EU and the Euro Crisis
EU and the Euro Crisis
Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft EU and the Euro Crisis Course for students from UTEP and UniBw The Microeconomics of European Integration (slides for Units 2, 3, 6 and 12) Prof. Dr. Karl Morasch Professor of Economics at UniBw [email protected] Note: Part 2 and 3 are based on the slides provided on the website of Richard Baldwin for the recommended textbook „The Economics of European Integration“ by Baldwin and Wyplosz © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft 1 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market The Microeconomics of European Integration – Outline International Trade and Trade Policy The EU as a Customs Union Scale Economies and the Common Market © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 2 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Why do nations trade? Comparative advantage due to different • technologies (productivity) – Ricardo • factor endowments – Heckscher‐Ohlin • preferences (taste) autarky prices differ between countries Product differentiation, economies of scale and imperfect competition • more product variety (varieties of foreign firms) • lower average cost (more output due to larger markets) • reduced markups (intensified competition) © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 3 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Comparative advantage – Ricardo‘s example England Portugal cloth (m) 10 12 wine (l) 1 6 production per work week production shifting (within country) 2 million weeks in cloth instead of wine cloth (m) +20 Mio ‐12 Mio +8 Mio wine (l) ‐2 Mio +6 Mio +4 Mio © K. Morasch 2014 1 million weeks in wine instead of cloth EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration advantage 4 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Comparative versus absolute advantage cloth (million m) input quantities: 6 million work weeks in each country production possibilities frontier of Portugal 72 60 production possibilities frontier of England 36 6 © K. Morasch 2014 wine (million l) EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 5 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Factor endowments, factor intensity and trade structure factor endowments (capital per worker) technology (relative factor intensity) USA Mexico textiles cars $ 5000 $ 2500 labor intensive capital intensive specialization © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 6 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Comparative advantage in a general setting Differences in factor endowments, preferences and productivity yield different autarky prices Home Foreign q2 * q2 A U A* p1/p2 U* p1* /p2* q1* q1 © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 7 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Supply and demand schedule: Equilibrium and welfare analysis p S MC CS Eq p PS D MU q © K. Morasch 2014 qEq q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration q 8 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft From autarky to free trade: Equilibrium determination Foreign Home p DS p X DS* pa (eXport) pFT M pa* (iMport) DD DD* q © K. Morasch 2014 q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 9 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft From autarky to free trade: Impact on welfare Foreign Home p p DS* pa X pFT pa* DS A C B D M DD DD* q © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration q 10 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Exchange rate influences trade volume and trade direction Foreign (USA) Home (EU) DS(1€=1$) p (in$) p DS* pFT paFT* p pa X M DS(1€=0.5$) X pa M DD(1€=1$) DD(1€=0.5$) DD* q © K. Morasch 2014 q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 11 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Analysis with trade costs Foreign Home p DS p DS* pa pdomestic t pFT pborder pa* M DD X DD* q © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration q 12 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Trade policy instruments • tariff: a tax on imported goods • quota: restricts the number/value of imported goods • voluntary export restraint (VER): quota levied by the foreign government on exports • technical barriers: bureaucratic restrictions, industry standards • export subsidies: a subsidy payed on goods that are exported © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 13 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Impact of a tariff in a small country DS p CS –A –B –C –D pt = pworld+t pworld A B C © K. Morasch 2014 qSt Tariff revenue Total +A –B +C –D D Transfer: A (rent) C (tariff revenue) Net loss: B (efficiency of