatum - m.n.
Freocrossotus reticulatus sp.n. – Ferrnado Poo
Parischinia ochreosignata gen. et sp.n. – Cameroun
Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus fuscosignatus sp.n.- Cameroun
Parexocentrus transversefasciatus gen. et sp.n. – Cameroun, etc. - Africa /
c--1964, 19 (3-4): 31-32, Bolletino dell' Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Quatre nouvelles espéces du genere Dorcadion Dalm.
/ D. berytense, brunnoi - sp. n. - LE /
---1964, 40: 1-2, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (6a nota)
§---1964, 40 (10): 1-???? Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
/ Dorc. cinerarium heinzi, formosum ssp. ponticum (p. 1) /
o--1964, 30: 500, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Revision der asiatischen und australischen Apomecynini (Col. Cerambycidae)
o--1964, 1 (4): 15-18, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Japon (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Anoplphora oshimana ryukyensis - ssp.n. - JP
Nanohammus oshimanus - sp.n. - JP
Pt.(Pterolophia) subleiopodina - sp.n. - JP
Pterolophia (Ale) subcristipennis - sp.n. - JP
Ropica nobuoi - sp.n. - JP
Sybra (Sybra) mimogeminata - sp.n. - JP
Pothyne nobuoi - sp.n. - JP /
o--1964, 1 (4): 27-30, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Japon (2e partie) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Egesina (Niijimaia) tsushimae, Sybra ishigakii, Miaenia (Pseudocidnus) nobuoi,
longicollis - sp.n. - JP
Blepephaeus decoloratus yonagunii, Neosybra cribrella ryukyuensis, Eryssamena elongata
minor, E.(Exocentrus) lineatus nobuoi, G.(Glenea) sauteri ryukyuensis - ssp.n. - JP
L. (Linda) subannulicornis - sp.n. TW /
---1964, ??? 10pp.
Neue Lamiinae aus den Beständen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde in Dresden (Col.,Ceramb.)
c--1964, 40 (1): 81-93, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Samlmlungen des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ gen. et sp. n. - orient. and ethip. reg. /
c--1964, 11 (4-5): 445-448, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, N.F.
Neue Lamiiden aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (2.teil)
/ sp.n - BU,VN /
c°--1964. 42: 5, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zwei neue Dorcadion - Formen vom griechischen Olymp.
/ Dorcdion olympicola m. discounitum, discopostobliteratum - morpha n. - GR /
c--1965, 41 (1): 81-93, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Samlmlungen des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Vierter Teil
c--1965, 41 (2): 177-182, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Samlmlungen des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Fünfter Teil
/ Xenolea collaris formosana ssp.n. - TW
Sybra (s.str.) tenganensis - sp.n. - CN, and sp.n. - Africa, ID etc. /
c--1965, 5 (32): 283-284, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lamiinae.
/ Nanohammus sinicus - comb.n. ...... etc. Africa /
c--1965, 16: 161-472, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der 35 Gattungen der Pteropliini der asiatische Region. (Teil 4.)
/ Pterolophia Newman, 1842 - sbg. Pterolophia, Mimoron Pic, Paramimoron Breuning,
Trichomimoron Breuning, Armatopraonetha Breuning, Pilosipraonetha
Breuning, Villosopraonetha Breuning, Trichopraonetha Breuning,
Gibbopraonetha Breuning, Canopraonetha Breuning, Scapopraonetha Breuning,
Ovalopraonetha Breuning, Sociopraonetha Breuning, Lychrosis Pascoe,
species incerate sedis /
o--1965, juil.-aout : 45-53, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description de nouveaux Lamiaires (Col. Cerambycidae).
1. Nouvelles especes de Madagascar communiquées par MM. Vadon et Vieu.
2. Quelques nouveaux Lamiaires communiqués par M. Quentin
c--1965, juil.-aout: 53, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Une nouvelle espece de Longicornes (Col.) d´Australie.
/ Stenellipsis longicollis - sp.n. /
---1965, (11): 29-41, 16 fig, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos (Coll. Céramb.) dixičme partie.
---1965, (14): 31-62, 16 fig, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos (Coll. Céramb.) 13 partie.
---1965, 6 (14): 119-128, Reichenbachia
Neue Lamiinae aus den Beständen des Museums für Tierkunde in Dresden
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1966, 96 (9-10): 145-147, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Deux nouvelles espéces du genere Dorcadion Dalm. d'Anatolie (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
/ Dorcadion rigatti - sp.n. - Zara (Cappadocia)
D. kollari dorsoimmaculipenne - m.n. - Bogazkale (Turchia) /
o--1966, 21 (1): 4-5, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Une nouvelle espéce du genere Dorcadion de Grece.
/ D. (Pedestredorcadion) pindicum - sp.n. - GR: Mt. Pinde, Mazia /
o--1966, 34: 1-144, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Revision der Agapanthiini eurasiatischen-australischen Region (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae).
o--1966, 42 (21): 1-22, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Nouvelles formes de Lamiaires (dix-septieme partie)
/D. (Pedestredorcadion) dimidiatum ssp. korgei,
divisum dorsaloides,
infernale ssp. edremitense,
kollari sublinderi,
septemlineatum ssp. demircense,
sodale ssp.blumenthali - ssp. n. - TR
D. (Maculatodorcadion) janssensi sp.n.- TR
Lamiinae sp.n. - Orient. Reg., S. America /
---1966, 42 (2): 229-258, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Cerambyciden aus den Sammlungen des Zoologischen Museum
der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Eodorcadion albitarsale - sp.n. - MN /
c--1966, 2 (6): 31-36, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Japon (2e partie) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Psacothea teneburosa ssp. intermedia, Blepephaeus nobuoi, Acalolepta okinawensis,
Acalolepta simillima, satoi, Apriona japonica ssp. nobuoi, Abryna obscura ssp. uniformis, Mesosa horiana, Pterolophia subcristipennis ssp. iriomotei, Iproca ishigakiana,
Pothyne variegata ssp. yayamana, Pothyne subvittipennis, Pothyne chocolatoides,
Exocentrus lineatus ssp. okinawensis - sp. et ssp.n.
Oberea ishigakiana - stat.n. /
o--1966, 51: 289-290, Časopis Moravského musea /Acta Musei Moraviae/
Neue Lamiiden aus dem Mahrischen Museum in Brno (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
/Mimocoelosterna hainanensis sp.n.- CN ............. and 4 sp. and 1 ssp.n. - Guinea /
c--1966, janv.-fevr.: 14-16, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quelques nouvelles formes de Lamiinae de la collection Mussard (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Morimopsis assamensis , M. mussardi - sp.n.- IN
Hoplothrix paramicator - sp.n. - IN
Cristorhodopina mussardi - gen. et sp.n. - IN
Rhodopina assamana - sp.n. - IN
Nupserha schmidi - sp.n. - IN /
c--1966, mai-juin: 53, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Deux nouvelles especes de Saperdini de ma collection (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Paramenesia nigrescens - sp.n. - VN /
---1966, (72): 183-189, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Nouveaux Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum national d'Histoire
naturelle de Paris (Col.).
c--1967, : 37-39, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Un nouveau Dorcadion de Grece.
/ Pedestredorcadion zanteanum - sp.n. - GR: Ile Zakyntos /
c--1967, 23 (3): 59-63, L'Entomologiste
Cérambycides de Turquie. (2. note)
/ Pedestredorcadion rizeanum - sp.n. - TR: Rize, Sivrihaya /
c--1967, 94: 1-2, Opuscula Zoologica, München (OPZO)
Zwei neue Lamiiden aus den Beständen der Zoologischen Staatsammlung in München.
/ D. (Pedestredorcadion) joanninae - sp.n. - GR: Epirus, Joannina
Pseudomallosia pararufipennis - gen. et sp.n. - AF:Hazaradjat (=Helladia circumdata) /
---1967, 40: 27-36, Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft
Nouveaux Longicornes du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genéve (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Mimeuseboides excavatipennis - sp.n. - IN
c--1967, : 40, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
/u Heyrovsky 1967/
Desrciption d'une espéce et de quatre variétés nouvelles de Saperdini de ma collection.
/ Ph.(Blepisanis) apicefuscipennis - sp.n. - Cameroun
Ph.(Epiglenea) comes szetschuanica - ssp.n. - Szetschouan, Tatsienlu
Oberea depressa infradepressa, lacana mediofuscofemoralis, nigriceps obscuripennis - var.n. /
c°--1967, 70: 435, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Österreichische entomologische Expeditionen nach Persien und Afghanistan.
Beiträge zur Coleopterologie, Teil IV: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae
/ Phytoecia (Opsilia) irakensis sp.n. - IQ /
c--1967, 72: 183-189, Bulletin de la Société de France
Nouveaux Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris (Col.)
/ Acalolepta coreensis - KO
Monochamus subconvexicollis - BT - sp.n - ............ /
c--1967, 3 (2): 3-4, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Nouveaux Lamiaires du Japon (4e partie) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pterolophia (s.str.) horii - sp.n. - JP
Sybra (s.str.) okinawana - sp.n. - JP /
§---1967, 2 (2): 93, Instituto Municipial de Ciencias Naturales Miscellanea Zoologica
Description de trois nouvelles formes du genere Dorcadion.
o--1967, jan.: 23-24, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouveaux Lamiaires de la coll. Chassot.
---1967, 1: 295-297, Journal of natural History
Nouveaux Lamiaires du British Museum.
c--1968(1967), 39 (5): 851-860, Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (BMNH)
Nouveaux Pteropliini des collections du Muséum de Paris (Col. Cerambycidae Lamiinae)
/ Pterolophia (s.str.) ochreomaculipennis - sp.n. - BT
Pt. (s.str.) subbicarinata - sp.n. BT
Pt. (s.str.) persimiloides - sp.n. - CN
Pt. (s.str.) bottangensis - sp.n. - BT
Pt. (s.str.) yunnana - sp.n. - CN
Pt. (s.str.) cambodgensis - sp.n. - KB
Pterolophia (Mimoron) ropicoides - sp.n. - BT
Pterolophia (Paramimoron) subropicoides - sp.n. - CN
Pterolophia (Gibbopraonetha) quadrigibbosipennis - sp.n. - CN
Mispila (Dryusa) coomani - sp.n. - VN
Pterolophia (Ale) rubiensis - sp.n. - BU
Mesosella (Cylyndrostyrax) bhutanensis - sp.n. - BT
Trichoniphona albomarmorata - gen. et sp.n. - IN - etc./
c--1968, Part II, No. 161: 17-26, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education Kagawa University (et CHUJO M.)
In: CHUJO M. - Coleoptera from Southeast Asia (VI)
/ Dystasia cambodgensis - KB
Parasybra griseovaria - gen. et sp.n. - KB
Zorilispe cambodgensis - KB
Pseudotetraglenes cambodgensis - KB
Menesida yoshikawai - KB - sp.n. /
o--1968, mai-juin: 51, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d´une nouvelle espece de Lamiinae.
/ Guyanestola brasiliensis - sp.n. /
o--1968, mai-juin: 52, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de deux nouvelles especes de Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae) de la collection Chassot..
/ Mimorsidis griseus, Olenecamptus pedongensis - sp.n. - IN:Sikkim, Pedong /
---1968, (juillet-aout) : 53-57, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de Mulhouse
Nouveaux Lamiaires de la collection Fuchs (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1968, 30 (4): 1421-1436, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique, Serie A
Supplément a la révision des Crossotini Thomson (Col., Cerambycidae).
není v NMP !!
c--1968, 107: 89-92, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Missione 1965 del prof. Giuseppe Scortecci nello Yemen (Arabia meridionale).
Coleoptera Longicornia: Lamiidae.
/ Apomecina scorteccii - sp.n. - El Haurat, YE
Eunidia arabica - sp.n. - U. Ezone, YE
submarmorata - sp.n, - Rocce nere, YE
yemeniensis - sp.n. - Mafhak, YE
Paraphloeus scorteccii - sp.n. - Taiz, YE /
c--1968, 40 (4): 692-709, Bulletin du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, 2e Série
Nouveaux coléopteres Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum de Paris.
/ Lamiinae gen., sp. et ssp. n. – Orient. Reg. /
---1968, 16: 4-44, 63-64, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences Naturelles du Laos
Contribution ŕ la connaissance des Lamiens du Laos (15. partie et fin).
c--1968, N°165: 297-355, Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Trevuren,
Serie in 8°, Sciences Zoologiques
Contributions a la connaissance de la faune entomologique de la Cote-d'Ivoire
(J. Decelle, 1961-1964). XXI. - Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae
/ Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus) ivorensis - p.353 /
c--1969, 41 (1): 187-199, Bulletin du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, 2e Série
Nouveaux coléopteres Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum de Paris.
c--1969, 41 (3): 655-670, Bulletin du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle, 2e Série
Nouveaux coléopteres Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum de Paris.
/ Lamiinae gen., sp. et ssp. n. – Orient. Reg
Apomecyna tigrina indica - ssp.n. - IN
Sybra (s.str.) chaffanjoni - sp.n. - CN
S. (s.str.) mausoni sp.n. - VN
S. (s.str.) bioculata sikkimana - ssp.n. - IN
Metamecyna flavoapicalis - sp.n. - IN
Pterolophia (s.str.) sthenioides grossepunctipennis - ssp.n. - IN
Scaposodus indicus - sp.n. - IN
Crossotus adenensis - sp.n. - YE
Microzotale (s.str.) tonkinea - sp.n. - VN
Parasybrodiboma sikkimensis - gen. et sp.n. - IN
Ostedes (s.str.) albomarmorata - sp.n. - IN
Eoporis (Eoporimimus) pedongensis - sp.n. - IN
Oberea griseopennis ichangensis - ssp.n. - CN /
c--1969, 21 (3): 76, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Eine neue Art der Gattung Rhopaloscelis Bless. (Col. Cer.)
/ Rh. schurmanni – sp.n. – IR /
c--1969, 24 (2): 42, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Quelques formes nouvelles du genere Dorcadion Dalm. de Grece.
/ Dorcadion meteorum (allotypus - female)
D. pararenarium - sp.n. - GR /
c--1969, mars-avril : Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description de trois nouvelles especes de Lamiinae de la coll. Chassot (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
/ Mesosa (Perimesosa) medioalbofasciata - sp.n. - TW
Gibbomesosella laosica - sp.n. - LA
Glenea (Formosoglenea) ochreomaculata - sp.n. - TW
---1969, ???
Nouveaux Coléopteres Cerambycidae récoltés au Cameroun par M. Ph. Bruneau de Miré.
c°--1970, 48: 9-11, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beschreibung einiger neuer Lamiiden (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) der Sammlung Fuchs.
/ Cerambycidae - sp.n. - TW,IN /
c--1970, mars-avril: 17-30, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Révision des Glaucytini de la région asiato-australienne (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1970, mars-avril: 30, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d'une nouvelle race du genere Mallosia Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Mallosia (Semnosia) imperatrix kurdistana - ssp.n. - Kurdistan - 1m /
c--1970, 26 (4): 97-101, L'Entomologiste
Nouveaux Dorcadion des collections du Museum Paris.
/ D. miminfernale - sp.n. - /
---1970, 106: 77-117, Bulletin et Annales Société Entomologique de Belgique, Bruxelles
Révision des Nyctimenini, Hyborhabdini et Zygocerini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,
---1970, 42 (3): 460-488, Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle. 2 e Série.
Nouveaux coléoptčres Cerambycides Lamiinae des collections du Museum de Paris (suite).
---1971, 11(1): 73-75, Miscellanea Zoologica, Barcelona
Nouvelles especes de Lamiinae (Col.,Cerambycidae) de la coll. Vives.
---1971, mai-juin : 45-46, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quelques rectifications systématiques sur les Lamiaires.
c--1971, sept.-oct. : 77-78, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quelques rectifications systématiques sur les Lamiaires.
c--1971, N°20: 127-128, Entomops
Description de deux especes nouvelles de Cerambycidae (Col.) d'Anatolie.
/ Dorcadion enricisturanii - sp.n. - TR
D. carolisturanii - sp.n. - TR /
---1971, 47 (33): 1-3, Institut des Sciences naturales de Belgique, Bulletin
Description de trois espéces de Lamiinae (Col.,Cerambycidae) de Nouvelle-Guinée et Laos.
---1971, 44 (3-4): 303-306, Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft
Description de nouveaux lamiaires de Ceylon.
---1971, 42 (4): 662-684, Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 2e Série
Nouveaux coléoptčres Cerambycidae malgaches des collections du Muséum de Paris.
---1971, 37 (3): 209-335, 21 figs., Entomol. Abh. St. Mus. Tierk
Revision des espčces américaines de la tribue des Apomecynini Lac.
---1971, 47 (2), 285-288, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
---1972(1971), 24 (3): 415-422, ARCH
Lamiaires nouveaux du nord de l'Inde récoltés par le Dr. F. Schmid (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1972, (1-2): 55-56, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux lamiaires malais (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1972, 52: 37-38, Novitates entomologicae
Phytoecia (Mimocoptosia) iraniensis, nov. subgen., nov. sp. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1972, 28 (6): 189-190, L'Entomologiste
Notule destinée faciliter l'identification des trois Exocentrus de notre faune.
o--1972, (2): 29-31, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de cinq nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae de la coll. Chassot (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Mimomacrochia pfanneri gen. et sp.n.
Cristodesisa vicina, Pharsalia dunni sp.n. - MY /
c--1972, No. 11, Suppl. IV: 247-294, Monitore Zoologico Italiano (N.S.)
Coléopteres Cerambycidae de l´Afrique Orientale.
/ Tetropiopsis somaliensis - sp.n. - SO (=Mythozoum)
Brunoeme rufolimbata - gen. et sp.n. - ET (=Coptoeme); Linopteridus africanus - sp.n. - SO
(=L. brunneus Auriv.); Thapsyrus martellii, quentini - sp.n. - SO (Psathyrini); Derolus
somaliensis - sp.n. - SO;Hololeprus sammichelii - sp.n. - SO (Hesperophanini) - all VILLIERS 1972
Mimononymoides somaliensis - gen. et sp.n. - SO; Hyllisia somaliensis - sp.n. - SO;
Idactus somaliensis - sp.n. - SO; Lasiopezus brunoi - sp.n. - ET;
Crossotus somaliensis - sp.n. - SO; Sophronica bituberosoides - sp.n. - SO;
Jordanoleiopus (Polymitoleiopus) monoxenoides - sp.n. - SO - all BREUNING 1972 /
o--1972, 64: 235-238, Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
Nouveaux Lamiini du Vietnam (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Mimotriammatus ge.n.
Ropica vietnamensis, Niphona (s.str.) parallela, Aristobia vietnamensis, Mimotriammatus
nigrosignatus, Acalolepta paracervina, Tuberoens vietnamensis, Glenea vietnamanam - sp.n. - VN /
---1972, 34 (2): 352-362, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire,sér.A (et VILLIERS A.)
Contribution a l’étude biologique du Sénégal septentrional. XIX. Coléopteres Cerambycidae.
c--1973, 14 (17): 143-144, Reichenbachia
Eine neue Art der Gattung Conizonia Frm.
---1973, 46 (3-4): 295-296, Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft
Descriptions de nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae de la collection Chassot (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1973,49 (1): 37-40, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue Lamiinae aus den Beständen des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
---1973, ??? 3pp.
Beschreibung einiger neuer Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae) aus den Beständen der Zoologischen Sammlung
des Bayerischen Staates.
c--1973, 88 (5): 54-55, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beschreibung zweier neuer Arten der Gattung Dorcadion.
/ Dorcadion czipkai - sp.n. - IR
D. ikizderense - sp.n. - TR (=D. rizeanum) /
c--1973, 78 (1-2): 48-50, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Trois nouveau lamiaires des iles Ryu-Kyu (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Mesosa koshunensis ohirai - ssp.n.
Acalolepta ishigakiana - sp.n.
Mimectatina ohirai - sp.n. - JP /
---1973, A35 (1): 136-144, BIAN
Mises au point relatives au genere Exocentrus Muls. (Col.,Cerambycidae).
Synonymies, redescriptions, sous-genere nouveaux.
(1re note)
---1973, 49 (1): 41-45, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue formen von Lamiinae (Coleoptera).
---1973, 9 (3): 647-665, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
Lamiaires nouveaux ou peu connus du Muséum de Paris (Col. Cerambycidae).
c--1974, N°34: 36, Entomops
Description d'une espece nouvelle de Cerambycidae (Col.) d'Espagne.
/ Dorcadion ruspolii - sp.n. /
c--1974, 30 (3): 131-133, L'Entomologiste
Trois nouveaux longicornes d'Iran.
/ Gnatholea soraya Villiers, 1974 - IR (= Zoodes compressicornis)
Pedestredorcadion talyschense latevittipenne Breuning, 1974 - m.n. - IR
Pedestredorcadion caprai completetomenosusm Breuning, 1974 - IR /
---1974, 81 (2): 371-375, RSZ
Quelques nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae du Museum d'histoire naturelle de Geneve (Col.,Ceramb.)
o--1974, 24 (4): 148-154, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel , N.F.
Beschreibung neuer Arten der Gattung Dorcadion Dalm.
/ Dorcadion gebzeense, paracinerarium, holzschuhi - sp.n. - TR
D. wewalkai, amphisae, mimarenarium, nemmense - sp.n. - GR /
---1974, 50 (2): 237-241, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1974, 15 (5): 37-42, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Neue Lamiinae aus den Beständen des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden (Col., Ceramb.)
---1974, 79 (3-4): 72-79, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Mesosini des collections du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1974, 88 (4): 775-777, RZAF
Descriptions de lamiaires africains nouveaux.
---1974, 50 (1): 149-165, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Arten und Gattungen von Lamiinen (Cerambyc.)
---1974, 50 (2): 237-241, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Neue Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1974, 79: 72-79, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Nouveaux Mesosini des collections du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
(Col. Cerambycidae Lamiinae).
---1974, 17 (1-4): 1-210, 24 figs., Studia Entomol.
Revision des Rhodopinini américains.
c--1975(1974): 65, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de Dorcadions nouveaux d´Anatolie (Coleoptera, Lamiinae).
/ Dorcadion ledouxi, pasquieri - sp.n. - TR /
o°--1975, 1: 335-365, Entomologica Basiliensia
Ergebinsse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museum in Basel
/ Cerambycidae - Lamiinae - 17 sp. + 3 ssp. + 2 gen.n. - BT,NP,IR,PK
Pterolophia (s.str.) holzschuhi
Falsoterinea pakistana
Hyagnis pakistanus - sp.n. - PK
Idactus iranicus - sp.n. - IR /
c--1975, (1): 9, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d´un nouveau genere de Lamiinae de l´ile St-Thomé.
/ Paraberningerus schmitzi gen. et sp.n. /
c--1975, (1): 10, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de Dorcadions nouveaux d'Anatolie.
/ D. ardahense, ladikense, parinfernale - sp.n. – TR /
c--1975, N°36: 116, Entomops
Description d'une espece nouvelle de Cerambycidae (Col.) d'Anatolie.
/ Dorcadion bouilloni - sp.n. - TR: Mesodye /
---1975, 28 (1): 9-53, FHE (N.S.)
Revision de la tribus Pogonocherini (Cerambycidae).
Beschreibungen neuer Lamiinae aus der indo-australischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
§---1975, 1: 1-70, pls. 2, Edition Science Nat, Paris - Compiegne
Revision de la tribu des Rhodopinini Gress. de la region Asiato – Australienne
(Col., Cerambycidae) 1re partie
/ Diboma butana, Mimovitalisia wittmeri, Rhodopina parassamensis – sp.n.- BT
Diboma flavolineata – sp.n. – LA, Pseudanaestethis formosana – sp.n. – TW
Mimozotale (Trizotale) flavovittata – sp.n. – BU, Parasphigmothorax ochreosignatus - sp.n. - IN
Vittatopothyne - gen.n. /
§---1976, 1: 71-151, 2 pls., Editions Science Nat, Paris - Compiegne
Revision de la tribu des Rhodopinini Gress. de la region Asiato – Australienne
(Col., Cerambycidae) 2me partie
/ Australia, Indonesia, India /
---1976, 52 (1): 25-26, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Musum in Berlin
Vier neue Pterolophia-Arten (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1976, 3 (5): 161, Instituto Municipial de Ciencias Naturales Miscellanea Zoologica
Algunas formas nuevas del Género Dorcadion Dalm. de la Península Ibérica (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1976, 81 (5-6): 207-208, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Apomecynini des collections du Muséum National d'Histoire Nturelle Paris (Lamiinae).
c--1976, (2): 17-22, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de nouveaux Lamiaires de Nouvelle Guinée (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1976, (4): 51-53, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description de nouvelles formes de Lamiinae.
/ Sophronica tonkinensis - sp.n. - VN
Pseudanaesthetis formosana - sp.n. - TW
Asaperdina - gen.n. - (type sp. - Asaperda regularis)
Scaposerixia - gen.n. - (type sp. - Falsoserixia bicolor)
Diboma formosana - sp.n. - TW
D. flavolineata - sp.n. - LA
Mimozotale (Parazotale) - sbg.n. - (type sp. - Mimozotale longipennis)
M.(Parazotale) flavovittata - sp.n. - BU
Miccolamia (Lamiomiccolamia) - sbg.n. - (type sp. - Miccolamia laosensis), etc. /
---1976, 83 (3): 737-741, RSZ
Quelques nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae du Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Geneve. (III.)
---1977, 53 (1): 111-155, pls. 1-2, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Revision de la tribu des Acanthocinini de la région Asiato-Australienne (Col., Ceramb.). (part 1)
---1977, 53 (2): 199-276, pls. 1-4, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Revision de la tribu des Acanthocinini de la région Asiato-Australienne (Col., Ceramb.). (part 2)
c--1977, (4): 59-60, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quelques rectifications systématiques sur les Lamiaires (Col. Cérambycidae).
/Dorcadion paraladikense - nom.n.-( pro D.ladikense Brng.,1975, nec D. piochardi
ssp. ladikense Brng. et Villiers, 1967) !!! = D. ladikanum Braun, 1976, etc. /
---1977, (304): 265-303, BMHP
Nouveaux lamiaires africains des collections du Muséum de Paris (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1978, 54 (1): 3-78, pls. 1-6, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Révision de la tribu des Acanthocinini de la région Asiato-Australienne (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Trisieme partie.
/ Acanthocinus chinensis – sp.n.
A. montanoides – nom. n. – ( for Leiopus montanus (Hayashi, 1968) nec Serv. 1835 )
Tuberenes – gen.n. – (typus g. Eryssamena robustipes Pic, 1939)
T. sikkimensis – sp.n. – IN: Sikkim
T. vietnamensis (Breuning, 1972) – comb.n. – (from Tuberoens) /
---1978, 4 (2): 131-136, Instituto Municipial de Ciencias Naturales Miscellanea Zoologica
Nouvelle espece de Lamiinae (Cerambycidae) de la coll. Vives.
/ Agelasta (Mesolohpus) cameroni,
Cheromorpha vivesi, Coptops cameroni – sp.n. – MY:Cameron Highland , etc. /
c--1978, (1): 5-7, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de nouveaux generes et especes de Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Mimoscapeuseboides pedongensis - gen.+ sp.n. - IN: Sikkim
Linda (Dasylinda) apicalis yunnana - ssp. n. - CN etc. /
---1978, ???
Descriptions de Lamiaires africains nouveaux .
---1979, 1 (2): 99-100, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie (Nouvelle serie)
Nouveaux coleopteres Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Museum de Paris (1re Note).
/ Annamanum fuscomaculatum – CN: Yunnan
Blepephaeus shembaganurensis – IN: Shembaganur
Blepephaeus subannulatus – CN: Chekiang Prov.
Haplothrix andamanicus – IN: Andaman Isls.
Monochamus shembaganurensis – IN,
etc. /
c--1979, (3): 46-47, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse,
Quelques rectifications systematiques sur les lamiaires (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ nom. n. - Oriental. Reg. /
c--1979, (1): 13-15, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Descriptions de nouveaux generes et especes de Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ gen., sp. n. - Brasil – Java
Orsidis singaporensis – sp.n. – CN: Singapore /
c--1979, (3): 46-47, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quelques rectifications systématiques sur les Lamiaires (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ nom. n. - TW,CN etc./
c--1979, 89 (8): 92-93, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beschreibung einer neuen Species der Gattung Dorcadion (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ D. brauni – sp.n. – TR m.occ.: Tovas-ovasi Plateau /
---1979, pp. 1-20. 1 pl., Editions Sciences Nat.
Révision de la tribu des Gyaritini Breun. (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1979, 1 (2): 99-100, Revue Francaise d’Entomologie
Nouveaux Coléoptčres Cerambycidae Lamiinae des collections du Muséum de Paris (1 re note).
o--1980, (1): 16, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Un nouveaux Cerambycidae du Népal.
/ Acalolepta battonii sp.n. - NP: Kathmandu /
c--1980, (oct.-dec.): 49-50, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae d'Asie orientale.
/ Pterolophia (Ale) baliana, Trichopterolophia schurmanni – sp.n. – ID
Ropica coreana – sp.n. – KO: Seoul /
---1980, (oct..-dec.): 50, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Note supplementaire a ma description du genere Parapotemnemus.
/ P. wheatcrofti Breuning, 1971 /
---1980, (oct.-dec.): 50, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelle espece de Lamiinae des Iles Sechelles.
/ Mahenes demelti – sp.n. /
---1980, 56 (2): 157-182, Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Description de nouvelles especes de lamiaires des Philippines (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Lamiinae – gen., sp. + ssp. n. /
c--1981, 77 (3): 181-182, Entomologische Blätter für Biologie uns Systematik der Käfer (EBBS)
Descriptions de quelques nouvelles espéces de Lamiinae (Col.,Cerambycidae) de la coll. Bremer.
/ Dorcadion bremeri - sp.n. – TR: Akyarma
Exocentrus alemdaghensis - sp.n. – TR: Alem Dagh
Pseudohyllisia bremeri – sp.n. – TH: Wang Takrai Park ,
Eunidia - 2 sp.n. - Africa /
---1981, (avril-juin): 26, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d´une nouvelle espece du genere Monochamus Guer. (Cerambycidae)
/ M. nigrobasimaculatus – sp.n.- Kenya /
c--1981 (2): 26, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d'une nouvelle race du genere Oberea Muls. (Cerambycidae).
/ Oberea ruficeps muchei – ssp.n.- TD: Sidi /
---1981, 50: 254-272, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (et TÉOCCHI P.)
Notes concernant la bionomie de quelques lamiaires africains.
---1981, 34 (1): Folia entomologica hungarica
Beschreibung zweier neuer Lamiinae (Col. Cerambycidae) des Ungarischen Naturwissenschatlichen
Museums von Budapest.
/ Callimetopoides albomaculatus – gen. + sp.n. – Sri Lanka
Sybra (Sybra) moczari – sp.n.- Papua New Guinea /
---1981, 3 (3): 113-116, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Nouveaux Lamiinae africains du Museum national d´Histoire naturelle de Paris (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1981, 11 (1): 73-75, Nouvelle Revue d´Entomologie
Nouvelles especes de Lamiinae (Col. Cerambycidae) de la coll. Vives
/ Apriona (Humerapriona) vivesi, Choeromorpha (Achoeromorpha) nigromaculata,
Glenea (Macroglenea) spinifera ssp. cameronensis – sp. + ssp.n. – MY
Uraechoides vivesi – gen. + sp.n. – MY /
---1981, ??? 2pp.
Beschreibung zweier neuer Lamiinae (Col. Cerambycidae) des Ungarischen Naturwissenschaflichen
Museums von Budapest.
c--1982, (1): 7, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d'une nouvelle espéce de Lamiaire du Nouvelle Guinée.
---1982, 51 (7): 223-224, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Transferet de Prosopocera subsaperdoides Br. dan le genere Neochariesthes nov. (Col.,Cer.,Lamiinae)
/ Africa - Camerun /
c--1982, 38 (3): 146, L´Entomologiste
Un nouveau Dorcadion de Grece.
/ D. peloponnesicum - sp.n. - GR: Megaspileon /
---1982, 58: 29-37, Eos, Madrid
Mises au point, diagnoses et bionomie concernant quelques Longicornes africains (Insecta,Col.,Cerambycidae)
---1982, 18 (1): 9-29, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Diagnoses préliminaires de nouveaux Lamiinae du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris (Cerambycidae)
/ Australia – Oriental region
Acalolepta nagporensis (IN), paraspeciosa (CN:Ti), Acanthocinus chinensis (CN)
Anoplophora (Anoplophora) versteegi siamensis (TH), Apomecyna cochinchinensis (VN),
Cleptometopus ochreomaulatus (IN), Diboma flavolineata (LA), Dorhertorsidis indicus (IN),
Egesina (Egesina) laosiana (LA), Glenea (Glenea) glechomoides (IN), G. sikkimensis (IN),
G. sulphuroides (CN), Hyllisia shembaganurensis (IN), H. vicina (IN) – sp. + ssp.n.
Mimipochira flavostigmata – gen. + sp.n. – IN
Oberea assamensis (IN), O. flavodiscalis (IN), O. griseopennis ssp. chinensis (CN),
O. holatripennis (CN), O. pseudannulicornis (IN), O. rubetra ssp. sikkimana (IN),
Obereopsis quadrinotaticollis ssp. lachungi (IN), O. varieantennalis (IN) – sp. et ssp.n.,
Paracalamobius tonkinensis – gen. + sp.n. – VN,
Parajoesse nagaensis – gen. + sp.n. – IN,
Paranaesthetis metallica – gen. + sp.n. – CN,
Parostedes tonkinensis – gen. + sp.n. – VN,
Pharsalia (Ph.) tibetana (CN), Ph. (Antennopharsalia) jaccoudi (MY), Pothyne mohouti (LA),
P. albosternalis (CN), P. luteomaculata (VN), Pterolophia (Pt.) chinensis (CN), P. (Pt.)
todui (VN), P. (Pt.) yunnanensis (CN), P. (Armatopraonetha) pedongana (IN),
Ropica barbieri (VN), Sophronica tonkinensis (VN), Sybra (Pseudathelasis) concolor (IN),
Trichacalolepta mohouti – gen. + sp.n. – LA,
Tuberoenes sikkimensis (IN), Uraecha laosica (LA) – sp. + ssp.n. /
o--1982, chapter pagination: 139-149, In: Sato M., Hori Y., Arita Y. and Okadome T. (Eds.) - Special isue to the
memory of retirement of Emeritus Professor Michi Chujo. Association of the Memorial
Issue of Emeritus Professor M. Chujo, Nagoya, Japan. 1982: 1-185 pp.
Descriptions de nouvelles formes de Lamiinae de l'Asie orientale.
/ Lamiinae – ssp.n. – Asia /
---1983, 5 (1): 15-18, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Lamiaires recoltes dans l´archipel des Philippines par M.J. Orusset (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Lamiinae – 6 sp.n. – PH /
---1983, 79 (1): 61-62, Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer
Descriptions de trois nouvelles especes de Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae) d´Asie.
/ Glenea (Glenea) discofasciata - sp.n.- JP
Gnoma malasiaca - sp.n. - MY
Trichomelanauster albomaculatus – gen. + sp.n. – TH /
c--1983, (3): 41-42, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d'une Eunida nouvelle du Kenya.
c--1984 (1981), 43(3-4): 411-416, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Serie Sciences Nat
/ Notes regarding some Rhodopinini and Acanthocinini of Africa (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). /
/ Sophronica pseudintricata - etc. ... /
*BRIN Antoine
c°--2005, : 1-15,
Inventaire coléopteres de la suberaie de Sant Baumas (Maures, Var).
*BRINGMANN Hans-Dieter
---1979, 23 (3): 43-44, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Ein Beitrag zur Biologie von Strangalia aethiops (Poda)
---1979, 23 (7): 108-109, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
50. Die Cerambyciden eines Obstgartens (Col.)
---1980, 24: 46-47, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Mecklenburgische Fundorte der Phytoecia cylindrica (Linnaeus).
---1981, 25 (6): 91-92, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Leptura sexguttata Fabricius, auch im Norden der DDR (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1981, 25 (7-8): 123-124, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Bemekenswertes zur Biologie von Judolia cerambyciformis (Schrank) (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1982, 9 (12): 125-136, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Bockkäfer des Bezirkes Rostock. (INSECTA, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1982, 26 (5): 227-229, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die gegenwartigen Vorkommen von Leptura scutellata Fabricius (Col., Cerambycidae) im Gebiet der DDR
---1983, 27 (3): 130-131, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Faunistische Notiz 136. Ein Beitrag zur Cerambycidenfauna Bulgariens.
/ 2 sp. – fist record for BG /
---1989, 33 (2): 79-81, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Rhopalopus clavipes (Fabricius) - im Gebiet der DDR ausgestorben (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1989, 33 (4): 155-159, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Verzeichnis der allochthonen Bockkäferarten für das Gebiet der DDR (Col. Cerambycidae).
1. Beitrag zur Cerambycidenfauna der DDR.
---1990, 34 (6): 269-272, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Verbreitung und Häufigkeit von Callidium aeneum De Geer im Gebiet der ehemdigen DDR (Ceramb.).
---1991, 35 (1): 33-43, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Untersuchungen über die Gefahrdung der Bockkäfer in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, 35 (3): 209-210, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Bemerkenswerte Notizen uber einige mitteleuropaische Bockkafer (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, 35 (4): 274-275, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Beschreibung der Larve von Dorcadion fuliginator (Linnaeus) (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1992, 36 (2): 126-129, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Zum gegenwartigen Vorkommen des Weberbockes (Lamia textor) in Ostdeutschland (Col., Ceramb.).
---1993, 37 (1): 21-24, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Zum gegenwartigen Vorkommen des Wacholderböckes (Phymatodes glabratus)
in Deutschland (Col.,Cerambbycidae).
---1993, 1-26 pp., Goldschmidt Druck GmbH, Schwerin
Rote Liste der Gefährdeten Bockkäfer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerens. 1. Fassung.
---1994, 38 (3): 175-178, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Zum gegenwärtigen Vorkommen des Lärchenbockes Isarthron gabrieli (Weise)
in Deutschland (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1995, 39 (1-2): 67-71, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Agapanthia-Arten Bulgariens (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Ag. osmanlis, lais, frivaldszkyi ... /
c--1996, 40 (1): 52-53, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Pedostrangalia-Arten Bulgariens (Col.-Ceramb.).
c--1997(1996), 40 (4): 237-239, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Morimus- und Acanthoderes-Arten Bulgariens (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Acanthoderes krueperi - 1st record BG /
---1997, 36: 201-226, Archiv der Freunde dr Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg
Die Bockkäfer der Hansestadt Rostock (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1998, 42 (1-2): 77-78, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Musaria-Arten (Genus Phytoecia) Bulgariens (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1998, 37: 5-133, Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg
Die Bockkäfer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2001, 45 (2): 119-121, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Pogonocherus-Arten Bulgariens (Col., Cerambycidae).
(et DÖRING W.)
---2003, 47 (3-4): 141-146, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Untersuchungen zur Bluetenbindung in Deutschland nachgewiesener Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
[Studies on the flower dependence of German Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).]
---1947, 3 (5-6): 256, L'Entomologiste
Autres remarques sur Dorcadion fuliginator L.
---1982, pp. 582, Quelleand Mayer, Heidelberg
Fauna vo Deutschland: ein Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt.
*BRONGNIART Charles Jules Edmée
---1890, (6) 10: 183-185, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
(Description de quelques longicornes nouveaux de l’Indo-Chine).
---1890, (6) 10: 237-253, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bull.: 121
/Nouvelle espece du genere Rosalia./
/ Rosalia lameerei - sp.n. /
---1793, 1: 34, pl. 2/2, Bull. Soc. Philomat.
Description d'une nouvelle espčce de Lamie.
---1915, 262: 1-7, Bull. U.S. Dept. Agric.
The Parandra borer as an orchard enemy.
---1967, Uganda
Forest insect of Uganda. An annotated list.
---1996, 96 (3/2): 571-580, Lambillionea
Note su alcuni interessanti cerambicidi della coleotterofauna marchigiana
(Italia, Marche, Pesaro - Valle del Foglia).
(Brullé A.G.)
c--1832, 402 pp., Expédition Scientifique de Morée. Sc. Phys., T. III (Part1), sect. 2, Zool.: 114-274
Introduction ou consideration générales sur les animaux Articulés de la Morée
Famille des Cérambycins: (250 - 266)
Paracorymbia pallens, Aredolpona rufa, Vadonia bisignata, Pedostrangalia verticalis (sub Leptura),
Cerambyx velutinus, Callimoxys gracilis (sub Stenopterus), Plagionotus bobelayei, scalaris (sub
Clytus), Chlorophorus aegyptiacus (sub Clytus nigripes),Callidium latreillei, Stenopterus gracilis,
Purpuricenus boryi, affinis - sp.n.
Neodorcadion virleti(sub Dorcadion), Dorcadion femoratum, Morinus - errata MORIMUS., Oxylia
duponcheli, Parmena pilosa, Saperda duponchelii, Helladia flavescens (sub Saperda), Phytoecia
baccueti (sub Saperda) - sp.n. /
---1838, Tome II (2a Partie): 1-119, 5 pls, Bethune, Paris
In: Webb Ph.B. et Berthelot S.: Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries (1838-1844)
Animaux articulés rcueillis aux Iles Canaries par MM. Webb et Berthelot.
/ INSECTA - 54-95 pp. - Trichoferus roridus - (sub Callidium) - sp.n.,
Leprosoma gibba - (sub Lepromoris) - sp.n.,
Deroplia albida, annulicornis - ( !! sub Cerambyx) - sp.n. /
c--1990, 46 (1): 1-6, L'Entomologiste
A propos du Purpuricenus globulicollis Mulsant, 1839.
/ P. globulicollis ssp.astrabadensis - comb.n. - IR /
o--1997, 97 (1): 141-149, Lambillionea
* Nouvelles observations sur Brachyta borni Ganglbauer (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1999, 104 (3) : 231-240, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
(et VAN MEER C.)
Sur quelques éléments remarquables de l’entomofaune saproxylique pyrénéenne
et des régions voisines. (Coleoptera).
---2000, 105 (4): 357-374, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Oh cette Grésigne! Axquisition remarquable pour cette foret et le Sud-Oest de la France:
données faunistiques et perspectives de conservation.
---2001, 29 (1) : 11-20, Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
(et FREEMAN Jean-Cyril, VALLADARES Lionel, VAN MEER Cyrille)
Données originales sur quelques Cerambycidae des Pyrénées régions voisines (Coleoptera).
---2001, 106 (5): 473-482, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Oh cette Grésigne! Données faunistiques nouvelles pour cette foret (Coleoptera)
(deuxiéme supplément au catalogue de Jean Rabil, 1992, 1995).
c°--2002, 38 (4): 443-461, Annales de la Societe entomologique de France., (n.s.) (et BERGER P., COQUEMPOT C.)
Catalogue des Vesperidae et Cerambycdae de la faune de France.
---2002, 4: 1-23, Esap
Inventaire préliminaire des Coléopteres Cerambycides de la région Parc National des Pyrénées
---2005, 33 (1): 43-45, Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux
Sur quelques Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) remarquables de la chaîne pyrénéenne.
*BUSE Jörn
c°--2008, 16: 109-112, Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. allg. angew. Ent., Giessen
The xylobiontic beetle fauna of old oaks colonised by the endangered longhorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo
Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1933, 75: 55-74, Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale
Les organes reproducteurs femelles et male l´Acanthocinus aedilis avec une note relative
au conduit éjaculateur du Vesperus strepens.
---1987, pp. 128, Приокское книжное издательство,Тула. [Priokskoe izdtatelstvo, Tula]
Íŕńĺęîěűĺ Ňóëüńęîăî ęđŕ˙. [Insects of Tula area.]
---1838, : 253-254, Revue Zoologie
(Buquet Jean Baptiste Lucien)
Notice sur nouveau genre de longicornes de la tribu des cérambycins.
---1843, : 330-331, Revue Zoologie
Description d’une nouvelle espéce de Longicorne de la tribu des Prioniens, appartenant au Genere
Mallodon de Serville.
c--1979, 35 (2): 25-42, Annales Zoologici, Warszawa
(in Polish)
Immature stages and bionomics of Vadonia livida (F.) (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1981, (34): 199-218, Mem. zool.
Longicornes (Col., Cerambycidae) of Warszaw and Mazovia.
---1981, 25 (1): 107-119, Przeglad Zoologiczny
[Three species of beetles (Coleoptera) new to the Polish fauna.]
/ Mesosa myops – first record - PL /
c--1990(1989), Warszawa, PWN, pp. 312, Katalog No 48 (et MROCZKOWSKI M, STEFANSKA J.)
Katalog fauny Polski, Cz. 23, T 15,
Chrascze Coleoptera - Cerambycidae i Bruchidae
*BURDA Alexandr
o--1984, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Křivoklátské lesy a jejich fauna tesaříkovitých (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(Associate Editor)
c--1997, Universiti Press, Cambridge
Data Sheets on Qurantine Pests Phoracantha semipunctata (pp. 431-436)
In: Quarantine Pests for Europe (Second Edition)
---1991, 35 (1): 65-66, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Bemerkenswerte Käfer (Col., Malachiidae, Anobiidae, Cerambycidae, Anthribidae)
aus einer Efeutreibzucht (Hedera helix L.).
---2000, 49 (3-4): 59-61, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Faunistik und Oekologie von Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting, 1784) in Bavaria. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1939, 60: 206-258, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Zur Kenntnis der Paarung, Eiablage und Ernährung der Cerambyciden.
---1952, 1 (3): 38-39, FAO Plant Prot. Bull.
Two important tree borers in Israel.
---1952, Vol.1: 696-699, Amsterdam
The Eucalyptus borer (Phoracantha semipunctata F.)
In: Trans. 9th Int. Congr. Entomology (Amsterdam)
---1952, 1: 696, Trans. IX Int. Congr. Ent.
(et NEUMARK S. )
---1953, Departement of Agriculture (Israel), Circular N°68
c--1956, 5: 207-226, pl. 1, (?1 map), Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Sect. B, Zoologie
The Cerambycidae of Israel.
/ Cerambycidae - Israel - 84 sp. (5 sp. endemic)
Nothophysis rugosiceps Pic - male
Rhaesus caesariensis - syn.n. - Rh. serricollis Motsch.
Coptosia nigrosuturata Heyr. - b.sp. - (=C. ganglbaueri Pic. ab. nigrosuturata Heyr.) /
---1967, 2: 107-143, Israel Journal of Entomology
Insects associated with Oaks (Quercus) in Israel.
---1980, 6: 165-192, Boletin - Servicio de Defensa contra Plagas e Inspeccion Fitopatologica
Proximidad de dos nuevos enemigos de los Eucalyptus en Espaňa.
---1986, 16: 265-283, Bulletin OEPP
Importance des insectes ravageurs de l'eucalyptus en région méditerranéenne.
---1981, Ministerio de Agricultura: 6 pp.
El perforador de eucaliptos
*CAI Yun-cai
---1999, 18 (2): 25-26, Senlin Bingchong Tongxun (in Chinese)
[On the damage and control of Mallambyx raddei.]
(et al )
---1914, 236 pp., Mémoires de la Société Linnéene de Provence, Marseille
Catalogue des Coléopteres de Provence. 3eme partie.
c°--1998, N°21: 22, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa §§§
Nuevas citas de la Provincia de Salamanca (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - 19 sp. - first rec. for Salamanca Prov. /
c°--1998, N°21: 22, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevas citas de cerambicidos Stenocorus meridianus L. (Col. Cerambycidae)
en la Comunidad de Madrid.
c°--1999, No 25: 31, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Corymbia maculicornis (Degeer, 1775) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): primera cita para Aragon.
c°--1999(1998), 8: 3-10, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
(et CARTE S.P.)
Hesperophanes pallidus (Olivier, 1790) en la Peninsula Iberica: nuevas citas y aportacion al conocimiento
c--2001, 1: 17-23, Heteropterus Revista de Entomologia
Drymochares cylindraceus (Fairmaire, 1849) en la Penísula Ibérica: contribución al conocimiento
de su biología (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ D. cylindraceus - distribution, biology /
c°--2004, 28 (1-2): 13-54, Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent.
Aportación de datos y corología de la Cerambycidae (Coleoptera ) de la provincia
de Salamanca (Castilla y León).
---2007, No 40: 267-280, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Vesperus sanzi Reitter, 1895 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): estudio de su biología, etología y distribución
geográfica (Penísula Ibérica).
---1912, (2) 23 (48): 49, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Description of a new species of Vesperus from Portugal.
/ Vesperus reitteri - sp.n. - PT (=V. bolivari) /
---1983, 30 (2): 87-89, Natura e Montagna
Un abitant del legno: Aegosoma scabricorne Scop.
c--1989, 43: 69-73, Boll. Ist. Ent. “G.Grandi“ Univ. Bologna
(et SAMA G.)
Prima segnalizazione per l´Italia di un cerambicide giapponese: Callidiellum rufipenne Motsch.
---1989, 17: 52-53, Agricultura
(et SAMA G.)
Ulteriori dati sulla presenza del Callidiellum rufipenne Motsch., nella Pineta di S.-Vitale
in provincia di Ravena. Un cerambicide del Ginepro.
---1993, 43 (7-8): 35-37, IF (Informatore Fitopatologico)
Arhopalus syriacus Reitter (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(et SAMA G.)
c°--1999, 249 pp., U.S. Depatment of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-147
Wild Plants and Their Associated Insects in the Palearctic Region, Primarily Europe and Middle East.
/ Host plants – CRC, etc. /
only abstract
(Çanakçıoğlu H.)
---1956, İ. Ü. Yay. No : 690, Orman Fak. Yay. No. 41, 41 pp.
Bursa Ormanlarında Entomolojik Araştırmalar.
---1993, İ. Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, İ. Ü.Yay. No : 3623, Orman Fak. Yay. No : 412, İ. Ü.
Basımevi ve Film Merkezi, İstanbul, (ikinci baskı), 458 pp.
Orman Entomolojisi (Özel Bölüm).
---1998, İ. Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları, Rektörlük No : 4063, Orman Fak. Yay. No : 451, Dilek
Ofset Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 541 pp.
(et MOL T.)
Orman Entomolojisi Zararlı ve Yararlı Böcekler.
*CANOT Pierre
---1988, 44 (6): 308, L'Entomologiste
Sur deux especes de coléopteres capturées en Corse (Scrabaeidae and Cerambycidae).
---1990, 46 (5): 205-207, L'Entomologiste
Un longicorne nouveau pour la faune de France: Neoclytus acuminatus (F.) (Col., Cerambcycidae).
---1990, (415): 43-46, PHYTOMA
Le capricorne de l'eucalyptus: Acclimat‚ en Corse, menace-t-il le continen
en Corse, menace-t-il le continent
---1979, 123 (12): 47-58, Sylwan
Wystepovanie scig Tetropium Kirby (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) i ich pasozytØɷ w Polsce.
c--1927, 59 (9): 132-133, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Nota sinonimica. Hylotrupes minutus CASEY = H. bajulus ab. puellus Villa.
c--1939, 31: 196-200, BFAP
Una nuova specie di MACROTOMA s. str. della Somalia (Coleopt. Prionidae).
/ Macrotoma (s.str.) russoi - sp.n. - SO /
c--1940, 60: 451-453, AMNG
Nota sinonimica. Cantharocnemis (Cantharoctenus) antennatus Franz 1938 = C. maindardi Capra 1939
(Coleopt. Ceramb. Prioninae)
---1872, p. 1-120, Tipopografía Fabregues Hermanos, Mahón
Catálogo metódico de los Coleópteros de Menorca, acampaňado de numrosos datos y varias listas
alfabéticas. O sea: Guía del coleccionista entomólogico en dicha Balear.
---1991, No. 69: 22-24, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat (BSSN)
D'un 'aberrant chromatique' de Purpuricenus aux incertitudes de la determination
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) (Faune de France).
---1991, No. 71: 21-27, BSSN
Agapanthia asphodeli (Latreille, 1804) en region littorale languedocienne: quelques notes
etho-ecologiques (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1992, (No. 75-76): 62-67, BSSN
Agapanthia krbyi (Gyllenhal, 1817) en region heraultaise: quelques notes etho-ecologiques
(Coleoptera, Cearambycidae).
---1993, No 78: 29-36, BSSN
Agapanthia asphodeli (Latreille, 1804) : essai de repartition biogeographique et altitudinale pour
le departement de l´Herault, particularites ethologiques (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1997, 97 (2): 213-218, Lambillionea
D´Agapanthia dahli (Richter,1821) a Lixus algirus Linné,1767): comportement mimétique
et compétitif sur meme support botanique (Col.:Curculion.)
o--1998, 98 (1): 38-45, Lambillionea
L´imbroglio taxonomique des formes Heraultaisses d´Agapanthia cardui (Linne, 1767) (C.,Cerambyc.)
---1998, 98 (3/1): 339-346, Lambillionea
Vers une connaissance des larves adultes d'agapanthiaires, influence des plantes-hotes
sur la stature imaginale. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1998, 98 (4): 574-578, Lambillionea
Evaluation du statut ecologique d'Acanthocinus aedilis, pour le Departement de la Lozere.
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 99 (2): 207 - ???, Lambillionea
La larve arpenteuse des tiges d´Euphorbe characis: aspect iconographique, biologie comparative avec
quelques Lamiinae (Col., Mordellidae – Cerambycidae)
o--2000, 100 (1/1): 42-52, Lambillionea
Sur la colonisation des viperines par Opsilia coerulescens (Scopoli, 1763) dans le departement
de l´Herault. Essai de comprehension du parasitisme. (Col., Cerambycidae)
o---2000, 100 (3/2): 423-432, Lambillionea
Des difficultes de la systematique a l´ecobiologie d´Agapanthia intermedia (Ganglbauer, 1883)
pour le departement de la Lozere (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2001, 101 (1/2): 107-114, Lambillionea
Agapanthia kirbyi (Gyllenhal, 1817) en region heraultaise: note de terrain, cycle biologique (Col.,Ceramb.)
o--2001, 101 (3/1): 404-412, Lambillionea
Perinalite et variantes morphologiques des larvules neonates d'Agapanthiini: reflexions sur les plantes-hotes
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2001, 101 (4/2): 596-599, Lambillionea
Teratologie des coleopteres: une monstruosite exceotionnelle chez Agapanthia asphodeli (Latreille,1804).
o--2002, 102 (2): 207-214, Lambillionea
Chalcididens oophages et Agapanthiini: Notes diverses de terrain, evaluation du statut d'Agapanthia
villosoviridescens (DeGeer, 1775) variete acutipennis Mulsant pour le departement de l¨Herault.
(Hymenoptera, Chalcididae - Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2002, 102 (3/1): 273-281, Lambillionea
Sur la dynamique de Psoralea bituminosa dans l'Herault, plante-hote pour Agapanthia cardui varite peragalli
(Mulsant, 1862) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2003, 103 (2/2): 253-262, Lambillionea
Chalcidiens oophages et Agapanthiini: note etho-biologique complementaire.
(Hymenoptera, Chalcididae - Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2005, 105 (3/2): 463-470, Lambillionea
Biogeographie et dynamique des populations heraultaises d'Agapanthia kirby (Gyllenhal, 1817):
approche physiologique comparative de l'oviposition (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2007, 107 (4/1): 551-556, Lambillionea
Impact des variations climatiques sur les populations saxicoles de Agapanthia asphodeli
(Latreille, 1804). (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1984, 2 (19): 205-222, Bolm.Soc.Port.Ent.
Coléopteros colhidos nos Acores pelo Major Bivas Sousa, entre Julhode 1978 e Agosto de 1979
(incluindo algunos apanhados pot D. TeixeiraPombo na ilha de Santa Maria.
*CASADIO Carlo Arrigo
o--2006, 106 (1/1): 29-34, Lambillionea
Remarks about the holotype of Rosenbergeria straussi (Gestro, 1876) (Col., Ceramb., Lamiinae, Batocerini).
---1912, 3: 215, Memoirs on the Coleoptera
Further studies among the American Longicornia.
*CAUBET Francois
---1998, 1 (2): Revue Rutilans
Une nouvelle forme individuelle d'Anaglyptus mysticus L. Coleoptera - Cerambycidae.
/ A. mysticus artiguensis - new form /
---1983, 12 (2): 455-464, Atti Congr. naz. ital. Ent.
Osservazioni sulla diffusione di Phoracantha semipunctata F. in Sardegna, Sicilia e nell'Italia
---1986, 16: 293-297, Bulletin OEPP
Les insectes nuisibles aux eucalyptus en Italie; importance dégats et méthodes de lutte.
---1983(1980), 12 (2): 455-464, Atti del Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia
Osservazioni sulla diffusione di Phoracantha semipunctata F. in Sardagena, Sicilia e nell´Italia
---1992, 13 (1): 5-25, Alba Pompeia, N.S.
I Coleotteri Cerambicidi del Museo civico "F. Eusebio".
c°--1952, No 1588: 1-55, American Museum Novitates
The Cerambycidae of the Bahama Islands, Brtish West Indies (Coleoptera).
(et LACEY L.)
---1997, 129 (2): 119-139 Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italina
(in Italian)
[The xylophagous and bark beetles from the Italian National Park of Foreste Casentinesi, Falterona Mount
and Campigna (Insecta Coleoptera).]
(Čechovský P.)
o--1988, 24: 25-26, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Dva nové druhy brouků pro území Moravy (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae).
[Zwei neue Arten Käfers für das Gebiet Mährens]
/ Calamobius filum - new species for Moravia, CZ /
*CHEN Yi-Ming
---1998, 13 (4): 373-376, Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
(et CHAO Jung-Tai)
Three species of long-horned beetles feeding on Taiwan red pine.
/ Acanthocinus gundaiensis, Monochamus alternatus, Paraleprodera itzingeri /
c°--1940, : 83-89, Kontyu
On some logicorn.beetles of the genus Evodinus from Corea and Manchoukuo.
*CHUJO Michitaka
c--1998, N°38: 1-28, Esakia
(et CHUJO Michio)
A List of the Coleopterous Type Specimens from Chujo-Chujo Collection Donated to Kyushu
University, II (Isecta).
/ partim - Cerambycidae: 25-26 pp. - 4 type specimens /
(Čepelák J.)
c--1932, 6 (1): 7-8, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
{u Heyrovsky 1932}
Neue Cerambyciden-Formen aus der Tschechoslovakischen Republik
o--1940, 37: 82-83, Časopis Československé spolecnosti entomologické
Pozorování o Rosalia alpina a jeho varabilitě.
*CERNY Zdenek
(Černý Zdeněk)
---1993, 9: 155-166, Rosalia
Příspěvek k faunistickému výzkumu tesaříkovitých (Cerambycidae) v chráněné krajinné oblasti Ponitrie
a okolí. [Contribution to the faunistic research of longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) in a wider
surroundings of PLA Ponitrie.]
c--1996, (94): 551-561, Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ.Masarykianae Brunnensis, Biologia
In:Rozkošný R. et Vaňhara J.(Eds.): Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, III
Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea 1 (Cerambycidae)
---2002, 14: 3-26, Studie zprávy Okresního muzea Praha-východ
[A Contribution to the Understanding of Beetles of the family Coleoptera: Cerambycidae in Greece.]
c--1996, 128 (1): 85-90 (87-88), Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, Genova
Segnalazioni faunistiche Italiene (N. 292-312)
301 - Oxypleurus nodieri (Muls.,1839) (Col., Cer.)
(Chalumeau Fortuné)
---1983, 13 (2): 219-237, Nouvelles Revue d'Entomologie
Acanthocinini des Petites Antilles. Nouveaux taxa et observations diverses (Col.:Cerambyc.: Lamiinae).
o--2004, 104 (2/1): 189-198, Lambillionea
Nouvelles especes, synonymies et notes concernant quelques longicornes des Petites Antilles (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Gourbeyrella alexisi, G. madininae, Bonfilsia pejoti (Tillomorphini) - sp.n. - fc
Lepturges brochieri (Lamiinae) - sp.n. - fc /
o--2004, 104 (4): 251-255, Lambillionea
Nouveaux Elaphidiini des Petites Antiles et notes diverses (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Stizocera daudini - sp.n. - Martinique,
Elaphidion irroratum debieni - ssp.n. - St-Martin /
o--2005, 105 (1): 155-159, Lambillionea
Nouveaux longicornes de la Dominique et la Martinique (Petites Antilles) et notes
diverses (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Neseuterpia deknuydti - sp.n. - Dominique
Strangalia debroizei - sp.n. - Dominique
Estola rogueti - sp.n. - Martinique /
---1976, 2 (7): 89, Fabrieris
Notes sur quelques Cerambycidae de la region de St-Neree.
c--1985, 41 (4): 172, L'Entomologiste
Notes de chasse et observations diverses.
Purpuricenus globulicollis Mulsant dans l'Ardeche (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1910, 46: 70-71, The Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Note on Grammoptera ruficornis F. var. pallipes Steph.
---1925, 61: 169–181, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Some Indian (and Tibetan) Coleoptera (17).
---1825, 255 pp., A. Gosohorsky, Wratislawiae
Horae Entomologicae adjectis tabulis novem coloratis.
---2001, vol. 12: 1-296, in Fauna Sinica, Pekin
Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae
(et CHEN L.)
---1969, 2 (4): 10-34, Quart. J. Chin. For.
[The longicorn beetles attacking pine-tree (Pinus spp.) in Taiwan.]
---1976, 11 (1): 1-19, pls 1-7, Trans. ent. Soc., Taichung
[The clytine cerambycids of Taiwan.]
(In Chinese)
---1992, : 62-63, Revue Vervietoise d´Histoire Naturelle
Observations de quelques coleopteres a la Borchense (Gileppe) durant plus d´un mois,
sur des chenes abattus.
/ Cerambycidae, Buprestidae – BE – species list /
---1983, 49 (12): 395-396, Science and Culture
(et PAL S.N.)
A simple method for collecting eggs of longhorned borer, Acanthoporus (Acanthophorus)
serraticornis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--1989, 45 (4-5): 261-271, L'Entomologiste
Contribution la conaissance des Cerambycidae du Maroc nord-oriental, de leur biologie
et de leur écologie.
/ Cerambycidae - 34 sp. - Morocco /
o--1994, 11 (4): 335-339, Novelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.)
Coléopteres nouveaux ou interessants de la region de Figuig (Sud-Est du Maroc).
/ Funal records - 8 sp. Caraboidea, 8 sp. Scrabaeoidea, 2 sp. Buprestidae
1 sp. - CERAMBYCIDAE - Polyarthron pectinicornis - p.338 /
o--1999, 55 (4): 167-174, L'Entomologiste
Deuxieme contribution a la connaissance des Cerambycidae du Maroc Oriental.
/ Cerambycidae - 20 sp. - host plants - Morocco /
(Khavtasi D.D.)
---1973, 70 (3): 721-723, Soobsch. AN Gruz. SSR
O nachozhdenii v Gruzii drovoseka Macrotoma scutellaris Germ.
---1972, 23: 51-52, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Appunti per la conoscenza dei Cerambicidi delle Marche.
---1976, 1: 105-129, Ricerche sulla Riserva Naturale di Torricchio
Coleotteri della Riserva Naturale di Torricchio.
c°--2008, 52 (2): 303, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Nota necrologica
/ John A. Chemsak - *1932 - †2007/
o--1962, 38 (2): 113-112, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
New North American species of Elaphidioninae (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1963, 30 (1): 1-90, 9 Pls, Univ. Calif. Pubbl. Entom.
Taxonomy and bionomics of the genus Tetraopes.
---1964, 40: 231-237, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Type species of generic names applied to Northern American Lepturinae.
---1980, 56 (2): 113-120, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Revision of the genus Stenobatyle Casey. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae - Purpuricenini)
---1982, 40 (1-2): 390-394, Wasmann J. Biol.
New Mexican Purpuricenini (Col. Cerambycidae)
/ Deltaspis subopaca sp. n., Neotaranomis gen.n. – N. sinaloae, N. australis sp.n.- MX /
c°--1983, 25 (2-3): 226-230, International Journal of Entomology
Confirmation of the occurence of Echthistatus in Mexico and description of a related new genus
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1984, 60 (2): 114-118, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Description of a new purpuricenine genus, Linsleyella (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Linsleyella michelbacheri – sp.n. – MX, L. ricei – sp.n. – Texas /
*CHEN Bing
c--1989, 14 (1): 96-103, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
A preliminary study on the numerical taxonomy of the genus Anoplophora (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1989, 32 (3): 341-349, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
A numerical taxonomic study of Anoplophora nobilis (Ganglbauer) and A. glabripennis (Motschulsky)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1992, 19 Int. Congr. Entomol., Beijing, June 28 –July 4, 1992:Proc.: Abstracta, Bejing, p. 45
(et CHIANG Sh.)
Notes on the genus Gnathostrangalia Hayashi with descriptions of two new species from China.
o°--1993, 15 (1): 65-67, Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
(et CHIANG Sh.)
Notes on the Genus Asaperada Bates with description of a new species (Col.: Ceramb.: Lamiinae).
/ Asaperda chongqingensis - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan /
c°--1993, 15 (1): 68-70, Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
New Records of Longicorn Beetles from China.
/ CN - record : Rhaphipodus fruhstorferi, Demonax maximus, Cenodocus laosensis,
Calothryza margaritifera, Mesosa rondoni, Mimocagosima ochreipennis /
c°--1993, 15 (4): 337-338, Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
New Records of Longicorn Beetles from China.
/ CN - record : Pterolophia rondoniana,Glenea fissilis, Mesosa quadriplagiata, Mesosa tonkinea /
---1996, 18 (3): 188-192, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHIANG Sh.)
Three new species of Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from China.
/ Gnathostrangalia elliptica
Pedostrangalia quadrimaculata
Stenocorus fuscodorsalis - sp.n. - CN /
---1999, 21 (2): 118, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHIANG Sh.)
Two new recorded species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from China.
/ Judolidia bangi, Macropidonia ruficollis - first record /
---2000, 22 (1): 31-36, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHIANG Sh.)
Three new species of Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from China.
/ Gaurotina nigroantenata
Rhagium quinghaiensis
Sinostrangalis simianshana - sp.n. - CN /
*CHEN Shu-chun
---1959, 1: 1-120 pls 1-20, Science Press, Beijing
(et XIE W.-Z, ZHENG G.-F.)
[Economic Insect Fauna of China, Fasc. 1, Coleoptera: Cerambycidae I]
c--1991, 34 (3): 344-345, Acta Entomologica Sinica
[A new species of genus Necydalis from Shennongjia, Hubei, China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
/ Necydalis rufoabdominis - sp.n. - CN /
c--1993, 36 (2): 195-197, Acta Entomologica Sinica
[A new species of the genus Exocentrus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
/ Exocentrus beijingensis – sp.n. – CN: Beijing /
*CHENG Jingqiu
c--1986, No. 3: 138-143, Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
(et ZHOU J-g, LIAO H-g)
[Study of hemolymph proteins with electrophoresis in 9 species of longicorn beetles.]
c--1991, 27(3): 234-237, pl. 1, Scientia Silvae Sinicae
[Sound production in longhorned beetles: stridulation and associated behaviour
of the adult (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
(Tsherepanov A.I.) or (Čerepanov A.I.)
c--1952, 31 (2): 276-284, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Moscow
Materialy k faune zhukov-drovosekov Tuvinskoy avtonomnoy oblasti.
c--1971, No. 4: 17-27, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri (NVFS)
Morfologija lichinok i biologija uschej roda Evodinus LeConte (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1971, No. 4: 97, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija i biologija Agapanthia altaica Plav.
c--1971, No. 4: 14-16, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novij vid roda Chlorophorus (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1971, No. 5: 25-53, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri (in Russ.)
[Morphology of Larvae and Biology of the subfamily Lamiinae (Cerambycidae, Col.), Saperda F.
- Oberea Muls. Group of West Siberia.]
c--1971, 5: 19-24, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri (in Russ.)
[Amarisius altajensis Laxm. (Col., Cerambycidae) in Salair Forests]
---1973, No. 6: 21-72, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija lichinok i biologija usachej gruppy Xylotrechus Chevr. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1973, No. 6: 124-125, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novyj vid roda Exocentrus (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1973, No. 7: 38-72, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija lichinok i biologija usachej gruppy Monochamus (Col., Cerambycidae)
naseljajushchich lesa Sibiri.
---1973, No. 7: 73-78, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija i biologija maloizvestnogo vida Evodinus bifasciatus Oliv. (Col., Cerambycidae)
v lesach Ussurijskogo regiona.
---1973. No. 7: 79-85, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novij rod i vid drovoseka (Col., Cerambycidae) dlja fauny SSSR.
---1973, No. 7: 138-139, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novye vidy roda Exocentrus (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1974, No. 8: 32-60, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija i biologija usachej guppy Pterolophia - Xylariopsis.
---1975, pp. 1-207, Nauka, Moscow
(in Russian)
Zhuki-drovoseki ivovykh lesov Sibiri. [Longhorn beetles of Siberian willow trees.]
/ Amarysius altajensis ussuricus – ssp.n.
Molorchus incognitus – ssp.n. /
---1975, No. 9: 34-37, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novyj vid roda Tetrops (Col., Cerambycidae) v lesach Dalnego Vostoka.
---1975, No. 9: 38-46, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novye vidy zhukov-drovosekov (Col., Ceramb.) v dubovych lesach Ussurijsko-Primorskogo regiona.
---1976, No. 10: 66-78, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novye i maloizvestnye taksony triby Molorchini (Col., Cerambycidae) dlja fauny SSSR.
---1976, No. 10: 79-83, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novyj vid roda Stenhomalus With (Col.,Cerambycidae) v faune ostrova Kunashir.
---1976, No. 10: 84-101, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Zhuki-drovoseki roda Exocentrus Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae) shirokolistevnych lesov Dalnego Vostoka.
---1976, No. 10: 175-177, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novoe o morfologii lichinok Tetrops praeusta L.
---1977, No. 11: 38-46, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
On isolation and biology of new genus Evodinellus Plav. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1977, No. 11: 137-154, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
[ Some new on the morphology and biology of Callichromini-Rosaliini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1978, No. 12 : 97-103, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novye vidy zhukov drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) fauny Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka.
---1978, No. 12: 104-137, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Morfologija preimaginalnych faz i biologija vidov roda Eodorcadion Breun. (Col.,Ceramb.)fauny Sibiri.
---1978, No. 12: 138-143, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novyj vid roda Asias Sem. (Col., Cerambycidae) polupustinnych stepei Tuvy.
o--1979-1985, NAUKA, Novosibirsk,
/in Russian/
[ The Longicorn-Beetles of North Asia ]
Part 1-1979, 471 pp.(Prioninae,Disteniinae-Lepturinae)
2-1981, 215 pp.(Cearambycinae)
3-1982, 259 pp.(Cerambycinae:Clytini, Stenaspini)
4-1983, 223 pp.(Lamiinae:Dorcadionini-Apomecynini)
5-1984, 214 pp.(Lamiinae:Pterycoptini-Agapanthiini)
6-1985, 256 pp.(Lamiinae:Saperdini-Tetropini)
---1979, 61: 82-83, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Entomologicheskovo Obshchestava ( TVEO)
[A new species of Miaenia (Coleopetra, Cerambycidae)]
/ Miaenia maritima – sp.n. – Us /
---1980, No. 14: 88-92, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
[New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the forest in the south Siberia.]
---1981, : 42-49, [unnumbered ?No. 15]: 42-49, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy
fauny Sibiri
[On the morphology of preimaginal stages and biology of species of the genus Asaperda Bates
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1981, 63: 82-84, TVEO
Ekologicheskie gruppirovki usachei (Col., Cerambycidae) dolinnych shirokolistvennych lesov juzhnogo
Urala i ich analogii na Dalnem Vostoke.
---1981, 51-53, Nauka, Novosibirsk
(in Russian)
[On larval and pupal morphology of Enoploderes sanguineum Fald., 1837 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Systematic and biology of arthropods and helminthes (New and little-known species of Siberian fauna).]
---1981, 1-317, Nauka, Novosibirsk
(in Russian)
[On the biology of Exocentrus lusitanus L., 1767 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in wide leaved forests
of suthern Ural]
In: Cherepanov A.I. (Ed.) - /Fauna and ecology of arthropods of Siberia. (Proceedings of the 5th
Conference of Siberian Entomologists)./
---1982, : 30-32, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
Novyj vid roda Eryssamena Bat. (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Eryssamena schabliovski - sp.n. - RS /
---1982, : 30-32, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
O morfologii preimaginal'nykh faz i biologii nekotorykh vidov roda Phytoecia Muls. (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae ). [On the morphology of preimaginal phases anf biology of certain species
of the genus Phytoecia Muls. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1984, No. 17 : 38-44, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
O morfologii i biologii Turanium scabrum Kr. i Xylotrechus sieversi Gglb. [On the morphology and biology
of the long-horned beetles Turanium scabrum Kr. and Xylotrechus sieversi Ganglb. (Col., Cerambycidae).]
---1987, No. 19: 3-4, Gel'minty, klestshi i nasekomye. Novye i maloizvestnye vidy fauny Sibiri
[New additional data on the fauna of the long-horned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of north Asia.]
c°--1996, 56-140 pp., In: Opredelitel´ nasekomykh Dal´nego Vostoka Rossii, DAL'NAUKA, Vladivostok,
Tom III, Coleoptera, Part 3: 556 pp.
104. Cem. Cerambycidae - Usachi ili drovoseki.
[104. Fam. Cerambycidae - Longicorn or Timber beetles. In: Key to the insects of Russian Far East.
Vol. III. Coleoptera. Pt. 3. Vladivostok: Dal’nauka: 56-140.]
(in Russian)
---1835, (1) 5: pl. 134, Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
in F. E. Guérin-Méneville, d'Anatomie comparée et de Palaeontologie.
Description de l’Olenecamptus serratus.
---1841, : 24-228, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Description de trente-quatre espéces de Coléopteres de Manille et d’un Tricondyle de Ceylan.
---1849, In: C. D. d'Orbigny, Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris. 13 vols.+3
vols., plates.
---1851, (2) 9: 657-664, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Note sur les longicornes de la collection de Banks, la plupart types de Fabricius, rapportés aux genres actuels.
---1852, (2) 4: 414-422, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Description de Coléoptčres nouveaux.
§---1854, (7-8): 17-23 Revue et Magazin d´Entomologie
Coléopteres de Syrie. 1e mémoire
c--1854, 479-486, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Coléopteres de Syrie.
/ Ergates gaillardoti
Prinobius atropos
Clytus damascenus
Phytoecia alboscutellata,
Phytoecia insignata sp. n. – SY
Phytoecia syriaca Dejean – SY /
---1855, (2) 7: 183-187, 282-290, 513-523, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Description de Longicornes nouveaux du vieux Calabar sur la côte occidental d’Afrique.
---1856, (2) 3: 47-48, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Diagnoses d'espčces nouvelles qui seront décrites et figurées prochainement.
---1856, (2) 8: 84-89, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
In: Guérin Coléoptčres nouveaux.
/ D. bithyniense - sp.n. /
---1856, (2) 8: 436, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Oberea pedemontana
---1857, (2) 9: 103-106, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Description de trois Longicornes noveaux.
§---1857, :414-444, Archives Entomologiques, Paris
Description de six longicornes exotiqueq nouveaux
---1859, (ser. 11) 2: 541, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
Description d'une nouvelle espéce de coléoptere longicorne.
/ Tetrops starkii - sp.n.
---1859, (ser. 11) 2: 541, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Apliqée
Description de Coléopteres nouveaux d’Algerie.
/ Apatophysis toxotoides - sp.n. - AG (=Polyarthron barbarum Lucas) /
---1860, (3) 8: 451-504, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris
Description d’espčces de Clytus propes au Mexique.
---1862, 6: 337-348, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrif
Description d'espéces de Dorcadion d'Espagne.
---1863, 18 (4): 254-350, Mémoirs de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liege (MSRL)
Clytides d'Asie et d'Oceanie.
/ Clytus ciliciensis - sp.n. - TR
§--1882, 6 (2): 62, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France
Especes nouvelles de Longicornes européens et circaméditerranéens et remarques diverses.
/ Leptura bitlisiensis, Agapanthia verecunda, etc.
---1889, (2) 8: ???, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
/ Obrium (=Ossibia) fuscatum - sp.n. - p. 570 ; ...
---1893, 62: 276, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Description d'une variété nouvele de Tetrops praeusta L
/ T. praeusta ssp. algirica. /
*CHIANG Shu-nan
(or *Jiang Shu-nan)
c--1942, 20 (2-4): 253-259, Lignan Science Journal
The Longicorn Beetles of Kwangsi (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Nadezhdiella conica - sp.n. - CN (= syn.) /
---1951, 20 (1): 1-100, pls. 2, Peking Natural History Bulletin
Longicorn Beetles of Kwangsi and Kwiechow Province of China.
---1963, 12: ??? 64, Acta Entomologica Sinica
/ Parastrangalis platyfasciata
---1980, 2 (4): 319-320, 314, Entomotaxonomia
New records of longicorn beetles from China.
(et PU Fu-ji )
---1981, 24 (1): 78-84, Acta Entomologica Sinica
New longicorn beetles from China
/ CERAMBYCINAE - Aeolesthes (Pseudaeolesthes) ningshanensis, Chloridolum tonguanum,
Merionoeda (Macromolorchus) splendida – sp.n.
LEPTURINAE – Encyclops x-signata, Strangalia (Pygostrangalia) gigantina – sp.n.
LAMIINAE – Anoplophora parelegans, Morimospasma granulatum, Paranamera ankangensis,
Pseudoechthistatus acutipennis, Pseudomacrochenus albipennis – sp.n. /
---1984, 6 (2-3): 97-102, illustr., Entomotaxonomia
(et LI L.)
Three new longicorn beetles from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Hoplothrix foveatus, Stegenagapanthia aureomaculata, Thylactus densepunctatus - sp.n. - CN /
c--1985, pp. 189, 211 figs, Science Press, Beijing
(et PU Fu-ji, HUA Li-zhong)
Economic Insect Fauna of China, Fasc. 35, Coleoptera: Cerambycidae III
/ Cerambycidae - 211 col. figs - China / !! only figs !!
---1987, 9 (1): 17-28, Entomotaxonomia
New disteniid beetles from China (Coleoptera: Disteniidae).
/ Typodryas brunnicollis - sp.n. - CN /
(et WU Wei-wen)
o--1992, 4 (1): 69-71, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN Li )
A new species of the genus IoesseThomson (Col., Cerambycidae) from China.
/ Ioesse medongensis – sp.n. – CN: Xizang /
o°--1993, 5 (1): 53-58, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN Li, WANG W.)
Notes on the Genus Gnathostrangalia Hayashi with descriptions two new species from China.
/ G. nigriventralis – sp.n. – CN: Guanxi-Zhuang: Tianpingshan
G. simianshana – sp.n. – CN: Sichuan: Chongqing /
---1994, 16 (2): 107-110, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN Li)
/ A new species of the genus Acrocyrtidus Jordon (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from China. /
/ Acrocyrtidius simianshanensis - sp.n. - CN
---1996, 18: 109-112, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN B., ZHANG R.-Q.)
Two new species of the genus Heterophilus (Coleoptera: Cerambycoidea) from China.
/ H.punctulatus, H. dentitibialis sp.n. - CN:Ti /
---1996, 18: 113-119, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN Li)
Description of two species of Philine larvae (Coleoptera: Cerambycoidea) from China.
c--2001, vol. 21, pp. i-xii + 1-296, 17 figs, 18 pls, Science Press, Beijing 20/1
In: Fauna Sinica,
Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae.
/ Cerambycidae - 3 tribes, 63 genera, 173 sp., ssp. from CN + 78 sp. from TW
9 sp.n. - 6 comb.n. - 2 sp. new record - 1 sp. new name /
*CHIEN Ting-yu
(et CHEN Li)
---1982, 25 (1): 31-34, Acta Entomologica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Studies on Dorysthenes (Baladeva) walkeri Waterhouse.]
---1984, 27 (1): 87-90, Acta Entomologica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Records of the larvae of six species of Monochamus from China ]
---1989, 32 (3): 337-340, Acta Entomologica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Records of the larvae of seven species of Monochamus from China.]
c--1999, pp.
, Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow
(et PAVLICEK T., NEVO Eviatar)
COLEOPTERA of „Evolution Canyon“, Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel I.
Families: Buprestidae, Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Glaphyridae, Hybosobridae,Hydrophilidae,
Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, Tenebrionidae and Trogidae
/ Cerambycidae pp. 104-121 /
---2006, Bd. 12: 307-312 , Esperania, Buchreihe zur Entomologie
The xylophagous beetles (Buprestidae, Lyctidae, Bostrichidae, Anobiidae, Cerambycidae, Scolytidae,
Platypodidae) (Coleoptera) collected in the Israeli light trap survey and their assotiation with the major
phyto-geographical zones of Israel.
---1936, 36: 93, Trans.nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
---1961, 3: 1-171, pls. 1-3, Journ. Nat. Ac. Sci. Rep. Korea
A taxonomical study on the longicorn beetles in Korea (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
---1969, N°10: 411-560, pls. 12-31,75, Ill. Encycl. Fauna Flora Kor.
(in Korean)
---1893, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 62, Bull: 265-266
Note sur les moeurs et métamorphoses de Clytus ruficonis Oliv.
---1893, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 62, Bull: 276
Description d'une variété nouvelle de Tetrops praeusta L.
---1896, (6) 16: 350, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Sur deux especes de Polyarthron d'Algérie et description de la femelle encore inconnue de l'une d'elles.
c--1897, 5 (11-12): 137-139, Miscellanea Entomologica
Note sur Polyarthron jolyi Pic.
§---1899, 68: 356-357, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Dscription d'un genere nouveau et d'une espéce nouvelle de Longicorne de la Tunesie méridionale.
/ Tetropiopsis numidica - sp.n. - TU /
---1900, 69: 263-265, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
De la place a assigner, parmi les Longicornes, au genere Tetropiopsis Chob.
---1904, p. 92, Bull. Soc. Etude Sc. nat. Nimes
Les Insectes Coléopteres du Genet épineux (Genista scorpius)
c--1905, 74: 157-158, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Description d´une espéce nouvelle de Longicorne de l´Algerie méridionale(Col.).
/ Tetropiopsis guldei - sp.n. - AG /
---1983, 5 (1): 60, 66, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHAO H-f, CHIANG Sh-n)
Modification of insects scientific names connected with "Manchukuo".
*CHOU Wen Yi
---1998, 26 (2): 433-443, Elytra
(et HSU Tung-Ching, YANG Ping-Shih)
Studies on the Cerambycidae of Taiwan and adjacent regions. 1. Two new lepturine species
of the genus Pidonia Mulsant (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from central Taiwan.
/ Pidonia (Cryptopidonia) chui, hohuanshana - sp.n. - TW /
o--2004, pp. 408, Owl Publishing House, Taipei
[The Iconography of Taiwanese Cerambycidae.]
/ Cerambycidae TW: 611 sp. - are presented and illustrated,
new synonymy, new combination, new record /
---1878, 29: 201-219, Stett.ent. Zeitg.
Nach und vom Amur.
/ localities - Kraatz 1879 /
(Chybík Josef)
c--1996, N°2: 47, Veronica
(in Czech)
Tesařík Calamobius filum na jižní Moravě.
---1990, (1): 44-47, Kwahak Wontongbo /Bull. Acad. Sci DPR Korea/
Longhorn-beetles on Mt. Kwanmbong.
---1992, (2): 44-48, Kwahak Wontongbo
(in Korean)
[The study of the longicorn beetles in and around Mt. Paekdu.]
/ faunal list – food plants – North Korea /
(Chvála M.)
o--2002, 38 (1-2): 62, Klapalekiana
Recenze knihy - "Zahradník J.: Evropští tesaříci před objektivem."
---1978, 3 (6): 3-8, illustr., Rivista Entomologica (Bologna)
Purpuricenus kaehleri Linn.
/ variability, taxonomic implications, morphological variation - Italy /
---1982, 26 (4): 179-180, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
103, Erneuter Nachweis von Rhamnusium bicolor (Schr.) (Col., Cerambycidae) im Kreis Stassfurt.
*CLARKE Robin O. S.
c°--2008, 48 (9): 61-67, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Oxylopsepus brachypterus: a new genus and species of Oxycoleini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,
Cerambycinae) from Bolivia.
---1857, 11: 96-104, Archiv Ver. Fr.Nat. Mecklenb.
Übersicht der Käfer Mecklenburgs.
*CLAUDE Jean-Francois
---2004, 60 (4): 193-194, L'Entomologiste
6e addition au Catalogue de 1928 des Coleopteres de la Sarthe d'Eugene Monguillon a son supplement
de 1936 et addtions ulterieures ... (Cerambycidae).
[6th addition to the catalogue of 1928 of the Coleoptera of Sarthe by Eugene Monguillon - to his supplement
of 1936 and later additions ... (Cerambycidae).]
---2005, 26 (2): 49, Bulletin de l'Entomologie Tourangelle
Contribution au catalogue des coléopteres cerambycides du département de l'Indre.
---1978, 2 (62): 248, BOMBUS
324. (Col. Cerambycidae. – Anaesthetis testacea.)
---1983, 123 (3): 56, Annales de la Societe d´Horticulturale et d´Naturelle de l´Herault
Entomologie. Seance du 5 novembre 1983.
/ Purpuricenus globulicollis – first record for Herault /
---1994, 50 (6): 347-349, L'Entomologiste
[On some Cerambycidae and a buprestid from Hereault (Col.).]
---2002, 7 (2): 100, Sahlbergia
Sarvijaarien Stenostola ferrea (Schrank) ja S. subia (Laicharting) esiintyminen Suomessa
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). [The occurrence of the long-horned beetles Stenostola ferrea (Schrank)
and S. dubia (Laicharting) in Finland (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---2000, p. 167, Association Inventaire des Coléoptrres des Alpes de Haute Provence.
(et PUPIER R.)
Catalogue et atlas des Cerambycidae des Alpes de Haute Provence , La Brillane. (nebo pp. 1-167 ???)
---1954, 2: 141, Archivos del Instituto de Aclimatación, Almería
Coléopteros de Siera Nevada (Fam. Cerambycidae)
---1958, 6 (2): 341-354, Tamuda
Mision cientifica J. Mateu al Sahara frances. Coleopteros: Cocindelidae, Malachidae, Dasytidae, Elateridae,
Meloidae, Rhipiphoridae, Alleculidae, Tenebrionidae, Cerambycidae y Chrysomelidae.
---1961, 10: 63-98, Archivos del Instituto de Aclimatación, Almería
Exploración entomológica del cedral de Tizi-Ifri (macizo del Iguelmalet, Rif Central, Marruecos).
---1996, 18: 183-200, Gortania, Atti Museo Friul. St. Nat., Udine
Contributo alla conoscenza della fauna a Cerambicidi dell'Alta Val Torre (Prealpi Giulie)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2000, 22: 265-286, Gortania, Atti Museo Friul. St. Nat., Udine
Contributo alla conoscenza della fauna a Cerambicidi dell'Alta Val Torre (Prealpi Giulie)
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae): II.
---1890, 1: 61, Entomol. News
Description of Ergates spiculatus var. marmoratus.
---1982, 38 (6): 251-255, L'Entomologiste (Paris)
Les Cerambycidae d'Indre-et-Loire
---1984, 40 (6): 265-267, L'Entomologiste
Addition aux Cerambycides d´Indre-et-Loire.
---1988, 44 (2): 103-106, L'Entomologiste
Deuxieme addition aux Cerambycidae d'Indre-et-Loire
c--1989, 45 (6): 315-317, L'Entomologiste
Trisieme addition aux Cerambycidae d'Indre-et-Loire.
---1992, 48 (4): 201-202, L'Entomologiste
Rehabilitation de la présence en France de Tetrops starki Chevrolat (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1992, 13 (1-2): 9-12, Bulletin de l'Entomologie Tourangelle
Quelques captures de Cerambycidae dans la region Provence-Cote d´Azur (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Annotated species list /
---1993, 49 (1): 37, L'Entomologiste
Notes de chasses et observations diverses: Nouvelle extension pour Phoracantha semipunctata (F.)(C.,C.)
---2003, (561): 24-28, Phytoma, La défense des Végétaux
(et HÉRARD Franck, REYNAUD Philippe)
Les longicornes asiatiques. Anoplophora glabripennis et Anoplophora chinensis,
une menace sérieuse pou l'arboriculture fruitière, les plantes d'ornement et les forêts françaises.
o--2003, 59 (5-6): 209, L'Entomologiste
(et SAMA G.)
L'expansion circumméditerranéenne de Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2003, 72 (8): 273-278, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (et PROST M., CARMIGNAC D.)
Interceptions et introductions en France de Longicornes asiatiques: Cas des Anoplophora glabripennis
(Motschulsky) et chinensis (Forster) (Coleoptera Cerambyeidae)
c°--1994, N°: 30, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Nuevas citas de coleopteros para la provincia de Cadiz (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
(Ayşen Melda Çolak)
c°--2006, 30 (4): 261-273, Türk. Entomol derg.
[Investigations of the effects on Hylotrupes bajulus (L) and Trichoferus griseus (F.)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) damaged on wooden constructions on some mechanical
and physical characteristics of wood.]
c--1956, 12 (1): 18-23, L'Entomologiste
Un voyage entomologique en Turquie
c--1956, 12 (2-3): 44-50, L'Entomologiste
Un voyage entomologique en Turquie (Fin)
---1972, 28 (4-5): 100-103, L'Entomologiste
Le Cerambyx cerdo (Col. Cerambycidae) en Provance.
---2001, 33 (1): 65-68, Bolletino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachiocoltura
Anoplophora malasiaca Thomson (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae Lamiini) in Europe.
/ Italy - host list, pest status, notes /
---1999, 131 (3): 265, 266, Bolletino della Societa entomologica italiana
Segnalazioni faunistiche Italiane 384-385, 387.
/ Oxypleurus nodieri, Arhopalus syriacus, Pyrrhidium sanguineum - first rec. for Sardinia /
---1999, 23 (1-2): 137-138, Boletino de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
(et PEGŁ R.)
Contribucion al conocimiento de Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) en la
Peninsula Iberica.
---1998, 7 (1): 11, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Deux nouvelles especes pour le Languedoc-Roussillon (Coleoptera - Cerambycidae).
/ Brachyleptura trisignata, Purpuricenus globulicollis /
---2000, 9 (1): 3, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Vesperus aragonicus Baraud espece nouvelle pour la France (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2000, 9 (3): 90-102, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Cartographie des coleopteres Cerambycidae des Pyrenees-Orientales (cinquieme partie).
---2004, 13 (1): 17, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Note de chasse (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). [Collecting note (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Pogonocherus decoratus - Pyrenees - new rec. /
---1837, : 43-45
De Coleopteris novis ac rarioribus minusve cognitis provinciae novocomi. Ex tipis et Socii.
§---1963, 61: 175-207, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Los Cermbycidae de las Islas Baleares (Insecta, Coleoptera).
/ Vesperus nigellus - sp.n. - Balear Is. - (bona sp. Vives 2000) /
---1968, número extraordinario: 11-212, Revista de Menorca, Mahón
La Fauna de Menorca y su origen.
---1983(1982), 38: 201-217, Graellsia
Las comunidades de coléopteros xilófagos de las encians de los alrededores de Madrid.
---1976, (1): 53-55, Entomologische Berichte (Berlin)
Kommt der Spiessbock (Cerambyx cerdo L.) noch in Thuringen vor? (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1981, 8 (14): 131-141, Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden)
Die Verbreitung des Sagebockkäfers (Prionus coriarius) in den südlichen und mittleren
Bezirken der DDR (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1982, 26 (6): 282-283, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
112. Zur Erfassung der Vorkommen von Ergates faber (L.) im Süden der DDR.
---1993, 5: 23-34, Rudolstädter Naturhistorische Schriften
Vorkommen, Biologie und Schutz von Evodinus interrogtionis und Evodinus clathratus
(Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Sachsen und Thuringen.
---1978, 110 (9): 180, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Leptura inexpectata Janss. et Sjöb. nuova per l'Italia (Coleopt.: Cermbycidae).
o--1978, 5: 567-571, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 21/0 (et GARAGNANI P.)
Contributo alla conoscenza dei Cerambycidae (Col.) parassiti dei Castagneti nell'Alta Val Lamone
(Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo).
o--1980, 59: 49-57, Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana
I Cerambycici delle pinete costiere di Ravenna.
o--1982, 35: 52/56, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Cntributo alla conoscenza della Coleotterofauna dell'Emilia-Romagna.
o--1983, 115 (8-10): 152-155, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Dorcatypus tristis martinascoi n. ssp. dell'Italia meridionale.
c°--1984, 9 (1): 15-31, Lavori - Soc. Ven. Sc. Nat.
Ricerche ecologiche e zoosociologiche sui Cerambycidae del "Boscone" della Mesola (Delta Padano)
(6-o contributo all conoscenza della coleotterofauna xilofaga).
---1986 (1985), 12: 349-366, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
Eco-profili d'Ambiente della coleotterofauna romagnola. 3. La vena del gesso del basso Appennino.
1 parte (famiglie Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Bostrychidae e Scolytidae).
o--1988(1986), Atti dell'Academia Roveretana degli Agiati, a. 236, s.VI, v. 26(B): 119-134 (et GARAGNANI P.)
Lineamenti zoologici dell'entomofauna nel legno di Pice excelsa Lk. in una pecceta della Valle d'Isarco
(Bolzano). Insecta, prima parte: Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera)
---1988(1987), 64: 319-351, Studi trent.sci.nat.:Acta biol., suppl.
Coleotteri Cerambicidi di ambienti montani ed alpini dele Dolomiti.
c°--1992 (1990), 41: 131-182, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia
Eco-profili d‘ambiente della coleottera di Romagna: 4 - aerinele, dina e retroduna della Costa Adriatica.
/ Cerambycidae: Stenoperus rufus, Chlorophorus varius /
---1996, 47: 75-94, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia
Osservazioni sulla coleotterofauna di un relitto di Bosco termofilo della costa veneta: La R.N.I.
di Bosco Nordio.
/ Psamofil. + xylofag. Coleoptera /
---1997, 8: 55-61, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia naturale della Romagna
Contributo alla conoscenza della biologia, ecologia, fenologia e distribuzione di Sphenoptera antiqua
(Illiger, 1803) in Romagna. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Buprestidae).
---2004, 19: 123-126, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia naturale della Romagna
Un piccolo coleottero xilofago confermerebbe l'indigenato di Pinus halepensis Miller sul promontorio
del Conero (Ancona) (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae). [A small xilophagous beetle gives an evidence
that Pinus halepensis Miller is indigenous in Conero promontory (Ancona).]
/ Pogonocherus neuhausi Müller /
o--1993, (74): 1-115, DIRB
Liste du matériel typique conserv. dans la coolections entomologiques de l'Institut royal
des Sciences naturalles de Belgique. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. VIII. Sous-famille des Lamiinae.
---1982, 118 (Jan.-Apr.): 54, The Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Yet another note on Pyrrhidium sanguineum (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1999, 135: 196, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) (Col., Cerambycidae) in Herefordshire.
---2000, 136: 251, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) (Col., Cerambycidae) in Herefordshire, a correction.
o--2006, pp. 439, The Amateur Entomologists' Society 2006, Orpington, Kent, England (et BARCLAY M.V.L.)
A Coleopterist's Handbook (4th Edition)
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 121-142 - by M. Rejzek /
*CORAY Armin
c--2000, 50 (2): 42-73, Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
(et al )
Verbreitung, Habitat und Erscheinungsformen des Erdbockkäfers Dorcadion fuliginator (l.) (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) in der Umgebung von Basel.
---2002, 19 (1-2): 47-54, Biocosme Mésogéen
Observations de quelques Longicornes (Coleoptera : Vesperidae et Cerambycidae) dans les Alpes-Maritimes
*CORREIA de BARROS José Maxmiano
c--1914, Vol. 14(fasc. III): 147-150, Brotéria (Série Zoológica)
Notas entomologicas. I. Suplemento ao Estudo synoptico sobre os Cerambycidae de Portugal.
c--1926, Série I., N°6: 7-16, Memoires e Estudos do Museo Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra
Notas entomológicas.
/ Leptura distigma var. seabrai - var.n. - PT /
---1847, ???, Atti dell'ottava Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani
? / Clytus triangulimacula - sp.n.
---1854-1855, pp. 68, Pls. 32-36, Stamperia G. Sautto, Napoli
Fauna del Regno di Napoli. Coleotteri, 2. Longicornia
? / Clytus triangulimacula - syn.n. - IT (Sama- FnE2005)
---1878, (7) 8: 1-40, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli
Relazione diun viaggio per l'Egitto, la Palestina e le coste della Turchia asiatica per richerche zoologiche.
*COSTA LIMA Angelo Moreira da
c--1952, N°9: 1-372, Eccola Nacional de Agronomia, Série didática
Icetos do Brasil. 7.° Tomo, Coléopteros, 2.a Parte
---1969, 51: 33-42, Redia
Nuovi reperti sul Semanotus russicus (F.) in Italia e segnalazione della presenza di Semanotus laurasi
(Luc.) in Sardagena (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1993 (1990), 6: 101-102, Boletin del Grupo Entomológico de Madrid
Primea cita de Cortodera humeralis (Schaeller, 1783) per la fauna ibérica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2005, 88: 109-113, Redia
Note su Trichoferus holosericeus (Rossi, 1790) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae), xilofago del Legno Secco.
/ only abstract
*CROTCH George Robert
---1867, : 357-391, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
On the Coleoptera of the Azores.
---1957, Classey Ltd., 2 ed.
The natural classification of the families of Coleoptera.
/ Addenda et corrgenda, pp. 209-214 /
---1981, 802 pp. Academic Press, London
The Biology of the Coleoptera.
1875 - 1954
(Csiki Ernö)
---1901, 77--120 pp., In: Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise d. Grafen E. Zichy, 2, Budapest
Coleopteren. (pp. 77-120)
---1904, 7: 340-343, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
Coleoptera nova in Museo Nationali Hungarico
---1911, 9: 612, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
/ Rosalia conviva - sp.n. - /
---1931, 27: 278, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
Cerambycidarum species nova europaea
---1940, 1(2): 263-268, A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Balkán-Kutatásainak Tudományos Erdményei,
Budapest In: Csiki E. - Allattani Kusatasai Albaniaban (explorationes zoologicae
ab E. Csiki in Albania peractae)
Bogarak. Coleopteren.
*CUNEV Jozef
---2002, 14 (3-4): 41-54, Entomofauna Carpathica
Chrobaky (Coleoptera) blizkeho okolia Slovenskej L'upce (Stredne Slovensko).
[Beetles (Coleoptera) in a vicinity of Slovenska L'upca (central Slovakia).]
/ Cerambycidae - 45 sp. /
(Cuní M.)
---1876, p.1-360, Imp. T. Gorchs, Barcelona
Catálogo metódico y razonado de los Coléopteros observados en Cataluňa.
---1999, 59 (9): 145-147, Entomologische Berichten (Amsterodam)
Callidium aeneum, een nieuwe boktor (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) voor Nederland.
*CURLETTI Gianfranco
---1996, 17: 151-165, Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale
L'entomocenosi xilofaga del Parco della Mandria (Piemonte, Italy).
---1825, 2: pls. 51-98, London
British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain
and Ireland.
---1829, 6: pls. 242-289, London
British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain
and Ireland.
c°--1891, 10: 99-100, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der Gattung Cerambyx.
/ Cerambyx centurio- sp.n. - SY: Aintab + key Cerambyx /
*da COSTA LIMA A. - see COSTA LIMA da A.
---1994, 11 (2): 123-131, Nouvelle Revie d'Entomologie
Gunnar Dahlgren (1913-1992) or discretion and efficacy.
c--1986, 67 (1-3): 73-75, illustr., Schenckenbergiana biologia
Über einige Agapanthia-Arten des Schenckenberg-Museum (Ins., Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Ag. sinae - sp.n. - CN (cl. Ag. leucaspis) /
---1988, 84 (1-2): 114-115, illustr., Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und systematik der Käffer
Eine neue Phytoecia (Col., Cerambycidae) aus Turkestan.
/ Phytoecia breuningi - sp.n. - TD (=Opsilia bucharica) /
*DAI Hua-guo
c°--1990, 25 (2): 273-282, Appl. Ent. Zool.
(et HONDA H.)
Sensilla on the Antennal Flagellum of the Yellow Spotted Longicorn Beetle Psacothea hilaris
(Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1976, 32,(6): 212-231, L´Entomologiste, Paris
Etude morphologique et biométrique des Morimus (Col., Cerambycidae) de la faune européene.
c--1978, 34: 127-133, L'Entomologiste
La variabilité géographique de Agapanthia violacea (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1995(1993), 49 (1-2): 15-38, Cahiers des Naturalistes
[Antenna growth, sex-ratio, size variation, and sexual dimorphism in the Coleoptera Cerambycidae.]
*DALENS Pierre-Henri
o--2006, 106 (4/2): 711-713, Lambillionea
Beaveriella virginiae n. sp. de Guyane (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/sp.n. - South America /
o--2007, 107 (1): 31-35, Lambillionea
Contribution a la connaisance des longicornes des Petites Antilles: un nouveau Solenoptera de Sainte-Lucie
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1817, 1(3): xi+506 pp., Skara (or Scaris), Lewerentzischen Buchdruckerey, Stockholm
In: Schönherr C.J. - Synonymia Insectorum, oder : Versuch einer Synonymia aller bisher
bekannten Insekten; nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum und c. geordnet.
Eleutherata oder Käfer.
Analecta Entomologica.
---1817, 1(3): 1-266, 2 color pls., Scaris, Officina Lewerentziana
In:Schönherr - Appendix ad C.J. Schoenherr Synonymiam Insectorum sistens descriptiones
novarum specierum.
Lamia (Dorcadion) pubescens - p. 176
---1819, 40: 117-127, K. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl., Stockholm
Nagra nya Insekt-genera, beskrifna.
---1823, viii + 108, 4 pls., Holmiae
Analecta entomologica.
o--1987, (42): 1-39, DIRB
(et COOLS J.)
Liste du materiel typique conserve dans les collections entomologiques de l'Institut royal
des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. (Coleoptera: Cerambycoidea: Disteniinae-Cerambycinae).
*DANEK Ladislav (Daněk L.)
/in Czech /
Příspěvek k poznání tesaříku (Cerambycidae) Turčianské kotliny a okolních pohoří.
[Beitrag zur Erforschung Gebirgen der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) im Turiec-Becken
und in den angrenzenden.]
c--1891, Bande 2: iii + 64, Coleopteren-Studien I., München,
(et DANIEL J.) (1892 - Pesarini 2004)
Revision der mit Leptura unipunctata F. und fulva Deg. verwandten Arten.
/ Cerambycidae pp. 1-41 /
c°--1898, ???, Coleopteren-Studien II., München,
(et DANIEL J.) (partim)
/ Dorcadion seguntianum - pp. 78-79
c--1900, 15 (18): 139-140, Societas Entomologica
Vorläufige Diagnosen.
/ Toxotus homocerus
Dorcadion bodemeyeri, iconiense, glabrofasciatum, subvestitum - sp.n. - Asia minor /
c--1903 (1902-1903), 1: 319-332, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Nova, von Hauptmann v. Bodemeyer in Kleinasien gesammelt
/Dorcadion glabrofasciatum, bodemeyeri sp.n, et var. n. /
(et DANIEL J.)
c--1904, 2: 201-207, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Ueber Stenochorus (Toxotus Serv.) quercus Goetz und heterocerus Gglb.
c--1904, 2: 301-314, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Die Cerambyciden-Gattung Mallosia Muls.
/ Mallosia costata - female - Kurdistan
c--1904, 2: 355-371, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Über Leptura revestita L., verticalis Germ. und ihre nächsten Verwndten.
c--1906, 3: 55-64, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Revision der Phytoecia-Untergattung Pilemia Fairm.
§---1906-1908, 3:170-187, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschhrift
Neue paläarktische Koleopteren.
§---1908, Coleopteren-Studien, p. 87
Kleinere Mitteilungen: Leptura sicula
(et DANIEL J.)
(et DANIEL J.)
*DANILEVSKY Mikhail Leontievitsh
c--1974, 53 (4): 872-875, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Opisanie lichinok dvuch vidov zhukov-drovosekov tribi Xylosteini (Col., Cerambycidae).
[The descriptions of the larvae of two species of timber beetles of tribe Xylosteini
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
c--1974, (2): 14-16, Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly Biol. nauk
Novyj dlja fauny SSSR zhuk-drovosek (Col., Cerambycidae) s Severnogo Kavkaza.
[New timber beetle for USSR fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from North Caucasus]
/ Trichoferus pallidus - RS:Ca /
c°--1976, pp. 123-135, Moscow, Nauka
/in Russian/
In: /Evolutionary morphology of insect larvae/
[Comparative anatomy of alimentary tract of longhorn beetle larvae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1976, 17 pp., [Synopsis of thesis for the dissertation on the candidate degree]
[Morpho-ecological laws of the evolution of timber-beetles larvae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1979, 24-43, Nasekomye-razrushiteli drevesin i ikh entomofagi
Morfo-adaptivnye tipi evoljucii lichinok zhukovdrovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae)
i filogeneticheskie svjazi osnovnych grupp semejstva.
[Morpho-adaptive ways of the evolution of timber-beetles larvae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
and phyletic connections between the main groups of the family. ]
c°--1979, 216-235, In: Nasekomye- rozrushiteli drevesin i ikh entomofagi. Moscow, Nauka
[In: Insects – timber pests and their entomophages]
Novye dannye o zhukach-drovosekach (Col., Cerambycidae) ostrova Kunashir s opisaniem otdelnych
lichinochnych form.
[New data on timber-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kunashir Island with the descriptions
of some larval forms]
c°--1979, 58 (4): 821-828, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Descriptions of the Female, Pupa and Larva of Apatophysis pavlovskii Plav. and Discussion
of systematic position of the Genus Apatophysis Chevr. (Cerambyc.)]
c°--1980, 59 (4): 852-854, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
A new Species of Longicorn Beetles of the Genus Parmena Latr. (Cerambycidae) from Transcaucasia.
/ Parmena aurora - sp.n. - Talysh /
---1980, 59 (4): 936-937, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[A.I. Tsherĺpanov. "Longhorn Beetles of North Asia (Prioninae, Disteniinae, Lepturinae,
Aseminae), "Nauka", Novosibirsk], 1979, 471 pp, 296 ill., 1100 ex ]
c°--1981 .................. see DZHAVELIDZE
1981, 2: 67-73, Collection of Scientific Works of Gulisashvili Institute of Mountain Forestry,
Ministry of Silviculture of Georgian SSR, Tbilisi [In: "Forest Protection from Pests and Diseases"]
[New data on timber-beetles of Georgia.]
c--1981, (No. 9): 50-53, Biologicheskie nauki (zoologia)
Novye dannye o biologii Enoploderes sanguineus Fald. i Isotomus comptus Mannh. (Col., Cerambycidae)
s opisaniami ich lichinok.
[New data about biology of Enoploderes sanguineum Fald. and Isotomus
comptus Mannh. (Col., Ceramb.) with descriptions of their larvae.]
c--1982, 61 (4): 809-816, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
(in Russian)
[Some little known Species of Cerambycid Beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from Talysh.]
---1983, 9: 108-110, Biol. Science
[The application of electrophoresis for identification of timber-beetles larvae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
c°--1984, (No. 12): 33-35, Nauchnye Doklady vysshei shkoly Biologicheskie nauky, Zoologia
Opisanie lichinki Prionus komaroviDohrn (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Description of Prionus komarovi Dohrn. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) larvae.]
---1984, pp. 136-137, Thesis of reports of IX congress of Soviet Entomological Society, p.1, Kiev
[Infraspecific geographical variability of some polymorphic timber-beetles (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) in Caucasus.]
o°--1985, 219 pp.,Krasnodar Station Forest Protection, Krasnodar
[Timber beetles of Caucasus. An identification key.]
c--1986, (6): 8-11,Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
Intraspecific polymorphism of some longhorn-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1986, pp. 66-67, 1st Transcaucasian conference on Entomology (thesis of reports), Erevan
[Observation on morphological evolution in small populations of longhorn beetles of genus
Dorcadion (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1986, pp. 66-67, 1st Transcaucasian conference on Entomology (thesis of reports), Erevan
[Rare timber-beetles species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Transcaucasia and problem
of their protection.]
c°--1987, 66 (3): 614-620, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
(in Russian)
Novye vidy zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) iz Yuzhnogo Zakavkazya.
[New Species of the Cerambycid Beetles (Col.,Cerambycidae) from Southern Transcaucasia.]
/ Cortodera kaphanica, C. colchica danczenkoi
Dorcadion gorbunovi, D. sevliczi, Agapanthia korostelevi - sp. et ssp. n. - Tc /
c°--1987, (6): 82, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
Entomological Notes. Dorcadion shirvanicum Bogachev, 1934 stat.rev.=D. azerbajdzhanicum Plavilschikov, 1937 syn. n. (Col., Cerambycidae)
o°--1988, 67(4): 808-810, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Additions and Corrections to the Systematic List of the Longicorn Beetles (Col., Cerambycidae)
of the Fauna of the USSR.]
o°--1988, (1): 35-40, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
Siberian Longicorn Beetles of the Genus Oberea pupilata Group (Col., Cerambycidae).
o°--1988, (2): 12-17, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
Two New Cerambycid Beetle Species from Kazakhstan.
/ - sp.n. o°--1988, 67 (3): 367-374, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Moscow (ZZM)
New and little-known Species of Longicorn Beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Far East.
/ Alosterna perpera - sp.n. - RS:Us
Pocilium maaki viarius - sp.n. - JP, RS: Kurile I.
new syn. and new status /
o°--1988 : 158-161, Fauna i ekologija nasekomych Vietnama
(et ESENIN A.V.)
A new species of the genus Tetraommatus (Col., Cerambycidae) from Vietnam.
/ Tetraommatus galinae - sp.n. - VN /
c°--1989, (1): 87, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
[Entomological Note.]
/ Stenhomalus (Obriopsis) bicolor - stat. n. /
c°--1990, (4): 64, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
(et KADLEC S.)
[Entomological notes. New discoveries of lonhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in USSR.]
/ new record - Ph. prasina, orbicollis - USSR /
o°--1990, 16 (2): 125-130, Izvestia AN GSSR, Ser.biol.,
On taxonomic status of some species of genus Stenurella Villiers, 1974 (Col., Cerambycidae)
with new data on Georgian Longicorn Beetles.
/ Stenurela bifasciata limbiventris - stat.n. /
o°--1990, 87: 363-367, Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca
New taxa of the genus Mallosia (Col., Cerambycidae) from Transcaucasia.
/ Mallosia (Semnosia) galianae - sp.n.,
M.(Eumallosia) herminae gobustanica - sbg. n., ssp.n.,key /
c°--1992, 72 (1-3): 107-117, Senckerbergiana biologia
New species of Cerambycidae from Transcaucasia with some new data (Insecta:Coleoptera).
/ Conizonia kalashiani , Dorcadion kalashiani, czegodaevi - sp.n.,
Rhagium caucasicum semicorne, Mallosia interrupta - st.n. and new synonymy /
o°--1992, 92 (1): 92-98, Lambillionea
New and little known Dorcadion Dalman 1817 from Soviet Union (Col., Cerambycidae).
/D.(Carinatodorcadion) klavdiae sp.n. D. (Pedestredorcadion) morozovi sp.n. et syn./
o°--1992, 92 (3): 203-206, Lambillionea
New Genus and Species of the Tribe Lepturini from Tian-Shan Mountains
and a new Ostedes Pascoe 1859 from the Far East (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Kirgizobia bohnei - gen.n. et sp.n.
Ostedes kadleci - sp.n. /
c°--1993 (1992), 84: 111-116, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, series nova
New species of Cerambycidae (Col.) from East Asia with some new records.
/ Pidonia (s.str.) kanwonensis sp. n. – Korea,
Ph.(Phymatodellus) murzini sp.n. – N. Korea
Perissus sinho sp.n. – N. Korea,
Pseudalosterna elegantula (Kraatz, 1879) - comb. n.
ptura misella Bates, 1884,Pseudalosterna orientalis Plav., 1934) – syn. n.
Cylindilla grisescens Bates, 1884 - syn.n. - (= Atimura askoldensis Heyden, 1884)
Anoplodera (s.str.) rufihumeralis (Tamanuki, 1938) - distribution - new for Russia
Oberea atropunctata Pic, 1916 - distribution - new for Russia /
c°--1993 (1992), 1 (2): 37-39, Russian Entomological Journal
Taxonomic and zoogeographical notes on the family Cerambycidae (Col.,) of Russia and adjacent regions
/ Pidonia (s.str.) malthinoides (Kraatz, 1879) = Pidonia quercus Cherepanov, 1975 - syn. n.
Turkaromia - gen.n. (Aromia pruinosa)
Leptepania okunevi (Shabliovsky, 1936) = Molorchus incognitus Cherepanov, 1985 - syn.n.
Chlorophorus obliteratus Ganglbauer, 1889 = Chl. ubsanurensis Cherepanov, 1971 - syn.n.
Xylotrechus asellus (Thieme, 1881) = Xylotrechus grumi Semenov, 1889 - syn.n.
Ag. lederi Ganglbauer, 1884 = A. helianthi Plav.,1935 = A. lopatini Kaziuchitz, 1988 - syn.n.
Oberea inclusa Pascoe, 1858 b.sp. - only China
Oberea vittata Blessig, 1873 b.sp. - Russia
Purpuricenus sideiger Fairm., 1888 - new record - Russia /
c°--1993, 93 (4/2): 475-479, Lambillionea
New and little known species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Korea.
/ Grammoptera (Neoencyclops) – subg. – st.n.
G. (N.) querula – sp.n. – KO
Pidonia (Pidonia) propinqua – sp.n. – KO /
o°--1993, 2 (1): 47-50, Russian Entomological Journal
Some preliminary results of the type - material study of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) collection
of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris.
o°--1993, 2 (2): 9-10, Russian Entomological Journal
A new species of Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Georgia.
/ D. shestopalovi - sp.n. - GE /
o°--1995, 95 (1): 113-115, Lambillionea
New Genus and Species Ussuria napolovi from Far East Russia. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
o°--1995, 95 (3): 420-428, Lambillionea
New Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Dorcadion (s.str.) nikolaevi, ninae - sp.n.
D. (s.str.) pantherinum ssp. sabulosum, ssp. desertum, ssp. shamaevi - ssp.n./
o°--1996 (1995), 4 (1-4): 63-66, Russian Entomological Journal
New Longicorne Beetles (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) from South East Europe.
/ Cortodera alexandri, komarovi, flavimana ssp. moldovana,
D.(Pedstredorcadion) cinerarium ssp. gorodinskii - sp. and ssp. n. /
o°--1996, 96 (4): 607-615, Lambillionea
Review of Dorcadion Dalman of „arietinum-Group“ from Kazakhstan with the Desriptions
of some New Taxa.
/ Dorcadion (s.str.) arietinum charynensis, ar. chilikensis, ar. ketmeniensis, ar. zhalanash ssp.n.,
arietinum ssp. lucae Plav., 1931, ar. ssp. lucae Pic, 1898 stat.n./
o°--1996, 4 (1): 19-22, Acta entomologica Slovenica
New Longhorn Beetles from Korea (Col.:Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia maura, Pterolophia jiriensis, Atimura koreana – sp.n. /
c°--1996, 96 (2): 407-420, Lambillionea
New Taxa of the Genus Dorcadion Dalman from Asia
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Politodorcadion sbg.n.,
D. (Pol.) akmolense Suv.- st.n.,
D. (Pol.) balchashense archarlense - ssp.
D. (Pol.)
b. beptakdalense - ssp.n.,
D. (s.str.) kapchagaicu - sp.n.
D. (s.str.) globithorax kastekus - ssp.n.,
D. (Ped.) cinerarium danczenkoi ssp.n.,
D. (s.str.) globithorax unidiscale Breun., 1946, tianshanskii ssp. radkevitshi Suv.,1910 comb.n./
o°--1996, 96 (3): 455-462, Lambillionea
Review of Dorcadion Dalman of „acutispinum-Group“ from Kazakhstan with the Description
of some New Taxa
/ D.(s.str.) suvorovi konyrolenus,
suv. karachokensis,
suv. tekeliensis,
suv. taldykurganus - ssp.n. /
o°--1996, (21): 1-8, Coleoptera, Schwanfelder Coleopt. Mitteil.
A Revue of Subspecific Structure of Dorcadion (Compsodorcadion) gebleri Kraatz, 1873
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) wit Description of Two New Subspecies
/ D.(Comps.) gebleri lukhtanovi,
gebl. takyr - ssp.n.,
gebl. demimetrum Plav., 1958 - ssp. considered /
o°--1996, (21): 9-19, Coleoptera, Schvanf. Coleopt. Mitteilungen
New Longicorn beetle of the genus Gaurotina Ganglbauer, 1889 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from Central China with a review of all previously known species.
/ G. labrangica - sp.n.,
G. piligera (Pu), G. flavimarginata (Pu) - comb. n. /
c°--1996, 5 (1-4): 59-64, Russian Entomological Journal
A new Dorcadion of „pantherinum“-group from Kazakhstan, with new records on poorly known
species of the genus (Col.,Ceramb.)
