strike a pose! - Salford M3 Magazine CIC


strike a pose! - Salford M3 Magazine CIC
summer 2012
issue 6 - Free
secret gardens festival // the w.i. arrives
in salford m3 // local news // what’s on
in m3 // tales from the river bank // local
dj lucy ironmonger // sailford’s angels
Strike a pose!
Meet the members of
the new local Womens
a look around at the
people & places that
make this area come
elcome to the Summer edition of M3 Magazine.
M3 really has everything happening, doesn’t it?
And when we started to put together your magazine,
our first idea was that it should NEVER be boring! We
hope you’ll agree that this issue has something for
We’ve discovered some legendary Angels in the old
Salford Royal on Chapel Street, been introduced to
some interesting folk next door at The Angel, and
then we were bedazzled by the newly cleaned statues
– including an impressive war memorial just over the
road. We found out about the Royal British Legion’s
presence in M3. Then we travelled down the road to
“The Vibe” in New Broughton. And we celebrated the
arrival of the new W.I. right here in M3. We even have
a torchbearer for the Olympics!
to the sixth issue of
Salford M3 magazine
The Secret Garden Festival will soon be here...The
mosaic in Islington Park is the inspiration for a Secret
Gardens Festival organised by the Quays Cultural Group
and Salford City Council, will be held in Salford and
Trafford in June – see centre pages for details.
Kevin O’Neill and Joyce Withers
04 angels in salford
05 Salford war
A message from the Salford M3 team:
This magazine is produced by volunteers who live
or work in Salford M3 area. Our aim is to provide
information about activities and opportunities for local
people and businesses. We hope you enjoy reading the
sixth edition of the magazine.
We would like to thank the contributors, sponsors and
advertisers who continue to support us. The distribution
team, including the schools, members of the residents
associations and our enthusiastic volunteers.
Would you like to get involved? Please send us your
views, articles, photographs and let us know what
you think of the magazine. Is there is something that
you would especially like us to include? If you can
spare a few hours, just once every three months, to
help us deliver the magazine in your locality we would
welcome you on board. We’d really like to know what
you think so please just email or phone us.
Tel: 07880 626499
Email: [email protected] or follow us on
Now you can read your copy of SalfordM3 Magazine
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Then you can read SalfordM3 Magazine on your Kindle in glorious black and white!
Kindle doesn’t show the graphics in colour, but otherwise it is easily readable and it
means that you can enjoy browsing your digital copy of the magazine anytime and
The Salford M3 team
Editors Joyce Withers, Kevin O’Neill
Co-ordinator Kevin O’Neill
Graphic Design Amy Turner:
Editorial team Joyce Withers, Kevin
O’Neill, Hessel De Boer
Many thanks to: Salford University.
Emma Smith and Scott Darrough at
Social adVentures.
The Staff and pupils of the local
The Local Resident Associations.
All the volunteers who gave up their
time to contribute.
Joyce Withers, Kevin O’Neill, Hessel
de Boer, Emma Smith, Chris Doyle,
Lucy Ironmonger & Laura Briggs.
Phil Hamer, Schools own
photographs, Salford M3 editing
21 St Philips CE Primary
06 city of Salford
royal british legion 22 The Cathedral
School of St Peter
07 tales from the river
and St John RC
08 the news where you 23 summer at the new
10 community
24 bexley square news
25 Middlewood Locks
12 what’s on at chapel
street community
26 she’s a dj
15 the w.i. arrives in m3
16 secret gardens
18 social adventures:
real life stories
20 Friars Primary
28 salford roar
olympic torch
30 peel park
31 local info
A major public consultation is set to take place with local businesses, community groups and residents around a new proposal for the Middlewood
Locks site in Salford.
Scarborough Development Group, the property development arm of Scarborough Group, has recently acquired the 21-acre site from Valley and
Vale properties, acting through its administrators Grant Thornton. The site
has an existing outline planning consent however Scarborough feels the
nature of the consent in place is not right for Salford at this time.
Lee Savage, Development Director at Scarborough, said: “This site has had
lots of plans over the years for a variety of uses. We want to bring something to fruition which will not only meet the appetite in the market but
also benefit the people and communities of Salford.
“Initial meetings with the local council and key stakeholders has started
the process and we’re looking forward to the next stage of the consultation with the local community to understand how any potential development could benefit the area.”
A series of events will be held over the next few months to invite residents,
businesses and stakeholders to give their views and help develop the proposals. Following the consultation process Scarborough Development
Group will put forward a series of proposals which will aim to address the
issues raised in the consultation events. See page 25 for times and venues.
For those unable to attend the events, a dedicated website has been set
up to provide information as well as a feedback facility:
- it’s not for me...think again!
You will only have to visit New York Launderette once to discover
just how easy it is to do your weekly wash and even to have
it ironed for you. You can leave it there and collect it later, or
stay and chat to your neighbours and friends while you wait.
Either way, it is such a help – especially if you work full time. Dry
cleaning is available too as well as Shirt services and Alterations.
What if there was a class, held locally at The Angel Centre, which
was open to all levels of ability – and both men and women – where
you could learn at your own pace?
The owner, Joseph Grunfled, welcomes new customers and
currently there are some great special offers available, especially
for students and pensioners.
