Hitzeroth - Lebenslauf


Hitzeroth - Lebenslauf
Dr. Steffen Hitzeroth
Birthday: October 10, 1954 in Leipzig, Germany
Address: 65529 Waldems-Esch, Taunusstr.14, Germany
1961 - 1965 Elementary school Wiesbaden-Bierstadt
1965 - 1973 Joh. Gutenberg Gymnasium (High School),
1973 Matrique
Medical School/Pre-graduate Training:
1973 - 1980 Joh. Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
1976 Physicum
1977 First Medical Examination (Erste Ärztliche Prüfung)
1979 Second Medical Examination (Zweite Ärztliche
1979 - 1980 Practical Year, Städt. Kliniken Wiesbaden,
(Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics)
1980 Third Medical Examination (Dritte Ärztliche Prüfung)
and Final Degree: Approbation als Arzt (MD)
1980 Joh. Gutenberg University, Mainz: "cum laude"
Post Graduate Training:
- 1, 1.9.1980-30.11.1981 Army time, Delmenhorst, Leitender Arzt: Dr.
Ewert, Kind of job: Stabsarzt der Bundeswehr
- 2, 1.12.1981-30.9.1983 Pius Hosp., Oldenburg (Academical Teaching
Hospital, University of Göttingen), Internal
Medicine, Head: Prof. Koch, Medical Assisitant
- 3, 1.1.1984- 30.6.1984 Ngwelezana Hosp.,Empangeni, Rep. Südafrica,
Internal Medicine, Head: Dr. Quantock, Medical
- 4, 1.7.1984-31.12.1984 Ngwelezana Hosp., Empangeni,
Anesthesiology (incl. Intensive Care), Head:
Dr. Dunning, Medical Assisitant
- 5, 1.1.1985- 31.3.1985 Ngwelezana, Hosp., Empangeni, Gynecology/
Obstetrics, Head: Dr. Allen, Medical Assisitant
- 6, 1.4.1985- 30.6.1985 Ngwelezana Hosp, Empangeni, Surgery,
Head: Dr. Henderson, Medical Assisitant
- 7, 1.7.1985- 30.6.1986 Tygerberg Hosp. (University Hospital of
University of Stellenbosch), Cape Town, South
Africa, Internal Medicine (incl. Intensive Care,
Cardiology und Pulmonology),
Heads: Prof. De Kock, Prof. Joubert, Prof.Weich,
Medical Assisitant
- 8, 1.10.1986-31.3.1987 Ngwelezana Hosp.,Empangeni, Surgery,
Head: Dr. Ghimenton, Medical Assisitant
- 9, 1.4.1987- 30.6.1987 Praxis Dr. Kuh, Kirberg, Practice Assistant
- 10,1.7.1987-30.6.1988 Klinik Dr.Heines, Bremen, Neurology/Psychiatry
(Alcohol- and drug addicts), Head: Dr. Heines,
Medical Assistant
- 11, 1.7.1988-30.4.1989 OH Department of Hoechst AG, FfmHöchst, Head: Dr. Schuckmann, Plant Physician
- 12, 1.5.1989-30.6.1990 OH Department of Hoechst AG,Werk
Knapsack, Hürth, Head: Dr. Kettges-Frohwein, Plant
- 13, 1.7.1990-30.9.1992 OH Department of Hoechst AG, FfmHöchst, Head: Dr. Schuckmann, Pant Physician
- 14, from 1.10.1992 Procter & Gamble GMBH, Schwalbach a. Ts.,
Medical Director Occupational Health:
responsible for 2 Global Business Units and 2 regional business
units (EMEA)
1987 Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin (General Medicine)
1990 Arzt für Arbeitsmedizin (Occupational Medicine)
1995 Umweltmedizin (Environmental Medicine)
2006 Health Manager
2008 Disability Manager
Further medical qualifications/Exams:
ECFMG Examen (US Exam)
Registration with the South African Medical And Dental Council
Further diplomas:
Arzt im Rettungsdienst (specialized is emergency medicine)
Further activities:
1989-1990 Notarzt in Hürth (Emergency physician)
1990-2000 Ärztlicher Notdienst, Idstein (emergency call)
2009 Treasurer Medichem
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin
Verband dt. Betriebs- und Werksärzte
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Deutsche tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft and many others
Married since 1980
Four kids: 2 boys 25 and 16 years old, 2 girls 22 and 18
1 dog
Hobbies: daily jogging, family research, bicycle, motorbike
Dr. Steffen Hitzeroth
Status: March 2010