Green Living
Green Living
indoor suggestions greenliving 2012 a world of potteries LEGENDA outdoor indoor* fatto a mano handmade handgemacht finito a mano hand finished von hand vollendet dipinto a mano hand painted handgemalt traspirante transpiring atmungsaktiv resistente al gelo frost resistant winterfest idrorepellente water resistant wasserabweisend resistente alla ruggine rust resistant rostfrei resistente raggi uv uv resistant uv - beständig modello depositato patented patentiert con foro with hole mit loch no foro no hole ohne loch foro predisposto pre-drilled loch vorgestanzt riciclabile recyclable stofflich verwertbar eco-friendly umweltfreundlich * Per uso “Indoor” si intende un utilizzo del prodotto come coprivaso all’interno dell’abitazione. Non si può quindi garantire resistenza al gelo o altre condizioni atmosferiche esterne. * Indoor use means the product should be used as a planter inside a building. We cannot therefore guarantee the product will withstand frost or adverse weather conditions. * Unter Indoor-Gebrauch versteht sich ein Gebrauch des Produkts als Übertopf in der Wohnung. Es kann daher keine Beständigkeit gegen Frost oder sonstige äußere Witterungseinflüsse garantiert werden. HOW TO simple & intelligent Il Catalogo Deroma Green Living è stato pensato, progettato e realizzato per essere uno strumento di lavoro utile e pratico per i professionisti del gardening e del landscaping. Per questo motivo è stato dotato di una serie di strumenti che facilitano l’identificazione del vaso adatto in base ad una serie di criteri di scelta. The Deroma Green Living catalogue has been designed, planned and produced to be a useful, practical working tool for gardening and landscaping professionals. This is why it has been provided with a range of instruments that will help you with choosing pots according to a number of criteria. Der Katalog Deroma Green Living wurde als nützliches und praktisches Arbeitsmittel für die Spezialisten des Gartenbaus und der Landschaftsgestaltung ausgearbeitet, konzipiert und realisiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde er mit einer Reihe von Instrumenten, die die Ermittlung des geeigneten Pflanzgefäßes auf der Basis einer Reihe von Auswahlkriterien erleichtern, ausgestattet. technical icon key Qui a fianco trovate una legenda delle principali caratteristiche tecniche e dinamiche dei vasi e dei materiali Deroma, rappresentate per icone per facilitarne l’immediata riconoscibilità. Troverete queste icone nelle pagine di prodotto, in alto a destra, sotto al nome della collezione, esse vi aiuteranno ad individuare immediatamente le peculiarità e le proprietà di ogni prodotto, dalla predisposizione per il foro alla resistenza al gelo, il metodo di produzione e la destinazione d’uso. Here at the side you will find a key to the icons used to represent the main technical and dynamic features of the pots and Deroma materials, and which make them immediately recognisable. You will find these icons in the top right-hand corner of the product pages, under the name of the collection. They will help you to immediately identify the peculiarities and properties of each product, for example whether they are provided with a hole in the bottom or are frost proof, the method used for their manufacture and the use they were designed for. Nebenstehend finden Sie eine Erklärung der wichtigsten technischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften der Pflanzgefäße und Materialien von Deroma, dargestellt mittels Ikonen, um die unverzügliche Erkennbarkeit zu fördern. Diese Ikonen finden Sie auf den Produktseiten oben rechts unter dem Namen der Kollektion; sie werden Ihnen behilflich sein, die Besonderheiten und Eigenschaften eines jeden Produkts – von der Vorbereitung des Abtropflochs bis zur Frostbeständigkeit – sowie die Produktionsmethode und die Gebrauchsbestimmung sofort zu ermitteln. table of contents arranged according to products and use Per rendere più semplice ed immediata l’individuazione dei diversi prodotti, il catalogo è stato diviso prima di tutto per destinazione d’uso prevalente: Outdoor e Indoor. Ogni categoria è stata poi ordinata per materiali, partendo dalle diverse qualità e tipologie di terracotta, fino