And you don’t have to go all the way to New York either. New
York Launderette is just at the end of the block of shops on St.
Stephen Street (Salisbury House).
Front Cover
Features the W.I. Ladies
Carrie Rogers has been teaching Yoga for
more than twenty years and her classes
are somewhere where new students can
feel welcome, and are encouraged to
take their own time. There is no feeling of
competition or of having to ‘get it right’
straight away. Alternative movements
and positions are taught if necessary
and students rest whenever they need
to. Students can work seated on chairs
if needed, sometimes using adapted
The class content is varied, but relaxation,
postures and breathing techniques are
practiced each week. People attend the
class for many reasons. Some want to
relax and de-stress, some to learn to breath, others want to stretch
and become stronger. All are beneficial to health and can lead to
a healthier lifestyle.
The views of individual writers do
not necessarily represent those of
the whole group.
E: [email protected]
T: 0161 834 8535
Yoga is practiced in bare feet and loose or stretchy clothing and
there are mats available. Classes are held on Monday at 12.30 and
Friday at 1pm (each lasts 2 hours) and the cost is £5 each session.
Tel: 0161 833 0495 (The Angel Centre)
By Laura Briggs
in salford
alford Royal Hospital was founded in 1827 as a charity,
the Salford and Pendleton Dispensary, following a public
meeting about the absence of medical facilities in Salford. A
committee set about raising subscriptions and appointing staff to
work at the first premises at 23 Broken Bank.
Alongside honorary
doctors, apothecaries
and a matron, three ‘lady
leechers and bleeders’
were employed, a vivid
reminder of treatment
methods in the early
1800s. A larger building
was soon required and the
impressive Chapel Street
hospital officially opened
for business in 1831.
This meant that constant fundraising was needed to expand the
hospital. One of the biggest projects was the Edward VII memorial
wing, which prompted some imaginative ways of raising money. In
October 1901, a Fancy Dress and Cycle Parade of 400 characters
from the Castle Irwell Racecourse to White City at Old Trafford
‘considerably boosted funds.’
The 2nd June 1941 is remembered as a terrible day in Salford
Royal’s history when a bombing raid killed 14 nurses and their
tutor, Doris Preston, who had been sheltering in the basement of
their hospital accommodation.
spit & polish
he original War Memorial sculpture
was made by the accomplished artist
George Frampton, who also designed
the Peter Pan statue in London’s Kensington
A statue was proposed of a Fusilier in review
order, “cheering for the King; sorrowful
but proud at the loss of comrades , urging
on those who survive to further deeds of
Our Lancashire Fusiliers Memorial shares
its origins with one in Bury - it was decided
that a copy of the figure should be erected
in Salford. A public meeting was held in
the town hall to discuss the question on 17
September 1902 with the mayor, Alderman
Rudman, presiding.
J. G. Groves MP, said that the welcome
given by Salford to it’s South African
veterans contrasted unfavourably with the
celebrations elsewhere. It was time, he said,
“to give a right-down good Salford welcome”
to the troops, to show the work they had
done for King and country was appreciated.
The rescue mission was led by surgeon Robert Wyse and Alex
Edwards, the Superintendent of Parks. In desperate circumstance,
the rescuers worked to free nurses trapped amongst the broken
electricity lines and gas pipes. Mr Wyse was forced to amputate
the arm of one trapped nurse, operating with the threat of rubble
about to collapse on him. Both men were later awarded medals
for their heroic efforts.
In 1861 the hospital only had 10 beds for patients; by 1905 this
had increased to 135. But as it was the ‘only general hospital in
Salford, serving a population in excess of 236,000, the number of
beds is quite inadequate’ pointed out the Salford Reporter.
gets some
The memorial, the mayor suggested, would
have two worthy functions. It would not
only “honour the names of those who went
to the front,” but also “be a very great
inducement and encouragement to the
young men of the borough who some time
might be called upon to do likewise.”
As the name suggests, the hospital benefited for royal patronage
- King William IV supported the charity, donating 25 guineas every
year. Queen Victoria and Edward VII continued to support the
hospital but this alone was not enough to meet the needs of the
growing city.
our soldier
i’m loving
He also hoped that the memorial would
remind Salford’s employers of their
obligation to reinstate veterans at their
former jobs with no loss of status. The
memorial was initially intended as a tribute
to the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of the
Lancashire Fusiliers, but it was eventually
agreed that it should represent all Salford
men who fought in South Africa.
The statue was unveiled in a short ceremony
before several thousand people by Edward
VII as part of a Royal visit to Manchester.
The statue was cleaned, moved back 10
metres and the area around it landscaped
in 1990 at a cost of £83,000. This was part
of a Council scheme to give the statue more
prominence and to make the memorial into
a “gateway into the old city.” Despite the fact
that three-quarters of the cost was met by
the government, there was a demonstration
against the planned renovation.
The latest “wash and brush-up” also
raised concerns on forum site http:// Local
school children wrote to their MP and
councillors to complain about the removal of
trees surrounding the site. The children were
reassured that trees would be replaced. The
whole area has been upgraded with high
quality materials including architectural
lighting and street furniture.
A new DDA compliant ramp has been
added with a granite clad retaining wall and
polished stainless steel handrails, granite
clad ramp and steps. The statue itself has
been cleaned and repaired by specialists.
