CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data 2. Current Positions 3


CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data 2. Current Positions 3
1. Personal Data
Christoph Andreas MEIER
Date and Place of Birth: March 16, 1962; Basel, Switzerland
Swiss (BS & ZH)
Professional Address:
Chief Medical Officer
University Hospital Basel
Spitalstrasse 22
CH-4051 Basel
Tel +41 61 328 7374
2. Current Positions
since March 2016 Chief Medical Officer, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland
since 2005 Professor ("professeur associé"; since 2014 under the new law of the University for external collaborators
'professeur titulaire'), Medical Faculty, University of Geneva, Switzerland
since 2008 Editor-in-Chief, Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology (IF 4.9), Elsevier Publishers,
Oxford U.K.
since 2009 Board of Directors, Novartis Venture Fund, Basel & Boston, USA
since 2015 Appraisal Committee, Swiss Medical Board, Bern
3. Diplomas and Academic Titles
3.1. Education
1973 - 1981
3.2. Diplomas, Licenses
1995 - 1998
2006 - 02.2016
3.3. Academic Titles
1998 - 2001
1999 - 2004
2004 - 2005
Classical School ("Humanistisches Gymnasium"); Basel, Switzerland (type B)
Swiss Federal Medical Diploma, University of Basel Medical School, Switzerland
ECFMG Certificate No 0-416-903-3, USA
Limited License 95-2026-98, Massachusetts Board of Registration, USA
Board Certification (FMH) in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology & Diabetology,
Expert in radioprotection for open sources for the medical applications of radioactive
substances, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Medical License, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Medical License, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
M.D. Thesis (‘Viability testing of radioactively labeled human granulocytes'),
Prof. Helmut Mäcke, Division of Nuclear Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland
SCORE A ('Maître d'enseignement et de recherche suppléant'),
Div. of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Dept. of Medicine, University Hospital Geneva
Privat-Docent ('Regulation of gene expression by PPARs'),
Medical Faculty, University of Geneva (UniGE), Switzerland
Chargé de cours, Medical Faculty, UniGE
Christoph A. Meier
2005 - current
Associate Professor of Medicine (2005-2014 'professeur associé',
>2014 'professeur titulaire' under the new law of the university), Medical Faculty, University of
4. Pregraduate Training
Research Assistant Dept. of Physics, ETH, Zurich and Arosa
Medical School, University of Basel, Switzerland
5. Professional Activities
1988 - 1990
1990 - 1991
1991 - 1992
1992 - 1995
1995 - 1998
1996 - 1998
1998 - 2006
1998 - 2001
2001 - 2006
2006 - 02.2016
Postgraduate Course in Experimental Medicine and Biology;
University of Zurich Medical School (Prof. J. Zapf) and
Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland (Prof. P. Walter)
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institutes of Health, NIDDK,
Molecular, Cellular and Nutritional Endocrinology Branch; Bethesda, MD, USA
Visiting Associate, National Institutes of Health, NIDDK,
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Branch; Bethesda, MD, USA
Medical Resident, Medical Clinic II (Prof. F. Waldvogel),
University Hospital Geneva (HUG), Switzerland
Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Molecular Endocrinology, HUG
Clinical Fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Physician Fellow, Endocrine Division,
Massachusetts General Hospital, and Division of Genetics, Brigham and
Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston (75%).
Chief Resident, Medical Clinic II (Prof. F. Waldvogel), HUG (25%)
Attending Physician, Medical Clinics I and II (Profs. A-F. Junod and F Waldvogel)
Attending Physician, Div. of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Nutrition, HUG
Head, Endocrine Unit, Div. of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Nutrition, HUG
Chief, Department of Internal Medicine & Specialties, Triemli Hospital, Zürich,
Switzerland and Member of the Board of Directors of the Triemli Hospital
6. Teaching
6.1. University of Geneva
1998 - 2006
1998 - 2006
1998 - 2006
1998 - 2006
2000 - 2006
2003 - 2006
2003 - 2007
2007 - current
2007 - current
2007 - current
6.2. University of Zurich
2006 - current
Yearly Course 'Internal Medicine' (24 hours/y)
Yearly Course 'Thyroid disorders' (10 hours/y)
Yearly Course 'Diabetes' (6 hours/y)
Internal Medicine Seminars for medical students (12 hours/y)
Yearly Course 'Introduction to Internal Medicine' (16 hours/y)
Yearly Course 'Introduction to Gynecology' (6 hours/y)
Programme Director for the optional study modules (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years)
Programme Director for the optional study modules (4th and 5th years)
Participation in the module 'Obesity: metabolic, clinical and social aspects'
(coordinator: Prof. F. Rohner-Jeanrenaud)
Teaching of medical students during their Elective in Internal
Medicine at the Triemli Hospital
Clinical course in Internal Medicine (VVZ-Nr. 0663)
Endocrine Tumorboard (VVZ-Nr. 1026)
Electives in Internal Medicine
6.3. Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education
1994 - 2005
Lecturer, Postgraduate Course in Experimental Medicine and Biology,
University of Zurich Medical School
Christoph A. Meier
2006 - current
2013 - current
Organisation of the weekly Medical Grand Rounds, EBM-Seminars, Journal Club and
Clinical Pathological Conferences at the Triemli Hospital, Zurich
Lecturer, CAS in Health Care Management, college-M, Berne
6.4. Paramedical
2001 - 2006
2001 - 2006
Endocrinology for dieticians
Endocrine Emergencies for nurses
6.5. Supervisor of examinations
1998 - 2006
Final Examinations for Medical students
2000 - 2005
Examinations for Board Certification (FMH) in Endocrinology and Diabetology
2005 - current
Examination for Board Certification (FMH) in Internal Medicine
6.6. Committees
2003 - 2006
2003 - 2006
2003 - 2006
2005 - 2006
Member of the Programme Committee for the 4th-6th year of medical studies (UniGE)
President, Committee for the optional activities for medical students (2nd - 5th year; UniGE)
President of the working group for the coordination of teaching
in endocrinolgy and diabetes (UniGE)
Member of the Committee for the reform of the Federal Examination
in Internal Medicine (UniGE)
Member of the committee for the reform of the medical curriculum according to the
Bologna model (UniGE)
7. Research Activities
- Metabolic control of inflammation (Member of the Competence Center for Systems Physiology and Metabolic
Diseases, CC-SPMD of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)
- Cost-effective utilization of diagnostic tools & Shared-decision Making
8. Administrative Boards
1999 - 2001
1999 - 2002
2002 - 2006
2002 - current
2003 - 2006
2003 - 2006
2004 – 2006
2004 – 2006
2008 - current
Full Member of the Council of the University of Geneva ('Conseil de l'Université')
Steering Committee, Fonds Wilsdorf, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Geneva
Member of the Dean's Working Group on the future of diabetes,
endocrinology and metabolism (GeMet)
Scientific Council of the Swiss Orphanet (UniGE
Member of three Committees for Clinical Research:
Dean's committee, committee of the Dept. of Internal Medicine, and research committee
of the Dept. of Primary Care Medicine; all UniGE
Member of the M.D.-Ph.D. Programme Committee, Medical faculty, UniGE
Member of the Task force ‘Metabolism’ within the programme ‘Science, Vie & Société’
of the rectorate (Universities of Geneva, Lausanne and the EPFL)
Member of the Council of the Clinical Section, Medical Faculty, UniGE
Member of the Swiss Fluoride-Iodine Committee (Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences)
9. Distinctions
Development Award form the Swiss Academy for Medical Science
Scholarship Award from the University of Zurich for the Postgraduate Course in
Experimental Medicine and Biology
Fellowship Award from the Swiss National Science Foundation
Guest Lecturer at the National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, Bethesda, USA
Prix Bizot, Award for Medical Research, University of Geneva