ai materiali leggeri. Grazie a questa suddivisione logica, l’indice vi guiderà facilmente all’interno del mondo Deroma Green Living. Potrete trovare l’indice per Destinazione d’Uso e Materiali all’inizio del catalogo. To make looking up the different products easier and faster, the catalogue has been divided primarily into two basic uses: Outdoor and Indoor. Each of these categories has then been divided and arranged in order according to material, starting with the different types and qualities of terracotta and ending with lightweight materials. Organised in this logical way, the Table of Contents will provide you with a simple reference guide through the world of Deroma Green Living. You will find a Table of Contents arranged according to Use and Materials at the beginning of the catalogue. Um die Ermittlung der verschiedenen Produkte einfacher und unmittelbarer zu gestalten, wurde der Katalog als Erstes nach vorwiegender Gebrauchsbestimmung unterteilt: Outdoor und Indoor. Jede Kategorie wurde ferner nach Materialien geordnet, ausgehend von den verschiedenen Qualitäten und Typologien der Terracotta bis hin zu Leichtmaterialien. Dank dieser logischen Unterteilung wird Sie das Inhaltsverzeichnis problemlos in die Welt Deroma Green Living führen. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis nach Gebrauchsbestimmung und Materialien finden Sie am Anfang des Katalogs. INDEX company 06 indoor INDOOR suggestions 10 Company Profile Projects 06 08 Simply clay Simply chic January Lovers Ibiscus Butterfly Forest Galéade Prya 12 14 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 Drop Arco Narciso Patmos Tea Violet Bersò Genève Country Lidò Serifos Fez Gipsy Grass Iris Tin Lace Cordoba Wallpot Mini World 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 COMPANY deroma, the roots of innovation Partiamo da radici forti e profonde per esplorare strade sempre nuove, alla ricerca del miglior risultato possibile, con la passione del primo giorno, ispirati dalla bellezza e dalla funzionalità. Dedichiamo la nostra attenzione e il nostro lavoro al benessere della pianta creando vasi belli, innovativi e funzionali. Questo siamo, questo è Deroma: non solo un grande gruppo italiano con filiali e stabilimenti produttivi in tutto il mondo, ma anche e sopratutto una fucina di idee e soluzioni innovative per il gardening. Un luogo nel quale design e innovazione si impastano con terracotta e passione per dare vita ad oggetti unici. Siamo Made in Italy, prodotto della creatività e della caparbietà italiana. Deroma nasce infatti nel 1955 dall’intuizione di unire la tradizione della terracotta veneta all’eccellenza tecnologica e industriale italiana. Quell’ispirazione, quell’idea fondante, sono ancora oggi l’energia che stimola e muove ogni nuova impresa di un gruppo divenuto leader mondiale nella produzione di vasi. Un mix perfetto fra idee innovative, tecnologia all’avanguardia, stile e design, intelligenza produttiva, cura del dettaglio e capacità di non accontentarsi mai degli obiettivi raggiunti, tendendo all’evoluzione e al miglioramento costante. Questo è il gruppo Deroma oggi, un’azienda di solide tradizioni, notevole successo internazionale e strategie di ampio respiro per il futuro. We are taking advantage of our deep, strong roots to set out and continuously explore new roads in the search for the very best results possible, withthesamepassionaswhen we first started out, taking our inspiration from beauty and practicality. All our work and dedication are centred on the wellbeing of plants and the creation of beautiful, innovative, practical pots. This is what Deroma is: not only a large Italian group with subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities all over the world, but also, and more importantly, a hothouse of innovative gardening ideas and solutions, where design and innovation are kneaded together with terracotta and passion to form unique objects. We are Made in Italy, a product of Italian creativity and dogged perseverance. Indeed, the idea of combining the thousand-year long tradition of making terracotta in the Veneto with Italian technological and industrial excellence was what made Deroma set up business in the first place, back