eu-standard - Service Credit Union


eu-standard - Service Credit Union
Cross-Border (EMZ2) Euro Transfer Request
EU-Standard Transfer Request /EU-Standardüberweisung
Only for amounts up to 12,500 Euro into other EU-states. Member is responsible for all fees from Service Credit Union, the Payee is
responsible for all remaining fees Nur für Beträge bis 12.500 Euro in andere EU-Staaten. Überweisender trägt Entgelte und Auslagen
bei Service Credit Union, Begünstigter trägt die übrigen Entgelte und Auslagen
Payee: / Begünstigter: Name,Vorname
BIC (Bank Identification Code) of the financial institution / BIC des Kreditinstituts des Begüngstigten
Amount / Betrage: Euros, Cents
Customer Ref. No (transfer details) - for payee / Kunden-Referenznummer - Verwendungszweck, ggf. Name und Anschrift des Überweisended - (nur für Begünstigten)
Additional details / noch Verwendungszweck
Member: Name, First Name / Kontoinhaber: Name,Vorname
Member’s BLZ No. / BLZ des Kto.-Inhab.
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) for the Payee / IBAN des Begünstigten
Member’s acct. No / Kto.-Nr. Des Kto.-Inhab.
1 1
Date & Signature / Datum, Unterschrift
Branch EMZ Step 2 Disclosure
Requests received by Service Credit Union (SCU) before 14:00 Central European Time (CET) on a U.S. business day will normally be processed the same business day.
Requests received after 14:00 CET will normally be processed the next business day.
I understand that the dollar equivalent of the One-Time EMZ Step 2 Payment local currency amount will be deducted from my account to initiate the transfer of payment,
along with any transfer fees or fees associated with the transfer of the payment. Should SCU, at its sole discretion, attempt a One-Time EMZ Step 2 Payment transfer or
transfer fee posting against insufficient funds, normal overdraft charges will be debited from my account as currently applicable. I agree not to hold SCU liable if other
items are returned due to insufficient funds.
If a transfer is effected in accordance with the details provided in this electronic request and authorization, I agree not to hold SCU liable for any subsequent delays in
posting by any intermediary bank or beneficiary. If a Beneficiary is identified by name and an identifying or account number, payments made to a Beneficiary might be
made on the basis of an identifying or account number, even if the number identified is a person different than the named Beneficiary. If an EMZ Step 2 request indicates
any bank in the funds transfer by name and by a routing/transfer or other identifying number, a receiving bank might rely on that number as the proper identification, even
if it identifies a bank different from the named bank.
I understand that it is my sole responsibility to ensure and verify that the information I have provided to SCU is correct, complete
and legible. Should I provide SCU with incorrect information , I agree not to hold SCU liable for transfers sent to the incorrect bank,
account, or receiver. I understand that SCU will not be able to recall or request return of the funds due to incorrect information.
In the event that any beneficiary or intermediary bank returns any portion of the funds from this One-Time EMZ Step 2 Payment transfer, as in the case of an
overpayment or inaccurate information, SCU will, upon receipt of funds, credit my account with the net amount resulting from the reconversion of the local currency at
the reconversion exchange rate in effect on the business date when the funds are returned.
In all instances above, “business day” or business date” refers to United States business days/dates.
FM 08-41 REVISED 3/11
Live Person Service 24/7 • • 00800.4728.2000 (Int’l) • 800.936.7730 (U.S.)

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