European Merck von Basedow Research Price, German Endocrine Society
Award of the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine
Howard Hughes Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award for Physicians
Christoph A. Meier
since 2007
Investigator Award (SCORE A) of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Albert Reynold Lecture, Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetes
Prix Pfizer in Clinical Immunology
Member of the Ludwig Heilmeyer Gesellschaft für Fortschritte in der inneren Medizin
10. Membership in Professional Societies
1988 - current
1989 - current
1993 - current
1993 - 1998
1995 - 1998
1995 - 1998
1997 - current
1999 - 2006
2001 - 2006
2002 - 2006
2006 - current
2006 - current
2006 - current
2006 - current
Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (FMH)
Swiss Endocrine Society (SGED-SSED)
Endocrine Society, USA
European Thyroid Association (ETA)
American Association for Clinical Endocrinology (AACE)
Massachusetts Medical Society
Swiss Society for Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Geneva Medical Association (AMG)
Society of staff physicians of the University Hospitals Geneva ('AMAHUG')
French Society of Endocrinology (SFE)
American College of Physician (ACP)
Zurich Medical Association (AGZ)
Swiss Association of Staff Physicians (VLSS)
Zurich Association of Internists (ZVI)
11. Official Functions
2001 - 2009
2001 - 2006
2002 - 2006
2002 - current
2003 - 2005
2006 - 2009
2006 - current
2009 - current
2014 - current
2014 - current
2015 – current
Member, Council of the Swiss Endocrine Society ('SSED')
Delegate of the SSED at the FMH for Guidelines in Endocrinology and Diabetology
Delegate of the SSED at the Commission for Postgraduate Formation of the FMH
Commission for the Board Examination FMH in Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Vice-president, Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetes ('SSED')
President, Swiss Society for Endocrinology and Diabetes
Member of the Board of Directors; Triemli Hospital Zurich
Board of Directors, Novartis Venture Fund, Basel, Switzerland
Scientific Advisory Board, Clinical Research Center,
University & University Hospitals of Geneva
Scientific Advisory Board, Private Foundation of the
University Hospitals of Geneva
Appraisal Committee, Swiss Medical Board
12. Expert Panels and Editorial Activities
12.1. Expert Panels
2001 - current
2001 - current
2003 - 2005
2005 - current
Thesis expert, Faculty of Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Consultant Endocrinology for American Telemedicine
Consultant for Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
Expert Panel, Environmental Endocrine Disrupters,
Environmental Protection Agency, USA
Thesis Expert, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lausanne
Thesis Expert, Medical Faculty, Marseille, France
Expert for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Counsil, U.K.
Thesis Expert, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lausanne
Reviewer for M.D. Theses; UniGE
Expert for the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant review)
Member, Programme Organizing Committee for the European Congress of
Endocrinology in Goetheborg in 2005
External expert, Medical Research Council, Australia
Expert for the Agence Nationale de Recherche, France
Christoph A. Meier
2005 - 2006
2006 - current
2007 - 2008
2007 - current
2009 - 2013
2013 - 2014
Member, Programme Organizing Committee for the European Congress of
Endocrinology in Glasgow in 2006
Member of the Steering board for medications of the City hospitals of Zurich
Member of the Scientific Committee for the annual congress of the
French Endocrine Society, Lille 2008
Expert for the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel (promotions)
Consultant for Debiopharm, Luasanne, Switzerland
Ph.D. Thesis advisory committee, ETH Zurich (B. Meersburger)
Ph.D. Thesis opponent; University of Goetheborg, Sweden
Swissmedic – Human Medicines Expert Committee
Ph.D. Thesis advisory committee, ETH Zurich (F. Möst)
Nomination committee for Dr. Micheline Louis-Courvoisier
(promotion to associate professor), University of Geneva Medical School
Expert for the Swiss Medical Board
12.2. Editorial and Reviewing Activities
1995 - 2001
Highlights Editor, European Journal of Endocrinology
2002- 2007
Editor, Baillière’s Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
2004 - current
Editorial Board, Revue Médicale Suisse
2008 - current
Editor-in-Chief; Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology
& Metabolism (Elsevier, IF 4.9)
2012 - current
Editor, Therapeutische Umschau
12.3. Reviewer for the following Journals:
Age & Ageing
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Arthritis Research
Clinical Drug Investigation
Clinical Endocrinology
European Journal of Endocrinology
FASEB Journal
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Jounal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Journal of Pathology
Molecular Cellular Endocrinology
Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism
Swiss Medical Weekly
13. Research Grants
13.1 Principal Investigator
1992 - 1995
Swiss National Science Foundation (grant # 32-33568.92)
Modulation of thyroid hormone action in peripheral tissues
1993 - 1995
Swiss Cancer Society (# FOR407)
Expression of c-erbA thyroid hormone receptor subtypes in human cancer
1996 - 1999
Collaborative Research Agreement with Boehringer Ingelheim International:
Phosphorylation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
1996 - 1998
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (#808331):
Interaction of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors with other
nuclear proteins
Christoph A. Meier
1998 - 2001
2001 - 2004
2004 - 2005
2004 - 2005
2004 - current
Swiss National Science Foundation SCORE A (#3231-51 957.97) and
Research Grant (#3200-52 192.97)
Signal transduction pathways and hormonal cross-talk in developing and
mature adipocytes: Role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
Helmut Horton Foundation
Importance of Co-Activator Molecules for Nuclear Hormone Receptors:
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into insulin-sensitive cells and tissues
Novartis Foundation (#99B31)
Regulation of the expression of PPARs in the colon: A nutritional link to
colon cancer
Swiss National Science Foundation (#3200-064078.01)
until November 2001: SCORE A (#3231-51 957.97/2)
PPARs and leptin as metabolic and immunological regulators
Academic Society Geneva (# 2001/102)
Signaling mechanisms of leptin
Fondation Ernest Boninchi, Rectorat University of Geneva
Production of chemokines by adipose tissue and the impact on cardiovascular disease
Fondation Ernst et Lucie Schmidheiny
Impact of adipokines on cadiovascular disease and metabolism
Swiss National Science Foundation, 3200B0-103618/1
Adipose tissue as a regulator of inflammation
13.2 Co-Principal Investigator
1993 - 1998
Swiss National Science Foundation (#3200-037536.93)
Thyroid hormone action and metabolism
14. Patents
1. U.S. Provisional Patent Application for:
by Meier C.A. and Dayer J.-M.
Application no. 60/403,566, filed on 13 August 2002.
15. Supervision of theses and diplomas
1996 - 1997
1997 - 1998
1997 - 2000
1998 - 2000
1998 - 2002
1999 - 2002
2000 - 2002
2000 - 2006
2000 - 2006
Director, Diploma in Biochemistry of Véronique Pauli
Director, Diploma in Biochemistry of Eva Hammar
Co-director, Ph.D. thesis Nathalie Lameloise
Co-director, M.D. thesis of Anne Brawand
Director, Ph.D. thesis of Magali G. Dreyer
Director, M.D. thesis of Alexandra Calmy
Director, Diploma in Biochemistry of Lynne Salomon
Co-director, M.D. thesis of P. Kohler
Director, Ph.D. thesis of Emmanuel Somm
Director M.D. thesis of Silvia Richner
Christoph A. Meier
Bibliography (IF = impact factor)
1. Original papers (peer-reviewed journals)
1. Coleman R.E., Meier C.A., Rubens R.D., Fogelman I.: Comparison of 99mTc-labelled MDP
and DMAD bone scanning agents in patients with advanced breast cancer.
Nuclear Medicine Communications 9 (7): 481-485 (1988)
IF 1.2
2. Meier C.A., Fabbro D., Meyhack I., Hemmings B., Olbrecht U., Jakob A., Walter P.:
Effect of hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone replacement on the level of protein kinase C
and protein kinase A in rat liver.
