Advanced Wound Care Brand Name Cross Reference
Advanced Wound Care Brand Name Cross Reference
Advanced Wound Care Brand Name Cross Reference Medline Industries Inc DMS Division June 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Absorb-A-Salt Dumex AcryDerm Sheet (same as FlexiGel) Acrymed Hypertonic Saline Impregnated Gauze Hydrogel Sheet TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* CarraDres Hydrogel Sheet (CRR101053) Acrymed Strands (Same as Flexigel Strands) Acrymed Hydrogel Strands SilvaSorb Cavity (MSC9360EP) Acticoat 7 Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Acticoat Absorbent Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* SilvaSorb (MSC9340EP)* Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* Acticoat Site Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Silvasorb Site (MSC9310EP) Acticoat Post-Op/Acticoat Surgical Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Optifoam Ag Post-Op (MSC9636) Optifoam Gentle Ag Post-Op (MSC9736) Acticoat Burn Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Acticoat Flex Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Acticoat Moisture Control Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* SilvaSorb (MSC9340EP)* SilvaSorb (MSC9340EP) Optifoam AG (MSC9604EP)* Actiform Cool Activa Hydrogel Wound Dressing CarraDres Hydrogel Sheet (CRR101053) Actisorb 220 SYSTAGENIX Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Adaptic SYSTAGENIX Impregnated Gauze Oil Emulsion CUR250330 Adaptic Digit Adaptic PG SYSTAGENIX Tubular Bandage Impregnated Gauze Adaptic Touch SYSTAGENIX Silicone Contact layer Adaptic X SYSTAGENIX Impregnated Gauze ADAPT PASTE HOLLISTER AFM Ultra SelectCare by Milliken USED TO SEAL/FILL SKIN CREVICES AROUND STOMA/POUCH Foam AFM AG Airstrip SelectCare by Miliken 3M Silver Foam Composite Dressing AlgiCell Derma Sciences Calcium Alginate AlgiCell AG Dumex AlgiDerm Bard Antimicrobial Calcium Alginate Calcium Alginate AlgiDex AG DeRoyal AlgiSite M Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Antimicrobial Silver Alginate Foam Calcium Alginate Algosteril SYSTAGENIX Calcium Alginate May 2013 Medigrip (MSC9500) Petrolatum Gauze (NON251390)* Versatel (MSC1723EP) Xeroform (CUR253590) Sell Same (HTP79300) Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* or OptiLock (MSC6444EP)* Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP)* StrataSorb (MSC3044)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7022EP) Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Allclenz HealthPoint Wound Cleanser (MSC7344EP) Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* ALLODERM Alldress LIFECELL Molnlycke REGENERATIVE TISSUE Composite Island TBA StrataSorb (MSC3044)* ALLOGRAFT Allevyn Adhesive/ Allevyn Ag Adhesive ALLOGRAFT INNOVATIONS Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt BONE & TISSUE GRAFTS Adhesive Foam Dressing Allevyn Cavity Allevyn Gentle/ Allevyn Ag Gentle Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Foam Dressing Foam Dressing Allevyn Gentle Border/ Allevyn Ag Gentle Border Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Foam Dressing with Silicone Border TBA Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)*/ Optifoam Ag Adhesive (MSC9614EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Optiva Border (MSC6744EP)*/ Optifoam Ag Non-Adhesive (MSC9614EP)*/ Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP) Optiva Gentle (MSC6644EP)*/ Optifoam Gentle Ag (MSC9744EP)* ALLEVYN GENTLE BORDER MULTISITE Smith & Nephew Optifoam Gentle (MSC2044EP)*/ Optifoam Gentle AG (MSC9744EP)* Allevyn Non-Adhesive/ Allevyn AG Non-Adhesive Allevyn Compression Allevyn Thin All-Kare Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt FOAM DRESSING W/SILCONE BORDER 3 LEAF CLOVER SHAPE 6.6X 7 Foam Dressing Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Foam Dressing Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt ConvaTec Thin Foam Skin Protectant Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* or OptiLock (MSC6444EP)* Optifoam Thin (MSC1523)* SurePrep May 2013 Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate (MSC1500)* and SurePrep No Sting (MSC1505)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* No Cross Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* SilvaSorb Gel (MSC93025EP)* TBA Opticell (MSC7844EP) Allklenz AltraZeal AmeriDerm Amerigel Anasept Apligraf Aquacel Bard ULURU AmeriDerm Labs Amerx Anacapa Organogenesis ConvaTec Wound Cleanser Transforming Powder Hydrogel Hydrogel Antimicrobial Hydrogel Skin Substitute Hydrofiber Aquacel Ag ConvaTec Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Aquacel Ag Surgical ConvaTec Aquacel Extra Hydrofiber ConvaTec Hydrocolloid- Hydrofiber Surgical Dressing Hydrofiber Aquacel Extra Hydrofiber Ribbon ConvaTec Hydrofiber AquaClear Hartmann-Conco Hydrogel Sheet AQUAFIL HARTMANN-CONCO HYDROGEL IMPREGNATED GAUZE OR AMORPHOUS GEL Aquaflo Kendall Hydrogel Disc AquaGauze AquaGuard DeRoyal Centurian Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Moisture Barrier May 2013 Opticell Ag (MSC9845EP) Optifoam Ag Post-Op (MSC9636)* Opticell (MSC7844EP) Maxorb ES (MSC7918EP) Maxorb ES Ag (MSC1918EP) Derma-Gel (NON8000) Skintegrity Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze (MSC6022) Skintegrty Hydrogel (MSC6102) Derma-Gel (NON8000) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6022)* Suresite 123 (MSC2712) WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Aquaphor Beiersdorf Skin Protectant AquaSite Amorphous AquaSite Impregnated Gauze Dumex Dumex Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze AquaSite Sheet Dumex Hydrogel Sheet AquaSkin Aquasorb Aquasorb Border Afassco DeRoyal DeRoyal Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Sheet Hydrogel Sheet Arginade Novartis Nutritional Supplement Nutrashield (MSC094502) Or Soothe and Cool Extra Thick Cream(MSC095336)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Derma-Gel(NON8000) or CarraDres (CRR101053) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Derma-Gel (NON8000) Derma-Gel (NON8000) Same Arginade (DOY35*)* ARTIFLEX JOBST UNDERCAST/LYMPHEDEMA PADDING PRIMARY CARE Askina Hydro Askina Derm Film Askina Sorb Swiss American Swiss American Swiss American Hydrocolloid Transparent Film Alginate AuTolo-Gel Cytomedix Autologous Growth Factors AVITENE ULTRAFOAM DAVOL COLLAGEN HEMOSTATIC SPONGE No Cross BACTIGRAS S&N PARAFFIN GAUZE W/CHG No Cross May 2013 Fourflex (MSC4400) Threeflex (MSC4300) Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5544,etc) Suresite 123 (MSC2703)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) No Cross WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Band-Aid Brand Island Surgical Dressing *Discontinued Bard Absorption Dressing SYSTAGENIX Bordered Gauze Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Bard Exudate Absorber Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Bard Odor-Absorbent Dressing Biatain Bard Coloplast Carbon-Odor Control Foam Biatain AG Coloplast Foam with silver Biatain Ibu Biatain Silicone Coloplast Coloplast Foam dressing with Ibuprofen Foam dressing with silicone border Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Ag Adhesive (MSC9604EP) or Non-Adhesive (MSC9614EP) No Cross Optifoam Gentle (MSC2033EP) Biobrane Bertek Pharmaceuticals Biosynthetic Bertek Pharmaceuticals Collagen Biosynthetic Biobrane L Collagen Bioclusive Bioclusive MVP Bioclusive Select SYSTAGENIX SYSTAGENIX SYSTAGENIX Transparent Film Transparent Film Transparent Film Biolex Hydrogel Biolex Wound Cleanser Biopad Bard Bard Argentum Medical Hydrogel Wound Cleanser Collagen May 2013 No Exact Cross ; See below for suggested collagen product Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* No exact cross ; please see below for suggested collagen product Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite Window (MSC2302)* Skintegrity Wound Gel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Biopatch SYSTAGENIX BioStep BioStep Ag Biothin Blairex Blenderm Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Bard Blairex 3M Antimicrobial Foam Cuff w/ CHG Collagen Silver Collagen Transparent Film Wound Cleanser Transparent Tape BlisterFilm BreakAway Cadesorb Calalgin-GRX Kendall Winfield Smith & Nephew Geritrex Transparent Film Specialty Absorptive Protease modulating ointment Calcium Alginate Calgitrol Canyon Biomedical Technologies Canyon Silver Alginate Wound Irrigation System SilvaSorb Site (MSC9310EP) Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Puracol Plus Ag (MSC8722EP)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Gentac (MSC1583) SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Optilock (MSC6444EP)* No Cross Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* No exact cross; please see below for a wound cleanser option. Wound Cleanser Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* Sure Prep No-Sting wipe (MSC1505) or No-Sting Wand (MSC1510, MSC1513) or No-Sting spray (MSC1528) CarboFlex ConvaTec Carbonet CarraSmart Gel *Discontinued CarraSorb M *Discontinued Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Medline Carbon-Odor Control Alginate / Hydrocolloid Charcoal Dressing Amorphous Hydrogel Medline Freeze-dried hydrogel Catrix Powder Cavilon No-Sting Lescarden 3M Collagen Barrier Spray/Wipe May 2013 Medline Product Alternate Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Cellerate Rx Powder Hymed Collagen Cellerate Rx Gel Hymed Collagen Chondroprotec Hymed Biosynthetic Collagen Medline Product Alternate Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* or Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* No exact cross ; please see below for suggested collagen dressing Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Chronicure (No longer sold) Cica Care CircAid ABS LifeSciences Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Coloplast Collagen Silicone Dressing Compression System ClearCell ClearSite Dumex Conmed Transparent Film Hydrogel Sheet Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Derma-Gel(NON8000) FourFlex (MSC4400) or sell same CircAid (COI38…)* SureSite 123 (MSC2703)* Derma-Gel(NON8000) ClearSite Transparent Membrane Clinical Care Conmed Hydrogel with Adhesive border Derma-Gel(NON8000) Care-Tech Wound Cleanser CLINISORB CLINIMED Clinswound Cloderm Coban Sage Labs Healthpoint 3M CHARCOAL CLOTH BETWEEN VISCOSE RAYON/NON ADH Wound Cleanser Topical Cream Adhesive Elastic Bandage SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* or sell same Carrington MicroKlenz (CRR108008) Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5522) SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* No cross Co-Flex Cohesive Bandage (MDS088)* Colactive Colactive AG Covalon Covalon CollaSorb Hartmann May 2013 Collagen/Alginate Dressing Collagen/Alginate Dressing with silver Collagen and Calcium Alginate Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Puracol Plus AG (MSC8722EP)* Puracol Plus (MSC8622)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate CombiDerm ACD ConvaTec Composite Hydrocolloid CombiDerm Non-Adhesive ConvaTec Hydrocolloid Comfeel Film Comfeel Plus Coloplast Coloplast Transparent Film Hydrocolloid / Alginate Comfeel Plus Clear Coloplast Thin Hydrocolloid Comfeel Plus Contour Coloplast Hydrocolloid w/Alginate Comfeel Plus Pressure Relief Dressing Coloplast Hydrocolloid w/Alginate & Foam Inserts Comfeel Plus Triangle Coloplast Hydrocolloid Comfeel Purilon Comfeel Ulcer Care Dressing Comfort-Aid Coloplast Coloplast Southwest Technologies Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrocolloid Hydrogel Sheet Comfortell Gentell Composite Island CompDress Comperm LF Compriband Dumex Hartmann DermaSciences Bordered Gauze Tubular Elastic Bandage Short Stretch Elastic Bandages StrataSorb (MSC3044)* if light to moderate drainage Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Optifoam (MSC1044EP) or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100)* or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Medline Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Exuderm OdorShield Sacrum (MSC5570)* or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* or Exuderm OdorShield Sacrum (MSC5570)* Exuderm OdorShield Sacrum (MSC5570, MSC5575) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Derma-Gel (NON8000) Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Medigrip (MSC9500)* FourFlex (MSC4400) May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate COMPRIFOAM BSN MEDICAL Comprilan Beiersdorf FOAM UNDERCAST PAD ON ROLL Short Stretch Elastic Bandage Conco 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System Conform Conformant 2 Wound Veil Conco FourFlex (MSC4300) FourFlex (MSC4400) or Beiersdorf Comprilan (SNRC590001)* FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) Sof-Form (NON25492)* No exact cross ; see below for our silicone contact layer option. Versatel (MSC1734EP) Kendall Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Compression Bandaging System Conforming Roll Bandage Wound Contact Layer Wound Contact Layer Constant-Clens Contreet Adhesive Foam Kendall Coloplast Contreet Non- Adhesive Foam Coloplast Contreet Hydrocolloid Coloplast Copa Foam Kendall Copa Ultrasoft Foam Copa