Annetta Alexandridis CV Associate Professor of Classical Art and


Annetta Alexandridis CV Associate Professor of Classical Art and
Annetta Alexandridis
Associate Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology
Department of History of Art and Visual Studies
Cornell University
GM 08 Goldwin Smith Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
phone: ++1/607/254 7263
[email protected]
Associate Professor, Classical Art and Archaeology, Department of History of Art and
Visual Studies, Cornell University, as of 7/2012
Assistant Professor, Classical Art and Archaeology, Department of History of Art and
Visual Studies, Cornell University, 2006-2012
Assistant Professor, Classical Art and Archaeology, Heinrich Schliemann-Institute for
Classics, Rostock University, Germany, 1999-2005
Research Assistant, Antikensammlung/Pergamonmuseum, Staatliche Museen, Berlin,
Germany, 1998-1999
Research Assistant, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission zur
Erforschung des antiken Städtewesens, Munich, Germany, 1997
Ph.D. (summa cum laude), Classical Archaeology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich,
Germany, 1997
M.A., Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Art History, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Munich, Germany, 1994
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany, 1989-1990 and 1991-1994
Perugia, Università degli Studi, Italy, 1990-1991
Paris, École du Louvre, France (specialization: Greek Archaeology, Ancient Ceramics and
Painting), 1987-1988
Paris, Sorbonne, France (Language Courses; French Literature and French Music), 1986-1987
Research interests
Roman sculpture
Greek myth and iconography
Archaeology and its media (photography, plaster casts)
Gender studies
Ζῷα. Images of the Body Between Man, Woman and Animal in Ancient Greece (book manuscript,
under contract with Cambridge University Press)
Die Frauen des römischen Kaiserhauses. Eine Untersuchung ihrer bildlichen Darstellung von
Livia bis Iulia Domna (Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2004).
Co-authored books
Archäologie der Photographie. Bilder aus der Photothek der Berliner Antikensammlung (with
Wolf-Dieter Heilmeyer) (Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2004).
Edited volumes
Destroy the Copy! The (Mis)performance of Cast Collections. Papers presented at a Conference
on the Fate of Plaster Cast Collections, Cornell, September 24-25, 2010 (in preparation).
Mensch und Tier in der Antike: Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung (editor, with Markus
Wild and Lorenz Winkler-Horaček) (Wiesbaden: Reichert 2008).
Invited Articles, Lexicon and Catalogue Entries
"Death and the City: Asiatic Columnar Sarcophagi in Context," in: James Osborne (ed.),
Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology, Albany: SUNY Press (forthcoming).
"Mimesis oder Metapher? Aphroditekörper im römischen Frauenportät," in: Dietrich Boschung
and Ludwig Jäger (eds.), Formkonstanz und Bedeutungswandel. Archäologische und
medienwissenschaftliche Reflexionen (Munich: Fink) (forthcoming).
"Ζῷα: Bilder des Körpers zwischen Mensch und Tier im Mythos von Aktaion," in: Alan Shapiro
- Frank Waschek (eds.), Fluide Körper – Bodies in Transition (forthcoming).
Berliner Skulpturennetzwerk,
online catalogue:
45 entries, mostly on Roman female portraiture
(AvP II 286; Inv. 1965.14, 1973.3, 1980.3, 1981.33; Sk 367, 376, 379, 380, 432, 433, 435, 436, 438, 439,
440, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454, 455, 457, 458, 460, 494, 496, 587, 605, 633, 1340,
1518, 1552, 1565, 1568, 1802, 1893, 1949, 1952; SkD o. Nr. 4.)
"Zwischen Mensch und Tier: Bilder der Metamorphose und der Zoophilie im griechischen
Mythos," in: Luca Tori – Aline Steinbrecher (eds.), Animali. Tiere und Fabelwesen von der
Antike bis zur Neuzeit. Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum (Geneva – Milan: Skira 2013) 70-79.
"Gipse in der "Neuen Welt"," in: Nele Schröder and Lorenz Winkler-Horacek (eds.), Von Gestern
bis Morgen. Zur Geschichte der Berliner Gipsabgusssammlung(en). (Rahden/Westf.: Verlag
Marie Leidorf 2012) 297-300.