FEBS Letters 282 (2): 397-400 (1991)
IF 3.7
3. Raederstorff D., Meier C.A., Moser U., Walter P.: Hypothyroidism and thyroxin substitution affect
the n-3 fatty acid composition of rat liver mitochondria.
Lipids 26 (10): 781-787 (1991)
IF 2.0
4. Meier C.A., Dickstein B.M., Ashizawa K., McClaskey J.H., Muchmore P., Ransom S.C., Menke J.B.,
Hao E.H., Usala S.J., Bercu B.B., Cheng S.Y., Weintraub B.D.: Variable transcriptional activity
and ligand binding of mutant beta 1 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine receptors from four families with
generalized resistance to thyroid hormone.
Molecular Endocrinology 6 (2): 248-258 (1992)
IF 7.6
5. Meier C.A., Maisey M.N., Lowry A., Müller J., Smith M.A.: Interindividual differences in the
pituitary-thyroid axis influence the interpretation of thyroid function tests.
Clinical Endocrinology 39 (1): 101-107 (1993)
IF 2.8
6. Meier C.A., Parkison C., Chen A., Ashizawa K., Meier-Heusler S.C., Muchmore P., Cheng S.-Y.,
Weintraub B.D.: Interaction of human beta1 thyroid hormone receptor and its mutants with DNA
and retinoid X receptor alpha: T3 response element-dependent dominant negative potency.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 92 (10): 1986-1993 (1993)
IF 14
7. Meier C.A., Braverman L.E., Ebner S.A., Daniels G.H., Ross D.S., Daraska D., Davies T.F.,
Valentine M., DeGroot L., Curran P., McEllin K., Reynolds J., Robbins J., Weintraub B.D.:
Diagnostic use of recombinant human thyrotropin in patients with thyroid carcinoma.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 78 (1), 188-196 (1994)
IF 5.8
8. Meier-Heusler S.C., Zhu X., Juge-Aubry C., Pernin A., Burger A.G., Cheng S.-y., Meier C.A.:
Modulation of thyroid hormone action by mutant thyroid hormone receptors, c-erbAalpha2 and
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor: Evidence for different mechanisms of inhibition.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 107 (1): 55-66 (1995)
IF 2.4
9. Juge-Aubry C., Gorla A., Pernin A., Lemberger T., Wahli W., Burger A.G., Meier C.A.:
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor mediates cross-talk with thyroid hormone receptor by
competition for retinoid X receptor: Possible role of a leucine zipper-like heptad repeat.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 270 (30): 18117-18122 (1995)
IF 7.7
10. Meier-Heusler S., Pernin A.,Liang H., Goumaz M.O., Burger A.G., Meier C.A.:Quantitation of
tau1 triiodothyronine receptor mRNA in human tissues by competitive reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction.
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 18 (10): 767-773 (1995)
IF 1.0
11. Shalev A., Siegrist-Kaiser C.A., Yen P.M., Wahli W., Burger, A.G., Chin W.W., Meier C.A.:
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha is a phosphoprotein:Regulation by insulin.
Endocrinology 137 (10): 4499-4502 (1996)
IF 5.4
12. Lemberger T., Braissant O., Juge-Aubry C., Keller H., Saladin R., Staels B., Auwerx J.,
Burger A.G., Meier C.A., Wahli W.: PPAR tissue distribution and interactions with other
hormone-signaling pathways.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 804: 231-251 (1996)
IF 1.9
13. Huber-Gieseke T., Pernin A., Huber O., Burger A.G., Meier C.A.: Lack of loss of heterozygosity
at the c-erbA beta locus in gastrointestinal tumors.
Oncology 54 (3): 214-219 (1997). See erratum 54 (5): 370 (1997).
IF 3.0
14. Juge-Aubry C., Pernin A., Favez T., Burger, A.G., Wahli W., Meier C.A., Desvergne B.: DNA
binding properties of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor subtypes on various natural
Christoph A. Meier
peroxisome proliferator response elements: Importance of the 5’ flanking region.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (40): 25252-25259 (1997)
IF 7.7
15. Siegrist-Kaiser C.A., Pauli V., Juge-Aubry C.E., Boss O., Pernin A., Cusin I., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F.,
Chin W.W., Burger A.G., Zapf J., Meier C.A.: Direct effects of leptin on brown and
white adipose tissue.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 100 (11): 2858-2864 (1997)
IF 14
16. Gorla-Bajszczak A., Juge-Aubry C., Pernin A., Burger A.G., Meier C.A.: Conserved amino acids
in the ligand-binding and tau i domains of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha are
necessary for heterodimerization with RXR.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 147 (1-2): 37-47 (1999)
IF 2.4
17. DeVito M., Biegel L., Brouwer A., Brown S., Brucker-Davis F., Cheek A.O., Christensen R.,
Colborn T., Cooke P., Crissman J., Crofton K., Doerge D., Gray E., Hauser P., Hurley P.,
Kohn M., Lazar J., McMaster S., McClain M., McConnell E., Meier C., Miller R., Tietge J., Tyl R.:
Screening methods for chemicals that alter thyroid hormone action, function and homeostasis.
Environmental Health Perspectives 107 (5): 407-415 (1999)
IF 2.5
18. Juge-Aubry C.E., Hammar E., Siegrist-Kaiser C.A., Pernin A., Takeshita A., Chin W.W., Burger A.G.
and Meier C.A.: Regulation of the transcriptional activity of the peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor α by phosphorylation of a ligand-independent trans-activating domain.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (15): 10505-10510 (1999)
IF 7.7
19. Gorla-Bajszczak A., Siegrist-Kaiser C.A., Boss O., Burger, A.G., Meier, C.A.: Expression of
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in lean and obese Zucker rats.
European Journal of Endocrinology 142 (1): 71-78 (2000)
IF 2.4
20. Calmy A., Lopez-Liuchi J.V., Borst F., Meier C.A.: Comparison of current guidelines on the
treatment of hypercholesterolemia in secondary prevention: Can the Swiss recommendations
be simplified?
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 130: 535-544 (2000)
IF 0.3
21. Borst F., Thurler G., Breant C., Lehner-Godinho B., Calmy A., Meier C.:
Finding similar cases within a hospital information system.
Stud Health Technol Inform 77:875-879 (2000)
22. Juge-Aubry C.E., Kuenzli S., Sanchez J.-C., Hochstrasser D., Meier C.A.: Peroxisomal bifunctional
enzyme binds and activates the AF-1 region of PPAR alpha.
Biochemical Journal 353: 253-258 (2001)
IF 4.3
23. Gabay C., Dreyer M.G., Pellegrinelli N., Chicheportiche R., Meier C.A.: Leptin directly induces
the secretion of IL-1 receptor antagonist in human monocytes.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 86: 783-791 (2001)
IF 5.4
24. Triponez F., Simon S., Robert J., Andereggen E., Ussel M., Bouchardy C., Oritt J., Meier C.A.,
Burger A., Spiliopoulos A.: Cancers de la thyroïde: Expérience genevoise.
Annales de Chirurgie 126: 969-976 (2001)
IF 0.6
25. Meier C.A., Bobbioni E., Gabay C., Assimacopoulos-Jeannet F., Golay A., Dayer J.-M.:
Interkleukin-1 receptor antagonist serum levels are increased in human obesity: A possible link
to the resistance to leptin?
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87: 1184-1188 (2002)
IF 5.4
26. Meier C.A., Chicheportiche R., Juge-Aubry C.E., Dreyer M.G., Dayer J.-M.: Regulation of the
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in THP-1 cells by ligands of the peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor gamma.
