19 - Turistička zajednica grada Dubrovnika


19 - Turistička zajednica grada Dubrovnika
Welcome to Dubrovnik / Dobrodošli u Dubrovnik
Broj / Number
Noorman Widjaja
Nella Lonza
Ibrica Jusić
Zašto volim Dubrovnik / Why I Love Dubrovnik
Poznati dubrovčani / Dubrovnik Celebrities
Usamljeni trubadur / The Lonesome Troubadour
Andro VlAhušić
Dear ViSitorS,
Gradonačelnik Grada Dubrovnika
Mayor of Dubrovnik
Dragi poSjetitelji,
dobrodošli u Dubrovnik, Grad ljepote, sklada,
materijalnog i duhovnog bogatstva stvaranog stoljećima.
Kao gradonačelnik turističke perle Mediterana
želim Vam ugodan boravak u Gradu koji je dostignućima svojih pjesnika, književnika, znanstvenika i
graditelja duboko utkan u hrvatsku kulturu i baštinu koje su oduvijek svjedočile o njegovoj pripadnosti europskom, uljuđenom i naprednom svijetu.
Čast mi je biti na čelu ovakvog Grada, ali istodobno
osjećam i veliku odgovornost za njegov napredak
i razvoj koji će učiniti život u njemu ugodnijim i
ljepšim, stalnim žiteljima i gostima. U ovom Gradu
živi se po mjeri čovjeka. Volio bih da i Vi osjetite tu
harmoniju čovjeka i njegovoga djela.
U ime Grada Dubrovnika i svoje osobno ime želim
Vam dobrodošlicu. Prepustite mu se i uvijek ćete
mu se vraćati.
Dubrovnik / WeLcome
Welcome to Dubrovnik, the City of beauty, harmony, and material and spiritual wealth that has been
generated for centuries.
As the mayor of this tourist pearl of the Mediterranean, I wish you a pleasant stay in the City, which
– owing to the achievements of its poets, writers,
scientists and architects – has been deeply implanted in the Croatian culture and heritage that have
always testified to its belonging to the European,
civilized and progressive world.
It is an honour to be at the head of such a city. At
the same time I feel a great responsibility for its
progress and development that will make the lives
of its residents and guests more pleasant and beautiful. People in this City live in accordance with high
human standards. I would like you to also experience this harmony of man and his accomplishments.
In the name of the City of Dubrovnik and in my
own name, I wish you welcome to Dubrovnik.
Embrace it, and you will always come back.
JelkA Tepšić
Direktorica TZ Grada Dubrovnika
Dubrovnik Tourist Board Director
rad na dlanu sv. Vlaha - dubrovačkog sveca zaštitnika –
susrest ćemo gotovo kad god
nam pogled skrene prema gradskim zidinama, palačama ili crkvama. Pogled iz zraka
na Grad-biser obgrljen modrom pučinom
sugerira nam da ga možemo primiti u dlan,
a svojom formom i puninom na isti način se
nudi i nov logo naše institucije – Turističke
zajednice Grada Dubrovnika. Naš slogan je
“Grad na dlanu” – jer naša obveza je pružiti
vam Dubrovnik na dlanu da u njemu uživate i pamtite ga, ali predajući vam istovremeno i obvezu da ga čuvate baš onako kako
njegov Parac stoljećima čini, onako kako to
i svi njegovi stanovnici rade. Grad na vašem
dlanu, dajemo vam Grad na dlanu; čuvajte
Grad na dlanu ... samo su neke primjene
ovog slogana koji svoje puno značenje dobiva onog trenutka kad posjetite Dubrovnik.
Časopis Welcome to Dubrovnik devetnaesti
put zaredom poklanja vam djeliće prošlosti
i sadašnjosti Grada, na dlanu...
Lik sv. Vlaha, koji drži Grad u kamenu ili
bronci, jedan je od simbola Dubrovnika,
lik našeg zaštitnika na svojim je slikarskim
djelima oživio i likovni umjetnik Mišo Baričević koji nas je ugostio u svom atelieru.
Miše Milovčević, obrtnik – umjetnik , lijeva
sv. Vlaha u bronci, izrađuje dubrovačke
svjetiljke iz priča – lukjernare,u ovom
plemenitom metalu izlijeva sve najvažnije
dubrovačke simbole...
Ljeto u Dubrovniku čine festivali, pa nas
eto ususret šezedest i prvim Dubrovačkim
ljetnim igrama, devetom festivalu Julian
Rachlin i prijatelji, šestom izdanju Libertas film festivala sa svim njhovim važnim
umjetnicima, značajnim izvedbama i neponovljivim doživljajima. Otkrivamo i kako su
povezani slavni Chopin i naš Grad, a zašto
voli Dubrovnik otkriva Norman Widjaja,
maestro s Dalekog Istoka, koji je dio svog
srca posvetio Dubrovniku i njegovom simfonijskom orkestru , s kojim u izvedbama
doseže zvijezde...Nella Lonza, povjesničarka
i Dubrovkinja crpi nepresušan izvor nadahnuća u povijesti Republike i arhivima
koji nam pružaju motiv za divjenje našim
pretcima i njihovom savršeno uređenom i
skladnom življenju.
Napis o Gospi od Orašca, svetištu i Djevici
Mariji koju štuju stanovnici mjesta Orašac,
ali i svih gornjih sela dubrovačkog zaleđa
sigurno će izazvati pozornost čitatelja, kao
i priča o talentiranom mladom lijeričaru
Stijepu Marinoviću koji na ovom tradicionalnom instrumentu izvodi omiljeno kolo
Dubrovačkog primorja – linđo.
Dubrovački skalini i Ibrica, priča su koja
traje 45 godina i dio je dubrovačkog ljeta
i romantičnih noći pod zvijezdama... Grad
je imao i jednog nogometaša na Svjetskom
nogometnom prvenstvu – znanog nam
Boža Broketu, a da li je nogomet među
onim što voli naš dugogodišnji sugrađanin
– stranac koji to više nije, Wyb Hopink,
pročitajte sami. Trudimo se uvijek iznova otkriti priče iz dubrovačke prošlosti i
sadašnjosti, a spomenute priče, kao i ona
o sajaturu, foto – oku Željka Tutnjevića,
prirodnoj atrakciji ispod dubrovačke zračne
luke – Ðurovića špilji, novovjekovnom
brodolomu u podmorju Brsečina te kukama
i šparogama zaokružuju devetnaesti Welcome i vode nas ususret dvadesetome....
e will come across the City
in the palm of St Blaise’s
hand - the patron saint of
Dubrovnik - whenever we look towards
the city walls, palaces and churches. A
bird-eye’s view of this city-pearl embraced
by the azure sea suggests that we can put
it in the palm of our hand, and its form
and fullness reflect in the new logo of the
Dubrovnik Tourist Board. We chose „The
City that fits in your palm“ for our slogan,
because it’s our job to offer you Dubrovnik
so that you can enjoy and remember it, and
it’s your job to protect it the way its patron
saint and its residents have been doing for
centuries. Different variants of this slogan
will get their proper meaning the moment
you visit Dubrovnik. The 19th issue of
Welcome to Dubrovnik magazine will present
you with fragments of the City’s past and
The stone or bronze statue of our patron St
Blaise holding the city model in his palm
is one of the Dubrovnik symbols, and one
of the motifs on the paintings by Mišo
Baričević who welcomed us in his studio.
The craftsman – artist Miše Milovčević
casts the statues of St Blaise in bronze,
manufactures the fairytale oil lamps of
Dubrovnik, and casts all major Dubrovnik
symbols in this precious metal…
The summer in Dubrovnik abounds in
festivals. This season we welcome the 61st
Dubrovnik Summer Festival, the 9th Julian Rachlin & Friends Festival and the 6th
Libertas Film Festival, with their renowned
artists, wonderful performances and unique
experiences. We disclose the connection
between the famous Chopin and our City,
and reveal why the Maestro from the Far
East Noorman Widjaja loves Dubrovnik
and its symphony orchestra, with whom he
creates outstanding performances… The
Dubrovnik historian Nella Lonza finds an
inexhaustible source of inspiration in the
history of the Dubrovnik Republic and its
archives which arouse admiration for our
ancestors and their perfectly organised and
harmonious life.
The article about Our Lady of Orašac - who
is honoured by the villagers of Orašac and
in all places of the Dubrovnik hinterland –
and the story of the young talented lijerica
player Stijepo Marinović - who plays the
popular dance of the Dubrovnik coastal
area Linđo on this traditional instrument
– will certainly attract the attention of our
The Dubrovnik steps and Ibrica are protagonists of the story that has been going on
for 45 years, being a part of the Dubrovnik
summer and its romantic nights under the
stars… Dubrovnik had its representative at
the Football World Cup, the famous Božo
Broketa. Find out whether football is one
of the interests of our longtime citizen Wyb
Hopnik in the article Foreigners no longer.
Always trying to discover new stories from
the Dubrovnik past and present, we have
also included the articles about the bolt,
the photographic eye of Željko Tutnjević,
the natural attraction under the Dubrovnik
Airport runway – Ðurović Cave, the shipwreck near the village of Brsečine, and
about black bryony and wild asparagus
in the nineteenth issue of the Welcome to
Dubrovnik magazine, also announcing its
twentieth edition…
Ljeto 2010.
Sadržaj / ContentS
Festivali / Festivals
Nakladnik / Publisher:
Napisao / By Ivica Prlender ............................................
Napisala / By Ileana Grazio .........................................
Napisala / By Sandra Lacković ....................................
Napisao / By Nikola Šubić ..........................................
Napisala / By Tereza Buconić Gović ............................
Stari zanati / Old Trades
ljevač / Metal Founder
Napisala / By Silva Capurso
obljetnice / anniversaries
Napisala / By Aida Cvjetković .....................................
Napisala / By Adriana Kremenjaš - Daničić .................
Uz godišnjicu rođenja
anniversary of
Napisala / By Marija Grazio ........................................
Zašto volim Dubrovnik
Why I Love Dubrovnik
Napisala / By Lidija Crnčević ......................................
U ateljeu / In the artist’s studio
Napisala / By Paulina Peko ..........................................
Foto oko / The Photographic Eye of
Napisala / By Božica Ðurđević .....................................
Milenijska fotografija
Millennium Photograph
Napisala / By Lidija Crnčević .....................................
Napisao / By Domagoj Perkić .....................................
Napisala / By Maja Nodari ..........................................
Stranci koji to više nisu
Foreigners no longer
Usamljeni trubadur
The Lonesome Troubadour
Mladi talenti / Young Talents
Lijeričar / Lijerica Player
Napisala / By Sanja Dražić ..........................................
Glavni urednik / Editor-in-chief:
Nikša Bender
Suradnica glavnog urednika /
Associate Editor-in-chief:
Lidija Crnčević
Tajnica redakcije / Redaction Secretary:
Sandra Mišić
Uredničko vijeće / Editorial Board:
Tilda Bogdanović, Pave Brailo,
Aida Cvjetković, Lukša Lucianović,
Sonja Kise, Ðuro Market
Lektor / Proofreader:
Mirjana Kaznačić
Prijevodi / Translations:
Dubravka Knežević
Linda Peričević
Oblikovanje i grafička priprema /
Design and prepress:
m&m, Dubrovnik
Fotografije / Photography:
Miho Skvrce
Željko Tutnjević
Foto-arhiva / Photo-archives:
Turistička zajednica
Grada Dubrovnika,
Dubrovačke ljetne igre,
Dubrovački vatrogasci
Nogometna priča / Football stories
Dubrovčanin na Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu
A Dubrovnik man at the Football World Cup
Napisao / By Tonči Vlašić ...........................................
Naklada / Printing run:
Tisak / Print:
Gastro kutak / Culinary Corner
Napisao / By Josip Žuvela ..........................................
[email protected]
Tajna brodoloma pokraj Brsečina
The Secret of the Shipwreck near Brsečine
Napisao / By Slobodan Nano Vlašić ...........................
Poznati Dubrovčani / Dubrovnik Celebrities
Napisala / By Lidija Crnčević ......................................
Napisao / By Nikša Bender .........................................
Tel. / Phone: +385(0)20/323-887
323-889, 323-907
Napisala / By Pave Brailo ............................................
15 Godina
Fax: +385(0)/323-725
Skale od Jezuita
Cover photo:
Jesuit Steps
Summer 2010
Festivali / Festivals
Nezaboravne festivalske noći na otvorenoj sceni Grada
nicijacijskim činom uspinjanja festivalskog barjaka na Orlandov stup,
10. srpnja, započet će 61. Dubrovačke
ljetne igre, najstarija i najuglednija
hrvatska kulturna manifestacija, koja
je zahvaljujući svojim umjetničkim internacionalnim programima već više
od pola stoljeća prestižnim članom Europske udruge festivala (EFA). Tijekom
45 festivalskih noći međunarodnom će
se auditoriju predstaviti više od 2000
umjetnika iz 24 zemlje svijeta na 19
različitih lokacija, i to dramskom riječju,
glazbom i plesom u više od 80 programa.
Naime, ključna artistička osebujnost i
međunarodna prepoznatljivost dubrovačkog fesivala je njegova ambijentalnost jer njegovi se programi uprizoruju
na povijesnim tvđavama Grada, poljanama i ulicama, perivojima i palačama,
ljetnikovcima, na otocima pred Gradom.
Tako samo urbano tkivo, pod zvjezdanim dubrovačkim nebom, postaje gotovo ravnopravnim suautorom najboljim
hrvatskim i svjetskim glumcima, glazbenicima, plesačima...
U tom interaktivnom prožimanju Grada i umjetnosti
ostvaruju se nezaboravne
festivalske noći, te uspostavlja onaj jedinstveni i prepoznatljivi festivalski milje koji još od polovice prošlog
stoljeća pozicionira Igre među najprestižnije europske kulturne manifestacije.
U sezoni koja je pred nama, susljedno dragocjenoj festivalskoj baštini,
pred festivalskim gledalištima demonstrirat će svoje umijeće vrsni
hrvatski i svjetski umjetnici poput
Zagrebačke filharmonije i Orchestra sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe
Verdi, Dubrovačkog simfonijskog
orkestra i Australian chamber orchestra, Wiener Concert Verein i
Zagrebačkih solista, I Barochisti i Cellomania, Leipzig kvarteta i Tomatito
sexteta... nastupit će brojni solisti, primjerice - Max Emanuel Cenčić i Zoran Todorovich, Boris Berezovsky i
Radovan Vlatković, Nikolai Lugansky
i Monika Leskovar, Stefan Milenkovich i Edin Karamazov...
Radovan Vlatković, kornist / horn player
Premijerno će se u atriju Kneževoga
dvora postaviti komorne opere Pergolesi, La serva padrona i Telemann,
Schulmeister pod glazbenim vodstvom
T. Fačinija, te uz sudjelovanje Giorgia
Suriana i Valentine Fijačko, Varaždinskog komornog orkestra, Zbora Umjetničke škole iz Dubrovnika. Redateljska
palica pripada Krešimiru Dolenčiću.
Ljeto 2010.
Unforgettable Festival Nights on the
Open-air Stage of the City
U dramskoj sastavnici programa u
perivoju Umjetničke škole Festivalski
dramski ansambl, u režiji Joška Juvančića, ponovno će igrati antologijsku Vojnovićevu “Na taraci”, na Boškovićevoj
će poljani opet oduševljavati Držićev
“Skup” u sjajnom ostvarenju Gorana
Grgića, dok će se danski kraljević Hamlet ponovno uspeti na antologijski
Lovrjenac u režiji Ivice Kunčevića. No,
Festivalski dramski ansambl postaviti će
i dva nova, premijerna naslova i to praizvedbu teksta Tomislava Zajeca Spašeni,
u režiji Franke Perković, te Gogoljevog
Revizora, u režiji Jerneja Lorencija.
U plesnom programu nastupit će Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Lado
iz Zagreba, te Folklorni ansambl Linđo
iz Dubrovnika.
Rečenom su, unutar festivalskog okvira
od 10. srpnja do 25. kolovoza, pridodate
brojne filmske projekcije, predstavljanje
knjiga, izložbe... no o svemu iscrpnije,
uz mogućnost kupnje ulaznica na www.
“Na taraci” Iva Vojnovića, prošlogodišnja premijera u režiji Joška Juvančića
Last year’s premiere On the Terrace by Ivo Vojnović, directed by Joško Juvančić
Summer Festival
he 61st Dubrovnik Summer
Festival will begin with the
initiation ceremony of raising the
Festival flag on the Orlando’s Column.
Thanks to its international artistic
programmes, this oldest and most
prestigious cultural institution in
Croatia has been a renowned member of
the European Festival Association (EFA)
for more than half a century. During
the 45 festival nights, more than 2000
artists from 24 countries will perform
before an international audience in 19
different venues, within more than 80
theatre, music and dance programmes.
Namely, the Dubrovnik Festival owes
its artistic peculiarity and international
distinctiveness to its ambience venues.
The festival programmes take place
in Dubrovnik’s historic forts, squares,
streets, parks, palaces, summer
residences and on the islands in close
proximity to the City. Thus, under the
starry sky of Dubrovnik, the City itself
becomes an almost equal co-author
alongside the world’s and Croatia’s
finest actors, musicians and dancers.
This interactive fusion of the City and
Art results in the unforgettable festival
nights, and creates the unique and
recognisable festival milieu which has
ranked the Dubrovnik Festival among
Europe’s most prestigious cultural
events since the 1950s.
In the forthcoming season, following
the precious festival tradition, the
renowned Croatian and international
performers will include the Zagreb
Philharmonic, the Orchestra sinfonica di
Milano Giuseppe Verdi, the Dubrovnik
Symphony Orchestra, the Australian
Chamber Orchestra, the Wiener
Violinist Stefan Milenković i ove će godine nastupiti
na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama
Violinist Stefan Milenković will perform at this year’s
Dubrovnik Summer Feestival again
Summer 2010
Concert Verein, the Zagreb Soloists,
I Barochichisti, the Cellomania, the
Leipzig Quartet and the Tomatito
Sextet, as well as numerous soloists
such as Max Emanuel Cenčić, Zoran
Todorovich, Boris Berezovsky, Radovan
Vlatković, Nikolai Lugansky, Monika
Leskovar, Stefan Milenkovich and Edin
The chamber opera premieres at the
Rector’s Palace Atrium will include
Pergolesi’s La serva padrona and
Telemann’s Schulmeister conducted by
Tomislav Fačini and directed by Krešimir
Bernarda Fink i Mojca Zlobko u Kneževu dvoru
Bernarda Fink and Mojca Zlobko at the Rector’s Palace
Dolenčić, featuring Giorgio Surian, Valentina
Fijačko, Varaždin Chamber Orchestra and
the Dubrovnik Art School Choir.
Repeat performances within the theatre
programme will include the anthological
Vojnović’s play On the Terrace performed
by the Festival Drama Ensemble in the
Art School Park and directed by Joško
Juvančić; Držić’s The Miser featuring
the outstanding Goran Grgić; while
the Danish prince Hamlet will climb
the Lovrjenac Fort steps again in the
play directed by Ivica Kunčević. The
Festival Drama Ensemble will also stage
two premieres: the
first performance of
Tomislav Zajec’s play
Rescued directed
The Rescued,
by Franka Perković,
and Gogol’s The
Government Inspector,
directed by Jernej
Hamlet na Lovrjencu u režiji Ivice Kunčevića
Hamlet at Fort Lovrjenac directed by Ivica Kunčević
The National Folk Dance and Song
Ensemble of Croatia Lado from Zagreb
and the Linđo Folk Ensemble from
Dubrovnik will appear within the
festival dance programme.
From 10 July to 25 August the Festival
will also organise numerous film
projections, book presentations and
exhibitions. For detailed information and
booking please visit www.dubrovnikfestival.hr
Gledalište na tvrđavi Lovrjenac
Fort Lovrjenac auditorium
Ljeto 2010.
Festivali / Festivals
Festival komorne glazbe
Julian Rachlin
& prijatelji
ve godine će se po deseti put,
na radost Dubrovčana i svih
gostiju koji budu pohodili koncerte,
održati Festival komorne glazbe Julian
Rachlin i prijatelji čime će se potvrditi
uzajamna vjernost umjetnika Gradu
kao i njegovih stanovnika umjetnicima.
Julian Rachlin je svjetski poznati
violinist, koji je od „čuda od djeteta“,
1988. osvojio titulu Eurovizijskog
mladog glazbenika godine, nakon čega
je pozvan nastupiti na Berlinskom
festivalu pod vodstvom Lorina Maazela
te postao najmlađi solist koji je ikada
nastupio s Bečkim filharmoničarima,
i to pod ravnanjem Riccarda Mutija.
Rachlin je surađivao s drugim brojnim
vrhunskim svjetskim glazbenicima,
kao što su Vladimir Askenazy, James
Levine, Zubin Mehta ili André Previn,
dok je nastupe komorne glazbe, među
ostalima, ostvario s Marthom Argerich,
Itamarom Golanom, Mstislavom
Rostropovičem, Gidonom Kremerom
i Maksimom Vengerovim. Ovjenčan je
prestižnom međunarodnom nagradom
Accademia Musicale Chigiana u Sieni.
