Filmography - NUR film group HOME


Filmography - NUR film group HOME
We are coming from different cultures. We are coming from different countries. Our shooting
locations and screening rooms are in The Netherlands and France, Georgia and Italy,
Austria and Russia, Belarus and Iran, Macedonia and Serbia, Poland and Finland, Sweden
and Moldova, Japan and India, Nepal and Iran, Cuba and Canada, Bolivia and Argentina.
We want to show that borders just exist in our heads and that they have to be overcome in
our heads. We want to know how love becomes stronger than fear and curiosity stronger
than mistrust. We shoot films that bring us the world closer and that celebrate the
differences and common grounds of the people of this earth. In the last 7 years we realized
more than 50 film productions. Our movies were shown in Rotterdam and Cannes and won
various prizes around the world.
Linda Lemanski
"The Swan and the Rooster” (Der Hahn und der Schwan), Short Fiction, HD,
13:17 min, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“All about mankind” (Alles über Menschen), Short fiction, HD, 45 min, Georgia, Germany
Jana Richter, Rike Holtz
“The greatness of man”, Documentary, HDV, 30 min, Cuba
Miriam Steen
"The Builders” (Die Erbauer), Documentary, HD, 5min, Russia
2. Price, Competition "classic clip", Kassel 2011, Germany
Screening during the exhibition "Salomon – Kabinett der Künste V", Magdeburg,
Jörn Möllenkamp
“Christmas kills” (Weihnachten kann tödlich sein), Short Fiction, HD, 12 min, Germany
Khatia Kurasbediani
“Real Politicians” (Realpolitiker), Documentary, DV, 4.30 min, Germany
Sandro Japaridze
“Dancing Duel” (Tanzduell), Short Fiction, HD, 5 min, Germany
Miriam Steen
"Build 1938” (Baujahr 1938), Documentary, HD, 45min, Germany
Alexandra Petkau
“Butterfly in the Cocoon”, Documentary, HD, 45 min, Russia, in Production
Jaschar Behboud
“Possible side effects of Love” (Mögliche Folgen der Liebe), Short Fiction, HD, 7 min,
Rike Holtz
“Thinking wings” (Flügel in Gedanken) , Short Fiction, HDV, 3.50 min, Cuba
Khatia Kurasbediani
“Diverse colors” (Bunte Farben), Documentary, DV, 4.20 min, Georgia
Sandro Japaridze
“In a second moment” (Im zweiten Augenblick), Short Fiction, HD, 10 min, Germany
Lena Geller
“Sun Children” (Sonnenkinder), Short Fiction, HD, 30 min, Germany, In Production
Alexandra Petkau
“Father”, Short Fiction, HD, 4 min, Germany
O´Curto Filmfestival Neapel, Italy
Giorgi Abashishvili
„Predators“ (Raubfische), Short Fiction, HD, 9 min, Germany
O´Curto Filmfest Neapel, Italy
Behrooz Karamizade
“Salam Aleikum Alemagne”, Documentary, HDV, 60 min, Germany
Jana Richter, Rike Holtz
“Cholita Libre: If you don´t fight, you´ve already lost”, Documentary, HDV, 70 min,
Festival international du film ethnographique du Quebec (FIFEQ) 2010, Canada,
„Committee Prize”
Mujeres en Foco 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina
„Prize of the Jury“
Latin American Film Festival 2010 (LAFF), Utrecht, The Netherlands
Transilvania International Film Festival 2010 (TIFF), Cluj, Romania
„White Nights“ 2010, Int. Film Festival of Festivals, St. Petersburg, Russia
Festival de Lima, 14. Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine, Peru, Muestra en Digital
Romania International Film Festival (Ro-IFF) 2010, Arad, Romania
12th International Documentary Encounters, Bogota, Columbia (International
Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali 2010, Columbia (International Short Film