Cytokine 18 (6): 320-328 (2002)
IF 2.0
27. Cettour-Rose P., Cusin I., Pernin A., Meier C.A:, Visser T., Burger A.G., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F.:
Central stimulatory effect of leptin on T3 production is mediated by brown adipose tissue
type 2 deiodinase
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283 (5): E980-987 (2002)
IF 3.3
28. Simon S., Tötsch M., Schmidlin F., Iselin C., Meier C.A.: Adrenal cortical pheochromocytoma:
A case report of a rare entity.
Exp Clin Endocrinol & Diabetes 111 (2): 111-114 (2003)
IF 1.6
Christoph A. Meier
29. Calmy A., Hirschel B., Hans D., Karsegard L., Meier C.A.:
Glitazones in lipodystrophy syndrome induced by highly active antiretroviral therapy
AIDS 17 (5): 12-14 (2003)
IF 8.0
30. Dreyer M.G., Juge-Aubry C.E., Gabay C., Lang U., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F., Dayer J.-M.,
Meier C.A.: Leptin activates the promoter of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist through
p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase and a composite nuclear factor NFκB/PU.1 binding site.
Biochemical Journal 370 (2): 591-599 (2003)
IF 4.3
31. Meier C.A., Chicheportiche R., Dayer J.M.: IP-10, but not RANTES, is upregulated by leptin in
monocytic cells.
Cytokine 21 (1): 43-47 (2003)
IF 2.0
32. Juge-Aubry C., Somm E., Giusti V., Pernin A., Chicheportiche R., Verdumo C.,
Rohner-Jeanrenaud F., Burger D., Dayer J.-M., Meier C.A.: Adipose tissue is a major source of
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist: Upregulation in obesity and inflammation.
Diabetes 52 (5): 1104-1110 (2003)
IF 8.3
33. Feilchenfeldt J., Tötsch M., Sheu S.-Y., Robert J., Spiliopoulos A., Frilling A., Schmid .W.,
Meier C.A.: Expression of galectin-3 in normal and malignant thyroid tissue by quantitative PCR
and immuno-histochemistry.
Modern Pathology 16 (11): 1117-1123 (2003)
IF 3.8
34. Russell A., Feilchenfeldt J., Schreiber S., Praz M., Crettenand A., Gobelet C., Meier C.A., Bell D.,
Kralli A., Giacobino J.-P., Dériaz O.: Endurance training in humans leads to fiber type-specific
increases in levels of PPARgamma coactivator-1 and PPARgamma in skeletal muscle.
Diabetes 52 (12): 2874-2881 (2003)
IF 8.3
35. Feilchenfeldt J., Bründler M.-A., Soravia C., Tötsch M., Meier C.A.: Peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors and associated transcription factors in colon cancer: Reduced expression of
PPAR-gamma coactivator 1 (PGC-1)
Cancer Letters 203 (1): 25-33 (2004)
IF 2.3
36. Juge-Aubry C.E., Somm E., Chicheportiche R., Burger D.,Pernin A., Cuénod-Pittet B, Quinodoz P.,
Giusti V., Dayer J.-M., Meier C.A.: Regulatory effects of interleukin-1 and interferon-β on human
adipose tissue.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89 (6): 2652 (2004)
IF 5.4
37. Pelte M.F., Schwaller J., Cerrato C., Meier C.A.: Proopiomelanocortin expression in a metastatic
breast carcinoma with ectopic ACTH secretion.
The Breast Journal 10 (4): 350-354 (2004)
38. Philips J.-C., Petite C., Willi J.-P., Buchegger F., Meier C.A.: Effect of PPARγ agonist rosiglitazone
on dedifferentiated thyroid cancers
Nuclear Medicine Communications 25 (12): 1183-1186 (2004)
IF 1.2
39. Juge-Aubry C.E., Somm E., Pernin A., Alizadeh N., Dayer J.-M., Meier C.A.: Adipose tissue is a
regulated source of IL-10
Cytokine 29 (6): 270-274 (2005)
IF 2.0
40. Cettour-Rose P., Theander-Carrillo C., Asensio C., Klein M., Visser T.J., Burger A.G., Meier C.A.,
Rohner-Jeanrenaud F.: Hypothyroidism in rats decreases peripheral glucose utilization,
a defect partially corrected by central leptin infusion.
Diabetologia 48 (4): 624-633 (2005)
IF 5.7
41. Brown S.A., Fleury-Olela F., Nagoshi E., Hauser C., Juge C., Meier C.A., Chicheportiche R.,
Dayer J.-M., Albrecht U., Schibler U.: The period length of peripheral circadian rhythms differs
among human individuals.
PLoS Biology 3 (10): e338 (2005)
IF 13.9
42. Kyle U.G., Jolliet P., Genton L., Meier C.A., Mensi N., Graf J.-D., Chevrolet J.-C., Pichard C.:
Clinical evaluation of metabolic stress state in medical ICU patients: A prospective blind study.
Intensive Care Medicine 31: 1669-1675 (2005)
IF 3.0
43. Henrichot E., Juge-Aubry C.E., Wohlwend A., Pernin A., Pache J.-C., Velebit V., Dayer J.-M.,
Meda P., Chizzolini C., Meier C.A.: Production of chemokines by perivascular adipose tissue:
A role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis?
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 25 (12): 2594-2599 (2005)
IF 7.4
Christoph A. Meier
44. Somm E., Henrichot E., Pernin A., Juge-Aubry C.E., Muzzin P., Dayer J.-M., Nicklin M.,
Meier C.A.: Decreased fat mass in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist deficient mice: Impact on
adipogenesis, food intake and energy expenditure.
Diabetes 54 (12): 3503-3509 (2005)
IF 8.8
45. De Gottardi A., Pazienza V., Pugnale P., Bruttin F., Rubbia-Brandt L., Juge-Aubry C.E., Meier C.A.,
Hadengue A., Negro F.: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha and -gamma mRNA
levels are reduced in chronic hepatitis C with steatosis and genotype 3 infection.
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 23 (1): 107-114 (2005)
IF 4.0
46. Somm E., Cettour-Rose P., Asensio C., Charollais A., Klein M., Theander-Carrillo C.,
Juge-Aubry C.E., Dayer J.-M., Nicklin M., Meda P., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F., Meier C.A.:
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is upregulated during diet-induced obesity and regulates insulin
sensitivity of rodents
Diabetologia 49 (2): 387-393 (2006)
IF 5.6
47. Dayer J.-M., Chicheportiche R., Juge-Aubry C., Meier C.: Adipose tissue has anti-inflammatory
properties: Focus on IL-1 receptor antagonist
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1069: 444-453 (2006)
IF 1.9
48. Mouche S., Mkaddem S.B., Wang W., Katic M., Tseng Y.-H., Carnesecchi S., Steger K., Foti M.,
Meier C.A., Muzzin P., Kahn C.R., Ogier-Denis E., Szanto I.: Reduced expression of the NADPH
oxidase NOX4 is a hallmark of adipocyte differentiation
Biochim Biophys Acta - Molecular Cell Research 1773 (7): 1015-27 (2007)
IF 6.9
49. Ybarra J., Lehmann T., Golay A., Juge-Aubry C.E., Roux-Lombard P., Dayer J.-M., Meier C.A.:
Gender-based dimorphic pattern for interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Metab 34 (1): 75-91 (2008)
IF 2.2
50. Clément S., Juge-Aubry C., Conzelman S., Pazienza V., Pittet-Cuenod B., Meier C.A., Negro F.:
Monocyte cheomattractant protein-1 secreted by adipose tissue induces direct lipid accumulation
in hepatocytes.