in 1955. The same inspiration, the same idea are still today the driving force that inspires and spurs on every new business of a group that has become a world leader in the pot manufacturing industry. A perfect combination of innovative ideas, state-of-the-art technology, style and design, intelligent manufacturing, attention to detail and ability to never be content with the objectives achieved, whilst striving towards continuous development and improvement. This is the Deroma group today, a company based on solid traditions which is highly successful internationally and has wide-ranging strategies for the future. Wir gehen von starken, tief greifenden Wurzeln aus, um auf der Suche nach dem bestmöglichen Resultat immer neue Wege zu erforschen, mit der Leidenschaft des ersten Tags, inspiriert von Schönheit undFunktionalität. Wir widmen unsere Aufmerksamkeit und unsere Arbeit dem Wohlbefinden der Pflanze, indem wir schöne, innovative und funktionelle Pflanzgefäße kreieren. Das sind wir, das ist Deroma: nicht nur eine große italienische Firmengruppe mit Filialen und Produktionswerken in aller Welt, sondern auch und vor allem eine Schmiede der innovativen Ideen und Lösungen für das Gardening. Ein Ort, an dem Design und Innovation sich mit Terracotta und Leidenschaft verflechten, um einzigartige Gegenstände entstehen zu lassen. Wir sind Made in Italy, Produkt der typisch italienischen Kreativität und Eigensinnigkeit. Deroma entstand nämlich 1955 aus der Eingebung heraus, die Tradition der venetischen Terracotta mit der italienischen Exzellenz in Technologie und Industrie zu verbinden. Diese Eingebung, diese Gründeridee ist noch heute die treibende Kraft, die jedes neue Unternehmen einer Firmengruppe, die zum weltweiten Marktführer in der Herstellung von Pflanzgefäßen geworden ist, inspiriert und bewegt. Eine perfekte Mischung aus innovativen Ideen, hochmoderner Technologie, Stil und Design, produktiver Intelligenz, Liebe zum Detail und der Fähigkeit, sich nie mit den erreichten Zielen zufrieden zu geben und nach Evolution und ständiger Verbesserung zu streben. Dies ist die Firmengruppe Deroma heute – ein Unternehmen mit soliden Traditionen, bemerkenswertem internationalem Erfolg und großzügig angelegten Strategien für die Zukunft. 07 PROJECTS Each plant has its own pot, each setting its own style Creiamo,progettiamo,sviluppiamo eproduciamoconunobiettivo moltochiaro:ilbenesseredella pianta. Wecreate,design,developand manufactureourproductswith oneveryclearaiminmind:the wellbeingofyourplants. Wirkreieren,planen,entwickeln undproduzierenmiteinemganz klaren Ziel: dem Wohlbefinden derPflanze. Ogni vaso che porti il marchio Deroma è stato pensato, perfezionato e prodotto con lo scopo di accogliere e proteggere una pianta. Ogni progetto che esce dal nostro team di designer e progettisti porta in sè caratteristiche di traspiranza, resistenza alle intemperie, forma e dimensione tali da renderlo perfetto per una o più tipologie di piante. Every pot bearing the Deroma brand has been designed, perfected and manufactured with the aim of accommodating and protecting a plant. Every project developed by our team of designers and draughtsmen incorporates the following features: breathability, resistance to frost and adverse weather conditions and shape and size that make it perfect for one or more types of plants. Jedes Pflanzgefäß, das das Markenzeichen Deroma trägt, wurde mit der Zweckbestimmung, eine Pflanze aufzunehmen und zu schützen, konzipiert, perfektioniert und hergestellt. Jedes Projekt, das unser Team an Designern und Planern hervorbringt, trägt in sich Eigenschaften der Atmungsaktivität, Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Witterungseinflüsse, Form und Abmessungen, die seine perfekte Eignung für eine oder mehrere Typologien von Pflanzen bewirken. Per questo per ogni pianta esistono non solo uno, ma diversi vasi perfetti. Diverse opzioni possibili che permettono di scegliere un prodotto dalle caratteristiche tecniche adatte alla pianta da inserire, ma al contempo dalle qualità estetiche e di design tali da divenire un elemento d’arredo adatto ad ogni stile. This is why we always have more than one pot perfect for every plant. Our range of different options