Ponosni što je utemeljio Festival
komorme glazbe Julian Rachlin
i prijatelji upravo u Dubrovniku,
okupivši glazbenike koji su pružili
- Svj et s k i v i r t u o z i p o d d u b r o v a č k i m ne b om
izuzetne glazbene doživljaje te
omogućili da Dubrovnik bude
zapisan u kalendar najkvalitetnijih
svjetskih glazbenih događanja, Julian
Rachlin je ove godine predložen za
osobu godine.
Cjelokupna atmosfera Festivala
komorne galzbe Julian Rachlin
i prijatelji je ravna ugođaju koji
nude veliki svjetski poznati festivali
(Salzburg, Prag, Bečke svečanosti
itd.). Svaku večer ispred ulaza
u auditorij je dug red ljubitelja
komorne glazbe koji se nadaju
da će kupiti ulaznicu, ako je na
vrijeme nisu rezervirali ili kupili
putem interneta. Već godinama
za vrijeme Festivala organizirane
grupe ljubitelja vrhunske komorne
glazbe doputuju u Dubrovnik
iz drugih dijelova Hrvatske i
inozemstva. I ove godine oni će od
1.-14. rujna uživati u kreacijama
koje će na svojim instrumentima
ponuditi: Julian Rachlin(u
dvostrukoj ulozi violinista i violista),
pijanist Itamar Golan, violončelist
Mischa Maisky, kontrabasist Stacey
Watton,violinistica Janine Jansen,
hornist Radovan Vlatković i dr.,
a doživjet će i susret s glasovitim
glumcima Rogerom Moorom (u
ulozi naratora Beethovenovih
Heilingestadstih oporuka) kojemu
će se i ove godine pridružiti John
Malkovich. Prošlogodišnje gostovanje
s koncertom poznatog engleskog
orkestra St. Martin in Fields s čuvenim
dirigentom Leonardom Slatkinom,
ove godine će se proširiti na dva
nastupa. Među skladbama klasičnih i
suvremenih autora posebnost Festivala
je svjetska praizvedba Dubugnonovog
Glasovirskog trija, a kuriozum
Festivala je da ćemo ove godine imati
priliku uživati u zvuku balalajke, koju
će svirati planetarno poznati Aleksej
Arkhipovski. Također, bit će izvedeno
i djelo hrvatskog skladatelja, inače
predsjednika Republike Hrvatske, Ive
Kao i prošlih sezona Festivala održat
će se Koncert u bijelom, kada su i
izvođači i publika odjeveni u bijelo,
a umjetnici će pokloniti i besplatni
koncert u Crkvi sv. Ignacija. Novost
ovogodišnjeg Festivala je organiziranje
radionice za violinu koju će voditi
poznati violinist i pedagog Boris
Vrhunski solisti, ansambli, kvalitetna
programska odrednica te jedinstveni
dubrovački ambijenti razlozi su da se
posjeti Festival komorne glazbe Julian
Rachlin i prijatelji u Dubrovniku.
Ljeto 2010.
- Wo r l d Fa m ous
Vi r t u o s o s u n d er th e
D u b r o v ni k S ky
Julian Rachlin & Friends
his year, to the joy of all
residents of Dubrovnik and
festival goers, the 10th Julian
Rachlin & Friends Chamber
Music Festival will take place,
thus confirming both the artists’
faithfulness to the City and the
faithfulness of its residents to the
Julian Rachlin is a world famous
violinist. A child prodigy, he won
the Eurovision Young Musician of
the Year Title in 1988, after which
he was invited to perform at the
Berlin Festival under the baton of
Lorin Maazel and thus became the
youngest soloist ever to perform
with the Vienna Philharmonic
conducted by Riccardo Muti.
Rachlin has worked with other world
famous musicians such as Vladimir
Askenazy, James Levine, Zubin
Mehta and André Previn.
His chamber music performances
have included those with Martha
Argerich, Itamar Golan, Mstislav
Rostropovich, Gidon Kremer
and Maximom Vengerov. He is
the winner of the prestigious
international Accademia Musicale
Chigiana Award in Siena. This year
Julian Rachlin has been nominated
for the Personality of the Year for
his founding of the Julian Rachlin &
Friends Chamber Music Festival in
Dubrovnik and gathering musicians
who have made outstanding musical
achievements, thus enabling
Summer 2010
Chamber Music Festival
Dubrovnik’s inclusion in the world’s
most exquisite musical events calendar.
The entire atmosphere at the Julian
Rachlin & Friends Chamber Music
Festival matches that at the major
world famous festivals (Salzburg,
Prague, Vienna, etc.). Every evening
people queue in front of the box
office hoping to buy a ticket - if they
have not managed to book it on time
- or purchase it via the Internet. For
many years now, during the Festival,
organised groups of admirers of
top-quality music have been coming
to Dubrovnik from other parts of
Croatia and from abroad. This year
too, from 1 – 14 September, they
will have the opportunity to enjoy
the performances of: Julian Rachlin
(both on the violin and the viola),
the pianist Itamar Golan, the cellist
Mischa Maisky, the double-bass
player Stacey Watton, the violinist
Janine Jansen, the horn player
Radovan Vlatković and others,
and to also meet with the famous
actors Roger Moor (as narrator
of Beethoven’s Heiligenstadt
Testament), once again with John
Malkovich. The distinguished
English orchestra the Academy of St
Martin in the Fields will perform two
concerts this year under the baton
of the renowned conductor Leonard
Slatkin. In addition to compositions
by both classical and contemporary
authors, visitors will have the
opportunity to listen to the world
premiere of a piece by the Dubugnon
Piano Trio. Festival highlights will
include the appearance of the worldfamous balalaika player Alexei
Arkhipovskiy, and the performance of
a work by the Croatian composer Ivo
Josipović, the current President of the
Republic of Croatia.
This year too, the White Concert will
take place, with both performers and
audience dressed in white, and the
artists will again present the residents
of Dubrovnik with a free concert at
the Church of St Ignatius. For the
first time the Festival will organise
a violin workshop conducted by the
renowned violinist and pedagogue
Boris Kuschnir.
Superb soloists, high quality
programmes and unique Dubrovnik
venues are good reasons for visiting
the Julian Rachlin & Friends Chamber
Music Festival in Dubrovnik.
Holywood na
a su Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt za
uskrsne blagdane (ipak) posjetili
Dubrovnik zasigurno bi se o boravku
najpoznatijeg glumačkog para u Gradu
pričalo i ovih dana. Ne bi to bile ni prve,
a ni posljednje holivudske face i poznate
osobe iz svijeta filma, koje su prošetale
Stradunom. Ovako, Dubrovčani s nestrpljenjem očekuju Libertas film festival,
manifestaciju koja im iz godine u godinu
dovodi domaće i strane filmske
goste, predstavlja vrhunske naslove iz
svijeta filma, nudi glamur, zabavu i dobar
Od 2. do 6. srpnja očekuje nas šesti Libertas film festival, koji unatoč recesiji
nudi program bogatiji od svih dosadašnjih
izdanja. U natjecateljskom dijelu Festivala publika će imati priliku vidjeti neke
od ponajboljih filmova najnovije svjetske
produkcije, nagrađivane i hvaljene naslove
koji dolaze s najznačajnijih svjetskih festivala poput Berlina, Cannesa, Venecije i
Toronta. Prilika je to da se predstave manje poznate kinematografije, ovoga puta
iz Vijetnama i Islanda. Pozornost privlači i
ovogodišnji gost Fokus programa - Rusija.
Zemlju velikih filmskih autora i filmova
dovoljno je najaviti naslovom - Kako sam
proveo ovo ljeto, dobitnika triju Srebrnih
medvjeda s ovogodišnjega Berlinalea.
O najboljima odlučuje žiri sačinjen od
Summer 2010
filmskih profesionalaca- producent
Robert Lantos (Adoration, Fugitive Pieces, Where the Truth Lie, Being Julia,
Barney¨s Version), glumica Mira Furlan
( Lost, Otac na službenom putu, Cirkus
Columbia, Vratit će se rode), direktor
fotografije Dante Spinotti ( The Last of
the Mohicans, Heat, LA Confidental,
Red Dragon, The Cronicles of Narnia).
Novost je Radionica animiranoga filma
namijenjena članovima novootvorenoga
Dubrovačkog filmskog kluba. U šest
dana Radionice učenici dubrovačke gimnazije napravit će kratki animirani film.
Gost predavač bit će Jerzy Moszkowich,
direktor najpoznatijeg poljskog Filmskog
festivala za djecu AleKino. U Dubrovniku će se obilježiti 60 godina poljske
animacije. Besplatne projekcije za djecu
ponudit će 30 poljskih i 20 hrvatskih
filmova za djecu. Mlade autore, među
njima zasigurno i buduće redateljske
zvijezde, vidjet ćemo u sklopu rado gledanog Programa kratkoga filma. Za ljubitelje horora tu je tradicionalno Ponoćno
ludilo. Dokumentarni program Film and
Food posvećen je gastronomiji i kuhanju,
slavnim chefovima i vojnim kuharima,
restoranima i prirodnoj hrani.
Koga trenutačno kuha uprava Festivala
nismo uspjeli doznati, otkrili su nam tek
da pregovaraju s poznatim imenima iz
svijeta filma u Londonu i Parizu. Tako će
identitet poznatih gostiju, koji će prošetati dubrovačkim crvenim tepihom, ostati
tajna do samog početka Festivala. Crveni
tepih seli se na Stradun-točnije ispred
Kneževa dvora gdje će biti upriličeno
svečano otvorenje LFF. Nije Dubrovnik
ni prvi ni zadnji grad kojeg posjećuju
filmske zvijezde, niti jedini grad koji ima
filmski festival. No, zaštićeni UNESCO-v
spomenik kulture tijekom Libertas film
festivala pretvara se u jedinstvenu otvorenu pozornicu u kojoj se filmski naslovi
gledaju pod otvorenim nebom. Kino
Jadran, unutar stare gradske jezgre i plaža Banje s pogledom na gradske zidine,
neke su od otvorenih pozornica na kojima
uživanje u sedmoj umjetnosti dobiva novi
smisao. U to su se dosada uvjerili Gila Almagor, Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson,
Jim Sheridan, ili kako je Chris Cooper
rekao: „Nevjerojatan Grad, predivni ljudi, izvrsni filmovi, odlično sam se proveo
u Dubrovniku!“
Hollywood in
f Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had
visited Dubrovnik at Easter (after
all), people would certainly have been
talking about the visit of the most
famous screen couple right up to the
present day. They would be neither the
first, nor the last, Hollywood stars or
film celebrities to promenade along the
Stradun. The residents of Dubrovnik
thus impatiently await the Libertas
Film Festival which, from year to
year, continues to bring national and
international guests from the world of
film and to present the world’s finest
films, offering an abundance of glamour,
fun and good time.
In spite of the recession, the 6th
Libertas Film Festival, which takes place
from 2 – 6 July, offers a programme
richer than the ones we have seen in
preceding seasons. In the competitive
part of the Festival, the audience will
have the opportunity to see some of
the finest films most recently produced
in the world, including the awarded
and acclaimed ones that have already
been shown at the major international
festivals including Berlin, Cannes,
Venice and Toronto. The Festival will
also present some of the less known
film industries such as those of Vietnam
and Island. Particularly attractive is
this year’s Focus Programme guest
- Russia. Suffice it to say that the
country of great films and film makers
will be represented by the film How I
Ended This Summer, the winner of three
Silver Bear Awards at this year’s Berlin
The Jury consists of film professionals
- producer Robert Lantos (Adoration,
Fugitive Pieces, Where the Truth Lies,
Being Julia, Barney‘s Version), actress
Mira Furlan (Lost, Otac na službenom
putu, Cirkus Columbia, Vratit će se rode)
and cinematographer Dante Spinotti
(The Last of the Mohicans, Heat, L.A.
Confidential, Red Dragon, The Chronicles
of Narnia). The Festival will feature an
Animated Film Workshop organised
for members of the newly opened
Dubrovnik Film Club. During the
six-day Workshop pupils of the
Dubrovnik Grammar School will make
a short animated film. The director
of the AleKino, the best-known
Polish children’s film festival, Jerzy
Moszkowich, will be a guest lecturer.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary
of the Polish animated film, free film
projections for children including 30
Polish and 20 Croatian children’s films
will be organised. Young authors,
some of whom will certainly become
renowned film directors in the future,
will be presented within the popular
Short Film Programme. The traditional
Midnight Madness is organised for
horror film fans.
The documentary programme
entitled Film and Food is dedicated to
gastronomy and cooking, famous chefs,
military cooks, restaurants and organic
We have not yet managed to find out
the names of the celebrities who will
come to the Festival. What we have
heard is that the Festival organisers have
been negotiating with some of the well
known people from the world of film in
London and Paris. The identity of the
famous guests who will appear on the
Dubrovnik red carpet will thus remain
secret till the very beginning of the
Festival. The red carpet will be moved
to the Stradun, to be more precise, in
front of the Rector’s Palace, where the
Opening Ceremony of the Libertas Film
Festival will take place. Dubrovnik is
neither the first nor the last city to be
visited by film stars, and definitely not
the only one that has a film festival. Yet,
during the Libertas Film Festival, this
UNESCO Cultural Heritage Site turns
into a unique outdoor stage, where films
are watched in the open air. The Jadran
Cinema within the Old City and Banje
Beach with a view of the city walls are
some of the Festival open-air venues that
enhance the enjoyment of the seventh
art. Festival guests who have had this
experience include Gila Almagor, Owen
Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Jim
Sheridan. According to Chris Cooper:
“Amazing City, wonderful people,
excellent movies, I had a great time in
Žiri festivala 2009. godine
Libertas Film Festival Jury 2009
Ljeto 2010.
700. Godina vatrogastva u dubrovniku
nisu smjele
na mjesto požara
Bez obzira na sve nedaće i nepogode dobrom zakonskom regulativom i načinom
urbaniziranja Grada, Dubrovnik je uspio
sačuvati svoj srednjovjekovni izgled,
njegujući svoje iskonske vrijednosti i
tradiciju, pri čemu, prije 700 godina vrlo
dobro organizirano, opremljeno, osposobljeno i operativno spremno vatrogastvo
kontinuirano djelotvorno djeluje do
današnjih dana. Stotinjak profesionalnih
i dragovoljnih vatrogasaca organizirano
je u Javnoj vatrogasnoj postrojbi Dubrovački
vatrogasci. S velikim iskustvom i suvremenom opremom interveniraju u spašavanju
ljudi i imovine više od tristo pedeset
puta godišnje.
remenske i ljudski izazvane
nepogode oduvijek su stalna
prijetnja imovini i ljudima. Najopasnije
od svih bile su vatrene stihije. Stanovništvo drevnoga Dubrovnika, grada u
početku građenog od drva s rasterom
uskih uličica i s krovovima od drvenih
daščica, stoga se vrlo rano, pred više od
700 godina, organizirano suprostavljalo
opasnosti od požara uvođenjem protupožarnih propisa i provođenjem preventivnih mjera za sprječavanje požara.
U svom Statutu iz 1272. Dubrovčani
su: detaljno opisali provedbu mjera
obrane od požara, donijeli uredbu o
gašenju i načinu sprječavanja nastajanja
požara, ali i odredili izuzetno stroge
sankcije za palikuće. Posebna pažnja bila
je posvećena načinu i rasporedu gradnje
kuća, širini ulica, smještaju odvoda i
opskrbi vodom.
U slučaju požara svi stanovnici su sa
sjekirama ili punim vjedrima vode bili
u obvezi sudjelovati u gašenju. Skupljali
su se na glas zvona na Placi. Dubrovkinjama, pod prijetnjom kazne, nije bilo
dopušteno poći na mjesto požara, dok
su njihove sluškinje, dadilje i robinje to
morale pod prijetnjom kazne.
Summer 2010
700th Anniversary of Fire-Fighting in Dubrovnik
were not permitted
Ljeto 2010.
ment, were not permitted to go to the
location of the fire, whereas their female
servants, nursemaids and slave women
were obliged to do so or face punishment.
Regardless of all its calamities and disasters, Dubrovnik has, through good
regulation and the city’s method of
urbanization, succeeded in retaining
its medieval appearance, nurturing its
lemental and man-made disasters
have been a constant threat to
property and people since time immemorial. Most dangerous of all were fires.
The inhabitants of ancient Dubrovnik, a
city originally built of wood with a network of narrow streets and roofs made
of wooden shingles, therefore made an
organised stand against the hazard of
fire very early on, more than 700 years
ago, by bringing in anti-fire regulations and implementing fire-prevention
In their Statute of 1272 the people
of Dubrovnik: defined in detail the
implementation of fire-fighting
measures, passed a regulation about
extinguishing fires and the way to
prevent them starting, but also prescribed extremely severe penalties
for arsonists. Special attention
was paid to the method in which
houses were built and their
layout, the width of streets and
the position of drainage and the
water supply system.
In the event of fire all the inhabitants were obliged to participate in extinguishing it with axes or
full pails of water. They assembled on
the sound of the bell on the Placa. Dubrovnik ladies, under threat of punish-
ancient values and traditions, in which
its very well-organized, equipped,
trained and operationally-prepared fire
service, formed seven
hundred years ago, has
been working continuously and efficiently until
the present day.About
a hundred professional
and volunteer firefighters
form the Dubrovnik FireFirefight
men’s Public Firefighting Unit, who with their
wealth of experience and
up-to-date equipment,
intervene more than three
hundred and fifty times a
year to save human lives
and property.
at fire locations
Summer 2010
Obljetnice / Anniversaries
nicijativu za osnivanje Europskoga
doma Dubrovnik (EDD) pokrenuli
su 1990. godine članovi tadašnje dubrovačke podružnice Europskoga pokreta.
Ratne su okolnosti ubrzo pokazale da
je osnivanje organizacije s europskim
predznakom više nego nužno i u ovom
dijelu Europe. Osnivački su ugovor u
Hotelu Argentina u Dubrovniku dana
8. ožujka 1995. potpisali predstavnici
dvadeset i četiriju poduzeća, ustanova i
jedinica lokalne samouprave s područja
Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije. Za
predsjednika je bio izabran Lukša Lucianović, predstavnik Turističke zajednice
Grada Dubrovnika. Svrha osnivanja
Europskoga doma bilo je promicanje
ideje europskoga jedinstva i informiranje
hrvatskih građana o procesu europskoga
ujedinjenja, poticanje razumijevanja,
tolerancije i dijaloga s europskim narodima i državama te promidžba Hrvatske u
Europi kroz suradnju s inozemnim vladinim i nevladinim organizacijama.
Prema Statutu članovi Europskoga
doma Dubrovnik mogu biti domaće i
inozemne pravne i fizičke osobe. Sjedište
udruge je od 1997. godine u povijesnom
kompleksu Lazareta. Djelomičnu obnovu prostora, oštećenog tijekom ratnih
razaranja Dubrovnika, financirala je
Turistička zajednica Grada Dubrovnika.
Nakon preuređenja 2008. godine olakšano je komuniciranje s većim brojem
građana, koji mogu posuđivati izdanja
na više jezika o različitim aspektima
europskih integracija, posebice o civilno-me društvu, povijesti i funkcioniranju
institucija Europske unije.
Unatoč skromnim mogućnostima poratnih godina, članovi su odmah po
osnivanju udruge počeli na volonterskoj
doMa dubrovnik
osnovi organizirati brojne aktivnosti.
Nastojeći ideje, zbog kojih je EDD osnovan, približiti što većem broju građana,
uspostavljena je suradnja s lokalnim
medijima, zahvaljujući čemu je udruga do sada provela mnoštvo uspješnih
medijskih projekata. Tijekom godina,
radijske emisije o europskim integracijama i civilnom društvu postale su tako
„zaštitni znak“ EDD-a. Uz financijsku
pomoć kolektivnih članova – pravnih
osoba te donatora i sponzora iz Hrvatske i inozemstva, individualni članovi
i vanjski suradnici EDD-a organiziraju
i edukativne radionice, predavanja s
domaćim i inozemnim predavačima,
izložbe, okrugle stolove, obilježavanje
Dana Europe (9. svibnja), međunarodne
seminare, susrete i konferencije. Udruga
izdaje i vlastite publikacije. U sve se
aktivnosti nastoji uključiti što veći broj
mladih ljudi, stoga su većina suradnika
i sudionika aktivnosti EDD-a mladi.
U njihovoj provedbi udruga surađuje s
brojnim hrvatskim i inozemnim nevladinim i vladinim organizacijama, visokoškolskim ustanovama i znanstvenim
institutima. Godine 2006. Europski je
dom Dubrovnik postao pridruženi član
Udruženja audiovizualnih operatera
Mediterana – COPEAM.
ISBN 978-
Multimedijalni projekt Orlandovi europski putovi najznačajniji je međunarodni
projekt Europskoga doma Dubrovnik.
Njegov je cilj ukazati na zajedničke korijene ujedinjene Europe, čiji početci sežu
u 8. stoljeće – razdoblje vladavine Karla
Velikoga. Roland, jedan od njegovih
najvjernijih viteza, postao je u kasnijim
stoljećima simbol pravde, nezavisnosti
i slobode. Od 14. stoljeća njegov lik na
kamenim ili drvenim stupovima krasi
središta mnogih europskih gradova.
Jedan od najljepših kipova je u Dubrovniku, gdje je, kao i u Italiji, vitezovo ime
promijenjeno u Orlando. Nakon proširenja Europske unije u 2004. godini, dubrovački je Orlando ostao jedini spomen
na viteza Rolanda izvan granica Unije.