Plus Ultrasoft Foam Copa Island Ultrasoft Foam Cosmopore Kendall Kendall Kendall Conco Covaderm Covaderm Plus Cover Roll DeRoyal DeRoyal Beiersdorf May 2013 Wound Cleanser Antimicrobial Silver Adhesive Foam Dressing Antimicrobial Non- Adhesive foam Dressing Antimicrobial Silver Hydrocolloid Dressing Foam, without waterproof backing Hydrophyllic foam dressing Hydrophilic foam dressing Hydrophilic foam dressing Bordered Gauze Bordered Gauze Composite Island Dressing Retention SheetAdhesive SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP)* Optifoam Ag (MSC9614EP) Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5522)* or Silvasorb Sheets (MSC9344EP)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP) Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP) Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP) Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* StrataSorb (MSC3044)* Medfix (MSC4002)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Cover Sponge Kendall Cellulose Filled Sponge Cover-All Coverlet O.R. Kimberly-Clark /Tecnol Beiersdorf Bordered Gauze Composite Island CoverRoll Stretch Beiersdorf Covertell CovRsite CovRsite Plus Gentell Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Dressing Retention Sheet Adhesive Bordered Gauze Bordered Gauze Composite Island Curad Adhesive Surgical Dressing Curaderm Kendall Composite Island Kendall Hydrocolloid/ Alginate Curafil Curafil Gauze Curafoam Kendall Kendall Kendall Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Foam Curafoam Plus Kendall Adhesive Foam Island Curagel Sheet Curaklense Curasalt Kendall Kendall Kendall Hydrogel Sheet Wound Cleanser Hypertonic Saline Gauze Curasilk Kendall Tape Curasol Curasol Gauze HealthPoint HealthPoint Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Post Op Sponge (NON21442)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* StrataSorb (MSC3044)* Medfix (MSC4002)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* CarraDres Hydrogel Sheet (CRR101053) SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* or TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005/ MNK0015)* or Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044) Medfix (MSC4002) OR Medfiz EZ (MSC4102) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Curasorb Kendall Calcium Alginate Curasorb Zinc Kendall Calcium Alginate Curity Oil Emulsion Dressing Curity Packing Strips, Iodoform Kendall Kendall Impregnated Dressing Iodoform Packing Strip Curity Xeroform Dressing Kendall Impregnated Dressing Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Oïl Emulsion (NON250330)* Medline Iodoform Packing Strip (NON255014 and NON256015)* Xeroform (NON253180)* CUTICERIN DRESSING Cutifilm SMITH & NEPHEW Beiersdorf IMPREGNATED DRESSING Transparent Film Medline Oil Emulsion (NON250330)* SureSite 123 (MSC2703)* Cutifilm Plus Beiersdorf Island Dressing / Film Border Cutimed Cavity Cutimed Gel CUTIMED SILITEC BSN Medical BSN Medical BSN Medical CUTIMED SORBACT BSN Medical Foam Amorphous Hydrogel Super absorbent foam with silicone contact layer Antimicrobial dressing with absorbent core CUTIMED SORBACT Gel BSN Medical Cutinova Alginate Beiersdorf May 2013 Antimicrobial amorphous hydrogel Alginate StrataSorb (MSC3044)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Optiva Gentle (MSC6633EP) Optiva Border (MSC6744EP)/ Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP) SilvaSorb Gel (MSC93025EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Cutinova Cavity Beiersdorf Foam Cutinova Foam Cutinova Gel Cutinova Hydro Cutinova Thin Beiersdorf Beiersdorf Beiersdorf Beiersdorf Foam Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrocolloid Hydrocolloid CUTIPLAST SMITH & NEPHEW Cutisorb Ultra BSN Medical NON ADH PAD WITH FABRIC ADH BORDER Super Absorbent dressing Bordered Gauze (MSC3244) Optilock (MSC6433EP) Cutisorb LA BSN Medical Non-adherent gauze dressing Avant Gauze (NON25446)* Cutinova Thin Beiersdorf Hydrocolloid Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Damor Gauze Damor Impregnated Gauze Derma-Bond Ethicon / SYSTAGENIX Skin Adhesive Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or Medline Oil Emulsion (NON250330)* OctylSeal (MSC91076) May 2013 Medline Product Alternate (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate DermaCleanse Brown Wound Cleanser DermaCol DermaDress Dermadrox II (No Longer available) DermaSciences Dermarite Geritrex Hydrocolloid Composite Island Dressing Impregnated Gauze Dermafill Cellulose Solutions Cellulose Membrane Dressing DermaFilm HD DermaFilm Sacral Dermarite Dermarite Hydrocolloid Regular Hydrocolloid Sacral Shape DermaFilm Thin DermaRite Hydrocolloid Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008,etc) Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* or TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* Xcell (XYL0100110)* or Xcell Antimicrobial (XYL0400110)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield Sacrum (MSC5570)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100)* or Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5522)* DERMAFIT BRENNAN MEDICAL Medigrip (MSC9500) DermaGauze DermaRite ELASTIC TUBULAR SUPPORT BANDAGE; LATEX FREE; REUSABLE; CAN BE AUTOCLAVED Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze DermaGinate DermaRite Alginate Dermagraft Advanced BioHealing, Inc. Skin Substitute Maxorb Extra (MSC7022EP)* TBA Dermagran Amorphous Hydrogel DermaSciences Amorphous Hydrogel Dermagran B Hydrophilic Gel Dermagran B Hydrophilic Dressing Gauze DermaSciences DermaSciences Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze May 2013 Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate DermaKlenz Dermal Wound Cleanser DermaRite Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Wound Cleanser Wound Cleanser Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Carrington MicroKlenz (CRR108008) DermaLevin Dermapore Dermanet AG +Border Dermarite Uniferoz DeRoyal DermaSeal Personna Foam Dressing Non-Woven Adhesive Dressing Antimicrobial Alginate with clear border Closure Strips DermaSite DermaSorb DermaSciences ConvaTec Transparent Film. Hydrocolloid / Alginate DermAssist Hydrocolloid AssisTec Hydrocolloid DermaStat DermaSciences Calcium Alginate DermaSyn and DermaSyn Spray Dermarite Hydrogel Dermatell Dermatell Secure Gentell Gentell Hydrocolloid Hydrocolloid w/Border Dermaview II Dermarite Transparent Film Dressing DerMax Dermagenics Sterile Acetate Mesh gauze with Poly Hydrated Ionogens Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3222)* Optifoam Ag Post-Op (MSC9636) Optifoam Gentle Ag Post-Op (MSC9736) Medline