enable you to choose a product with the right technical features for the plant it is to accommodate, but at the same time has the aesthetic and design qualities to make it a decorative furnishing item that fits in with every style. Nella creazione di un nuovo prodotto il nostro zenith è costituito dunque da due aspetti irrinunciabili, che ogni vaso Deroma deve avere: perfezione tecnica, tale da garantire una vita ottimale della pianta e perfezione stilistica, tale da soddisfare anche le esigenze estetiche più raffinate. When we create a new product, there are two aspects we aim to achieve and that for us are essential to every Deroma pot: technical perfection, in order to guarantee optimum life of the plant and perfection in terms of style, in order to meet even the most discerning aesthetic requirements. Per questo, in Deroma, troverete il vaso perfetto per ogni pianta, dello stile perfetto per ogni ambiente. This is why in Deroma you will find the perfect pot for every plant in a style that is perfect for every setting. Für jede Planze gibt es daher nicht nur einen, sondern verschiedene perfekte Töpfe. Verschiedene in Frage kommende Optionen, durch die die Wahl eines Produkts mit für die aufzunehmende Pflanze geeigneten technischen Eigenschaften, das gleichzeitig aber auch Aspekte der Optik und des Designs aufweist, die es zu einem für jeden Stil passenden Einrichtungselement werden lassen, möglich wird. Bei der Ausarbeitung eines neuen Produkts stehen für uns also zwei unverzichtbare Aspekte, die jedes Pflanzgefäß Deroma aufweisen muss, im Vordergrund: technische Perfektion, die der Pflanze ein optimales Leben garantiert, und stilistische Perfektion, die auch die raffiniertesten Ansprüche an Ästhetik zu erfüllen versteht. Deshalb finden Sie bei Deroma den perfekten Topf für jede Pflanze, im für jedes Ambiente perfekten Stil. 09 INDOOR SUGGESTIONS the indoor collection, colours and styles for stylish living Forme e colori nati per arredare, collezioni che evocano e si integrano perfettamente con i diversi stili abitativi. Deroma indoor è una linea di prodotti studiati appositamente per integrarsi ed intonarsi perfettamente con gli arredi, arricchendo gli ambienti e completandone lo stile. Elementi distintivi di gusto e design curati con attenzione, forme, linee e colori pensati per accordarsi con le più diffuse ed apprezzate tendenze abitative e cromatiche. Ogni scelta, ogni curva ed ogni tonalità è frutto di attenti studi sulle tendenze e sugli stili dell’abitare contemporaneo. Le collezioni Deroma indoor rispondono perfettamente alle esigenze di calore di un ambiente rustico o classico, si fondono con le linee essenziali del contemporaneo, si esprimono al meglio fra i colori degli arredi etnici. Shapes and colours chosen for their decorative qualities, collections that evoke and blend in perfectly with different lifestyles. Deroma Indoor is a range of products designed especially to match and blend in perfectly with interior settings, enhancing rooms and giving style that finishing touch. Taste and design with distinguishing features and attention to detail, shapes, styles and colours developed to match with the most popular trends in lifestyle choices and colour schemes. Every choice, every curve and every shade is the result of careful studies into contemporary lifestyles and trends. The Deroma Indoor collections meet the requirements for warmth of rustic or classic settings perfectly, blend in with the minimalist lines of contemporary style and look their best amongst the colours of ethnic style décors. Formen und Farben, die zur Einrichtung geschaffen scheinen, Kollektionen, die die verschiedenen Wohnstile unterstreichen und sich perfekt in diese integrieren. Deroma Indoor ist eine Produktlinie, die eigens dafür ausgearbeitet wurde, sich perfekt in die Einrichtung zu integrieren und einzufügen und dabei das Ambiente zu bereichern und seinen Stil abzurunden. Kennzeichnende, mit Sorgfalt ausgearbeitete Elemente des Geschmacks und des Designs, Formen, Linien und Farben, die dafür kreiert wurden, sich an die meistverbreiteten und meistgeschätzten Einrichtungs- und Farbtrends anzupassen. Jede Wahl, jede Linienkrümmung und jeder Farbton ist das Ergebnis