"The Other Side of the Coin: The Women of the Flavian Imperial Family," in: Norbert Kramer
and Christiane Reitz (eds.)Tradition und Erneuerung: Mediale Strategien in der Zeit der Flavier,
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde vol. 285 (Berlin & New York: de Gruyter 2010) 191-237.
"Neutral bodies? Female portrait statue types from the late Republic to the 2nd century CE," in:
Shelley Hales and Tamar Hodos (eds.), Material Culture and Social Identities in the Ancient
World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010) 252-279.
"Animals," in: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (Oxford: Oxford
University Press 2010) 108-112.
"Shifting species. Animal and Human Bodies in Attic Vase Painting of the 6th and 5th Centuries
B.C.," in: Bodies and Boundaries in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, ed. Thorsten Fögen and Mireille
Lee (Berlin & New York: de Gruyter 2009) 261-281.
"Livia", "Drusus maior" and "Livilla?" in: Christa Landwehr, Die römischen Skulpturen von
Caesarea Mauretaniae Bd. 4. Porträts. Archäologische Forschungen. Deutsches Archäologisches
Institut (Mainz: Philipp von Zabern 2008) 48-51 (Cat. Nos. 295, 296, 66-Fortsetzung).
"Exklusiv oder bürgernah? Die Frauen des römischen Kaiserhauses im Bild", in: Die Grenzen der
Macht. Zur Rolle der Kaiserfrauen im antiken Rom. Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche
Beiträge, ed. Christiane Kunst und Ulrike Riemer (Stuttgart: F. Steiner 2000) 9-28.
"Einleitung," in: Mensch und Tier in der Antike. Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung, ed.
Annetta Alexandridis, Markus Wild and Lorenz Winkler-Horaček (Wiesbaden: Reichert 2008) 19.
"Wenn Götter lieben, wenn Götter strafen. Zur Ikonographie der Zoophilie im griechischen
Mythos," in: Mensch und Tier in der Antike. Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung, ed. Annetta
Alexandridis, Markus Wild and Lorenz Winkler-Horaček (Wiesbaden: Reichert 2008), 285-311.
"Individualisierung, Homogenisierung, Angst vor Vergänglichkeit. Weibliche Grab- und
Ehrenstatuen der römischen Republik und der Kaiserzeit," in: Neue Fragen, neue Antworten.
Antike Kunst als Thema der Gender Studies. Geschlecht – Symbol – Religion 3, ed. N. Sojc
(Berlin: LIT-Verlag 2005) 111-124.
"Überall (götter)gleich? Theomorphe Bildnisse der Frauen des römischen Kaiserhauses," in: The
Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium on Problems of Roman Provincial Art, Zagreb
5.-8.5. 2003. Religion and myth as an impetus for the Roman provincial sculpture, ed. Mirjana
Sanader and Ante Rendic Miočevic (Zagreb: Golden Marketing – Tehnička Knjiga 2005) 415422.
"Fazit der Tagung des Deutschen Archäologenverbandes," in: Methodische Perspektiven in der
Klassischen Archäologie. Akten der Tagung des Deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes am 19. Juni
2004 in Freiburg. Schriften des Deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes XVI, ed. Konrad Hitzl
(Tübingen: Deutscher Archäologenverband 2005) 109-111.
"Schmucklos oder trachtlos. Bildnisse römischer Frauen vom 1. Jh.v. – 2. Jh. n. Chr.," in: Akten
des Internationalen Symposiums über Schmuck und Tracht der Antike im Laufe der Zeit, ModraHarmónia 2003, Anodos 3, 2003: 9-22.
"Eine Hochzeitsgöttin im Römergrab von Köln-Weiden. Zur Chalcedon-Statuette der Berliner
Antikensammlung," Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 43, 2001: 53-6.
"John Henry Parker – the “Archaeologist of Rome”?," in: Italienische Fotografien der Sammlung
John Henry Parker, ed. Christine Kühn (Berlin: Staatliche Museen 2000) 80-95.
"Ein Museum im Museum. Die Photothek der Berliner Antikensammlung," Eos 10, 2000: 4-9.
Different articles in: Richard Neudecker – Maria Granino Cecere, Antike Skulpturen und
Inschriften im Institutum Archaeologicum Germanicum (Wiesbaden: Reichert 1997).