Medistrips (NON250318)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* or Maxorb Extra Alginate (MSC7012EP)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Carrasyn Hydrogel (CRR101030) or Carrasyn Spray Gel (CRR101080) Medline Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Suresite Window (MSC2302)* or SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* TenderWet (MSC8301)* or Puracol Plus Ag (MSC8722EP)* DEWRAP DEROYAL 3 LAYER COMPRESSION SYSTEM May 2013 Threeflex (MSC4300) WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Dome-Paste Donate-A-Gel Donate-A-Gel Gauze Rides Dumex Dumex Unna’s Boot Amorphous Hydrogel DRAWTEX DRAWTEX/BEIER HEALTHCARE SUPER ABSORBANT DRESSING DuDress DermaSciences Composite Island Dressing DuFour Dumex DuGrip DuoDERM DuoDERM CGF/ DuoDerm CGF with Border DuoDERM Extra Thin Dumex ConvaTec ConvaTec Compression Bandaging System Tubular Elastic Bandage Hydrocolloid Hydrocolloid ConvaTEc Hydrocolloid DuoDERM Hydroactive Gel/Paste ConvaTec Hydrogel DuoDerm Signal DuPad Convatec Dumex Hydrocolloid ABD Pad Durafiber Smith & Nephew Gelling Fibre Dressing Durapor Dynaflex Ecofix Tape 3M SYSTAGENIX McKesson Cloth Tape Compression System Dressing retention tape Econo-Paste Hartmann-Conco Unna’s Boot Elasto-Gel Elasto-Gel Plus Southwest Technologies Southwest Technologies Hydrogel Sheet Hydrogel Sheet May 2013 Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Medline Product Alternate Unna Boot (NONUNNA3)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* OptiLock (MSC6433EP) Stratasorb (MSC3044)* FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) Medigrip (MSC9500)* or (MSC9500YD)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm RCD (MSC5200)* or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005/ MNK0015)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* ABD Pad (NON21450)* Opticell (MSC7844EP) Cloth Tape (NON250112)* ThreeFlex (MSC4300) Medfix Tape (MSC4002)* Unna Boot w/ calamine (NONUNNA3)* or Unna Boot w/o calamine (NONUNNA13) Derma-Gel(NON8000) Derma-Gel(NON8000) WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Elastomull Beiersdorf Elastic Gauze Bandage Rolls Elastoplast Beiersdorf Elastic Adhesive Bandage Elta Swiss American Products Amorphous Hydrogel and Impregnated Gauze Sof-Form (NON25492)* Elastoplast (BDF2595)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* ELTA DRY HYDROGEL/TD (ULTRATHIN) Elta Silver Gel ELTA HYDROGEL GAUZE Swiss American Products Elta Hydrovase Swiss American Products Amorphous Hydrogel with silver Amorphous Hydrogel ENLUXTRA OSNOVATION SYS EpiFix EpiGard EpiSeal Systagenix/ Mimedx Ormed DeRoyal Epitech Rynel Foam Epiview Excel Gel ConvaTec MPM Transparent Film Amorphous Hydrogel SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* EXCELLAGEN CARDIUM COLLAGEN IN PRE-FILLED SYRINGE Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* or May 2013 Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* SilvaSorb Gel (MSC9301EP)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* SELF ADAPTIVE/DONATES AND ABSORBS; DEBRIDES Amniotic Membrane Tenderwet Active (MSC8301) or Tenderwet Active Cavity (MSC8401) TBA Synthetic Skin Closure Strips No-Cross Medline Medistrips (NON250318)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Excel Hydrocolloid MPM Hydrocolloid ExcelGinate MPM Alginate Excilon Kendall Non-Woven Sponge Excilon AMD Kendall Antimicrobial IV Drain Sponge ExSept Plus WC Wound Cleanser Exu-Dry Alcavis Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Sodium Hypochlorite Cleanser Super Absorbent Dressing Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Avant Gauze (NON25446)* SilvaSorb Site Dressing (MSC9310EP) or XCell AM (XYL) MicroKlenz (CRR108008) Optilock (MSC6444EP)* E-Z Derm Farrow Wrap Fibracol Plus Brennan Farrow Medical SYSTAGENIX Synthetic Membrane Compression Garment Collagen /Calcium Alginate Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* FourFlex (MSC4400) Puracol (MSC8522)* FIXOMULL STRETCH BSN DRESSING RETENTION TAPE FIXOMULL TRANSPARENT BSN TRANSPARENT FILM FlexDerm Bertek Pharmaceuticals Hydrogel Sheet FlexiCol Flexifix FlexiGel Sheets Hartmann-Conco Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt United Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Hydrocolloid Transparent Film On a Roll Hydrogel Sheets Medfix (MSC4002) Suresite Roll (MSC2402) Derma-Gel (NON8000) Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Suresite Roll (MSC2402)* FlexiGel Strands Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Hydrogel Strands May 2013 Medline Product Alternate CarraDres Hydrogel Sheet (CRR101053) or SilvaSorb Sheets (MSC9322EP)* SilvaSorb Cavity (MSC9360EP) WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Flexi-Paste Conco Unna’s Boot Flexzan Bertek Pharma Hartmann-Conco Braun Foam Dressing Unna boot w/o calamine (NONUNNA13)* Unna Boot w/ calamine (NONUNNA3)* Optifoam Thin (MSC1523)* Gel Care Gel Pad Gel-Foam (RX ONLY) Gelocast Gene Klenz Silipos MPM Upjohn Hydrogel Sheet Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Hemostat Beiersdorf Genelogic Unna’s Boot Wound Cleanser Gentell Calcium Alginate Gentell Calcium Alginate Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Gentell Gauze Gentell Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Gentell Hydrogel Glucan II Gentell Brennen Hydrogel Beta-Glucan Mesh Gold Dust Southwest Technologies Wound Filler GRX Foam Geritrex Foam Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze (MSC6044)* or XCell Biosynthesized Cellulose (XYL) Optilock/Optiva (MSC6444EP/ MSC6644EP)* or Arglaes Powder (MSC9202)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* FourPress Fybron May 2013 4 Layer Compression Bandage Calcium Alginate FourFlex (MSC4400) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Derma-Gel Sheet (NON8000) Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* No Cross Unna Boot (NONUNNA3)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate GRX Gauze Geritrex Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze GRX Hydrocolloid Geritrex Hydrocolloid Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* COLLAGEN HEMOSTAT No cross Hymed Group Amorphous Hydrogel Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* HYDRAFOAM Hydragran DERMARITE Baxter NON ADH FOAM Exudate Absorber HydraPad Baxter Hydrocolloid Hydrasorb Hydrasorb Plus Hydrocell Hydrocell Adhesive Kendall Kendall Dumex Dumex Foam Foam Foam Foam Hydrocell Thin Adhesive Hydrocol Hydrocol Sacrum Dumex Bertek Pharmaceuticals Bertek Pharmaceuticals Foam Hydrocolloid Hydrocolloid Hydrocol Thin Bertek Pharmaceuticals Thin Hydrocolloid