Curriculum Vitae Dorothee Bohle - Department of Political Science


Curriculum Vitae Dorothee Bohle - Department of Political Science
Curriculum Vitae Dorothee Bohle Central European University Political Science Department Nádor u. 9. Room 807 | 1051 Budapest, Hungary Office: + 36.1.2356164 [email protected] | (updated July 2014) Current Position Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (With affiliations at the Political Economy Research Group (PERG), the Center for European Union Research (CEUR), and the Doctoral School of Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy) Academic Appointments 2013‐ present Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest 2006‐2013 Associate Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest 2000‐2006 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest 1994‐1999 Junior Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Center, Berlin (WZB), Department Organisation and Employment. 1993
1990‐1992 Research Assistant at the Center for Gender Studies, Free University of Berlin Research Assistant at the Department of Economics, Institute for Management Studies, Free University of Berlin 1 Visiting Appointments 2013‐2014 Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur), Department of Social Sciences, University of Osnabrück 4/2013 Visiting Professor, Center for European Studies & Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, University of Florida, Gainesville 2008‐2010 Visiting Fellow and Fernand Braudel Fellow at Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence 2009 Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa 3/2006‐7/2006 Visiting Lecturer, University of Vienna, Political Science Department 2003‐2004 Visiting Scholar at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University 3/2003 1997 Visiting Lecturer at the Estonian School of Diplomacy Associated Fellow at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sociological Institute, Warsaw Fellowships and Awards 2013 Winner of the 2013 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research (together with Béla Greskovits) 2008‐2009 Fernand Braudel Fellowship, Department of Political and Sciences, European University Institute, Florence 1999 Dissertation Fellowship, Social Science Research Center, Berlin 1989 Trainee‐Fellowship at the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, Brussels 6/7 1989 Trainee‐Fellowship at the European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels 1988 ‐ 1989 Briand‐Stresemann Fellowship for the Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris 2 Education 2001 1992 1989 Ph.D. in Political Science, Free University of Berlin. Diploma in Political Science, Free University of Berlin. Cycle des Etudes Internationales, Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris Area of research and teaching interest Comparative Political Economy (varieties of capitalism, institutional political economy, welfare states, industrial relations) International Political Economy (European integration, financialization) Central and Eastern European economy and politics Ongoing research: Welfare, Debt, Development and Democracy: This research seeks to understand how the abundance of liquid capital before the crisis, and the drying out of liquidity thereafter, have affected welfare states, democracy, and developmental strategies in Europe. I am currently working on three subprojects (mortgage and housing markets; the sovereign debt crisis in historical perspective; and the developmental strategies of tiny states before and after the crisis). Lessons from EU enlargement: Here I am part of a multinational team that critically analyzes the effects of the 2004‐2007 enlargement on stability, democracy and prosperity of candidate countries, on the one hand, and the EU’s institutions, on the other, and investigates how the EU can maximize its integration capacity for current and future enlargements. PhD Supervision 
Successfully defended: Evgeni Evgeniev (2006), Magdalena Bernaciak (2011), Tibor Meszmann (2012), Vera Scepanovic (2013) 
In progress: Mathew Lloyd‐Cape 