Hepatology 48 (3): 799-807 (2008)
IF 10.4
51. Thalmann S. Juge-Aubry C.E. and Meier C.A.: Explant cultures of white adipose tissue
Methods in Molecular Biology 456: 195-199 (2008)
52. Osann Franziska, Mair-Noack Claude, Meier C.A., Ritter Simon: Kalk im Hirn
Swiss Medical Forum 9 (34): 597 (2009)
53. Gerber B., Manser C., Wielsi P., Meier C.A.: A family with diabetes and heart failure.
BMJ Case Reports doi:10.1136/bcr.01.2010.2613 (2010)
54. Ritter S., Guertler T., Meier C.A., Genoni M.: Cardiogenic shock due to pheochromocytoma
rescued by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 13 (1): 112-113 (2011)
55. Stoppa-Vaucher S., Dirlewanger M., Meier C.A., de Moerloose Ph., Reber G., Roux-Lombard P.,
Combescure C., Saudan S., Schwitzgebel V.M. : Inflammatory and prothrombotic states in obese
children of european descent
Obesity 20 (8): 1662-1668(2012)
IF 3.5
56. Schmitz C., Berchtold P., Laifer G., Meier C.A.: Optimierung im Spital
Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 93 (24): 964-967 (2012)
57. Rey A., Thoenes M., Fimmers R., Meier C.A., Bramlage P.: Diabetes prevalence and metabolic risk
profile in an unselected population visiting pharmacies in Switzerland - the AMAVITA survey.
Vascular Health and Risk Management 8: 541-547 (2012)
58. Schmitz C., Berchtold P., Laifer G., Meier C.A.: Herausforderung Vernetzung - Wie Prozessoptimierung
im Spital gelingen kann.
Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung No.1: 76-81 (2013)
59. Wiggli B., Imhof E., Meier C.A., Laifer G.: Water, water, everywhere
The Lancet 381: 776 (2013)
IF 25
60. Selby K., Cornuz J., Neuner-Jehle S. Perrier A., Zeller A., Meier C.A., Rodondi N., Gaspoz J.-M.:
“Smarter Medicine”: 5 Interventionen , die in der ambulanten allgemeinen Inneren Medizin vernieden werden sollten.
Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 95 (20): 767-770 (2014)
Christoph A. Meier
61. Selby K., Cornuz J., Neuner-Jehle S. Perrier A., Zeller A., Meier C.A., Rodondi N., Gaspoz J.-M.:
“Smarter Medicine”: Für mehr Effizienz in der Allgemeinmedizin.
PrimaryCare 14 (10): 166-167 (2014)
62. Schmitz C., Berchtold P., Meier C.A., Tschacher W.: It’s not about stress: Psychological capital of medical residents.
submitted (2015)
2. Reviews
1. Meier C.A.: Interpretation of thyroid function tests: A novel concept based on interindividual
differences in the pituitary-thyroid axis.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology 102 (Suppl. 2): 27-32 (1994)
IF 1.0
2. Meier C.A.: Physiopathologie des récepteurs hormonaux nucléaires.
Médecine & Hygiène 53 (2071): 1068-1072 (1995)
3. Meier C.A.: Modulation der Schilddrüsenhormon-Wirkung im Zellkern.
Endokrinologie-Informationen 19 (3): 87-88 (1995)
4. Meier C.A.: Molekulare Endokrinologie von Schilddrüsenkrankheiten.
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 125 (49): 2367-2378 (1995)
IF 0.3
5. Meier C.A.: Regulation of gene expression by nuclear hormone receptors.
Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research 17 (1-3): 319-335 (1997)
IF 1.9
6. Meier C.A.: Novel Aspects of Leptin Secretion and Action.
Endocrine News 22 (1): 1+16 (1997)
7. Meier C.A., Biller, B.M.K.: Clinical and Biochemical evaluation of Cushing’s syndrome.
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 26 (4): 741-762 (1997)
IF 2.3
8. Meier C.A.: Nodules thyroïdiens: Approche diagnostique et thérapeutique
Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 119: 487-491 (1999)
9. Buchegger F., Slosman, D.O., Meier C., Mach J.-P., Bischof Delaloye A.:
La radiothérapie systémique isotopique.
Médecine & Hygiène 57: 141-1422 (1999)
10. Meier C.A.: Hyperthyreose: Vor- und Nachteile der medikamentösen, chirurgischen und
Therapeutische Umschau, 56 (7): 364-368 (1999)
11. Pralong F.P., Meier C.A.: Recommandations pour le diagnostic des tumeurs hypophysaires.
Bulletin des Médecins Suisses 81: 2594-2595 (2000)
12. Simon S., Meier C.A.: Diagnostic du syndrome de Cushing.
Médecine & Hygiène 59 (2334): 358-362 (2001)
13. Meier C.A.: Thyroid nodules: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
Baillière's Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 14 (4): 559-575 (2000)
IF 4.9
14. Juge-Aubry C.E., Meier C.A.: Cutting Edge - Immunomodulatory actions of leptin.
Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology 194 (1): 1-7 (2002)
IF 2.4
15. Petite C., Meier C.A.: Cholestérol: Qui ne faut-il pas traiter?
Médecine & Hygiène 60: 1669-1674 (2002)
16. Meier C.A.: Opinion - Médecine anti-âge
Bulletin de l'Ordre des Médecins (Belgique) October: 81-90 (2002)
17. Meier C.A.: Médecine anti-âge: Est-ce vraiment nécessaire?
Swiss Medical Forum 2 (51/52): 1218 (2002)
18. Meier C.A.: Acquisitions thérapeutiques 2003 - Endocrinologie
Médecine & Hygiène 2464: 3-35 (2004)
19. Meier C.A., Perrenoud J.-J.: Médecine anti-âge & gériatrie: Un appel au pragmatisme
Médecine & Hygiène 2466: 185-190 (2004)
Christoph A. Meier
20. Meier C.A.: Anti-aging-Medizin
Internistische Praxis 44 (2): 405-410 (2004)
21. Petite C, Meier C.A.: Prise en charge de l'hypothyroïdie
Médecine & Hygiène 2480: 926-932 (2004)
22. Meier C.A.: Anti-aging-Medizin
Arzneimitteltherapie-Kritik 36 (2): 123-128 (2004)
23. Petite C., Girardin F., Meier C.A.: Inhibiteurs de l'HMGCo-A réductase: un choix fondé sur les faits
Pharma-Flash 31: no. 1-2 (2004)
24. Petite C., Meier C.A.: Nodules thyroïdiens et goitres: Le traitement chirurgical
Swiss Medical Forum 4: 1090-1096 (2004)
25. Meier C.A. Acquisitions thérapeutiques 2004 - Endocrinologie
Revue Médicale Suisse 1 (1): 24-26 (2005)
26. Fatio S., Dirlewanger M., Meier C.A., Schwitzgebel V.: Traitement par hormone de croissance:
Phase de transition de l’enfance à l’âge adulte
Revue Médicale Suisse 1 (6): 426-431 (2005)
27. Meyer P., Meier C.A.: Mise au point sur la déhydroépiandrosterone (DHEA)
Revue Médicale Suisse 1 (6): 415-418 (2005)
28. Meier C.A.: Relation entre l’industrie pharmaceutique et les médecins; Problèmes et defies
Courrier Médical Valaisan 34: 14-15 (2005)
29. Juge-Aubry C., Henrichot E., Meier C.A.: Adipose tissue: A regulator of inflammation
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 19 (4) 547-566 (2005)
IF 4.9
30. Meyer P. and Meier C.A.: Acquisitions thérapeutiques 2005 - Endocrinologie
Revue Médicale Suisse 2 (47): 15-18 (2006)
31. Meier C.A., Fokstuen S. et al: Recommandations pour le dépistage génétique des
syndromes MEN-1 et MEN2
Swiss Medical Forum 6: 299-303 (2006)
32. Juge-Aubry C.E. and Meier C.A.: Sécrétion de cytokines par le tissu adipeux:
Effets métaboliques et vasculaires
Journ Annu Diabetol Hotel Dieu 129-40 (2006)