Hydrofera Blue Hollister Sponge with Antimicrobial Pigments Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Medine’s Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5544)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* Optifoam Thin (MSC1523)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield Sacrum (MSC5575)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP)* HELISTAT (SPONGE) HELITENE (FIBER/ POWDER) Hycure Smart Gel May 2013 INTEGRA WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate HYDRO TAC HARTMANN ADH FOAM W/HYDROGEL CONTACT LAYER Hydrovase HyFil Hypafix Amorphous Hydrogel Amorphous Hydrogel Dressing Retention Tape Hypafix Transparent Swiss American Braun BSN Medical/Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt BSN Medical Hypergel Molnlycke Transparent Dressing Retention Tape Amorphous Hydrogel Hyperion Alginate Hyperion Calcium Alginate Hyperion Bordered Gauze Hyperion Bordered Gauze Hyperion Hydrocolloid Hyperion Hydrocolloid Hyperion Transparent Film Hyperion Transparent Film Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC 6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC 6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Medfix (MSC4002)* Suresite Roll (MSC2402)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005/ MNK0015)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP etc.) Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5544)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Hyperion Wound Gel HyTape Pink Tape Hyperion HyTape Amorphous Hydrogel Pink, Zinc Tape Iamin Procyte Hydrogel Iamin Wound Cleanser Integra Matrix InterDry AG Intersorb Bard Integra Mountainside Medical Kendall Wound Cleanser Bovine Collagen Skin Fold Management 6ply Bandage Roll Intrasite Gel Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Hydrogel May 2013 Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Omega’s Pink Tape (OMAM55)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* No Cross, sell same (COI7912)* Medline Bulkee II (NON25865)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company IRRISEPT IRRIMAX JELONET TUELLE GRAS GAUZE SMITH & NEPHEW Kalginate DeRoyal WOUND DEBRID/CLEANSER IN SQUEEZE BTL W/SPLATTER GUARD PARAFFIN IMPREGNATED GAUZE Calcium Alginate Kaltostat ConvaTec Calcium Alginate Kaltostat Fortex (Off the Market) ConvaTec Calcium Alginate Karaya Powder Hollister Ostomy Powder Kerlix Kerlix AMD Kendall Kendall 6 ply Bandage Roll Antimicrobial Bandage Roll Kind Removal 3M Silicone Tape Kling (no longer available) Komprex Sheet Leukofix SYSTAGENIX 2 ply Conforming Bandage Roll Lohmann and Rauscher BSN Medical Foam padding Transparent Tape Leukomed Leukomed T Leukomed T Plus Leukopor BSN BSN BSN BSN Bordered Gauze Dressing Transparent Film Dressing Transparent Film Dressing Paper Tape May 2013 Medical Medical Medical Medical Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Versatel (MSC1723EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP etc.) Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) No Cross, sell same (HTP7905) or Marathon (MSC093005)* Bulkee II (NON25865)* SilvaSorb (MSC9340EP)* or Arglaes Powder (MSC9210)* or XCell AM (XYL) Gentac (MSC1583) Sof-Form (NON25492)* No Cross, sell same (LRI22313) Transparent Tape (NON260212)* or Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Suresite 123 (MSC2705)* Suresite 123+Pad (MSC2605)* Sell Paper Tape (NON260012)* or suggest Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Leukosilk BSN Medical Silk Tape Lightplast Pro Beiersdorf Elastic Athletic Tape Lo Profile Gentell Foam LoPress Hartmann-Conco Short Stretch Elastic Bandage Lyofoam ConvaTec Foam Dressing Lyofoam “A” ConvaTec Lyofoam “C” ConvaTec Foam Dressing Adhesive Border Foam Dressing w/Charcoal Sell Cloth Tape (NON260112)* or suggest Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* Ortho Porous Tape (NON250312)* Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* or Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* FourFlex (MSC4400) or Beiersdorf Comprilan (BDF1026)* Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* LYOFOAM MAX CONVATEC HIGH ABSORB FOAM Lyofoam “T” Macropro Gel ConvaTec Brennan Medicopaste Graham-Field Foam Dressing, Trach Style Oat Beta-Glucan Oil Emulsion Gel Unna Boot Medihoney Calcium Alginate DermaSciences Honey/ Alginate Dressing Medihoney Gel DermaSciences Honey Gel Dressing Medihoney HCS (Hydrogel Colloidal Sheet) DermaSciences Honey/ Hydrogel Sheet Dressing May 2013 Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP) Optifoam Site (MSC1104) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102) Unna Boot w/ calamine (NONUNNA3, 4) or Unna Boot w/o calamine (NONUNNA13,14) TheraHoney Gauze (MNK0077) or TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* TheraHoney Gauze (MNK0077) or TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Medihoney Honeycolloid DermaSciences Honey/ Hydrocolloid Dressing Medihoney Paste DermaSciences Honey Gel Dressing Medifil Medipore BioCore 3M Collagen Particles Dressing Retention Sheet Medipore + Pad Medipore H 3M 3M Bordered Gauze Dressing Retention Sheet Medipore Pre-Cut 3M Dressing Retention Sheet in Pre-cut Sizes Mefilm Mefix Molnlycke Molnlycke Transparent Film Dressing Retention Tape Megazinc Pink Omega Medical Pink, Zinc Tape Melgisorb Molnlycke Calcium Alginate Melgisorb AG Molnlycke Silver Alginate Dressing Mepiform Molnlycke Silicone Contact Layer Mepilex Molnlycke Foam TheraHoney Gauze (MNK0077) or TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* Medifil (BOOMF2001) Medfix (MSC4002)* or Medfix EZ (MSC4102)* or (MSC1585)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Medfix (MSC4002)* or Medfix EZ (MSC4102)* suggest Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* Medline Medfix (MSC4002)* or Gentac silicone tape (MSC1583)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Medfix (MSC4002)* or Gentac Silicone tape (MSC1585)* Omega Pink Tape (OMAM55)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra AG (MSC9422EP) Curad Advanced Scar Therapy Strips (CUR0023) Optiva Gentle (MSC6633EP) Optifoam Gentle (MSC2033EP) May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Mepilex Ag Mepilex Border Molnlycke Molnlycke Silver Foam Foam with silicone border Optifoam Ag (MSC9614EP)* Optiva Gentle (MSC6633EP) Mepilex AG Border Mepilex Lite Molnlycke Molnlycke Silver Foam Silicone Foam Dressing Optifoam Gentle (MSC2033EP) Optifoam Gentle AG (MSC9744EP)* Optifoam Gentle (MSC2044EP)* Mepilex Transfer Molnlycke Silicone Foam Dressing Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* Mepitac Molnlycke