"Zur Bau- und Ausstattungsgeschichte des Zisterzienserklosters Volkenroda, Landkr.
Mühlhausen," (with Uta Blank, Klaus van Eickel, Janine Fries et al.), Alt-Thüringen 28, 1993:
Emma Aston, Mixanthropoi. Animal-Human Hybrid Deities in Greek Religion (Liège 2011).
Mnemosyne (forthcoming).
Vincent Jolivet, Ruines Italiennes. Photographies des collections Alinari (Paris 2006), BMCR
Harald Mielsch, Griechische Tiergeschichten in der antiken Kunst (Mainz 2005), BMCR
Dietrich Boschung, Gens Augusta. Untersuchungen zur Aufstellung, Wirkung und Bedeutung der
Statuengruppen des julisch-claudischen Kaiserhauses (Mainz 2002), Göttinger Forum für
Altertumswissenschaft 8, 2005: 1019-28.,gfa,008,2005,r,03.pdf
Kathrin Schade, Frauen in der Spätantike. Eine Untersuchung zur römischen und
frühbyzantinischen Bildniskunst (Mainz 2003), in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 10. 11. 2003.
Hildegard Temporini-Gräfin Vitzthum (Hrsg.), Die Kaiserinnen Roms. Von Livia bis Theodora
(München 2002), in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 26. 05. 2003.
Tomasz Mikocki, Sub specie deae. Les impératrices et princesses romaines assimilées à des
déesses. Étude iconologique (Rom 1995), Gnomon 71, 1999: 704-8.
Current projects
Ζῷα. Images of the Body Between Man, Woman and Animal in Ancient Greece (revising
of book manuscript)
Sarcophagi from Sardis: A Re-evaluation of the Evidence (article)
Cornell’s Plaster Casts (database, restoration, presentation)
Fellowships, Grants, Awards
Junior Fellow at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington D.C., 2005-2006
Reisestipendium (travel scholarship) of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin,
Doctoral Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des
deutschen Volkes), 1994-1997
Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des
deutschen Volkes), 1988-1994 (awarded in Ancient Languages Competition Humanismus
heute, 1985)
CIES Faculty Innovation Grant 2012/13 (with Jennifer Carrington, Carrie Fulton,
Katherine Jarriel, all graduate students in Classics) for lecture series and research on wax
Cornell Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences, 2011 (for
digitization of coin collection; together with Verity Platt; $ 24,245)
Cornell Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences, 2010 (for
digitization of cast collection; $12,300)
Cornell Institute for European Studies (CIES) Seed Grant (for project “The
(Re)production of Antiquity. Histories of Classics Collections in Europe and the United
States”; $4,000)
Affinito-Stewart-Grant, 2009 ($ 2,000)
Humanities Council's Research Grant, 2009 ($500)
Travel Grant from the Townsend Fund of Cornell's Classics Department, 2009 ($2,000)
Grant for publication of conference proceedings by Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 2008
(EUR 5,950)
Grant for organizing conference on Humans and Animals (organized with Lorenz
Winkler-Horaček) by Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 2005 (EUR 11,500)
Grant for publication of dissertation by VGWort and Franz Rutzen Foundation, 2002
(EUR 23,500)
Awards and Honours
Named by Merrill Presidential Scholar Nathaniel Brown’11 as Outstanding Educator,
Dissertation Award (Förderpreis) of the Munich University Association (Münchner
Universitätsgesellschaft), 1997
Keynote Addresses/Featured Speaker
“Likeness in sameness? Male and female portrait statues between repetition and individuality,”
international graduate student workshop Bodies and identities – Gendering Sculpture in the Greek
and Roman World, University of Leiden, December 8-9, 2011 (see below under co-organized
“Are Animals Naked?,” Celtic Conference in Classics, University of Edinburgh, July 28-30, 2010
(panel Animals).
Invited Lectures and Conference Papers
“Zoa: Bilder des Körpers zwischen Mensch und Tier am Beispiel der Metamorphose,” Free
University Berlin, July 3, 2012 (in lecture of Prof. Lorenz Winkler-Horacek on Monster in der
griechischen und römischen Kultur).
“Who Owns Which Past? The Case of the Parthenon/Elgin Marbles,” SUNY Buffalo, November
5, 2012 (in seminar of Prof. Miriam Paeslack on Cultural Heritage Management).