aufmerksamer Studien der Tendenzen und Stilrichtungen des zeitgemäßen Wohnens. Die Kollektionen Deroma Indoor erfüllen auf perfekte Weise das Bedürfnis an Wärme eines rustikalen oder klassischen Heims, verschmelzen mit der essentiellen Linienführung des zeitgemäßen Wohnens und bringen sich optimal inmitten der Farben der ethnischen Einrichtung zum Ausdruck. Simply clay Simply chic January Lovers Ibiscus Butterfly Forest Galéade Prya Drop Arco Narciso Patmos Tea Violet Bersò Genève Country Lidò Serifos Fez Gipsy Grass Iris Tin Lace Cordoba Wallpot Mini world 11 simply clay new 47601 Quadro SIMPLY CLAY terracotta 476011 / moka 476012 new 47602 Orchid pot SIMPLY CLAY terracotta 476021 / moka 476022 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 14x14 13,5 0,85 16 13,0 16,0 0,80 47603 Cilindro SIMPLY CLAY terracotta 476031 / moka 476032 Size Ø H Kg 47600 Caspò SIMPLY CLAY terracotta 476001 / moka 476002 Size Ø H indoor suggestions new terracotta contemporary Size 14 Kg 14 14,5 13,0 0,60 14 14,0 13,0 0,60 17 17,5 15,5 1,00 16 16,0 15,0 1,19 20 20,5 17,0 1,40 19 19,0 17,5 1,72 colors new terracotta moka 13 simply chic new 478012 Quadro SIMPLY CHIC new 478022 Orchid pot SIMPLY CHIC cement 4780220 / anthracite 4780221 cement 4780120 / anthracite 4780121 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 14x14 13,5 0,85 16 13,0 16,0 0,80 478032 Cilindro SIMPLY CHIC cement 4780320 / anthracite 4780321 Size Ø H Kg new 478002 Caspò SIMPLY CHIC cement 4780020 / anthracite 4780021 Size Ø H indoor suggestions new ceramic contemporary Size 14 Kg 14 14,5 13,0 0,60 14 14,0 13,0 0,60 17 17,5 15,5 1,00 16 16,0 15,0 1,19 20 20,5 17,0 1,40 19 19,0 17,5 1,72 colors cement anthracite 15 30633 Caspò SIMPLY CHIC 30631 Orchid Pot SIMPLY CHIC white 306334 / black 306335 / red 306333 yellow 306330 / green 306331 / blue 306332 Size Ø H white 306314 / black 306315 / red 306313 yellow 306310 / green 306311 / blue 306312 Kg Size Ø H Kg 16 13,0 16,0 0,80 14 14,0 13,0 0,60 16 16,0 15,0 1,19 19 19,0 17,5 1,72 colors white black red yellow green blue simply chic 47M01 Mix plt SIMPLY CHIC quadro Code. Description Sizes 470015A QuadroSimplyChic black Quantity 14 20 470014A QuadroSimplyChic white 14 20 470013A QuadroSimplyChic red 14 20 470011A QuadroSimplyChic green 14 20 470012A QuadroSimplyChic blue 14 20 470010A QuadroSimplyChic yellow 14 20 white 306324 / black 306325 / red 306323 yellow 306320 / green 306321 / blue 306322 Size Ø H 47001 Quadro SIMPLY CHIC white 470014 / black 470015 / red 470013 yellow 470010 / green 470011 / blue 470012 Kg Size Ø H Kg 14 14x14 13,5 0,85 14 14,5 13,0 0,60 17 17,5 15,5 1,00 20 20,5 17,0 1,40 24 23,5 21,5 2,20 indoor suggestions 30632 Cilindro SIMPLY CHIC ceramic contemporary 120 17 january new 570014 My set orchid JANUARY new pink 5700140 / green 5700141 purple 5700142 570015 My set vaso JANUARY pink 5700150 / green 5700151 purple 5700152 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/2 13,5 17,0 1,45 set/2 15,0 13,0 1,15 11,5 15,0 0,57 14 13,5 11,0 0,48 13,5 17,0 0,88 15 15,0 13,0 0,67 570013 My set quadro JANUARY pink 5700130 / green 5700131 purple 5700132 new 570016 Mix mini JANUARY pink 5700160 / green 5700161 purple 5700162 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/2 14,0 14,5 1,58 11 11 10,5 0,40 vaso 13 12,0 12,5 0,59 10,5 10,5 10,5 0,38 quadro 15 14,0 14,5 0,98 indoor suggestions new ceramic contemporary 15 17 colors pink green purple 19 lovers new 570019 Vaso LOVERS pink 5700190 / blue 5700192 purple 5700191 Ø H Kg 12,5 12,0 0,83 15 15,0 15,0 1,41 ceramic contemporary Size 13 new 570020 Orchid pot LOVERS Size Ø H Kg 16 13,0 16,0 1,06 indoor suggestions pink 5700200 / blue 5700202 purple 5700201 colors pink blue purple 21 ibiscus 30613 My Set IBISCUS set/2 30614 Cilindro IBISCUS Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/2 25 21,0 4,30 15 14,5 12,0 0,80 18,5 18,0 1,70 18 17,5 14,5 1,10 25,0 21,0 2,60 21 20,5 17,0 1,70 Size Ø H Kg 16 13,0 16,0 0,80 30631 Orchid Pot SIMPLY CHIC white 306314 / black 306315 Size Ø H Kg 16 13,0 16,0 0,80 indoor suggestions 30615 Orchid Pot IBISCUS ceramic contemporary 19 25 colors ibiscus white black 23 butterfly 30572 Rosenpot BUTTERFLY Ø H Kg 14,0 18,0 0,95 30574-7 Ciotola BUTTERFLY set/3 ceramic