Saznajte više o Europi, Rolandu/
Orlandu i Dubrovniku iz bogato
ilustrirane knjige Orlandovi europski
putovi s tekstovima trinaest autora iz
različitih europskih država. Knjiga je
objavljena na engleskom, francuskom,
hrvatskom, njemačkom i talijanskom
Ljeto 2010.
he initiative to establish Europe
House Dubrovnik (EHD) was
launched by members of the former Dubrovnik branch of the European Movement in 1990. The war circumstances
quickly showed that there was an urgent
need for the establishment of a proEuropean association also in this part of
Europe. On March 8, 1995 its Statute
was signed by representatives of twentyfour companies, public institutions and
local authorities from the DubrovnikNeretva County in Hotel Argentina in
Dubrovnik. Lukša Lucianović, a Dubrovnik Tourist Board representative,
was chosen as president. The main reason for establishing the Europe House
was to promote the concept of a united
Europe, to inform Croatian citizens
about the European integration process,
to foster their understanding, tolerance
and dialogue with European nations and
states, and to promote Croatia in Europe through cooperation with foreign
governmental and non-governmental
According to its Statute, national and
foreign private and legal entities can
become members of Europe House
Dubrovnik. Since 1997, the association’s
headquarters have been located in
the historical Lazaret (quarantine)
complex. The Dubrovnik Tourist
Board financed part of the renovation
of the premises, damaged during the
wartime devastation of Dubrovnik.
The renovation in 2008 enabled an
easier communication with a greater
number of citizens, who can now
borrow publications on various aspects
of European integration in several
languages, especially regarding civil
society and the history and functioning
of European Union institutions.
Summer 2010
Members began to organize numerous
activities on a voluntary basis right from
the very start, despite the modest means
available during the post-war years.
A joint cooperation was set up with
the local media, in order to spread the
founding concepts of EHD to as wide
an audience as possible, thanks to which
the association has been able to carry
out many successful media projects up
to now. Over the years, radio broadcasts
on European integration and civil
society have thus become the EHD’s
Using the financial assistance of its
collective members (legal entities),
donors and sponsors from both Croatia
and abroad, the individual members
and associates of EHD also organize
educational workshops and lectures with
national and international lecturers,
exhibitions, round tables, Europe Day
celebrations (May 9th), international
seminars, meetings and conferences.
EHD also releases its own publications.
All the activities try to include as many
youth as possible, so that most of EHD’s
associates and participants are young
people. In the implementation of such
activities, the association cooperates
with many Croatian and foreign NGOs
and government organizations, higher
education and scientific institutions. In
2006, Europe House Dubrovnik became
an associate member of the Permanent
Conference of the Mediterranean
Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM).
The multimedia project entitled Roland’s
European Paths is EHD’s most ambitious
international project. Its aim is to
underline the common roots of a united
Europe. They go back all the way to
the reign of Emperor Charlemagne in
the 8th century A.D. Roland, one of his
most faithful knights, became a symbol
of justice, independence and freedom
over the centuries. His stone or wooden
statue adorned many European town
centers from the 14th century onwards.
One of the most beautiful statues is
located in Dubrovnik, where Roland
is better known as Orlando, as in Italy.
After the enlargement of the European
Union in 2004, the Orlando Column
in Dubrovnik is now the only Roland
memorabilia that has remained outside
EU borders. Learn more about Europe,
Roland/Orlando, and Dubrovnik from
the richly illustrated book, Roland’s
European Paths, with texts by thirteen
authors from different European
countries. It is published in English,
Croatian, German, French, and Italian!
Uz godišnjicu rođenja Fredericka Chopina
Istim nitima ispleteni su Grad
i glazba pjesnika klavira
ajveći pjesnik među pjesnicima
klavira, romantik koji je mrzio
romantično, pianist i glazbeni genije
Frederick Chopin, čiju dvjestotu
godišnjicu rođenja slavimo ove godine,
ostavio je iza sebe pregršt djela u
kojima je rastvorio zvuk klavira do
tada neslućenih visina i u potpunosti
svog glazbenog izričaja zasjeo na
prijestolje bezvremenosti. Napustivši
svoju rodnu domovinu, Poljsku, u
svojoj dvadeset i prvoj godini, otisnuo
se u svijet uzburkane Europe. Cijelog
života bio je rascijepljen između
nostalgije, između finoće i obskurnosti
pariških salona, između svoje tjelesne
nejakosti i nevjerojatne strasti svoga
duha. I kao svaki umjetnik rastrgan
zvijerima proturječnosti, pomirbu je
našao u svojoj muzici koju je pisao na
krajnje discipliniran način, zadajući
interpretatorima kroz vrijeme iza njega
puno muke u svladavanju i stapanju
romantičnog izričaja i „bachovske“
strogosti svoje glazbe.
I kao što se njegova glazba svila u svim
koncertnim dvoranama svijeta, našla
je svoj uzduh i prirodno stanište u
najljepšoj glazbenoj pozornici, u domu
dubrovačkog kneza, Kneževom dvoru.
Oživljavali su njegovu muziku i prizivali
njegov duh desetljećima najveći pianisti
svoga doba, najviše u ljetnim mjesecima
tijekom Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara.
Aldo Cicollini, Maurizio Pollini,
Svjatloslav Richter , Ivo Pogorelić, Fou
Ts’ong, Dubravka Tomšič samo su neki
na dugačkom popisu pianista koji su
svirali među stamenim kolonadama
palače i utkali u ovaj kamen, u ove
mire, uz zvuk čiopa i nezamjenjiv
miris Grada, svu ljepotu, profinjenost
i čeznutljivost Chopinove glazbe.
Grad koji beznadno i neodgodivo
traži novu hrid , u svom biću dijeli sa
Chopinovom glazbom istu onu želju za
smirajem, istu onu tugu za beskrajem.
Na sat, dva, sjedinjavanjem prostora
i glazbe, dok tok zvuka traje, uho
nam nalazi beprijekoran svijet sklada
i tankoćutnosti. Onakav kakav je i
Dubrovnik bio . Začaranost ovog
prostora i Chopinova glazba spleteni
su od istih niti. Zato sa zasanjenim
iščekivanjem, slutimo još takvih susreta
s njegovim bićem nadajući se povratku
u neko ljepše duhovno utočište i
inspiraciji za puninu života.
Ljeto 2010.
Anniversary of Frederick Chopin’s Birth
The City and the music of the piano poet
are made of the same staff
Dubravka Tomšič, vrsna je interpretatorica Chopiniove glazbe
Dubravka Tomšič is an outstanding interpreter of Chopin’s music
he greatest among
the piano poets
and the romantic who
hated that which
was romantic, the
pianist and musical
genius Frederic
Chopin – whose 200th
anniversary of the birth
we celebrate this year – composed an
armful of works in which the piano
sound reached the then unimaginable
heights, and became immortal in the
fullness of his musical expression.
He left his native Poland at the age
of twenty one in order to meet with
the turbulent world of Europe. Torn
between nostalgia, the sophistication
and obscurity of the Paris music salons,
his physical feebleness and incredible
passion of his spirit, he found a
reconciliation in his music, which he
Summer 2010
composed with
the utmost
discipline, putting
the interpreters that
appeared after him
to so much trouble
in mastering and
combining the romantic
expression with the “Bachian”
strictness of his music.
Having found a home in all concert
halls in the world, his music also found
its natural abode at the Rector’s Palace
- the world’s most beautiful music
stage and the home of the Rector of
Dubrovnik. For many decades the
greatest pianists of the time have
performed his music and summoned up
his spirit here, particularly during the
Dubrovnik Summer Festival.
Aldo Cicollini, Maurizio Pollini,
Svjatoslav Richter, Ivo Pogorelich, Fou
Ts’ong and Dubravka
Tomšič are only a few
among numerous pianists
who have performed under
the Palace’s arches and imbued its stone
and walls with all the beauty, subtleness
and wistfulness of Chopin’s music,
accompanied with the swifts’ twitter
and the unique scent of the City. The
City - which hopelessly and undeferrably
searches for a new stronghold - shares
with Chopin’s music the same longing
for serenity and the same yearning
for infinity. For an hour or two during
the performance, while the palace and
music amalgamate, we enter a perfect
world of harmony and subtlety to which
Dubrovnik once belonged. The magic of
the venue and Chopin’s music are made
of the same staff. That is the reason why
we dreamily await new encounters with
his being in the hope of finding some
finer spiritual refuge and inspiration for a
fulfilled life.
Dirigent / Conductor
svojim stoljetnim poštivanjem značenja
riječi mir, sloboda, neovisnost dočekuje
ga širokog zagrljaja, a s dubrovačkim
glazbenicima na svakom koncertu, kreće
u visine. Kaže da je neponovljiv osjećaj
biti u zajedničkom letu ispod neba.
Poput jata ptica.
- Prvi put sam u Dubrovnik
stigao 2009.godine. Gospodin Pero Šiša,
ravnatelj Dubrovačkog simfonijskog
orkestra, dočekao me je u zračnoj
luci. Na putu prema hotelu, tog jutra
prepunog fascinacije, uvjerio sam se da
je Hrvatska prekrasna zemlja. Ugledao
sam Dubrovnik okružen s 2 tisuće
metara dugim zidinama, čisto more
ljeskalo se na suncu, šetnice su bile pune
različitog cvijeća, sve je odavalo osjećaj
mira. Počeo sam pjevati i shvaćati zašto
je u prošlosti toliko stranih osvajača
poput Turaka, Mlečana, Francuza htjelo
(p)osvojiti ovaj Grad, perlu Jadrana.
Što Vas se najviše dojmilo?
- Najviše su me impresionirali prijateljski
naklonjeni ljudi sa svojim osmjehom. U
Dubrovniku se osjećate dobrodošlim i
Zašto volim Dubrovnik
aestro Noorman Widjaja,
dirigent i glazbenik iz
Indonezije, koji već godinama gradi
uspješnu međunarodnu karijeru
relativno je novi zaljubljenik u
Dubrovnik. Prvi put posjetio ga je
2009., u svibnju, kada je s Dubrovačkim
simfonijskim orkestrom održao prve
koncerte. Već 2010. postaje glavnim
gostujućim dirigentom, koji u
Dubrovnik doputuje s osjećajem da je
stigao – doma. Grad koji ga se dojmio
osjećate njihov ponos što su stanovnici
Grada koji vole mir, slobodu, neovisnost.
Veliki hrvatski pjesnik Ivan Gundulić
lijepo je to opjevao kroz stih – sloboda i
neovisnost ne prodaju se ni za svo zlato i
dijamante svijeta.
Ljeto 2010.
man Widjaja
Du br o v n i k m e i n s piri ra
i u Šan g a ju
Ove ste godine postali glavnim
gostujućim dirigentom Dubrovačkog
simfonijskog orkestra. Nastupali
ste s brojnim svjetskim orkestrima,
kakva iskustva imate u radu
s dubrovačkim glazbenicima?
- Osjećam izuzetnu čast što su me ove
godine izabrali za glavnog gostujućeg
dirigenta ovog prekrasnog orkestra. Dok
radim s njima osjećam njihovu snagu
i dugu tradiciju, njihov zvuk je topao
i pun emocija koje su važnije od nota.
Kao dirigent povremeno zaboravite
kako oni zapravo sviraju iz nota i to je
zapravo iznimno iskustvo. U budućnosti
planiramo puno zajedničkih koncerata
koje ćemo započeti turnejom po Aziji,
nastupima u Jakarti i Baliju.
Mnogi glazbenici u Dubrovniku ističu
jedinstven osjećaj koncertiranja u
prostorima koji se svojom ljepotom
i arhitekturom na poseban način
reflektiraju i na način izvedbe.
Dijelite li i Vi takve dojmove?
Poslije svakog koncerta razmišljam
o osjećaju nevjerojatne duhovnosti i
harmonije s njima; mi izgledamo poput
ptica koje zajedno lete nebom; u tom
trenutku je svatko značajan jer smo svi
jedno kao kozmos.
Što Vas povezuje s Dubrovnikom, po
čemu je različit od gradova u kojima
ste radili, živjeli, nastupali?
- Svaka zemlja ima svoju tradiciju
i običaje. U velikom gradu poput
Shangaja s 20 milijuna stanovnika, život
nije dovoljno miran, svugdje je buka i
promet, nema dovoljno tihog mjesta
za razmišljanje i inspiraciju, osjećaje
kakvi trebaju za umjetnost i glazbu.
No, kao dirigent vi možete i morate
dati inspiraciju Dubrovnika; to je Tao
Summer 2010
irigent Noorman Widjaja rođen je u
obitelji glazbenika. Njegov talent dirigenta otkriven je kada je dirigirao zborskim
koncertom u čast predsjednika Sukarno u
Djakarti (Indoneziji) u dobi od jedanaest
godina za iznenadne bolesti njegova oca.
Studij klavira na koledžu glazbe u Berlinu
započinje 1969. kod prof. Gerhard Puchelt,
kompoziciju kod prof. I Song Jun, a usmjeravanje kod prof. Hans Martin Rabenstein.
U Nurnberg dolazi 1982. gdje ga je glavni
šef dirigent Hans Gierster unaprijedio u dirigenta. U tamošnjoj opernoj kući dirigirao je
više od 400 izvedbi u vremenu od 1982. do
1990. godine. Njegova aktivnost kao dirigenta,
vodi ga u Šangaj, gdje je od 1990. do 1995.
god. bio počasni gost dirigent i v.d. glavnog
dirigenta. Godine 1993. dirigirao je svjetskom
premijerom opere The Great Wall u Taipei-u, a
osim toga do 2004. god. dirigira Taipei Music
Festival-om, i Taipei simfonijskim orkestarom.
Od 1993. do 1995. god. glavni je dirigent japanske Metropolitan opere i dirigira, između
ostalih, operama Otello, Turandot, Rigoletto,
Tosca i Trovatore. Debitirao je u Italiji 1994.
godine u Filharmonijski koncertnoj dvorani Verona s operom Tutti u Maschera-i Carla Pedrotti-ja. Uz to, Noorman Widjaja vodi
različita međunarodna natjecanja pjesama i
natjecanja za glasovir i violinu. Niz godina surađuje s glumcem Karlheinz Böhm i njegovom
organizacijom “Ljudi za ljude”.
he Indonesian conductor Noorman Widjaja was born into a family of musicians.
As an eleven-year old boy Noorman Widjaja
revealed his outstanding talent conducting
filozofija – davati ljubav s obvezom i
odgovornošću. To su tri veoma važne
stvari u tao filozofiji i radeći na takav
način od Dubrovačkog simfonijskog
orkestra možemo napraviti najbolji
svjetski orkestar. Za to postići valja
imati i velikog managera. Dubrovački
simfonijski orkestar ga ima u ravnatelju,
Peru Šiši. Dobar vlak treba imati veoma
snažnu lokomotivu.
with great success the choir concert held in
honour of President Sukarno in Jakarta instead of his father who suddenly fell ill. In 1969
he began to study the piano with Gerhard
Puchelt in Berlin, composing with I Song Jun,
and conducting with Hans Martin Rabenstein.
In 1982 he was invited to the Nürnberg Opera
by its chief conductor Hans Gierster, where
Widjaja conducted more than 400 operas
from 1982 to 1990. From 1990 to 1995 he
served as an honorary guest conductor and
chief conductor in Shanghai. In 1993 he conducted the world’s first performance of the
opera The Great Wall in Taipei and till 2004
performed with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra at the Taipei Music Festival. From 1993 to
1995 he was chief conductor of the Japanese
Metropolitan Opera, conducting, among other
operas, Othello, Turandot, Rigoletto, Tosca and
Troubadour. In 1994 Widjaja made his Italian
debut with the concert performance of Carlo
Pedrotti opera Tutti in maschera in Verona.
He has conducted numerous international vocal, piano and violin competitions. For many
years Noorman Widjaja has worked with the
renowned actor Karlheinz Böhm and his organisation People for People.
Ima li Dubrovnik još uvijek šarm
koji je plijenio najveća imena iz
umjetničkog svijeta?
- Dubrovnik mi se svaki put sviđa sve
više; osjećam ga kao dom na Baliju.
Ovdje nitko nije stranac, ponosan
sam što imam jako puno prijatelja u
Dubrovniku i u Mostaru nakon što
smo imali izvrsnu suradnju s njihovim
zborom. Divni ljudi!
Du b rov n i k i n s p i r e s me
e ven in S h a n g h a i
Why I loveNapisala/By
peace, freedom and independence are
highly valued. The great Croatian poet
Ivan Gundulić described it superbly in
his verses – Freedom should not be sold for
all the gold in the world.
aestro Noorman Widjaja,
conductor and musician
from Indonesia with an outstanding
international career, is a relatively new
admirer of Dubrovnik. He visited it
for the first time in May 2009 in order
to conduct his first concerts with the
Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra. In
2010 he was already appointed the
Orchestra’s Chief Guest Conductor,
who comes to Dubrovnik as if coming
home. The city that impressed him for
its centuries-long respect for the words
peace, freedom and independence
awaits him with a warm embrace.
Every concert with the musicians of
Dubrovnik has been a new uplifting
experience. He claims this feeling of
flying together like a flock of birds
under the sky to be unrepeatable.
- I came to Dubrovnik for
the first time in 2009. Mr. Pero Šiša,
the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra
Director came to meet me at the
airport. The fascinating drive to my
hotel that morning convinced me that
Croatia is a magnificent country. I saw
Dubrovnik encompassed with a twothousand-metre long wall, the crystal
sea shimmering in the sun and the
walking paths full of a variety of flowers.
Everything radiated a feeling of peace.
I began to sing, realising why so many
conquerors in the past - such as the
Turks, Venetians and French - wished to
take control of the City also called the
pearl of Adriatic.
What impressed you the most?
- I was most impressed by the
friendly people and their smile. You feel
welcome in Dubrovnik, and sense their
pride for being residents of a City where
This year you were appointed Chief
Guest Conductor of the Dubrovnik
Symphony Orchestra. Having
performed with a large number of
orchestras worldwide, what are your
impressions of the work with the
Dubrovnik musicians?
- I am greatly honoured for
being appointed Chief Guest Conductor
of this wonderful orchestra this year.
While working with its musicians I
feel their power and their belonging to
a long tradition. Their sound is warm
and saturated with emotions, which are
more important than the notes. As a
conductor you occasionally forget that
they actually play from the notes, and
that is an amazing experience. We are
planning many concerts together in the
future, beginning with the Asian tour
and performances in Jakarta and Bali.
While in Dubrovnik, numerous
musicians talk about the unique
experience of playing in the venues
the beauty and architecture of
which reflect on their performance
in a special way. Do you share such
find a place quiet enough for thinking
and inspiration, which are essential for
art and music. But, as a conductor, you
can and have to give the inspiration
of Dubrovnik. This is the philosophy
of Tao. To give with love, duty and
responsibility are the three essential
principles of Taoism. Working in this
way, we can make the Dubrovnik
Symphony Orchestra one of the finest
orchestras in the world. In order to
achieve that you need a great manager.
The Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra
has such a person, its Director Pero
Šiša. A good train needs a powerful
Does Dubrovnik still posses the
charm which attracted the world’s
most prestigious artists?
- Every time I come to
Dubrovnik, I like it more; In Dubrovnik
I feel like being at my home in Bali.
Nobody feels like a stranger here. I
am proud to have very many friends in
Dubrovnik, but also in Mostar after the
superb recent collaboration with their
choir. Wonderful people!
After each concert I think about the
feeling of incredible spirituality and
harmony I share with them; we look
like birds flying together in the sky;
everyone is important at that moment
because all of us are one, like cosmos.
What is it that connects you with
Dubrovnik and what makes it
different from other cities in which
you have performed, lived and
- Each country has its own
tradition and customs. In a huge city
like Shanghai, with 20 million people,
life is not sufficiently peaceful. With
noise and traffic everywhere, you cannot
Ljeto 2010.
Nella Lonza
Po znati dubrovčani
D ubr ovnik Celebri t ie s
ako rođena u obitelji velikana
hrvatskoga glumišta, Neve i
Tonka Lonze, njihova jedinica,
Nella Lonza,nakon brojnih dvoumljenja
krenula je svojim putem.
- Jako sam dvojila čime se
baviti, no umjetnički me pozivi nikada
nisu privlačili, a gluma ponajmanje.
Moja se staza između prava i povijesti
tek kasnije ocrtala, a ‘pravni zanat’ pokazuje se itekako korisnim u istraživanjima kojima se bavim – reći će Nella Lonza. Diplomirala je (1982.),magistrirala
(1987.) i doktorirala (1996.)na Pravnom
fakultetu u Zagrebu. Usavršavala se u
Francuskoj i Italiji. Predavala je hrvatsku
pravnu povijest na Pravnom fakultetu u
Zagrebu od 1984. do 1997., kada prelazi u Zavod za povijesne znanosti
HAZU u Dubrovniku,
gdje radi i danas.
Napisala je nekoliko knjiga i veći
broj znanstvenih rasprava, a
najvažnija su joj djela knjige Pod
plaštem pravde: Kaznenopravni sustav Dubrovačke Republike u XVIII.
stoljeću i Kazalište vlasti: ceremonijal i
državni blagdani Dubrovačke Republike u
17. i 18. stoljeću. Za svoj rad nagrađena
je Nagradom Grada Dubrovnika 2009.