/ D. irinae - sp.n.,
archarlense - st.n.,
inderiense - st. rest./
c°--1997, 97 (1): 44, Lambillionea
CORRIGENDA: Ussurella - nomen novum pro Ussuria napolovi Danilevsky, 1995 (Col., Cerambycidae).
o°--1997, 6 (1-2): 49-55, Russian Entomological Journal
Remarks and additions to the key to longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from „Key to the insects of Russian Far East“.
o°--1998, 6 (2): 135-142, Acta entomologica Slovenica, Lubljana
A review of subspecific configuration of Dorcadion (Carinatodorcadion) carinatum (Pallas, 1771)
with a descriptin of new subspecies (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ D. carinatum igrenum,
c. sunzhenum,
c. uralense - ssp. n. - UK,RS:Ca, KA/
o°--1998, 12: 49-54, Elytron
Two new species of the genus Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Iran (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Dorcadion kharpuensis - sp.n.
D. ortrudheinzae - sp.n. - IR /
c°-- 1999, 5 (3): 15-41, Coléopteres
Review of Dorcadion (s.str.) species from the upper Chu Valley and allied territories (Col.,
c°--1999, 8 (3): 189-190, Russian Entomological Journal
Description of Miniprionus gen.n. from Middle Asia with new data in the related genera (Col.,
/ Miniprionu- gen.n. (Prionus pavlovskii)
Pogonarthron Semenov, 1900 (= Pseudmonocladum Villiers, 1961 - syn.n.) /
o--2000 (1999), 13: 39-47, Elytron
New taxa of Cerambycidae from Turkey and Transcaucasia (Col.)
/ Cortodera colchica kalashiani - ssp.n. - AR
Asias agababiani - sp.n. - AR
Pseudosphegestes samai - sp.n. - TR /
o°--2000, 100 (2/II): 289-294, Lambillionea
New and little known Cerambycidae from Central Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Turkaromia gromenkoi sp.n. – UZ,TD
Agapanthia obydovi sp.n. – KA /
o°--2001, 10 (2): 153-157, Russian Entomological Journal
Review of the genus Cleroclytus Kraatz, 1884 (Col.: Cerambycidae).
o--2000, No. 3: 34, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of Genus Psilotarsus Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ Psilotarsus brachypters s.str. (=Psilotarsus latidens Motschulsky, 1860 ) – syn.n.
P. brachypterus aralensis – ssp.n. – UZ: Zhaslyk env. Wet Karakalpakia
P. brachypterus alpherakii (Semenov, 1900) – n. rest. – CN
P. hirticollis nudicollis – ssp.n. – KA: Alma-Ata region
P. hirticollis auliensis – ssp.n. – South KA and North Kirgizia
P. heydeni arkitensis – ssp.n. – KI: Sary-Chelek
P. heydeni talassicus – ssp.n. – KI: Talas env.
o°--2001, No. 5: 1-27, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of subspecific structure of Dorcadion (s. str. ) glicyrrhizae (Pallas, 1771) (Col.,Cerambyc.)
/ Dorcadion glicyrrhizae fedorenkoi - ssp.n.
nikireevi - ssp.n.
tobolense - ssp.n.
galinae - ssp.n.
ssp. turgaicum (Suv.) - stat.n. /
o°--2001, 101(2): 228-232, Lambillionea
New Prioninae genus Drumontiana from S-E Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Drumontiana - gen. n.
type species: Casiphia lacordairei Semenov, 1927 - CN,VN /
o°--2001, 101 (4/1): 579-588, Lambillionea
Review of Genus Turanium Baeckmann, 1923 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Turanium (s. str.) tekeorum - sp.n. - TK, Ashkhabad
Turanium (Chalcoturanium) badenkoi - sp.n. - KA, Almaty /
o°--2001, 101 (4/2): 631-634, Lambillionea
Two new Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Kazakhstan and Kirgizia (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ D. (Politodorcadion) ribei bobrovi - ssp. n. - KA: Saur Ridge
D. (s. str.) darjae - sp. n. - KI:Kungei Alatau /
o--2001, N°7: 1-18, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of Cortodera species close to C. reitteri Pic, 1891 and C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, 1936,
part 1 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Cortodera reitteri mikhailovi - ssp.n.
C. kiesenwetteri subtruncata - ssp.n.
C. ciliata ciliata - sp.n.
C.ciliata milaenderi - ssp.n.
C.semenovi shavrovi - ssp.n.
C.reiteri ssp. tauriaca Plav. - stat.n.
Cortodera reitteri ssp. taurica - (=C. beckeriana Plav.) - syn.n.
C.reitteri reitteri (=C. alexandri Danil.) - syn.n. /
o°--2001, N°8: 1-18, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of Cortodera species close to C. reitteri Pic, 1891 and C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, 1936,
part 2 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Cortodera ruthena rossica - ssp.n.
C. ruthena turgaica - ssp.n.
C. katchikovi - sp.n.
Cortodera ruthena komarovi - stat.n.
C. moldovana - stat.n. /
o°--2002, N°10: 1-18, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Specific structure of Dorcadion (Dzhungarodorcadion) semenovi Ganglbauer, 1884 (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ D. Semenovi - ssp. n. - KI,CN /
c°--2002 (2001), 10 (4): 437-438, Russian Entomological Journal
Vives E. 2000. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. Fauna Iberica, Vol. 12. Museo National
de Ciensias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid. 715pp.
o°--2004, N°32: 1-7, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Cortodera neali sp. n. from Iran and Dorcadion shirvanicum azerbaidzhanicum Plavilstshikov, 1937
stat. n. from Azerbajdzhan (Col., Cerambycidae).
o°--2004, N°33: 1-18, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of Eodorcadion Breuning, 1946 of "intermedium-group" from Mongolia and Cina
with description of a new Species (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Eodorcadion gorbunovi - sp.n. - MN: East-Gobi aimak
E. intermedium ssp. kozlovi Suvorov, 1912 - stat. n.
E. intermedium Jak. 1889 - (=E. mongolicum Jak., 1895, E. kaszabi Heyrovsky, 1965)
- syn.n. Danilevsky 2004 /
o°--2004, N°36: 1-9, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Two new subspecies of Dorcadion (s.str.) abakumovi Thomson, 1865 from Kazakhstan and the struakture
of "abakumovi-group" of species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Dorcadion (s.str.) abakumovi sarkandikum - ssp.n. - KA
D. (s.str.)
abakumovi lepsyense - ssp.n. - KA
D. (s.str.)
abakumovi laterale Jakovlev, 1895 - stat.n. - KA /
o°--2004, N°40: 1-13, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Review of genus Pogonarthron Semenov, 1900 with a description of a new species
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pogonarthron petrovi - sp.n. - TD /
o°--2005 (2004), 13(3): 127-149, Russian Entomological Journal (et KASATKIN D.G., RUBENYAN A.A.)
Revision of the taxonomic structure of the tribe Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) on the base
of endophallic morphology.
/ Eodorcadon (Humerodorcadion) - sbg. n.
Dorcadion (Acutodorcadion) - sbg. n.
Dorcadion (Compsodorcadion), (Pedestredorcadion), (Dzhungarodorcadion) - syn. n. /
o°--2006, N°54: 1-20, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Four new Dorcadionini taxa from South Urals (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Politodorcadion - gen. - stat.n.
Politodorcadion politum shapovalovi - ssp.n. - RS
Dorcadion glicyrrhizae korshikovi - ssp.n.
D. glicyrrhizae nemkovi - ssp.n.
D. glicyrrhizae guberlensis - ssp.n. - RS /
o°--2006, N°57: 1-6, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Two new Lepturinae from North Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Rapuzziana hangaiensis - gen.n. et sp.n. - MG
Cortodera ciliata sakmarensis - ssp.n. - RS /
o°--2006, N°59: 1-11, Les Cahiers Magellanes
A revue of genus Apatophysis Chevrolat, 1860 of Iran (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ A. danczenkoi - sp.n. - IR: Kerman; fc - 5 sp. Apatophysis /
Atlas of the Cerambycidae photographs of the tribe Dorcadionini.
c°--2006, 15 (1): 43-51, Russian Entomological Journal
A Checklist of the Longicorn-Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Moscow Region.
c°--2006, 15 (1): 401-407, Russian Entomological Journal
Further investigation of Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) endophallus witha revision
of taxonomical position of the genus Trichodorcadin Breuning, 1942.
/ Trichodorcadion gardneri /
c°--2007, 16 (1): 63-69, REJ
Purpuricenus globulicollis Dejean in Mulsant, 1839 - a Mediterranian longicorn-beetle
(Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) in the fauna of Russia and Kazakhstan..
/ Purpuricrnus tsherepanovae Tsherepanov, 1980 - syn.n. - (= P. globulicollis Dejean)
P. kaehleri ssp. menetriesi - stat.n. /
c°--2007, 3(1): 47-49, Caucasian Entomological Journal
New species of genus CortoderaMulsant, 1863 from East Kazakhstan and two new subspecies
of Aromia moschata(Linnaeus, 1758) from Central Asia.
/ Cortodera kokpektensis - sp.n. - KA
Cortodera semenovi Plavilstshikov, 1936 - syn.n. - Cortodera sibirica (Plavilstshikov, 1915)
Aromia moschata jankovskyi - ssp.n. - KI
Aromia moschata sumbarensis - ssp.n. - TK /
o°--2007, No. 23: 1-10, Animma X
New species of genus DorcadionDalman 1817 from Abkhazia and new subspecies
of Mallosia herminaeReitter 1890 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Armenia.
/ Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) gusakovi - sp.n. - Abkhazia
Mallosia (Eumallosia) herminae haiastanica - ssp.n. - AR /
c°--2007, No 9: 8-10, 2 pl., Eversmannia, Entomological research in the Russia and adjacent regions
The occurrence of Aegomorphus wojtylai Hilszczanski, Bystrowski, 2005 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) in Russia.
o°--2007, (1-2): 31-42, Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical Series
Purpuricenus kaehleri (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. caucasicus Pic, 1902 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) in Caucasus.
/ Purpuricenus kaehleri kaehleri; P. kaehleri menetriesi - distribution
P. caucasicus baeckmanni - ssp.n. - UK /
o°--2007, Vol. 15: 1-78, Magellanes, Collection systématique
Revision of the genus Eodorcadion Breuning, 1947
/ Eodorcadion - 37 sp. - RS,KA,MG,CN - 3 sp.n.; 4 ssp.n. - syn. - etc. /
o°--2007, 3(2): 201-205, Caucasian Entomological Journal
Politodorcadion eurygyne (Suvorov, 1911) and P. e. lailanum ssp. n. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from East Kazakhstan.
/ Plitodorcadion eurygyna lailanum - ssp.n. - KA /
o--2008, (1-2): 31-42, Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East. Taxonomical Series
Apatophysis Chevrolat, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Russia and adjacent regions.
---2000, Octobre-Decembre: 56-64, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de Mulhouse
Contribution a l'etude de la faune entomologique de Bourgogne: note sur quelques Cerambycidae
et Buprestidae (Insecta Coleoptera).
*DASCALU Maria-Magdalena
---2003, 18: 159-160, Studii i comunicari 2000-2003, Complexul Muzeal de Stiintele Naturii "Ion Borcea" Bacau
Anastrangalia reyi (Heyden, 1889) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - specie noua pentru fauna Romanei.
c°--2005, 51: 19-22, Analele Stiintifice ale Uiversitatii "Al.I.Cuza" Iasi, ser. Biologie animala
Theophilea subcylindricollis Hladil, 1988 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) a new genus and a new species
for Romania's fauna
*DAUBER Diethard
o--1992, 6 (32): 195-198, Giornale italiano di Entomologia
Description of a new species of Xylotrechus Chevr., and notes on the synonymy of some
other Xylotrechus species (Col., Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae).
/ X. rosinae - sp.n. - MY + syn. /
o--1995, 7 (40): 301-316, Giornale italiano di Entomologia
Xylotrechus buqueti (Laporte et Gory, 1836) and related species (Col.:Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae).
/ X. brevicornis - syn.n. - (= X. buqueti Gory, 1836), and redescription /
o--2002, 34 (1): 801-813, Linzer biologische Beiträge
Acht neue Clytini aus Malaysia und Sumatra (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Chlorophorus lineatus, adlbaueri - sp.n. - MY
Rhaphuma rassei - sp.n. - MY ; etc. MYi,ID /
o--2003, 35 (1): 13-18, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Drei neue Clytini aus Borneo und Sumatra (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Xylotrechus scrobipunctatus, X. ranauensis - sp.n. - ID
Rhaphuma argentogrisea - sp.n. - ID /
o--2003, 35 (1): 13-18, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Vierzehn neue Clytini aus Malaysia und Sumatra (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Chlorophorus puncticollis - MY
Rhaphuma tenuigrisea, chewi - ID
Demonax vethi ssp. impunctatus, D. invittatus, D. quadraticollis, D. humerovittatus,
D. nigropiceus, D. macilentoides, D. humeratus, D. basiviridis, D. latevittatus - ID,
Demonax simulatus - MY-i, Demonax laticollis - MY - sp. et ssp. n. /
o--2004, 36 (1): 81-88, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna von Samos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Contribution to the knowledge on the cerambycid fauna of Samos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Trichoferus kotschyi, Chlorophorus convexifrons, Ch. nivipictus
Pedostrangalia verticenigra - 1st record for Europe /
o--2004, 36 (1): 205-214, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Sechs neue Clytini aus Malaysia, Celebes, Ceram und Thailand (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
[Six new Clytini from Malaysia, Celebes, Ceram and Thailand (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).]
/ Xylotrechus mehli - sp.n. - MYi
X. vagefasciatus - sp.n. - MYi
Chlorophorus lineatus medioconjunctus - ssp.n. - MY,ID
Demonax cineresus - sp.n. - ID
D. apicipennis - sp.n. - ID
Rhaphuma retrofasciata - sp.n. - MY, TH /
o--2004, 36 (2): 1387-1391, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Zwei neue Clytini aus der äthiopischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Calanthemis schmidi - sp.n. - Malawi
Calanthemis schmidi ater - ssp.n. - Congo
Chlorophorus drumonti - sp.n. - Ivory Coast /
o--2006, 38 (1): 423-453, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Sechsundzwanzig neue Clytini aus Malaysia vornehmlich Borneo und Sumatra (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Xylotrechus perakensis - sp.n. - MY
Demonax perakensis, bakerioides, latefasciatus, detortoides, cechovskyi
flavescens - sp.n. - MY
Borneoclytus borneanus - gen. et sp.n. - ID; etc - Myi, ID /
c--1958, 37 (N°1): 5-74, Revue de Pathologie Végétale et d'Entomologie Agricole de France
Étude biologique de la faune entomologique des Pistacia sauvages et cultivés.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. /
c--1959(1958), 38: 235-252, Revue de Pathologie Végétale et d'Entomologie Agricole de France
Contribution a l'étude biologique et économique des coléopteres phytophages et xylophages
de l'Iran (premiere note).
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 235-242 /
---1964, 7(2): 451-838, Revta. Ent. Mocambique
Lonicornios de Mocambique.
c--1922, 26 (3): 17-18, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Quelques variétés de longicornes algériens
/ Leptura oblongomaculata, Strangalia aurulenta, distigma, Clytathus lepelletieri /
c--1933, 34 (11): 89-90, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Description d'un Longicorne algéien, genere et espece, VESPERELLA n.g.
/ Vesperella pallida - gen. et sp.n. - AG: Kabylia /
c--1933, 34 (12): 99-100. Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
/ to Vesperella pallida /
c--1935, 36 (4): 25, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Descriptions de longicornes
/ Rosalia lameerei quadrinotata - var.n. - Yunnan
Rhagium bifasciatum Lebisi - var.n. - ?? /
*De la ROSA Juan J. ---- see ----
ROSA de la Juan J.
c--1946, 82: 155-156, Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique
Une espece nouvelle du genere Mantitheus Fairm. (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ M. acuminatus Pic - sp. n. - CN /
---2001, 4 (2): 44-45, Revue Rutilans
Observations sur Oberea erythrocephala Schrank, 1776 in the Pyrenees-orientales (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1993, 11: 21-58, Aegypius
(et BLANCO I.)
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) del norte de la provincia de Cáceres distribución y claves sistemática.
---1995, 131 (4): 481-482, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie
Observations coleopterologiques dans la hetraie de la Foret de Soignes en 1995.
[Coleopterological observations in the beech forest of Soignes in 1995.]
---2003, : 93-104, Vestnik of Udmurtia University. Ser. Biol.
[in Russian]
[Fauna and communities particularities of Ńoleoptera of Udmurtia.]
---2005, No 10: 81-96, Vestnik of Udmurtia University. Ser. Biol.
[in Russian]
[The Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of national park «Netchkinskiy» (with review
of the family fauna of Udmurtia).]
---2005, 4(4): 293-315, Evroasian ent. J.
[in Russian] (et NIKITSKY N.B., SEMENOV V.B.)
[Checklist of the beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) of Udmurtia.]
---2007, No10: 65-69, Vestnik of Udmurtia University. Ser. Biol.
[in Russian]
[New data on the Udmurt fauna and spreading of Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
---2007, No 10: 70-75, Vestnik of Udmurtia University. Ser. Biol.
[in Russian]
[Interesting finds of beetles (Hexapoda: Coleoptera) in the insular Kungur forest-steppe of the Perm Territory.]
(Defne M. Ö.)
---1954, No. 105: 60-72, T.C. Tarim Bakanhgi, Orman Genel Müdürlügü Yay
Bati Karadeniz Bölgesindeki Göknalarin Zararh Böcekleri ve Mücadele Metodlari.
---1990, pp. 1-64, Rapport de Contrat APIES, Université de Perpignan et ANVAR
Le Vespere, Vesperus xatarti Dufour apud Mulsant.
---1774, 4: xii + 455 pp., 19 pls., Imp. Pierre Hesselberg, Stockholm
Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des Insectes.
---1775, 5: vii + 448 pp., 16 pls., Imp. Pierre Hesselberg, Stockholm
Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des Insectes.
---1996, 40: 29-36, Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comeniane
Contribution to the faunistics of the Mongolian longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1990, p. 1-64, Rapport de Contrat APIES, Université de Perpignan et ANVAR
Le Vespere, Vesperus xatarti Dufourapud Mulsant (Coléoptere, Cerambycidae)
ravageur de la vigne dans le cru Banyuls.
(Pierre Francois Marie Auguste DEJEAN)
---1821, viii + 136 pp. + (ii) pp., Crevot Libr., Paris
Catalogue de la collection de Coléopteres de M. le baron Dejean
---1835, 2e. ed., livr. 4, 257-360 pp., Méquignon-Marvis Pére & Fils, Paris
Catalogue de la collection de Coléopteres de M. le compte Dejean
---1837, pp. xiv + 503, Méquignon-Marvis Pére & Fils, Paris
Catalogue de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean. (3e éd.) revue, corrigéee et agumentés.
/ CERAMBYCIDAE: 341-383 /
c--1990, (65): 28, Sciences Nat. Bull.,
Quelques interrogationis a propos d Aromia moschata.
o--2006, 106 (suppl.): 1-32, Lambillionea
Catalogue des Prioninae du Gabon (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Prioninae - Ggabon : 33 sp. - 7 new rec. - 33 sp. illustrated /
---1992, (75-76): 75-77, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
[Some Coleoptera of Corsica.]
---1911, 54: 172-184, Ann. R. Acc. agr. Torino
I Coleotteri dell´Agro Torinese e loro rapporti colla vegetazione e l´agricoltura.
---1911, 9 (2): 10-11, Rivista Coleotterologica Italiana
Coleotteri della Toscana omessi nel catalogo del dott. Bertolini.
---1994, 59: 45-57, Phytoma Espaňa
Presencia de insectos del grupo Cerambyx cerdo en la dehesa extremeňa.
o-- 2000, 100 (3/1): couverte, Lambillionea
Foto: Polyrhaphis spinosa Drury, 1773 (Guyane francaise, Saül)
c--1909, 18 (3-4): 37-42, Bull. Soc. d'étude des sc. nat. de Reins
Quelques notes sur la faune entomologique de l'Asie Mineure.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 38, 41 - nezajímavé /
c°--1952, 4: 89-93, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichischer und Schweizer Entomologen
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna des Lago di Cavazzo (Friaul) und dessen am Ostufer gelegenen Berge.
---1952, : 152-154, Carinthia II
Die Pachyta lamed L. und ihre aberrativen Formen aus Kärten.
---1956, 8 (2): 28-29, pl. 1, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichischer und Schweizer Entomologen -ms6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie palaearktischen Cerambyciden.
---1956, 66: 64-68, Carinthia II
-msBemerkenswertes zur Biologie von Stenostola ferrea Schrk. (Col., Cerambycidae
---1956, 47: 36-39, Riv. Sc. Nat., Natura
Osservazioni sulla biologia e sulla varabilita del Neoclytus acuminatus F.
---1956, 52: 38-42, Entomologische Blätter (Entomologische Blätter)
-msBeitrag zur Biologie Monochamus galloprovincialis Oliv. Variation pistor Germ.,
und Monochamus saltuarius Gebl.
---1956, 52: 170-175, Entomologische Blätter
Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen über Rosalia alpina L.
c--1957, 67: 139-143, Carinthia II
Interessante Beobachtungen am Bockkäfer Tragosoma depsarium L. in Kärten.
---1957, 8(2): 28-29, ENOS
6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologe palaearktischen Cerambyciden.
c--1958, 54(1): 36-41, Entomologische Blätter
Necydalis major L. und Oberea euphorbiae Germ.
8.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie palaearktischen Cerambyciden
c--1959, 55(1): 27-28, Entomologische Blätter
Acanthocinus henschi Rtt. - neu für Mitteleuropa
c°--1959, 11(1): 16-18, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichischer und Schweizer Entomologen -ms9. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie palaearktischer Cerambyciden.
---1959, 55(2): 210-216, Entomologische Blätter
-ms10. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Biologie palaearktischer Cerambyciden.
c°--1960, 12 (1): 24-26, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft der österreichischer Entomologen
11. Beitrag zur Biologie palaearktischen Cerambyciden.
/ Cyrtoclytus capra /
c°--1960, 12 (2): 73-77, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft der österreichischer Entomologen
12. Beitrag zur Biologie palaearktischer Cerambyciden.
/ Xylosteus spinolae Friv. /
---1960, 70 (1): 178-182, Carinthia II
Drei für Körnten neue Cerambyciden - Arten.
c--1960, 56: 182-183, Entomologische Blätter
Kleine Mitteilungen. 1682 Saperda scalaris (L.) ssp. xantha n. ssp.
/ Saperda scalaris xantha - ssp.n. - GR: Morea /
---1962, 2 (10): 49-56, Bütki Koruma Bülteni
Short information of Cerambycidae Fauna of Turkey.
(et ALKAN B.)
c°--1963, 15 (3): 96, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Eine neue Form der Phytoecia (Subg. Helladia) millefolii Ad. Phytoecia millefolii Ad.
m. obscuripennis m. n.
---1963, 59 (2): 107-113, Entomologische Blätter
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden-Fauna des Monte Etna (Sicilien).
c--1963, 59 (3): 132-152, Entomologische Blätter
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Kleinasiens und 13. Beitrag zur Biologie palaearktischer
Cerambyciden sowie Beschreibung einer neuen Oberea-Art.
/O. ressli - sp.n. - Kizilcahammam /
c°--1964, 16 (1-3): 26-43, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft der österreichischer Entomologen (et SCHURMANN P.)
Die Cerambycidenfauna von Istrien (Jugoslawien), Coleopt. Ceramb.
c--1965, 4: 180-184, Bitki Koruma Bülteni, Ankara
Palearktik Teke Böcekleri (Cerambycidae) Biyolojisi Üzerine 14. Üncü Etüd Phoracantha semipunctata F.
Nin Biyolojisi.
c°--1966, 18 (2-3): 70, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft der österreichischer Entomologen (et SCHURMANN P.)
Nachtrag zur Cerambycidenfauna Istriens (Jugoslawien).
o--1966, 115 pp., 9 Pls., G.Fischer Verl., .Jena
In: Dahl F., Pens - Die Tierwelt Deutshlands und der angrenzenden Meersteile nach ihren
Merkmale und nach ihrer Lebenweise, 52
Bockkäfer oder Cerambycidae. Biologie mitteleuropäischer Bockkäfer unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Larven.
c--1967, 63 (2): 106-109, Entomologische Blätter
1. Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden-Fauna Kleinasiens.
o--1967, 77 (6): 57-66, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Griechenlands (Coleoptera)
(14. Beitrag zur Biologie paläarktisscher Cerambyciden).
c--1968, 64 (2): 65-69, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue Purpuricenus-Art aus Kleinasien.
/ P. nudicollis - sp.n. - TR /
c--1968, 78 (3): 28-29, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beschreibung einiger neuen Subspecies von Ergates faber (Col., Cerambycidae).
/E. faber ssp. alkani n. – TR bor.or./
c--1969, 79 (21): 237-242, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Korsikas (Coleoptera).
c--1970, 66 (1): 30-32, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue Cerambycidenart aus Griechenland, eine neue Subsp. aus Kleinasien
sowie einige neue Cerambycidenformen.
/ Anaglyptus moreanus - sp.n. - GR: Morea sept.
Rhopalopus ledereri wittmeri - ssp.n. - Vill. Marash, Osmaniye
Anagl. mysticus. anatolicus - ssp.n. - Asia min. sept., Samsun (=A. mysticoides)/
c--1971(1970),80 (28): 395-412, Carinthia II
Zusammenfassung und Revisin der Bockkäferfauna in Körten.
o°--1971, 23 (3): 74-75, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Beschreibung einer neuen Leptura - Art aus Teneriffa (Coleopt., Cerambycidae)
/Leptura (Leptura) palmi sp.n. /
c--1971, 1: 61-66, Novelle Revue d'Entomologie
15. Beitrag zur Biologie Palearct. Cerambycidae.
c°--1971, 49: 5-7, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beschreibung einiger neuer Untergattung aus dem Tribus Hesperophanini von
Tenerifa (Canarische Inseln).
/ Hesperophanes (Hesperoferus) canariensis - sp.n. - (=T. roridus) /
c--1972, 68 (2): 89-90, Entomologische Blätter
Zwei neue Prionus-Arten aus Westpakistan.
/ Prionus elegans, evae - sp.n. - PK /
---1972, 68 (3): 175-176, Entomologische Blätter
Beschreibung des Männchens von Anaglyptus moreanus Dem.
c°--1973 (1972), 24 (1-2): 79, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen (et SCHURMANN P.)
2. Nachtrag zur Cerambycidenfauna Istriens (Jugoslawien).
c--1974, 4 (4): 227-236, Novelle Revue d'Entomologie
Zusammenfassung und Revision der Cerambycidenfauna der Canarischen Inseln.
c--1976, 28 (1-3): 65-67, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Eine neue Cerambyx-Art aus Ost-Anatolien.
/ C . heinzianus sp.n. - TR /
c--1982(1981), 11 (1-2): 97-102, Vierea
Beschreibung 3 neuer Stenidea-Arten der Kanarischen Inseln (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ St. costigera, niveopicta, machadoi - sp.n ./
c--1982, 92 (17): 240-242, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Griechenlands (ohne Inseln).
o--1989, 10 (14): 241-245, Entomofauna
Zwei neue Bockkäferarten (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Megopis (Aegosoma) flavipennis sp.n. – MY, Psalidognathus colombianus sp.n. – Colombia /
---1990, 1-36, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
(et FRANZ H. )
Fam. Cerambycidae. Catalogus Faunae Austriae, Insecta, XV.
---2005, 61 (5) :227, L’Entomologiste
Contribution a l'inventaire des Cerambycidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) du Parc Naturel Régional du Perche.
c°--1911, 32 (1): 22, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Neue Kaferformen aus der Liburnischen Karst.
/ Purpuricenus kaehleri litoralis - var.n. - IT /
c--1912, Vol. 26, Parte II: 33-44, Bolletino della Societa Adriatica di Scienze naturali (Sezione entomologica)
I Dircadion della Liburnia
c°--1915, (1): 1-16, Coleopterologische Rundschau (Koleopterologische Rundschau)
Der Formenkreis des Dorcadion arenarium Scop.
c°--1915, (2): 32-44, Coleopterologische Rundschau
Der Formenkreis des Dorcadion arenarium Scop. (Fortsetzung und Schluss)
---1926, 5: 5-34, Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana
I Dorcadion italiani.
c--1926, 4: 62-113, "FIUME" Rivista della societa di studi Fiumani,
I coleotteri della Liburnia. Parte VI: Phytophaga: Cerambycidae (pp. 63-83)
---1963, 5 volumes, Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschiftswissenschaften zu Berlin (et SCHEIDING U.)
Index Literaturae Entomologicae. Serie II: Die Welt- Literatur über die gesamte
Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900
c°--1965, 12: 1-123, Bulletin of the Directorate General of Agricultural Research and Projects
A preliminary list of identified Insects and some Arachnids of Iraq.
---2004, 31-32: 24-25, Arvernsis, Bulletin des Entomologistes d’Auvergne
Observations en 2004 de Coléopteres nouveaux ou rares pour le Puy-de-Dôme (Buprestidae,
Cerambycidae, Scarabaeidae).
---1870, 7: 97-135, L´Abeille
Descriptions de Coléopteres Nouveaux d´Europe et confinis
/ Phytoecia algerica - sp.n
---1991, 46 (8-9): 320-327, Oleagineux
(et ASJ´ ARI M., KITU W.T.)
A newly observed important pest on germinating coconuts in Indonesia Pterolophia apiceplagiata
Breuning, Coleoptera Cerambycidae.
---1983, 119 (10-12): 318-319, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d´Entomologie
Abus politico-nomenclaturaux.
/ Eodorcadion jilinrnse Chiang, 1983 - syn.n. - = E. mandschukuoense (Breuning, 1943)
Saperda harbinensis Chiang, 1983 - syn.n. - = S. mandschukuoensis Breuning, 1943 /
---1882, Palermo
(et RIGGIO G.)
Catalogo dei coleotteri siciliani raccolti da T.De Stefani e G. Riggio esistenti nella collezione
entomologica del Mus. Zool. della R. Univ. di Palermo
*DEVECIS Jacques
---1979, 35 (2): 89-90, L´Entomologiste
Brachyleptura sragulata dans l´Hérault (Col.,Cerambycidae).
---1990, No. 66: 18-19, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Un nouveau Batocerini de la peninsule malaise (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae).
c--1993, No. 79: 27-28, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Un Batocerini nouveau du Sabah (Borneo septentrional) et observation sur Megacriodes saundersi Pasc.
/ Megacriodes herbuloti – sp.n. – ID: Sabah: Crocker Range /
c°--2003, N°32: 83-86, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Primer registro de Paracorymbia maculicornis (DeGeer, 1775) en Galicia (N.W. de la Penísula
Ibérica) con datos sobre su armadura genital (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 15 (1): 76-79, Journal of Tropical Forestry
Recent studies on the behavior of Hoplocerambyx spinicornis.
---2000, 16 (1): 57-61, Journal of Tropical Forestry
Test trial of light trap on sal heart wood borer (Hoplocerambyx spinicornis) and its predator insect (Alaus sp.).
c--1878, (5), 8: 87-???, pl. 3, Ann.Soc.ent.Fr.
Descriptions de coléopteres recueillis par M. l'abbé David dans la Chine centrale.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e - pp. 131-134
Batocera davidis, Mesosa oculicollis, Callichroma davidis, Clytus davidis, Astathes dioica,
Gaurotes davidis - sp.n. - CN /
---1992, 22 (2): 129-130, Journal of Cofee Research (et RAMACHANDRAN M., KRISHNAMOORTHY P.)
A note on Xylotrechus subscutellatus Chevrolat attacking Trema orientalis Bl.
o--2005, 105 (1): 143-145, Lambillionea
Cerambícidos nuevos para Cantabria, Burgos y Palencia (Espaňa) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*DI IORIOA Osvaldo R.
c°--1995, 9 (3-4): 279-280, Insecta Mundi
A new species of Argentinoeme Bruch 1911 from Argentina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)..
c°--1995, 9 (3-4): 317-328, Insecta Mundi
The Argentine species of the genus Megacyllene Casey, 1912 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae),
with descriptiom of a new species.
c°--1995, 9 (3-4): 335-346, Insecta Mundi
The genus Neoclytus Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Clytini).in Argentina.
c°--1998, 12 (1-2): 1-4, Insecta Mundi
The genus Erlandia Aurivillius, 1904 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).in Argentina,
with descriptiom of a new species.
c°--1998, 12 (1-2): 5-14, Insecta Mundi
New species, combinations, synonymies, and records of Clytini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e: Clytini – Argentina /
c°--1998, 12 (1-2): 139-148, Insecta Mundi
Redescription, new combinations, synonymies, and new records of South American Lepturini
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
c°--2004, 38 (6): 663-678, Agrociencia
[Exotic species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) introduced in Argentina. Part 2. New records, host
plants, emergency periods, and current status.]
c°--2004, 15 (1-2): 9-65, Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Parag.
Aporte al catálogo de Cerambycidae del Paraguay (Insecta - Coleoptera). Part IV. Addenda e bosq
(partes I y II) y viana (parte III).
c°--2006, 8 (2): 261-287, Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s.
La fauna de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(et FARINA Juan)
*DILLON Lawrence S.
---1941, 1: 1-135, 5 pls., Scientific Publications Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, Pennsylvania.
(et DILLON Elizabeth S.)
The tribe Monochamini in the Western Hemisphere (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1948, 73: 173-298, 6 pls., Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia
(et DILLON E.S.)
The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleopetra, Cerambycidae).
c°--1949, No 1388: 1-13, pls. 1-3, American Museum Novitates
Miscellaneous synonymy and new species among the Lamiinae (Coleoptera).
(et DILLON E.S.)
---1950, 79 (1): 11-57, pls. 1-3, Philippine Journal of Science
The Lamiinae tribe Gnomiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(et DILLON E.S.)
---1952, (206): 1-114, 17 figs, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin, Honolulu
Cerambycidae of the Fiji Islands.
(et DILLON E.S.)
---1990, 1: 7-10, Il Naturalista Valtellinese, Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Morbegno
(et VIGANO C.)
Presenza in Valtellina di un cerambicide nuovo per la fauna Italiana: Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan,1906
---1995, 6: 35-150, Il Naturalista Valtellinese, Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Morbegno (et PENATI F., VIGANO C.)
Catalogo topografico commentato dei cerambici (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) della provincia
di Sondrio (Lombardia, Italia settentrionale).
---1898, (7) 1: ???, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
/ Sophronica pienaari - sp.n. - p. 378; ...
---1922, 37 (743): 1-7, Bolletino del Museo di Zoologia e Agronomia comparata dell'Universita di Torino, (N.S.)
Missione zoologica del Dott. E. Festa in Cirenaica. V. Coleotteri.
---1925, 39 (23): 1-31, Bolletino del Museo di Zoologia e Agronomia comparata dell'Universita di Torino, (N.S.)
Missione zoologica del Dott. E. Festa in Cirenaica.
---1992, 3 (1): 28, Entomologica Gallica
Coleopteres phytophages nouveaux ou interessants pour la faune francaise
(Col. Cerambycidae; Chrysomelidae).
---1868, 28: 201-215, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
Macrotoma heros Heer.
---1874, 35: 422-427, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
---1885, 46: 62-64, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
/ Prionus /
---1885, 46: 138-148, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
( + 2004 )
c°--2005, 39 (1): 9-26, Vestnik zoologii
Nemes of insects described by Vladimir Gdalich Dolin.
---1999, 33 (3): 97-99, 116, Vestnik zoologii, Kiew (VZ)
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) aus Kyrgyzstan.
/ D. danilevskyi - sp.n. - KI: Centr. Tian-Shan, Suusamyrskoe plato (close D. tibiale) /
---1905, 17: 182-183, Ent. Rec.
Grammoptera holomelina, Pool, a good species.
---1797, London, 90 pp.
The natural history of British insects
---1979, 88: 56-59, Z. Agnew. Entomol.
Nachweis eines weiblichen Sexualpheromons beim Hausbockkäfer (Hylotrupes bajulus L.) (Col., Cer.).
*DORING Wolfgang
---1998, 42 (1-2): 98-99, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Zum Vorkommen von Clytus tropicus (Panzer, 1795) in Ostdeutschland (Col., Cerambycidae).
---2000, 44 (2): 100, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
677. Erstnachweis des Wimpernbocks Exocentrus punctipennis Mulsant et Guillebeau, 1856
(Col., Cerambycidae) bei Galenbeck in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
---2000, 44 (2): 116, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Ein neuer Fundort für den Getreidebock Calamobius filum (Rossi, 1790) (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--2008, 3 (3): 205-214, African Journal of Agricultural Research (et ACKONOR J.B., AFUN J.VK. )
Survey of insects species associated with cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.)
and their distribution in Ghana.
/ CRC: Analeptes trifasciata - biology, foto /
---2002, 5 (3): 244-252, Journal of Balkan Ecology
Phytophagous rom Coleoptera (Insecta) Order Presented in Ostritsa Botanical Reserve.
---2004, 56 (2): 167-174, Acta zoologica Bulgarica
New and Rare Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
/ Glaphyra marmottani, Semanotus russicus - 1st rec. - BG /
---2005, Forest Science
(in press)
Poecilium glabratum (Charpentier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) - a new phytophage
of Cupressus sempervirens L. in Bulgaria.
---1993, 53 (1): 17-23, Natur und Heimat
Beitrag zur Faunistik, Phänologie und Nahrpflanzenbindung der um Hagen heimischen Bockkäfer.
/ faunal list, biological notes – DE: Hagen /
*DROVENIK Bozhidar
---1978(1979), 8: 237-256, Acta carsol.
Prispevek k poznavanju hroshchev (Col.) Cerknishkega jezera in okolice.
c--1984, 32 (2): 9-20, Biol. Vestn.
(et HLADIL J.)
A contribution to the Knowledge of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Yugoslavia.
c--1993, 1: 21-31, Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana
Nove vrste in favnističe posebnosti hroačťv (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cerambycidae i Curculionidae)
v Slovenskih Alpah.
[Neue Arten und faunistische besonderheiten der Käfer aus Slowenischen Alpen.]
[New species and faunistic curiosities of the beetles (Col.: ...) from the Slovenian Alps.]
---1995, 3 (2): 99-104, Acta entomologica Slovenica, Ljubljana
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Käferfauna aus Gotenica bei Kocevje (Slowenien) und umgebung (Coleoptera).
o--2000, 100 (3/2): 489-493, Lambillionea
Contribution a l´etude des Prionides asiatiques notes taxonomiques (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Palaeomegopis lameerei Boppe, 1911 =Steinekea lehmanni Hudepohl, 1993 - syn.n.
Anomophysis katoi (Gressitt, 1938) =Anomophysis hainana (Gressitt, 1940) - syn.n.
notes on Emphiesmenus Lansberge and Hystatoderes Lameere /
c°--2000, 5 (2): 4-12, Entomologia Africana
Contribution à l’étude des Batocera africains avec la confirmation de Batocera granulipennis
comme bonne espèce (stat. n.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2001, 6 (1): 31-35, Entomologia Africana
Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Lansbergia du Katanga (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae).
o--2001, 101 (1/1): 55-60, Lambillionea
(et KOMIYA Z.)
Premire contribution a l´etude du genere Casiphia Fairmaire: description d´une nouvelle espece
et notes synonymiques (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Casiphia vietnamica – sp.n. – VN: Tam Dao
Cas. thibeticola Fairmaire, 1894 – (= Casiphioprionus limbatus Pic, 1916) – syn.n.
Cas. inopinata Hüdepohl, 1998 – TH: Chiang Mai /
o--2002, 102: 29-35, Lambillionea
(et KOMIYA Z.)
Seconde contribution a l'etude du genere Casiphia Fairmaire concernant le genere Flabelloprionus Heyrovsky
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Casiphia inopinata Hüdepohl, 1998 - descr. male
Casiphia (Flabelloprionus) - stat.n.
Casiphia (Flabelloprionus) szechuana (Heyrovsky, 1933) - comb.n.
Casiphia (Flabelloprionus) yunnana - sp.n. - CN:Yunnan /
o°--2003, 103 (2/1): 197-201, Lambillionea
(et MURZIN S. )
Contribution a l'etude du genere Miniprionus Danilevsky avec la description de la femelle
de Miniprionus pavlovskii (Semenov-Tianshanskij) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ M. pavlovskii - description of female, colour snaps - male and female
Microarthron komarovi - colour snaps - male and female /
c°--2003, N° 24: 1-13, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Contribution ŕ l’étude du genre Megopis Serville, 1832 du Sri Lanka avec la description d’une nouvelle
espèce Megopis morettoi n.sp. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o°--2004, 9 (2): 29-37, Entomologia africana
Complements a l'etude du genre Cantharocnemis (1ere note): revalidation du sous-genre Paracantharocnemis
Plavilstshikov, 1933 et premieres captures de Cantharocnemis (Cantharocnemis) spondyloides AudinetServille, 1832 en Afrique du Sud et au Sultanat d'Oman (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
[Supplement to the study of the genus Cantharocnemis (1st note) : revalidation of the subgenus
Paracantharocnemis Plavilstshikov, 1933 and the first records of Cantharocnemis (Cantharocnemis)
spondyloides Audinet-Serville, 1832 in South Africa and Oman (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).]
/ sbg. Paracantharocnemis - st. revalid.
C. (Paracantharocnemis) strandi Plavilstshikov, 1933 - bn. sp.
C. (Cantharocnemis) spondyloides Serville, 1832 - first rec. - OM,RSA
C. arabicus Fuchs, 1969 - syn. - C. (Cantharocnemis) spondyloides Serville, 1832 /
o--2005, 105 (3/1): 370, Lambillionea
Note complementaire sur la distribution de Megopis mutica Serville, 1832 sur le continent africain
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Megopis mutica - distribution - synonymies /
o--2005, 105 (3/2): 433-436, Lambillionea
Une nouvelle espece de longicornes pour la faune de Belgique: Gaurotes (Carilia) virginea
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2005, 10 (2): 39-42, Entomologia Africana (et DELHAYE A., SUDRE J., BOUYER Th.)
A propos des genres Lulua Burgeon et Sigwaltia Lepesme (Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o--2006, 106 (2/2): 281-285, Lambillionea
Description d'une nouvelle espece de Palaeomegopis Boppe originaire de Chine
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Palaeomegopis komiyai - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan /
o--2006, N° 56: 1-34, Les Cahiers Magellanes
(et KOMIYA Z.)
Premiere contribution a l'étude des Prionus Fabricius, 1775 de Chine: description de nouvelles especes
et notes systématiques (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Prionus galantiorum, kucerai, siskai, murzini, puae - sp.n. - CN
P. delavayi lorenci - ssp.n. - CN
P. heterotarsus LAMEERE, 1915 - syn.n. (=P. laminicornis FAIRM.) /
o--2006, 12 (16): 219-226, Coléopteres
Une nouvelle espece de Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867, originaire du Vietnam
et de Chine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Sarmydus fujishiroi - sp.n. - VN /
o--2006, 106 (2/2): CUVERTURES, Dos., Lambillionea
Photo: Sarmydus fujishiroi Drumont, 2006 - HTm (Coléopteres, 2006:)
c°--2006, 11 (2): 37-48, Entomologia Africana
Compléments à l'étude du genre Cantharocnemis (2čme note) : les espčces du sous-continent indien,
C. (Cantharoprion) downesii Pascoe, 1858 (comb. nov.) et C. (Cantharoprion) durantoni n. sp.
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o°--2007, 107 (2/2): 263-269, Lambillionea
(et LI J., KOMIYA Z.)
Contribution a l'etude des Prioninae de Chine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Prioninae - 3 gen. + 5 sp. - 1st record - China /
o--2003, N° 67: 1-16, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Contribution a l'etude des Megopis Serville, 1832 de Nouvelle-Calédonie avec la description
d'une nouvelle espece Megopis kudrnai n. sp. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Megopis kudrnai - sp.n. - New Caledonia /
o--2008, 108 (2): 179-183, Lambillionea
(et KOMIYA Z.)
Additional new records of Prioninae from Chine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/Aegosoma katsurai - comb.n.; A. katsurai, Remphan hopei - 1st rec. - CN /
---2007, 43 (1): 81-86, Annales de la Société entomologique de France,2eme série
Présence d'un caryotype tres original a 53-54 chromosomes chez Vesperus xatarti
Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Vesperinae).
*DU Cheng
o--1986, (3): 122-137, Journal of the Southwest Agricultural University
Comparative Anatomy of Bouth Sex Genitalia of the genus Oberea (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---2004. 416 pp., Novosibirsk - Chita
(et DUDKO R.Yu., MORDKOVICH V.G. .... )
Bioraynoobrazie Sokhondinskogo zapovednika. Chlenistonogie.
c°--1976, 45 (18): 670-671, ???
Record of Pterolophia annulata Chevr. and Diboma procera Pasc. (Lamiinae: Cerambycidae:
Coleoptera) as new pests of pepper (Piper nigrum L.) from India.
*DUCHAC Vaclav
(Ducháč Václav)
o--1984, 20: 55-58, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha (in Czech)
(u Carabidae)
/ Interessante Funde der Käfer in der Umgebung von Náchod. /
/ Cerambycidae - p.57 - Prionus coriarius, Pachyta quadrimaculata, Saperda scalaris /
c°--2008, 1-164 pp. Edition 2008
Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles.
---1953, 350 pp. + 8 tbl., British Museum, London
A monograph of immature stages of British and imported beetles (Cerambycidae).
---1955, 36: 202-215, Ann. Mus. Congo Trevuren, in -8°, Zool.
Contributions a l’étude de la faune entomologique du Ruanda-Urundi (Mission P. Basilewsky 1953). XXI.
Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae.
---1957, 338 pp. 10 pls., Commonwealth institut of entomology
A monograph of the immature stages of African timber beetles (Cerambycidae)
---1960, 327 pp. + XIII Pls, British Museum (Natural History), London
A monograph of the immature stages of Neotropical timber beetles (Cerambycidae).
---1968, 434 pp., 198 figs, 18 pls., Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London
A monograph of immature stages of Oriental timber-beetles (Cerambycidae).
---1980, 186 pp., 4 pls., Commonwealth institut of entomology
A Monograph of the immature stages of African timber beetles (Cerambycidae). Supplement.
*DUNN James
---1991, 26 (4): 425-429, J. Entomol. Sci.
(et POTTER A.)
Synergistic effects of DUQUE J.A.oak volatiles with ethanol in the capture of saprophagous wood borers.
/ Xylotrechus - USA /
---1983, p. 1-38, Pub. Caja Prov. Ahorros Huelva, Imp. Tartesos, Huelva (et HUERTAS M.)
Estudio del perforador de Eucaliptos: Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr., en la provincia de Huelva.
---2004, 10: 2-4, Besoiro
Une nouvelle espece dans le genre Anoplophora Hope 1839 Anoplophora sebastieni n. sp
(Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini).
[A new species of the genus Anoplophora Hope 1839 Anoplophora sebastieni n. sp
(Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini).]
/ Anoplophora sebastieni - sp.n. - PH: Camiguin Is /
---1987, 119 pp.,
Les Insectes
(Dürr H.J.R.)
---1952, 15 (1): 83-89, Journ. Ent. Soc. S. Africa
A description of the Woodborer Oxypleurus nodieri Muls.
*DUTRU Claude
c--2002, 5 (1): 35-37, Le Coléoptériste
(et LE RESTIF A. )
Recontres avec quelques Coléopteres spectaculaires de Thessalie (Grece).
/ Greece - Aegomorphus krueperi ; ... /
---1982, 6 (1): 37-47, Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi)
(et PAL P. K.)
Role of mandibular lenght of Obereopsis brevis Swed. in selcting the site of oviposition
and damage in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.
---1984, 2 (1): 97-106, illustr., Annals of Entomology (Dehra Dun)
Morphology and bioecology of immature forms of soybean girdler,
Obereopsis brevis Swed. (Col., Lamiinae)
(et PAL P. K.)
---1981, 37 (1): 40-41, L'Entomologiste
Sur deux longicornes du Tarn
/ Akimerus schaefferi, Plagionotus detritus /
(Javelidze I.G.)
c°--1981, 2: 67-73, Collection of Scientific Works of Gulisashvili Institute of Mountain Forestry,
Ministry of Silviculture of Georgian SSR, Tbilisi [In: "Forest Protection from Pests and Diseases"]
[New data on timber-beetles of Georgia.]
---1985, ???, Harward University Press, Cambridge Massatchussets & London
Sexual Selection and Animal Genital.
o--1985, 1: 125-127, Boletín del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Observaciones sobre la ecología de Purpuricenus ferrugineus (Fairmaire, 1851) (Col., Ceramb.).
---2006, N°: 417-418, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos hallazgos de Semanotus laurasii (Lucas, 1851) (Cerambycinae, Callidiini)
en la Sierra de Guadarrama.
(José Manuel Echevarría Mayo)
c°--1996, 14: 3-6, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Los Cerambycidae Latreille (Coleoptera) del bosque de La Herreria, El Escorial, Madrid.
c°--1996, 14: 3-6, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Captura de imagos de Acanthocinus aedilis Linneo, 1758, en el interior de cortezas de pino durante
la hibernacion (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1997, N°17: 57, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Grammoptera ustulata (Schaller, 1783) y Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae): dos Lepturini Kirby nuevos para la fauna
c°--1998, N°21: 22, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevas capturas de Stenocorus meridianus L. (Col., Cerambycidae) en la Comunidad de Madrid.
c°--2001, N°29: 102, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Aplicación de la corológia de Anaglyptus mysticus (Linneo, 1758) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) en La Rioja.
c°--2003, N°32: 218, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Algunas citas complementarias para „Fauna Ibérica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)“.
c°--2005, No 2: 9-23, Eversmannia
The longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Chuvash Republic: systematic check-list of the species.
c°--2006, No 7-8: 25-26, Eversmannia
Addition on the fauna of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Chuvashia.
*EHARA Shozo
(Ehara Shôzô)
c--1954, 12 (1-2): 61-115 Journal of the Faculty of Sciences, Hokkaido University, Ser.6, Zool.
Comparative anatomy of male genitalia in some Cerambycid beetles.
---1981, (No. 97): 11-36, Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe d´Histoire Naturelle et des Amis du Museum d´Autun
Les insectes des saules dans le Haut-Morvan et l´Autunois.
---1983, 27 (5): 225, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
150. Zur Bockkäferfauna des Kreises Forst-Bezirk Cottbus.
c--1986, 30 (4): 182-184, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
226. Beitrege zur Coleopterenfauna des Bezirkes Cottbus - Cerambycidae.
---1930, 9 (3-4): 213-258, Polskie pismo entomologiczne [Bulletin entomologoque de la Pologne]
Chrzaszcze okolic Tyflisu. [Coleoptera der Umgebung von Tiflis.]
---1979, 39 (3): 57-60, Natur und Heimat
Zur Bockkäfer-Fauna des Cappenberger Waldes, Kreis Unna.
---1978, 88 (17): 189-193, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Variationsbreite von Evodinus interrogationis (Linne) im Fichtelgebirge (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1978, 88 (20): 236, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Nachtrag zum Vorkommen von Evodinus interrogationis im Fichtelgebirge (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---2002, 407 pp. Baan Lae Suan, Bangkog
A handbook to interesting beetles of Thailand: fascinating insects. Vol. 1.
/ Cicindelidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae, CERAMBYCIDAE - key /
---1999, 22 (3): 59-64, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin
Biologie et degats de Cerambyx cerdi var. mirbecki Lucas (Coleoptere, Cerambycidae)
en suberaie de la Mamora (Maroc).
[Biology and damage of Cerambyx cerdo var. mirbecki (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the Mamora
cork oak forest (Morocco).]
(G. El-Hariri)
c--1968, pp. 1-160, Al-Chark - Lahlouh Printing Press, ALongicornia 1o
A list of recorded syrian Insects and Acari.
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - pp. 60-61, 100-143 /
---1976, 54 (1): 167-169, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
On the control of the cerambycid beetle Chlorophorus varius Müll. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in grape
Orchards, with some biological observations.
---1978, 56 (1): 49-56, Agricultural Research Review (Giza) (ARRG)
On the biology of the longocorn beetle Hesperophanes griseu F. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1980 (1979), 57 (1): 1-7, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
Ecological studies on the sunt Macrotoma, Macrotoma palmata F. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1980 (1979), 57 (1): 79-85, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
Life-cycle and generation period of the sunt Macrotoma, Macrotoma palmata F. (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1968, 47 (4): 942-946, Revue d’Entom. de l’URSS
Entomological expedition of Zoological Institute of Academy of Sciences of the USSR
in the Mongolian Peoples’s Republic in the year 1967
---1972, 51 (4): 466-483, Revue d’Entom. de l’URSS
Joint Soviet-Mongolian investigations of insect fauna of the Mongolian Peoples’s Republic in 1968-1971.
---1977, 7-16, Nauka, Leningrad, In: Insects of Mongolia. V
Joint Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the Mongolian Peoples’s Republic
during 1975 and 1976.
---1977, 7-16, Nauka, Leningrad, In: Insects of Mongolia. VII
(et KOZLOV M.A.)
Joint Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the Mongolian Peoples’s Republic during 1978
---1994, : 149-153, Forest insects, Yokendo, Tokyo
(in Japanese)
Japanese Pine Sawer, Monochamus alternatus.
*ENDOU Kazuyuki
o--2000, 28 (1): 193-196, Elytra
A new cerambycid beetle of the genus Perissus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan.
/ Perissus ogasawarensis - sp.n. - JP: Ogasawara Is./
---1990, 104: 345-350, Journal of African Zoology
Mechanoreceptors on male genitalia of Platipodidae (Coleoptera): a pregamous isolation mechanism?
c°--????,pp. 1-234, EPPO
Forests pests on the territories of the former USSR
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - Trichoferus campestris, etc. /
---1981, EPPO List A2: 4 pp.
Phoracantha semipunctata F. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
c°--2005, 35: 406-408, EPPO Bulletin
Xylotrechus altaicus
c°--2006, 36: 1-5, EPPO Bulletin
Aeolesthes sarta
c°--2006, 36: 406-408, EPPO Bulletin
Xylotrechus altaicus (map)
c°--2008, 38: 60-63, EPPO Bulletin
Trichoferus campestris (map)
*ERBER Dieter
---1988, No. 40 (Art. 202): 139-214, Boletim do Museu Municipial do Funchal
Contribution to the knowledge of the Madeira beetles
c--1990, No. 42 (Art. 223): 147-181, Boletim do Museu Municipial do Funchal
New amd little known Coleoptera from Madeira. Results of excursions to Madeira in the years 1986-1990
/ Fam. Carabidae – Scolytidae,
CERAMBYCIDAE p.:158-159 - Phoracantha semipunctata (F., 1775)
Cordylomera spinicornis (F., 1775) – new to Macronesia
p.:172 - Criocephalus ferus, Blabinorus spinicollis /
---1947, T. C. Tar. Bak. Orm. Gen. Müd., Sayı : 52, 34 pp.
Sarıkamış Ormanlarında Entomolojik Müşahadeler.
---l841, 3: 162-163, 188-189, Voss, Leipzig, 296 pp.
In: Wagner M. - Reise in des Regentsschaft Algiers in den Jahren 1836, 1837 und 1838.
Über die Insecten von Algier mit besonders Berucksichtigung ihrer geographischen Verbreitung.
---2004, 35 (4): 254-258, Russian J. of Ecology
Ecological Consequences of Transient Outbreaks of Siberian Larch Casebearer, Coleophora sibiricella Flkv.,
in the Udmurt Republic.
---1991, (No. 58): 15-17, Gensei
(in Japanese)
[Notes on the two species longicorn-beetles of Ogasawara Islands (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/Acalolepta boninensis, Mutatocoptops rufa /
---1914, 2: 495-506, Trabajos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Serie Zoológica. (Madrid)
Los coléopteros de Marruecos.
---1830, 2: 63-66, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Nova genera coleopterorum faunae Eurpaeae.
(Ĺńţíčí Ń.Ë., Â.Î. Ęîçüěčíűő)
--1992, : 59-67, Arthropoda of preserved territories of Cheljabinsk region. Sverdlovsk. Ural Branch
of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR] [in Russian].
[Materials on the Coleoptera fauna of “Troitzky” reservation.- Arthropoda of preserved territories
of Cheljabinsk region.]
(Espaňol F.)
---1943, 8 (1): 1-14, Rev. Las Ciencias, Madrid
Contribución al concimiento de los coleópteros de Ibiza y Formentera.
c°--1977, 53: 111-175, Graellsia
/ Description of new animal species from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (1978-1994):
Taxonomic trends and systematic list /
/ Coleoptera: C e r a m b y c i d a e + /
(Естерберг Л.К., 1935)
---1935, : 195-210, Gorky publishing house. In: Nature of Gorky and Kirov regions
[Insects of Gorky and Kirov regions.]
[in Russian].
---1858, p. 1-24, Palma de Mallorca. Tip. B. Rotger
Catalógo metódico de los coleópteros observados en las Islas Baleares.
c°--2006, 35 (5): 1-59, Bishop Museum Technical Report
Checklist of the Coleoptera of Fiji
c°--2006, 36 (5): 1-207, Bishop Museum Technical Report
Fijian Terrestrial Arthropod Bibliography.
c°--2007, N°91: 39-42, Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Fiji Arthropods VII
Note: Clarification of the Authorship of Xixuthrus heros (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
*FABBRI Roberto
c--1992, : 27-35, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia naturale della Romagna
/ Nuovi dati sulla biologia e fenologia di Phytoecia vulneris (Aurivilius, 1923) in Emilia Romagna.
c--1996, 128 (1): 85-90, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, Genova
Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane (N. 292-312)
302 - Phytoecia vulneris Aurivil.,1923 (Col., Cer.)
(see Cerutti 1996)
c°--1996, 5: 19-40, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia naturale della Romagna (et HERNANDEZ J.M.)
Il ciclo biologico dei Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 della Romagna a confronto
con quello di altri Dorcadionini spagnoli e asiatici.
---1999, 12: 37-42, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia naturale della Romagna
Oberea euphorbie (Germar, 1813) in Romagna (Isecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
*FABBRO A. del
---1993, 93 (1/2): 90-96, Lambilionea
Excursione entomologica nell´Italia Appenninica. Note di caccia della spedizione entomologica 1992
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae, Cetoniidae, Carabidae) con osservazioni su specie di altre famiglie.
*FABRICIUS Johan Christian
---1775, 832 pp., Flesenburgi et Lipsiae
Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis,
locis, descriptionibus, observationibus.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 388-399 /
---1776, 310 pp., Kilonii (=Kiel)
Genera insectorum eorumque characteres naturales numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem
omnium partium oris adiecta mantissa specierum nuper detectatarum.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 47-55, 230-231 /
---1781,Tomus 1: viii + 552 pp., Hamburgi et Kilonii
Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia,
metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 209-250 /
---1787, 1: xx + 348 pp., Hafniae
Mantissa insectorum sistens eorum species nuper delectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis
specificis, emendationibus, observationibus.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 130-160 /
---1792, Vol. 1, p. 2: xx + 1-538, Ed. C.F.Mohr, Kiliae/Hafinae (=Kiel /Copenhagen)
Entomologia systematica emendata et acuta. Secundum classes ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis,
locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : 242-358 pp. /
---1794, Vol. 4: 1-472, Ed. C.F.Mohr, Kiliae/Hafinae (=Kiel /Copenhagen)
Entomologia systematica emendata et acuta. Secundum classes ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis,
locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
---1798, 572 pp., Hafinae (=Copenhagen)
Supplementum entomologiae systematicae emendata et acuta. Secundum classes ordines, genera,
species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus.
---1801, 2:1-687 pp., Kiliae
Systema Eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species: adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus,
---1984, 214 pp., Unpublished Thesis, Dept. of Entomology, Fac. Science, Ain Shams Univ. Cairo.
Biology, survey and taxonomy of Cerambycids of Egypt.
---1999, 77: 139-148, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
New records of wood-boring beetles in Egypt.
---1924, 28: 36, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Rhopalopus spinicornis
---1996, 132 (2): 153-154, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge, d'Entomologie (et THIRION C.)
[Penichroa fasciata (Stephens, 1831), a new record for the Belgian fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
(Fähraeus Olof Immanuel von)
---1872, 29 (1): 45-69, Öfversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar
Coleoptera Caffrariae, annis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta. Longicornia desripsit.
/ Acartus - gen.n. - ; ...
---1872, 29 (2): 29-61, Öfversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar
Coleoptera Caffrariae, annis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta. Longicornia desripsit.
/ Athenes (=Enareta) caudata - sp.n. ; ...
---1872, Col. Hefte. 9-10: 194-196
Memorandum betreffend die im Druck neulich erschiene Abhandlung :
Coleoptera Caffrariae, Longicornia.
---1881, Palermo
Catalogo dei coleotteri di Sicilia.
(Fairmaire Léon M.)
---1825, 10: ??? /p. 336/, Enc. Meth. Ins.
/ Hippopsis tenuevittata - gen.n. et sp.n. ---1847, (2) 5: 17, Annales de la Société entomologique de France,2eme série
Bulletin entomologique: Communications.
§---1848, 6: 167-176, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 2eme série
Description de quelques Coléopteres nouveaux.
/ Cerambyx intricatus - sp.n. c--1849, (2) 7: 419-427, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 2eme série
Description de quelques Coléopteres nouveaux d'Europe et de France.
/ Saphanus cylindraceus - sp.n. - Espagne sept. /
---1850, (2) 2: ??? /p. 60/, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
/Stromatium hirtum (=Gelonaetha)
---1851, (2) 3: 528, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
/ Purpuricenus ferrugineus
---1852, 10 (2): 62, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 2eme série
Astynomus edmondi n.sp. Communication
---1855, (3) 3: ??? Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 2eme série
/ Prionus besikanus, Dorcadion lorquini /p.319-322/,
---1856, 8: ???,
/ (Chlorophorus) nigrosignatus (=glabromaculatus), /p.531/
c--1857, 1: 414-419, Archives Entomologiques
Description de six Longicornes exotiques nouveaux.
/ Macrocyrta macilenta - sp.n. - Singapore /
---1859, (3) 7: 62, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Morimus obsoletus (=Herophila), Leiopus femoratus
---1864, 4: 1-295, 376 figs., 78 pls., P.N.C. Deyrolle fils, Paris
In: P.N. Jacquelin du Val - Genera des Coléopteres d´Europe comprenant leur
classification en familie naturelle.
/ Cerambycidae: 113-203 pp. - Deilosoma(=Deilus); Poecilium; Helladia; Pilemia
Coptosia - gen.n., Coptosia languida (=albovittigera) Conizonia allardi /
§---1866, (4) 6: 17-74, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (et COCQUEREL C.)
Essai sur les Coléopteres de Barbarie (4e partie).
/Vesperus conicicollis, Polyarthron barbarum (=P. fairmairei) - sp.n./
c--1866, (4) 6: 249-279, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Notice sur les Coléopteres récoltés par M. J. Lédérer sur le Bosz-Dagh (Asie-Mineure).
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - pp. 268-279
Rhamnusium juglandis, Cortodera discolor, Leptura nigropicta, Rhopalopus ledereri,
Clytus insignitus
Dorcadion weyersii, cinctellum, semilineatum, boszdaghense, confluens
Agapanthia zawadskyi - sp.n. ...../
§---1866, (4) 6: 471-502, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Essai sur les Coléopteres de Barbarie.
---1868, (4) 8: ??? /p. 499/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Polyarthron desvauxi
---1870, (4) 10: ??? /p. 402/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Conizonia elegantula (=allardi),heterogyna (=warnieri),
---1872, (2) 23: ??? /p. 60/, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Paris
/ Neomarius gandolphei - gen et sp.n.
---1873, (3) 1: ??? /p. 351,
/ favieri, Conizonia coquerelli (=warnieri),
---1875(1874), 12: ??? , L´Abeille
Répertoire des Coléopteros d´Europe décrit isólement depuis 1863 (3e partie).
---1877, 2: ??? /p. 98/, Petites Nouvelles d'Entomologie
/ Phytoecia tenuilinea
c--------------- see DEYROLLE M. H. ---1878, 8: 87-???, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Descriptions de Coleopteres recueillis par M. l´abbé David dans la Chine centrale.
/ Batocera davidis sp. n.
Mesosa oculicollis sp. n.
Callichroma? davidis sp. n.
Clytus davidis sp. n.
Gaurotes davidis sp. n./
---1880, 5 (10): ???, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Coléopteres du Nord de l'Afrique.
/ Phytoecia gougeleti, 251
---1881, (6) 1: ??? /p. 205, 473/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Dorcadion perrini 205 (=D. libanoticum); Ceresium impuncticolle (=Curtomerus flavus)
---1884, (6) 4: 165-180, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Liste des Coléopterés recoltés par M. l'abbé David a Akbes (Asie-Minéure) et descriptions
especes nouvelles.
/ Dorcadion destinoi(=D. javeti),
---1885, 4: 316-318, Revue d'Entomologie, Caen
Excursion entomologique au Simplon.
/ Leptura maculicornis var. simplonica
---1886, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (6) 6, , Bulletin: 162
Note sur un superbe longicorne trouvé en china par La Touche,.
§---1886, (5) 6: ??? /p.457, 459/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Dichostates (=Crossotus) strigifrons, subocellatus, vagepictus, Dorysthenes davidi,
angulicollis, Eurypoda davidis (355), Pogonocherus cristulatus (=Idactus),
Discolops strigicollis gen. et sp. n. ---1887, 31: ??? /p. 132/, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
/ Prionus delavayi, Polyzonus cuprarius, laurae,
---1887, 31, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Bull.: 131
/ Correnys cardinalis
---1888, 32: ??? /p. 33-35/, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
/ Clytus duo, mupiensis (=Chlorophorus),cuneatus, tristiculus, tsitoensis (=Demonax)
tonkinea (=Hyllisia),Oberea holoxantha (=O. fuscipennis); ...
---1888, 7: 111-160, Revue d'Entomologie, Caen
Les Coléopteres des environs de Pekin. (2e Partie)
/ Purpuricenus globiger, sideriger, Olenecamptus obsoletus (=Microlenecamptus),
Oberea scutellaris (=O. scutellaroides), Pseudocalamobius filiformis,
Chlorophorus artemisiae, Clytus fuliginosus (=Perissus fairmairei),
Cl. tenuicornis (=Rhaphuma gracilipes), Cl. polyzonus (=Xylotrechus),
---1888, (6) 8: ??? /p. 370/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Olenecamptus compressipes,Hippopsis tenuevittata (=Pothyne)
---1889, (6) 9: 5-84, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Coléopteres de l´intérier de la Chine. 5
/ Stenura aeneipennis (=Eustrangalis) stricticollis (=Ischnostrangalis), basiplicata
(=Japanostrangalia) lineigera (=Parastrangalis), Hemadius ochroleucus, oenochrous,
(Leontinum) tenuipes,Pyrestes quinquesignatus,Clytus eleodes (=Rhaphuma),
Pachyta oxyoma, Gaurotes donacioides (= Parag. fairmairei), Monochamus sparsutus,
Oberea distinctipennis, discipennis (=O. inclusa),
---1889, (6) 9: ??? /p. 169/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Oberea flavicornis (=Obereopsis)
---1889, (6) 9: 89-90, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Bull.
/ No title /
/ Mantitheus pekinensis - gen. et sp. n. - CN /
---1889, 39: ??? /p. 190/, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
/ Oberea brevicollis (=O. fairmairei),
---1890, 68: ??? /p. 639-641/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Archidice carolina, (=Paraleprodera), Leprodera bioculata(=Paralep. diophtalma)
Trachystola maculipennis (=Neotrachystola),
---1891, ??? /p.271/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Crossotus tubericollis
---1890, (6) 10: 547-554, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Note supplémentaire sur les Coléopters d'Obock.
---1892, 61: 121-124, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Séance du 11 mai 1892
/ Prionus nadari, Prionus ruficornis
§---1892, 11 (1): 77-127, Revue d'Entomologie
(see Adlbauer 1998: Taurotagus)
Coléopteres a Obock. 3eme partie. Note sur les Coléopteres recueillis par M. Laligant a Obock.
/ Daramus serricornis, Gasponia gaurani - gen. et sp.n.; g. Tritomicrus; Galacthestes
(=Prosopocera); Dalterus (= sbg.Prosopocera) /
---1893, 37: 520-525, (1-5), Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Coléopteres des iles Comores.
---1894, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Bull.: 244
/Strangalia quadrizona
---1894, 38: 216-225, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Quelques coléopteres du Tibet.
/ Casiphia tibeticola – sp.n. /
---1894, 38: 314-335, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Coléoptères de l'Afrique intertropicale et australe, (deuxième note).
/ Paphraecia - gen.n. (=Eunidia)
---1895, 39: 173-190, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Deuxieme note sur quelques Coléopteres des environs Lang-song.
/ Chlorophorus nigricollis, Cyrtonops tonkineus, Cyrtognathus florentini,Debilia rufoflavida,
Leptura aurosericans ,Erythrus laticornis, Sclethrus stenocylindrus (=S. amoenus)
Linda melanoptera (=L. femorata), Oberea clypealis (=Nupserha), longipennis (=O. mutata),
atroanalis (=O. walkeri),
c--1896, 18 (2-3): 81-129, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note XII. Coléopteres de l'Inde, Chine et Malaisie.
/ Clytus validus - sp.n. - Thibet /
c--1896, 19: 209-233, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note XXV. Description de coléopteres nouveaux de la Malaisie, de l'Inde et de la Chine.
/ Aromia coreana - sp.n. - Séoul
Glenea centroguttata - sp.n. - Thibet /
c--1896, 19: 241-255, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note XXVIII. Coléopteres du Szé-tchouen et de Koui-tchéou (Chine).
/ Prionus laminicornis, Oberea incompleta - sp.n. - Szétchouan, CN, Glenea centroguttata,
Oberea incompleta, Leptura frainii(=Paranaspia), /
---1896, 40: 336-398, 452-480, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Matériaux pour la faune coléoptèrique de la région malgache.
/ Pectoctenus scalabrii - gen. et sp.n. -366,367; ...
---1897, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Bull.: 68-72
Description de six coléoptères de l'Île Ishigaki-Sima (Onthophagus, Eurylampyris,
Amarygmus, Pachyrhynchus, Camtorhinus et Pachyosa).
/ Pachyosa cervinopicta (=Saimia),
---1897, 41: ??? /p.196/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Coedoma longula (=Dyboma procera)
---1898, 67: ??? /p. 399/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Palimna mimica (=Palimnodes ducalis)
---1898, 42: 222-260, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Matériaux pour la faune coléoptérique de la Région Malgache, 5e note.
/ Semiclinia, Holorusius perrieri - gen.n.
---1899, 43: 616-642, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Descriptions de Coléopteres nouveaux, recueillis en Chine par M. De Latouche.
/ Megopis mandibularis, Cyrthognathus breviceps (=D. hydropicus), Rhagium sinense ,
---1900, 68: ??? /p. 640/, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
/ Pyrestes rugicollis, Leptura dissimilis (=Anastrangalia), Trachystola rugiscapus
(=Pseudotrachystola), Praoneta sinensis (=Pterolophia)
---1901, 20: 101-248, Revue d'Entomologie, Caen
Matériaux pour la faune coléoptérique de la région malgache (11e note).
---1902, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Bull.: 243-246
Descriptions de quelques Longicornes de Mouy-Tsé.
/ Cyrtognathus dentipes, Sphenura semiluctuosa (=Glenea), Miocris nigroscutata (=Linda) ,
Miocris fulva (=Linda rubescens), Oberea semivitta (=Linda), Mecotagus rufulosparsus
(=Pseudomacrochenuas antennatus),
---1904, 3: ??? /p.145/, Miss. Pavie Indochine
/ Coptops niveisparsa (=leucostictica), Purpuricenus miniatus (=Euryphagus)
---1833, 6: 46-72, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Species novae Coleopterorum Mongoliae et Siberiae incolarum.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. - ??? 67-69
---1835, (6) 2: 337-464, Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg
Coleopterorum ab ill. Bungio in China boreali, Mongoliae et montibus Altaicis collectorum,
nec non ab ill. Turchaninoffio et Stschukino e provincia Irkutzk missorum illustrationes.
---1836, BSNM
Beschreibung der Käferkunde des Russisches Reichs.
c--1837, Pars 2, 433 pp., pl. 1-15, Moscou
Fauna Entomologica Trans-caucasica. Coleoptera, 2
/ Cerambycidae - pp. - 261 - 321, pl. VII-XI /
---1839, 5: 1-433, NMIM
Fauna entomologica Trans-Caucasica. Coleoptera 2.
---1923, 62: 83-90, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali
Coleotteri di Cirenaica raccolti dal prof. Alessandro Ghigi nella escursione organizzata
dal Touring Club Italiano, 15-24 aprile 1920.
---1981, 29: 77, Bulletin phytosanitaire de la FAO
Insectes ravageurs de l'eucalyptus.
*FARBIAK D. (Farbiak Dušan)
---1998, 10(4): 124-125, Entomofauna Carpathica
(et ARPAS P.)
Budeme zbierat chrobaky v podzemi? [Occurrence of beetles in coal mines.]
*FARREL D. Brian
(Farbiak Dušan)
c°--1998, 10(4): 174-189 + 2 pp appendix, Evolution
Evolutionary rates in the adaptive radiation on Beatles on plants.
---2007 (2006), N°42: 123–127, Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Research
Preliminary report of Cerambycid fauna associated with forests and rangelands of Iran.
o--1964, 61(3): 295-297, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
[Ein bemerkenswerter Fund des Alpenbockes /Rosalia alpina (L.)/ in Mittelböhmen (Col., Cerambycidae)]
---1981, 29(1): 38, Živa
[ An interesting find of Isotomus speciosus ]
---1955, vol. 11: 105-144, In: "Science notes of Uzhorod University"
[An ecology-faunistic revue of cerambycidae of Transcarpaten region.]
---1988, 43 (1-4): 43-48, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Contributo alla conoscenza dei Cerambicidi della Riserva Naturale di Monte Rufeno (Lazio).
---1967, 23(2): 42-45, L'Entomologiste
Sur l'élevage de Parmena pubescens Dalm. var. solieri Muls.
---1878 (1877), 14: 1-27, 111-139, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Käfer des europäischen und asiatischen Russlands mit Einschluss
der Küsten des Kaspischen Meers.
---1862, 7: 120-185, pl. 9-10, Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie
Coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Calédonie recueillis par M. E. Deplanche, chirurgien
de la marine impériale 1858-59-60.
---1897, 16: 45-73, Revue d´Entomologie, Caen
Catalogue des Coléopteres des Iles des Maderes , Porto Santo et Desertas.
---1994, 54 (3): 65-75, Natur und Heimat
Leptura maculicornis De Geer (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) im Südwestfalischen Bergland.
---2000, 44(2): 117-120, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Langemasse von Bockkäfern (Col., Cerambycidae) aus Populatinen des südwestlichen Berglands.
[Length measurements of longhorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from populations
in the south Westfalian foothills.]
---2006, 31 (3): 610-612, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
(et CHEN Li)
A review of the genus Sarmydus with description of a new species from China
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Sarmydus trichodes - sp.n. - CN /
---2007, 32 (3): 716-720, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
(et CHEN Li)
A review of the genus Aegoliipton and description of a new species from China
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Aegolipton yunnanensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1985, 22 (5): 217-218, illustr., Entomological Knowledge
(et al. )
Observation on the peony root borer, Apatophysis sinica Semenov-Tian-Shanskij.
---1955, 22 (3): 367-373, 7 figs., Ann. Transv. Mus.
Contributions to the study of the Cerambycinae of South Africa II. Asemini.
---1957, Junta de Comércio externo da Provincia de Mocambique, 188 pp. (et VEIGA DA FERREIRA G.)
Contribuicao para o estudo dos insectos xilófagos, III Parte – Vol. 1 Subfamilia Cerambycinae.
1 – Supertribos Disteniina, Asemina e Cerambycina.
---1959, 1: 77-398, Mem. Inst. Invest. cient. Mocamb.
Catálogo dos Cerambicídeos da Regiao Etiópica. II Parte - Supertribos Disteniina, Asemina,
Cerambycina, Auxesina & Lepturina..
---1980, 13: 1-335, 47 pls., Memoirs van die Nasionale Museum memoir
The Parandrinae and the Prioninae of Southern Africa.
*FERRERO Francois
---1986, (376): 55, Phytoma
La capricorne Phoracantha semipunctata a craindre dans les plantations d'Eucalyptus.
---1990, (414): 62, Phytoma
De ravageurs de chenes : Les Cerambyx
---1998, 7 (3): 97-98, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Opcilia [Opsilia] uncinata Redtenbacher, 1842, espece nouvelle pour les Pyrenees (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 8 (1): 17, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Observations sur l'eclosion echelonnee de Niphona picticornis Mulsant (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 8 (2): 48-50, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Une bonne localite des Pyrenees-Orientales: N.-D. de la Salette (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae).
---2000, 9 (1): 22-25, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Brachyleptura stragulata Germar dans les Pyrenees-Orientales (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1981, no. 15, Notas Técnico-cientificas. INIA, Lisboa
A Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) praga dos eucalyptos.
*FILHO Evoneo Berti
c°--1997, N°52: 51-54, Scientia Forestralis
[Impact of Coleoptera Cerambycidae on eucalyptus forests in Brasil.]
---2002, 80 pp., Petroglif, Sankt-Petersburg
(in Russian)
(et UDALOV S.G.)
[Longhorn Beetles of the St. Petersburg Region. Insecta Agri Petropolitani. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)]
---1947, 16: 291-314, Bolletino dell'Instituto di Entomologia della Universita degli Studi di Bologna
Contributo alla conoscenza degli insetti del "Daucus carota" L.
---1956, 21: 277-296, Bolletino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
Risultati dlle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. IX.
Appunti ecologici ed etologici su l'entomofauna estiva della Hamada El-Hamra".
---1823-1824, Vol. 2. Mosque: XX+264 p.,
Entomographia imperii Rossici
---1926, ???
Desciption of new West Indian longicorn beetles of the subfamily Lamiinae.
---1925, 28 (2): 205-275, The Philippine Journal of Science
New Malaysian Cerambycidae, Subfamily Lamiinae.
---1930, 14: 275-278, Indian Forest Records, Dehra Dun
On some Indian Coleoptera. A new genus and two new species of longhorn beetles
from India (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: subfamily Lamiinae).
---1934, 10 (15): 1-6, Bulletin Institut royal des Sciences naturalles de Belgique
Malaysian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
---1935, 17: 581-631, Journal of the Malayan States Museums
Cerambycidae from Mount Kinabalu.
---1936, (79): 169-198, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Fauna Javanica. New Cerambycid beetles from Java.
---1938, 17: 581-631, Journal of the Federal Malay States Museum
XL: Cerambycidae from Mount Kinabalu.
---1940, 6 (5): 197-212, Indian Forest Records, Delhi, (N.S.)
New Cerambycidae from India, II (Coleoptera)
c--1940, 16 (10): 295-325, Indian Forest Records, Delhi
New species of Exocentrus Mulsant from India (Col.: Cerambycidae: Subfamily Lamiinae).
c°--1890, 9 (8): 238-240, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ischioplites Möllendorfii n. sp. aus Matupi, Bismarck-Archipel.
c°--1907, 26 (1): 17-19, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beiträge zur Käferfauna der iberischen Halbinsel.
c°--1887, 6 (8): 237, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Bemerkenswerthe neue Käfer-Variäten.
/ Anisorus quercus discolor - var.n. - Moravia /
c°--1894, 13 (4): 121, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Eine neue varietat des Dorcadion fulvum Scop.
/ Dorcadion fulvum nigripenne - var. n. /
c°--1908, 27 (1): 16, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Biologische Nitiz über Saperda 8-punctata Scop.
/S. octopunctata sexpunctata - ab.n. - Moravia /
c°--1908, 27 (6-7): 211-212, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. Einer neuer Clytantus.
/ Clytantus mixtornatus - sp.n. - ?TR /
---1933, (1927-1930) 28-29, pp. 610, Acta Musei Moraviensis, Brno
Přehled brouků fauny Československé republiky
c°--2007, 12 (1): 87-89, Acta entomologica serbica
A species of longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) new to the Albanian fauna new record of Tragosoma depsarium (L.).
---1983, Kalmyk. gos. univ., Elista, 60pp. (Deposited in VINITI, 12.04.1983, N 1921-83). [in Russian]
[A list of beetle species of Kalmykia and adjacent territories.]
---1903, Bulletin of the Liverpool Museum (Special Bulletin), XLVIII + 1-598, 34 pl., 88 fig.
Forbes H.O. (ed.): The natural history of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri. A Monograph of the Islands.
---1986, 22 (1): 1-69, Natura Jutlandica (Arhus, Denmark)
Annotated list of Cerambycidae, subfamily Lamiinae collected in Tanzania, Zambia and Botswana
1969-80 with description of 86 new taxa.
---1987, 22 (6): 101-130, Natura Jutlandica
Seasonal and nightly variations in nocturnal activity of longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) in Tanzania,
Zambia and Botswana 1969-80
c°--1987, 14 (6): 583-593, Journal of Biogeography
(et WANG Qiao)
An analysis of the subfamily distribution and composition of the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae) in the provinces of China.
/ CN - only abstract !!! /
---1785, 2 vols.: vii + 544 pp., Serpentineis, Parisiis
Entomologia Parisiensis, sive catalogus Isectorum quae in agro Parisiensis reperientur; secundum
methodum Geoffraeanum in sectiones, genera et species distributus. Cui addita nomina trivialia et
fere trecentae ovae species.
---1913, London
In: The Coleoptera of the British Islands, Supplement 6
---1971, ???, Acta Soc. Biol. Rio de Janeiro
Segunda nota preliminar a uma futura revisao dos Cerambcini Neotropicais.
c°-1985, 41 (5): 229-240, L'Entomologiste
Hirtobrasilianus, nouveau sous genere de Brasilianus, Jakobson, 1924.
c--1985, 29 (1): 125-134, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
The terminalia as a basis for the classification of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) subfamilies. Part. I.
Terminology and genital morphology of Cerambyx cerdo L.
---1985, 29 (1): 165-168, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
The terminalia as a basis for the classification of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) subfamilies. Part. II.
---1987, 47 (1-2): 189-202, 8 figs, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (et MONNÉ M.A., CAMPOS-SEABRA C.A.)
Preliminary considerations on the higher classification of Cerambycinae, with nomenclatural alterations.
---1996, 79 (2): 153-170, Redia
(et PENNACCHIO Fabrizio)
Note sulla bioecologia di Monochamus galloprovincialis galloprovincialis (Olivier) in Toscana
e in Liguria (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1985, 85 (5-6): 42-43, Lambillionea
Sur la presence en Belgique de Aphelocnemia nebulosa (Fabricius) (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini).
---1954, 34 (4-6): 231-234, Schenckerbergiana biologia
Chelidonium brevicorne n. sp.
---1971, 52 (3-5): 225-226, Schenckerbergiana biologia
Zwei neue indoaustralische Cerambyciden im Senkenberg-Museum
---1972, 53 (3-4): 233-235, Schenckerbergiana biologia
Xoanodera asphyxa n. sp. aus dem indo- australischen Gebiet.
---1964, 31: 34-155, Wiss. Arb. Burgenland
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Käferfauna des Burgenlandes.
---1972, 25 (19): 313-325, Folia entomologica hungarica
Urwaldrelikte in der Koleopterenfauna des pannonischen Klimagebietes im Osten Österreichs(Col.).
---1974, pp. 707, Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck - München
Die Nordost Alpen im Spiegel ihrer Landtierwelt. IV, Coleoptera 2
---1988, 33: 381-382, Entomophaga
(et. HADDAN M.)
Platystasius transversus (Hym. Platygasteridae) parasitoide oophage de Phoracantha semipunctata
(Col. Cerambycidae) au Maroc.
---1949, 85: 97-99, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Notes upon on the biology of certain species of exotic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera),
occasionally imported into Britania.
---1980, (No. 216): 9, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique du Nord de la France (et GOULLIART M.)
Capture d´un Caenoptera minor L. (coleoptere Cerambycidae) aux portes de Bethune a Lille.
---1991, No. 261: 2pp., Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique du Nord de la France
Stenopterus ater aux Baleares.
---1990, 220 pp., Akad. d. Landwirtschaftswiss. d. D.D.R
Collectiones entomologicae. Ein Kompendium über den Verbleib entomologischer Sammlungen
der Welt bis 1960. I.
---1992, 229 (1-2): 42-53, Zoologischer Anzeiger
Biology, ecology and parasitoides of Agapanthia villosoviridescens DeGeer 1775 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycdae) an important stem borer of thistles.
c--1976, 25 (3): 43-44, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Cerambycidenstudien (Col. Cerambycidae)
/ Agapanthia intermedia Gglb. - bona sp. /
*FRISCH Johanes
---1992, 102 (2): 637-642, Carinthia II
Ein neuer Bockkäfer für Fauna Körntens - Oberea pedemontana Chevrolat, 1856 (Col., Cerambycidae)
(Frivaldszky János) (?? Frivaldszky Imre 1799-1870)
---1835, 2 (2): 235-276, tab. I-VIII, A Magyar Tudós Társaság évkönyvei
(in Hungarian)
A Balkány vidékén tett természettudományi utazásról.
/ Phytoecia balcanica - BG (p. 268)
---1845, 1: ???, A Magyar Tudós Társaság évkönyvei
Coleoptera nova.
/ Dorcadion triste - p. 184
(in Hungarian)
---1878, 2: ???, Természetrajzi füzetek, Budapest
/ Agpanthia coeruleipennis - sp.n. - IR (p. 9)
Phytoecia armeniaca - sp.n. - TR (p. 10)
(in Latin and Hungarian)
c--1884, 8: 1-8, Természetrajzi füzetek, Budapest
Coleoptera nova ex Asia Minore
/ Grammoptera merkli - sp.n. - TR
Phytoecia speciosa - sp.n. - TR (=Pygoptosia) /
(in Latin and Hungarian)
---1892, 15: 114-125, Természetrajzi füzetek, Budapest
(in Latin and Hungarian)
Coleoptera in Expeditione D. Comitis Belae Széchenyi in China, praecipue boreali, a Dominis
Gustavo Kreitner et Ludovico Lóczy anno 1879 collecta.
/ Dorcadion cervae - sp.n. - HU (p. 153)
(Frölich J.A. von)
---1792, 26: 68-185, Naturforscher
Bemerkungen über einige seltene Käfer aus der Insecten-Sammlung des Hr. Rudolph in Erlangen.
---1983, 39 (5): 260, L´Entomologiste
Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting), (Col., Cerambycidae) – suite .....
*FUCHS Ernst
c°--1955, 33 (1-6): 47-53, Koleopterologische Rundschau
1. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c--1955, : 228-229,
Ergebinsse einer Revision der Cerambyciden des Naturhistorischen Museums. 1.Teil
/ Opsilia transcaspica - sp.n. - TK /
o--1955, bd. 117: 271-274, Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk naturh. Foren.,
The 3rd Danish Expedition to Central Asia. Zoological Results 17. (Cerambycidae (Insecta) Afghanistan)
/ Prionus ellioti (female)
Paramallosia afghanica gen. et sp. n. – AF /
c--1956, 93: 75-77, Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-naturwiss. Klasse (AOAW)
Ergebinsse der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949/50; Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
aus Persien (Iran)
/ Prionus loeffleri - sp.n. - IR /
---1956, 7 (2): 567-576, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
2. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c--1957, 94: 289-291, Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-naturwiss. Klasse (AOAW)
Ergebinsse der Österreichischen Iranexpedition 1949/50. Cerambycidae. Coleoptera (1. Teil).
/ Prionus loeffleri - sp.n. - IR /
c°--1958, 35: 12-13, Koleopterologische Rundschau (Koleopterologische Rundschau)
Eine neue Pharsalia-Art aus Indochina.
/ Pharsalia (s. str.) ochreopunctata - sp.n. - VN /
c°--1958, 36: 52-61, Koleopterologische Rundschau
3. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
o--1959, 35 (No 35): 1-4, Bulletin Institut royal des Sciences naturalles de Belgique
Neue Cerambyciden (Coleoptera) aus dem Institut royal des Sciences naturalles de Belgique.
/ 3 sp. n. – S. America /
c--1959, 63: 422, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Ergebinsse einer Revis. der Crambyciden des Naturhistorischen Museums. 2 .Teil
/ Prionus zarudnyi (female) /
c--1961, 19 (63): 259-260, Beitr. naturk. Forsch. SW-Deutschland
Ergebinsse der Deutschen Afghanistan Expedition 1956 der Landessammlungen fur Naturkunde
Karlsruhe. Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
---1961, 42(5-6): 447-450, 2 figs., Senckenbergiana biologia
Zwei neue Cyllene-Arten aus der Sammlung des Senckenberg-Museums.
---1961, 12: 1-10, Pesquisas, (Zool.)
Neue Cerambyciden aus Südbrasilien.
---1961, 12 (1): 93-98, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Neue Cerambyciden aus der ehemaligen Sammlung Dr. Itzinger.
---1961, 37 (40): 1-5, Bulletin Institut royal des Sciences naturalles de Belgique
c°--1961, 39: 6-21, Koleopterologische Rundschau
4. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1961, 39: 21-24, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Neue Longicornier aus meiner Sammlung.
/ Cleomenes diversevittatus - sp.n. - CN + key
Bottegia spinipennis - sp.n. - Tanganyika /
---1962, 13 (2): 93-98, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Neue Cerambyciden aus der ehemaligen Sammlung Dr. Itzinger. 2. Theil.
---1963, 44(6): 451-456, 2 figs., Senckenbergiana Biolologia
Neue neotropische Clytini aus der Sammlung des Senckenberg-Museums.
c°--1963 (1962/1963), 40/41: 9-10, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine neue Distichocera aus New Guinea (Ceramb., subf. Lamiinae).
c°--1963 (1962/1963), 40/41: 10-16, Koleopterologische Rundschau
5. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1965 (1964), 42: 6-10, Koleopterologische Rundschau
6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c--1965, 61 (2): 110-112, Entomologische Blätter
Zwei neue palaearktische Saperdini (Col.).
/ Conizonia (Coptosia) schuberti sp.n. – TR
Ph. (Opsilia) tienschanica sp.n. – KI (+ key ) /
c°--1966 (1965/1966), 43-44: 9-15, Koleopterologische Rundschau
7. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der neotropischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1966 (1965/1966), 43-44: 16-23, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Neue Cerambyciden aus Indochina (Col.).
/ Macrotoma (Bandar) bituberosa - sp.n. - Indochina
Megopis (Aegosoma) perroti - sp.n. - VN: Tam Dao
Megopis (Baralipton) antennalis - sp.n. - VN: Tam Dao
Megopis (Nepiodes) multicarinata - sp.n. - VN: Djiring, Annam
Euryarthrum rubati - sp.n. - VN: Djiring, Annam
Chlorophorus perroti - sp.n. - VN: Djiring, Annam
Coptops albirrorata - sp.n. - VN: Djiring, Annam /
---1966, 17: 33-38, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Neue Cerambyciden aus dem Museum G. Frey.
/ Oxilus freyi - sp.n. - (=O. lomii)
c°--1967, 70: 431-433, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Österreichische entomologische Expeditionen nach Persien und Afghanistan.
Beitrage zur Coleopterologie. Teil III.
/ Prionus vartianorum - sp.n. - AF + faun. list - AF,IR/
c--1969, 109 (4): 380-382, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Missioni 1962 e 1965 del Prof. G.Scortecci nell' Arabia meridionale.
Coleoptera Cerambycidae: Prioninae e Cerambycinae.
/ Prionus unipectinatus arabicus - ssp.n. - YE
Cantharocnemis (s.str.) arabicus - sp.n. - YE /
---1969, 175: 343-354, Ann. Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr., Zool.
Contributions a la Connnaissance de la faune entomologique de la Cote-d´Ivoire (J. Decelle, 1961-1964).
XLI. - Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae.
---1970, 46 (1): 109-114, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue Lamiinen aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
c°--1971, 75: 435-439, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Die Cerambycidenausbeute der Anatolienexpeditionen1966 - 1967 des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien.
/ Musaria anatolica - sp.n. - TR: Misis (E Adana)
Dorcadion elazigi - sp.n. - TR: Buglan Pass /
c°--1971, 49: 159, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine neue Phytoecia aus Mazedonien.
/ Ph. schurmanni - sp.n. - Macedonia /
---1972, 52: 93-101, 1 map, Notulae Entomologicae
Coleoptera aus Nordostafrika, Cerambycidae.
---1974, 66: 219-223, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, series nova
Cerambyciden (Coleoptera) aus Ghana und Congo-Brazzaville.
---1974, 50 (2): 243-245, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue Lamiinen aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
---1975, 128: 1-2, Opusc. Zool. Münch.
Ein neuer Neoclytus aus Brasilien.
o--1976, 23 (1-3): 57-59, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, N.F.
Neue Cerambyciden (Coleoptera) aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums
der Humboldt-Universitët zu Berlin.
/ 2 sp.n. – America /
*FUENTE José María de la
---1901, 1 (6): 44-45,Butlletí de la Instititució Catalana d'Historia Natural
Dos coléopteros nuevos.
/ Vesperus hispalensis - sp.n.- SP /
---1908, 7 : 443-450, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias naturales
Variedad nueva de Coléoptero Plagionotus scalaris Brull. v. andreui n. v.
---1908(1910), : 21-22, Boletín de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias naturales
Datos par la fauna de la provincia de Ciudad Real, XXI Coléopteros.
---1910, 10: 442-449, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia natural
Datos par la fauna de la provincia de Ciudad Real.
---1912, 12: 361-362, Boletín de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia natural
Datos para la fauna de la provincia de Ciudad Real.
---1935, 18: 110-116, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica de Espaňa
Catalogo sistemático, geográfico de los Coléopteros observados en la Peninsula Ibérica,
Pirineos propiamente dichos y Baleares.
---1936, 19: 110-116, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica de Espaňa
Catalogo sistemático, geográfico de los Coléopteros observados en la Peninsula Ibérica,
Pirineos propiamente dichos y Baleares.
c°--1956, 24 (1): 2-7, Kontyu, Tokyo
Miscellaneous notes of the Cerambycidae from Japan.
---1957, 30: 205-212, Kontyu, Tokyo
Longicorn beetles from the Oki Islands (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1957, 6 (2): 41-44, Akitu
Miscellaneous notes of the Japanese Longicorn-beetles.
---1976, 4 (1): 17-21, Elytra
A revision of the genus Acanthocinus Guerin inJapan (Cerambycidae, Col.).
/ Ac. griseus ssp. orientalis K. Ohbayashi, 1939 – st.n. (Ac. griseus var. orientalis) /
---1980, 8 (1): 1-20, Elytra
Notes some longicorn beetles from the Izu Islands and their related regions.
/ Megopis (Spinmegopis) formosana Matsushita, 1933 - comb.n.
(M.(Aegosoma) buckleyi formosana Mats.,1933)
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana ishigakiana Yoshinaga et Nakayama, 1972 – comb.n.
(M.(Spinmegopis) buckleyi ishigakiana Yosh. et Nakayama, 1972)
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana hachijoana – ssp.n. – JP
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana kawazoei Hayashi, 1961 – comb.n.
(M. (Sp.) kawazoei Hay., 1961)
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana lanshuensis Hayashi, 1974 – comb.n.
(M. (Sp.) lanshuensis Hay., 1974)
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana nipponica Matsushita, 1934 – comb.n.
(M. (Sp.) nipponica Mats., 1934)
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana okinawana – ssp.n. – JP
M. (Spinmegopis) formosana yakushimana – ssp.n. –JP
Allotraeus (Nysina) insularis ssp. amamiensis Hayashi, 1961 – st.n.
A. (Nysina) insularis ssp. yamagamii – ssp.n. – JP
Anaglyptus arakawae amamiensis – ssp.n. – JP
arakawae kumagensis – ssp.n. – JP
Glenea (G.) relicta izuinsulana – ssp.n. – JP
Graphidessa venata takakuwai – ssp.n. – JP /
---1981, No 124: 39, Gekan-Mushi
A Nortia species collected from Mt. Aoi-dake, Miyazaki Prefecture.
---1988, No 3: 72-93, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
[Cerambycid beetles from Mt. Takaosan, Tokyo and its neighborhood.]
c°--2007, (10): 211-223, Bull. Hoshizaki Green Found
Insect Fauna of Shakunouchi Park in Un'nan City, Shimane Prefecture, Part 1:
Disteniidae, Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera Chrysomelidea).
/ F:JP /
---1966, 1 (8): 13, Nature and Insects, Tokyo
A cerambycid species first recorded from Hachijo-jima.
* FUKAYA Midori
c°--1999, 2 (2): 183-187, Entomological Science (et AKINO T., YASUI H., TATSUKI S., WAKAMURA S.)
Mating Sequence and Evidence for Sinergistic Component in Female Contact Sex Pheromone
of the White-spotted Longicorn Beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca(Thomson) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1957, 85: 73-176, Zool. Jahrb. Abtlg. Syst.
Zur Biologie und Ethologie einheimischer Lamiinae.
---1998, 23 (1-2): 85-93, Entmologia generalis
Zur Brutbiologie von Saperda similis Laicharting 1784 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1852, 3 (5): 73-80, Verhandlungen un Mittheilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins
für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt.
Beitrag zur siebenbürgischen Insektenfauna.
/ Grammoptera nigroflava sp.n. – RO (=Xestoleptura)/
---1869, 8 (3): , Arh. Ver. Sienbenb. Landesk., Krondstadt
Verzeichnis der Kafer Siebenburgens.
(Füssly J.C.)
---1775, xii+ 62 pp., Winterthur, Züric
Verzeichniss der ihm bekannten Schweizerischen Insecten.
*FUZIAH Binte Abdullah
---1987, 22 (3): 272-285, Applied Entomology and Zoology
The reproductive behavior of Monochamus alternatus Hope (Col., Cerambycidae)
*GAHAN Charles Joseph
§§§---1874, 34: 5-104, pl. 1, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
A list of the longicorn Coleoptera collected by Signor Fea in Burma and the adjoining, with descriptions
of the new genera and species.
---1888, (6) 1 (4): 270-281, 1 pl., 5 fig., The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On Longicorn Coleoptera of the Family Lamiidć.
---1888, (6) 2 (7): 59-67, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On longicorn Coleoptera from China.
---1888, (6) 2 (11): 389-401, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On new lamiide Coleoptera belonging to the Monohammus group.
---1889, : 213-225, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Descriptions of new or little-known species of Glenea in the collection
of the British Museum.
---1889, (6) 3: 387-400, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On new lamiide Coleoptera in the British Museum collection.
---1890, (6) 5 (25): 48-66, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Descriptions of new species of Longicornia from India and Ceylon.
---1890, (6) 6: 247-261, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinae, with description of New Genere and Species.
---1890, (6) 7: 19-32, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinae, with description of New Genere and Species.
---1890, (2): 297-328, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
On new Longicornia from Africa and Madagascar.
/ aureicornis - sp.n. - p. 325 (=Discolops strigicollis)
Prosopocera dejeani - sp.n. ---1890, 12: 161-162, Notes from the Leyden Museum
A new species of the longicorn genus Pachyteria Serville.
§---1891, (6) 7 (37): 19-34, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinae, with description of New Genera and Species.
/ Diorthus - gen.n. - (p. 27)
Pachydissus parvicollis - sp.n. - IN
---1892, (6) 9: 19-32, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Notes on longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinae, with descriptions of new genera and species.
---1893, (6) 11: 254-259, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Descriptions of some new genera and species of longicorn Coleoptera.
/ Paraphilus duplex - gen.+sp.n. (=Mantitheus pekinensis)
Philus costatus - sp.n. - TH /
---1893, (6) 11: 377-390, pl. 19, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Descriptions of some new Longicorn Coleoptera from the Indian Region.
---1894, 14 (44): 5-104, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London, (ser. 2a)
Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine.
---1894, (6) 13: 520-521, 1 fig., The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Description of a new longicorn beetle of the genus Diaxenes, which has been found
injuring some imported orchids.
---1894, (6) 14: 221-226, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Descriptions of some new species of Prionidae.
---1895, (2a) 14 (44): 5-104, pl. 1, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
A list of the longicorn Coleoptera collected by Signor Fea in Burma and the adjoining regions
with descriptions of the new genera and species. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e
regioni vicine.
§---1896, (6) 18 (108): 448-461, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On Coleoptera from Aden and Somaliland.
---1897, (6) 19 (): 473-493, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
Notes on the longicorn genus Glenea, Newm., with descriptions of new species.
---1898, (7) 2: ???, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
/ Apiocephalus punctipennis - gen. et sp.n. - Ns (p. 42)
---1898, 39: 1-11, Trans. Entomol. Soc. Edinburgh
In P. H. Grimshaw: On some type specimens of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera in the Edinburgh Museum
of Science and Art.
---1900, (7) 5: 347-354, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
On some longicorn Coleoptera from the Island of Hainan.
---1900, 3: 8-12, Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums
The Expedition to Sokotra. Description of the new Coleoptera.
/ Oeme fusca, Idactus granti, Sybrinus commixtus - sp.n. - YE:Socotra Is.
---1901, : 37-74, 1 pl., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
A Revision of Astathes, Newm., and allied genera of longicorn Coleoptera.
---1902, (2): 230-284, 5 pl., Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London
Observations on some mimetic insects and spiders from Borneo and Singapore.
---1903 (1902), (Appendix 2): 230-284, 5 pl., Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
In: Shelford R.: Observations on some mimetic insects and spiders
from Borneo and Singapore.
Descriptions of additional species mentioned and figured in the accompanying paper
---1903, Bulletin of the Liverpool Museum (Special Bulletin): XLVIII + 1-598, 34 pl., 88 fig
In: Forbes H.O. (ed.): The natural history of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri. A Monograph of the Islands.
Arthropoda. Insecta: Coleoptera. (pp. 261-292)
---1904, ???, Ins. Transval.
/ penicilatus - sp.n. - p. 146, pl. 14/10 (=Gasponia gaurani Fairm.); ...
---1906, 1: 109-121, 1 pl., Journal of the Federal Malay States Museum
On a collection of Longicorn Coleoptera from Sengalor and Perak.
o--1906, XVIII + 329 pp., Taylor & Francis, London
In: Bingham C.T. (Ed.) - The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma.
Coleoptera, Vol. 1 (Cerambycidae)
---1907, (3) 3: 66-112, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Descriptions of new genera and species of Longicorn Coleoptera from Sumatra.
/ Prionallus nodicollis - sp.n. - ID (=Emphiesmenus)
---1910, 5: 347-354, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (6th Series)
/ Rosalia
---1911, 44 (575): 121-125, 165-169, 214-249,245-248, 259-262, 312--314, 348-351 The Entomologist
On some recent attempts to classify the Coleoptera in acccordance with their phylogeny.
---1912, The Proceeedings of the Entomological Society of London for the Year 1911:78-79.
[Appendix by C. J. Gahan, pp. 79-80]
In: Moulton, J. C. Instances of mimicry exhibited by certain Sarawak insects.
Communication read by Professor Edward B. Poulton.
*GALILEO Maria Helena
c°--1992, 6 (3-4): 135-139, Insecta Mundi
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. II.
Calliini (Lamiinae)
c°--1992, 6 (3-4): 141-144, Insecta Mundi
Neotropical Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. III.
Aerenicini (Lamiinae)
c°--2001, 90: 59-70, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novas espécies de Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae ) neotropicais.
c°--2001, 90: 93-106, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novos táxons e notas sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) neotropicais.
c°--2002, 92 (1): 41-52, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Espécies novas e chave para as espécies de Callia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae ).
c°--2003, 93 (1): 31-36, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. III. Cerambycinae com olhos finamente granulados.
c°--2003, 93 (1): 37-44, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novo genero de Anacolini e descricao dos machos de Mizomorphus flavipes e Poekilosoma
carinatipenne (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
c°--2003, 93 (2): 159-166, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novos táxons tropicais de Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2003, 93 (2): 167-176, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. V. Lamiinae com unhas tarsis divergentes.
c°--2003, 93 (3): 255-270, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. VI. Lamiinae com unhas finamente tarsis
divaricados ou bifídas.
c°--2003, 47 (3): 379-383, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Notas i descricoes em Bisaltes Thomson, 1868 e Ptericoptus Lepeletier & Audinet-Servile, 1830
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini).
c°--2003, 20 (3): 475-478, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Novas espéces e notas sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) do Pará e do e do nordeste do Brasil.
c°--2004, 94 (3): 247-252, Iheringia
Novos Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2004, 94 (4): 381-388, Iheringia
Novos táxons em Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) com única carena elitral.
c°--2004, 48 (1): 55-57, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons em Apomecinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2004, 48 (3): 325-330, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novas espéces e nota sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) neotropicais de colecao Arriagada,
Santiago, Chile.
c°--2005, 95 (3): 269-279, Iheringia
Novas espécies e novas occorencias de Xenofera (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2005, 95 (4): 383-388, Iheringia
Novos táxons de Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2005, 49 (1): 63-68, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons de Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) sem carenas nos élitros
da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2005, 45 (10): 103-109, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Contribuicao aos Hemilophini da Costa Rica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2006, 46 (2): 11-19, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Novos táxons de Apomecynini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2006, 46 (2): 11-19, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Novos táxons em Hippopsini, Desmiphorini, Xenofereini e Acantoderini (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2006, 96 (2): 179-184, Iheringia
Notas e descricoes em Eburiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) da Regiao Neotropical.
o--2006, 106 (4/2): 703-710, Lambillonea
Novos táxons em Cerambycini, Thyrsini e Necydalopsini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ sp.n. - South America /
c°--2006, 23 (3): 789-791, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Novos Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) da Colecao F.T. Hovore,
Santa Clarita, California
c°--2007, 97 (1): 67-72, Iheringia
Contribuicao a taxonómia de tres tribos de Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2007, 47 (25): 349-357, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Descricoes de táxons em Hippopsini, Desmiphorini e Pteropliini (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2007, 51 (3): 346-351, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Contribuicai ao conhecimento doc Clytini neotropicais (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
c°--2007, 24 (1): 203-206, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[New species of Neocorini and Pteropliini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South America.]
c°--2007, 24 (3): 582-586, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[Notes and new taxa on Acanthoderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). IV.
On the genus Oreodera A.-Serville.]
c°--2007, 24 (3): 631-634, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[Notes and descriptions on Acanthoderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). II. New species of the
genus Nesozineus.]
c°--2008, 48 (4): 49-54, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Novos Cerambycinae (Cerambycidae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2008, 52 (1): 24-27, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons em Elaphidionini (Cerambycidae) e Onciderini (Lamiinae) e novos registros
em Coleoptera.
c°--2008, 52 (1): 32-35, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Espécies novas de Calliini e Falsamblesthhiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
da Regiao Neotropical.
o--1984, 20 (1-2): 57-61, Acta Entomologica Jugoslavica,
New Records for Bulgarian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
o--1985, 2 (6): 147-153, Articulata (Würzburg)
Über die von Dr.Botscharov von Bulgarien gesammelten Cerambyciden-Arten.
o--1986, 3 (9): 307-312, Articulata (Würzburg)
Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Familie Cerambycidae.
(HETSCHKO Alfred: Verzeichnis der Schriften von Ludwig Ganglbauer.
Wiener entomologische Zeitung, 32, 1913,1: 7-15,
Nachtrag . Wiener entomologische Zeitung, 32,1913,4-6: 180
/150 articles/ )
c°--1882, 1 (1) : 5-12, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beiträge zur Synonymik der europäischen und kaukasischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1882, 1: 12-13, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über Leptura oblongomaculata Buq. und trisignata Fairm.
c°-1882, 1: 118-120, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coleopteren-Fauna des Erzherzogthumes Österreich.
c°--1882, 1: 228, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über Dorcadion graecum Waltl.
c--1882 (1881), 31: 681-758, Verhandlungen der Keiserlich-königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen
Gessellschatft in Wien (Estratto 1-81)
Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. VII. Cerambycidae.
c°--1883, 2 (12): 216, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zur Synonymien Saperdiden.
c°--1883, 2 (12): 298-300, Taf. 4, Fig. 1-3, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über einige Bockkäfer.
/ Exocentrus stierlini - sp.n.
Hesperophanes kotschyi - sp.n.
Molorchus minimus schmidti - var.n. - (=Glaphyra schmidti)
c--1884 (1883), 33: 437-586, Verhandlungen der Keiserlich-königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen
Gessellschatft in Wien (Estratto 1-152)
Bestimmungstabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. VIII. Cerambycidae.
c--1885, 35: 515-524, Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gessellschatft in Wien
Neue und weniger bekannte Logicornier des paläarktischen Faunagebietes.
/ Phytoecia adelpha - n. sp. - /
---1886, 30 (1): 88, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Clytus nigripes Brullé.
c--1886, pp. 1-235, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig (see LEDER H., 1886)
In:RADDE G.: Die Fauna und Flora des südwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes
Neue Käferarten.
---1886, 47: 309-310, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
Über einige von Herrn Eberh. von Oertzen in Griechenland gesammelte Käfer.
/ Vesperus creticus - sp.n. ---1886, 20 (1-2): 128-130, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Turkestanische Bockkäfer.
---1887 (1886), 20 (3-4): 131-138, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Die Bockkäfer der Hlabinsel Korea.
/ Sieversia bicolor, Purpuricenus lituratus - sp.n. c--1887(1886), 20 (3-4): 139-140, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Ein neuer Pogonocherus aus dem Kaukasus.
---1887, 21 (1-2): 21-24, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Neue Cerambyciden von Peking.
c--1887, 31 (2): 296, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Phytoecia sellata n. sp.
c--1888, 32: , Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue und interessante Coleopteren aus Malatia in Mesopotamien.
/ Phytoecia (Coptosia) Heydeni - n. sp. - pp. 76-77 (=Micromallosia) /
c--1888, 32 (2): 265-268, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Über einige Prionus-Arten.
/ Prionus heydeni - sp.n. - Namangan, Turkestan
Prionus curticornis - sp.n. - Farab, Turkestan
Pr. persicus Redt., Pr. besicanus Schauf. - notes /
c--1888, 32 (2): 398, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ein neuer Drymochares aus dem Kaukasus.
/ Drymochares starcki - sp.n. - Kaukasus /
---1888, 22: 192-198, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Von Herrn E. König in Turcmenien gesammelte Buprestiden und Cerambyciden.
---1888, 22: 376, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Eine neue Phytoecia.
---1889, 33 (1): 49-57, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Berichte über die von E. von Oertzen im Jahre 1887 in Griechenland und Klein-Asien gesammelten
Coleopteren. V.
Carabidae (Tapinopterus, Ditomus),Lamellicornia, Buprestidae, Throscidae, Elateridae,
Meloidae, Oedemeridae, Cerambycidae.
/ faunistic record - Cerambycidae - 6 sp. /
---1889, 23: 280-285, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Neue Cerambyciden aus Russland.
/ Toxotus turkestanicus, Hybometopia starcki /
---1889, pp. 465-489, Paris
In: Marseul S.A. de: Catalogue synonymique et géographique des Coléopteres de l´AncienMonde. Extrait de l´Abeille, T.20, 1882
/ Phytoecia obsoleta c--1890 (1889-1890), 24 (1-2): 21-85, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Insecta a Cl. G.N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. VII. Buprestidae, Oedemeridae,
/ Gaurotina, Ischnorrhabda - gen.n.,
Leptura (Ischnostrangalis, Parastrangalis) - sbg.n.
Necydalis sericella, Gaurotes adelpha, Gaurotina superba, Pidonia picta, Ischnorrhabda macilenta,
Clytus auranticollis, Clytanthus acanthocerus, simillimus, obliteratus, Anaglyptus kansuensis - sp.n./
c°--1891, 10 (4): 131-132, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zwei neue Pogonochareus - Arten.
/ Pogonocherus eugeniae - sp.n. - Austria
Pogonocherus caucasicus - sp.n. - Caucasus, Borshom /
c--1891, 25 (3-4): 428-430, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Zwei neue Coleopteren.
/ Clytus (Xylotrechus) sieversi - sp.n. - Kasikoparan, Armenia rossica /
c--1897, 58: 10-15, 25-26, 52-59, Stettiner entomologische Zeitung
In: Escherich K. et al: Zoologische Ergebisse einer von Dr. K. Escherich und Dr. L. Kathariner
nach Zentral-Kleinasien unternommenen Reise. IV. Teil. Coleopteren
Carabicidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae. Über Cortodera flavimana Waltl. Drei neue Dorcadion.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 52-59
Dorcadion angorense, egregium, escherichi - sp.n., Cortodera flavimana /
???---1899, 14: 62, Ann. d. naturh. Hofmus. Wien
Eine bemerkenswerte Aberration der Rosalia alpina L.
?c--1899, 50: 139-140, Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gessellschatft in Wien
Eine neue sibirische Agapanthia.
/ Ag. euterpe - sp.n.- RS (Agapanthiola leucaspis) /
??-1900, pp. ??? , Emmendingen
In: Bodemeyer E. v.: Quer durch Kleinasien in der Bulghar Dagh. Eine naturwis. Studien-Reise,
Beschreibungen neuen Coleopteren.
---1903, 1 (2): 151-154, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschrift
Über ein neuen Cerambyciden, Evodinus Borni, von den Basses-Alpes und seine nächsten Verwandten.
??-1903, 1 (2): 255, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Geographie.
??-1903, 1 (3): 271-319, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschrift
Systematisch-koleopterologische Studien.
??-1905, 20: 246-290, Annalen des K.K. naturhistorischen Hofmuseum, Wien
In: Penther A. & Zederbauer E. - Ergebinsse einer naturwissenshaftlichen
Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien).
Ausgefürth von Arnold Penther und Emmerich Zederbauer. Coleoptera.
??-1906, 3 (1): 35-36, Münchener Koleopterologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Koleopteren-Geographie.
---1997, Oct.-dec.: 55-58, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de Mulhouse
Reflexions sur les Tetrops de France et presence de Tetrops starkii en Alsace. (Col. Cerambycidae).
---2005, 42 (6): 691-695, Konchun Zhishi [Entomological Knowledge]
Fauna of flower-visiting longicorn beetles in north slope of Changbai Mountain.
o--1976(1975), 30 (1-4): 19, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Lo Pseudosphegestes cinereus Lap. presente nel Lazio (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) .
---2004, 30 (1.1): 19-24, Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal Plagas
Diformismo sexual en imagos del coleoptera cerambicido Xylotrechus arvicola Olivier.
[Sexual dimorphism of the Xylotrechus arvicola Olivier.]
---2004, 30 (1.1): 19-24, Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal Plagas
Datos sobre la dinamica de poblacion de Xylotrechus arvicola Olivier en Valladolid 2002.
[Some data about populations dinamics [dynamics] of Xylotrechus arvicola Olivier in Valladolid 2002.]
(Jorge García Casas)
c°--2004, 10: 9-20, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Nuevos registros de Cerambicidos (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) para la provincia de Huelva
(Andalucia, Espana).
[New registries of long horn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
for the Huelva Province (Andalusia, Spain).]
(García R.)
---1987, 17: 281-288, Vierea
(et CAMPOS S.G.)
Contribution al estudio de la coleopterofauna del Malpis de Guimar (Tenerife, Islas Canaria)
c--2002, 30: 109-113, Vieraea
Una nueva especie de Deroplia de La Palma, islas Canarias (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Deroplia lorenzoi - sp.n. - Canary Iss.: La Palma /
---2005, 1: 143-172, Rev. Est. gen., La Palma
Distribution de la familia Cerambycidae en la Isla de la Palma.
---1925, 12 (2): 89-105, Indian Forest Record, (Entomology) (N.S.)
Identification of immature stages of Indian Cerambycidae. I. Cerambycini
---1931, 16 (4): 91-111, pls. 1-5, Indian Forest Record, (Entomology) (N.S
Immature stages of Indian Coleoptera (9).
---1936, vol. 2 (4): 127-140, Indian Forest Record, (Entomology) (N.S
New Indian Cerambycidae
---1941, 3: 55-57, Indian Journal of Entomology
New Cerambycidae from India and Burma.
/ Necydalis indicola ...
---1942, 4: 103-110, Indian Journal of Entomology
On larvae of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
(Gaskó B.)
---1982, 17: 143-154, Tiscia (Szeged)
Cerambycid beetles developing on the willow, Salix alba in Kortvelyes.
---1911 (1910), 13: 68-71, Trudy Troickosavsko-Kyakht. otdelenia Priamursk.
otdela Russk. geogr. Obshchestva
Coleopteren von der nördlichen Mongolei und von südlichen Transbaikalien
---1817, 5: 315-333, Memoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Insecta Sibiriae rariora
---1823, 6: 127-131, Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Coleoptera Sibiriae Orientalis.
---1830(1829), 2(Abt. 3): 1-228, In: LEDEBOURG C.F.
– Reise durch das Altai-Gebirge und die songarische Kirgisen-Steppe
Bemerkungen über die Insekten Sibiriens, vorzüglich des Altai.
/ Pachyta) analis - sp.n. - (=Cortodera)
P. hirta - sp.n. - (=Cortodera analis)
---1832, Tom. 2: 23-78, Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Notice sur les Coléopteres qui se trouvent dans le district des mines de Nertchinsk, dans la Sibérie orientale.
---1833, 6: 266-309, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Notae et additamenta ad Catalogum Coleopterorum Sibiriae occidentalis et confinis Tatariae operis
C. F. von Ledebours Reise in das Altaigebirge und die songarische Kirgisensteppe.
---1841, Tome 8, N°24: 369-376, Bulletin scientifique publié par l'Academie Impériale
des Sciences de Saint-Pétersborg, N 192
Charakteristik mehrer neuen Sibirischen Coleopteren.
---1843, Tome 1: 36-40, Bulletin de la classe Physico-Mathématique de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences
de St.-Pétersbourg rédigé par son serétaire perpétuel.