External reviewer for doctoral dissertations: 2011, 2012, 2013 European University Institute, Florence; since 2011 member of doctoral advisory committee at Max Planck Institute, Cologne, since 2014 second supervisor at Hertie School of Governance University and Department Service 2010‐2012 Head of Department 3 2011 Member of the Strategic Development Committee 2010‐2011 Member of the Dean’s Council for the School of Public Policy 2006‐2008 Head of Department 2005‐2006 Deputy PhD Director 2005‐2005 Acting Head of Department 05/2003 Lecture series delivered at the Estonian School of Diplomacy in the framework of CEU’s Special Extension Program 1997‐1999 Member of the Equal Opportunity Committee at WZB Professional Activities 2014‐ 2011 2009 Member and Chair of the EUI Research Council Member of the Central European Labor Studies Institute (CELSI), Bratislava Member of Emecon – Employment and Economy in Central Eastern Europe, Editorial board member Perspectives – The Central European Review of International Affairs, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, European Journal of Industrial Relations Reviewer for Acta Oeconomica, American Journal of Sociology, Capital and Class, Comparative European Politics, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, European Journal of Sociology, Governance, European Political Science Review, Governance, International Studies Quarterly, Environment and Planning, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Policy and Politics, Review of International Political Economy, Regulation and Governance, Slavic Review, Transfer, West European Politics Manuscript Reviewer: Routledge, Oxford University Press Grant Proposal Reviewer for the ERC Consolidator Grant (2013), University Bremen (2013), and University of Konstanz (2013) Funding 2013‐present: European Commission FP7 Project “Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Lessons and Prospects for enlargement and beyond” (Project 4 coordinators Tanja Börzel (FU Berlin), and Antoaneta Dimitrova (Leiden University), CEU responsible for two workpackages CEU share: € 136.000 2010 – 2013 member of the Scientific Network “Political Economy of Financialization”, supported by the German Science Foundation total grant € 34.000 2009‐2012 European Commission FP7 Project “Meeting the challenges of economic uncertainty and sustainability through employment, industrial relations, social and environmental policies in European countries” (GUSTO) (Project coordinator Colin Crouch (Warwick Business School). Workpackage leader “labor market governance”, CEU’s share € 55,734 Professional Memberships American Political Science Association (APSA) German Political Science Association (DVPW, Political Economy Section) Society for Advancement of Socio‐Economics (SASE) Language Skills German: Native English and French: Fluent Hungarian and Polish: Intermediate Spanish and Italian: rudimentary 5 Publications Monographs Capitalist Diversity on Europe’s Periphery. Ithaca and New York: Cornell University Press, 2012. Co‐
author: Bela Greskovits. (Winner of the 2013 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research) Reviews of Capitalist Diversity Robert Legvold, Foreign Affairs, 92 (1) 2013 Stefan Sfallfors, Perspectives on Politics, 11(2) 2013 Silvana Cimpoca, West European Politics, 36(4) 2013 Hillary Appel, Slavic Review, 72 (3) 2013 Myant, Martin, Transfer, 19 (4) 2013 Nagy, Maga Andrea, Acta Oeconomica, 63(3) 2013 Kálmán, Mizsei Budapesti Könyvszemle (BUKSZ), 2013 Bandelj, Nina, Europe‐Asia Studies, 29(4), 2013 Sirocic, Zorica, Croatian Political Science Review, 50(5), 2013 Györffy, Dóra, Europe‐Asia Studies, March 2014 The book will also come out with Nakanishiya Shuppan in Japanese in 2016. Europas neue Peripherie. Polens Transformation und transnationale Integration. (Europe's New Periphery. Poland's Transformation and Transnational Integration) Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot 2002. Edited Volumes Guest editor of a special issue of Zeitschrift für Industrielle Beziehungen, 3 2010: „Transnationale Konzerne und Gewerkschaften in Osteuropa” (Transnational Companies and Trade Unions in Eastern Europe) (Co‐editor: Dieter Sadowski). Guest Editor of a special issue of Competition and Change, Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2007: “State, Capital and