U knjizi Pod plaštem pravde
opisuje kaznenopravni sustav Dubrovačke Republike u 18. stoljeću. “Riječ je o
iznimnom pravnopovijesnom znanstvenom djelu koje sveobuhvatno analizira
ustrojstvo dubrovačkog kaznenog
pravosuđa i njegovu
projekciju u stvarnosti” – stoji
u recenziji
nog kolege, dr.
Nenada Vekarića
koji hvali i njezinu
drugu knjigu: “Kazalište vlasti je knjiga o
ceremonijalu Dubrovačke
Republike. Načinjena je na
jedinstvenom sačuvanom arhivskom
vrelu, koji je i u svjetskim relacijama
Iz dosad objavljenih knjiga Nelle Lonze
jasno je kako pravo može biti i te kako
Kada se i zbog čega počela baviti
prošlošću Dubrovnika kroz teme bliske
svojoj struci?
- Bili mi toga svjesni ili ne, život pojedinca posve je uronjen u pravne odnose
- od rođenja do smrti, od ustajanja do
lijeganja. Zato pravni tekstovi iz prošlosti, od Statuta do presuda, od ugovora
do oporuka, iznose na vidjelo mnoge
teme iz svakodnevnog života običnog,
“malog” čovjeka. Meni nema draže lektire od arhivskih spisa, koji nisu nikakvi
dosadni listovi prekriveni stoljetnom
prašinom, već najnapetije priče o našim
pretcima i Gradu u davnim danima: o
dumni Sv. Klare kojoj je vjetar odnio
slamnati klobuk, o grudanju u kasnosrednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku, o
nekadašnjim huliganima, o pobožnosti i
strasti, svemu onome što govori o ljudskoj veličini i slabostima.
Što Vas kao znanstvenicu najviše
fascinira iz dubrovačke povijesti?
- U dubrovačkoj povijesti ne fascinira
me toliko kreativni genij pojedinca - bio
to Držić, Bošković ili Božidarević - koliko nevjerojatna receptivnost sredine,
mentalna otvorenost prema onom najboljem što se pojavljivalo u Europi i na
Mediteranu. Ne samo kompas i barut
(uvedeni u primjenu čim se za njih pročulo), nego i brižljivo oblikovani državni
ceremonijal, nadzorni mehanizmi u
upravi, izvanredne trgovačke isprave i
oblici osiguranja…,
Ljeto 2010.
dubrovačke povijesti
govore o dubrovačkoj sredini koja je
znala što hoće i bila potpuno up-to-date.
Kada bismo danas na takav način znali
gledati uokolo, bili bismo pošteđeni
mnogih gluposti i promašaja.
Na čemu sada radite i pripremate li
novu knjigu?
- Budući da volim otvarati nove teme,
na mome je ‘radnom stolu’ pregršt stvari
na kojima pomalo radim. Među ostalim,
spremam se pisati o ženskoj pobožnosti
u srednjovjekovnom Dubrovniku, kao
i procesima protiv homoseksualaca u
renesansi – kaže Nella Lonza koja je
svojim načinom obrade tema iz prošlosti Grada osvojila brojne čitatelje,
poklonike povijesti, ali i lijepe riječi. Taj
sretan spoj koji se dogodio u radu Nelle
Lonze lijepo je opisao dr. Nenad Vekarić,
ravnatelj Zavoda za povijesne znanosti
HAZU u Dubrovniku, zapisavši:
Ono po čemu se povijesna znanost razlikuje od mnogih drugih znanosti jest način
izlaganja. Povijesna znanost treba u sebi
sadržavati egzaktnost prirodnih znanosti,
ali istovremeno treba u sebi nositi i umjetnost
riječi. Ideal je svakog povjesničara da pomiri
te na prvi pogled suprotne tendencije. Upravo
taj ideal ostvaruje Nella Lonza u svojim
djelima. S izvrsnim osjećajem za mjeru,
koristeći najsuvremenije standarde svjetske
historiografije Lonza sofisticiranim načinom
izlaganja oplemenjuje egzaktne, suhoparne
podatke stvarajući vrhunska znanstvena
djela, knjige koje “imaju dušu”, knjige koje
teku, kao velike ravničarske rijeke u širokim
zavojima, bez brzaka, ali čiste, bez mulja,
bez ijedne najlonske vrećice obješene na nekoj plivajućoj grani. Djela Nelle Lonze na
najvišoj su metodološkoj razini, izvrsna stila
i umijeća kazivanja, i pripadaju najboljim
znanstvenim ostvarenjima koje je hrvatska
historiografska škola o Dubrovniku dosad
A Dubrovnik History
lthough born into a family of renowned Croatian
actors, Neva and Tonko
Lonza, Nella Lonza – after a lot of hesitation - decided to go her own way.
- Being quite in a dilemma
what to do, I was never interested in
an artistic profession, least of all acting.
It was only later that I made a choice
between law and history. However, law
turned out to be useful indeed in my
research – says Nella Lonza. She graduated (1982), got her master’s degree
(1987) and her doctor’s degree (1996)
from the Zagreb Faculty of Law, and
Summer 2010
later studied in France and Italy. She
taught Croatian history of law at the
Zagreb Faculty of Law from 1984 –
1997, when she came to the Dubrovnik
Institute of Historic Sciences HAZU
(Croatian Academy of Science and Art),
where she remained until this day. Nella
Lonza has written several books and
many scientific dissertations. Her major
books include Under the Guise of Justice:
Criminal-law System in the 18th Century
Dubrovnik Republic and The Theatre of Authority: Ceremonial and Public Holidays in
the 17th and 18th Century Dubrovnik Republic. In 2009 she was awarded the City of
Dubrovnik Prize for her achievements.
In her book Under the Guise
of Justice Nella Lonza describes the
criminal-law system in the 18th century Dubrovnik Republic. “This is an
outstanding juridical-historic scientific
work which comprehensively analyses
the structure of the Dubrovnik criminal
law and its reflection in the real world” claims her colleague Dr. Nenad Vekarić
in his review of Nella’s book. He also
praises her other work: “The Theatre of
Authority is a book about the Dubrovnik
Republic ceremonial, written on the
basis of the unique preserved archival
source, which is a rarity even within a
world context.”
The books which Nella Lonza has published so far show that law can be intriguing indeed.
When and why did she begin to deal
with the history of Dubrovnik through
the themes that were close to her profession?
- Whether you are aware of it or not,
the life of an individual is completely
immersed in legal relations – from birth
to death, from getting up to going to
bed. That is the reason why the historic
legal texts - from statutes to sentences,
from contracts to testaments - disclose
many themes from everyday-life of the
ordinary, “little” man. Archival texts
are my favourite literature. They are
not some boring texts covered with the
centuries old dust, but the most exciting
stories of our ancestors and the City in
ancient times including the one about
a nun from the order of St Claire whose
straw hat was blown off by the wind,
about a snowball fight in the latemedieval Dubrovnik, about the onetime
hooligans, about piousness and passion,
and about everything that had to do
with human greatness and weaknesses.
openness to the best that appeared in
Europe and on the Mediterranean. In
addition to compass and gunpowder
(introduced immediately upon their
discovery), the carefully designed state
ceremonial, the governmental supervising mechanism, excellent trade documents and forms of security… depict
the Dubrovnik society which knew what
it wanted and was fully up-to-date. If
we had such a perspective nowadays, we
would not be affected by so many absurdities and failures.
What are you working on now and
are you preparing a new book?
- Because I like to open new themes,
my “work desk” is covered with the
things I am working on occasionally.
Among other things, I am preparing a
book about women’s piousness in the
medieval Dubrovnik, and about the
trials against homosexuals in the time of
renaissance – says Nella Lonza, who has
enthralled numerous readers fond of history, but also of fine writing, by her way
of treating the themes from the City
history. This is how Dr. Nenad Vekarić,
director of the Dubrovnik Institute of
Historic Sciences HAZU, described this
excellent blend in the work of Nella
Lonza: “That which makes historic science different from many other sciences
is the way of presentation. Historic
science should include the exactness of
natural sciences, but also the art of writing. The ideal of each historian is to reconcile these two apparently contradictory tendencies. It is precisely this ideal
that Nella Lonza embodies in her works.
With an outstanding feeling of measure
and employing the most up-to-date
standards of the world’s historiography,
Nella Lonza – with her sophisticated
way of presentation – enriches the exact,
dry data and creates stupendous scientific works - the books that ‘have souls’
and flow like huge lowland meandering
rivers, with no rapids, but like the clear
ones, without silt and without a single
plastic bag hanging from a floating
branch. The works of Nella Lonza are
on the top methodological level. With
a superb style and narrative art, they
belong to the Croatian Historiography
School’s finest scientific works on Dubrovnik ever”.
Being a scientist, what impresses
you the most in the history of Dubrovnik?
- In the history of Dubrovnik, I am not
too impressed by the creative ingenuity
of an individual – even in the case of
Držić, Bošković or Božidarević. What
fascinates me the most is the incredible
receptivity of the society, the mental
U ateljeu / In the Artist ’s studio
Oslonjen na kist i svoju sudbu
voju strast prema slikarstvu Mišo Baričrvić
opisuje riječima:“ Za mene je propao
dan u kojem ama baš ništa ne nacrtam.“ Iskazani dar, još od ranog
djetinjstva, prema umjetnosti i slikarstvu Baričević je znao kako razviti i
oplemeniti kroz desetljeća slikarskog
djelovanja. Životni put od njegove
prvotne strasti- slikanja - doveo ga je
do profesionalnog angažmana u Kazalištu Marina Držića u kojem je već
više od dva desetljeća slikar izvođač.
Tako u njegovim slikama, osim likovnih promatrača, uživa i kazališna
publika koja je u zadnjoj kazališnoj
sezoni bila oduševljena Baričevićevom scenografijom za kazališni komad Služavke.
- Slikarstvo me prati od djetinjstva, to je ljubav koja me apsolutno
zaokupila. Vjerujem da se s takvom
strašću rađa. Počeo sam kao dječak
dodajući dijelove za Dulčićev mozaik
u Hotelu Argentina, a danas kroz
svoj likovni opus brojim tridesetak
samostalnih izložbi, dvadesetak značajnijih skupnih izlaganja te sudjelovanja u brojnim likovnim kolonijama
- smije se Mišo Baričević prisjećajući
se davnog vremena kada se kao tinejdžer odvažio i na komadiću papira
nacrtao Dulčićev portret.- Majstor
je s odobravanjem komentirao moj
crtež, a danas mi je žao što taj portret
nisam sačuvao - kaže Baričević čiji
slikarski rad, svaki na svoj način, obilježavaju najupečatljiviji dubrovački
kolorist Antun Masle koji zamjećuje
njegov talent te umjetnici i prijatelji
Josip Škerlj i Josip Pino Trostmann.
-Sa Škerljem me vežu brojni likovni
projekti, a najupečatljivije je svakako
oslikavanje daskama okovane palače
Sponza u ratno vrijeme. Veliki drveni
pano, koji je kamenu plastiku trebao
zaštititi od gelera, imao je dimenzije
11 x 6 metara. Još mi je ta slika pred
očima: naslikali smo točno 105 golubova i 11 figura, u ratnim uvjetima,
pa i dok se pucalo. Likovno sam intervenirao i na prvim daskama koje
su štitile Orlanda. Nažalost, ništa od
toga nije sačuvano, i koliko mi je poznato, upotrijebljeno je kao građevinski materijal - prisjeća se Baričević,
dugogodišnji član strukovne udruge
umjetnika-Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika (HDLU). O njegovu
životu i stvaralaštvu u sklopu projekta Dubrovački likovni umjetnici
snimljen je i dokumentarac autora
Marina Ivanovića i Nikše Spremića.
Dubrovački trombunjeri pak, tijekom svih velikih festa, posebice one
Svetoga Vlaha, nose zastavu koju je
oslikao Baričević. Slike ovog nagrađivanog dubrovačkog slikara nalaze se
u domovima brojnih poznatih osoba
koji su ih iz Dubrovnika ponijeli sa
sobom kao poklon.
U svom novouređenom ateljeu u povijesnoj jezgri u Karmenu Baričević
strasno nastavlja sa svojim životnim
slikarskim pozivom kojeg posebno
obilježava i sakralni opus. U okolici
Dubrovnika Baričević je naslikao
nekoliko oltarnih slika mjesnih crkava u Orašcu, Liscu, Kuni pelješkoj...
Posebno vrijedna je Baričevićeva
interpretacija Križnog puta, stalnog
postava dubrovačke Prvostolnice.
Ljeto 2010.
scenografija za “Služavke” naišla je
na izvrsne kritike, a nezapažene nisu
prošle ni scenografije za baletnu
predstavu Pinokio, kazališni komad
Kroćenje goropadnice te likovni dio
scenografije vrlo igranog komada
Nemoćnik u pameti postavljene u
sklopu Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara.
O njegovoj slikarskoj strasti
kroz kritiku njegovih radova
Relying on the
and one’s
v ic
S l i k a r / Pa i n t e r
U Dubrovačkoj katedrali trojica dubrovačkih umjetnika Loren Ligorio,
Josip Škerlj i Baričević autori su triptiha kojeg mijenjaju svake godine.
-Bilo koji posao da radim, dajem cijelog sebe. Iako na kazališnoj sceni interveniram niz godina, ipak se može
reći da čari scenografije još otkrivam.
Iza mene je tek nekoliko scenografija
koje mogu ocijeniti uspješnima - kaže
o svojoj novoj umjetničkoj inspiraciji
Mišo Baričević. Njegova posljednja
Summer 2010
lijepo se izrazila prof.Božica Jelušić:
“Baričević ide oslonjen na svoj kist i
na svoju sudbu. Jer ono što je sretno
pronađeno u mladosti, valja oplemeniti iskustvom zrelih godina da bi
se stekla zaslužena nagrada punoće,
bez zastranjivanja i zabluda u brzom
uspjehu. Uspjeh je ostati i opstati,
imati prijatelje među umjetnicima,
biti radosno dočekan pokazujući
slike u kojima si uživao od prvog do
posljednjeg poteza.”
y day is ruined if I don’t
draw anything at all- so
describes the Dubrovnik
artist Mišo Baričevic his passion for
painting. Baričević has developed and
refined his proven early childhood gift
for art and painting through decades
of working at it. His life’s journey from
his primary passion – painting – led
him to a professional engagement in
the Marin Držić Theatre in which he
has worked as a painter and set designer for more than two decades. So
besides followers of art, the theatregoing public - who were delighted
with Baričević’s set design for the play
„Servant girls“ in the last theatre season – also enjoy his work.
Painting has accompanied me
from childhood, it is a love that has apsolutely engrossed me. I believe one is
born with such a passion for painting.
I began as a boy passing over pieces
for Dulčić’s mozaic in Hotel Argentina,
and today I can count among my art
opus about thirty independent exhibitions, about twenty significant group
exhibitions as well as participation in
numerous art colonies. – smiles Mišo
Baričević, remembering the time long
ago when as a teenager he plucked up
the courage to sketch Dulčić’s portrait
on a scrap of paper.- The maestro commented on my drawing with approval,
and I am sorry today that I didn’t keep
that portrait.- says Barišić, whose artwork, each individual painting in its
own way,is noted by the most distinguished Dubrovnik colourist Antun
Masle, who recognises his talent, as
well as by fellow-artists and friends
Josip Škerlj and Josip Pino Trostmann.
Many art projects link me to Škerlj,
the most memorable was definitely
painting the planks of the boardedup Sponza Palace in wartime. The
large wooden hoarding which was
supposed to protect the stone plastic
from schrapnel was 11 x 6 metres in
dimension. I still have that picture in
front of my eyes: we painted
exactly 105 pigeons and 11
figures in war conditions,
even when there was shooting going on. I also did artwork on
the first boards to protect Orlando’s
column. Unfortunately, none of it
has been preserved. As far as I’m
aware, they were used as building
material. – recalls Baričević, a longtime member of the professional
artists’ association – the Croatian
Association of Artists (CAA). A
project called „Dubrovnik artists“ by Marin Ivanović and Nikša
Spremić includes a filmed documentary about Baričević’s life and
works. The Dubrovnik musketbearing Guard of Honour, during
all the great festivals, especially
that of St. Blaise, carry a flag designed by Baričević. Paintings by
this award-winning Dubrovnik
painter can be found in the houses
of numerous well-known people
who took them home from
Dubrovnik as gifts.
In his newly-renovated
studio in Karmen in the
Old City Baričević
continues passionately with his artistic life’s calling,
which is particularly characterized by his
sacral artwork. In the
area around
has painted
several altar
paintings for
local churches
in Orašac,
Lisac, Kuna
on Pelješac....
Baričević’s interpretation of the
Stations of the
Cross, on permanent display in
the Dubrovnik
Cathedral, is of
particular value.
The Cathedral also
contains a triptych by
three Dubrovnik artists,
Loren Ligorio, Josip Škerlj
and Baričević, which they change
each year.
Whatever work I do, I give
my whole self to it.Even though I
have been working in the theatre
for many years, I can say that I’m
still discovering the charms of setdesigning.I only have a few set-designs behind me that I consider successful.- Mišo Baričević says about
his new artistic inspiration. His last
set-design for „Servant-girls“ received excellent reviews, and nor did
the sets for the ballet performance of
„Pinocchio“,the play „The Taming of
the Shrew“ and the painting part of
the set-design for the very-frequently
performed „Imaginary invalid“, within the framework of the Dubrovnik
Summer Festival,go unnoticed.
Prof. Božica Jelušić expressed herself
well on the subject of his artistic passion during a critique of his work:
„Baričević relies on his paintbrush
and his destiny. Because what one
finds happily in one’s youth should
be honed with the experience of
maturity in order to achieve the deserved reward of fullness, without
the deviations and mistakes of quick
success. Success is to remain and
survive, to have friends amongst artists, to be received with joy, showing
paintings in which you took pleasure
from the first to the last stroke.“
Ljeto 2010.
Ljeto 2010.
Foto ok o / The Photo g r aphic E y e of
Summer 2010
Tutnji i snima
ilježeći kroz objektiv sve događaje
koji čine život Grada , dubrovački
fotoreporter Željko Tutnjević, koga će
te neizostavno sresti makar i na kratko
boravili u Dubrovniku , kao da je i sam
postao dio prepoznatljivih dubrovačkih
vizura koje se kao trajno sjećanje odnesu
sa sobom.
S Dubrovnikom se Tutanj, kako ga
uglavnom u Gradu zovu, voli od svoje
rane studentske mladosti sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća kada je bio
uvjeren da će se u budućnosti baviti
-U Dubrovnik sam iz rodnih Našica
došao studirati 1973. g. , a i svoje sam
prve fotografije snimio negdje u to vrijeme . Nas tri prijatelja i tri kolegice
s fakulteta htjeli smo se sjećati svojih
prvih studentskih dana. Kameru smo
posudili, svi novcem sudjelovali u kupnji
filma, a kao najprikladniji ambijent
izabrali smo Park Gradac. Pokazalo
se da sam od svih jedino ja bio
spretan s foto - aparatom. Oduševljen fotografiranjem uštedio
sam za prvu kameru, a i moja
mama je pomogla s nešto
novca uz romantičnu želju da
sačuvam uspomene na more
Foto oko
i sunce juga. Vidjevši oglas Foto-kino
kluba „Marin Getaldić“ za početnički
tečaj, odmah sam se upisao. Naučio sam
kako se razvija film i kupio si aparat za
povećavanje, a potom i bolju rusku kameru Zenit E.
Slijedile su bolje kamere, a i oko iza
objektiva je bilo oštrije, fotografije su
bile bolje. Njegova prva objavljena fotografija bila je u Lausu, listu omladine
Dubrovnika, koji je izlazio četiri puta
godišnje. Bilo je najvažnije pokazati
mami da je nakon niti dvije godine bavljenja fotografijom i tek dvije života u
Dubrovniku, njegova fotografija objavljena u novinama. Taj je hobi trebalo
novčano podupirati, a studentski budžet
sam po sebi , u to vrijeme, za najveći
broj studenata nije ostavljao prostora za
bilo kakve dodatne troškove. Srećom,
ubrzo se pokazalo da postoji interes
za fotografije koje je Željko Tutnjević
snimao i izrađivao,a život počinje pisati
Željkovu foto priču.
-Tada, dakako, još nisam mogao
znati da će fotografija biti i moj
poziv i moje određenje. Teatar
me također zanimao , pa sam
ubrzo po dolasku u Dubrovnik
prošao audiciju i postao članom
“Lera”, dubrovačkog amaterskog
Kao što je jedan veliki umjetnik
svojevremeno izjavio “ljepota je
jedino na što sam uvijek osjetljiv“, Željko Tutnjević , nikad
ravnodušan na ljepotu , zato
ostaje živjeti u Dubrovniku. Stalni izvor,
čini se svoje nepresušne energije, nalazi
uvijek iznova u ljepoti Grada, trenutka
ili nekog novog mladog lica. Fotografija
postaje njegov život. Željko je uvijek sa
svojom kamerom i duhovitošću i ovdje
i ondje, i tu i tamo , posvuda gdje se
nešto zbiva.