“Death and the City: Asiatic Columnar Sarcophagi in Context,” Approaching Monumentality in
the Archaeological Record, IEMA University at Buffalo, May 12-13, 2012.
“Silence is Not a Man’s Ornament. Sound and Visibility as Norm and Symptom in Ancient
Greece,” Sounds from Silence. Methods and Approaches to Re-Sounding the Past, Cornell
University, April 27-28, 2012.
“Mimesis oder Metapher? Aphroditekörper im römischen Frauenporträt,” Formenkonstanz und
Bedeutungswandel. Archäologische Fallstudien und medienwissenschaftliche Reflexionen,
Cologne University/Center for Advanced Study, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata, February 910, 2012.
“Girls and the City: The Public Representation of Women in the Making,” Gender and the
Roman city: Women and civic life in Italy and the western provinces, University of Amsterdam,
December 14-17, 2011.
“Who Owns the (Which?) Past? The Case of the Parthenon/Elgin Marbles,” SUNY Buffalo,
October 19, 2011 (in seminar of Prof. Miriam Paeslack on Cultural Heritage Management, via
“Bestiality in Ancient Greece: Divine or Monstrous Love?,” Cornell University, September 21,
“Ζῷα: Bilder des Körpers zwischen Mensch und Tier,” Berlin, Free University, June 6, 2011.
“Ζῷα: Bilder des Körpers zwischen Mensch und Tier,” Fluide Körper--Bodies in Transition. Die
Entgrenzung verkörperter Wissensordnungen. Dissolving the Boundaries of Embodied
Knowledge, Cologne University/Center for Advanced Study, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata,
May, 25-26, 2011.
“The Women of the Severan Dynasty: Coining Female Power?,” Sculpture and Coins: Margarete
Bieber as Scholar and Collector, Harvard, April 29-30, 2011.
“Who Owns the (Which?) Past? The Case of the Parthenon/Elgin Marbles,” SUNY Buffalo,
October 25, 2010 (in seminar of Prof. Miriam Paeslack on Cultural Heritage Management, via
“Humans and Animals or the Instability of Species and Gender in Ancient Greece,”
Urbana/Champaign. October 17, 2010
“Gipse Sammeln in der Neuen Welt,” June 10, 2010, Freie Universität Berlin.
“Karneval der Tiere? Zur Ikonographie der Metamorphose im antiken Griechenland,” University
of Augsburg/Germany, June 1, 2010
“Humans and Animals or the Instability of Species and Gender in Ancient Greece,” Core Group
Classical Archaeology, Dept. of History of Art, Harvard University, April 22, 2010
“Humans and Animals or the Instability of Species and Gender in Ancient Greece,” seminar,
Dept. of History of Art, Johns Hopkins University, March 30, 2010
“Nude Empresses? Roman Portrait Statues Between Mimesis and Metaphor,” public lecture,
Dept. of History of Art, Johns Hopkins University, March 29, 2010
“(Re)casting the Canon. Why We Cannot Do Without Disciplinary Boundaries,” Visual Culture
Colloquium Cornell, March 8, 2010
“Men, Metamorphosis and the Transforming Power of Wine,” Bryn Mawr, Classics Dept.,
November 2009
Academic Conference Papers
“Tears: The Invisible Side of Emotions in Ancient Art,” The New Antiquity III: Conditions of
Visibility in Greek and Roman Art, Williamstown, April 19-20, 2013.
"A 'Real Work of Peace'? What Ernst Curtius Has to Do With the Temple of Zeus Café",
European Correspondences: A Symposium on Ernst Curtius and Ernst Robert Curtius, Cornell
University, September 4, 2012.
“Recasting the Canon: Teaching (with) Plaster Casts of Greek and Roman Sculpture,” Annual
Meeting of CAAS, Baltimore, October 13-15, 2011 (panel New Techniques, New Technologies in
Teaching Greek and Roman Art and Architecture).
“Ζῷα: Images of the Body Between Human and Animal,” 17th Annual Meeting of the EAA,
Oslo/Norway September 14-18, 2011 (panel What did Classical Archaeology ever do for you?).
“Ζῷα: Images of the Body Between Human and Animal,” Conference The New Antiquity 2: Art
+ Archaeology Now, Cornell University, April 22-23, 2011.