XIII. Festival ICARO, Guatemala
4th Festival of Visual ASPEKTY 2010, Torun, Poland
Festlatino Buenos Aires 2010, Argentina
Festival do Filme Etnográfico do Recife, Brazil
Atlantidoc 2010, 4. Festival Internacional de Cine documental del Uruguay,
Montevideo, Uruguay
4. Samsung Women's international Film Festival 2011, Chennai, India
Int. Film Festival of Moldova 2011 “Cronograf at museum”, Chisinau, Moldova
Beeld voor Beeld 2011, Bogota, Colombia
Special Screening organized by the Colombian Documentary Association, Alados
Colombia and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia in ten different cities of Colombia
Nepal Cine Symposium 2011, Kathmandu, Nepal
Jaschar Behboud
“One time Kassel back and forth” (Einmal Kassel hin und zurück), Documentary, HD, 15
min, Germany
Dokfest Kassel 2010, Germany
Jörn Möllenkamp
“Road to success” (Wege zum Erfolg), Short Fiction, HD, 5 min, Germany
O´Curto Filmfestival Neapel 2009, Italy
Rike Holtz
“Let the bird fly” (Lass den Vogel fliegen), Short Fiction, HDV, 5 min, Germany
Matthias Becker
“Expedition Ikarus”, Short Fiction, HD, 1 min, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“A little Room” (Ein kleines Zimmer), Documentary, 16mm, 6.20 min, Germany
Cannes Short Film Corner
O`Curto Filmfestival Napoli, Italy
Dialektus Filmfestival, Hungary
Rio de Janeiro Short Film Festival, Brazil
Giorgi Abashishvili
“The door to the Roof” (Die Tür aufs Dach), Short Fiction, DV, 4 min, Germany
O´Curto Filmfestival Napoli 2009, Italy
Lena Geller
“The Promised Land” (Gelobtes Land), Documentary, HDV, 30 min, Germany
Dokfest Kassel 2010, Germany
OFF Cinema Poznan 2010, Poland
Behrooz Karamizade
“Packing”, Documentary, DV, 4 min, Iran
- FBW Wiesbaden Prädikat „Wertvoll“
- 38. IFFR International Filmfestival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 55. Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Germany
- 17. Kinder-Medien-Festival Goldener Spatz, Germany
- 27. Filmfest München, Germany
- 28. Oulu International Children‘s Film Festival, Finland
- 28. Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestival, Sweden
- 6. Cour(t)-y-vite! Marseille, France
- 23. Int. Festival of Films Hamedan, Iran
- 17. International Filmfestival Contravision Berlin, Germany
- 20. Kinofest Lünen, Germany
- „14 films around the world“ Berlin, Germany
- Konstanzer 1.6, Germany
- 26. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofestes, Germany
- EXGROUND Filmfestival Wiesbaden, Germany
- 17. BLICKE – Festival des Ruhrgebiets-Bochum, Germany
Lena Geller
“The little Lovesong” (Liebesliedchen), Short Fiction, HD, 7.30 min, Germany
Kinofest 2009 Bucharest, Romania
BUSHO Budapest Short Film Festival, 2009, Hungary
Brno 16. Int. Festival of Short Fiction Films 2009, Czech Republic
Behrooz Karamizade
“Philipp is hungry” (Philipp hat Hunger), Short Fiction, HD, 5 min, Germany
- 49th Int. Shortfilmfestival BRNO SIXTEEN, Czech Republic
- 11th o‘court -editione festival del cortemetraggio- Napoli, Italy
Alexandra Petkau
„Love in Kassel“ (Liebe in Kassel) Documentary, DV, 12 min, Germany
Busho Filmfestival Budapest, Hungary
Kurzfilmtage Weicht, Germany
LOCALISE Potsdam, Germany
Malta Int. Filmfestival
International Film Festival OFF Cinema Poznan 2009, Poland
O´Curto Filmfestival Neapel 2009, Italy
Jana Richter
“Gauchos: If you don’t get on, you won’t fall off”, Documentary, HDV, 85 min, Argentina
“Birgitt-Bolsmann-Prize” of the University of Art, Kassel, Germany.