The statue has been ‘re-bronzed’ to its
original colour. The lettering describing the
memorial has been renewed and can now
be easily read. The memorial is surrounded
by new soft landscaping, shrubs and grassed
area with 3 large trees. The monument has
four up-lighters to illuminate the statue at
The new setting is certainly impressive, and
a re-dedication ceremony is planned for
June 24th 2012 at 2pm. Visit www.salford.
Main text source the Public Monument and
Sculpture Association. (Location on the corner of
the junction between Chapel St and Oldfield road)
Though the hospital
has now been turned
into apartments, the
nurses have never
been forgotten. A
memorial plaque in
the entrance to the
building is dedicated
to the ‘Angels’. Their legacy also lives on in the Angel Centre,
formerly the skin hospital, which is named after them.
city of salford
royal british legion
tales from the river bank
- local man comes home -
he statue of Joseph Brotherton has
returned to the Salford shoreline.
Sculptured by Mathew Noble, it
originally stood outside the Salford Art
museum until 1954, before being moved
to Manchester. For the last few years he
has peered across the river Irwell from the
Manchester side of the river, close to Bridge
Street. In Spring 2012 his statue returned to
Salford, crossing the river to the opposite
bank, to come back home and be part of the
Irwell river walk.
Who was he?
He was born on 22nd May, 1783 at
Whittington, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
Joseph’s father, John Brotherton, moved
the family to Salford in 1789 and became
involved in the textile trade. Eventually
he started his own cotton manufacturing
business and, after leaving school, Joseph
worked for his father. In 1802 he became a
partner in the company.
Pictured left to right: Alan Mottershead (President of City of Salford Royal British Legion), Jim Maddran (Chairman of City of Salford Royal British
Legion), Andy Harrison (Chairman of City of Salford Royal British Legion Social Club Ltd.), Dorothy Mottershead (separate picture).
“If you have served in the forces for at least 7 days, or
are the dependant of someone who has served, The
Royal British Legion services are available to help you.“
lan was born in Fallowfield,
he joined the Manchester
Regiment in 1954 and has lived
in Ordsall for 45 years. He joined
the British Legion in 1969. Alan
remembers “ My prospective fatherin-law made me join as a condition for
allowing me to marry his daughter”.
Royal Military Police 1990-1997. He
joined the British Legion in 1998.
He works today in M3 as the Senior
Apartment Service Manager for Salix
Homes in Islington, Canon Green and
Nine Acre Court in Ordsall. His great
interest is in the welfare and wellbeing of ex- service personnel.
Jim was born in Ordsall on Monmouth
St. He served with the Royal Engineers
and has been a member of The British
Legion for over 30 years. He enjoys
tracing family history especially those
members who served in the First
World War.
Dorothy Mottershead (separate
picture) joined in 1971 to help
her parents. She is the Committee
Secretary, an ex -standard bearer and
County Treasurer of the South Lancs
Womens Section.
Andy Harrison was born in Lancaster
and served in The Royal Corps of
transport 1982-1990 and then The
Andy Harrison points out, ”We do
support servicemen in many ways,
but families and carers of ex-service
people can get our support also.”
He adds ”We run a respite home in
Southport, available when people
need a break. Membership of The
Royal British Legion is available to
all adults, not just members or exmembers of the forces and we always
welcome new members.
Our County Welfare team is here
to help. We are part of the Legion’s
extensive Poppy Support services. If
you are serving, have served or are
the dependent or carer of someone
who has served in the UK’s Armed
Forces, then you are eligible for our
The Organisation’s website also points
out how they can offer financial aid
in an urgent crisis, help homeless
ex-Service people get back on their
feet, advise on compensation claims,
offer careers advice for those looking
to make a fresh start after leaving the
Forces, arrange home or hospital visits
and much more.
Volunteers are always welcome
especially in the lead-up, during and
after the Poppy Appeal. And the
earlier you let them know, the better.
Each year their campaign starts in late
October and ends on Remembrance
Sunday and you can help in all sorts
of ways.
There is also a youth section, 12 - 18
years of age.
Much more help and advice is available, please visit: Website:
Welfare: 0161 8352611 option 3 // Email: [email protected]
Membership to Branch and Club: 0161 8722050 (Club) or [email protected] // mobile: 07800 890763
Joseph Brotherton was horrified by the
Peterloo Massacre and campaigned for a
Parliamentary inquiry into the events that
took place on the 16th August, 1819.
Brotherton was a supporter of
parliamentary reform and in 1815 became
a member of a group of Nonconformist
liberals. The group strongly objected to
a system that denied such important
industrial cities such as Manchester, Leeds
and Birmingham, representation in the
House of Commons.
The campaign was successful and in
1832 Joseph Brotherton was elected as
the Member of Parliament for Salford.
He served in the House of Commons for
the next twenty-four years. He played an
important role in the campaign for factory
legislation and was a strong supporter of the
campaign for the maximum ten hour day.
He campaigned against child labour, and for
the provision of public spaces (Peel Park)
and public museums and libraries.
Joseph Brotherton presided at the meeting
in 1847 which set up the Vegetarian Society
and his wife, Martha, had already written
the first vegetarian cookery book “Vegetable
Cookery” earlier in 1812. They were both
He died in 1857 after a full life of public service.
vegetarian pioneers of their time.