- Još sam davno , u onoj bivšoj vojsci
shvatio da se od preozbiljnog pristupa
samo čir na želucu može dobiti. Jedini
mogući odgovor , posebno na stvari na
koje nemamo utjecaja je duhovitost , to
je moj obrambeni sustav.
U naturaliziranom Dubrovčaninu, zanimljiv je spoj mediteranskog temperamenta i slavonske radišnosti i veselosti.
Nikada se, kaže, ne odvaja od kamere,
jer ne zna se kada i gdje će biti trenutak
koji se mora uhvatiti, snimiti , o kojemu
se mora fotografijom posvjedočiti. Fotoreporterska oprema bila je i dio prtljage
kada je na gotovo četiri godine, koncem
1992., otišao sa svojom obitelji živjeti
u Japan. Oženjen je naime gospođom
Tamari, Japankom, profesoricom klavira, koja i sama poslije zajedničkog iskustva života s obitelji u njenom rodnom
Japanu, ipak prepoznaje i bira Dubrovnik kao mjesto svog doma. Najkraće i
najjasnije o japanskom iskustvu Željka
Tutnjevića govori dio prepiske koju je
redovito iz Japana vodio sa svojim dubrovačkim prijateljima. U jednom od
pisama prijatelju najavljuje svoj povratak u Dubrovnik . - Znaš li gdje dolaziš?
- odgovorio mu je prijatelj s obzirom da
u Dubrovniku tada još uvijek traje ratno
vrijeme . Tutnjević odgovara – ali ti ne
znaš odakle ja dolazim.
-To je ona poznata priča da je život uvijek negdje drugdje, ali ja sada znam,
Dubrovnik je grad koji volim i zato sam
ostao živjeti ovdje.
A i Dubrovnik prepoznaje predanost
onih koji mu uistinu pripadaju. Svom je
kroničaru koji je fotografijom svjedočio i
svjedoči svim događajima koji obilježavaju život Dubrovnika i u dobru i u zlu
kroz više od tri desetljeća, ove godine
dodijelio posebno priznanje - Godišnju
nagradu Grada Dubrovnika.
ecording all the events that
make up the life of the City
through the lens of his camera, the Dubrovnik news-photographer
Željko Tutnjević – whom you will defi-
nitely meet even if your stay is a short
one – seems to have become a part of
the well-known Dubrovnik sights which
one takes home as a lasting memory.
Nicknamed Tutanj (Thunder), he has
been fond of Dubrovnik since his student days in the 1970s, when he was
convinced that his occupation would be
Ljeto 2010.
The Photographic Eye of Željko Tutnjević
- I came to Dubrovnik from my native place Našice in 1973 in order to
study, and that is when I took my first
photographs. Two of my friends, three
girl colleagues and I wished to have a
memory of our first student days. We
borrowed a camera, all of us participated
in buying a film, and we chose Gradac
Park as the most suitable ambience.
It turned out that I was the only one
skilful with a camera. Enthralled with
photography, I saved money for my first
camera. Romantically encouraging my
wish to keep
the memories of the
sea and
sun of the South, my
mum participated
with a small amount
of money. Having seen
the Marin Getaldić Fotokino Club advertisement for
a beginners course, I signed up
at once. I learned how to develop
a film, bought an enlarging machine, and a better quality Russian
camera Zenit E.
Željko later bought more sophisticated
cameras, his eye behind the lens became
keener and his photographs
better. His first
photograph was
in the Dubrovnik youth
magazine Laus,
which appeared as
a quarterly. The most important thing was to show his mother
that his photograph had been published
in a magazine after less than two years
of being engaged in photography and
after only two years stay in Dubrovnik.
This hobby required financial support,
but, at the time, the budget of the majority of students could not bear any
additional expenses. Fortunately, people
began to show interest in the photographs which Željko Tutnjević took and
processed, and life began to tell his photographic story.
- At that time, of course, I could not
know that photography would become
my profession and my vocation. I was
also interested in theatre. Shortly after
my arrival in Dubrovnik I passed an
audition and became a member of the
Summer 2010
Lero Amateur Theatre.
A great artist once said „Beauty is the
only thing I always respond to“. Željko
Tutnjević is never indifferent to beauty
and that is why he remained in Dubrovnik. He finds the constant source of
his seemingly inexhaustible energy over
and over again in the beauty of the City,
of a moment, or a new young face. Photography has become his life. With his
camera and sense of humour Željko is
always here, there and everywhere when
something is going on.
- A long time ago, while in the army of
the former state, I realised that all you
could get from a too serious approach
was a gastric ulcer. The only possible
answer, particularly to things we cannot
influence, is humour. It is my defence
One notices an intriguing mixture of the
Mediterranean temperament and the
Slavonian diligence and cheerfulness in
this naturalised resident of Dubrovnik.
He says that he never puts his camera
away, because he never knows when he
will have to catch a moment, or record
and testify to something by means of
a photograph. Late in 1992 the photographic equipment was a part of his
luggage when he went to live in Japan
with his family for almost four years.
Namely, Željko is married to a Japanese
lady and piano teacher, Mrs. Tamari.
After living with her family in her native Japan, she nevertheless recognised
and chose Dubrovnik to be her home.
The shortest and clearest description of
Željko’s Japanese experience can be seen
in his frequent correspondence with his
Dubrovnik friends. In one of his letters
to a friend, Željko announced his return
to Dubrovnik. „Do you know where you
are coming to?“ replied his friend, aware
of the fact that the war was still going
on in Dubrovnik. Tutnjević wrote back
„But you don’t know where I’m coming
- It is a well-known story that life is
always somewhere else, but I know now,
Dubrovnik is the city I love and that is
the reason why I remained here.
Dubrovnik also recognises the loyalty
of people who truly belong here. This
year, it gave a special recognition to its
chronicler – whose camera has recorded
all Dubrovnik events through fair and
foul for more than three decades – the
Annual City of Dubrovnik Award.
Šime Strikoman’s Millennium Photograph
oznati hrvatski fotograf Šime
Strikoman je krajem ožujka
snimio 188. milenijsku fotografiju
pod nazivom Jadranska lignja na
Stradunu. Za snimanje fotografije
angažirano je 600 – tinjak
neurologa iz cijeloga svijeta koji su
u Dubrovniku sudjelovali na 17.
kongresu International Conference
on Biomagnetism – BIOMAG 2010.
„Jadranska lignja na Stradunu”
simbolična je poruka i odavanje
počasti suotkrivaču SQUID-a Jamesu
Zimmermanu te Davidu Cohenu,
ali i tisućama istraživača koji mjere
magnetske signale čija nas jedinica
femtotesla podsjeća na poznatog
izumitelja Nikolu Teslu.
Naime, SQUID (prijevod s engleskog:
lignja) najvažniji su elementi
neuromagnetometara koji direktno i
u stvarnom vremenu prate aktivnosti
mozga povezanih s podražajima i
ate in March, the renowned
Croatian photographer Šime
Strikoman took his 188th Millennium
Photograph entitled The Adriatic
Squid in the Stradun. For that purpose
he engaged about 600 neurologists
participating in the 17th International
Conference on Biomagnetism –
BIOMAG 2010. The Adriatic Squid in
the Stradun is a symbolic message and
homage to the SQUID co-inventor
James Zimmerman, to David Cohen,
and to the thousands of researchers
engaged in the magnetic field
measurement using the unit which
reminds us of the famous discoverer
Nikola Tesla.
Namely, the SQUID stands for the basic
elements of a neuromagnetic device
which - directly and in the real time –
measures the stimuli and activities in
the human brain.
Neurolozi „složili“
Jadransku lignju na Stradunu
Ljeto 2010.
Milenijska fotografija Šime Strikomana
Neurologists „arranged into the shape“
of an Adriatic squid in the Stradun
Summer 2010
Hoteli / Hotels
adomak Dubrovnika sedam je
otoka poznatih pod nazivom Elafiti. Ime im potječe od grčke riječi elafos
što znači jelen, pa ih često nazivaju i
Jelenskim otocima. Najrazvijeniji među
njima je Lopud, otok bogate povijesti s
brojnim spomenicima koji ga čine jedinstvenim i prepoznatljivim. Prekrasna
pješčana plaža Šunj duga 800 metara,
posebna je vrijednost i atrakcija ovog
prelijepog otoka. Lopud je već desetljećima znano turističko odredište kojeg
posjećuju domaći i inozemni turisti, ali i
Hotel Villa Vilina koji se nalazi u vlasništvu obitelji Šimunović, renoviran je
i otvoren 2002. godine. Njegovim otvaranjem obogaćena je svekolika turistička
ponuda otoka Lopuda, ali i dubrovačke
rivijere. Objekt je izgrađen daleke 1933.
godine i bio je namijenjen za hotelski
smještaj, budući da je tih godina Lopud
bio pun turista tijekom ljetnih mjeseci.
Valja napisati da cijelo imanje iza hotela
na kojem se nalazi i kamena obiteljska
kuća stara više od 200 godina, nosi ime
Vilinovo, po čemu je i objekt dobio ime.
Riječ je o hotelu s četiri zvjezdice koji
ima 15 soba, odnosno 30 postelja, vrlo
moderno opremljenih i uređenih s najvišim turističkim standardima koji odgovaraju potrebama gostiju 21. stoljeća.
Hotel Villa Vilina pruža usluge noćenja
s doručkom, kao i usluge polupansiona. Posebna vrijednost ovog objekta je
prekrasan vrt u kojemu gosti uživaju u
gastronomskim čarolijama svojih domaćina, ali je to prikladno mjesto i za organiziranje raznih oblika incentive ponude,
uključujući i vjenčanja. Zanimljivo je
da su od otvaranja do 2007. godine,
najbrojniji posjetitelji ovog hotela bili
britanski turisti (gotovo 90 posto), ali
je u posljednje dvije godine došlo do
promjene, tako da su sada najčešći gosti
Nijemci (60 do 70 posto), Britanaca je
oko 20 posto, a ostatak čine turisti iz
drugih europskih zemalja, te domaći
posjetitelji. U sezoni 2009. u Hotelu
Villa Vilina ostvareno je preko pet tisuća
turističkih noćenja, dok u ovogodišnjoj
turističkoj godini, menadžment hotela
očekuje povećanje za oko tri posto. Riječ
je o realnim procjenama koje se temelje
na brojnim upitima s najvećih europskih
turističkih tržišta i činjenici da se gosti,
koji borave u ovom hotelu, redovito vra-
Villa Vilina
Odmor na Jelenskim
ćaju i preporučuju ga svojim prijateljima
i znancima. Zaposlenici „Ville Vilina“ su
mladi i obrazovani ljudi, zaljubljenici u
svoj posao i turizam, koji pružaju svojim
gostima iznadprosječnu hotelsku uslugu, u kojoj se gost osjeća da je dobrodošao, daje mu se maksimalna pozornost
i želi mu se ugoditi u svakom pogledu.
Takav odnos i pristup poslu govori da se
radi o dobrom domaćinu, ono je jamac
uspješnosti. To su i osnovni razlozi sve
veće popularnosti ovog malog obiteljskog hotela na otoku Lopudu, koji je u
kratkom vremenu stekao ime i ugled.
Hotel Villa Vilina i obitelj Šimunović
najbolji su primjer kako u turizmu treba raditi i odgovorno se ponašati, biti
profesionalac u pravom i punom smislu
te riječi, kako čuvati i očuvati turističku
tradiciju ovog područja koja traje više
od jednog stoljeća. Oni nas uče kako se
turistički živi.
on the Deer Islands
he seven islands called the
Elafites are located in close
proximity to Dubrovnik. The
name comes from the Greek word elafos
meaning deer, so that the islands are
also called the Deer Islands. The most
developed among them is the Island of
Lopud, with a rich history and numerous monuments that make it unique
and recognisable. The magnificent
800 metres long sandy beach of Šunj
is a special value and attraction of this
beautiful island. For decades the Island
of Lopud has been a well-known tourist resort visited by many Croatian and
foreign guests, but also by the residents
of Dubrovnik.
Ljeto 2010.
The Villa Vilina Hotel, owned by the
Šimunović family, was renovated and
opened in 2002, which expanded the
overall tourist facilities of the Island,
but also of the Dubrovnik Riviera.
Constructed in 1933, the building
was intended for hotel accommodation, because in those years Lopud
was crowded with tourists in summer.
Worth mentioning is that the entire
property behind the hotel, including a
stone family house more than 200 years
old, is called Vilinovo, after which the
hotel was named. This four-star hotel
has 15 rooms, i.e. 30 beds, equipped
in the most up-to-date style in accordance with the highest tourist standards
that meet the requirements of the 21st
increase in overnights. It is a realistic
estimate based on numerous inquiries
from Europe’s major tourist markets and
on the fact that the hotel guests keep on
returning and recommending the hotel
to their friends and acquaintances.
The Villa Vilina Hotel employees are
young and educated people fond of their
job and tourism, offering an aboveaverage hotel service to their guests,
who feel welcome and well taken care of
in every sense. Such approach reveals a
good host and guarantees success. These
are the main reasons for the growing
popularity of this small family hotel on
the Island of Lopud, which has acquired
a name and popularity within a short
period. Both the Hotel and Šimunović
family are the finest examples of the
fact that tourism requires hard work,
responsible behaviour, professionalism in
the right and full sense of the word, and
the preservation of more than a century
long tourist tradition of the area. To put
it simply, they teach us that tourism can
be a vocation.
century guests. The Villa Vilina Hotel
offers the service on bed and breakfast
and half board base. Particularly attractive is the hotel garden where the guests
enjoy outstanding gastronomic specialities prepared by their hosts. The place
is also convenient for various incentive
programmes, including weddings. Interestingly enough, the most frequent
visitors from the hotel opening till 2007
were the British tourists (almost 90 per
cent). However, there has been a change
in the last two years, when the most
frequent guests were the Germans (60
– 70 per cent), followed by the British
tourists (about 20 percent), while the
remaining guests came from other European countries including Croatia. In
the 2009 season, the Villa Vilina Hotel
had more than five thousand overnights,
while in 2010 the hotel management
expects approximately a three per cent
Summer 2010
Zaboravljeni predmeti / For got ten Objects
Č uvar obiteljsk o g bl aga i mira
Dubrovniku se nekada cijenio
kovački zanat. Željezo je igralo
presudnu ulogu u životu građana te su
kovači imali svoju ulicu. Radili su uz
velike i otvorene vatre, a ispod njihovih
su nakovanja izlazili razni predmeti:
ključevi, brave, utezi i katanci, koloturi,
okovi i - sajaturi. Sajaturi su se u starinskim kućama smatrali najsigurnijim
čuvarima imovine i noćnog mira.
Sajatur je željezni zasun, vješto postavljen s unutrašnje strane vrata, nalik na
uzdužni pomični okov. S desne mu je
strane držač, prilagođen onom laganom pokretu koji odugačko i pomično
željezo gurne udesno, prema vratnom
krilu, tako da se sajatur postavljao poput zaštitničke ruke na ulazu u kuću.
Tko nije bio siguran u brave, ispod njih
je obvezno dao ugraditi ovaj starinski
zasun. Njegova je čvrstoća bila provjerena. On je bio čisto i teško željezo i
nije bilo lopova koji bi, otključavši bravu, mogao pomaknuti sajatur. I zvuk
mu je, prilikom zatvaranja, bio poznat.
To je bio jedan otegnuti skliski zvon
koji je završavao poznatim škljocajem
kad se sajatur smjestio u ležište i zagrlio širinu vrata, u sumraku se svijetleći
poput srebrne duge.
Istina, brave su u Dubrovniku odigrale
posebnu ulogu. U Riznici Katedrale
iza tri su se brave nalazile moći svetaca
i relikvije toliko dragocjene da su bile
zaključane trima ključima. Jedan je
držao biskup, drugi knez, a treći rektor
crkve i tek su zajedno, u istom potezu
mogli otključati dubrovačke dragocjenosti. Tako se štitilo najdragocjenije i
stalno upućivalo prijatelje da su interesi
Grada zajednički ako se podijele odgovornosti i prava.
A sajatur je bio, pored ona tri ključa
dubrovačkih vrata, a koja su kapitani
di nocte svake večeri donosili knezu,
nešto obično, domaće i svakidašnje.
Bilo ih je velikih za portune i korte,
manjih za kuće na selu, minijaturnih u
kamarama gdje se čuvala intimnost i
tajnovitost života.
Ujutro bi se čuo njihov otegnuti i
lagani sklik, vrata bi se otškrinula ili
se bučno i naglo otvorila na ulicu, u
svjetlost, u život. Uvečer bi iz svoga
spremišta u nutrini drva sajatur iskliznuo poput zagrljaja i po čitavu noć
kuću i ukućane čuvao u miru i blagosti doma.
Iako se u seoskim kućama obdan
vrata nisu zaključavala, uvečer bi
se obvezno zasajalo jer noć briše
granice dobra i okreće tamno
lice opasnostima. Tko nije imao
sajatur, postavljao je posebni
držač, zvan još i pontapija. I ovaj
je komad oblog drveta ponekad
igrao ulogu zasuna. Postavljao
se po sredini, nalijegao na utore
i po svu noć svojim drvenim
jedrom osluškivao zvukove
kuće, a danju se, uspravljen u
kutu unutrašnjih vrata, smijao noćnim strahovima.
Iako su na zasunima starih
kuća ostali otisci mladih i
hitrih ruku, snažnih muških dlanova, potom pipkavih i kostobolnih prstiju
što u polumraku portuna
otvaraju još jedno svjetlo
danu i životu, značaj im
je ugrađen u drvo vrata,
ulaz i izlaz, dolazak i
Oni su bili i ostali zasuni između doma i ulice.
Imali su dva lica: jedno
je pozdravljalo dolaznika, drugo upućivalo želje putniku.
Ljeto 2010.
n the old days the blacksmith’s
trade was highly appreciated in
Dubrovnik. Iron played a crucial role
in the lives of its residents and the
blacksmiths had their own street.
They worked alongside huge open
fires, and the various objects that
appeared under their anvils included
keys, locks, weights, chains, pulleys,
studs and – bolts (sajatur). In the old
houses, bolts were considered the
most reliable keepers of property and
nighttime peace.
A bolt is an iron fastening for a door
carefully fixed on its inner side, resembling a longitudinal sliding bar.
Consisting of a holder on the right
side which lightly pushed the longitudinal sliding pin to the right, towards the door wing, the bolt resembled a protecting hand at the house
entrance. The people who did not
trust locks made sure to install this
old-fashioned door fastener. Its firmness was guaranteed. It was made
of pure and heavy iron and no thief
could – having opened the lock –
move the bolt. The sound produced
when the bolt was closing was also
familiar. It was an extended slippery
sound ending with a recognizable
clicking caused by the bolt sliding
into the socket. Embracing the entire
door, it shone in the dusk like a silver
And indeed, locks played a special
role in Dubrovnik. The relics of
saints in the Cathedral treasury were
so precious that they were protected
by three locks and three keys. One
key was kept by the bishop, the second by the rector of Dubrovnik and
the third by the rector of the church,
so that the treasury could be opened
only when the three of them unlocked it together at the same time.
That is how the most precious things
were protected, and the friends were
constantly assured that the interests
of the City were mutual if the responsibilities and rights were shared.
Unlike the three keys to the gates
of Dubrovnik which the captains of
the night (kapitani di nocte) brought
to the rector every evening, the bolt
was something ordinary, domestic
and everyday. The bolt size varied
from the large ones for doorways and
courtyards, through those for smaller
village houses, to the miniature ones
for rooms which guarded the intimacy and secrecy of life.
In the morning one could hear their
prolonged and soft sound, the door
would open slightly or noisily and
wide into the street, into the light,
into life. In the evening the bolt
slipped out of its repository inside
the wood and, as if holding them in
its arms, guarded the house and its
dwellers in the peace and calmness
of home all night.
Although village people did not lock
their doors during the day, they unfailingly bolted their doors in the
evening because the night dissolved
the borders of good and turned its
dark face towards danger.
People who did not have a bolt installed another type of door fastener
called pontapija. This piece of rounded wood served as a latch. Placed in
the centre, it slid into a groove and with its wooden sail - listened to the
sounds of the house all night, while
in day time – set upright behind the
door - it laughed at its nightly fears.
Although the bolts of the old houses
bore the fingerprints of young and
fast hands, powerful male hands and
the weak gouty fingers that – in the
grey light of the doorway - let the
sunlight into their day and life one
more time, they were important for
signifying entrance and exit, arrival
and departure. They had been and
remained the bolts between home
and street. And they had two faces:
one that welcomed those who arrived
and the other that bade farewell to
those who departed.
Keeper of Fa mily W e alth and Pea ce
The Bolt
Summer 2010
Stari zanati / Old Tr ades
Čuvar baštine
u metalu
ednim od rijetkih tradicijskih obrta, koji se takvim mogu nazvati u
punom smislu te riječi, bavi se
dubrovački ljevač Miše Milovčević.
Koristeći tri tisuće godina staru tehniku
izgubljenog voska i tajne tehnike bruniranja i patiniranja metala iz njegovih
peći od vatrostalnog betona, koje je
sam napravio i konstruirao prema veličini lonca s kojim radi, nastaju prava
mala umjetnička djela. Upotrebljava i
tehniku direktnog unikatnog lijevanja
stvaranjem oblika u pijesku u koji crta
direktno pri izradi pa je takve predmete
nemoguće kopirati ili napraviti dva istovjetna.