33. Thalmann S. and Meier C.A.: Acne and "mild" adrenal hyperplasia. A short critical review.
Dermatology 213: 277-278 (2006)
IF 1.6
34. Thalmann S. and Meier C.A.: Local adipose tissue depots as cardiovascular risk factors
Cardiovascular Research 75: 690-701 (2007)
IF 5.8
35. Meier C.A., Thalmann S.: Tissu adipeux, inflammation et athérome
Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine 191 (no 4-5): 897-910 (2007)
36. Binz K., Haldemann A., Schweizer I., Gürtler T. and Meier C.A.: Differenziertes
Schilddrüsenkarzinom: Wissenswertes für die Praxis
Swiss Medical Forum 43: 818-822 (2008)
37. Haldemann A, Meier C.A.: Strumaknoten oder Schilddrüsentumor - Wie Sie klinisch
relevante Fälle erkennen und abklären
Hausarzt Praxis No 5: 7-11 (2008)
38. Thalmann S, Meier C.A.: Explant cultures of white adipose tissue
Methods Mol Biol 456: 195-199 (2008)
39. Thalmann S, Meier C.A.: Nodules thyroïdiens: (F)utilité des outils diagnostiques
Mise au Point Cliniques d'Endocrinologie, Nutrition et Métabolisme, 37-46 (2008)
40. Meier C.A.: Role of Imaging in Thyroid Disease
IDKD 2008
41. Calmy A, Bernasconi E., Meier C.A., Hirschel B. and Toutous-Trellu L:
10 ans de lipodystrophie - Un syndrome encore méconnu
Revue Médicale Suisse 184: 2755-2757 (2008)
Christoph A. Meier
42. Laifer G., Gaudenz R., Meier C.A.: Behandlungspfade in der Medizin
Swiss Medical Forum 9 (26-27): 470-472 (2009)
43. Henzen C., Christ E., Elsässer P., Fischer-Taeschler D., Diem P., Wielsi P., Meier C.A., Schönle E., Lehmann R.:
Erhöhtes Krebsrisiko durch Insulin Glargin (Lantus)?
Swiss Medical Forum 9 (42): 755-756 (2009)
44. Thalmann S, Meier C.A.: Haben Glitazone noch einen Platz in der Behandlung des Typ-2-Diabetes ?
Swiss Medical Forum 10 (6): 114-116 (2009)
45. Meyer M.R., Meier C.A.: Übergewicht und kardiovaskuläres Risiko: Neues zur Pathogenese und Therapie
Swiss Medical Forum 10 (21): 358-362 (2010)
46. Meier C.A.: Das metabolische Syndrom: Nutzen (oder nicht?) in der Praxis
Revue Médicale Suisse 279: 269-270 (2011)
47. Bischof T.R., Weishaupt D., Meier C.A., Ritter S.: Morgagni-Hernie
Swiss Medical Forum 11 (18): 322-323 (2011)
48. Kurzen J.-L., Schwegler I., Berthold C., Suhner M., , Meier C., Laifer G.: Eine Injektion mit Folgen
Swiss Medical Forum 11 (19): 340-341 (2011)
49. Wiggli B., Tüller D., Dinges S., Meier C.A.: Rezidivierende Synkopen mit seltener Ursache
Swiss Medical Forum 12 (14-15): 316-318 (2012)
50. Meier C.A.: Guest Editor
Endokrinologie in der Praxis
Therapeutische Umschau 68: Volume 6 (2011)
51. Binz K., Haldemann A., Meier C.A.: Das differenzierte Schildrüsenkarzinom – das Wichtigste für die Praxis
Therapeutische Umschau 68 (6): 291-295 (2011)
52. Baumgartner B., Weishaupt D., Meier C.A., Ritter S.: Respiratorische Insuffizienz bei Chilaiditi-Syndrom
Swiss Medical Forum 13 (37): 733-734 (2013)
53. Mondin F.P., Eich G., Meier C.A., Ritter S.: Generalisierter Ausschlag und rasch progrediente
Dyspnoe bei einer jungen Frau
Swiss Medical Forum 13 (50): 1041-1043 (2013)
54. Schneiter R., Weber M., Zulewski H., Meier C.A.: Diagnose und Therapie des differenzierten
Swiss Medical Forum 14 (9): 171-176 (2014)
55. Meier C.A.: Guest Editor
Andropause & Menopause
Therapeutische Umschau 71: Volume 4 (2014)
56. Meier C.A.: Guest Editor
Der informierte Arzt, 4: Volume 6 (2014)
57. Anand G.W., Meier C.A., Zulewski H.: Rationale Abklärungsstrategie bei Schilddrüsenknoten
Der informierte Arzt, 4 (6): 22-29 (2014)
58. Binz K., Haldemann A., Meier C.A.: Das differenzierte Schildrüsenkarzinom – das Wichtigste für die Praxis
Journal ASMAC 2014.08.30
3. Editorials & Comments
1. Meier C.A.: Advances in the understanding of the molecular basis of obesity.
European Journal of Endocrinology 133, 761-763 (1995)
IF 2.4
2. Meier C.A.: Mechanisms of immunosuppression by glucocorticoids.
European Journal of Endocrinology 134, 50 (1996)
IF 2.4
3. Meier C.A.: Co-activators and co-repressors: Mediators of gene activation by nuclear hormone
European Journal of Endocrinology 134, 158-159 (1996)
IF 2.4
Christoph A. Meier
4. Shalev A., Meier C.A.: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: A nuclear hormone receptor
involved in adipocyte differentiation and lipid homeostasis.
European Journal of Endocrinology 134, 541-542 (1996)
IF 2.4
5. Meier C.A.: Leptin secretion and action: an update.
European Journal of Endocrinology 134, 543-544 (1996)
IF 2.4
6. Meier C.A.: Molecular pathology of familial central diabetes insipidus.
European Journal of Endocrinology 134, 683-684 (1996)
IF 2.4
7. Meier C.A.: Regulation of cholesterol synthesis: of SCAP, SREBP, CBP and more.
European Journal of Endocrinology 136, 271-272 (1997)
IF 2.4
8. Meier C.A.: Molecular insights into the regulation of energy intake and expenditure.
European Journal of Endocrinology, 137, 20-21 (1997)
IF 2.4
9. Meier C.A.: Novel pharmacological approaches to the prevention and treatment of
non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
European Journal of Endocrinology 137, 224-225 (1997)
IF 2.4
10. Meier C.A.: Role of novel antiresorptive agents for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
European Journal of Endocrinology 139, 18-19 (1998)
IF 2.4
11. Meier C.A.: Orexins and anorexins: Thoughts for food.
European Journal of Endocrinology 139: 148-149 (1998)
IF 2.4
12. Lopez-Liuchi J.V., Meier C.A.: Transcriptional repression: Lessons from thyroid hormone action
and promyelocytic leukaemia.
European Journal of Endocrinology 139: 260-262 (1998)
IF 2.4
13. Lopez-Liuchi J.V., Meier C.A.: PPARγ: From adipose tissue to the atherosclerotic plaque.
European Journal of Endocrinology 139: 363-364 (1998)
IF 2.4
14. Lopez-Liuchi J.V., Meier C.A.: Therapy for type 2 diabetes: Where do we stand after the
UK Prospective Diabetes Study?
European Journal of Endocrinology 140: 4-6 (1999)
IF 2.4
15. Meier C.A.: Ghrelin: Ein neues Hormon aus dem Magen
Swiss Medical Forum 1 (8): 194 (2001)
16. Meier C.A.: Résistine - médiateur de la résistance à l'insuline?
Swiss Medical Forum 1 (13): 346 (2001)
17. Meier C.A.: Editorial - Thyroid nodules & thyroid cancer
Baillière's Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 14 (4): vii - viii (2000)
IF 4.9
18. Meier C.A.: Maladies endocrinologiques: du laboratoire à la prise en charge
Caduceus p. 4-5 (June 2004)
19. Meier C.A., Gomez F.: Tout est endocrinologie
Revue Médicale Suisse 1 (6): 403-404 (2005)
20. Meier C.A. Kiess W.: Editorial - Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 19 (4): vii (2005)
21. Meier C.A.: Baisser le cholestérol à tout prix, mis au point.
Revue Médicale Suisse S45 (2007)
22. Meier C.A.: Schilddrüsenerkrankungen - Welcher Patient braucht weitere Abklärung,
Behandlung und Nachkontrolle?