Welcome Home Mr Brotherton.
t the end on January 2012 a major feat
of engineering caused quite a stir on the
banks of the Irwell. A new pedestrian
bridge was swung into place in one piece, linking
Salford with the Spinningfields development in
Giant cranes carefully manoeuvred the new
walkway into position and created a new access
point between the two cities. The Salford side of
the bank is part of major developments on our
area. The plan is to develop hotels and offices
around a new public space called Claremont SQ.
where you are
n this issue we welcome two new contributors. Irwell
Riverside and the Salford Crescent Neighbourhood
Association. Why not come along, get involved in
making your area a better place, and support your local
group. It’s also a great way to meet your neighbours
and make new friends!
Hessel F. de Boer (Chair) writes:
Investigatory works are well underway,
to find the best solution for the
refurbishment of the two tower blocks
on Islington. TIETARA, Salix Homes and
their main contractor Forrest, are trying
to include all residents involved, to make
sure everybody will prosper throughout
this major scheme. A skip day for the
residents not living in the tower blocks laid on by Forrest, was very successful.
The green outdoor gym has been installed in
Islington Park, and the start on The Islington
Neighbourhood Games Area (TINGA) is due
to start imminently, offering lots of exercise
opportunities for resident’s, all our surrounding
neighbours and St. Philip’s CoE Primary School.
The Islington Community Centre continues to be
a beacon of activity, ranging from coffee mornings and nights, African Brazilian
dancing, bingo, kids clubs, guitar lessons, gardening club and many more
activities trying to address a range of residents interests to get involved.
We are surrounded by infrastructure improvements, from Chapel Street via
Claremont Way to East Ordsall Lane, and soon an even more comprehensive
package of parking restrictions will hopefully stop commuter parking forever.
We are welcoming through the successful Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)
any new development starting soon around Islington Street and Way.
2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of the rebirth of Islington, watch out for
more activities to come, in flyers and on our website:
It would be good for local people to get in
touch to share their own unique stories,
facts and memories of Greengate.
Perhaps a Greengate group could be
formed should there be enough interest
shown and the most interesting stories
will make it in to Salford M3.
Please do contact Marvin Herron on
[email protected]
Trinity Area Residents Group
Salford Crescent Neighbourhood Association (SCNA), made up of the residents
of Fire Station Square and the Crescent and the businesses along Acton Square,
was formed in 2009. A combination of increasing crime (burglaries of residents
homes/local businesses, car jacking and muggings), neglect of the environment
including litter/flytipping and overgrown vegetation and flyparking drove the
setting up of our Neighbourhood Association.
Andy Barclay (Chair) writes: I think we all know there are things in our local
areas that need doing. We all get frustrated when nobody takes any notice and
they don’t get done - or they get worse. We all know that asking for things to
be fixed or improved doesn’t always get a response. So you might think that the
good news stories in this update are a bit unremarkable and you may even be
tempted to say “that would have happened anyway”. But as someone who has
now seen something of the complicated processes involved in bidding, arguing
and pushing for changes, I now realise that almost nothing happens unless you
are very patient and determined.
We have achieved a great deal over the past 3 years including cleaning up of the
littering and regular litter picks; separate resident and business parking permit
schemes have stopped the flyparking and car crime.
We have also had a National Lottery Grant of £50,000 to make improvements to
the central area of Fire Station Square which has given residents a lovely green
space which makes our Square more attractive to the many visitors to the area
and an asset for the City of Salford.
Residents spotted the chance for a community garden on the site of the former
Manchester Bury Bolton canal which runs along the back of Fire Station Square.
The City Council agreed to us using the area and with a start up grant of £1000
from Greater Manchester Community Foundation Trust we built raised beds in
which to grown our own fruit and vegetables. We have made tasty healthy
meals and have held a cook and share event using our own produce. As the
garden has developed more and more residents have wanted to grown their
own food and we are very excited at being awarded at grant of £3,500 from
East Salford Community Committee which we will use to further develop our
community garden.
Thanks to the persistence of one of our local councillors we have finally had the
Brotherton Drive potholes fixed, and they should be good for at least the next
10 years. Thanks to Salford University our group has been helped to develop a
fresh, modern and interesting version of our website. We’ve
been talking about the site with our friends in Trinity Riverside and Bevill
Square/Nathan Drive Residents Groups and hope to make it into a resource for
everyone in the wider Trinity Area, so it will be more than a list of committee
members. Do please have a look and tell us what you think.
But hogging the limelight, with thanks
to Salix Homes, is the new under-8s play
area which finally opened in Trinity Park.
I’m sure the new play
equipment in landscaped grounds will
be very popular with families from all
around Trinity and beyond.
TRINITY RIVERSIDE – what it’s like to
live here – by Vic Hanley
I live at the end of Velour Close, backing on to the wonderful River Irwell.
Although the river is near to my property, even when ‘in flood’ the very high
banks either side keep the water away at - least for now!
Residents agree that they feel much happier and safer now than in 2009, when
some people thought the only option was to move away.
