Dr. Ursula Wolf Dr. Wolf currently is heading the clinical research at


Dr. Ursula Wolf Dr. Wolf currently is heading the clinical research at
Dr. Ursula Wolf
Dr. Wolf currently is heading the clinical research at the Institute of Complementary
Medicine KIKOM, Department of Anthroposophic Medicine, University of Bern,
Switzerland. From 2003 to 2005 she was project director in compiling health
technology assessments within the framework of the Swiss Federal Office of Public
Health’s Program Evaluation Complementary Medicine (PEK). From 2001 to 2002
Dr. Wolf was visiting scientist at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, United
States Government and Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA, where she
studied homeopathic potencies with physical methods such as nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma
mass spectroscopy. From 1999 to 2001 she was Postdoctoral Research Associate at
the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, Department of Physics at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, where she employed state of the art frequency
domain near infrared spectroscopy instrumentation to directly and non-invasively
measure neuronal activity and to study the vascularisation of muscle. In 1995 she
received her MD degree with magna cum laude from the Albert-Ludwig-University
Freiburg, Germany. Thus, beside a thorough education in clinical medicine with
diploma in family medicine, sonography and anthroposophic medicine, she also has
pursued a career in research.
Dr. Wolf has published 21 papers in peer reviewed journals, 9 conference
proceedings articles, one book chapter, 5 health technology assessments and 41
presentations at conferences. She has been a reviewer of several journals,
conferences and for the European Commission FP7 Health Theme. Nationally and
internationally she is in the board of several professional societies and organization
committees for conferences.
Her research was funded by four grants from several foundations.
Dr. Katrin Bentele
Dr. Katrin Bentele (geb. 1973) studierte Germanistik und katholische Theologie an
der Universität Tübingen. Ihre wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit veröffentlichte sie
2001 zur Ethik des Cochlea-Implantats und 2007 ihre Dissertation zum Thema
„Ethische Aspekte der regenerativen Medizin am Beispiel von Morbus Parkinson“.
Sie ist als wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Theologische Ethik unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sozialwissenschaften an der KatholischTheologischen Fakultät der Universität Tübingen und als wissenschaftliche
Mitarbeiterin im transatlantischen Projekt „Ethik in der Klinikseelsorge“ am
Fachbereich Katholische Theologie: Moraltheologie/ Sozialethik der Johann
Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt (in Zusammenarbeit mit Harvard Divinity
School und Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA) tätig. Außerdem arbeitet sie
im Klinischen Ethikkomitee des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt am Main mit. Sie ist
assoziiertes Mitglied des Interfakultären Zentrums für Ethik in den Wissenschaften
der Universität Tübingen. Weitere Mitgliedschaften: Akademie für Ethik in der
Medizin; Ethiknetzwerk Baden-Württemberg; AGENDA, Forum katholischer
Theologinnen e.V.; Verein zur Förderung der Ethik in den Wissenschaften.