Silicone Tape Mepitel Molnlycke Silicone Contact Layer Mepitel One Molnlycke Silicone Contact Layer Mepore Molnlycke Adhesive Dressing Mepore Film Molnlycke Transparent Film Mepore IV Molnlycke Transparent Film Mepore Pro Molnlycke Adhesive dressing Mesalt Molnlycke Hypertonic Saline Gauze Gentac Tape (MSC1583) Versatel (MSC1723EP) Versatel (MSC1723EP) Bordered Gauze (MSC3222)* Suresite Window (MSC2302) Suresite Window (MSC2302) Stratasorb Composite (MSC3044)* TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* or TheraHoney Gauze (MNK0077) Mesorb Molnlycke Absorbent Dressing May 2013 ABD pad (NON21450)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Mextra Molnlycke Super Absorbent dressing Microcyn Oculus Wound Cleanser Optilock (MSC6433EP) Micro-Klenz Wound Cleanser CRR108008 Micropore 3M Paper Tape Multidex Powder DeRoyal Maltodextrin Powder Multidex Gel Multi-Layer Dressing DeRoyal MPM Maltodextrin Gel Composite Island MultiPad DeRoyal Non-Adherent Pad N-A SYSTAGENIX Contact Layer N-A Ultra SYSTAGENIX Contact Layer Natural Care Neo Bond NormL Gel NormL Gel Gauze Bard Neotech Molnlycke Molnlycke Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrocolloid strips Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze N-Terface Winfield Labs Wound Contact Layer NuDerm Alginate SYSTAGENIX Alginate NuDerm Border SYSTAGENIX Hydrocolloid May 2013 Medfix Paper Tape (NON260012)* or Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* Therahoney Gel (MNK0015) or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* TheraHoney Gel (MNK0005)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Medline Non-Adherent Pad (NON25700)* Versatel (MSC1723EP) Versatel (MSC1723EP) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Gentac Tape (MSC1583)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Versatel (MSC1734EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate NuDerm Foam SYSTAGENIX Foam Dressing NuDerm Standard SYSTAGENIX Hydrocolloid NuDerm Thin SYSTAGENIX Thin Hydrocolloid NuGauze Packing Strips (plain/Iodoform) NuGel SYSTAGENIX Packing Strips SYSTAGENIX Hydrogel/Alginate NuGel Sheet SYSTAGENIX Hydrogel Sheet NuKnit Omega Zinc Ethicon Omega Medical Hemostat Pink Zinc Tape OmniFix Conco Dressing Retention Tape Opsite Opsite Flexifix Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Transparent Film Transparent Film Roll Opsite Flexigrid Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Transparent Film Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100)* or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Packing Strips (NON255014 and NON256015)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Derma-Gel (NON8000) No Cross Omega’s Pink Zinc Tape (OMAM55)* or Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* Medfix (MSC4002)* or Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite Roll *MSC2402) Suresite Matrix (MSC2204) Opsite IV 3000 Opsite Plus Opsite Post-Op Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Transparent Film Transparent Film with Pad Composite Island w/ Film Border Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite123+Pad (MSC2603)* Suresite 123+Pad (MSC2603*) OPSITE POST-OP VISIBLE SMITH & NEPHEW TRANSPARENT FILM W/PAD Optase Gel Onset Therapeutics Balsam Peru and Castor oil Gel Suresite 123+Pad (MSC2603) No Cross May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Optipore Sponge OsmoCyte ConvaTec Bard Cleansing Sponge Hydropolymer Island Dressing OsmoCyte PCA Pillow Bard Owen’s Dressing Pak-Its Hydrogel PanoGauze Kendall Dumex Sage Labs Hydropolymer Island Dressing w/ copper peptides Non-Adherent Contact Layer Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Panoplex PermaFoam Comfort Adhesive PermaFoam Non-Adhesive PermaFoam Thin Phyto Derma Pink Tape Polyderm Sage Labs Hartmann-Conco Hartmann-Conco Hartmann-Conco Aloe Life International HyTape DeRoyal Amorphous Hydrogel Foam Foam Thin Foam Amorphous Hydrogel Tape Foam Polyderm Border DeRoyal Foam w/Adhesive Border Polyderm Plus DeRoyal Foam w/ Adhesive Border Polymax Ferris Foam Dressing Polymem Ferris Foam Dressing Polymem Calcium Alginate Ferris Calcium Alginate Polymem Silver Polyskin II PolyWic Ferris Kendall Ferris Antimicrobial Foam Dressing Transparent Film Dressing Foam No Cross Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* or Optilock (MSC6444EP)* Optifoam AG (MSC9614EP) or Maxorb Extra AG (MSC9412EP)* No cross or Oil emulsion (NON250330)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Thin (MSC1523)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Omega’s Pink Zinc Tape (OMAM55)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* or OptiLock (MSC6444Ep)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* or Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Preppies Kendall Skin Prep or Adhesive Remover Wipes Primacol DermaSciences Hydrocolloid Primacol Bordered DermaSciences Hydrocolloid w/Border Primacol Thin DermaSciences Thin Hydrocolloid PrimaDerm Primapore Primer DermaSciences Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Western Medical Wound Cleanser Bordered Gauze Unna’s Boot Prisma SYSTAGENIX ORC Collagen with Silver (55% collagen/45%ORC) PROCELLERA VOMARIS Procol DeRoyal “BIOELECTRIC” WOUND DRESSING (ANTIMICROBIAL) Hydrocolloid ProCyte Profore LF (Latex-Free) Bard Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Profore Lite Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Profore WCL Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Transparent Film Compression Bandaging System 3 Layer Compression Bandage System Wound Contact Layer ProGuide Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt 2 Layer Compression Wrap May 2013 Medline Product Alternate Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Sureprep Skin Preps (MSC1500) or NoSting version (MSC1505, MSC1510) or Adhesive Remover Wipes (MDS090855)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100)* or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Skintegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Unna Boot w/ calamine (NONUNNA3)* Unna Boot w/o calamine (NONUNNA13)* Puracol Plus Ag (MSC8722EP)* No cross Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* SureSite 123 (MSC2703)* FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) ThreeFlex (MSC4300) Oil Emulsion (NON250330)* FourFlex (MSC4400) or AND8500 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Promogran SYSTAGENIX ORC Collagen (55% collagen 45% ORC) Provant Provail Puri-Clens Regenesis Biomedical ProCure Coloplast Wound Closure System Composite Dressing Wound Cleanser Purilon Regenecare Coloplast