“Casts, Cameras, and the Canon,” Annual meeting of the AIA, Anaheim, January 2010 (panel
From Digital to Analog: Historical Photographs and Plaster Casts in University Collections; see
below under panels).
“Men, Masquerade, and Metamorphosis: Ancient Greek Drinking Vessels and the Transformative
Power of Wine,” The History of Wine, CEMERS Binghamton University, April 22, 2009.
“Animal Love: The Iconography of Zoophilia in Greek Art,” CAA Annual Meeting (panel Greek
and Roman Art), Dallas, February 20--23, 2008.
“The Semantics of Sameness: The Herculaneum Women and Portraiture,” In-Gallery Seminar at
the Getty Villa, Malibu, January 2008.
“Copiez la femme. Replicated Bodies and Individuality in Roman Portraiture,” Public lecture,
Getty Villa, Malibu, January 2008.
“Shifting Species: Animal and Human Bodies in Greek Iconography of Metamorphosis,” Celtic
Conference in Classics (Panel: Animals in ancient art and thought), Lampeter/Wales, August
“Shifting Species: Animal and Human Bodies in Greek Iconography of Metamorphosis,”
International Conference Boundaries Between Bodies: Human, Animal, Divine, Center for
Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC, April 2006.
“Neutral bodies? Female portrait statue types from the late Republic to the 2nd century CE,” U
Cincinnati, April 2006.
“Animal Love. The Iconography of Zoophilia in Ancient Greece,” Cornell University and UNC
Chapel Hill, April 2006.
“Animal Love. The Iconography of Zoophilia in Greco-Roman Antiquity,” U Maryland, February
“Imagining Animal Love, The Iconography of Zoophilia in Ancient Greece,” U Michigan Ann
Arbor, February 2006
“Imagining Animal Love, The Iconography of Zoophilia in Ancient Greece,” U Toronto, Canada,
January 2006.
“Imagining Animal Love. The Iconography of Zoophilia in Greek Myth,” Queens U
Kingston/Ontario, Canada, November 2005.
“Wenn Götter lieben, wenn Götter strafen. Zur Ikonographie der Zoophilie im Mythos,”
International Conference Humans and Animals in Antiquity. Boundaries and Transgressions,
Rostock, Germany, April 2005.
“Geschlecht, Alter, Status an Gewandstatuen vom Hellenismus bis in die Kaiserzeit,”
International Conference Geschlechterdefinitionen und Geschlechtergrenzen in der Antike,
Berlin, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, February 2005.
“Neutral bodies? Female portrait statue types from the late Republic to the 2nd century
CE,” International Conference Crossing Cultures. Identities in the Material World,
University of Bristol, Great Britain, January 2005.
“Schmucklos oder trachtlos. Bildnisse römischer Frauen vom 1. Jh. v. – 2. Jh. n. Chr.,”
International Symposium on Ancient Jewelry and Costume, Modra-Harmónia, Slovakia,
November 2003.
“Repräsentation und Repetition. Weibliche Grab- und Ehrenstatuen in Hellenismus und
Kaiserzeit,” Conference Ansätze der Gender Studies in der Klassischen Archäologie, Würzburg,
Germany, July 2003.
“Überall (götter)gleich? Theomorphe Bildnisse der Frauen des römischen Kaiserhauses,” VIII.
International Colloquium on Problems of Roman Provincial Art, Zagreb, Croatia, May 2003.
Papers presenting the results of my thesis and my current work at: Berlin, Bonn, Erlangen,
Freiburg, Gießen, Greifswald, Kiel, Köln, Leipzig, Mannheim, Rostock (Germany), 1998-2004.
(Co-)organizing of conferences, workshops and panels
Investigating Gender in Mediterranean Archaeology, International Conference, Koninklijk
Nederlands Instituut Rome, May 31 – June 1st, 2012, co-organized with G. Saltini Semerari
(Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome), N. Sojc (Leiden University), M. Meyer (Vienna
University), and Gert-Jan Burgers (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome).
Bodies and identities – Gendering Sculpture in the Greek and Roman World, University of
Leiden, December 8-9, 2011, international graduate student workshop; co-organized by Profs.
Natascha Sojc/Leiden, Marion Meyer/Vienna and me.