SCNA hold 2 formal meetings per year - the next one will be the AGM on a date
yet to be agreed in September. We hold regular social events and gatherings
throughout the year also. For more information please contact Michael Cullen,
Chair on [email protected]
Bevill Square & Nathan Drive
Residents’ Association (BSNDRA)
May 2012 marks the first anniversary of the residents in the flats in Bevill Square
and Nathan Drive officially constituting the Association although our initial
meeting was held in January 2011. We will be holding our AGM during May and
the date and other details will be on our website soon
We encourage all residents to attend and to join the Association if not members
already; there is no cost to be a member.
We are in the process of forming a
gardening group which we are calling
the “Green Team”. It is the intention
to improve our gardens and also the
surroundings of the development
including the green area in front of the
shops on St Stephen’s Street. We are
seeking funding to help finance the
project with some money also coming
from the proceeds of our own 100
Club. As well as improving the environment within, and surrounding, the
development we want to make the garden more inclusive for all residents with
additional seating areas and social events.
I have owned and lived in my property since it was built in July 1999, and so
has my neighbour. One thing that is always interesting for people visiting me
or moving in nearby, is the complete tranquillity that this end of Velour Close
provides. In the spring and summer mornings you can hear the Canada geese
calling and the ducks as they take off and land. They are all waking up on the
river bank below my bedroom window, which gives a flavour of the country to
the inner-city Salford suburb known as Lower Broughton.
The only two main issues about living here, however, is the intransient behaviour
of the management company looking after the leaseholders. They seem to
think they can set a budget without actually bothering to ensure the views of
the leaseholders are taken into account. And there is some crime on the estate.
There have been a number of burglaries, mainly caused by residents not closing
windows when going out - which might be considered a bit naive, and quite a
silly thing to do. I always try and keep my property secure.
I would encourage all residents to get in touch with the beat bobby PCSO Andy
Shaw for help and advice, in addition to using the pack the police give out to
mark your personal property, such as a TV, camera or laptop with smart water.
That is such a good idea.
Email: [email protected] for TRLRA
[email protected]
Bridgewater Residents Association
Bridgewater Residents Association (BRA) – the new supermarket is coming soon! A
new supermarket is about to arrive in M3 and Rik Critchley, Chair, reports on the
development preceding the report. The plans were for 4,000sqm (42,060sq ft) of
retail space and 41 residential units, 33 houses and 8 apartments. There is potential
to create a large number of local jobs. Plans are always changing to take account of
feedback from residents, council officers, councillors and other local stakeholders
but a key theme of sustainability and eco-design have remained.
It is likely the supermarket will be an ASDA but this has yet to be confirmed. The
project is being led by Si-Si Investments and the architect is Ian Simpson Architects, a
world renowned award winning practice. Resident groups were initially invited to an
early consultation with the developers and architects in January. A number of issues
were raised, including security, maintenance and noise nuisance. The developer
took these comments on board and held consultations with local PCSO’s. A full
consultation took place in February at Friars Primary School. Residents were invited
from over 2,000 nearby properties. Understandably, those neighbouring the site had
concerns over noise and light pollution as well as traffic and the developers have
continued to work with residents to find solutions to these concerns.
Overall, residents were pleased with the quality of the design for the supermarket,
which often have a reputation for being a bland tin box. The green roof and overall
design offer the opportunity to create an iconic landmark, something unique that
the area can have pride in. It is great to such a well-known architect being brought
in on the project. Importantly, thanks to the input from local councillors, residents
and local stakeholders all have been engaged and kept informed from an early stage,
rather than being consulted after the application has been submitted. Whatever
people’s views, this unique form of partnership has to be commended and welcomed
as a model for future developments in the area.
We hope that the principals of ecodesign, high quality architecture and local
engagement continue throughout the life
of this and subsequent proposals for the
If you would like to find out more or want
to get involved, email [email protected]
- Update May 2012 Dear Resident,
There has been lots of activity within our local community of late: the renewal
of the multi-use games area is nearly complete, the riverside walkway project
(ANACONDA) is looking great, new signage has been installed, and the greenspace in the centre of our community is now secured with a knee-high fence.
We hope residents can enjoy these facilities during the summer and for many
years to come!
Vertical Villages TARA has been exploring the option of forming a Tenant
Management Organisation (TMO). Thanks to all those that have responded, if
you haven’t completed a questionnaire there is still time left to do so. Please
drop your completed questionnaires into the Vertical Villages TARA’s letter-box
between the lifts in your foyer.
Overall our initial consultation with residents has been very positive and
residents seem optimistic about the possibility of forming a TMO. We will be
holding further foyer drop-in sessions in the remaining blocks and we’ll be
following this up with door-knocking in the blocks.
Vertical Villages TARA meets on the first Wednesday of each month In Newbank
Tower Community Room from 7.00pm
– Please come along and get involved,
we would really appreciate resident’s
Best wishes for the summer 2012.
Paul Dennett, Policy Officer Vertical
Villages TARA
Community Transport – what’s in a name?
ot a lot of people know this…there has
been a Community Transport service
in Salford for over 30 years. But what
exactly is Community Transport (CT) and how
does it benefit local people?
Jo Sugden, who is Regional Furniture Re-Use
and Recycling Manager tells us about the
organisation’s origins: “Father Bryan Scrivener,
a Reverend in Birmingham used his own land
rover to collect and deliver furniture on behalf
of his local parishioners. As the demand for
furniture grew, it became apparent that other
beneficial services could be offered. A minibus
group travel emerged and in 1966 Community
Transport was born.”