contemporary Size 18 30575-6 Ciotola BUTTERFLY set/3 plain purple 30575 / yellow 30576 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/3 34,0 22,5 7,65 set/3 34,0 22,5 7,65 19 19,0 12,5 1,30 19 19,0 12,5 1,30 25 25,0 17,0 2,60 25 25,0 17,0 2,60 34 34,0 22,5 3,75 34 34,0 22,5 3,75 indoor suggestions purple 30574 / yellow 30577 colors purple yellow white purple plain yellow plain 25 30573-8 My Set BUTTERFLY set/2 purple 30578 / yellow 30573 Size Ø H Kg set/2 25,0 21,0 3,55 19 18,5 18,0 1,42 25 25,0 21,0 2,13 colors purple yellow white purple plain yellow plain ceramic contemporary butterfly 30579-80 My Set Butterfly set/2 plain Size Ø H Kg set/2 25,0 21,0 3,55 19 18,5 18,0 1,42 25 25,0 21,0 2,13 indoor suggestions purple 30579 / yellow 30580 27 forest 34069 Trio FOREST set/3 Cassetta + 2 Cubi Size Ø H Kg kit 29x15 14,0 3,15 14 14,0 13,5 0,85 29 29x15 14,0 2,30 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 14 14,0 13,5 0,85 14 14,0 13,5 0,85 34080 Orchid Pot FOREST indoor suggestions ceramic Size contemporary 34119 Cubo FOREST black 34078 Cubo FOREST 34082 Orchid Pot FOREST black Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 20 14,0 20,0 1,70 20 14,0 20,0 1,70 colors forest black 29 galéade new new Vaso GALÉADE white 006369 / green 006368 brown 006370 / violet 007141 Quadro GALÉADE white 006375 / green 006374 brown 006376 / violet 007140 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 14,0 13,0 0,90 13 13,5 13,5 1,05 new ceramic contemporary Size 14 Cassetta GALÉADE Size Ø H Kg 23 23x13,5 13,5 1,70 indoor suggestions white 006372 / green 006371 brown 006373 colors white green brown violet 31 prya 570010 Vaso PRYA 570012 Rosenpot PRYA beige 5700100 / light grey 5700101 Size Ø H beige 5700120 / light grey 5700121 Kg Size Ø H Kg 21,0 14,0 20,5 2,20 14,0 13,0 1,30 18,0 17,0 2,00 ceramic contemporary 14 18 570011 Quadro PRYA Size Ø H Kg 15 14,5 14,0 1,60 18 18,2 17,0 2,80 indoor suggestions beige 5700110 / light grey 5700111 colors beige light grey 33 drop 34036-37-40 Cilindro DROP 34041-43 Cilindro DROP Decor white 34036 / stone grey 34037 brick red 34040 white 34041 / stone grey 34043 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 15 14,5 13,0 0,70 15 14,5 13,0 0,70 17 17,0 15,0 1,20 17 17,0 15,0 1,20 20 20,0 18,0 1,80 20 20,0 18,0 1,80 © 34046-48-50 Orchid Pot DROP 34053-55 Orchid Pot DROP Decor white 34053 / stone grey 34055 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 14,0 18,0 1,10 18 14,0 18,0 1,10 34060-61-62 Cassetta DROP indoor suggestions ceramic Size 18 contemporary white 34046 / stone grey 34048 brick red 34050 34064-65 Cassetta DROP Decor white 34060 / stone grey 34061 brick red 34062 white 34064 / stone grey 34065 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 29 28,5x14,5 13,0 1,5 29 28,5x14,5 13,0 1,5 colors white decor stone grey white decor stone grey brick red 35 arco 34067 Caspò ARCO set/3 34066 Cilindro ARCO Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/3 19,0 18,5 3,80 15 14,5 12,0 0,80 14 13,5 12,0 0,65 18 17,5 14,5 1,10 21 20,5 17,0 1,65 16,0 14,5 1,29 19,0 18,5 1,86 ceramic contemporary 16 19 Size Ø H Kg set/3 31,0 23,0 6,83 18 18,0 13,0 1,16 24 24,0 18,0 2,32 31 31,0 23,0 3,35 indoor suggestions 34063 Vaso ARCO set/3 colors white green 37 narciso new 570017 My set Orchid NARCISO black 5700170 / violet 5700171 white 5700172 Size Ø H Kg set/2 13,5 17,0 1,39 11,5 15,0 0,63 13,5 17,0 0,76 ceramic classic 15 17 new 570018 My set Cilindro NARCISO Size Ø H Kg set/2 16,0 14,0 2,12 14 13,5 13,0 0,91 16 16,0 14,0 1,21 indoor suggestions black 5700180 / violet 5700181 white 5700182 colors black violet white 39 patmos 34141 Rosenpot PATMOS blue 341411 / white 341412 Ø H Kg 17,0 19,0 1,55 30 24,5 30,0 3,20 ceramic classic Size 19 34140 Ciotola PATMOS blue 341401 / white 341402 Ø H Kg 18 18,0 14,0 1,10 26 26,0 21,0 2,50 indoor suggestions Size colors blue white 41 tea 570001 Vaso TEA 570003 Ciotola TEA grey 5700010 / beige 5700011 grey 5700030 / beige 5700031 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 15,0 13,0 1,00 14 14,0 12,5 1,00 17 17,0 15,0 1,10 18 18,0 15,5 2,20 ceramic classic Size 15 570002 Quadro TEA Size Ø H Kg 13 13,0 12,5 1,60 16 15,5 15,0 2,00 indoor suggestions grey 5700020 / beige 5700021 colors grey beige 43 violet 34093 My Set VIOLET grey & purple set/2 34096 Caspò VIOLET grey set/3 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/2 25,0 21,0 5,60 set/3 19,0 17,5 3,80 19 18,5 18,0 1,60 14 13,5 12,5 1,00 25 25,0 21,0 4,00 16 16,0 15,0 1,20 19 19,0 17,5 1,60 34094 Rosenpot VIOLET lavender, purple & purple plain set/3 Ø H Kg set/3 32,0 33,0 7,20 17 17,0 16,5 1,20 24,0 23,0 2,30 32,0 30,0 3,70 indoor suggestions ceramic 24 32 classic Size 34095 Orchid Pot VIOLET lavender & purple plain Size Ø H Kg 17 17,0 16,5 1,20 colors grey purple lavender purple plain 45 bersò 30520-1 Ciotola BERSÒ set/3 30525-4 Ciotola BERSÒ set/3 plain white 30520S / black 30521S Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/3 34,0 22,5 7,65 set/3 34,0 22,5 7,65 19 19,0 12,5 1,30 19 19,0 12,5 1,30 25 25,0 17,0 2,60 25 25,0 17,0 2,60 34 34,0 22,5 3,75 34 34,0 22,5 3,75 30522-3 Ciotola Bassa BERSÒ set/3 30526-7 Ciotola Bassa BERSÒ set/3 plain white 30522S / black 30523S white 30527S / black 30526S Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/3 30,0 17,5 4,93 set/3 30,0 17,5 4,93 16,0 9,5 0,84 16 16,0 9,5 0,84 22,5 13,5 1,68 22 22,5 13,5 1,68 30 30,0 17,5 2,42 30 30,0 17,5 2,42 indoor suggestions ceramic 16 22 classic Size white 30525S / black 30524S 30518-9 Vaso BERSÒ set/3 white 30518F / black 30519F Size Ø H Kg set/3 21,0 17,5 3,00 13 13,0 11,0 0,51 17 17,0 14,5 1,02 21 21,0 17,5 1,47 colors white decor black decor white plain black plain 47 genève 34056 Vaso GENÈVE set/3 34057 Quadro GENÈVE set/3 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg set/3 23,0 20,0 3,40 set/3 25,0 17,0 3,60 13 13,0 12,5 0,58 15 14,5 10,5 0,61 18,0 15,5 1,16 19 19,0 13,5 1,22 23,0 20,0 1,66 25 25,0 17,0 1,77 ceramic classic 18 23 Size Ø H Kg set/2 27x18 11,0 1,90 19 19x12 9,0 0,76 27 27x18 11,0 1,14 indoor suggestions 34059 Ovale GENÈVE set/2 colors white pink 49 country M807-8-9 Vaso COUNTRY charme Size Ø H Kg 13 13,0 11,0 0,38 15 15,0 12,5 0,54 17 17,0 14,0 0,77 Ø H Kg 9 9,0 16,0 0,68 indoor suggestions ceramic Size classic 01-6 Vaso COUNTRY charme 01-6 Vaso COUNTRY charme Size Ø H Kg 7 7,0 15,0 0,45 51 lidò new 570022 My set Cilindro LIDÒ beige 5700220 / biscotto 5700221 brown 5700222 Size Ø H Kg set/2 16,0 14,0 1,65 13,0 12,0 0,68 16,0 14,0 0,97 ceramic ethnic 13 16 new 570023 Quadro LIDÒ Size Ø H Kg 15 14,0 14,5 1,02 indoor suggestions beige 5700230 / biscotto 5700231 brown 5700232 colors beige biscotto brown 53 serifos © 34113 Rosenpot SERIFOS 34111 Vaso SERIFOS Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 42,0 50,0 9,50 39 42,0 39,0 9,50 ceramic ethnic Size 47 Size Ø H Kg 40 43,0 33,0 8,50 indoor suggestions 34112 Ciotola SERIFOS colors white 55 fez 34149 Ciotola FEZ 34148 Rosenpot FEZ blue 341480 / green 341482 Size Ø H blue 341490 / green 341492 Kg Size Ø H Kg 16,0 13,0 1,00 23,0 19,0 2,00 16,5 17,5 1,45 24 23,0 24,0 3,05 23 ceramic ethnic 18 16 34150 Quadro FEZ Size Ø H Kg 20 20x20 15,5 2,10 indoor suggestions blue 341500 / green 341502 colors blue green 57 gipsy 570006 Vaso GIPSY 570005 Ciotola GIPSY white 5700060 / black 5700061 Ø H Kg 16 14,5 16,0 1,20 Size Ø H Kg 15 15,0 12,0 0,80 20 19,5 15,5 1,70 ceramic ethnic Size white 5700050 / black 5700051 570004 Quadro GIPSY Size Ø H Kg 13 12,5 13,0 0,90 17 16,0 16,5 1,40 indoor suggestions white 5700040 / black 5700041 colors white black 59 grass 9BJ Caspò GRASS red 9BJ-B / white 9BJ-C / orange 9BJ-D yellow 9BJ-E / fuchsia 9BJ-F / grey 9BJ-G Ø H Kg 13,5 11,5 - 15 15,5 13,0 - 18 18,5 16,0 - Mini Pallbox GRASS mix colors & sizes Sizes 13 Quantity 20 9BJ1CSZ CaspòGrasswhite 13 20 9BJ1DSZ CaspòGrassorange 13 20 9BJ1ESZ CaspòGrassyellow 13 20 9BJ1FSZ CaspòGrassfuchsia 13 20 9BJ1GSZ CaspòGrassgrey 13 20 9BJ2BSZ CaspòGrassred 15 17 9BJ2CSZ CaspòGrasswhite 15 17 9BJ2DSZ CaspòGrassorange 15 17 9BJ2ESZ CaspòGrassyellow 15 17 9BJ2FSZ CaspòGrassfuchsia 15 17 9BJ2GSZ CaspòGrassgrey 15 17 9BJ3BSZ CaspòGrassred 18 15 9BJ3CSZ CaspòGrasswhite 18 15 9BJ3DSZ CaspòGrassorange 18 15 9BJ3ESZ CaspòGrassyellow 18 15 9BJ3FSZ CaspòGrassfuchsia 18 15 easy basic Description CaspòGrassred injection Code. 9BJ1BSZ indoor suggestions M8330VZ Size 13 297 colors red white orange yellow fuchsia grey 61 iris new 17546 Vaso IRIS