Destroy the Copy! A Workshop on the Fate of Plaster Cast Collections, Cornell University,
September 24-25, 2010
From Digital to Analog: Historical Photographs and Plaster Casts in University Collections,
Annual Meeting of the AIA, January 2010, Anaheim/CA; workshop (organizer)
Boundaries Between Bodies: Human, Animal, Divine, Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington,
DC, April 2006.
Mensch und Tier in der Antike. Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung.-Humans and Animals in
Antiquity. Boundaries and Transgressions, Rostock, Germany, April 2005
Methodische Perspektiven, Annual Meeting of the German Archaeological Association; Freiburg,
Germany; June 2004
Kleine Fächer – große Zukunft!?, Annual Meeting of the German Archaeological Association;
Greifswald, Germany, June 2002.
(Co-)curating of exhibitions
IthaCasts. Plaster Casts of Ancient Sculpture from the Collections of Cornell Univeristy,
Tompkins County Public Library, Ithaca, NY, November 2 - December 7, 2012.
Photographs of Cornell’s Plaster Cast Collection, Cornell University, Olin Library, SeptemberDecember 2010.
Italienische Fotografien aus der Sammlung John Henry Parker, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin –
Kunstbibliothek, Berlin, Germany, 2000.
100 Jahre Grabungen in Milet, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin –
Pergamonmuseum/Antikensammlung Berlin, Germany, 1999.
Die schöne Tanagräerin, Antikensammlungen Munich, Germany, 1992.
Articles featuring the animals project
Articles featuring the cast project
Articles featuring the coin project
Participation in Excavations
Sardis, Tureky; directed by Prof. Crawford Greenewalt, Berkeley, and Prof. Nicholas Cahill,
Madison/Wisconsin, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012.
Ostia (so-called Macellum area), Italy; directed by Prof. Dr. Valentin Kockel, Augsburg
University, Germany, 1999 and 1997.
Olympia, Greece (North-West-Building and South-East-Building); directed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Sinn, German Archaeological Institute, Athens, Greece and Würzburg University, Germany,
Archanes/Crete, Greece (Minoan cemetery at Phourni); directed by Prof. Dr. M. Sakellarakis,
Athens University, Greece, 1987.
Membership in Professional Organisations
College Art Association
Archaeological Institute of America (since 2006); society officer of the AIA Finger Lakes
Chapter (June 2010-present)
German Archaeological Association (board 2004-2006; main committee 2002-2004)
Academic Service
Field at large
Member of the editorial board of Arts (newly launched scholarly open access journal)
Member of the Undergraduate Teaching Award Committee of the AIA (as of 4/2012)
Referee for Routledge (book; 2010); Dictynna (article, 2011)
At Cornell
Co-Curator of Cornell’s Collection of Plaster Casts and Antiquities (as of December
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dept. of History of Art and Visual Studies (as of July
Member of the Graduate Field in Classics
Member of the Steering Committee of the Archaeology Program
Member of the College Scholar Advisory Board (as of July 2013)
Member of A&S Visual Resources Advisory Group (as of fall 2010)
Byzantine/Latin American Art Search, committee member, Dept. of History of Art, 2012
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Archaeology Program (2010-2012)
Faculty Advisor for the Visual Culture Colloquium and History of Art Graduate
Colloquium (2008-09; spring 2010-spring 2012)
Reading Project Facilitator (2008, 2012, 2013)
Reviewer for Society of the Humanities Fellowships (2008, 2009, 2012)
Cornell's DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) committee (2012)
Interviewer for Fulbright Fellowships (fall 2010)
Faculty Fellow, Balch Hall (2007-2009)
At Rostock
Faculty Gremium (Fakultätsrat), 2002-2004
University Council, 2000-2002
Academic advising
Undergraduate Honors Thesis
Sarah Simpson, Commoditized Culture: Looting and the Antiquities Trade (2012, first
William Percy Colin Smith, Strategic Branding in the Contemporary Art Market (2012,
second reader)
Nathaniel Brown, The Romanization of Gaul: A New Theory of Gallic Adaptation after
Caesar’s Conquest (2011, first reader)
Madeleine Barenholtz, The Romantic Animal: From Géricault to Bansky (2009, second
Ph.D. Graduate Committees
Taryn E.L. Chubb (minor member), Medieval Art (“Preaching to the Masses: The Visual
Presence of the Dominican Order in Late Medieval Valencia.“), defended
Viktoria H. Ehrlich (minor member), Renaissance Art
Carrie Atkins Fulton (minor member), Classics
Kaja Tally (chair), History of Art
Elizabeth Emmons Hahn (chair), History of Art
Courses taught
At Cornell University
ARTH 2230 Ancient Greece: a Cultural History (fall 2012).