- Sve što sam naučio, naučio sam radeći
na vlastitim greškama – priča Miše Milovčević koji je sa svojim jedinstvenim
pristupom poslu i tehnikama rada pravi
raritet, ne samo na dubrovačkom području. Ali, upravo u Dubrovniku njegovo umijeće dolazi do punog sjaja.
Surađuje s Dubrovačkim muzejima i
udrugama koje promoviraju zaštitu
baštine. Na svakom koraku u spomeničkoj jezgri Dubrovnika njegovih
su ruku djela. Izradio je dubrovačke
kandelabre, ulične nosače reklama,
brončane oznake galerija i palača, grbove u Gradskoj vijećnici, Orlandov
mač... Restaurirao je i brojne lukjernare, veliki kandelabr u Gradskoj luci,
lance na ulazima s Ploča i Pila, crkvene
lustere, kvaku Gradske vijećnice...
Dubrovnik je njegova neiscrpna inspiracija, pa je izradio i nemali broj originalnih dubrovačkih suvenira – grbove,
brodice, nož za papir, ambleme, kipiće
svetoga Vlaha...
Najdraži mu je rad pozlaćeni kipić svetoga Leopolda Mandića, županijskog
zaštitnika koji je poklonjen Svetome
Ocu Papi Ivanu Pavlu II. za njegovog
boravka u Dubrovniku. Izradio je i zlatnik s oznakama Istarske županije koji
je poklonjen talijanskom predsjedniku
Romanu Prodiju.
Većinu proizvoda izrađuje u bronci.
Koristi se i drugim obojenim metalima.
Posebnu tehniku patiniranja metala učio
je kod najpoznatijeg hrvatskog ljevača
zvona Zvonimira Šikića.
- On me uveo u tajne pijeska i jednog
dijela patiniranja – kaže Milovčević i
otkriva dio tajne:
- osnov za patinu je janjeća jetrica pečena na 1200 stupnjeva celzija, pomiješana
s arsenskom kiselinom.
Dodaju se naravno i ostali tajni sastojci.
Sve ovisi prije svega o boji koju se želi
dobiti, a poduzetni je ljevač Miše Milovčević dio recepata dobio i radeći u Italiji
gdje mu je tamošnja ljekarnica dala dio
receptura koje koristi i danas.
- Svi sastojci moraju biti pomiješani u
točno određenom postotku, to i danas
naručujem u ljekarni. To su iskustva i
tajne koje se plaćaju zlatom – govori
Miše Milovčević. A kad smo već kod zlata, ovaj je ljevač izradio i brojne medalje.
Sa zlatnima i brončanima nije imao
problema, ali se u nemaloj nevolji našao
pokušavajući izliti srebrnu medalju.
- Stalno mi se potkradala greška, a medalja je bila hrapava. I tu mi je pomogao
naš najpoznatiji ljevač zvona, Zvonimir
Šikić – kaže Milovčević spremno odajući jednu od tajni ovoga zanata – treba
ubaciti zgužvani papir i dok on gori ne
smije se lijevati. Tek kad papir prestane
gorjeti, vrijeme je za lijevanje srebrnih
medalja koje su, nakon ove stoljećima
korištene metode, ispale savršeno.
Ne čude stoga brojne narudžbe upravo
za izradu medalja – od onih za Neretvanske lađare, popularnu Divlju ligu,
Medicinski zbor, judaše, LEN kup, plivačka i jedriličarska natjecanja. Posebnu
medalju izradio je i uz 600 godina deratizacije i karantene u Hrvata.
Zna Miše Milovčević da danas postoje
brojne aparature koje bi mu olakšale
posao. Ali draž posla i ljepota izrade
upravo su u metodama korištenim stoljećima. Zbog toga su njegovi odljevi
prava mala umjetnička djela. Iako sam
za sebe skromno kaže da je zanatlija lje-
vač, nikako umjetnik, to njegova djela,
ali i brojne nagrade u zemlji i svijetu,
svakodnevno opovrgavaju.
he Dubrovnik metal founder
Miše Milovčević is engaged
in one of the rare traditional
crafts which can be so called in the full
sense of the word. Utilizing the threethousand-year old lost-wax technique
and secret metal burnishing and patination procedures, Miše Milovčević creates real small works of art in fire-proof
concrete furnaces, which he constructed
himself in accordance with the size of
the pot that he uses. He also employs
the direct unique casting method by
creating a form in sand into which he
draws directly during the manufacture,
so that such objects are impossible to
copy or duplicate.
- Everything I have learned has been
from my own mistakes – says Miše
Milovčević, who, with his unique approach and work techniques, is a rarity
indeed, and not only in the Dubrovnik
area. However, Dubrovnik is the place
where his art is revealed in its full splendour.
Miše Milovčević has collaborated with
Dubrovnik Museums and other institutions that promote protection of the
heritage. His works can be seen at every
corner in the Old City. He has manufactured the Dubrovnik street lamps, the
street advertisement supports, bronze
signs on galleries and palaces, coats
of arms in the City Hall, Orlando’s
sword... Furthermore, he has restored
numerous oil lamps, the large candelabrum at the City Hall, the chains at
the Ploče and Pile entrances, the church
hanging lamps, the City Hall door handle...
Dubrovnik has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration For Miše
Milovčević. He has made a large
number of original Dubrovnik souveLjeto 2010.
Guardian of Metal Founding Heritage
Ljevač / Metal Founder
- All ingredients must be mixed according to precisely fixed quantities, and I still
order them from a pharmacy. These experiences and secrets are worth their weight
in gold – claims Miše Milovčević. Talking
about gold, this metal founder has also
cast numerous medals. He had no problems with gold and bronze medals, but
found himself in big trouble when trying
to cast a silver medal.
- I kept on making mistakes, and the
medal was rough-surfaced. This is where
our best-known bell founder Zvonimir
Šikić helped me again – says Milovčević,
willingly revealing one of the secrets of
his trade. – One should insert crumpled
paper, but must not cast while the paper is
still burning. Silver medals should be cast
only after the paper has finished burning.
When you apply this centuries-old method, silver medals turn out perfect.
It is thus not surprising that Milovčević
is often commissioned to manufacture
medals for various people and occasions
such as the Neretva Boatmen, the popular
Wild League, the Medical Association,
judoists, LEN Cup and swimming and
sailing contests. He also made a special
medal on the 600th anniversary of the
pest control and quarantine in Croatia.
Miše Milovčević is aware of the fact that
today there are numerous machines that
could make his job easier. But the beauty
of the trade is particularly in the methods
that have been used for centuries. His
nirs – coats of arms, small boat models,
paper knives, emblems, small statues of
St Blaise...
His favourite work is the small goldplated statue of St Leopold Mandić, the
county’s protector, with which the Holy
Father Pope John Paul II was presented
during his visit to Dubrovnik. Miše
Milovčević also made a gold coin with
the symbols of Istrian County, a gift to
the Italian president Romano Prodi.
The majority of his products are cast
in bronze, but he also uses other nonferrous metals. He learned the special
patination technique from Croatia’s
Summer 2010
best-known bell founder Zvonimir Šikić.
- He initiated me into the secrets of sand
technique and one part of the patination method – Says Milovčević, partially
unveiling the secret:
- The patina basis is lamb’s liver roasted
at 1200 degrees Celsius, mixed with
arsenic acid.
Of course, other secret ingredients are
also added. Everything depends on the
colour you wish to achieve. This enterprising metal founder obtained part
of the recipes which he still uses while
working in Italy, from a local woman
casts are therefore real small works of art.
In spite of his modest claims to be a craftsman and metal founder, and not an artist,
his works and numerous national and
international awards refute this every day.
Čudesni podzemni svijet krša u dubrovačkoj zračnoj luci
urovića špilja smještena je u
istočnom dijelu sela Močići –
Općini Konavle, najjužnijoj županiji
Republike Hrvatske, na prostoru
Zračne luke Dubrovnik, ispod samog
uzletišta - stajališta za avione.
Do šezdesetih godina XX. st., kada
je zbog izgradnje zračne luke zatvorena, špilju je redovito posjećivalo
stanovništvo sela Močići, a u njoj su
se igrala konavoska djeca , krišom,
da im roditelji ne saznaju. Privlačila
ih je špilja i njezina ljepota. Teško da
su išta vidjeli i razaznavali uz svjetlo
voštanice , koja se neprestano gasila,
a skupe svjetleće ručne baterije tada
su im bile nedostižni san.Ta rasplamsala dječja i mladalačka mašta i danas
biva zanimljiva tema za nove naraštaje, a ponadasve priče o susretima
s velikom sovom koja je u špilji imala
svoje stanište.
Prvo poznato istraživanje Ðurovića
špilje, o kojem postoji zapis, proveo
je češki biospeleolog Karel Absolon
1913. godine, iako je početkom 20.
stoljeća u špilji istraživao i austrijski
biospeleolog Viktor Apfelbeck, tada
kustos Zemaljskog muzeja u Sarajevu. Ðurovića špilju od tada su
posjetili mnogi biospeleolozi, a u
nekoliko navrata u svojim tekstovima
je spominje i Miho Kusijanović, jedan
od prvih dubrovačkih speleologa,
ali ne opisuje je detaljnije jer „ju je
pretražio i opisao filolog i historičar
Don Vice Medini“. U okviru paleontološko – speleoloških istraživanja
dubrovačke okolice špilju je 1958.
godine istraživao i akademik Mirko
Malez. Navodi da je tlo mjestimice
prekriveno debelom naslagom guana
te da se na stropu završne dvorane
nalaze brojne kolonije šišmiša.
Obiluje sigama različitih tipova što
plijene pažnju. Od estetski vrijednih
tipova siga možete uživati u : stalaktitima, stalagmitima, sigastim prevlakama, saljevima.
Duljinom kanala od 199 m spada u
kategoriju srednje dugačkih špilja.
Ðurovića špilja je oblikovana u naslagama gornjokrednog vapnenca i
djelomično sedimentnih stijena poput breče.
Na samom dnu špilju resi Dvorana
Dubrovačke Republike koja predstavlja proširenje kanala. Odlikuje se uz
‘Kapelicu’ estetski najljepšim sigama
s uskim i plitkim brazdama i malim
lokvicama vode u nepropusnom sedimentu kao što su glina i sige.
Danas ne postoji prirodni ulaz zbog
zatvaranja tijekom gradnje zračne
luke (1960.-1963.). Betonski pristupni kanal dug je 37 metara. Zbog
idealne temperature u ovom prostoru, pod nazivom Skycellar, u planu
je organizirano nuđenje i kušanje
zvrsnih konavoskih vina.
Ljeto 2010.
Amazing Underground World of Karst at Dubrovnik Airport
Ðu r o vi ć C a ve
Ðurović Cave (Ðurovića špilja) is
located in the eastern part of the
village of Močići – Konavle Municipality in the southernmost county of
the Republic of Croatia, immediately
under the Dubrovnik Airport runway.
By the 1960s, when the cave was
closed because of the construction
of the Dubrovnik Airport, the dwellers of the village of Močići visited it
on a regular basis, and the children
of Konavle played in it furtively,
without their parents’ consent. They
were attracted by the beauty of the
cave. In the light provided by candles, which constantly went out, they
hardly saw and distinguished anything, and the expensive flashlight
torches were something they could
only dream of. The fired-up children’s and adolescent imagination
is still an intriguing theme for new
generations, particularly the stories
about encounters with a huge eagleowl that used to live in the cave.
The first known research of the cave,
according to the existing documents,
was carried out by the Czech biospeleologist Karel Absolon in 1913. In
the early 20th century the cave was
also investigated by the Austrian
biospeleologist Viktor Apfelbeck, the
then curator of the Sarajevo State
Museum. From then on, numerous
bio-speleologists have visited the
Summer 2010
cave. One of the first Dubrovnik
speleologists Miho Kusijanović mentioned it several times in his writings,
but not in detail, because “the cave
had been explored and described by
the philologist and historian Don
Vice Medini“. The cave was also
explored by the academician Mirko
Malez within the palaeontological
- speleological research of the Dubrovnik surroundings in 1958. He
wrote that the ground was partially
covered with a thick layer of guano
and that there were numerous bat
colonies on the ceiling of the hall at
the cave’s end.
The cave abounds with various kinds
of beautiful dripstones including
stalactites, stalagmites and other
dripstone formations. With the passage length of 199 m, it belongs to
medium-long caves. Ðurović Cave
was formed in the layers of Upper
Cretaceous limestone and partially
sediment rocks such as breccia.
The cave bottom is adorned with the
“Dubrovnik Republic Hall”, which is
a passage extension. Apart from the
“Chapel”, it has the most beautiful
dripstone formations with narrow
and shallow groves and small ponds
in the impermeable sediment such
as clay and dripstone. Closed during
the Dubrovnik Airport construction
(1960 - 1963), the cave’s natural entrance does not exist any more. It is
now entered through a concrete 37
metres long tunnel. Because of the
ideal temperature of the cave, the
programme entitled Skycellar, including the tasting of excellent wines
of Konavle, is being developed.
Arheološka nalazišta dubrovačkog podmorja
Pogled na akvatorij ispred Brsečina sa otocima Rudom i Šipanom
View of the Brsečine maritime zone with the islands of Ruda and Šipan
podmorju šireg dubrovačkog
akvatorija, od Lastova do Prevlake, nalazi se više od stotinu poznatih podmorskih arheoloških nalazišta.
Takvo je arheološko bogatstvo podmorja
razumljivo obzirom na jadranske plovne
putove istočnojadranskom obalom, bogatom brojnim otocima, kanalima i sigurnim
lukama. Koločepski kanal, sjeverozapadno
od Dubrovnika, između obala Dubrovačkog primorja i Elafita, dio je opisanog
plovidbenog puta gdje imamo veći broj
sigurnih luka, ovisno o vremenskim (ne)
prilikama, ali i nalazimo veći broj ostataka
brodoloma od antičkih do novovjekovnih
razdoblja. Posebno brojne brodolome
možemo očekivati iz vremena ekspanzije
Dubrovačke Republike kao trgovačkog
centra Mediterana i cijelog tadašnjeg svijeta. U tom svjetlu možemo promatrati i
nedavno otkrivene ostatke brodoloma kod
rta Gumanci u Brsečinama.
Nalazište je otkriveno prilikom trenažnih
ronjenja ronioca Interventne jedinice policije u Dubrovniku, inače čestih suradnika
na arheološkim istraživanjima. Nedugo
nakon pronalaska, financijskim sredstvima
Ministarstva kulture, djelatnici Hrvatskog
restauratorskog zavoda obavili su manja
istraživanja u okviru kojih je izvađen dio
nalaza uz prethodnu dokumentaciju cijelog nalazišta. Riječ je o ostatcima broda
koji je potonuo pedesetak metara od obale, vjerojatno uslijed jakog nevremena, a
danas se nalazi na pješčanom dnu na dubini od 35 do 44 m. Prilikom prvih uviđaja
na lokalitetu bilo je izuzetno zanimljivo
roniti iznad cjelovitih i slomljenih brončanih topova, željeznih sidara, ostataka olovne brodske oplate i druge brodske opreme
koja je djelomično virila iz pijeska, sve
nedirnuto i zaboravljeno u dubinama više
stoljeća. Pažljivim pregledavanjem površine mogli su se uočiti i dijelovi topovskih
kugli, ulomci keramičkih posuda i drugi
manji površinski nalazi kao preostatci
brodske konstrukcije, opreme i tereta.
Drvena konstrukcija broda koja je ostala
iznad pijeska odavno je propala, međutim, neposredno ispod pijeska naziru
se dijelovi drvenih rebara broda. Prema
nalazima pretpostavlja se dužina broda
od oko 30 m. Na rubnom dijelu nalazišta ističe se hrpa kamenja koja se znatno
razlikuje od ostalog prirodnog okoliša.
Riječ je o preostalom balastnom kamenju koje je služilo za stabilizaciju broda
ovisno o rasporedu tereta koji se prevozio. Nažalost, arheološka istraživanja su
obavljena samo na manjem segmentu
brodoloma, pa za sada ne možemo govoriti čiji je bio brod, odakle je isplovio
i koja mu je bila krajnja odredišna luka.
Posebno zanimljive nalaze predstavljaju brončani topovi od kojih je samo
jedan cjelovit, a ostali su u dijelovima.
Pripadali su pokretnim brodskim topovima, tzv. pedrijerama i falkonetu. Zbog
mogućih devastacija lokaliteta, gdje su
upravo brončani topovi najprivlačnije
mete ilegalnih aktivnosti, svi topovi su
izvađeni i pohranjeni u restauratorskoj
radionici Dubrovačkih muzeja. Pod
vrijednim i stručnim nadzorom Renate
Ljeto 2010.
Underwater Archaeological Sites of the Dubrovnik area
autor svih fotografija / all photos by: Domagoj Perkić
The Secret of the Shipwreck near Brsečine
Signatura radionice Gio. Battista Gandolfa iz Ðenove (1535. – 1601.)
Signature of Gio. Battista Gandolf of Genoa Workshop
topa u Ðenovi, u radionici Gio. Battista
Gandolfa. Kako su brončani topovi inače bili predmet trgovine, to ne znači da
je i cijeli brod bio đenoveški, međutim
bitno je za dataciju nalazišta. Naime,
prvotno se mislilo da je riječ o brodolomu s početka 19. st., iz vremena Napoleonove okupacije i sloma Dubrovačke
Republike, a gdje bi slomljeni brončani
topovi bili dio tereta broda namijenjeni
sekundarnom topljenju bronce i izradi
novog oružja. Međutim, otkriveni đenoveški grb i signatura radionice datiraju
cjelokupni brodolom u sam kraj 16.
ili početke 17. stoljeća. Kakve su bile
okolnosti u kojima je došlo do potapanja
broda za sada je nemoguće tvrditi, no
nameće se mogućnost eksplozije broda
uslijed kojeg je došlo do fragmentiranja
brončanih topova, no to će se otkriti u
daljnjim istraživanjima.
ore than a hundred underwater archaeological sites are
located on the sea bed of the
wider Dubrovnik maritime zone. Such
underwater archaeological wealth is
understandable in view of the sea routes
along the eastern Adriatic coast abounding in islands, sea channels and safe
harbours. In the Koločep Channel, situated northwest of Dubrovnik - which
is a part of the afore mentioned sea
route - there is a large number of safe
harbours, depending on the weather, as
well as a large number of shipwreck sites
from antiquity to modern times. We
can well expect numerous shipwrecks
from the period of the expansion of the
Dubrovnik Republic, which used to be a
Mediterranean and world trade centre at
the time. Recently discovered shipwreck
remains near Cape Gumanci in the village of Brsečine can also be observed in
that light.
The site was discovered during training of Dubrovnik Police divers, who
frequently collaborate in archaeological
explorations. Shortly after the discovery, funded by the Ministry of Culture,
Croatian Restoration Institute employees performed several small-scale
explorations and found a number of
artefacts after the documentary evidence
of the entire site had been completed.
We are talking about the remains of a
boat that sank some fifty metres away
from the land, probably because of a
storm, which now lies on the sandy sea
bed at a depth of 35 – 44 metres. Dur-
Balastno kamenje s ostataka brodoloma
Shipwreck remains including the ballast stones
Andjus, voditeljice radionice i njezinih
suradnika, čišćenje i konzervacija topova
se bliže kraju, a jedan top će se uskoro
izložiti na dubrovačkim zidinama, o kojima skrbi Društvo prijatelja dubrovačke
starine, koje je i financiralo cjelokupnu
konzervaciju. Upravo tijekom konzervatorsko - restauratorskih radova „otkriven“ je grb i signatura radionice na dva
topa što nas upućuje na podrijetlo izrade
Summer 2010
Karta brsečina – položaj lokaliteta
Brsečine map – Locality position
Underwater Archaeological Sites of the Dubrovnik area
Dijelovi brončanih topova
Parts of bronze cannons
ing the first inspections of the site it
was especially exciting to dive over the
undamaged and broken bronze cannons, iron anchors, remains of the lead
shell plating and other ship’s equipment
which partially protruded from the sand
– all of them untouched and forgotten in the depths for several centuries.
A careful inspection of the surface also
revealed parts of cannon-balls, fragments of ceramic pots and other minor
surface findings such as remains of the
ship’s structure, equipment and cargo.
The wooden ship structure that had
remained above the sand deteriorated
a long time ago, however, one can still
catch a glimpse of parts of the wooden
ribs of the ship immediately under the
sand. According to the findings, the
length of the ship is supposed to be
about 30 metres. At the site border one
can see a pile of stones which are quite
different from the natural environment.
They are the remaining ballast stones
used to stabilize the ship, depending on
the type of cargo. The archaeological
investigation was, unfortunately, conducted only on a small segment of
the shipwreck, so that - so far - we do
not know to whom the ship belonged,
where it sailed from and which was its
final destination. Particularly intriguing
findings include the bronze cannons of
which only one is undamaged, while the
remaining ones are in fragments. They
belonged to mobile ship cannons, the so
called pedrieras and falconets. Because
of the possible devastation of the site,
with the bronze cannons being the most
attractive targets for illegal activities,
all cannons have been taken out and
stored at the Dubrovnik Museums Restoration Workshop. Under the diligent
and expert supervision of the workshop
manager Renata Andjus and her associates, the cleaning and conservation of
the cannons is about to be completed.