Today, Community Transport has branches in
the North West, North East and Midlands. It
is a registered charity and social enterprise
that provides three vital services for local
communities, i.e. Furniture re-use and recycling,
passenger transport and volunteer training.
“The ethos has changed little since the 1960s
and our vision is one of bringing people and
opportunities together to build cohesive
and stronger communities. The charity has
recently undergone beneficial changes with the
nationalisation and division of the three service
areas. For Salford this has meant a greater focus
on furniture re-use and recycling, (although
training and minibus hire still operates from the
site) and taking on the national furniture brand
name of CT Home,” explains Jo.
“When we talk about furniture re-use, what
we offer is a bespoke free collection service
of unwanted ‘end of life’ household items.
These can be anything from three piece suites
to wardrobes to dining tables. The furniture is
brought back to our warehouse conveniently
based on Oldfield Road where it is put on
display and individuals and families can buy it
at low cost.”
There are many benefits. Not only does this
reduce bulky waste going into landfill but it gives
pre-loved furniture a second lease of life, and
helps transform houses into homes. Jo adds,
“We work in close partnership with Salford City
Council, Salix Homes and City West Housing
on bulky item collections and we support their
tenants through the provision of low cost
furniture. Additionally without the time, effort
and goodwill of our ‘A’ Team of volunteers we
could not do what we do. Our volunteers have
the opportunity to gain some work experience
and undertake training in manual handling,
health and safety, safeguarding as well as many
other areas.”
For further information or requests for
furniture collections, furniture needed and
house removals:
T: 0161 736 8852
E: [email protected]
208a Chapel Street, M3 6BY
Tel: 0161 833 4462 / 9373
twitter: @salvationhair
help provide the following activities all year round:
tuesdays wednesdays thursdays
Creating Art: From Idea to
Learn how to develop your ideas
for art, create new work and
exhibit, all in 10 easy and practical
sessions. Sacred Trinity Church //
Tuesdays 12:30 - 13:30 // £1 per
Arts Club
Free sessions for people to
take part in drawing, painting,
photography and film making,
whilst enjoying a brew with friendly
people in a relaxed environment.
St Phil’s Church // Wednesdays
13:00 - 15:00
The North Manchester group of
The Vikings meet every other
Tuesday at Sacred Trinity Church
from 19:00 - 22:00 for combat
training and crafts. If you’re over
18 and interested in either or both,
they’d love to meet you. Contact
Chas on 07748 684138
Drumming & Dance Tuition
Manchester School of Samba focus
on Brazilian Carnival Art forms, and
teach percussion and dance for
all, beginners to advanced. Sacred
Trinity Church // Wednesdays
19:00 - 21:30.
Visit or
call Tony on 07770 916330 or 0161
232 1984 for more details
venue details
- Chapel Street & Hope UR Church, Lamb Court, Salford M3 6AF
- St Phil’s Church, Wilton Place, Salford M3 6FR
- Sacred Trinity Church, Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5DW
Unless stated otherwise, contact Chris on 0161 839 1180 or via
email [email protected] or visit www.cscarts.wordpress.
com for further details of activities, or to book a place.
Chapel Street Community Arts
Sacred Trinity Church
Chapel Street, Salford, M3 5DW
T: 0161 839 1180 // M: 07814 688 027
e: [email protected]
Ceramics drop-in
Mother and Daughter potters
Yasmin Stephens and Amber
Sanchez host a drop in pottery
session with live demonstrations,
exhibits of recent work, and you
can have a go at throwing clay for
£1. Chapel Gallery, Chapel St and
Hope URC // Thursdays 12:00 14:00 // w:
Retracing Chapel Street
An exhibition documenting
people’s memories of Salford
Streets demolished on the 1950’s
and 60’s. Chapel Gallery, Chapel St
and Hope URC // Thursdays 12:00
- 14:00
Salvation Hair Salon on Chapel
St, is a modern and welcoming,
unisex salon.
Tom and his team have many
years experience of styling and
use exclusive Aveda products.
They appreciate that you put
your trust in your hairdresser and
accommodating your individual
needs is their number one priority.
“Eleven years ago we began
to use Aveda professional hair
products, a company that uses
no petro-chemicals but just
plant and flower components
in shampoos, conditioners and
colours in a campaign to protect
the planet.”
ummer is on its way and this year the trends for ladies are going
for looser more natural styles, losing that sharp straightened
look. Tom says “we suggest lots of brighter blondes or light
copper highlights, which will look great on the beach and summer
terraces.” For men, “keep that chiselled look but add some texture
with a few highlights through the top.”
“For the summer months ahead and for those beach holidays don’t
forget to protect your hair from harmful uv rays.” Most of our retail
products have built in protection from the sun and we have a full
range of colour care shampoos and conditioners.
coming soon
Sacred Trinity Church // Tuesdays 11:00 - 12:00
An exhibition of paintings of the Salford Sioux
Indians, May 2012
open workshop
For the Sights from the other City festival, May
the secret gardens event
Various activities will be happening, June 2012
See for details
Chapel Street Community Arts is a not for profit organisation based in the Chapel Street area of Salford
Current product lines include AVEDA 100% naturally
derived products. MATRIX, an affordable professional
salon shampoo and conditioner. MILKSHAKE luxury
hair treatments and GHD top of the range stylers.
for students &
Please contact the salon for details
the w.i.
arrives in m3
let’s visit the vibe
“It’s not all Jam & Jerusalem although we do sometimes make
cakes and jam!”
find that gift // have a great meal // refresh your look!
party gems
Party Gems is open at The Vibe, a brand new
development on Broughton Lane in New Broughton.