Labour: The Political Economy of Capitalist Diversity in Eastern Europe” (Co-editor: Stuart
Guest‐editor of PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, special issue “ Europa“ (Europe), Vol. 36 Nr.3, September 2006. Guest‐editor of PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Special issue on: „Peripherer Kapitalismus in Europa“ (Peripheral Capitalism in Europe). Vol. 32, Nr. 3, September 2002. Stuart Hall. Rassismus und kulturelle Identität. (Stuart Hall. Racism and Cultural Identity). Ausgewählte Schriften Band 2, Hamburg, Argument Verlag, 1994. Co‐edited and translated together with Ulrich Mehlem, Joachim Gutsche, Matthias Oberg and Dominik Schrage. Journal Articles “Responsible government and capitalism’s cycles”, West European Politics, West European Politics Vol.37, pp. 288‐308, (Special issue in honor of Peter Mair). 6 “Negotiating the effects of uncertainty? The governance capacity of collective bargaining under pressure. Transfer Vol. 20, No.1, 2014, pp. 37‐51 (Co‐authored with Paul Marginson and Maarten Keune) “Post‐socialist housing meets transnational finance: Foreign banks, mortgage lending, and the privatization of welfare in Hungary and Estonia,” Review of International Political Economy, published online July 2013, DOI: 10.1080/09692290.2013.801022 “Europas andere Peripherie. Osteuropa in der Krise, ” Das Argument, 301/213, pp. 118‐129. “An elusive region: East‐Central Europe in the crisis.” Perspectives on Europe, Autumn 2011, Vo. 41, No. 2; pp. 34‐39. “Varieties of Capitalism and Capitalism tout court”, European Journal of Sociology, Vol. 50, Nr. 3, December 2009, pp. 355‐386, (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). “Poverty, Inequality and Democracy: East‐Central Europe’s Quandaries”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 50‐63, (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). “East European Capitalism – What Went Wrong?” Intervention. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 32‐43 “Wirtschaftswunder und Staatsverschuldung. Zur politischen Oekonomie Ostmitteleuropas“. (submitted as: Manufacturing miracles, welfare pathologies and the accumulation of national debt. On the political economy of east central Europe), Osteuropa, Vol. 59, No 2‐3, Feb‐March 2009, 349‐358 (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). “Introduction to the State, Internationalization, and Capitalist Diversity in Eastern Europe” Competition and Change, May 2007, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 81‐88, June 2007 (co‐authored with Hugo Radice and Stuart Shields) “The State, Internationalization, and Capitalist Diversity in Eastern Europe” Competition and Change, May 2007, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 89‐115, June 2007 (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). “Neoliberalism, Embedded Neoliberalism, and Neocorporatism: Towards Transnational Capitalism in Central‐Eastern Europe.” West European Politics, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 443 – 466, (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits) “Capitalism without Compromise: Strong Business and Weak Labor in Eastern Europe’s New Transnational Industries.” Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol. 41 (1). Spring 2006, pp. 3‐25 (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). “Neoliberal Hegemony, Transnational Capital and the Terms of EU’s Eastwards Expansion”, Capital and Class, Issue 85, 2006, pp. 57‐86. “Whose Europe is it? Interest Group Action in Accession Negotiations: The Cases of Competition Policy and Labor Migration”, Politique Europeenne, 15, Winter 2005, pp. 8‐112. (co‐authored with Dóra Husz). “Ein Sozialmodell an der Grenze. Kapitalismus ohne Kompromiss (The limits of a Social Model. Capitalism without Compromise)”, in Osteuropa, 5‐6, 2004, pp. 372‐386. (Co‐authored with Bela Greskovits) “Harsche Bedingungen für Osteuropas Rückkehr nach Europa: Woher