ARTH 6711: Traveling Seminar: Roman Sculpture in context (fall 2012, team-taught with Prof.
Verity Platt).
ARTH 3724 Death in the Roman Empire (spring 2011, seminar, team-taught with Prof. Verity
Platt, Classics)
ARTH 4233/6233 Seminar in Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology (spring 2010: Humans and
Animals in Antiquity; fall 2010: Reproducing Greek and Roman Art; fall 2011: Greek and
Roman Portraiture; spring 2012: "City of Images." Problems in the Interpretation of Greek Vase
ARTH 4232/6232 Images of Women in Antiquity (spring 2009)
ARTH 2221 The Archaeology of Roman Private Life (spring 2009; spring 2012)
ARTH 4236/6236 Sexuality in Greek and Roman Art (fall 2008)
ARTH 2200 Introduction to Art History: The Classical World (fall 2008; fall 2010)
ARTH 330 Iconography of Greek Myth (spring 2008; spring 2011)
ARTH 320 The Archaeology of the City of Rome (spring 2008; fall 2011)
ARTH 324 Hellenistic Culture (fall 2007, spring 2010)
ARTH 435/635 Metamorphosis (fall 2007)
ARTH 124 The Aesthetics of the Ugly in Ancient Art (FWS, spring 2007)
ARTH 427 Myth in Roman Culture (spring 2007)
ARTH 322 Arts of the Roman Empire (fall 2006)
At Rostock University
Introduction to Greek and Roman Archaeology
Antiquity Today (with other faculty)
The Aesthetics of the Ugly in Ancient Art and Literature (team taught with Prof. Nicola Hömke,
Department of Latin Philology)
Civilizations along the King’s Way from the Hellenistic to the Early Islamic Period
Corinth and the Corinthia
The Romans at Rhine and Moselle
Roman Mythology
Western Asia Minor
Greek Sculpture
The Body in Antiquity. An Interdisciplinary Approach (team taught with Prof. Hans-Uwe
Lammel, Faculty of Medicine)
The Jews and the Hellenistic World. Between Conflict and Assimilation (team taught with Prof.
Martin Rösel, Faculty of Theology)
Greek and Roman Sculpture in the Museums of Basel and Karlsruhe
Roman Sarcophagi
"I, Claudia" – Images of Roman Women
120 Years of Classical Archaeology at Rostock University
Greek Funerary Reliefs
Ancient Mythology
Living in the Vesuvius-Region
Greek Vases
Archaeological site/museum tours (most in connection with seminars)
At Cornell University
Rome, excursion with seminar "Roman sculpture in context" (together with Prof. Verity Platt),
Dec. 9-17, 2012.
New York City, Onassis Center, exhibition "Worshiping Women" (4/11/09)
New York City, Metropolitan Museum of Art (9/28/08; 11/13/2011)
At Rostock University
Berlin, Germany (1999-2005, nearly every term)
Jordan, 2005
Karlsruhe and Mannheim, Germany, 2005
Bonn, Germany, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004
Rhine and Moselle region: Köln, Bonn, Trier and other sites in Germany and Luxemburg, 2004
Western Asia Minor, Turkey, 2003
Vienna, Austria (with Prof. Christiane Reitz, Chair of Latin Philology), 2003
Basel, Switzerland, 2002
Karlsruhe and Heidelberg, Germany, 2002
Gulf of Naples, Italy (with Prof. Christiane Reitz, Chair of Latin Philology), 2000
Güstrow, Germany, 2000
German (native)
English (fluent)
French (fluent)
Modern Greek (colloquial)
Italian (fluent)
Russian (basics)
Spanish (reading ability)
Turkish (basics)
Latin (9 years at High School, "Grosses Latinum")
Ancient Greek (5 years at High School, "Graecum")

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