Charakteristik der von Hn. Dr. Schrenk im Jahre 1841 in den Steppen und Gebirgen der Songarei
gefundenen neuen Coleoptern-Arten.
---1845 (1844), Tome 3 (N7): 97-106, Bulletin de la classe Physico-Mathématique de l’Académie Impériale
des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg rédigé par son serétaire perpétuel.
Charakteristik der von Hn. Dr. Schrenk in den Jahren 1842 und 1843 in den Steppen und Gebirgen
der Dsungarei gefundenen neuen Coleoptern-Arten. II.
---1848, 21 (1): 317-423, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Verzeichnis der im Kolywano-Woskresenskischem Hüttenbezirke süd-west Sibiriens beobachteten Käfer
mit Bemerkungen und Beschreibungen.
---1859, 32 (2): 315-356, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Verzeichnis der von Herrn Dr. Schrenk in den Kreisen Ajagus und Karkaraly in der östlichen Kirgizen
Steppe und in der Songarey in den Jahren 1840 bis 1843 gefundenen Käferarten.
---1859, 32 (2): 426-519, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Verzeichnis der von Herrn Dr. Schrenk in den Kreisen Ajagus und Karkaraly in der östlichen Kirgizen
Steppe und in der Songarey in den Jahren 1840 bis 1843 gefundenen Käferarten.
---1860, 33 (N°2): 1-39, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Coleopterorum species novae, a Dr. Schrenk in deserto kirgiso-songorico anno 1843 detectae.
o--1974, 24 (4): 164, Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
Zwei neue interessante Kaeferfunde im Basel.
/ Xylotrechus arvicola, Tillus elongatus - new for Elssas /
---1992, (No. 111): 127-131, Schriftenreihe Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelschutz
[Rote Liste gafhrdete Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) Bayerns.]
*GEISS Günther
---1988, 37 (3): 68-72, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Die Bockkäfer des Bayerischen Waldes (Col.,Ceramb.)
*GEISSEN Hans Peter
---1998, 8 (4): 1053-1060, Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz
Nachtrag zu "Seltene Käfer und andere landlebende Insekten am oberen Mittelrhein bei Koblenz"
(Insecta: Archaeognatha, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Planipennia, Hymenoptera).
/ Leptura aurulenta /
?---187 Tome VII: , Monachii
(et HAROLD B. de)
Catalogus Coleopterorum, hucusque descriptorum, synonymicus et systematicus.
---1872 Tome IX: 2669-2988, Sumptu E.H.Gummi (G. Beck)
(et HAROLD B. de)
Catalogus Coleopterorum, hucusque descriptorum, synonymicus et systematicus.
/ Pars LXVI. Cerambycidae - pp. 2751-2988 /
---1873, Tome X: 2989-3232 + index, Monachii
(et HAROLD B. de)
Catalogus Coleopterorum, hucusque descriptorum, synonymicus et systematicus.
Tome X. Cerambycidae (Lamiini), Bruchidae
---1873, 11: 146, Col. Hefte
Geänderte Namen.
---1762, vols. 2: xxviii + 523 pp., pls 1-10, Durand, Paris
Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, dans laquelle ces animaux sont
rangés suivant un ordre méthodique.
---1762, vols. 2: 5224-690 pp., Durand, Paris
Histoire abrégée des insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris, dans laquelle ces animaux sont
rangés suivant un ordre méthodique.
---1996, 33 (2): 51-58, Nauka za gorata
[Biological and ecological peculiarities of the smaller poplar borer (Saperda populnea L.,
Coleoptera: Cerambicidae [Cerambycidae]) in Bulgaria.]
---1998, 4: 72-81, Forest Science
(in Bulgarian)
Biological pequliarities of Billaea irrorata (Meig.) (Diptera, Tachinidae) - a parasitoid
of Saperda populnea (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
---1999, 72 (3): 57-61, Journal of Pest Science
New Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) parasitoids on forest insect pests in Bulgaria.
c--2000, 52 (1): 9-11, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
Saperda similis Laich. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) - a new species to the Bulgarian fauna.
---2001, 74 (6): 155-158, Journal of Pest Science
Parasitoid of Saperda popilnea (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on aspen (Populus tremula L.) in Bulgaria.
---2002, N°3/4: 115-119, Forest Science (et STOJANOVA A., BOYADZHIEV P., LANGUROV M.)
Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Eastern Rhodopes in Bulgaria.
/ Cerambycidae : 22 sp.
Opsilia molybdaena - 1 st record - BG /
c--2003, 55 (2): 105-109, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
New and Rare Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Strandzha Mountain, Bulgaria.
---2004, 77 (3): 151-153, Journal of Pest Science (et SAKALIAN V., IVANOV K., BOYADZHIEV P. )
Insects reared from stems and branches of goat willow (Salix caprea L.) in Bulgaria.
---2004, 77 (3): 179-182, Journal of Pest Science
New parasitoids of Saperda populnea (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
---2004, 77 (4): 235-243, Journal of Pest Science
Insect inhabitants of old larval galleries of Saperda populnea (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
c°--2005, No 2: 81-90, Forest Science
(abstract only)
Studies on cerambycid fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Western Rhodopes in Bulgaria.
---2005, 57 (2): 131-138, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
New and interesting records of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in some Bulgarians Mountains.
---2006, Forest Science (in press)
(et SIMOV N.)
New localities and distribution of Xylosteus bartoni (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
---2006, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
(in press)
Vertical distribution and zoogeographical characteristics of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) family in Bulgaria.
---1977, 1-347 pp., Kiphissia, Athens
The Insects and Mites of Cyprus. With emphasis on economic importance to agriculture, forestry,
man and domestic animals.
*GERMANN Christoph
c--2000, 50 (4): 143-144, Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
Brachypteroma ottomanum Heyden, 1863 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), ein neuer Bockkäfer
für die Schweizer Fauna.
---1817, 323 pp., 9 plt., Brockhaus ed., Leipzig u. Altenburg
Reise nach Dalmatien und in das Gebiet von Ragusa.
---1824, xxiv + 624 pp., 2 pls., Halae
Insectorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus ilustrate. Coleoptera
---1839, 21:
Faunae Insectorum Europaea
(Gerstäcker A.)
---1873, Bd. 3, 2. Abt.: 251-263, In: Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika
Fam. Longicornia
*GESTRO Raffaello
---1881, (16): 204, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Spedizione Italiana Africa Equatoriale (1880-1884).
---1888, (26): 87-132, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. IV. Nuove specie di Coleotteri.
---1889, (2a) 7 (27): 5-72, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Viaggio ad Assab nel Mar Rosso dei signori G. Doria ed O. Beccari con R. Avviso "Esploratore"
dal 16 novembre 1879 ad 26 febbrario 1880. IV. Coleotteri.
/ Ceroplesis elegans - sp.n. - YE; ...
---1895, (2a) 15 (35): 247-478, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Esplorazione del Guiba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Cap. V. Bottego. XVI. Coleotteri.
c--1971, 44 (2): 307-308, Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft
(et BOTHMER Ulr.)
1. Beitrag zur Kenntnis neuer oder wenig bekanter Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
c--1971, 21: 9-13, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Cerambycidae, ein Vergleichender Katalog fuer die Basler Fauna.
c--1972, 22: 1-8,
Cerambycidae (Colept.) der Tuerkei-Persienexpedition 1970 der Herren Dr.h.c. W. Witmer
und U. v. Bothmer.
c--1977, 27 (4): 119-121, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Zur Nomenklatur von Drymochares cylindraceus Fairmaire, (1849). (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1987, 37 (1): 50, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
[Contribution to the knowledge of Iberodorcadion Breun. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1987, 37 (4): 183-186, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
[Noteworthy beetle finds Coleoptera in Switzerland especially in Ticino in 1985-1987.]
---1990, 40 (1-2): 10-14, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Beobachtungen in Dalmatien (Jugoslawien).
---2004, 19 (1): 1328, Zoos' Print Journal
Report of a large longicorn beetle Acanthophorus serraticornis from Pune, Maharastra.
c°--2006, 21 (11): 2473-2474, Zoos' Print Journal
First rekord of cerambycid beetle Purpuricenus kobakovi [sic] Miroshnikov & Lobanov
from Kashmir, North India.
/ Purpuricenus kabakovi - 1st rec - IN: Kashmir /
c°--2006, WEB SUPPLEMENT to: 21 (11): 2473-2474, Zoos' Print Journal (et KICHLOO M.H., ARIF M.)
First rekord of cerambycid beetle Purpuricenus kobakovi [sic] Miroshnikov & Lobanov
from Kashmir, North India.
/ foto - Purpuricenus kabakovi /
c°--2006, 21 (11): , Zoos' Print Journal
Errata in print edition. First rekord of cerambycid beetle Purpuricenus kobakovi [sic] Miroshnikov &
Lobanov from Kashmir, North India.
/ correct name Purpuricenus kabakovi /
c°--2006, 21 (11): 2514-2515, Zoos' Print Journal
(et SEN A.)
On note on three species of the genus Olenecamptus Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
found in India.
/ Oleneccamptus globus, anogeissi, signaticollis – IN /
c°--2006, WEB SUPPLEMENT to: 21 (11): 2514-2515, Zoos' Print Journal
(et SEN A.)
On note on three species of the genus Olenecamptus Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
found in India.
/ Oleneccamptus globus, anogeissi, signaticollis – IN /
---1937, 8 (3-4): 91-99, Boll. Zool.
(et PAVAN M.)
Appunti sulla larva di Morimus asper Sulz.
---1842, 19, pp. 19, Atti Acc. Gioenia Sc. Nat. Catania
Insetti di Sicilia determinati dal sig. F. Ghiliani nel suo viaggio in quell´isola nell´anno 1839.
---1886, :347-357, Ann. R. Acc. Agr. Torino
Elenco delle specie di coleotteri trovati in Piemonte.
---1998(1995), 47 (1-4): 38, Plant Protection Bulletin (Faridabad)
New record of Oberea posticata Gahan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Sikkim mandarin
(Citrus reticulata Blanco).
---1977, xiv + 455 pp., British Museum (Natural History). London
A compendium of the biographical literature on deceased entomologist.
---1992, 142 pp., Chadwyck-Healey
Entomological Literature, 1800-1864, Guide to the Microfiche edition.
---1990, viii + 259 pp., Mansell, London.
Entomology a guide to information sources. 2nd ed.
*GILMOUR E. Forrest
---1948, 25 (1): 1-121, pls. 1-10, Spolia Zeylanica, Colombo Museum, Colombo
(et DIBB J.R.)
Revision of the Batocerini (Covering the genera Batocera DEJ., Megacriodes PASC.,
Microcriodes BRNG., and Abatocera THOMS.)
---1948, 84: 12-16, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Trinophylum cribratum Bates (Col,. Cerambycidae) new to Britain.
---1948, 84: 17-21, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
On East Indian Lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1950, 92: 219-247, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam
New Dutch East Indian lamiinae (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1950, No 1: 537-556, Longicornia I
New and rare Lamiinae.
c--1956, No 3: 1-252, Longicornia III
Revision of the „Prioninae“ of Tropical and South Africa.
c--1956, No 3: 253-267, Longicornia III
Some African Prioninae in the Lepesme collection
---1956, No 3: 729-736, Longicornia III
New and rare africain Lamiinae
---1956, No 3: 737-746, Longicornia III
New Monochamini
c--1956, No 3: 747-754, Longicornia III
New varieties of Lamiinae
---1956, No 3: 771-774, Longicornia III
Notes longicornes, II
---1958, 11 (2-3): 35-93, pls. 1-5, Idea, Bogor (IB)
Revision of the genus Apriona Chevr. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini).
---1958, 11 (4): 93-131, pls. 1-5, Idea, Bogor (IB)
Revision of the genus Apriona Chevr. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini).
---1959, 7: 775-831, pls. 24-25, Sarawak Museum Journal
The Batocerini of Borneo (Coleoptera, Crambycidae, Lamiinae)
---1959, 12 (2-4): 21-51, pls. 1-4, IB
Revision of the Genus Rosenbergeriana Ritsema (Coleoptera, Crambycidae, Lamiinae)
---1960, 13 (1-2): 1-34, pls. IB
Revision of teh Genus Rosenbergeria Ritsema.
o--1960, 11 (1): 1-2, The Entomological Review of Japan
On Cerambycidae from the Kurile Islands collected by S. Bergman.
---1961(1962), 26: , Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
The tribe Falsamblesthiini (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1963, 16 (): , IDEA
Revision of the Genus Rosenbergeria Ritsema.
o--1963, 29 (7): 475-491, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Revision of the Batocerini. (Genera Doesburgia, Aprionella, Microcriodes, Pseudapriona,
Parapriona and Anapriona /Col.,Cerambycidae,Lamiinae/).
---1963, 26: 123-132, Treubia
New Indonesian Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1965, 31 (14): 459- , Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
New Indian forms of Nupserha Thoms. (Cer.,Lamiinae)
---1965, (8): 559-655, Verlag Mus.G.Frey
Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde.
*GISBERT Edmund F.
---1984, 38 (1): 59-65, illustr., Coleopterists Bulletin
(et PENROSE R. L.)
Two new purpuriceninae longhorns (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Tamaulipan Biotic Province.
/ Crossidius suturalis melanipennis Penrose – ssp.n. - Texas
Parevander hovorei Giesbert – sp.n. - Mexico /
c°--1996, 10 (1-4): 317-, Insecta Mundi
A new genus and species in the subfamily Lamiinae, with comments on Laticranium mandibulare
in Central America (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1848, xvi + 216 pp., 32 pls., Hoffmann'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, Stuttgart
Naturgesichte des Thierreichs für höhere Schulen.
---1850, 1037 pp., Stuttgart
Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller drei Reiche.
(et BROME T.)
---1856, 12+532 pp., Dannheimer, Kempten
Die Mysterien der europäischen Insectenwelt.
---1790, (13th ed) vol. 1 (4): 1517-2224, Beer, Lipsiae.
Caroli A Linné Systema Nature. Editio decima tertia, acuta, reformata,cura G.F. Gmelin
*GOBBI Giovanni
o--1984(1983), 38 (1-4): 51-62, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Appunti coleotteri cleroidei predatori di xilofagi (Coleoptera, Trogositidae,Cleridae, Melyridae).
o--1989(1988), 43: 55-62, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia 21/0
Coleotterofauna xilofaga del pino loricato (Pinus leucodermis) sul massiccio del Pollino (Coleopt.).
o--1994(1993), 48 (1-4): 83-101, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Interessanti reperti di Cerambycidae italiani, specialmente delle regioni centro-meridionali. (Col.)
*GOBBI Mauro
---2003, 135 (1): 79-81, Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Segnalazioni Faunistiche Italiane
---2003, 135 (1): 55-56, Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Monochamus saltuarius (Gebler, 1830) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
*GOEZE Johann August Ephraim
---1777, vol. 1: xvi + 736 pp. , Wiedmans Erben und Reich, Leipzig
Entomologische Beyträge zu des Ritter Linne zwölften Ausgabe des Natursystems.
---1976, 4 (1): 9-16, Elytra
Ecological notes on Kurarua rhopalophoroides Hayashi (Cerambycidae, Col.).
---1977, 5 (1): 13-16, Elytra
A study on Thelytokous Parthenogenesis of Kurarua rhopalophoroides Hayashi (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1978, 6 (2): 53-65, Elytra
Descriptions and bionomics of some cerambycid larva and pupa.
---1994, 11 (2): 123-131, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie
Gunnar Dahlgren (1913-1992) or discretion and efficacy.
(González Peňa C.F.)
c°--1991, 1 (1): 18-29, Zapateri, Revista aragonese de Entomologia
El género Iberodorcadion Breuning: su distribución en Aragón (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Iberodorcadion – systematic and distribution – SP: Aragon /
c°--1992, 1 (2): 3-8, Zapateri, Revista aragonese de Entomologia
Un nuevo Iberodorcadion (Breuning, 1943) de la provincia Teruel (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Iberodorcadion grustani - sp.n. - SP: Teruel /
---1993, N°4: 48, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Iberodorcadion grustani González, 1992
---1994, 1: 13-14, Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa
Algunos colepteros interesantes de los Montes de Torrero (Zaragoza).
---1994, 1: 14, Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa
Un exotismo circunstancial en Aragon.
/ Cordylomera spinicornis - 1st record - SP /
---1994, N°2: 13-15, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Algunos Coleopteros interesantes de los Montes de Torrero (Zarragoza)
c°--1994, N°7: 33-34, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Un grupo estrella: Los Dorcadion
c°--1995, N°12: 5-10, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Coleopteros cerambicidos de la Coleccion Maynar (Col.: Cerambycidae).
c°--1995, N°12: 51, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Presencia de Aegomorphus clavipes (Schrank, 1781) (Col., Cerambycidae) en el centro peninsular.
---1995, N°6: 3-14, Catalogus de la Entomofauna aragonesa
Catalogo de los cerambícidos de Aragón. Insecta Coleoptera 9.
c°--1996, N°15: 66-70, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Glaphyra marmottani (Brisout, 1863), primera cita de la especie para la Comunidad Autonóma
de Aragón y segunda para la Penísula Ibérica (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1996, N°13: 68, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos datos para la distribucion iberica de Musaria rubropunctata (Goeze, 1777).
Primera cita de este especie en Aragon.
---2000, : 75, Resumenes y Comunicaciones del IX Congreso Iberico de Entomologia, Zaragoza
Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) mosqueruelense v. pseudomolitor (Escalera, 1902), propuesta
de nuevo status (Cerambycidae: Dorcadionini).
c°--2001, 9: 59-64, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) mosqueruelense v. pseudomolitor (Escalera, 1902), propuesta
de nuevo status (Cerambycidae: Dorcadionini).
/ Iberodorcadion (H.) pseudomolitor (Escalera, 1902) - stat.n. /
c°--2002, N°27: 3-43, Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa
Insecta: Coleoptera: familia 9 (2). Catalogo de los Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de Aragon.
c°--2007, vol. 12, 211 pp., Monografias Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (et VIVES E., ZUZARTE A.)
Nuevo catálogo de los Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de la Penísula Ibérica islas Baleares
e islas atlánticas: Canarias, Acores y Madeira
c°--2007, N°40: 595-596, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (et VIVES E., ZUZARTE A.)
Addenda et corrigenda al Nuevo catálogo de los Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) de la Penísula Ibérica
islas Baleares e islas atlánticas: Canarias, Acores y Madeira (Monografias S.E.A., vol. 12, 2007).
---1983, 43 pp., Pub. Caja Prov Ahorrors Huelva, Imp. Tartesos
Estudio del perforador de Euclaiptos: Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr. en la Provincia de Huelva.
(González M.)
---1964, 36: 121, Pub.ins. biol. apl. C.S.I.C., Barcelona
Coléopteros fitofagoides de los Montes Ibéricos.
*GONZALEZ E. Navarro
---1990, vol.14 : 45-61,Boletin Asoc .esp.Entom.
Contribucion al conocimiento de los Cerambicidos de Almeria, Espana. (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae)
(González T.L.)
---1984, 10 (2): 185-204, Boletin Serviciao de Defensa contra Plagas e Inspeccion Fitopatologica
Lucha contra Phoracantha semipunctata Fab. en el suroeste espaňol.
---1991, 23 (10): 423, Irish Naturalists' Journal
(et McAREE D.)
Chlorophorus fainanensis Pic (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a wood-boring beetle imported in the wood
of a pepper pot.
*GOREN Caner
(Gören Caner)
c°--2007, i-xiv + 1-120 pp., Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Taxonomical, systematical and zoogeographical researches on fauna of Lamiinae of South-Eastern
Taurus Mountains (Amanos Mts.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae: 34 sp. – Amanos Mts. – F:TR /
---1984, 3-20, Leningrad, Nauka In. Provisional Atlas of the insects of the European Part of USSR
Ranges types of insects of tundra and forests zones of European Part of USSR.
---1833, 3, N°58, pl. 1, Magazin de Zoologie
Description de l’Ibidion amoenum.
*GOTZ Georg Friedrich
(Götz G.F. ; Goetz G.F.)
*GOUJET Gildas
---2004, 109 (1): 77-78, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
(et FABRA Rahola)
Premier foyer d'infestation de Xylotrechus stebbingi Grahan constate en France (Gard) (Col.,
Cerambycidae, Clytini).
[First record of Xylotrechus stebbingi Grahan from France (Gard) (Col., Cerambycidae, Clytini).]
---1979, (No. 214): 10, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique du Nord de la France
Note sur 2 Cerambycidae: Leptura rubra L. dans le nord de la France.
---1979, (No. 214): 10, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique du Nord de la France
Note sur 2 Cerambycidae: Rhagium bifasciatum Fab. Et sa variete bicolor Olivier = escofetti Mulsant.
(Gourvés J.)
c--1987, 43 (2): 95-98, L'Entomologiste
Captures de quelques Cérambycides marocains.
*GOUSSEY Frederik
o--2007, 107 (4/2): 640-642, Lambillionea
A new Acalolepta-species from the Solomon Islands (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae).
/ Acalolepta noctis - sp.n. - Solomon I. /
---1994, : 771-774, Atti XVII Congr. naz. it. Entomol., Udine 13-18 giugno 1994
Reperti sulla coleotterofauna del pino nero (Pinus nigra Arnold) della Val Raccolana (Alpi Giulie occidentali).
c°--2007, n°36: 8-11, Buletin du GRETIA
Les méthodes de récolte des Cerambycidae.
*GOZIS M.P. de
---1886, 36 pp., Imprimerie Herbin, Montlucon
Recherche del´espece typique de quelques anciens generes. Rectifications synonymiques et notes divrses.
*GRAELLS Mariano de la P.
(Mariano de la Paz Graells)
---1849, 6: 5-27, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Description de quelques coléopteres nouveaux de la Faune Centrale d'Espagne.
---1851, 1 (2): 109-166, Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid
Descripción de algunos insectos nuevos pretenecientes a la fauna central de Espaňa.
---1858, p. 1-44, Imprenta Nacional. In: Luján F. de - Memorias de la comisón del mapa geológico
de Espaňa (aňo 1855), Madrid
Insectos nuevos de Espaňa, descubiertos y descritos por Dr Don Mariano de la Paz Graells (1852).
(Gräffe E.)
---1867, 70: 1-48, Neuejahrblatt der Naturforschende Gesellchaft in Zurich.
(Grämer R.)
o--1961, 5 (6): 41-42, Entomologische Nachrichten, Dresden
Ueber ein Vorkommen der nearktischen Cerambycidae Neandra (Parandra) brunnea F.
in einer Enklave zu Dresden.
---1928, : 32-36, Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia del Reale Istituto Supeiore Agrario di Bologna
Dorcadion arenarium aemilianum Dep. suoi danni al granoturco e descrizione della larva.
---1992, 36 (4): 275-276, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Ein Massenfund von Tetropium gabrieli Weise in Westsachsen (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1995, 39 (4): 233-236, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
[Cerambycidae finds from Magdeburg.]
---1997, 41 (2): 102, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
[An unusual marking abnormality in Clytus arietus (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae).]
---1832, vol. 2: 1-796, 84 pls., London
In: Griffith E. et Pidgeon E.: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its
organization by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary addition to each order
---1857, 6: 6-151, Zeits.Ferdinandeums f.Tirol und Vorarlb
Die Käfer von Passeier verzeichnet.
*GRESSITT J. Linsley
Bishop Museum
c°--1983 – International Journal of Entomology, 25 (2-3): 87-102
Bibliography of J. L. GRESSITT
c°--1984, (22): 165-168, Esakia
In Memoriam J. Linsley Gressitt (1914 – 1982).
---1934 (1933), 9 (4): 163-170, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
New Longicorns from the Japanese Empire (Col.Cer.)
---1935, 55 (4): 379-386, The Philippine Journal of Science
New longicorn beetles from the Japanese Empire. II
c°--1935, 9 (4): 144-153, Incecta matsumurana
The Obriini of the Japanese Empire (Col. Cer.)
/ Obriini - key to genera
Stenhomalus pallidus - sp.n. - TW
St. ruficollis - sp.n. - TW
Iphrobrium dilatipenne - gen. et sp.n. - JP
Pseudiphra - nom.n. - pro Obriomorpha Matsushita, 1933 /
---1935, 57 (2): 181-194, The Philippine Journal of Science
New species and records of logicorns from Formosa.
---1935, 25: 286-292, TFOR
New logogorn beetles of the subfamily Lamiinae from Formosa (Col. Cer.)
---1935, 14 (4): 567-574, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China (Col. Cer.)
c°--1935, 9 (4): 166-179, Kontyu
New Japanese longicorn beetles (Col. Cer.)
---1935, 58 (2): 253-266, The Philippine Journal of Science
New longicorn beetles from Formosa. II (Col. Cer.)
---1935, 58 (2): 267-280, The Philippine Journal of Science
New longicorn beetles from the Phlippines, Borneo and Siam (Col. Cer.)
---1936, 59 (1): 89-111, The Philippine Journal of Science
New longicorn beetles from Formosa. III (Col. Cer.)
---1937, 16 (1): 89-94, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles fro China. II (Col. Cer.)
c°--1937, 11 (4): 317-326, Kontyu
New Japanese longicorn beetles. II (Col. Cer.)
/ Coptops hirtiventris,
---1937, 16 (3): 447-456, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. III (Col. Cer.)
---1937, 16 (4): 595-621, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. IV (Col. Cer.)
---1938, 17 (1): 45-56, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. V (Col. Cer.)
/ Cyrtoclytus formosanus - sp.n. - TW
---1938, 65 (3): 147-173, The Philippine Journal of Science
New longicorn beetles fro Formosa. IV (Col. Cer.)
---1938, 17 (2): 151-159, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. VI (Col. Cer.)
---1939, 18 (1): 1-122, Lingnan Science Journal
A study of the longicorn beetls of Kwangtung Province, S. China (Col. Cer.)
---1939, 18 (2): 209-216, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles fro China. VII (Col. Cer.)
---1939, 6 (4): 81-133, Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise
A collection of longicorn beetles from T'en-mu Shan, East China (Col. Cer.)
---1940, 19 (1): 1-20, Lingnan Science Journal
Supplement tu "A study of the longicorn beetles of Kwangtung Province, S. China" (Col., Cerambyc.)
---1940, 7 (8): 171-202, Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise
Coléopteres Longicornes chinois du Musée Heude.
---1940, 72 (1-2): 1-239, pls. 1-8, The Philippine Journal of Science
The longicorn beetles of Hainan Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1940, 10 (3): 415-419, PHAW
New longicorn beetles from islands in the southwestern Pacific.
---1941, 74: 331-347, The Philippine Journal of Science
A collection of longicorn beetles from Thai, Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
---1942, No.1: 1-60, Special Publications of the Lingan Natural History Survey and and Museum
Destructive long-horned beetle borers at Canton, China.
---1942, 2: 1-6, LIGS
New longicorn beetles from China. VIII (Col. Cer.)
---1942, 3: 1-8, LIGS
New longicorn beetles from China. IX (Col. Cer.)
---1942, 1: 54-61, Insects of Guam
New longicorn beetles from Guam (Col. Cer.)
c--1942, 20 (2-4): 205-214, pl. 8, Lingnan Science Journal
Second Supplement to "A study of the Longicorn Beetles of Kwangtung Province, S. China"
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Strangalia meridionalis, Nortia planicollis, Obrium complanatum, Arisania acutipennis,
Pterolophia carinipennis, P. honkongensis, Donysia ciliata - sp.n. - CN /
---1942, 5: 1-34, LIGS
A provisional synopsis of the longicorn beetles of China. I. Cerambycinae
---1942, 7: 1-12, LIGS
New longicorn beetles fro China. X (Col. Cer.)
---1942, 8: 1-44, LIGS
A provisional synopsis of the longicorn beetles of China. II. Lamiinae.
---1942, 9: 79-97, Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise
Nouveaux Longicornes de la Chine orientale (Cer.)
?--194?, ?????????? ---1945, 21: 123-134, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. XI (Col. Cer.)
---1947, 49(7): 190-192, Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash.
Notes on the Lepturinae (Col. Cer.)
---1947, 40: 545-555, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.
Chinese longicorn beetles of the genus Linda (Cer.)
---1948, 22: 43-52, Lingnan Science Journal
New longicorn beetles from China. XII (Col. Cer.)
---1948, 22: 55-68, Lingnan Science Journal
Chinese longicorn beetles of the genus Nupserha.
---1950, 26: 134-136, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, San Francisco
Two new original prionids of the genus Megopis (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
o--1951, No 2: i-ii + 667 pp., 22 pls., Paul Lechevalier, Paris, In: LEPESME P. (ed.), Longicornia
Longicorn beetles of China.
---1951, 44 (2): 201-212, 1 pl., Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Longicorn beetles from New Guinea and the South Pacific (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Part II.
---1953, 29 (4): 207, Pan-Pacific Entomologist, San Francisco
Notes on nomenclature and relationship of some Palearctic and Nearctic Lepturinae (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
---1954, 15 (2): 317-326, 5 fig., Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, Honolulu
The longicorn genus Thranius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1955, 15 (3): 411-417, 21 fig., Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, Honolulu
The longicorn genus Tethionea (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1956, Vol. III: 771-775, Longicornia III
Supplement to „Longicorn beetles of China“
---1956, 17 (2): 1-123, 33 pls, Insecta Micronesia, Bernice P. Bishop Museum
Insects of Micronesia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1958, 207-230, Pacific Insects,
Zoogeography of Insects.
c°--1959, 1 (1): 59-171, Pacific Insects,
Longicorn Beetles from New Guinea. I. Cerambycidae
c--1970, Vol. 24: i-vi + 1-651, Pacific Insects Monograph, Honolulu
Cerambycid-beetles of Laos (Longicornes du Laos)
---1984, N° 41: 1-263, Pacific Insects Monograph
Systematics and biogeography of the longicorn beetle tribe Tmesisternini.
/ Australian region and Pacific Ocean Islands /
---1930, 54: 1-487, Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova
Resultati zoologici della missione inviata dalla R. Societa geopgraphica italiana per l'Esplorazione
dell'oasi di Giarabub (1926-1927). Coleotteri.
/ Cerambycidae - 340-342 pp./
---1931, 56: 155-258, Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova
Spedizione scientifica all'Oasi di Curfa (Marzo-Luglio 1931). Coleotteri.
---1933, 65: 70-90, Bolletino della Societa entomologica italiana
Missione scientifica del Prof. Zavattari nel Fezzan (1931). Coleotteri.
---1937, 76: 17-54, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali
Coleotteri raccolti dal Prof. G. Scortecci nel Fezan (Missione R. Societa geographica 1934).
c--1939, 78: 385-456, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali
Coleotteri del Fezzan e dei Tassili d´Agger.
/ Cerambycidae - 449-453 pp./
---1949, 13: 185-187, Acta Pont. Accad. Scient.
Ricerche faunistiche compiute nel Gargano da A.Ghigi e F.P. Pomini.
---1950, 1: 1-279, Memoire di Biogeografia Adriatica
Il problema delle specie a diffusione transadriatica con particolare riguardo ai coleotteri.
---1992, 71 (4): 800-806, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Morphometric analysis of different populations of the fir sowyer Monochamus urussovi Fisch.
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
(in Russian)
o°--2000, N°27: 39-41, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Registros intressantes de cerambicídeos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) para Portugal
o°--2002, N°31: 49-54, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Registros intressantes de coleópteros (Insecta, Coleoptera) para Portugal (3a nota).
/ Agapanthia dahli - PT /
c°--2005, No 37: 297-298, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
New and interesting beetle (Insecta, Coleoptera) records from Portugal (4th note).
---2007, 40: 471-472, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
New and interesting beetle (Coleoptera) records from Portugal (5th note).
(Guérin-Ménéville Félix Édouard)
---1831, 17: vii+161, Ray et Gravier [&] Baudoin Frčres, Paris
In: Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. P. G. M. (ed.)
Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle.
---1832, (1) 1: 118-201, 443, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
In: Audinet- Serville J.G.: Nouvelle classification de la famille des longicornes. I
---1834, pp. 441-512, Arthus Bertrand, Paris
In: C. Bélanger. (ed.). Voyage aux Indes-Orientales, par le nord de l'Europe,
les provinces du Caucase, la Géorgie, l'Arménie et la Perse, suivi de détails
topographiques, statistiques et autres sur le Pégou, les Iles de Java, de Maurice
et de Bourbon, sur le Cap-de-bonne-Espérance et Sainte-Hélčne pendant
les années 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829.
---1843, pp. 33-98, pl. 11-27, in Ad. Delesserts Souvenirs d’un Voyage dans l’Inde.
Descriptions des Insectes.
---1844, 7: i-iv + 576 pp., 110 pls., J.B. Bailliere, Paris
Iconographie du Regne Animal de G. Cuvier, ou réprésentation d'apres nature de l'une des especes
les plus remarquables et souvent non encore figurées de chaque genere d'animaux.
/ Cerambycidae: pp. 206-255 /
---1996, 5 (3): 81, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
A propos du genre Hesperophanes Coleoptera - Cerambycidae.
/ H. fasciculatus, sericeus /
---1983, 27 (1): 36, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Stenopterus rufus Linnaeus am Südrand der Dhlener Heide im Bezirk Leipzig (Col., Cerambycidae)
(Gül-Zümreođlu, S.)
---1972, 119 pp., T. C. Publications of Agriculture Ministry, Bornova, Izmir
Catalogue of Insect and common pests (1928-1969).
c--1975, 208 pp., Teknik Bülten, Izmir (T.C.GýdaTar.Hay.Bak.Kar.Gn.Md.Arţ. Eser. Ser.T. B.No : 28, 208 pp.)
Ege Bölgesi Teke Böcekleri (Cerambycidae-Coleoptera) Türleri, Taksonomileri, Konukculari ve Yayilis
Alanlari üzerinde Arastirmalar.
[Investigations on taxonomy, host plants and distribution of the Longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae,
Coleoptera) in Egean Region.]
(Gültekin, L.)
---1996, Türkiye 3. Entomoloji Kongresi, 24-28 Eylül 1996, Ankara, 128-134.
(et Güçlü, Ş., Özbek, H.)
Erzurum’da yeni bir korunga zararlısı Agapanthia erzurumensis Önalp (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)’ýn biyoloji
ve zararı. [Investigations on the Biology of Agapanthia erzurumensis Önalp (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae),
a new pest of sainfoin in Erzurum, Turkey.]
---1961, 11 (1): 11-12, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Contributo alla conoscenza dei coleotteri etnei.
(Klaus Günther)
c°--1937, 23 (4-5): 130-135, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Ueber einige von M. Beick am Tien-Schan un in Nordkansu gesammelte Käfer.
/ Cyrtognathus hydropicus, Hesperophanes heydeni - F:CN - et. /
*GUO Di-Jin
---, ??? (2): ???, Entomotaxonomia
[A New Species of the Genus Psacothea Gahan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) form China.
/ Psacothea nigrostigma - sp.n. - CN /
---2001, ??? (2): ???, Journal of Southwest University (Natural Science)
[Three new recorded species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in China.]
/ 1st record: Kurarua ruficeps, Demonax inops, D. puerilis /
---2002, 24 (4): ???, Entomotaxonomia
(et CHEN Li)
[A new species and a new subspecies of Xylotrechus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae,
Cerambycinae) from China.]
/ Xylotrechus quattuordecimmaculatus - sp.n. - CN - 254,256
X. lateralis fracturis - ssp.n. - CN - 255,256 /
---2002, ??? (1): ???, Journal of Southwest University (Natural Science)
(et CHEN Li)
[Two newly recorded species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera) in China.]
/ 1st record: Chlorophorus amami, Perissus atronotatus - CN /
---2002, 24 (1): ???, Entomotaxonomia
[Two new record species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from China.]
/ 1st record: Chlorophorus minamiiwo, muscosus /
---2003, ??? (2): ???, Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
[Three new-recorded species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in China.]
/ 1st record: Aphrodisium semipurpureum, Chelidonium binotaticolle, Ch. ciannyris /
---2003, ??? (1): ???, Entomotaxonomia
[Three new recorded species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from China.]
/ 1st record: Psilomerus laosensis, Rhaphuma constricta, Demonax socius
---2005, ??? (2): ???, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
(et CHEN Li)
[Two new species of Demonax from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).]
/ Demonax fugonensis, D. rufus - sp.n. - CN /
---2006, ??? (2): ???, Entomotaxonomia
[A new recorded species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from China.]
/ Chloridolum pliceovelutinum /
*GUO Zhong-Hua
---2000, 37 (3): 149-151, Enomological Knowledge (et YE Yong-Cheng, JIA Yan-Mei, QU Qiu-Yun)
[Biology and control of Oberea herzi Ganglbauer.]
---1983, 53 (3): 301-305, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
The pupa of Callidum coriaceum (Payk.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1983, 4 (1): 47-52, Parki Nar. rezerw. przyr.
Nowe dla Puszy Bialowieskiej gatunki kózek (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1985, (29): 79-81, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
[Semanotus undatus new record and new representative of the longhorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae)
for the Bulgarian fauna.]
---1986, 30 (3): 313-318, Przeglad Zoologiczny
[Trichoferus pallidus Olivier, 1790 new record in Poland.]
---1984(1983), 53 (4): 671-672, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
Acmaeops smaragdula (F.) - nowy dla fauny Polski gatunek kózki (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1988, 58 (2): 309-357, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
[Studies on morphology, biology, ecology, and distribution of Leioderus kollari Redt. (Col.,Cerambycidae)]
---1988, 46: 281-308, Ochrona Przyrody
[The revision of knowledge of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Polish National Parks and Nature Reserves
on the background of the Cerambycidae of Poland.]
---1988, 58 (2): 493-496, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
Acmaeops angusticollis (Gebl., 1823) (Col. Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
---1990 (1989), 30 (1-2): 201-240, Prace naukowe institutu ochrony roslin
Collection of Cerambycidae at the Institute for Plant Protection in Poznan.
c°--1991, 10 (4): 221-226, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Evodinus borealis (Gyllenhal,1827) (Col., Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
(et KARAS M.)
---1992, 35 (15-24): 351-383, Fragmenta faunistica (Warsaw)
Kózkowate (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Roztocza.
---1992, 11 (2): 81-88, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Chlorophorus gracilipes (Faldermann, 1835) – nowy dla fauny Polski przedstawiciel kozkowatych (Cer.)
---1993, 12 (2): 138, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
[Notes on the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Puszcza Bukowa forest near Sczecin.]
c°--1994, 13 (1): 21-28, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Deilus fugax (Olivier, 1790) (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Poland.
c°--1994, 13 (3): 157-165, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Leptura thoracica Creutzer, 1799 (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Poland.
---1995, (N°811): 1-190, Prace Instituu badawczego Lesnictwa, A
Kózkowate (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) wschodniej czesci Polski.
[Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of eastern Poland.]
/ 183 sp. Cerambycidae - eastern PL /
---1995, 38 (14-25): 389-409, Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw)
[Changes in communities of longhorn and buprestid beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Buprestidae)
accompanying the secondary succession of the pine forests of Puszcza Bialowieska.]
c°--1997, 16 (1): 11-19, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Phymatodes (Reitteroderus) pusillus (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
---1999, 18 (1): 11-22, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne (et HOLOWINSKI M., PIOTROWSKI W., ROZWALKA R.)
Nowe i rzadkie gatunki kozkowatych (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) na Roztoczu, Wyzynie Lubelskiej
i Podlasiu.
c°--2006, 4: 101-144, Lesne Prace Badawcze
[Saproxylic beetles as indicator of deformation of pine forests ecosystems.]
*GUVEN Mesud
(Güven M.)
c--°2007, thesis (pdf)
Bati Toroslar ve Güneydogu Toroslar Prioninae-Cerambycinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
faunalari üzerine taksonomik, sistematik ve zoocografic arastirmalar []
/ F:TR - Taurus, Amanos Mts. /
---2000, 5 (2): 209-210, Kulon
Nowe gatunki kozkowatych (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) dla Gor Swietokrzyskich.
[Cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) new to the Swietokrzyskie Mountains.]
/ 6 sp.: Nivelia sanguinosa (Gyllenhal, 1827), Monochamus sartor (Fabricius, 1787),
Mesosa curculionoides (Linnaeus, 1761), Pogonocherus decoratus (Fairmaire, 1855),
Pogonocherus fasciculatus (de Geer, 1775), Stenostola dubia (Laicharting, 1784) /
c°--2005, dokument EENY 357, University of Florida & IFAS Florida
(et HODGES Amanda)
Citrus Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1817, 266 pp., 2 col. pl., Scaris, Officina Lewerentziana
Appendix ad C. J. Schoenherr Synonymian Insectorum, Tom. 1, part 3, sistens descriptiones
novarum specierum.
*HAACK Robert
c°--2008, :1-20 pp., USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, East Lansing, MI
Studies Related to Firewood and the Spread of Invasives
c--1976, 25 (6): 100-101, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Nivellia sanguinosa (Gyll.) aus dem Bayerischen Wald
*HACKER Herrmann H.
---1999, Bd. 7: 10-14 , Esperania, Buchreihe zur Entomologie
History of Collecting Insects in Yemen
---1988, No. 12: 167-170, Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat (et FRAVAL A., THEVENOT M.)
Ennemis naturels de Phoracantha semipunctata (F.) (Col., Cerambycidae), ravageur xylophage
des eucalyptus au Maroc.
---1992, 26: 110-112, Annales de la Recherche Forestiere au Maroc
Variations saisonnieres de la duree du cycle biologique de Phoracantha semipunctata (F.)
(coleoptere, Cerambycidae) ravageur xylophage des Eucalyptus au Maroc.
---1822, 1: 48 pp., 19 pls., Basileae, Neukirch.
Symbola Faunae Insectorum Helvetiae exhibentia vel species novas vel nondum depictas.
---2004, 106 (4): 928-931, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Characters differentiating male from female Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1896, 9 (Publ.XXI): 1-36, Mus. civ Rovereto
Elenco sistematico dei Coleotteri finora raccolti nella Valle Lagarina.
---2005, 126 (3): 129-131, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Anoplodera livida (Fabricius, 1777) - langhorning ny for Sverige (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1963, 13: 116-119, LaYa´aran
Insects pests of pine trees.
---1986, Phytoparasitica
New pests of pistachio in Israel.
---1990, Phytoparasitica
Arthropod fauna and main insects pests of plane trees in Israel.
c--1993, 21 (1): 23-37, Phytoparasitica
Host-Plants of Israeli Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), with New Records.
/ Cerambycidae - 90 sp. - Israel - 65 plant genera /
c--1974, : 207-211, Bulletin de la Société entomologique d'Egypte
Additions to the insect fauna of Libya.
---1893, 34: 157-160, 185-195, Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps - Societetens Förhandlingar, Helsingfors
Bidrag till kännedom af sydvestra Sibiriens insektfauna.
*HAMPE Clemens von
c°--1885, 4 (1): 1-2, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Dr. Clemens Hampe
§---1852, Band 2: 302-315, Leipzig
In: WAGNER M.F. - Reise nach Persien und dem Lande der Kurden.
Verzeichnis der von mir im den Kaukasus, in Trans-Kaukasien, Armenien, Kurdistan und West Persien
gesammelten und von Dr. Hampe bestimmten Koleopteren.
/ Dorcadion nobile, sodale, haemorhodale
Phytoecia kotschyi, albolineata, annulata /
---1870, 14: , Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
/ Brachyta balcanica -
---1994, 3: 45-48, Coleopterist
Phoracantha recurva Newman (Cerambycidae) as a live import to the British Islas.
c°--1999, 44: 483-505, Annu. Rev. Ent.
Influence of the larval host plant on reproductive strategies of cerambycid beatles.
*HANSEN Michael
c--1994, 62(3): 65-89, Entomologiske Meddelelser (et MAHLER V., PRITZL G., RUNGE J. B.)
[13th supplement to the list of Danish Coleoptera ]
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - p. 83 – 16 sp.
TETRATOMIDAE - p. 82 – Tetratoma desmarestii
MELANDRYIDAE - p. 82 – Abdera affinis, biflexuosa, triguttata /
---2000, 25 (2): 209-219, Stenstrupia
(et MARTIN Ole)
The type material of Coleoptera described by J. C. Schiodte.
/ Cerambycidae: Criocephalus epibata - lectotypus des. /
c--1966, Bd.9, 299 pp., Goecke+Evers Verl.,Krefeld,
In: Freude H., Harde K.W., Lohse G.A. - Die Käffer Mitteleuropas.
Familie Cerambycidae, Bockkäfer.
/ Cerambycidae : 7 - 94 pp. /
*HARMOS Kristian
c°--2000, pp. 1-31, ???
(et LANTOS I., JOO M.)
Adatok a Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park igazgátozák illetékességi területének rovarfaunájához.
/ F:HU /
c°--2001, 1/18, pp. 6-26, A Puszta
Adatok védett rovarfájok elterjedéséhnés nográd megyében.
/ F:HU /
(et LANTOS I., JOO M.)
---1877, 21: 337-367, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Japan (zweites Stück). Japanische Käfer des Berliner Königl. Museums.
/ Rosalia batesi - sp.n. - JP /
---1879, 16: 225-232, Coleopterologische
II. Diagnosen neuer Arten.
---1879, 23: 366-368, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Nachtrag zu Stuck IV. der Beitrage zur Kaferfauna von Japan.
---1992, 128 (Nos 1540-1543): 181-183, Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Tetrops starkii Chevrolat (Col., Cerambycidae) new to Britain.
*HASEGAWA Michiaki
c°--1987, 55 (3): 509-520, Kontyu
Cerambycid Beetles of the Genus Pseudocalamobius (Coleoptera) from Taiwan.
c--1989, 24 (9): 7-12, ????
Notes on the Nupserha marginella and N. sericans (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1989, (10): 17-27, ????
The Cerambycid Beetles collected from the East slope of Mt. Hakusan, Central Honshu, Japan.
---1991, 26 (12): 13-17, illustr., Nature and Insects
Taxonomic note on the genus Oplosia (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
o--1992, (2): 37-39, Sci.Rep.Toyohashi Mus. Nat. Hist.
A new record of lepturine species Macropidonia (Pseudosieversia) japonica (Ohbayashi, 1937)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Aichi Prefecture.
o--1992, (2): 37-39, ACJAP
A New Cerambycid Beetles of the Genus Cylindilla (Coleoptera) from the Yayeyama Islands,
Southwest Japan.
/Cylindilla makiharai - sp.n./
o--1993, (3): 21-26, Sci.Rep.Toyohashi Mus.Nat.Hist.
Taxonomic notes on Mimectatina variegata Kusama et Takakuwa, 1984 (Col., Cerambyc., Lamiinae).
o--1996, 24 (2): 388, Elytra
A New Record of Chlorphorus yedoensis (Kano) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Amami-Ohshima
Island, Suthwest Japan.
o--1996, 2 (1): 83-95, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Acanthocinus (Col., Cerambycidae) of Japan and the Far East.
/Acanthocinus sachalinensis, orientalis - st.n./
o--1997, 25 (1): 23-24, Elytra
Additional Record of Acanthocinus hutacharerae Makihara (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) ,
with description of the Male Genitalia.
---1999, 27 (1): 27-30, Elytra
(et MAKIHARA Hiroshi)
A new species of the genus Pterolophia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan.
/ P. (Pterolophia) kusamai - sp.n. - JP /
---2000, 28 (1): 197-202, Elytra
(et LE Seung Mo)
Notes on the genus Pterolophia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Korea, with description of a new species.
/ Pterolophia - key, P. (Pseudale) coreana - sp.n. - KO /
---2001, N°366: 10-15, Gekan Mushi
Japanese species of the genus Miccolamia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
o--2001, 7 (1): 1-28, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
A revisional study on the genus Miccolamia of Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Miccolamia - revision, distributin, biology
M. (Isomiccolamia) takakuwai, yakushimensis, glabricula sadoensis - sp.n. et ssp. n. - JP /
o--2001, 7 (1): 71-75, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Discovery of a New Lamiinae Genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Ogasawara Islands, Japan.
/ Boninoleiops kitajimai - gen. et sp.n. - JP: Ogasawara Is. /
o--2002, N°5: 397-408, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology (et OHBAYASHI N.)
Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Pseudocalamobius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) of Japan.
/ Pseudocalamobius - revis. - JP /
---2003, (6): 385-387, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
A new Aulaconotus sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Malay Peninsula.
/ Aulaconotus satoi - sp.m. - MY /
---2004, 32 (1): 225-228, Elytra
Discovery of a new Olenecamptus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan.
/ Olenecamptus fukumotoi - sp.n. - JP: Anijima Is., Ogasawara Arch. /
o--2006, 12 (2): 183-184, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology (et OHBAYASHI N., YOSHIMICHI S.)
Additional record of Pterolophia kusamai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Chichi-jima
Island, with description of the male genitalia.
/ genitalia
o--2006, 12 (1): 249-255, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Notes on the genus Iproca of Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with description of the new species.
/ Iproca aoyamaorum - sp.n. - JP: Okinawa /
*HASHMI Ali Asghar
c--1992, (12): 133-170, Proc. Pakistan Congr. Zool.
(et TASHFEEN Afzala)
Coleoptera of Pakistan: Papers 12th Pakistan Congres Zool., Lahore, Apr. 1992
/ 95 fam. - 1239 gen. - 2619 sp. - from Pakistan
C e r a m b y c i d a e - pp. 139-140, 157-158, 163 /
---1894, 38 (1): 17-74, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Transcaspien und Turkestan.
---1953, 2 (16): 213-219, Zoologické a entomologické listy
Poznámky k bionomii tesaříka Nothorhina punctata F.
(et NIEDL J.)
/Bemerkungen zur Bionomie des N. punctata F./
o--1987, 97 (15): 221-224, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Bemerkungen zur Biologie und zu den Wirtspflanzen des australischen Bockkäfers
Pachydissus sericus Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--1988, 98 (22): 332-334, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine übersicht der Wirtspflanzen des australischen Bockkäfers Aridaeus thoracicus (Donovan)(Ceramb.)
c--1990, 100 (12): 213-218, Entomologische Zeitschrift
(et DAUBER D.)
Ein überblick über Biologie und Wirtspflanzen des australischen Bockkäfers Batocera boisduvali
(Hope) mit neuen Erkenntnissen über Paarungs- und Eiablageverhalten (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1990, 60: 125-129, Koleopterologische Rundschau
(et DAUBER D.)
Review of the host plants of the Australian longicorn beetle Chlorophorus curtisi
(Laporte et Gory) (Col.: Cerambycidae)
c°--1994, 7: 5-10, Giornale italiano di Entomologia
Observations on the biology and host plants of the Australian logicorn beetle, Ceresium seminigrum
Aurivillius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--2001, 111 (9): 312-315, Entomologische Zeitschrif
(et DAUBER D.)
Biological notes and host plants of some Papua New Guinean longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1977, 26 (4): 75-77, New Entomologist
O kukle tesaříka Pidonia mutata
(in Japanese)
---1950, 5: 1-5, The Entomological Review of Japan, Osaka
On the genus Epania Pascoe from Japan (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1951, 2: 75-82, Entomological Review of Japan
(et IGA M.)
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions. I.
---1953, 6 (5): 38-42, pl. 8, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions. II.
Ins. Jap., 1: Col.
c--1956, 7 (1): 9-10, Entomological Review of Japan
Re-examination of Dr. Kano's Types on Cerambycidae (I.)
c--1956, 7 (1): 11-15, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae from the Island of Yakushima (Col.). / Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan
and Its Adjacent Regions (IV) /
/ Eurypoda (E.) antennata unicolor ssp. n. Chloridolum (Ch.) kurosawae - sp.n. Chelidonium sinense HOPE viridicyaneum - forma n. - JP /
c--1956, 7 (1): 21-22, Entomological Review of Japan
On Tengius okuboi Matsushita. (Col.: Cerambycidae).
(et KOJIMA K.)
o--1956, No. 9: 11-22, 2 pls., Bull. Osaka Mus. Nat. History (BOMH)
Entomological results from the scientific survey of the Tokara Islands. 5. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
/ /
---1957, 8 (2): 45-48, Entomological Review of Japan
Sudies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions VII.
c--1958, 9 (1): 4, Entomological Review of Japan
A new genus of Lepturinae from Japan. (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ Ohbayashia - gen.n. - JP - key to genera:
Pyrrhona, Cornumutila, Dokhtouroffia, Ohbayashia /
c--1958, 9 (2): 46-50, Entomological Review of Japan
Study on Cerambycidae from Japan and its adjacent Regions. IX.
/ Eustrangalis anticereducta - stat.n.
Molorchus (Kobagenus) - sbg.n.
Molorchus (Linomius) tsutsuii - sp.n.
Kirishimoopsis sakamotoi - gen.n. et sp.n.
Doius adachii - sp.n. - JP /
c--1958, 9 (2): 58-60, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Japan (II).
/ gen. Asemum ESCHSCHOLTZ - JP /
c--1959, 10 (1): 4, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of Prionus Geoffroy from Japan (Col., Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Prionus sejunctus - sp.n. - JP /
---1959, 10 (1): 55-63, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and Its Adjacent Regions (X).
c--1960, 12 (1): 11-13, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and Its Adjacent Regions (XII).
/ Stenhomaus nagaoi - sp.n.
Eumecocera pterocaryai - sp.n.
E. atrofusca - sp. n.
E. callosicollis - comb.n. - JP /
c--1960, 11 (1): 12, Entomological Review of Japan
A new genus of Lepturinae from Japan, with notes (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Pyrenoploderes - gen.n. - (P. bicolor) /
c--1960, 12 (1): 21-29, Entomological Review of Japan
Additions to the cerambycid-fauna of the Loochoo Archipelago (Col.) (1).
/ Leptura auratopilosa amamiana - ssp.n.
Xylotrechus chujoi - sp.n.
Psacothea hilaris insulsris - ssp.n.
Mesosa (M.) perplexa okinawana - ssp.n. - JP /
c°--1960, 28 (): 187-192, Kontyu
The Cerambycidae from Inner Mongolia collected by Prof. K. Tsuneki (Col.).
/ F:CN - Asias kozlovi, Eodorcadion, Phytoecia /
---1960, Vol. 1 (6): 1-26, Niponius, Takamatsu (Acta Coleopterologica)
Study of the Lepturinae (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ Formosotoxotus - gen.n. - (Toxotinus auripilosus Kano)
c°--1960, 2 (2): 123-131, 3 map, Pacific Insects
An Analysis of Japanese Cerambycid Fauna, with special reference to distribution belts.
o--1961, No.13: 67-70, Bull. Osaka Mus. Nat. History
Une nouvelle espece de Rhodopina du nord des iles Ryukyu
/ Rhodopina okineraburana sp. n. – JP, key /
c--1961, 13 (1): 21-26, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and Its Adjacent Regions (XIII).
/ Leptura ochraceofasciata yokoyamai - ssp.n.
L. ochraceofasciata chujoi - ssp.n.
Palausybra hachijoensis - sp.n.
Erysamena amanoi - sp.n.
Sphigmothorax tsushimanus - sp.n.
Chlorophorus kurotora - ssp.n. - JP /
c--1961, 13 (2): 35-46, pls. 9-10, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae from Amami-Oshima Islands. I. Additions to the cerambycid-fauna
of the Loochoo Archipelago 2 (Col.).
/ Megopis (Aegosoma) kawazoei - sp.n.
Psephactus remiger insularis - ssp.n.
Pseudallosterna takagii - sp.n. + key Pseudallosterna
Leptura amamiana - comb.n.
Strangalia (Insularestrangalia) - sbg.n.
Allotraeus (Nysina) amamiensis - sp.n.
Molorchus (Linomius) shibatai - sp.n.
M. (L.) takeuchii ebeninus - ssp.n.
Epania kumatai - sp.n. /
---1962, 15 (): 1-8, 1 pl., Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Ryukyu Islands I. Additions to the Cerambycid-fauna of Ryukyu Archipelago. 3. (Col.)
c--1962, 14: 8-18, 2 pls., Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae from Amami-Oshima Islands. II. Additions to the cerambycid-fauna
of the Loochoo Archipelago 2 (Col.).
/ Cypriola sejuncta amamiana - ssp.n.,
C. sejuncta hamai - ssp.n.
C. sejuncta tsushimae - comb.n. + key C. sejuncta ssp.
Erysssamena insularis - sp.n.
Ostedes (O.) inermis densepunctatus - ssp.n.
Oberea shibatai - sp.n. /
c--1962, 14 (2): 35-41, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae from Amami-Oshima Islands. III.
o--1963, 15 (2): 50-.55, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Ryukyu Islands II. Additions to the Cerambycid-fauna of Ryukyu Archipelago(Col.)
/ Parandra shibatai , Pygostrangalia (Idiostrangalia) maruokai, Ceresium sinicum
ssp. shirakii, Thranius multinotatus ssp. latipennis, Molorchus (Limomius) cobaltinus,
Leptepania ryukyuana sp. and ssp. n. – JP,
notes Opepharus (Zephyropepharus) asiaticus (Hayashi, 1962) /
---1963, 15: 10-16, pl. 2, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycid-fauna of Ryukyu Islands III.
o--1963, 15 (2): 56-58, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions (Col.), XIV.
/ Zoodes japonicus, Bumetopia heinana sp. n. – JP /
c°--1963, 25: 129-136, Insecta Matsumurana
Revision of some Cerambycidae on the basis of the types of the late Drs. KANO and MATSUSHITA,
with description of thre new species (Col.).
/ Corennys taiwana - sp.n. - TW
Molorchus (Linomius) fuscipennis - sp.n. - JP
Grammographus kanoi - nom. n. - pro Chlorophorus monticola Kano
Chlorophorus kanoi - sp.n. - JP
c--1964, 17 (2): 58-61, Entomological Review of Japan
Some Longicorn Beetles from Cambodia (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Stibara (S.) cambodiensis - sp.n. - KB /
---1964, 17 (2): 69-76, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Japan (Col.) (6).
---1965, (1): 105-120, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Records of some longicorn-beetles from Formosa with descriptions of new forms.
c°--1966, 1: 1-11, pl. 1, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
On some longicorn beetles from Taiwan and China with description of six new species.
c°--1967, 2: 1-16, pl. 1, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Some longicorn beetles from Thailand, chiefly collected by the Thai-Japanese Forestry Expedition 1963
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1968, 20 (1/2): 20-28, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions (Col.), XV.
/ Arhopalus (A.) tobirensis - JP
Ephies okinawanus - JP
E. schwarzeri - TW - sp.n.
Kazuoclytus - gen.n. - (Xylotrechus lautoides Hay.)
Chlorophorus tohokensis - JP
Chl. amami - JP
Acalolepta izuinsulana - JP
Rondibilis japonicus - JP
Exocentrus tsushimanus - JP /
---1968, 21: 11-18, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions (Col.), XVI.
c°--1968, 3: 1-61, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
A monographic study of the Lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant (1863) with special reference
to the ecological distribution and phylogenetical relation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
---1968, Research Report No.4, Osaka Private Junior coolege Association. pp. 37-39
Some longicorn beetles from Indonesian SW Borneo (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1969, 4: 69-111, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
A monographic study of the Lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant (1863) with special reference
to the ecological distribution and phylogenetical relation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Part II
---1969, 21 (1): 32, Entomological Review of Japan
A new Falsoanoplistes species found from an imported Bornean log (Col., Ceramb.).
c--1969, 21 (2): 61-66, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions (Col.), XVII.
/ Formosopyrrhona taiwanensis - sp.n.
Pseudocallidum obscuriaeneum - sp.n.
Doius fukudai - sp.n. - TW
Psacothea hilaris iriomotensis - ssp.n.
Anoplophora malasiaca ryukyuensis - comb.n.
Uraecha gilva hachijoensis - ssp.n.
Acalolepta mikurensis - sp.n.
Ac. kusamai - sp.n.
Rhodopina okinoerabuana komiyai- ssp.n.
Part I
Estoliops fasciatus nobuoi - comb.n. - JP /
c°--1971, 6: 53-92, pls. 1-17, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
A monographic study of the Lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant (1863) with special reference
to the ecological distribution and phylogenetical relation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Part III
c--1971, 23 (1): 1-18, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and Its Adjacen Regions (Col.), XVIII
/ Prionus scabripunctatus, Pachypidonia rubrida, Obrium piceobrunneum,
Microdebilissa obscura, Chloridolum shibatai, Chl. Ohbayashii, Microlera kanoi,
Iproca flavolineata,( key), Egesina (Niijimaia) fuscolaterimaculata, Acalolepta
yokoyamai - sp.n. - TW
Pidonia (P.) changi - sp.n. - CN
Pseudosieversia amanoi, Parastrangalis ishigakiensis, Pseudale objata, Ps. Izumikurana,
Egesina (Niijimaia) flavoapicalis, Acalolepta boninensis, Sybrodiboma mikurensis,
Glenea (G.) iriei - sp.n. - JP /
---1971, 33 (1): 81-96, Entomological Review of Japan
Some longicorn beetles of Nepal (Col. Cerambycidae) as the Results of the Lepidopterological Research
Expedition to Nepal Himalaya in 1963. Part I.
c°--1972, 7: 57-94, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
A monographic study of the Lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant (1863) with special reference
to the ecological distribution and phylogenetical relation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
c--1972, 24 (1-2): 25-41, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its Adjacent Regions. XIX.
/ Eurypoda (E.) unicolor for. tsushimana - comb.n.
Atimia okayamensis - sp.n.
Nadezhdiella japonica - sp.n.
Pyrestes yayeyamensis - sp.n.
Bumetopia senkakuana - sp.n.
Mycerinopsis (Zotale) apomecynoides - sp.n.
Sybra (S.) pascoei miyakoensis - ssp.n.
S. (S.) baculina miyakoana - ssp.n.
S. (S.) baculina omoro - ssp.n.
S. (S.) baculina nipponensis - ssp.n.
S. (S.) ordinata okinoerabuensis - ssp.n.
S. (S.) ordinata tokara - ssp.n.
S. (S. ordinata miyakojimana - ssp.n.
S. (S.) basialbofasciata - sp.n. + key SYBRA - JP
Ropica formosana japonica - ssp.n.
R. formosana japonica - ssp.n. + key SYBRA - JP
Penthides rufoflavus + key /
---1973, 7: 23-26, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Some longicorn beetles from Korea (Col. Cerambycidae).
c--1974, 26 (1-2): 11-17, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Cerambycidae from Japan and its adjacent regions (Col.). XX.
/ Anoplodera (Pseudalosterna) aritai - stat.n.
Leptura (L.) subtilis aureopubescens - ssp.n.
Paranaspia yayeyamensis - sp.n.
Obrium tsushimanum - sp.n.
Neosybra ryukyuensis - key of ssp. /
Part IV
o--1974, 26 (1-2): 27-28, Entomological Review of Japan
A New Species of Leptepania Heller from Thailand (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
/ Leptepania chaiglomi - sp.n. - TH /
---1974, 26 (1-2): 41-53, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cearmbycidae of Japan (Coleoptera) IX.
c°--1974, (6): 1-36, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
New and unrecorded longicorn beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) I.
c--1974, 27 (1-2): 37-62, Entomological Review of Japan
New and Unrecorded Longicorn Beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part II.
/ Coptops kojimai - sp.n.; Microxylorhiza matsudai - gen.n. et sp.n.;Bumetopia lanshuana;
lutaoana; Palausybra chibi; Ropica fuscolaterimaculata; Pothyne semiaulaconotus; Sthenias
semicylindricus; Egesina (E.) albofasciata; Mimorsidis taiwanensis;Pseudanaesthis mizunumai;
Anaespogonius ochraceofulvus; Graphidesa variegata; Sybrodiboma taiwanensis; Miccolamia
castaneoverrucosa; Rondibilis semielongata; Eryssamena taiwana; E. shibatai - sp.n.;
Neoeryssamena mitonoana - gen et sp.n.; Eoporis (Eoporimimus) simillima;
Leiops /sic !/ shibatai; Dystomorphus esakii; Serixia hayashii; S. juisuiensis - sp.n. - TW /
c°--1975, (10): 167-209, pls. 6., Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
On some longicorn beetles from Borneo and Malaya, chiefly from the entomological result
of Dr. M. Hayashi's S.E. Asian Expedition in 1970.
/ Macrotowa /sic!/ (Bandar) fischeri khooi - ssp.n. - MY
c°--1976, (11): 25-39, pls. 1-5, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
A revisional synopsis of the genus Molorchus Fabricius of Japan and Taiwan, withthe descriptions
of three new forms (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1976, 9 (2): 24-41, 37 figs., Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
On some Longicorn Beetles from Malaysia with descriptions of six new species (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1976, 11: 1-24, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) I.
c°--1977, (12): 93-128, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Study on Cerambycidae from West Malaysia (Col.). Part I.
/ Formosotoxotus malayanus - sp.n. - MY
c--1978, 31 (1-2): 85-92, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae, II. (Coleoptera).
/ Pidonia (P.) atripennis; Idiostrangalia akiyamai; Tetraommatus taiwanus; Epania atra;
Glenea (G.) nanshanchiana - sp.n. - TW
Necydalis (N.) giganteus akiyamai - ssp.n.;G.(Glenea) hambovala - sp.n. - JP
Euchitonia menzelii Ritsema, 1911 (=E. malayana Podany, 1968) – syn.n. /
---1978, 32: 85-90, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae 6. (Coleoptera).
---1978, 32 (1-2): 107-111, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae 3. (Coleoptera).
/Lamiinae: Mimectatinia murakamaii - sp.n.
Paraneosybra fulvofasciata – gen. n + sp.n.
Pothyne lanhsuensis – sp.n.
Tajwanajinga albofasciata – gen.n. + sp. n. - TW /
---1979, (13): 1-37, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Study on Cerambycidae from West Malaysia. (Col.) Part II.
/ Formosotoxotus fulvopilosus - sp.n. - MY
Necydalis (N.) malayana - sp.n. - MY
---1979, 33 (1-2): 81-96, 2 pls., Entomological Review of Japan
Some longicorn beetles of Nepal (Col., Cerambycidae) as the results of the Lepidopterological Research
Expedition to Nepal Himalaya in 1963, Part 1.
/ Megopis (Spinimegopis) nepalensis – sp.n.
Clorophorus aei, nepalensis – sp.n.
Prosemanotus ferrocyaneus – sp.n.
Pothyne nepalensis – sp.n.
Zorilispe harai – sp.n. /
---1979, 33 (1-2): 109-119, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Japan (Col.) 2.
/ faunal list, key /
c--1979, (No. 16): 1-6, Check- list of coleoptera of Japan
Family Cerambycidae. (Disteniinae, Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylinae, Aseminae) .
---1980, 34 (1-2): 1-8, Entomological Review of Japan
Some Longicorn Beetles of Nepal (Col.,Cerambycidae) as the Result of the Lepidopterological Research
Expedition to Nepal Himalayan in 1963.
Part 2.
/ Acalolepta breviscapa, haradai, nepalensis – sp.n. – NP /
---1980, 34 (1-2): 99-112, Entomological Review of Japan
The Cerambycidae of Japan (Col.) 12.
/ Neosybra Breuning, 1939 – key to species /
c--1980, (N°19): 1-28, The Coleopterist´s Asociation of Japan
c/o Department of Zoology, National Science Museum ( Nat. Hist.)
Check-list of Coleoptera of Japan. Family Cerambycidae (Lepturinae).
c°--1981, 14 (1): 1-20, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
On some Longicorn Beetles of Nepal (Col.,Cerambyc.)
/ Lamiinae - sp.n. - NP /
c°--1981, 17: 183-200, Esakia
The Cerambycidae (Col.) of Nepal Collected by the Kyushu University scientific expedition.
/ Glaphyra shimai, Rhaphuma nishidai, Rosalia (Eurybatus) nakanishii,
Idiostrangalia quadrisignata, Strangaliella emotoi – sp.n. – NP /
---1981, 36 (1): 27-32, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae, 4. (Coleoptera).
/ Oplatocera (Epioplatocera) mitonoi – sp.n. – TW
Parandra lanyuana – sp.n. – TW
Stenhomalus muneaka – sp.n. – JP: Niigata Prefecture
Pseudiphra Gressitt, 1935 – (= Iriomoteus Villiers et Chujo, 1971 – syn.n.)
Pidonia michinokuensis - nom.n. (P. japonica Ohb. et Hayashi,1960 – preoccupied name)
Pidonia trilineata (Pic, 1954) – comb.n. – (Pseudopidonia) /
---1982, 37 (1): 71-74, Entomological Review of Japan
On some Cerambycidae from Hong Kong (Coleoptera).
/ Leptepania lantaunensis – sp.n. – CN: Hong Kong
7 sp. – first record faunal list /
---1982, 37 (2): 141-151, illustr., Entomological Review of Japan (in Jap. and English)
The Cerambycidae of Japan (Col.). (13).
/ Euchlanis makiharai - nom. n. - for Euchalanis obscura (Hayashi, 1971) nec Pic, 1940
Microdebilissa obscura Pic, 1940; M. obscura Hayashi, 1971 refered to Euchlanis
Agapanthia japonica Kano, 1933 raised from Ag. melanolopha japonica
Agapanthia sakaii – sp-n. – JP
Agapanthia yagii – sp.n. – JP
Sybrodiboma subfasciata (Bates, 1884) = Hyagnis ohbayashii Breuning, 1960 – syn.n.
Pidonia amentata (Bates) = Pseudopidonia staudingeri Pic – syn. n.
Pidonia limbaticollis stephani – nom. n. – for P. limbat. breuningi Hayashi,1980 – nec
Pseudopidonia staudingeri breuningi Pic, 1955 /
---1982, : 135-138, Spec Iss. Mem. Retir. Emer. Prof. M. Chujo
Two new species of Cerambycidae from the Philippnes.
c--1983, (N°24): 1-32, The Coleopterist´s Asotioation of Japan
Chek-list of Coleoptera of Japan. Family Cerambycidae (Cerambycinae).
c°--1983, (16): 29-44, pl. 1, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Study of Asian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). V.
---1983, 47 (): 137-152, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae, (Coleoptera) X.
c--1984, 39: 85-90, pl. 3, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae, VI. (Coleoptera).
/ Oplatocera (Epioplatocera ?) khasimontana - sp.n. - IN
Molorchus rufosternalis;M. yui;M. semitaiwanus; Glaphyra jiuyuethana;G. liukueiensis -sp.n - TW /
c°--1984, (17/18): 17-38, 2 pls, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Study on Asian Cerambycidae, (Col.) VII.
---1984, 1-146 pp. (incl. 28 col.pls.), Hoikusha, Osaka
In: Hayashi M., Morimoto K., Kimoto S. (Eds.) - The Coleoptera of Japan in Color, 4
Cerambycidae pp. ???
c°--1985, 40 (2): 129-136, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) VIII.
/ Gauresthes malayanus - sp.n. - MY
Menesia matsudai - sp.n. - TW /
c°--1985, (19-20): 1-75, pls. 1-15, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Revision of the Asian Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with special reference
to the type specimens' inspection. Part I
---1986, pp. 264-274,
In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on
the occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342.
The Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, chiefly based on the collection made by the Japan-U.S.
Co-operative Science Program in 1965.
c--1987, 42 (2): 153-169, pl. 17-18, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae (Col.) IX.
/ Pyrestes - sp. - JP; Pyrestes nipponicus - sp.n. - JP
Gauresthes thailandensis - sp.n. - TH
Pachyteria apicalis cameronensis - ssp.n. - MY /
---1987, 22 (9): 2-6, illustr., Nature and Insects
The longicorn beetles of south-east Asia. Part 3.
c°--1987, (22): 1-20, 3 pls, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Revision of the Asian Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
with special reference to the type specimens' ispection. Part II
---1989, 9: 289-300, Chinese Journal of Entomology ........... see MAKIHARA S.,
A list of cerambycid-beetles from Taiwan (3).
---1988, No. 203: 12-16, Gekan-Mushi
Miscellaneous notes and historical review of Cerambycidae of Taiwan.
---1988, 8: 165-184, Chinese Journal of Entomology
A list of cerambycid-beetles from Taiwan (1). Subfamilies Disteniinae, Parandrinae,Prioninae,
Philinae, Aseminae and Lepturinae.
c°--1989, (24): 1-43, 4 pls., Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Revision of the Asian Lepturinae (Col.: Cerambycidae) with special reference to the type
specimen´s inspection. Part III
/ Ocalemia,Asilaris, Ephies, Shimomuraia - revised /
c--1992, 47 (2): 137-152, pls. 9-10, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae, X. (Coleoptera).
/ Neocerambyx tamdaoensis, Blepephaeopsis vietnamensis – sp.n. – VN
Chelidonium semivenereum Hayashi 1984 (= Ch. lumawigi Hüdepohl,1989) - syn.n
Eunidia fengkangshanensis, taiwanensis Hayashi et Nara, 1992 – sp.n. – TW
Glaphyra sungkangshanensis – sp.n. – TW
Neocerambyx taiwanensis – sp.n. – TW
Lachnopterus argenteomaculatus Hayashi, 1982 (=L. elisabethe Hüdepohl, 1990) – syn.n.
Pachyteria melancholica fuscorubrithorax – ssp.n. – MY
Pachyteria semivirescens – sp.n. – MY /
c--1994, 49 (1): 59-76, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Asian Cerambycidae, XI (Coleoptera).
/ Anoploderomorpha densepunctata; Bumetopia yagii; Egesina (E.) nomurai; Atimura fujiwarai;
Bumetopia yagii; Egesina (E.) nomurai; Atimura fujiwarai; Xylariopsis fujiwarai; X. uenoi;
Myagrus yagii; Eutetrapha bicostata - sp.n. - TW
Pyrocalymma thailandensis - sp.n. - TH
c°--1995, Vol. 30: 1-22, 4 pl., Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Revision of the Asian Lepturinae (Col.: Cearmbycidae)
with special reference to the type specimen´s inspection. Part IV.
c--1995, 15 (2): 149-151, Zhonghua Kunchong (=Chinese Journal of Entomology)
(et NARA H., YU S.K.)
A new species of genus Uraechoides Breuning (1981) from Taiwan (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Uraechoides taomeiae - sp.n. - TW /
---1996, 51 (2): 107-109, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of the genus Ephies and male features of Strangalia puguismontana Hayashi et Villiers
from the Philippines (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ E. hefferni - sp.n. - PH /
---2003, No.6: (422 pp.), Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology
The Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)Thailand, based on the Collection made
by the Japan-U.S. -operative Science Program in 1965
---1984, 38 (1): 17-32, Scottish Forestry
(et TICKELL R. F.)
Colonisation of coniferous stumps by cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Asemum striatum, Rhagium bifasciatum /
*HE P.
---1993, 36 (1): 51-55, Acta Entomologica Sinica
Adult behavior of Anoplophora glabripennis
(et HUANG J-f)
---2006, 15 (3): 126, Coleopterist
The occurrence of Oxypleurus nodieri Mulsant (Cerambycidae) in Britain.
---2004, 125 (1-2): 11-12, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Flera fynd av liten timmerman Acanthocinus griseus F. (Cerambycidae) pa vindfallen och hogstubbar
av gran. [Several records of the longhorn beetle Acanthocinus griseus F. (Cerambycidae) on fallen trees
and high stumps of spruce.]
*HEFFERN Daniel J.
c°--1998, 12 (3-4): 174, Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
Correction of the known distribution of Prionus (Homaesthesis) simplex Casey
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2002, 15 (4): 256, Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
Replacement name for Euchitonia Kolbe, 1894 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,
Cerambycinae, Callichromatini).
c°--2005, 19 (1-2): 84, Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
Validation and type-species designation for the genus Janidera sensu Hüdepohl, 1988.
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Dejanirini).
/ Janidera Heffern, 2005 - gen.n. - (nec Hüdepohl 1998) /
c°--2006, 111 (1): 123-127, Bulletin de la Societé entomologique de France
Reversal of precedence using the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature to maintain
prevailing usage of Macrotoma Audinet-Serville, 1832 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Macrotoma Audinet-Serville, 1832 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - nom. protectum /
c°--2007, 2 (1): 59-62, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Nomenclatural changes for oriental longhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Microdebilissa Pic, 1925 - available name
Euchlanis Pascoe, 1869 - syn.n. - nec Euchlanis Ehrenberg, 1832 (Rotifera) /
c°--1997, 22: 223-245, Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matranensis
A Zempléni-hegység cincérei (Col., Cerambycidae).
(et KOVÁCS Tibor)
c°--2000, 24: 221-282, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matraensis (et KOVACS T., MUSKOVTS J., SZALOKI D.)
[Data to the longhorn beetle fauna of Budapest and Pest county (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
---2003, 27: 161-196, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matraensis
(et KOVÁCS Tibor)
Adatok a Dunantul deli reszenek cincerfaunajahoz (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[Data to the longhorn beetle fauna of the southern part of Dunantul (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
/ Cerambycidae - 187 sp. /
c°--1918, 7 : 130-136, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Die Gattung Stenostola als nomenklatorische Lektion.
/ Stenostola - syn. /
c°--1921, 10 : 88, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Kleine Mitteilungen zur Biologie pflanzenfressender Käfer.
6. Phytoecia rufimana auf Sinapsis, Sisymbrium und Rapistrum.
/ CRC - host plants /
*HEINZ Ortrud
c--1998, 108 (7): 267-280, Entomlogische Zeittschrift
Der Iran heute: mit Campingbus und Kopftuch zum Kopet-dagh.
/ Dorcadion - expedition to Iran /
---1971, 178 pp., Alpin biologische Studien Herausgeber Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck
Nachtrag zur Käferfauna Nordtirols.
---1982, 58 (1): 21-29, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
The eucalyptus borer Phoracantha F., behaviour, nature of the damage, and its parasites
and predators in Egypt, (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
---1982, 58 (1): 31-37, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
The effect of the host and the host preference on the eucalyptus borer Phoracantha semipunctata F.,
in Egypt (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera)
---1982, 58 (1): 39-46, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
Effect of the moisture content of eucalyptus wood on the different stages of Phoracantha semipunctata F.,
in Egypt (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
---1982, 58 (1): 113-121, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
Certain biological aspects of the eucalyptus borer Phoracantha semipunctata F., in Egypt (Ceramb., Col.)
---1982, 58 (1): 123-130, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
The abundance of eucalyprus borer Phoracantha semipunctata F., in Cairo area.,
Egypt (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
---1982, 58 (1): 277-285, Agricultural Research Review (Giza)
(et EL-SEBAY Y.)
Temperature and relative humidity effects on eucalyptus borer Phoracantha semipunctata F.,
in Egypt (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
c--1891, (2): 307-309, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Weiteres über Dorcadion laeve Fald.
c°--1891, 10 (2): 62-63, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Toxotus vittatus Fisch. = tataricus Gebl. ?
---1897 (1896/1897), 6:1-24. 1 plate, Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königl. Zoologischen
und Anthropologisch-Ethnographischen
Museums zu Dresden Neue Käfer von Celébes gesammelt von den Herren Dr. P. und Dr. F. Sarasin.
c--1899(1898/1899), 7 (8): ?-8, Abhandlungen u. Berichte Königlichen Zool.u.Anthropol.-Etnograph.Mus. Dresden
Neue Käfer von den Philippinen.
---1907, 29: 54-56, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Coelosterna (Coleoptera) aus Sumatra.
---1915, 10 (1): 19-45, The Philippine Journal of Science
Neue Käfer von den Philippinen. II.
---1915, 10 (4): 236-248, The Philippine Journal of Science
Neue Käfer von den Philippinen. III.
---1916, : 269-311, pl. 3, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Philippinische Käfer, gesammelt von Prof. C.Fuller-Baker, Los Baňos
---1916, 58 (suppl.): 101-114, 1 pl., Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Neue bockkäfer aus Niederländisch Indien.
---1921, 10 (6): 195-198, Entomologische Mitteilungen
Systematische und faunistische Notizen über Käfer.
---1922 (1921), 19: 523-627. 3 pl., The Philippine Journal of Science
New Philippine Coleoptera
---1923, :414-425. 6 fig., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Bockkäfer von den Philippinen und aus Borneo.
---1923, 66: 33-48, pl. 1, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Neue malayische, meist philippinische Bockkäfer und ein neuer Rüsselkafer.
---1923, 19 (2): 61-80, Entomologische Blätter
Die Coleopterenausbeute der Stöznerschen Sze-tschewan-Expedition (1913-1915).
---1924, 20 (1): 26-34, Entomologische Blätter
Bestimmungsschlüsel aussereuropäischen Käfer.
Cerambycidae, Molorchini: Genera Epania und Merionoeda
/ Leptepania sbg. n. /
c--1924, 41 (4-10): 163-180, Wiener Ent. Zeitung
Neue philipinische Bock- und Ruesslkaefer aus der Smmlung von Prof. C.F. Baker.
/ Cerambycidae 8 sp.n – pp. 163-170 /
---1924, 13 (4-5):195-214. 16 fig., Entomologische Mitteilungen
Neue, vorwiegend philippinische Bockkäfer.
---1924, : 424-436, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Philippinische Bockkäfer.
---1926, 69: 19-50, pl. 5, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Neue, altweltliche Bockkäfer.
c-Neue malayische, meist philippinische Bockkäfer und ein neuer Rüsselkäfer.
/ Cerambycidae - sp.n. - PH,ID /
---1934, 54: 279-307, The Philippine Journal of Science
New and little-known Philippine Coleoptera.
c--1940, 30 (3): 842-843, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Gesselschaft
Eine neue Rhagium-Art aus Persien (Col.,Ceramb.)
/ Rhagium iranum - sp.n. - IR /
c°--1967, 45: 1-71, Koleopterologische Rundschau (Koleopterologische Rundschau)
Die Cerambyciden-fauna von Südtirol.
---1970(1970/71), 52: 367-510, Redia
Die Bionomie der europäischen Monochamus-Arten (Col., Cerambycidae)
und ihre Bedeutung für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft.
c--1971, 19: 445-455, MVER
Sulla distribuzione di Parmena Latr. (Col.,Cerambycidae) in Italia e descrizione
di una nuova specie dell Isole Egadi: Parmena subpubescens - n. sp.
---1974, : 130-202, Hamburg-Berlin
Cerambycidae, Bockkäfer
In: Schwenke, W.: Forstschädlinge Europas, 2.
c°--1974, 51: 32-55, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Nachtrag zur Cerambyciden-fauna von Südtirol.
---1984, 57 (5): 97-98, Anzeiger für Schaedlingskunde Pflanzenschutz Umwelschutz
Orussus abietinus Scop. (Hym., Orussoidea) als Parasit der Larve
des Wellenbockes Semanotus undatus L. (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1986, 59 (1): 14-17, Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde Planzenschutz Umweltschutz
Zur Entwicklung, Färbung und Lebenweise von Pedostrangalia revestita (L.).
---1946, 82: 217, The Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Grammoptera holomelina Pool (Col., Cerambycidae) at Ashted, Surrey.
---1982, 26 (4): 180, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
104. Stromatium fulvum Villers in der DDR (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1934, 14: 48-50, EANZ
Zur Lebensweise von Dorcadion fuliginator L.
---1955, 76: 58-59, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Asemum tenuicorne Kr. en for Skandinavien ny langhorning (Col., Cerambycidae).
(Herbst Johan Friedrich Wilhelm)
---1799, 8: 1-420, Berlin, Pauli
Natursystem aller bekannten in- und ausländischen Insecten: nach dem System
des Ritters Carl von Linné Bearbeitet.
(Hernández José .M.)
c°--1990, 86 (1-4): 161-179, illustr, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural, Seccion biologica
Descripcion del huevo de las especies del genero Iberodorcadion (Breuning, 1943) endemicas de la Sierra
de Guadarrama (Espana) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c--1991, 15: 117-130, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Notas sobre el ciclo biológico de Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) graellsi (Graells, 1858).
c--1991, 2: 85-91, Zoologica Baetica
El polimorfismo en Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) martinezi (Pérez, 1874) ,
endémico de la provincia de Madrid (Espaňa) (Col.,Cer.,Lamiine)
c°--1991, 47: 49-59, Graellsia
Estudio de los caracteres del huevo en diversos Cerambycidae ibericos y su interes taxonomico (Coleoptera).
c°--1991, 87 (1-4): 277-284, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natura (Seccion Biologica)
Descripción de un nuevo Iberodorcadion (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
de la provincia de Madrid (Espaňa).
/ I. (Hispanodorcadion) ortunoi - sp.n. - SP /
c--1992, 48: 91-97, Graellsia
(et ORTUŇO V.M.)
Estudio de la genitalia feminina en Iberodorcadion (Breuning, 1943) y comentarios sobre
su valor taxonomico. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1992, 5 (2): Actas do Congresso Iberico de Entomologia
Estudio de la genitalia femenina del genero Agapanthia Serville, 1835 en la Penisula Iberica
y su aplicacion taonomica (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--1992, 2 (Suppl. N°3): 499-508, Bolm. Soc. ent. Port., Actas do Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia
Estudio de la genitalia femenina del genero Agapanthia Serville, 1835 en la Penísula Ibérica
y su aplicación taonómica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--1993, 7: 99-104, Elytron
La genitalia feminina en las especies del genero Corymbia Des Gozis, 1886 de la Penisula Iberica
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
c--1993, 3: 21-23, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Nuevos datos de cerambycidos para Espaňol. (Col.: Cerambycidae).
(et PEREZ F.J.)
c°--1994, 4: 29-37, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
(et ORTUŇO V.M.)
Primeros datos sobre la biología de Iberodorcaion (Hispanodorcadion) bolivarii (Laufer, 1898)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--1994, 18 (1-2): 15-20, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Ciclo biológico de algunas especies de Ceramycidae en condiciones de laboratorio (Coleoptera).
---1996, 92 (1-4): 37-45, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natura (Seccion Biologica)
(et PEREZ F.J.)
Contribucion al conocimiento de la familia Cerambycidae Latreille, 1804 (Insecta, Coleoptera)
de la provincia de Granada (sur de la Peninsula Iberica).
---1996, 48: 95-106, Munibe (Ciencias Naturales - Natur Zeintziak)
Variabilidad fenotipica en Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) ghilianii (Chevrolat, 1862)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1997, 8: 65-83, Zoologica Baetica
Variabilidad fenotipica en Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) hispanicum (Mulsant, 1851)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1997, 12: 71-87, ORSIS (Organismes i sistems)
Descripcion de la larva y la pupa en tres especies de Iberodorcadion Breuning, 1943 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Laminae [Lamiinae]).
c°--1997, 7: 221-224, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Observaciones sobre el comportamiento de algunos Iberodorcadion Breuning, 1943 del sistema
central espaňol (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1997, 21 (3-4): 61-67, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología (MG) (et ORTUŇO V.M.)
Estudio de la genitalia femenina en las especies ibericas del Rhagium Fabricius, 1775 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Lepturinae).
---1998(1997), 11: 51-61, Elytron
Comunicacion acustica en algunas especies de Iberodorcadion Breuning, 1943 (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
---1998(1997), 20 (2): 93-100, Miscellanea Entomologica
Variabilidad fenotipica inter e intraespecifica en cuatro especies de Iberodorcadion Breuning, 1943
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, Espana).
---1999, 95 (3-4): 69-71, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural,Seccion biologica (et al)
[An interesting teratorogical case in Iberodorcadion (Hispanodorcadion) heydeni (Kraatz, 1870) (Col.,Cer.)]
c--2000, 24 (1-2): 97-129, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Estudio multivariante de la genitalia masculina y feminina en seis especies de Iberodorcadion Breuning, 1943
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae) de la Comunidad de Madrid (Espaňa) y propuesta de nuevas sinonimias
para el grupo.
(Hernández Ruiz J.A.)
c°--1994, 1 (1): 59-66, Boletín de la Asociacón Entomológica Boabdil
(et PEREZ F.J.)
El genero Agapanthia Serville, 1835 en la provincia de Granada (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1993, 37 (2): 130-132, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Erganzende Fundort meldungen von in Ostdeutschland selteneren Bockkäfern (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*HESAMI Shahram
c°--2005, 14 (1): 66-68, J. Hym. Res.
Leucospis dorsigera Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Leucospidae) as a Hyperparasitoid of Cerambycidae
(Coleoptera) through Xoridinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Iran
/F:IR - Osphranteria coerulescens - IR /
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 221-270, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Verzeichnis der Schriften von Edmund Reitter (1869-1915).
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 271-287, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Liste der von Edm. Reitter in der Jahren 1903 bis 1915 neu beschreibenen Coleopteren.
c°--1929, 48 (): 174, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über einige von Dr. C. Hampe im jahre 1852 beschriebene Käferarten.
*HEYDEN Lucas von
(Lucas Friedrich Julius Dominikus von Heyden)
---1861, : 192, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Kleinere Mitheilungen
c--1863, : 126-130, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Zwei neue Coleotere-Gattungen aus dem Mittelmeergebiet.
/ Brachypteroma ottomanum - gen. & sp.n. - TR
Phytoecia albivittigera - sp.n. - TR (=Coptosia)
Ph. fuscicornis - sp.n. (=Ph. geniculata) /
---1864, : 318-324, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Synonymik der europäischen Coleopteren.
---1864, : 329-333, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Molorchus abbreviatus Panz. und salicis Muls.
---1869, : 53-64, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber neue, von Herrn v. Frivaldszky in der Schriften der ungarischen Academie 1865
beschreibenen Insekten-Arten.
---1875, 19: 385-393, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Käferfauna Deutschlands.
c--1876, 20: 317-320, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Cortodera- (Muls.) und Grammoptera- (Serv.) Arten.
c--1876, 20: 320, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Longicornen-Gattung Vadonia Mus.
---1876, 20: 383-384, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Molorchus discicollis Heyd.
/ M. discicollis - sp.n. - (=Glaphyra marmottani) /
---1877, 21: 417-422, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Bemerkungen über Bockkäfer.
---1878, 22: 161-170, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Bemerkungen zur: Catalogi Coleopterum Europae editio secunda, auctoribus Dr. J.P.E. Frdr. Stein
et Jul. Weise. Berol. 1877
---1879, 23: 167-168, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen.
---1879, 23: 321-365, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die coleopterologische Ausbeute des Prof. Dr. Rein in Japan 1874-1875.
---1880, 24: ???, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen.
---1880, 24: 24: 281-303, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Verzeichnis von Coleopteren aus Asturien, mit Beschreibungen neuer Arten von Candeze, V. Heyden,
Kirsch, Kraatz, Stierlin.
---1880-1881, I-XXIV + 224 pp., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Sonderheft
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien mit Einschluss derjenigen der Turanischen Länder, Turkestans
und der chinesischen Grenzgebiete.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 183-196 /
---1881, 25: 104, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Kleinere Mittheilungen.
---1881, 25: 105-110, 1pl., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Monströse Käfer aus meiner und der Sammlung des Prof. Doebner in Aschaffenburg.
---1881, 25: 241-246, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Zweites Verzeichnis von Coleopteren Asturien.
---1881, 25: 249-253, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Leptura rufa Brullé und Verwandte.
---1882, 26: 99-118, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Käfer um Margelan, gesammelt von Haberhauer.
(et KRAATZ G.)
---1882, 26: 153-154, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Füfzig Ergänzungen und Bemerkungen zum Catalogus Coleopterum Europae.
---1882, 26: 255, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische bemerkungen
o--1882, 26 (2): 297-338, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Käfer um Samarkand, gesammelten von Haberhauer.
(et KRAATZ G.)
/ KRAATZ sp.n. - Clytus bicallosus, Agapanthia detrita, soror, Phytoecia circumdata, ochraceipennis,
cinerascens – sp.n. – Samarkand /
---1883, 228 pp., Berolini
Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae et Caucasi.
---1883, 27 (2): 337-353, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Käfer aus Osch (in Turkestan).
(et KRAATZ G.)
---1883, 27 (2): 367, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Dorcadion atrum Illig.
---1884, 28 (1): 217-228, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Käfer-Arten aus Osch (Turkestan).
(et KRAATZ G.)
---1883, ??? , Berlin
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien mit Einschluss derjenigen der Turanischen Länder, Turkestans
und der chinesischen Grenzgebiete. Nachtrag I.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 178-190 /
---1884, 28 (2): 273-300, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna der Insel Askold und anderer Theilen des Amurgebietes.
/ Atimura askoldensis sp.n. /
---1884, 28 (2): 362, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna der Dardanellen.
c--1885, 29 (2): 17-89, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ein neues Polyarthron aus Persien.
/ Polyarthron bienerti - sp.n. - Persien (=Pseudoprionus) /
---1885, 29 (2): 273-298, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur turkestanischen Coleopteren-Fauna.
( et KRAATZ G. )
---1885, 29 (2): 299-307, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Weitere Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna der Amur-Gebietes.
c--1885, 29 (2): 310, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Notiz über japanische und amurenser Longicornia.
/ synonymie /
---1886, 30 (1): 85, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Leptura hybrida Rey und ochracea Rey.
---1886, 30 (1): 177-193, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
(et KRAATZ G.)
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan, namentlich des Alai-Gebirges.
---1886, 30 (2): 269-277, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Coleopteren-Fauna des Suyfun-Flusses (Amur).
---1886, 30 (2): 281-292, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Pecking in Nord-China.
---1886, 30 (2): 293-296, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Coleoptern-Fauna der Amurländer.
---1887, 31 (2): 295, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Bemerkungen zu früheren Arbeiten über das Amur-Gebiet.
---1887, 31 (2): 297-304, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Vieter Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Coleopteren-Fauna der Amurländer.
c--1887, 31 (2): 305-336, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
XI. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan
/ Mallosia regina - sp.n. - montibus Alai (Cerambycidae p. 319) /
---1887, 31 (2): 433-448, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Bericht über die von den Herren Prof. Dr. Freiherrn von Fitsch und Prof. Dr. Rein in Marocco
und dem Atlas-Gebirge gesammelten Käfer.
c--1888, 32 (1): 39-44, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die von L. Conradt aus dem Alai-Gebirge mitgebrachten Coleopteren. Beitrag XII.
/ faunistic rec. - Cleroclytus semirufus Kr. /
c--1888, 32 (1): 45-47, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
(et FAUST J.)
Beiträge zur Kleinasiatischen Coleopteren-Fauna.
/ faunistic records - Leptura rufa, Grammoptera merkli, Cortodera frivaldskyi, Clytus schneideri,
Dorcadion paralellum, pluto, robustum, drusum (sic) /
c--1888, 32 (1): 68-71, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Käfer vom Cilicischen Taurus.
/ faunistic records - Leptura verticalis var. adaliae, Phytoecia merkli /
c--1888, 32 (1): 72-78, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue und interessante Coleopteren aus Malatia in Mesopotamien.
/ Phytoecia (Coptosia) heydeni Gglb. - sp.n. - Malatia, Mesopotamien (=Micromallosia)
faunistic records - Cortodera discolor (sic), Clytus bobelayi, Purpuricenus wachanrui,
Dorcadion blanchardi, Agapanthia coeruleipennis, Phytoecia puncticollis, tigrina,
armeniaca, scapulata, Ph. (Coptosia) albovittigera, compacta, Oxylia duponcheli (sic),
Mallosia mirabilis, scovitzi, ganglbaueri /
---1889, 33 (1): 212, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Copula verschiedenartiger Coleopteren.
---1889, 33 (1): 221-222, 1 pl., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Zwitter und Monstrositäten aus den Sammlungen.
c--1889, 33 (2): 325-330, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Descriptiones Coleopterorum novorum Regionis Palaearcticae.
/ Leptura tripartita - sp.n. - 1f - Syria
Clytus bifarius - sp.n. - Hadjin, Asiae minoris (=Cl. ciliciensis) /
c°--1889, 8 (5): 202-203, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Coleoptera.
/ Leptura ochracea - homonymy /
c°--1889, 8 (): 280, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Interessante kaukasisch- persische Coleopteren.
/ Osphranteria coerulescens - F:TR /
---1890, 34 (1): 65-78, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Aufzählung von Käfer-Arten aus Tunis und Tripolis aus Loosen von M. Quedenfeldt.
c--1890, 34 (1): 79, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Purpuricenus Wachanrui Levrat und seine Varietäten.
/ P. wahanrui schoenfeldti var. n. – Sultanabad, Persien /
---1890, 34 (2): 353-367, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
XIII. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan.
---1890, 34 (2): 369-374, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-fauna von Amasia und Samsoun in Nord-KleinAsien.
/ faun. record - Clytus schneideri - Amasia /
c°--1890, 9 (5): 131, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Europäisch-nordamerikanische Coleopteren - Synonyma.
---1891, ??? pp., E. Reitter ed., Paskau
Catalogus Coleopterororum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossicae. (Editio prima)
/ Cerambycidae: pp. ??? /
---1892, 36 (1): 105-110, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
XV. Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Turkestan, Turkmenien und Süd-West-Sibirien.
c--1892, 36 (1): 111-112, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Interessante persische Coleoptera.
/ faun rec. - Leptura bitlisiensis, Cyamophtalmus moesiacus, Dorc. mniszechi /
---1892, 36 (1): 169-171, 1 pl., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Polyarthron unipectinatum White (Longicorn) aus Cairos, Aegypten.
---1893, 37 (1): 69-70, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Weitere Notiz über die Polyarthron- (Longicorn. Coleopt.) Art aus Cairo.
c--1894, 38 (1): 81-84, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Afghanistan,
/ faun. rec. - Plocaederus scapularis Fisch., Phytoecia cinerascens Kr. /
c--1894, 38 (1): 85-89, 1 pl., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Über Meloe Olivieri Chevrolat und sechs neue Longicornen aus Kleinasien.
/ Hesperophanes preissi - sp.n. - 1f Mardin (=Trichoferus)
Dorcadion schultzei - sp.n. - 2m1f Mardin
Dorcadion preissi - sp.n. - 1m+f Kastamuni
Dorcadion accola - sp.n. - 1 Mardin
Dorcadion bangi - sp.n. - Kastemuni
Phytoecia mardinensis - sp.n. - 1 Mardin
Conizonia (Coptosia) rufobrunnea - sp.n. - 1f Mardin /
---1896, ??? , Berlin
Catalog der Coleopteren von Sibirien mit Einschluss derjenigen der Turanischen Länder, Turkestans
und der chinesischen Grenzgebiete. Nachtrag II.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. 77-79 /
---1897, 23: 537-590, Abhandlungen hrsg. von der Senckenbergischen
naturforschenden Gesellschaft. Frankfurt
Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo...
Ausgeführt von Dr. Willy Kükenthal. Zweiter-Teil: Wissenschaftliche Reise-ergebnisse. Insecta, I,
Coleoptera; II, Hymenoptera; III, Diptera.
c--1899, 43 (2): 240-256, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna der Halbinsel Sinai.
/ Agapanthia lais - p. 252 /
c°--1905, 24 (1-2): 25-28, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über Parmena balteus L. (Cerambycidae).
c°--1906, 25 (2-4): 146-147, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Oberea oculata L. var. borysthenica Mokr. (1902) = var. inoculata Heyden (1892).
o--1906, vi + 774 columns, E. Reitter ed., Paskau
Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossicae. (Editio secunda)
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 500-533 /
c°--1908, 27 (1): 43-48, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Europ. Caucac. et Arm. ross. 1906.
/ Cerambycidae pp. 45-46 /
---1908, 6 (6): 62-64, Riv. Coleotterol. ital.
Contributo alla fauna coleotterologica dell'isola di Capri
c--1908, 27 (4 ): 154, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Richtigstellungen zu den Bemerkungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Europ. 1906.
---1909, 5: 157-160, Entomologische Blätter
Coleoptera gesammelt von O. Bamberg 1908 in der Mongolei.
(Heyrovský Leo)
Bibliography - Heyrovsky
c-Špaček K.: SNMP, 20, 1942:107-116 ( 1909-1942)
c-Balthasar V.: 59, 1962: 291-293 (1942-1966)
--Pfeffer A.: Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 64, 1967, 6:479-481 (1962-1967) zapsáno
--Mařan J.: Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 70, 1973: 217-219 (1967-1972)
c°--1909, 6: 164, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Zajímavé a nové druhy českých brouků (Fauna Bohemica).
[Interessante und neue Arten der böhmischen Coleopteren.]
c°--1910, 7: 22-23, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Některé poznámky k Cerambycidům okolí pražského.
[Einige Bemerkungen über Cerambyciden aus der Umgebung von Prag.]
---1910, 7: 27-28, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové druhy a odrůdy českých brouků (Fauna Bohemica)
[Neue Arten und Aberrationen der böhmischen Coleopteren.]
c°--1910, 7: 31-32, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Poznámky o různých Colepterách. [Kleinere Mitteilungen über verschiedene Coleopteren]
c°--1910, 7: 114, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Leptura L. (Sg. Sphenalia K.Daniel) pubescens Fabr., maculifera a. nova mihi.
c°--1912, 9: 149-152, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví brouci pro českou faunu. (Fauna Bohemica). [Neue Coleopteren der böhmischen Fauna]
---1912, 9: 159-162, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví brouci pro českou faunu. (Fauna Bohemica). [Neue Coleopteren der böhmischen Fauna]
c°--1913, 2: 35, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Purpuricenus globulicollis Dej. varietas Grabowskii nova mihi.
---1913, 9: 37, Krása našeho domova [Schönheit unserer Heimat]
O vyhubení tesaříka alpského v Čechách. [Über die Ausrottung von Rosalia alpina in Böhmen.]
c°--1914, 3: 121-122, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Miscellanea cerambycidologica.
/ Cerambycidae - F:IR /
c°--1915, 4: 66, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zur Beschreibung des Rhagium mordax a. Klenkai mihi. (Verschiedenes).
---1919, : 96, Časopis musea Království Českého
Tetropium Gabrieli Wse. v Čechách. [Tetropium Gabrieli Wse. in Böhmen]
---1919, 16: 25-26, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Doplněk ke Klímovu katalogu českých brouků. Cerambycidae.
[Nachtrag zu Klíma, Katalog der böhm. Coleopteren. Cerambycidae.]
c--1920, : 10-14, Časopis musea Království Českého
Revise českých tesaříků. [Revision der böhmischen Cerambyciden.]
---1920, : 93-97, Časopis musea Království Českého
Fauna Doupovských hor. [Fauna des Duppauer-Gebirges/ Coleoptera]
c--1920, 17: 21-23, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Několik pozorování ze života brouků. [Einige Beobachtungen aus der Käfferleben..]
c°--1921, 18: 37, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví brouci pro Čechy. [Neue Coleopteren für Böhmen]
---1923, : 35-36, Časopis musea Království Českého
Příspěvek k poznání šumavských Coleopter.
[Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Böhmerwaldes. Kürzere Mitteilingen zur Erforschung Böhmens]
c°--1923, 20: 68-69, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k fauně slovenských tesaříků. [Beitrag zur slowakischen Cerambyciden-Fauna.]
c°--1923, 20: 107-108, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Diptera nepřítelem tesaříka Spondylis buprestoides
[Diptera als Feind des Bockkäfers Spondylis buprestoides. (Kleinere Mitteilungen).]
c--1924, 21: 67, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové a vzácné druhy brouků. [Neue und seltene Arte der böhmischen Coleopteren.]
c°--1925, 22: 28-29, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání tesaříků. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidae.]
o--1925, 22 (3-4): 45-47, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popisy nových evropských tesaříků. [Descriptions des Cerambycides nouveaux de l´Europe.]
/ Dorcadion purkynei - sp.n. /
c--1925, 22(3-4): 47-48, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Další příspěvek k fauně slovenských tesaříků. [Notes sur les Longicornes de la Slovaquie.]
c--1925, 43: 165-166, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über die Variabilität des Acimerus berchmansi Breit.
o--1926, 23: 43-47, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání vývoje a života tesaříka Saphanus piceus Laich. [Sur la biologie Saphanus piceus Laich.]
o--1926, 23: 47, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Leptura femoralis ab. obenbergeri nova mihi.
c°--1927, 24: 1-2, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví a vzácní čeští brouci. [Neue und seltene böhmischen Coleopteren.]
o--1928, 3: 34-35, Coleopterologisches Centrablatt
Beiträge zur Kenntnis einiger Cerambyciden.
c--1928, 2: 63-67, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Beitrag zur Verbreitung der paläarktischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1929 (1928), 26: 117, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popisy dvou nových tesaříků. [Zwei neue Cerambyciden-Aberrationen.]
/ Asiates altajensis horni; Pachytodes longipes extrema - ab.n. - Siberia /
c--1929, 3: 71-75, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden.
o--1929, 26 (1-2): 37-38, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Pozoruhodné nálezy brouků Československé republiky. [Bemerkenswerte Coleopteren-Funde in der ČSR.]
c--1929, 3: 85, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Strangalia quadrifasciata L. a. Jesatkoi n.
c--1929, 3: 112, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Zwei neue Aberrationen der Strangalia quadrifasciata L.
c--1929, 26: 117, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popis dvou nových tesaříků. /Zwei neue Cerambyciden-Aberrationen./
o--1930, 61 pp., Entomologické příručky, No 15, ČSE, Praha,
Seznam brouků ČSR. 1. Cerambycidae, tesaříci. [Check-list of the Coleoptera of the ČSR, I. (Cerambycidae)]
c--1930, 27: 30, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Seznam československých brouků. [Verzeichnis der tschechoslovakischen Coleoptere R, I. (Cerambycidae)]
o--1931, 4: 73-86, Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bulgarischen Cerambyciden.
/ Dorcadin borisi - sp.n.,
Xylosteus spinolae bulgaricus - ab. n. /
c--1931, 5 (2): 21-23, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Tribus Lepturini (Ceramb.)
o--1931, 28 (3-4): 59-60, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Třetí příspěvek k fauně slovenských tesaříků. [Dritter Beitrag zur Fauna der slovakischen Cerambyciden]
o--1931, 28 (7-8): 120-122, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
O variabilitě druhu Leptura scutellata L. [Über die Variabilität der Leptura scutellata L.]
c--1932, (447): 1-2, L'Echange
Sur la variabilité de Strangalia duodecimguttata F.
/ key of formes S. dudecimguttata /
c--1932, 6: 8-9, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Neue palaearktische Cerambyciden-Formen.
o--1932, 6: 26-29, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Zweiter Beitrag zur Verbreitung der palaearktischen Cerambyciden.
c--1932, 6: 103-104, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Weitere neue palaearktische Cerambyciden-Formen.
/ Dorcadion divisum oedemischense - var.n. - Oedemisch
o--1933, 11:133-134, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Flabelloprionus gen. nov. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1933, 30 (1): 18-21, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Pozoruhodné nálezy československěch tesaříků. [Captures interess. de longicornes en Tchécoslovaquie.]
c--1933, 7: 135, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Neue Formen des Sternoplistes Temnicki Guer.
o--1933, 30 (4): 155-157, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Šest nových forem palearktických tesaříků. [Sechs neue palaearktischen Cerambyciden-Formen.]
c--1934. 31: 8-12, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Druhý příspěvek ke známosti tribu Lepturini. [Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Tribus Lepturini.]
o--1934, 31: 47, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Drobnosti z fauny našich tesaříků. [Kleinere Mitteilungen über unsere Cerambyciden-Fauna.]
c--1934, 31: 75-76, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Analecta Cerambycidologica.
o--1934, 31: 92, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Drobnosti z fauny našich tesaříků. [Kleinere Mitteilungen über unsere Cerambyciden-Fauna.]
c--1934, 31: 132-137, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání albánských tesaříků. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Albanischen Cerambyciden.]
c--1934, 31: 154, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Pachyta quadrimaculata L. a. sexmaculata n.m.
c--1934, 31: 171-173, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Pátý příspěvek k poznání tesaříků čínské provincie Sze-Chuan.
[Fünfter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden aus der chinesischen Prvinz Sze-Chuan.]
c°--1934, 31: 189-190, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Drobnosti z fauny našich tesaříků. [Kleinere Mitteilungen über unsere Cerambyciden-Fauna.]
o--1935, 32: 19-20, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Epaphra albicornis sp. n. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1935, 9: 18-25, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Dritter Beitrag zur Verbreitung der palaearktischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1935, 32: 82-83, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové odrůdy palearktických tesaříků. [Cerambycidarum regionis palearcticae aberrationes novae.]
c°--1935, 32: 115-116, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Xylotrechus pici m. n. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
o--1935, 32: 147-149, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dorcadion equestre Laxm. ab. ochridense nov.
o--1935, 32: 187, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové odrůdy tesaříka Judolia sexmaculata L.
[Neue Aberrationen von Judolia sexmaculata L.]
c°--1936, 33: 20, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Molorchus Kiesenwetteri Muls. a. Štěrbai n. m.
c°--1936, 33: 52-57, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Třetí příspěvek k poznání skupiny Lepturini. [Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gruppe Lepturini.]
c--1936, 33: 153, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Judolia sexmaculata L. a. Sekerai n.
§---1936, 3 (3): 211-213, Arb. morph. tax. Ent. Berlin-Dahlem (AMBD)
Entomologische Sammelergebinsse der deutschen Hindukusch-Expedition 1935
der deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.- Cerambycidae.
o--1937, 34 (1-2): 6-9, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání tesaříků jižní Syrie. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden von Süd-Syrien.]
o--1937, 34 (1-2): 30-31, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popis nového Dorcadia z Řecka. (Col. Cerambycidae)
[Beschreibung einer neuen Dorcadien-Art aus Griechenland.]
/ D. tuleskovi - sp.n. - GR /
o--1937, 34: 43, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
(u Jedlicka 1937)
Coleopterologické poznámky. (Nové a zajímavé druhy tesaříků).
[Koleopterologische Notizen. (Neue und interessante Arten der tschechoslow. Bockkäfer)]
c--1937, 34: 88-91, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Druhý příspěvek k poznání albánských tesaříků. [Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der albanischen Cerambyciden.]
/ Dorcadion arenarium shkypetarum - ssp.n. - AL /
o--1937, 12: 62-63, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der Cerambyciden der chinesischen Provinz Sze-Chuan.
---1938, 35: 5, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nový tesařík z Japonska (Cerambycidae). Callidium japonicum Plav. a. simillimum n.
§---1938, 35: 48, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
K variabilitě druhu Leptura moesiaca Dan. (Ceramb.) [Zur Variabilität von Leptura moesiaca Dan.]
c--1938, 35: 57, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové odrůdy československých tesaříků. [Zwei neue Aberrationen tschechoslowakischen Bockkäfer.]
/ Judolia cerambyciformis marani, Clytus arietis quadripunctatus - ab.n. - CZ,SK /
c--1938, 35: 92-94, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové formy asijských tesaříků. [Zwei neue asiatische Cerambycidenformen.]
/ Apatophysis anatolica - sp.n. - TR
Chlorophorus diadema breuningi - var.n. - MN /
o--1939, 1 (4): 45-49, Annales Musei Serbiae Merid., Skoplje,
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden-Fauna der Kožuf-Planina und deren Vorgelände. (Cerambycidae)
o--1939, 36: 27-29, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Další příspěvek k poznání asijských tesaříků (Col., Cerambycidae).
[Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der asiatischen Cerambyciden.]
/ Prionus obenbergeri - sp.n. - IR ( =Pogonarthron minutum)
Neodorcadion sifanicum - female /
c--1939, 36: 30, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Judolia erratica a. kulti n.
c--1939, 36: 36-37, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Pozoruhodné nálezy tesaříků v létech 1937 a 1938.
[Bemerkenswerte Cerambycidenfunde in den Jahren 1937 und 1938.]
c--1939, 36: 50, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Strangalia attenuata L. ab. Baumerti n.
c--1939, 36: 68-70, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Tři nové druhy rodu Glenea Newm. z Číny. [Drei neue Glenea-Arten aus China./ (Col., Ceramb.]
c--1939, 2: 37, Folia entomologica (Brno)
Dvě nové formy moravských tesaříků. [Zwei neue Formen mährischer Cerambyciden.]
c--1940, 37 (1-2): 58-60, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové formy Dorcadií z Řecka. [Neue Dorcadion-Formen aus Griechenland.] (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Dorcadion ljubetense obenbergeri - ssp. n. - GR: Kara-Taš, Vermion
ljubetense marani - ssp.n. - GR: Prionia - Vermion
D. meschniggi disconigrolineatum - ab.n. - GR: Olympos /
c--1940, 37: 89-90, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Tři nové odrůdy Lepturinu. [Drei neue Lepturini-Aberrationen.]
/ Strangalia rufoannulata, quadrifasciata, Strangalina attenuata - aberratio n. /
c--1940, 37: 107-110, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Synonymické a zoogeografické poznámky o některých tesařících.
[Synonymische und zoogeographische Bemerkungen über einige Cerambyciden.]
c--1940, 30 (3): 844-848, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Geselschaft
Vierter Beitrag zur Verbreitung der palearktischen Cerambyciden (Col.).
o--1941, 38: 35-39, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popis nového rodu tesaříků z Afganistanu.
[Beschreibung einer neuen Cerambyciden-Gattung aus Afghanistan.] (Col., Cerambycidae.)
/ Afghanicenus - gen.n. /
c--1941, 38: 56-58, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové formy tesaříků. [Zwei neue Bockkäfer-Formen]
/ Prionus coriarius sterbai - morpha n. - IR: Kopet-Dagh
Aromia moschata - variability /
c--1941, 38: 66-67, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popis nových forem tesaříků.
[Neue Cerambyciden-Formen.]
o--1941, 38: 79-80, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Třetí příspěvek k poznání řeckých Dorcadií.
[Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der griechischen Dorcadien.] (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Dorcadion ossae - sp. n. – GR, Thesalia /
c--1941, 19: 148-149, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Čtvrtý příspěvek k poznání Řeckých Dorcadií.
[Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der griechischen Dorcadien.] (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Dorcadion olympicola, D. taborskyi - sp.n.- GR /
c--1942, 39: 44, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové odrůdy tesaříků. [Zwei neue Cerambyciden-Aberrationen.]
c--1942, 39: 53-55, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
O vzácných a zajímavých, zvláště teplomilných tesařících.
[Über einige seltene und bemerkenswerte, bsonders thermophile Cerambyciden.]
c--1942, 39: 134-135, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Řada dalších nových odrůd tesaříků. [Weitere neue Cerambycidenaberrationen.]
c--1942, 20: 117-126, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Studie o rodu Oxylia Muls. [Eine Studie über die Gattung Oxylia Muls.]
c--1943, 40: 50-51, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
[Drei neue Cerambyciden-Aberrationen.]
c--1943, 40: 77-80, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k fauně tribu Dorcadiini Thrácie. [Beitrag zur fauna des tribus Dorcadiini aus Thrazien.]
c--1943-1944, 21-22: 323-327, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
K rozšíření tesaříka Tragosoma depsarium L. a problému boreoalpinních tesaříků.
[Zur Verbreitungder Bockkäferart Tragosoma depsarium L. und zum Problem
der boreoalpinen Cerambyciden.]
K faunistice našich tesaříků (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1946, 43 (1-4): 31-33, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Čtyři nové odchylky Československých tesaříků. [Cerambycidarum Čechosloveniae aberrationes
novae quatuor.] (Coleoptera)
c--1946, 43(1-4): 70-73, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k fauně tesaříků SSSR. [Contribution a la faune des longicornes Sovietiques.] (Cerambyc.,Col.)
c--1946, 9: 163, Entomologické listy , Brno [Folia entomologica]
K faunisticeČeskoslovenských Coleopter. [Adnotationes ad faunam coleopterorum Czechosloveniae.]
/ Cortodera flavimana - new for SK, Leptura cordigera - in CZ /
c--1947, 44 (3-4): 87-90, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
K variabilitě druhu Evodinus interrogationis L. [Sur la variabilité de l´espéce Evodinus interrogationis L.]
c--1948, 45 (1-2): 17-22, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání palestinských tesaříků. [Contribution a la faune des longicornes de la Palestine.]
c--1949, 46 (1-2): 1-3, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nové a zajímavé nálezy brouků z Československa.
[Les cloéopteres nouveaux et intéressants de la Tchécoslovaquie.]
c--1949, 46 (1-2): 76-77, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Drobné zprávy. Bionomie.
Akát živnou rostlinou brouku. [Acacia entant que plante nourriciere de certains Coléopteres]
c--1949, 46: 101-1 Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Přehled československých druhů tesaříků rodu Cortodera Muls.
[Revue des espéces du genere Cortodera Muls. de la Tchécoslovaquie.]
c--1950, 13: 167-168, Folia entomologica, Brno
Naše druhy rodu Dorcadion Dalm. jako škudci řepy cukrové. (Col., Ceramb.)
[Les especes du genere Dorcadion Dalm. du notre pays déstructeurs de la betterave.]
c--1950, 26: 1-3, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Příspěvek k poznání tesaříka Dorcadion fulvum Scop.
c--1950, 47 (1-2): 14-15, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Druhý příspěvek k poznání palestinských tesaříků.
[Deuxieme contribution la connaissance des longicornes de la Palestine.]
c--1950, 47 (3): 127-129, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dva nové druhy Prionidů z Asie. [Deux Prionides nouveaux de l´Asie.]
/ Dorysthenes (Cyrtognathus) tippmanni - sp.n. - CN
Prionus sterbai - sp.n. - IR /
c--1951, 47 (1): 43-52, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Seznam brouků Československé Republiky. Dodatek, Cerambycidae
[Catalogus coleopterorum Čechosloveniae. Supplementum. Cerambycidae.]
c--1951, 47 (1-2): 74, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Drobné zprávy. [ Un nouveau genere de Longicornes de la Tchécoslovaquie. ]
/ Lioderina linearis - new for SK /
c--1951, 48 (3): 154-157, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Notulae cerambycidologicae.
/ Cerambyx cerdo iraniensis ssp.n. - IR: Busher
Dorcadion - syn. /
c--1951, 1 (1): 18-22, Acta Musei Silesiae, ser. A, Opava
Popisy nových forem palearktických tesaříků. [Les formes nouvelles des Cerambycides palearctiques]
o--1951, 1: 227, Mémoires de l´institut francais á Afrique noire,Centre du Cameroun. Série Sciences Naturales.
