Request Form for Pipette Repair and Calibration


Request Form for Pipette Repair and Calibration
Material und Logistik
Universität Zürich
Material und Logistik
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zürich
Vaudaux-Eppendorf AG
Im Kirschgarten 30
CH-4124 Schönenbuch/Basel
Tel.: 061 4872 14 14
E-mail: [email protected]
Request Form for Pipette Repair and Calibration
Please also fill in the decontamination certificate for returned goods and incluce with all returns
of pipettes.
Your cost location
Name of requester: Laboratory, department:
Phone number:
The pipettes and invoices will be sent back to the address mentioned above. To simplify the return, please write your full name in capital letters. Thank you.
Requested service:
Total number of pipettes:
Consisting of the following pipettes:
*Basis Service: CHF 45.--
Description of defect or requested service*
Serial Number