kommen sie? Warum gibt es nicht mehr Widerstand?” (Tough Conditions for Eastern Europe’s Return to Europe – what is their origin, and why is there no resistance?). Kurswechsel 1/2004, pp. 52‐59. “A Cold Welcome: The Unequal Terms of Eastern Enlargement”, in Global Dialogue, Vol. 5, No.3, Summer/Autumn 2003, pp. 19‐29. “Imperialismus, peripherer Kapitalismus und europäische Einigung“ (Imperialism, peripheral capitalism and European unification – some preliminary reflections), Z. Zeitschrift Marxistische Erneuerung, Nr. 54, Juni 2003, S. 19‐33 7 “Erweiterung und Vertiefung der EU: Neoliberale Restrukturierung und transnationales Kapital“, (Neoliberal restructuring and transnational capital in the deepening and widening of the EU.) PROKLA 128, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2002, pp. 353‐379. Translated into Hungarian, in Eszmélet 59, pp. 102‐127 “Development Paths on Europe’s Periphery: Hungary’s and Poland’s Return to Europe”, in Polish Sociological Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2001, pp. 3‐27 (together with Béla Greskovits) Translated into Serbian, in Habitus, Novi Sad, Dec. 2000, pp. 121‐146 “European Integration and Institutional Fragmentation: the Case of the Polish Transport Industry”, in: Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 50, Nr. 3‐4, pp. 351‐370, 1999 Translated into Hungarian, in: Külgazdaság Vol. XLIV, Nr. 1, 2000, pp. 65‐78 Book Chapters “East‐Central Europe’s Quandary.” Chapter 8 in Poverty, Inequality, and Democracy eds. Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond, and Marc F. Plattner. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press and the National Endowment for Democracy, 2012, pp. 91‐104. (Co‐author Béla Greskovits). “East European Transformation and the Paradoxes of Transnationalization” In: Joan DeBardeleben and Achim Hurrelmann (eds.): Transnational Europe: Promise, Paradox, Limits. Palgrave, MacMillan; 2011, pp. 130‐152. “Slovakia and Hungary: successful and failed euro entry without social pacts”, in Philippe Pochet, Maarten Keune and David Natalie (eds): “After the Euro and Enlargement: Social Pacts in the EU. Brussels, ETUI. (Co‐author Béla Greskovits) “Race to the Bottom? Transnational Companies and Reinforced Competition in the enlarged European Union” In: Van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan, Jan Drahokoupil and Laura Horn (eds): Neoliberal European Governance and Beyond – The Contradictions and Limits of a Political Project. Palgrave; MacMillan, 2009, pp. 163‐186. “Race to the bottom? Die Dynamik der Konkurrenzbeziehungen in der erweiterten EU“. (Race to the bottom? The dynamics of competition in the enlarged EU). PROKLA – Zeitschrift fuer kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 36, No.3, Sept. 2006, pp. 343‐360 “Neoliberalismus, eingebetteter Neoliberalismus, Neokorporatismus: Sozialistische Hinterlassenschaften, transnationale Integration und die Diversitaet osteuropaeischer Kapitalismen“. (Neoliberalism, Embedded Neoliberalism and Neocorporatism: Socialist Legacies, Transnational Integration and the Diversity of East European Capitalism). In: Dieter Segert (ed): Postsozialismus. Wien: Braumueller Verlag 2006, pp. 185‐206. “Is Europe a better world power? Failing the test in Eastern Europe”. In: Socialist Register 2005: The Empire Reloaded, edited by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, pp. 145‐155. “Neogramscianismus: Stephen Gill (Neogramscianism: Stephen Gill)“. In: Hans‐Jürgen Bieling, Monika Lerch: Theorien der europäischen Integration, Leske und Budrich, 2005, pp. 201‐225. Why is there no third way? The role of neoliberal ideology, networks and think‐tanks in combating market socialism and shaping transformation in Poland“. In: Dieter Plehwe, Bernhard Walpen and Gisela Neunhoeffer (eds): Neoliberal Hegemonie: A Critique. Routledge, RIPE series, pp. 89‐
105. (co‐authored with Gisela Neunhöffer, Routledge, RIPE series, (co‐authored with Gisela Neunhöffer). “Osterweiterung der EU – Neuer Impuls oder Rückschlag für die Europäische Integration? (Eastern Enlargement: New Stimulus or Backlash for European Integration?)“. In: Martin Beckmann/Hans‐Jürgen Bieling/Frank Deppe (eds.): Euro‐Kapitalismus und globale politische Ökonomie, VSA‐Verlag, Hamburg, 2003, pp. 144‐168 8 “EU‐Integration und Osterweiterung: Die Konturen einer neuen europäischen Unordnung“, (EU‐