Cerambycides. In: Résultats de la mission Zoologique Suise a Cameroun.
o--1952, 49 (1-2): 44-45, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Popis nového tesaříka z Bolivie - Onciders boliviana
/ Oncideres boliviana - sp. n. - ex Bolivia /
o--1952, 6: 12-13, Ent. Rev. Japan
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden.
c--1952, 49 (4): 229-231, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k poznání československých tesaříků.
[Contribution a la connaissance des longicornes Tchécoslovaques.]
---1952, : 58-59, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique du Mulhouse
Les nouvelles description des longicornes palearctiques (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1952, 2: 71-73, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, series nova
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bockkäfer Asiens (Ceramb.)
/ Erythrus taiwanus sp.n. - TW + aberr. /
c--1953, 50: 113-117, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek ke klasifikaci tribu Callidiini. [Beitrag zur Systematik der Tribus Callidiini.] (Cerambycidae)
c--1954, 5: 394-396, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Israels. (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Clytus bytinskii - sp.n. - IL (=Cl. taurusiensis) /
o--1955, 348 pp., Nakladatelství ČSAV, Praha
Fauna ČSR - sv. 5, Tesaříkovití – Cerambycidae
o--1955, 6: 259-261, Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici (seria nova)
Zwei neue Cerambyciden-Arten aus Tiwan (Coleoptera)
/ Xylotrechus kosemponensis, Monochamus kaszabi - sp.n. - TW /
c--1955, : 1-2, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycides palearctiques.
c--1957, 6: 37-39, Časopis slezského Musea, vědy přírodní [Acta Musei Silesiae, ser. A, Opava]
Několik poznámek k fauně tesaříků Československa.
[Einige Bemerkungen zu Cerambycidenfauna der Tschechoslowakei.]
/ Pseudovadonia livida - ssp. - distribution /
c--1957, : 30-31, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Une nouvelle et intéressante forme du Cerambycidae Judolia erratica Dalm.
c--1957, juillet-aout : 41, fig. 1-5, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Sur la variabilité de l'espece Dorcadion heyrovskyi Breuning.
/ Dorcadion heyroskyi ab. cyrilli, dvoraki, dofleini /
c--1958, 55: Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové odrudy československých tesaříku
/Judolia cerambyciformis marani – ab. n., Clytus arietis quadripunctatus – ab. n. /
c--1958, mars-avril : 17-18, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Description de nouvelles aberrations de Cerambycides de Transcaucasie
(et LEKEŠ Egon)
c--1958, : 19, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycides de la faune paléarctique, du Musée Alaexander Koenig a Bonn.
c°--1958, 55: 92, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek k fauně brouků ČSR. K rozšíření druhu Zilora sericea Sturm. v Československu (Col.,
Serropalpidae). Xylotrechus capricornis Gebl., nový tesařík pro ČSR.
o--1958, Tomus 50: 193-194, Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, (Series nova IX)
Neue Cerambycidenformen aus dem paläarktischen Gebiete (Coleoptera).
c--1959, 8: 51-58, Acta Musei Silesiae, ser. A, Opava
Notulae cerambycidologicae II
/Mesosa nebulosa ssp. silvestrii Tippmann - syn.n. - M. nebulosa /
c°--1959, 56: 302, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Leptura inexspectata Jans. et Sjöb. neu für Böhmen.
o--1959, (25): 1-6, Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Südost-Irans (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Acanthophorus rugiceps hardei - ssp.n. - IR
Osphranteria richteri - sp.n. - IR (=O. lata Pic) /
c--1959, janvier: ,Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycides paléarctiques.
c--1960, 3 (24): 162-165, Biota
Nueva especie del genero Psalidognathus Gray, subgenero Prinocalus White del Peru.
/ Psalidognathus (Prinocalus) woytkowskii - sp.n. /
o--1961, 26 (5): 45-47, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Eine neue Rasse der Strangalia septempunctat L.
/ Strangalia septempunctata anatolica - ssp.n. - TR,BG /
o--1961, 58 (2): 139-141, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Beschreibung einer neuen Bockkäfergattung aus dem Himalaya (Col., Cerambycidae).
[Popis nového rodu čeledi Cerambycidae z Himálájí.]
/ Sikkimpaza pedongensis - gen. & sp.n./
c--1961, juillet-aout : 64, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Contribution a la connaissance des Cérambycides asiatiques.
o--1962, 1 (7): 41-43, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna Kleinasiens (Coleoptera).
c--1962, 12: 225-226, Izvetiya na zoologicheskiya institut c Muzei, Sofia
/Mitt. zool. Inst. Mus. Bulg. Akad. Wiss., Sofia // Bulletin de l'institut de zoologie et musée, Sofia /
Zwei neue Dorcadion-Arten aus der Balkanhalbinsel.
/ Dorcadion minkovae - sp.n. - Kresna (cl. D. lugubere)
D. balthasari sp.n. - AL (cl. D. aethiops) /
c--1962, 1: 89-95, Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis, Sc.Nat.
Další příspěvek k faunistice a bionomii československých Coleopter.
[Weiterer Beitrag zur faunistik und Bionomie der tschechoslovakischen Coleopteren.]
c--1963, : 7-8, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Contribution a la connaissance des Cerambycides.
/ Drymochares starki brunneobasalis, Clytus ciliciensis holtzi, Clorophorus gratiosus muchei,
Dorcadion pedestre perrugosum, D. equestre subbisuturale - morpha n. - TR, ... /
o--1963, 16 (15): 257-260, Folia entomologica hungarica /Ser. nov./
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden-Fauna Jordaniens (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1964, 17 (25): 375-380, Folia entomologica hungarica
Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 18. Cerambycidae (Coleopt.)
o--1964, 3 (4): 97-98, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus Kleinasien.
/ D. petrovitzi - sp.n. - TR ./
o--1964, 2 (54): 183-184, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tribus Dorcadionini Thoms.
---1964, : 27-30, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Cérambycides nouveaux de la collection Heyrovsky
( II eme partie)
---1964, : 13-21, Klub přírodov. při Moravsk. muzeu v Brně
Entomofauna Třebíčska.
(et al)
---1965, 11: 14, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV
Faunistické zprávy.
o--1965, 62: 67-69, Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca
Tesaříkovití (Cerambycidae) - Fauna ČSR 5 - dodatek [Supplément á la Faune ČSR 5 (Cerambycidae)]
o--1965, 5 (9): 101-105, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Eine neue Grammoptera-Art aus Ostasien (Col.,Ceramb.)
/ Grammoptera plavilstshikovi - sp.n. - RS:Us, key /
---1965, 53-76, Referáty entomologického sympozia Opava
Faunistika čeledi Cerambycidae ČSSR.
---1965, : 53, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Une nouvelle espece de Longicorne d´Australie.
o--1965, 7 (3): 39-46, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
47. Cerambycidae II. Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. .Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei
/ Eodorcadion kaszabi, boldi - sp.n. - MN /
o--1965, novembre-décembre: 85, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Variabilité de Rhopalisida viridana Jord.
c--1966, sept.-oct.: 81-82, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
/Dorcadion petrovitzi HEYR. - description - female - TR: Namrun /
c--1967, (26): 37-40, Entomologie et Phytopathologies appliquées, Teheran
Beitrag zur Kentnnis der Cerambyciden und Oedemeriden Irans.
c--1967, 12 (122): 131-136, Acta faunistica entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Ergebinsse der 1. mongolisch-tschechoslowakischen entomologisch-botanischen Expedition
in der Mongolei.
Nr. 7-11: Coleoptera-Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Nitidulidae, Scolytidae, Scarabaeidae
/ Cerambycidae pp. 131-132 /
o--1967, 52: 155-160, Acta Musei Moraviae (Suppl.)
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afganistans (Ceramb.)
/ Nortia afghanica - sp.n., faun. record /
o--1967, 52: 201-202, Acta Musei Moraviae, scientiae naturales
Nový druh tesaříka z Vietnamu. [Eine neue Bockkäferart aus Vietnam.]
/ Prothema cakli - sp.n. - VN /
o--1967, 17 (3-4): 573-621, Beitrege Ent., Berlin
Ergebinsse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes.
71. Beitrag, Col.:Ceramb.
o--1967, 9 (12): 101-105, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
98. Cerambycidae III. Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei.
/ Eodorcadion argali rugipenne - ssp.n. - MN /
c--1967, 22 (4) : 61-63, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden-Fauna von Trentino-Alto Adige.
o--1967, (avril-mai) : 39, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Cerambycides capturés par le docteur Diehl dans le nord de Sumatra en 1961 - 1963.
/ Xystrocera globosa diehli - ssp.n. - Sumatra, faun. rec. /
c--1967, 64 (3): 235, Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca
Theophilea cylindricollis Pic, eine neue Bockkäfergattung für Mitteleuropa (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1968, 21: 189-444, Folia entomologica hungarica
Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 186 Liste Fundorte
der VI. Expedition.
o--1968, sep.: 81-82, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
/ Dorcadion petrovitzi - FEMALE, var. + ab.n. /
o--1968, 11 (21): 235-238, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
157. Cerambycidae IV. Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei.
o--1969, 45: 225-229, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) aus der Mongolei.
Ergebinsse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Expeditionen seit 1962. Nr. 41
/ Pachytella mongolica - gen. et sp.n.
Eodorcadion dorcas annulatum ssp.n. , faun. rec. /
o--1969, : 555-561, Bericht 10.Wandervesaml.Deut.Ent.(1965)
Taxonomische Probleme in der Familie der Cerambyciden.
c--1969, : 34, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quatre nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae (Col.)
/Purpuricenus dalmatinus ssp. hirsutus var. herteli n. /
o--1970, 13 (11): 131-132, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
Xylotrechus goetzi sp. n. (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1970, 13 (13): 137-142, Reichenbachia (Dresden)
199. Cerambycidae V. Ergebinsse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei.
o--1971, 11: 35-38, Sborník Jihočeského Musea v Českých Budějovicích,Suppl.XI
Tesaříci (Cerambycidae) a stehnáči (Oedemeridae) Novohradských hor.
c--1971, : 81-82, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Deux nouveaux Cerambycides d´Asie centrale.
/ Apatophysis (Protapatophysis) vartianae - sp.n.,
Phytoecia (Blepisanis) forticornis povolnyi - ssp.n. /
c--1971, 24 (31): 339-341, Folia entomologica hungarica
Neue Cerambyciden-Formen (Col.) in der Karpathen-Becken aus dem Ungarischen
Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum (Budapest).
c--1972, 3: 17, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV
Dva nové druhy brouků pro Československo (Col.). [Zwei für die Tschechoslowakei neue Käferarten.]
o--1973, 4 (14): 119-125, Faunistische Abhandlungen. Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden (FAD)
253. Cerambycidae VI. Ergebisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei.
o--1973, 19 (6): 115-119, Fragmenta faunistica. Polska Akademia Nauk.
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) aus der Mongolei.
/ Perolophia burakowskii - sp.n. - MN /
o--1974, 20 (3): 29-36, Fragmenta Faunistica
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) aus Korea und Ostsibirien.
o--1975, (2): 22, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Eodorcadion dorcas (Jak.) fortecostatum ssp. n. (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1975, Bd. 5: 175-185, Khumbu Himal (Zoologie, Wirbellose)
Beitrag zur Cerambycidenfauna Nepals (Col.,Ceram.)
/ Massicus dierli, Chlorophorus pseudofiguratus, Aconodes nepalensis,
Acalolepta freudei - sp.n. - NP /
*HIRAI Isamu
---1989, No. 225: 32-35, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Distribution of Mesechthistatus fujisanus Hayashi (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in western Kanto
and its adjacent area.
---1991, No. 248: 14-18, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Distribution of Parechthistatus grossus (Bates) (Col., Cerambycidae) in western Kanto and adjacent area.
---1997, N°321: 16-21, Gekan-Mushi
(in Jap.)
On two species of the genus Mesechthistatus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sutama, Yamanashi,
central Honshu.
---1999, N°337: 18-19, Gekan-Mushi
(in Jap.)
[Distribution of Mesechthistatus fujisanus Hayashi (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in western Kanto
and its adjacent area (2).]
*HIRASHIMA Yoshihiro
c°--1984, (22): 165-168, Esakia
In Memoriam J. Linsley Gressitt (1914 – 1982).
---1940, 172 pp., 52 pls., Sanseido, Tokyo
The Atlas of Insect in Color.
---2001, 104 pp.,
(in Japanese)
(et MAKI M., YAGI M.)
Cerambycid beetles of Hyogo Pref., Japan.
c--1988, (188): 1-5, Annotationes zoologice et botanicae
A new Central European sp. of the genus Theophilea Pic (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Th. subcylindricollis - sp.n. - HU /
c°--1972, 79 (3): 123-149, Psyche
The prothorax of Coleoptera: origin, major featuores of variation.
/ Prothorax - coleoptera - (MG) /
*HLAVEK Robert
---2001, 57 (2): 65-79, L'Entomologiste
Complements aux travaux de Renaud Paulian sur les relations allometriques: application a la systematique
du genere Batocera (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini).
(Hliszczański J.)
o--2005, 16 (2): 201-207, Genus
(et BYSTROWSKY Cezary)
Aegomorphus wojtylai, a new species from Poland, with a key to European species of Aegomorphs
Haldeman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Aegomorphus wojtylai – sp.n. – PL /
c--1933, 30 (3): 136, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví a vzácní čeští brouci.
/ Agapanthia kirbyi – faun. – Příbram /
---1981, 40: 5-32, 42 photos, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran,
Introduction to the Second expedition 1973
o--1933, 30 (1): 41, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Několik nových druhů brouků pro faunu Československa
*HOFFMAN Richard L.
c°--1988, 2 (1): 66-75, Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
The Satatus of the Names Clytus horridus LeConte and Clytus leucozonus Castelnaou & Gory
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1923, 2: 77-175, Memoire della Societa entomologiaca italina
Elenco dei coleotteri dell´Isola d´Elba con studi sul problema del Tirrenide.
c°--1940, 50: 123-293, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Die europäische Koleopteren mit boreoalpiner Verbreitung.
(Holeksa František)
---???, : 173-185, Jubilejný zborník Tekovského múzea v Leviciach
-msFúzače (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) v zbierkach Tekovského múzea.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c°--1969, 21 (3): 77-79, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Zwei neue Bockkäfer aus der Türkei.
/ Chlorophorus wewalkai - sp.n. - TR
Anaesthetis anatolica - sp.n. /
o--1971, (94): 3-65, Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundes-Versuchanstalt Wien (MFBV)
Bemerkswerte Käferfunde in Österreich.
(Cerambycidae pp. 43-47)
c--1971, (94): 67-69, Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundes-Versuchanstalt Wien
Zwei neue Phytoecia-Arten (Col., Cerambycidae) aus Anatolien und dem Libanon.
c°--1974(1973), 25 (3-4): 81-100, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Neue Bockkäfer aus Pakistan, Iran, Anatolien und Mazedonien (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1974, 24 (3): 118-120, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Berichtigung zur Arbeit von W. Gfeller (1972) und Beschreibung einer neuen Art:
Rhagium semicorne sp.n. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1975(1974), 26 (2-4): 77-90, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Neue westpalaearktische Bockkäfer aus den Gattungen Cortodera, Vadonia und Agapanthia (Col., Cer.)
/ Cortodera omophloides, uniformis, ranunculi, cirsii, simulatrix - sp.n. - TR
Vadonia aspoecorum - sp.n. - GR
Agapanthia hirsuticornis (IR), salviae (IR), scmidti (TR) - sp.n. /
o°--1975, 52: 101-104, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zur Synonymie palaearktischer Cerambycidae 1.
o--1977, 2: 337-341, Entomologica Basiliensia
Ergebinsse der Bhutan-Expedit 1972 des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c°--1977, 53: 27-69, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde in Österreich II.
/ Cerambycidae pp. /
c°--1977, 53: 127-136, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Neue Bockkäfer aus Anatolien und Iran (Col.,Ceramb.)
c--1979, (1): 293-294, Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Basle and Jeddah
Insects of Saudi Arabia. Col.:Cerambycidae
c°--1979, 54: 113-118, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Vier neue Bockkäfer aus der palaearktischen Region.
c°--1980, 83: 573-574, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien
Revision einer Cerambycidenausbeute des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien (Coleoptera).
o°--1981, 55: 77-89, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Europäischen Tetrops-Arten.
c°--1981, 55: 91-112, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zwanzig neue Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien.
c°--1981(1982), 33 (3-4): 65-76, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Elf neue Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien.
c°--1982, 56: 147-157, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Neu Bockkäfer aus Asien,vorwiegend aus dem Himalaya.
c--1983, 8: 369-397, Entomologica Basiliensia
Beschreibung von 22 neuen Clytini aus dem Himalaya.
---1983, 1-242, Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und Umweltschutz, Wien
Rote Listen der in Österreich gefahrdeten Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) und Borkenkäfer (Scolytidae).
In: GEPP J. (ed.) – Rote Listen gefahrdeten Tiere Österreichs.
/ Cerambycidae and Scolytidae – chapter pagination 127-129 /
c°--1984, 57: 141-165, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beschreibung von 21 neuen Bockkäfern aus Europa und Asien (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1984, 57: 167-175, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beschreibung neuer Arten aus der unmittelbaren verwandschaft von Phytoecia (Pilemia) tigrina.
c--1984, 9: 340-372, Entomologica Basiliensia
Beschreibung von 24 neuen Bockkäfern aus Europa und Asien, vorwiegend aus dem Himalaya.
o°--1985, 58: 137-154, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Die Nupserha-Arten Nepals (Col., Cerambycidae).
o°--1986, 58: 121-135, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zvölf neue Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien.
o°--1989, 59: 153-183, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Beschreibung neuer Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien.
c--1989, 13: 361-390, Entomologica Basiliensia
Beschreibung von 20 neuen Bockkäfern aus Thailand, Vietnam und Taiwan (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Caraphia ebenina - VN, Pseudalosterna obliquata - VN, Anoploderomorpha abstrusa - VN,
An. granata - VN, Strangalia svihlai - VN, Lasiophanes comosus - VN, L. devexulus - TH,
Merionoeda (Macromolorchus) longicollis - TH, M. (Macromol.) miranda - VN, Euchlanis
infirma - TH, Ipothalia irrasa - TH, Erythresthes (Etyrrhus - sbg.n.) shimomurai - TH,
Chlorophorus probsti - TW, Halme distans - TH, H. pulverosa - TH, Artimpaza patruelis - TH,
Ar. mimetica TH, Hypocacia shimomurai - TW, Similosodus torui - TW - sp. n . /
o--1989, 13: 391-402, Entomologica Basiliensia
Beschreibung von 8 neuen Bockkäfern aus Bhutan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
§--1990, 77: 185-197, Berichte des Naturwiessenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins Innsbruck
Beschreibung von neuen Bockkäfern aus dem Himalaya (Insecta: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1991, (51): 1-34, FBVA Berichte, Wien
33 neue Bockkäfer aus der palearktischen und orientalischen Region (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1991, (51): 35-75, FBVA Berichte, Wien
45 neue Bockkäfer aus Asien, vorwiegend aus Thailand.
c--1991, (12): 295-311, Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Basle and Jeddah
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Saudi Arabia: Part I, Lamiinae.
o--1992, (60): 1-71, FBVA Berichte, Wien
63 neue Bockkäfer aus Asien, vorwiegend aus China und Thailand (Col.: Disteniidae, Cerambycidae).
o--1992, (69): 1-63, FBVA Berichte, Wien
57 neu Bockkäfer aus vorwiegend aus China, Thailand und Vietnam (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1993, (13): 110-129, Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Basle and Jeddah
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Saudia Arabia: Part II, Prioninae and Cerambycinae.
/ records 25 sp. and ssp. Prioninae - Cerambycinae
Plocaederus elongatulus - sp.n.
Derolus asiricus, vastus - sp.n.
Prosype juniperi - sp.n.
Iranobrium brancuccii, buettikeri - sp.n.
Ossibia picata - sp.n.
Mourgliana conspicua - sp.n.
Monocladum aegyptiacum granulipenne - nom.n.- (M. aegypt. arabicum Fuchs, 1969)
Cantharocnemis spondyloides Serville,1831 - (syn.n. - Canthar. arabicus Fuchs, 1969)
Derolus iraniensis Pic 1956 - (syn.n. - D. mauritanicus iraniensis Breuning et Lepesme,1958)
Jebusaea hammerschmidti Reiche, 1837 - (syn.n. - Jebusaea persica Reitter, 1907)
Lygrus Fähroeus, 1872 - (syn.n. - Digonium Pic, 1895) /
o--1993, (75): 1-63, FBVA Berichte, Wien
Sechzig neue Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien, vorwiegend aus China und Thailand.
o--1995, (84): , FBVA Berichte, Wien
Beschreibung von 65 neuen Bockkäfern aus Europa und Asien, vorwiegend aus Thailand und China.
c--1996, 17-18: 8, Fortschutz Aktuell
Demonax donaubaueri n. sp., ein neuer Widderbock aus Südchina. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--1998, (107): 1-65, FBVA Berichte, Wien
Beschreibung von 68 neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien, überwiegend aus China
und zur Synonymie einiger Arten (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
g. Lygrus Fähreus, 1872,
Turanium rauschorum sp.n. - KA
Aegomorphus planiusculus – sp. n. - TR /
o°--1999, (110): 1-64, FBVA Berichte, Wien
Beschreibung von 71 neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien, vorwiegend aus China, Thailand und Indien
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pilemia halperini - sp.n. - IL /
o°--2003, 25: 147-241, Entomologica Basiliensia
Beschreibung von 72 neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien, vorwiegend aus China, Indien, Laos und Thailand (C.,Cer.)
c--2003, In: Hartmann M. et Baumbach H. (eds.) - Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya.
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundesmuseums Erfurt e.V., Erfurt, Bd. I, 389 pp.
Neue Bockkäfer aus dem Himalaya (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Glaphyra laeta, sikkimana, Rhaphuma lubricula, fulgurata ssp. bhutanica, weigeli, Anaglyptus
abieticola, Mesosa affinis ssp. nepalica, Morimopsis dalihodi, glabripennis, Dolophrades
mustanganus, Aconodes piniphilus, euphorbiae, Trichemeopedus calosus, Miccolamia (s.str.)
rugulosa, relucens, Pararhoploscelides sericeipennis ssp. jumlaensis, Cristosidonia alterna,
Pararondibilis acrosa, eluta, macularia, Rondibilis simillima, Exocentrus kleebergi, Linda (s.str.)
semiatra and syn. n. /
c--2006, In: Hartmann M. et Weipert J. (eds.) - Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya.
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundesmuseums Erfurt e.V., Erfurt, Bd. II, pp. 524
Elf neue Bockkäferarten aus dem Himalaya (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Xylotrechus liciatulus, Anaglyptus dolosulus, Euseboides gorodinskii - IN,
Mesocacia duplicaria, Hippocephala argentistriata,Pterolophia brahmana,
shiva, krishna, Sophronica paupercula, Obereopsis sericeoides - NP
Sophronica egenus - AF /
o--2005, N° 46: 1-40, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Beschreibung von neuen Bockkäfern aus SE Asien, vorwiegend aus Borneo (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Nortia fuscata - sp.n. - IN,NP
Dimasius miser - sp.n. - CN, Dimasius lepidus - sp.n. - TH
Comusia pallidula - sp.n. - TH, Comusia dispar - sp.n. - MY
Pyrestes rectipes - sp.n. - TH, Pyrestes rudis - sp.n. - VN
Nadzhdiella fulvopubens (Pic, 1933) - comb. n.
Imbrius subargenteus (Gressitt et Rondon, 1970) - comb.n.
Dimasius mandibularis (Gahan, 1891) - comb n.
o--2006, 28: 277-302, Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey
Beschreibung von 51 neuen Bockkäfern aus der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region,
vorwiegend aus Borneo und China (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae : Borneo 30; Sumatra 3; Laos 3; China 7; Taiwan 1;
Sri Lanka 1; Oman 1; Iran 1; Greece 2 - sp.n.
Turnaia furva - sp.n. - CN
Katarinia consanguinea - sp.n. - CN
Stenurella intermedia - sp.n. - GR
Procallimus khorasanii - sp.n. - IR: Lorestan
Mourgliana mollina - sp.n. - OM
Phytoecia hladilorum - sp.n. - GR
o--2006, 28: 277-302, Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey
Neue Arten der Triben Molorchini und Clytini aus China und Laos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae: Molorchini + Clytini - 16 sp.n.; comb.n.; syn.n. - CN,LA /
o°--2007, 28: 177-286, Entomologica Basiliensia et Collectionis Frey
Beschreibung von 80 neuen Bockkäfern aus der orientalischen und palaearktischen Region,
vorwiegend aus China, Laos und Borneo (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Cerambycidae: LA, CN, TH, ID, MY, BU
Mesoprionus abaii - sp.n. - IR
Teledapus querceti - sp.n. - IN
Teledapus pilosellus - sp.n. - CN
Dorcadion kurucanum - sp.n. - TR
Dorcadion marandense, ressli - sp.n. - IR /
(Honců Miroslav)
c°--2006, 27: 515-547, Bohemia Centralis, Praha
Brouci (Coleoptera) CHKAO Kokořínsko I. [Beetles (Coleoptera) of Kokořínsko Protecteted Landscape Area I.]
/ Cerambycidae - F:CZ /
---1831, vol. 1: 21-28, in: Gray - Zool. Miscellany
Synopsis of new species of Nepal Insects in the collection of Major General Hardwicke.
/ Rosalia laterita - sp.n. - NP; etc. /
---1833, 1: 61-64, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
On the characters of several new genera and species of coleopterous insects.
---1835, 1: 91-112, pls. 13-16, Trans. zool. Soc. London
Characters and descriptions of several new genera and species of coleopterous insects.
---1839, 1: 42-44, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London
Descriptions of some new insects collected in Assam, by William Griffith, Esw.,
Assistant Surgeon on the Madras Medical Establishment.
---1842, Trans. ent. Soc. London Proc.
Descriptions of the new Coleoptera sent to England by Dr. Cantor from Chusan and Canton, with observations
on the entomology of China.
---1843, 19: 103-112; 131-136. tab. 3, Transactions of the Linnean Society of London
On some rare and beautiful insects from Silhet, chiefly in the collection of Frederick
John Parry. (Coleopt., Lepidopt., Hemipt.).
---1845, 4: 4-13, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
On the Entomology of China, with descriptions of the new species sent to England by Dr.
Cantor from Chusan and Canton. Descriptions of the new Coleoptera sent from Chusan by Dr.
---1845, 4: 73-77, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera, from the Kasyah Hills, near the boundary
of Assam, in the East Indies, lately received from Dr. Cantor.
---1846, 4: 181-183, 5 pls., The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Descriptions of a few nondescript species of beetles.
---1935, 358 pp., H.Goecke Verlag, Krefeld
Nachtrag zur Fauna Germanica von Reitter E.
---1951, Stuttgart
Verzeichnis der Käfer Mitteleuropas (2. Abteilung)
Faunistik der Mitteleurop. Käfer Bd. 5
c--1974, Bd. 12, 228 pp., Selbstverlag Ueberlingen-Bodensee
Faunistik der Mitteleuropäischen Käfer. Bd. 12: Cerambycidae – Bockkäfer
c--1975, 24 (6): 97-115, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Nachtrag zur Faunistik der Mitteleuropäischen Käfer. Cerambyciden (Col.)
---1928-1929, 4 volumes, Selbstverlag von W. Horn, Berlin-Dahlem.
Index Literaturae Entomologicae. Serie II: Die Welt-Literatur über die esamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863.
---1937, 4(1): 1-388, Entomol. Beihefte, Berlin-Dahlem
Über entomologische Sammlungen.
(et KAHLE I.)
Literaturae Entomologicae
---1982, 94 (1-2): 24, Entomologist´s Record and Journal of Variation
A second Monmouthshire record of Arhoplalus rusticus L. (Col.: Cerambycidae)
---1986, 22 (5): 205-209, Novenyvedelem
Data to the biology of Agapanthia dahli Richt. (Col.: Cerambycidae), a pest of sunflower.
---1987, 23 (12): 545-549, illustr., Novenyvedelem
The role of Oberea erythrocephala Schrank (Col. Cerambycidae) in decimating the stands
of Euphorbia cyparissias L.
---1988 (1987), 74 (1-4): 41-48, Állattani Közlwmenyek
(et NÉMETH F.)
Újab adatok a napra-forgón károsító Agapanthia dahli Richter (Col., Cerambycidae) biologiájához.
[Nove údaje o biologii tesaříka Agapanthia dahli (imago, larva, kukla)]
---1988, 24 (7): 298-302, Novenyvedelem
(et BUJAKI G.)
New data to the biology of Agapanthia dahli Richt. (Col.: Cerambicidae), a pest of sunflower.
---1995, 8: 93-97, Dunantuli Dolgozatok (A) Termeszettudomanyi Sorozat
A Drava mente cincerfaunaja (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[The Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) fauna of the Drava region (Hungary).]
---1998, 9: 243-247, Dunantuli Dolgozatok (A) Termeszettudomanyi Sorozat
A Drava mente cincerfaunaja (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), 2.
[The Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) fauna of the Drava region (Hungary), 2.]
---2000, 10: 223-228, Dunantuli Dolgozatok (A) Termeszettudomanyi Sorozat (et HEGYASSY G., KOVACS T.)
Data to the capricorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) fauna of the Villany Hills, South Hungary
*HOSEK Pavel
(Hošek P.)
o--1987, 12: 147-152, Fauna Bohemiae Septentrionalis, Ústí nad Labem
Systematická studie tribu Lepturini, založená na morfologii nervatury spodních křídel (Coleoptera,
[Das systematische Studium des Tribus Lepturini aufgebaut auf der Morfologie
des Nervensystems der unteren Flügel.]
---2004, 63 (455): 142-144, Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society (et HINKS Chris)
Some observations on mating and oviposition behaviour of Leptura aurulenta (Fab.) (Col: Cerambycidae).
---1991, No. 248: 22-23, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Observation of Sachalinobia koltzei (Heyden) at Mt. Hoh-woh-zan, south Japanese alps.
*HOVORE Frank T.
c°--1992, 6 (1): 37-41, Insecta Mundi
A New Genus and Species of Flightles Longhorned Beetle from Central America
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2004, 48 (1): 49-54, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Notes and description of Neotropical Macrotomini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
c°--2005, 6 (Suppl. 1): 45-53, Folia Entomologica Mexicana
Three New Species of Ceralocyna Viana, 1971 from Mexico an Ecuador (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae, Trachyderini, Ancylocerina).
c°--2007, 47 (8): 113-125, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
Variacao do colorido elitral, nova espécie e novos registros em Cometes Audinet-Serville, 1828
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Disteniinae).
c°--2000, 14 (4): 220, Insecta Mundi
Tetrops praeusta (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a potential pest?
---1979, 31: 63, Kachoko
The coleoptera fauna of Tokai Prov. (23).
(Hrdlička J.)
---1985, 33 (1): 24-25, Živa
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Cerambycid beetles of Prague.
(et HOWDEN Anne)
o--1988, 24: 69-74, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha (et HANOUSEK Z.)
Zajímavý nález a chov tesaříka Anaglyptus bicalosus (Kr.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*HU Jiang
---2004, 32 (4): 31-32, Journal of Northeast Forestry University
(in Chinese)
(et YANG Fu, ZHENG Runlan, CHEN Shuqiong, LI Yilong)
Nutritional components of Coscinesthes salicis Gressitt.
*HU Miao
---2001, 38 (3): 221-222, Entomological Knowledge
Occurence and control of two stem borers an bluberry.
/ Uraecha angusta /
---2002, I_XV, 1-1064, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Forest Insects of Hainan.
/ PU & LIN: Coleoptera: Disteniidae, Cerambycidae - pp. 395-418 /
*HUA Li-zhong
---1979, (4): 110-113, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni (ASUS)
New records of longicorn-beetles in China with description of a new subspecies,
Olenecamptus foqueti hainanensis, subsp. nov.
---1980, 2 (3): 246, Entomotaxonomia
Aphrodisium cantori (Hope) - new to China.
---1981, 6 (2): 178, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
[ New records of Chinese lingicorn beetles from Guanxi and Yunnan. ]
c--1982, iii+159 pp., Zhongshan University Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China
(in Chinese)
[A Check List of the Longicorn Beetles of China. (Col.: Cerambycidae)]
---1982, 4(1-2): 53-54, Entomotaxonomia
A new species of Momisis Pascoe (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera).
/ Momisis langzhouensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1983, (No.2): 1-31, illustr., Insects of Jianfengling
A check list of longicorn beetles of Guanxi Province. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Check list, food plants, 1 sp. new for CN /
---1984, pp. 1-155, Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou.
A list of the longicorn beetles of Laos Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
---1984, (1): 126, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
New records of longicorn beetles from China.
/ Megopis nipponica – new for CN /
---1984, 9 (3): 277, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
New records of Chinese longicorn beetles from Guangdong Province.
/ Artimpaza pulchra, Hypoeschrus simplex, Parorsidis nigrosparsa /
???---1984, 29 pp., Publ. Sci. Tech. Office, For. Dep., Guangdong
Insects of Jianfenling 2.
(In Chinese)
---1984, 4 (2): 1-10, illustr., Insects of Jianfengling
Report on the survey of insects from Jianfengling Tropical Forest of Hainan Island, Guangdong Province,
a Natural Protective Area. (3).
c--1985, i-xii, 189 pp., Science Press, Beijing
Economic Insect Fauna of China
Fasc.35, Coleoptera: Cerambycidae (3)
(et Pu F.,Chiang S.)
---1985, 7(3): 190, Entomotaxonomia
New records of Chinese longicorn beetles from Yunnan Province.
---1985, (4): 87-89, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
A new species of the genus Paraglenea from China.
/ Paraglenea jingfenglingensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1985, 6 (11): 110, Zoological Research
Longicorn beetles imported with logs from Malaysia.
---1986, 23 (5): 208, Entomological Knowledge
Longicorn beetles imported with logs from Guiana.
---1986, 62 (3): 209-213, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Nev Records of Longicorn Beetles from China with the Descriptions of a New Subgenus
and two New Species (Coleopetera: Cerambycidae).
/ Apriona (Cristapriona) - sbg. n., A. (C.) chemsaki - sp.n. - CN
Thylactus pulawskyi - sp.n. - CN ; new records for CN /
---1986, 8 (3): 181-184, Entomotaxonomia
A new genus and new species of longicorn beetles from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Yimnashaniana jiangfenglingensis - gen. et sp.n. - CN /
---1986, 11 (2): 203-204, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
A new specise of the genus Procleomenes from Hainan Island (China).
/ Procleomenes jiangfenglingensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1987, pp. 1-60, Zhongshan University Institute of Entomology, Guangzhou.
A list of Chinese longicorn beetle specimens deposited in five big museums of U.S.A.
---1987, 8 (3): 334, Zoological Research
A new records of Chinese longicorn beetles.
---1987, 27: 90-96, Occasional Papers Bernice P. Bishop Museum
New records of longicorn beetles from China, with description of a new species of Phelipara
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Phelipara radowskyi - sp.n. - CN ; 32 new records Cerambycidae - CN /
---1987, 7: 53-55, Wuyi Science Journal
Two new species of long-horned beetles from Fujian, China.
/ Embrikstarndia bicolor - sp.n. - CN
---1988, 25 (4): 240, Kunczun zhishi /Entomological Knowledge /
(et SHE D-s )
(in Chin.)
Beetles imported with logs from Indonesia.
---1988, 10 (3-4): 218, Entomotaxonomia
New records of longicorn beetles from China.
---1988, 25 (3):c162, Kunczun zhishi /Entomological Knowledge /
(in Chin.)
The Longhorn beetle Euryclelia cardinalis Thomson introduced with forestwood from Malaysia.
---1989, 159 pp., Zhongshan University, China
List of Insect Specimens of Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) University.
---1989, 11 (4): 301-302, Entomotaxonomia
A new species of Anoplophora Hope from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ Anoplophora jiangfenglingensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1989, 14 (1): 113, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Rectification of the homonym of Rhaphuma elongata Gressitt & Rondon, 1970.
---1989, 28 (2): 73-74, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
A new subgenus and new species of the genus Niphona
/ N.(Spinoniphona) langzhouensis - sbg. et sp.n . - Gansu /
---1990, 8 (2): 14-21, Natural Science of Hainan University
(et CHEN Zhiqing)
A preliminary research on the occurrence dynamic of longicorn beetles from Jianfengling forest area,
Hainan Province.
---1990, 33 (3): 342-344, Acta entomologica Sinica
A New Subgenus and a New Species Longicorn Beetles from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Entlopes (Aspientelopes) langzhouensis - sbg. et sp. n. - CN /
---1991, 34 (1): 76-77, illustr., Acta entomologica Sinica
(et ZHANG X-k )
A new species of genus Anoplophora Hope from Hunan Province (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ Anoplophora chiangi - sp.n. - CN /
---1991, 34 (3): 346-348, illustr., Acta entomologica Sinica
Notes on the genus Hippocephala Auriv. and a new species from China (Col.: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Hippocephala guangdongensis - sp.n. - CN /
---1991, 28 (2): 109-112, Entomological Knwledge
The external morphology of cerambycid larvae with a pictural [sic] key to subfamilies
of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
---1992, 467-523, In: PENG Jian-wen, LIU You-qiao (Eds.): Iconography of forest insects in Hunan China.
Academia Sinica and Hunan Forestry Institute, Hunan, China, 60 + 4 + 1473 pp.,
(et LI Shu-liing, ZHANG Xian-kai)
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
/ forest fauna records – Hunan – 6 first record for China
Acalolepta fasciatus Hua, 1992 – sp.n.
Morimospasma nitidituberculatus Hua, 1992 – sp.n.
Parechthistatus sangzhiensis Hua, 1992 – sp.n.
Saperdoglenea hunanensis Hua, 1992 – sp.n.
Thermistis nigromaculata Hua, 1992 – sp.n. /
---1993, 1-320 pp., 24 pls., Muh-Sheng Museum of Entomology, Nantou Hsien,TW
[Longicorn-Beetles of Hainan and Guangdong.]
/ annotated faunal list, distribution, systematics /
(et NARA H., YU Ch.)
o--1993, 21 (1): 27-31, Elytra
New Records of Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera) from China.
/ Formosopyrrhona cinnabarina, Stenhomalus odai, Glaphyra heptapotamica - comb.n.,
Xylotrechus magnificus, Cyrtoclytus monticallisus, Demonax nishiyamai - new rec. CN /
---2002, Vol. 2: 1-612, Zhongshan University Press, Guangzhou
Check List of Chinese Insects
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : 189-237 pp. /
(in Chinese)
---1985, pp. 53-165,
(et HAN Y., ZHANG X.)
In: Dengshan Kexue Kaochadui. Tianshan Tuomuerfeng diqu de shengwu.
[Biota of Tuomuer region, Tianshan.] Xinjiang People's Press, Beijing. 1985: 1-353.
The insect fauna of the Mt. Tuomuer areas in Tianshan.
*HUANG Jian-hua
c°--2006, 1340: 57-68, Zootaxa
(et ZHOU S., CHEN B.)
Review of Chinese species of the genus Embrikstrandia Plavilstshikov, 1931 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae:
Cerambycinae) with description of a new species.
/ Embrikstrandia pubemaculata - sp.n. - CN /
(Hubáček J.)
---1982, (No. 215): 25-30, Zprávy Vlastivědného Muzea v Olomouci
[Zweiter Beitrag zu der Käferfauna bei Uherské Hradiště ]
/Cerambycidae and Buprestidae /
c°--2006, 54 (4): 253-259, Bonner zoologische Berichte
(et SCHMITT Michael)
Parameres - Similarities and Differences in Chrysomelidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) (MG)
o--1990, 26: 105-107, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha (et PROKOP Jakub)
Fauna tesaříkovitých v oblasti říčanska a CHKAO Voděradské bučiny (Coleoptera - Cerambycidae).
*HUDEPOHL Karl-Ernst
(Hüdepohl K.-E.)
zr 99
o--1983, 31-32: 117-130, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München 20/1
Vier neue Callichrominen (Cerambycidae, Cerambyicinae, Callichromini) aus Südostasien sowie
Anmerkungen zu einigen weiteren Arten.
/ Coloborhomboides schereri - gen. + sp.n. – MY,
Euchitonia (?) constanze - sp.n. – MY
Schmidtiana gertrudis - sp.n. – PH, Mindanao
Thompsoniana bogenbergeri - sp.n. – ID, Sarawak (syn - !!!)
notes: Zonopterus pulcher Pod.,
Pachyteria strumosa - transf.- to Schmidtiana,
Asmedia mimetes Pasc., Niraeus tricolor Newman /
---1983, 31-32: 177-188, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Anmerkungen zu den Typen der von Dr. Stephan von Breuning 1980 neu beschreibenen
Lamiinen-Arten von den Philippinen, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art der Gattung Acronia Westw.
/ Acronia arnaudi – sp.n. – PH (Lamiinae), + syn.n. – Lamiinae /
---1985, 33-34: 349-380, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Untergattung Agelasta Newman s.str. (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Mesosini)
o--1985, 33-34: 1-167, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Revision der Trachyderini. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Trachyderini - sensu Hüdepohl - /
---1985, 6 (11): 117-127, Entomofauna
Eine neue Art der Gattung Prinocalus White, 1845, aus Ecuador (Col., Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o--1987, 8 (8): 169-197, Entomofauna
Neue cerambyciden aus Südost-Asien I.
o--1987, 8 (15): 249-255, Entomofauna
Nachtrag zur Revision der Untergattung Agelasta Newman s.str. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1987, 35-36: 73-79, 3 fig., Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Die philippinischen Arten der Gattung Cylindrepomus Blanchard (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Dorcaschematini).
---1987, 35-36: 117-135, 6 pls., Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
The longhorn beetles of the Philippines (Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o--1987, 35-36: 199-202, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Nachtrag zur Revision der Trachyderini. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
/ Trachyderes (Dendrobias?) steinhauseni - sp.n. - Honduras /
---1987, 8 (8): 169-197, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden II. Neue Cerambyciden aus Südost-Asien I. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1988, 14 pp. ???
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden II. Die philippinischen Arten der Gattung Acalolepta
Pascoe, 1858 (Coleopetra, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini).
c--1988, 9 (21): 405-417, 3 figs., Entomofauna
Über südoastasiatische Cerambyciden III. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
c--1989, 10 (5): 45-75, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden IV. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae:
Cerambycini und Callichromini, Lamiinae: Pteropliini).
---1989, 8 pp. ???
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden V. The Philippine species of the genus Anoplophora
Hope, 1839 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini).
---1989, 10 (31): 473-505, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden VI. (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1990, 11 (3/1): 45-102, Entomofauna
The Longhorn Beetles of the Philippines. Part II.
o--1990, 11 (14): 241-257, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden VII. Über die Gattung Neocerambyx Thomson, 1860
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycini).
/ Neocerambyx - key, syn.
Massicus - gen. pr.
Neocerambyx luzonicus pseudoparis - ssp.n. - MY /
---1990, 11 (18): 285-309, 9 fig., Entomofauna
Über Cerambycidaen aus Südost-Asien VIII., (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae und Disteniidae)
---1990, 11 (26): 441-446, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden IX. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
c°--1992, 13 (21): 297-340, Entomofauna
The Longhorn Beetles of the Philippines. Part III. (Col., Cerambycidae: Callichromatini, Clytini,Glaucitini).
c--1992, 13 (25): 409-421, 11 fig., Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden X. (Col.,Ceramb.)
/ Gnatholea diehli – sp.n. – ID
Imbrius allardi – sp.n. – MY
Janidera insignata – sp.n. – MY
Kurarua cuprea – sp.n. – MY
Metopoides paradoxus – sp.n. – MY
Senorius smetanai – gen. et sp.n. – MY /
---1992, 62: 179-182, Koleopterologische Rundschau
A new apterous Lamiinae from the Mt. Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Borneo (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Rucentra smetanai – sp.n. – Malysia /
c--1993, 14 (19): 321-327, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XI.(Col.,Ceramb.)
/ Steinkea lehmanni - gen. et sp.n. - TH
Cereopsius copei - sp.n. - Palawan Is. /
c°--1994, 15 (15): 185-196, 6 fig., Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XII.(Col.,Ceram.)
/ Megopis (Nepiodes) lineata - sp. n. - TH
Oplatocera (Epioplatocera) - siamensis sp. n. - TH
Massicus scapulatus - sp. n. - BU
Paranamera oculata - sp. n. - BU
Massicus vonroseni TIPPMANN, 1949 syn.n. - of Massicus unicolor GAHAN, 1906 /
---1994, 15 (21): 253-256, Entomofauna
Eine neue Art der Gattung Tagalog Hüdepohl 1987 aus Ost-Malaysia, Sabah. (Col.,Cerambycidae)
c°--1995, 16 (14): 281-315, Entomofauna
Über sudostasiatische Cerambyciden XIII. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ gen. et sp. n. - PH, MY, ID
Hyagnis bimaculatus - sp.n. - MY
Glenea (Subgrossoglenea) ochreosignata - sp.n. - MY /
c--1996, 17 (1): 1-24, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XIV. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Byabena schawalleri - gen. et sp.n. - PH
Cleptometopus scutellatus - sp.n. - ID: Sumatra
Glenea balingiti, gianii, johani, negrosina, quezonica, splendidula, transversefasciata - sp.n. - PH
Monochamus kinabulensis - sp.n. - MY
Prosoplus costatus - sp.n. - MY
Pseudepilysta loebli - gen. et sp.n. - MY
Similosodus (Transverseosodus) burckhardti - sp.n. - MY /
c--1997, 18 (4): 45-48, Entomofauna
Eine neue Art der Gattung Megopis Serville, 1832 aus Ost-Malaysia, Sabah (Col.,Cer.,Prioninae)
/ Megopis (Nepiodes) sabahensis – sp.n. (close M. cognata) /
c--1998, 19 (12). 209-230, Entomofauna
Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XV und Disteniiden (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Disteniidae)
/ Casiphia inopinata - sp.n. – TH: Chiang Mai ..... /
---1998, 19 (12): 231-232, Entomofauna
Das Weibchen von Tagalog lumawigi Hudepohl, 1987 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini).
---1999, 78 (1-2): 161-163, Senckenbergiana Biologica
Grammoechus calamophilus n. sp. und Paramesosella maxima n. sp., zwei neue orientalische Lamiinen
aus dem Senckenberg-Museum (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Grammoechus calamophilus - sp.n. - MY:Kuala Lumpur
Paramesosella maxima - sp.n. - MY: Perak /
c°--2002, 16 (4). 247-249, Insecta Mundi
Notes on Oriental Lamiini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ comb. n. - syn. n. /
c°--2007, 29 (1): 15-17, Pak. Entomol.
Adult population of Apriona germari Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in mulberry farms
of Jammu and Kashmir State (India).
(Yablokoff A.)
c--1953, 58: 60-61, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France
Deux longicornes nouveaux du Maroc.
/ Phymatodes elongatus - sp.n. - MA: Ifrane env.
Phytoecia cosettae - sp.n. - MA: Ifrane env. (= Ph. erythrocnema) /
---1954, 59 (1-2) : 20-24 Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Communications, nouvelles recherches sur les Xylophages de la Sainte-Beaume.
(Jablokov-Knzorjan; Yablokov-Knzorjan)
---1961, 265 pp., Izd. AN Armjan. SSR, Erevan
Opyt vostonovlenija genesisa fauny zhestokrylych Armenii.
---1988, 6 (2): 3-81, Beetles of Shizuoka Pref.
Longicorn beetles of Shizuoka Pref.
(in Japanese)
--- ICZN 1958 --------- see WATANABE Ch.
---1986, 43 (2): 188-190, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
Tetropium Kirby, 1837 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) proposed conservation by the suppression
at Isarthron Dejean,1835. Z.N.(S.) 2534.
---1986, 43 (3): 243-244, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
ICZN - Opinion-1407: Lamia aethiops Fabricius, 1775 designated as type species of Ceroplesis
Serville, 1835 (Insecta, Coleoptera).
---1988, 45 (1): 71-72, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
ICZN - Opinion-1473: Tetropium Kirby, 1837 (Insecta, Coleoptera): conserved.
---1988, 45 (2): 170, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
ICZN - Opinion-1494: Leptura marginata Fabricius, 1781 (currently Acmaeops marginata; Insecta,
Coleoptera): specific name conserved.
---1988, 45 (3): 194-196, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
BOROWIEC L.: Case 2618. Bruchus Linnaeus, 1767, Ptinus Linnaeus, 1767 and Mylabris Fabricius, 1775
(Insecta, Coleoptera): proposed conservation.
---1989, 46 (1): 65-66, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
MROCZKOWSKI M.: Opinion -1525: Phymatodes Mulsant, 1839 and Phymatestes Pascoe, 1867
(Insecta, Coleoptera): conserved.
o--1999, 273 pp., Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (4th edition).
---1990, 3: 581-584, Bol. Sanid. veg. Plagas (et VIEDMA M.G. de, NOTARIO A., BARAGAŇO J.R.)
Descripción de la larva de Brachyleptura stragulata Germar, 1824 (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1948, 51-52: 159-162, Publ.inst.Al.Herrera Univ., Santiago
Cerambycidae de Galicia.
*IHARA Michio
---1973, 22 (1): 14, NEWE
(et SHIROTORY Kazuki)
A new record of Parechthistatus grossus Bat. (Col., Cerambycidae) from Nagano Prefecture.
*IKEDA Kiyohiko
o--1987, N°200: 10-13, Gekan-Mushi
A Revision of Oligoenoplus rosti (Pic) and its Ajacent Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae),
Including a Key to the Holarctic Genera of Anaglyptini and a Description of a New Subspecies.
/ Oligoenoplus rosti iwatai - ssp.n. - JP
Oligoenoplus mysticus (Linné) - comb.n. - !!! /
o--1990, N°237: 6-7, Gekan-Mushi
A New Species of the Genus Demonax (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Okinawa Is.
/ Demonax sawaii - sp.n. - JP /
o--1994, 22 (2): 353-355, Elytra
A New Species of the Genus Xylotrechus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Taiwan.
/ Xylotrechus shimomurai - sp.n. - TW /
o--2001, N°364: 2-4, Gekan-Mushi
A new genus and species of the tribe Molorchini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from central Honshu, Japan.
/ Tsujius itoi - gen. et sp.n. - JP: Honshu, Nagano /
(Il'in B.S.; Iljin B.)
c--1926, 20: 204-209, Revue Russe d'Entomologie
(In Russian)
Lichinki Callipogon relictus Sem. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Description de la larve du Callipogon relictus Sem. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
(Illiger Johan Karl Wilhelm)
---1800, 1: 103-150, 2 color plates, Wiegmann, Archiv für Zoologie
Vierzig neue Insecten aus der Hellwigschen Sammlung.
---1801, 2: 229-230, Wiegmann, Archiv für Zoologie
Vierzig neue Insecten aus der Hellwigschen Sammlung.
---1804, 3: 1-145, Magazin für Insektenkunde
Familien, Gattungen und Horden der Käfer von Latreille.
---1805, 4: 69-175, Magazin für Insektenkunde
Zusätze, Berichtigungen und Bemerkungen zu Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum.
*IMASAKA Shoichi
---1985, No. 117: 16-18, Gekan-Mushi
(In Japanese)
A note on the Pidonia signifera Bates (Col. Cerambycidae) from the Tsushima, Nagasaki Prefecture.
---1991, No. 247: 12-18, Gekan-Mushi
(In Jap.)
Leptura arcuata Panzer and L. tsumagurohana Ohbayashi, to be united as a single species.
---1994, No. 56: 1-43, Koganemushi (in Japanese)
A list of longicorn beetles of Nagasaki Pref.
---2001, N°1: 337-342, Special Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society (et AMANO M.)
Pidonia neglecta hizena n. subsp., a new subspecies from western Kyushu, Japan (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ P. (Pidonia) neglecta hizena - ssp.n. - JP: Kyushu, Nagasaki /
---1997, 53 (4): 177-180, L'Entomologiste
[Coleoptera fauna of Paris proper: New data concerning the Cerambycidae.]
*IQBAL Ahmed M.
---1982 (1981-1982), (Nos 11-12): 71-76, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Karachi
Biological studies on Apriona cinerea Chev. Attacking poplars in Pakistan.
c°--1988, 47 (4): 491-545 Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Análise cladística da tribo de Ropalophorini Blanchard, 1845 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1988, 1-271, Nauka, Novosibirsk
(in Russian)
Chernyi pikhtovyi usach Monochamus urussovi (Fischer).
[Fir sawywer beetle Monochamus urussovi (Fisch.).]
---2001, Tom 7: 86-91[Transactions of SNR (State Natural Reserve) “Prisurskiy”. Cheboksary-Atrat] [in Russian]
[Additions to the Longicorn-beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) fauna of Ulianovsk region.]
---2003, Vypusk 3(1): 290-300, [Inter-institutes collection of transactions to the 100th anniversary of D.N. Flerov.
- In: Investigations in the field of biology and methods of its teaching. ] [in Russian] (et MAGDEEV D.V.)
[Fauna of Longicorn-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of forest-steppe zone of Volga valley]
---2004, [The Nature of Simbirsk Volga Area. Ńollection of transactions of 6th regional scientific conference
“Nature-scientific investigations in Simbirsk-Ulianovsk Region”. Ulianovsk, N°5: 64-66] [in Russian]
[Additional data on the fauna of Lamillicorne detritophagous beetles (Scarabaeidae) and xilophagous
beetles [Jewel-beetles (Buprestidae) and Longicornes (Cerambycidae)] of Ulianovsk region.]
---2004, 72 pp. Ulianovsk
[in Russian]
[Beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) of forest-steppe of Middle Volga. Catalogue.]
---2007, 255 pp., Izd-vo "Vektor-S", Ul'ianovsk
Opredelitel' zhestokrylykh Srednego Povolzh'ya (chast' III. Polyphaga, Phytophaga).
---1978, 44 (16): 185-187, Science and Culture
A new record of Oberea posticata Gahan (Col., Cerambycidae) on citrus plants in Assam.
---1973, 16 (2): 191-215, Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo
Notes on some basic problems in the taxonomy and the phylogeny of the subtribe Carabina.
---1998, No. 88: 2521-2582, Yosegaki
(in Japanese)
A list of longicorn beetles from Saitama Prefecture.
(Iškaev A.F.)
---1997, pp. 107, Mater. 13 Komi resp. molod. nauch. konf., Syvtykvar
K faune zhestokrylykh sosnovykh garej Pechoro-Ilychskogo zapovednika
/ 87 sp. – 24 families – Cerambycidae: 10 gen. – 13 sp. /
---2004, 10: 87-92, Tethys Entomological Research
[in Russian]
[Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of the kazakhstanean part of Ili valley.]
---1984, No. 36 (Art. 161): 142-161, Boletim do Museu Municipial do Funchal
o--1985, 29 (3-4): 475-479, Revista Brasileria de Entomologia
A relict Longhorn beetle from the Azores (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Crotchiella brachyptera gen. et sp.n. – Achrysonini /
---1983, 7: 125-137, Suceava Annual Muzeului Judetean Fascicola Stiintele Naturii
Donnees biologiques concernant quelques especes d´insectes nusibles aux forets d´epicea
dans le departement de Suceava.
/ Tetropium castaneum – Picea abies – RO /
---1962, 3: 101-156, 54 figs., Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle „Grgore Antipa“ (et ROSCA A.) (MG)
La morphologie de l'apex abdominal chez les Cerambycidae (Col.) comparé a celui des Hymenopteres.
---1966, 112-124, Izd. Nauka, Moskva-Leningrad
In: Entomofauna of the forest of Kurile Islands, Kamtchatka Peninsula, Magadan Region.
Drovoseki (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Magadanskoy oblasti.
[Timber-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Magadan Region.]
---1982, 17 (4): 494-500, Applied Entomology and Zoology
Mating behavior of Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates (Col.: Cerambycidae)
1. Behavioral sequence of the male sex pheromone.
---1985, 20: 416-423, Applied Entomology and Zoology
Mating behavior of Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates (Col., Cerambycidae).
2. Female recognition by male and the existence of a female sex pheromone.
---1985, 11: 819-828, J. Chem. Ecol.
Electro-antennogram response of Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates (Col., Cerambycidae)
to its male sex pheromone components.
---1986, 21: 606-612, Applied Entomology and Zoology
Mating behavior of Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates (Col., Cerambycidae). III.
Pheromone secretion by males.
*IWATA Ryutaro
---1988, N°3: 94-118, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology (et al)
[Cerambycid fauna of Minoo, Osaka Prefecture.]
---1989, No. 221: 16-17, Gekan-Mushi
Distribution of Oligoenoplus rosti (Pic) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the western part of Japan
with reference to subspecific determination.
o--1990, 25 (4): 305-313, Material und Organismen
(et YAMADA F.)
Notes on the biology of Hesperophanes campestris (Faldermann) (Col., Cerambycidae),
a drywood borrer in Japan.
o--1991, 19 (1): 19-20, Elytra
Increased Adult Body Length with Delayed Emergence Date in Necydalis formosana (Cerambycidae).
o--1993, 69 (2): 149-154, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Records of cerambycids form the Mariana Islands, Micronesia, with description of a new species
of the genus Sybra (Coleoptra: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
o--1993, 21 (2), Elytra
/ larva Xylotrechus villioni /
!!................see TAKEDA M.
---1996, 20Int. Congr. Entomol., Firenze, Aug. 25-31, 1996 : Proc. - Firenze, 1996: 529
Xylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Col., Cerambycidae), a primary borer of conifers in Japan: density
of population and high durability of scars on the stems caused by larval boring.
c--1997, 73 (4): 213-224, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
(et al.)
Nature of galleries, durability of boring scars, and density of Xylotrechus villioni (Villard) larvae
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), on coniferous tree trunks.
/ Abies firma, sachalinensis - hosts plants /
!!--1997, 8 (3): 154-163, Jap. Soc. Envir. Ent.and Zool.. (JSEE)
!!--1997, 25 (2): 271-278, Elytra
o--1998, 3: 221-224, J. For. Res.
!!..............see SAKAKIBARA Y.
!!.................see SAKAKIBARA Y.
o--1998, 3: 247-249, J. For. Res.
Boring Activity on Coniferous Tree Branches by Xylotrechus villioni (Villard) Larve (Col.: Cerambycidae).
o--1998, 26 (1): 213-215, Elytra
A possible hybrid individual between Pterolophia zonata (Bates) and P. caudata (Bates)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan.
o--1998, 9 (3): 83-97, JSEE
Some Notes on the Biology of a Hardwood-log-boring Beetle, Rosalia batesi Harold (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae), with Special Reference to its Occurrences in a Building and a Suburban Lumberyard.
o--1999, 27 (1): 11-26, Elytra
Biology of Acalolepta kusamai Hayashi (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) at Yokohama: boring
and survivorship in stems of Sambucus sieboldiana and preference for sunnier environment.
o---2000, 8 (2): 443-444, Elytra
The Cerambycidae collected on Pohnpei (Ponape) Island, Micronesia, with reference to individual
variation of Paremeopedus minimus.
o--2000, 28 (2): 445, Elytra
The Cerambycidae collected on the Belau (Palu) Islands, Micronesia
o--2000, 28 (2): 446, Elytra
The Cerambycidae collected on the Chuuk (Truk) Islands, Micronesia.
!!--2001, Vol. 11. IUFRO World Series
!!................see YAMANE A.
(et IWATA R.)
c°--2007, 104 (2): 341-345, Europea Journal of Entomology
Period of adult activity and response to wood moisture content as major segregating factors
in the coexistence of two conifer longhorn beetles, Callidiellum rufipenne and Semanotus
bifasciatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--2004, pp. 220, Tula
(in Russian)
[ Illustrated hand-book of xylophagous beetles, forest and timber pests. ]
o--2004, pp. 500, Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordem¨nación Teritorial, Gobierno de Canarias.
Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongs, plants y animales terestres) 2004.
/ Coleoptera - pp. 208-247 --- CERAMBYCIDAE - p. 217 /
---1850, 8: 347-349, Annales de la société entomologique de France
Note sur la male du Vesperus xatarti.
---1982, (6): 27-30, IF (Informatore Fitopatologico)
Due coleotteri dannosi agli eucaliptus.
/ Phoracantha semipunctata /
(Jacobson G.G.)
---1899, 4: 39, Ann. Mus. St. Petersburg
Coleoptera palaearctica nova et parum cognita.
---1905-1913, pp. 1024, izd-vo A.F. Devriena, St. Peterburg
Zhuki Rossii, Zapadnoy Evropy i sopredel'nykh stran. Rukavodstvo k opredeleniyu zhukov.
/ Cerambycidae : pp. ???, plts. 63-72 / /c°- only plates/
---1909(1907), 10 (1-2): 13-22, Tr. Troickosavsko-Kyakht. otdelenia Priamursk. Otdela
Russkogo geograf. obshchestva.
Nasekomye, sobranye v 1900, 1902 i 1903 gg. P. S. Mikhno v Zabaikale. I.
o--1910, 39:489-507, Trudy Russk. Entomol Obsch.
K sistematike i geograficheskomu rasprostraneniyu vidov roda Monochamus Latr. rossiyskoy fauny.
c--1925 (1924), 18: 237-243, Ruskoe Entomol. Obozrenie [Revue Russe d'Entomologie]
Annotationes synonymicae et systematicae de Coleopteris.
c°--1931, pp. 1-454, Gos. Izd. Selskokhoz. i kolkh.-kooper. literatury, Moskva, Leningrad
Prakticheskaya entomologiya, Vypusk VII., Opredelitel‘ zhukov. Izdanie 2-e
(Jakowleff B.E. or Jakowlew B.E.)
---1885, 19: 288-291, Trudy Russkogo entomologicheskogo Obshchestva
[Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae]
Trois coléopters nouveaux de la Faune Aralo-Caspienne.
---1887, 21: 148-159, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Coléopteres nouveaux de l´Asie centrale.
---1887, 21: 315-320, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Insecta in itinere Cl. N. Przewalskii in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. VII. Coléoptčres nouveaux.
---1887, 21: 321-340, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Révision des especes du genere Prionus de la faune de la Russie.
---1889, 24: 244-253, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Insecta, a cl. G.N. Potanin in China et in Mongolia novissime lecta. X.
Coleoptera (Neodorcadion et Compsodorcadion).
---1894, 28: 120-122, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Neodorcadion dux; sp. n.
o--1895(1894-1895), 29: 282-289, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Révision du sous-genere Compsodorcadion Ganglb.
---1895, 29: 506-514, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Description de quelques Longicornes paléarctiques nouveaux ou peu connus.
---1897, 31: 673-681, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de sous-genre Compsodorcadion Ganglb.
---1899, 4: 237-244, Anuaire Mus. Zool. St.-Pétersbourg
De speciebus novis generum Dorcadion Dalm. et Neodorcadion Ganglb.
---1900, 33: 147-155, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Quelques nouvelles espéces du sous-genere Compsodorcadion Ganglb.
---1900 (1889-1900), 34: 71-73, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Note supplémentaire sur le Neodorcadion przewalskii B. Jak.
c--1900(1899-1900), 34: 656-665, Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae
Revision des Cleroclytus (Kraatz) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1901, 1: 107-110, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Notes coléoptérologiques. II.
---1901, 1 (4-5): 146-166, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Étude sur les Neodorcadion de l'Asie Russe (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
o--1906, 6 (1-2): 1-2, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Novy vid Neodorcadion Ganglb. (Col., Cerambyc.)
/ Neodorcadion hircus sp.n. /
o--1906, 6 (1-2): 32-48, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
/in Russian/
Obzor vidov podroda Compsodorcadion Ganglb.
[Species revue of subgenus Compsodorcadion Ganglb. (Col., Cerambycidae)]
o--1906, 6 (3-4): 274-280, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Novye vidy Compsodorcadion russkoy fauny. [New species of Compsodorcadion of Russian fauna.]
(or Jankovsky J.)
---1934, 19 (16): 95-115, Bulletin des Mittelasiens Staatlichen Universitat
[Materiale zur Kenntniss der Bockkäfer Mittelasiens]
/ T. juglandis - sp.n. /
(in Russian)
c--1935, 31 (2): 59-61, Entomologische Blätter (Entomologische Blätter)
Eine neue Art der Gattung Turanium Baeckm. 1922 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) vom südlichen
Tschatkal Alatau-Gebirge im westlichen Thian-Shan.
/ T. juglandis - sp.n. /
c--1935, 31 (5): 181-184, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue (die zweite) Art der Gattung Dochturovia Ganglb. (Col.,Ceramb.) aus dem Tchatkal-AlatauGebirge im westlichen Tian-Shan.
/ D. baeckmanni - sp.n. /
(Janovsky V.M.)
---1974, 53 (4): 772-782, Entomol. Obozrenie
Osobenosti razmeshchenija fauny zhestokrylych ksilofagov (Col.) v lesach Severnoj Mongolii.
---1974, : 202-205, Trudy Instituta biologii AN MNR.
(in Mongol.ian)
[Archives of the Institute of Biology of Ac. of Sc. of Mongolian People Republic]
Mongol fny evert cochin (Col., Cerambycidae) ovgijn shavzhijn sudalgaand
[Additions to the fauna of Cerambycidae of Mongolia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1976, : 42-97, In: Problemy dinamiki chislennosti nasekomych-vreditelej taezhnych lesov, Krasnojarsk
Entomofagi stvolovych vreditelej v Tuvinskoj ASSR i Mongolskoj Narodnoj Respublike.
---1977, (5): 30-59, "Nauka", Leningrad, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
Nasekomye - dendrofagi Mongolii
[Dendrophagous Insects of Mongolia]
(In Russian)
---1980, (7): 17-27, IMON
(In Russian)
[On the fauna of forest insects of Mongolia.]
(part Cerambycidae pp. 21-22)
---1998, N°1: 103-118, 134, Entomolog. issledovaniya v Sibirii
(et ARAFONOVA T.A.) (in Russ.)
umístěno na: http:/
Zhestokrylye (Coleoptera) lesov bassseina reki Dzhida.
/ Cerambycidae ??? /
---2003, 2 (3): 190, EvraziatskiiEntomologicheskiiZhurnal
(in Russian)
[A new record of longhorn beetle Oberea kostini Danilevsky, 1988 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
in Krasnoyarsk Krai]
---1863, Copied verbahim from the original Manuscrit. in British Museum (Natural History) Dep.of Entomology
Catalogue des Longicornes de la Collect. Chevrolat
*JAVET Charles
c--1857, 1: 412-413, Archives Entomologiques
Description d'une espece nouvelle de Batocera.
/ Batocera thomsoni - sp.n. - Borneo /
---1944, 11: 65-110, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Morphologie abdominale des Coléopteres et sytématique de l'orde.
---1955, 16: 1-155, 93 figs., Publ. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris
L'edeage: initiation aux recherches sur la sytématique des coléopteres.
o--1993, 172 pp., Folia Heyrovskyana, Suppl. 1
Check-list of Czechoslovak Insects IV, Coleoptera
/ by Sláma M.: Cerambycidae - pp. 119 - 123 /
*JENDEK Branislav
c°--2006, 11 (4): 15-28, Acta faunistica Slovaca
(et JENDEK E.)
[An analysis of the beetle conservation in the Slovaca based on the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) as a model group.]
(Jeniš I.)
o--2001, 333 pp. Atelier Regulus,
Tesaříci Cerambycidae Evropy I. Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae, Vesperidae, Anoplodermatidae a Cerambycidae.
[Long-Horned Beetles of Europe I. Disteniidae,Oxypeltidae,Vesperidae,Anoplodermatidae and Cerambycidae]
---1956, 6 (8): 995-997, Comunicarile Academiei Romane
Specii de coleoptere noi pentru fauna Romaniei.
(et NEGRU St.)
---1992, 36 (2): 130-131, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Kenntnisstand zum Vorkommen der Bockkäfer (Col., Cerambycidae)im Landkreis Sangerhausen.
(Ješátko K.)
o--1931, 28 (7-8): 130, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Rosalia alpina a.heyrovskyi n.m.
c--1934, 31: 91, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
K variabilitě tesaříka Chlorophorus varius Müll. [Zur Variabilitat Chlorophorus varius Mül.]
c--1935, 32: 109-110, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Rosalia alpina a. masaryki, n. a.
c--1943, 40: 52-55, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Neue Bockkäferformen aus den Ostkarpaten.
*JIANG Shuang-lin
---2000, 1: ???, Journal of Gansu Agricultural University
(et XUE Lin-gui)
Studies on the composition and fauna of longicorn family in Ziwu mountains of eastern Gansu.
o--2001(2000), 17 (3): 219-224, Biocosme Mésogéen
Clytus kumalariensis sp. n. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Turkey
---1932, 23: 251-256, Bull. Entomol. Res.
A study of the life-history and control ao Cerambyx dux, a pest of certain stone-fruits in Palestine.
*JONG de C.
---1936, 19: 75-78, 3 figs, Zoologische Mededeelingen, Leiden
Some new Cerambycidae.
---1942, 24 (1-2): 18-48, 5 figs, pl. I-IV, Zoologische Mededeelingen, Leiden
Notes on Cerambycidae, I-XIV.
o--1961, 5 (6): 45-46, Ent. Nachr. Dresden
Über eine Beinmonstrosität bei einem Bockkäfer.
(Jordá J.)
---1923, 3 (8): 129-137, Bulletí de la Institutió Catalana d'Historia Natural, 2 ser.
Contribució al coneixement dels Coléopteres de les Baleares. Formes inédites, III.
---1894, 1: 104-122, Novitates Zoologicae, London (NZ)
New species of Coleoptera from the Indo- and Austro-Malayan Region, collected
by William Doherty.
---1894, 1: 139-266, pls. IX-X, Novitates Zoologicae, London
On African Longicornia.
---1894, 1: 484-503, pl. 5III, Novitates Zoologicae, London
On some New Genera and Species of Coleoptera in the Tring Museum
---1895, (6) 15: 218-222, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
On some New Species of Coleoptera in the Museum of the Hon. Walter Rotschild.
---1895, 5: 266-271, Stettiner Entomologisce Zeitung
Einige neue Käfer der Indo-Australischen Region in der sammlung des Tring-Museums.
---1904, 11: 364-365, Novitates Zoologicae, London
Some new African Cerambycidae.
---2006, 74(2): 107-134, Entomologiske Meddelelser
Fund af biller i Danmark, 2005 (Coleoptera).
---2006, 38(2): 187-191, Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura
First record of Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) in Europe (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae Lamiini).
*JULIO Carlos Eduardo de Alvarenga
c°--1894, (91): 101-107, Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
(et MONNE M.A.)
Synopse dos generos Scopadus e Omosarotes (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae Lamiini).
---2006, 38 (2): 187-191, Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura (et TANTARDINI A., COLOMBO M.)
First record of Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) in Europe (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae Lamiini).
(Jureček Štěpán)
o--1924, 21 (3-4): 47-48, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Cerambyx elbursi n. sp. prope multiplicatus Motch. (Col.)
§---1929, 2: ?? 143 ??, Mitteil. kön. Nat. Inst. Sofia
/ Dorcadion macedonicum, kaimakcalanum /
c--1931, 28 (1-2): 33-34, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nová lokální forma tesaříka Leptura bipunctata F. (Col.) z východního Ruska.
[A new local form of longhornbeetle Leptura bipunctata from E. Russia.]
c--1931, 28 (7-8): 124, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dvě nové formy tesaříku z Řecka a Malé Asie.
c--1931, 5 (1): 8, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Eine neue Aberratin von Judolia longipes Gebl. (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1932, 29 (1-2): 27-29, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
O druzích Dorcadion ze skupiny D. ljubetense Breit
[On the Dorcadion of the group D. ljubetense Breit]
c--1933, 30 (3): 127-130, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Noví tesaříci palearktické fauny.
[Neue Cerambyciden der palaearktisch. Fauna.]
c--1936, 14: 179, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Strangalia maculata Poda a. Buresi n. (Col. Ceramb.)
c--1936, 14: 204, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Abnormality krovek u Strangalia aurulenta F. (Col. Ceramb.)
---1937, 34:
Neue aberrationen von Cortodera flavimana Waltl. (Col. Ceramb.)
c--1940, 37: 86, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Neodorcadion bilineatum Germ. a. backovense n.
(Jurečič R.)
---1986, G 12 (2): 119-127, Acta biologica jugoslavica
Chromosome number, type of sex determination and sperm cell number per bundle in Dorcadion
arenarium Scop. ssp. velebiticum Müll. (Col., Ceramb.)
---1992, : 61-70, Nauka, Moscow
(in Russian)
(et MURZIN S.V. )
Kolichestvennaja ocenka fauny zhukov-drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) chrebta Tamdao (Vietnam).
In: MEDVEDEV L.N. (Ed.) - Sistematika i ekologija nasekomych Vietnama
c°--1996, 48: 45-48, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine neue Prionus-Art aus Afghanistan (Col.:Ceram.)
/ Prionus altimontanus - sp.n. - AF /
( et DOLIN W.G.)
*KABE Masaaki
c°--1951, 19 (1): 33-34, Kontyu
Notes on the egg-laying of Semanotus rufipennis Motschulsky.
*KACER Josef
(Kačer J.)
o--1962, 1: 105-109, Mostecko-Litvínovsko, Reg. studie
Brouci na území bývalého okresu Litvínov. Tesaříkovití – Cerambycidae
o--2006, No 6: 13-14, Listy Entomologického klubu při Labských pískovcích
Příspěvek k faunistickému poznání brouků čeledi Cerambycidae vrchu Špičák ve Varnsdorfu.
*KADLEC Stanislav
o--2001(2000), 17 (4): 295-302, Biocosme Mésogéen
(et REJZEK M. )
Trichoferus samai, a new species from Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Trichoferus samai – sp. n. – TR, Nemrut Dagi /
o--2003, 20 (1): 7-50, Biocosme Mésogéen ------------see REJZEK M. (et KADLEC S., SAMA G.)
Contribution to the knowledge of Syrian Cerambycidae Fauna (Coleoptera).
/ Cerambycidae - 109 sp. et ssp. - Syria - colour snaps /
o--2005 (2004), 12 (4): 161-166, Folia Heyrovskyana
(et HÁJEK J. )
Xestoleptura nigroflava, a new genus of longhorn beetle for Europe (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
/ Xestoleptura nigroflava - new genus for Europe, redescription /
o--2005, 1 (1-2): 103-107, Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East
Two new species longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from western Palaearctic region.
/ Trichoferus ivoi - sp.n. - IR
Clytus buglanicus - sp.n. - TR /
o--2006, No. 12: 1-7, Animma.x
Two new Cerambycid species from Kazakhstan and Iran (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Apatophysis kadyrbekovi - sp.n - KA
Purpuricenus sasanus - sp.n. - IR /
o--2006, No. 12: 8-15, Animma.x
Two new species of the genus Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Iran and Turkey (Col.:Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) serouensis - sp.n. - IR
D. (Cribridorcadion) janatai - sp.n. - TR
D. (Cribridorcadion) divisum ssp. dissimile - stat. n. - European TR /
---1977, No. 7: 15-38, Sukashiba
Longicorn beetles of Oki Islands.
(in Japanese)
---1983, No. 20: 3-20, Sukashiba
(in Japanese)
A list of the beetles from Oki Islands.
---1996(1995), 4 (190): 44-49, Izvestiya natsional'noi Akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya
[On rare and little-known species of cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
of the fauna of Kazakhstan.]
/ annotated faunal list, rare taxa - Kazakhstan /
---1996(1995), 5 (191): 86-88, Izvestiya natsional'noi Akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya
[About distrition [distribution] and ecology of the 6 beetles species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
of the Kazakstan's [Kazakhstan's] fauna.]
/ Agapanthia maculicornis, Callidium violaceum, Chlorophorus elaeagni, Dorcadion
turkestanicum, Phytoecia sokolovi, Rhagium inquisitor - biological notes /
---1997, (1996): 40-44, Izvestiya Ministerstva nauki-Akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya
biologicheskaya i meditsinskaya
[The ecology-faunistical review of the longicomal [longicorn] beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
in Almaty Nature Reserve.]
/ Agapanthie muellneri, soror, Rhagium inquisitor, Saperda perforata, Xylotrechus rusticus /
---1998, (2): 95-97, Izvestiya Ministerstva nauki-Akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya
biologicheskaya i meditsinskaya
[New data about distribution of longicorn-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Kazakhstan.]
/ distribution, ecological notes /
---1999(1996-1997): 246, Selevinia
(in Russian)
O pervykh nakhodkakh trekh vidov zhukov-drovosekov v Severnom-Tian-Shane.
[About first finding of three species of Cerambycidae in nothern [northern] Tien Shan.]
/ Xylotrechus rusticus, Agapanthia soror, Saperda perforata - first record - KA /
---2003, (6): 34-42, Izvestiya Ministerstva nauki Akademii nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya
biologicheskaya i meditsinskaya
[To the fauna of longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae) and buprestid beetles (Buprestidae)
of the "Burabay" National Park.]
/ Purpuricenus tsherepanovae - 1st rec. - KA /
---2004, 10: 93-96, Tethys Entomological Research
New taxa of longicorn beetles of Dorcadionini tribe (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan and China.
/ Eodorcadion kabaki - sp.n. - CN (=E. egregium)
---2004, 5: 37-43, [Izvestiya Ministerstva Obrazovaniya i Nauki Respubliki Kazakhstan, Seriya Biologicheskaya
i Meditsinskaya]
(in Russian)
[A faunistic review of the Buprestid and Longicorn beetles of the Kazakhstan part of Aral region.]
o--1978, 19-34, Fauna i ekologia zhivotnykh Tadzhikistana
Rasprostanenie zhukov-dendrofagov (Coleoptera) v Tadzhikistane i ikh svyazi tipami rastitel´nosti.
c--1988, (4): 61-66, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, Otdelenie biologicheskikh nauk (ITAD)
Materiali k biologii i ekologii drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) povrezhdayushikh
drevesnye porody v Tadzhikistane.
[Material on the biology and ecology of longhorn beetles
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), tree pests in Tadzhikistan.]
---1989, (1): 30-35, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, Otdelenie biologicheskikh nauk
Obzor fauny zhukov-drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) Tadzhikistana.
[Review of the fauna of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Tadzhikistan.]
---1990, (3): 61-63, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, Otdelenie biologicheskikh nauk
Kompleks zhukov-ksilofagov, razvivajustshichsja na greckom oreche.
---1988, 61: 25-30, Anzeiger für Schädligskunde, Pflanzenschutz und Umweltschutz (et MARKALAS )
Dürreperioden in Zusammenhang mit sekundärem Absterben und Massenvermehrungen
rindenbrütender Insekten in den Wäldern Griechenlands.
---2000, 204 pp., Volgograd
[Coleoptera of lower Volga river.]
*KANABE Desiderius
(Kanabé D.)
c--1930, 3 (3): 65, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Über Irrtümer in den Beschreibungen von Judolia (Pachtodes) cerambyciformis Schrank ab. efasciata
Csiki und ab. transsylvanica Csiki.
c--1930, 4 (2): 46, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Eine neue Aberration der Starngalia maculata Poda a. pannonica nova.
c--1932, 6 (1): 10-17, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Einige neue und interessante Cerambyciden-Aberrationen.
c--1932, 6 (4): 105-106, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Neue Aberrationen des Phymatodes testaceus L. (Cerambycidae).
c--1935, 9 (2): 64, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Zwei neue Käferaberrationen.
/ Plagionotus detritus ab. millekeri n. /
o--1945, 42: 83, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
K článku M. Kudly "Přehled a určovací tabulka všech dosud popsaných forem Rosalia alpina L."
[Annotationes ad cognitionem speciei Rosalia alpina.]
---1998, K.T.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Orman Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı’nda Hazırlanmış Doktora Tezi, Trabzon,
(unpublished thesis) 204 pp.
Kahramanmaraş Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Ormanlarında Zarar Yapan Önemli Böcek Türlerinin Araştırılması.
---1979, 28 (3-4): 81-90, New Entomologist (NEWE)
Structure of association of aestival cerambycids attracted on flowers.
---1980, 29 (2): 27-32, New Entomologist
Hind gut contens in adult beetles of the genus Rhagium (Col.: Cerambycidae, Lepturinae).
/ Rhagium heyrovskyi, japonicum, pseudojaponicum /
---1991, 26 (12): 29-35, illustr., Nature and Insects
A record on the structure of associations of anthophilous cerambycid attracted on flowers in the Oku-Nikko,
Japan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
*KANG Yian-Xin
---1992, :465, 19 Int. Congr. Entomol., Beijing, June 28- July 4, 1992: Proc.: Abstracta-Beijing, 1992 (in Engl.)
Vertical distribution of longicorn beetles inAltai mountains and the plain in front of them.
---1940, 6 (3): 71-75, Annales Entomologici Fennici
Über die Larve und die Lebenweise von Nothorrhina muricata Dalm.
---1891, 13: 189-190, Notes from the Leyden Museum
A new species of the longicorn genus Neopharsalia v. d. Poll.
*KANO Tadao
---1926, 16: 1118-128, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Notes on longicorn Coleoptera from Japan VI.
---1927, 17: 146-151, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Notes on longicorn Coleoptera from Japan III. Additions to the longicorn fauna of Formosa (2).
---1928, 18: 346-358, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Notes on longicorn Coleoptera from Japan.
c°--1929, : 76-82, Kontyu
A List of Cicindelidae and Cerambycidae from the Island of Botel.Tobago (Kotosho), with the Consideration
of its Insect-fauna.
c--1930, 5(1-2): 41-48, 5 figs, Insecta Matsumurana
New and unrecorded Longicorn-beetles from the Japan-Empaire.
/ Asemum arisanum - sp.n. - TW
Prothema ochraceosignata nigra - ssp.n. - TW
Merionoeda uraiensis - sp.n. - TW
Leontium bicolor - sp.n. - TW /
---1933, 4: 9-121, Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap.
Coleopterous Insects from the Northern Kuriles, with some Considerations on the Insect-Fauna
of the Kurile Islands.
c°--1933, 6 (5-6): 256-291, pl. 4, Kontyu, Tokyo
New and unrecorded longicorn-beetles from Japan and its adjacent territories.
c°--1933, 7: 130-140, Kontyu, Tokyo
New and unrecorded Longicorn-beetles from Japan and its adjacent territories II.
---1938, 28: 346-358, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
[Notes on longicorn Coleoptera from Japan, VIII.]
(In Japanese)
(Kantardjiewa Minkowa S.)
---1934, 8: 132-144, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de Bulgarie
[Die Arten der Familie Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Bulgarien. II. (Lamiinae )
Nach der Sammlungen der Königlichen Entomologischen Station in Sofia.]
(see MINKOVA S.)
---1936, 9: , MBEG
Bestimmungstabellen der Arten von Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Bulgarien. III.
(Prioninae, Cerambycinae)
c--1957, 6: 539-552, Bull. l'Inst. Zool. (BIZB)
Novi redki vidove Cerambycidae v Blgaria
[Neue seltene Arten Cerambycidae für Bulgarien.]
---1961, 10: 293-309, BIZB
Untersuchungen über die Artzusammensetzung der Tribus Dorcadionini (Col., Cerambycidae) in Bulagrien.
c--1979, 58 (1): 24-38, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Kompleks chlenistonogich zhivotnych (Arthropoda: Insecta, Isopoda), obitajustshich v drevesine
saksaulov v vostochnych Karakumach.
c--1982, 61 (4): 786-794, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Ekologija zhukov-drovosekov roda Phytoecia Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae) v Vostochnych Karakumach.
[Ecology of the longhorn beetles of the genus Phytoecia in East. Karakum desert.]
/ Phytoecia repetekensis, transcaspica, varentzovi – host plants – TK /
---1963, 59: 179-182, Entomologische Blätter
Europäische Foemen des Pflaumenböckchens, Tetrops praeusta (L.) und ihre Frasspflanzen.
*KARUBE Haruke
c--1996, 24 (1): 159-162, Elytra, Tokyo
A new Cerambycid Beetle of the Genus Rosalia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sumatra
/ Rosalia splendens - sp.n. - ID:Sumatra /
o--1998, 26 (2): 473-476, Elytra
A new species of the genus Schmidtiana (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from southern Vietnam.
/ Schmidtiana shinkaii - sp.n. - VN /
---2000, 28 (2): 310, Elytra
An additional record of Schmidtiana shinkaii (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ S. shinkaii - new additional record - VN /
*KASATKIN Denis Germanovich
---1995, pp. 171-174, In: Aktual'nye voprosy issledovaniya i okhrany prirody vodnykh biocenozov
i sopredel'nykh territoriy.
(et ARZANOV Yu. G.)
Novye dannye ob arealakhzhukov-usachey yuga Evropeyskoy chasti Rossii i Kavkaza.
---1997, Tom V, Byp. 2: 63-70, Izvestiya Kharkovskogo entomologicheskogo obschestva. IKEO
Proceedings of the Kharkov Entomological Society
(et ARZANOV Yu. G.)
Zhuki-usachi (Cerambycidae) (chast 2).
Materialy k faune zhestokrylykh (Coleoptera) Severnogo Kavkaza i Nizhnego Dona
---1998, 6 (1): 59-60, Izvestiya Kharkovskogo entomologicheskogo obschestva
Novye dannye o rasprostranenii zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) na yuge Rossii
---1999, 7 (2): 37-39, Izvestiya Kharkovskogo entomologicheskogo obschestva
K poznaniu zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) yuga Rossii i sopredelnykh terrioriy.
o--2002, 11 (3): 277-280, Russian Entomol. Journal
New subspecies of Dorcadion pusillum Küster, 1847 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from South Russia.
/ Dorcadion pusillum tanaiticum - ssp. n. - RU: Rostov area /
o--2003, 1-19 pp., Autoreferát k disertační práci, Moskva
Endofallus zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) i ego znachenie v rozreshenii
taksonomicheskikh problem.
o--2005, 1 (1): 49-54, Kavkazskiy entomologicheskiy byulleten' [Caucasian entomological Bulleten]
O sisteme roda Plagionotus sensu lato (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Clytini).
[Abaut a system of the genus Plagionotus sensu lato (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Clytini).]
/ Paraplagionotus - nom.n. - pro Echinocerus Mulsant, 1863 (nec White, 1846)
Neoplagionotus - gen.n. - (t. sp. Cyltus boelayei) et species - comb.n. /
o--2005, 1 (1): 55-56, Kavkazskiy entomologicheskiy byulleten' [Caucasian entomological Bulleten]
K izucheniyu zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) yuga Rossii i sopredel'nykh territoriy.
[The new data on the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) south Russia and conjoint territories.]
/ Faun. - Cortodera pumila, Stenopterus ater, Clytus stepanovi, Morimonella bednariki, Tetrops
gilvipes, Phytoecia millefolii,Lepturobosca virens, Paracorymbia fulva, Leioderus kollari /
c°--2006, 2 (1): 83-104, Kavkazskiy entomologicheskiy byulleten' [Caucasian entomological Bulleten] (MG)
[The internal sac of aedeagus of longhorned beatles ; morfology, nomenclature of structure,
taxonomic signifikance.]
---1982, 28: 194-197, Proceedings of the Assotiation for Plant Protection of Kyushu
Laboratory evaluation of entomogenous nematodes, Neoaplectana carpocapsae Weiser,
as a biological control agent of the whitespotted longicorn beetle Acalolepta malasiaca Thomson.
*KASZAB Zoltán
---1937, 4: 161-185, Vasi Szemle
S köszegi hegység bogárfaunájának alapvetése.
[Grundlagen zur Kenntnis der Käferfauna des Köszeger Gebirges.]
o--1971, 283 pp., Ed. Akademia Kiado, Budapest
Fauna Hungariae - 106.
Cincérek - Cerambycidae (Coleoptera IV., 5. Füzet)
---1977, 30(1): 51-68, Folia entomologica hungarica
Faunistische Angaben über Coleopteren und Strepsiteren aus der Mongolei.
/ F: MG - 236 sp., 68 new for Mongolia - 40 fam. - distrib. /
?? Cerambycidae ??
---1981, Vol. 1:109-129, Fauna Hortobagy Nat. Park, Budapest
The species of Malacodermata, Eucinetidae, Heteromera, Cerambycidae and Bruchidae
from the Hortobagy National Park.
c--1996, 13: 93-98, Zoology in the Middle East
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Jordan.
/ Cerambycidae - 28 sp. (20 gen.) /
---1933, 29 pp., 50 pls, Tokyo
Three Colour Illustrated Insects of Japan, Fasc. 9, Coleoptera.
*KATO Makoto
---2001, N°1: 73-78, Special Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society
Insect fauna associated with Cycas revoluta (Cycadaceae), with a discovery of cerambycid
megasporophyll miner.
/ Mimectatina meridiana ohirai - host plant /
*KATOH Atsushi
---1995, 37 (2): 114-116, Nanki Seibutu
(in Jap.)
[On Nothorhina punctata (Fabricius, 1798) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Kii Peninsula.]
---1996, 38(2): 97-105, Nanki Seibutu
(et GOTOH Shin)
Insect fauna of the Hatenashi Mountains and the vicinity (Kii Peninsula). 2 Coleoptera.
Disteniidae and Cerambycidae.
*KAUFMANN Raymond R. U.
---1944, 80: 260-261, The Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
British Longicorn (Col.) records.
c--1947, 83: 10-12, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Notes on Grammoptera holomelina Pool and the colour forms of G. ruficornis F. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1866, 4°, 8 S., 3 Farbtaf., Darmstadt & Leipzig. {citation from Derksen, W. & U. Scheiding. 1963 }
Einige Cerambyciden der grossherzoglichen Sammlung zu Darmstadt.
---1955, 8 (5): 13-16, Shin-Konchu, Tokyo
[A trawel of Amami Islands.]
(In Japanese)
---1985, (2): 31-32, Vestnik Beloruskogo instituta, ser. 2
Novye dlja Belorussii vidy zhukov-drovosekov.
c--1988, 67: 583-584, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 20/2
(in Russian)
New species Longicorn Beetles from (Col., Cerambycidae) from Transcaucasia.
*KEITH Dennis
---1987, 43 (5): 261-265, L´Entomologiste
Les Coléopteres Cérambycides de Vivans (Loire).
---1988, 57 (10): 326-334, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Variabilite et biologie de Dorcadion (Pedestredorcadion) arenarium ssp. subcarinatum
(Col., Cerambycidae) en Savoie.
---1997, 53 (1): L'Entomologiste
Confirmation de la presence de Arhopalus ferus (Mulsant) dans le Bas-Rhin (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1998, No 18: 44-47, Bull. Soc. amis Mus. Chartres et natur. Eure-et-Loir
Contributin a l´invertaire entomologique d´Eure-et-Loir. Premier complément aux inventaires existants.
/ Cerambycidae etc. /
o--2000, N°3: 33-34, Symbioses, nouvelle serie
Contribution a un inventaire entomologique de l'Eure-et-Loir: donnés intéressantes pour l'année 2000.
/Carabidae, Scarabaeoidea, Cerambycidae/
o--2001, 101 (41): 513-521 Lambillionea
Sur les routes d'Anatolie (3eme note)
/ Cerambycidae: Clytus,Obriopsis,Certallum ebulinum, Pseudalosterna livida,Pedostrangalia
Agapanthia, Pilemia hirsutula,Phytoecia coerulea,Agapanthia cynarae, kirbyi /
*KEJVAL Zbyněk
o--1996, 5: 123-132, Erica, Plzeň
Příspěvek k faunistice tesaříkovitých (Col., Cerambycidae) okresu Domažlice.
*KEMAL Muhabbet
c°--2008, No 21: 1-15, CESA News, Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara
(et KOCAK A.O.)
Second attempt for determining the Lepidoptera fauna of Kozluk with notes on some other insects
of the District (Batman Prov., East Turkey) - I.
/ Cerambycidae: Osphranteria coerulescens, Purpuricenus wachanrui, Stictoleptura
cordigera - F:TR /
---1918, 26: 1-8, 8 figs, Entomol. Avdelningen
Stjälkbocken (Phytoecia cylindrica L.) ettskadedjur pa flockblomstrigs växter bl. A. pa morotplantor
for fröskörd. Meddelande fra Centralanstalten för Jordbruksförsök.
o--1919, 39 (3-4): 321-328, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Über die Gattung Nothorhina Redt. (Col.)
---1922, 43 (2): 81-138, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsstadien und Lebenweise der schwedischen Cerambyciden.
---1972, 57-112, In: Insects of Mongolia. I. Nauka, Leningrad
Historical survey of studies of the insect fauna of the Mongolian People’s Republic.
---1980, 14-16, In: Insects of Mongolia. VII. Nauka, Leningrad
Additional data on collectors of entomological materials in Mongolia before 1979.
---1982, 7-15, In: Insects of Mongolia. VIII. Nauka, Leningrad (et KOZLOV M.A., KOROTYAEV V.A.)
Joint Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the Mongolian Peoples’s Republic
during 1980 and 1981.
---1984, 63(4): 849-857, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Revue d'Entomologie]
(in Russian)
*KEYZER Roger de
c°--1989, 57: 333-336, Jap. J. Ent.
An additional species of the genus Longipalpus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Thailand.
/ Longipalpus cottoni - sp.n. - TH /
---1995, 140-141, Kazan
[Cerambyx cerdo.- Red Data Book of Tatarstan Republic].
---1981, 4 (3): 247-250, Bulletin of the Zoological Survey of India
On the host sellection, oviposition and fecundity of the long-horned beetle borer,
Acalolepta rusticator (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
(et MAITI P.K.)
---1982, 91 (3): 249-257, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Animal Siences
(et MAITI P.K.)
Life and fecundity tables for the longicorn beetle borer Olenecamptus bilobus (Fabricius)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1982, 33 (1-2): 71-85, Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Calcutta)
(et MAITI P. K.)
The bionomics of the round-head borer. Olenecamptus bilobus (Fabricius). (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Artocarpus chaplasha – food plants - attraction of gravid females – Andaman Isls. /
---1983, (no. 45): 1-100, Records of the Zoological Survey of India Miscellaneous Publication Occasional Paper
(et MAITI P. K.)
Studies on the bionomy, biology an ecology of some longicorn beetle borers (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Of the islands of Andaman, India.
---1988, 7 (2): 61-64, BNHS
Emergence of adult Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) in Darjeeling.
---1992, 45 (2): 173-176, Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Calcutta)
Growth and dynamics of cerambycid (Coleoptera) populatins.
/ IN: Andaman Islands – population dynamics /
---1993, 46 (1): 39-49, Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Calcutta)
Biology and ecology of Plocaederus obesus Gahan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) : a comparative study.
---1996, 15 (1): 8-25, Journal of Bengal natural History Society
Comparative ecobiology of Xystrocera globosa (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
in the Indian subcontinent.
---1974, Bulletin N°211: 1-46, Ministri of Agriculture, Iraq
Some trunk borers of fruit trees
/In Arabic/
---1957, (No 13): 59-152, Materials to the knowledge of the fauna of Armenian SSR. Erevan
Zhestokrylye duba v Armyanskoi SSR. III. /Coleoptera of oak in Armenian SSR/
---1981, 60(6): 937-940, Zoologicheskii Zhurnal
(in Russian)
Insects-xylophages in an isolated habitat of Larix kurilensis on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
/ Acmaeops, Monochamus sutor /
---1942, 32 (2): 486-536, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Geselschaft (et MOOSBRUGGER J.)
Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna des steirischen Ennstales und der angrenzenden Gebiete.
*KIM Chang Whan
---1978, pp. 414, 38 pls, Korean University Press, Seoul
(in Korean)
Distrbution Atlas of insects of Korea. Series 2 Coleoptera.
---1983, 9: 95-110, Entomological Research Bulletin (Seoul)
(et LEE S.-M.)
List of Korean Longicorn Beetles Preserved in Korea University (I)
---1984, 10: 125-133, Entomological Research Bulletin (Seoul)
(et LEE S.-M.)
List of Korean Longicorn Beetles Preserved in Korea University (II)
---1987, 25: 91-120, Rep. Kor. Ass. Cons. Nat.
Insect fauna of the T'aebaek in Korea.
(et CHANG K.S.)
c--1931, 10 (3-4): 189-1296, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
Leptura inexspectata Janss. et Sjöb. in Polen, nebst taxonomische Bemrkungen.
---1818, 12: 375-453, 3 pls., Trans. Linn. Soc. London
A century of insects, including several new genera described from his cabinet.
---1826, Vol. 3, 1-732 pp. , Longman & Co. London
(et SPENCE W.)
An Introduction to Entomology: or elements of the natural history of Insects with plates.
---1826, Vol. 4, 1-634 pp. , Longman & Co. London
(et SPENCE W.)
An Introduction to Entomology: or elements of the natural history of Insects with plates.
********---1834, 92 pp., 4 pls., "equien fils, Paris
Centurie d'insectes contenant plusieurs genres nouveaux décrits dans sa collection.
(notes of Chevrolat, Dejean, Lequien, Percheron, Guérin-Méneville and Audinet Serville).
---1837, 249 pp., Josiah Fletcher, N. Norwich
In: J. Richardson, W. Swainson, and W. Kirby - Fauna Boreali Americana; or the Zoology of the
Northern Parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history
collected on the Late Northern Land Expedition, under the command of Captain Sir John
Franklis, R. N.
The Insects. Coleoptera.
---1979, 24 (4): 423-430, Entomophaga
The life history and host specifity of the Echium boner, Phytoecia coerulescens (Col.: Cerambycidae)
---1981, 230 pp., Tokyo Law Press
Atlas of longicorn beetles of Nagano Prefecture.
c--1957, mai-juin: 25-30, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Voyages d´exploration en Afghanistan.
/ entomological expediton - AF /
o--1963, 7 (7): 67-68, Entomologische Nachrichten , Dresden
Beitrag zur Bockkäferfauna der Oberlausnitz.
---1981, 244 pp., Wittenberg Lutherstadt
(et SANDER F.)
Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, Heft 499 - Die Bockkäfer Mitteleuropas (Cerambycidae)
---1993, 37 (1): 13-20, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
(et SIEBER M.)
Anmerkungen zur Bockkäferfauna der Oberlausitz (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1996, 40 (2): 130-132, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Bockkäfer (Col., Cerambycidae) aus der Umgebung von Grosssteinberg (Sachsen, Regierungsbezirk Leipzig).
---1940, 19: 3-28, Dhorniana
Übersicht über die in Pommeren gefunden Käfer, die im Verzeichnis von A. Lüllwitz nicht enthalten sind.
c°--2004, Svazek 21: 473-491, Práce z dějin vědy, Praha
Chitin a čas: poznámly k dějinám oboru entomologie v českých zemích (1900 - 1950).
/ Notes to the History of the Science of Entomology in Bohemia, 1900-1950. /
---1988, 38 (2-3): 95-96, Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel
[Rediscovery of Dorcadion fuliginator L. (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.]
(Kletečka Zdeněk)
c--1995, 35: 44, Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní Vědy
Krátké zprávy. Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) v lipových alejích okolí Č. Budějovic.
[Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of lime alley near Č. Budějovice.]
/in Czech/
o--1996, 51 (2): 143-152, Biologia, Bratislava
The xylophagus beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) community and succession on Scotch elm
(Ulmus glabra) branches.
/Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Scolytidae/
o--2003, 43: 71-78, Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní Vědy (et KLETECKA J.)
[Distribution of Cerambyx cerdo L. (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) in South Bohemia.]
o--1992, 102 (22): 413-420, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Entomofauna der Grossstädte. Delta unguiculata (Villers) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Calamobius
fillum (Rossi) (Coleoptera: Ceramybcidae) und Otiorhynchus dieckmanni Magnano (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), drei markante Arten des Frankfurter Stadtgebietes.
---1970, 115-141 pp., In: S.L. Tuxen (ed.) - SHSA, Copenhagen
Taxonomist's grossary of genitalia in insects, 20) /pp. 115-141/
*KLUGE Nikita Julievich
---2000, Modern Systematics of Insects. Part I. Principles of Systematics of Living Organisms and General System
of Insects, with Classification of Primary Wingless and Paleopterous Insects]
S.-Petersburg, Lan', 2000, 333 pp.; (c) N.Ju. Kluge, 2000; (c) "Lan'", 2000.
*KNECHTEL Wilhelm K.
c--1944, 15: 1-219, Etudes et recherches , Academie Roumanie, Bucaresti
( et PANIN S.)
Oekologisch – zoogeographisches Studium an Coleopteren des Rumänischen Faunagebietes.
/ Die Gattungen Leptura und Strangalia - pp. 179-201: L. nigroflava – note /
*KNULL Josef N.
o--1946, 57 (10): 253-255, Entomological News
Two New Stenosphenus (Col.:Cerambycidae).
o--1948, 48 (2): 82-83, The Ohaio Journal of Science
New Genus and Species of Cerambycidae with Notes (Coleoptera).
c°--1954, 54 (2): 129-130, The Ohaio Journal of Science
E new Euryptera and notes on other Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
o--1950, 61 (4): 89-92, Entomological News
New Coleoptera with Notes. II. (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae).
o--1955, 66 (5): Entomological News
A New Species of Obrium from Tennessee (Coleoptera: Cearambycidae).
o--1958, 69 (7): 185-186, Entomological News
A New Species of Conosphaeron Linsley from Arizona (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--1958, 58 (5): 282, The Ohio Journal of Science
One New Species and one subspecies of Cerambycidae from Texas (Coleoptera).
o--1959, (591): 47, The Ohio Journal of Science
A New Subspecies of Typocerus brunnicornis Le Conte (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1960, 71 (5): Entomological News
A New Subspecies of Cacoplia nebulosa Hald.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--1960, 60 (1): 7, The Ohio Journal of Science
A New Species of Elaphidion from Texas(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1931, 2: 55-66, Trans. Kansai Ent. Soc.
(in Japanese)
Chishima-no-kuni Shikotan-to no Sushuhin ni tsuite
---1932, 5: ???, Mushi, Fukuoka
/ Merionoeda tosawai - sp.n. - p. 1, fig. 1
---1984, 29: 115-135, Annual Review of Entomology
The Japanese pine sawyer beetle as the vector of pine wilt dsease.
/ Monochamus alternans /
(Kočárek P.)
c--1995, 44 (3): 241-249, Časopis Slezského Muzea v Opavě (A) [Acta Musei Silesiae, ser. A, Opava]
Rozšíření a bionomie Acanthocinus griseus (Fabricius, 1792) ve Slezsku a na severní Moravě
(Col., Cerambycidae). [Distribution and biology of Acanthocinus griseus (Fabricius, 1792) in Silesia
and northern Moravia (Col., Cerambycidae).]
---1938, 18: 1-42, Bulletin de la Société de Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc
Localisations nouvelles ou intéressantes de coléopteres marocains.
---1938, 18 (2): 80-117, Bulletin de la Société de Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc
Localisations nouvelles ou intéressantes de coléopteres marocains.
---1953, 7: 1-142, Travaux de l´Institut Scientifique Chérifien, série zoologie
Localisations nouvelles ou intéressantes de coléopteres marocains.
---1954, 2: 1-281, Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien (sér. gén.) (et REYMOND A.)
Entomologie. In: Les Hamada sud marocaines.
/ Entomologie - pp. 191-257 /
c--1956, 22 (7): 123-126, Bulletin de la Société de Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc
Formes marocaines de Polyarthron pectinicornis F.(1)
/ Polyarthron pectnicornis ssp. filali, ssp. reymondi - ssp.n. /
c--1958, 24 (19): 1-172, Travaux de l´Institut Scientifique Chérifien
Catalogue commenté des coléopteres du Maroc. Phytophages, Fasc. VIII:13
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e - pp. 7-41; 95 sp. /
---1964, 30: 1-200, Travaux de l´Institut Scientifique Chérifien
Catalogue commenté des coléopteres du Maroc. X. Addenda et corrigenda. Tables.
---1969, 34: 1-132, Travaux de l´Institut Scientifique Chérifien
Catalogue commenté des coléopteres du Maroc.
fasc. X bis: Nouveaux addenda et corrigenda.
(Köhler f.)
---1998, Beiheft 4: 1-185, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte (Dresden)
Verzeichnis der Käfer Deutschlands. Entomofauna Germanica.
*KOIDE Yuiti
---1974, 9 (12): 2-4, Kontyu
The Lepidoptera and Cerambycidae in China.
*KOIKE Hiroshi
c--1971, 23 (1): 25-26, Ent. Rev. Japan
A new species of Lepturinae genus Pidonia Mulsant from Japan (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Pidonia (P.) hayashii - sp.n. - JP /
c°--1937, : 401-403, Kontyu
A List of Longicorn Beetles from Yokohama-City (First Report).
---1960, (No. 10): Gensei
Ecological studies of the family Cerambycidae as found in Japan.
Food--plants of Japanese Cerambycidae
(et OKABE M. )
o--1969, i + I-XXIV + 1-295, 56 pls., Hoikusha Publishing, Osaka
Insects' Life of Japan, Vol. 1, Longicorn Beetles
---1970, Res. Rep. Kochi Univ. 18, Agr. Sc. 9: 81-108 (in Japanese)
Morphological studies of the crambycid pupae in Japan (part 1
---1980, (Nos. 38-39): 29-53, Gensei
[A supplement of food-plants of cerambycid-larvae.]
---1986, 366 pp., Hiba Society of Natural History, Hiroshima (In Jap.)
[Food Plants of Cerambycid Beetles (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) in Japan.]
---1996,(N°68): 3-5, Gensei
[A catalogue of the Japanese cerambycid species of which larvae and pupae are described (2).]
*KOJIMA Toshibumi
o--1929, 10 (2): 101-128, pl. 6, Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University of Tokyo
Immature Stages of Some Japanese Cerambycid-beetles, with Notes on their Habits.
o--1931, 11 (3): 263-308, pl. 17, Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University of Tokyo
Further Investigation Immature Stages of Some Japanese Cerambycid-beetles, with Notes on their Habits.
---1884, 10: 237-250, Ent. Nachrichte
Die Entwicklungsstadien der Rhagium-Arten und des Rhamnusium salicis, nebst einer
vergleichend-systematischen Untersuchung der Larven und Imagines dieser Gattungen und ihrer Species.
---1886, 52 (1):139-240, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Coleopteren-Fauna Koreas, Arbeit at auf Grund der von Herr Dr. C. Gottsche
während der Jahre 1883 und 1884 in Korea veranstalteten Sammlung; nebst Bemerkungen über die
zoogeographischen Verhältnisse dieses Faunengebiets und Untersuchungenüber einen Sinnesapparat im
Gaumen von Misolampidius morio.
---1893, 54: 59-80, 241-290, Entomologische Zeitung, entomologischen Vereine zu Stettin
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Longicornier (Coleoptera).
---1894, 1-3 (55): 3-11, Entomologische Zeitung, entomologischen Vereine zu Stettin
Ueber einige neue, von Herrn J. Fruhstorfer auf Java entdeckte Coleopteren.
---1894, 54: , Stett. ent. Ztg
/ aureicornis - sp.n. - p. 281 (=Discolops strigicollis)
---1908, 5: ????, Zs. Wiss. Insektenbiol..
Mein System der Coleopteren
c°--???, : 235-276,
Die Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) Oberösterreichs mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Grossraumes von Linz.
/ Cerambycidae - F:AT /
---1920, Tomus XXXIV. Fasciculus I. Petrograd: 1-192, Acta Horti Petropolitani
Les itinéraires botaniques des principales expéditions russes en Asie Centrale. Livre premieres.
Itinéraires de N.M. Przevalski. (1876-1899).
---1928, Tomus XXXIV. Fasciculus II. Leningrad: 201-404. Acta Horti Petropolitani. [in Russian]
Les itinéraires botaniques des principales expéditions russes en Asie Centrale.
Livre second. Itinéraires de G.N. Potanine (1876-1899).
(??=Komiya Ziro)
---1976, 4 (2): 31-34, Elytra
(in Japanese)
[Description of a new species allied to Chlorophorus boninensis Kano
from the Bonin Islands (Cerambycidae).]
/ Chlorophorus kobayashii – sp.n. – JP: Bonin Isls. /
---1980, 7: 33-34, Elytra
Description of a new species of Clytini from Tottori Prefecture (Cerambycidae).
/ Cyrtoclytus monticallisus - sp.n. - JP /
c--1985, pp. 368-375, In: The Longicorn-beetles of Japan in Color, Kodansha
---1997, N°311: 4-8, Gekan-Mushi
[Study of the genus Asaperda Bates, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) especially
on the agapanthina species group 1.]
---1997, N°312: 10-16, Gekan-Mushi
[Study of the genus Asaperda Bates, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) especially
on the agapanthina species group 2.]
---1997, N°313: 13-19, Gekan-Mushi
[Study of the genus Asaperda Bates, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) especially
on the agapanthina species group 3.]
---1997, N°314: 18-23, Gekan-Mushi
[Study of the genus Asaperda Bates 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) especially
on the agapanthina species group 4.]
o--1997, 25 (1): 39-44, Elytra
A new genus and species of the subfamily Prioninae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Vietnam.
/ Vietetropis viridis - gen. et sp.n. - VN (Prioninae) /
o--1999, 27 (1): 55-60, Elytra
A new species and a new record of the genus Megopis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from Myanmar and Thailand.
/ Megopis (Aegosoma) kusamai - sp.n. - BU,TH
M. (Dinoprionus) cephalotes - first record - BU /
o--2000, 28 (2): 419-427, Elytra
Two new species of the genus Megopis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Thailand and Vietnam,
with notes on Megopis pici Lameere and Megopis annamensis Pic.
/ Megopis (Aegosoma) katsurai - sp.n. - VN,TH
M. (Aegosoma) cuneicornis - sp.n. - TH /
o--2000, N°354: 2-7, Gekan-Mushi
Notes on Xixuthrus heros and its allied species with description of e new species
(Col., Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ X. granulipennis - sp.n. - Irian-Jaja
Xixuthrus sp. - fc; Omotagus; Xaurus - sp. .... /
---2001, No 359: 16-20, Gekkan-Mushi
Colored species in the subfamily Prioninae of the world (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Erythraenus borneensis, Megopis metallica - descr. males - MY:Sabah /
o--2001, 101 (4/1): 537-540, fig., Lambillionea
(et DRUMONT Alain)
Descriptions of a new genus and species of Macrotomini from Borneo (Col., Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ Pingblax rufescens - gen. et sp.n. - Eastern Borneo (MY, ID) /
o--2001, 29 (1): 33-40, Elytra
Two new species of the genus Megopis (Coleoptera, Cerambycide) from Indosnesia and Malaysia.
/ Megopis babai - sp.n. - ID
kalimantana - sp.n. - MY /
o--2001, 29 (2): 298-303, Elytra
A New Species of the Genus Bandar (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) from Malaysia,
with Notes on Bandar khooi Hayshi.
/ B. kurosawai - sp.n. - MY
B. khooi - stat.n. - MY /
o--2001, 29 (2): 391-400, Elytra
(et DRUMONT Alain)
Description of a New Prioninae Genus Intermediate between Megopis and Eurypoda (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Prioninae) from Indochina and Borneo.
/ Rhineimegopis rugicollis - gen. et sp.n. - TH, review /
o--2001, N°359: 16-20, Gekan Mushi
[Colored species in the subfamily Prioninae of the world (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ colored photos - 24 sp. Prioninae - Oriental + Neotropical. reg.
Megopis metallica, Erythraenus borneensis - description of male /
o--2001, N°376: 28-33, Gekan-Mushi
[African prionids with big mandible (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Mallodn, Notophysis, Cantharocnemis etc. - 22 colored snaps /
o--2001, N°366: 29-37, Gekan-Mushi
Prionine cerambycid beetles with degenerate hind wings of the world (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Psalidosphryon - gen.n.; Empjhiesmenus, Prionacarus, Prionallus etc. /
o--2001, N°1: 343-345, SUKUNAHIKONA, Special Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society
A new species of the genus Megopis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Borneo with notes
on Megopis ossea Aurivillius, 1897.
/ M. (Aegosoma) annulicornis - sp.n. - ID: Borneo, Sabah /
o--2002, 30 (1): 219-234, Elytra
A synopsis of the Prionine Cerambycid of the genus Megobaralipton, new status (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,
Prioninae). (Revisional studies of the genus Meopis sensu Lameere, 1909-1).
/ Megobaralipton gen. - stat. n. - key, snaps - M. ithoi - sp.n. - MY /
---2003, N°376: 28-33, Gekan-Mushi
African prionids with big mandible (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2003, N°384: 30-36, Gekan-Mushi
Prioninae cerambycid beetles of small islands of the world (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ clored snaps - 20 sp. - Prioninae
Eurypoda boninensis, E. unicolor, E. antennata ...... /
o--2003, N°389: 19-27, Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the genus Psalidognathus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Psalidognathus Gray, 1831 - 29 colored snaps, list /
o--2003, 31 (1): 43-54, Elytra
Notes on the genus Baralipton (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with the description of a new species.
(Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-2)
/ Baralipton Thomson, 1857 - rev., key, snaps - B. chewoum - sp.n. - MY)
o---2003, 31 (2): 307-320, Elytra
Description of a new genus close to Baralipton (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Ziglipton - gen. n. - 5 sp. (3 sp.n.)
Ziglipton jirouxi, Z. drumonti, Z. marieae - sp.n. - PH,MYi /
c°--2004, N°398: 2-11, figs 1-39, Gekan-Mushi
(et DRUMONT Alain)
Notes on the Japanese species of Prionus (Col., Cerambycidae), and the related species from continental Asia.
/ Prionus insularis ssp. insularis, yakushimanus, tetanicus - distribution /
---2004, 32 (1): 187-193, Elytra
Notes on the genus Aerogrammus Gahan, with description of a new species (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Prioninae). (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909 - 4).
/ AEROGRAMMUS - revision - A. hefferni - sp.n. - Sumatra /
c°--2004, 32 (1): 195-199, Elytra
(et DRUMONT Alain)
Supplement to the genus Ziglipton (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae), with description of
a new species from the Philippines. (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909 - 5).
/ Zigilipton huedepohli - sp.n. - PH: Panay Is. /
---2004, 32 (2): 421-424, Elytra
A new prionine genus erected for Aegosoma metallicum Aurivillius (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Prioninae) (Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-6).
---2004, 33 (1): 149-181, Elytra
A synopsis of the prionine genus Aegolipton, new status (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
(Revisional studies of the genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-7).
o--2005, 105, suppl.. 4: 1-15, figs, Lambillionea
A taxonomic revision of the genus Gnathonyx Gahan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ GNATHONYX - 4 sp.n. + 1 ssp.n. - New Guinea /
---2005, 408: 26-30, 14 fig., Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the genus Psephactus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), and a new species
of that genus from East Malaysia.
c°--2006, 11 (1): 13-20, Entomologia Africana
Additional notes of Platygnathus sechellarum Aurivillius, 1922 from the Philippines
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
o--2007, 35 (1): 345-384, Elytra
(et DRUMONT Alain)
A Synopsis of the Genus Spinmegopis stat. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
(Revisional Studies of the Genus Megopis sensu Lameere, 1909-8)
/ SPINMEGOPIS - stat. n. - genus
Spinmegopis kachina, fujitai, delahayei, hua, curticornis - sp.n. Spinmegopis formosana tamdaoana - ssp.n. - VN /
(König Eugen)
c--1899, pp. 339-403, Tiflis
In: Radde. G.: Die Sammlungen des Kaukasischen Museums. 1,
Coleoptera Caucasica
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 393-397 /
c°--1901, 20 (1-2): 9-10, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Erster Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Kaukasus
/ Dorcadion Kalinowskyi - sp.n. - GG: Sekarpasse /
c°--1906, 25 (1): 23-27, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Dritter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des Kaukasus
/ Phytoecia suworowi - sp.n. - Kars-Gebiet - TR /
*KONO Hiromichi
c--1936, 11 (1-2): 28-35, Insecta Matsumurana
Die Cerambyciden aus den Kurilen (Col.). (Achter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Käferfauna der Kurilen).
---1933, 1 (2): 75-104, Biogeographica
Die Käfer-Fauna vom Daisetsu Gebirge.
---1981, : 53-61,Fauna i ekolog.nazem.chlenistonog. Sibiri,Irkutsk
K faune usachei (Col., Cerambycidae) okrestenostej Krasnojarska.
(Konvička Ondřej)
c°--2007, 19: 257, Práce a Stududie Muzea Beskyd (Přír. Vědy)
(et ŠKORPÍK Martin)
Nález tesaříka Poecilium glabratum (Coleopera: Cerambycidae) po více než 60 letech
[Record of long-horned beetle Poecilium glabratum (Coleopera: Cerambycidae) after more than 60 years]
*KORBEL Ladislav
---1951, pp. 150, 4 pl., Slovenská akademie vied a umení, Bratislava
Coleoptera Svätojurského šúru. Prírodná rezervácia.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : 40 sp. - F:SK /
c°--1967, 12: 115-153, Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae, Zoologia
Coleoptera význačných biotopov v nížině pod Vihorlatom.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e - F:SK /
---1985, 55: 73-77, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
The biology of Nathrius brevipennis (Muls.) in Poland.
*KOSIOR Andrzej
---1999, 55 (1): 79-84, Chronmy Orzyrode Ojcysta
Nadobnica alpejska Rosalia alpina (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) w Magurskim Parku Narodowym
na tle jej rozmieszczenia w Polsce.
[The cerambycid beetle Rosalia alpina (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) in the Magurski National Park
on the basis of its distribution in Poland.]
Drovoseki (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Vostochnogo Kazakhstana.
c--1973, Nauka, Alma-Ata, 288 pp.