pink 175460 / white 175464 red 175466 / green 175467 Size Ø H Kg 13 13,0 11,0 0,13 15 15,0 13,0 0,22 17 17,0 15,0 0,26 19,0 17,0 0,37 21,0 19,0 0,38 indoor suggestions metal contemporary 19 21 colors pink white red green 63 tin 533006 Cilindro TIN 533005 Vaso TIN red 5330061 / black 5330062 purple 5330063 red 5330051 / black 5330052 purple 5330053 Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 10,5 10,5 0,10 15 15,0 14,0 0,15 13 13,0 13,0 0,14 18 18,0 17,0 0,20 metal contemporary Size 11 53M01 red 5330101 / black 5330102 purple 5330103 Size Ø H Mini plt Cilindro TIN Code. Kg 5330061B 5330062B kit 35x11 10,5 0,30 11 11,0 10,5 - 35 35x11 2,5 - 5330063B Description CilindroTin red CilindroTin black CilindroTin purple Sizes indoor suggestions 533010 Trio TIN Quantity 13 40 13 50 13 50 140 colors red black purple 65 lace 17524 Vaso LACE white 175244 / lavender 175248 Ø H Kg 18 18,0 16,0 0,40 23 23,0 21,0 0,70 metal classic Size 17525 Quadro LACE Size Ø H Kg 18 18X18 16,0 0,60 23 23X23 21,0 1,00 indoor suggestions white 175254 / lavender 175258 colors white lavender 67 cordoba 175284 Vaso sospeso CORDOBA white Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 19 19x19 18,0 0,7 19 19x19 18,0 0,7 Size Ø H Kg Size Ø H Kg 19 19x19 18,0 0,7 19 19x19 18,0 0,7 17M05 metal 175287 Vaso sospeso CORDOBA green indoor suggestions 175280 Vaso sospeso CORDOBA fuchsia decò 175286 Vaso sospeso CORDOBA red Mini plt CORDOBA Code. Description Sizes 175286A VasosospesoCordobared 19 Quantity 12 175284A VasosospesoCordobawhite 19 12 175280A VasosospesoCordobafuchsia 19 12 175287A VasosospesoCordobagreen 19 12 48 colors red white fuchsia green 69 wallpot 30629 Quadro WALLPOT grey 306293 / red 306290 white 306292 Size Ø H Kg 15 14,5x14,5 13,0 0,25 30628 Cassetta WALLPOT Ø H Kg 29x14,5 13,0 0,45 Mini plt WALLPOT Description Sizes QuadroWallpotgrey 15 Quantity 22 306290A QuadroWallpotred 15 24 306292A QuadroWallpotwhite 15 24 306283B CassettaWallpotgrey 29 11 306280B CassettaWallpotred 29 12 306282B CassettaWallpotwhite 29 metal Code. 306293A indoor suggestions 17M04 Size 29 decò grey 306283 / red 306280 white 306282 12 105 colors grey red white 71 mini world 0G691 Mini TIN Size Ø H Kg 8 7,5 7,0 0,05 0G700 Mini PATMOS Size Ø H Kg 10 10,0 8,0 0,30 Mini PRIMULA new Size Ø H Kg 11 11,0 9,0 0,22 0G720 Mini LACE Size Ø H Kg 10 10,0 9,0 0,09 mini world 0G631 Mini AQUARELA Size Ø H Kg 10 10,0 8,0 0,30 0G571 Mini MACRAMÈ Ø H Kg 10 10,0 8,0 0,25 decò Size Ø H Kg 10 10,0 8,0 0,30 indoor suggestions Size ceramic/metal 0G530 Lilliput GIARDINIERE 73 Le foto illustrative e le informazioni tecniche contenute nel catalogo sono indicative e possono essere modificate - anche senza preavviso - a discrezione dell’azienda in qualsiasi momento. The photographs and the technical information in the catalogue are indicative and can be modified – even without notice – at the discretion of the firm at any moment. Abbildungen sowie technischen Informationen in diesem Katalog sind ohne Gew ähr und können - auch ohne vorhergehende Ankündigung jederzeit geändert werden. AD: Be&Partners Photo: Studio Sabbadin - L&P Associati - Alessandro Paderni/Eye Styling: Top Team/Dina Mazzucato Garden Designers: Euroverde Garden Design (Sarmeola di Rubano PD) Thank to: Park Hotel Villa Marcello Giustinian - Arredo Design Dal Pozzo - Villa Sceriman July 2011 Deroma © DEROMA spa Via Pasubio, 17 - 36034 Malo (Vicenza) - ITALY Phone +39 0445 595311 - Fax +39 0445 595322 [email protected] - DEROMA FRANCE Allée du Lac - Z. I. du Gournier 26200 Montelimar - FRANCE Tél. +33 4 75925959 - Fax +33 4 75925958 [email protected] - DEROMA U.K. ltd Unit 14 Quedgeley Trading Estate East Haresfield, Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3EX U.K. Tel. +44 1452 725 520 - Fax +44 1452 725 521 [email protected] - DEROMA SPAIN Fansa Filial Ibérica Carretera Entrena, 38 26370 Navarrete (La Rioja) - España Tel. +34 941 44 00 00 - Fax +34 941 44 06 45 [email protected] - DEROMA USA inc. 4901 Elysian Fields Road Marshall, TX 75672 - USA Tel. +1 903 927 5400 - Fax +1 903 938 0222 1 800 DEROMA1 (337-6621) [email protected] - DEROMA spa Via Pasubio, 17 - 36034 Malo (Vicenza) - ITALY Phone +39 0445 595311 - Fax +39 0445 595322 [email protected] -