One cannon will soon be displayed on
the Dubrovnik city walls, which are
under the protection of the Friends of
the Dubrovnik Antiquity Society that
financed the entire conservation. It was
during the conservation and restoration
works that the manufacturer’s coat of
arms and signature were “discovered” on
two cannons, revealing that they were
manufactured at the Gio. Battista Gandolf Workshop in Genoa. The fact that
the cannons were objects of trade does
not imply that the entire ship was of
Genovese origin, yet it is important for
the site’s dating. Namely, the shipwreck
Brončani top prije i poslije čišćenja i konzervacije
Photo Bronze cannon before and after the cleaning and conservation
was initially believed to have happened
in the early 19th century, at the time of
Napoleon’s invasion and the fall of the
Dubrovnik Republic, while the broken
bronze cannons were supposed to be a
part of the ship cargo foreseen for the
secondary melting of bronze and the
manufacture of new arms. The discovered Genovese coat of arms and the
workshop signature, however, place the
shipwreck in the late 16th or early 17th
century. At the present stage it is impossible to determine the circumstances
under which the ship sank. The experts
consider the possibility of a ship’s explosion which damaged the bronze cannons, but this will be explored in the
course of the forthcoming explorations.
Ljeto 2010.
Radisson Blu Resort & Spa Dubrovnik Sun Gardens, Dubrovnik Croatia
Radisson Blu Resort & Spa Dubrovnik Sun Gardens
Na Moru 1, 20234 Orašac Dubrovnik, Croatia
Tel: +385 20 361 500, Fax: +385 20 361 501
[email protected]
P d DDvorom
orom 22, 200
00 DDubrovnik
b ik HR
Prodavaonica Šimun
Placa 7, 20000 Dubrovnik HR
Summer 2010
Baština / Heritage
Crk vic a uz izvor ište Dobre v ode
iječnja mjeseca 1527. g. tri
puta, u tri petka u zoru, objavila se je Blažena Djevica Marija Mihu Vukašinoviću, siromašnom
starcu samohrancu iz Orašca, ispred
crkvice sv. Ðurđa, da se mora početi s
gradnjom crkve na čast Gospi na izvoru
Dobra voda, da bi Bog oslobodio Orašac
i okolinu od kuge, glada i rata u onoj
godini, jer kuga započe prosinca mjeseca
1526. g. Kod trećeg prikazanja Gospa
sva obasjana svjetlošću izgovori slijedeće:
Tvoje molitve i one drugih kršćana bile
su uslišane od mog Sina, a i od mene.
Sutra ujutro rano pođi paroku i reci
mu da s tobom otiđe po selima i skupi
zadužbinu, pa nek zgradi na mjestu
zvanom Ločišće crkvicu i tad će grozna i
huda kuga nestati.
Tako je legendu zapisao oraški župnik don Antun Baburica, a o Crkvi
Matici i čudotvornoj slici Gospe predaja nastavlja ovako:
Don Luka Diodati, parok Trstena, primi starca Miha koji mu odmah pohita
i na svoje veliko izneneđanje utvrdi da
je i parok imao isto Gospino objavljenje.
Ohrabreni time počeše zajedno skupljati
milodare da podignu crkvicu po naredbi
Blažene Djevice, a Orašani se zavjetovaše, te postaviše temeljni kamen crkve
2. srpnja 1527. g., na dan Pohođenja
Marijina, koja je bila dovršena 1529.g.
Od tada, svake godine, toga zavjetnoga
srpanjskog dana, nastaviše Orašani
štovati Gospu, uzevši je za svoju zaštitnicu. Gospa ih je sačuvala i od kuge i
od rata, od pohlepe gusara, pa i sada
iza crkve nad izvorom Dobra voda stoji
u pećini niša s natpisom: AVE MARIA
Crkva Gospe od Orašca postala je
zaštitnim znakom i simbolom tog
malog, slikovitog i pitomog mjesta
Dubrovačkog primorja, petnaestak
kilometara sjeverozapadno od Dubrovnika, čiji su prirodni okviri mjestašca Zaton, Trsteno, Kliševo i otok
Orašac, toponimski, ime duguje svojim žiteljima koji su gojili drvo oraha,
a bilo ih je sve do pada Dubrovačke Republike, jer su se od orahova
drva gradili dubrovački brodovi na
gruškom brodogradilištu. Pamti
Orašac svoju dugu povijest, ispisanu
na zapadnom graničnom teritoriju
nekadašnje dubrovačke Astareje i
Zahumlja. Pa i samo mjesto Orašac,
u povijesti kao i danas, dijeli se na
Poljice (istočno) i Orašac (zapadno),
razdjelnicom utvrđenom vodotokom
potoka, koji se slijeva sve do mora.
Jedan od izvora, kojim se puni i ovaj
potok, naziva se Dobra voda, upravo
uz Crkvu Maticu Gospe od Orašca.
Mala, prvotna kapela iz 16. st., pošto
se umnožio bio broj žitelja i u Orašcu
i Poljicima, sukladno njihovim željama, uz nadbiskupsko utemeljenje
stalne župe Orašca i Poljica 1700.
godine, poveća se, te postade Crkva
Matica. Crkva je arhitektonski nadograđena, a u 19. st. svoje konačno
oblikovanje primila je 1827. godine.
U Crkvi Matici, čuva se i dragocjena
čudotovorna slika Gospe od Orašca,
uz koju su vezane predaje, posebice ono o čudu Blažene Gospe od
Orašca, koje je učinila nad slijepcem,
ocem Hermenegilda Uskokovića iz
Rijeke dubrovačke, davši mu da progleda, nakon što je doveden u Crkvu
i vodom oprao oba oka.
Slika čudotvorne i sjetne Gospe, oborena pogleda, otkrivena lica sa Sinom
u naručju, s reljefno izrađenim krunama nad njihovim svetim glavama,
ima pokrov – zaslon s mnoštvom
motiva – zavjetnih darova Bogorodici, a sve te skupocjene kolajne, srca,
prstenovi, privjesci, naušnice i medaljoni, znak su i svjedočanstvo nade
i ufanja vjernoga katoličkoga puka
svojoj Zaštitnici, kojoj su iz zahvalnosti spjevani i brojni stihovi.
Ljeto 2010.
Ch urch by the Good Water spring
n January 1527, the Blessed
Virgin Mary appeared – three
times, on three Fridays at dawn - to
a poor self-supporting old man Miho
Vukašinović from the village of Orašac
in front of the small Church of St
George. She urged the people to begin
the construction of a church honouring
Our Lady by the spring called Good
Water, so that God would free Orašac
and its surroundings from the plague,
hunger and war that raged that year,
for the plague had begun in the month
of December 1526. When she appeared
for the third time radiating with light,
Our Lady said the following words: My
Son and I have answered your prayers
and the prayers of other Christians.
Go to the priest early in the morning
tomorrow, tell him to join you in visiting villages and collecting donations,
and build a church at the place called
Ločišće, after which the dreadful and
horrendous plague will disappear.
This is the legend which the Orašac
parish priest Father Antun Baburica
wrote down. The story about the
church and the miraculous painting
of Our Lady continues as follows:
Father Luka Diodati, the priest of Trsteno, received the old man Miho who
ran to him at once, and much to his
surprise, realised that the priest had
witnessed the same appearance of Our
Lady. This encouraged them to start to
collect donations together for the construction of the church according to the
order of the Blessed Virgin. The people
of Orašac took a vow and laid the foundation stone on 2 July 1527, on the Day
of Visitation of Mary. The church was
completed in 1529. From then on, every
year on 2 July, the people of Orašac
have continued to honour Our Lady
and acknowledged her to be their patron. Our Lady indeed protected them
from the plague, war and the greed of
pirates. The inscription: AVE MARIA
MDXXVII can still be seen in the cave
niche above the Good Water spring behind the church.
The Church of Our Lady of Orašac
became the symbol of this picturesque and gentle village in the Dubrovnik littoral. It is located about
fifteen kilometres north-west of
Dubrovnik, and its neighbouring
villages include Zaton, Trsteno and
Kliševo, and the Island of Koločep.
Toponymicaly, Orašac was named
after its dwellers who grew walnut
trees until the fall of the Dubrovnik
Republic, because Dubrovnik ships
were made of walnut wood at the
Gruž shipyard. Orašac remembers
its long history written upon the
western border land between the
one-time Dubrovnik Astarea and
Zahumlje. The present day village
of Orašac also consists of the areas
Poljice (in the east) and Orašac (in
the west), divided by a stream that
runs into the sea. One of the springs
flowing into the stream, called Good
Water, is located precisely beside the
Church of Our Lady of Orašac.
Because the number of dwellers increased both in Orašac and Poljice,
in accordance to their wish and fol-
lowing the archbishop’s foundation
of the permanent Orašac and Poljice
parish in 1700, the original 16th
century chapel was expanded and
turned into the Main Church. The
church was annexed and gained its
final form in 1827.
The Main Church houses the precious miraculous painting called
Our Lady of Orašac, mentioned in
legends, particularly in the one about
the miracle of Our Blessed Lady of
Orašac performed on the blind father of Hermenegild Uskoković of
Rijeka Dubrovačka.
After he was taken into the church
and washed both of his eyes with the
water, Our Lady made him see again.
The painting of the miracle-working
Our Lady, with melancholy lowered
gaze, unveiled face and Son in her
arms, includes the crowns in relief
above their holy heads, and the covering – screen with many prayers
– votive gifts to Our Lady. All these
precious necklaces, hearts, rings,
pendants, earrings and medallions
are tokens of and testimony to the
hope and trust of the faithful Catholic people in their patron, celebrated
with gratitude in many verses.
Our Lady of Orašac
od Orašca
Čudotvorna Majka Božja od Orašca
Miraculous Mother of God of Orašac
Summer 2010
Stranci koji to više nisu
Osjeća se Hrvatom
i bez domovnice
an Wybrand Hopink rođen je
1946. u nizozemskom gradu
Enshede, a od 1986. živi u Dubrovniku. Oženjen je Dubrovkinjom, ima kćer
Elizabet, sudjelovao je u Domovinskom
ratu, i - još uvijek čeka domovnicu. Radi
kao samostalni vodič na engleskom,
njemačkom, nizozemskom i flamanskom
jeziku. Profesionalno pristupa svim
oblicima vođenja, pa i tura, koje baš i ne
voli. Ove godine nije sklopio ugovor ni
s jednom agencijom – one male i nove
nedovoljno ga poznaju, a već afirmirane
imaju problema s plaćanjem.
- S Hrvatskom sam se susreo
prvi put kada sam kao brodski časnik
došao u Rijeku gdje smo 15 dana čekali
na ukrcaj pa sam imao vremana renta
carom obići Zagreb, Karlovac, Varaždin,
ali i Mostar. Zbog lošeg vremena, iako
sam planirao, nisam došao u Dubrovnik.
Prestao sam navegavat 1981. jer mi je
bilo dosta broda pa sam jedrilicom otišao na Karibe i uživao do 1985. kada me
je pozvao prijatelj i zamolio da odvedem
jedan brod u Dubrovnik. U Dubrovniku
mi je „veza” bio Vanja Rusković. U ACI
Marini bila je to prva strana jahta. Nakon 2 mjeseca vratio sam se na Karibe.
U Dubrovnik sam 1986. doveo još jednu
jahtu i ostao kao predstavnik TRADE
predstavnik firme stanovao sam u Dvorcu Sorkočević koji je imao lijepe sobe u
potkrovlju, a kasnije sam našao privatni
smještaj u Pilama iznad Agencije Kompas. Suprugu Dijanu ( turistički vodič)
upoznao sam 1987. god., a vjenčali smo
se tri godine kasnije – u dahu priča Jan
Wybrand Hopink.
Grad 1987. i danas?
Teško ga je uspoređivati. Razlika je
ogromna. Grad je danas prazan. Prije
rata je bio pun naše čeljadi koja se do
kasno u noć šetala, a butige su se zatvarale u 23 h. Grad je živio.
Danas se sve komercijaliziralo. Mali
tajlandski suveniri istisnuli su lijepe
konavoske lutke. Meni to smeta.
Danas Grad bolje izgleda, stalno se obnavlja, gradi. Stranci ne razumiju kako
je Grad tako brzo obnovljen.Ne sviđaju
mi se razmišljanja zašto raditi zimi, ako
možeš zaraditi radeći samo ljeti. U Gradu je prije bilo mnogo malih obrtnika:
postolara, krojača, brijača, urara ..., a
sada su na svakom kantunu samo suveniri, i to kakvi suveniri !?Ljudi prodaju
svoje stanove i sada u Gradu živi oko
900 stanovnika, da nije cruisera Grad bi
bio prazan.
A dubrovačka gastronomija?
Meni se sva naša hrana sviđa: od paste
do zlene menestre. Posebno uživam u
dobrim vinima: crnim zimi, a bijelim
ljeti (gemišt). Znam razliku između bevande i gemišta. Znate, ovdje muškarci
nemaju velike stomke od hrane, nego od
vina. Ovdje ljudi prave svoje vino, domaće likere, sir i pršut, ali kada „dođe“
Europa svega toga neće biti.
Što Vam smeta u Gradu?
Meni je već tri godine na srcu ovo što
se događa s cruiserima i Gradom: kako
možeš u Grad predviđen za najviše 2500
ljudi dovesti 10000 i više? Grad može
podnijeti najviše 3 broda, i to samo
ako se lijepo rasporede. Ne možeš u
muzej doći s 1000 gostiju jer onda za
ulaz moraš čekati satima. To je ogromno
opterećenje za muzeje, za sam Grad, to
je samo AJDE,AJDE. To nije dobro za
Grad, a ni gosti to ne vole. Ne daj Bože
da se u takvoj gužvi nešto dogodi. To
se meni ne sviđa. Radimo protiv sebe.
Kako možeš pokazati Grad u 45 minuta
ili 1 sat?! Treba organizirati da svaka
grupa ide svojom rutom, jer inače ni
gosti ni stanovnici Grada ne mogu prolaziti ulicama, posebno Prijekom...
Je li Wyb Hopink stranac u Dubrovniku?
Ne, ja se osjećam Hrvat, znam gdje
sam rođen, ali 80% ja sam Hrvat. Da se
nisam tako osjećao i da ne volim Dubrvnik ne bih bio njegov branitelj zajedno s
Miljenkom Bratošem i mnogim mladim
ljudima ovoga Grada, već bih pošao
negdje drugo, a ne ostao ovdje.U Nizozemskoj sam zadnji put bio 1996; tamo
nemam nikoga od rodbine, a prijateljima, koji me žele vidjeti poručim: „Ako
me hoćeš vidjeti dođi k meni doma, u
He feels a native
of Croatia even
without a certificate
of citizenship
orn in 1946 in the Dutch city of
Enshede, Jan Wybrand Hopink has
been living in Dubrovnik since 1986. He
is married to a Dubrovnik woman, has
a daughter Elizabet, was a participant in
the Croatian War of Independence and is
still waiting for his certificate of citizenship. He works as a free lance English,
German, Dutch and Flemish speaking
tourist guide. He has a professional approach to all kinds of guiding, even to
tours he is not so fond of. This year he
has signed no contract with a tourist
agency – the small and new agencies do
not know him well, and the already established ones have difficulties with payments.
- I first came across Croatia
when I came to Rijeka as a ship’s officer.
For fifteen days we waited there for loading, so I had plenty of time to rent a car
and visit Zagreb, Karlovac, Varaždin,
and also Mostar. Although I planned to
visit Dubrovnik, I did not manage to because of bad weather. Becoming bored
with the ship, I quit sailing in 1981, took
a sail boat to the Caribbean Islands and
enjoyed there till 1985, when a friend
of mine asked me to take a boat to Dubrovnik. My Dubrovnik „connection“ was
Vanja Rusković. It was the first foreign
yacht at the ACI Marina. I returned to
the Caribbean two months later. In 1986
I brought another yacht to Dubrovnik
and stayed there as a TRADE WINDS
YACHT CHARTER representative. As
the company representative I first stayed
in the beautiful rooms in the attic of the
Sorkočević Palace, and later moved to
a private apartment at Pile above the
Kompas Agency. I met my wife-to-be
Dijana (a tourist guide) in 1987, and we
got married three years later – explains
Jan Wybrand Hopink in one breath.
Dubrovnik in 1987 and today?
It is difficult to compare. The difference
is huge. The City is empty today. Before
Ljeto 2010.
Foreigners no Longer
the war it was crowded with local people
who promenaded till late in the night,
and the shops closed at 11 pm. The City
was alive. Everything has become commercialised today. The small Thai souvenirs have squeezed out the beautiful dolls
of Konavle. This bothers me.
The City looks better today, with a lot of
restoration and construction work going
on. Foreigners do not understand how
the City was reconstructed so quickly. I
do not like the approach: why work in
winter when you can earn money working only in summer? There was a large
number of craftsmen: shoemakers, tailors, barbers, watchmakers… Now, you
can only see souvenir shops at every corner, and what kind of souvenirs!? People sell their apartments and there are
about 900 hundred residents in the
Old city now. Without cruise ships,
the City would be empty.
And how about the gastronomy of
I like all our food: from pasta
to zelena menestra (cabbage and
smoked meat stew). I especially
enjoy good wines; red in winter and white wine in summer
(gemišt – wine and mineral water). I know the difference be-
tween bevanda (watered-down wine) and
gemišt. You know, local men do not have
big bellies because of food but because of
wine. People here make their own wine,
liqueurs, cheese and smoked ham, yet,
when we join the European Union, all
that will disappear.
What bothers you in the City?
For three years now I have been concerned about the cruise ships invading
the City: How can you bring 10000 people and more into a city accommodating
a maximum of 2500. The City can take
three ships at the most, and only if they
are scheduled properly. You cannot take
1000 people into a museum because you
have to wait for the entrance for hours.
It is a great encumbrance both to the
museums and the City. It is just a KEEP
GOING, KEEP GOING policy. It is not
good for the City and the visitors dislike
it too. God forbid that something happens in such a crowd. I dislike it as well.
We work against ourselves. How can you
show the City to someone in 45 minutes
or in an hour? It should be organised so
that each group has its own route. Otherwise, neither the guests nor the residents
of the City can pass through the streets,
especially through Prijeko…
Is Wyb Hopink a foreigner in Dubrovnik?
No, I feel a Croat. I know where I was
born, but I am 80% Croat. If I had not
felt that way and if I had not loved Dubrovnik, I would not have been one of its
defenders together with Miljenko Bratoš
and many young people of the City. I
would have gone somewhere else, instead
of staying here. I visited the Netherlands
for the last time in 1996. I have no relatives there. The message to my friends
who wish to see me is: „If you want to
see me, come to my Dubrovnik home.“
Wyb sa suprugom Dijanom
Wyb with his wife Dijana
Summer 2010
Usamljeni trubadur
kalini od Dominikanaca, kao i cijela
ta ulica što spaja Stradun i istočni
izlaz iz Grada do na Ploče, s dolaskom
čiopa i uz osnaženi miris mora koje šuška pod Labirintom, kao da neprestano
odzvanjaju i kristalno jasnim pjevom
usamljenoga trubadura Ibrice Jusića.
Čak i kad ga nema u Gradu, zrakom
nad njegovom prirodnom pozornicom
čini se da hologramski titra i njegov
dojmljiv lik s obveznom gitarom i jednako uvijek prisutnim četveronožnim
prijateljem iz ovčarskog legla – škotskog
ili belgijskog, Vagi, Arči ili Bond… Kad
ga već tako žuđeno iščekuje kamen rodnog Grada, zar je onda čudno da svaki
njegov nastup na tim posvećenim skalinima, ali i na bilo kojem drugom gradskom prizorištu, bude zaodjenut svim
mogućim čulima – pa se čini kako da iz
Ibrice pjevaju sva dubrovačka stoljeća!
A tako biva evo skoro pola stoljeća, lani
je proslavio 45 godina plodne karijere,
zdušno potvrđujući genijalan glazbeni
talent koji se gnijezdi u obitelji Jusić.
Ibricu je već prvih ljeta na
njegovim skalinima, kako se to kaže,
primijetio skladatelj Pero Gotovac čijom
je skladbom Celuloidni pajac debitirao
i odmah pobijedio na tada prestižnom
Zagrebačkom festivalu 1968. godine, a
uspjeh je na istom festivalu ponovio i u
dvije iduće godine pjesmama Osobenjak
(1969.) i velikim hitom Mačka (1970.).
Uslijedila su prva međunarodna iskustva
nastupima u poznatim pariškim cabare-
tima, ali se sve to vrijeme ljeti redovito
vraća u Grad i poput svojevrsnih obreda
održava koncerte na Skalinima tradicionalno uvijek u ponoć. Na Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama opet s Gotovčevim
songovima od 1971. nastupa u kultnim
predstavama: Edward II., Columbo i
Aretej. Za predstavu Životopis Miha
Pracata (1977.) uz nastup piše i glazbu, a iste je godine prvi put u Kneževu
dvoru izveo svoj ponoćni recital. Inače je
kroz cijelu karijeru prilično vezan uz kazalište, napisao je glazbu za brojne predstave, ali je isto tako rado i revno upravo
u brojnim kazališnim dvoranama izvodio
svoje briljantne koncertne nastupe.