Integration and Eastern Enlargement: Dimensions of a New European Disorder). In: H‐J‐ Bieling, J. Steinhilber (eds): Die Konfiguration Europas: Dimensionen einer kritischen Integrationstheorie. Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 304‐330, 2000 “Internationalisation: An Issue Neglected in the Path‐Dependency Approach to Post‐Communist Transformation”, in: Dobry, Michel (ed): Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences, Dordrecht et al: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 235‐261, Working Papers “The Crisis of the Eurozone”. EUI, RSCAS Working Paper 2010/77 “East European Transformation and the Paradoxes of Transnationalization”, EUI SPS Working Paper 2010/01 “Wohlfahrtsstaaten unter Stress” (Welfare States under Pressure), in: Ost‐West‐Gegeninformationen Jg. 19, Nor. 1/2007, pp. 3‐6. “Capital, Labor and the Prospects of the European Social Model in the East.“ Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Central and Eastern Europe Working Paper 58, 2004 (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits) “Whose Europe is it?“ Der Öffentliche Sektor: Forschungsmemoranden 2‐3/2003, (together with Dóra Husz). “Imperialism, peripheral capitalism and European unification – some preliminary reflections“, in: Martin Beckmann, Hans‐Jürgen Bieling and Frank Deppe (eds): The Emergence of a New Euro Capitalism? Implications for Analysis and Politics. Forschungsgruppe Europäische Gemeinschaften (FEG) Studie No. 18, 2003 “Der Pfad in die Abhängigkeit? Reichweite und Grenzen institutionalistischer Beiträge in der Tranformationsdebatte“, WZB‐discussion paper FSI 99– 103, 1999. “Dienstleister in multinationalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken Europas. Überlegungen zum Forschungsfeld Transnationale Organisation in Europa“, (together with Dieter Plehwe) in: Dieter Plehwe (Hg.): Transformation der Logistik. WZB‐discussion paper FS I 98 ‐ 103, 1998, pp. 41‐71, 1998 “Zwischen lokaler Anarchie und globalen Netzen: Transformationsprozesse im polnischen Straßengüterverkehr“, WZB‐discussion paper FS I 97‐102, 1997, 1997 “Governance im Spätsozialismus. Die Herausbildung hybrider Koordinationsformen und informeller Vernetzungen in Ungarn und Polen in den achtziger Jahren“, WZB‐discussion paper FS I 96‐102, 1996 “EG‐Integration und Frauenforschung in Deutschland. Eine kommentierte Literaturübersicht“, FEG‐
Arbeitspapier Nr. 13, September 1994 “Der Europäische Binnenmarkt“. Biss Public: Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Heft 4, 1993. Book Reviews Gareth Dale (ed.) First the Transition, then the Crash. Eastern Europe in the 2000s. In Debatte, in Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, April 8, 2013. Guglielmo Meardi. Social Failures of EU Enlargement: A Case of Workers Voting with their Feet, in ILRReview, January 2013 9 Pieter Vanhuysse (2007) Divide and Pacify: Strategic Social Policies and Political Protests in Post‐
Communist Democracies. Budapest: Central European University Press, in Political Studies, January 2010. Bluhm, Katharina, Experimentierfeld Ostmitteleuropa? Deutsche Unternehmen in Polen und der Tschechischen Republik, VS‐Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007, in Das Argument, No. 277, 2008 Miscellaneous “Trade unions and the fiscal crisis of the state”, Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 89‐106. The Protracted Revolution. At:‐protracted‐revolution/ Patterns of Social Exclusion and Inclusion in East‐Central Europe”, Development and Transition, June 2010, No. 15, pp. 14‐17. (co‐authored with Bela Greskovits). Development Partnership and Solidarity Pact, in: Andrew Watt (ed): After the Crisis: Towards a Sustainable Growth Model, ETUI Conference Reader (with Bela Greskovits). “Capitalist Diversity in Eastern Europe.” European Economic Sociology Newsletter, February 2007 (co‐
authored with Bela Greskovits). 10