production) D (efficiency of consumption) DD Mt qS PS qDt qD q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 14 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Equivalence of tariff and quota p DS Sq = DS + Quota pt = pq pworld A B C D Quota = Mt DD q qSt © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 15 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Optimal tariff: terms of trade effect for large countries Foreign Home p DS p DS* pw + t pwt +t pw pwt tariff t a b c e d DD Xt DD* Mt q © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration q 16 Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market The Microeconomics of European Integration – Outline International Trade and Trade Policy The EU as a Customs Union Scale Economies and the Common Market © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft 17 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Different forms of discriminatory preferences • discriminatory tariff reduction: tariffs are only reduced on goods mainly traded with partner countries • preferential trade arangement: tariffs are reduced for partner countries but not for other countries • free trade area: tariffs eliminated between partner countries, individual external tariffs • customs union: no tariffs between partner countries and common external tariff • common market: unrestricted factor movements and elimination of frictional barriers • economic union: common economic policy, e.g. EU competition policy or ECB © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 18 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Impacts of dicriminatory liberalization – basic effects • Importing country I: trade creation goods initially produced at home now traded with partner countries • Importing country II: trade diversion goods initially imported from third country now imported from partner country • Positive impact on exporting member country: sells a higher quantity at the domestic price of the importing member country • Negative impact on exporting third country: sells a lower quantity at a reduced border price (terms of trade effect) • Net effect for member countries depends on – relative importance of trade creation vs. trade diversion – relative productivity of partner and third country in the case of trade shifting • Elimination of frictional barriers always positive for member countries Third countries may win if not `rule of origin´ (e.g. introduction of the Euro) © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 19 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Impacts of a customs union – small importing country p DS A+B+C+D: gain in consumer surplus ‐A: loss in producer surplus pworld + t ppartner A B C D ‐C‐E: loss of tariff revenue E pworld DD qSCU qSt © K. Morasch 2014 qDt CCU ‐E+B+D: net impact ‐ may be negative due to trade diversion q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 20 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Import demand curve – derivation and welfare analysis Home Imports DS Price, P Price, P C: border price effect E = B + D: P2 import volume effect P1 A P0 B E C D C D0 – S0 MD DD D1 – S1 = marginal utility of imports D1 – S1 Quantity, Q © K. Morasch 2014 D0 – S0 Quantity, Q EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 21 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Export supply curve – derivation and welfare analysis Foreign Price, P P1 A B C XSF = MSH DS* S*2 – D*2 P2 Exports Price, P C D under free trade foreign export supply = home import supply E S*1 – D*1 C: border price effect P0 E = B + D: import volume effect DD* Quantity, Q © K. Morasch 2014 S*1 – D*1 S*2 – D*2 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Quantity, Q 22 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Joint diagram – foreign, import, and home Foreign World Price, P Home DS Price, P Price, P DS* XSF Pa PFT Pa* MDH DD DD* Quantity, Q © K. Morasch 2014 Quantity, Q Imports EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 23 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Large country tariff analysis in the MD‐MS‐Diagramm pborder pdomestic Welfare effects MS with t XS=MS p’ pFT t p’‐t Home: +AB tariff revenue ‐ AC higher pdomestic +B‐C net impact (?) MS A B C D pFT Foreign: ‐(B+D) lower pborder World: ‐(C+D) less trade MD X’=M’ © K. Morasch 2014 Foreign exports XFT= MFT M’ MFT EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Home imports 24 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Types of protection: an economic classification Euros Who captures the rent? • DCR, e.g. tariffs (home) • FCR, e.g. VER (foreign) • frictional (no one) Net Home welfare changes for: – DCR = +B ‐ C – FCR = ‐ A ‐ C – frictional = ‐ A ‐ C Net Foreign welfare changes for: – DCR = ‐ B ‐ D – FCR = +A ‐ D – frictional = ‐ B ‐ D Note: foreign may gain from FCR! MS p’ pFT A C B D p’‐ t MD M’ © K. Morasch 2014 Home imports MFT EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 25 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft MD‐MS‐Analysis with three countries – Free trade and MFN tariff RoW Partner pborder pdomestic pborder MSMFN MS XSP XSR 1 p’‐ Home p’ t 2 PFT t MD R’ X © K. Morasch 2014 XR RoW Exports XP’ XP Partner Exports M’ EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration P R M=X +X Home imports 26 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Discriminatory, unilateral liberalization – price and quantity changes RoW Partner pborder Home pdomestic pborder MSMFN MSPTA XSP XSR MS P’ P” P” T P’‐T P”‐T Pa 1 T MD p* XR” RoW Exports XR’ © K. Morasch 2014 Partner Exports XP’ XP” M’ Home imports M” EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 27 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Discriminatory, unilateral liberalization – welfare effects RoW pborder Partner pborder Home pdomestic XSR p’ p” p” p’ ‐ t p” ‐ t D C (p’ – t) (p” – t) E B XR” XR’ © K. Morasch 2014 RoW Exports Home: A+B‐C Partner: +D RoW: ‐E A XSP XP’ XP” Partner Exports MD XR” M’ M” EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Home imports 28 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Evidence: Impact of EU customs union formation E E C -6 O the r 6 E urope R e st of W orld $1 00 100% $ billion (current prices) $ 90 80% 60% 40% $ 80 EEC T o t al im p o rt s $ 70 $ 60 $ 50 $ 40 $ 30 $ 20 20% $ 10 0% $0 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 N ote: Left pan el sh ow s sh are of E E C 6’s im port from th e three region s. O th er E uro-6 are th e 6 countries th at join ed th e E U by th e m id 1980s, UK , Irelan d, D enm ark, Spain, Portugal and G reece. Source: T able 5, E xternal Trade an d Balan ce of Paym en ts, Statistical Y earbook, Recapitulation, 1958-1991, © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft 29 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Analysis of customs unions and free trade areas • • • • • European integration involved a sequence of preferential liberalizations Good 1 but all of these were reciprocal. Partner Good 2 Home In our example this implies that both Home & Partner drop t on each other’s Good 1 Good 2 exports. Need to address the 3‐nation trade pattern: Analysis is simply a matter of recombining Good 3 results from the unilateral preferential case Good 3 ‐ market for good 1: analysis is identical RoW ‐ market for good 2: Home and Partner change roles ‐ market for good 3: no partial equilibrium impact (negative terms‐of‐trade impact for RoW in general equilibrium) In example no difference between CU and FTA (t is alreadey the same initially) generally: to avoid `tariff cheats´, `rules of origin´ necessary in FTA! © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 30 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Total welfare impact of a customs union formation Euros Euros Changes for Home: • Market for good 1: A+B‐C1‐C2 A XS D2 • Market for good 2: +D1+D2 p’ p” D1 p’‐ t C2 p”‐ t C1 MD B • Net impact: A+B‐C2+D2 (because D1=C1) Partner impact identical (due to symmetry) RoW loses XP’ XP” © K. Morasch 2014 Exports P’ XR” X M’ Imports EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 31 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Preferential liberalization of fricitional barriers Euros Euros Changes for Home: • Market for good 1: A+F A XS • Market for good 2: +D p’ F p” p’‐ t D MD p”‐ t • Net impact: A+F+D (no loss or gain of tariff revenue) Partner impact identical (due to symmetry) XP’ © K. Morasch 2014 XP” Exports P’ XR” X M’ Imports EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration RoW loses 32 Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market The Microeconomics of European Integration – Outline International Trade and Trade Policy The EU as a Customs Union Scale Economies and the Common Market © K. Morasch 2014 Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 33 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Market size matters • European leaders (e.g. Jean Monnet, Jacqes Delors) always viewed integration as a way of compensating for the small size of European nations. Implicit assumption: market size is good for economic performance. • Facts: ‐ Even after customs union and free trade aggreement with EFTA there remained a lot of fiscal, physical and technical barriers that make it still easier to sell to local market. ‐ Single market program