Zhuki-dendrofagi Kazachstana (Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Ipidae).
/in Russian /
[The dendrophagous Beetles of Kazakhstan . (Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Ipidae).]
c--1974, 53 (3): 647-650, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Two new species of the Longicorn Beetles from Kazakhstan.]
/ Asias galusoi, Xylotrechus arnoldii - sp.n. - KA /
c--1978, 57 (3): 596-605, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
(in Russian)
[Beetles of the genus Agapanthia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Kazakhstan. A draft revised
/ A. altaica songarica , A. altaica tarbagataica – ssp.n.
Agapanthia – new syn. /
---1986, pp. 227-229, In: Gvozdev E.V. (Ed.) - Rare species of animals of Kazakhstan.
Nauka, Alma Ata. pp. 1-246
[On rare species of cerambycid and buprestid beetles (Cerambycidae, Buprestidae).]
§§§*KOVACS Tibor
c--1989, 14: 125-127, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
A Phytoecia scutellata FABR. tápnovvénye és életmódja (Col., Cerambycidae)
[Food plant and way of life of Phytoecia scutellata Fabr.].
---1989, 14: 129-131, illustr., Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (et HEGYESSY G.)
A new habitat of Necydalis major L. in Hungary and its way of life.
---1992, 17: 125-127, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (in Hungarian) (et HEGYESSY G.)
Új és ritka Magyarország cincérfaunájában (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[New and rare species in the long-horned beetles fauna of Hungary.]
---1993, 17: 181-188, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
Kisterenye és környéke cincérfaunája (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1993, 18: 69-73, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
Három melegkedvelö tölgyes Cerambycidae faunájának összehasonlítása.
[Comparison of the Cerambycidae faunae of three warm-liking oak forests.]
---1994, 19: 137-164, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
A Mátra Múzeum bogárgyüjteménye, Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
---1995, 56: 57-67, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
Data to the long-horned beetle fauna of Szigetköz, Mosoni-Síkság and Ésyak-Hanság (Hungary)
(Col., Cerambycidae). [Data to the long-horned beetle fauna of Szigetkoz, Mosoni-siksag
and Eszak-Hansag (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1995, 20: 163-173, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (in Hungar.) (et KOVACS T.I.)
Két év eredményei Kisterenye és környéke cincérfaunájának vizsgálatában (Col., Cerambycidae).
[Results of two year's examination of the longhorn beetle fauna of Kisterenye and its vicinity
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1995, 20: 175-184, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (in Hungar.) (et HEGYESSY G., SOLTESZ G.)
Debrecen és környéke cincérfaunája (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
The longhorn beetle fauna of Debrecen and its surroundings (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1995, 20: 185-197, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (in Hungar.) (et HEGYESSY G.)
Magyarorsszágy cincér tápnövények (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Food plants of Hungarian longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1997, 58: 63-72, Folia entomologica hungarica
Magyarorszagi cincerek tapnoveny - és lelohelyadatai (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[Food-plants and locality data of Hungarian longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
c--1998 (1997), 22: 203-222, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (et HEGYESSY G.)
A Mátra cincérfaunája (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1998(1997), 22: 247-255, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
Magyaroszági cincérek tápnövény - és lelöhelyadatai II. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
[Food-plants and locality data of Hungarian longhorn beetles 2. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
---1999(1998), 23: 333-339, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (et HEGYESSY G., MEDVEGY M.)
[Foodplant data of longhorn beetles from Europe (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
---1999, pp. 255-264, In: Mahunka, S. [Ed.]. The fauna of the Aggtelek National Park. Volume I.
Natural History of the National Parks of Hungary 10. Hungarian Natural History Museum,
Budapest. 1999: 1-371. Chapter pagination: 255-264.
(et HEGYESSY Gábor)
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Aggtelek National Park.
c°--2000, 24: 205-220, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis (et MUSKOVITS J., HEGYESSY G.)
[Food-plants and locality data of Hungarian longhorn beetles III. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
c°--2001, 1: 213-220, Natura Somogyiensis, Kaposvár
(et HEGYESSY Gábor, BORSOS Sándor)
Somogy megye cincéreinek katalógusa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[Checklist of the longhorn beetle fauna of Somogy county (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)].
c°--2003, 27: 197-209, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
(et HEGYESSY Gábor)
A Felsö-Tisza-vidék es Bátorliget cincérfaunája (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[The longhorn beetle fauna of the Upper-Tisza Region and Batorliget (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
c°--2004, pp. 2-26, KvVM Természetvédelmi Hivatal, Fajmegörzési Tervek
Atracélcicér (Pilemia tigrina)
/ Pilemia tigrina - biology /
c°--2007, 31: 149-151, Folia Historico naturalia Musei Matranensis
Data to the long-horned beetle fauna of Burgenland, Austria (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae: 47 sp. - F:AT /
---1960, Vyp. 11: 153-167, Scientific notes of I.Ya. Yakovlev Chuvashian State Pedagogical Institute,
(in Russian)
(et OLIGER I.M.)
[To the study of the Coleoptera fauna of Chuvashia ASSR.]
---1902, 7: XX-XXXVIII, Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences
de St.-Pétersbourg
(in Russian)
[Itinéraire de l’expédition au Tibet 1899-1901, enterprise sous les auspices de la Société Impériale
Russe de Géographie et sous le commendement du Lieut. P.K. Kozlov].
---1905, 1(1): 1-256, 3 maps, Archives of the expedition of Imp. Russ. Geogr. Soc. made in 1899-1901
with the leadership of P.K. Kozlov
(in Russian)
[Along Mongolia to the borders of Tibet. Mongolia and Kam.]
---1923, pp. 678, 4 maps, State Publishing House. Moscow-Petrograd (in Russian)
[Mongolia and Amdo and dead city Khara-Khoto. Expedition of Russian Geographical Society
to the mountain Asia of P.K. Kozlov – a honorary member of R.G.S. 1907-1909.]
(Kraatz Gustav Ernst)
---1859, 3: 52-57, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
In: Schaum - Beitrag zur europäischen Käferfauna.
Tetrops nigra (bona sp.)
c--1859, 3: 96-98, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Über Leptura unipunctata und Verwandte.
---1862, 6: 121-126, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber neu aufgefundene Arten von Krüper.
---1862, 6: 351-357, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Revision der franzosischen Dorcadion-Arten.
c--1863, 7: 96-98, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Über einige zum Theil neue Cerambyciden-Gattungen.
c--1863, 7: 99-100, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Cyamophtalmus ferrugineus eine neue eropäische Cerambyciden-Gattung.
---1863, 7: 100-105, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die Arten der Bockkäfer-Gattung Stenopterus Ol. und Verwandte.
c--1863, 7: 106, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Tetropium Kirby (Criomorphus Muls.).
c--1863, 7: 106-107, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Criocephalus Mulsant.
---1863, 7: 108, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Über Hesperophanes Mulsant.
---1863, 7: 108, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Über Nothorhina Redtb.
c--1863, 7: 405-410, Fig. 2-4, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Varietäten von Clytus-Arten
c--1863, 7: 411-412, Fig. 5, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion formosum n. sp.
c--1863, 7: 413-415, Fig. 6a-d, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Abbildung eines deutschen Pärchens von Xylosteus Spinolae Friv.
---1863, 7: 444-445, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen.
c--1864, 8: 389-390, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Clytus bruckii n. sp.
/ = Paraclytus sexguttatus Ad. /
c--1864, 8: 390-391, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Clytus heydeni Stierl.
---1868, : 331-338,
Ueber deutsche Käferarten.
c--1869, : 335-336, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen über einige Dorcadion-Arten.
---1869, : 419-424, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Aufzählung der neu beschreibenen Arten (zum Theil warscheinlich in Deutschland einheimisch)
in Thomson's Scandinaviens Coleoptera Tom IX, X.
---1870, : 219-220, 1 plt., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Clytus sternii, eine neue deutsche Bockäfer-Art.
---1870, 14: 271-272, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen.
---1870, 14(1): 405-410, plt.3., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Varietäten von Clytus-Arten.
c--1870, 14: 411-412, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion formosum n. sp.
c--1870, 14: 413-415, pl. 3., fig. 6, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Abbildung eines deutschen Pärchens von Xylosteus spinolae Friv.
---1871, 6: 393-400, Abeille
Sur quelques genres de Cerambycides en partie nouveaux.
c--1872, : 319-320, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Criocephalus epibata Schioedte.
---1873, 17: 202, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Über Xylosteus gracilis nov. sp.
---1873, 17: 429-434, 1 plt., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Beschreibungen difformer oder sogenannter monströser Käfer.
---1873, 29. Heft : 1-101, Nürnberg
In: Küster H.C. - Die Käfer Europa's. Nach der Natur beschreiben, im Anschluss
an die Käfer Europa´s von Dr. H.C. Küster.
---1873, 29. Heft : 36, Nürnberg In: Küster H.C. - Die Käfer Europa´s.
Dorcadion humerale Gebler, 1823.
c--1876, 20: 286-288, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschschrift
Ueber die Bockkäfer-Gattung Phytoecia.
---1876, 20(2): 319-320, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
"Anmerkung" to the article by L. V. Heyden: "Die Cortodera (Muls.) und Grammoptera (Serv.) Arten"
c--1876, 20(2): 344, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Zwei neue Grammoptera-Arten.
/ Gr. (Cortodera) frivaldskyi - sp.n. - HU
Gr. rufipes - sp.n. - Smyrna /
---1876, 20: 377-378, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Noch einige Beschreibungen von Defformitäten bei Käfern.
---1876, 20: 379, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber einen Heilipus aus Peru mit fandenförmigen Pilzen.
---1876, 20: 380, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Zahl der deutschen Phytoecia-Arten.
---1877, 21: 55-63, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Weitere Bemerkungen zu den auf Tafel I. N°II. Fig. 1-33 abgebildeten Körpentheilen missgebildeter Käfer.
---1877, 21: 422, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Cortodera beckeri Desbrochers.
---1878, 22(1): 219-221, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Zwei neue sibirische Dorcadion.
---1878, 22(1): 221, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Dorc. acutispinum Motsch. und rufifrons Motsch. Bull. Ac. Petrop. I. 1860 p. 310 u. 311.
c--1879, : 63- , Zeitschrift für Entomologie Bresl.
Letzneria, eine neue europäische Bockkäfer-Gattung,.
c--1879, 23(1): 65-75, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die Verwandten der Bockkäfer-Arten Pachyta interrogationis L. und variabilis Gebl.
c--1879, 23: 77-117, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Über die Bockkäfer Ost-Sibiriens, namentlich die von Christoph am Amur gesammelten.
/ Pidonia alticollis malthinoides - var.n.
c--1879, 23: 118, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die mit der Bockkäfer-Gattung Xylosteus verwandten, zum Theil neuen Genera
---1879, 23: 169, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Synonymische Bemerkungen.
c--1879, 23: 227-228, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die Bockkäfer Ostsibiriens.
c--1879, 23: 228, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Pidonia spectabilis nov. spec.?
c--1879, 23: 279-280, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die Bockkäfer-Gattung Fallacia Muls.
---1879, 23: 398-400, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Ballion's Verzeichnis der im Kreise Kuldscha gesammelten Käfer.
---1879, 23: 417, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Kleinere Mittheilungen - Von Pahyta lamed Linné.
---1880, 24: 339-345, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Mischbildungen von Insecten.
---1880, 24: 375-376, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Leptura rufa Brullé und Verwndte.
c--1881, 25: 63-64, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber die europäischen Criocephalus-Arten.
---1881, 25: 335, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion turkestanicum Kraatz n. sp.
c--1881, 25: 336, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Zur Synonymie der Clytus-Arbeiten.
---1882, 26 (2): 196, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion cribricolle Kraatz n. sp.
o--1882, 26 (2): 297-338, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift !!....see HEYDEN L. 1882
/ Clytus bicallosus, Agapanthia detrita, soror,
Phytoecia circumdata, ochraceipennis,cinerascens – sp.n. – Samarkand /
c--1884, 28: 231-234, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Käfer-Arten aus Malatia im südlichen Kleinasien.
/ Mallosia ganglbaueri - sp.n. - Malatia, südl. Kleinasien
Dorcadion simile - sp.n. - 1m - Malatia, südl. Kleinasien /
c°--1882, 1: 298-300, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ueber einige von Tournier beschreiben Dorcadien.
/ Dorcadion immersum, nodicorne, abeillei Tournier, 1872 /
c°--1883, 2: 276, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Phytoecia volgensis sp.n.
---1886, 30: 47-48, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Zahl der deutschen Arten der Gattung Cerambyx Linné.
---1886, !!--------- see LEDER H.
In: Radde G.: Fauna und Flora des südwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes
F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, pp. 89-235,
In: Leder H. - Die Coleopteren des Talysch-Gebietes
/ Cerambycidae: pp. 167-172, 232-235
Grammoptera ustulata tibialis - var. n. - IR
Gr. ruficornis obscuricornis - var. n. - IR /
c--1887, 31 (2): 296, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
(Notice) Asemum tenuicorne.
(see Ganglbauer1887)
c°--1887, 6: 298-300, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zu Herrn Dr. A. Fleischer’s coleopterologischen Artikeln in der Wien. Entomol. Zeitung,
Jahrg. 1887, VIII. Heft.
---1888, 32 (2): 334, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Vernichtung der Lebbach-Bäume durch Xystrocera globosa Ol.
---1891, 35 (2): 390, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Xylotrechus (Clytus) pantherinus Saven.
---1892, 36 (1): 173-174, 1 plt., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Varietäten des Dorcadion equestre Laxman.
---1893, 37 (1): 70, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion equestre Laxm. var. quadrisignatum Krtz.
c--1894, 38 (2): 299-301, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion cervae Friv., cylindraceum Reitter und hybridum Gangl. sin Varietäten des fulvum Scop.
---1896, 40 (1): 153, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Ueber Bolbotritus Bainesi Bates, eine auffalende Bockkäfergattung.
---1896, 40 (1): 154-156, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Cyrtocerus, neue ostafrikanische Prioniden-Gattung.
---1900, 44 (2): 465-469, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neuere Literatur - Quer durch Klein-Asien in den Bulghar-dagh. Eine naturwissenschaftliche
Studien-Reise von Hauptmann E. v. Bodemeyer.
(Kratochvíl J.)
o--1985, 46 (1): 65-71, Folia Entomologica Hungarica
Three new species of the Family Cerambycidae (Col.) from Soviet Central Asia.
/ Turanium hladili - sp.n. - UZ
Chlorophorus hrabovskyi . sp.n. - TK
Agapanthia alaiensis - sp.n. - KI /
o--1985, (167): 1-7, Annotationes zoologicae et botanicae, Bratislava
Two new european species of Cerambycidae (Coleopt.)
/ Eupogonocherus creticus - sp.n. - GR:Cr
Agapanthia pannonica - sp.n. - Em /
o--1989, (?91): 1-4, Annotationes zoologicae et botanicae, Bratislava
A new species of Oberea (Col., Cerambycidae) from Europe.
/ Oberea moravica sp.n. /
(Krätschmer E.O.)
---1966, 12: 129-133, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Megopis scabricornis (Col., Cerambycidae), 2.
o--1985, 95 (3): 24-27, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine neuer Maculatodorcadion. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadion-Fauna Anatoliens
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
/ D. (Maculatodorcadion) wolfi - sp.n. - TR /
o--1987, 97 (23): 337-340, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dorcadion-Fauna Griechenlands und der Türkei (Col.:Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
/ D. sapkaianum - sp.n. - GR
D. olympicum flavosuturale - ssp.n. - TR /
c--1989, 1-13 + 1-10, Eigenverlag Delta-Druck-Peks
(et PEKS H. )
Tribus Dorcadionini. Systematische Artenübersicht mit Publikationsdaten.
---1945, 8 (1): Entomologické listy (Folia entomologica)
Cerambycidae na Domžlicku a Kdyňsku.
---1967, 1: 39-42, 6 tab., Sborník Západočeského Muzea, Plzeň, Přírodověda
Tesaříkovití (Cerambycidae) Chodska.
---1992, 88 (2-3): 160, Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik de Käfer
Zwei bemerkenswerte Funde aus dem Nationalpark „Hohe Tatra“ (Elateridae, Cerambycidae).
/ Cortodera flavimana, Denticollis interpositus /
---1915, 80A (11): 11-115, 24.fig., Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin
Die Gattung Batocera Cast. systematisch u. phylogenetisch-tiergeographisch betrachtet (Coleopt. Cerambyc.).
---1920, 85A (5): 192-198, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin
Neue Batoceriden (Col. Ceramb.)
---1924, : 285-290, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Berlin
Zur kenntnis der lamiinen (Col. Ceramb.)
---1924, : 291, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Berlin
Ein neuer dorcadionine von Borneo (Col. Ceramb.).
---1928, : 45-45, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Berlin
Neue Lamiinen-Rassen (Col. Ceramb.).
---1936, 32: 66-69, Entomologische Blätter
Neue indoaustralischen Lamiinen.
---1940, 36: 115-117, Entomologische Blätter
Neue malaio-papuanische Lamiinen (Col. Longic.).
---1832, T. 5: 69-179, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Enumeratio Coleopterorum Rossicae meridionales et praecipus in Universitatis in Caesareae Charcovoiensis
circulo obvenientium, que annorum 1827-1831 spatio observavit.
/ Axinopalpis gracilis - sp.n.
---1834, T. 7: 166-173, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Enumeratio Coleopterorum Rossicae meridionales et praecipus in Universitatis in Caesareae Charcovoiensis
circulo obvenientium, que annorum 1827-1831 spatio observavit.
---1993, 24 (1): 85-88, Entomological Problems
Remarks to the longhorn and click beetles communities of three host plants in the area of Orava
and Polana (Slovakia).
---1961, 67 (3): 300-314, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Fauna usachey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) ostrova Sakhalina.
---1966, Forest Ins.-Pests Far East: 43-63
(in Russian)
[Fauna of Coleoptera, Cerambycidae of Southern Kuriles.]
c°--1973, 315 pp., Nauka, Leningrad
Entomofauna Kurilskikh ostrovov
---1984, (8): 35-39, Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly Biologicheskie Nauki
On the role of Aeolesthes sarta in the fruit-trees plantings of Turkmenia
---1985, No. 5: 34-39, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Ser. biologicheskikh nauk (et TOGKAEV T.)
Formation of stem insects complexes on irrigation lands in Kopetdag piedmonts.
---1987, pp. 118-135,
In: Pravdin, F.N. [Ed.] - Soobshchestva ksilofilnykh nasekomykh v usloviyakh izbytochnogo
uvlazheniya. [Xylophilic insect communities under flood conditions.] Nauka, Moscow. 1-135
Drovoseki roda Monochamus Guérin v lesach taezhnoi zony.
---1974, pp. 139-157, Nauka, Leningrad,
In: Nasekomye i kleshchi-vrediteli sel'skokhozyaystvennykh kul'tur.
Semeistvo Cerambycidae – Drovoseki ili usachi
c--1962, 41 (3): 692-698, Entomologichesko Obozrenie
(Plavilstshikov's box !!!)
Pamjati N.N. Plavilstshikova (1892 - 1962)
/ Bibliography N.N.Plavilstshikov - 133 articles /
---1992, 11 (1): 60, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
[A new localitty of Axinoplalpis gracilis (Krynicki, 1832) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Poland.]
---1931, 5 (1): 5-6, Monitor Int. Protect. Plantes
Insectes nuisibles en Cyrénaique.
*KRUMMEN Heinrich
---1997, 59 (4): 133-145, Abhandlungen aus dem westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde
Die phytophage Kaferfauna (Coleoptera: Elateridae, Scarabaeidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae,
Curculionoidea) einer Agrarlandschaft im Emsland.
*KRUMPAL Miroslav
(Krumpál M.)
---1982, 17: 83-105, Etomologické Problémy /Entomological Problems/
Príspevok k ekológii fuzačov (Col., Cerambycidae)
(et GAJDOŠ P.)
o--1951, 48: 37-43, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Tesařík Cerambyx scopolii Füssl. a jeho larva jako škůdci ovocných stromů.
[Cerambyx scopolii Füssl. et ses larve comme destructeurs des arbes fruitiers (Col., Ceramb.)]
---1992, 11 (2): ,Wiadomosci Entomologiczne, Poznaň
(in Polish)
[Longhorn beetles fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Beskid Niski Mts.]
---1974a, N°17-18: 5, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes onthe genus Pidonia in Japan (1).
(In Japan.)
---1974b, N°19-20: 3-4, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (2).
---1974c, N°21-22: 6, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (3).
---1974d, N°23-24: 5, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (4).
---1975a, N°25-26: 5-7, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (5).
---1975b, N°27-28: 7-8, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (6).
---1975c, N°29-30: 6, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (7).
---1975d, N°31-32: 11-12, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
Notes on the genus Pidonia in Japan (8).
---1977, 30 (1-2): 31-34, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of the genus Pidonia from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae ).
/ P. (Pidonia) paradiscicola – sp.n. – TW: Nantou Hsien (cl. P. maculithorax) /
c°--1977, 45 (1): 64-77, Kontyu
Vertical distribution of some phylogenetically related species of the genus Pidonia (Col., Ceramb.),
with description of two new species.
c°--1977, 45 (2): 264-270, Kontyu
Two New Species of the Genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Japan.
/ Pidonia (Pidonia) sylvicola; P. hamadryas – sp.n. - JP /
---1977, 26: 15-24, New Entomologist (NWEN)
Biological survey of the Pidonia-species (Col., Cerambycidae) in Nakamata-zawa, Gunma Prefecture,
Japan with special refernce to the vertical distribution and flower visiting habits. (in Jap.)
c°--1978, 46: 297-301, Kontyu
(et SUZUKI K.)
A new species of the genus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from Honshu, Japan.
/ Pidonia (Pidonia) lyra – sp.n. /
---1978, 6 (1): 33-35, Elytra
A new aspecies of the genus Pidonia from Shikoku, Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ P. (Pidonia) leucanthophila –sp.n. – JP: Higashi-Akaishi Mts. /
---1978, 32 (1-2): , Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan 2. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ P. (Pidonia) meridionalis – sp.n. – TW: Tsifeng
P. (Mumon) formosana Tamanuki et Mitono, 1938 – st.n. (P. debilis formosana) /
---1979, 28 (3-4): 72-77, New Entomologist
Vertical distribution ofbthe Longhorn beetles of the genus Pidonia in the Valley Shimashima-dani,
Nagano Prefecture (Col., Cerambycidae)
(in Jap.)
c°--1979, 47 (2): 196-203, Kontyu
Studies on the vertical distribution of Pidonia-species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Shikoku, Japan.
c°--1979, 47 (3): 249-257, Kontyu
A taxonomic revision of the puziloi - group of Pidonia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Japan.
/ Pidonia (Omphalodera) testacea (Matsushita, 1933) – st.n.- (P.(O.) puziloi testacea)
c--1980, 7 (2): 23-27, Elytra (In Japanese, English summary)
[Notes on the endophallus in some longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). I. Five lepturine species]
---1980, 30 (2): 133-143, Jap. Jour. Ecol.
Zkoumání zvláštností naletování na květy tesaříku rodu Pidonia.
---1980, 34 (1-2): 53-61, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, 3, (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Pidonia (Mumon) amabilis – sp.n. –TW
P. (M.) formosissima – sp.n. – TW
P. (Mumon) binigrosignata Hayashi, 1974 (transf. from Pidonia s.str.) /
---1980, 29 (1): 1-9, New Entomologist
Taxonomy and vertical distribution of the matsushitai-group of the lepturinae genus Pidonia
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia (P) matsushita Ohbayashi, 1958, P.(P) shikokuana Hayashi, 1968 - redescr., key /
---1980, 29 (3): 69-75, New Entomologist
Notes on the female genitalia in some Parandrinae and Prioninae.
---1980, 29 (1): 1-9, New Entomologist
Taxonomy and vertical distribution of the matsushitai-group of the lepturine genus Pidonia(Col.,Cer.)
o°--1981, 49 (4): 525-541, Kontyu
Study on the Lepturine Genus Pidonia Mulsant (Col., Cerambycidae), I
---1981, 9 (2): 59-64, Elytra
[Notes on the female genitalia in some lepturine (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
c--1981, 9 (2): 75-78, Elytra
[Notes on the endophallus in some longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). II. Endophalus
of Pidonia insuturata group.]
c°--1982, 50 (1): 1-9, Kontyu
A taxonomic revision of the alticollis group of the genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from Japan and its adjacent regions.
/Pidonia (Pidonia) neglecta – sp.n. – JP
P. (P.) discoidalis Pic, 1901 (= P. muneaka amagisana Hayashi, 1969,
(= P. muneaka tamanukii Hayashi, 1969)
P. (P.) shikokensis Chujo et Hayashi, 1951 stat.n. (P.discoidalis shikokensis)
P. (P.) shikokensis amanoi Hayashi, 1968 (transfered from P. discoidalis amanoi ) /
---1982, pp. 113-121, In: Sato, M., Hori, Y., Arita, Y. & Okadome, T. [Eds] - Special issue to the memory
of retirement of Emeritus Professor Michio Chujo.
Association of the Memorial Issue of Emeritus Professor M. Chujo, Nagoya, Japan. 1982: 1-185
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant from Japan and its adjacent regions
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1982, 31 (4): 83-19, New Entomologist
Notes on the female genitalia in some Spondylinae and Aseminae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Female – description of species /
---1983, 18 (2): 19-26, 33, Nature and Insects
(in Japanese)
Taxonomy and distribution of the lepturine genus Pidonia.
c°--1983, 51 (2): 310-311, Kontyu
New record of Pidonia species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Hokkaido.
/ Hokkaido – first record 5 sp. Pidonia /
---1983, 38 (1): 25-28, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan. 4. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ P. (Cryptopidonia) takahashii – sp.n. – TW: Lake Yenyanfu (close P. subaenea Gres.) /
---1984, 40 (2): 115-120, illustr., Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, 5. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1985, 40 (2): 115-120, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, V. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia (P.) longipalpis - sp.n. - TW; P.(P.) atripennis Hayshi, 1978 - redscription /
o--1985, 20 (1): 88-89, Applied Entomology and Zoology
Short communications: Bioassay of the Sex Pheromone of the Udo Longicorn Beetle,
Acalolepta luxuriosa Bates (Col.: Cerambycidae)
---1986, pp. 297-302, In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on
the occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342.
A new species of the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from central Honshu, Japan.
---1986, 41 (1): 63-66, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, 6. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1988, 16 (2): 95-101, Elytra
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from East Asia. 1. Redescription
of Pidonia tsukamotoi Mizuno, 1978 and some notes on its vertical distribution and habits.
---1989, 24 (9): 13-17, Nature and Insects
Biology of immature stages in the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1990, 18 (1): 129-135, illustr., Elytra
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from east Asia. 2.
Redescription of Pidonia orientalis Matsushita, 1933 and some notes on its vertical distribution and habits.
---1990, 18 (1): 136, Elytra
New records of Pidonia takechii (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Chubu district, central Japan.
---1991, 26 (12): 7-12, illustr., Nature and Insects
Notes on the variation of coloration and distribution of Pidonia takechii Kuboki (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1993, 21: 33-40, Elytra
Notes on the geus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from east Asia III. Two new species
of the subgenus Cryptopidonia from Taiwan.
---1993, 48, 160, Entomological Review of Japan
(In Japan.)
Notes on the genus Pidonia from Mt. An-ma Shan, northwestwern Taiwan.
---1993, 22: 190, Elytra
(In Japan.)
Notes on the genus Pidonia from Mt. Pai-ping Shan, northeastern Taiwan.
---1993, 48 (2): 155-160, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, 7 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ P. (Pidonia) gloriosa – sp.n. –TW: T´ai-chung Hsien, Mount An-ma Shan /
c--1993, 61 (2): 261-265, Japanese Journal of Entomology
Studies on the Lepturinae Genus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from Sado-ga-shima Island,
Central Japan. I. A New Species of the Subgenus Cryptopidonia
/P. (Cryptopidonia) sadoensis - sp.n. – Honshu, Niigata./
c--1994, 62 (1): 132-138, Japanese Journal of Entomology
A New Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Tokai District, Central Honshu, Japan.
/ P. tsuyukii - sp.n. - JP /
c--1994, 49 (1): 33-40, Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Taiwan, VIII (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Pidonia (Mumon) pudica - sp.n.
P. (Mumon) aestivaůis - sp.n. - TW /
c--1995, 63 (4): 747-758, Japanese Journal of Entomology
Two New Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Cool-temperate Forest of Mt. Tai-ping Shan,
Northeastern Taiwan.
/ P. chiaomui, taipingshana - sp.n. - TW /
c--1996, 64 (4): 805-809, Japanese Journal of Entomology
Studies on the Lepturine Genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sado-ga-shima Island,
Central Japan II. A New Species of the Subgenus Mumon.
/ P.(Mumon) telephia - sp.n. - JP /
---1996, 24 (2): 367-373, Elytra
Notes on the Lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from East Asia. 6.
A new Pidonia from the Shin-etsu District, central Honshu, Japan.
/ P.(Pidonia) tsutsui - sp.n. - JP /
c°--1997, 65 (2): 421-425, Japanese Journal of Entomology
Studies on the Lepturine Genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sado-ga-shima Island,
Central Japan III. A New Species of the Subgenus Pidonia.
/ P.(Pidonia) modesta - sp.n. - JP /
---1997, 52 (1): 19-24, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of Pidonia (Mumon) amabilis group (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Taiwan,
with recognition of the amabilis group and their distribution.
/ Pidonia (Mumon) alsophila - sp.n. - TW (cl. P.(M).) chienhsingi /
---1997, 25 (1): 25-29, Elytra
Notes on the Lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from east Asia. 6.
A new Pidonia from the western part of Japan.
/ P. (Pidonia) falcata - sp.n. - JP /
---1997, 25 (1): 30, Elytra
Vertical distribution of Pidonia binigrosignata Hayashi, 1974 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Taiwan.
c°--1999, 2 (3): 97-110, Japanese Journal of Entomology, New Series
Notes on the lepturine Pidonia fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the Oze-Okukinu Range,
central Japan, from a historical biogeographical standpoint.
---2001, 29 (1): 23-28, Elytra
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from East Asia. VIII.
A new Pidonia from the subalpine zone of Chubu District, Honshu, Japan.
/ P. (Pidonia) hayakawai - sp.n. - JP: Honshu /
---2001, 1: 157-162, Spaecial Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society
Notes on three species of Pidonia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Vietnam, with description
of two new species
/ P. (Pidonia) morikawai, sciaphila - sp.n. - VN /
*KUDLA Miloslav
o--1939, 36: 62-63, Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické
Čtyři nové odrudy tesaříku.
o--1942, 39: 60-63, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Několik nových odrud tesaříku ze Slovenska.
---1943, 40: ????, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Přehled a určovací tabulka všech dosud popsaných forem Rosalia alpina L.
o--1951, 48: 227-229, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Příspěvek ku poznání biologie našich tesaříků. [Contribution a la connaissance de la biologie des longicornes.]
---1957, 1 (1): 164-176, Ročenka musea Olomouckého kraje
Tesaříci (Cerambycidae) na olomoucku.
*KUDOU Syuji
---1997, N°320: 2-33, Gekan-Mushi
Ecological notes on the cerambycid genus Oberea (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Aomori.
---1999, N°336: 16-18, Gekan-Mushi
Ecological notes on the Cleptometopus bimaculatus (Bates, 1873) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Aomori.
---2000, N°347: 5-7, Gekan-Mushi
Ecological notes on the Batcera [Batocera] lineolata Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from Tsugaru District, Aomori Prefecture.
(Kühnel H.)
---1977, 21 (10): 145-159, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Zum gegenwärtigen Vorkommen ausgewählter Käferfamilien im Gebiet um Köthen, Bezirk Halle.
1. Mitt. Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae).
---1965, 171 pp., Acad. Sci. Tadzhik. SSR, Dushanbe
Zhuki vredyashchie plodovym i orekhoplodnym kul'turam yuzhnogo sklona Gissarskogo khrebta.
[Beetles damaging fruit-trees and nut-trees on the south slope of Gissar mountains ridge.]
---1980, 14: 237-270, Journal of Natural History
Aedeagal musculature in Phytophaga (Coleoptera).
(et VERMA K.K.)
c--1915, 8 (1): 33-39, Mitt. und J. Zool. Mus. in Berlin
Über einige Purpuricenus des tropischen und südlichen Afrika (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1978, 34: 17-24, Gensei
Egg-bursters and hatching behavior of lonicorn beetles in Japan (Cerambycidae, Col.).
/ Pidonia grallatrix, Pterolophia caudata /
---1988, 56 (2): 261-279, Kontyu
Reorganization of Buprestis and its allies (Coleoptera, Buprestidae).
---1982(1981), 17 (2): 51-54, Acta Entomologica Jugoslavica
Import exotischer Forst- und Holzinsekten von ökonomischer Bedeutung und ihre Integration
In die Fauna Zentraleuropas in den letzten drei Dezenien.
/ Hoplocerambyx spinicornis – introductin - Central Europe from Philippines /
---1977, 30 (1-2): 63-71, Entomological Review of Japan
Ecological notes on Atimia okayamensis Hayashi (Cerambycidae, Col.).
---1981, 36 (1): 75-82, Entomological Review of Japan
Ecological studies of the cerabycid beetles in Japan 1.
Morphological notes on nine species of cerambycine pupae.
---1983, 38 (1): 95-104, Entomological Review of Japan
Ecological studies of the cerambycid betles in Japan (2).
Morphological notes on fourteen species of lamiae pupae.
(in Japanese)
---1991, 46 (2): 201-203, Entomological Review of Japan
Ecological studies of the cerambycid beetles in Japan (3). Morphological notes on three
species of lepturine pupae.
---1993, 48 (2): 177-179, Entomological Review of Japan
Ecological studies of the cerambycid beetles of Japan, 4. Morphological notes on three
species of cerambycine pupae – Col.
---2002, 1: 157-167, Acta Universitatais Lodziensis Folia Biologica et Oecologica
Kozkowate (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Puszczy Pilickiej.
[Longhorn beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Puszcza Pilicka.]
*KUSAKABE Yoshiyasu
c--1992, (2): 26-29, Acta Coleopterol. Japonica (ACJ)
(et OHBAYASHI Nobuo)
Taxonomic Notes on the Lepturinae Genus Judolidia, with Description of a New Species
from Kyushu, Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Judolidia - rev. + J. kyushuensis sp.n. - JP /
o--1994, 22 (1): 356, Elytra
A Host Record of Mesosella kumei (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ M. kumei - host plant - Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica (Oleaceae) /
o--1995, N°297: 2-7, Gekan-Mushi
[The Japanese Species of the Cerambycid Genus Oberea (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).]
/ Oberea - 14 sp. - Japan, color photos /
o--1992, (2): 40-44, Acta Coleopterol. Japonica
Taxonomic Notes on Some Japanese Oberea Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Oberea okinawana sp.n. - JP/
o--2001, 29 (1): 17-22, Elytra
A new relative of Oberea japonica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from southwest Japan.
/ Oberea yasuhikoi - sp.n. - JP: Kyushu, Kagoshima /
o--2001, 29 (1): 226, Elytra
An adult host records of Oberea nigriventris (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*KUSAMA Keiichi
c--1970, 22 (2): 73-74, The Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of Necydalis from Amami-Oshima Island.
/ Necydalis moriyai - sp.n. - JP /
c--1971, 23 (1): 24, Entomological Review of Japan
A new subspecies and new records of Cerambycidae from Yaku Island and Hokkaido.
/ Pyrrhona laeticolor takakuwai - ssp.n. /
---1971, 6: 95-126, Reports of Faculty of Science Shizuoka University
Generic names and type species applied to Japanese Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
c--1972, 24 (1-2): 42, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of Ceresium from Iriomote Island. (Cerambycidae).
/ Ceresium (C.) pseudunicolor - sp.n. - JP /
(et KOMIYA Jiro)
---1973, 3, New Ins. Collect., Suppl., 150 pp.
(in Japanese)
[A List of Ecological and Distributional Data for the Japanese Cerambycidae.]
---1973, 1 (1): 1-4, Elytra
Historical review of Necydalis (Cerambycidae. 1.
---1974, 2 (1): 1-6, Elytra
Historical review of Necydalis (Cerambycidae). 2.
---1974, 9: 51-56, Reports of Faculty of Science Shizuoka University
Two new species and a new subspecies of Necydalis from Formosa and Japan (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1975, 2 (2): 22, Elytra
Notes on the longicorn genus Necydalis, homonym and synonym (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Necydalis yakushimensis - nom.n. - for N.(Necydalis) brevicornis Yokoyama nec Linne, 1767
N. pennata Lewis (= N. (Necydalisca) eoa and pacifica Plavilstshikov, 1936 , – syn.n. /
---1976, 3 (1-2): 19-23, Elytra
(in Japanese)
(et IRIE H.)
[Notes on the longicorn genus Mesosa. Two new species and others from Nansei Islands of Japan. ]
/ Mesosa (M.) atronotata – sp.n.
M. (M.)
praelongipes – sp.n.
M. (M.) yonaguni Hayashi, 1962 – st.n. (M.(M.) cervinopicta yonaguni)
M. (M.) yonaguni ssp. subkonoi Breuning, 1964 – st.n. (M. subkonoi)
M. (Saimia) cervinopicta (Fairmaire, 1897) – redescription /
---1977, 5 (1): 17-18, Elytra
[Description of beautiful new species of Clytini from the Bonin Islands (Cerambycidae. ]
/ Xylotrechus takakuwai – sp.n. – JP: Bonin Iss. /
---1977, 5 (2): 37-38, Elytra
(in Japanese)
(et TAHIRA Y.)
[A revision of two species of genus Eumecocera from Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). ]
/ Eumecocera anomala Bates, 1884
Eumecocera gleneoides (Gressitt, 1935) – valid name /
---1977, 5 (2): 39-42, Elytra
(et TAHIRA Y.)
[The genus Exocentrus Mulsant of Japan and its adjacent regions: 1. Notes on a new species.]
/ E. (Exocentrus) montilineatus – sp.n. – JP: Nokomi /
---1978, 6 (1): 9-32, Elytra
(et TAHIRA Y.)
[The genus Exocentrus Mulsant of Japan and its adjacent regions: 2. The revision of Taiwanese species.]
/ E. (Bicolorihirtus) – subgen.n. - type species: E.(B.) venatoides
E. (Bicolorihirtus) venatioides – sp.n.
E. (Camptomyme) formosofasciolatus – sp.n.
E. (C.)
pseudovariepennis – sp.n.
E. (Exocentrus) fulvobrunneus – sp.n.
E. (E.)
kentingensis – sp.n.
E. (E.)
nanshanensis – sp.n.
E. (Oligopsis) alboguttatus taiwanensis – ssp.n.
E. (O.)
alboguttatus obscurior Pic, 1929 – st.n. (var. obscurior Pic,1929)
(= E.(Pseudocentus) guttulatus rufescens Breuning, 1958 – syn.n.) /
---1979, 13: 73-96, Reports of Faculty of Science Shizuoka University
(et ODA Y.)
Researches for Cerambycidae at Hui-Sun experimental forest (Nantou Hsien, central Taiwan) in June 1978.
/ Halme basifusca , Estoliops fasciatus ssp. taiwanensis,
Miaenia (Granulmiaenia) changi – sp. et ssp.n.
Molorchepania simplex (Matsushita) – comb.n. (Molorchus)/
---1981,14: 55-61, Reports of Faculty of Science Shizouka University
Notes on longicorn beetles in New Guinea (1) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1984, 1-565 pp., 95 col. pls, Japanese Society of Colepterology (ed.), Kodansha, Tokyo
The Longicorn-Beetles of Japan in Color.
---1981, 25 (1): 123-125, Przeglad Zoologiczny
[New stations of Agapanthia violacea (F.) (Col., Cerambycidae) in Poland. ]
(Küster H.C.)
---1847, Heft X., pp. 1-100, Bauer u. Raspe, Nürnberg,
Die Käfer Europa's
---1847, Heft XV., pp.
Die Käfer Europa's
---1847, Heft XXV., pp.
Die Käfer Europa's
---2002, 19: 69-78, Folia Musei Historico Naturalis Bakonyiensis
A Bakony faunajara uj es ritka bogarfajok (Coleoptera). /Rare and new beetles from the Bakony Mts./
/ Herophila tristis - HU: Bakony Mts. /
---1967, 225 pp., Sapporo
Insect fauna of the Southern Kurile Islands.
/ Cerambycidae :
*KYU Chin Kim
---1984, 23 (2): 109-115, Korean Journal of Plant Protection
(et JONG Dae Park)
Studies on ecology and injury characteristics of Japanese juniperus bark borer,
Semanotus bifasciatus Motschulsky.
c°--1998, 19 (No.32): 517-524, Entomofauna, Zeitschrift für Entomologie
Neue und wenig bekannte Prioninae (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Mallodon mandibularis sp.n. –
Anomophysis alorensis sp.n. –
Callipogon (Orthomegas) frischeiseni sp.n. –
Anthracocentrus nigerianus sp.n. –
Priotyrannus (Kinibalua) megalops (Bates,1889)
( = Prionomma mindanaona Schulze, 1922 - syn.n.)
( = Prionomma philippinense Lameere, 1920 - syn.n.) /
---2000, 21 (15): 189-194, Entomofauna
Vier neue Prioninae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Indian Ocean islands, South Africa /
---1869, Tome 8: 1-552 pp., Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléopteres, ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous
les generes proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'Insectes.
Fam. LXVIII. Longicornes
---1869, 47 pp., 130 color pls., Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléopteres, ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous
les generes proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. Atlas.
---1869, Tome 9 (1): 1-409 pp., Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléopteres, ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous
les generes proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. IX. Premiere partie. Longicornes
---1872, Tome 9 (2): 411-930 pp., 96-110 pls., Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléopteres, ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous
les generes proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes. IX. Deuzieme partie. Longicornes
---1872, Atlas, 47 pp., 134 color pls., Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléopteres, ou exposé méthodique et critique de tous
les generes proposés jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes.
*LACUEVA Salvador
c°--1993, N°4: 23-25, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Entomofauna de los Monegros. 1. Cerambycidae (Col.)
---1947, 181: 1-19, Memoires e Estudos do Museo Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra
Os Cerambycidae portugueses do Museo Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra.
c°--1999, N°77: 1-16, Far Eastern Entomologist
Contributions to the knowledge of Coleoptera fauna (Insecta) of Kunashir, Kuril Islands.
/ Cerambycidae : 6 sp. /
---1963, 1 (5): 81-88, Miscellanea Zoologica. Instituto Municipial de Ciencias Naturales
Los Dorcadion de Cataluňa
---1968, 24: 95-100, Graellsia
El género Criocephalus en la Penísula Ibérica y Baleares.
---1982, 86: 26-28, Excursionisme, Bulletí de la Unió Excursionista de Catalunya
El genere Stenopterus a Catalunya (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1988, 161: 320-321, Excursionisme, Bulletí de la Unió Excursionista de Catalunya
Cerambícids (Banyarriques) nous o interessants per la fauna catalana.
---1963, 11: 231-253, Archivi della Accademia Nazionale Italiana de Entomologia
Le categorie corologiche degli elementi faunistici italiani.
---1996, : 1-105, Miass. Ural Branch of Russian Ac. of Sc. (in Rusian)
[Coleoptera fauna of Ilmen natural reserve.]
---1781, I. Theil, 248 pp., Johan Caspar Füessly, Zurich
Verzeichnis und Beschreibung der Tyroler-Insecten.
---1784, II. Theil, 176 pp., Johan Caspar Füessly, Zurich
Verzeichnis und Beschreibung der Tyroler-Insecten.
*LAMEERE Auguste
---1882, 26: 1-78, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Liste des Cérambycides décrits postérieurment au catalogue de Munich.
---1887, 31: 159-171, Pl. 3, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Le genere Rosalia.
/ Rosalia laeta - sp.n. /
---1890, : 210-214, Comptes-Rendus de la Séance de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles
Note sur les Tricténotomides, les Prionides, et les Cérambycides du Chota-Nagpore.
---1893, 42: 39-50, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris
Voyage de M. Ch. Alluaud dans le territoire d'Assinie (Afrique Occidentale).
---1893, 42: 282, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Contribution a la Faune Indo-Chinoise.
c--1902-1905, pp. 1-547, Imp. écon., A. Breuer, Bruxelles
Revision des Prionides, premire partie
Parandrines, Anoplodermines, Spondylines, Sténodontines, Macrotomines,
Mécosarthrines, Callipogonines, Titanines
c--1909-1912, pp. 549-1060, Imp. écon., A. Breuer, Bruxelles
Revision des Prionides, seconde partie
Megopis, Dérancistrines, Prionines, Anacolines, Addenda et Corrigenda
-------------------------------1902, :26-27, Bulletin du Museum d´Histoire naturelle
Note sur le genere Tetropiopsis.
---1912, 21: 108-109, Mémoires de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Revision des Prionides-Anacolines.
---1912, 56: 185-260, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Revision des Prionides. Vingtieme mémoires. – Prionines (VII)
c--1913 (1912-1913), Pars 22 (Vol. 15) : pp. 108, Verlag W. Junk, Berlin
In: Junk W. & Schenkling S. (Eds.): Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio.
Pars 22 - Cerambycidae: Prioninae
/ + orig. notes L. Heyrovsky /
---1916, : 178, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Notes sur un Prioninae nouveau du Yunnan (Col.,Cerambycidae).
---1916, : 257(8): 259, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Notes sur quelques Prioninae du Yunnan (Col.,Cerambycidae).
---1919, Fasc. 172, i+1-189 pp., 8 pls, Bruxelles
In: Wytsman P. (ed.) - Genera insectorum
Longicornia fam. Cerambycidae, subfam. Prioninae
---1921, Pars 73: Verlag W. Junk, Berlin
In: Junk W. & Schenkling S. (Eds.): Catalogus Coleopterorum auspiciis et auxilio.
Part 73 - Cerambycidae, Lamiinae
---1923, 11: 1-216, Mémoires de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Revision des Prionidae: Macrotomines
---1959, 67: 21-25, Journal of New York Entomological Society
Remarks on Dr. Breuning's revision of the lamiids (Coleoptera, Lamiidae).
*LANG Xingru
---1997, 12: 1-6 (Suppl.), Journal of Northwest Forestry College
(et GAU H., BAI Y.,YU Y.)
Characters and cause of formation of cerambycid fauna in the northwestern China.
---1884, 6: 135-160, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Catalogue des Prionides de l'Archipel Indo-Néerlandais, avec descriptions des especes nouvelles.
---1886, 8: 35-36, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description d’un Cérambycide de Sumatra, appartenant à un genre nouveau de la tribu des Disténides.
---1832, (1) 1: 386-415, 448, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Mémoire sur cinquante especes nouvelles ou peu connues d'insectes.
§---1835, 3: 1-124, 20 pls., Histoire naturelle et iconographie des insectes coléopteres,
piblié par monographies séparées, Paris
( et GORY H.L.)
Monographie du genere Clytus.
---1840, 2: 1-563, 36 pls., Paris
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Coléopteres.
---1841, 1-120, 20 pls., Raport fait a l'Academie Royale des Sciences dans la Seance du 4 Janvier 1936
Monographie du genere Clytus.
---1841, 3: 1-124, 20 pls. (Note 45), Histoire naturelle et iconographie des insectes coléoptères, publié par
monographies séparées. Paris
Monographie du genere Clytus.
*LARRIEU Laurent
c°--2005, : 1-42 , CRPF Midi-Pyrénées
Etude Biodiversité Heches - Inventaire de Coléopteres saproxyliques
/ Cerambycidae - Melandryidae /
---1983, 34: 135-208, Entomologist's Gazette
Butterflies of Jordan.
---1804, vol. 11: 1-422, 3 pls., Imprimerie de F. Dufart, Paris
Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particuliere des Crustacés et des Insectes.
---1807, 2: 1-280, Paris & Argentorat. Amand Koenig
Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita,
iconibus exemplisque plurimus explicata.
---1807, 3: 1-258, Paris & Argentorat. Amand Koenig
Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum secundum ordinem naturalem in familias disposita,
iconibus exemplisque plurimus explicata.
---1809, 4: 1-399, Paris & Argentorat. Amand Koenig
Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum.
---1810, 444 pp., Schoell
Considérations générales sur l'ordre naturel des animaux composant les Classes des Crustacés,
des Arachnides et des Insectes, avec un tableau méthodique de leurs genres, disposés en familles.
---1811, 1: 127-252, in Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée faites dans l'Océan
Atlantique, dans l'interieur du nouveau continent et dans la mer du sud pendant
les années 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803.
Insectes de l'Amérique équinoxiale recueillis pendant le voyage de MM de Humboldt et Bonpland
in Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparée faites dans l'Océan
Atlantique, dans l'interieur du nouveau continent et dans la mer du sud pendant
les années 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803.
Insectes de l'Amérique équinoxiale recueillis pendant le voyage de MM de Humboldt et Bonpland
---1811, 2: 9-64,
---1817, 3: (29) + 653 pp., 2 pls., In: Cuvier G.L.C.D. - Le Règne Animal distribué daprés son organization,
pour servir de base à l'Histoire Naturelle des animaux, et d'introduction
à l'Anatomie comparée
Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes.
---1825, 570 pp.
Familles naturelles du Règne Animal; exposées succinctement et dans un ordre analytique,
avec l'indication de leurs genres.
---1829, vol. 4: 28 + 584 pp., Paris
In: Cuvier G.L.C.D. - Le Règne Animal distribué d'aprés son organization, pour servir
de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux, et d'introduction à l'Anatomie comparée,
deuxième edition
Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes.
---1829, vol. 5: 1-556, Paris, suite et fin des Insectes
In: Cuvier G.L.C.D. - Le Régne Animal, les Crustacés, les Arachnides et les Insectes,
distribués en families naturelles.
Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes.
/ Cerambycidae 102-129 /
---1901, 1: 88-98, Boletíno de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Notas críticas sobre el género Dorcadion
---1904, 10: 90-92, Boletíno de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Diagnosis breve de una forma melánica de la Leptura distigma Charp.
---1911, 10: 90-92, Boletíno de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Nomenklatorische uns synonymische Bemerkungen.
---1911, 10: 25-36, Boletíno de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales, Zaragoza
Formas nuevos del género Dorcadion con notas críticas y sinonímicas.
---1911, 10: 39-55, Boletíno de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales
Formas nuevos del género Dorcadion con notas críticas y sinonímicas.
---1911, 10: 68-74, Boletíno de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales
Formas nuevos del género Dorcadion con notas críticas y sinonímicas.
---1902, 17 (215): 72-73, L´Echange
Description de larve de Caenoptera Marmottani Bris.
---1982, 13: 261-290, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
Evolution and classification of beetles.
(et NEWTON A.F.)
---1991, vol. 2: 145-299, In: STEHR F.W. (Ed.) - Immature Insects. Kendall/Hunt Publishing. Iowa
Order Coleoptera.
c--1991, Vol. 2, I-IV+ ??? pp., Melbourne University Press
The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research works. Second edition.
/ Morphological part + key of families - pp. 543-583 /
---1994, 192 pp., University Press. Melbourne.
Australian beetles.
---1995, Vol. 2, 779-1006 pp., Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa
(et NEWTON A.F.)
In: PAKALUK J. et ŚLIPIŃSKI S.A. (Eds.) - Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera.
/Papers celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy Crowson /
Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data
of family-group names).
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - pp. ??? /
---1770, 14 (1): 593-604, NCAP
Novae insectorum species.
(Láznička R.)
o--1931, 28 (1-2): 54, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Biologie tesaříka Acmaeops marginata F. ab. spadicea Sch.
---1994 (1992), 4 (1er semestre-2eme semestre): 1-128, Publications Scientifiques du Pavillon Saint-Charles
Catalogue des Cerambycides de l´Aube.
---2000, 18 (1): 41-48, Bulletin Romand d'Entomologie
Les Leiopus de France
/ L. femoratus, nebulosus, punctulatus - distrib. records, historical survey /
---2001, 57 (1): 1-2, L'Entomologiste
(et PERU Laurent)
Menesia bipunctata (Zoubkoff, 1829) espece nouvelle pour l'Aube et le Loiret (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1850, 1: 311-340, Journal of Academy of the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, ser. 2
An attemptto classify the longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America north of Mexico.
---1850, 2: 5-38, Journal of Academy of the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, ser. 2
An attemptto classify the longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America north of Mexico.
---1851, 3: 139-178, Journal of Academy of the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, ser. 2
An attemptto classify the longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America north of Mexico.
---1873, 11 (265): 279-348, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Part II.
---1886, pp. 89-235, In: Radde G.: Fauna und Flora des südwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes
F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig (pp. 1-235)
Die Coleopteren des Talysch-Gebietes.
/ KRAATZ - Cerambycidae: pp. 167-172, 232-235
Grammoptera ustulata tibialis - var. n. - IR
Gr. ruficornis obscuricornis - var. n. - IR /
*LEE R. F.
---1971, 40 (7): 132 p., Malawi forest Reserve Institution, Res. Rec.
A preliminary annotated list of Malawi forest insect.
*LEE Seung-Mo
---1979, 9 (2): 29-83, Korean Journal of Entomology
A synonimic list of Longicorn beetles of Korea.
---1980, 10 (1): 45-47, Korean Journal of Entomolog
On the longicorn beetles of various islands of Korea.
---1980, 10 (2): 61-70, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Longicorn beetles of Gwang-Neung, Korea.
---1981, 11 (1): 43-53, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Longicorn beetles of Mt Seol-Ag-San, Korea.
---1981, 11 (2): 47-49, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Eleven unrecorded longicorn beetles of Korea.
---1982, 12 (1): 103-117, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Longicorn beetles of Mts. Geum-Gang and Seol-Ag-San, Korea.
---1982, 12 (2): 67-69, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Nine unrecorded longicorn beetles of Korea (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1982, Vol.1, 101 pp., 8 pls., Insecta Koreana
Longicorn beetles of Korea (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1983, 13 (1): 79-80, Korean Journal of Entomolog
Four unrecorded species of longicorn beetles from Korea (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Xylotrechus yanoi, Estoliops fasciatus (Rodopinini) /
c--1987, 288 pp., 26 pls, National Science Museum Seoul, Division of Biology. Seoul
Longicorn Beetles of Korean Peninsula
/ 292 sp.- all ilustrated on colour plates /
(in Engl.)
*LEE W. J.
---1981, (No. 19): 43-45, Sorby Record
(et WARSOP P.)
Variation in the longhorn beetle Strangalia maculata Poda at Wharncliffe Wood.
---1956, 77: 71-76, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Saperda similis Laich., ein Schädling der Salweide (Salix caprea L.).
c--1983, 79 (2-3): 153-156, illustr., Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer
Hesperophanes artemisiphagus, eine neue Hesperophanes-Art imVergleich mit
H. roridus Brullé (Col. Cerambycidae) beide aus Teneriffa.
/ Hesperophanes artemisisphagus - sp.n. - Tenerife (= Trichoferus machadoi) /
---1992, 113 (1-2): 55-56, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Sound produktion by lamiine larvae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Ceroplesis aestuans, Niphona picticornis /
*LEMESLE Bernard
o--1998, 220 pp., Grapheme, Tours
(et CLOUPEAU Roger)
Insectes remarquables. Loire Moyenne et Region Centre.
/ Cerambycidae pp. 167-177 /
c--1998, 19 (1-2): 9-10, Bulletin de l'Entomologie Tourangelle
Presence en Touraine et dans l'Indre du grand capricorne, Cerambyx cerdo Linne 1758.
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*LEMOS PEREIRA Alice Beatriz
---1977, 60 (1-4): 207-212, An. Fac. cienc. Univ. Porto
Sobre a aparecimiento em portugal de um coleóptero longicórnio exótico, do genero Acrocinus.
/ Acrocinus trochlearis - introd. from S. America /
---1978, 138: 1-13, Publ. Inst. Zool. Augusto Nobre
Sobre o aparecimiento en Portugal de un coléoptero Longicornio exótico do género Acrocinus.
*LEMPEREUR Jean-Michael
o--2000, 100 (4): 541-544, Lambillionea
Contribution a l´etude de la faune entomologique de la Gaume: Les Cerambycides
(José Luis Lencina Gutierréz)
---1999, 2: 79-88, Revista Pleita
Los Iberodorcadin Breuning, 1943 del altiplano Jumila-Yecla (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
c°--2004, No 35: 181-185, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Leioderes kollari Redtenbacher, 1849, nuevo cerambicido para la fauna iberica y otras citas interesantes
de Cerambycidae ibericos (Coleoptera).
---1896, 23: 101-178, Trans Amer. Ent. Soc.
The Lamiinae of North America.
(Amédée Louis Michel Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau)
---1828, 10 (2): 345-832, Mme veuve Agasse, (et AUDINET-SERVILLE J.G.)
In: Latreille P.A. - Encyclopédie méthodique: Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle
des Crustacés, des Arachnides et des Insectes. Paris
(Lépiney J.)
---1932, 31: 195, Mém. Soc. Sc. Nat. Maroc
(et MIMEUR J.)
Notes d'entomologie agricole et forestiere du Maroc.
---1775, Theil 2: 1-211, 11 pl.
Tagebuch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs im Jahr 1770,
aus dem Russischen übersetzt von M. Kristian Heinrich Hase.
c--1956, 3: 775-778, Longicornia III
Liste des publications scientifiques de P. Lepesme sur les Longicornes
---------------------------------------1941, 46: 74-79, 2 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Cerambycides récoltés par P. Lepesme sur Caféir et au Cameroun (en coll. Avec A. Villiers)
---1942, 9: 135-137, 1 fig., Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Un remarquable Cerambycide nouveau de Guayane
---1943, 37: 89-92, 2 fig., Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Une Tachinaire parasite des larves du Monohamme du Caféir (en coll. Avec R. Pailian)
---1943, 48: 176, 1 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Un Corus nouveau du Gabon (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1944, pp. 27-70, Ministere des Colonies, Travaux de la Sect. techn. Agric. Trop. 1re série
Les Longicornes du Caféir en Afrique intertropicale (en coll. Avec A. Villiers)
---1944, 49: 74-79, 1 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Note sur quelques Crossotini malgaches (Col. Cerambycidae) (en coll. Avec A. Villiers)
§---1945, 17(2): 488-492, 7 fig., Bulletin du Muséum de Paris
Les Acrocinini (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1946, 51: 137-139, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Un Corus nouveau d´Afrique orientale (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1947, pp. 1-903, Editions Lechevalier, Paris
Les insectes des palmiers.
§---1947, 52: 19-21, 2 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Deux remarquables Cérambycides (Col.) nouveaux d´Indochine
---1947, 19: 340-345, 4 fig., Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (2)
Lamiaires nouveaux de l´Ouest africain (Col. Cerambycidae)
c--1947, 52: 152, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Un Derolus inédit de Mauritanie (Col. Cerambycidae)
/ Derolus lepautei - sp.n. - Mauritanie, Port Etiene /
---1947, 23: 1-8, 1 fig., Bull. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique
Les Phyllocnema (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
§---1948(1947), 14: 310-317, 7 fig., Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Les Stenaspini africains (Col. Cerambycidae)
§---1948, 40: 251-265, 8 figs., Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Cerambycidaires nouveaux ou peu connus de l´Afrique tropicale.
/ Daramus serricornis - SA /
---1948, 53: 100, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Deux nouveaux Prosopocera du Congo belge (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1948, 27: 143-146, 2 fig., Rev. Path. Vég. Ent. agr.
Note preliminaire sur la faune entomologique du Ficus Thonningii Bl. en Haute-Volta
---1948, 3: 282-286, Agron. trop.
Longicornes de Bukoko
§---1949, 5 (1-2):45-51, 1 pl., 1 carte, L'Entomologiste
Une chasse au Dorcadion ou au Portugal.
---1949, 18: 160, Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond., Ser. B
Un Niphecyra nouveau nuisible au papyrus (Col. Ceramb.)
---1949, : 473-474, C. R. XIIIe Congr. int. Zool., Paris
Un nouveau genere de Tragocephalini (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1950, 22: 92-94, Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (2)
Lamiaires nou veaux de l´Ouest africain (Col. Cerambycidae) (2e note)
---1950, 12 (2): 395-400, 1 fig., Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Longicornes récoltés au Libéria par P.L. DEKEYSER et B. HOLAS
---1950, 55: 62-64, 2 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Cérambyciaires nouveaux de Cote d´Ivoire (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1950, : 147-151, C. R. VIIIe Ent., Stokholm, (1948)
Les Litopus (Col. Cerambycidae)
c--1950, No 1: 1-23, Longicornia I
Les Chromalizus (Callichromini).
c--1950, No 1: 423-506, Longicornia I
Les Tragocephalini de l´Ouest Africain.
c--1950, No 1: 557-561, Longicornia I
Longicornes peu connus de l´Ouest africain.
c--1950, No 1: 573-579, Longicornia I
Sur la dispersion par l´homme et l´acclimatation de quelques "Phoracanthini"
c--1950, No 1: 581-585, Longicornia I
Sur quelques localités de l´Ouest Africain riches en Logicornes.
c--1950, No 1: 587-590, Longicornia I
Notes longicornesques (II)
---1951, 18: 36-38, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Cérambycides nouveaux récoltés par R. Paulian et C. Delamare dans la réserve forestiere
du Banco (Cote d´Ivoire)
(aout-octobre 1945)
(en coll. avec St. Breuning)
---1952, 1: 139-142, Trans. IXth Intern. Congr. Entomol.
Note préliminaire sur la classification des Coléopteres Cerambycides.
---1952, 5 (12): 273, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Callichromini nouveaux (Col. Cerambycidae) du British Museum.
---1952, 57: 38-41, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Coléopteres Cérambycides récoltés au Soudan par G. Remaudiere.
---1952, 57: 44-45, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Deux Lamiaires de Cote d´Ivoire (Col. Cerambycidae)
(en coll. avec St. Breuning)
---1952, 24: 87-88, Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (2)
Lamiaires nouveaux de l´Ouest africain (3e note).
---1952, 14 (4): 1159-1169, 2 fig., Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Mission A. Villiers au Togo et au Dahomey (1950).
XX. Coléopteres Cérambycides
---1952, 19: 49-66, 7 fig., Memoires de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
La Réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt. Nimba.
IV. Coléopteres Cerambycidae (en coll. avec St. Breuning)
---1953, 15 (2): 507-518, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Coléopteres Cérambycides récoltés par P.L.Dekeyser, P. Lepesme et A. Villiers dans l´ile de Fernado Poo
---1953, No 16: 49-60, 1 pl. col. , Subsisios para o estudo da biologia da Lunda.
Publicaoes cullurais da Companhia de dimantes de Angola
Coleoptera Cerambycidae de l´Angola obtenus par le Musée de Dundo
---1953, 25: 301-306, Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (2)
Coléopteres Cérambycides récoltés dans le Pacifique par P. Lepesme (mars-avril)
---1953, 58: 98-104, 7 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Lamiaires nouveaux de Cote d´Ivoire (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1953, Catalogues No 11, pp. 103, 40 pls., l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Coléopteres Cérambycides (Longicornes) de Cote-d´Ivoire
---1953, (12), VI: 877, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Un Obriini nouveau d´Afrique orientale
---1954, 16: 355, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Importance économique des Longicornes dans l´Ouest africain
---1955, 51: 85, Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines
Longicornes nouveaux du Congo belge (Col. Cerambycidae)
§---1955, 50: 40, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Révision des Hypoeschrus Thoms. (Cerambycidae Oemini).
---1955, 17 (A): 840, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Addenda et corrigenda au Catalogue des Coléopteres Cérambycides de Cote-d´Ivoire
§---1955, 17 (3): 847-855, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Coléopteres Cérambycides récoltés par MM. de Miré et Coste dans la région saharo-sahélienne.
/ record: Crossotus subocellatus, sublineatus /
---1955, 60: 122, 4 fig., Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Lamiaires nouveaux de Cote-d´Ivoire (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae) (2e note)
---1956, 23 (1): 13-14, 1 fig., Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Notes sur quelques Cérambycides de la Cote-d´Ivoire.
---1956, 53: 208-225, 8 fig., Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africains (et BREUNING S. )
Revision des generes du groupe Metallyra Thoms. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1956, 28 (1): 89-91, 2 fig., Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (2)
Un remarquable genere nouveau de Longicornes (Col. Cerambycidae) de Cote d´Ivoire.
---1956, No 3: 269-348, Longicornia III
Les „Sternotomini“ de l´Ouest africain
---1956, No 3: 641-644, Longicornia III
Nouveaux Cerambyciaires d´Afrique
---1956, No 3: 645-646, Longicornia III
Le genere Rhopalizida (Callichromini)
---1956, No 3: 651-654, Longicornia III
Cérambycides de la collection MAUBLANC
---1956, No 3: 655-658, Longicornia III
Cérambycides récoltés au Cameroun par le R. P. CARRET
---1956, No 3: 659-662, Longicornia III
Cérambycides récoltés par M. R. MUSARD en Cote-d´Ivore et au Congo belge.
---1956, No 3: 663-664, Longicornia III
Cérambycides du Gabon récoltés par M. VERDIER
---1956, No 3: 771, 1 fig., Longicornia III
Notes logicornesques (II)
---1956, 61: 38-41, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Longicornes nouveaux ou intéressantes de Rhodésie du Sud (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1956, 18: 1130-1134, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, A
Coleoptera Cerambycidae récoltés par J. Vincent en Cote-d´Ivoire
---1956, ????????, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Les Phyllarthrini (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1956, ???????, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Les Psebiini (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1956, ??????, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire
Coléopteres Cérambycides nouveaux de Cote d´Ivoire
---????, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Les Obriini africains (Col. Cerambycidae)
---1957, 19: 201-208, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, A
Coleoptera Cerambycidae récoltés par P. Lepesme et P. Cachan dans la région du Bas-Cavally (Cote-d´Ivoire).
c--1958, Vol. 1: 171-181, Proceedings of tenth international Congress of Entomology,Montreal (et BREUNING S.)
Les Derolus africains (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Derolus - sbg. et sp.n. - Africa /
*LEPLAT Gerard
---2001, 4 (1): 16-18, Revue Rutilans
Note de chasse. Oberea erythrocephala Schrank, 1776 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) et autres captures
effectuees a Saint Martin de Crau (Bouches du Rhone).
*LEPLAT Jacques
---1985, 1 (4): 268, Entomologica Gallica
Observations sur la biologie de Morimus asper (Sulzer) dans le Tarn (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1996, 5 (3): 71-76, Revue de L'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Les dorcadions des Pyrenees-Orientales. Dorcadion (Iberodorcadion) fuliginator spp. striola
Mulsant, Dorcadion (Iberodorcadion) pyrenaeum Germar. Coleoptera-Cerambycidae-Laminae.
*LERAUT Guillaume
---2004, 7 (1): 51, Coleopteriste
Decouverte de Saphanus piceus (Laicharting) dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.
[Discovery of Saphanus piceus (Laicharting) in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.]
*LE RESTIF A. -- see -- RESTIF LE A.
---1960, 16 (4): 65-75, L'Entomologiste
Note sur Leptura scutellata (Col., Cerambycidae). Systématique et répartition géographique.
c--1967, 97: 123-129, Boletino della Societa Entomologica Italina
Ricerche coleotterologiche sul litorale jonico di Puglia, Lucania e Calabria. Campagne
1956.57.58. XIII. Coleoptera-Cerambycidae.
---1871, XXIV + 328 pp., J. Hoffmann, Breslau
Verzeichnis der Käfer Schleisiens.
---1993, 6 (1): 11, British Journal of Entomology and Natural History
Arhopalus rusticus (L.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Joydens Wood, Bexley, Kent
---1980, 31: 41, L'Entomologiste
Capture de deux Cerambycides dans les Pyrenées.
*LI B.-o.
---2003, 22 (1): 38-40, Zhongguo Senlin Bingchong
(et al.)
[Sumarization of the studies on Semanotus bifasciatus (Motschulsky).]
*LI J.-k.
---1992, 17 (3): 342, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Carilia aureopurpurea (Hayashi) – new record of China (Cerambycidae).]
*LI Ming
---1986, 23 (3): 124-125, illustr., Entomological Knowledge
A preliminary study on Eupromus nigrovittatus Pic in Hunan Province.
*LI Tianan
o--1986, (3): 84-100, Journal of the Southwest Agricultural University
Anatomical Morphology of Reproductive Systems of Lamiinae. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
*LI Y-b
---1983, 26 (4): 397-402, Acta Entomologica Sinica
Bionomics of Oberea sp.
(et LIAO J-l., ZHOU X-t., ZOU X-y.)
*LI Y-g
---1981, 1 Suppl.: 93-103, Wuyi Science Journal
(et CHEN S-l, LIN S-m)
A tentative list of long-horn beetles from Fujian (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1988, 25 (6): 350-351, Entomological Knowledge
(et ZHANG X-z)
Preliminary observation of Cleroclytus strigicollis B. Jar.
*LIANG Qiuying
---1988, 16, Suppl.: 91-93, Journal of Shaanxi normal University Natural, Science edition (et ZHENG Zhemin)
A primary survey of Oberea Mulsant from Shaanxi.
---1873, (5) 3: 117-122, Annales de la Societé entomologique de France (et MAYET V.)
Note pour servir a l'histoire de Vesperus xatarti Duf.
---1955, Anstadt
Käferfunde aus Mitteleuropa einschliesslich der österreichischen Alpen.
---1985, 65 (2): 72, illustr., Notulae Entomologicae
Xylotrechus ibex found in Finland (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1988, 3: 937-945, Actas do Congresso Iberico de entomologia
Cronologia y analisis quantitativa do desenvolvimento de Phoracantha semipunctata (Col., Cerambycidae)
no sul de Portugal.
c°--????, 1-60 pp., Rostov
Redkie nasekomye Rostovskoy oblasti
/ Cerambycidae: 11 sp. / F:RS
(et al.)
c°--2006, 1371: 65-68, Zootaxa
(et LI, YANG.)
Male description of Eutetrapha velutinofasciata Pic, with a new synonym (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae:
Lamiinae: Saperdini).
/ Eutetrapha velutinofasciata - syn. /
*LIN M-g
---1992, 29 (6): 349-351, Entomological Knowledge
(in Chinese)
(et LIN J-j )
[A study on Hoplocerambyx (Hoplocerambyx) spinicornis (Newman) intercepted from the imported logs.]
*LIN M. Y.
c--2004, 46 (2): 177-180, Plant Protection Bulletin, Taichung
Morphological and ecological studies of Philus antennatus.
(et CHEN S.K., CHANG H.Y.)
---1971, : 55-104, Moskva, Nauka In: Animals of artificial forest vegetations in clay semi-deserte
[Dendrophilous insects of forest vegetations in clay semi-desert.]
(in Russian)
c--1979, (6): 94-96, "Nauka", Leningrad, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[Myctus maculipunctus Sem. et Plav. - new genus and species (Col., Cerambycidae) for Mongolia.]
---1871, Tom 6, N°1-4: 41-366, Horae Soc. ent. Ross.
(in Russian)
[Review of geographical distribution of Coleoptera of Russian Empire. Part I. Introduction,
preface, Northern, Moscow and Turan provinces]
---1960, pp. 465, Lund
Catalogus Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae.
---1970, 359 pp., Edition. Munksgaard, Copenhagen
(et PALMÉN Ernst)
In TUXEN S.L. (ed.): Taxonomist's Glossary of Genitalia in Insects. Second Revised and Enlarged,
Coleoptera. (pp. 80-88)
/ aedeagus, tegmen, parameres, basal piece, penis, median lobe, internal sac, spermatheca /
---2001, 103 (3): 757-769, Proccedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (et HOEBEKE E.R.)
Variation and homology in elytral maculation in the Anoplophora malasiaca / macularia species complex
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Japan and Taiwan.
---2002, 236 pp., Entomological Society of Washington, Washington D.C.
Revision of Anoplophora (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2004, 498: 1-11, Zootaxa
A new species of Stizocera Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Bolivia.
c°--2006, 60 (3): 199-206, The Coleopterists Bulletin
(et NEARNS E.H.)
Rediscovera and Redescription of the Remarkable Phoenicus sanguinipennis Lacordaire (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae: Trachyderini) from the Dominican Republic.
c°--2006, 61 (2): 177-191, The Coleopterists Bulletin
(et NEARNS E.H.)
Five New Species of Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Dominican Republic
in genera Ataxia Haldeman, Atimola Bates, Drycothaea Thomson, Eburia Lepeletier &
Audinet-Serville, and Hormathus Gahan.
c°--2007, N°93: 3-11, Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Fiji Arthropods VIII
Two new Distenia Lepeletier & Serville, from Fiji with a Key to the Known Melanesian Species
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Disteniini).
/ Distenia dillonorum, gressitti – sp.n. – Melanesia /
c°--1958, 10 (4-5): 167-172, Norsk Entomologisk Tidsskrift
The male genitalia Anobium punctatum DeGeer (Col. Anibiidae) and Callidium violaceum L.
(Col. Cerambycidae).
---1758, Ed. 10. Vol. I: iii + 824 pp., Laurenti Salvii, Holmiae
Systema Nature per regna tria nature, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus,
differentiis, synonymis, locis.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 388-399 /
---1761, Ed. 2, 1-578 pp., 2 pls., Laurenti Salvii, Holmiae
Fauna Suecica sistens animalia Sueciae regni: Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Verms.
Distributa per classes et ordines, genera et species, cum differentiis specierum, synonymis auctorum,
nominibus incolarum, locis natalium, decriptionibus insectorum.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 388-399 /
---1767, Ed. 12 reformata, 1(2): 533-1327, Laurenti Salvii, Holmiae
Systema Nature per regna tria nature, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus,
differentiis, synonymis, locis.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 621-643 /
---1959, 4: 99-13, Ann. Rev. Entomol.
Ecology of Cerambycidae.
---1961, No 18: i-vi +1-97, 35 pls, University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America Part I. Introduction
c--1962, No 19: i-vi + 1-103, 1pl., University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America Part II.
Taxonomy and classification of the Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylinae, and Aseminae.
---1962, No 20: 1-188, 56 Figs, University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of Northern America. Part III.
Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Cerambycinae, tribes Opsimini throug Megaderini.
---1963, No 21: 1-165, University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America. Part IV.
Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Cerambycinae, tribes Elaphidionini trough Rhinotragiini.
---1964, No 22: viii+197, 1 pl., University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America.
Part V.
---1972, No 69: 1-138, 2 pls, University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America. Part VI.
No. 1. Taxonomy and classificatin of the subfamily Lepturinae.
---1976, No 80: 1-186, University of California Publications in Entomology
Cerambycidae of Northern America. Part VI.
N°2. Taxonomy and classificatin of the subfamily Lepturinae. II
---1984, No 102: 258 pp., 57 fig., University of California Publications in Entomology
Cerambycidae of North America. 7.
N° 1. Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Lamiinae, Tribes Parmenini trough Acanthoderini.
---1995, No 114: 1-292, University of California Publications in Entomology
The Cerambycidae of North America. Part VII.
N°2. Taxonomy and classification of the subfamily Lamiinae, tribes Acanthocinini throug Hemilophini.
*LIPP Hermann
c--1937, 2 (4): 293-301, Märkische Tierwlt
Die verbreitung von Rhopalopus spinicornis Abeille.
---1937, 8 (4): 54-55, Mitteilungen der Deutsche Entomologische Geselschaft
Auffindung von Fabriciusschen Cerambyciden-Typen.
c--1939, 35 (4): 225-233, Entomologische Blätter
Axinopalpis gracilis (Kryn.) und seine Verbreitung.
*LIU Gaines
---1933, 12: 389-403, Lingnan Science Journal
Catalogue of the phytophagous beetles of China.
(in Chinese)
---1934, 13 (1): 109-133, Lingnan Science Journal
Catalogue of the phytophagous beetles of China.
(in Chinese)
---1934, 13 (2): 239-250, Lingnan Science Journal
Catalogue of the phytophagous beetles of China.
(in Chinese)
---1934, 13 (4): 633-660, Lingnan Science Journal
Catalogue of the phytophagous beetles of China.
(in Chinese)
---1983, 20 (3): 122-123, Konchun Zhishi [Entomological Knowledge] (in Chinese)
Preliminary Coscinesthes salicis Gressitt
/ life-cycle /
(Liamceva I. N.)
---1973, (5): 25-27, Nauch. dokl. vysh. shkoly, Biolog. nauki
Sravnitelno-morfologicheskij analiz lichinok zhukov drovosekov tribi Asemini (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1975, (4): 24-27, Nauch. dokl. vysh. shkoly, Biolog. nauki
K morfologii i sistematike zhukov-drovosekov tribi Molorchini (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1976, 55 (5): 774-776, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Moscow (ZZM)
Sistematicheskie osobennosti lichinok zhukov-drovosekov podcemeistva Aseminae (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1978(1978), 57 (2): 354-360, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[On a study of larvae of the subfamily Cerambycinae (Coleoptera. Cerambycidae).]
c--1978(1978), 57 (2): 250-254, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Materials to the knowledge of larvae of the Cerambycid beetles of the subfamily Cerambycinae (Col.,Cer).]
---1979, (1): 106-107, Tezii doklady Nauchnoi konferncii zoologov pedagog. institutov, Stavropol.
Taksonomicheskie priznaki lichinok zhukov-drovosekov podsemeistva Lamiinae.
---1979, 61: 79-82, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva
Novyj vid roda Pterolophia Newman (Col., Cerambycidae) iz Zabaikalja i Severnoj Mongolii.
/ Pterolophia selengensis – sp.n. – MN: Selengin aimak /
---1983, 104 (1): 35, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Hylotruprs bajulus occurring in natural habita. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c°--2002, N°4: 39-42, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Primeras citas de algunos cerambicídos (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) para la provincia Cordoba.
---1973, (109): 69-87, Uchon. zapis. Permskogo medic. inst.
Prakticheskij opredelitel zhukov-usachei Permskoi oblasti.
c°--1981, 60 (4): 784-803, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Systematic list of the Longicorn Beetles of the USSR 1.
c°--1982, 61 (2): 252-277, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Systematic list of the Longicorn Beetles ot the USSR 2.
c--1994, 73 (4): 868-869, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Anaglyptus natae sp.n. – novyi vid usachey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) iz Talysha (Azerbaidzhan)
[Anaglyptus natae sp. n. - new species of Longhorn Beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from Talysh.]
c°--1994, 3 (1): 105-106, Zoosystematica Rossica
[Phytoecia natali sp. n. - a new species of Longicorn Beetle from Caucasus (Col., Cerambycidae).]
/ Phytoecia natali - syn. - Helladia armeniaca iranica Villiers /
---1947, ???, Memórias e Estudos do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra.
Os Cerambicídeos portugueses do Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Coimbra.
c--1998, No 529: 300 pp., Ege Ü. Zir. Fak. Yayınları, E. Ü. Zir. Fak. Ofset Atelyesi, Bornova/İzmir,
Türkiye Entomolojisi VI (Genel, Uygulamalı ve Faunistik).
(Lökkös A.)
c°--2003, 5: 173-178, Natura Somogyiensis
A Latranyi Puszta Termeszetvedelmi Terulet cincerfaunaja (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[The longhorn beetle fauna of the Latranyi Puszta Nature Conservation Area (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
/ Cerambycidae - 47 sp. - Oberea pedemontana etc. /
o--1912, 1 (10): 300-301, Entomol. Mitteilungen
Biologische Beobachtunge.
---1984, Tom 1, Lesnaja Promyshlenost, Moscow (in Russian)
In: [Red Data Book of the USSR]
Callipogon relictus (pp. 253-254)
(López-Colón José Ignacio)
c°--1998, N°22: 69-75, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Ficha personal: José Ignacio Lopéz Colón.
c--1991, 8 (4): 416, Nouvelle Revue d´Entomologie
Datos atuales sobre la presencia en el centro de la Penisula Ibérica del Plagionotus scalaris
(Brullé, 1832) (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1991, 5 (29): 364-370, Giornale italiano di Entomologia
Notas sobre la poblacion de Akimerus schaefferi (Laich., 1784) de Espinar (Segovia)
(Espaňa Cenral) (Col., Cerambycidae, Lepturinae, Rhagiini).
---1992, 8 (4): 416, Novelle Revue d'Entomologie
Datos atuales sobre la presencia en el centro de la Peninsula Iberica del Plagionotus scalaris (Brullé, 1832)
(Col., Cerambycidae)
---1993, 36: 91-101, Bolletí de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears
Sobre la puesta de Vesperus fuentei Pic, 1905
(Col., Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
---1994, 11 (2): 209-210, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie
[New data on the Central Spain populations of Plagionotus scalaris (Brulle, 1832) (Col. Cerambycidae).]
o--1997, 97 (2): 219-233, Lambillionea
Plagionotus marcae n.sp. , nueva especie del centro de la Península Ibérica (Col., Ceramb.).
/ Plagionotus marcae - sp.n - SP,
Pl. scalaris vivesi ssp.n. - MA,
Pl. andreui Fuente, 1910 - st.n - SP. /
c°--1997, N°19: 19-20, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos datos sobre Vesperus fuentei Pic, 1905 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
---1997, N°20: 311-316, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
De cómo desaparece una "Localidad Clásica".
---1998, 145: 16-17, Quercus, Estudio Insectos
Descubiertas dos nuovas especies de cerambícidos espaňoles.
/ Plagionotus andreui, marcae - distribution, new record, biological notes /
c°--1998, N°23: 21-22, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Localización de Plagionotus scalaris (Brulle, 1832) en la Península Ibérica
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2001, N°28: 132, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Más sobre Plagionotus marcorum Lopéz-Colón, 1997: presencia en Almería (Col., Cerambycidae).
---2003, 3: 57-59, Heteropterus Revista de Entomologia
Designacion del neotipo de Plagionotus andreui Fuente, 1908 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[Designation of the neotypus of Plagionotus andreui Fuente, 1908 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
---2006, 1: 39-44, Bol. Inf. CIDEU
Cerambícidos xilófagos de encinas acornoques estudio bioecológico y control de poblaciones.
(Lopéz Peréz Juan José)
c°--2005, No. 13: 44-66, Boletín de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Encontrar rápidamente la clasificación de los Cerambycidae del mundo (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea)
/ !??! - tribal classification - World - !??! /
(Lopéz Vaamonde Carlos)
c--2000, 96 (1-2): 125-137, Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. (Sect. Biol.)
Distribución y estatus de conservación de la familia Cerambycidae Latreille, 1804 (Insecta, Coleoptera)
de Galicia (Noroeste de la Penísula Ibérica).
(Lopéz Vergara Marcos A.)
c°--2005, No. 36: 274, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Primero registro de Prinobius myardi Mulsant, 1842 en la comunidad valenciana (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
(Lorenc Jiří)
o--1999, 7 (10): 13-17, Folia Heyrovskyana
A new species of the genus Prionus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Syria.
/ Prionus komiyai sp. n. /
---1987, 17 (1-2): 99-104, VIER
Contributión al conocimiento de las formas larvarias de coleópteros. II.
---1983, 17 (4): 419-422, Silva Fennica
Flight periods of some birch timber insects.
/ Strangali quadrifasciata – flyght period analyses and economic significance /
---1958, Vyp. 65: 167-193, Vestni Tbiliskogo botanicheskogo sada
Zhuki usachi (Cerambycidae) i ikh khozyastvennoe znachenie v lesnykh i parkovykh nasazhdeniyakh
Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Lucas P. Hippolyte)
---1846 (1846-1849), 1-590 pp. , 47 pl., Imprimerie Nationale, Paris
Exploration scientifique de l´Algérie. Zoololgie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés. vol. 2. Coléopteres
/ CERAMBYCIDAE : 481 - 511 pp., pl. /
!!! { all the part dealing with Coleoptera was in fact printed and distributed in 1846 - Horn & Schenkling }
---1920, pp. 596, Berlin
Catalogus alphabeticus generum et subgenerum Coleopterorum orbis terrsum toitus.
---1987, 1-342 pp. , Goecke and Evers, Krefeld
Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Katalog
---1981, 25 (4): 539-541, Przeglad Zoologiczny
[The common fir tree, Abies alba Mill., the new host for Saperda scalaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
(Col., Cerambycidae)]
---1987, 31 (3): 337-339, Przeglad Zoologiczny
Nowe stanowisko Phymatodes pusillus (Fabr., 1787) (Col., Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
---1993, 12 (4): 306, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
(in Polish)
[ New data on the biology of Saperda carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758). (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) ]
c--1912, 44: 168-170, Bulletino della Societá Entomologica
Descrizione di un nuovo "Cerambycidae" dell' Italia centrale.
/ Phytoecia tirellii - sp.n. - Italy /
---1927, 10: 27-74, Mem. Pont. Accad. Scienze Lincei, serie II
I Cerambicidi del Lazio
---1929, 13: 732-772, Mem. Pont.Accad. Scienze nuovi Lincei, serie II
I Coleotteri d´Italia.
---1931, 84: 165-167, Atti pontif. Accad. Sci. Nuovi Lincei
Terzo contributo alla conoscenza della fauna entomologica del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo. Coleotteri.
---1933, 87: 26-27, Atti pontif. Accad. Sci. Nuovi Lincei
Quinto contributo alla conoscenza della fauna entomologica del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo. Coleotteri.
(Lukáš J.)
---1958, 2 (2): 17-20, Inf. zpr. Okr. múzea Trenčín
Poznámky k vývoji niektorých škodcov čel'ade Cerambycidae a ich starostlivoset' o nasledujúce generacie.
---1957, 78 (4): 276-281, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Bidrag till kännedomen om svenska Coleoptera. 2
---1964, 85 (3-4): 165-170, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Bidrag till kännedomen om biologim för nagra svenska Cerambycider.
c--1981, 102: 147-154, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
(see Melandryidae)
Gotska Sandöns skalbaggsfauna - nytillskott och interessanta arter.
[The beetle fauna of Gotska Sandön - new finding and interesting species (Coleoptera).]
/ Asemum tenuicorne ....... /
---1986, pp. 155, Entom. föreningen Sthlm, Naturhistoriska Rismuseet
Catalogus Coleopterorum Sueciae.
---1988, 109 (2(. 81-85, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Catalogus Coleopterorum Sueciae 1986 - rättelser och tillägg.
---1991, 112 (4): 129-132, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm ( in Swedish)
(et MARTIN O.)
Leiopus punctulatus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) aterfunnen i Sverige - med uppgifter om biologin.
[Recent Swedish record of Leiopus punctulatus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with notes on its biology.]
---1993, 114: 83-96, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Sällsynta och hotade skalbaggar i Hornsö- och Strömsrumstrakten i östra Smaland.
[Rare and threatened beetles in the surroundings of Hornsö and Strömsrum in eastern Smaland, SE Sweden.].
---1993, 114: 151-156, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Langhornigen Tetropium aquilonium funnen i Sverige, med uppgifter om dess biologi.
[The longhorn beetle Tetropium aquilonium Plavilstshikov found in Sweden, with notes
on its biology (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
*LUO Yong-ming
---1992, 13 (1): 59-61, Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
(in Chinese)
Bionomics of Rhytidodera bowringii White in Hainan Island.
(et JIN Qi´an)
---1956, 3: 769-770, Longicornia III
The genus „Notomulciber“
*MacRAE Ted C.
o--1993, 7 (4): 223-252, Insecta Mundi
Anotated checklist of the longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae and Disteniidae)
occurring in Missouri.
/ USA: Missouri - Cerambycidae 108 genera - 219 sp. and ssp. /
o--2000; 76 (3): 137-169, Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Review of the genus Purpuricenus Dejean (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in North America.
/ Purpuricenus USA: 6 sp. - key - foto - maps
P. paraxilaris - sp.n. /
*MACHADO Antonio
o--2000, 306 pp., Instituto de estudios Canarios (C.E.C.E.L.), La Laguna
Elenco de los coléopteros de las Islas Canarias. Monographia 70.
[Catalogue of the Coleoptera of the Canary Islands.]
(et OROMÍ P).
---1959, :49-57, Prírodovedný sborník Slovenského Múzea
Cerambycidae z okolia Krupiny a ich vyhodnotenie z hladiska ochrany
---1996, 61 : 39-47, Flora i fauna zapovednikov. Vyp. 61. Bespozvonochnye Zhigulevskogo zapovednika
Zhuki-usachi (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera)
/ Cerambycidae 103 sp. – biology, phenology, etc. /
*MAIA Artur C.D.
c°--????, 9: 391-434, ????
Padroes locais de diversidade de Cerambycidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) em vegetacao de Caatinga.
*MAIRHUBER Christian
c°--2005: 1-31, Ökoteam - Institut für Faunistik & Tierökologie, Graz
Der Alpenbock (Rosalia alpina) im Nationalpark Gesäuse - Folgeprojekt 2005
---1962, 35 (4): 55-58, Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde
Untersuchungen über Phloeosinus thujae Perris, Phymatodes glabratus Charp. und Anthaxia helvetica
Stierl. an Juniperus communis L.
---1999(1998), 17 (3-4): 179-182, Wiadomosci entomologiczne
(et CZERWINSKI Szymon)
Nowe stanowisko, uwagi o biologii i opis poczwarki Axinopalpis gracilis (Krynicki, 1832)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
[New record, biological notes and description of the pupa of Axinopalpis gracilis (Krynicki, 1832)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
c°--2006, 29 (2): 149-156, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
Parataxonomy: a test case usin beetles.
c°--2000, 5: 135-150, Folia faunistica Slovaca (et ŠTĚPANIČOVÁ O., FEDOR P.J.)
Vybrané skupiny hmyzu (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Blattodea,Ensifera et Caelifera)
na území NPR Čachtický hradný vrch (CHKO Malé Karpaty).
/ Cerambycidae : sp.
Melandryidae : sp. - SK /
c°--2002, 7: 49-53, Folia faunistica Slovaca
A Migration of Beetle (Coleoptera) on trunks a horse chesnut (Aesculus hippocastanum).
/ Cerambycidae : 5 sp. /
Chrobáky (Coleoptera) PR Ostrov Kopáč pri Bratislave.
/ Cerambycidae : 51 sp.
Melandryidae : 4 sp. - SK /
o--1976, 10 (1): 9-12, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
Description of a new species of Anoplophora from Ogasawara Islands (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ A. ogasawaraensis - sp.n. - JP /
---1977, 30 (1-2): 25-29, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of the genus Sybra from Japan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Sybra miscanthivola – sp.n. – JP: Okinawa Pref. /
c°--1977, (No. 10): 45-69, Esakia, Fukuoka
Cerambycidae of Kuroshima Island, with descriptions of two new species and two new subspecies (Col.)
o°--1978, : 49-62, Esakia, Fukuoka
New longicorn-beetles of the Ryukyus and Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Encyclops viridipennis (TW)
Thranius multinotatus ssp. okinawensis (JP)
Bumetopia brevicornis (JP)
Glenea masakii (JP)
Penthides flavus multipubens (JP) - sp. et ssp.n. /
c°--1979, (No. 14): 149-173, Esakia, Fukuoka
Tribe Clytini of Okinawa Prefecture (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Xylotrechus chujoi ssp. ishigakianus Ohbayashi, 1964) - comb.n. - (=Perissus ishigakianus
Ohbayshi, 1964), =Clytus tinsunishi Ohbayashi, 1965) – syn.n.
Xylotrechus albolatifasciatus – sp.n.
Perissus tsutsumii – sp.n. /
---1980, 16: 26, International Congress of Entomology Proceedings
Cerambycid fauna of the Ryukyus (Coleoptera)
/ faunal region – endemism /
c°--1980, (No. 15): 49-73, Esakia, Fukuoka
Cerambycidae of the Danjo Islands, with descriptons of two new species and six new subspecies
/ Acalolepta nigricornis ssp. mogii, A. sejuncta ssp. morii
Asaperda wadai
Mesosa hirsuta ssp. brevihirsuta
Palausybra tokarensis ssp. depresa
Pterolophia caudata ssp. curtipennis
Rhodopina meshimensis
Uraecha bimaculata ssp. brevicornis - sp. et ssp.n. - JP /
c°--1981, 17: 183-200, Esakia
see HAYASHI 1981
The Cerambycidae (Col.) of Nepal Collected by the Kyushu University scientific expedition.
/ Glaphyra shimai, Rhaphuma nishidai, Rosalia (Eurybatus) nakanishii,
Idiostrangalia quadrisignata, Strangaliella emotoi – sp.n. – NP /
---1982, 10 (2): 41-49, Elytra
Studies on cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (1).
/ Exocentrus takakuwai – sp.n. – JP
Glenea iriei heikichii – ssp.n. – JP
Acalolepta oshimana omoro Hayashi, 1963 (= Acal. okinawensis Breun. et Ohb.,1966 ) - syn.n. /
---1982, pp. 127-133, In: Sato, M., Hori, Y., Arita, Y. & Okadome, T. [Eds] - Special issue to the memory
of retirement of Emeritus Professor Michio Chujo. Association of the Memorial Issue
of Emeritus Professor M. Chujo, Nagoya, Japan. 1982: 1-185.
New longicorn beetles of the Ryukyus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1984, 11 (1-2): 1-8, illustr., Elytra
A study on three species of cryptomeria twig borers, Anaglyptus subfasciatus species group
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Japan and Taiwan, with description of a new species.
---1984, 12 (1): 13-20, illustr., Elytra
Two new longicorn beetles from Kyushu . Studies on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (2).
---1985, 12 (2): 5-10, illustr., Elytra
(et SAITO A.)
Studies on Leptura arcuata species group (1), (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
o--1985, No 23: 11-19, Miscellaneous Reports of the Hiwa Museum for Natural History
New longicorn Beetles from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Prionus nakamurai, Aulaconotus gracilicornis, Saperda kojimai - sp.n. - TW
Priotyrranus closteroides lutauensis - ssp. n. - TW /
---1985, No. 172: 9-14, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Schwarzerium (Cerambycidae, Callichromini) from southern part of Kyushu - studies on Cerambycidae
(Coleoptera) of Japan (3).
---1985, No. 67/68: 1-6, Coleopterists' News, Tokyo
(In Japanese)
On the genus Ropica from Japan. Sudies on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (4).
---1985, No. 170: 25-27, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Study on Ropica honesta species group including two species.
---1986, 14 (1): 25-28, illustr., Elytra
The true identity of Dihamus[Dihammus] fulvicornis hachijoensis Gressitt (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1986, N°24, Miscellaneous Reports of the Hiwa, Museum for Natural History
Some Longicorn Beetles from Taiwan (Col., Cerambycidae) with Descriptions of three New Species.
/ Perissus wenroncheni NIISATO - sp.n. - TW
Pterolophia (Pseudale) suginoi MAKIHARA - sp.n. - TW
Exocentrus taniguchii MAKIHARA - sp.n. - TW
Massicus fasciatus - comb.n.
Pterolophia (Pseudale) dorsotuberculare - comb.n.
Pt. (Pseudale) fasciata - comb.n. /
---1986, pp. 275-281,
In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] - Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on
the occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342.
Two new cerambycid beetles from Kyushu - studies on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (5.).
---1986, No. 2: 247-267, Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology
Revisional study on the genus Exocentrus in Japan - studies on Cerambycidae (Col.) of Japan (6).
---1986, 41: 31-33, Entomological Review of Japan
A new longicorn beetle collected from pine by Dr. A. Nobuchi from Thailand (Coleoptera).
/ Acanthocinus hutacharerae - sp.n. - TH
---1987, No. 191: 22-26, Gekan-Mushi
Study on Arhopalus rusticus species group including two /? new/ species.
---1987, 42 (1): 62, Entomological Review of Japan
New name for longicorn beetle of Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Anaglyptus higashimai - nom.n. -
---1987, 187-227 + 2 pls, Biogeography of the Tsushima Island
(In Japanese) (et SAITO S.)
Cerambycid fauna in Tsushima Island as a part of Far East Asaia.
---1988, N°3: 142-154, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
A study on the group of Glenea chlorospila in Japan - studies on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (7).
/ G. chlorospila okinawensis - ssp.n. - JP
G. kusamai - sp.n. - JP /
---1988, 37 (2): 13-15, Forest Pests
(in Japanese)
Japanese cryptomeria bark borer, Semanotus japonicus Lacordaire in Yakushima Islands.
---1988, 23 (5): 2-8, illustr., Nature and Insects
Geographical variations of Cryptomeria bark borer, Semanotus japonicus (Lacordaire)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1988, No. 11: 17-31, Ann. Rep. Ogasawara Research
Cerambycid fauna in Ogasawara Isls.
---1988, : 141-152 + 9-10, Tokai University Press
In: Sato M. (ed.), The Beetles of Japan, with Special Reference to their Origin and Differentiation.
Geographical variation and distribution of crambycid beetles of the group Pseudale.
(in Jap.)
---1989, 9 (2): 289-300,Chinese Journal of Entomology (et SAITO A.,CHU Y.I., HAYASHI M., NAKAMURA S.)
A list of cerambycid-beetles from Taiwan (3). Subfamily Cerambycinae.
---1989, 24 (10): 18-22, illustr., Nature and Insects
Ishigaki Is. of Okinawa Pref. occurring in six species of the genus Acalolepta (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1990, No. 235: 19-26, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Cerambycid beetles occuring in Okushiri Is., of Hokkaido (Coleoptera).
---1990, 25 (11): 18-22, Nature and Insects
A note on Sybra baculina Bates including two species in Japan.
o--1991, 19 (1): 5-18, Elytra
(et SAITO A., SATO M.)
Studies on the Leptura arcuata Species-group (2) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Leptura medicenotata Pic,1901 - st.n. - (= L. arcuata tsumagurohana Ohbayashi) - syn.n. ./
---1991, 26 (12): 2-6, Nature and Insects
Characteristic biology on some Cerambycidae what is called forest pest.
o--1992, No. 2: 45-72, Acta Coleopterologica Japonica
Revisional Study of the Genus Acalolepta of Japan. Studies on Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Japan (8).
/ Acalolepta - revision - sp. & ssp. n. - JP /
---1995, N°4: 451-458, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Taxonomic Changes in the Japanese Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
/ Pachyta uenoi - sp.n. - JP
Pterolophia (Pseudale) oshimana Breuning, 1955 - stat.n.
Ropica japonica japonica Hayashi, 1972 - stat.n.
Ropica japonica tokarana Takakuwa, 1984 - stat.n.
Ropica japonica amamiana Makihra, 1995 - ssp.n. - JP
---1997, : 73-84, Proc. International Workshop on Biological Invasions of Ecosystem by Pests
and Beneficial Organisms, Tsukuba, Japan
Cerambycid beetles to ocenaic Ogasawara Islands.
---1997, : 44-64, Matsukuimushi -History and current information-, Kyobunsha, Tokyo
Vectors of Pine Wilt Disease and their life history.
---1997, Trans. Iwate Entomol. Soc., Suppl. 1: 59-78 (in Japanese)
Longicorn beetles of Iwate Prefecture (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae and Disteniidae).
---1997, 32 (9): 2-9, Nature and Insects
Number of species, taxonomic problems and characteristic species or genera in the Japanese
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
---1997, 32 (4): 26-28, Nature and Insects
Review of the 1996's longicorn.
/ review of recent literature /
---1998, 33(3): 9-15, Nature and Insects
Cerambycid-beetles in lowland of east Kalimantan, Indonesia.
---1999, PUSREHUT Special Publication No. 7: 1-140, Samarinda, Indonesia
Atlas of Longicorn Beetles in Bukit Soeharto Education Forest, Mulawarman University,
East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
o--2000, Vol. 140: 153-163, Ecological Studies (et KINUURA H., YAHIRO K., SOYEMATO Ch.)
In: Guhardija et al. (eds.) : Rainforest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan: El Niňo,
Drought, Fire and Human Impacts, Ecological Studies, vol. 140:
14 The Effect of Droughts and Fires on Coleopteran Insects in Lowland Dipterocarp Forests in Bukit
Soeharto, East Kalimantan.
---2000, 49: 180-194, Forest Pests
(in Japanese)
True taxonomy and distribution of Anoplophora cerambycid beetles in East Asia.
---2001, 53 pp., JICA Expt. Report, Biodiversity Conservation Project
(et WORO A.N. )
Longicorn Beetles from Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia from 1997-2002
(Coleoptera Disteniidae and Cerambycidae).
o°--2002, 1 (3): 189-223, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Longicorn Beetles from Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia from 1997-2002
(Coleoptera Disteniidae and Cerambycidae).
---2002, 70 pp., 56 pls., JICA Expt. Report (et SIMBORON H., SUGIARTO BUDI F., ISKANDAR B.)
Atlas of Longicorn Beetles in Bukit Bangkirai Forest. Pt. Inhutani-I, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
o--2002, 30 (2): 339-347, Elytra
Two new Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Southern Kyushu, Japan.
/ Anastrangalia kasaharai - sp.n. - JP: Amam-Oshima Is.
Eumecocera morii - sp.n. - JP: OhsumiPeninsula /
o--2003, No. 6: 353-360, Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology
Three New Species of Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan.
/ Cephallalus ryukyuensis - sp.n. - JP: Amami-Oshima Is.
Acalolepta masatakai - sp.n. - JP: Yakushima Is.
Peblephaeus satoi - sp.n. - JP: Amami-Oshima Is. /
---2004, No. 397: 14-15, Gekan Mushi
Biological notes on four cerambycid beetles in east Kalimantan, Indonesia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2004, 32 (1): 193-194, Elytra
New Host Records of Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Okinawa Prefecture, Part 1.
o--2004, 32 (1): 199-200, Elytra
New Host Records of Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Okinawa Prefecture, Part 2.
o--2004, 32 (1): 219-224, Elytra
Two new species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Nansei Islands, southwest Japan.
/ Epania morimotoi - sp.n. - JP: Amami-Oshima Is.
Xylotrechus yukawai - sp.n. - JP: Okinawa Is. /
o°--2004, 3 (1): 15-24, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Two new species and a new subspecies of Japanese Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
/ Semanotus yakushimanus - sp.n. - JP: Yakushima Is
Mimectatina longipenis - sp.n. - JP: Hokkaido pref.
Monochamus alternatus endai - ssp.n. - JP, KO /
o°--2004, 3 (1): 49-98, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
(et WORO A.N.)
Longicorn beetles of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, identified by Dr. E.F. Gilmour, 1963
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae and Disteniidae).
c°--2004, 3 (2): 165-183, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
An evaluation of predation impact of the introduced lizard Anolis carolinensis the endemic insect
fauna of the Ogasawara Islands on insect collection records and feeding experiments, with
special to longicorn beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
o--2005, 33 (1): 121-125, Elytra
A New Subspecies of Chloridolum loochooanum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Okinawa Island
of the Nansei Islands, Southwest Japan.
/ Ch.(Chloridolum) loochooanum chujoi - ssp. n. - JP: Oknawa /
---2007, 35 (1): 261-221, Elytra
A New Species of the Genus Sybra (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Okinawa Island
of the Nansei Islands, Southwest Japan.
c°--2008, 7 (2): 95-110, Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Checklist of longicorn coleoptera of Sri Lanka (1) Vesperidae and Cerambycidae excluding Lamiinae.
---1984, 64 (4): 200, Notulae Entomologicae
[Observation on Pachyta lamed (Cerambycidae.]
---1992, 36 (3): 191-196, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Zum Vorkommen der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) im Gebiet um Schönebeck..
/ DE: Schönebeck area – faunal list /
(Malec Bořivoj)
o--1976, 12 : 95-98, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha (in Czech)
[Bockkafer des Landschftsschutzgebietes Jeseníky (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).]
/ faunal list /
---1970, 1 : 59-61, Miscell.Public.Comm.Inst.biol.contr.Trinidad
Investigations on Insects attacking european Rhamnaceae.
In: Proc. 1st int. Symp. biol. contr. Weeds, march 1969 (Simmonds F.J. ed.)
---1970, 65 : 77-97, Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie
Investigations on the possibilities of a biological control of Rhamnus cathartica l. in Canada: host
ranges, feeding sites, and phenology of insects associated with European Rhamnaceae.
---1990, 46 (2-3): 135-136, Entomologiste
Notes diverses sur quelques longicornes. (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1990, 59 (6): 165-166, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Captures de Coléopteres dans le deprtement du Gers.
---1991, 60 (): 48-49, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Biologie de Brachyleptura erythroptera Hagen dans le département du Gers (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1992, 61 (2): 14-16, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Cyrtoclytus capra Germar en Bearn : de la larve ŕ l’insecte ( Col..Cerambycidae ) .
c°--1973, 52 (8): 1251-1261, Zoologichesky Zhurnal, Moscow (ZZM)
Novye dannye po sisteme podsemeistva Aseminae (Col., Cerambycidae) v svyazi s osobenostyami
stroeniya lichinok. [New data on taxonomy of subfamily Aseminae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
on the basis of larval morphology.] []
o--1975, 281 pp., Nauka, Moscow
Lichinki zhukov-drovosekov. [Larvae of timber beetles]
(in Russ.)
---1979, : 80-97, Nauka, Moscow
(in Russ.)
In: Nasekomye - rozrushiteli drevesiny i ich entomofagi. Pp. 1-254
[In: Insects - timber pests and their entomophages.]
Progress v izucheniyu fauny i biologii zhukov-drvosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) v svyazi
s zadachey ich ekologicheskoy klassifikacii. [Progress in the study of fauna and morphology
of timber-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the connection with its ecological classification. ]
---2007, 95-97 pp., Sbornik nauchnyh trudov prepodavatelej i aspirantov TGPU im. L.N. Tolstogo. Tula
[To the study of xylophilous beetles of the forests of Tula Region].-
*MANABU Mochizuki
c°--1936, (): 207-213, Kontyu
A list of Coleopteraon Mt. Kongo in Chosen.
/ Cerambycidae - 23 sp. /
---1931, 48 (1): 1-28, Wiener Entomologische Zeitung
Systematische Zusammenstellung einer Sammelausbeute aus Transbikalien und dem Ussurigebiete.
/ Cerambycidae pp. 20-23, Oedemeridae p. 16, Serropalpidae p. 17, Nachtrage: /
c°--1965 (1964), 42 : 32-37, Koleoperologische Rundschau
Entomologiche Erggebinsse der Mazedonienreisen Dr. Friedrich Kasys.
/ Cerambycidae - F:MC /
o--1972, 62 : 154-162, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Geselschaft
Über europäischen Arten der Gattung Arhopalus Serville (Criocephalus Mulsant) und Beschreibung
einer neuen Subspezies des Arhopalus ferus Muls.(C.,Cer.)
c°--1979 (1978), 30(3-4): 137-140, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Friedrich F. Tippmann, ein Nachruf.
/ Cerambycidae - articles /
c°--1988 (1987), 39(3-4): 81-97, Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Österreichischen Entomologen
Die Taxonomie der Insekten wird neue Wegegehen müsen. Eine Forderung, beleuchtet an einer Gruppe
aus der Tribus der Carabini. Fragmenta Carabologica 11 (Carabidae, Col.).
/ GGR - see Carabus /
---1825, 1 (4): 19-41, In: Hummel - Essais entomologiques
Novae coleopterorum species imperii Rossici incolae descriptae
---1843, 16 (1): 175-314, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Beitrag zur Käferfauna der Aleutischen Inseln und der Insel Sitka und Neu-Californiens.
---1846, 19 (1): 175-314, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Nachtrag zur Käfer-Fauna der Aleutischen Inseln und der Insel Sitka.
---1849, 22 (1): 220-249, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Insectes coléopteres de la Siberie orientale, nouveaux ou peu connus.
---1852, 25 (2): 283-387, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Zweiter Nachtrag zur Käfer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Länder des Russischen Reiches.
---1853, 26 (2): 96-273, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Dritter Nachtrag zur Käfer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Länder des Russischen Reiches.
---1984, 64 (4): 200, Notulae Entomologicae
[Stromatium fulvum (Villers) (Cerambycidae) larval migration in Finland and adults developed here.]
---1977, pp. 527, illustr., pls. 8, Claredon Press, Oxford
The Arthropoda, habits, functional morphology and evolution.
(Mařan J.)
c--1930, : 20-50, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
-jvFylogenetická a systematická studie o čeledi Cerambycidae, založená na morfologii nervatury
spodních křídel.
---1956, 1 : 3-25, Acta Entomologica et Faunistica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Nástin entomogeografických poměrů Československa.
---2000, 69 (4): 65-80, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (et CHARDONET Georges)
[An entomological trip to Corsica (May 1998), and a list of the insects collected.]
---1939, 9 (2): 375-386, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga (FZH)
Die Cerambycidenfauna der Bucovina.
---1977, 10 (1): 37-55, Dusenia
Some genera of Lamiinae and their type-species (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
---1983, 40 (4): 248, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
Ceroplesis Serville, 1835 (Insecta, Coleoptera): proposed designation of a type species under
the plenary power. Z.N. (S.) 2180.
/ CEROPLESIS Serville – desig. type species Lamia aethiops Fabricius, 1775 /
---1991, 64 : 72-74, Anzeiger Schödlingskunde
Rinden- und holzborende Insektenarten in Kiefern (Pinus halepensis, P. brutia und P. nigra)
nach Waldbränden in Griechenland.
---1995, 10 : 33-35, Entomologia Hellenica
Flight period of Phaenops knoteki and Acanthocinus reticulatus.
*MARQUET Jacques
---1996, 17 (2): 35-36, Bulletin de l'Entomologie Tourangelle
Contribution a l'inventaire des Cerambycidae du Departmement de l'Indre et plus particulierement
du Parc Naturel Regional de la Brenne (annees 1994-1996).
*MARQUES Marines Issac
c°--2003, 47 (4): 491-545, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
(et NAPP D.S.)
Análise cládistica da tribo Rhopalophorini Blanchard, 1845 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*MARSEUL M. S.-A. de
c--1868-1869, 5 : 171-218, L'Abeille, Memoires d'Entomologie
Descriptions des especes nouvelles (suite a Ancey, 1868, Relation d´un voyage en Syrie)
/ Clytus gratiosus – sp.n. – Syrie, Beyrouth /
---1869, 6: 379-389, L'Abeille, Memoires d'Entomologie
Descriptions des Coléopteres nouveaux.
---1889, pp. 465-489, Paris
Catalogue synonymique et géographique des Coléopteres de l´Ancien-Monde. Extrait de l´Abeille, T.20, 1882
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - par Ganglbauer /
*MARTIN Huerta Francisco
---2001, 25 (1-2) : 185-186 Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Primera cita de Phoracantha recurva Newman , 1840, para la entomofauna de la zona centro peninsular
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae , Phoracanthini ) .
---1991, 7: 467, Eesti Loodus
[Saperda similis – a new species in Estonia]
c°--1996, 11: 349-360, Ann. Mus,civ. Rovereto, Sez.: Arch., St., Sc. nat.
I Cerambycidi della val di Genova.
/ F:IT /
(Martínez Claudia)
c°--2000, 1 (1): 76-105, Biota Colombiana
Escarabajos Longicornijos (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) de Colombia .
---1982, 11(22): 57-69, Bol. estac. centr. Ecología
Phoracantha semipunctata F. en el Suroeste Espaňol. Resumen de la campaňa de colocacion
de arboles cebo.
(Martínez de la Escalera M.)
---1901, 1: 78-88, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Especies espaňolas del género Dorcadion Dalm.
---1902, 2 : 270-272, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Notas sobre los Dorcadion de Espaňa.
---1911, 1 : 1-13, Asoc. esp. progr. Cien. Congreso de Granada, sec. 4a. (Ciencias Naturales)
Los Dorcadion entre el Guadiana y el Duero a través de la cuenca del Tajo.
c--1914, Núm. 11: 495-506, Trabajos del museo nacional de Ciaencias naturales, Serie Zoológica (TMNM)
Los coleopteros de Marruecos.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 495-506
Bolivarita oculata - gen. et sp.n. - MA /
---1924, 24 : 191-200, Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural
Enumeración de las especies espaňolas de Dorcadion del Museo de Madrid, y desripción
de algunas formas nuevas.
c°--2004, No. 55 :167-182, Munibe (Ciencias Naturales - Natur Zeintziak)
Coléopteros saproxílicos (Insecta: Coleoptera) de un hayedo acidófilo en regeneración del norte penisular.
[Saproxylic coleoptera (Insecta: Coleoptera) of a regenerating acidophilous beech-forest in the north
of Iberian Penisula.]
---1983, 39 (2) :53-57, L'Entomologiste
Possibilité d’indroduction en France de 2 insects ravageurs specifiques des Eucalyptus :
Phoracantha semipunctata (Col.,Cerambycidae) et Ctenarytania eucalypti ( Hom., Psyllidae).
---1989, 45 (6): ???, L'Entomologiste
A propos de Batocera rufomaculata DeGeer (Col. Cerambycidae).
o--2001, 101 (3/1): 427-430, Lambillionea
(et DIEGO BARQUIN de Javier)
Cerambicidos nuevos para Cantabria (Espaňa), (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2004 (2003), 11 (1-2): 44-69, Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva
A review of the fauna and ecology of the long-horned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
of southeast Ukraine.
*MARTINS Ubirajara R.
---1975, 26 (4): 319-359, 69 figs, Arq. Zool. S. Paulo
A taxonomic revision of the world Smodicini.
c--1976, 30 (9): 123-132, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Notes on Zamium Pascoe and Holorusius Fairmaire, two African Cerambycid genera (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Holorusius – transferred to – Smodicini, key, map, figs /
---1978, 31 (15): 221-236, 17 figs, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Săo Paulo
Relationships between Xystrocera and Callichromatini, with remarks on Australian
and Oriental species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1980, 33 (9): 295-311, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
The genus Lygrus Fähroeus, 1872 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1980, 2 (3): 113-118, Revue Francaise d'Entomologie (nov. der.),
Notes sur la tribu des Methini et transfert de certains genres de l'ancien monde (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1992, 6 (2): 101-108, Insecta Mundi
Neotropical Cerambycidae ( Coleoptera) primarily in the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. I.
Falsamblesthini (Lamiinae).
c°--1995, 9 (1-2): 1-6, Insecta Mundi
Neotropical Cerambycidae ( Coleoptera) primarily in the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. V.
Onciderini (Lamiinae).
c°--2001, (90): 15-20, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novos táxons de Disteniidae (Coleoptera) neotropicais.
c°--2002, 92 (2): 21-28, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Estolomimus (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae, Desmiphorini) novas espécies e chave.
c°--2002, 92 (4): 5-10, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. I. Eburiini (Cerambycinae).
c°--2002, 92 (4): 11-18, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. II. Ibidionini (Cerambycinae).
c°--2003, 47 (1): 25-29, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novas espécies e revalidacao em Hippopsis Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825
(Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Agapanthiini).
c°--2003, 47 (1): 133-135, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons em Apomecynini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2003, 47 (2): 175-180, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. IV. Cerambycidae com olhos grosseiramente granulados.
c°--2003, 47 (2): 225-228, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons em Piezocerini e Ibidionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2003, 47 (4): 615-620, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novas espécies e nota sobre Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) neotropicais colecao Arriagada,
Santiago Chile.
c°--2003, 47 (3): 373-378, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Sinonímias e descricoes em Adetus LeCont (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Lamiinae, Apomecynini).
c°--2004, 94 (1): 37-44, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Contribuicaos aos Hemilophini (Cerambycidae, Lamiini) da Colombia a do Equador.
c°--2004, 94 (4): 395-401, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novos táxons de Arenicini (Coleoptera) da Guatemala, Brasil e Bolívia.
c°--2004, 48 (2): 229-232, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) colectados na Venezuela na copa de Matayba (Sapindaceae)
e Vochysia (Vochysiaceae).
c°--2004, 48 (4): 467-472, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Contribuicao ao conhecimento dos Hemilophini (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Lamiinae),
principalmente da Costa Rica.
c°--2004, 21 (3): 535-541, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Sobre Hemilophini (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Lamiinae) da Regiao Neotropical: espécies novas
e novos registros.
c°--2005, 49 (4): 459-461, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos Onciderini (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) da Bolívia.
c°--2005, 45 (19): 243-248, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Contribuicao para o conhecimento dos Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae),
da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2005, 95 (1): 17-19, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novo genero e nota sinonímica em Callichromatini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2005, 95 (1): 25-28, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novas espécies de Adetus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Apomecynini).
c°--2005, 22 (1): 5-18, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da Colombia. VII. Novos táxon, novos registros, nova sinonímia,
nova combinacao e novo nome.
c°--2005, 22 (3): 764-770, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Novos táxons e notas sobre Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2006, 96 (2): 173-178, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Novos táxons de Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) da Regiao Neotropical.
c°--2006, 96 (3): 339-343, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Notas sobre os generos Deltosoma e Thelgetra (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Pteroplatini).
c°--2006, 50 (4): 458-462, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novos táxons (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) do Equador e Bolívia e redescricao de Estola medionigra Breuning.
c°--2006, 50 (4): 475-487, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Genero Hippopsis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae): chave para as espécies, sinonímia
e descricao de espécies novas.
c°--2006, 46 (18): 211-218, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Caliini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) descricoes, homonímia, novo registro e chave para
as espécies de Graminea Thomson, 1864.
c°--2006, 36 (2): 265-272, Acta Amazonica (et GALILEO M.H.M., SANTOS-SILVA A., RAFAEL J.A.)
[Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) collected with light trap at 45 meters height over an Amazon forest canopy
and the description of four new species]
c°--2007, 24 (4): 1145-1149, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Novos táxons em Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2007, 47 (9): 127-135, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Notas e novas espécies de Onciderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2007, 47 (12): 159-164, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Notas e descricoes em Acanthoderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). I. Novos taxons,
nova sinonímia e novos registros.
c°--2007, 47 (14): 175-179, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Novos Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da colecao Odette Morvan, Kaw, Guiana Francesca.
c°--2007, 47 (16): 187-190, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Novos táxons e notas sobre Acanthoderini (Coleoptera Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) com articulo III
dos palpos labiais truncado.
c°--2008, 52 (2): 272-276, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Clytini neotropicais II (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
c°--2008, 48 (4): 27-31, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Novas espécies de Onciderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) da Bolívia.
c°--2008, 48 (10): 69-73, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Notas e novos táxons em Acanthoderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). III.