Ostaje zapisano da je među prvim pjevačima u ondašnjoj državi koji je
snimio LP – dugosvirajuću ploču (1974.)
i koji je održao solistički koncert (1975.)
u zagrebačkoj Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog. Nastupao je u mnogim poznatim svjetskim dvoranama od
Sydneyske Opere i China Theatrea u
Stockholmu, do Carnegie Halla u New
Yorku. Kao skladatelj uglazbio je stihove
vrhunskih pjesnika; Paljetka,Cesarića,
Šantića, Antića, Shakespearea, Brechta, Britvića, Zuppe, nikad se ne baveći
tzv. komercijalom! Objavio je desetak
“singlica” i sedamnaest LP i CD albuma,
Ljeto 2010.
od kojih jedan i na francuskom (kao
rezultat Ibričina povratka u Pariz osamdesetih). Svojevrsnom prekretnicom bio
mu je prvi simfonijski album “Ibrica”
(1981.), u suradnji sa starijim bratom
Ðelom, koji je za Ibricu napisao antologijske pjesme poput: Na Stradunu, U
svakom slučaju te volim, Šalom Sara i
Prvi je hrvatski pjevač službeno
pozvan na jedan od najvećih svjetskih
festivala jazza Montreux Jazz Festival
(2004.), nakon kojega je nastupio i na
Svjetskom etno festivalu u Oslu. U
2009. godini – 45. obljetnici karijere,
svjestan razmjera raznolikosti vlastitih
inspiracija i izričaja – od poticajnih
talijanskih kanconijera i francuskih šansonijera, do dalmatinskog i bosanskog
melosa, napravio je seriju koncerata Od
Šekspira do sevdaha. I tim je izborom
pokazao svu širinu i dubinu globalnog
i svevremenog glazbenog stvaralaštva,
čiji je i sam – dosljedno i ustrajno - usamljeni tumač, stvarni trubadur iz epskih
vremena kojega je moguće i dotaknut!
A opet, i kad ga u Gradu nema, kao da
se hologramski i čuje i vidi i - traje…
a Jusić
Summer 2010
The Lonesome Troubadour
Ibrica Jusić
ith the return of swifts and
the intensified smell of the sea
murmuring under the Labyrinth, the
steps of the Dominican Monastery and
the entire street connecting the Stradun
with the western City exit to Ploče seem
to resound with the crystal clear sing-
ing of the lonesome troubadour Ibrica
Jusić. Even when Ibrica is not in the
City, a hologram with his impressive image with the guitar and his four-legged
friend - both of which always accompany him - seems to quiver in the air
above his natural stage. The names of
his inseparable Scottish or Belgian shepherd dog friends have included Vagi,
Arči and Bond. With the stone of his
native City awaiting him so impatiently,
it is not surprising that each of his performances on these sacred steps, but
also on any other stage of Dubrovnik,
is a feast for all existing senses – so that
all the centuries of Dubrovnik seem to
sing through Ibrica! And this has been
going on for almost half a century. Last
year he celebrated the 45th anniversary
of his flourishing career, thus confirming
the brilliant musical talent of the Jusić
Already during the first years
of his appearances on his steps, Ibrica
was „noticed“ by the composer Pero
Gotovac, with whose song entitled The
Celluloid Clown (Celuloidni pajac) Ibrica
debuted at and won the then prestigious Zagreb Festival 1968. In the two
following Festival seasons he repeated
the success with the songs The Eccentric
(Osobenjak, 1969) and The Cat (Mačka,
1970). His first international appearances included performances at the renowned Paris cabarets, but all the time
Ibrica kept on returning to the City in
summer in order to give his recitals on
the steps, which - like some kind of a
ritual - always began at midnight. From
1970, he again performed Gotovac’s
songs in the cult Dubrovnik Festival
plays Edward II, Columbus and Aretheaus.
He wrote the music for and performed
in the play The Biography of Miho Pracat (1977) and gave his first midnight
recital at the Rector’s Palace that same
year. During his entire career, Ibrica has
extensively been engaged at the theatre.
Apart from writing music for numerous
plays, he has been equally enthusiastic
over giving his acclaimed concerts there.
Ibrica Jusić is among the first
singers in the former state to release
an LP – long play record (1974) and to
give a recital at the Vatroslav Lisinski
Concert Hall in Zagreb (1975). He has
performed at many renowned concert
halls in the world from the Sydney Opera and China Theatre in Stockholm
to Carnegie Hall in New York. As a
composer, he set to music verses by illustrious poets such as Paljetak, Cesarić,
Šantić, Antić, Shakespeare, Brecht,
Britvić and Zuppa, never dealing with
the so called commercial music! He has
released about ten single records and
seventeen LPs and CDs, including one
in the French language (as a result of his
return to Paris in the 1980s). A kind of
turning point in his career was his first
symphonic album entitled Ibrica (1981),
recorded in collaboration with his elder
brother Ðelo, who composed for Ibrica
the anthological songs including In Stradun (Na Stradunu), I Love You Anyway
(U svakom slučaju te volim) and Shalom
Sarah (Šalom Sara).
Ibrica Jusić is the first Croatian
singer to be officially invited to one of
the world’s most prestigious jazz festivals, the Montreux Jazz Festival (2004),
after which he performed at the Oslo
International Ethno Festival. In 2009,
celebrating the 45th anniversary of
his career and in view of the scope of
versatility of his inspiration and expression – from challenging Italian ballads
and French chansons to Dalmatian and
Bosnian melodies – Ibrica performed a
series of concerts entitled From Shakespeare to Sevdah. With such a choice, he
showed the extent and depth of the
global and all-time music. Being one of
its lonesome interpreters consistently
and perseveringly, Ibrica Jusić is a real
troubadour from epic times. And yet,
when he is away from the City, he seems
to be hologramically heard and seen –
Ljeto 2010.
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Summer 2010
Ml adi talenti / Young talents
Dva instrumenta i jedna nogometna lopta
iti jedna od dvije škole koje
pohađa Stjepan Marinović
ne nalazi se u mjestu u kojem živi,
u Pridvorju. Do obje mora putovati
školskim autobusom ili automobilom.
Osnovna škola „Gruda“ uvijek je u
jutarnjim satima, a Glazbena škola u
Cavtatu u popodnevnim. Stanka između završetka jedne i odlaska kući na
objed, pa do početka druge, ponekad je
vrlo kratka.
Vjerujemo da mnogi jedanaestogodišnjaci dijele Stjepanovu priču koja
njihova djetinjstva čini drugačijima od
onih kojima se škola nalazi u blizini,
možda čak u susjednoj ulici, ali smo
i sigurni da se malo koji od njegovih
vršnjaka svakodnevno druži s dva instrumenta i nogometnom loptom. Pa,
ako i jest tako, u Stjepana je ipak nešto
posebno. Naime, jedan od ta dva instrumenta je lijerica.
I što je tu posebno? To što taj
gudački narodni instrument s tri žice,
najčešće napravljen od javorovog drva,
uvijek nekako pripisujemo odraslim
glazbenicima jer tako smo navikli. A
Stjepanovo sviračko iskustvo seže nevjerojatno daleko: « Kad sam imao tri
godine moj me djed odveo na probe
Kulturnoumjetničkog društva «Stjepan
Radić» Pridvorje. Tamo sam prvi put
čuo i vidio lijericu. Kad sam se vratio
doma uzeo sam dvije vješalice, jednu
sam stavio na lijevo koljeno, a u desnoj
ruci sam držao drugu i „svirao“ . Ubrzo
sam dobio malu lijericu. Ova današnja
mi je četvrta, peta po redu« .
Stjepan je melodije konavoskih
plesova i kola koja se plešu i njeguju u
Društvu naučio po sluhu, baš kao što
po sluhu nastoji naučiti i pjesme iz svog
zavičaja koje su gotovo zaboravljene. U
tome mu pomaže djed koji je i zdravičar
i plesač, a ujedno i voditelj Društva.
Tako je od djeda, osim imena, naslijedio
i ljubav prema starim običajima rodnoga kraja. A ljubav Stjepanove bake je
na drugi način prisutna u Stjepanovoj
lijeričarskoj karijeri. Ona, naime, Stjepanu šije i veze konavosku nošnju u kojoj
on svira pred brojnom oduševljenom
publikom. Ti nastupi su česti, naročito
tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Pored obveza u
Društvu, onih školskih i vježbanja lijerice i harmonike, Stjepan trenira u Nogometnom klubu “Croatia” Gabrile. Ali,
to nije sve. Pomaže i u vrtu oko vinove
loze. I pjeva u školskom zboru. I sudjeluje na Smotri lijeričara koja se svake
godine održava u Pridvorju. I svaki dan
vježba. I često kod kuće svira i pjeva sa
sestrom “koja pomalo uči gitaru”. A na
kraju kazuje: “Glazba i nogomet me najviše vesele, ali bih se u životu volio posvetiti glazbi.” Ako slučajno, dragi čitatelju, budete u prilici čuti Stjepana Marinovića, onda će vam zvuk i virtuoznost
njegove lijerice u spoju sa slikom lijepog
i nasmijanog dječaka u konavoskoj nošnji reći puno više od ovog članka.
Two Instruments
and a Football
We believe that many elevenyear-old boys share Stjepan’s story which
makes their childhoods different from
children whose schools are nearby, perhaps in a neighbouring street. However,
we are sure that there are quite a few
of his peers who play two instruments
and football on a daily basis. But, even
if there are some, Stjepan is very special
indeed. Namely, one of the two instruments he plays is the lijerica.
What is so special about that?
We somehow always associate this
three-stringed folk instrument, most
often made of maple wood, with adult
musicians, because we are used to it.
But Stjepan’s performing experience is
incredibly long: „When I was three, my
grandfather took me to rehearsals of the
Stjepan Radić Cultural and Artistic Society of Pridvorje. This is where I heard
and saw the lijerica for the first time.
When I returned home, I took two
hangers, placed one on my left knee and
„played“ holding the other in my right
hand. Soon after that I was presented
with a small lijerica. The one that I now
have is my fourth or fifth lijerica.“
either of the two schools
which Stjepan Marinović
attends is situated in the place where
he lives, Pridvorje. He travels to both
schools by school bus or car. Stjepan
attends the Gruda Elementary School
always in the morning and the Cavtat
Music School in the afternoon. The interval between the first one, including
lunch at home, and the second is sometimes very short.
Ljeto 2010.
Stjepan learned to play by ear
the melodies of Konavle dances and
wheel-dances which are performed and
promoted at the Society, and also tries to
learn by ear the songs of his homeland
that are almost forgotten. His grandfather - a toast master, dancer and the
Society director – has been of great help.
Thus, apart from his name, Stjepan has
inherited the love of his homeland’s old
customs from his grandfather, while
Stjepan’s grandmother’s love features
in his career of lijerica player in another
way. Namely, she sews and embroiders
the Konavle folk costumes in which
Stjepan performs before numerous and
enthusiastic audiences. The performances are particularly frequent in summer. In addition to his obligations at the
Society and at school, and the lijerica
and accordion rehearsals, Stjepan has
practice sessions at the Croatia Gabrile
Football Club. But, that is not all. He
helps in the garden and vineyard and
sings in the school choir. He also participates in the Lijerica Festival which takes
place in Pridvorje every year. Every day
he rehearses too. At home he often plays
and sings with his sister, who “is learning to play the guitar a bit”. In his own
words: “Music and football give me the
greatest joy, but I would like to dedicate
myself to music entirely.” Dear reader,
if you have the opportunity to listen to
Stjepan Marinović, the sound and virtuosity of his lijerica combined with the
image of a beautiful and smiling boy in
the folk costume of Konavle will tell you
much more than this article.
Lijeričar / Lijerica Pl ayer
Summer 2010
Nogometna priča / Football stories
Dubrovčanin na
A Dubrovnik man at the Football World Cup
Božo Broketa
nte Žanetić će za sebe reći kako
je on Dubrovčanin rođen u Blatu na Korčuli. To će istaknuti i
danas s ponosom, iako je miljama daleko
od Dubrovnika i Korčule. Živi u okolici
Sydneyja, u Australiji, već 40 godina.
Žanetić je svoj nogometni život počeo na
Lapadu, u dresu Dubrovnika, i to u pauzi između dva dijela prvenstva. Bilo je to
1954. godine. Tu se zadržao tek godinu
dana jer je od prvog dodira s loptom bilo
jasno kako ‘taj mali zna i umije’.
Navukao je dres splitskog Hajduka, a
potom i reprezentacije bivše Jugoslavije.
Nije igrao puno za reprezentaciju, tek
15 puta, ali i to je bilo dovoljno za dva
velika trofeja. Na Olimpijskim igrama
u Rimu 1960. osvojio je zlatnu medalju,
a iste godine na prvom Europskom prvenstvu u Francuskoj srebro. Te godine
Žanetić je u svim izborima bio član
najboljih 11 svijeta, najbolji desni vezni,
a društvo odabrano, da se čovjek naježi:
naprijed Pele, Di Stefano, Puskas...
- Jedino što nisam igrao na Svjetskom
prvenstvu - znao je reći nabrajajući sve
što je u svojoj kratkoj karijeri, prekinutoj zbog bolesti kralježnice, ostvario.
Ipak, Žanetić nije bio prvi Dubrovčanin,
igrač s juga Hrvatske u dresu reprezentacije bivše države. Prvi je zaigrao
Božo Broketa, i to 1947. u Pragu protiv
Čehoslovačke. Broketa je kao i Žanetić
nosio dres splitskog Hajduka, a u njemu
svojim igrama ušao u legendu.
Ante Žanetić je kao student pratio 29.
listopada 1950. godine legendarnu utakmicu na starom splitskom igralištu između Hajduka i Crvene zvezde. Hajduk
je slavio 2:1, a Broketa je u 86. minuti
pogodio za pobjedu i naslov državnog
prvaka. Crvenoj zvezdi je odgovarao i
neodlučan rezultat.
- Bajdo Vukas, jedan od najvećih igrača
svijeta, poništio je prednost Crvene
zvezde, postigao pogodak skoro pa iz
kornera, a onda je Broketa pred sam
kraj, kad su mnogi mislili da od naslova
nema ništa, pogodio s 35 metara. Tog
dana je rođena i Hajdukova Torcida prisjetio se Žanetić.
Broketa je sklopio oči u svom Dubrovniku 26. srpnja 1985. u 64. godini života,
a u ‘in memoriamima’, iako nije igrao,
utakmice je pratio s klupe za rezervne
igrače. Svjetska nogometna povijest ga
pamti kao prvog Dubrovčanina sudionika Svjetskog prvenstva, kasnije člana
slavnog nizozemskog Ajaxa, igrača koji
je u Londonu na Olimpijskim igrama
osvojio srebrnu medalju.
Riječima:„Bio je velik igrač i čovjek, čast
mi je bila igrati s njim“, oprostio se od
njega Ante Žanetić.
nte Žanetić would describe
himself as a Dubrovnik man
born in Blato on Korčula Island. He says it with pride even today
although he is miles away from Dubrovnik and Korčula. He has been living near Sydney, Australia for 40 years.
Žanetić began his footballing life in
Lapad, wearing the Dubrovnik kit, and
it was in the break between two parts of
the championships. That was in 1954.
He only stayed there for a year because
it was clear from the very first time he
touched the ball that „this kid has what
it takes“.
He donned the colours of Hajduk, Split,
and then those of the national team
of the former Yugoslavia, for which he
did not play often, only 15 times, but
it was enough to win two big trophies.
He won a gold medal at the 1960 Rome
Olympics, and a silver that same year
at the first European Championships in
France. That year Žanetić featured in
all the polls as a member of the world’s
best eleven, the best right midfielder,
and in the company of the chosen ones,
enough to give you goose pimples: first
Pele, Di Stefano, Puskas...
- I only didn’t play in the World
Cup – he used to say, listing all
the things he had achieved in
his brief career, cut short due
to spinal illness.
However, Žanetić was not the first
Dubrovnik man - a player from the
south of Croatia – to wear the kit of the
former state’s national team. The first
was Božo Broketa against Czechoslovakia in Prague in 1947. Broketa, like
Ljeto 2010.
Žanetić, also wore the Hajduk, Split kit
and became a legend in it with his play.
As a student, Ante Žanetić watched the
legendary match between Hajduk and
Red Star, Belgrade on the old Split pitch
on 29 October, 1950. Hajduk won 2:1,
and Broketa scored in the 86th minute
to win the match and the title of national champion. A draw would have
suited Red Star.
- Bajdo Vukas, one of the greatest players in the world, annulled Red Star’s advantage,
scoring almost from a corner,
and then right at the end,
when many people thought
there was no chance of a title,
Broketa scored from a distance of 35 metres. That day
the Hajduk Torcida Supporters Club was born – recalled
Broketa closed his eyes for the
last time in his Dubrovnik on 26
July, 1985 at the age of 64. In
„in memoria“ although he did not
play, but watched the match from the
reserve players’ bench, world soccer history remembers him as the first World
Cup participant from Dubrovnik, later
a member of the Dutch Ajax team and
a player who won a silver medal at the
London Olympics.
„He was a great player and great man,
it was an honour to have played with
him,“ – with these words, Ante Žanetić
took his leave of him.
Summer 2010
Ljeto 2010.
Gastro kutak
D šparoge
rijeme divljih šparoga i kuka
upravo je sada i šteta je ne
iskoristiti te iznimno atraktivne i izuzetno zdrave namirnice koje pospješuju
čišćenje organizma od toksina, a ujedno
su prava gastronomska delicija.
To su izdanci koji su u
proljeće nezaobilazan
sastojak zdrave prehrane, posebice
radi svojstvenog okusa,
te zanimljivog
nutritivnog sastava.
Divlje šparoge koje
rastu uspravno imaju gorkast
okus. Kuke, tako se zovu jer imaju
povijene glave, i vrlo su ukusne.
Šparoge i kuke brzo gube na
kvaliteti – venu gubeći specifičan okus
ukoliko se odmah ne pripreme. Svježe,
Summer 2010
tvrde su konzistencije, dok se njihov vrh
lako lomi, a listići pri vrhu moraju biti
slijepljeni za izdanak, u protivnom šparoga je odstajala.
Tijekom čišćenja najčešće
se vrh prekida do donjeg
drvenastog dijela. Kuha se
u kipućoj slanoj vodi 5 do
8 minuta, ovisno o debljini.
Da bi se što više očuvali njeni
nutritijenti, tijekom kuhanja
lonac mora biti poklopljen, a koristi
se minimalno potrebna količina vode.
Kod dugog kuhanja šparoge postaju neukusne,
gorke, slomljene strukture i izgube karakterističnu
boju. Nakon kuhanja šparoge
se procijede. Još bolja termička
obrada je kuhanje na pari. Gornji
dio kuka (mladi izdanci), kao i šparoga,
jedu se i sirove pripravljene na razne
načine. Ponekad ih je šteta i kuhati jer
gube svoju nutritivnu vrijednost.
U gastronomskom arhipelagu
izbor jela od šparoga je uistinu bogat.
Može se uporabiti za razne koktele, salate, juhe, idealno se sjedinjuje s jelima
od tjestenina i riže, s jajima, mesom,
ribom... U dubrovačkom kraju najčešće
se jedu kuhane, začinjene maslinovim
uljem i oplemenjene kuhanim jajima.
Jela od divljih šparoga i kuka ne bi
se smjela izostaviti iz proljetne prehrane!
Culinary Corner
B Wild Aspara
he time for wild asparagus and
black bryony is right now and
it would be a shame not to make the
most of these exceptionally attractive and extremely healthy foodstuffs
which speed up the expulsion of toxins
from the system, while at the same
time being real gastronomic delicacies.
These shoots are a key component of
healthy food in springtime, especially
due to their characteristic taste and
interesting nutritional structure.
Wild asparagus, which grow very
erect, have a bitter taste. Black bryony,
known locally as kuke (hooks), are so
called because of their bowed heads,
and they are very tasty.
Wild asparagus and black bryony
quickly deteriorate – they wilt, losing their specific taste if they are not
prepared immediately. They are of a
firm consistency when fresh, their tips
break off easily and the small leaves
near the tip must be stuck to the
shoot, otherwise the asparagus is stale.
During preparation the aparagus heads
are usually broken off down at the
woody part of the stem. They are
cooked in boiling salted water for
5 to 8 minutes, depending on the
thickness. In order to preserve the
nutrients, the lid must be kept on
during cooking, and the minimum
amount of water should be used. If
the asparagus is cooked too long, it
loses its taste, becomes bitter, falls
apart and loses its characteristic colour. After cooking, the asparagus is
drained. An even better way of cooking is to steam it. The upper part of
the black bryony (the young shoots),
like the asparagus, can also be eaten
raw in various ways. Sometimes it is
a shame to cook them as they lose
their nutritional value.
In the gastronomic archipelago the
choice of asparagus dishes is truly
wide. It can be used in various cocktails, salads, soups, it blends ideally
with pasta and rice dishes, eggs,
meat , fish.... In the Dubrovnik
region it is usually eaten cooked,
seasoned with olive oil and accompanied by boiled eggs.
Dishes of wild asparagus and black
bryony should not be left off the
spring menu!
Ljeto 2010.
Gil’s cuisine & pop lounge
Sv. Dominika b.b. 20 000 Dubrovnik
tel: + 385 20 322 222 fax: + 385 20 322 220
[email protected] www.gilsdubrovnik.com

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