tries to eliminate or at least to reduce these barriers. ‐ European integration is associated with mergers, acquisitions, etc. • Economic logic: liberalization de‐fragmentation pro‐competitive effect industrial restructuring RESULT: fewer, bigger, more efficient firms, facing more effective competition © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 34 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Basic concept: Monopoly pricing Price p* D MC MR x* © K. Morasch 2014 Sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 35 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Oligopoly as monopoly on the residual demand curve Price Typical firm’s expectation of the other firm’s sales p* Price Typical firm’s expectation of other the other firms’ sales D p** RD D RD’ A MC RMR x* Duopoly © K. Morasch 2014 2x* sales A RMR’ x** Oligopoly (3 firms) EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration MC 3x** sales 36 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft BE‐COMP diagram: Mark‐up and number of firms in equilibrium Mark‐up () mono duo BE (break‐even) curve * COMP curve n=2 n=1 © K. Morasch 2014 Number of firms n* EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 37 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Derivation of the COMP diagram Mark‐up Price p' mono A’ p" duo B’ D Monopoly mark‐up Duopoly mark‐up B MC A R‐MR xduo © K. Morasch 2014 COMP curve R‐D (duopoly) n=1 MR (monopoly) xmono n=2 Number of firms Typical firm’s sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 38 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Details of the BE diagram Euros Mark‐up (i.e., p‐MC) Price po=o+ MC Demand curve BE A ACo=po o po B A B AC MC n” no Sales per firm Total sales Co x”= Co/n” x’= Co/n’ n’ xo= Co/no © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 39 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Closed economy: Prices, output, and number of firms in equilibrium Euros Mark‐up Price Demand curve E’ p’ BE E’ p’ ' E’ AC COMP MC n’ x’ © K. Morasch 2014 Sales per firm C’ Number of firms Total sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 40 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft From closed economy to integration equilibrium Price Euros Mark‐up Demand curve (home market only) BE BEFT E’ p’ E” p” E’ p’ p” C ' E’ E” E” A pA 1 A A AC COMP MC x’ n’ Sales per firm x” © K. Morasch 2014 C’ C” n” 2n’ Number of firms Total sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 41 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Economic logic behind the analysis in the diagram • Integration: no‐trade‐to‐free‐trade: BE curve shifts out (to point 1) • Defragmentation – PRE typical firm has 100% sales at home, 0% abroad; POST: 50‐50 – can’t be seen in the diagram! • Pro‐competitive effect: Equilibrium moves from E’ to A – firms losing money (they are below BE) – pro‐competitive effect = markup falls – short‐run price impact p’ to pA • • Industrial restructuring: A to E” – number of firms: 2n’ to n”. – firms enlarge market shares and output, – more efficient firms: AC falls from p’ to p” – mark‐up rises – profitability is restored Result: bigger, fewer, more efficient firms facing more effective competition • Welfare: gain is area C © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 42 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Motivation of EU competition and state aid policy Immediate questions: – “As the number of firms falls, isn’t there a tendency for the remaining firms to collude in order to keep prices high?” – “Since industrial restructuring can be politically painful, isn’t there a danger that governments will try to keep money‐losing firms in business via subsidies and other policies?” The answer to both questions is “Yes”. EU competition policy and state aid regulation adress these questions. © K. Morasch 2014 EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 43 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Subsidising firms to avoid restructuring Price euros Mark‐up COMP Demand curve a pA d pA A E’ E’ p’ AC BEFT b A A c MC x’ xA= 2CA/2n’ © K. Morasch 2014 Sales per firm 2n’ C’ CA Total sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration Number of firms 44 1. International Trade and Trade Policy 2. The EU as a Customs Union 3. Scale Economies and the Common Market Institut für Ökonomie und Recht der globalen Wirtschaft Economic integration under partial collusion Price Mark‐up Demand curve pmono pB BEFT Perfect A collusion mono B B E” E” p” n=1 CB © K. Morasch 2014 n” nB Partial collusion 2n’ COMP Number of firms Total sales EU and the Euro crisis – The Microeconomics of European Integration 45