Generos semelhantes a Anoreina.
c°--2008, 48 (8): 55-59, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Novos Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) da colecao Odette Morvan, Guiana Francesca. II
---1955, : 439-464, Atti 1o Convegno Friulano Sci. Nat., Udine
Elenco delle specie piu rare o non ancora segnalate per il Friuli, esistenti nella collezione di coleotteri
friulani dell´ing. Gagliardi e di quelle raccolte posteriormente alla stessa.
*MASAKI Jujiro
c°--1937, 3 : 80-93, Kontyu
On the Insect-Fauna of Southern Islands of the Coast of Izu (I.)
---1941, 3 (4): 102-111, Collecting and breeding
Reserches on Senkaku Is.
(in Jap.)
---2001,N°1: 215-221,Special Publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society (et KANMIYA K.,YUKAWA J.)
Potential flight ability of Oberea hebescens Bates (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1981, 24 (5): 323-325, Eesti Loodus
[Polinators of Gymnadenia]
/ Pollination of orchid – Strangalia maculata /
(in Estonian)
---2005, 81 : 255-256, BCPC Symposium Proceedings
The longhorn beetle Anoplophora chinensis (form malasiaca), a new pest of woody ornamentals in Italy.
---1974, 54 (5): 789-804, L´Universo
Appunti sulla biogeografia delle Isole Egadi.
---1969, 18 : 1-7, New Entomologist
(In Japan.)
Notes on longicorn beetles from Nagano Prefecture, Japan (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1984, 28 (2): 88, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Tetropium gabrieli Weise – neu für den Bezirk Schwerin (Col., Cerambycidae)
*MATEU Joachim
(Mateu Joacquin)
---1954, 2 (1): 110-120, Tamuda, Tetuan
Cerambicidos del Sáhara espaňol.
c--1963, 12e Serie, Tom 5: 429-450, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris. (ASNZ)
Notes sur la biologie du Taurotagus brevipennis Gahan. (Coléopteres, Cerambycinae)
---1963, 5 (4): 794-805, ASNZ
Notes sur la biologie de Macrotoma palmata F. (Coléoptere, Prionitae)
c--1964, : 393-400, „Vie et milieu“, Volume jubilaire dédié a Georges Petit, Suppl. No17 (? 394-401)
Notes sur la biologie de Plocederus caroli Leprieur (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1965, 41 (4): 597-606, 2 plts, Eos
Notes sur la biologie de Derolus mauritanicus (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1965, 21 (6): 103-114, L'Entomologiste
Notes sur quelques Cérambycides, Lyctides et Bostrichides de la région de Béni-Abbes
(Sahara nord-occidental).
Notes sur la biologie de Polyarthron pectinicornis (Coleoptere Prionidae).
o--1972, 116: 1-714 pp., Publicações do Instituto de Zoologia "Dr. A.Nobre", Faculdade de Ciências do Porto
Les Insectes xylophages des Acacia dans les régions sahariennes.
/ Cerambycidae 304-376 /
*MATHEW George
c--1982, 10 : KFRI Research Report
A survey of beetles damaging commercially important stored timbr in Kerala.
/Cerambycidae pp. 47-52/
---1959, 171 (4): 1-165, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol. (et BALWANT S.)
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries. Part 5.
---1960, 171 (3): 1-45, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol. (et BALWANT S.)
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries. Part 4.
---1960, 171 (4): 1-165, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol. (et BALWANT S.)
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries. Part 6.
---1960, 171 (5): 1-91, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol. (et BALWANT S.)
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries.
---1960, 171 (6): 1-148, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol. (et BALWANT S.)
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries.
---1960, 171 (7): 1-130, Forest Bull., Dehra Dun, (N.S.) Entomol.
A list of insects pest of forest plants in India and adjacent countries.
*MATSUDA Kiyoshi
---1997, 32 (14): 11-19, 33 pls, Konchuu to shizen /Nature and Insects /, Tokyo
[An introduction to the Cerambycid fauna of Philippines.]
(in Japanese)
---1976, viii+534, 155 figs., Pergamon Press, Oxford
Morphology and evolution of the insect abdomen.
---1997, 32 (9): 16-20, Nature and Insects
Life history of the albizzia borer, Xystrocera festiva.
---2000, 3 (1): 33-42, Entomological Science
Biology of the Japanese green-lined albizzia longicorn, Xystrocera globosa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1993, 28 (10): 45-47, Nature and Insects
(in Japanese)
[Notes on Batocera rubus (Linnaeus) from Okinawa Islands.]
---1911, Vol. 4 : 1-145, Journal of the College of Agriculture of Sapporo.
Erster Beitrag zur Insekten-Fauna von Sachalin.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 133-140 - 7 sp., Oedemeridae 1sp./
/in Germ./
c°--1927, 1: 175-177, Insecta matsumurana
Four new species of Necydalis from Japan.
/ Necydalis nikokensis, towadensis, galloisi, sachalinensis - sp.n. - JP + Saghalien /
c°--1927, 1: 175-177, Insecta matsumurana
Insects collected at the foot of Mt. Yatsugadake and its enviroment.
/ Monochamus sartor f. takaii - JP /
(Matsushita Masaki)
---1930, 42: 22-28, Tokyo Dobutsugaku Zasshi
(in Japanese)
Daisetsazan saishu no Tengiu-rui ni tsiute.
---1931, 17 (3): 399-405, Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Einige neue Bockkäfer aus Formosa
---1931, 12: 42-48, Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society
Zehn neue Cerambyciden-Arten und einer neue Gattung aus Japan.
c--1932, 7 (1): 66-73, Insectata Matsumurana, Sapporo
Die Callidiopinem vom Japanischen Reich (Col. Ceramb.).
/ Callidiopini - key ; Ceresium - key
Ceresium hachijoense Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP
Cer. japonicum - sp.n. - JP
Cer. signaticolle Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP
Paraceresium saipanicum - gen. et sp.n. - Marianen, Saipan Is.
Trinophylum boninense Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP /
c--1932, 7 (1): 169-172, Insecta Matsumurana, Sapporo
Einige neue Cerambyciden-Arten von der Insel Palau.
/ Ceresium palauense - sp.n. - JP: Palau Is.
Aeolesthes inhirsutus - sp.n. - JP: Palau Is.
Nippohamus korolensis - gen. et sp.n. - JP: Palau Is. /
---1932, Transactions of Kans. Ent. Soc
(in Japanese)
Über die im Japanischen Kaiserreich unbekannten Cerambyciden-Arten.
c--1933, 7 (3): 103-110, Insecta Matsumurana
Ueber die neuen Cerambyciden.-Arten Japans.
/ Pidonia orientalis - sp.n. - JP
Leptura (s.str.) sachalinensis - sp.n. - Saghalien
Strangalia (s.str.) coreana - sp.n. - KO
Strangalia (s.str.) doii - sp.n. - Kurilen Is., Etorofus
Anaglyptus bellus Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP
An. sapporensis - sp.n. - JP
Mimistena setigera ruficollis - var.n. - TW
Pterolophia caenosa - sp.n. - JP,TW
Abryna coenosa loochooana - ssp.n. - JP
Exocentrus bioculatus Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP
Ex. fujiyamai Matsumura et Matsushita - sp.n. - JP
Glenea daisensis - sp.n. - JP
Gl. hachijonis - sp.n. - JP /
---1933, 34 (2): i-ix+157-445, pls I-V, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden des japanischen Reichs.
/ Artelida asiatica - sp.n. - TW (=Toxotinus auripilosus)
c--1934, 9 (1-2): 60-80, Insecta Matsumurana, Sapporo
Insects collected at the foot of Mt. Yatsugadake and its environment.
/ Cerambycidae : 2 sp. - p. 64
Monochamus sartor takaii - forma n. - JP /
---1934, 24: 538-539, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Fünf neue Cerambyciden aus dem japanischen Reich.
c°--1935, 10 (1-2): 1-5, 2 figs, Insecta Matsumurana
Über einige Bockkäfer japans.
/ Nivelia (s.str.) maculata - sp.n.
Strangalia (Strangalina) takeuchii- sp.n.
Demonax jezoensis - sp.n. - JP /
---1935, 14 (2): 115-122, Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society
Beitrag zur Cerambyciden-Fauna von Mikronesien.
c°--1936, 10 : 146-149, Kontyu
Zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden.
c°--1937, 11 : 102-106, Kontyu
Zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (2).
c°--1937, 11 (4): 312-315, Kontyu
Die Cerambyciden-fauna von Miyakejima in der Prov. Izu, Nippon.
c°--1938, 12 : 93-96, Kontyu
Zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (3).
c°--1937, 11 : 146-149, Insecta Matsumurana
Einige neue Formen der japanischen Bockkäfer nebst Bemerkungen über Synonym
und geographische Vebreitung.
/ Bumetopia oscitans kiushuensis - var.n. - JP /
c--1938, 12 : 99-106, Insecta Matsumurana
Neue und wenig bekannte Bockkäfer aus Shikoku. (I. Okubo’s und M. Okamoto’s Ausbeute).
/ Itohigea bimaculata - gen. et sp.n. (=Cleptometopus)
Pterolophia leiopodina var. tsurugiana - stat.n.
Tengius okuboi - gen. et sp.n. - JP /
c--1939, 14 (2-3): 52-55, Insecta Matsumurana
Zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (V).
/ Rhaphuma hirtipes - sp.n. - TW
Doius griseus - sp.n. - JP
Etymestia ziczac - sp.n. - TW
c--1939, 14 (2-3): 56-60, Insecta Matsumurana
Zur Kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (IV).
/ Epania kojimai - sp.n. - JP ; Epania - key JP
Demonax arcuata - sp.n. - TW
Monochamus sintikensis - sp.n. - TW
c°--1940, 14 : 126-128, Kontyu
On Mesosa japonica Bates and Mesosa myops Dalman.
c--1940, 15 (1-2): 3-8, Insecta Matsumurana
Zur kenntnis der japanischen Lepturinen (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Neoencyclops - gen. n. - (Grammoptera cyanea Tamanuki, 1933)
Nivelia (Munamizoa) - sbg. n. - (Nivellia maculata Matsushita et Tamanuki, 1935)
Strangalia (Paranaspia) - sbg. n. - (Strangalia anaspidioides Bates, 1873)
Strangalia (Strangalia) ohishii Matsushita et Tamanuki, 1937 /
c--1941, 15 (4): 151-158, Insecta Matsumurana
Zur kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (VI).
/ Prionus igai - sp.n. - TW
Mausaridaeus longipes - sp.n. - TW
Dimasius hirayamai - sp.n. - TW
Chlorophorus diadema kanekoi - var.n. - TW
Anaglptus comosus - sp.n. - JP
Eutaenia formosana - sp.n. - TW
Ropica formosana hirayamai - var.n. - TW
Rarasanus subfasciatus - gen. et sp.n. - TW
Oberea bicoloripes isigakiana - var.n. - JP /
c°--1941, 15 (2): 28-34, Kontyu
On some Cerambycid-beetles from Manchuria. Records on the Insect-fauna of Manchuria. VI. Coleoptera.
---1942, 52 (2): 79-81, Zool. Mag., Tokyo
Ueber die neuen japanischen Cerambyciden.
---1943, 33. 573-577, Transactions of the Natural History Society of Taiwan
Zur kenntnis der Japanischen Cerambyciden (VII).
---1998, 99 pp., Societe Alsacienne d’Entomologie Musee Zoologique de l’Universite et de la ville de Strasbourg
Catalogue et atlas des Coleopteres d‘Alsace. Tome 1 Cerambycidae, 2éme Edition.
---1977, (8): 9-14, Ber. Arbeitgem. Ökol. entomol. Graz
Cerambycidae (Col.) aus dem Bezirk Weiz (Steiermark)
---1882, : 173-174, Annales de la Societé entomologique de France, Bulletin
Note sur les métamorphoses des Dorcadion.
---1890, (6) 10, Annales de la Societé entomologique de France, Bulletin: 189-191
Description de la larve de Vesperus strepens F.
---1900, Bulletin: 226-228, Annales de la Societé entomologique de France
Note sur le Caenoptera (Molorchus ) Marmottani Ch.Brisout (Col..) et description du mâle de cette espece.
---1905, Bulletin: 277-279, Annales de la Societé entomologique de France
Le Lucasianus levaillanti Lucas (Col.), sa découverte en France et ses moeurs.
*MAZUR Mieczyslav
c° --1998(1997), 16 (3-4): 157-162, Wiadomosci Entomologiczne
Rozmieszczene i pochodzenie Dorcadion scopoli (Herbst, 1784) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
[Distribution and origin of Dorcadion scopoli (Herbst, 1784) (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Poland.]
---1947, 10: 1-190, Mem. Australian Mus., Sydney
A Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Australia.
---1997, pp. 176, Uspekhi entomologii na Urale, Ekatrinburg
Fauna usachey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) okrestenostey biostancii Cyktyvkarskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta
/ Cerambycidae 36 sp. /
---2001, tom 166: 31-51, Arch. of Komi Sc. Centre of Ural Branch of Russian Ac. of Sc.
(in Russian)
In: Fauna and ecology of invertebrata animals of European north-east of Russia.
[New beetl species in the fauna of European north-east of Russia]
---1957, Vol. 30: 173-206, Arch. of Sc. and Res. Inst. of Biology and Biological Faculty of Kharkov
A.M.Gorky University
[To the study of beetle (Coleoptera) fauna of Moldavian SSR and neighbour Ukraine regions.]
---1802, No. 11,
Catalogus insectorum, quao Viennae Austriae auctionis lege distrahuntur Wien.
(Mertlík Josef)
c°--2007, 1: 97-152, Elateridarium
[Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Nature Reserve Buky near Vysoké Chvojno (Czech Republic).]
/ Cerambycidae - F:CZ /
c°--2005, 29 (4): 273-278, Türk. entomol. derg.
A contribution to the Longhorned beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Khorasan province, Iran
/ Cerambycidae - F:IR /
---1992, 60 (4): 93-96, Entomologiske Meddelelser
(in Danish)
(et JORUM P.)
Tetrops starki (Chevrolat, 1859) - en hidtil overset dansk traebuk (Col., Cerambycidae).
[Tetrops starki (Chevrolat, 1859) – an overlooked longhorn beetle in Denmark (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1995, 63 (4): 93-96, Entomologiske Meddelelser
Recent Swedish rcords of Chlorophorus varius (Müller, 1766) with notes on the bionomy
and distribution: (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1985, 13 : 85-93, Phytoparasitica
Seasonal development of the eucalypt borer, Phoracantha semipunctata, in Israel.
(Medizábal Villalba M.)
---1937, p. 1-22, Publicaciones del Ministerio de Agricultura. Instituto de Investigaciones
Agronómicas; sección de fitopatología
Notas para un estudio de las epecies espaňolas del género Vesperus (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1939, 8 : ???, Boletín de Patología Vegetal y Entomología Agrícola
Notas para un estudio de las especies espaňolas del género Vesperus (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1940, 2 : 591-606, Vie Congr. intern. Ent., Madrid 1935
Notas paraun estudio de las especies espaňolas del género Vesperus (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1942, 11 : 387-410, Boletín de Patología Vegetal y Entomología Agrícola
Cerambícidos de interés agrícola.
/ Cerambycidae - Moldavia)
*MEDVEGY Mihaly °°
o--1987, 106 pp., Bakonyi Természettud. i Museum, Zirc
A Bakony cincerei
[Longicornes of Bakony mountains]
---2001, 18 : 105-112, Folia Musei Historico Naturalis Bakonyiensis
Adatok az acscincer (Ergates faber L.) fejlodeserol es populaciodinamikajarol (Fenyofoi Osfenyves).
[Data about the development and population-dynamic of the Ergates faber L.]
---1980, 33 (1): 23-25, Beiträge zur Naturkunde Niedersachsens
Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) aus dem südwestlichen Harz-Rand und seinem Vorland.
*MEIRHUBER Christian
c°--2005, 1-31 pp., ÖKOTEAM - Institut für Faunistik & Tierökologie
Der Alpenbock (Rosali alpina) im Nationalpark Gesäse - Folge projekt 2005
c°--2008, 1773: 1-17, Zootaxa
Taxonomic review of three saperdine genera, Mandibularia Pic, Mimocagosima Breuning
Parastenostola Breuning (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Laminae: Saperdini) (abstract)
---1893, N°3: 154-155, Vestnik Estestvoznania, Moskva
[Cerambycidae of Ufa Urals]
(in Russian)
---1954, 20 : 29-51, Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
(et FIORI G.)
Risultati delle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. I. Ricerche
di ecologia e di etologia sulla entomofauna dello "Uadi Soffegin" (Tripolitania).
---1956, 21: 213-242, Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
Risultati delle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. VIII. La vita
entomatica nell'oasi e nella piana di Mizda.
---1956, 21: 243-276, Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
Risultati delle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. IX. Aspeti
estivi della entomofauna dello Uadi Soffegin e suoi affluenti.
---1976 (1976-1977), 33 : 55-114, Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
Risultati delle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. XXXII. Attivita
della entomofauna nelle oasi di Mizda e di El-Ghéria Esc-Scherghia in primavera avanzata.
---1976 (1976-1977), 33 : 115-214, Bollettino dell'Instituto di Entomologia dell'Universita di Bologna
Risultati delle missioni entomologiche dei dottori G. Fiori ed E. Mellini nel Nord Africa. XXXIII. Etologia
degli insetti dello Uadi Soffegin ed altriUidian della Ghibla nel mese di maggio.
---1987, 119 (2): 128, Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Segnalazione faunistiche italiane. (No 124-126.)
---1992, 124 (1): 128, Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Segnalazione faunistiche italiane. (No 211-212.) (Coleoptera)
---1999, 131 (3): 128, Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Segnalazione faunistiche italiane. (No 372, 381-383, 388-390) (Coleoptera)
---1982, 118 (Jan.-Apr.): 52, Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Leptura rubra (Col., Cerambycidae) in Norfolk and Suffolk.
(Ménétriés Édouard)
---1832, 4 : 1-271, St. Pétersbourg
Catalogue raisonné des objects de Zoologie recueillis dans un voyage au Caucase et jusqu'aux
frontiéres actuelles de la Perse.
---1854, 3 : 26-41, In: Motschulsky V. – Études Entomologiques
Coléopteres recueillis dans la Mongolie chinoise et aux environs de Pekin.
---1992, 48 (5): 221-223, L'Entomologiste
Capture insolite d´un Batocera lineolata en region parisienne (Col. Cerambycidae)
(Mériguet B.)
---2004, . 1-36, OPIE - Inventaire entomologique (et BORGES A., ZAGATTI P.)
Inventaire entomologique - Foret de Montgé
/ F:FR - Cerambycidae + Melandryidae /
---1987, (2): 221-226, Fauna Kiskunság Nat. Park, Budapest
Cerambycidae of the Kiskunság National Park (Col.)
---1996, 309-326, In: MAHUNKA S. (Ed.) - The fauna of the Bukk Natinal Park. Volume 2., Hungarian
Natural History Museum, Budapest, 1-665 (et KOVACS T., HEGYESSY G.)
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Bukk National Park.
c°--1997, pp. 1-43, In: HORVÁTH F. et al.: Nemzeti Biodiverzitás-Monitorózo Rendszer VI., Mygyar
Természettudományi Múzeum
(et KOVACS T.)
/ F:FR - Cerambycidae /
(José Ricardo M. Mermudes)
c°--2004, 48 (2): 251-272, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
(et NAPP D.S.)
Comparative morphological study of the Neotropical Cleomenini genera and their
transpherence to the tribes Rhopalophorini Blanchard and Rhinotragini Thomson
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
o--1947, 25 : 135-138, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Contribution to the knoeledge of the Dorcadion Dalm. of the Balcans.
---1995, 11 (2): 132-137, Journal of tropical Forestry
Incidence and control of stem-root borer, Celosterna scabrator Fab. (Coleoptera: Lamidae)
on Eucalyptus hybrid.
---1961, 91 (5-6): 81-82, Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana
Un secondo esemplare di Phytoecia (Musaria) tirellii catturato in Abruzzo.
---1976, 29 (1): 49-58, Folia entomologica Hungarica
Coleopterak rajzasanak vizsgalata fenycsapdak segitsegevel.
o--2006, No 6: 17, Listy Entomologického klubu při Labských pískovcích
O tesaříku Opsilia uncinata (Redt.).
*MICHELI Charyn J.
c°--2005, 1028: 23-36, Zootaxa
(et NEARNS E.)
The new species of Plectromerus Haldeman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the West Indies.
c°--2006, 1161: 65-68, Zootaxa
(et MICHELI Charin J.)
Reinstatement of Solenoptera michelii (Chemsak, 1979) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae:
Solenopterini) as a valid species.
---1964, 22 : 152-165, Behaviour
Observations on the sexual behavior of some longicorn beetles, subfamily Lepturinae (Col., Ceramb.)
---1966, 23 : 357-366, Z. Tierpsychol.
On evolution of tactile stimulatory actions in longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1944, 37 : 336-351, 3 pls., Ann. ent. Soc. Amer.
A comparative study of the appendages of the eighth and ninth abdominal segments of insects.
(Mička Jiří)
o--1990, 26: 45-48, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Fauna tesaříkovitých (Cerambycidae) v Praze-Krči a v jejím okolí.
---1915, 60: 106-113, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zu einem Verzeichnis pommerschen Käfer.
---1986, 29: 35-37, Latvijas Entomologs
Dazas zinas par koksngrauziem Jaunpiebalgas apkaime [Some data on longhorn beetles near Jaunpiebalga.]
---1993, (2): 170-174, The Central mediterranean Naturalist 2
Notes on some Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Maltese Islands.
/ Nathrius brevipennis - 1st record - MT, Trichoferus cinereus /
---1997, (4): 170-174, The Central mediterranean Naturalist 2
(et BOOTH Roger)
Further contributions to the knowledge of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
of the Maltese Islands.
/ Cerambyx carinatus, velutinus, Certallum ebulinum, Icosium tomentosum,
Phoracantha semipunctata, Stenopterus ater, Trichoferus griseus - 1st record MT /
---2002, 3: 161-168, The Central Mediterranean Naturalist
Longhorn beetles of the Maltese Islans (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2004, 56 (2): 137-144, Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
Studies on Cerambycid Fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria.
/ Cerambycidae - Vitosha reg. - 42 sp.
Phytoecia geniculata - 1st record - BG /
o--2007, 107, N° 1, suppl. 1: 1-78, Lambillionea
An annotated list of Bulgarian cerambycids with special view on the rarest species
and endemics (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae - 266 sp. reported, 255 sp. accepted - 3 sp. BG endemics /
(Mikšič R.)
---1963, 3: 55-188, Acta biologica, Zagreb
Prilog poznavanju faune srizibuba (Cerambycidae) Jugoslavie
[Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bockkäfer-Fauna (Cerambycidae) Jugoslaviensis.]
c--1971, 70 pp., Inst. za šumarstvo,Posebno izd., Srajevo
Katalog der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) Jugoslawiens.
---1971, Djela 43, 3: 1-175, Akad. nauka i umjet. Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo
Cerambycidae Jugoslavie, I dio
c--1973, Djela 45.4: 1-153, Akad.nauka i umjet.Bosne i Herceg., Srajevo
Cerambycidae Jugoslavie, II dio
---1985, 62 (5): 1-160 Poseb.izd.Akad.nauka i umj.,Bitt.Odd.prir. i mat.n.
Cerambycidae Jugoslavije. III dio (Lamiinae)
(et KARPIČ M.)
(Miländer G.V.)
---1976, 2 (2): 2-5, Faunistilisi Markmeid
[ Additions to the faunistic list of Estonian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) ]
---1978, (No. 74): 1-64, Abiks Loodusevaatlejale (Izd. AN Estnsk.SSR, Talin)
Esti siklaste (Cerambycidae) määraja. [Bestimmungstabellen der Bockkäfer (Cerambycidae) Estlands.]
---1994, 9: 62-63, Lepidepteroloogine Informatsion
Uusi mardikaliike (Coleoptera) Eesti ja Saaremaa faunale.
[Some species of Coleoptera new to Estonia and Saaremaa.]
/ Molorchus umbellatarum, Eustrophus dermestoides /
/ Cerambycidae - Bessarabia (=Moldavia)
---1996(1995), 14 (4): 253-254, Wiadomosci entomologiczne
(et GORSKI P. )
Nowe stanowiska rzadkich gatunkow Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) w Puszczy Kozienickiej.
---1999, 43 (1-2): 117-120, Przeklad Zoologiczny
Nieznane dotychczas rosliny zywicielskie larw Mesosa curculionoides (L.) i Pogonocherus hispidus (L.)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---2000, 44 (1): 99-100, Przeglad zoologiczny
Swierk pospolity Picea abies (L.) Karst., a new host plant for the larvae of Strangalia attenuata (L.)
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c--1966, 35 (9): 441-444, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Etudes sur les Leptures du groupe dubia Scop. appartenant a la faune francaise (Col., Ceramb.)
---1953, Tom XI: 209-213, Trudy Instituta zoologii AN Gruz. SSR
K faune zhukov-usachey Abkhazii
---1971 (1970), 22: 76-83, Trudy zastshity rasteniy Gruziyskoy SSR
K poznaniyu fauny zhukov usachey (Cerambycidae) Abchazii.
---1938, 10 (2):56-68, Oyo Dobutsu Zasshi.
/in Jap./
On the morphology of the larvae and biology of Semanotus japonicus Lacord.
and Cllidium rufipenne Motsch.
o--1986, 42 (1): 11-12, L'Entomologiste
Un Clytus nouveau pour la faune de France.
/ Clytus robertae sp.n. – FR , Alpes Maritimes /
--- 2003, 59 (3) : 103, L'Entomologiste
Présence de Phoracantha semipunctata F. dans le Massif des Maures, Var (Col. Cerambycidae).
--- (see Kantardzhieva Minkova S.)
---1932, 7: 78-99, Izvestiya na B'lgarskoto Entomologichno Druzhestvo-Sofiya
[Mitteilungen der Bulgargarischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft in Sofia (MBEG) ]
Vidovet' ot sem. Cerambycidae (Col.) v' B'lgariya. I. (Prioninae i Cerambycinae).
Po sbirkit na Carskata Entomologicheska Stanciya v Sofiya.
[Die Arten der Familie Cerambycidae (Col.) in Bulgarien. I. (Prioninae und Cerambycinae).
Nach der Sammlungen der Königlichen Entomologischen Station in Sofia.]
---2004, 116 (5): 233-234, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, September-October
Spondylis buprestoides (Linnaeus 1758) (Col.: Cerambycidae) found near a timber merchant
in the Orpington area (Kent).
---1980, (194): 52-55, TKSI
Dopolnenija po faune i ekologii zhukov-drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) zapadnogo Predkavkazja.
[Additions to fauna and ecology of the longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of West Ciscaucasia]
---1980, (194): 68-80, TKSI
K faune i ekologii usachej (Col., Ceramybcidae) centralnoj zony Krasnodarskogo kraja.
c--1984, 63: 273-281, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[New data on the Longicorn-Beetles on the northwestern Caucasus.]
o--1984, 23 pp., Autoref. disert. práce, Kiew
[Sinopsis of thesis of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of biological sciences]
The Cerambycidae of the NW Caucasus.
---1987, (No 3): 197-201, Nature protection in Adygeya, Maykop
[On protection of the rare species of Coleoptera in the North-West Caucasus.]
/In Russ./
c--1989, 68 (4): 739-747, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
New and little known Longhorn Beetles from the Far East ....systematic position Stenhomalus
o--1989, 208: 107-109, USSR Acad. Sci., Proceed. Zool. Inst., Leningrad
A new longicorn species of the genus Stenhomalus from Western Africa.
---1989, (3): 87-89, Ekologija i taksonomija nasekomych Ukrainy; Kiew-Odessa
K sistematicheskomu polozheniju roda Callimoxys Kraatz, 1863 (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1990, 94-95, Materialy 10. sjezda Vses. entomol. obstshestva, Leningrad
Problemy sistematiki nekotorych grupp drovosekov podsemejstva Lepturinae (Col., Cerambycidae)
fauny Palearktiki.
c--1990, 69 (1): 84-93, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
(in Russ.)
[To the knowledge of the Logicorn Beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of the Caucasus. I ]
o--1990, (3): 23-28, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
Longicorn Beetles of the Genus Brachyta from the Caucasus.
o--1990, (5): 15-18, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
A New Species of the Genus Purpuricenus from Afganistan.
/ P. kabakovi sp.n. – AF,PK /
---1991, 494-497, Kiev: Naukova dumka
In: Materialy XII Mezhdunar. simpoz. po entomofaune srednei Evropy.
Zhuki-drovoseki (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) fauny Palearktiki.
o°--1992, 71 (2): 392-395, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
A new species of the Longicorn Beetles genus Apatophysis Chevr. from Turkmenistan.
o--1993, (2): 81-83, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
On Tetrops starki Chevr. (Tetropini)
o--1998, 1 (1): 7-18, Entomological News from Russia
Contribution to the knowledge of the longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
of the Caucasus. 2. Tribe Xylosteini
/ Xylosteus caucasicola Plav.,1936 - st.resurr. /
o--1998, 1 (2): 29-32, Entomological News from Russia
Notes on the endemic for the Caucasus longicorn beetles species - Morimonella bednariki Podany
(Cerambycidae, Lamiinae: Morimonellini).
c--1998, 77 (2): 384-420, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[A new classification of longicorn beetles of the Anoplodera complex, tribe Lepturini
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), of Holarctic fauna. I]
c--1998, 77 (3): 587-615 + 3 plt., Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[A new classification of longicorn beetles of the Anoplodera complex, tribe Lepturini
(Colrpoptera, Cerambycidae), of Holarctic fauna. II]
c--1998, 77 (3): 616-617, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[Rhaesus Motschulsky, 1875, the valid mame of the genus incorrectly called Rhesus
Motschulsky, 1838 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
o--1999, 8 (3): 185-188, Russian Entomol. J. (REJ)
New species of the longicorn beetles genus Anoplodera Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae) from China.
/ Anoplodera przewalskii, sergeii, shamaevi – sp.n. – CN, key /
o--2000, No 1: 37-54, Entomologia Kubanica (EK)
New longicorn beetles of the tribe Xylosteini from Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Xylosteus kadleci - sp.n. - TR
Teledapalpus - gen.n.
T. murzini - sp.n. - CN: N Sichuan
T. zamotajlovi - sp.n. - CN: N Sichuan
T. zolotichini - sp.n. - CN: S Shaanxi
T. hospes (Holzschuh, 1999) - comb.n. - CN: S Gansu
T. cremiarius (Holzschuh, 1999) - comb.n. - CN: S Shaanxi
Parateledapus - gen.n.
P. gibbus (Holzschuh, 1999) - comb.n. - TH /
o--2000, No 1: 55-59, Entomologia Kubanica
On taxonomy of the genus Enoploderes Faldermann and distribution of its congener Enoploderus
sanguineum Faldermann (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
/ Enoploderes (E.) sanguineum Falderman,
(E.) vitticollis (Le Conte, 1862) - USA
En.(Pyrenoploderes) Hayashi, 1960 - stat.n.
En.(P.) bicolor (K. Ohbayashi, 1941) - JP /
o--2000, No 1: 61-103, Entomologia Kubanica
Contribution to the knowledge of the longicorn beetles of the Caucasus. 3.
Genus Anaglyptus Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
/ Anaglyptus - key - sp.n.
Anaglyptus danilevskii - sp.n. - AR,AZ: Nakhichevan
Anaglyptus ganglbaueri Rtt., 1886 = A. persicus Pic, 1906 - syn.n.
= A. natae Lobanov1994 - syn.n. /
o--2001, 106 (1): 49-50, Byuleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel biologicheskii
[New data on the longicorn bbetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of the Talysh Mountains.]
/ biological data - Paraclytus reitteri, raddei, Anaglyptus ganglbaueri,
Rhopaloscelis schurmanni, Poecilium alni elburzensis, Pogonocherus ressli /
---2002, p. 242, XII s'ezd Russkogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva. Sankt-Peterburg, 19-24 avgusta 2002 g.,
Tezisy dokladov. Sankt-Peterburg
Progress v izucheniyu zhukov-usachey roda Cortodera Mulsant (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) fauny Rossii
i sopredel'nykh stran.
---2004, (437): 133-138, Transactions of Kuban State Agricultural University
(in Russian)
[To the knowledge of timber-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Caucasus. Actual questions
of plant protection, agrochenistry, agrosoilstudy and insect fauna in Krasnodar Region]
c--2004, Materials of the scientific conference on zoology of Invertebrata dedicated to the centenary of the birth
of S.M. Jablokov-Khnzorjan. 6-8th of September 2004. Erevan, Armenia: 109-110 (in Russian)
[To the dates of certain publications with original descriptions of Palaearctic Timber-beetles
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
c°--2006, 77: 226-234, Trudy Russkogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva. C.-Petrburg
(in Russian)
[Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. St. Petersburg]
[Little known species of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Russian Far East.]
/ records - Epiclytus ussuricus,Tetrops rosarum
description of male - Grammoptera coerulea, Xestoleptura baeckmanni, Cortodera ussuriensis
Quasimesosella ussuriensis - comb. n. /
o°--2007, 3 (2): 207-218, Kavkazskij entomologicheskij bjulleten' [Caucasian Entomological Bulletin]
[Review of the longicorn beetles close to Cortodera villosa Heyden, 1876, with description
of new taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Cortodera villosa circassica - stat. n.
C. villosa major, villosa nakhichevanica - ssp. n.
C. zhuralevi, zhuralevi aktolagaica - sp. et ssp. n.
C. parfentjevi - sp. n. /
(in Russian)
Ispravlenie k stat’e A.I.Miroshnikova „Review of the longicorn beetles close to Cortodera villosa ....“
---1950, N°10: ???, 12-19, Entomologie et Phytopathologies appliquées, Teheran (in Farsi)
Quelques Cerambycides de l'Iran.
/ résumé en francais - 12-19 pp. /
---1977, pp. 453, Ayastan, Erevan
Dendrofil'nye nasekomye lesov i parkov Armenii
---1934, 33: 589-591, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa (In Japanese, with English Title) (et KIRA A.)
/ On a new species Xylotrechus from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) /
/ Xylotrechus kayoensis - sp.n. - TW /
---1936, 9: 33-37, pl. 1, Mushi
Description of a new genus and species of longicorn Coleoptera from Kyushu, Japan.
---1936, 26 ():31-33, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Description of new species of Longicorn beetles from Formosa (III).
---1936, 26 (158): 420-425, Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa
Description of new species of Longicorn beetles from Formosa (IV).
/ Strangalia cocinea - sp.n. - TW /
---1940, 283 pp., Noda-syobo, Taihoku, In: Miwa Y. et Chujo M. (eds.) - Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicorum.
Pars 8, Cerambycidae
---1941, 2 (1): 74-119, v-viii pls., Bull. School Agr. For Taihoku imp. Univ.
Monograpy of Clytini in the Japanese empire (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera). Part 1.
---1942, 3 (2): 79-120, 8-10 pls., Bull. School Agr. For. Taihoku Imp. Univ.
Monograpy of Clytini in the Japanese empire (Cerambycidae, Col.) 2.
---1941, (8):ii+1-283, Noda-soyobo, Taihoku
In: Miwa Y. et Chujo M.(eds.), Catalogus Coleopterorum Japonicorum
c°--1977, 11: I-IX, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Cerambycidae - Bockkäfer.
/ Cerambycidae - F:AT /
c°--1979, 13: XVI-XXI, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Bericht über eine Sammelexkursion nach Südspanien.
/ Deilus fugax - F:SP /
c°--1980, 14: 61-62, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Käferarten dreier Stafstellen an Eichen aus der Umgebung von Steyr (OÖ).
/ Cerambycidae: Phymatodes testaceus - F:AT /
c°--1981, 15: 61-62, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Auswertung einer coleopterologischen Exkursion nach Nordspanien (Katalonien).
/ Cerambycidae: Pogonocherus perroudi - F:SP /
c°--1985, 19: 75-80, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Weitere Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus dem Reichraminger Hintergebirge (Oberösterreich).
/ Cerambycidae: Cyrtoclytus capra - F:AT /
---1978 (1977), 29 (3-4): 121-122, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidenfauna der Breitenau bzw des Boding-Grabens
Bei Mölln, O.O. (Tal der Krummen Steyrling).
o--1981, 13 (1): 91-96, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Einige Bemerkenswerte Bockkäfer-Funde aus Oberösterreich (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1982, 14 (1): 47-52, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Beitrag zur Coleopterenfauna von Kreta.
o--1986, 18 (1): 85-93, Linzer biologische Beitraege
Interessante Bockkäferfunde aus Oberosterreich
c°--1988, 22: 56-59, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Einige interessante Bockkäferfunde aus dem Gebietder Ober- und Niederösterreichischen
Eisenwurzen (Col., Ceramb.).
/ Cerambycidae - F:AT /
c°--1993, 27: 55-59, Steyrer Entomologenrunde
Bemerkenswerte Bockkäferfunde aus Oberösterreich und den angrenzenden Niederösterreich
(Coleoptera; Cerambycidae).
---1998, 6: 11-29, Beitträge zur Naturkunde Oberösterreichs
Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Oberösterreich 5 (Insecta: Coleoptera).
/ Saperda perforata - F:AT /
---1937, 16: 161-164, pl. 9, Annotationes zoologicae japonicae
On a new Necydalis from Formosa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Necydalis esakii - sp.n. - TW /
(et MITONO T.)
---1980, 27 (2): 61-84, illustr., Kita-Kyushu no Konchu
On the speciations and the distribution of the genus Parechthistatus Breuning and its allies.
c°--2002, 5: 69-78, ???
A Check List of Insects in Kinkazan Island, Miygi Pref., Northeastern Japan : A Bibliographical Survey.
/ Cerambycidae, etc, /
---1979, 32 (1-2): 39-41, Entomological Review of Japan
New species and subspecies of lepturine genus Pidonia Mulsant from Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia tsukamotoi - sp.n.
Pidonia hylophila ohdaisana - ssp.n. - JP /
---1983, No. 151: 9-12, Gekan-Mushi
Miscellanea Pidonii (2).
---1987, No. 201: 10-12, Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 2. Review on Pidonia gibbicollis
of Is. Tsushima, Japan.
---1987, 42: 111-115, Entomological Review of Japan
A new species of lepturine genus Pidonia from Kii-Peninsula, central Japan.
---1988, No. 205: 13-18, Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 3. On Pidonia ohminesana.
---1989, No. 215: 22-24, illustr.,Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 4. A novel method for collecting
Pidonia species.
---1989, No. 218: 22-24, illustr., 9-12, Gekan-Mushi
Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) 5. On the evolution of elytral
patterns of Pidonia.
---1990, No. 227: 18-20, Gekan-Mushi
(et HOSADA K.)
Notes on the Lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 6. Some observations
on the behaviour of Pidonia tsukamotoi.
---1997, N°311: 14-16, Gekan-Mushi
(in Jap.)
[Notes on the lepturine genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 7. My opinion against Dr. Kuboki's
report on Pidonia chairo Tamanuki.]
*MO J.C.
---1995, 32 (6): 350-352, Entomological Knowledge
[A spatial distribution patterns of Semanotus bifasciatus sinoauster Gressitt and its application.]
---1964, 60: 20-24, Entomologische Blätter
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidae Bulgarien.
c°--2005, 29 (4): 273-278, Türk. Ent. derg.
A contribution to the Longhorned beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
of Khorasan Province, Iran.
/ F: IR - !!! /
---1980, (No. 70): 15-23, Quaderni sulla Struta delle Zoocenosi Terrestri AQ1
Coleotteri cerambicidi della brughiera di Rovasenda (Piemonte).
(et SCIAKY R.)
---1981, 9: 1-87, Col. Parques Naturais
Contribucao para o estudo dos coléopteros do parque natural da Arrábia.
(Monné Miguel A.)
---1972, 16: 75-78, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Sober Triacetus Bates e Beaveria Lane (Col., Cerambycidae, Purpuricenini).
---1973, 27 (5):69-80, 2 pl., Papéis Avulos de Zoologia
Trachyderini: Sinonimias, Observaoes, Especies novas.
---1994, pp. 110, Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo
Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the western hemisphere. Part 17.
Subfamily Lamiinae: Tribes Anisocerini, Polyrhaphidini, Xenofreini, Acrocinini and Acanthoderini.
c--1994, pp. 1-420, Burbank: Wolfsgarden Books
Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere.
c°--2002, 6 (1): 63-68, Agrociencia
Cerambícidos (Coleoptera) que atacan Eucalyptus globulus y Eucalyptus grandis en Uruguay.
c°--2004, 48 (2): 239-241, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
(et MONNE M.L.)
Nothoprodontia, um novo genero de Trachyderini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
c°--2004, 48 (3): 323-324, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
(et NAPP D.S.)
Megacyllene Casey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): novas sinonímia e descricao de uma nova espécie.
c°--2004, 48 (4): 433-438, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Notas sinonímicas em Lepturini sul-americanos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae).
c°--2005, 49 (2): 245-248, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Genero Colobothea Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville: novas espécies e sinonimia (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2007, pp. 1-417,
Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of the Western Hemisphere.
c°--2008, 52 (2): 261-262, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Disteniinae Thomson (Insecta, Coleoptera): a protected name.
(Monné Marcela L.)
c°--2003, 47 (1): 31-47, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Sinopse do genero Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini).
c°--2004, 48 (2): 245-250, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Revisao do genero Dragoneutes Martin & Monné (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2004, 48 (3): 311-313, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Sinopse do genero Weyrauchia Tippmann (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2007, 24 (2): 397-409, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[Descriptions of the genus Diploschema Thomson (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Trachyderoinia).]
c°--2007, 24 (3): 559-564, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
Revisao do Aegoschema Aurivillius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2008, 52 (1): 7-12, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Revisao de Trichonius Bates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
c°--2008, (1858): 37-52, Zootaxa
The tribe Lepturini in South America (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
(abstract only)
(et MONNE M.A.)
---1998, 7 (11): 48-61, Saturnia
El genero Iberodorcadion (Breuning, 1943) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
en la Comunidad Valenciana.
---1908, 17 (1-2): 67-122, Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte Bucuresti
Notes sur la faune entomologique de la Roumanie. Additions au Catalogue des Coleopteres.
---1861, (4) 1: 267-299, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
Essai sur la faune entomologique de la Nouvelle Calédonie (Balade)
et des Îles des Pins, Art, Lifu, etc.
---2003, 110 (1): 155-206, Revue Suisse de Zoologie
Catalogue des types de Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) conservés aux Muséum
d’histoire naturelle, Genève.
---2003, n°30: 1-8, Les Cahiers Magellanes
Une espece nouvelle du genere Schmidtiana des Philippines.
(et HUET M.)
---2004, 150 pp., ed. Collection systematique, 9. Magellanes
Révision du genere Pachyteria.
(et HUET M.)
o--2004, 104 (4): 745-750, Lambillionea
(et HUET M.)
Une espece nouvelle du genere Thompsoniana Podany, 1971 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Thompsoniana jirouxi - sp.n. - ID,MY
Th. imitans - comb.n. /
c°--????, pp. 32-36, Cerambycidae. In: Catálogo regional de especies amenazadas
Cerambycidae: I. (Baeticodorcadion) lusitanicum (Chevrolat, 1840)
Plagionotus marcorum Lopez-Colon, 1997
(et GARCIA V.)
---1981, 116 (Sept.-Dec.): 221, Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Saperda scalaris (L-) (Col., Cerambycidae) in north Wales.
*MORI Kazuki
---1987, No. 194: 22-23, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
(et FUJITA H.)
New records of cerambycid beetles from Is. Nakanoshima and Is. Akusekijima
of the Tokara Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture.
---1991, No. 241: 4-13, illustr., Gekan-Mushi
Cerambycid beetles of the southern part of the Ohsumi Peninsular, Kagoshima Pref.
---2004, No. 404: 36-41, Gekan-Mushi
[Breedings and observations of Rhagiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Japan (1).]
---1984, 252 pp., Tochigi Pref. Museum (in Japanese) (et KANDA E., OKAWA H., SUZUKI Y., MIYAMOTO T.)
Longicorn beetles of Tochigi Prefecture.
---2003, II, 333-360, Insects of Tochigi Pref.
(in Japanese)
c°--2005, 65 (1): 97-100, Bras. J. Biol.
The immature stages of Eurymerus eburoides Audinet-Serville, 1833 (Col.: Cerambycidae: Ectenessiini).
c°--2006, 66 (1A): 117-120, Bras. J. Biol.
The immature stages of Paramallocera hirta Kirby, 1818 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Elaphidionini).
*MORVAN Odette
o--2006, 106, suppl. 2: 3-62, pls 1-6, Lambillionea
(et MORATI J.)
Contribution a la connaissance des Cerambycidae de la Montagne de Kaw, Guayene Francaise (Coleoptera).
/ Cerambycidae - French Guiana - faunistic list /
---1838, 11 (2): 155-206, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Coleopteres du Caucase et des provinces Transcaucasiennes recueillis et decrits par T. Victor.
---1845, 18 (1): 1-127, 3 pls., Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Remarques sur la Colléction des Coléopteres Russes de Victor de Motschulsky.
/ Rosalia funebris - sp.n. ...... /
---1854, 3, 69 pp., Helsingfors; Dresden
Etudes Entomologiques
---1854, 3, 63-65, Etudes Entomologiques, Helsingfors; Dresden
Coléoptères du nord de la Chine (Shingai).
---1859, 32 (3-4): 487-507, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Catalogue des Insectés rapportés de environs du fl. Amour, depuis la Schilka jusqu’a
/ Pronocera daurica - gen. et sp.n. - p. 494
---1860, 1: 301-314, Bulletin de l´Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg (BASP)
Coléopteres rapportés de la Songarie par M. Séménof et décrits par V. de Motschoulsky.
---1860, 2: 513-544, Bulletin de l´Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg
Coléopteres rapportés en 1859 par M. Sévertsef des Steppes méridionales des Kirghises,
et énumerés par V. de Motschulsky.
---1860, Band 2. Coleopteren: 79-258, pls 6-11, In: L. von Schrenk - Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande
Coléoptères rapportés de la Sibérie orientale et notamment des pays situées sur les bords du fleuve Amour
par MM. Schrenck, Maak, Ditmar, Voznessenski etc. détermines et décrits par V. de Motschulsky.
[Coléopteres de la Sibérie Orientale et en particulier des rives de l´Amour.]
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e - 146-153 (N; 270-325) /
---1861, 3: 408-452, Mélanges Biologiquestirés du Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg
Coléopteres rapportés en 1859 par M. Sévertsef des Steppes méridionales des Kirghises,
et énumerés par V. de Motschulsky.
---1863, 36 (1): 421-523, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'Île Ceylan.
---1875, 49 (2):139-155, Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou
Énumération des nouvelles éspeces de Coléopteres rapportés de ses voyages par feu Victor Motschoulsky
(15-ieme article. Longicornes.)
c--1984, 53 (8): 276-277, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Coléopteres de la region de Roussillon (Isere-France) III.
---1984, 53 (9): 309-311, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Coleopteres de la region de Roussillon (Isere-France) III. Cerambycidae
*MOUNA Mohamed
---1986, (10): 133-142, Bull. Inst. sci.
(et ARAHOU M.)
Comparaison des peuplements de Coléopteres frondicoles de deux essences forestieres resineuses
au Maroc: Cedre (Cedrus atlantica) et thuya (Tetraclinis articulata).
*MOURGLIA Riccardo
---1989, 7 (1): 125-128, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Bollettino, Torino
[A new african species of the genus Paracalybistum (Col.: Cerambycidae).]
c--1991, 123 (2): 113-120, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, Genova
Nuovi Oxilus africani (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1994, (267): 399-421, Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma
In: Ricerche biologiche in Sierra Leone, IV.
Terzo contributo alla conoscenza dei Cerambicidi (Coleoptera cerambycidae) della Sierra Leone,
con note sulle loro piante ospiti, sinonimie e descrizione di nuove specie del genere Denticerus Jordan, 1894.
---1973, Publ. Mus. hist. nat. e de Admin. d. Eaux et Forets. Luxembourg.
Atlas provisoire des insects du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg. Coleoptera. Cartes 227 a 445
(Hygrobiidae, Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae, Cerambycidae).
(see -- *ICZN)
---1986, 43 (2): 188-190, Bulletin of zoological nomenclature
Tetropium Kirby, 1837 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) proposed conservation by the suppression
at Isarthron Dejean,1835. Z.N.(S.) 2534.
o--1962, 6 (10): 110-111, Entomologische Nachrichten
Auf Dorcadionfang in Anatolien.
o--1962, 6 (11): 113-117, Entomologische Nachrichten
Auf Dorcadionanfang in Anatolien.
---1964, 60 (1): 20-24, Entomologische Blätter
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden Bulgariens.
o--1966, 10 (3): 41-48, Entomologische Nachrichten
Vom Insectenleben in der Gobi.
o--1966, 10 (8): 112-115, Entomologische Nachrichten
Der Gurwan Sajan.
o--1966, 10 (11-12): 149-164, Entomologische Nachrichten
Ein entomologisches Paradies im Nordkaukasus.
---1966, 76: 153-158, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Von Ulan Bator zum Terelsch (Mongolei)
---1966, 76: 264-267, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Umgebung von Chushirt (Mongolei)
---1972, 16 (6): 74-75, Entomologische Nachrichten
Mallosia scowitzi (Faldermann) (Cerambycidae) und kritische Bemerkungen zu 2 transkaukasischen
*MUHL ???
(MÜHL ???)
c°--1891, 10 (5): 185-186, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ueber Clytus pantherinus Sav.
---2003, 181-199, In: Anon. Fauna of Sikkim (part 3). /State Fauna Series 9./
Zoological Survey of India, Kalkata, i-iv, 1-411
Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae.
/ Cerambycidae - IN: Sikkim - 75 sp. /
(et HALDER S.K. )
*MULLER Giuseppe
(MÜLLER Josef)
c°--1904, 23 (8): 171-177, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. V.
/ Parmena balteus L. - pp. 176-177/
c°--1905, 24 (5-6): 129-153, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Die Rassen des Dorcadion arenarium Scop.
c°--1906, 25 (5-7): 221-224, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger Cerambyciden.
/ Amaurostoma sbg.n. /
c°--1906, 25 (8-9): 249-250, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uber Dorcadion arenarium marsicanum D´Amore und subcarinatum m.
c°--1907, 26 (4-5): 193-202, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Bemerkungen zu der neuen Auflage des „Catalogue Coleopterorum Europae etc.“
von Dr. von Heyden, Reitter und Weise (Paskau 1906).
c°--1908, 27 (8): 235-239, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen.
/ Parmena bicincta ab. Karamani - ab.n./
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 293-297, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Die europäischen Arten der Gattung Stenostola Muls. (Col. Ceramb.).
---1916, 12: 73-109, Entomologische Blätter
Coleopterologische Beiträge zur Fauna der Osterr. Karstprov. und Grenzgebiet.
---1920, 55: 676, Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gessellschatft in Wien
Cerambycidae Dalmatiae
c°--1921, 9 (4-9): 65-87, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Zur Systematik einiger phytophager Koleopteren, vorwiegend aus dem julischen
und dalmatinischen Faunengebiet.
---1941, 14: 319-352, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
Nuovi coleotteri dell’Africa orientale.
§---1948-1949, 17 (2): 61-98, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
Contributo alla conoscenza dei coleotteri fitofagi (Cerambycidae e Chrysomelidae).
c--1953(1949-1953), Publ. N.4, 685 pp., Centro Sperimentale Agrarario e Forestale, Trieste
I Coleotteri della Venezia Giullia. Volume II. Coleoptera, Phytophaga
(Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Bruchidae)
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 15-224 /
In: TASSI F. - 1966, 17 (6): 1-65, Ann. Ist. e Mus. Zool.Univ. Napoli
Ricerche zoologiche sul Massiccio del Pollino, XXXII. Coleoptera - 17. Cerambycidae
/ Rhamnusium graecum italicum MÜLLER - ssp.n. - IT /
(Müller Jörg)
c°--2005, Heft 2: 106-113, Waldoekologie online
Urwald relict species - Saproxylic beetles indicated structural qualities and habitatat tradition.
(Mulsant Éthienne)
---1839, 1-304 pp., pls. 1-2, Maison, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Coléopteres de France. Vol. 1. Longicornes. (Ed. 1)
---1839, supplement, 8 pp., Maison, Paris
Histoire naturelle des Coléopteres de France. Rectifications et additions à la monographie des Longicornes.
---1842, 5: 207-210, Annales de la Societé Impériale d'Agriculture, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts Utiles de Lyon
Description de deux nouvelles especes de Longicornes.
---1843, 6: 8-11, Annales de la Societé Impériale d'Agriculture, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts Utiles de Lyon
Description de quelques coléopteres nouveaux et peu connus.
---1846, 280 pp., Paris
Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Sulcicolles, sécuripalpes.
c--1851, : 122-137, Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, belles-lettresrts de Lyon
Descriptions de quelques coléopteres nouveaux ou pe connus de la tribu des Longicornes
/ Ergates opifex, Clytus angusticollis, Dorcadion hispanicum, Phytoecia wachanrui,
Phytoecia gabilii, vulnerata (= vulneris), ledereri, tigrina - sp.n. /
§---1851, 2 (1): 192-196, Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, belles-lettresrts de Lyon
Description d`une espece nouvelle de longicorne.
/ Phytoecia scapulata - sp.n. ---1852, (2) 2: 1-17, Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, belles-lettresrts de Lyon (et WACHANRU A.)
Premiere série de Coléopteres nouveaux ou peu connus.
---1852, 1: 161-177, Opuscula Entomologica, Paris
Premiere série de Coléopteres nouveaux ou peu connus.
---1855, 15: 96-100, Opuscula Entomologica, Paris
Notes pour servir a l'histoire de l'Oxypleurus nodieri.
---1855, 15: 96-100, Opuscula Entomologica, Paris
Description de la larve de l'Hesperophanes nebulosus Olivier.
---1856, 2 (3): 157-159, Soc. linn. Lyon
Description d'une nouvelle espece de longicorne constituant un nouv. genere dans cette tribu de Coléopteres.
---1860, 9e cahier, Opuscula Entomologica, Paris
Note pour servir aux premiers état de divers Coléopteres.
---1860, 11: 92-93, Opuscula Entomologica, Paris
Note pour servir aux premiers état de divers Coléopteres.
---1862, 1-480, Annales de la Societé Impériale d'Agriculture, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts Utiles de Lyon
Histoire naturelle des Coléopteres de France. Longicornes. 2e ed.
---1863, 481-590, Annales de la Societé Impériale d'Agriculture, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts Utiles de Lyon
Histoire naturelle des Coléopteres de France. Longicornes. 2e ed.
---1863, (2) 10: 144-184, Annales de la Societé Linnéenne de Lyon (février)
(et REY C.)
Longicornes nouveaux ou peu connus. (Sama 1982 Opuscula Entomologica, Paris (13e Cahier) !!!
/ Leptura (Vadonia) grandicollis - sp.n. Dorcadion blanchardi, hampei, infernale - sp.n. Phytoecia scapulata, annulipes - sp.n. - /
---1863, 13: 144-184 , Opuscula Entomologica, Paris (octobre)
Longicornes nouveaux ou peu connus
/ Vesperus flaveolus, ocularis - sp.n. - TR: Smyrne
Grammoptera auricollis
Callimus egregius - sp.n. - TR:Caramanie /
(et REY C.)
---1864, (3) 8: 1-208, Ann. Soc. Imp. Agric. Hist. Nat. Industrie
Tribu des Longicornes (suite).
c--1876 (1875), 22: 419-421, Soc. Linn.
Description d'une Phytoecie nouvelle.
/ Phytoecia caroni - sp.n. - Tours env. /
(et GODART A. )
---1960, 14 (4): 137-141, Bul. Univ. Shtet. Tiranës, Ser. Shkencat nat.
Inventarizimi i fam. Cerambycidae në vendin tonë. Quelques Cerambycides en Albanie
---1990, 37 (3): 121-123, Kita-Kyushu no Konchu
(in Japanese)
[ On the larva and feeding habits of Praolia citrinipes Bates (Cerambycidae, Col.).]
---1992, (No. 59-60): 23-24, Gensei
[Pupa of Egesina picea Hayashi (Cerambycidae, Col.).]
---1996, 43 (1): 1-7, Kita-Kyushu no Konchu
Morphology of the of the larvae of Atimura japonica, Xylariopsis mimica and Nanohammus rufescens
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1999, 73: 14-19, Gensei
Biological notes on Glaphyra cobaltina (Hayashi) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2002, 76: 15-22, Gensei
Larval morphology and notes on the biology of Leptoxenus ibidiiformis Bates (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1996, N°14: 65, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nota sobre Cerambycidae (Col.) nuevos o interesantes para Aragon.
(et MURRIA F.)
c°--2006,N°38: 341-342, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
(et MURRIA F.)
Contribución al Catálogo de los Cerambícidos de Aragón (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
(Murria Beltrán Fernando)
---1994, 3: 14, Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa
Algunas citas de coleopteros interesantes de la Provincia de Zaragoza.
(et MURRIA A.)
c°--1994, N°7: 20, Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa
Los mas raros de nuestra fauna. 3. Tragosoma depsarium (Linneo, 1767).
---1994, 4: 15, Catalogus de la Entomofauna Aragonesa
Citas aragonesas.
c°--1997, N°17: 62, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (et MURRIA A., BELTRAN VALEN J.)
Opsilia malachitica (Lucas, 1849) y Trichoferus magnanii Sama, 1992 : dos nuevos Cerambycidae
para la Comunidad Autonóma de Arágon.
c°--1997, N°19: 58, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nota sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) aragoneses.
(et MURRIA A.)
c°--1997, N°19: 59, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Mesosa curculionoides (L., 1761) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) en Teruel.
c°--1998, N°21: 20, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos datos de Opsilia malachitica (Lucas, 1849) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) para Aragón.
c°--1998, N°23: 33, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos datos sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) en Aragon.
c--1977, (5): 301-303, "Nauka", Leningrad, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia] IMON
[A new speies of the genus Tetrops (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Mongolia.]
/ Tetrops mongolicus - sp.n. - MN /
c--1981, : 70-73, Novye svedenija o nasekomych Dalnego Vostoka, Vladivostok
New for the USSR Xylotrechus Chevr. from Primorje (Far East) (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1983, : 148-150, Fauna i ekologija zhivotnych Vietnama, [Fauna and ecology of the animals of Vietnam],
Nauka, Moscow
A new species of the genus Protaxis from Vietnama (Col., Cerambycidae, Aseminae).
/ Protaxis kabakovi – sp.n. – VN /
c--1983, 62 (3): 584-585, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[A new species of the genus Miaenia Pascoe from Primorsky Kray [Far East] (Col., Cerambycidae)]
/ Miaenia tiliae - sp.n. - RS:Us
(=Terrinea atrofusca) /
---1985, pp. 51-58,
In: Medvedev, L.N. [Ed.] - [Insects of Vietnam.] Nauka, Moscow. 1985: 1-182.
[Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the neighbourhood of Buonloj Station.]
o--1988, pp. 161-168, In: Medvedev, L.N. & Striganova, B.R. (Eds) - Fauna i ekologija zhivotnych Vietnama,
Nauka, Moscow, pp. 1-198
A new species Longicorn-Beetles from Vietnam.
---1989, : 303-307, Ekol.-faunist. issled. v jugo-zap. Efiopii, Nauka, Moscow
Materialy po zhukach-drovosekach (Col.,Cerambycidae) Jugo-zapadnoj Efiopii.
---1988, 7: 71-74, Folia Musei Historico-Naturalis Bakonyiensis
Eine seltene Bockkaferart im Bakony-Gebirge.
---1990, 139 pp., Inst. Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles
Faune de Belgique. Longicornes (Cerambycidae)
c°--1957, 25 : 33-36, Kontyu
(et AKAMATSU Teruhiko)
Notes on the bionomics of Oberea vittata Blessig (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*NAJBAR Bartlomiej
---1998, 9 (4): 49-75, Przeglad przyrodniczy
Kozkowate (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Ziemi Lubuskiej.
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - faunal list significance; PL: Ziemia Lubuska; annotated faunal list /
---1998, 99: 209-218, Bulletin of the Tokyo University Forests
(et KUBOTA Kohei)
The distribution pattern of Semanotus japonicus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in an old plantation
of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa in the southern part of Boso Peninsula, Chiba, Japan.
c°--1956, 24 : 133-137, Kontyu
Ecological notes of Longicorn-beetles which bored in branches of the Wistaria. (Morphologiaca
and Ecological notes on the immature stages of Longicorn-beetle III)
c°--1957, 25 : 37-41, Kontyu
Notes on the immature stages of Dere thoracica White (Col. Cerambycidae). Morphological and Ecological
notes immature stages of Longicorn-beetles VII
---1974, 8: 14-16, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
c°--1976, 44 (2): 228-233, Kontyu
Notes on the Larva of Parandra shibatai Hayashi (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with Key to the Subfamilies
of Japanese Cerambycid Larvae.
c°--1981, 49 (1): 155-165, Kontyu
(et KOJIMA K.)
Immature Stages of Taiwanese Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with Notes on Their Habitat.
---1983, No. 43: 9-12, Gensei
(et KOJIMA K.)
The larva of Apiocephalus sp. from Thai (Lepturinae, Cerambycidae; Col.).
---1989, 9 (1): 87-136, Chinese Journal of Entomology (et MAKIHARA H., SAITO A., CHU Y.I., HAYASHI M,)
A list of cerambycid-beetles from Taiwan (2). Subfamily Lamiinae.
---1990, No 56: 9-13, Gensei
(in Jap.)
(et KOJIMA K.)
Description of three species of Japanese cerambycine larvae (Cerambycinae, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).
---1992, vii+126 pp., Hiba Society of Natural History, Shobara, Hiroshima
A check.list of longicorn-beetles of Taiwan.
---1996, No 68: 7-11, Gensei
(in Jap.)
(et KOJIMA K.)
[The type specimen of cerambycid-beetles preserved in Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute
(Cerambycidae, Coleoptera).]
---1997, 636 pp., (in Japanese)
The insects of Hiroshima Prefecture. I.
---2003, 4: 1-30, Hiwa Museum for Natural History Material reports
Specimens of the Taiwanese cerambycid beetles (Distenidae, Vesperidae and Cerambycidae, Coleoptera),
preserved in Hiwa Museum for Natural History.
*NAKANE Takehiko
---1954, 1 (4): 51-54, The Scientic Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science), Kyoto
The male genitalia and their taxonomic importance in the Japanese Lepturinae (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1955, Vol. 4: 11-13, Aikitu, Kyoto
Studies on the japanese longicorn beetles with special reference to their male genitalia (1).
c°--1957, Vol. 2: 47-52, Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Kyoto
Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Col., Cer.) with special reference to their male genitalia.
/ Macroleptura, Rutpela, Mimostrangalia, Idiostrangalia, Aredolpona, Japanostrangalia,
-- gen. n.; male genitalia /
---1957, Vol. 2 (A): 241-246, figd 1-12, Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Kyoto (et OHBAYASHI K.)
Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Col., Cer.) with special reference to their male genitalia.
---1959, 3 (1): 63-66, Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University, Kyoto (Natural Science) (et OHBAYASHI K.)
Notes on the genera and species of Lepturinae (Col., Cer.) with special reference to their male genitalia. 2
---1963, (pars 1): 6, Fragmenta coleopterologica
On the species of the genus Ephies in Japan (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
/ Ephies japonicus - sp.n. - JP /
c°--1968, 30 (1): 104-108, ???
On Some Remarkable Species of Beetles Collected in Mt. Hayachine and Miyko.
/ Toxotinus reini iwatensis ab.n. - black form /
---1973, 19: 1-3, Kita-Kyushu no Konchu
(in Jap.)
On Micolamia verrucosa Bates and its allies.
---1974, 9 (3): 11-14, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan. 6. Parandrinae, Eurypodini, Macrotomini ...
(in Jap.)
---1974, 9 (4): 2-6, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan. 7. Callipogonini, Megopidini, Prionini
---1974, 9 (6): 4-8, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan. 8.
Spondylinae, Aseminae
---1974, 9 (7): 9-11, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan. 9.
---1974, 9 (8): 7-11, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan. 10. Lepturinae
---1974, 9 (10): 2-5, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 11.
---1974, 9 (11): 4-7, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japn 12.
---1974, 9 (12): 5-9, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japn 13. Pseudosieversia, Pidonia
---1974, 9 (13): 4-7, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 14. Pidonia
/2 sp.n.-key/
---1975, 10 (1): 12-15, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 15. Pidonia
---1975, 10 (3): 9-12, Kontyu
The beetles of Japan 17. Cerambycidae - key of Lepturinae
---1975, 10 (12): 2-4, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 25.
---1975, 10 (13): 5-8, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 26.
---1976, 11 (1): 11-15, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 27.
---1976, 11 (2): 5-9, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 28.
---1976, 11 (3): 9-13, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japn 29.
---1976, 11 (5): 2-6, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 30.
---1976, 11 (6): 2-6, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 31.
---1976, 11 (7): 7-11, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 32. Rosaliini,Thraniini, Pyrestini
---1976, 11 (8): 10-14, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 33.
---1976, 11 (10): 4-8, Kontyu
The Beetles of Japan 35.
---1981, 28 (1): 37-39, Kita-Kyushu no Konchu
On some new forms of Cerambycidae from Japan.
---1981, No. 40: 11-24, Gensei
Cerambycid-beetles fauna of Mt. Befu in Kochi Prefecture.
---1986, No. 49: 9-16, Gensei
Cerambycid-beetles of Mt. Tachikawa-Kuishi, Kochi-ken.
c--1972, (1): 495-538, "Nauka", Leningrad, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[On the fauna of longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of the Mongolian People´s Republic. I.]
o--1973, 52 (2): 377-379, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Novyj vid zhuka-usacha roda Asias Sem.(Col.,Cerambycidae) iz Mongolskoj Narodnoj Respubliki.
/ Asias gobiensis - sp.n. - Mongolia /
c--1974, (2): 172-175, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[Addition to a list of longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of Mongolia.]
c--1976a, (4): 202-216, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[On the fauna of longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) of the Mongolian People´s Republic. II.]
c--1976b, (4): 217-221, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
-zv[Stational distribution and zoogeography of longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae)
of the Mongolian People´s Republic.]
c--1979a, (6): 90-93, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[Little-known longicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Mongolian People's Republic.]
/ Leptepania okunevi - F:MG /
c--1979b, 58 (3): 584-585, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
[A new species of the genus Phytoecia Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae) from Eastern Mongolia.]
/ Phytoecia mongolorum - sp.n. - MN /
c--1982, (8): 294-295, In: Nasekomye Mongolii. [Insects of Mongolia]
[New date on the logicorn beetles (Col., Cerambycidae) from the Mongolian People´s Republic.]
---1977, No. 22: 1-32, Bull. Kumamoto Kontyu Dokokai (in Japanese)
The Cerambycidae from Kumamoto Prefecture (Coleoptera).
*NAPP Dilma Solange
---1994, 38 (2): 265-419, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
(et NAOMI S.)
Phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea).
c°--1998, 12 (1-2): 1-4, Insecta Mundi
(et REYNAUD D.T..)
New species of Chariergus White and Ethemon Thomson. (Col., Cerambycidae, Compsocerini)
c°--2005, 49 (2): 205-209, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novas espécies e notas sinonímicas em Xystochroa Schmidt, 1924 (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Callichromatini).
c°--2005, 49 (3): 434-435, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Homonymies in Callichromatini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2006, 46 (4): 31-42, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Notas e descricoes de novos taxons em Cerambycinae Neotropicais (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2006, 46 (22): 245-250, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, Sao Paulo
Novos táxons sul-americanos de Compsocerini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2006, 50 (1): 39-42, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Novas espécies de Mecometopus Thomson (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(et MONNE M.A.)
c°--2006, 23 (3): 471-479, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[Revision of the genus Cosmoplatidius Gounelle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
c°--2006, 96 (2): 229-236, Inheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre
Revisao do genero Eriphosoma (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(et MONNE M.A.)
c°--2007, 51 (3): 312-314, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia
Unxiini, uma nova tribo de Cerambycinae (Coleopetra, Cerambycidae).
c°--2007, 24 (3): 793-816, Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
[Revision of the genus Aglaoschema Napp (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1992, 12 (2): 131-134, Chinese Journal of Entomology (in Chinese)
(et YU C.K.)
[A new species of saperdine beetle from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).]
/ Thermistis taiwanensis – sp.n. – TW: Kaohsiung County – generic first record for TW /
---1983, 95 (9-10): 195, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
Chlorophorus pilosus Forst. var. glabromaculatus Gze. (Col., Cerambycidae)
from an imported cheese board.
---2000, 112 (4): 161, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
Leptura fulva (Degeer) (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1915, 11 (4/6): Entomologische Blätter
Zwei interessante Mifsbildungen.
---1994, [Ser. “The Nature of Ulianovsk Region”, 45. Ulianovsk:] 43-46
[Longicorn-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Ulianovsk region]
(in Russian)
(Navarro González E.)
c--1990, 14: 45-61, Boletin de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
Contribucion al conocimiento de los cerambicidos de Almeria, Espaňa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Cerambycidae – Almeria – 1 first record Iberian Peninsula and new record /
---2004, 10: 26-31, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomología
Penichroa tilda Menetriés, 1832 (Coleoptera, Poliphaga, Cerambycidae), especie presente en Sevilla
(Andalucía, Espaňa).
(Jerónimo Navarro)
c°--2004, 10: 26-31, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Penichroa timida Menetriés, 1832 (Coleoptera, Poliphaga, Cerambycidae), especie presente
en Sevilla (Andalucia, Espana).
c°--2005, 12: 51-56, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Deilus fugax (Olivier, 1792) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) especie presente en Sevilla (Andalucía, Espaňa).
c°--2005, 12: 57-64, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
Rhagium inquisitor (Linneo, 1758) y Acanthocinus aedilis (Linneo, 1758) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae),
especie registrada en Almería (Andalucía, Espaňa).
c°--2006, 14: 26-31, Boletin de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomologia
El genero Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) en Andalucía: localizada en Sevilla una
colonia de Purpuricenus ferrugineus Fairmaire, 1851.
(Navrátil M.)
---1975, 2: 19-39, Pobeskydí, Metodický Zpravodaj VÚ Frýdek-Místek
Příspěvek k poznání čeledi Cerambycidae v Moravskoslezských Beskydách.
*NEARNS Eugenio H.
c°--2005, 19 (3): 158, Insecta Mundi
(et THURNBOWE R.H. jr.)
First record of Plectromerus exiss Zayas in Dominican Republic (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2005, 19 (3): 172, Insecta Mundi
Curius punctatus (Fisher), new combination (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Curiini).
c°--2006, 1163: 61-68, Zootaxa
(et STEINER W.E. jr.)
A new species of Plectromerus Haldeman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Navassa Island
Greater Antilles
c°--2006, 1256: 49-57, Zootaxa
(et RAY A.M.)
A new species of Curius Newman (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Venezuela with notes
on sexual dimorphism within the genus.
c°--2006, 60 (1): 53-57, The Coleopterists Bulletin
A Checklist of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) Holdings of the Fernando de Zayas Collection,
Havana, Cuba.
c°--2006, 1270: 1-17, Zootaxa
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) types of the Fernando de Zayas collection, Havana, Cuba.
/ F. ZAYAS (Cuba) - Cerambycidae - types photographs - /
c°--2005, 0038: 1-2, Insecta Mundi
Description of the male of Plectromerus michelii Nearns and Branham, 2008 (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1939 - 1950
Nomenclator Zoologicus, voll. 1-10
( on line version - )
---1939, Vol. 1: 957 pp., Zoological Society of London
Nomeclator Zoologicus
---1939, Vol. 2: 957 pp. Zoological Society of London
Nomeclator Zoologicus
---1940, Vol. 3: 758 pp., Zoological Society of London
Nomeclator Zoologicus
---1940, Vol. 4: 758 pp., Zoological Society of London
Nomeclator Zoologicus
---1950, Vol. 5: 308 pp., Zoological Society of London
Nomeclator Zoologicus
---2005, : 199-202, Analele stiintifice ale USM. Seria “Stiinte chimico-biologice”
Fauna cerambicidelor (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) din Republica Moldova.
---1966, 6: 153-187, Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle „Grgore Antipa“
Further insects pests of the honey locust (Gleditschia triacanthos L.).
*NEID Jacques
---2004, 60 (1): 5-7, L'Entomologiste
A propos de Stenurella sennii Sama, 2002 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Information on Stenurella sennii Sama, 2002 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Stenurella sennii Sama, 2002 - Switzerland /
---1886, 8: 27-28, Notes from the Leyden Museum
On a new longicorn genus and species belonging to the Agniidae.
---1889, 11: 219-221, 1 pl., 4 fig., Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description of a new species of the longicorn genus Pachyteria, Serv.
(et BABAN E.)
c°--1891, 4: 232, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Synonymische Notiz.
c°--1912, 1: 137-143, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine Sammelreise nach Bulgarien.
/ F: BG - Cerambycidae, etc. /
c°--1912, 1: 156-161, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Eine Sammelreise nach Bulgarien.
/ F: BG - Cerambycidae, etc. /
---1972, 16 (2): 9-15, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Beobachtungen über Cerambycide (Col.) im Bereich der biologischen Station "Faule Ort"
im Südteil des NSG "Ostufer der Müritz".
---1992, 36 (2): Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Nachweis von Cerambyx scopolii Fuessly (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) für das Stadtgebiet von Halle/Saale
---1993, 9: 48-52, Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt
Rote Liste der Bockkafer des Landes Sachsen-Anhalts. (1. Fassung, Stand: April 1993).
---1996, 21: 52-62, Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt
Das Biospharenreservat "Mittlere Elbe", ein Schwerpunktgebiet für den Artenschutz - Anmerkungen
zu den Roten Listen und zur Gefahrdungssituation ausgewahlter Gruppen der Kiemen- und Blattfusser
sowie der Bock- und Buntkäfer.
---2001, 5: 95-104, Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Museum Heineanum (et NEUMNA K.,HOFMANN T.)
Die Bockäfernfauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) des Hakelwaldes.
---2004, 39: 299-304, Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt
Rote Liste der Bockkaefer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.
c--2004, 14 (1-2): 137-140, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesselschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie
Bockkäferfauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) von Sokotra (Jemen).
/ Cerambycidae - Sokotra - 9 sp. /
---1996, 96 (4/2): 714, Lambillionea
Quelques captures interessantes de coleopteres, surtout Cerambycidae, dans les forets du nord de la France.
---1840, 5: 14-21, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London ,Serie 1
Nonullorum Cerambycitum novorum, Novam Hollandiam et Insulam Van Diemen habitanium characteres.
---1840, 2: 17-32, 2 figs., The Entomologist, London
Entomological notes.
---1842, 1 (15): 243-248, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1: 275-277, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1 (15): 288-293, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1 (19): 298-305, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1 (20): 318-324, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1 (23): 369-371, The Entomologist, London
Supplementary note to the descriptive catalogue of the Longicorn Beetles collected
in the Philippine Islands by Hugh Cumming, Esq.
---1842, 1 (30): 381-383, The Entomologist, London
Cerambycitum insularum manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta.
---1842, 1 (25): 418, The Entomologist, London
Addenda and Corrigenda.
---1960, 29 (4): , Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Note sur Hoplosia fennica Payk. Et Liopus punctulatus Payk. (Col.,Cerambycidae) .
---1961, 30 (4): Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Captures de Strangalia arcuata Panz., en Cote-D’or. (Col. Cerambycidae ) .
---1904, 3: 35-40, Boletíno de la Sociedad Aragonesa de Ciencias Naturales, Zaragoza
Notes critiques sur les D. D. neilense Esc., almarzense Esc. et villosladense Esc.
(Niedl Jiří)
o--1949, 46 (1-2): 78, Časopis Československé Společnosti entomologické
Výskyt tesaříka Clytus tropicus Panz. na Třeboňsku.
*NIEHUIS Manfred
---1977, (20): 80-84, Decheniana
Cerambyciden des Rotenfelsmasivs bei Münster am Stein-Ebernburg (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1978, 1: 99-106, Naturschutz u. Ornithologie in Rheinland-Pfalz.
Bemerkungen zum Thema „Altholzinseln“.
---1979, 30 (1): 4-10, Pfälzer Heimat
Funde sehr seltener Käfer in der Pfalz und in Nachbargebieten. (3. Teil).
---1996,1995, 275-283, Verh. Westdtsch. Entomologentag.
Bockkäfer-Atlas (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Rheinland-Pfalz, Stand 1995.
---2000, 8: 121-151, Annales Scientifiques de la Reserve de la Biosphere des Vosges du Nord
Verbreitungsbilder aus der Bockkäferfauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) des Biosphaerenreservates Pfalzerwald.
---2001, 26: 1-604, Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz Beiheft
Die Bockäfer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) im Rhinland-Pfalz und im Saarland
*NIISATO Tatsuya
o--1981, 8 (2): 33-36, Elytra, TOKYO
A new species of the genus Epiclytus Gressitt fron central Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Epiclytus itoi – sp.n. - TW: Nanto, Yuchih /
---1981, 9 (2): 65-72, Elytra
A note on the genus Procleomenes Gressitt et Rondon (Cerambycinae, Cerambycidae).
/ Procleomenes glabrescens, shimomurai (MY), robustius (TW) – sp.n. /
o--1982, 16 (1-2): 41-43, Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society
A new cerambycid beetle of the genus Zoodes from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ Zoodes formosanus – sp.n. – TW: Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei /
---1982, 10 (1): 11-15(?16), Elytra
Cerambycid beetles of the genus Stenhomalus in northern Thailand.
/ Stenhomalus ater - sp.n. – TH: Chiangmai
Stenhomalus odai – sp.n. – TH: Chiangmai
Procleomenes robustior (emendation of P. robustius Niisato, 1981 /
o--1984, 11 (1-2): 9-15, Elytra
(et IKEDA K.)
New Cerambycid Beetles of the Genus Demonax Thomson from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Demonax formosomontanus IKEDA et NIISATO
Demonax nishiyamai, sulinensis, masaoi NIISATO- sp.n. - TW /
---1984, 38 (3):211-213, The Coleopterist's Bulletin (COBU)
Halme masakoae, a new cerambycid beetle of the tribe Tillomorphini from Central Taiwan.
c°--1985, 53 (1): 120-124, illustr., Kontyu
Two new Procleomenes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Celebes and the Malay Peninsula.
/ Procleomenes taoi - sp.n. - ID: Celebes
P. malayanus - sp.n. - MY /
---1986, pp. 303-308,
In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on the
occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342.
A new cerambycid beetle of the genus Glaphyra (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) from the central mountains
of Taiwan, with description of a new subgenus.
!!!o--1986, N°24, Miscell.Rep.Hiwa (et NIISATO T.) ------------see MAKIHARA H.
Some Longicorn Beetles from Taiwan (Col., Cerambycidae) with Descriptions of three New Species.
/ Perissus wenroncheni NIISATO - sp.n. - TW
Pterolophia (Pseudale) suginoi MAKIHARA - sp.n. - TW
Exocentrus taniguchii MAKIHARA - sp.n. - TW
Massicus fasciatus - comb.n.
Pterolophia (Pseudale) dorsotuberculare - comb.n.
Pt. (Pseudale) fasciata - comb.n.
Rhaphuma formosana Mitono, 1936 - syn.n. (=Rh.virens) /
c°--1986, 54 (1): 100-111, illustr., Kontyu
Occurrence of cerambycine beetles of the genus Procleomenes in Borneo, with a brief note
on P. shimomurai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1986, 21 (12): 7-12, Ins. & Nat., Tokyo
Note on the Japanese molorchine beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1986, 14 (1): 25-28, illustr., Elytra
(et NIISATO T.) ------------see MAKIHARA H.
o--1987, 41 (4): 297-301, COBU
A new Cyrtoclytus (Col.: Cerambycidae) from northern Thailand.
/ Cyrtoclytus tazoei - sp.n. - TH /
c°--1988, 56 (4): 789-797,illustr., Kontyu
Stenhomalus incongruus (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) and its close relatives.
c°--1988, 56 (1): 189-190,illustr., Kontyu
Cleomenes longipennis (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) newly recorded fron Taiwan.
---1988, 16 (2): 89-94,illustr., Elytra
A new cerambycid beetle related to Glaphyra kojimai (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) from the Korean Peninsula.
---1988, (3): 133-141, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Cyrtoclytus formosanus and its allied species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1989, 57 (1): 72, Japanese Journal of Entomology (JJE)
Occurrence of Rhaphuma diminuta (Bates) (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) in the Korean Peninsula.
c°--1989, 57 (3): 496, Japanese Journal of Entomology
New Record of Plocaederus bicolor Gressitt (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) from Taiwan
---1989, No. 225: 10-18, Gekan-Mushi
Description of a new Praolia Bates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the island of Amami-Oshima,
southwest Japan, with supplementary notes on its two relatives.
c°--1989, 57 (1): 122-126, Japanese Journal of Entomology
Two new Stenhomalus (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) from Mindanao and Borneo.
---1989, 17 (1): 95-96, Elytra
An additional note on Cleomenes longipennis (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae).
c°--1989, 57 (3): 565-572, Japanese Journal of Entomology
New brachelytrous cerambycine beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northern Borneo.
/ Pectinocallimus sericeus - gen. et sp.n. - ID: Borneo /
---1989, 17: 87-90, Elytra
Discovery of a new cerambycid beetle of the genus Cyrtoclytus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
in the Malay Peninsula.
§§§---1989, 17 (2): 200, Elytra
New synonym of Leptepania minuta (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with collecting data
of the Taiwanese species.
---1989, (225): 10-18, XXX
(in Japanese)
o--1990, 18 (1): 109-128, Elytra
Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Cerambycid Fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Thailand. I.
Collection of the Subfamily Cerambycinae Made by the Lepidoperological Expeditions of the University
of Osaka Prefecture to Thailand 1981, 1983 and 1985.
/ Falsobrium nigrum, Xylotrechus moriutii, Demonax kurokoi, Kurarua pallida - sp.n, - TH /
---1989, (90): 237-242, Kanagawa-Chuho, Yokohama
First record of the genus Longipalpus (Col., Cerambycinae) from the Philippine Islands, with descriptions
of two new species.
/ Longipalpus - 2 sp.n. - PH /
---1991, 19 (2): 158, Elytra
True Identity of a Japanese species of the genus Obrium (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ O. brevicorne – distribution, Japan: Hokkaido, identification /
---1991, 19 (2): 159-162, Elytra
Taxonomic notes on two Japanese clytine cerambycids (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Kazuoclytus fukiensis (Gressitt, 1951) – comb.n. – (Clytus fukiensis Gressitt)
Rhaphuma amamiensis Hayashi, 1983 – stat.n. – (R. virens ssp. amamiensis Hayashi) /
---1991, 19 (2): 163-166, Elytra
Discovery a sibling species of Stenhomalus fenestratus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kyushu, Japan.
/ S. kumasao – sp.n. – JP: Kyushu /
---1991, 19 (2): 200, Elytra
Epania septemtrionalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) newly recorded from the Korean Peninsula.
---1991, 19 (2): 285-286, Elytra
Additional accounts of Glaphyra nitida (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Galphyra (G.) nitida ssp. adachii (Takakuwa et Fujita, 1961) – st.n. (G. adachii) /
---1992, (2): 30-32, Acta Coleopterol. Japon
New status of two Japanese cerambycinae taxa (Coleoptera).
---1992, (98): 1-4, XXX,
(in Japanese)
---1992, 418-423, 467-534, 659-662, XXX,
(in Japanese)
o--1993, 21 (1): 32, Elytra
Some Records of Alpine Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera) from Taiwan.
o--1993, 21 (1): 27-31, Elytra (et NIISATO T.)
................... see HUA Li-zhong
New Records of Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera) from China.
/ Formosopyrrhona cinnabarina, Stenhomalus odai, Glaphyra heptapotamica - comb.n.,
Xylotrechus magnificus, Cyrtoclytus monticallisus, Demonax nishiyamai - new rec. CN /
c--1994, 22 (1): 20-22, Elytra
Subspecific Affinity of the Mongolian Population of Necydalis major (Col., Cerambycidae, Necydalinae).
---1994, 22 (1): 100, Elytra
Additional record of Stenhomalus ater (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---1994, 22 (): 180, Elytra
Description of the male Procleomenes malayanus (Col., Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
---1994, 22 (1): 141-146, Elytra
New record of Obrium semiformosanum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from northwestern Kyushu,
southwest Japan.
/ O. semiformosanum abirui - ssp.n. - JP /
o--1994, 22 (1): 191-202, Elytra
The Taiwanese Speies of the Cerambycid Genus Linda (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Linda sp. - Taiwan - rev., key, figs, stat.n., syn. /
c--1994, 22 (2): 349-352, Elytra
A new obriine species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) discovered from Iriomote-jima
of the Ryukyu Islands.
/ Obrium takeshitai - sp.n. - JP /
---1995, N°4: 441-450, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Two new Glaphyra (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae) from Taiwan.
/ Glaphyra concolor - sp.n. - TW,
G. yui - comb.n.- TW /
---1995, 23: 14, Elytra
New localities of two Paramimistena species (Col., Cerambycidae) from Thailand.
---1995, 23: 14, Elytra
Capnolymma brunnea (Col., Cerambycidae) newly recorded from Thailand.
---1995, 23 (2): 155-157, Elytra
New Synonyms of Phymatodes infasciatus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1995, 23 (2): 158, Elytra
Collecting records of cerambycid beetle (Col., Cerambycinae) from Shikine-jimaof the Izu Islands.
---1995, 23 (2): 185, Elytra
An indoor collecting record of Hylotrupes bajulus (Col., Cerambycinae) in western Tokyo.
---1995, 23 (2): 186, Elytra
Note on Aphrodisium faldermannii (Col., Cerambycinae) in northern Vietnam.
o--1995, N°4: 133-141, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Cyrtoclytus formosanus and its allied species (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae).
/ C. kusamai - sp.n. - TW /
---1995, 2 (1): 17-18, XXX
(in Japanese)
---1996, (25): 77-86, Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Nat. Sci.)
(et NIISATO Tatsuya) ................... see TAKAKUWA M.
o--1996, 2 (1): 101-104, Japanese Jornal of Systematic Entomology (JJSE)
Discovery of a new Formosotoxotus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Indochina.
/ F. takaoi - sp.n. - VN /
c--1996, 24 (1): 96, Elytra
Obrium takeshitai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), the first record from Ishigaki-jima of the Yaeyama Islands.
---1996, 24 (1): 124, Elytra
A new record of Stenhomalus fenestratus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Indochina.
o--1996, 24 (1): 141-146, Elytra
New Record of Obrium semiformosanum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northwestern
Kyushu, Southwest Japan.
o--1996, 24 (1): 147-158, Elytra
(et SAITO Akiko)
Taxonomic Notes on the Molorchine Beetles (Coleopt.Cerambycidae) from Northern Vietnam,
with Descriptions of Two New Taxa.
/Epania vietnamica sp.n., Glaphyra yui masatakai ssp.n./
---1996, 24 (2): 375-381, Elytra
Occurrence of an archaic molorchine beetle (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Western Sichuan, Southwest China.
/ Molorchus relictus - sp.n. - CN /
---1997, 25 (1): 116, Elytra
Occurrence of Zoodes formosanus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Northern Vietnam.
---1997, 25 (2): 266, Elytra
New synonym of Molorchus relictus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Molorchus fraudator Pesarini, Sabbadini, 1996 - syn.n. - of M. relictus Niisato, 1996 /
---1997, 25 (2): 267-270, Elytra
Collecting records of cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Kuril Archipelago.
/ Distribution records /
---1997, 25 (2): 514, Eyltra
A second locality of Glaphyra ichikawai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ S Korea, Su-Weon, Mount Gwang-Gyo Shan - 2nd locality and of species /
o--1998, 4 (2): 267-276, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Three New Obrium (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) fron Northern Vietnam
/ O. akikoae, elongatum, huae - sp. n. – VN /
o--1998, : 301-302, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Additional Account for Longipalpus apicalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1998, 26 (1): 74, Elytra
Acrocyrtidus argenteus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) newly recorded from northern Vietnam.
---1998 26 (1): 166, Elytra
Additional record of Stenhomalus cephalotes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Vietnam.
---1998, 26 (1): 171-172, Elytra
A second locality of Stenhomalus muneaka (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in western Honshu.
o--1998, 26 (1): 201-205, Elytra
An Addition to the Genus Necydalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northern Vietnam.
/ Necydalis katsuraorum - sp.n. - VN /
o--1998, 26 (1): 206, Elytra
(u předchozí práce !!!)
Recognition of Necydalis hirayamai hirayamai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ N. hirayamai hirayamai K.Ohbayashi, 1948 - redescription /
---1998, 26 (1): 207-211, Elytra
A new Diplothorax (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Yunnan, southwest China.
/ Diplothorax ishihamai - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan /
---1998, 26 (1): 212, Elytra
Additional records of two Vietnamese molorchine beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Epania vietnamica, Glaphyra yui masatakai - additional record /
---1998, 26 (2): 288, Elytra
A new record of Chinobrium opacum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from northern Thailand.
/ Ch. opacum - first record - TH /
---1998, 26 (2): 378, Elytra
Occurrence of Obrium laosicum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in south China.
/ first record for China /
c--1998, 26 (2): 445-449, Elytra
(et PU Fu-ji)
A New Species of the Group of Necydalis nanshanensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) discovered
in Continental China.
/ Necydalis (N.) fujianensis - sp.n. - CN: Fujian Prov., key /
---1998, 26 (2): 450, Elytra
Systematic Position of Pachyteria violaceothoracica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with a new Locality Record.
/ Schmidtiana violaceothoracica (Gressitt et Rondon, 1970) - transfered from Pachyteria /
---1998, 26 (2): 451-460, Elytra
(et HUA Li-zhong)
Three additional species of the tribe Obriini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from China.
/ Obrium hainanum, oculatum, Stenhomalus unicolor - sp.n. - CN /
---1998, 26 (2): ???, Elytra
A new synonym of Demonax alcanor (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Demonax kurokoi Niisato, 1990 - syn.n. - (=D. alcanor Gressitt et Rondon, 1970 ) /
---1998, 26 (2): 460, Elytra
Correction of the distribution record of Stenhomalus muneaka (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from the Korean peninsula.
/ Stenhomalus parallelus - misidentified as St. muneaka /
---1998, 26 (2): 461-472, Elytra
New species and distribution records of the tribe Obriini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Myanmar.
/ Stenhomalus kusakabeorum - sp.n. - BU /
o--1998, N°331: 2-7, Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo
The brachelytral cerambycid beetles of the genus Necydalis from Northern Vietnam (1).
/ Necydalis araii - sp.n. - N Vietnam /
o--1998, N°332: 16-21, Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo
The brachelytral cerambycid beetles of the genus Necydalis from Northern Vietnam (2).
/ N. katsuorum, marginipennis, bicolor - figs /
o--1999, 27 (1): 42-46, Elytra
A second representative of the genus Cyrtoclytus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Thailand.
/ Cyrtoclytus keiichii - sp.n. - TH: Chiang Rai /
---1999, 54 (2): 151-152, Entomological Review of Japan
An addition to the Callichromine Genus Schmidtiana (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Indochina.
/ Schmidtiana hayashii - sp.n. - TH /
o--1999, 27 (): 327-334, Elytra
Two New Paramimistena (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from East Kalimantan.
/ Paramimistena immaculicollis - sp.n. - ID
Paramimistena brevis - sp.n. - ID /
---2000, 28 (1): 70, Elytra
Collecting records of cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Kuril Archipelago (2).
/ Corymbia succedanea, Leptura mimica /
---2000, 28 (1): 86, Elytra
Occurence of Zoodes japonicus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in northern Vietnam.
/ VN: Tam Dao - first record /
---2000, 28 (2): 429-435, Elytra
A review of Obium longicorne Bates (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Stenhomalus longicornis (Bates, 1873) - comb.n. /
o--2000, 28 (2): 437-442, Elytra
(et KARUBE Haruki)
Additional Records of Clytine Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ogasawara Islands.
/ Chlorophorus boninensis, kobayashii, kusamai, Xylotrechus ogasawarensis /
---2001, (91): 2-3, Jeas News
o--2001, N°366: 2-8, Gekan-Mushi
Geographical variation of the Aromia moschata complex (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2001, 29 (1): 7-15, Elytra
Collecting records of cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Kuril Archipelago (3).
o--2001, 29 (1): 16, Elytra
A new arrangement of the Stenhomalus incongurus complex (Cleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Stenhomalus incongurus complex - revisin
ssp. incongurus Gressitt, 1939
ssp. muneaka Hayashi, 1981 - st.n.
ssp. parallelus Gressitt, 1939 - st.n. /
o--2001, 29 (1): 29-32, Elytra
(et AKITA Katsumi)
Distibutional records of the Tetropium species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Russian Far East.
/ Tetropium - key /
o--2001, 325-339, Tokai-Kochu-shi, Nagoya
(in Japanese)
[Review of the Japanese Species of the Genus Tetropium Kirby (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Tetropium sp. - JP - foto, figs /
o--2001, 29: 291-297, Elytra
A new splendid species of the genus Pachyteria (Col. Cerambycidae) from Sulawesi.
/ Pachyteria kurosawai - sp.n. - ID: Sulawesi /
o--2001, 29: 400, Elytra
New localities Merionoeda tosawai (Col. Cerambycidae).
o--2002, (5): 393-396, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
A New Paramimistena (Col. Cerambycidae) from Northern Borneo.
/ Paramimistena watanabei - sp.n. - Borneo /
o--2002, 8 (1): 33-39, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Rediscovery of a Problematical Xylotrechus clytine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northern Okinawa
Island, Southwest Japan.
/ Xylotrechus sp.-group lautus - key
Xylotrechus janbar - sp.n. - JP: Okinawa /
o--2002, 30: 108, Elytra
(et KARUBE H.)
Two unrecorded cerambycids (Col. Cerambycidae) from Ototo-jima of the Ogasawara Islands
o--2002, 30: 202, Elytra
An Adiditional record of Paramimistena brevis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2002, 30: 206, Elytra
Additional record of Cyrtoclytus keiichii (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--2002, 30: 235-246, Elytra
Epania opaca (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) and its new relative, vith a brief note on the genus Molorchepania.
/ Molorchepania - key, figs
M. opaca - comb.n.; M. albiventris - sp.n. - Austalia /
o--2002, 30: 247-256, Elytra
(et KARUBE H.)
Additional Records of Clytine Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Ogasawara Islands (2). Discovery
of a Geographical Race Chlorophorus minamiiwo from Kitaiwo-jima Island.
/ Chlorophorus minamiivo kitaiwo - ssp.n. - JP /
o--2002, 30: 262, Elytra
New Lokality of Salpinia laosensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with the note on systematic position.
o--2002, 30: 348-357, Elytra
Two New Epania (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Mt. Tam Dao, Northern Vietnam.
/ Epania kasaharai
Epania paulloides - sp.n. - VN /
o--2002, 30: 485-486, Elytra
(et OKADA K.)
Local Population of Mimestatina variegata (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Shikoku, Southwest Japan.
o--2003, (6): 375-383, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
Glaphyra satoi sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), a Palearctic Element of the Molorchine Longicorn
Beetle from Taiwan.
/ Glaphyra satoi - sp.n. - TW /
o--2003, 31: 37-41, Elytra
A New Stenhomalus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northeastern Thailand.
/ Stenhomalus saleuicola - sp.n. - LA /
o--2003, 31: 301-306, Elytra
A New Necydalis Species (Col., Cerambycidae) Dicovered on Mt. Phang Si Pan of Northwestern Vietnam.
/ N.(Necydalis) alpinicola - sp.n. - VN /
o--2003, 31: 289-299, Elytra
(et KOH S.-K.)
Taxonomic Notes on Clytine Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Korea.
/ Perissus kimi - sp.n. - KO,
o--2004, N°147: 14, Coleopterists' News
(In Japanese)
o--2004, 32 (1): 124, Elytra
New records of two obriine species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Laos.
/ Chinobrium opacum, Stenhomalus fenestratus - new record - LA /
o--2004, 32 (1): 201-218, Elytra
Discovery of the Brachelytrous Cerambycid Genus Necydalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from
Northeastern Laos, with Descriptions of Four New Species.
/ N. (Necydalis) atricornis - sp.n. - LA
N. (Necydalis) montipanus - sp.n. - LA
N. (Necydalis) wakaharai - sp.n. - LA
N. (Necydalisca) concolor - sp.n. - LA /
o--2004, 32 (): 425-435, Elytra
Two new Necydalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sichuan and Gungxi, Southwest China.
/ N. (Necydalis) uenoi
N. (Necydalis) choui - sp.n. - CN /
o--2004, 32 (): 437-441, Elytra
Semanotus sinoauster (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) firstly recorded from Laos.
o--2004, 32 (2): 442, Elytra
(u předchozí práce - !!)
Occurrence of Bunothorax takasagoensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in eastern Indochina.
o--2004, 32 (): 443-450, Elytra
(et VIVES E.)
Description of a new Schmidtiana species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Philippines,
with biogeographical notes on the genus in the Philippine Archipelago.
o--2004, 32 (): 451-470, Elytra
see.............OHBAYASHI N. (et NIISATO T., WANG W.-K.)
Studies on the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Hubei Province, China, Part I.
/ Notorhabdium bangzhui,
Encyclops hubeiensis,
Callimoxys orientalis (=Call. retusifer Holzschuh),
Glaphyra planicollis - sp.n. - CN + comb. n. /
o--2004, (147): 14, XXX
(in Japanese)
---2005, (148): 21-23, XXX
(in Japanese)
---2005, (149): 18, XXX
(in Japanese)
---2004, 63(2): 66-68, XXX
(in Japanese)
o--2005, 33: 114-120, Elytra
New records of Chinobrium (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Thailand, with redefinition of the genus.
/ Chinobrium - key - foto /
o--2005, 33: 143-147, Elytra
(et YAGI M.)
A new subspecies of Necydalis shinborii (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Hainan, Southwest China.
/ Necydalis shinborii hainana - ssp.n. - CN: Hainan Is. /
o--2005, 33: 148, Elytra
New synonym of a Chinese Callimoxys species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from in the Korean Peninsula.
/ Callimoxys orientalis Niisato et Ohbayashi, 2004 =C. retusiferHolzschuh, 1999 /
o--2005, 33: 258, Elytra
(et KARUBE H.)
New record of Xylotrechus ogasawarensis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Muko-jima Island,
northern Ogasawara Islands.
o--2005, 33: 302, Elytra
(et KOH S.-K.)
Occurrence of Cyrtoclytus moticallisus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from in the Korean Peninsula.
o--2005, 33: 352, Elytra
(et KARUBE H.)
Mesosa hirtiventris (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) newly recorded from Ani-jima Island.
o--2005, 33: 391-401, Elytra
(et VIVES E.)
Occurence of Procleomenes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in the Philippine Islands, with Descriptions
of Three New Species
---2006, 34: , Elytra
Taxonomic Disorder of Obrium japonicum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) and its Allied Species
---2006, 491-493, In: Hartmann M. et Weipert J. (eds.) - Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya.
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundesmuseums Erfurt e.V., Erfurt, Bd. II, pp.524
(et WEIGEL A.)
The Himalayan species of the genus Necydalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with description
of a new species.
---2007, 35: 205-215, Elytra
(et KARUBE H.)
Additional Records of Clytinae Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ogasawara Islands (3).
Revised Notes on the Chlorophorus Species from Muko-jima Island.
---2007, 35 (1): 335, Elytra
Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Stenhomalus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia.
---2007, N°440: 17-24, Gekkan-Mushi, Tokyo
The Himalayan species of the genus Necydalis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1983, : 422-423, [Red Data Book of Russia. Animals. Moscow. “Rosselkhozizdat"]
Drovosek reliktovyi [Callipogon relictus]
(in Russian)
o--1998, 36, supl. 1: 55, pl. 4, Arch. Zool. Mus. Moscow Univ. (et SEMENOV V.B., DOLGIN M.M.)
[The beetles of the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve - xylobiontes, mycetobiontes, and Scarabaeidae
(with the review of the Moscow region fauna of these groups). Supplement 1 (with remarks on nomenclature
and systematics of some Melandryidae of the world fauna)]
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - pp. 38-39 /
---2005, 110 (1): 21-27, Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii. 2005
(in Russian)
[Addition to the fauna Coleoptera of the Moscow district (with notes about some new find
of the beetles in territory former USSR and Caucasus).]
c°--1983, 51 (2): 309, illustr., Kontyu
A record of Xylotrechus adspersus (Gebler, 1830) from Hokkaido, Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ first record for Japan /
---1950, 5 (1): 20-21, Entomological Review of Japan
Eine neue Strangalia-Art us Sachalien (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae).
---1956, : 107-112, Akitu
Morphologie der Judolia cometes Bat. und Judolia cordifera Oliv.
c°--1956, 24: 240-246, Kontyu
Prionus californicus, laticollis, insularis, Morphologie und gaographische Verbreitung.
c°--1959, 27 (2): 119-125, Kontyu
Das achte Hinterliebsglied des Weibchens einiger Cerambycidenarten.
c°--1959, 27 (3): 209-213, Kontyu
Über die Begattungsorgane von Cerambyciden-Weibchen.
---1960, : 67-72, Akitu
On the cutized organ the 8th abdominal sternite of the male of Cerambycidae.
*NISIANI Esiharu
---1997, 43 (4): 9, Nature Study
Longhorn-beetles of Japan
(in Jap.)
(Nizamlýođlu K.)
---1964, 160 pp., Yenilik Basýmevi, Ýstanbul
Türkiye’de Zeytine Zarar Veren Böcekler.
(et GÖKMEN N.)
---1989, 22 (2): 2-10, illustr., Nature and Insects
Colonization of coleopterous borers.
---1977, 2: 19, Těšínsko
Nálezy vzácných tesaříků v Beskydách.
---1892, 37: 17-24, 1 pl., Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift (Bd. 36 - ???)
Monographische Uebersicht der Prioniden-Gattung Callipogon Serv.
---1892, 37: 193-215, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Weitere Beiträge zur Käferfauna von Südasien und Neuguinea.
---1894, : 193-215, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Tebing-Tinggi (Süd-Sumatra): Lucanidae, Melolonthidae, Rutelidae,
Cetonini, Buprestidae und Cerambycidae.
---1894, 20: 9-14, 28-32, 45-48, 81-83, Entomologisches Nachrichten, Berlin
Beiträge zur Coleopterenfauna von Ostasien und Polynesien.
c--1937, 28 (2): 116-143, Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
Contribution au Catalogue de Coléopteres de la Tunisie. (11e fascic.)
/ Cerambycidae 146-149 pp. /
c--1949, ???? Bulletin de Science Naturelles de Tunisie
Contribution au Catalogue de Coléopteres de la Tunisie. (Fasc. 4)
/ Cerambycidae 90-91 pp. /
---1952, 521 pp., Jugoslavienska Akademia znanosti i umjetnosti
Kornjasi éadranskog Primorja (Coleoptera).
---1964, 24: 98-101, Atti Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
I coleotteri della Dalmazia.
---1987, 7 (6): 58, Vestnik Zoologii
Novyi dlya Zapadnoy Sibiri vid Prionus insularis Motsch. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[New for Western Siberia Prionus insularis Motsch. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1909, 45 (4-6): 253-279, Proceedings of Imp. Russian Geographical Soc.
[Travel to Mongolia in 1906.]
(in Russian)
c--1965, 2: 53-65, Stipa, Ústí n. Labem
Příspěvek k poznání tesaříků severočeského kraje.
---1979, 40 (1): 17-34, Zhurnal Obschei Biologii
/ Polymorphism and spetiation. /
(in Russian)
---1987, : 29-47, Fauna, Ecology of Invertebrata of Cheljabinsk Region. Sverdlovsk. Ural Branch
of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR
(in Russian)
[Fauna of Timber-Beetles of Ilmen Natural Reserve, South Urals.]
---No. 13: 1-73, Ruriboshi
(in Japanese)
Longicorn beetles of Ibaraki Prefecture.
---1981, 15 (2): 208-221, illustr., Silva Fennica
Large poplar longhorn, Saperda carcharias (L.), as food for white-backed woodpecker,
Dendrocopos leucotos (Bechst.).
(Nüssler H.)
c--1961(1962), 26: Faunistische Abhandlungen , Dresden
Ein bestandiges Vorkommen des nearktischen Bockkäfers Parandra brunnea Fabr. in Deutschland.
---1964, 1: 169-187, Faunistische Abhandlungen , Dresden
Die Bockkäfer der Umgebung von Dresden.
o--1972, 16 (7-8): 91-102, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Sächsische faunistische Coleopteren-Literatur (Fortsetzung)
/ Ptilidae - Scolytidae, Platypodidae, C e r a m b y c i d a e pp.98-100 /
---1975, 5 (5): 205-210, Faunistische Abhandlungen , Dresden
Die Bockkäfer der Umgebung von Dresden (Col., Cerambycidae).
1. Nachtrag
o--1975, 19 (5): 70-72, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Eine für Sachsen neue Phytoecia-Art. (Coleopt.,Cerambycidae).
/ Ph. julii - b.sp. /
o--1976, 20 (12): 177-185, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Boreomontane Bockkäfer aus den Gebürgen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Col., Cer.).
---1982, 26 (6): 283, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Funde von Plagionotus floralis Pallas im Bezirk Erfurt (Col., Cerambycidae)
---1982(1983), 10 (2): 163-168, Faunistische Abhandlungen , Dresden
Die Bockkäfer der Umgebung von Dresden (Isecta, Col., Cerambycidae).
2. Nachtrag
---1984, 12 (1): 1-23, Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden)
Die Bockkäfer der sachsischen Schweiz. Eine Verbreitungsstudie mit Angaben zur Biologie, Ökologie
Phänologie und Variabilität der Arten (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1994, 19 (17-30): 187-192, Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden)
[The Cerambycidae in the surroundings of Dresden (Third supplement) (Insecta: Coleoptera).]
---1997(1996), 40 (4): 231-236, Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte
Die Bockkäfer-Fauna des Plauenschen Grundes bei Dresden (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1998, 19 (17): 277-284, Entomofauna
Description of two new species of the genus Osphyron Pascoe, 1869 from New Guinea (Col., Cer., Prioninae).
/ Osphyron bispinosus, O. wauensis - sp.n. - N. Guinea /
o--2000, 100 (4): 614-616, Lambillionea
Description of a new species of the genus Acanthophorus Serville, 1832 (subg. Ceratocentrus
1903) from Principe Isl. African Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ Acanthophorus (Ceratocentrus) principiensis – sp.n. /
o--2004, 104 (2/2): 247-250, Lambillionea
Description of a new species of the genus Rosenbergia Ritsema, 1881 from Papua New Guinea
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini).
/ Rosenbergia hudsoni - sp.n. - Papua N. Guinea /
o--2004, 104 (3/2): 401-404, Lambillionea
Description of a new species of the genus Rosenbergia Papua New Guinea. (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini).
o--2005, 105 (3/2): 481-485, Lambillionea
(et KOMIYA Z.)
A new species of the genus Analophus Waterhouse. Short presentation and key for the known species
of this genus. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ Anolophus vicksoni - sp.n. - Papua N. Guinea /
o--1933, 11: 128-132, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
(et MAŘAN J.)
Přehled druhů rodu Xylosteus Friw. (Col., Ceramb.) [Generis Xylosteus Friw., specierum revisio]
/ Xylosteus bartoni sp.n. /
*OBIKA Masataka
---1971, 44 (4): 233-235, AZJ
( et KUSAMA K.)
A new species of the genus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from Japan.
/ Pidonia fujisana / sp.n. - JP /
---1973, 46 (3): 205-207, AZJ
A new species of the genus Molorchus (Col., Cerambycidae) from central Japan.
/ M. nitidus - sp.n - JP./
---1997, 21: 55-60, Hiyoshi Review of natural Science
An annotated checklist of long-horned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) collected in the Hiyoshi campus.
---1887 (1886), 30: 189-293, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Verzeichnis der Coleopteren Griechenlands un Creta, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über ihre geographische
Verbreitung und die Zeit des Vorkommens einiger Arten betreffenden Sammelberichten.
---1987, No. 51: 15-21, Gensei
(in Jap.)
[Cerambycid-beetles of Cape Ashizuri and its adjacent areas.]
---1989, No. 54: 11-13, Gensei
(in Jap.)
[On some cerambycid-beetles form [sic] Shikoku collected by Mr. N. Hirata.]
---1989, No. (226): 20-21, Gekan-Mushi
(in Jap.)
[Records of three longicorn-beetles form Okinawa Island.]
---1995, No. :
, Gensei
(in Jap.)
[Notes on cerambycid-beetles from Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan (2).]
---2001, 75 pp., Shikoku, Japan
(in Japanese)
[Longhorn beetles of Kagawa Prefecture.]
---1948, In: A Key of the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Moscow-Leningrad]: 450-471 (in Russian)
[73. Fam. Cerambycidae – Timber Beetles or Longhorned Beetles. ]
---1939, 8: 114-118, Trans. Kansai ent. Soc.
Notes on some Longicornia from Manchuria, North China, Corea and Japan.
---1942, 46: 16-20, Insecten World
(in Japanese)
The behavior and distribution of Japanese longicorn beetles (4).
---1944, 48: ???, Insecten World, Gifu
A new Cerambycidae species from Japan.
---1948, 1: ???, Entomological Review of Japan
/ Necydalis hirayamai - sp.n. - TW
c--1952, 3: 410-415, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Systematic Notes on Japanese Strangalia (Col.,Cer.)
c--1953, 4: 13, Entomologischen Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing
Eine neue Molorchus-Art aus Japan (Col., Cerambyc.)
/ M. hattorii- sp.n. - JP /
---1955, 4: 17-18, Akitu, Kyoto
(et NAKANE T.)
Desription of a new species of the genus Leptura Linné from Japan.
/ Leptura kusamai - sp.n. - JP /
---1955, 6: 59-62,
(In Japan.)
Strangalia tenuicornis Motschulsky ...
c--1956, 3: 761-764, Longicornia III
Two new species of the genus Oberea from Japan.
c--1957, 8 (1): 5-8, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Pidonia-group I. (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia breuningi, shikokensis, nikkokensis - sp.n. - JP /
c--1957, 8 (1): 13-15, Entomological Review of Japan
New Cerambycidae from Japan (2).
/ Saperda breuningi - sp.n. - JP /
c--1958, 9 (1): 9-12, Entomological Review of Japan
New Cerambycidae from Japan (3).
c--1958, 9 (1): 17-20, Entomological Review of Japan
(In Japan.)
Studies of Longicornia (2).
/ NOTES - L.(Starngalia) harmandi, Oberea kiotoensis Pic
Falsodebilaia japonica - Artimpaza setigera ssp. japonica - comb.n.
Strangalia koyaensis haraguro - ssp.n. - JP/
c--1958, 9 (2): 36-37, Entomological Review of Japan
New Cerambycidae from Japan (IV).
/ Allotraeus pallidipennis, Stenhomalus takaosanus - sp.n. /
c--1958, 9: 61-64, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies of Longicornia (3)
(in Jap.)
/ Pidonia, Pedostrangalia, Anaglyptus, Eumecocera - stat., comb.nom.n.
Niponostenostola - gen.n. - JP /
c--1959, 10 (1): 1-3, Entomological Review of Japan
New Cerambycidae from Japan (5).
/ Gaurotes (s. str.) otome - sp.n.
Pidonia testacea warusawadakensis - ssp.n.
Obrium nakanei - sp.n.
Mesosa (s. str.) konoi okinoerabuensis - ssp.n. - JP /
c--1959, 10 (1): 9-10, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies of Longicornia (4)
(in Jap.)
/ unrecorded species of Japan
Pareuterapha, Eutetrapha - comb.n. /
c--1960, 11 (1): 7-8, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies of Longicornia (5)
(in Jap.)
/Phytoecia nigerrima - comb.n. - JP /
c--1960, 11: 13-16, pls. 2, Entomological Review of Japan
Study of Pidonia - group (Col., Ceramb.) II
/ Pidonia chujoi; P. hakusana; P. japonica - sp.n.
P. amentata kurosawai; P. mutata pallida - ssp.n.
P. masakii hiurai; P. japnica satoi - f.n. - JP /
c--1960, 12 (1): 7-10, pls. 2, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies of Longicornia (6)
/ Cyltini - comb.n.
Hirticlytus; Aglaophis (Metaglaophis) - gen. et sbg. n. - JP /
c--1961, 13 (1): 16-20, pls. 4, Entomological Review of Japan
New Cerambycidae from Japan (6).
/ Toxotus coeruleipennis galloisi - ssp.n.
Strangalia (Sulcatostrangalia) - sbg.n.
Ceresium tsushimanum - sp.n.
Exocentrus lineatus satoi - ssp.n. - JP /
c--1962, 14 (2): 33-34, Entomological Review of Japan
Two new sppecies of Lamiinae from Japan (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Pterolophia castaneivora - sp.n.
Sybra kuri - sp.n. /
c--1963, 433 pp., Hokuryukan, Tokyo
In: Nakane T., Ohbayashi K. Nomura S. Kurosawa K., (Eds.): Iconographia Insectorum
Japonicorum Colore naturali edita 2.
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 297-318, Pls. 134-159 /
---1963, 2: 267-318, pls. 134-159
(In Japan.)
c--1964(1963), 2 (2-3): 7-10, Fragmenta Coleopterologica, Kyoto (FRCO)
Systematic notes and description of new forms in Cerambycidae from Japan.
/ Eurypoda tsushimana - sp.n.
Megopis (Spinmegopis ) - sbg.n.
Marthaleptura - gen.n.
Nakanea - gen.n.
Molorchus kobotokensis - sp.n./
c--1964(1963), 2 (2-3): 11-12, Fragmenta Coleopterologica, Kyoto (FRCO)
Systematic notes and description of new forms in Cerambycidae from Japan.
/ Hayshiclytus gen. n.
Isomiccolamia - sbg.n.
Mesosa shikokensis - sp.n. - JP
Pogonocherus fasciculatus ssp. hondoensis - ssp.n. - JP /
c--1964, 1 (5): 19-26, pl. 4,5, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
New Cerambycidae from Japan (7).
/ Prionus yakushimanus - sp.n., key
Amamiclytus - gen.n.
Perissus ishigakianus
Rhaphuma aritai
Demonax masatakai
Oberea umebayashii - sp.n - JP /
c--1965, 2 (1): 1-5, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy 20/1
New forms of Cerambycidae from the Ryukyus (Coleoptera).
---1978, 32 (1-2): 107-111, Entomological Review of Japan
Studies on Asian Cerambycidae 6. (Coleoptera).
---1970, (1): 37-44, RTAI
A List of Cerambycidae from the Tokara and the Amami Islands (Coleoptera).
c--1970, 5 (1): 1-4, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy
On some Cerambycid-Beetles from the Ryukyu Islands.
(in Jap.)
c--1974, : 57-59, The Philippine Scientist
A new Lepturine beetle from Mindanao Island, Philippines (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Strangalia apoensis - sp.n. /
(et SATO M.)
o--1976, 10 (1): 1-8, Bulletin of the Japan Entomological Academy 20/2
Notes on Acanthocinini of Ogasawara Islands (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1981, 34 (1-2): 45-49, pl. 1, Entomological Review of Japan
New species and subspecies of Cerambycidae from Japan and Taiwan (Coleoptera).
/ Dorysthenes elegans elegans – sp.n. – TW
Dorysthenes elegans ishigakiensis – ssp.n. - JP
Batocera ushijamai – sp.n. – TW /
o--1982, pp. 123-126, In: Sato, M., Hori, Y., Arita, Y. & Okadome, T. [Eds]. Special issue to the memory 20/2
of retirement of Emeritus Professor Michio Chujo. Association of the Memorial Issue
of Emeritus Professor M. Chujo, Nagoya, Japan. 1982: 1-185.
A new lepturine beetle from Borneo (Col., Ceramb.)
---1985, 12 (2): 1-3, illustr., Elytra
A new species of the genus Mesosa from Okinawa Is., Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1985, 40 (2): 85-93, The Entomological Review of Japan
Notes on the Genus Idiostrangalia from Japan and Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Idiostrangalia shimomurai - sp.n. - JP + key sp. JP,TW /
c--1986, 22 (1): 45-48, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.)
Two new Lepturine beetles of the genus Pseudalosterna from the Malay Peninsula
and Taiwan (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Pseudalosterna crinitosulcata – sp.n. – MY, Ps. fuscopurpurea – sp.n. – TW /
o--1986, 282-290, In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] - Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa on
the occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342
Two New Lepturine Beetles of the Tribe Xylosteini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from the Darjeeling District and the Malay Peninsula.
/ Palaeoxylostelus kurosawai - gen. et sp. n. - IN,
Notorhabdium immaculatum - gen. et sp. .n. - MY /
---1992, i-x + 1-697 pp., Tokai University Press, Tokyo
An Illustrated Guide to Identification of Longicorn Beetles of Japan.
(et SATO M., KOJIMA K. /eds./ )
(in Japanese)
---1992, (2): ??? 8, Acta coleopterologica Japonica, Osaka
/ Mesosa hirtiventri (Gressitt, 1937)
---1994, 22 (1): 171-179, Elytra
Notes on the Japanese Species of the Genus Rhagium (s. str.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae),
with Description of a New Species.