Latin American Film Festival (LAFF) Utrecht 2009, The Netherlands
Astra Film Festival 2009, Sibiu, Romania
Int. Documentary Film Festival 2009, Kassel, Germany
Romania International Film Festival (Ro-IFF) “Best Documentary Award” in
Women in Cinema Competition
Kathmandu Mountain Film Festival 2009 (KIMFF), Nepal
3rd Women Film Festival 2010, Chennai, India
Dokfilmwoche Hamburg 2010, Germany
“Cronograf” Int. Film Festival of Moldova 2010. Prize for “Best Image”
Ethnocineca Wien 2010, Austria
Dialektus Festival 2010, Budapest, Hungary, Prize: „Golden Deer Award“
5th Moscow International Festival and Scholarly Conference of Visual Anthropology
„Mediating Camera“, 2010, Russia
8th Latin American Film Festival Buenos Aires 2010, Argentina
Atlantidoc 2010, 4. Festival Internacional de Cine documental del Uruguay,
Montevideo, Uruguay
Int. Festival „Days of ethnographic film“ (DEF) 2011, Opening film, Ljubljana,
International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec (FIFEQ) 2011, Canada
LICHTER Filmtage 2011, Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Germany
Beeld voor Beeld 2011, Bogota, Colombia
Behrooz Karamizade
„Murche (Persisch: Ameisen)“, Short Fiction, HD, 20 min, Germany
- FBW Wiesbaden Prädikat „Wertvoll“
- 38. IFFR International Filmfestival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 4. International Festival of Muslim‘s cinema
- Linea dÓmbro Festival Culture Giovani, Italy
- 49. Int. Shortfilmfestival BRNO SIXTEEN, Czech Republic
- 38. Int. Studentisches Filmfestival Sehsüchte, Germany
Behrooz Karamizade
„To be a child in Iran” (Kindsein im Iran), Documentary, DV, 10 min, Iran
- 38. IFF Int. Filmfestival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 32. Duisburger Filmwoche doxs!, Germany
- 29. Int. Cinematographers‘ Film Festival Skopje, Macedonia
- Curta Cinema- Rio de Janeiro Int. Shortfilmfestival, Brazil
- 13. Schlingel Int. Filmfestival Chemnitz, Germany
- 20. Girona Film Festival, Spain
- L’autre Cinema Festival International du Film d’Arras, France
- Goethe Institut Lille “Le Mois du film dokumentaire”, France
- 11.International 1001 Documentary Filmfestival
- 25. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest, Germany
- 16. ALTE-NATIVE Int. Short Film Festival at Tirgu Mures
- Showcomotion –Young Peoples Film Festival- Sheffield, UK
- DIEFF Delhi International Ethnographic Filmfestival, India
- 12. OFF CINEMA International Filmfestival Poznan, Poland
- 11. o’court -editione festival del cortemetraggio- Napoli, Italy
- 8. International Documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF, Moldova
- 8. Alanya Documentary Film Festival, Turkey
- “steirischer herbst“ Graz, Austria
- 4. Iraans Filmfestival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 6. La.Meko Filmfest Landau, Germany
- 20. dokumentART Neubrandenburg, Germany
- Award of the College Alliance 2008
- Shown at the Cinemateca Brasileira
Linda Lemanski
“My Benjamin” (Mein Benjamin), Short Fiction, HD, 1.30 min, Germany
Alexandra Petkau
“Flowershop”, Short Fiction, DV, 3 min, Germany
Miriam Steen
“The Thought” (Der Gedanke), Short Fiction, DV, 4min, Germany
- Filmfestival Neapel, German Section, Italy
Rike Holtz
“About nothing” (Über Nichts), Short Fiction, DV, 3 min, Germany
49. Brno16 Int. Short - Filmfestival 2008, Czech Republic
25. Dokumentarfilm – und Videofest Kassel 2008, Germany
O´Curto Film Festival Neapel 2009, Italy
Rike Holtz