Hausarzt Praxis No 5: 6 (2008)
23. Meier C.A.: Editorial comment
Endokrinologie in der Praxis
Therapeutische Umschau 68 (6): 7 (2011)
24. Meier C.A.: Editorial comment
Andropause & Menopause
Therapeutische Umschau 71 (4): 193 (2014)
IF 4.9
Christoph A. Meier
25. Meier C.A.: Editorial comment
Der informierte Arzt, 4(6): 10 (2014)
26. Meier C.A., Metzger U.: Replik zum Artikel „SMB, AGLA und das Statin-Conundrum“
Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 95 (47): 1788 (2014)
27. Biller-Andorno N., Felder S., Meier C.A., Metzger U., Tag B.: Das Statin-Conundrum (zum Zweiten)
Schweizerische Aerztezeitung 96 (22): 798-799 (2015)
4. Book Chapters
1. Meier C.A., Mäcke H., Ulmer N., Fridrich R.: Kurztests zur Vitalitätsprüfung von separierten Granulocyten.
Neue Aspekte radiologischer Diagnostik und Therapie (Editors: Bessler W. et al.), p.221-224,
Hans Huber Verlag, Bern, Toronto (1986)
2. Meier C.A., Fabbro D., Jakob A., Hemmings B., Walter P.: Protein kinase C levels are increased in the
liver of hypothyroid rats.
Progress in Thyroid Research (Editors: Gordon A., Gross J., Hennemann G.),
p.833-836, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam (1991)
3. Meier C.A., Weintraub B.D.: Syndromes of resistance to thyroid hormone.
Thyroid Diseases: Clinical Fundamentals and Therapy (Editors: Monaco F., Satta M.A., Shapiro B., Troncone L.),
p.203-210, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, USA. (1993)
4. Wondisford F., Meier C.A., Weintraub B.D.: Thyroid-stimulating hormone in health and disease.
Endocrinology (Editor: DeGroot L.J.), 3rd edition, p.208-217, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, USA (1994)
5. Meier C.A.: Regulation of gene expression by nuclear hormone receptors.
Frontiers in Endocrinology Vol 14 (Editors: De Bellis A., Schipani E.), p.107-128,
Ares-Serono Symposia Publications (1995)
6. Meier C.A., Burger A.G.: Effects of pharmacological agents on thyroid hormone homeostasis.
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid (Editors: Braverman L.E., Utiger R.D.), 7th edition, p.276-286,
Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia (1996)
7. Meier C.A., Burger A.G.: Effects of other pharmacological agents on thyroid function.
Pharmacotherapeutics of the thyroid gland (Editors: Weetman A.P., Grossman A.), p.289-300,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (1997)
8. Siegrist-Kaiser C.A., Juge-Aubry C.E., Shalev A., Pauli V., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F., Burger, A.G., Meier C.A.:
Regulators of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor phosphorylation.
Leptin - The Voice of Adipose Tissue (Editors: Blum W.F., Kiess W., Rascher W.), p.50-57,
J. A. Barth Verlag, Mannheim (1997)
9. Meier C.A.: Thyroid hormone and development: Brain and peripheral tissues.
Thyroid diseases of infancy and childhood: Effects on behavior and intellectual development
(Editors: Hauser P., Rovet J.), p.29-55. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC (1999)
10. Meier C.A., Burger A.G.: Effects of drugs and other substances on thyroid hormone
synthesis and metabolism.
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid (Editors: Braverman L.E., Utiger R.D.), 8th edition, p.265-280,
Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia (2000)
11. Meier C.A.: Nontoxic goiter
Surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (Editor: Randolph G.W.), p. 61-69
W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, USA (2003)
12. Meier C.A., Burger A.G.: Effects of drugs and other substances on thyroid hormone
synthesis and metabolism.
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid (Editors: Braverman L.E., Utiger R.D.), 9th edition, p. 229-247
Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia (2005)
13. Procopiou M., Meier C.A.: Evaluation of thyroid nodules.
Surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (Editors: Oertli D., Udelsman R.), p. 45-60
Spinger, Heidelberg (2006)
Christoph A. Meier
14. Meier C.A.: Role of imaging in thyroid disease
IDKD 2008 Syllabus, p. 243-250
Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
15. Thalmann S., Juge-Aubry C.E. and Meier C.A.: Explant cultures of white adipose tissue
Adipose Tissue Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology Vol. 456 (Editor: Yang K.), 2nd ed., p. 195-199
Humana Press, New Jersey, USA (2008)
16. Procopiou M., Meier C.A.: Evaluation of thyroid nodules.
Surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (Editors: Oertli D., Udelsman R.), 2nd edition,
Spinger, Heidelberg (2012)
17. Meier C.A., Burger A.G.: Effects of drugs and other substances on thyroid hormone
synthesis and metabolism.
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid (Editors: Braverman L.E., Utiger R.D.), 10th edition
Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia (2013)
5. Monographs & Books
1. Meier C.A.: Thyroid nodules & thyroid cancer
Baillière's Best Practice and Research in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 14 (4) (2000)
IF 4.9
2. Meier C.A. and Kiess W.: Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ
Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 19 (4) (2005)
IF 4.9
6. Diploma and Ph.D. theses
Véronique Pauli, Diploma in Biochemistry: Direct effect of leptin on adipose tissue
Eva Hammar, Diploma in Biochemistry: Regulation of the transcriptional activity of PPARs
Nathalie Lameloise, Ph.D. Diploma in Biology: In vivo study of the effects of 3,5,3',5'-tetrac
on the heart and 5'-deiodinase II
Anne Brawand Bron, M.D. thesis: Circulating activators of PPARs in human serum
Alexandra Calmy, M.D. thesis: Recommendations for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia
in secondary prevention
Lynne Salomon, Diploma in Biology: Metabolic regulators of cytokine production
Magali G. Dreyer, Ph.D. thesis: Leptin has immunomodulatory effects on monocytes
Emmanuel Somm, Ph.D. thesis: Production of IL-1Ra by adipose tissue: Regulation and
metabolic functions
7. Varia
1 Meier C.A.: Interview regarding the clinical use of recombinant human TSH.
Internal Medicine News 25 (23) (1992)
2. Meier C.A.: Interpretation of thyroid function tests.
In: Recent advances in thyroid diagnostics, Heidelberg, 1993
3. Meier C.A.: Book review of L. Braverman: Diseases of the Thyroid.
The Endocrinologist, 8 (4): 311 (1998)