/ Rhagium femorale - sp.n. - JP
---1994, 22 (2): 344, Elytra
Records of Asilaris zonatus Pascoe (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Indonesia.
---1994, 22 (2): 344, Elytra
Records of Leptura miniacea Gahan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Thailand and China.
o--1994, 20 (3): 271-284, Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society
/ A taxonomic study on the genus Capnolymma with descriptions of two new species (Col.: Cerambycidae)
---1994, 2 (2): 270-275, WWF Japan Science Report
The cerambycid fauna of the Tokara Islands.
---1995, N°4: 437-440, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology (SBJS)
A new species of the genus Formosotoxotus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kalimantan.
/ F. uenoi - sp.n. - ID: Kalimantan /
o--1999, 27 (1): 51-54, Elytra
A new subspecies of Leptura kusamai (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae) from Shikoku, Japan.
/ Leptura kusamai keiichii - ssp.n. - JP: Shikoku /
o--1999, 54 (2): 113-120, Entomological Review of Japan
(et SATO M.)
Taxonomic notes on the genus Ocalemia (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ Ocalemia hayashii - sp.n. - ID
Strangalia puguismontana Hayashi et Villiers - syn.n. - S. angustoloneata (Gressitt) /
o--2001, 7 (1): 95-98, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
A New Species of the Lepturinae Paranaspia from Okinawa Is., Japan, (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Paranaspia inadai - sp.n. - JP /
o--2001, 7 (2):, 265-268, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
An Unexpected New Lamiine Species from South Kyushu, Japan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Dolicoprosopus sameshimai - sp.n. - JP /
o--2001, 29 (2): 284-290, Elytra
Distribution of the Anoplophora Species (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) in Okinawa Island, Southwest Japan.
o--2003, No 6: 361-368, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology
A New Lepturine Species of the Genus Eustrangalis (Coleoptera, Lepturinae) from Laos.
/ Eustrangalis masatakai - sp.n. - LA /
o--2004, 32 (2): 451-470, Entomological Review of Japan
(et NIISATO T., WANG W-k.)
* Studies on the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Hubei Province, China, Part I.
/ Notorhabdium bangzhui Ohbayashi & Wang - sp.n.
Encyclops hubeiensis Ohbayashi & Wang
Parastrangalis houhensis Ohbayashi & Wang
Callimoxys orientalis Niisato & Ohbayashi - sp.n. - key
G.(Glaphyra) palnicollis Niisato & Ohbayashi - sp. - CN: Hubei Prov.
Parastrangalis mitonoi, shaowuensis - comb.n. /
o--2004, 32 (2): 341-342, Elytra
New Record of Paranaspia frainii (Fairmaire) from Northeast Laos.
o--2004, 33 (1): 108-113, Elytra
A New Species of the Genus Idiostrangalia (Col., Lepturinae) from the Mountains Area of Northeastern Laos.
/ Idiostrangalia michioi - sp.n. - LA /
o--2005, 11 (2): 287-298, Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology
Some Taxonomic Changes on the Japanese Cerambycidae, with Description of a New Species (Coleoptera).
---2007, 35 (1): 194-204, Elytra
A Revision of the Genus Formosotoxotus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Apatophyseine), with Description
of a New Species from Sikkim.
---2007, xii + 813, 131 col plates (295 €)
Longicorn beatles of Japan
*OHIRA Hiroshi
---1996, 42 (No 12): 8, Nature Study
The Necydalis gigantea gigantea in Nara city, Japan
---1990, 25 (6): 31-33, Nature and Insects
A new Praolia species from Is. Amami Ohsima Praolia takeuchii sp. nov.
/ Praolia takeuchii - sp.n. - Japanese name: Amami-ruri-hosohige-Kamikiri /
---1992, (No. 261): 17-19, Gekan-Mushi
(in Japanese)
[New records of cerambycid beetles from the Koshiki Islands, Kagashima Pref.]
---1996, 24(2): 382, Elytra
Additional record of Chlorophorus signaticollis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Ryukyu Islands,
southwest Japan.
---1986, No. 30: 21-49, Journal of the Toyo University General Education
Bibliography of the selected important animals occurring in Japan. (18)
Eurypoda batesi Gahan, 1894 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (1).
---1990, No. 34: 75-124, Journal of the Toyo University General Education
Bibliography of the selected important animals occuring in Japan (22) Chlorophorus muscosus (Bates)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*OKADA Keiji
---1998, 26 (1): 215-216, Elytra
Two new records of cerambycid beetles (Coleopterta [Coleoptera]) from Yaku-shima Island, southwest Japan.
/ Pseudiphra apicalis, Sciades (Miaenia) nakanei - first rec. - Yakushima Is. /
*OKAMOTO Hanjiro
c--1927, 2: 62-86, Insecta Matsumurana
The longicorn beetles from Corea.
/ Cerambycidae - 98 sp. - KO /
---1990, No. 238: 27, Gekan-Mushi, Tokyo
(In Japanese)
[A related species of Pebephaeus ishigakianus collected from Amami-Oshima Island.]
o--1933, 11: 135-136, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Noví ruší tesaříci (Col., Cerambycidae). [Neue russische Cerambyciden.]
/ Semanotus semenovi - sp.n.- TD: Hissar Mts
Cleroclytus baeckmanni - sp.n. - TD: Hissar Mts /
---1882, pp. 393, Coimbra, Imprenta da Universidade
Catalogue des Insectes du Portugal. Coléopteres.
c°--2006, (7): 81-86, Zesyty Naukowe
Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Lancut Region.
/ 54 sp. Cerambycidae - Axinopalpis gracilis, etc. /
---1790, 5 (1): 1-368, Panckocke Libr., Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1791, 5 (2): 369-793; Panckocke Libr., Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1791, 6 (1): 1-368, Panckocke Libr., Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1792, 6 (2): 369-704, Panckoucke Imprimeur-Libraire, Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1792, 7 (1): 1-368, Panckoucke Imprimeur-Libraire, Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1792, 7 (): 705-827, Panckoucke Imprimeur-Libraire, Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1795, 4: 1-519, 72 pls., Baudonin, Paris
Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Insectes avec leurs Caracteres Génériques et Spécifiques, leur
Déscription, leur Synonimie, et leur Figure Illuminée. Coléopteres.
---1797, 7 (2): 369-827, Panckocke Libr., Paris, Plompteux, Liege
Encycopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle, Insectes.
---1807, 5 (1): 1-602, 59 pls., Baudonin, Paris
Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Insectes avec leurs Caracteres Génériques et Spécifiques, leur
Déscription, leur Synonimie, et leur Figure Illuminée. Coléopteres.
---1879, : 305, Compte Rendu at Travails de la Société Agricole de France
Moeurs du Vesperus xatarti, sa distribution.
*OLMI Massimo
c--1974, 9: 347-360, Annali della Facolta di Scienze Agrarie della Universita degli Studi di Torino
Un caso piemontese di gradazione di Vesperus strepens Fabricius in Vitis e reimpiego
di una vecchia tecnica inseticida (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1975, 112: 106-111, Italia Agricola
Nemici delle vite. Eccezionali danni provocati in Piemonte dal Coleottero Cerambicide
Vesperus strepens F.
(Ölschlager H.)
---1971, 66 (3): 132-136, illustr., Entomogische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer
Ein Fund von Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871) am Neusiedler See.
*ONLAP Birsen
(Önlap B.)
§---1974, 84 (16): 173-176, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine neue Agapanthia-Art aus der Türkei (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
/ Agapanthia erzurumensis - sp.n. - (=Theophilea cylindrica) /
o--1988, 98 (24): 361-363, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus der Türkei (Coleopt., Cerambycidae)
/ D. oezdurali - sp.n. /
o--1988, 2: 113-114, Zoology in the Middle East
First record of the beetle Osphranteria coerulescens Redtenbacher, 1850 (Col., Ceramb.) from Turkey.
o°--1988, 3: 257-295, Hacetepe Üniversitesi Egitim Falültesi Dergisi
Agapanthia Serville‚ 1835 (Col., Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) türleri üzerine taksonomik arastirmalar.1
o°--1989, 4: 197-229, Hacetepe Üniversitesi Egitim Falültesi Dergisi
Agapanthia Serville‚ 1835 (Col., Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) türleri üzerine taksonomik arastirmalar.2
o--1990, 5: 57-102, Hacetepe Üniversitesi Egitim Falültesi Dergisi
Türkiye'deki Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 (Col.,Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) türleri üzerine sistematik arastirmalar.
o°--1991, 6: 191-227, Hacetepe Üniversitesi Egitim Falültesi Dergisi
Türkiye'deki Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 (Col.,Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) türleri üzerine sistematik arastirmalar.
o--2006, 106 (1/2): 95-97, Lambillionea
Contribition a l'etude de la biodiversite des iles du Golfe de Guinee: description de la femelle de Ceratocentrus
principiensis Nylander, 2000 et premire capture de l'espece sur l'Ile de Sao Tomé (Col., Ceramb., Prioninae).
---1984, 1 (3): 322, Novelle Revue d'Entomologie
Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr. un ravageur des Eucalyptus présent en corse (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, 8 (1): 76 Novelle Revue d'Entomologie
Présence aux iles Canaries du ravageur des Eucalyptus Phoracantha semipunctata (Col., Cerambycidae).
---2000, 39: 129-131, Coleopteriste
Phoracantha recurva Newman sera-t'il a ajouter a la faune de France?
(+ 1999)
o--1990, 5: 69-70, Boletino del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Sobre la presencia de Purpuricenus globulicollis Mulsant, 1839 (Col., Cerambycidae) en la Penísula Ibérica.
(Ortuňo Vicente M.)
c°--2001, N°29: 39-40, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Datos interesantes de Cerambycidae ibéricos (Coleoptera).
(et PALAEZ L.)
(Ovchinikov S.V.)
---1996, pp. 160-163, Bishkek
(in Russian)
[In: Tarbinskij Yu. S. - Genetical fund cadastre of Kyrghyzstan. Vol. 3.
Superclassis Hexapoda (Entognatha and Insecta).]
[Fam. Cerambycidae – longicorn-beetles.]
(Öymen, T.)
---1987, İ. Ü. Orman Fakültesi, İstanbul, (unpublished thesis) 146 pp.
The Forest Cerambycidae of Turkey.
(Özbek H.)
---1978, 9 (1) : 31-44., - Atatürk Ü. Zir. Fak. Derg.,
Erzurum ve yöresinde ev teke böceği [Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) Serville] ve diğer bazı teke böcekleri
---(in press) Türkiye IV. Entomoloji Kongresi, 12-15 Eylül 2000, Aydın.
(et TOZLU G.)
İncir ağaçlarında zararlı Batocera rufomaculata (De Geer, 1775 (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae).
(Özdikmen Hüseyin)
c--2003, 31 (5): 433-441, Phytoparasitica
The Genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) in Turkey.
/ Cortodera -15 sp. - TR, C. holosericea - new for TR !??! /
c°--2003, 1 (2): 183-188, Acta entomologica Slovenica
Check-list of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Turkey with two
new records.
c°--2004, 6 (1): 23-31, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
A check-list of the genus Pedostrangalia Sokolov, 1896 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey
with a new record.
c°--2004, 6 (1): 39-69, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
(et CAGLAR Uzeyir)
Contribution to the knowledge of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey
subfamilies Prioninae, Lepturinae, Spondylidinae and Cerambycinae.
c°--2004, 6 (2): 25-49, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
(et HASBENLI Abdullah)
Contribution to the knowledge of Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey,
Subfamily Lamiinae.
/ Dorcadion leave Faldermann, 1837, Dorcadion rosti Pic, 1900 - !!!???!!!
Phytoecia (Musaria) affinis (Harrer, 1784) - first record for Turkey,
Dorcadion mniszechi Kraatz, 1873 and
Agapanthia (s. str.) annularis (Olivier, 1795) - second record for Turkey - !!!???!!!
Phytoecia (Coptosia) sancta (Reiche, 1877) - new record for TR in Ozdikmen & Caglar, 2003 /
c°--2004, 6 (3): 23-27, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
A new subspecies of Dorcadion dimidiatum Motschulsky, 1838, (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,
Lamiinae) from Turkey.
/ Dorcadion dimidiatum kelkiticum - ssp.n. - TR /
c°--2005, 7 (2): 1-33, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
Longhorned Beetles Collection of the Nazife Tutay Plant Protection Museum, Ankara,
Turkey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Opsila uncinata - 1st record TR /
c°--2005, 7 (3): 13-38, Jornal of the Entomological Research Society
(et DEMIREL Ersin)
Additional Notes to the Knowledge of Longhorned Beetle Collection from Zoological Museum
of Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey (ZMGU) for Turkish Fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2006, 19 (1): 1-8, Gazi University Journal of Science
(et SAHIN Ö.)
Longhorned Beetles Collection of the Entomology Museum of Central Anatolia Forestry
Research Directorship, Ankara, Turkey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ F:TR /
c°--2006, 19 (2): 77-89, Gazi University Journal of Science
The Longhorned Beetles Fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Kahraman Maras Province.
/ F:TR /
c°--2006, 1 (1): 55-56, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et ABANG F.)
Sarawaka nom. nov., a repalcement name for preoccupied genus Cleonice Thomson, 1864
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
c°--2006, 1 (1): 71-90, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Contribution to the knowledge of Turkish longicorn beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
/ F:TR /
c°--2006, 1 (1): 157-166, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Notes on Longicorn Beetles of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ F:TR /
(et DEMIREL Ersin)
c°--2006, 1 (1): 169-170, Munis Entomology & Zoology
A very interesting longicorn beetle, Anatolobrium eggeri Adlabauer, 2004, from Turkey
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Anatolobrium eggeri - 2nd rec. - TR /
c°--2006, 1 (2): 199-204, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
An evaluation on the known taxa of Necydalinae and Apatophyseinae from Turkey
with a syn. nov. (Coleoptera Cerambycidae ).
/ Necydalis hadullai Szazllies, 1994 = N. ulmi Chevrolat, 1838
F:TR - Apatophysis caspica, A. anatolica /
c°--2006, 1 (2): 267-269, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Nomenclatural changes in Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).
/ Diboma Thomson, 1864 - (nec Walker, 1863) - Zotalemimon Pic, 1925 /
c°--2006, 1 (2): 279-288, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
A zoogeographical review of Spondylidinae in Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ F:TR /
c°--2007, 2 (2): 179-422, Munis Entomology & Zoology
The Longicorn beetles of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part I - Black Sea Region.
/ F:TR /
c°--2007, 2 (2): 511-516, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
Review of the genus Musaria Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Turkey
with zoogeographical remarks.
/ F:TR /
c°--2008, 3 (1): 7-152, Munis Entomology & Zoology
The Longicorn beetles of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part II - Marmara Region.
/ F:TR /
c°--2008, 3 (1): 191-198, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
Review of the genus Opsilia Mulsant, 1862 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
with a new record to the fauna of Turkey, Opsilia molybdaena (Dalman, 1817).
/ Opsilia molybdaena - 1st rec. - F:TR /
c°--2008, 3 (1): 355-436, Munis Entomology & Zoology
The Longicorn beetles of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Part III - Egean Region.
/ F:TR /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 548-553, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
A new species of the genus Stictoleptura Casey, 19246 from Turkey (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae: Lepturinae)
/ Stictoleptura gevneensis - sp.n. - TR: Alanya, Gevne valley /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 568-581, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
A new species and new subspecies of the subgenus Phytoecia (Blepisanis) Pascoe, 1866
from Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
/ Phytoecia (Blepisanis) samai - sp.n. - TR: Amanos Mts.
Phytoecia (Blepisanis) vittipennis ssp. inhumeralis Pic, 1900 - stat. n. - TR /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 596-605, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
A new Cortodera species for Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae).
/ Cortodera differens Pic, 1898 - stat. n. - TR: Kizilcahamam /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 621-635, Munis Entomology & Zoology
(et TURGUT S.)
The genus Tetrops Stephens, 1829 with a new subspecies, Tetrops praeustus anatolicus ssp. n.
from Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ T. praeustus anatolicus - ssp. n. - TR: Antalya - Antakya /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 661-664, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Substitute names for two preoccupied Longhorned beetles genus group names described
by J. Thomson (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ CRC - S America - replacement nammes, comb. n. /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 677-681, Munis Entomology & Zoology
Substitute names for some preoccupied Longhorned beetles genus group names described
by S. Breuning (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ CRC - S Asia, Africa - replacement nammes, comb. n.
Novorondonia Özdikmen, 2008 - nom.n. - pro Rondonia Breuning, 1962 /
c°--2008, 3 (2): 677-681, Munis Entomology & Zoology
A nomenclatural act: Some nomenclatural changes on Palaearctic Longhorned beetles
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Anoplistes Audinet-Serville, 1833 - valid name & comb.n. - (=Asias Semenov, 1914)
Callimus Mulsant, 1846 - valid name - (=Callimellum Strand, 1928)
!??! - Helladia armeniaca ssp. holzschuhi Özdikmen, 2008 - nom.n. - pro
Helladia armeniaca ssp. iranica Holzschuh, 1981 !??!
Dorcasominae: Dorcasomini Lacordaire, 1869 - syn.n. - Apatophysinae: Apatophysini
Lacordaire, 1869 ( Apatophyseinae: Apatophyseini - wrong subseq. spelling)
---1997, 21 (2): 195-196, Journal of entomological Research (New Delhi)
(et SHARMA D.)
Changing host preference of Obereopsis brevis (Swed.) as a new pest of sunflower in India.
/ O. brevis - Helianthus annus (sunflover) - IN: Madhya-Pradesh /
---2001, 63 (1): 96-100, Indian Journal of Entomology
(et RAI Mathura)
Adult emergence and relative feeding preference of trunk borer, Anoplophora versteegi (Rits.).
--- 2003, 59 (1-2) : 55, L'Entomologiste
Capture de Callidium aeneum Degeer 1775 dans la Nievre (Col. Cerambycidae).
*PAIVA de CASTELO Barao do
---1860, 8, 11 pp., Lisboa
Descripção de dois Insectos Coleopteros de Camboja nas costas orientals do Oceano Indico. (Longicorn).
*PAL S. N.
---1983, 52 (16): 784, Current Science (Bangalore)
A simple method for collecting eggs of Stromatium barbatum Fabr.
---1984, 17: 432 International Congress of Entomology Proceedings
Sexual behaviour and ovoposition of longhorned dry wood borer Stromatium barbatum (Fabr.) (Col.,Cer.)
c--1937 , 27 (3): 149-153, Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologische Gesselschaft
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cerambycidae des griechischen Macedonien.
(Peter Symon Pallas)
---1772, Vol. 2 (9): 1-87, pls. 1-5, Reimer, Berolini
Spicilegia Zoologica, quibus novae imprimis atque obscurae animalium species iconibus,
descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur.
---1773, T. 2: 1-744,
Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1768-1774.
---1781, 1-104, 8 ill. Erlangae: Sumtu Wolfgangi Waltheri
Icones insectorum praesertim Rossiae Sibirque peculiarium, quae collegit et descriptionibus
illustravit Petrus Simon Pallas.
*PALM Thur
---1951, 40 (2): , Meddelanden fran statens skogsforsknings institut
Die Holz- und Rindenkafer der Nordschwedischen Laubbaume.
c--1953, 74: 124-129, Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm
Leptura sandoeensis n.sp., eine neue Bockkäfrart aus Schweden (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1954, Opuscula Entomologica
Biologiska iakttagelserover nagra skalbaggsarter pa Gotska Sandön.
---1955, 20: 105-131, Opuscula Entomologica
Käfer mit isolierten nordeurop. Vorkommen in Schweden.
---1956, 21: 233-245, Opuscula Entomologica
Zur Kenntnis der Biologie von Acmaeops pratensis Laich. und verwandten Arten.
---1957, 22(2-3): 184-188, Opuscula Entomologica
Studien über Acmaeops septentrionis Thoms.
---1959, 24(3): 185-191, Opuscula Entomologica
Studier över Acmaeops marginata Fabr.
---1959, 16: 1-379, Opuscula Entomologica , Suppl.
Die Holz- und Rinden-Käfer der Sud- und Mittelschwedischen Laubbämen
---1960, 25: 138-145, Opuscula Entomologica
Biologiska studier över Stenocorus meridianus L.
---1965, 86 (1-2): 1-20, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Koleopteriska exkursioner pa Korfu.
---1966, 87 (1-2): 5-22, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Koleopteriska exkursioner vid Bulgariens Svarta havkust.
---1967, 88 (1-2): 33-53, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Koleopterologiska excursioner pa Teneriffa.
---1969, 24: 185-191, Opuscula Entomologica
Studier över Acmaeops marginata Fabr. (Col.,Cerambycidae).
---1977, 7 (1): 41-48, Vierea
Beobachtungen über das Vorkommen und die Lebensweise von Leptura palmi Demelt (Col., Ceramb.)
/ L. palmi – host plants – Larix, Pinus – Canary Islands /
§---1978, 9 (1): 35-42, Entomologica Scandinavica
Zur Kenntis der Käferfauna der Kanarischen Inseln 23-24. 23. Die Gattung Denops Fisch.
(Coleoptera: Cleridae). 24. Die Gattung Criocephalus Muls (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Criocephalus – key to sp. Canary Isls.
Denops canariensis – sp.n. /
---1984, 105 (4): 155, Entomologisk Tidskrift
Swedish records of Acanthocinus griseus F. larvae (Col., Cerambycidae)
---2006, 38(3): 251-254, Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura
Sulla presenza di Phoracantha recurva Newman e Phoracantha semipunctata F.
(Coleoptera Cerambycidae) in Calabria.
---1983, 8 (2): 189-191, illustr., Entomon
(et PILLAI K.S.)
On the occurence of a new stemborer (Nupserha vexator P.) as a pest of Coleus.
/ Coleus parviflorus – host plant - Nupserha vexator (India) /
---1941, 23 (10): ?543?, Bull. Ac. Roumaine (BAR)
Apercu sur la faune coléoptérologique de la vallée de Batova
---1944, 26 (8): ?540?, BAR
Les éléments de la zoogéographiecoléoptérologiqueat l´analyse de la distribution locale
des Coléopteres roumaine.
---1948, 6 (1-2): ?73?, Anotationes Biologicae
La technique et les particularités de l´analyse zoogéographique locale des Coléopteres.
---1948, 30 (6): ?349?, BAR
Supplément a la connaissance des Coléopteres roumains (3-e supplément)
/ Xylosteus spinolae, Purpuricenus globulicollis, Asias ephippium - RO /
---1954, 6 (1): ?341?, Bull. stiint. Acad. R.P.R.,
Sectiunea de stiinte biologice, agronomice, geografice si geologice
Consideratiuni asupra unor specii orientale de Coleoptere di fauna Republici Populare Romine
---1956, 4 (31): ?61?, Acad. R.P.R., Anale Romino-Sovieticae, seria biologie
Cu privire la cunoasterea valorii taxonomice a speciei, neospeciei si unitatilor subordonate in zoologie
c--1961, 523 pp., 29 Pls, Editura Acad. Rep. popul. Romine, Bucuresti (et SAVULESCU N.)
Fauna Republicii Populare Romine.
Insecta, Volumul X, Fascicula 5
Coleoptera, Familia CERAMBICIDAE (Croitori)
(Pantoja López)
c°--2006, 1: 39-44, Bol. Inf. CIDEU
Cerambicidos xilofagos de encinas y alcornoques: studio bioecologico y control de poblaciones.
---1794 (1793), pt. 2, 112 pp., Edition 3., Erlangen
Beschreibungen und Abbildungen hartsschaaligter Insecten
---1798, pt. 4, 112 pp., pls. 25-48, Nörnberg
Voets Beschreibungen und Abbildungen hartsschaaligter Insecten
---1981, 30 (6): 131-132, Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen
Calamobius filum Rossi am Neusiedler See (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*PARENTI Alberto
---1964, 19 ( ) :1-3,I-III, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Notizie su alcuni Cerambycidi particolarmente interessanti della regione Laziale .
---1964, 19: 34-35, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Elenchi di coleotteri raccolti nel Parco Nationale d'Abruzzo.
c--1966, 21 (1): 1-4, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Contributo alla conoszenzadei Criocephalus italiani.
---1976, 12: 9-20, Entomologica
La Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr. nell'Italia meridionale
(et TASSI F.)
---1997, 36 (4): 367-372, Annals of arid zone
Faunal diversity and associated predators and parasites of wood-boring Coleoptera of Rajasthan Desert.
*PARIS Jean Pierre
---2004, 32 (2) : 144, Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
Note de chasse. Présence dans le Var de Xylotrechus stebbingi (GAHAN).
*PARK Sang-Wook
---1999, 29 (1): Korean Journal of Entomology
(et LEE Jong-Ho)
Newly recorded two longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Korea.
/ Olenecamptus formosanus, Paraglenea fortunei /
---2001, 18: 121-122, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie
Phoracantha semipunctata F. 1775 un longicorne nouveau pour l'ile de la Réunion (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1988 (1987), 31 (4): 481-483, Przeglad zoologiczny
Nowe stanowiska Rhopalopus ungaricus (Herbst) i Dorcadion holosericeum (Kryn.)
(Col., Cerambycidae) w Polsce.
---1988, 32 (1): 103-104, Przeglad zoologiczny
Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus L.) new host plant for larvae Leiopus nebulosus (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1990, 34 (2-3): 401-402, Przeglad zoologiczny
A rare case of Strangalia attenuata (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae) larvae feeding on pine-wood.
---1845, 4: 84-87, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
XVIII. A decade, or description of ten new species of Coleoptera, from the Kasya Hills,
near the boundary of the Assam District.
*PASCOE Francis Polkinghorne
c--1856, (2) 4: 42-51 1 pl., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (N.S.)
Description of New Genera and Species of Asiatic Longicorn Coleoptera.
/ Prothema signata, funerea - gen. et sp.n. - CN
Serixia apicalis - sp.n. - MY
Neoxantha amicta - ge. et sp.n. - CN
Dialeges pauper - gen. et sp. n. - MY
Monohammus luridus, aspersus, infelix, diophthalmus, angustus - sp.n. - CN,MY + ID /
c--1857, (2) 4: 89-112, 2 pls., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (N.S.)
On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part II.
/ Dynamostes audax -gen. et sp.n. - IN
Prionus fossatus, hydropicus - sp.n. - CN
Xoanodera trigona - gen. et sp.n. - MY
Noserius tibialis - gen. et sp.n. - ID
Pachylocerus plumiferus - sp.n. - IN
Pyrestes miniatus, haematicus - IN,CN
Blemmya humeralis, Agelasta irrorata, Cacia confusa, newmanni - sp.n. - MY
Monohammus hilaris, permutans, carissimus - sp.n. - CN,BU
Cereopsius marmoreus, Praonetha melanura, Apomecyna frenata - sp.n. MY
Aconodes montanus - gen. et sp.n. - Himalaya
Astathes straminea, purpurea, terminata - sp.n. - BU,MY
Noemia flavicornis - gen. et sp.n. - MY, etc. + plts. /
---1858, (2) 4: 236-266, pls. 25-26, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (N.S.)
On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part III
---1859, (2) 5: 12-61, pl.1, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (N.S.)
On some New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part IV
---1860, 1 (1): 36-64, pls II.III, The Journal of Entomology, London
Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part I.
---1860, 1 (1): 98-132, 6 pls, The Journal of Entomology, London
Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part II.
c--1862, 1 (3): 319-370, pls XVI-XVII, The Journal of Entomology
Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part III.
/ Clytus notabilis - sp.n. - JP (=Grammographus)
Doesus teleporoides - gen.+sp.n. - IN + sp.n. Australia. etc. /
---1862, (3) 9: 461-467, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
On some new Col. From Lizard Island, N. E. Austral.
---1863, 1 (3): 526-570, pls XXII, XXIII, The Journal of Entomology, London
Notes on the Australian Longicornia, with descriptions of sixty new species.
---1864, 2: 223-246, The Journal of Entomology, London
Descriptions of some new Australian Longicornia.
---1864, 2: 270-291, pl. 19, The Journal of Entomology, London
Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Additions to the Longicorns
of South Africa, including a few species from Old Calabar and Madagascar.
---1864, (3) 1: 1-96, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part I).
---1865, (3) 2: 97-224, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part II).
---1866, (3) 3: 225-336, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part III).
c--1866, 2: 26-56, The Journal of Entomology.
Notices of new or little-known Genera and Species of Coleoptera. Part IV.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 49-54 - Orint. reg. /
---1866, 16-18: 222-266, pls. 26-29, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
Catalogue of longicorn Coleoptera collected in the Island of Penang by Mr. James Lamb, Esq. Part I.
---1866, 41-43: 504-536, pls. 41-43, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London
Catalogue of longicorn Coleoptera collected in the Island of Penang by Mr. James Lamb, Esq. Part II.-III.
---1867, (3) 3: 337-464, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part IV).
---1867, (3) 19: , The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera, with desription of New Species and Genera.
---1867, (3) 19: 307-319, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Characters of some new genera of the coleopterous family Cerambycidae.
/ Zoodes - gen.n. ; ...
---1867, (3) 19: 410-413 , The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Diagnostic characters of some new genera and species of Prionidae.
---1868, pp. xi-xiii, The Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London for the year 1868
Contributions to a knowledge of the Coleoptera. Part I.
---1868, (3) 3: 464-498, The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part V).
---1869, (3) 3: 499-552, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A.R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part VI)
---1869, (3) 3: 553-712, 24 pls., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Longicornia Malayana; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn
Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae, collected by Mr. A.R. Wallace in the Malay
Archipelago. (Part VII)
---1869, (4) 4: 203-211, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of some new species of Lamiidae.
---1899, 9: 80-112, Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology
On the longicornia of Australia, with a list of all the described species.
---1871, (4) 8: 268-281, 1 pl., The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of the new genera and species of longicorns, including three new subfamilies.
---1885, (5) 15: 49-57, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of some new Asiatic Longicornia.
---1875, (4) 15: 59-73, 1 pl., The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Notes on Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Part III.
---1878, (5) 2: 370-377, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of longicorn Coleoptera.
/ Helymaeus pedestris, signaticollis - sp.n. - YE; ... /
---1885, (5) 15: 49-57, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of some new Asiatic Longicornia.
---1886, (5) 17: 49-57, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
Descriptions of some new Longicornia, chiefly Asiatic and African.
---1888, : 491-513, pl. 14, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
On some new longicorn Coleoptera.
*PASE Herbert A.
---1973, 105 (8): 1059-1064, Can. Entomol.
(et COSTER C.J.)
Some Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Korat Plateau Region of Thailand.
o--1987, 23: 35-38, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Tesaříkovití v údolí Oupořského potoka (SPR Týřov, CHKO Křivoklátsko).
o--1967, 23 (5-6): 149, L´Entomologiste
Notes de chasse et observations diverses.
/ F - Macrotoma myardi - FR /
o--1979, 35 (3): 111-113, L'Entomologiste
Contribution la connaissance de la faune entomologique de la Corse 3e note: Cerambycidae.
o--1985, 37 (1): 45-55, ATOU
Contribution la connaissance de la faune entomologique du Var 1re partie: Cerambycidae (addenda).
o--1986, 42 (2): 91-98, L'Entomologiste
Contribution la connaissance de la faune entomologique de la Corse 5e note (addenda)
/ Cerambycidae pp. 94-98 /
---1989, 41 (1): 31-32, Annales de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles et d'Archeologie de Toulon
Repartition et biologie de Phytoecia vulneris Aurivillius.
c--1996, N°81: 25-27, Bulletin Sciences Nat
Discussion a propos du Chlorophorus pilosus Forster et de sa sous-espece glabromaculatus Goeze (Col. Cer.)
---1941, 8 (4): 202-217, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Les larves des Cerambycidae francais (Coleoptera).
---1944, (2) 16 (2): 112-121, Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (Sama 2007* - 117-121)
Les types d'insectes de Mulsant au Muséum de Paris.
---1981, 719 pp., Ed. Lechevalier, Paris
Biologie des coléopteres.
*PAULUS Hannes F.
---1968, 2: 70-85, Entomol. Blätter
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Larven und Puppen von Agapanthia violacea Fabricius
und Agapanthia villosoviridescens De Geer.
---1968, 49 (3-4): 231-235, Schenckenbergiana biologia
Die Larve von Agapantia cardui Linnaeus.
---1969, 21 (1): 4-11, Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen
Zur Unterscheidung der Larven der Gattung Rhagium.
---1973, 83 (21): 233-247, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Daten zur Cerambycidenfauna der näheren und weiteren Umgebung von Mainz (Insecta, Coleoptera).
c°--1974, 51: 3-, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Einiges zur Biologie und Ethologie von Agapanthia violacea Fabricius (1775) (Col., Ceramb., Lamiinae)
---1976, 2 (4): 364-373, Entomologica germanica
Zur Morphologie und Eidonomie von Jugendstadien des Getreidebockkäfers Calamobius filum
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
---1948, 87: 53-60, Atti de la Societa italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civoco di Storia Naturale di Milano
Sulla disposizione delle nuova in Morimus asper Sulz, e Lamia textor L.
---1948, 15 (1-3): 49-64, Boll. Zool.
Uovo, stadio ovulare e primo stadio larvale in Morimus asper Sulz. e Lamia textor L.
---1979, 7: 1-22, Pubbl . Ist. Entom. Univ. Pavia
Lotta intergrata nelle foreste mediterranee: un esempio di protezione forestale
(Pavlíček Tomáš)
---1998, 23 (1-2): 73-74, Mitteilungen des internationalen entomologischen Vereins e.v. Frankfurt a.M. (et al)
Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan a new species for Israeli beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1998, 49 (4): 37-45, Natura Alpina
Contributo alla salvaguardia della fauna a cerambicidi della Val di Genova (TN) (Insecta, Coleoptera,
---1999, 12: 5-36, Quderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna
Primo contributo allo studio dei cerambicidi del contrafforte pliocenico, valli del Stta e Savena (Appenino
Bolognese) (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---2000, 51 (1-2): 43-46, Natura Alpina
Sui cerambycidi della Val di Genova (TN) (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*PEKS Heinz
o--1992, 102 (11): 197-200, Entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus Anatolien (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ D. rolandmenradi - sp.n. - TR /
c--1993, 1: 1-11, . Schwanfelder Coleopterologische Mitteilungen
Drei neu Taxa der Gattung Dorcadion aus Anatolien(Col., Cerambycidae).
/D. ingae, sonjae, triste phrygicum - sp. & ssp.n. - TR /
---1990, 46 (4): 167-169, L'Entomologiste
Icosium tomentosum Lucas, espéce nouvelle pour la France continentale.
---2001, 18 (1): 27-31, Biocosme Mésogéen
Rehabilitation de la presence en France de Lucasianus levaillanti (Lucas, 1849) et nouvelles donnes
geographiques (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
(Peňa Estevez M.A.)
---1988, 12: 367, Boletin de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
Primera cita de Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius, 1775) (Col. Cerambycidae) en las Islas Canárias.
(Rubén Peňa León)
c°--2001, N°29: 98, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Contribución al conocimiento de Iberodorcadion (I.) fuliginator (Linnaeus, 1758)
en Aragón (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae ).
c°--2002, N°30: 114, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Atrofie atenal bilateral con carácter simétrico en Rutpela maculata (Poda, 1761)
(Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--2002, N°31: 226, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Diversos casos de trematoelitríasen Ergates faber (Linneo, 1761) Cerambycidae (Col.: Cerambycidae).
---1864, 4: 17-18, Annales de la Sociétés entomologique de France, Bulletin
[Vesperus strepens]
---2006, 30 (3-4): 115-122, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
El género Cerambyx Linnaeus, 1758 en Extremadura (SO de la Penísula Ibérica) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
(Pérez-Inigo M.C.)
---1979 (1977), 33: 113-142, Graellsia
Contribution al cononcimiento de las especies espaňolas del género Phytoecia Muls.,1839 (Col.,Ceramb.)
*PEREZ-LOPEZ Francisco J.
---1998, 7 (12): 28-36, Saturnia, Revista de Entomologia
Polimorfismo en Iberodorcadion (Baetodorcadion) marmottani (Escalera, 1900) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
---1998, 22 (3-4): 249-251, Boletin de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
Nuevos datos para el conocimiento de la cerambicidofauna de la provincia de Granada (Col.: Cerambycidae).
(Peréz Moreno Ignacio)
o--1986, 6 (6): 1-39, Principe de Viana, Suplemento de Ciencias
Contribution al cononcimiento de los Colépteros Cerambícidos de Navarra (Col., Cerambycidae), I.
o--1987, 7 (7): 45-84, Principe de Viana, Suplmento de Ciencias
Contibution al cononcimiento de los Coleópteros Cerambícidos de Navarra (Col., Cerambycidae), II.
o--1988, 3: 39-44, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Presencia en Espaňa de Cerambyx nodulosus Germar, 1817, y Eupogonocherus caroli (Mulsant,,
1863). Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1988, 3: 117-118, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Coleópteros xilófagos no autóctonos capturados en Alfaro (La Rioja). Coleoptera.
---1988, 4: 401-402, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman, 1817), nuevo cerambícido para la fauna de Navara y confirmacion
de la presencia de Brachyleptura maculicornis (DeGeer, 1775) en la Penísula Ibérica (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1990, 5: 67-68, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Tres nuevos cerambicidos para la fauna de Navara (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--1997 (1996), 6: 103-107, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Primera cita de Strangalia attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758) para la Peninsula Iberica (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--1997 (1996), 6: 127-140, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia
Estudio faunistico de los coleopteros cerambicidos de La Rioja (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2001, N°28: 59-60, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevas interesantes capturas de cerambicídos en La Rioja (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c°--2004, N°35: 295-296, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Nuevos datos sobre cerambícidos de La Rioja (Espaňa) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---2001, 10 (17): 39-45, Saturnia
Coleopteros buprestidos y cerambicidos de la provincia de Alicante, en las colecciones
Baguena y Torres Sala.
c--1966, 96 (9-10): 147-149, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana (et RIGATTI LUCHINI S.)
Coleotteri raccolti nel Vicino e Medio Oriente. Nota I. Dorcadion Dalman. (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Dorcadion - TR, D. brunneicolle - IR - new locality /
c--1967, 23 (2): 38-42, L'Entomologiste
Récolte de Cerambycides en Algerie.
---1973, 29 (1): 15-25, L'Entomologiste
Observations écologiques sur quelques cérambycides de Tréminis (Isere).
---1877, Paris
Larves des Coléopteres
/ Cerambycidae p. 416-517 /
---1855, (2) 2: 327-401, Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Description de quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues et création de quelques nouveaux genres
dans la famille des longicornes.
---1831, 44 pp., Dissert. Monachii, Lindauer
Observationes nonnullae in Coleoptera Indiae orientalis.
*PERU Laurent
---2000, N°3: 63-64, Symbioses
Les longicornes de mon jardin a Loury Loiret .
---2000, 105 (4): 418, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France
(et LEBLANC P. )
Xylotrechus pantherinus (Savenius, 1825), espece nouvelle pour la France (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1994 (1992), 133 (17): 217-244, Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico
di Storia Naturale di Milano (ASMM)
Catalogo dei tipi del Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Milano. X. I tipi dei Coleot. Cerambycidi.
o--1994, Vol. 85, pp., Natura, Rivista di Scienze Naturali. Milano
Insetti della Fauna Europea. Coleotteri Cerambicidi
o--1996, 7: 95-129, Il Naturalista Valtelliense - Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Morbegno
Notes on new or poorly known species of Asian Cerambycidae (Insecta, Coleoptera)
/ Prionus dacatrai - sp.n. - PK
Asemum lucidulum - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Pseudogaurotina robertae - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Gaurotes pictiventris - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan
Rhondia attelaboides - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan
Molorchus fraudator - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan (=M. relictus : Niisato 1997)
Purpuricenus foraminifer - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Hesperoclytus bozanoi - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Abacoclytus felisisrosettae - gen.n. et sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Perissus crassicollis - sp.n. - CN: Fujian
Kurarua nacerdoides - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan
Niphona belligerans - sp.n. - CN: Kwangsi
Miccolamia bicristata - sp.n. - CN: Shaanxi
Saperda bacillicornis - sp.n. - CN: Quinghai, Gansu
Savang sulphuratus - sp.n.
Glenea atricilla - sp.n.
G. fortii - sp.n. - CN: Fujian
G. glabronotata - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
G. hieroglyphica - sp.n. - CN: Yunnan
Paraglenea cinereonigra - sp.n. - CN: Shaanxi, Henan
Linda stolata - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan
Callidiellum przewalskyi (Semenov et Plavilstshikov, 1935) - comb.n.
Ischnostrangalis davidi (Pic, 1935) - bona sp. /
o--1996, 128 (1): 47-50, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, Genova 20/1 (et SABBADINI A.)
Note sull genere Anaglyptus Mulsant, con descrizione di una nuova specie (Col., Cerambyc.).
/ Anaglyptus croesus sp.n. - TR, Boz-dagh
Anaglyptus luteofasciatus Pic, 1905 = A. moreanus Demelt, 1970
Anaglyptus mysticoides Reitter, 1894 = A. mysticus ssp. anatolicus Demelt, 1970 - syn.n. /
---1997, 27 (2): 185-188, Memoire della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico
di Storia naturale di Milano
I cerambicidi (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) del Monte Barro (Italia, Lombardia, Lecco).
o--1998, 1: 45-61, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara
Osservazioni sistematiche su alcuni Dorcadion della fauna anatolica, con descrizione di 9 nuovi taxa.
/ Dorcadion praetermisum - sp.n. - (cl. D. cinerarium)
D. pittinorum - sp.n. - (cl. D. kalashiani)
D. subsericatum vulneratum - ssp.n. - N of Kastamonu
D. boluense imitator - ssp.n. - E of Akyyarma Gec.
D. boluense corallinum - ssp.n. - Camlidere
D. subsericatum rufipenne Breuning, 1962 - stat.n.
D. subsericatum majus - stat.n. et comb.n.
D. subsericatum rufipenne = D. rufipenne cankiriense - syn.n.
D. equestre ssp. nogeli Fairmaire, 1866 - stat.n.
D. afflicatum - sp.n. - (cl. D. pseudholoserceum) - E of Corum
D. bangi roridum - ssp.n. - Gerede
D. confluens Fairmaire, 1866 - b. sp. - Boz Dag
D. pavesii - sp.n. - (??? cl. D. theophilei) - E of Yüksekova (Hakkari)
Megalodorcadion - sbg. n. - ( ts: Dorcadion ledereri Thomson) /
o--1999, 2: 57-67, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara
Five new species of longicorn beetles from China (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Prothema exclamationis Niphona (s.str.) pluricristata Egesina (Cuphisia) digitata Asaperdina brunnea Thermistis sagitifera - sp.n. - CN /
o--2004, 145 (1): 93-102, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico 20/1
di Storia naturale di Milano
Delagrangeus liviae, specie nuova dell'Isola di Rodi (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
[Delagrangeus liviae, new species from Rhodes Island (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).]
/ Delagrangeus liviae - sp.n. - GR: Rhodes Is. + key /
o--2004, 145 (1): 103-115, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico
di Storia naturale di Milano
Osservazioni su Vesperus ligusticus Vitali, 2001 e V. strepens (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera Vesperidae).
[Observations about Vesperus ligusticus Vitali, 2001 and V. strepens (Fabricius, 1792) (Col. Vesperidae).]
/ Vesperus strepens ssp. litigiosus Mulsant, 1863 - stat.n. /
o--2004, 145 (1): 117-132, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico 20/1
di Storia naturale di Milano
Osservazioni sulla sistematica della tribu Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
[Observations about the systematics of the tribe Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).]
/ Agapanthiini : g. Agapanthia sbg.:
Stichodera sbg. n. - type sp.: Saperda irrorata F., 1787
Drosotrichia sbg. n, - type sp.: Saperda annularis Oliv., 1795
Agapanthiella sbg. n. - type sp.: Cerambyx villosoviridescens Degeer, 1775
Amurobia - sbg. n. - type sp.: Ag. amurensis Kraatz, 1879
Homoblephara - sbg. n. - type sp.: Saperda maculicornis Gyllenhal, 1817
Smaragdula - sbg. n. - type sp.: Saperda violacea F., 1775
Agapanthiolla Ganglbauer
Synthapsia - gen.n. - type sp.: Saperda kirbyi Gyllenhal, 1817
Chinostictica - gen.n. - type sp.: Ag. niveisparsa Holzschuh, 1981
Agapanthoplia -gen.n. - type sp.: Ag. coeruleipennis Frivalszky, 1878
Ag. cardui var. ruficornis Pic - bona sp. /
o--2004, 145 (1): 133-153, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico 20/1
di Storia naturale di Milano
Ricerche sui Dorcadionini di Grecia. I. Le specie del Peloponneso (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
[Researches upon the Dorcadionini of Greece. I. The species from Peloponnesus (Col. Cerambycidae).]
/ Dorcadion (Bergerianum) - sbg. n. - type sp.: D. chrysochroum Breuning
D. (Pedestredorcadion) stephaniae - sp. n. - GR
D. (Pedestredorcadion) brenskei Ganglbauer, 1883 - stat.n.
(= D. aeginasum Pic, 1942, D. nemeense Breuning, 1975 - syn.n. )
D. (Pedestredorcadion) eugeniae eugeniae Ganglbauer, 1885
(= D. arcadicum Breuning, 1947 - syn.n.)
eugeniae emgei Ganglbauer, 1885 - stat.n.
D. (Pedestredorcadion) peloponesium Pic, 1902 - stat. rev.
(= D. subjunctum Pic, 1904, D. weiratheri Pic, 1929 - syn.n.)
D. (Pedestredorcadion) accola (= D. glabrolineatum Pic, 1927 - syn.n.) /
o--2004, 136 (2): 157-172, Bolletino della Societa entomologica Italiana
Descrizione di due nuove specie di Lepturini di Grecia, note sulle specie affini e considerazioni
sistematiche, sinonimiche e nomenclatoriali (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
[Description of two new species of Lepturini from Greece, notes on related species and systematic,
synonymic and nomenclatorial considerations (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).]
/ Alosterna pauli Pesarini, Rapuzzi et Sabbadini - sp. n. - GR
Vadonia mainoldii - sp. n. - GR
V. apoeckorum Holzschuh, 1984 - bona sp.
V. parnassensis (Pic, 1925) - bona sp.
Paracorymbia simplonica ssp. ondreji - comb.n. /
c--2007, 148 (1): 17-34, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico
di Storia naturale di Milano
Notes on some Longhorn beetles from Continental Greece, with description of two
new subspecies (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Akimerus schaefferi ariannae - ssp.n. - GR
Vadonia bisignata laurae - ssp. - GR
Vadonia dojranensis ssp. mahri Holzschuh, 1986 - comb.n.
Agapanthia subgenus Homoblephara, Agapanthia subgenera revised key /
c--2007, 148 (1): 35-83, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico
di Storia naturale di Milano
Ricerche sui Dorcadionini di Grecia. II. Le specie della Grecia centromeridionale e quelle
del gruppo di Dorcadion kozanii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Dorcadion 4 new species and 2 subspecies, 12 new synonymies
and 7 changes of taxonomic status /
c--2008, 149 (1): 109-124, Atti della Societa italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo civico
di Storia naturale di Milano
Ricerche sui Dorcadionini di Grecia. III. Le specie di Neodorcadion Ganglbauer, 1884, quelle del gruppo
di Dorcadion ljubetense e descrizione della nuova specie Dorcadion ariannae (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
/ Neodorcadion - key
Dorcadion ariannae - sp.n. - GR /
---1997(1996), 17: 169-174, Rivista piemontese di Storia Naturale
I coleotteri Cerambicidi della baraggia di Piano Rosa (Piemonte, Novara).
---1787, 46 pp., Varrentrapp et Wenner, Francofurti et Moguntiae
Species Insectorum ulterioris Calabriae.
---1793, 718 pp., Institutiones Entomologiae.
Typis Cajetani Raymundi, Neapolis
---1819, : 37-39, Mem. Acc. Sc. Napoli, Classe Fis., St. nat.
Memoria su alcuni insetti del Regno di Napoli.
---1980, 37 (1-3): 12-13, Revue Virvietoise d´Histoire Naturelle
Chronique de la Montagne Saint-Pierre 3. Nouvelle trouvaille de Molorchus umbellatarum (Schreber)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1991 (1988), 32: 151-152, Bolletí de la Societat d´Historia Natural de les Baleares
Dos coleopteos xilofagos nuevos para Mallorca.
/ Argalia punctata – first record – Balearic Islands /
c--1912, pp. 376, Hermannstadt
Siebenbürgens Käferfauna auf Grund ihrer Erforschung bis zum Jahre 1911.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 238-253 /
---1920, 12: 58-64, Bulletin de la Société royale entomologique d'Egypte
Quelques notes sur les Cérambycides de environs d´Alexandrie.
c--1996, 128 (1): 85-90 (88-89), Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana, Genova
Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane (N. 292 - 312)
/ 303 - Hesperophanes sericeus (F., 1787)
304 - Poecilium fasciatum (Villers, 1789)
305 - Saperda scalaris (L., 1758)
306 - Oberea linearis (L., 1761), Agapanthia villosoviridescens (De Geer, 1775) /
---1998, 130 (1): Bolletino della Sicieta entomologica Italiana
Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane. 328. Pedostrangalia verticalis (Germar, 1882) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
c--1905, 31: 185-187, L'Abeille / !!! - NOT Cerambycidae /
---1907, 31 (1): 1-48, 1 carte, L'Abeille
Liste des Coléopteres du Sinai.
c--1911, 80: 283-314, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Notes sur la biologie de quelques Coléopteres phytophages du Nord-Africain (1re sér.)
/Cerambycidae pp. 287-288 /
---1912, : 515-524, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord-Africain (quinzieme note: faune marocaine).
/ !!! - NOT Cerambycidae /
---1915, 84: 19-61, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Notes sue la biologie de quelques Coléopteres phytophages du Nord-africain. (2e sér.)
/ Cerambycidae p. 31 /
---1916, 86: 318-319, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord Africain. Vingt-quatrieme note: Faune du Djurdjura.
/ !???! - NOT Cerambycidae /
---1917, 86: 117-148, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord-Africain. Vingt cinquieme note et table.
/ !???! - NOT Cerambycidae /
c--1917, 86: 328-332, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord africain (vingt-sixieme note).Faune du Cedre et du Spain de Numide.
/ Leptura rubra numidica - ssp.n. - AG: Mt. Babor (ex l. Abies numidica)
Callidium cedri - sp.n. - AG: Haizer(Djurdjura) et Atlas de Blida /
---1918, 88: 143, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Description de Pogonocherus caroli icosiensis.
c--1919, 88: 169-258, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Notes sur la biologie de quelques Coléopteres phytophages du Nord-Africain (3e série)
/Cerambycidae pp. 208-225
Neomarius gandolphei, Oxypleurus nodieri, Semanotus algiricus etc. /
---1919, 88: 258-269, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Notes sur la biologie de quelques Coléopteres phytophages du Nord-Africain.
/ !???! - NOT Cerambycidae /
c--1919, 89: 325-328, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord-Africain. Trente-deuxieme note: Faune saharienne
/ Polyarthron Fairmairei Pic ?var. - note + Tenebrionidae sp.n. /
c--1920, 90 : 21-23, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
/ Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord-Africain. Trente-troisieme note: Récoltes de M. le capitaine
Surcouf dans le Grand Erg occidental
/ Eremoceras surcoufi - gen.n. et sp.n. - AG + Tenebrionidae - sp.n. /
c--1922, (N°): 318-321, Bulletin de la Socété entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres du Nord-Africain. Quarante-troisieme note: Récoltes de M. le Dr. Heimisch
dans l'Erg Iguidi (Sahara occidental)
/ Crossotus heimischi - sp.n. - Erg Iguidi, Sahara occidental + Tenebrionidae - sp.n. /
---1924, 7: 213-215, MSSM
Liste des Insectes récoltés.
---1925, 94: ???, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Nouveaux Coléopteres phytophages du Nord-africain (troisieme série).
c--1926, 95: 319-390, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Note sur la biologie de quelques Coléopteres phytophages du Nord africain (quatrieme série).
/ Cerambycidae pp. 351-356 /
---1928, pp. ???, Société de Biogéographie II, Editions Lechevalier, Paris
In.: ALLORGE P. et al. - Contribution a l'étude du peuplement des hautes montagnes.
Composition et origine présumée de la faune (Coléoptres) des hautes montagnes de la Berberie.
---1931, (N°2): 1-172, 3 plts + 2 maps, Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
Mission scientifique du Hoggar envoyée de Février à Mai 1928 par M. Pierre Bo rdes, Gouverneur
Général de l’Algérie.
c--1933, 102: 359-408, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Les Coléopters attachés aux Coniféres dans le Nord de l´Afrique.
---1934, 11 (93): 49-54, C.R. Soc. Biogéographie
Les variations géographiques dans les biocénoses des insectes phytophages et particulierement des
parasites des arbes.
§---1936, (2) 62: 74-81, Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France
Mission au Tibesti (1930-931), dirigée par M. Dalloni, professeur à la Faculté des Sciences d'Alger.
Coléopteres (avec la desciption d'un genere nouveau et de deux especes nouvelles).
/ Tibestia dallonii - sp.n. - Tibesti ......
---1943, 34 (1): 26-34, Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
Matérioux pour un Catalogue des Coléopteres sahariens.
---1941, 71p., 5 fig., pl. 7, 1 carte (Alger)
Carte forestiére de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie. Notice
§---1944, 24: 90-110, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc
Coléopteres du Sahara Marocain et du Sahara Occidental.
§---1945, Vol. Jubilaire, Soc. Sc. nat. Maroc
La faune entomologique (Coléopteres) du Maroc comparée a celle de Numidie (Sahara exclu)
---1948, pp. 7-84, Mémoires de l'Institut des Récherches Sahariennes, Alger
Mission scientifique au Fezzan (1944-1945) V. Zoologie, Insectes, Coléopteres.
---1984, 1 (3): 149, Entomologica Gallica
Observations sur le comportement de Plagionotus detritus (L.) (Col., Ceramybcidae)
---1985, 41 (4): 187, L'Entomologiste
Tetrops praeusta L. var. inapicalis Pic dans la Vienne (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, 47 (2): 83-86, L'Entomologiste
(et CANTOT P.)
Nouvelles observations sur Phoracantha semipunctata en Corse (Col. Cerambycidae).
*PIC Maurice
---1889, N°51: 4-5, L'Echange
Un peu Longicornes
---1890, 6, 10: 91, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Communications: Phytoecia griseipes.
c--1890, 6 (63): 119-120, L'Echange
Un peu d'Entomologie N. sp..?
/ Agapanthia subnigra - sp.n. - Georgie
Phytoecia compacta - Hungrie /
§---1891, 2 pp., L. Jacquet, Lyon
Descriptions de Longicornes de Syrie.
c--1891, : 16, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Communique une variété nouvelle de Longicorne
/ Vadonia livida desbrochersi - var.n. - Bitlis /
c--1891, 7: 77-78, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Description d'un Longicorne nouveau
/ Dorcadion Beloni - sp.n. - ? Siberia (=scabricolle Dalm.) /
c--1891, : 113-114 , Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
/ Cortodera semilivida - sp.n. - Syria /
c--1891, : 134-135, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Description d'un nouveau Longicorne, Phytoecia Ludovici
/ Phytoecia ludovici - sp.n. - Sarepta /
c--1891, (N°20): 185-187, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Descriptions de trois Longicorns d'Asie Mineure
/ Leptura grammopteroides - sp.n. - LE
Phytoecia (Musaria) perrini - sp.n. - LE
Ph. (Musaria) türki griseicornis - var. n. SY /
---1891, N°75: 23, L'Echange
Sur les Liopus punctulatus Payk. et nebulosus L.
---1891, 7 (78): 43, L'Echange
Cortodera reitteri n. sp.
c--1891, 7 (N°83): 102, L'Echange
Descriptions d'espéces et variétés de longicornes Syriens.
/ Cortodera discolor var. rubripennis, Stenopterus rufus v. atricornis, Leioderes kollari v. nigripes,
Pilemia tigrina v. griseomaculata, Phytoecia praetextata v. nigricollis, Phytoecia asiatica,
Brachyta delagrangei - var. et sp.n. - Syrie /
§---1891, 7: 102, L'Echange
Description d´especes et variétés de Longicornes Syriens.
/ Leptura scutellata var. inscutellata
L.(Strangalia) syriaca
Agapanthia brevis
Phytoecia (Coptosia) minuta
Ph. cylindrica var. grandis - n. - TR /
??? Poecilium rufipes var. syriacum
c--1891, 1 (1): 1-66, Matériaux pour servir a l´étude des Longicornes (MALO)
Fauna franco-algerienne. (variétés) (I) (pp. 1-50)
Catalogue des coléopteres – longicornes de France, Corse et Algérie pp. (51-62 )
Supplément (pp. 63-65)
c--1891, 8 (88): 44, L'Echange
Extraits du Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. Longicornones nouveaux d´Asie Mineure
/ Leptura grammopteroides - sp.n. - LE
Phytoecia (Musaria) perrini - sp.n. - LE
Ph. (Musaria) türki griseicornis - var. n. SY /
---1892, 8 (96): 139, L'Echange
/ Grammoptera ruficornis var. flavipes
c--1892, 61: 413-422, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Voyage de M.Charles Delagrange dans la Haute-Syrie Anné 1891 (1). Longicornes.
/ Callimus akbesianus
Leioderes kollari v. atripes n.
Phytoecia (Coptosia) trilineata
Semiangusta - sbg.n. /
c--1892, 61: 27, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Dorcadion flachneri - note
c--1892, 61: 52-53, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Communiques les notes suivantes
/ Conizonia leprieuri - sp.n. - AG /
c--1892, 61: 83-84, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
/ Cortodera umbripennis rosti - var.n. - Elbourz (Caucase)
Leptura unipunctata obscure-pilosa - var.n. - Russie /
c--1892, 61: 93-94, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Commun.: Delagrangeus angustissimus n.gen., n.sp.
c--1892, 61: 111-112, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Communique ...
c--1892, 61: 147-148, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
---1892, 61: 185-187, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Les descriptions de trois Longicornes d'Asie Mineure
c--1892, 61: 196, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Décrit les Coléopteres suivants:
/ Neodorcadion flachneri merkli - var.n. - Orient /
??????????c--1892, 61: 112, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Phytoecia trilineata n. sp. Pic.
c--1892, 11 (1): 313-314, Rev. Ent.
Deux coléopteres nouveaux.
/Phytoecia vaulogeri - sp.n. - AG /
?--1892, 27: p. 289, Abeille
/Leiopus bedeli
---1893, 23: 111, La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes
Coléopteres nouveaux de la faune circa-européenne.
---1893, 62: 211, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
c--1893, 62: 276-277, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
/ Tetrops praeusta algirica : Pic /
c--1893, 62: 348-349, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Coléopteres nouveaux
/ Dorcadion griseolineatum - sp.n. - SP /
c--1894, 10 (N°117): 110-111, L'Echange
Description de deux Coléopteres de la Turquie d´Asie.
/ Dorcadion delagrangei - sp.n. - Akbes /
---1895, 7 (N°): 102, L'Echange
Description d'especes et varietés de longicornes Syriens.
c--1895, 11 (N°124): 38-40, L'Echange
Descriptions de longicornes d'Arménie et régions voisines.
/ Clytus inapiaclis (Erzeroum), Leptura deyrollei (Trebizonde)
Dorcadion albonotatum (Bitlis),
Theophilea cylyndricollis - gen.n. et sp.n. - (Bitlis),
Phytoecia persathensis (Persath) - sp.n. /
---1895, 11 (N°126): 63-70, L'Echange
Sur les Phytoecia voisins de punctum Mén. et ephippium Fab.
/Phytoecia pubescens
---1895, 11 (N°126): 75-78, L'Echange
Longicornes de la collection H. Tournier.
---1895, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 44, Bull.: 385
Notes sur diverses Polyarthron d'Afrique et desription d'une espece nouvelle.
---1896, Annales de la Société entomologique de France, (6) 16, Bull.: 337-338
Premiere liste de Coléopteres récoltés en Algerie en 1896.
c--1896, 4 (3): 55-57, Miscellanea entomologica, Paris
Coléopteres d'Asie Mineure et de Syrie.
/ Axinopalpis gracilis latior - var.n. - 1f (Syrie, Akbes)
Hesperophanes griseus elongatulus - var.n. - (Syrie, Akbes) /
c--1896, 4 (11-12): 140-142, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Decription de Coléopteres d'Algerie et de Syrie.
/ Anisorus heterocerus nigripennnis - var.n. - Haute Syrie: Akbes
Dorcadion molitor rubripes - var.n. - Vient de Venise
Phytoecia rubropunctata obscurior - var.n. - Algérie /
c--1897, 22: 188-190, Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France
Description de Coléopteres asiatiques de la Famille des Cerambycidae.
/ Mallosia brevipes - sp.n. - Persien
M. angelicae armeniaca - var.n. - Armenia
Phytoecia (Musaria) wachanrui obscuricornis - var. n.
Ph. bangi - sp.n. - TR: Mardin /
c--1897, 19 (n°257): 262-263, Le Naturaliste, 2eme série
Description de Longicornes de la région Caucasique.
/ Acmaeops daghestanica - sp.n. - Dgahestan (=D.Pseudodinoptera)
Clytus (Sphegestes) brunnecens - sp.n. - Géorgie: Tiflis (=Pseudosphegesthes)
Clytanthus faldermanni caucasicus - var.n. - Araxesthal
Musaria kurdistana caucasica - var.n. - Caucasus /
---1897, 5 (4): 44-46, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
En route pour le Mzab.-Bou Saada ! (Suite)
---1897, 5 (6): 65-72, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
En route pour le Mzab.-Bou Saada (Suite).
---1897, 5 (8): 94, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Notes sur le sous-genere Compsodorcadion Gglb.
---1897, 5 (10): 124-127, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
En route por le Mzab.-Bou Saada ! (fin)
c--1897, 66: 389-392, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Voyage de M. Ch. Delagrange dans la Haute-Syrie.
Liste des Anthicides et supplément aux Longicornes.
/ Acanthoderes clavipes grisescens - var.n. - Haute Syrie
faun. rec. - Cerambycidae - 28 sp. /
---1898, 23: 168-169, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Description d'un Mallosia nouveau du Caucae (Col.)
/ Mallosia caucasica - sp.n. - Caucasus
---1898, 23: 179, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Description d'un Coléoptere longicorne du Turkestan.
§---1898, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun 11, II: ?124
/ Mallosia costata - sp.n. - Kurdistan /
c--1898, 28 (331): 77-80, 110-117, La Feuille des Jeunes Nataturalistes, Revue mensuelle d'histoire naturelle
Etude synoptique sur les Coléopteres (Longicornes) du genere Cortodera Muls.
c--1898, 2: 1-59, MALO
Supplément pour la Faune Franco -algeriene (pp. 1-14)
Descriptions, notes diverses sur les epéces décrites depuis 1891 ou novelles
et rentrant dans lea Faune franco-algeriene (pp. 15-18)
/ Clytus (Caloclytus) theresae - sp.n. - Kabylie, Yakouren , AG … /
Descriptions, Notes et renseignements diverses sur certains Longicornes de la faune
d´Europe et Circa (pp. 18-20)
Note sur le Genere Dorcadion Dalm. (pp. 20-24)
/ Dorcadion tenuecinctum - sp.n. - Burgos, SP … /
Quelques Habitats de Longicornes d´Algérie (I) (pp. 25-26)
Essais synoptiques surplusiers generes de la faune d´Europe et circa. (pp.27-30)
/ Polyarthron /
Dorcadion (s.g. Compsodorcadion Gglb.) (36-47)
Notes sur le genere Cortodera Mulsant. (pp.48-50)
/ Cortodera kiesenwetteri - sp.n.
C. reitteri obscuricornis - var.n.
Catalogue farnco- algérien (Supplément) (pp. 51-53)
Suplément (pp. 54-58)
/ Dorcadion koechlini - sp.n. - SY,
Dorcadion theophilei - sp.n. - Trébizonde, TR /
§---1898, 67: 191-224, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Répertoire des publications zoologiques (1889-1897) de Maurice Pic - Premiere partie
---1899(1898), 7 (4-5): 50-51, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Liste de Coléopteres de mes chasses en 1898 dans les Alpes.
---1899, 7: 81, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Description d´un nouveaux Dorcadion d´Espagne.
---1899, 7 (10-11): 166-167, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Quelques mots sur les anomalies de dessins chez les Longicornes.
c--1899, : 209-211, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Description de trois Cérambycides de Syrie (Col.)
/ Clytus (Sphegestes) peyroni - sp. n. - LE
Phytoecia (Helladia) schmiedeknechti - sp. n. - LE
Phytoecia (Helladia) damascena - sp. n. - SY /
§---1899, : 231-232, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Notes sur quelques Coléopteres d´Orient.
c--1900(1899-1900), 8: 1-8, Le Frelon
Notes diverses sur les Coléopteres
/ Vadonia, Stictoleptura scutellata-gr., Lepturobosca
c--1900, 3: 1-17, MALO
Typi cerambycidarum. Ou liste des types exemplaires typiques de la collection Pic (I) (pp. 1-4)
Liste bibliographique des Nouveatés décrites par M. Pic en 1898-1899 (pp. 5)
Notes diverses (6-7)
Etude synoptique sur les Clytus Laich. (Sphegestes Chevr.) (pp. 8-11)
Descriptions (pp. 11-16)
/ Clytanthus trifasciatus robustior - var.n. – Asie-Mineure,
Dorcadion carinipenne - sp.n. - Haute Syrie: Akbés,
D. escherichi v. obliquesignatum - var.n.
Agapanthia dahli erivanica - var.n. - Erivan,
Ag. transcaspica - sp.n. – Aschabad,
Micromallosia theresae – gen. & sp.n. – Kurdistan: Mardin /
---1900, 16 (183): 19-20, L'Echange
Description de Coléopteres circaméditerranéens et exotiques.
---1900, 16 (191): 80-82, L'Echange
Contribution a l´etude de Longicornes.
c--1900, : 139-140, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Bulletin
Note sur des Phytoecia du sous-genere Helladia (Col.).
/ H. adelpha , scapulata, ferrugata - notes /
---1900, 8 (1): 2-3, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Sur le genere Polyarthron Serv.
---1900, 8 (7): 85-86, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Enumération d'insectes Coléopteres recueillis en Orient en 1899.
?--1900, 16 (183): p.20, L'Echange
/ Phytoecia akbesiana - sp.n. - /
c--1900, 25: 14-16, Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France
Contribution a l'étude des coléopteres d'Europe et desrégions voisines.
/ Musaria Faldermanni Rosti - var. n. - Caucase
Pteromallosia - gen. n.
Phytoecia (Pseudocoptosia, Pseudomusaria; Fulgophytaecia) - sbg. n. /
§---1901, 70: 157-173, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Répertoire des publications zoologiques (1898-1899) de Maurice Pic - 1er Supplément - 1re partie
---1901, 7 (2): 51-62, BMHP
Coléopteres Cérambycides recueilles au Japon par le Dr. Harmand, Minister plenipotentiaire
de France a Tokio.
/ Leptura medicenotata - sp.n.
---1901, 17 (): 2-22, L'Echange
Notes diverses et diagnoses
---1901, 17 (200): 57-59, L'Echange
Notes diverses et diagnoses
c--1901, 17 (201): 2, L'Echange
Descriptions ou diagnoses et notes diverses.
/Saperada innotatipennis sp.n./
---1901, 17 (203): 81-83, L'Echange
Notes diverses et diagnoses (8e article)
c--1901, 3 (3): 1-33, MALO
Renseignements généraux (pp. 1-3)
Liste des especes et variétés recement décrites, avec notes complémentaires (pp. 4-9)
Descriptions (pp. 9-14)
/Apatophysis ocularis - sp.n. – AG,
Rhamnusium delagrangei – sp.n. – Smyrne, TR,
Rhamn. geniculatum - sp.n. – Ak-Chéhir, TR,
Rhamn. testaceipenne anatolicum - var.n. – Ak-Chéhir et Amasia, TR,
Tetropium staudingeri – sp.n. – Mts. Alexandre,
Purpuricenus dalmatinus biinterrupta – var.n. – GR,
Cribridorcadion - subgen.n.,
Dorcadion subsericatum – sp.n. - Syrie,
Agapanthia bucharica – sp.n. – Buchara,
Coptosia albovittigera conjuncta – var.n. - Syrie,
Coptosia mardinensis – sp.n. – Mardin, TR,
Phytoecia virgula major – var.n. – Syrie,
Phytoecia subannularis – sp.n. – Syrie /
Notes diverses (pp. 15-19)
Renseignements sur le genere Apatphysis Chevr. (pp. 19-22)
Synopsis des Acmaeops Lec. et Pseudodinoptera Pic (pp. 22-25)
Sur Pidonia Muls. et generes voisins (pp. 25-27)
Notes sur quelques Longicornes de la Chine et du Japon (pp. 27-29)
Contribution a l´étude du genere Rhamnusium Lat. (pp. 29-31)
Petit supplément (p. 32)
---1902, 18: 42, L'Echange
/ Mallosia Delagrangei - sp.n. - Amanus-Bergen
M. bitlisiensis - sp.n. - Bitlis
M. Ganglbaueri multimaculata - var.n. - Malatia /
c--1902, 4 (1): 1-37, MALO
Quelques réflexions a propos du varétisme (pp. 5-8)
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 8-11)
/Dorcadion taygetanum - sp.n .- Morée: Taygetos,
D. brevipenne – sp.n. – Konia, Ak-Chehir,
D. kasikoporanum - sp.n. – Arménie: Kasikoporan,
Micromalosia theresae (male) /
Etude synoptique des Xylotrechus paléarctiques (pp. 12-20)
Etude sur le groupe des Pidoniens (pp. 20-22)
Tableux des Pseudopidonia Pic et Pidonia Muls. (pp. 22-27)
Espéces ou variétés présumées nouvelles provenant de Chine (pp. 28-32)
Petite contribution a la faune du Tonkin septentrional (pp. 33-35)
Tableu dichotomique por Mallosia tristis Reitt. Et voisins (pp. 35-36)
c--1903, 18 (221): 121, Echange
Diagnoses préliminaires de Longicornes du Yu Nam
/ Toxotus aureopubens, Monohammus guerryi, Hecyrida asiatica, Mesosa cephalotes,
Pseudosaperda goliath - sp.n. - CN
Cribragapanthia scutellata - gen. et sp.n. - CN /
c--1903, 18 (226): 161-163, Echange
Especes et variétés novelles de Coléopteres
/ Rhamnusium anatolicum obscuripes - ?var.n. - Turquie
Agapanthia subflavida - sp.n. - Anatolie /
c--1903, 18 (227): 169-171, Echange
Especes et variétés novelles de Coléopteres (2me article) (1).
/ Dorcadion mniszechi semibrunneum - var.n. - Bos-Dagh
D. infernale immutatum - var.n. - Bos-Dagh /
c--1903, 19: 139
Clythantus taurusiensis
/ Mt. Taurus /
c--1903, 4 (2): 1-33, MALO
Notes diverses, diagnoses, synonymies (pp. 4-9)
Sur divers Vesperus Latr. et Evodinus borni Gglb. (pp. 9-11)
Etude sur le groupe des Helladia (pp. 11-18)
Contribution a la faune de la Chine (pp. 18-25)
Renseignement et crrections concernant quelques Dorcadion d´Espagne (pp. 25-28)
Contribution a la faune du Tonkin (pp. 28-31)
/ Mausarideus – gen.n. /
Sur les Strangalia distigma Charp. et purpuripennis Muls. (p. 32)
c--1904, 5 (1): 1-22, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 3-6)
Description de divers longicornes d'Europe et d'Asie (pp. 7-9)
/ Dorcadion subjunctum - sp.n. - Gréce,
D. maljushenkoi - sp.n. - Caucase: Elisabetpol,
Astynoscelis longicornis - gen. & sp.n. - Mandchourie: reg. du lac Hanka,
Agapanthia lais violaceipennis - var.n. - Perse,
Saperda perforata pallidipes - ssp.n. - Caucase: Geok Tapa /
Descriptions se longicornes de la Chine méridionale (pp. 9-12)
Liste de longicornes recueillis sur les bords du fleuve Amour (pp. 12-18)
Sur les Dorcadion kasikoporanum Pic et voisins (pp. 18-19)
Renseignements synoptiques et complémentaires sur diverses Dorcadion d´Espagne (pp. 19-21)
Description d´un Obrium du Japon et note de chasse (p. 22)
/ Obrium japonicum – sp.n. – Japon: Sado /
---1904, 20: 17-18, L'Echange
Longicornes paléarctiques nouveaux.
c--1905, 5 (2): 1-38, MALO
Descriptions et notes diverses (pp. 5-15)
/ Vesperus luridus fuentei - var. n. - Espagne,
Purpuricenus robusticollis - sp.n. - Perse,
Clytus circassicus - sp.n. - Circassie
Dorcadion culminicola holtzi - ssp.n. - Taurus: Dumbelek
Agapanthia pustulifera - sp.n. - Jérusalem
Phytoecia (Musaria) modesta inapicalis - ssp.n. - Adana /
Réflexions inspirées par l´examen crtique d´une étude publiée sur lr genere Mallosia Muls. (pp. 15-24)
Contribution a l´étude du genere Mallosia Muls. (pp. 24-37)
Sur Phytoecia (Musaria) balcanica Friv. et formes voisines (pp. 37-38)
/ Neomusaria suvorowi (Pic, 1905) /
c--1905, 21 (249) : 121-123, L'Echange
Coléopteres nouveaux. Provenat de France, Grece, Algérie et Turquie d´Asie
/ Purpuricenus dalmatinus apicalis - var. n. - Mar-Yacoub (Kurdistan env. Mossoul) /
---1905, 21 (): 153, L'Echange
Un Anaglyptus nouveau de Grece.
/ Anaglyptus luteofasciatus - sp.n. - Morée: Kalavrita /
---1905, 21 (252): 87, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques et descriptions.
/ Callimus semicyaneus - sp.n. - Morée: Taygetos - p. 87
---1905, 11 (5): 300-301, Bulletin du Muséum de Paris (BMHP)
Diagnoses de Longicornes asiatiques recuellis par M. J. de Morgan
---1905, 11: 390-393, BMHP
Enumeration des Longicornes recueillis en Asie par M.J. de Morgan.
c--1906, 22 (253): 1-5, L'Echange
Nouveaux Coléopteres d´Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique (1).
/ Phytoecia luteovittigera - IR,
Ph. guilleti - CN - sp.n. /
c--1906, 22 (No 254): 10-12, L'Echange
Nouveaux Coléopteres
/ Callimus distinctipes - sp.n. /
c--1906, 22 (263): 85, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses.
/ Evodinus borni var. guerryi - n.
var. notaipenis - n.
Haplocnemia nebulosa nigronotata - var.n. - Mont Taurus /
c--1906, 22 (264): 96, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses.
/ Dorcadion semenowi issykkulense - var.n.
Leptura dubia moreana - var.n. - Taygetos /
c--1906, 6 (1): 1-24, MALO
Notes sur diverses generes ou especes avec diagnoses (pp. 4-13)
Sur le genere Lucasianus Pic (pp. 14-16)
Nouveaux longicornes de Chine et du Japon (pp. 16-18)
Sur les varétés de Leptura (Strangalia) emmipoda Muls. (pp. 18-20)
Renseignements critiques et supplémentaires sur le sous-genere Sphenalia K. Dan. (pp. 20-24)
c--1907, 6 (2): 1-28, MALO
Notes sur diverses generes ou espéces avec diagnoses (pp. 3-9)
/ Rhagium syriacum Pic, 1892 (=Rh. Phrygium K.Daniel, 1906)
Procallimus - gen.n. /
Description de plusiers Longicornes rentrant dans la faune paléarctique (pp. 9-13)
/ Callidium hauseri - sp.n. - Turkestan or.: Aksu
Dorcadion musarti - sp.n. - Thian-Schan Musart
Dorcadion moreanum - sp.n. - Grece: Mts. Khelmos
Agapanthia auliensis - sp.n. - Turkestan: Aulie-Ata /
Propos divers inspires par les Phytoecia glaphyra K.Dan. et pubescens Pic (pp. 13-19)
Sur diverses longicornes de la Chine et du Japon (pp. 20-25)
/ Acmaeops japonica - sp.n. - JP, Pogonocherus pillosipes - sp.n. - CN, Exocentrus
inhirsutus - sp.n. - JP: Kioto, Clytosemia apicalis - sp.n. - JP, Stibara beloni - sp.n. - CN
Oberea donceeli - sp.n. - m. Chine: Tien-Tsen, Linda gracilicornis - sp.n. - Chine mer.: Yunnan /
Essai d´une étude synoptiques sur le genere Rhopalopus Muls. (pp. 25-28)
c--1907, 23 (265): 104, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses (Suite)
/ Evodinus (Brachyta) bifasciatus thibetana - var.n. - Thibet; Kuku Nor /
c--1907, 23 (266): 111-112, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses (Suite).
/ Drymochares starki var. pubescens - var.n. - Trebizonde en Turquie d'Asie
Phytoecia glaphyra Daniel - syn.n. - Ph. pubescens Pic /
c--1907, 23 (271): 151-152, L'Echange
Coléopters exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus (suite).
/ Phytoecia sikkimensis - sp.n. - /
c--1907, 23 (274): 169-170, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses.
/ Purpuricenus budensis var. nigronotatus - var.n. - Monts Taurus /
c--1907, 23 (276): 185-187, L'Echange
Notes entomologiques diverses.
/Taxonomical notes on Tetropium laticolle ...., Purpuricenus nanus/
c--1908, 7 (1): 1-24, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 2-6)
/ Cortodera longipilis tauricola – var.n. – M. Taurus,
Dorcadion kuldschanum - sp.n. - Kuldscha,
Agapanthia dahli théryi – var.n. – Perse: Sultanabad /
Corrigenda et addenda au Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae (pp. 6-12)
Nouveau synopsis pour aider a l´étude des Mallosia du sous-genere Semnosia Dan.
a pubescence claire (pp. 12-14)
Nouveaux Longicornes de la Chine méridionale (pp. 14-18)
/ Clytanthus semiformosus – sp.n., Cl. disconotatus – sp.n., Xylotrechus diversenotatus –-sp.n.,
Olenecamptus superbus – sp.n., Pothyne niveosparsa – sp.n., Pseudocalamobius luteonotatus
sp.n., Oberea angustissima – sp.n., Oberea brevior – sp.n. – China: Yunnan /
Sur Rosalia alpina L. et ses variétés ou aberratins (pp. 18-22)
Quelques anomalies (pp. 22-24)
---1908, 24 (283): 49-52 L'Echange
Description ou diagnoses et notes diverses.
/ Dorcadion bisbicostatum - sp.n. - Karagai-Tau (=D. semenovi ssp.) - KI /
---1908, 24: 59-61, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotique nouveaux ou peu connus.
c--1908, 24 (284): 61, L'Echange
Dscription ou diagnoses et notes diverses.
/ Clytus ventripennis - sp.n. /
---1908, 24 (284): 59-61, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus.
---1909, 25 (289): 99
/ Dorcadion escherichi v. posticedisjunctum /
c--1909, 25 (290): ??? 106, L'Echange
/ Agapanthia angusticollis subacuta - var.n. - Caucase
Phytoecia speciosa - var.n. - TR: Ain Tab /
c--1909, 25 (296): 153, L'Echange
Description ou diagnoses et notes diverses.
/Phytoecia drurei sp.n./
c--1910, 26 (302): 9-11, L'Echange
Description ou diagnoses et notes divrses.
/On the gen. Anaglyptus/
c--1910, 26 (304): 28-30, L'Echange
Cpléopters exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus.
/Cerambycidae - Formosa,Yunnan /
c--1910, 26 (305): 36-37, L'Echange
Coléopters exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus.
/ Rosalia (Eurybatus) nigroapicalis - sp.n. /
---1910, 26 (307): 49-51, L'Echange
Notes diverses et diagnoses.
---1910, 26 (309): 66, L'Echange
Notes diverses et diagnoses.
c--1910, 26 (310): 79, L'Echange
Variétés nouvelles de Dorcadion d´Espagne.
/ Dorcadion ardoisi var. kricheldorffi
D. vallisoletanum var. paganettii
D. albicans var. multialternatum
D. ? mosqueruelense var. valencianum - var.n. - SP /
---1910, 26 (311): 82, L'Echange
Description ou diagnoses diverses.
---1910, 26 (312): 90-91, L'Echange
Description ou diagnoses et notes diverses.
c--1910, 7 (2): 1-24, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 2-6)
/ Saperda innotatipennis - sp.n.
Longicornes recueillis dans la Haute-Savoie (pp. 6-8)
Contribution a l'etude du genere Saperda F. (pp. 8-17)
Étude complémentaire du Rhagium bifasciatum F. (pp. 17-20)
Strangalia maculata Poda et ses variétés (pp. 21-24)
Diagnose de Purpuricenus asiatiques (I) (p. 24)
/ Purpuricenus subnotatus, innotatus, ? carinifer /
c--1911, 8 (1): 1-24, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 2-9)
/ Purpuricenus kashmirensis Pic, P. montanus White,
Plagionotus bobelayei luristanicus – var.n. – Perse: Luristan
Xylotrechus arvicola inbasalis – race n. – Russie: Saratow
Caloclytus comptus gilanus – var.n. – Caucase: Gilan /
Contribution a l´étude du genere Anaglyptus Muls. (pp. 10-15)
Leptura (Sphenaria) revestita L. et ses variétés (pp. 15-18)
Longicornes de Chine en partie nouveaux (pp. 19-21)
/ Xylotrechus multiimpressus – sp.n. – Yunnan, Astathes guerryi – sp.n. – Yunnan
Astathes apicalis – sp.n. – Yunnan, Oberea formosana, Ob. lineaticeps – sp.n. – Formosa /
Note sur Purpuricenus miniatus Fairm. (pp. 21-22)
Quelques mots sur les anomalies de dessins (pp. 23-24)
c--1912, 8 (2): 1-24, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 2-7)
/ Cortodeara obscurans var. flavipennis Pic, Leptura (Anoplodera) rufiventris var. theresae Pic,
Caenoptera kiesenwetteri angorensis var.n. – TR, Angora
Purpuricenus nanus Sem et voisins , Purp. schenfeldti var. /
Addenda et corrigenda au Coleopterorum Catalogus (pp. 7-14)
/ Purpuricenus apicalis , Calchaenesthes /
Observations concernant le genere Monochamus Ltr. (pp. 14-15)
Nouvelle étude synoptique du genere Monochamus Latr. (pp. 16-19)
Longicornes de Chine et des régions avoisinantes (pp. 20-22)
/ Monochamus talianus – sp.n. – CN, Oberea coreana – sp.n. – KO, Chreonoma
atritarsis – sp.n. – CN, Chreonoma nigronotata – sp.n. – Asie: Tsoulgov (??) /
Seconde étude synoptique du genere Acmaeops Lec. (pp. 23-24)
c--1912, 28 (326): ??-10, L'Echange
/ Phytoecia bodoani - note /
---1912, 28 (329): 35 L'Echange
Notes diverses.
---1912, 28 (336): 90-91, L'Echange
Nouveaux Coleopteres palearctique.
c--1912, 28 (336): 94, L'Echange
(see Melandryidae)
Coléopters exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus.
/Chlorophorus himalayanus - sp.n. - Himalaya: Kulu /
---1912, 2 (1): 55-59, Annales d'Histoire naturelle
Les Longicornes, in Delegation en Perse.
---1912, 2: 2-11, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins
Descriptions d’espèces et variétés appartenant à diverses familles.
---1913, 29 (347): 178, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
c--1914, 9 (1): 1-24, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 3-11)
/ Cortodera vicina – sp.n. – Syrie: Mt. Sannin,
Cortodera syriaca var. aureopubens, korbi,
Dorcadion subobscuripes – sp.n. – Asie Min. Bos. Dgagh
Oberea erythrocephala maroccana – ssp.n. – Maroc,
O. erythroceph. Theophilei – var.n. – Arménie,
O. erythroceph. Hungarica – var.n. – Hongrie,
O. erythroceph. Montandoni – var.n. - Roumanie
Polyarthron, Lepturinae, Clytini, Purpuricenus, Neodorcadion, Dorcadion, Monochamus,
Saperda, Phytoecia /
Leptura (Pachytodes) erratica Dalm. et ses varétés (pp. 12-15)
Quelques Longicornes de Chine, Formose, et autres régions asiatiques (pp. 15-19)
/ Strangalia vittatipennis – sp.n.- Formose: Fainan, Str. multiguttata – sp.n. – Yunnan,
Distenia nigrosparsa – sp.n.- Yunnan, Cleomenes rufofemoratus – sp.n. – Yunnan,
Demonax longissimus – sp.n. – Yunnan, Clytus luteomarginatus – sp.n. – Yunnan,
Olenecamptus formosanus – sp.n. – Formose,
Prionus, Dorysthenes /
Notes supplémentaire sur Rhagium bifasciatum F. (pp. 19-21)
Habitats et notes complémentaires concernant les Acmaeops Lec. paléarctiques (pp. 21-24)
---1914, 30 (351): 17-18, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
c--1914, 30 (353): 38, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux.
/ Anaglyptus thibetanus - sp.n. - CN:Ti /
---1914, 30 (357): 65-66, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (suite).
---1914, 30 (359): 73-75, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
---1914, 58: 318-319, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Coleopterische Notizen und synonymische Bemerkungen.
c--1915, 9 (2): 1-24: MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 4-11)
/ Purpuricenus alepensis diversipennis – var.n.- Syrie: Alep
Purpuricenus kaehleri astrabadensis – var.n. – Perse: Astrabad, Anoplistes
Agapanthia semicyanea – sp.n. – Ussuri, Ag. plicatipennis – sp.n. – Siberie or.
Microrhabdium, Stenocorus, Evodinus, Lepturini, Alosterna bicoloripes Pic,
Clytini, Dorcadionini, Oberea, Menesia, Mallosia, Phytoecia /
Longicornes de diverses régions asiatiques (pp. 11-14)
/ Rhaphuma albonotata – sp.n. –Yunnan, Plagionotus bisbifascitus – sp.n. – CN, Tali
Lepturini, Clytini, Glenea, Phytoecia /
Sur la „Fauna Germanica“ de Reitter (pp. 14-24)
---1915, 31 (No ) : 20, 24, 27-28, L'Echange
Coléoptères exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite).
---1916, 32 (No 373) : 2, L'Echange
Un nouvea genere de longirorne de Chine.
/ Casiphioprionus. limbatus - n.gen. & n.sp.- CN /
c--1916, 32 (No 376): 13-14, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite).
/ Purpuricenus dalmatinus nigropunctatus - var.n. - Chypre
Purpuricenus dalmatinus disjunctus - var.n. - Syrie (Coll. Pic)
Leptura (Sphenalia) revestita - variétés /
c--1916, 10 (1): 1-20, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses (pp. 2-6)
/ Evodinus, Pachytodes, Bolivarita, Iberodorcadion /
Sur la „Fauna Germanica“ de Ritter (fin) (pp. 6-7)
Leptura (Pachytodes) cerambyciformis Schr. et ses varétés (pp. 7-11)
Longicornes asiatiques (pp. 12-19)
/ Erythrus quadrimaculatus – Tonkin, Er. rubriceps – CN, Er. angustatus – CN,
Er. multimaculatus – CN – sp.n., Er. championi lineatus – var.n. – Yunnan
Purpuricenus subnotatus basipennis – var.n. – Yunnan, Falsanoplistes
Clytanthus albopunctatus – sp.n. – Yunnan
Olenecamptus decemmaculatus – sp.n. – Tonkin, Acanthocinus sinensis – sp.n. – Yunnan,
Pseudomiccolamia pulchra – gen. & sp.n. - Yunnan
Pseudocalamobius talianus – sp.n. – CN,
Oberea taliana – CN, Ob. bicoloripes – CN, Ob. subabbreviata – CN, Ob. thibetana – CN,
Ob. atropunctata – Ob. reductesignata – TW, Ob. kiotensis – JP, Ob. lemoulti - CN – sp. n.
Glenea fainanensis – sp.n. – TW, Diochares griseomaculatus – sp.n. – Yunnana,
Olenecamptus linaticeps – sp.n. – VN /
Observations et remarques criticques (pp. 19-20)
---1916, 17: 2-8, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins
Notes et descriptions abrégées diverses.
c--1917, 10 (2): 1-20, MALO
Notes diverses et diagnoses. (pp. 3-10)
/Purpuricenus dalmat. var. nigropunctatus – CY, dalmatinus var. disjunctus - SY (Ech. No 376)
Rhagiini, Lepturini, Leioderes, Clytini, Dorcadion, Iberodorcadion,
Musaria puncticollis, wachanrui - var.n. /
Longicornes asiatiques en partie nouveaux (pp. 10-14)
/ Xylotrechus atronotatus – sp.n. – TW, Mesosa luteofasciata – VN, M. thibetana – CN,
M. nodosipennis – CN, M. taliana – CN – sp.n., Oberea bisbinotaticollis – sp.n. - VN
Casiphioprionus, Hesperophanes guerryi /
Étude détaillée de la Leptura 7-punctata F. (pp. 14-18)
Neodorcadion laqueatum Wlatl et ses variétés (pp. 18-20)
Synopsis abrege pour Musaria Muls. (p. 20)
---1917, 33 (N°381): 9-11, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
/ Oberea erythrocephala var. histrionis
---1918, (27): 1-24, , Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins
Courtes desription diverses
/ Pogonocherus tuberculatus - sp.n. - JP (=Miccolamia) /
---1918, (28): 1-24, , Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins
Courtes desription diverses
---1918, 34 (N°387): 5-6, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (suite).
---1918, 34 (N°387): 10, L'Echange
/ Rhesus caesariensis - sp.n. - SY
---1918, 34 (389): 17 L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
c--1919, 35 (396): 21-22, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
/ Leptura tangeriana v. birufonotata - var.n. - MA
Purpuricenus nanus v. notatithorax - var.n. - IR
Phytoecia truncatipennis - sp.n. - IR: Perse /
---1920, 36 (): 21-22, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (suite).
c--1920, : 117-119, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Longicornes nouveaux de Chine.
c--1920, : 197-198, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Longicornes nouveaux de Chine.
/Demonax, Chlorophorus, Monochamus sp.n./
c--1921, 37 (403): 1-4, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
/ Purpuricenus deyrollei mediojunctus - var.n. - Syrie, Perse
Vesperus semiobscurus - sp.n. - SP: Ribas
V. semiobscurus var. rufescens var.n. /
---1921, 37 (409): 10-12, L'Echange
Diagnoses de coléoptères exotiques (suite).
c--1921, 37 (406): 13, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite).
/ Clytantus verbasci clermonti - var.n. - Anatolie
Melandriidae: O s p h i a /
---1922, 38 (407): 17-19, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite)
c--1922, 38 (409): 25-28, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite.).
/ Calchaenesthes sexmaculatus junctus - var. n. - Kabylie /
c--1922, 38 (409): 28, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite.).
/ Macromolorchus curtipennis - gen. & sp.n. - Tonkin
Ibidiomimus bicoloripes - gen. & sp.n. - Tonkin: Cao Bang
Oberea spinosa - sp.n. - Chine: Nyhia-ho
Tetraommatus minor - sp.n. - Tonkin /
---1922, 38 (410): 31-32, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite.).
---1922, (36): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins
Nouvautés diverses.
---1922, (37): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
/ Xylotrechus magnificus - sp.n. ---1922, 26 (9): 66-67, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Sur divers Coléopteres.
---1923, (38): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
---1923, (39): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
---1923, (40): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
c--1923, 39: 7-8, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux.
/ Obrium cephalotes, Margites auratonotatus - sp.n. - CN,
Laomargites singularis -gen. et sp.n. - LA
Falsoxeanodera maculata - gen et sp. n. - LA
Lamellocerambyx laosensis - gen. et sp.n. - LA
Pachydissus rufipennis - sp.n. - LA
Hoplocerambyx minor, Aeolesthes rufimembris - sp.n. - CN /
c--1924, 40 (417): ???, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses. (Suite)
/ Grammoptera auricollis basicornis - var.n. - Créte
Leptura (Pachytodes) erraticus heyrovskyi - var.n. - Boheme
Hylotrupes bajulus theresae var.n. - Mont Prenelay /
---1924, 40 (418): 29-30, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
---1924, (41): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
/ Linda pratti - CN
---1924, : 79, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Nouveaux longicornes de Chine (Col.)
/ Philus gracilis - sp.n. - CN /
c--1925(1924), 8 (2-4): 392-397, Bulletin de la Société royale entomologique d'Egypte
Coléopteres d´Egypte et du Sinai.
/ Tetropiopsis major Pic - pp. 393-394 /
c--1925(1924), (2-4): 404-405, Bulletin de la Société royale entomologique d'Egypte 20/1
Description d'un nouveau Longicorne de la Haute-Egypte (Coleoptera).
/ Nothophysis rugosiceps - (1f) - sp.n. - Haute Egypte: temple d'Abou Simbel /
---1925, 28 (8-9): 58-59, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Note rectificative et études des variétés du Plagionotus arcuatus L.
---1925, 41 (420): 5-6, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (suite).
/ Vadonia bisignata parnassensis - var.n. - GR
---1925, (43): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
---1925, (44): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
c--1926, 42 (424): 5-6, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite).
/ Phytoecia algerica rufotibialis - var.n. - MA
Helladia merkli latepubens - var.n. - Syrie : Alep
Cortodera analis ruficornis - var.n. - Altai
Rhopalopus nigripes - sp.n. - Caucase
Rhopalopus insubricus var. viridipennis - var.n. - Vosges /
c--1926, 42 (425): ???, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite).
/ Leptura (Vadobia) bipunctata rufonotata - var.n. - Hongrie
Brachyta variabilis subfasciata - var.n. - Siberie
Brachyta solskyi brevelineata, subjuncta, heyrovskyi - var.n. - Siberie
Brachyta punctata suturalis - var.n. - Siberie /
c--1926, 42 (426): 13, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses (Suite).
/ Leptura (Vadonia) imitatrix externerufa - var. n. - Turquie
L. (V.) imitarix koechlini - var.n. - Hongrie, Croatie
Vadonia moesiaca beali - var.n. - Hongrie
Brachyta variabilis rufimembris - var.n. - Sibérie
Dorcadion aethiops majoripenne - var.n. - Salonique
D. lugubre sparsepilosum - var.n. - Salonique
D. aleppense latealbum - var.n. - Alep
D. littigiosum varnanum - var.n. - Varna
Cerambyx velutinus minor - var.n. - Rhodes /
---1926, (45): 16, Mél. exot. ent.
/ Xylotrechus rufoapicalis - sp.n.
Rhaphuma pingana - sp.n. - CN
Amauresthes (=Perissus) multifenestratus - sp.n. - CN
Dystomorphus notatus - gen. et sp.n. - CN
Apophrena (=Cleptometopus) cephalotes - sp.n. - VN
Enispia guerryi - sp.n. - CN
Ebaeides signata - sp.n. - V.
Alidus minor, Al. signatus - sp.n. - VN
Sodus bedoci - sp.n - VN.
Sodomorphon bellum, S. coomani - gen. et sp.n. - VN
Driopea nigrosparsa - VN, Dr. albosparsa - VN, Dr. luteolineata - VN - sp.n.
Eryssamena binhana - sp.n. - VN
Orsidis griseofasciata - VN, Or. sinica - sp.n.- CN (= Nanohammus: Breuning 1965*)
Atelais multilineata - sp.n - VN.
Orcesis coomani - sp.n. - VN
Mimanaesthetis atripennis, M. rufescens - gen. et sp.n. - VN
Falsoserixia unicolor, F. bicolor - gen. et sp.n. - VN
Nupserha notaticeps - VN, N. nigromaculata - MY, N. longipennis - CN, N. testaceipes - CN,
N. binhensis - VN, N. madurensis IN - sp.n.
Glenea (Stiroglenea) lineatithorax - sp.n. - LA
Glenea multilineata - LA, Gl. rubripes - LA, Gl. citrinopubens - VN, Gl. luteoapicalis - LA,
Gl. vitalisi - LA, Gl. atroapicalis - VN, Gl. dalieri - VN, Gl. coomani- VN, Gl. quadrguttata - VN,
Gl. vientianensis - LA, Gl. maunieri - VN, Gl. bedoci - VN, Gl. diverselineata - VN,
Gl. pallidipes - VN, Gl. indentata - VN, Gl. atrolateralis - LA
Daphisia luteodiversa - sp.n. - VN
---1925, (46): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
---1926, (13-14): 153-155, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Sept coléoptères exotiques nouveaux.
/ Longipalpus apicalis – sp.n. – Tonkin /
c--1927, 1 (4): 68-71, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Sur divers Coléopteres
/ g.Calchaenesthes,Dorcadion /
---1927, 43 (427): ??? 1, L'Echange
/ Agapanthia lateralis bilateralis - ssp.n.
---1927, 43 (427): 51, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
/ Ag. dahli nicosiensis - ssp. n. - CY /
---1927, 43 (428): 5-7, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses. (suite)
/ Ag. villosoviridescens var. mesmini - Caucasus /
---1927, (47): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses.
---1927, (49): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Coléopters de l'Indo-chine.
---1927, (): 2-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Coléopteres du Globe
---1927, 33: 157-163, Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire Naturelle, Paris
Travaux scientifiques de l'Armée d'Orient (1916-1918). Coléopters: Cerambycidae.
---1928, 44: 10-11, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux.
/ Prionocornis latipennis - sp.n. - VN
---1928, 44: 16, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite).
---1928, 44 (): 21, L'Echange
Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses.
/Mimophymatodes asiaticus gen. & sp.n./
---1928, (51): 1-34, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Notes et descriptions.
---1928, (52): 1-32, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Notes et descriptions.
o--1929, 26 (5-6): 118-120, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Nouveaux coléopters d´Ussuri mér. capturés par Dr. Jurecek et décrits par Mr. M. Pic.
/ Cortodera truncatipennis sp.n.,
Pseudanaesthetis apicalis sp.& g.n - RS:Us ./
---1929, 32 (3): 25-29, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Quelques mots ou observations sur les Longicornes.
/ Megopis anamensis - Anaman Is.
c--1929, 45 (437): 9-10, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés
/ Grammoptera ingrica diversipes - var.n. - Siberie
Rhamnusium salicis aubei - var.n. - ???
Callimus abdominalis diversipes - var.n. - Sainte-Baume
Compsodorcadion politum basicorne - var.n. - Altai
Dorcadion weiratheri - sp.n. - Grece: Chelmos
Dorcadion crux brevedisjunctum, lateargenteum - var.n. - Asia Min.
Phytoecia pustulata macedonica - var.n. - Macédonie /
c--1929, 25 (4): 191-192, Entomologische Blätter
Bemerkungen über einige Cerambycidae.
/ Pogonocherus, Purpuricenus kaehleri astrabadensis /
---1930, (55): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveautés diverses
---1930, (56) : 14, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
---1930, 32 (9): 73-77, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Encore la question varétiste.
---1930, 32 (10): 102, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Corrigenda "Encore la question variétiste".
c--1930, 4 (2): 46-48, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Observation sur divers Agapanthia Serv.
c--1930, 4 (4): 98, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
A propos de Pachytodes cerambyciformis Schr.
---1931, 18: 257-259, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France
Cerambycides palaeartiques et prepalaeartiques.
?--1931, 47 (443): 1-2, L'Echange
Notes diverses nouveautés.
/ Pterolophia multinotata - sp.n. - Corée
Phytoecia alepensis - sp.n. - Syrie: Alep /
c--1931, 47 (445): 9, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés.
/ Rhamnusium testaceipenne mesmini var.n. - Caucase
Leptura (Vadonia) unipunctata xambeui - var.n. - Pyrénées Orientales
Cortodera humeralis discoidalis - var.n. - France
Dorcadion gallipolitanum regulare - var.n. - Keschan /
c--1931, 47 (445): 9-10, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (suite).
/Ropalopus clavipes v. sculpturatus - var.n - Tokat
Dorcadion pedestre atritarse - var.n. - Grece; ... ./
c--1931, 5 (2): 48-49, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Sur le genere Tibetobia Friv. et quelques autres Lamiens.
c--1931, 10 (2): 15, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Sur "Stenopterus rufus" L. (Coléoptere).
---1931, (57): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques.
Nouveates diverses
---1931-1932, 33 (5): 36-37, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Sur diverses Cérambycides.
---1932, 34 (6): 49-51, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Chasses diverses et notes de captures (fin).
c--1932, 6 (3): 81-82, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Mise au point a propos de Longicornes (Col.,Ceramb.)
/ g. Falsodebilia - key /
c--1932, 43 (448): 1-4, L'Echange
A propos de Longicornes.
/ notes - syn. - Agapanthia, Stenopterus, Callimus, Hoplocerambyx .../
c--1932, 43 (449): 5-8, L'Echange
A propos de Longicornes.
/ key Allotraeus, Ceresium
notes - syn. - Ceresium, Ropalopus, Leptura s. lato, Musaria .../
c--1932, 43 (450): 31, L'Echange
/ Leptura montana bogasana - var.n. - Taurus
Leptura dubia basinotata - FR,
dereensis - Caucase,
graeca - GR - var.n. /
---1932, 43 (450): 32, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite).
/ Falsostromatium geniculatum - sp.n. - VN (=Nortia) ... /
---1932, (59): 10-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveates diverses
---1932, (60): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveates diverses
c--1933, 33 (8): 307-309, De Historia Natural
Observations et corrections concernant le sous-genere Musaria Ths. (Col. Ceramb.).
---1933(1932), 34 (12): 101-102, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Les importations d'Insctes Coléopteres.
c--1933, (17): 266-269, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Sur diverses variétés ou aberrations de Colépteres gallo-rhénans.
---1933, (62): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveates diverses
c--1933, 44 (451): 1-2, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite.)
/ Callidium violaceum salessei - var.n. Evodinus (Brachyta) interrogationis v. perroudi, modanensis, dorensis, mesmini - var.n. - FR
Strangalia maculata bifenestrata - var.n. - FR /
c--1933, 44 (452): ???, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite.)
/ Cortodera discolor v. praescutellaris, distincta, lederi - var.n. - GR
Strangalia emmipoda v. perroudi, chehirensis - var.n. - Anatolie
S. maculata nicodi - var.n. - FR
Plagionotus arcuatus multiinterruptus - var.n. Caucase : Arax
P. arcuatus henoni - var.n. - Lenkoran /
---1933, 49: 3-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux.
c--1933, 44 (453): 9-10-11, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés
/ Clytus (=Epiclytus) ussuricus - sp.n. - Ussuri
Phytoecia (Obereina) vittipennis tokatensis - var.n. - Tokat
Coptosia antoniae uniformis - var.n. - Sarycamys /
c--1933, 11: 1-16, MALO
Especes et variétés nouvelles (pp. 1-7)
/ Acmaeops biloripes – sp.n. – Sibérie or., Prosemanotus elongatus – gen. & sp.n. – CN,
Callidium piceonotatum – sp.n. – CN, Oligenoplus annulicornis – sp.n. – CN,
Exocentrus m-signatus – sp.n. – CN, Eoporis bidentatus – sp.n. – CN, ? Oberea bicallosicollis – sp.n. – CN, Evodinus, Pedostrangalia, … /
Nouveautés francaises et algériennes depuis 1917 (pp. 8-15)
/ Cerambycidae sp. – Dayrem, Pic, Peyerimhoff /
Strangalia (Sphenalia) pubescens F. et ses variétés (pp. 15-16)
---1933, 35 (2): 10-11, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
A propos de Evodinus interrogationis L.
---1934(1933), 35(8): 57, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Supplément a l'étude du Plagionotus arcuatus L.
c--1934, 11: 32, MALO
Variétés mélaniques du groupe des Lepturiens (pp. 17-19)
Variétés (2) paléarctiques nouvelles (pp. 19-21)
/ var.n. – Cortodera, Corymbia, Clytini /
Sur Evodinus interrogationis L (I) (pp. 21-32)
c--1934, 50 (455): 17-19, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite.)
/ Leptura bodemeyeri - sp.n. - JP: Kobe
Strangalia circaocularis - sp.n. - Saghalin
Musaria testaceovittata - sp.n. - Ins. Kojun, Lac Urmia /
---1934, 50: 20, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés.
c--1934, 1: 132-135, Revue France d'Entomologie
Notes sur diverses colópteres.
/ Hippopsis Fairm. - key
H. rufipes, multilineata - sp.n. - China, Tonkin /
---1934, (63): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveates diverses
---1935, (65): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
Nouveatés diverses
c--1935, 9 (1): 36-37, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Notes sur divers Cerambycidaes.
/Acmaeops bicoloripes Pic (syn.= Ac. marginata)/
c--1935, 9 (4): 177-178, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Trois nouveaux Cerambycidae de Chine.
/Xylotrechus, Prosoplus, Uraecha sp.n./
§c--1935, 40: 158-160, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Descriptions de Coléopteres paléarctiques.
/ Cortodera kochi - sp.n. c--1935, 51 (459): 4, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveatés.
/ Cortodera kochi - sp.n. - Palestine, .../
---1935, 27A (2): 1-14, Arkiv för Zool.
Schwedische-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen
Chinas. Insekten, 16. Cpoleoptera 2.
c--1935, 51 (460): ???, L'Echange
??? Notes diverses, nouveatés.
/ Oxymirus mirabilis v. multinotatus, atripes - var.n. - Caucase
Evodinus variabilis v. medioadjunctus, limbatithorax, bangi, jekeli, diversesignatus -var.n -Sibérie
Ev. rosti elbrusensi - var.n. - Caucase: Elbrus /
c--1935, 51 (461): 11, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveatés (Suite.)
/ Grammoptera japonica - sp.n. - JP (=Alosterana - sy !)
Gr. angustata bicoloricorns - var.n. - AG
Psudopidonia bisignata - sp.n. - JP (=Pidonia - sy !)/
c--1935, 51 (462): 15, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveatés
/ Chlorophorus gracilipes rosinar - var..n. - Sibérie
Chl. nigripes macedonicus - var.n. - Macédonie /
---1935, (66): 1-36, Mél. exot.-ent.
Nouveates diverses
c--1935, 7: 113-114, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon
Bibliographie et aberrtion nouvelle de "Rosalia" Serv. (Coléoptere Cerambycidae).
c--1935, 60: 169-172, Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France
Notes entomologiques et Descriptions (Coleopteres).
/ Cyrtonops oberthuri, Ceresium ornaticolle /
c--1936, 51 (463): 2-3, L'Echange
??? Notes diverses, nouveatés
/ Stenopterus ater lateralis - var.n. - AG
St. ater milliati - var.n. - FR
Clytus robusticollis - sp.n. - CN
Xylotrechus curticornis latefasciatus - var.n. - CN
Coptosia semiannulicornis - sp.n. - GR
Cop. ganglbaueri - sp.n. - Jerusalem
Phytoecia pustulata brevenotata - var.n. - SY: Damas /
c--1936, 53 (468): 6, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveatés (Suite.)
/ Strangalia distigma sedilloti - var.n. - ?SP
Dorcadion sinuatevittatum - sp.n. - TR /
---1936, (67): 1-36, Mél. Exot.-Ent.
Nouveatés diverses
---1936, (68): 10-36, Mél. Exot.-Ent.
Nouveatés diverses
c--1937, 11 (1): 30-32, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Bibliographie et corrigenda (Cearambycidae).
c--1937, (69): 1-36, Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques, Moulins (partim : 1-16)
/ Cerambycidae - sp.n. - Annam /
c--1937, 53 (468): 6-8, L'Echange
Coléopteres exotiques en partie nouveaux.
/ Strangalia magdelainei - sp.n .
Ceresium infranigrum - sp.n.
Margites grisescens - sp.n.
Epipedocera atra - sp.n.
Olenecamptus viridipennis - sp.n.
Xylotrechus rufobasalis - sp.n.
Xyl. apiceinnotatus - sp.n.
Xyl. diversenotataus magdelainei - var.n.
Demonax diversefasciatus - sp.n. - all sp. - Annam /
---1937, 53 (470): ??? 14, L'Echange
/ Hesperophanes affinis decolor - race nov. ---1938, 54 (473): 12, L'Echange
Coléoptères exotiques en partie nouveaux (Suite).
c--1939, 55 (475): 17-19, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (suite)
/ Clytus preapicalis - sp.n. - Beyrouth (=Cl. madoni)
c--1939, 55 (476): 1-4, L'Echange Horsetext 1
Coléopteres nouveaux, principalement de Chine
/ Leptura longeattenuata - sp.n. - CN
L. inaequalithorax rufobasalis - var.n. - CN: Peking
Grammoptera semimetallica - sp.n. - CN: Kansou
Gaurotes tubericollis obscuripes - ssp.n. - CN: Ordos
G. fairmairei diversicollis - ssp.n. - CN
Pachyta mediofasciata subapicalis - var.n. - CN: Tsaitchang
Necydalis lateralis - sp.n. - CN: Peking
Rhamnusium rugosipenne - sp.n. - CN: Chansi a Tsi Li Yu
Eutetrapha velutiofasciata - sp.n. - CN: Peking
Glenea (Shenura) licenti - sp.n. - CN: Kansu
Phytoecia analis atropygydialis - var.n. - CN
Phytoecia densepubens - sp.n. - CN
Oberea donceeli obscuripennis - var.n. - CN: Changsi
Ob. coreana licenti - var.n. - CN: Fei hien
Xxylotrechus pekingensis - sp.n. - CN: Peking
Pseudophylarus curticornis - gen.n. et sp.n. - Tonkin: Hoa Binh
Exocentrus theresae - sp.n. - CN: Peking /
c--1939, 55 (477): 25-26, L'Echange
Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite.)
/ Rhagium
*Neodorcadion licenti - sp.n. - CN: Balgassin
---1939, 55 (478): 31-32, L'Echange
Diagnoses de Coléoptères exotiques.
c--1940, 56 (479): 2-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres nouveaux.
/ Holangus ruficollis
Epania coomani
Microdebilissa atricornis
Salvazaon breve
Oberea nigronotatipes - sp.n. - Tonkin /
c--1941, 57 (486): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe.
/ Conizonia poweli - sp.n. - MA
Stenocorus meridianus postsignatus - var.n. - FR /
---1941, (Numero special): 1-16, L‘Echange
Opuscula Martialis. V.
???---1941, (2): 2-3,
Opuscula Martialis
Cerambyx apiceplicatus sp.n. /Iraq-Mosul/
---1942, (Numero special): 1-16, L‘Echange
Opuscula Martialis. VII.
---1942, 6: 1-15, Noueautés diverses
c--1943, 59 (491): 1-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Chlorophorus anticeconjunctus - sp.n. - Annam
Chl. petaini - sp.n. - Annam
Chl. biinterruptus - sp.n. - CN
Chl. javanus - sp.n. - Java
Chl. Grandipes sp.n. - Cochinchine
Clytus angustefasciatus - sp.n. - Borneo
Demonax diversesignatus - sp.n. - Java
D. diversefasciatus Pic, 1937 (nec Pic, 1920) - nom.n. - D. annamensis Pic, 1943
D. breveluteobasalis - sp.n. - IN
D. angustatus - sp.n. - Borneo
Perissus griseofasciatus - sp.n. - Tonkin /
---1943, 59 (491): 5-8, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
c--1943, 59 (493): 9-12, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe
/ Glenea albitarsis (Borneo), exclamationis (ID), apicedeleta (MY), curtipennis (MY),
arcuatefasciata (ID), mediofasciata (VN), angustelineata (ID) - sp.n. /
---1943, Numéro spécial 9: 1-16, L'Echange
Opuscula martialia IX.
/ Falsomonochamus - gen.n. (= Epepeotes Pasc.: Breun. 1961*)
---1943, 59 (491): 1-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Chlorophorus mongolicus - sp.n. MN - syn.- Chlorophorus obliteratus Gglb., 1889) ...
---1944, 60 (496): 5-8, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
---1944, 60 (497): 10-11, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Eoporis glabrosignatus - (Annam)
Ostedes sumatrana - (ID)
Mesosa (Metamesosa) inaequalipennis - (VN)
Mesosella infasciata - (JP)
Mesosella dispersa - (CN)
Mispila annulicornis - (ID)
Falsocacia nigromaculata gen. et sp.n. - (VN)
Monochamus basimaculatus - (Annam) (=Acalolepta: Breun. 1961*)
Pseudopsacothea lineata - (Annam) - sp.n.
Macrochenus tonkineus semijunctus - var.n. - (VN) /
---1944, 60 (498): 14, L'Echange
/ Pseudopsacothea lineata - sp.n. (=Epepeotes uncinatus Gahan: Breuning 61*)
---1944, 13: 13, Opusc. Mart.
/ Microcycos coomani - sp.n. (=Nanohammus aberrans Gahan: Breuning 1961*)
---1944, 61 (499): 1-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
c--1945, 61 (500): 5-7, L'Echange
Nouvelles variétés de coléopteres Longicornes.
/ Purpuricenus dalmatinus bonvouloiri - var.n. - SY
P. koehleri tournieri - var.n. - IT:Si
Calchaenesthes oblongomaculatus subjunctus - var.n. - GR
Poecilium pici lateniger - var.n. - Lenkoran
Clytus ciliciensis delagrangei - var.n. - Akbes
Phytoecia algerica rabatensis - var.n. - MA ..... /
c--1945, 1 (6-7): 90-93, L'Entomologiste
A propos de la localisation des Insectes.
/ Calchaenesthes, Ropalopus /
---1946, 82: 155-156, In: DEBATISSE G.: Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
Une nouvelle du genere Mantitheus Fairm. (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Mantitheus acuminatus Pic in Debatisse, 1946 /
---1946 (1945), 42 (9): 95-129, Miscellanea Entomologica, Narbonne, Paris
Réfutations d'anciennes critiques et fausses synonymies.
---1946, 2 (2): 63-64, L'Entomologiste
Observations diverses sur le genere Pachyta Serv. (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1946, 2 (5): 184-185, L'Entomologiste
Corrigenda et addenda.
c--1946, 62 (504): 5-8, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Mimosebasmia purpurea - gen. et sp.n. - VN
Falsomassicus theresae - gen. et sp.n. - CN
Pachyteria luteofasciata - sp.n. - Annam
Eurybatus breveapicalis - sp.n. - ID
Chelidonium testaceicorne - sp.n. - JP
Agapanthia cardui var. rufofemoralis - var.n. - TR /
c--1946, 62 (505): 9-10, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Eurybatus decempunctatus var.
Chelidonium cyaneipes - sp.n. - KO
Anubis rostratus annamitus - var.n. - Annam
Polyzonus cyaneicollis - sp.n. - KB
Leontinum indentatum - sp.n. - Annam
L. gracile - sp.n. - Annam
L. diverseplicatum - sp.n. + var.n. seiviolaceum - Annam
L. robusticollis - sp.n. - Tonkin
Glenea javana - sp.n. - ID
G. monhoti albodiversa - var.n. - Annam
G. luteoapicalis mediojuncta - var.n. - Tonkin /
---1947, 44: 87-94, Miscellanea Entomologica, Narbone, Paris
Troisième partie des réfutations.
---1947, 63 (509): 9, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe.
---1947, 1: 1-16, Diversités Entomologiques
c--1948, 64 (512): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite.)
/ Callidium impressipenne - sp.n. - Ile de Wight /
---1948, 4 (2): 63-65, L'Entomologiste
Dissertation sur Acmaeops marginata F. (Col. Cerambycidae)
c--1949, 65 (517): 9-12, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite.)
/ Epania barbieri - sp.n. - Saigon et environs
Epania Molorchoepania sbg.n. - /
c--1949, 65 (518): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite.)
/ Chloridolum descarpentriei - sp.n. - Indochine: Blao : Haute-Donnai
Ch. descarpentriei dessumi - var.n. - idem /
c--1950, (1): 507-510, Longicornia (Longicornia 1)
Nouveaux Clytini asiatiques.
?--1950, (6):p.93, C.R.Soc.Sc.Nat.Maroc
/ Conizonia mimeuri
c--1950, 66 (520): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Chlorophorus impressithorax - sp.n. - Kaschmir
Chl. varius mounieri - var.n. - Annam
Chl. notabilis jeanvoinei - var.n. - Tonkin /
c--1950, 66 (521): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Chlorophorus micheli - sp.n. - CN et VN
Xylotrechus atronotatus ssp. dureli bootangensis - var.n. - Brit. Bootang /
c--1950, 66 (522): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Demonax perroti - sp.n. - Tonkin
Perissus luteofasciatus - sp.n. - Tonkin /
c--1951, 67 (523): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite)
/ Plagionotus floralis massiliensis - var.n. - FR
Plagionotus persicus - sp.n. - Perse /
c--1951, 67 (524): ???, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Pterolophia saigonensis - sp.n.
Ropica barbieri - sp.n.
Ropica saigonensis - sp.n.
R. clermonti - sp.n.
Sybra varielineata - sp.n. - VN /
c--1951, 67 (525): 11, L'Echange
/ Conizonia aresteni - sp.n. /
c--1952, 11: 1-3, Diversités Entomologiques
Contribution a l'étude des Pilemia Frm. (Longicornes).
/ ? Pilemia vagecarinata - sp. n. - ?Syria
Pilemia sp. - var. /
c--1952, 11: 4-7..., Diversités Entomologiques
Coléopteres diverses nouveaux ou peu connus - Notes.