“LUI”, Short Fiction, S16mm, 21 min, Germany
17. DIVERCINE Children Film Festival Südamerika: Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Peru,
Chile, Argentinien, Bolivien, Mexiko 2008
LUCAS Filmfestival Frankfurt 2008, Germany
Sapporo Shortfilm Fest Japan 2008
Sao Paulo Int. Short Film Festival 2008, Brazil
Michel Kinderfilmfest Hamburg 2008, Germany
20th Girona Film Festival 2008, Spain
Barcelona TV Film Festival 2008, Spain
Listapadik Kinderfilmfestival Minsk 2008, Belarus
LaMeko Landau Film Festival 2008, Germany
California Ind. Film Festival 2009, USA
film altonale 2009, Germany
Jörn Möllenkamp
“On the search for love” (Auf der Suche nach der Liebe), Short Fiction, DV, 5 min,
O´Curto Filmfestival Neapel 2009, Italy
Busho Filmfestival Budapest 2009, Hungary
49th Brno Shortfilmfestival 2009, Czech Republic
Kinofest Bucharest 2009, Romania
Int. Film Festival OFF Cinema Poznan 2009, Poland
Rike Holtz
“A man and his woman” (Ein Mann und seine Frau), Short Fiction, DV, 5 min,Germany
Lena Geller
“The Hole of Kassel“ (Das Kasseler Loch), Documentary, HD, 15 min, Germany
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest 2007, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“Half a Drum” (Halbe Trommel), Documentary, DV, 7 min, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“Driving into Black” (Fahrt ins Schwarze), Documentary, DV, 4 min, Germany
O´Curto Filmfest Napoli 2008, Italy
Linda Lemanski
"Trampen", Short Fiction, DV, 2.25 min, Germany
Miriam Steen
“Jojo”, Short Fiction, HD, 12 min, Germany
Jaschar Behboud
“Mafia”, Short Fiction, DV, 5 min, Germany
Lena Geller
“Beyond the world of chaos”, Short Fiction, HD, 6 min, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“In the Dark” (Im Schwarzen), Short Fiction, DV, 5 min, Germany
Linda Lemanski
“Self-Determined” (Selbstbestimmt), Short Fiction, DV, 8.30 min, Germany
Miriam Steen
“Three Souls” (Drei Seelen), Short Fiction, DV, 6 min, Germany
Jaschar Behboud
“Kick it like Zidane”, Short Fiction, DV, 5 min, Germany
Dokfest Kassel 2006, Germany
Stuttgarter Filmwinter 2006, Germany
Going Underground Film Festival Berlin 2006, Germany
Bundesjugendvideofestival 2007, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Werkstatt junger Filmer 2007, Wiesbaden, Germany
Int. Youth Filmmakers Festival, 2007, Paris, France
Jörn Möllenkamp
“When the clock strikes ten” (Nach Neun kommt Zehn), Short Fiction, DV, 5 min,
3rd Prize of the 17. Bielefelder Film- and Videofestival “Risiko”
Jaschar Behboud
“Jargo”, Short Fiction, DV, 3.30 min, Germany
Giorgi Abashishvili
“The Cow” (Die Kuh), Short Fiction, DV, 10 min, Germany
Linda Lemanski
“Art University Trailer” (Kunsthochschultrailer), Short Fiction, DV, 1.30 min, Germany
Jaschar Behboud
“The Gipsy” (Der Hütchenspieler), Short Fiction, DV, 5 min, Germany
Goldene Klappe, Hessen, Germany
24h Nürnberg, Germany
Jaschar Behboud
“What do you believe” (Was glaubst du?), Documentary, DV, 7.30 min, Germany
Rike Holtz
“Inner Life” (Innenleben), Short Fiction, 35mm, 29 min, Germany
IFF Rotterdam 2005
Prize of the Arts Academy Kassel 2004, Germany
Main prize LaMeko Landau Film Festival 2006, Germany
Grand Prix Cinerail Filmfestival Paris 2008, France
Jana Richter
“If Cuba wouldn´t exist, one should invent it”, Documentary, DV, 33 min, Cuba
Cine Latino Halle 2004
Halbbilder Filmfestival Magdeburg 2004
Special Mention Diploma, Int. Youth Film Festival 2006, Yerevan, Armenia