Party Gems is packed with goodies for weddings,
parties and fun and is just waiting to be discovered.
Gemma Brookes-Ryan creates a treasure trove
of gifts for all occasions. Everything from photo
albums to crystal shoes – lots of great gifts for
A range called East of India - beautiful wooden
items – includes some real collector’s pieces. And
the selection of unique jewellery from the Big Baby
range is well worth a look.
“We offer full venue dressing services for
weddings etc., including chair covers, backdrops
and table centres. We can make your day special
with flowers, stationery, table centres, gifts
and balloons. For hen and stag parties why not
order some goody bags for your big night?” adds
“We sell fresh flowers – anything from small
bunches to hand tied arrangements, wedding
flowers and floral tributes for funerals. All designed
to suit your needs and budget.” And balloons –
everything from Mickey Mouse to Spider Man! Party
Gems offer a full balloon set up for parties and all
special occasions.(10% off all balloon packages
ordered on production of M3 magazine. Deposit
required at time of booking.)
Matchsticks Cafe Bar & Bistro is next door, owned
by Mark Ryan, a qualified chef and provider of great
lunches and some fine evening meals.
new Bistro is great and we specially like coming
along for Sunday lunch. It is such good value and
the food is excellent.”
“We are open every day for breakfast and lunch,
and until late on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
There are always special offers on and we will be
licensed in the near future. If you bring along a
copy of M3 magazine and have a full breakfast, we
will do a second one at half price for you.”
Matchsticks do a full range of coffee and all their
staff are fully barista trained. Group bookings,
including hen parties (why not come for breakfast
before heading off for the weekend?) are welcome!
The bistro has a lovely atmosphere and on Sundays
you can get a great breakfast and Sunday lunch.
Mark has been open for about eight months now
and customers are getting to know what a good
little venue this really is - word is spreading fast.
Elaine, a weekend customer, says: “We think the
A: Unit 4c Broughton Lane, Salford, M7 1US
T: 0161 708 0003
E: [email protected]
Facebook: Matchsticks Bar and Bistro
rehab hair & beauty
“We believe that before you can feel good on
the inside you need to look and feel good on the
outside.” says owner, Faye Kelly. “I would like to
offer 20% off hair appointment and 50% off spa
treatments within our packages. Just bring this
copy of M3 magazine, Issue 6 to qualify.“
“Our packages include manicure, pedicure, full
body massage and facial, normally totalling £90!
The deal is have three of the four treatments for
£45, or have all four treatments for £60 including
lunch from Matchsticks. If clients would like lunch
served on the £45 package that is chargeable at
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from
7 - 9pm. There is parking and disabled access. The main part
of the meeting is a talk, activity or demonstration, preceded by
some WI business. Members take it in turns to bake cakes for the
meetings, and there is always time for socialising. Any ideas for
the programme are welcomed.
A: Unit 4 The Vibe, M7 1US Salford
T: 0161 708 8964 // M: 07565180922
E: [email protected] // W: partygems.
biz // F:
matchsticks cafe bar & bistro
Rehab Hair and Beauty is just around the corner.
Rehab is bright and attractive, with a friendly,
relaxed atmosphere. Lots of space, several
treatment rooms, as well as two Sunbeds (stand up
& lie down).
has become more than just a hobby, something a bit different
to do once a month as a break from work and family. I’ve learnt
some new skills, tasted some fantastic cakes, met some amazing
ladies and I’ve laughed until I’ve cried.”
£5, however with the full £60 package the lunch is
There is a monthly Botox Clinic and Teeth
Whitening Clinic, both by appointment. For hair,
the usual price for a ‘Cut and Finish’ is just £22,
which is very competitive.
Rehab is open every day, except Sunday, from
09:30 - 18:00 (17:00 on Saturday). Late night is
on Thursday.
A: Unit 4d, The Vibe, Broughton Lane, Salford, M7
1US // Tel: 0161 792 4358
E: [email protected]
Facebook: ReHaB Hair and Beauty Salon
There is free parking directly outside The Vibe – so
why not come along and take a look. (The coffee is
pretty good too!)
arah Evison talks about the new Women’s Institute group
now regularly meeting at The Angel. “Being part of the
Women’s Institute is belonging to something special,
making new friends, working as a team and having fun. It gives
you the opportunity to learn, develop and pass on new skills. We
are also about having your voice heard and making a real impact
on local, national and international issues.”
WI member, Kate Hadfield, says, “I thought it was a great
opportunity to make new friends and learn different skills. I
do enjoy anything crafty and also was keen to try and improve
baking skills! I’m discovering all sorts of other great activities,
events and services in our area. I think by bringing our interests
and skills together the Salford Angels WI can have a real positive
impact on the local community too.”
Salford Angels WI formed in November 2011, is part of the
National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) and also of
the Lancashire Federation of Women’s Institutes (LFWI). There
are currently 25 members from the Salford area and they would
love to see some new faces.