MPM Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel w/Collagen Repel MPM Composite RepliCare Replicare Thin Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Hydrocolloid Thin Hydrocolloid Reston Foam 3M Adhesive Foam Sheeting Restore Contact Layer with Flex Hollister Contact Layer Restore Contact Layer with Silver Hollister Contact Layer Restore Hydrocolloid Hollister Hydrocolloid May 2013 Medline Product Alternate Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* No Cross Bordered Gauze (MSC3222)* SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* or MicroKlenz (CRR108008) Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* or Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* No Cross, Sell Same. Reston (MMM1561)* Versatel (MSC1723EP) Versatel (MSC1723EP) and Arglaes powder (MSC9202) Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate RESTORE HYDROSHIELD FOAM HOLLISTER FOAM W/ADH BORDER Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP) RESTORE TRIACT FOAM HOLLISTER FOAM W/GENTLE BORDER Restore CalciCare Hollister Alginate Restore Gauze Restore Hydrogel RestoreThin Hollister Hollister Hollister Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Amorphous Hydrogel Thin Hydrocolloid Restore Trio Hollister Restore Cleanser and Moisturizer Spray Rosidal K Short Stretch Hollister Absorbent dressing with border Barrier Spray Optifoam Gentle (MSC2033EP) Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5544)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* or Optilock (MSC6444EP)* Remedy Cleansing Lotion (MSC094308)* Royl-Derm Cleanser Royl-Derm Gel Acme United Acme United Short Stretch/High Compression Wound Cleanser Hydrogel MediGrip (MSC9500) SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* SkinTegrity Wound Gel (MSC6102)* SAF-Clens SAF-gel Scanpor ConvaTec ConvaTec Bard Wound Cleanser Hydrogel/Alginate Paper Tape SeaClens SeaSorb Soft Coloplast Coloplast Wound cleanser Calcium Alginate Seasorb AG Coloplast Calcium Alginate with silver SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Curad LF (NON260001)* or Caring tape (PRM260001)* SkinTegrity Wound Cleanser (MSC6008)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra AG (MSC9412EP)* May 2013 LOHMANN & RAUSCHER WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate SeptiCare Sage Labs Wound Cleanser Setopress ConvaTec Compression Bandage System MicroKlenz Wound Cleanser (CRR108008) FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) SignaDRESS ConvaTec Hydrocolloid Silon Dual-Dress Bio Med Sciences Silvadene Pharmacy Silicone Membrane and Foam Backing Silver Sulfadiazine SilvaDerm Dermarite Antimicrobial Dressing SilvaSorb Sheets (MSC9340EP)* SilverCel Silvercel Non-Adherent SYSTAGENIX SYSTAGENIX Silver alginate Silver alginate w/contact layer Silverlon Argentum Antimicrobial Silver Dressing Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP) -Pair WithVersatel (MSC1723EP) SilvaSorb (MSC9340EP)* or Maxorb Extra Ag (MSC9412EP)* SILVERLON ISLAND ARGENTUM Silverseal DermaSciences Siteguard MVP Centurion / Tri-State Hermitage Hollister ABSORBANT ANTIMICROBIAL W/ADHESIVE BORDER Antimicrobial Wound Contact Layer Transparent Film SiteLine Skin Gel May 2013 Transparent Film Skin Protectant Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Optifoam Gentle (MSC2044EP)* SilvaSorb Gel (MSC9301EP)* Optifoam Ag (MSC9604EP) SilvaSorb Sheets (MSC9344EP)* Suresite Window (MSC2302)* or Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* SurePrep (MSC1500)* or SurePrep No-Sting WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Skin Prep Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Skin Protectant SKIN TAC WIPE TORBOT Adhesive Barrier Wipe SkinTemp Sof-Foam BioCore SYSTAGENIX Collagen Foam Sofsorb DeRoyal Absorbent Pad Solosite Solosite Conformable Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Amorphous Hydrogel Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze SorbaCell DermaSciences Foam Sorbalgon Hartmann-Conco Alginate Sorbaview Tri-State Transparent Film Sorbex Sorbex Thin Bard Bard Hydrocolloid Thin Hydrocolloid Sorbion Sachet S Sorbsan Sorbion Bertek Pharmaceuticals Absorbent Dressing Calcium Alginate May 2013 Medline Product Alternate (MSC1505, MSC1510, MSC1513, MSC1528) SurePrep (MSC1500)* or SurePrep No-Sting (MSC1505, MSC1510, MSC1513, MSC1528) SurePrep (MSC1500)* or SurePrep No-Sting (MSC1505, MSC1510, MSC1513, MSC1528) Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* Medline ABD Pad (NON21450)* or Optilock (MSC6444EP)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Skintegrity Hydrogel Gauze (MSC6044)* or Tenderwet Active (MSC8301)* Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* or Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Maxorb II (MSC7344ep) Sureview (MSC2502)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100)* or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Optilock (MSC6444EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Elastic Net (NONNET, etc…) Spandage Medi-Tech Elastic Net SPANDAG RIP MEDI-TECH Span-Gel Foam Medi Tech LATEX FREE TUBULAR BANDAGE Foam Span-Gel Gel and Sheets Medi Tech Amorphous Hydrogel Sta-Fix Tape Southwest Technologies Steri Strips 3M Dressing Retention Sheet (precut sizes) Wound Closure Strip SteriCare SteriCare SteriCare Glycerin Stimulen Gel AssisTec AssisTec AssisTec Southwest Technologies Copolymer Absorbent Powder Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Amorphous Hydrogel Collagen Gel Stimulen Powder Southwest Technologies Collagen Powder Medigrip (MSC9500) Optifoam Basic (MSC1133)* Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or Carrington CarraDres sheets (CRR101053) Medfix Tape (MSC4002)* or Medfix EZ (MSC4102)* Medistrips (NON250318)* Optilock (MSC6444EP)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* Skintegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* or Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Medifil Powder (BOOMF2001)* Super Sponges Kendall Fluff Sponge Bulkee II Super Fluff (NON25852)* SUPRASORB A LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Calcium Alginate SUPRASORB A+AG LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Alginate w/Silver Maxorb Extra (MSC7022EP) Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Maxorb Extra AG (MSC9422EP) May 2013 WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate SUPRASORB C LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Collagen Sponge Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* SUPRASORB F LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Transparent Film SUPRASORB H LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Hydrocolloid SUPRASORB P LOHMANN & RAUSCHER Foam Dressing SurePress ConvaTec Compression Bandage Sureseal Gainor Surgicel Surgifix SYSTAGENIX Smith and Nephew Bandage with Special Compression Pad Hemostat Elastic net Suresite 123 (MSC2703) Suresite Roll (MSC2402) Exuderm Odorshield (MSC5522) Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP) Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP) FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) or sell same SurePress (SQU650947) Pressure Bandage (NON85100)* Surgigrip Western Medical Tubular Elastic Bandage Surgilast Western Medical Surgical Elastic Net System 4 Western Medical Compression Bandaging System Tegaderm 3M Transparent Film Tegaderm + Pad Tegaderm Ag Mesh Tegaderm High Integrity 3M 3M 3M Transparent Film + pad Antimicrobial silver mesh Calcium Alginate May 2013 No Cross Elastic Net (NONNET01)* Medigrip (MSC9500)* Elasti Net (NONNET01)* FourFlex 4-Layer Compression Bandaging System (MSC4400) SureSite Window (MSC2302)* or Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* Suresite 123+pad (MSC2603)* SilvaSorb (MSC9322EP)* Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Alginate Tegaderm High Gelling Alginate Tegaderm Foam 3M 3M Calcium Alginate Foam Tegaderm HP 3M Transparent Film Tegaderm Hydrocolloid Tegaderm Hydrocolloid Thin 3M 3M Hydrocolloid Thin Hydrocolloid Tegaderm Hydrogel Tegaderm Non-Adherent Contact Layer 3M 3M Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Wound Contact Layer Telfa Telfa Adhesive Telfa AMD Telfa Clear Telfa Island Telfa Plus Island Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendall Telfa Xtra Kendall TenderFix Kendall Non-Adherent Gauze Bordered Gauze Antimicrobial Telfa Dressing Wound Contact Layer Bordered Gauze Composite Island w/ Film Barrier Composite Island w/ Film Border Tape Tendersorb Kendall ABD Pad Tenderwrap Kendall Unna’s Boot Thermazene Kendall Antimicrobial Ointment May 2013 Medline Product Alternate Maxorb II (MSC7344EP) Opticell (MSC7844EP) Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244EP)* or Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* SureSite Window (MSC2302)* or Suresite 123 (MSC2701)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm LP (MSC5100) or Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* Medline Oil Emulsion (NON250330)* or Versatel (MSC1723EP) Non-Adherent Gauze (NON25700)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Medline’s BioGaurd (NON25710)* Medline Oïl Emulsion (NON250330)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* Medfix EZ (MSC4102)* or Medfix (MSC4002) or suggest Gentac silicone tape (MSC1585)* ABD Pad (NON21450) Medline Unna Boot w/o calamine (NONUNNA13)* or Unna boot with calamine (NONUNNA3)* SilvaSorb WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing ThinSite ThreePress Braun Hartmann-Conco Tielle Lite SYSTAGENIX Dry Hydrogel Three Layer Compression Bandage Foam Tielle Packing SYSTAGENIX Foam Tielle Plus SYSTAGENIX Foam Tielle Plus Borderless Tielle Plus Sacrum Topper SYSTAGENIX SYSTAGENIX SYSTAGENIX Foam Foam Cellulose Filled Sponge Transcyte Transeal Transigel Transorbent Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt DeRoyal Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Braun / Swiss American Products Skin Substitute Transparent Film Hydrogel Impregnated Gauze Absorbent Hydrogel Transpore TresFlex 3M Dumex Tubifast ConvaTec Transparent Tape Compression Bandaging System Dressing Retention Bandage Tubigrip ConvaTec Tubular Elastic Bandage Tubipad ConvaTec Tubular Padded Bandage Ulcer Care Coloplast Hydrocolloid Ultec Ultec Pro Kendall Kendall Hydrocolloid Alginate Hydrocolloid UltraFix Dumex Dressing Retention Tape May 2013 Medline Product Alternate (MSC9301EP)* Derma-Gel (NON8000) ThreeFlex (MSC4300) Optifoam Gentle (MSC2033EP) Optifoam Basic (MSC1133) Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* Optifoam Non-Adhesive (MSC1244)* Optifoam Adhesive Sacral (MSC1065EP) Post Op Sponge (NON21442)* No Cross SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Skintegrity Gauze (MSC6044)* Stratasorb (MSC3044)* or Optifoam (MSC1244EP)* or Derma-Gel (NON8000) Medfix Transparent Tape (NON250212)* ThreeFlex (MSC4300) ConvaTec’s Tubifast (SQU1524)* Medigrip (MSC9500)* ConvaTec’s Tubipad (SQU154579)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* Exuderm OdorShield (MSC5544)* or Maxorb Extra (MSC7012EP)* Medfix WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate UniFlex Unisolve Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Transparent Film Dressing Adhesive Remover (MSC4002)* SureSite 123 (MSC2701)* Adhesive Remover (MDS090855) Unna-Flex ConvaTec Unna Boot Unna-Pak Western Medical Unna Boot UnnaPress DermaSciences Unna Boot Venigard Conmed IV Dressing Ventex Wound Dressing System Kendall Composite Dressing Versalon Kendall Non-Woven Sponge Versiva/ Versiva XC Convatec Viasorb Wound Dressing w/Absorptive Pad VigiFoam Kendall Hydrogel with CMC / Superabsorbent Core and Foam Backing Composite Dressing Bard Foam Vigilon Bard Hydrogel Viscopaste Smith & Nephew Wound Mgmt Unna Boot Woun’ dres Coloplast Hydrogel w/Collagen Woundgard XCell XCell AM MPM Lohmann & Rauscher/ Medline Lohmann & Rauscher/ Medline Bordered Gauze Cellulose Dressing Cellulose Dressing May 2013 Unna Boot (NONUNNA13)* or Unna Boot with calamine (NONUNNA3)* Unna Boot (NONUNNA3)* plus Co-Flex Cohesive Bandage (MDS088004)* or Unna Boot with calamine (NONUNNA3)* Unna Boot (NONUNNA13)* or Unna Boot with calamine (NONUNNA3)* Sell same Venigard (CND7*)* or Sureview (MSC2502)* StrataSorb (MSC3044)* or TenderWet Active (MSC8301)* Avant Gauze (NON25224)* Optifoam Adhesive (MSC1044EP)* or Optifoam Gentle (MSC2044EP)* or Optilock (MSC6444EP)* StrataSorb (MSC3044)* Optifoam Basic (MSC133)* or Optifoam (MSC1044EP)* Derma-Gel (NON8000) or CarraDres (CRR101053) Unna Boot (NONUNNA13)* SkinTegrity Hydrogel (MSC6102)* or Puracol Plus (MSC8622EP)* Bordered Gauze (MSC3244)* XCell Dressings (XYL)* XCell AM Dressings (XYL)* WOUND CARE PRODUCTS BRAND NAME CONVERSION CHART Brand Name Company Type of Product/ Dressing Medline Product Alternate Xeroflo Kendall Impregnated Gauze Xeroform Petrolatum Gauze XtraSorb Kendall DermaSciences Impregnated Dressing Super Absorbent Polymer Pad Xeroform Gauze (NON253180)* or Oïl Emulsion (NON250330)* Xeroform (NON253180)* Optilock (MSC6444EP)* Xtrasorb HCS DermaSciences Hydrogel/ Hydrocolloid hybrid dressing Optilock (MSC6444EP)* or Derma-Gel (NON8000) X-SPAN Alba-Waldensian Tubular Bandage Medigrip (MSC9500) May 2013
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