/ Musaria puncticollis turcica - var.n. - TR
Phytoecia curtipennis - sp.n. - CN /
c--1952, 3 (2): 689-701, Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München
Observations sur les Phytoecia Muls. (Col., Ceram.)
c--1952, 68 (530): 13, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe
/ Paraglenea obscuricollis - sp.n. (= P. latefasciata Breun.)
Paraglenea jeanvoinei - sp.n. - VN
Paraglenea jeanvoinei postjuncta - ssp.n. - VN
Paraglenea chrysochloris breuningi (sic!) - var.n. - JP /
---1953, 69 (531): 2, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe
---1953, 69 (531): 3, L'Echange
/ Melanauster perroudi - sp.n. (=Anoplophora malasiaca Thoms.: Breun. 61*)
Melanauster glabripennis laglaisei - var.n. (=Anoploph. glabripennis Motsch.: Breun. 61*)
c--1953, 69 (533): 13, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe
/ Paraglenea chrysochloris ab. breuningi Podany - syn.n. P. chrysochoris var. breuningi Pic, 1952 - emendace !!! /
---1953, 12: 5-16, Diversités Entomologiques
Notes et descriptions
---1953, 9 (5-6): 96-99, L'Entomologiste
La variabilit‚ de Leptura stragulata.
c--1953, 69 (534): 13, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe
/ Pseudopidonia japonica - sp.n. - (syn.)
Strangalia tenuicornis quadriluteontata - var.n.
Strangalia tenuicornis semisuturalis - var.n.
Leptura scotodes rufonotata - var.n. - JP /
c--1954, 70 (535): 13-14, L'Echange
Coléopteres du Globe
/ Pseudopidonia trilineata - sp.n. - JP
P. similis rosti - var.n. - KO
P. similis subobliterata - var.n. - KO
Chlorophorus testaceicornis - sp.n. - IN /
c--1954, 70 (538): 13-14, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Anoplodera (Robustanoplodera) bicolorimembris - sbg. et sp.n. - CN
Strangalina (division Pygostrangalia) - genotype St. vitticollis Pic
Strangalia (Strangalina) mediolineata - sp.n. - JP /
---1955, 71 (541): ??? 10
/ Strangalia vittaticollis brevioripennis - ssp.n. c--1956, 72 (543): 1-4, L'Echange
Coléopteres du globe (suite).
/ Apatophysis (Angustephysis) richteri - sbg. et sp.n. - IR: Beluchistan
Derolus mauritanicus iranensis - ssp.n. - IR
Osphranteria lata - sp.n. - IR
Purpuricenus schauffelei - sp.n. - IR /
c--1956, 3: 647-650, Longicornia III
Longicornes nouveaux de la faune Asiatique.
/Pseudopidonia, Leptura sp.n./
*PIC Th.
c--1899, 25 (22): 349-352, Entomologische Nachrichten, Berlin
Über Dorcadion divisum Germ. und dessen Varietäten.
§---1900, 26 (5): 67-68, Entomologische Nachrichten, Berlin
Diagnosen verschiedener Phytoecia aus dem Orient.
c--1902, 17 (209): 37 (error - 27), L´Echange
Deux nouvelles variétés de "Purpuricenus" Fisch.
/ P. budensis bitlisiensis - var. n. - Bitlis
P. budensis caucasicus- var. n. - Caucasus /
c°--1929, 167 pp., 71 fig., Ed. Lechevalier, Paris
Faune de France. Vol. 20. Coléopteres, Cerambycidae.
---1997, 129 (3): 273, Bollettino dello Societa Entomologica Italiana
Segnalazioni faunistiche Italiane. 320 - Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783) (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1984, 263 pp., John Willey & sons
The interpretation of ecological data. A primer on classification and ordination.
*PIERCE Christopher M.F.
c°--2007, pp. 1-6, Indiana Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey Committee
Core Work Plan Federal FY 2007. Project: Hot Zone (Exotic invasive bark and wood boring beetles) Survey
/ Trichoferus campestris, etc. /
(Pil Nataša)
c°--2005 (2004-2005), 9-10 (1-2): 105-110, Acta Entomologica Serbica
Checklist of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Mt. Fruska Gora.
c°--2005, 57 (2): 137-142, Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade
Some rare Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) without protection on the national
level found on Mt. Fruška Gora, Serbia.
c°--2005, 57 (2): 143-146, Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade
New Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Serbia and Monte Negro.
c°--2005, 57 (2): 27P-28P, Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade
New Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Serbia and Montenegro.
c°--2006, 11 (1-2): 33-43, Acta Entomologica Serbica
Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve (Serbia).
c°--2007, 12 (1): 39-44, Acta Entomologica Serbica
Second contribution to knowledge of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Mt. Fruska Gora.
---1960, 7, 3 (6): 303-336, Lzua moksliniai darbai
Indelis i Lietuovos vabalu (Coleoptera) faunos pazinima.
---1989, : 12-15, Inst. of Zool. and Parasitology of the Academy of Sciences of LSSR
7 naujos Lietuvos TSR vabalu rusys, rastos 1976-1987. [New and rare insect species of the Lithuanian SSR.
Records and descriptions of 1989]
*PINEAU Xavier
---2001 No 5: 73-74, Symbioses
(et ROUGON Christiane & ROUGON Daniel)
Milieu entomologique remarquable grande culture en production integree dans le Loiret
(Deuxieme note : Les Cerambycides ).
---1997, 6: 360 pp., Commune di Roma, Dop. X Ris. Suole e Tutela Ambient., Quad. Ambiente
In: Zapparoli M. (ed.) - Gli Insetti di Roma.
Coleoptera Cerambycidae (206-210)
---1970, 102: 58-63, Boll. Soc. ent. ital
Sulla introduzione in Europa di un cerambycide australiano parassita di Eucalyptus:
Phoracantha semipunctata Fab.
---1924, Série A, 2: pp. 1-386, Encyclopédie Entomologique., Paris
Histoire naturelle des Longicornes de France
---1927, pp. 386, 301 fig., 2 pl., Ed. Lechevalier, Paris
Encyclop. entomol. vol. 2 - Les Longicornes de France
(Plavilščikov N. N.)
c--1962, 41: 692-698, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Bibliography - N.N.Plavilstshikov (1892-1962)
/ 133 papers /
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1912, 12: 5-6, Revue Russe d´Entomologie (= Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie)
Zhuki-usachi Kaluzhskoi gubernii
c--1913, 13: 467-469, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Matériaux pour servir a l´étude des Longicornes.
c--1914, 14: 326-329, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zametki o zhukakh-drovosekach Palearkticheskoi oblasti. I.
/ Plag. bartholomaei - syn. /
c--1915, 15 (1): 1-19, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Palearkticheskie vidy poda Rhagium. (Col.,Ceramb.) /Les especes paléarcticques du genere Rhagium F./
---1915, 3 (2): 1-8, Trudy obstshestva izucheniya Severno-Kavkazskogo kraya
K faune (Cerambycidae) Stavropolskoi gubernii.
o--1915, 2 (2): 103-110, Entomologichesky Vestnik, Kiev (EV)
Zhuki-usachi, sobranye A.I. Aleksandrovym v Manchzhurii (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Macrorhabdium ruficollis - gen. et sp.n. - CN: Manchuria
Gaurotes kozhevnikovi - sp.n.
Pseudopidonia unifasciata , P. subsuturalis - sp.n.
Ropalopus speciosus - sp.n.
Oberea alexandrovi - sp.n. /
o--1915, 2 (2): 115-116, Entomologicheskiy Vestnik
Materialy k poznaniu fauny zhukov-usachei Rossii, 1.
Zhuki-usachi Oblasti Voiska Donskogo.
c--1916 (1915), 15 (1): 79-80, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Sinonimicheskiye zametki o zhukakh-usachakh (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 1.
[Notices synonymiques sur les Longicornes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) ]
/ Brachyta, Vadonia, Trichoferus, Chloridolum, Chlorophorus, Purpuricenus, Amarysius, Asias,
Dorcadion s.str., Iberodorcadion, Astathes, Saperda, Oberea /
---1916 (1915), 15 (2): 122-124, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Novyi vid roda Agapanthia Serv. iz Buchary (Cer.)
---1916 (1915), 15 (2): 225-226, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zametka o Dorcadion (s.str.) striolatum Kr. D. (s.str.) tristriatum Suvor. (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1916 (1915), 15: 347-350, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zametki o zhukakh-drovosekach Palearkticheskoi oblasti. II.
c--1916 (1915), 15 (3): 354-382, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Especes eurasiques du genere Evodinus J. Lec.
---1916 (1915), 9 (3-4): 243-249, Izvestiya Kavkazskogo Muzeia
Zametki o zhukakh-usachakh Kavkaza.
c--1916, 16 (1-2): 18-22, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zametki o zhukakh-usachakh (Col., Cerambycidae). III.
---1916, 1: 93-94, Kiev,
Materialy k poznaniu fauny yugo-zapadnoi Rossii. Zhuki-usachi Chernigovskoi gubernii.
---1916, 16 (1-2): 19, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Dopolnenie k spisku zhukov-usachei Oblasti Voiska Donskogo.
---1916, 16 (1-2): 106-111, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Zhuki-usachi Poltavskoi gubernii.
---1918, 15 (3-4): 257-260, Izvestiya Kavkazskogo Muzeia
Zametki o zhukakh Kavkaza.
c--1921(1917), 17: 110-111, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Sinonimicheskie zametki o zhukakh-usachakh (Col., Cerambycidae). 2.
c--1921(1917), 17: 112-123, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Opisanie neskolkich vidov zhukov-usachei Palearkticheskoi oblasti.
[Quaedam Cerambycedarum palaeanarcticarum species descriptae.]
---1924, 13 :225-229, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 9
Novae Cerambycidarum formae e fauna Eurasie.
---1924, 13: 230-233, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 9
Analecta Coleopterologica.
c--1925, : 1159-162, Revue Russe d´Entomologie
Otchet Russkomu Entomologicheskomu Obshchestvu o poezdke v Zakspiiskuyu oblast v 1914 godu.
[Rapport présenté a la Société Entomologique de Russie sur une éxcursion, faite en 1914 dans la province
/ Prionus angustatus m. bucharicus Sem. /
c--1925, 16: 323-332, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 9
Contribution á l'Etude des espéces Eurasiques du Genere Gaurotes, J. Lec. (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae).
c--1925, (6): 1-16, Izvestia entomologicheskogo i fitopatologicheskogo Biuro Uralskogo
Obstshtva Liubutelei Estestvovaniya
[A palearctical species of the gennus Pogonocherus Zett. (Col., Cerambycidae)]
/in Russ./
c--1925, (8): 5-8, Izvestia entomologicheskogo i fitopatologicheskogo Biuro Uralskogo
Obstshtva Liubutelei Estestvovaniya
Russkie vidy roda Monochamus
---1925, 14: 360-361, Entomologische Mitteilungen, Berlin
Eine neue Xylotrechus-Art aus Ost-Sibirien (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Xylotrechus irinae - sp.n. - (=X. rufilius) /
c--1925, 1 (3): 291-320, Eos
Revision des epéces eurasiatiques du genere Judolia Muls.
c--1926, 2: 8, Izvestia Stavropolskogo entomologicheskogo Obstshestva
Spesies nova subgeneris Obereina.
/ Phytoecia (Obereina) pravei - sp.n. - Arax /
c--1926, 18: 331-341, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser 9.
Etude Synoptique sur les Especes de Obereina Ganglb. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Phytoecia (Obereina) pravei - sp.n. - Arax
Ph. (Obereina) pallidipennis - sp.n. - Samarkand /
c--1926, 22: 148-163, Entomologische Blätter
Revision der europäisch-asiatischen Pogonocherus-Arten.
---1927, 2 (2): 49-68, Encyclopédie entomologique B1, Coleopteres. Paris: P. Lechevalier (??? 1926)
Addenda et corrigenda concernant le Coleopterorum Calogus, parties 73 et 74
(Lamiinae) de Chr. Aurivillius.
c--1927, 3 (1): 1-7, Izvestia Stavropolskogo entomolskogo obstshestva
Zametki o zhukakh-drovosekakh Kavkaza. II.
/ Paracorymbia tonsa, P. tonsa v. circassica Dan., Anastrangalia sanguinolenta, ... /
o--1927, 3 (2): 42-46, Izvestia Stavropolskogo entomolskogo obstshestva
/ Zametki o nekotorych vidach roda Cortodera Muls.
/ C. umbripennis - v. pallidipes Pic, armeniaca Pic, rosti Pic, xanthoptera Pic
C. colchica, C. starki Reitt., C. fischtensis Stark, ... /
c--1927, 23 (2): 68-74, Entomologische Blätter
Strangalia (Strangalina) attenuata L. und seine Aberrationen (Col., Cerambyc.).
o--1927, 23: 105-109, Entomologische Blätter
Über neue Bockkäfer-Varieten (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Leptura rubriola kaschmirica ---1927, 16: 190-192, Entomologische Mitteilungen, Berlin
Über die eurasiatischen Asemum-Arten (Col.,Ceramb.)
---1927, 88: 321-323, Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung
Über Oberea ruficeps Fisch.-W. (Col.,Cerambycidae)
---1928, : 3-27, Zapiski entomologicheskogo kabineta Uralskogo politechnicheskogo instituta, Sverdlovsk
Opredelitel rodov zhukov-usachei vnetropicheskich chastei Starogo Sveta.
c--1928, 24 (2): 85-87, Entomologische Blätter
Starngalia quadrifasciata L. und seine Variationen.
c--1928, 4: 117-128, Eos
Matériaux pour la révision générale des Phytoeciaires paléartiques.
Sous-genere Musaria et ses voisins. (1re partie)
---1928, 45: 154-157, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Enumération des Coléopteres recuellis par Mr. A.V. Martynov dans la Manchourie.
c--1929, 5: 379-426, Eos
Matériaux pour la révision générale des Phytoeciaires paléartiques. I.
Sous-genere Musaria et ses voisins. (2me partie)
c--1929 (1928/1929), 3 (5-6): 205-213, Coleopterologisches Centrablatt (COCE)
Dorcadion-Studien, I. (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ D. politum - aber.
D. lydiae - sp.n. - Semipalatinsk
D. cephalotes-gr. - key /
c--1929, 25: 29-35, Entomologische Blätter
Über einige Cerambyciden-Arten (Coleopt.).
/ Cortodera colchica, Poecilium alni alnoides,
Purpuricenus kaehleri var. astrabadensis Pic, P. menetriesi Motsch.
Pogonocherus eugeniae, taygetanus ... /
c--1929, 3 (3): 103, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt (ENB)
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Agapanthia-Arten (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1930 (1929/1930), 4 (3-4): 130-137, Coleopterologisches Centrablatt
Über die mit Agapanthia villosoviridescens Deg. verwandten Arten (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Ag. subchalybaea, subnigra,
Ag. subchalybaea turanica ssp.n. - Tashkent /
c--1930, 7: 181-187, Izvestiya Ural'skogo politekhnicheskogo instituta
Palearkticheskie vidy triby Asemina, I.
c--1930, (98): 1-40, Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren, Troppau
Die Agapanthia-Arten der Palearktischen Region.
/ Agapanthia incerta - sp.n. - UZ /
o--1930, 4 (2): 48-55, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Beitrag zur Verbreitung der paläarktischen Cerambyciden I.
o--1930, 4 (2): 55-57, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Liste von Herrn A.Alexandrov in der Mandschurei gesammelten Cerambyciden (Coleoptera).
c--1930, 6: 381-398, Eos
Materiaux pour la révision générale Phytoeciaires paléararctiques. II. Sous-genere Neomusaria
et ses voisins (Col., Cerambycidae). (3me partie)
c--1931 (1930), 6: 43-84, Bulletin du Musée de Géorgie
Materialy k izucheniu zhukov-drovosekov Kavkaza i sopredelnych stran. Zhuki-drovoseki Kavkaza,
I: gruppa Cerambycini (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
o--1931, (No 100): 1-102, Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren, Troppau (BTEC)
Ceranbycidae I. Teil
Cerambycinae: Disteniini, Cerambycini 1
(Prothaxina, Spondylina, Asemina, Saphanina, Achrysoina, Oemina, Cerambycina)
---1931, 3: 274-277, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus Kashgarien.
/ D. strandi - sp.n. - CN: E Chan-Tengri) /
---1931, 3: 278-279, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Embrik-Strandia, eine neue Callichrominen-Gattung
(Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1931, 5: 71-76, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Beitrag zur Verbreitung der paläarktischen Cerambyciden (Col.) II
c--1931, 27: 59-65, Entomologische Blätter
Über die von G.L.Suvorov beschrieben Cerambyciden-Arten.
c--1931, 5 (2): 37-39, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Zwölf neue Cerambyciden-Aberrationen (Coleoptera).
c--1931, 5: 85-87, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Neue Clytiden-Formen (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1931, 5: 87-88, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Neue Saperda-Formen (Col., Cerambycidae).
c°--1931, 17: 195-203, Koleoperologische Rundschau
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Cerambyciden I.
/ Prionus, Ceresium, Trichoferus, Stenopterus, Callimelum, Pseudallotraeus, Pogonocherus,
Agapanthia, Musaria, Neomusaria, Brachyta, Grammoptera (Alosterna), Leptura, Semanotus,
Ropalopus, Thyestilla /
---1931, 33 (9): 57-58, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Plagionotus speciosus Ad. et ses formes (Col.,Cer.)
---1932, pp. 200,
Goslestechizdat., Moskva-Leningrad
Zhuki-drovoseki vrediteli drevesiny. /Timber-beetles - wood pests/
c--1932, 29 (2): 87-88, Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické
Lepturinen-Studien I.
c--1932, 29: 174-175, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Lepturinen-Studien II.
o--1932, (102), pp. 142, Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren, Troppau
Cerambycidae II. (Cerambicini 2)
c--1932, 32: 317-321, BSEN
Matériaux pour la révision générale des Phytoeciaires paléarctiques. I. (addenda)
c--1932, 12 (10): 182-184, Entomologische Anzeiger
Eine Leptura-Art aus Circassien.
/ Leptura nadezhdae - sp.n. -RS:Ca /
---1932, 28: 60-65, Entomologische Blätter
Über Chlorophorus diadema Motsch. und Ch. motschulskyi Ganglb. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1932, 28: 181-184, Entomologische Blätter
Dorcadion-Studien II (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ D. (Dorcadion, Compsodorcadion), Eodorcadion /
c--1932, 6 (1): 19-20, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Neue Strangalia-Formen (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1932, 6 (2): 56-60, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Über einige Bockkäfer von Korea und Sachalin (Cer.)
c--1932, 6 (3): 84-88, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Neue Rosalia-Formen (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1932, 6 (4): 111-114, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Über die Variabilität einiger Purpuricenus-Arten (Col., Ceramb.)
/P. nanus, deyrollei, ferruginipes.../
c--1932, 4 (1): 16-31, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Evodinus interrogationis L. und die zuhörigen Formen (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1932, 4: 190-193, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Eine neue Aphrodisium-Art aus Assam (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Aphrodisium strandi - sp.n. - IN /
c°--1932, 18: 212-215, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Über Neodorcadion altaicum Suv., carinatum F., involvens Fisch. (Col., Cerambycidae)
c--1933, 7: 9-16, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Beitrag zur Verbreitung der paläarktischen Cerambyciden (Col.).
o--1933, 29: 126-128, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue Callidium-Art aus Japan (Col., Cerambyc.)
/ Callidium japonicum - sp.n. - JP /
---1933, 13: 167-169, Entomologische Anzeiger (EANZ)
Eine neue Obrium-Art aus Ost-Sibirien (Col.,Ceram.)
/ Obrium gracile - sp.n. - (=O. obscuripenne) /
c--1933, 7 (3): 107-109, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Eine neue Chelidonium-Art aus Ost-Sibirien (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Ch. zaitzevi - sp.n./
c--1933, 7: 113-115, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Eine neue Agapanthia-Art aus Sibirien (Col., Cer.).
/ Ag. altaica sp.n. /
c--1933, 7 (4): 129-132, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Cerambycidae II.
---1933, 5 (1): 113-118, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Description d'une nouvelle espéce du genere Cantharocnemis de l'Yemen (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ C. (Paracantharocnemis) strandi - sbg.n. et sp.n. - YE /
c--1933, 2: 74-75, Stylops, Journal of Taxonomic Entomology, London
Description d´une nouvelle espéce du genere Chloridolum, J. Thoms. (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Ch. heyrovskyi - sp.n. - Tonkin: Chapa /
c--1933, 2 (5): 111-112, Stylops
Description d´une nouvelle espéce du genere Polyzonus Cast. (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Polyzonus violaceus - sp.n. - Yunnan /
c--1933, 2: 263-264, Stylops
Description d´une nouvelle espéce du genere Cantharocnemis, Serv. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ C. filippovi - sp.n. - Yemen, Mafchak /
o--1934, (N°112), pp. 230, Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren, Troppau
Cerambycidae III. (Cerambycini 3: Callichromina, Rosaliina, Callidiina).
c--1934, 8 (3): 115-117, Entomologisches Nachrichtsblatt
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Cerambyciden III.
o--1934, 30: 120-122, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue Dorcadion-Art aus dem Nordkaukasus (Cer.)
/ Dorcadion kubanicum - sp.n. /
c--1934, 30 (4): 131-133, Entomologische Blätter
Pseudalosterna, eine neue Lepturinen-Gattung aus Ost-Sibirien (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Pseudalosterna orientalis - gen. et sp.n. - Siberia /
c--1934, 5: 306-314, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Judolia (Pachytodes) longipes Gebl. und zugehörigen Formen (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1934, 20 (10): 1-6, Indian Forest Record
Sur quelques Longicornes des Indes (Col., Ceramb.)
/ Nothorhina gardneri - sp.n. - ... /
---1934 (1933-1934), 35: 41-43, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Plagionotus arcuatus L. et ses formes (Col.,Ceram.)
---1934 (1933-1934), 35: 49-52, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Description de nouvelles formes de Lepturines (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1934, 12: 220-227, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Descriptions de Longicornes nouveaux de la Chine.
/ Prionus sifanicus sp.n., Asiodiphrum nigrofasciatum gen. et sp.n., Chelidonium impressicolle sp.n., Chelidonium sifanicum sp.n., Pseudocallidium violaceum gen. et sp.n. /
---1935, 31: 250-253, Entomologische Blätter
Eine neue Agapanthia-Art vom Kaukasus (Col.,Cerambycidae).
/ Ag. helianthi - sp.n. - (=Ag. lederi) /
---1935, 8: 179-186, Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Riga
Leptura (Anoplodera) rufiventris Gebl. und die zuhörigen Formen (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1935, 4 (8): 189-191, Stylops
Note sur Purpuricenus indus Sem.(Col.,Cerambycidae)
c--1936 (1935) --- (see to SEMENOV A.P.) 11 (4): 389-394, Eos, Revista Espaňola de Entomologia
Description des quelques Cérambycides nouveaux du Tibet et de la Mongolie.
/ Molorchus alashanicus - sp.n. - CN: Alashan
Callidium przevalskyi - sp.n. - CN: Alashan
Phymatodes (Phymatodellus) kozlovi - sp.n. - CN: Alashan
Rhopalopus nubigena - sp.n.- CN: E. Tibet /
o--1936, 612 pp., NAUKA, Moscow
Fauna de l´URSS. Insecta, Coleoptera
21 Zhuki-drovoseki (Cerambycidae), No 1
---1937, 42: 252-253, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France --- (see to SEMENOV A.P.)
Sur un nouveau genere de la familie des Cerambycidae provenant des montagnes
de la Mongolie meridionale.
/ Myctus maculipunctus - sp.n. - MN: Alashan /
c--1937, (3): 246-248, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von Professor Dr. Embrik Strand, Riga
Synonymische Bemerkungen über Cerambyciden. IV.
/ Purpuricenus budensis var. interscapilatus Plavilstshikov - var.n., nom.n.
Chlorophorus, Xylotrechus, Pseudosphegestes, Eoclytus, Amarysius, Asias /
o--1937, 15: 25-34, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
Descriptions des espéces nouvelles de generes Dorcadion Dalm. et Neodorcadion Ganglb. (Col., Ceram.)
/ Dorcadion azerbajdzhanicum, micula, hypocrita, urmianum, leopardinum, urdzharicum,
absinthium, iliense - sp.n., Neodorcadion lutshniki - sp.n. /
---1939, 22: 139-149, Bull. Acad. malgache, Tananarive (n.s.)
---1938 (1940) : 69-75, Eos
Les espéces paléarctiques et indomalaises du genere Molorchus F. (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1940, 785 pp., NAUKA, Moscow
Fauna de l´URSS. Insecta, Coleoptera 22, Zhuki-drovoseki (Cerambycidae), No 2
---1941 (1940), 1: 307-312, Trudy Centr.-chernozem. zapoved.
K poznaniju zhukov-drovosekov Kurskoj oblasti.
c--1948, 232 pp., Izdatel'stvo AN Armyanskoi SSR, Erevan
Opredelitel zhukov-drovosekov Armenii. [A key to timber beetles of Armenia ]
c--1951, 7: 113-122, Sbornik trudov Zoologicheskogo muzeya Moskovskogo Universiteta (SMGU)
Novye vidy zhukov-drovosekov Palearkticheskoi fauny (Col., Cerambycidae).
[New species of timber-beetles of Palaearctic fauna (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)]
c--1952, 32: 287-289, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Dva novych vida roda Molorchus F. (Col., Cerambycidae) iz Kitaia.)
/ Molorchus cyanescens, fukiensis - sp.n - CN: Fukien /
c--1954, 33 (2): 470-476, Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, Moscow ( ZZM)
A new species of the Cerambycidae of the USSR.
/ Apatophysis pavlovskii - sp.n. - TD
Xylotrechus pavlovskii - sp.n. - RS:Us
Pterolophia ussuriensis - sp.n. - RS:Us
Tetrops elaeagni - sp.n. - KA /
c--1955, pp. 493-546, Moskva-Leningrad, In: Vrediteli lesa.
15. Cem. Cerambycidae - drovoseki, usachi.
(in Russian)
c--1956, 35 (4): 818-821, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Lochovyi klit - Chlorophorus elaeagni Plav., sp. nova (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Chlorophorus elaeagni - sp.n. - KA /
o--1958, 592 pp., NAUKA, Moscow
Fauna de l´URSS. Insecta, Coleoptera 23, Cerambycidae No 3
(Lamiinae part)
c--1958, 37 (3): 720-723, Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie
Novyi Dalnevostochnyi vid roda Gaurotes J. Lec. (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Gaurotes (Pseudogaurotina) magnifica - sbg. et sp.n. - RS:Us /
c--1959, 38 (11): 1678-1682, Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, Moscow
New species and form of Cerambycidae from Kirgizia and Kazakhstan.
/ Molorchus (Caenoptera) tjanshanicus - sp.n. - KI (=Glaphyra) /
c--1960, 65 (4): 124-125, Bjul.Moskov.Obstsh.ispit..Prirody, Otdel.Biol.
( et LURIE M.)
Novyi vid roda Phymatodes Muls. iz Sibiri (Cleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[A new species of genus Phymatodes Muls. from Siberai (Cleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Phymatodes (Phymatodellus) abietinus - sp.n. - RS /
c--1961, 8: 113-116, Sbornik trudov Zoologicheskogo muzeya Moskovskogo Universiteta
Zametki o vidach roda Phytoecia Muls. (Col., Cer.).
c--1964, 43 (10): 1565-1569, Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, Moscow
Novy vid roda Phymatodes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[A new species of the genus Phymatodes (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
/ Phymatodes (Phymatodellus) zemlinae - RS:Us /
c--1968, 11: 113-168, Sbornik trudov Zoologicheskogo muzeya Moskovskogo Universiteta
Obzor roda Agapanthia Serv. fauny SSSR.
o--1985, 1: 5-31, Boletino del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Los Cerambycidae Latreille de la provincia de Madrid (Col.).
(1a Nota. - Subfamilias: Prioninae Latr., Lepturinae Latr., Spondylinae Serv. y Aseminae Thoms.).
---1985, 5: 35-63, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Los Cerambycidae Latreille de la provincia de Madrid (Col.)
(3a nota. Subfamilia: Cerambycinae).
---1987, 3: 85-114, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Los Cerambycidae Latreille de la provincia de Madrid (Col.)
(2a nota. Subfamilia: Cerambycinae Latreille).
o--1988, 3: 85-114, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Los Cerambycidae Latreille de Madrid (Col.). (2a nota. Subfamilia: Ceramabycinae Latreille)
o--1988, 3: 119-120, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Presencia confirmada de Akimerus schaefferi Laicharting, en la Comunidad Autonóma de Madrid
(Col. Cerambycidae).
o--1988, 3: 121-122, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
(et FERRER J. de)
Purpuricenus (Calchaenesthes) sexmaculatus Pic, 1861, nuevo Purpuricenini Fairmaire
para la Península Ibérica (Col. Cerambycidae).
o--1990, 5: 35-63, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Los Cerambycidae Latreille de Madrid (Col.) (3.a nota. Subfamilia: Cerambycnae Latreille).
o--1990, 5: 73-75, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Primera cita para la fauna ibérica de Lucasianus levaillanti (Lucas, 1849). (Col., Cerambycidae)
o--1990, 5: 77-78, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Segunda captura de Purpuricenus (Calchaenesthes) sexmaculatus Pic, 1861,
en la Penísula Ibérica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
o--1990, 5: 79-81, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
(et SAZ FUCHO A. del)
Primera cita de Chlorophorus herbsti (Brahm, 1790), para la Pnenísula Ibérica. (Col., Ceramb.).
---1993, 6: 107-108, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
( et TOMAS M.)
Primera cita de Stenostola dubia (Laicharting, 1784) para la Peninsula Ibérica (Col. Cerambycidae).
c°--???, Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de Espaňa
/ Calchaenesthes sexmaculatus /
---1761, : 1-127, 2 Pls, Widmanstadt
Insecta Musei Graecensis, que in ordines, genera et species juxta Systema Naturae Caroli Linnaei
digessit ..... Graecii, 1761.
(Podaný Čeněk)
o--1949, 46 (1-2): 38-40, Časopis českolovenské společnosti entomologické
Nové formy Saperda scalaris L. z Československa. [New forms of Saperda scalaris L. from Czechoslovakia.]
c--1950, 47 (1-2): 19-21, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
New forms of Cerambycidae.
c°--1953, 5(1-2): 18-20, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt Österreichisches und Schweizer Entomologen
Studien über Saperda scalaris L.
c--1953, mai: 33-34, Bulletin de la Société entomologique de Mulhouse
Quellques nouvelles especes de Dorcadionini.
c--1953, juin: 41-44, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Quellques nouvelles especes de Lepturini (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1955, suppl.: 21-52, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Principales especes de Cérambycides et leurs aberrations.
c--1961, 8: 156-161, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Judolia (Cer.)
c--1961, 11: 27-33, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Monographie der Gattung Allosterna Muls. (Coleopt., Cerambycidae, Stenocorini).
o--1962, 52: 219-252, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Monographie des Genus Gaurotes J. Lec.(Col.,Ceram.)
c--1963, : 9-10, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cérambycides (Coleoptera).
/ Vadonia unipunctata gallica - ssp.n. - FR: Alpes-Maritimes
Rosalia alpina uzunkumensis - ssp.n. - BG: Varna: forét Uzun-Kum /
c--1963, 1 (3)3: 47-49, Mitteilungen entomologische Geselschaft Basel
Weitere studien zur Monographie der Gattung Alosterna Muls. (Col., Cerambycidae, Lepturini)
/ Allosterna plavilsshikovi - sp.n./
c--1963, : 57-78, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Monographie des espéces de Saperda palerctiques.
/Saperda scalaris niethammeri ssp.n./
o--1964, 34 (4): 41-54, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 21/1
Monographie des Genus Pachyta Zett. (Col., Ceramb.)
o--1964, octobre: 87-90, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles race de Cerambyx cerdo L. et nouvelles aberrations de Cerambycidae.
/Cerambyx cerdo ssp. klinzigi - ssp.n. - Caucase/
o--1964, 7 (1): 1-55, Acta Zoologica Mexicana,
Monographie des Genus Rhagium Fabricius (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Stenocorini).
o--1965, avril-juin: 34-41, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Remarques sur les Callichromini américains (Ceramb.)
c--1967, : 37-38, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Tetropium staudingeri Pic et laticolle Sem.
---1967, 3: 10-15, Labores Musei in Benátky n. Jiz.
Tesaříkovití zjištění v r. 1966 v okolí Benátek n. Jiz.
c--1968, : 59-54, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Aromia moschata L. et ses races (Col. Ceramb. Callichromini)
o--1968, 36 (3): 41-121, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (I).
---1969, 5: 67-76, Labores Musei in Benátky n. Jiz.
Cerambycidae (Col.) okresu Mladá Boleslav.
c--1970, : 95-96, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Xyloterchus capricornis Gebl.(Coleoptera, Ceramb., Clytini).
/new forms/
o--1971, 38 (8): 253-313, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (II).
c--1971, : 79-80, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cérambycides sibériens.
---1972, : 42-43, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
---1973, 9: 73-74, Labores musei in Benátky n. Jiz.
Hmyz okresu Ml. Boleslav, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae (doplněk k seznamu z r. 1969).
o--1974, (91):1-42, Annotationes zoologicae et botanicae, Bratislava (AZB)
Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (III).
c--1975, (1): 11-12, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
c--1975, (4): 43-45, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
c--1977, (4): 56-58, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
c--1978, (1): 4, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles especes et sous-espece de Rhagium F.
/ Rh. papayanum, mexicanum nigra sp. et ssp.n. - Mexico /
o--1978, 42 (11): 363-381, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (IV).
c--1979, (1): 12, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles aberrations de Cerambycidae.
c--1979, (3): 43-45, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Morimonella bednariki (Ologorchini) Tribu, genere et especes nouveaux (Col. Cerambycidae)
c--1979, (3): 45, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Ab. nov. de Acanthoderes kruperi Kra. et Liopus punctulatus Payk. (Col. Ceramb.).
---1980, (oct.-dec.): 48, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Nouvelles formes de Cerambycidae.
/ Dorcadion, Strangalia - aber. n. /
o--1980, 43 (10): 219-256, Entomologische Abhandlungen, Dresden
Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (V).
---1974, 27 (1): 183-186, Folia entomologica hungarica
A Dorcadion cervae J. Friv. ”kol˘giai alfaj Łj v ltozatai (Col., Cerambycidae).
*POLLER Ulrich
---1998, 16 (3): 545-548, Mauritiana
Funde von Laufkäfern, Hirschkäfern und Bockkäfern (Col: Carabidae, Lucanidae, Cerambycidae)
in Rumänien vorwiegend in Siebenbürgen und im Banat.
/ Cerambycidae – 61 sp. – Ag. pannonica - new for RO /
---1959,11: 89-95, Bulletin of the Naturalists’ Society at Voronezh State University
[Insects – pests of oak timber.]
*PONELL Philippe
c°--1993, 14: 5-23, Faune de Provance
Coléopteres du Massif des Maures et de la dépression pérmienne périphérique.
---1996, pp. 307, Mon. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 5., Institut d´Estudis Balearics, Conselleria d´Obres Públiques,
Ordenació del Territori i Medi Ambient. Direcció General de Medi Ambient i Societat d´Historia Natural de les Balears.
(et PALMER M.)
Fauna endemica de les Illes Balears.
*POOL C. J. C.
---1905, 17: 133, Ent. Rec.
Grammoptera ruficornis ab. holomelina, n. ab., a wholly black form of Grammoptera, Ser.,
not hithero recorded
*PORCHER Jacques
---2000, 40: 204, Coleopteriste
Une nouvelle capture de Leiopus femoratus.
---1934, pp. 415, Stab. Tip. Piacentino, Piacenza
Fauna Coleopterorum Italica. Vol. IV: Heteromera, Phytophaga
/ Cerambycidae pp. 165-234 /
---1949, pp. 386, Tipogr. Gandolfi, San Remo
Fauna Coleopterorum Italica, Suppl. II
/ Cerampycidae pp. 273-279, 360 /
---1959, pp. 344, Piacenza
Fauna Coleopterorum Italica, Suppl. III
/ Cerambycidae pp. 229-336 /
---1927, pp. Paris
Longicornes de France
(Pospěch Lubomír)
o--1979, 15: 111-118, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Tesaříkovití ve východní části Chráněné krajinné oblasti Bílé Karpaty. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[Bockkäfer im Ostteil des Lanschaftschutzgebietes Bílé Karpaty (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1999, 51 (11): 4-5, Praktische Schëdlingsbekämpfer
Der aschgraue Abendbockkäfer.
/ Hesperophanes cinereus - biological notes (=Trichoferus holosericeus) /
---2000, 52 (7): 10-11, Praktische Schëdlingsbekämpfer
Die Widderbockkäfer.
/ Clytus arietis - biological notes /
*POSPISIL Kristian
(Pospíšil K.)
o--1949, 46 (1-2): 79, Časopis Československé společnosti entomologické
Dorcadion fulvum Scop. - Nové naleziště u Čáslavi v Čechách.
---1883, 248, In: Ocherki Severo-Zapadnoi Mongolii, III
Spisok zhestokrylykh, sobranykh v 1879 godu.
---1901, 37: 355-483, Archives of Russ. Geogr. Soc. 37 (in Russian)
A trip to the middle part of Great Khingan in summer 1899.
---1982, 118 (Sept.-Dec.): 242, Entomologist´s Monthly Magazine
Strangalia quadrifasciata (L.) (Col., Cerambycidae) in Brecon.
---1983, 95 (5-6): 122, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation )
Leptura scutellata (Col., Cerambycidae) on the Surrey/Berks. Border.
/ First record for England /
---2000, 112 (4): 161, Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
Leptura melanura L. (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Middlesex.
(Przhewalsky N.M.)
---1883, . 1-476, 2 maps, Imp. Russk. Geogr. Obsch. S.-Petersburg
(in Russian)
Third travel to the Central Asia. From Zaisan through Hami to Tibet and to headwaters of Yellow river.
---1948, pp. 406, 2 maps, Geografgiz, Moscow
From Zaisan through Hami to Tibet and headwaters of Yellow river.
---1997, pp. 14, depon. VINITI 12.09.1997, No 2832-V97 (in Russ.)
Materialy k izucheniyu zhestokrylykh (Col.: Scarabaeidae, Chrysomelidae, Cerambycidae)
zapadnogo Kazakhstana.
/ Cerambycidae – 15 sp. /
---1976, : 112-113, "Dokl. MOIP I-polugodne 1974, Zool. u botan.", Mosk. inst. Moscow
*PU Fu-ji
---1980, (No. 19): i-x, 1-146, 12 pls illustr., Science Press, Beijing
Economic Insect Fauna of China. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae (2).
(in Chinese)
---1981, , Sinece Press, Beijing
(in Chinese)
In: [The Series of the Comprhensive Scientific Expedition to the Quinghai-Xizang
Plateau.] [Insets of Xizang (= Tibet.)] Volume 1., pp. i-xi + 1-600
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
/ 4 sp.n. – 7 first record for CN
Arhopalus (Cephalocrius) biarcuatus, cavatus – sp.n.
Ipotahlia plicicollis – sp.n.
Linda (Linda) zayuensis – sp.n. /
---1981, 6 (4): 396, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
New records of Chinese longicorn beetles from Guangdong and Yunnan.
---1981, 6 (4): 433-436, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Notes on Chinese longicorn beetles of the genus Arctolamia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ A. luteomarginata – sp.n. - key, synonymy /
---1984, 9 (1): 59-61, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
(in Chinese)
Two new species of Cerambycidae from China (Coleoptera).
/ Thermistis rubromaculatus, sulphureonotata - sp.n. - CN: Guangxi /
---1985, 7 (4): 271-272, Entomotaxonomia
A new species of the genus Coscinesthes from the Hengduan Mountains, China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Coscinesthes minuta - sp.n. - CN /
---1985, 10 (4): 427-430, illustr., Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Three new species of the genus Distenia from China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ Distenia ampliata, shennongjiaensis, tuberosa - sp.n. - CN /
---1986, 11 (2): 201-202, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
A new species of the genus Eutetrapha from Shennongija, Hubei, China (Col.: Cerambycidae,Lamiinae).
/ Eutetrapha cinnabarina - sp.n. - CN /
---1987, Vol. 2: 89-97, illustr., Agricultural Insects Spiders Plant Diseas and Weeds of Xizang
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
---1988, pp. 293-304, Beijing, Scince Press
(in Chinese, English sum.)
In: Huang F.-S.,Wang P.-Y.,Yin W.-Y.,Yu P.-Y., Lee T.-S.,Yang C.-K. and Wang X.-J. (eds.),
Insects of Mt. Namjagbarwa region of Xizang, Scince Press, Beijing, i-xii, 1-621
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
/ Heterophilus scabricollis gen. et sp.n. - CN:Ti /
---1990, 33 (2): 234-236, illustr., Acta Entomologica Sinica
[Nový druh rodu Melegena, rozvíjejíce se v dřevině v provincii Funzjan (Čína) a dva nové nálezy
brouku čeledi Disteniidae (Cerambycoidea).] [A new species of the genus Melegena injurious to
olive tree in Fujian and two new records of disteniid beetles (Coleoptera: Disteniidae).]
/ Melegena fulva - sp.n. - CN /
---1991, 1: ??? 192, Scient. Treatise evol. syst. Zoology
(et JIN)
/ Eutetrapaha chlorosticta - sp.n. - CN /
---1991, 34 (3): 341-343, Acta Entomologica Sinica
[Notes on the Callidiellum Linsley from China (Coloptera: Cerambycydae).]
---1991, 16 (2): 207-210, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
[Notes on the Longhorn beetles of the genus Plaxomicrus from China.]
/ Plaxomicrus 6 sp.n.
Pl. nigriventris, ... /
---1991, 8: 247-252, Sinozoologia
[New genus and species of Cerambycidae, with new records of longicorn beetles from China (Col.: Ceramb.).]
/ Parabunothorax rubripennis - gen. et sp.n.
Trichoferus maculatus - sp.n.
Calliodes bicorlor sp.n. - CN ...
---1991, 13 (4): 281-283, Entomotaxonomia
(in Chinese)
[A new species of the genus Nortia (Col.: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) injurious to Chinese prickly ash
trees in Gansu.]
/ Nortia luteosignata - sp.n. - CN /
---1992, 35 (2): 217-221, Acta Entomologica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Five new species and one new record of the genus Necydalis from China (Col.: Cerambyc., Lepturinae).]
/ N. bicolor – sp.n. - Guanxi-Zhuang: Longsheng
N. inermis – sp.n. – Gansu: Tianzhu, Wuwei, Quinghai: Qilian
N. maculipennis – sp.n. – Xizang: Zayu
N. nigra – sp.n. – Guangdong: Hainan, Ledong Xian
N. similis – sp.n. – Guangdong: Hainan, Ledong Xian /
---1992, pp. 588-623, In: CHEN S. (ed.): Insects of the Hengduan Mountains Region, Volume 1. The Comprehensive
Scientific Expedition to the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Science Press, Beijing, No.5: xii + 865 pp.
(in Chinese, English abstr.)
Coleoptera: Disteniidae and Cerambycidae.
/ Neogaurotes piligera, flavimarginata sp.n. – (Gaurotina sensu Danilevsky,1996)
Gaurotes glabricollis - sp.n. ... /
---1993, 18 (3): 357-361, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Description of a new subspecies of Linda nigroscutata Fairmaire and a discussion of subspecies
differentiation (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae).
/ Linda nigroscutata ampliata - ssp.n. - CN /
---1993, pp. 303-320, In: HUANG C.M. (ed.): Animals of Longqi Mountain.
China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing, xxi + 1105
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae (chapter pagiantion: 303-320)
/ Faunal survey and systematics – Fujian, Longqi Mountain /
---1997, 805-834, In: YANG Xinge (ed.): Insects of the Three Gorge Reservoir area of Ynagtze river. Part 1.
Chongqing Publishing House, Chongqing, xx + 974
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
/ Neotrachystola superciliata - sp.n. - CN: Sichuan /
c--1998, 41 (1): 82-84, Acta Entomologica Sinica
A new species of the genus Dystomorphus from Qilian Mountain, Gansu, China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
/ D. nigrosignatus - sp.n. - CN /
c--1999, 42 (1): 78-85, Acta Entomologica Sinica
Five new species and a new record species of Lamiinae from China (Coleopter [Coleoptera]: Cerambycidae).
/ Anoplphora decemmaculata
Blepephaeus nigrofasciatus
Mimothestus atricornis
Perihammus undulatus
Xenohammus flavoguttatus - sp.n. - CN /
---2002, 395-418,
(et LIN M.)
In: HUANG F.: 2002 - Forest Insects of Hainan. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Coleoptera: Disteniidae, Cerambycidae.
---1981, (4): 92-93, Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev
[Fauna of long-horned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the forest-tundra of the Taimyr Peninsula.]
---1987, 11 (4): 117-118, Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins E.V. Frankfurt am M.
Zur Lebensweise von Nothorhina punctata (F.) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
*QIAN Ting-yu
---1992, 35 (2): 222-226, Acta Entomologica Sinica
[Popis larev 5 druhů Cerambycidae rodu Pterolophia z Číny.]
---1993, 36 (1): 77-80, Acta Entomologica Sinica
(in Chinese)
[Notes on the pupae of five species of the genus Pterolophia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
Poznámky o kuklách 5 druhu rodu Pterolophia.]
---1993, 14 (1): 99-102, Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
(et SHEN Jin-ding, FANG Yan-ling)
[Records of four species of cerambycid larvae of genus Aphrodisium in China. (Col.: Cerambycidae).]
---1888, 32: 155-219, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Koleopteren-Fauna von Central-Afrika nach den Ergebnissen
der Lieutenant Wissman’schen Kassai-Expedition 1883 bis 1886.
(Quentin René Michel)
---1951, 7 (2-3): 83-84, L'Entomologiste
Sur la ponte du Dorcadion fuliginator L.
c°--1954, 21: 103-108, Revue Francaise d´Entomologie
Contribution a l´étude des coléopteres Cerambycidae . I. - A propos
du genere Combesius Lepesme.
/ Combesius (Oemini) /
c--1956, 61: 40-43, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Contribution a l´étude des Coléopteres Cerambycidae - II. (Prioninae et Cerambycinae récoltes par Ph. Bruneau
de Miré et Coste au sud du Sahara francais, avec description de trois formes nouvelles)
/ Hypoeschrus strigosus pallidipes - var.n. - MR
Ossibia fuscata rubra - var.n. - Ouaddai
Oxillus terminatus mirei - var.n. - Ouaddai/
c°--1969, 5 (3): 613-646, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/ (et VILLIERS A.)
Révision des Plectogasterini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).
c°--1970, 6 (1): 25-34, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/
Révision des Dorcasomini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).
c°--1970, 6 (2): 385-390, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/ (et VILLIERS A.)
Révision des Gahaniini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).
c°--1970, 6 (3): 647-658, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/
Révision des Megacoelini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).
c°--1971, 7 (1): 3-38, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/
Révision des Psebiini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae).
c°--1980, 33 (1): 129-134, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Serie A
Paraguitelia, nouveau genere de Callichromini (Col. Cerambycidae Cerambycinae) et notes
sul les generes Guitelia et Scalenus.
c°--1973, 9 (1): 3-68, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/
Révision des Macrotomini de Madagascar (Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae)
c°--1974, 10: 249-341, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France /N.S/
Révision des Closterini de Madagascar (Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae)
c--1975, pp. 261, 263 pls, Paris
(Insectes, Coléopteres, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae et Prioninae)
c°--1977, 81: 387-391, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Sur quelques types de Macrotomini africains du Musée de Genes (Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae).
c°--1978, 14 (2): 207-274, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) (et VILLIERS A.)
Genera et catalogue raisonné des Prionini africains. II. Macrotomini (Col., Cerambycidae). (1)
/ 9 gen.n. – 3 sp.n. – 18 sp. + 1ssp. = syn.n., key 21 g. 51 sp. /
---1979, 109: 111-139, 29 fig., Mémoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle (A), Zool. (et VILLIERS A.)
Coléopteres cerambycidae de l'archipel des Comores.
c--1979, 35 (4-5): 210-211, L'Entomologiste
Prionus crenatus Fabricius, synonyme inattendu d´Ergates faber (Linne) (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Prionus crenatus F.,1801- syn.n. !!! - Cerambyx faber L., 1767 /
c°--1979, 1 (2): 79-85, Revue francaise d'Entomol., (N.S.)
Coléopteres Cerambycidae récoltés au Kenya par M. Michel Boulard.
/ Kenyoeme pantherina, Garissa bostrychoides, Cermbolbus boulardi - gen.n. et sp.n. -
Mythozoum orientalis, Oxilus boulardi, Angigaster kenyensis, antennatus, Apiogaster
bonsae - sp.n. - Kenya (Hesperophanini, Oemini, Ccermabycini, Obriini, Cleomenini) /
c°--1980, 42 (3): 594-604, Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire,
Serie Sciences Nat
Cntribution a l'étude de la faune entomologique de la Republique du Niger. VI. Coléopteres Cerambycidae
récoltés par Paul Bouchard.
c°--1981, 17 (1): 359-393, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) (et VILLIERS A.)
Les Macrotomini de l´ancien monde (Région Éthiopienne exclue). Genera et catalogue raisonné.
/ Anomophysis – gen.n. (type sp.- Prionus spinosus F. 1787)
An. confusa (IN), elongata (VN), malasiaca (MY), modesta (TH) – sp.n.
Chalybophysis – gen.n. – IN: Nilgiri Hills
Macrophysis – gen.n. – PH , etc. /
c°--1981, 3 (1): 13-18, Revue francaise d'Entomol., (N.S.)
Coléopterés Cerambycidae recoltés en Afrique orientale par P.-C. Rougeot.
/ Idactus, Hippopsicon, Sophronica - sp.n. - Africa /
c°--1981, 86 (9-10): 248-251, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France (et VILLIERS A.)
A propos d´Acanthophorini, Derobrachini et Notophysini, avec description du genere nouveau Namibius
(Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae).
/ Namibius - gen.n. - Ns /
---1982, 42 (3): 594-604, Bulletin de l´Institut Fondamental d´Afrique Noire
serie A , Sciences Naturalles
Contribution a l´etude de la faune entomologique de la Republique du Niger. 6.
Coleopteres Cerambycidae recoltes par Paul Bouchard.
/ distribution, new taxa /
c°--1983, 19 (1): 79-100, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Genera et catalogue raisonné des Prioninae africains. III. Acanthophorini (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ Anthracocentrus - gen.n. (type species: Acanthophorus arabicus Thomson, 1877 )
Anthracocentrus arabicus Thoms. (=Acanthophorus vicarius Lameere, 1912 – syn.n. ,
=Notophysis rugosiceps Pic, 1924 – syn.n.), (etc. Africa – gen.n., syn.n.) /
---1983, 19 (2): 223-225, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Prinocalus demelti, nouvelle espece de Colombiea (Col. Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
Designation de lectotypes.
---1983, 19 (): 441-446, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Note sur les Psalidognathus Gray. Description de quatre formes nouveles; designation d'un neotype
et de lectotypes (Col. Ceramb.).
c--1983, 39 (5): 261, L'Entomologiste
Morimus asper Sulzer dans le Sud-Finistere (Col. Cerambycidae)
/ Additional record for France /
---1985, 21 (3): 345, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.)
Lundgrenosis un nouveau nom pour Diplosis Quentin et Villiers (Col., Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
/ Lundgrenosis - nom.n. /
c°--1986 (1985), 7 (5): 343-344, Revue francaise d'Entomol., (N.S.)
Un Stenhomalus nouveau de Taď (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Obriini).
/ Stenhomalus couturieri - sp.n. - Ivory Coast Republic: Tai /
§---1992, 28 (1): 83-100, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.)
Révision du genere Cantharocnemis Serville (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Les sous-generes
Cantharocnemis sensu stricto et Cantharofoedus Gilmour.
/ C. spondyloides Serville, 1832 – (= C. arabicus Fuchs, 1969) – syn.n., etc. /
§---1993, 29 (4): 411-433, Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.)
Révision du genere Cantharocnemis Serville (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) 2.
Les sous-genere Cantharoctenus Westwood.
---1956, 1: 1-57, Mémoires de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord
Contribution a l´étude des forets de chenes a feuilles caduques d´Algérie.
o--1979, janv.- mars: 11, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique du Mulhouse
Description d'une nouvelle espéce du genere Dorcadion Dalm. (Col., Lamiinae)
/ D. arenaroides - sp.n. - GR /
---1931, 21: 173-315, Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere
Die Fauna des Göldenitzer Hochmoores in Mecklenburg.
---1974, 30 (2): 68-72, L'Entomologiste
Cérambycidés de Grésigne. Comparaison entre chasse et élevage.
c°--200?, ???, ISHS Acta Horticulturae 726: IV International Symposium on Pistachios and Almonds
Study on the biology and distribution of lon-horned beetles Calchaenesthes pistacivora n. sp.
(Col.: Cerambycidae): a new pistachio and wild pistachio pest in Kerman province.
/ Calchaenesthes pistacivora, Trichoferus fissitarsis - bionomy /
(abstract only)
*RADDE Gustav
---1886, pp. 1-235, F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig
Fauna und Flora des südwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes.
LEDER H.: Die Coleopteren des Talysch-Gebietes pp. 89-235
/ Cerambycidae: pp. 167-172, 232-235 /
REITTER E.: Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu den Reisen an der Persisch-Russischen Grenze.
/ Cerambycidae. ??? /
c--1899,Bd. 1, pp. 339-403, Tiflis
Die Sammlungen des Kaukasischen Museums. 1, (partim)
/ König E. - Coleoptera Caucasica - C e r a m b y c i d a e: pp. 393-397 /
c°--1976, 17 (1) 1-5, Pacific Insects
Catalog of entomological types in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum.
/ introduction /
---1924, 1: 1-33, Boll.R.Accad.Sc.Lettere Belle Arti, Palermo
I Cerambycidae della Sicilia.
---1986 (1985), 82 (3): 682-683, Journal of the Bombay natural History Society
Occurrence of Coelosterna scabrator var. spinator on eucalyptus.
---1838, 7: 7, Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, Bulletin
Parmena algirica.
---1999, 8 (1): 2, Coleopterist
Grammoptera ruficornis (Fabricius, 1781) (Cerambycidae) new to the Isle of Arran.
---1979, 41 (3): 289-290, Indian Journal of Entomology
A new record of Coelosterna scabrator F. (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) on grapevines in Andhra Pradesh
---1991, 16 (4): 323-325, Entomon
Record of Pterolophia griseovaria Breuning as a pest on pepper (Piper nigrum L.).
/ Piper nigrum – new host plant – IN: Kerala /
---1983, 63 (4): 214, Notulae Entomologicae
[Three interesting findings of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae).]
/ Acanthocinus griseus, Agapanthia villosoviridescens, Callidium aeneum /
---1984, 64 (4): 203, Notulae Entomologicae
[Interesting beetle observatin]
/ Agap. villosoviridescens - Cerambycidae
Ditylus laevis, Nacerdes melanura – Oedemeridae - Finland /
---1980, 36 (3): 146, L'Entomologiste
Plagionotus detritus en Corse (Col., Cerambycidae).
*RAPUZZI Pierpaolo
o--1995, 95 (4): 617-619, Lambillionea 21/1
Descrizione di Stenurella samai n.sp. di Turchia europaea e di Axinopalpis gracilis christinae
n. ssp. di Grecia. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Stenurella samai - sp.n. - TRe
Axinopalpis gracilis christinae - sp.n. - GR /
c--1996, 96 (1): 222-225, Lambillionea
Note sulla distribuzione geografica e biologia di Xylosteus spinolae Frivaldsky in Friuli Venezia
Giulia (Coleoptera. Cerambycidae).
o--1997, 97 (1): 3-4, Lambillionea
(et COGOI Piero)
Prima segnalazione per l´Italia di Leptura (s.str.) aethiops Poda, 1761 (Coleopt., Cerambycidae).
o--1999, 99 (3): 329-332, Lambillionea
Descrizione di due nuovi Chlorophorus di Asia Minore (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Chl. dinae - sp.n. (cl. yachovi), Chl. cursor - sp.n. (hungaricus gr.) - TR /
(et SAMA G. )
o--2002, 102 (2): 178-188, Lambillionea
Nota su alcuni interessanti Coleoptera Cerambycidae del Carso e del Quarnaro.
/ Cerambycidae - 85 sp. /
c--2006, No. 23: 157-172, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna
Cerambycidae nuovi o interessanti per la fauna di Sicilia (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
/ Rutpela maculata ssp. nigricornis - stat.n. - IT:Si /
(et SAMA G.)
---2007, 59 (3): 253-266, Acta zoologica bulgarica
Contribution to the Knowledge of Species Composition and Regional Distribution of Longhorn Beetles
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria.
/ Stenurella samai - BG, TR: Anatolia - 1st rec.; Dorcadion regulare - BG - 1st rec. /
*RASSE Friedrich
?---1974 (1973), 83: 523-527, Carinthia II
Eine für Körnten neue Bockkäferart, Phymatodes (Phymatodellus) rufipes F. (Col., Cerambycidae).
?---1987, 46: 141-146, Carinthia II, Sonderhefte
Neue Erkenntnisse über die Formen der Pachyta lamed Linne (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Bockkäfer)
und daren Verbreitung in Kranken.
*RATTI Enrico
---1986, 37: 45-56, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia
Richerche faunistiche del museo civico di storia naturale di Venezia nell´ isola di Pantelleria.
VI. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae
---1999, 24: 123-124, Lavori Soc. ven. Sc. nat.
Diffusione nel Veneto di Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan, 1906 e segnalazione di una nuova pianta ospite.
Spreading of Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan, 1906 over Veneto (NE-Italy), with record of a new host plant
(Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---2000, 97 (1): 74-91, Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
(et SAHA Sumana)
Longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae, Prioninae: Cerambycidae) of Buxa Tiger Reserve, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.
/ Key to Tribe and Genera - Cerambycine, Prioninae, key tu Ceresium species /
c°--1997, 7: 191-207, Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de Entomologia (et BREGANA M., FERMIN SAN MARTIN A.)
Nuevos datos sobre la fauna Navarra de longicornios (Col.: Cerambycidae et Vesperidae).
c°--2003, N°33: 229-243, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Las canalizaciones de agua como herramienta para el estudio de la entomofauna. Una experiencia
En Coleoptera.
c°--2007, 7 (1): 67-75, Heteropterus. Revista de Entomologia
Corología del género Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821 en Navarra (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1983, 18 (3): 215-218, Material und Organismen (Berlin)
Note on Stromatium barbatum Fabricius (Col. Ceramnbycidae) a serious pest of woodworks
In buildings in north-eastern India.
---1845, 177 pp., 2 pls, Gerold, Wien
Die Gattungen der deutschen Kaefer-Fauna nach analytischen Methode bearbeit einem kurz gefassten
Leitfaden, zum Studium dieses Zweiges der Entomologie.
c--1849, Band 2., Ed. 3., 883 pp., Verl. Gerold's Sohn, Wien
Fauna Austriaca. Die Käfer.
/ C e r a m b y c i d a e : pp. 394-437 /
§---1850, 1: 42-50, Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien
Über den Charakter der Insekten-Fauna von Südpersien.
/ Osphranteria gen. et sp. n.
Leptura bicolor - sp.n. - IR /
---1868, Bd. 2: iv + 1-249 pp. , Wien
(?? - 1867 - Moné 2002)
Reise der österreichische Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den
befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, Zoologischer Theil, I. Abtheilung
/ Familie Cerambycidae - pp. 176-203, pl. 5 /
(Reiche Louis Jérome)
---1839, 9: 563-566, pl. 1, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France
Note sur la famille des longicornes et description d'un genre nouveau.
---1840, : 275, Revue Zool.
Description de deux coléoptères nouveaux.
---1853, (3) 1: 306-318, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Espèce nouvelle de coléoptères formant un genre nouveau dans la famille des longicornes.
---1853, (3) 1: 419-423, pl. 13, fig.IV, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Espèce nouvelle de coléoptères formant un genre nouveau dans la famille des longicornes.
§---1858, (3) 6: 306-318, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
(et SAULCY F. de)
Coléopteres nouveaux ou peu connus, recueillis par M. F. de Saulcy, membre de l'institut,
dans son voyage en Grece, en Palestine et autor de la Mer Morte de Décembre 1850 a Avril 1851.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 306-318
§---1858, (3) 6: 1-60, Annales de la Société entomologique de France
(et SAULCY F. de)
Especes nouvelles ou peu connues de Coléopteres, recueillies par M. F. Saulcy, membre de l'Institut,
dans son voyage en Orient et décrites par MM. L. Reiche et Felicien de Saulcy (fin).
/ Phytoecia - sp.n.
---1860, (717), Annales de la Société entomologique de France
Coléopteres de Sicilie recueillis par Mr. E. Bellier de la Chavignerie et determinés
par la L. Reiche et déscription de dix espéces nouvelles.
/ Clytus clavicornis
§---1877, (5) 7: 140-141, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Description de deux nouvelles espéces de Longicornes.
/ Phytoecia vittipennis - sp.n. -
---1919, : 1-92, Suppl., Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Die Insekten der Mark Brandenburg.
c°-- 1915, 34 (8-10): 221-270, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Verzeichnis der Schriften von Edmund Reitter (1869-1915).
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 271-287, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Liste der von Edm. Reitter in der Jahren 1903 bis 1915 neu beschreibenen Coleopteren.
---1870, vii + 195 pp., Verlag des Naturforsch. Ver. Brünn, Brünn
Uebersicht der Käfer-Fauna von Mähren und Schlesien
---1885, 39 (): ??? , Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
/ Leptura adaliae - sp.n. - p. 390
---1886, 30 (1): 67-72, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern, mit Bemerkungen über bekannte Arten.
---1886, pp. ???,
In: RADDE. Die Fauna und Flora von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern
Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu den Reisen an der Persisch-Russischen Grenze.
c°--1886, 5 (3): 99-100, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Clytus faldermanni - Helenendorf /
c°--1887, 6 (3): 104-107, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Agapanthia dahli - F:CZ (Zavist, Prague) /
c°--1888, 7 (4): 133-134, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. XXX
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - p. 134 - Mallosia tristis sp.n. - Talysch,Suwant /
c°--1888, 7 (9): 279-288, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopteren aus Circassien, gesammelt von Hans Leder im Jahre 1887.
/ CERAMBYCIDAE - pp. 280-282
Cortodera alpina starcki - var.n. - Abago
Phytoecia affinis nigropubescens - var.n. - Abago
Phytoecia affinis starcki; circassica - var.n. - Atschischcho /
c--1889, 33 (1): 17-44, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, den angrenzenden Ländern und Sibirien, mit Bemerkungen
über bekannte Arten. (Sechster Theil)
/ Cortoera pseudomophlus - sp.n. - Ordubad (Araxesthal)
Dorcadion scabricolle sevangensis - var.n. - Gotschka- oder Sevangasees
Neodorcadion calabricum - sp.n. - Calabrie
Phytoecia antoniae - (1f) - sp.n. - Ordubad in Arxesthal (Coptosia)
Phytoecia adusta - (1) - sp.n. - Erzerum (=Neomusaria) /
c--1889, 33 (2): 273-288, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, und den angrenzenden Landern und Sibirien mit Bmerkungen
ueber Bekannte Arten. (Siebenther Theil)
/ Rhagium mordax caucasicum - var.n. - centr. Caucasus, Araxesthale bei Ordubad
Tetropium gracilicorne - sp.n. - Chabarowka in Ostsibirien /
c--1889, 33 (2): 369-376, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa, und den angrenzenden Landern und Sibirien mit Bmerkungen
ueber Bekannte Arten.
/ Cyltus vesparum - sp.n. - p. 375 - Talysch /
c°--1889, 8 (4): 163, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. XXXII
/ Toxotus quercus var. discoideus, subvittatus, subapicalis - var.n. - Ordubad /
c°--1890, 9 (3): 100-102, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. XXXV
/ Neoclytus acuminatus - F:IT /
c°--1890, 9 (7): 210-213, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. XXXVIII
/ Plagionotus - key + Melandryidae /
c°--1890, 9 (8): 241-243, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Mallosia-Arten.
/ Mallosia herminae, angelicae sp.n. /
c°--1890, 9 (8): 243-246, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Cartodera-Arten (sic !) aus Europa und angrenzenden Ländern.
/ Cortodera circassica, umbripennis, colchica - sp.n. /
c°--1890, 9 (9): 249-250, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ueber die mit Toxotus meridianus Panz. verwandten Coleopteren-Arten.
/ Stenocorus - key
Toxotus auricomus - sp.n. - TR: Külek /
c°--1891, 10 (1): 33-34, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Drei neue Coleopteren.
/ Cortodera confusa - sp.n. - Schalbus-Dagh (cl. C. alpina) /
c°--1891, 10 (7): 233-240, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
/ Purpuricenus deyrollei talyschensis - var.n. - (Talyschgebiete) - p. 240 /
c°--1892, 11 (2): 59-68, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Fünfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
/ Phytoecia pici - sp.n. - Ahdagh, Araxesthal /
c°--1892, 11 (6): 186-188, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterogischen Notozen. XLV
/ Monochamus - Siberia /
c°--1892, 11 (6): 239, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterogischen Notozen. XLVI
/ Cortodera umbripennis - note /
c°-1893, 12: 1-22, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Repetitorium meiner coleopterologischen Publicationen bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1892. I. Theil
c°--1893, 12: 109-114, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Achter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
/ Phytoecia gibbicollis - sp.n. - Ca /
c°--1893, 12: 185-213, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Repetitorium meiner coleopterologischen Publicationen bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1892. II. Theil
c°--1893, 12: 219-224, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Neunter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches
/ Neodorcadion irroratum - sp.n. - MG /
c°--1894, 13 (1): 15-16, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterogischen Notozen. XLIX
/ Phytoecia gibbicollis - = Ph. pulla /
c°--1894, 13 (2): 43-44, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Morimus Serv.
/ M. orientalis, ganglbaueri - sp.n ./
c°--1894, 13 (4): 122-128, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches.
/ Anaglyptus mysticoide s- sp.n. - p.128 /
c°--1894, 13: 144-146, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der metalisch-blauen und grünen Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Agapanthia Serv.
/ Ag. persicola - sp.n - IR ./
c°--1894, 13 (8): 238-248, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Elfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren - fauna des russischen Reiches.
/ Leptura livida corallipes - var.n. - Armenischen Gebirge
Pogonocherus inermicollis sp.n. - Cirkassien (Inalipa) - p.247 /
c°--1894, 13 (10): 299-306, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Funfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren - Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Landern.
/ Aromia thea - sp.n. - p. 306 /
---1894, 20: 353-356, Entomologische Nachrichten
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gatung Cerambyx L. und einer Darstellung der mit dieser
zunächst verwandten Genera der palaearktischen Fauna.
c°--1895, 14 (3): 79-88, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Beschreibung neuer oder wenig gekannter Coleopteren aus der Umgebung von Akbes in Syrien.
/ Leptura heydeni var. incisipennis, Rhamnusium graecum var. praeustum,
Criocephalus syriacus, Phytoecia lineolata, Strangalia nigrosuturalis - sp.n. /
c°--1895, 14: 130-132, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Coleopteren-Gatung Vesperus: Latreille.
/ Vesperus bolivarii sp.n
V. var. sanzi /
c°--1895, 14 (5): 149-162 Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zwölfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reiches.
/ Anaglyptus banghaasi, Dorcadion hauseri, rufogenum, Phyt. pilipennis, pustulata v. vexans /
c--1895, 14 (5): 163-164, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopteren Notizen. LV
/ Polyarthron /
c--1895, 14 (6): 208-210, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Einige neue Coleopteren aus Korea und China.
/ Aromia bangi - sp.n.- /
c°--1896, 15 (1): 17-18, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. LVI
/ Con. rufobrunnea Heyd., Polyarthr. aegyptiacum /
c°--1896, 15 (1): 17-18, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen. LIX
/ Dorcadion aethiops -x- D. fulvum /
---1897, (): ???, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
/ Strangalia hecate - sp.n. - p. 43
c--1897, (2): 236, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Dorcadion nigrosuturatum Reitter n. sp.
c--1897, 23 (12): 177-184, Entomologische Nachrichten
Uebersicht der mir bekannten Centralasiatischen Neodorcadion-Arten.
c°--1898, 17 (1): 17-22, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sechzenter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reichs.
/ Strangalia limbiventris, Neodorcadion katharinae /
c°--1898, 17 (5): 54, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopteren Notizen. LXIII
/ Dorcadion hauseri = D. semenowi /
c°--1898, 17 (4-5): 109-127, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Siebzenhter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna des russischen Reichs.
/ Anoplistes amoenus sp.n., Phytoecia praetextata implagiata var.n. /
c°--1898, 17 (4-5): 130-135, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ueber die bekannten und einige neue palaearktische Agapanthia-Arten, Coleoptera.
/ Ag.angelicae, coeruleonigra, walteri, muellneri, simplicicornis sp.n., var. subchalybaea /
c°--1898, 17 (7-8): 192-195, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zur Kenntniss der Coleopteren aus der nächsten Verwandtschaft der Leptura dubia Scop.
aus der palaearktischen Fauna.
/ Leptura sequensi - sp.n. /
---1898, : 357, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
/ Rhagium fortipes, rugipennis - sp.n. c--1898, 17: 358, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Phytoecia edessensis Rtt. sp. n.
c°--1899, 18 (5-6): 155-161, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Elfter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern.
/ Edithia carbonaria gen. & sp.n., Phytoecia nigritarsis erivanica var.n. /
c--1900, 19 (4-5): 130-132, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen 69
/ 571 - Rosalia alpina var.n. /
c°--1900, 19 (4-5): 153-166, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleoptera gesammelt im Jahre 1898 in Chin. Central-Asien von Dr. Holderer in Lahr.
/ Crtognathus paradoxus, Dorcadion glaucopterum - F:CN /
c°--1900, 19 (6-7): 177-178, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Eine neue Art der Coleopteren-Gattung Acanthocinus aus Bosnien.
/ A. henschi - sp.n. /
c--1900, (1): 81-88, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern.
/ Dorcadion sericatum atripes - var.n. - Amasia /
c°--1901, 20 (3): 57-59, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Rosalia alpina - note /
c°--1901, 20 (4): 77-80, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Strangalia Serv. aus der Verwandtschaft
der St. melanura L. und bifasciata Müll.
c°--1901, 20 (4): 94, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Dorcadion kalinovskyi = D. rosti /
c°--1901, 20 (5): 99-101, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Dreizehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern.
/ Purpuricenu köhleri carbonarius - var.n. - CR: Meleda Is. /
c°--1901, 20 (9): 175-176, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Stenurela melanura - note /
c°--1901, 20 (10): 200-202, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Vierzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-fauna von Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern.
/ Rosali alpina var. quadripunctata - nom.n. /
---1901, : ???, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
/ Anoplistes forticornis - sp.n. - p. 84
c--1901, : 188, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angerenzenden Ländern.
/ Strangalia hybridula - sp.n. - SP /
c°--1902, 21 (4): 81-82, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Drei neue Coleopteren aus Italien und Persien.
/ Necydalis sirexoides - p. 82 /
c°--1902, 21 (5): 115-116, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Cyanophatlmus moesiacus - F:CR /
c°--1902, 21 (5): 136, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Aromia bangi - F:RS:Us (=Chlorid. sieversi) /
c°--1903, 22 (1): 30-31, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Callidium violaceum - note /
c°--1903, 22 (2): 43-46, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sechzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und angrenzenden Landern.
/ Callidium (Lioderes) bodemeyeri - sp.n. - TR
Macrotoma böhmi - sp.n. - EG /
c°--1903, 22 (9): 231-233, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sechzehnter Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Europa und angrenzenden Landern.
/ Aromia pruinosa - sp.n. - Kuldscha /
c°--1903, 22 (9): 240, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen
/ Dorcadion lederi - note /
c°--1904, 23 (5): 81-82, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Über vier Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna.
/ Clytus rhamni longicollis - var.n. - RO /
c°--1905, 24 (3-4): 90-94, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Acht neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna.
/ Agapanthia subnuda - sp.n. - p. 93-94 /
c°--1905, 24 (5-6): 201-206, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Neun neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna.
/ Oxymirus cursor subvittatus - v.nov. /
c°--1905, 24 (7-8): 239-240, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopteren-Gattung Pilemia Frm. aus der paläarktischen Fauna.
/ Pilemia wawerkana - sp.n. - Akbes /
c°--1905, 24 (7-8): 241-251, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sechzehn neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischen Fauna.
/ Oxymirus cursor nigrinus - var. nov. /
c°--1906, 25 (1): 21-22, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopteroplogische Notizen .
/ Phytoecia angelicae Rtt. 1898 - note - pp. 22 /
c°--1906, 25 (1): 31-37, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Neue Coleopteren aus der palaearktischer Fauna.
/ Phytoecia puncticollis aladaghensis - var.n.- pp. 37 /
c°--1906, 25 (2-4): 139-140, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen.
/ Oxymirus cursor - ab. - p. 139 /
c°--1906, 25 (8-9): 275-277, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Uebersicht der mir bekannten, palaearktischen Arten der Gattung Aromia Serv.
c--1906, 25 (8-9): 297-298, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Die Anaglyptus-Arten aus der Verwandtschaft des mysticus Lin. (Subgen. Cyrtophorus Lec.)
aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern.
/ A. simplicicornis, persicus - sp.n. - Südrussland; Talysch /
c--1906, 25 (8-9): 303, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Ubersicht der mir bekannten, palaearktischen, mit Aromia verwandten Gattungen.
c°--1907, 26 (3): 115, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Aromia moschata v. laevicollis nov.
c°--1907, 26 (4-5): 205-208, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sechs neue Coleopteren aus Turkestan.
/ Toxotochorus - sektion nov. - t.sp. - T. tataricus Gebl.
Toxotus Suworowi - sp.n. - Djarkent /
c°--1907, 26 (4-5-6): 217-218, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Zwei neue Bockkafer aus Persien.
/ Jebusaea persica - sp.n. - Persien: Buschir
Dissopachys matthiesseni - Persien: Schiras /
c°--1908, 27 (6-7): 213-216, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Sieben neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern.
/ Cerambycidae - pp. 215-216 - aber.n. /
c°--1908, 27 (8): 251, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologische Notizen.
/ Criocephalus syriacus - F:IT /
c°--1909, 28 (2): 53-58, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Einige neue Coleopteren aus der paläarktischen Fauna.
/ Saperda octopunctata sexpunctata - var.n. /
c°--1909, 28 (4): 110, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Coleopterologishe Notizen.
/ Saperda octopunctata sexpunctata - syn.n. /
c°--1911, 30 (9-10): 269-271, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Übersicht der mit bekannten Phytoecia-Arten der Untergattung Opsilia Muls.
aus der palaearktischen Fauna (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Ph. (Opsilia) immundula, prasina, longitarsis - sp.n. /
c°--1913 (1912), 236 pp., Plts 129-152, K.G.Lutz' Verlag, Stuttgart
Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches.
Band IV. Cerambycidae: 1-72 pp.
/ Pseudosphegesthes - gen.n.
Megarhagium, Lepturalia, Callidostola, Melasmetus, Phymatodellus, Phymatoderus - sbg.n.
Megasemum sharpi - sp.n. - JP (=M. quadricostulatum) /
c--1913, 58: 177-183, Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coleopteren-Gattung Stenochorus F. (Toxotus Serv.).
/ St. quercus punctipennis ssp.n. – GR, Morea
St. lepturoides sp.n. – Amur
St. univittatus sp.n. – Taschkent /
c--1913, (6): 649-666, Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift
Eine Serie neuer Coleopteren aus der paläarktischen Fauna.
/ Phytoecia bodemeyeri - sp.n. - Persien: Luristan
Dorcadion plasoni pernudum - var.n. - Luristan
Saperda perforata albella - var.n. - Sarepta
Eurycoptosia - gen.n. - (Phytoecia bodoani Pic,1912) /
c°--1915, 34 (8-10): 170, Wiener entomologische Zeitung
Anoplistes diabolicus n. sp. (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ loc. typ.- Sibirien: Saissan, VI.1909 /
*REJZEK Martin
o--1999 (1998), 15 (4): 257-272, Biocosme Mésogéen
(et HOSKOVEC Michal)
Cerambycidae of Nemrud Dagi National Park (Turkey) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
/ Faunal list – 59 sp. Cerambycidae /
o--1999, juli, 1-69 pp., Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen
(et REBL Karel)
Vereins e. V. Franfurkt a. M., Supplement VI,
Cerambycidae of Křivoklatsko Biosphere Reserve (Central Bohemia) (Insecta: Coleoptera)
o--2000 (1999), 16 (1-2): 55-66, Biocosme Mésogéen
(et VLASÁK Josef)
Larval nutrition and female oviposition preferences of Necydalis ulmi Chevrolat, 1838
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
---2000, 10 (1): 11-22, Mitteilungen der Arbeitgemeinschaft rheinischer Koleopterologen (et HADULLA K.)
Bemerkenswerte Bockkäferfunde in Rheinland-Pfalz und Nordrhein-Westfalen (Col.: Cerambycidae).
o--2001(2000), 17 (4): 263-294, Biocosme Mésogéen
Host plants of several herb-feeding Cerambycidae mainly from east mediterranean region
o--2001, 37 (3-4): 178, Klapalekiana
Faunistic Records from the Czech Republic - 139. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
/ Agapanthiola leucaspis - new species for Bohemia /
(et JANU T.)
o--2002, 38 (1-2): 111-112, Klapalekiana
RECENZE - "Vives E., 2000: Fauna Ibérica, vol. 12. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae.
o--2003 (2002), 19 (3): 161-189, Biocosme Mésogéen
Host plants of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Balkan Penisula, Asia Minor,
and Iran (Part II).
o--2003, 39: 126, Klapalekiana
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 161. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
/ Oberea (Amaurostoma) euphorbiae - new species for Bohemia /
o--2003, 20 (1): 7-50, Biocosme Mésogéen
Contribution to the knowledge of Syrian Cerambycidae Fauna (Coleoptera).
/ Cerambycidae - 109 sp. et ssp. - Syria - colour snaps /
o--2004, 140: 51-57, The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine
Check-list of Cerambycidae (Col.) of the British Isles.
o--2005, 105 (): , Lambillionea
/ Phytoecia nausicae - sp.n. - GR /
o°--2005, 105 (3/1): 353-369, Lambillionea
On the distribution and biology of the genus Anthracocentrus Quentin & Villiers, 1983 in the Persian Gulf
Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).
/ Anthracocentrus rugiceps ssp. hardei(HEYROVSKY, 1959) - syn. n. - A. rugiceps( GAHAN, 1894) /
---1998, 7 (2): 43-45, Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie
Contribution a l'inventaire des Cerambycidae des Pyrenees-Orientales et decouverte de trois
especes nouvelles pour le departement (Coleoptera - Cerambycidae).
---2004, 7 (1): 3, Revue Rutilans
A propos de Pedostrangalia revestita Linne, 1767 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
[Information on Pedostrangalia revestita Linne, 1767 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).]
---2004, 7 (1): 14, Revue Rutilans
A propos de Phoracantha semipunctata Fabricius, 1775.
[Information on Phoracantha semipunctata Fabricius, 1775.]
*RENVAZE Francoise
---2004, 60 (1): 4-7, Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de Mulhouse
(et RENVAZE Jean-Pierre)
Note sur la biologie de Mallosia graeca (Sturm, 1843) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1974, 18: 57-60, Entomologische Nachrichten, Dresden
Biogeographische Betrachtung über einige pflanzenabhängige Käferarten in den Heidelandschaften
um Purgstall (Bezirk Scheibbs, Niederösterreich).
o--1987, 43 (2): 87-88, L´Entomologiste
Notes de chasse et Observations diverses (Cerambycidae et Cleridae récoltes
dans Euphorbia venata prés de Corinthe /Grece/).
---1999 (1995), 14: 79-104, Folia Musei Historico-naturalis Bakonyiensis
(et SZEKELY Kalman)
Vaszoly es kornyekenek futobogarai, cincerei (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cerambycidae).
[The ground beetles and longhorn beetles of Vaszoly and its surrounding area (Col.: Carabidae,Cerambycidae).]
---1783, 220 pp., Lipsiae
Caroli De Geer genera et species Insectorum et generalissimi auctoris scriptis extraxit, digessit,
latine quand. partem reddidit, et terminologiam Insectorum Linneanam addidit.
*REVANZE Francoise
---2004, 60 (1): 4-7, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de Mulhouse (et REVANZE J. P.)
Note sur la biologie de Mallosia graeca (Sturm, 1843) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1991, 15: 336, Boletin de la Asociacion Espaňola de Entomologia
Ergates faber (Linnaeus, 1767) en el noroeste peninsular (Col., Cerambycidae)
/ SP: Galicia – first record /
c--1933, 38 (9): 137-140, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Note sur une nouvelle espece d'Anoplistes (Asiates) d'Asie centrale (Col. Cerambycidae).
/ Anoplistes (Asiates) francisci - sp.n. - CN: Chi Ku Chang (Sin Kiang) /
---1937, ???, 285 pp., ???
Résultats d'un voyage en Asie Centrale. Sur peuplement entomologique.
/ ???
---1946, T. 23, No 201: 58-61, Compte Rendu Som. Séanc. Soc. Biogéogr.,
Premiers résultats d’un séjour a Béni-Abbès et d’un dans le Grand Erg Occidental de février à août 1946.
---1949, N°22-24: 10-14, Compte Rendu Som. Séanc. Soc. Biogéograph.
Du Mouydir au Zemmour, notes de voyage et biogeographie saharienne.
---1950, 30: 49-79, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc
Premiers résultats d'un voyage dans le grand Erg Occidental et de recherches dans la région
de Beni-Abbés et de la vallée de la Soura.
/ ??? - Cerambycidae /
c--1950, 1: 563-576, Longicornia 1
Notes de captures et observations éthologiques sur quelques Cérambycides sahariens.
/ !!! - Daramus, Tibestia, Eremoceras, Polyarthron, Apomecyna, Ceroplesis /
---1954, 34: 41-53, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc
Addition a la connaissance entomologique de la faune du Maroc Sud-Occidental.
/ ??? - Cerambycidae /
---1954, 2: 191-257, Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien (sér. gén.) (et KOCHER L.)
Les Hamada sud marocaines. Entomologie.
---1953, 23: 39-46, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc (et REYMOND A.)
Coléopteres récoltés au Maroc Septentrional et dans Le Rif par Francois Reymond au printeps de 1927.
/ Rhagium inquisitor cedri - ssp.n. -
---1976, 8 (4): 499-511, Ann. Zool. Eco. Anim.
Alimentation des larves de Raghium inquisitor.
---1927, 2: 298-364, Biol. Rev.
Sexuala selection and allied problems in the insects.
o--1986, 55 (9): 305-317, Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 20/2
Biogéographie des Purpuricenus (Col., Cerambycidae) dans le Sud de la France.
---1956, 111: 56-67, Jh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wartenberg III, Stuttgart
Reisebericht über die Entomologische Reise in Südost-Iran.
*RICL Petr
(Ričl P.)
o--1985, 21: 53-55, Zprávy Československé společnosti entomologické při ČSAV, Praha
Tesaříkovití na jižním okraji Prahy (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1981, pp. 1-121, 50 pl., Sciences Nat, Compiegne
Les coléopters du monde. Volume 1: Batocerini premiere partie.
/ The beetles of the world. Volume 1: Batocerini, 1.: Batocera /
/ Batocera – catalogues – world fauna /
---1981, (No. 29-30): 19-20, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Note sur les Batocerini.
/ Rosenbergeria – synonymy /
---1982, 49: 53-55, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Description de nouveaux Rosenbergeria (Col. Cerambycidae, Batocerini)
/ R. clarki, gilmouri, samuelsoni – sp.n. – Papua New Guinea /
---1982, 49: 56, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Note sur le Rosenbergeria xenium Gilmour (Col. Cerambycidae, Batocerini)
/ R. xenium Gilmour, 1959 = R. meeki Breuning, 1960 – syn. n. /
---1982, 49: 73-74, Miscellanea Entomologica, Paris
Note sur un specimen male de Megacriodes (Col. Cerambycidae, Batocerini)
/ Malaysia, Cameron Highlands /
---1982, (no. 34): 1, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Un nouveau Rosenbergeria (Col. Cerambycidae Batocerini).
/ R. breuningi – sp.n. – Papua New Guinea /
---1982, pp. 1-128, 53 pl., Sciences Nat., Compiegne
Les coleopteres du monde. Volume 2 Batocerini deuxieme partie
---1984, (No. 42): 11-14, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Notes sur le genere Rosenbergeria (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
/ R. ehrmanae – sp.n. – Papua New Guinea
R. bismarckiana Kriesche, 1920 - syn.n. = R. albiventris Breuning, 1948, neopommeriana
Kriesche, 1920, flavescens Breuning, 1948 ....... /
---1987, No. 54: 26, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Description d'un Batocera nouveau (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1987, No. 55: 10, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Description d'un Batocera nouveau (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1988, No. 58: 4, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Un Rosenbergia nouveau (Col. Cerambycidae).
---1992, No. 75-76: 78, Bulletin de la Societe Sciences Nat
Rosenbergeria nouvaux, recentes ou peu connus.
/ Rosenbergeria drouini – sp.n. – Queensland
R. hlaveki – sp.n. – Papua New Guinea
R. hoyoisi – sp.n. – Papua New Guinea /
---1876, 19: 43-50, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, Amsterdam
Bijdrage tot de kennis der Insecten-Fauna van het noordelijkste gedeelte van Sumatra.
---1880, 2: 246-248, Notes from the Leyden Museum (NLM)
Description of a Sumatran species of the longicorn genus Calloplophora, Thoms.
---1881, 3: 15-16, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description of a new species of the longicorn genus Praonetha, Pasc..
---1881, 3: 31-38, Notes from the Leyden Museum
New species of Pachyteria, a genus of longicorn Coleoptera.
---1881, 3: 39-40, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description of a new species of the longicorn genus Melanauster, Thoms.
---1881, 3: 145-150, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Four new species and a new genus of longicorn Coleoptera.
---1881, 3: 151-157, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Three new species of Sumatran longicorn Coleoptera from the collections of the Sumatra-Expedition.
---1887, 4 (6): 9-13, 129-141, Tab. III.
Midden Sumatra
---1888, 10: 177-192, Notes from the Leyden Museum
On five new and two unsufficiently known species of the longicorn genus Pachyteria.
---1888, 10: 201-206, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description of three new species of the longicorn group Agniini.
---1890, 12: 135-139, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Description of three new species of Malayan Longicornia.
/ Rosalia inexpectata - sp.n. /
---1890, 12: 163-173, Notes from the Leyden Museum
On some species of genus Pachyteria from the old collection of Thomson.
---1890, 12: 247-252, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Three new Malayan longicorn Coleoptera.
---1892, 14: 1-12, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Descriptions of new species of the longicorn genus Glenea.
---1892, 14: 213-220, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Three new species of the longicorn genus Pachyteria.
---1893, 15: 13-16, Notes from the Leyden Museum
A new species of the longicorn genus Pachyteria.
---1894, 16: 107-109, Notes from the Leyden Museum
A new species of the longicorn genus Zonopterus.
c--1896 (1895-1896), 17: 33-35, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note VII. Two new species of the Longicorn genus Pelargoderus.
/ Pelargoderus cincticornis - ID: Borneo,
P. marginipennis . ID: Engano Is. - sp.n. /
c--1896, 18: 205-207, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note. XXIV. Two new species of the Longicorn genus Thermonotus, Gahan.
/ Thermonotus nigripennis - ID: Borneo,
Th. oberthueri - ID: Sumatra - sp.n. /
c--1897, 19: 133-134, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note XII. Description of a new species of the Longicorn genus Glenea.
/ Glenea keili - sp.n. - ID: Sumatra /
---1897, : 376-377, Bulletin du Muséum d'histoire Naturelle, Paris
Supplément à la liste des espèces des genres Zonopterus et Pachyteria (Coléoptčres Longicornes)
de le collection du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris.
---1908, 29: 261-262, Notes from the Leyden Museum
A new longicorn beetle from Borneo.
---1909, 30: 248, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Pachyteria nieuwenhuisii n. sp.
c--1909, 30: 189-190, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Note IX. Pachyteria melancholica, n. sp.
---1911, 34: 4-8, Notes from the Leyden Museum
Two new Sumatran species of longicorn Coleoptera.
c°--2008, web (Madagascar)
Checklist of the Cerambycidae of Madagascar and adjacent islands.
(et COPE James)
---1997, 53 (6): 271-272, L'Entomologiste
[Saperda perforata (Pallas): Its distribution in France (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).]
---1996, 189-192, Real Sociedad Espaňola de Historia Natural. Tomo extraordinario publicado con motivo
del 125 anniversario de du fundacion. 12 Bienal, 11-15 de marzo. Madrid, 1-572 pp.
Una nueva especie de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) del NO de la Peninsula Iberica.
/ I.(Iberodorcadion) lainzgalloi - sp.n. - SP /
---1981, 1: 4-5, Quercus
Un insecto que destruye los eucaliptus espaňoles.
---1954, 26: 211-228, Trudy Zool.ogicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR
Drevogryzushchie lichinki zhukov-usachey (Cerambycidae).
---1846, (2) 4: 33-34, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
Notice sur le Clytus quadripustulatus, Fabr.
---1849, Tip. F. Lao, Palermo
Catalogo dei coleotteri siciliani raccolti e posseduti da Romano Baldassarre.
*ROMANO Francesco P.
---1975, 107 (3-5): 91-92, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Sulla presenza di Phoracantha semipunctata F. in in Sicilia (Col., Cerambycidae).
*ROMANO Marcello
---1995, 19, Suppl.: 581-589, Naturalista siciliano
Coleoptera Cerambycidae.
o--1999(1998), 15(2): 183-185, Biocosme Mésogéen
Nouvelle capture de Aegomorphus krueperi Kraatz 1859 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2007, 31 (3-4).: 241-247, Naturalista siciliano
Nuovi dati sulla presenza in Sicilia di Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
---1989, 13 : 451, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología
Primera cita de Aegosoma scabricorne (Scopoli, 1763) para Santander.
o--1993, 17 (2): 103-122, Boletín de la Asociación Espaňola de Entomología 20/1 (et BAHILLO P.)
Algunas observaciones sobre la distribución y biologia de Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) en la Peninsula Ibérica.
---2002, 197 pp., Argania editio, Barcelona
Iconographia del género Iberodorcadion (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
---1991, 7: 447, Eesti Loodus
(in Estonian)
[Necydalis major – a rare species in Estonia.]
---2003, 100-101, Lepinfo
Uusi ja haruldasi mardikaliike (Coleoptera) Eesti faunas. [New and rare Coleoptera in the Estonian fauna.]
/ Cerambycidae - Notorhina punctata
Melandryidae - Phryganophilus auritus, Abdera biflexuosa, Zilora elongata - 1st rec. - Estonia /
*ROPPEL Joachim
---1998, 33: 59, Mitteilungen entomologischer Verein Stuttgart
195. Parmena balteatus L. (Col., Cerambycidae) - Erstfund fur Deutschland in Freiburg i. Br.
*ROSA de la Juan J.
(Juan J. de la Rosa)
c°--2001, N°29: 100, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Aredolpona erythroptera (Hagenbach, 1822): nuevos registros en la penísula Ibérica (Col.: Cerambycidae)
c°--2003, N°32: 243-244, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Aportacionea a la corología de Phymatoderus pusillus (Fabricius, 1787) en la Penísula Ibérica
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
c°--2004, N°34: 220, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Mesosa curculionoides (Linnaeus, 1761) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) presencia en Extremadura.
c°--2004, N°34: 223, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (et LOPEZ M.A., BAENA M., TOVAR A.C.)
Primeras citas de Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) y A. krueperi (Ganglbauer, 1882) (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae), en Sierra Morena.
c°--2005, N°36: 355-356, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Aportaciones al conocimiento de la fauna de cerambícidos de la Comunidad de Madrid y territorios
limítrofes (II) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
c°--2004, N°34: 223, Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa
Primera cita de Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) para Asturias (Espaňa) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
[First record for Asturias (Spain) of Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).]
---1976, 17: 145-152, Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle „Grgore Antipa“
Ordn. Coleoptera (pars) in L'Entomofaune du nord de la Dobrogea, la zone Macin-Tulcea-Niculitei.
*ROSE J. Luis
---1980, (oct.-dec.): 55-59, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique du Mulhouse
De la coloration de la pilosite scutellaire chez Corymbia (Stictoleptura) scutellata (Fabricius)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1981, (jan.-mars): 8, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Sur la presence en France de Cartallum ebulinum (Linnaeus) 1767 forma typica (=nigricolle Pic 1891)
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cartallini).
---1981, (juilliet-sept.): 37-48, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes et reflexions sur la classification et la nomenclature des coleopteres Cerambycidae de la faune
de France.
---1981, (octobre-dec.): 61-64, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes et reflexions sur la classification et la nomenclature des coleopteres Cerambycidae de la faune
de France (Suite).
---1982, (jan.-mars): 9-14, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes réflexions sur la classification et la nomenclature des Coléopteres Cerambycidae
de la Faune de France. (Suite)
c--1982, (avril-juin): 31-32, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Une morphe nouvelle de Cerambyx miles Bonelli,1812(=militaris Latreille, 1829) longtemps
confondue en France avec Cerambyx dux Faldermann, 1837 (=Hamaticherus intricatus Fairmaire):
morpha duciformis Rose, 1982.
---1982, (juillet-sept.): 43-48, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes et reflexion sur la classification et la nomenclature des Coléopteres Cerambycidae
de la faune de France (suite).
---1983, (janvier-mars): 12-16, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes et reflexions sur la classification et la nomenclature des coleopteres Cerambycidae de la France (suite).
---1983, (juilet-sept.): 43-48, Bulletin de la Sociéte entomologique du Mulhouse
Notes et reflexions sur la classification et la nomenclature de coléopteres Cerambycidae
de la faune de France (suite et fin).
---1847, 1: 1-160, Erlangen
Beytrag ur Insekten-Faunas Europas
---1856, 360 pp., Theodor Blaesing, Erlangen
Die Thiere Andalusiens nach dem Resultate einer Reise zusammengesteltt.
---1974, pp. 345, illustr., A. Wesley Publ. Co., Massachusetts
Biological Systematics
---1790, Vol. 1: 272 pp., Thomae Masi et Sociorum, Liburnii
Fauna Etrusca, sistens insecta, quae in provinciis Florentina et Pisana praesertim collegit.
---1792-1795, : 49-55, Apppendix: 96-99, Pisis, Tip.Polloni
Mantisa insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas a Petro Rossio.
---1794, 4: 1-348,
Mantissa insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas, adjectis faunae Etruscae
illustrationibus ac emendationibus.
c--1891, (2): 309, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift
Brachyta bifasciata Ol. var. caucasica Rost
---1892, 18 (6): 81, Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt
Brachyta bifasciata Oliv. v. caucasica Rost
---1951, 154 pp. (manuscript deposited in MNHN Paris)
A checklist of insects in the Sarawak Museum Collections.
---1893, (6) 12 : 452-456, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (et JORDAN K. )
On some new or little-known species of coleoptera from the East.
/ Rosalia borneensis - sp.n. /
---1980, 116 (1-3): 9-10, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d´Entomologie
Quelque coleopteres de Belgique. 1. Cerambycidae.
---1995, 131 (2): 159-160, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d´Entomologie
[Contribution to the Belgian fauna: Interesting captures of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).]
---2001, 137 (7-12): 106, Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Royale Belge d´Entomologie
Insectes interessants pour la faune Belge.
c--1925, 2:
Addition au travail "Révision des espéces eurasiques du genere Judolia Muls.“, par N.N.Plavilstshikov
c--1928, 2 (3): 40, Entomlogisches Nachrichtenblatt
Beitrag yur Kenntnis von Leptura 4-fasciata L. und maculata Poda.
c--1931, 5 (4): 83-84, Entomlogisches Nachrichtenblatt
Coleopterologische Notizen.
/ Agapanthia simplicicornis ab. heyrovskyi – note /
---1932, 37: 63, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
/ Jebusaea hammerschmidti - Palestina
o--1932, 6: 17-19, Entomlogisches Nachrichtenblatt
Clytus oblitus n. sp.
o--1933, 7 (4): , Entomlogisches Nachrichtenblatt
Zur Variabilität der Saperda populnea L.
o--1936, viii + 434, Bratislava
Katalog Coleoptera (Brouků) Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi, II.
(Rubenjan A.A.)
c--2002, 81 (8): 107-108, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal
(In Russian)
Metodika izgotovleniya preparatov meshka endofallusa predstaviteley semeystva Cerambycidae.
---1935, 22: ?61?, Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie
Die grosse Eichenbock, Cerambyx cerdo L., seine Lebensweise, wirtschaftliche Bedeutung und Bekämpfung.
---1947, pp. 150, Instituto Espaňol de Entomología, CSIC, Madrid
Fauna entomológica de la vid en Espaňa. Estudio sistematico-biologico de las especies
de mayor importancia económica.
---1994, 11 (1): 94, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) (et HERNANDEZ RUIZ J.A., PEREZ LOPEZ F.J.)
/ Second record of Plagionotus scalaris Brulle, 1832 for the Iberian Peninsula (Col., Cerambycidae)./
---1995, 12 (4): 16, Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.)
Nuevos registros de Eupogonocherus Linsley, 1935 (Col., Cerambycidae) en el Norte de Africa.
---1996, 7: 107-108, Zoologica Baetica
Stenurella nigra (Linnaeus, 1758) en la mitad sur la Peninsula Iberica (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
---1998, 22 (1-2): 227-228, Boletin de la Asociacion espaňola de Enomologia
(et BARRANCO Pablo)
Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840, nueva especie plaga para la Region Mediterranea (Col.: Cerambycidae).
[Phoracantha recurva Newman, 1840, a new pest species for the Mediterranean region (Col.: Cerambycidae).]
c--1947, 52 (N°7): 97-101, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France
A propos de quelques coléopteres cérambycides du Maroc.
c---1952, 57: 83-86, Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France (PARTIM)
Notules sur quelques coléopteres cérambycides marocains.
---1952, 32: 67, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc
Contribution a la connaissance des ennemis de l´Arganier.
---2000, Fauna Stavropol'ya, vypusk 10 [Fauna of Stavropol Region, 10] (in Russian)
K izucheniyu fauny zhukov-drovosekov (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) rayona Kavkazskikh Mineral'nikh Vod
(po materialam kollekcii A.P.Runicha). [Contribution to the study of timber-beetles (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) fauna
of the Region of Caucasian Mineral Waters (based on the materials of A.P. Runich collection).]
---1982, 30 (2): 78, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin
Difusion de Phoracantha en el Mediterraneo occidental.
---1936, 4 (1):1-198, Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanice Fennicae Vanamo
Über das Flügelgeäder und die phylogenetische Entwicklung der Cerambyciden.
---1945, 11: 147-149, Annales Zoologicae Fennicae
Tetropium aquilonium Plavilstshikov, ein im Staatgebiet Finnlands bisher unbekannter Bockkäfer
in Enontekö gefunden.
o--1992, 124 (1): 27-32, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
(et PESARINI Carlo)
Due nuove speciedei generi Parmena Latr. e Dorcadion Dalm. apparteneti alla fauna Turca (Col.,Ceram.)
/ P. mutilloides, D. lodosi - sp.n. - TR /
o--1992, 124 (1): 55-64, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
(et PESARINI Carlo)
Note su Purpuricenus budensis (Goeze) e specie affini (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ P. cornifrons - sp.n. - TR, st.n., key /
(Sabol Ondřej)
o--2000, 36: 291-296, Klapalekiana
A contribution to the knowledge of the bionomics of Lioderina linearis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).
o--2006, 42 (1-3): 78, Klapalekiana
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 196. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
/ Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky, 1853 - new adventiv sp. for the CZ /
o--2006, 42 (4): 343-344, Klapalekiana
Faunistic records from the Czech Republic - 218. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
/ Morimus funereus , Cardoria scutellata - CZ: Moravia /
---1984, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Baghdad, Iraq
(in Islamic)
Taxonomic Study of the Longhorn borer Betles (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) of Iraq.
o--1990, 5: 65-66, Boletin del Grupo Entomologico de Madrid
Contribución al conocimiento de Iberodorcadion (Baeticodorcadion) mus (Rosenhauer, 1856)
y ampliación de la distribución de Iberodorcadion (Baeticodorcadion) mucidum (Dalman, 1817)
(Col., Cerambycidae).
*SAGE Bryan
---2004, 13 (1): 26, Coleopterist
Chlorophorus pilosus (Forster) (Cerambycidae) an importation new to Britain.
---2000, 15 (1): 21-25, Plant Protection Quaterly
The insect fauna associated with horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) in western Mediterranenan Europe
and Morocco: potential for biological control in Australia.
---1823, 1: 1-16,
Periculi entomographici, species insectorum nondum descriptas propositur.
---1823, 2: 17-32,
Periculi entomographici, species insectorum nondum descriptas propositur.
---1823, 2: 33-48,
Periculi entomographici, species insectorum nondum descriptas propositur.
---1903 (1902-1903), 45 (N°18): /pp. 35/, Ofvers. finska Vetesk. Soc. Förh. (OFVS)
Coleoptera Levantina mensibus Februario et Martio 1896 in Palestina et Aegypto inferiore collecta.
---1913 (1912-1913), 55 (N°19): /pp. 281/, Afd. A, OFVS
Coleoptera Mediterranea Orientalia quae in Aegypto, Palestina, Syria, Caramania atque Anatolia
occidentali ano 1904 collegerunt John Sahlberg et Unio Saals.
*SAITO Akiko
---1986, pp. 291-296, In: Ueno, S.-I. [Ed.] - Entomological papers presented to Yoshihiko Kurosawa
on the occasion of his retirement. Coleopterists' Association of Japan, Tokyo. 1986: 1-342.
Lectotype designation of Japanese Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) preserved
in the British Museum (Natural History).
o--1990, 18 (2): 231-260, Elytra
Female Reproductive Organs of Cerambycid Beetles from Japan and Neighbouring Areas .
Philini through Atimiini
o--1991, 19 (2): 167-178, Elytra
Female Reproductive Organs of Cerambycid Beetles from Japan and Neighbouring Areas.
Methiini through Callidiopini.
o--1992, 20 (1): 10-118, Elytra
Female Reproductive Organs of Cerambycid Beetles from Japan and Neighbouring Areas.
III. Obriini through Rosaliini
o-- 1993, 21 (1): 3-25, Elytra
Female Reproductive Organs of Cerambycid Beetles from japan and Neighbouring Areas.
IV. Callichromini through Cleomenini
o--1993, 21 (2): 199-216, Elytra
Female Reproductive Organs of Cerambycid Beetles from Japan and Neighbouring Areas.
V. General Consideration.
o--1994, (1): 227-228, Natural History Research Special Issue
Records of some Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from the Northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia
o--1995, 23 (2): 159-165, Elytra
Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Northern Vietnam. I.
A New Species of the Genus Pidonia (Lepturinae)
/P.(Cryptopidonia) insperata - sp.n. - VN /
---1999, 27 (1): 36-41, Elytra
Cerambycid beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from northern Vietnam. II.
A new species of the genus Bacchisa (Lamiinae, Astathini).
/ Bacchisa (Bacchisa) kusamai - sp.n. - VN: Son La Prov. /
---1999, 27 (1): 36-41, Elytra
An exact record of Callidium violaceum (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Honshu, Japan.
---2000, N°7: 133-140, Natural History Research Special Issue
Preliminary list of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) collected from the Kamchatka Penisula
and North Kuril Islands in 1996-1997.
/ new record /
---2000, 36: 287-294, Memoirs of the National Science Museum, Tokyo
Longhorn beetles found in the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan (Coleoptera).
o--2003, No 6: 369-374, Special Bulletin of the japanese Society of Coleopterology (et SAITO S.)
A New Species of the Genus Pidonia (Coleoptera, Lepturinae) from Laos.
*SAITO Shusei
c°--1979, (3): 211-218, Bulletin Osaka Jonan Women´s Junior College
Two new species of the genus Pidonia (Col., Cerambycidae) from the central part of Taiwan.
/ Pidonia pilushana, major - sp.n. - TW /
c°--1980, 48 (2): 291-298, Kontyu
Two new cerambycid beetles of the genus Pidonia Mulsant from Central Taiwan.
/ Pidonia (Mumon) bivittata – sp.n. – TW: Pilu-shemus
Pidonia (Mumon) confusa – sp.n. – TW /
---1986, (11): 37-48, Sayabane, Tokyo
(et SAITO Akiko)
Studies on the local variation of Pidonia II. Tsushima Islands.
(In Jap.)
o--1988, (3): 119-125, Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology (et SAITO Akiko)
A New Pidonia from the Tsushima Islands (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Pidonia tsushimana - sp.n. - JP /
---1989, 17 (2): 193-199, Elytra
(et SAITO Akiko)
A new Pidonia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from the Hokuriku district, central Japan.
---1992, (2): 12-17, Acta Coleopterologica Japonica
A New Pidonia from the Kanoth Mountains and its two Relatives from Siberia.
o--1992, (2): 18-25, Acta Coleopterologica Japonica
A new Pidonia from Mt. Misen and its Cohabitans.
/ Pidonia misenina - sp.n. - JP /
(et SAITO Akikko)
(Saiz de Omeňaca J.A.)
---1991, 17 (3): 407-422, Bol. sanid veg. Plagas
Presencia de Phoracantha semipunctata Fabr. sobre Eucalyptus globulus Labill. en Cantabria (Espaňa).
---1981, 259 pp., Hoikusha ed., Osaka
(in Japanese)
Insects of the World, Southeast Asia II including Australia.
---1993, 13: 9-12, Entomological Journal of Fukui
(in Japanese)
/ Discovery of Merionoeda formosana septentrionalis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Fukui Pref.,
central Honshu, with its distributional notes. /
o--1997, 8 (3): 154-163, Japanese Society of Enviromental Enomology and Zoology (et IWATA R.,YAMANE A. Y.)
Performance of traps with attracting chemicals in faunal monitoring of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera:
Disteniidae et Cerambycidae) in a broad-leaved decidious forest.
o--1997, 25 (2): 271-278, Elytra
Temporal change in the number of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, cerambycidae) captured on flowers
at the intervals of three hours over six days.
o--1998, 3: 221-224, J.For. Res.
Performances of Four Chemicals with Floral Scents as Attractants for Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae) in Broadleaved Forest.
---1965, 13: 70-151, Satsuma
(in Japanese)
Longicorn beetles of Kagoshima Prefecture.
(et SHIMA H.)
---1993, 50 (2): 229-243, Res.Bull.Coll.Exp.Forest.Hokkaido Univ.
/ Fauna Cerambycidae okolí jezera Shumarinai v experimentálním lese university Hokkaido. /
---1907, 1 p. ???
Aromia moschata v. laevicollis nov.
---1974, 42 (2): 171-181, JEB
The taxonomic status of Cerambyx dux Faldermann and miles Bonelli (Col., Cerambycidae).
---1991, :221-225, Fauna i ekolog. zhestokrylych Belorussii, Inst. zool. AN Belorus.SSR, Minsk
Faunisticheskij spisok zhukov-drovosekov (Col., Cerambycidae) Belorussii.
---1870, p. 1-44, Impr. Juste, Madrid
Apuntes parta la geografica y fauna entomológicas de Mataró
*SAMA Gianfranco
c--1975, 30 (1-4): 46-53, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Su alcuni interessanti cerambicidi della fauna italiana (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1977, 109 (4-6): 66-74, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Un nuovo Isotomus Italiano: Isotomus barabarae sp.n. (II Contributo alla conoscenza dei Col. Cerambyc.).
c--1978, 33 (1-4): 66-70, Bolletino Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Nota sinonimica sul genere Pogonocherus Zett.
o--1978, 5: 369-379, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
Schurmannia sicula n. gen. e n.sp. di Cerambycidae di Sicula.
c--1978, 5: 505-513, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
Una nuova specie di Agapanthia Serville di Macedonia (Col.: Cerambycidae).
/ Agapanthia schurmanni - sp.n. - GR: Macedonia: Aetos /
---1979, 33 (1-4): 1-2, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Endemisi italiani. Rhopalopus siculus Stierlin (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1979, 5: 43-45, Instituto Municipial de Ciencias Naturales Miscellanea Zoologica 20/2 (et SCHURMANN P.)
Descrizione di Acanthocinus hispanicus n. sp. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
c--1980, 7 (1-3): 189-230, Animalia
Coleotteri Cerambicidi di Sicilia
o--1981, 36 (1-4): 1-2, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia 20/1
Endemismi italiani 23, Grammoptera viridipennis Pic, 1893 (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1981 (1980-1981), 83: 473-522, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale „Giacomo Doria“
Materiali per una fauna dei Cerambycidae d´Italia.
/ Agap. dahli malmerensi – ssp.n. – IT, Pogonocherus eugenie, ssp. taygetanus /
o--1982 (1980), 35 (1-4): 61-65, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia 20/1 (et BASSETTI Luigi)
Note su alcuni Cerambycidae interessanti della fauna Italiana.
o--1982 (1980), 35: 66-70, Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Pogonocherus sturani n. sp. di Spagna (Col.,Cerambycidae)
o°--1982, 16 (2): 205-227, Fragmenta Entomologica, Roma
Contributo allo studio dei coleotteri Cerambycidae di Grecia e Asia Minore.
/ Vadonia bolognai, Trichoferus sbordonii, Molorchus juglandis – sp.n. – TR /
c--1983, 38 (1-4): , Bolletino dell'Associazione Romana di Entomologia
Endemisi italiani 25. Schurmannia sicula
c°--1983, 17 (1): 139-150, Fragmenta Entomologica, Roma
Vesperus conicicollis sp. nuova per la fauna italiana e note sulle sp. italiane
c--1983, 10: 407-423, Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 20/1
Materiali per una revisione del genere Leiopus Serville con decrizione di L. settei n. sp.
della regione Veronese (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
c--1983, 4: 51-65, Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale
"Trichferus machadoi" n. sp. delle Isole Canarie.
c--1984, 9 (1): 67-72, Lavori della Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali, Venezia
Materiali per una Fauna dei Cerambycidae d´Italia. II. nota.
o--1984, 2: 1-6, Giornale italiano di Entomologia
Materiali per una Fauna dei Cerambycidae d´Italia. III. Revisione dei tipi della Collezione P.Rossi.
/ Lectotypus stated - Parmena unifasciata
LT+ Paralectotyp.- Phymatodes lividus
Neotypus stated - Vesperus luridus, Dorcadion etruscum, Calamobius filum /
c--1984, 5: 205-230, Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale
Studi sul genere „Parmena“Latreille, 1829 (Col., Cerambycidea).
(Prima parte)
o--1985, 10: 65-67, Lavori della Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali, Venezia
Exocentrus ritae n.sp. della Turchia orientale.
---1985, 10: 109-119, BMNV
I cerambicidi parassiti dell´Abies alba (Mill.) ssp. apennina Giacbbe con particolare riguardo
alle specie di Romagna.
o--1985, S IV, 9 (1-4): 19-21, Il Naturalista siciliana
Alcuni Cerambicidi poco noti o nuovi per la fauna di Sicilia (Coleoptera - Cerambycidae).
c--1985, 5: 69-84, Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale
Studi sul genere "Parmena" Latrtreille, 1829 (Col., Cerambycidae). (Seconda parte)
c--1985, 2 (3): 97-104, Biocosme Mésogén
Descripition de Grammoptera baudii sp.n. de Chypre, et de Delagrangeus schurmanni sp.n.
des Iles Canaries (Col., Cerambycidae).
o--1986 (1985), 7: 223-230, Gortania
Su alcuni interessanti Cerambicidi del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
c--1986, 1 (2): 23-24, ACOL
Studi sul genere „Parmena“ Latreille, 1829. III. P. slamai n.sp. di Creta (Col., Cerambycidae).
c--1987, 4 (1): 43-64, Biocosme Mésogéen
Note préliminaire pour une faune des longicornes de l´Afrique-du-Nord.
c--1988, XXXVI + 216 pp., Ed. Calderini, Bologna
Fauna d´Italia. XXVI. Coleoptera Cerambycidae. Catalogo topografico e sinonimico.
c--1988, 14 (5): 121-125, Steenstrupia (Zoological Museum Universty of Copenhagen)
Phytoecia flavipes (Fabricius, 1801) a valid species, not synonym of Ph. rufipes (Olivier, 1795).
o--1988, 39 (5): 45-52, MOBO ------------ see Baronio Piero
o--1990, 46 (6): 287-289, L'Entomologiste
Description d´un Certallum nouveau de l´Afrique du Nord (Col.,Cerambycidae).
/ C. martini - sp.n. - MA /
o--1992 (1991), 123 (2): 121-128, Bolletino della Societá entomologica italiana
Note sulla nomenclatura dei Cerambycidae della Regione mediterranea (Coleoptera).
o--1992, 1: 19-25, Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna
(et BOCCHINI Raffaele)
Asemum tenuicorne Kraatz, 1879 specie nuova per la Romagna e per la fauna Italiana.
o--1992, 8 (4)-9(1): 395-400, Biocosme Mésogéen
Note sur les longicornes de la Penisule Iberique avec description d´une nouvelle epece
de Trichoferus (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Trichoferus magnanii sp.n., Parmena meregallii comb.n.,
Agapanthia asphodeli (=A. reyi Muls.&God.) /
c--1992, 48 (4): 191-196, L'Entomologiste
Revision des types de la Collection M. Pic. II. Callidiini de l´Anatolie (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Callidium syriacum Pic, 1892 - stat.n.
Ropalopus sculpturatus Pic, 1931 - stat. n. /
c--1992, 92 (1): 35-45, Lambillionea
Materiali per una fauna dei Cerambycidae del Nord Africa. Revisione di alcuni tipi di Phytoeciini.
c--1992, 92 (4): 297-307, Lambillionea
Descrizione di nuovi Cerambycidae dell´Isola di Cipro.
c--1992, 19 (36): 25-27, Boll.Banca popl.Em. Romagna
Entomologi ed entomologia in Romagna.
o--1993, 10 (1): 7-15, Biocosme Mésogéen
Notes sur les Xylosteini Reitter (Col., Cerambyc.)
c--1993, 93 (3): 278-294, Lambillionea
Revisione dei generi Saphanus Serville, 1834 e Drymochares Mulsant, 1847
/ Saphanus and Drymochares - key
S. piceus bartolonii - ssp.n. - GR
D. starcki ivani - ssp.n. - TR: Abant
D. starcki cavazuttii - ssp.n. - TR bor.or. /
o--1993, 93 (4): 470-474, Lambillionea
Due nuovi Cerambycidae di Israele (Col., Cerambyc.)
/ Corymbia benjamini, Agapanthia orbachi - sp.n. - IL /
o--1993, 76 (1): 17-37, Redia
Contributo alla conoscenza della entomofauna del Parco Naturale della Maremba. III. (Col.,Ceramb.).
/ Pogonocherus marcoi - sp.n. - IT /
o--1993, 10 (2): 19-29, Biocosme Mésogéen
Les Pogonocherus de l´Afrique du Nord et des iles atlantiques avec description d´une nouvelle
espece du Maroc (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
/ Pogonocherus pesarinii - sp.n - MA ./
c--1993, 63: 293-297, Koleopterologische Rundschau
Notes on Neomusaria Plavilstshikov, 1928 with description of a new species from Turkey.
/ Neomusaria waltli Sama, 1991- replacement name
Neomusaria pauliraputii sp.n. - TR /
c--1994, 94 (1): 9-13, Lambillionea
Cerambycidae nuovi o poco noti del Mediterraneo orientale (Col., Cerambycidae).
/ Anastrangalia montana steineri - ssp.n. - GR:Cr
Necydalis sabatinellii - sp.n. - TR
Parmena lukati - sp.n. - TR /
o--1994, 94 (3):321-334, Lambillionea
Note sulla nomenclatura dei Cerambycidae della Regione Mediterranaea. II.
Revisione di alcuni tipi di Kraatz, v. Heyden e Stierlin.(Col., Cerambyc.)
/Aegomorphus francottei - sp.n. - Turanoclytus g.n./
o--1994, 94 (4): 553-558, Lambillionea
Descrizione di Parmena striatopunctata n.sp. della Turchia nord orientale e note sul genere
Delagrangeus Pic, 1892 (Col., Cerambycidae).
/P.striatopunctata - sp.n. - TR
D.(s.str.) angustissimus troodi - ssp.n. - CY
D.(Gertius) subg. n. /
o--1994, 11 (2): 31-36, Biocosme Mésogéen
Notes sur les Helladia Fairmaire, 1864 du groupe pretiosa Faldermann avec description
d´une nouvelle race d´Irak (Col.,Ceramb.,Lamiinae,Phytoeciini)
/ Helladia pretiosa ninives - ssp.n. - IQ /
o--1994, 11 (2): 37-47, Biocosme Mésogéen
Deuxieme note sur les Cerambycidae de Chypre. Revision de la colection du Department of Agriculture
de Chypre avec description d´un nouveau Leiopus Serville et de deux Trichoferus Wollaston du Ciste
(Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
/ Trichoferus antonioui - sp.n. - CY
Tr. berberidis - sp.n. - GR:Cr
Leiopus andreae - sp.n. - CY
Agapantiha nicosiensis - b. sp. - CY /
o--1994, 8: 29-33, Elytron
Note sul genere Molorchus Fabricius, 1792 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
o--1994, 50 (3): 169-

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