4. Meier C.A.: Auto- / parakrine Effekte von Leptin auf das weisse und braune Fettgewebe.
25. Symposium of the Ludwig-Heilmeyer Society (1999).
5. Pralong F.P., Meier C.A.: Recommandations pour le diagnostic des tumeurs hypophysaires. (2000)
6. Meier C.A.: Interview concernant la DHEA.
Télévision de la Suisse Romande, 'A Bon Entendeur', 2002
7. Meier C.A.: TV Programm über die Hypothyreose.
Sat1, '1x täglich', 2002
Christoph A. Meier
8. Meier C.A.: Clinical case series in thyroid diseases (no. 1 - 3)
Lipha-Merck, 2002
9. Vischer U.M., Meier C.A.: Les promesses des instituts de bienêtre (le courrier des lecteurs).
Le Temps, 24.6.03, p. 10
10. Meier C.A.: Interview über Anti-aging Medizin.
Cash, 24.12.2003, No 52/1, p. 20-21
11. Meier C.A. (editor): Endocrine News 1-5
Lipha-Merck, 2004-2005
12. Meier C.A.: Pfizer Preis in klinischer Immunologie
13. Meier C.A.: Interview über Schilddrüsenkrankheiten
La Tribune de Genève, 26.1.2004, p. 31
14. Meier C.A.: Interview über Schilddrüsenkrankheiten
Femina, no 40 (3.10.2004), p. 50-51
15. Meier C.A.: Interview über Interessenkonflikte der Aerzte und die Pharmaindustrie
Tribune de Genève 6-7.11.2004, p. 4
16. Meier C.A.: Interview über Jodprophylaxe um Kernkraftwerke
Berner Zeitung 19.11.2004, p. 27
17. Meier C.A.: Interview über Jodprophylaxe um Kernkraftwerke
Der Bund 23.11.2004, p.24
18. Meier C.A.: Interview über Jodprophylaxe um Kernkraftwerkes
Neue Luzerner Zeitung 3.12.2004, p. 25
19. Meier C.A.: Interview über Anti-aging Medizin
Femina, no. 51 (19.12.04), p. 44-45
20. Meier C.A.: Syndrome de Klinefelter (Interview)
Revue Médicale Suisse 1 : 315-323 (2005)
21. Meier C.A.: Interview über Cholesterin und Herzinfarkt
Tribune de Genève 22.11.2005, p. 44
22. Meier C.A.: Interview über 'Medical Humanities' während des Medizinstudiums
Pulsations January 2006
23. Meier C.A.: Interview
Reflexe 2/06
24. Meier C.A.: Interview über Kortisonpräparate
Schweizer Familie, No 38, 21. Sept 2006; p 82-83
25. Meier C.A.: Interview Inkretine - ante portas
Changing Diabetes Dialog, 17./18. Nov. 2006, p 9
26. Meier C.A.: Interview Neues Diabetes- und Endokrinologie-Ambulatorium
Timeout, No 1, 2007, p. 9
27. Meier C.A.: Interview über modernes Diabetes-Management
Medical Tribune 21 Sept. 2007 Jahrg 40, No 38, p. 6
Tribune médicale 21. sept. 2007 13è année, No 38, p.6
28. Meier C.A.: Interview über Schilddrüsenkrankheiten
NNZ am Sonntag 18.11.2007, p. 82
29. Meier C.A.: Interview über Fortbildung für Hausärzte
Leading Opinions - Kardiologie & Gefässmedizin 8: 4-5 (2008)
30. Meier C.A.: Interview über die Behandlung des Typ 2 Diabetes
Sonntags Zeitung, 29.6.2008, p. 43
31. Meier C.A.: Interview über das Wachstum bei Kindern
L'HEBDO, 3.7.2008, p. 33
Christoph A. Meier
32. Meier C.A.: Interview über ACCORD und ADVANCE
Leading Opinions - Kardiologie & Gefässmedizin 8: Sonderpublikation 3 (2008)
33. Meier C.A.: Interview über die Andropause
The Medical Journal No 5, p. 27-28 (2008)
34. Meier C.A.: Interview über die Andropause
76. Jahresversammlung der SGIM, 21.-23. Mai 2008, Lausanne
35. Meier C.A.: Interview "Anti-Aging: Lieber kein Testosteron"
Neue Zuger Zeitung, Neue Nidwaldner Zeitung, Neue Luzerner Zeitung,
Neue Obwaldner Zeitung, Neue Schwyzer Zeitung, Neue Urner Zeitung (2008)
36. Meier C.A.: Interview "Testosteron-Ersatztherapie: Risiken grösser als Nutzen" (2008)
37. Meier C.A.: Interview "Hormone für die «Wechseljahre des Mannes»?"
20 Minuten, Online-Ausgabe (2008)
38. Meier C.A.: Interview "L'andropause ne nécessite pas de mesure particulière"
AP Associated Press, Nachrichtenredaktion Schweiz (2008)
39. Meier C.A.: Interview "Un traitement à la testostérone peut se révéler inutile et même dangereux"
La Liberté (2008)
40. Meier C.A.: Interview "Hormone nehmen, wenn der Mann in die Wechseljahre kommt?" (2008)
41. Meier C.A.: Interview über die Andropause ("Der Begriff Andropause ist wenig hilfreich")
Ars Medici No 9, p. 366-368 (2009)
42. Meier C.A.: BMI oder Bauchunmfang (Print Interview)?
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 16th 2011, Nr. 63, p. 59
43. Meier C.A.: Round Table Diskussion über 'Kunst und Spital im Dialog'.
value Dokumentation (2012)
44. Meier C.A: Den Schilddrüsenkrebs zuverlässig erkennen (Print Interview)
NZZ am Sonntag, July 22nd 2012
45. Meier C.A.: Schilddrüsenkrebs (TV Interview)
Schweizer Fernsehen, PULS, September 16th 2013
46. Stadtspital Triemli - Hauszeitung: Reportage 100 Jahre Dermatologisches Ambulatorium
Timeout 2013, No. 5
47. Meier C.A.: Wieviel Medizin braucht der Mensch?
Best of Basel, November 2013, p. 20-22
48. Meier C.A.: Troubles thyroïdiens (Print Interview)
Le Temps, November 2nd 2013
49. Meier C.A.: La banalisation risquée des nouveaux anticoagulants (Print Interview)
Le Temps, November 28th 2013
50. Meier C.A.: Empfehlungen des Medical Boards zum Einsatz von Statinen in der Primärprävention (Print Interview)
Schweizerische Depeschenagentur, April 2nd 2014
51. Meier C.A.: Herzkrankheiten – Glaubenskrieg um Cholesterinsenker (TV Interview)
TeleBärn, Tele M1, Tele 1 & TVO, gsundheit akut, May 12th-18th, 2014
52. Meier C.A.: SmarterMedicine -„Indikation Nichtstun – wenn weniger in der Medizin mehr ist” (Radio & Online
Interview mit Pascal Biber)
Radio SRF2 Kultur, Sendung Kontext, May 14th 2014
53. Meier C.A.: SmarterMedicine - Top 5 Liste (Radio Interview mit Gaudenz Wacker)
Radio SRF1, Sendung Echo der Zeit, May 14th 2014
54. Meier C.A.: SmarterMedicine - Top 5 Liste (Print & Online Interview)
TagesAnzeiger, May 17th 2014, p. 5
Christoph A. Meier
55. Meier C.A.: SmarterMedicine - Top 5 Liste (Print & Online Interview)
Basler Zeitung, May 17th 2014
56. Meier C.A.: Les statines (Print Interview)
La Tribune de Genève, June 27th 2014
57. Meier C.A.: Les statines (Print Interview)
24heures, June 27th 2014
58. Meier C.A: Jod ist das Salz in der Suppe (Print Interview)
Migros-Zeitung, September 8th, 2014, Vol. 37
59. Meier C.A.: Unnötige Medizi - Ist weniger mehr? (TV Interview)
TeleBärn, Tele M1, Tele 1 & TVO, gsundheit akut, December 14th-19th, 2014
60. Meier C.A.: Laudatio auf Dr. Urs Strebel, Präsident FAPK
SGIM-Bulletin 2014, No 2, p. 13
61. Meier C.A.: Behandlung der Hypothyreose (Interview)
Medical Tribune 2015.02.03
62. Meier C.A.: Gemeinsam zum Entscheid (Interview)
Thema im Fokus, Dialog Ethik, April 2015, No. 120
63. Meier C.A.: Wie können Medizin und Oekonomie besser integriert werden?
Intercura, Spring 2015, No. 5, p. 8-11