Sarah adds: “ I joined the WI as I was keen to start a new hobby,
but wasn’t really sure what to do. The WI seemed the perfect
answer as I didn’t have to decide whether to take up dance
class, pub quizzes, singing, cycling, walking, knitting, baking or
anything else because all of these things are on offer. The WI
Current Programme
17 May: Belly Dancing
21 June: Cocktail Masterclass (held at Mojos Bar, Bridge
Street, Manchester)
19 July: Picnic and Cycling
16 August: Talk by Cath Bailey – GMR Producer
20 September: Clarins makeovers
18 October: AGM
15 November: Salford Angel’s 1st Birthday Party
20 December: Alternative Christmas decoration making
with local artists
Annual fee is £31.50
(please ask about
Any female over the
age of 16 can join.
Twitter: @salfordangelswi
Tel: Suzanne 07581471530 or Sarah (secretary) 07921887410
thu 07 - sat 23 june
Celebrating undiscovered creativity
across Salford & Trafford
he Secret Gardens Festival is here to celebrate the rich
creative talent in Salford and Trafford with a range of
unique events taking place across both areas. The festival
will showcase a diverse range of local undiscovered talent and
we want you to get involved and join the discovery.
There’s a wide programme of events and
activities, as well as the chance to get
involved and unleash your own creativity
to share as part of the festival. The Mosaic
at Islington Park will be the venue for the
official launch of the festival with a special
event at this beautifully restored piece of
artwork which inspired the festival itself.
Throughout the festival, there’s something
for everyone to enjoy, including a great
selection of activities taking place right
here in M3. Head to the Angel Centre for fruit foraging walks
through local community gardens, have a go at watercolour
painting, photography, film making or pottery with Chapel
Street Community Arts, or enjoy tours around Islington Mill and
explore their own secret garden.
Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of The Secret Garden, spent
part of her childhood living in the Islington area of Salford. A
mosaic based on the book was created in 2011 to celebrate
Secret Gardens
hidden gems
The Secret Gardens Festival is all about
celebrating undiscovered creativity and helping
you explore those hidden gems in all corners of
the city. If you’re looking to find your own ‘secret
the 100th anniversary of the publication of her book. Children
from 3 local schools, The Friars Primary, The Cathedral School of
St Peter and St John RC Primary, St Philip’s CE Primary and the
Islington after school club helped with the artwork in Islington
Gardens in
salford with
the bbc
A young actor from St Philip’s Primary school
rehearses a scene for the camera
Wednesday concerts
1.00pm £3.50
Free entry to the museum
every Friday from 11am to
3pm, and the first Saturday
of each month.
The mosaic is the inspiration for a
Secret Gardens Festival organised by
the Quays Participation Group and
Salford City Council, which will be held
in Salford and Trafford in June.
The festival will culminate with a special
showcase event at MediaCityUK on the
22 and 23 June, featuring a premiere
of all the films and an exhibition of
photographs from the Secret Gardens
Festival. There’ll also be artists and
groups performances throughout both days and activities and
events to enjoy.
theatre music with a lunchtime concert
performance by professional organists. With a
repertoire to set your feet tapping, it will thrill
both young and old. Enjoy a step back in time as
the theatre organ sound helps you to soak up the
atmosphere of their superb 1920’s style cinema.
Browse the sales stalls, enjoy refreshments
in cordial company, and explore the Museum
dedicated to Cheshire’s Victorian ‘Father of the
Cinema Organ’ – Robert Hope-Jones.
garden’ of creativity, why not try Lancashire
Theatre Organ Heritage Centre.
Relive the golden-era of silent film and organ
Theatre Organ Heritage
Centre, Alexandra Road,
Peel Green, Eccles, M30
7HJ. For more information go to:
uk/page4.htm or call 0161 792 1836.
salford lad’s club
Another real hidden gem in the city, Salford Lad’s Club
has not only welcomed local, but will also always be
synonymous with The Smith’s having featured in the album
artwork for their classic album ‘The Queen is Dead’.
Come and join in the fun and start your creative journey on 7
June at Islington Park.
In 2011, the club celebrated its 100th annual camping
holiday to Wales, and to coincide with this special trip, a
new collection of photographs and films from the holidays
was created. ‘Tales from Camp’ is a collection of short films
produced as the result of a year long collaboration between
Salford Lads Club and Goldsmiths College, University of
For more information about the festival and all the projects, plus
details about how to organise your own event and interactive
maps to plan your visit, go to:
View this special collection, visit the club’s website, or
contact them direct and explore the club itself. Reflect on
the rich history of Salford Lads Club and explore this unique
Children from 4 Salford primary schools
became film makers when they were invited
to make short films with the BBC Producer
Tom Reeves. Tom, who normally works for
The One Show, spent a two week career
development placement helping to bring the
children’s ideas to life. Tom was assisted by
a small team of BBC volunteers and teachers
from each school.
The children had half a day to storyboard
their films and a further day to rehearse and
shoot. They learnt to operate cameras and
sound equipment and also to take on tasks
such as the responsibility for props, costumes
and make up.
The films will be screened as part of the
Secret Gardens Festival Showcase on the Fri
22nd and Sat 23rd June - please check the
website for the latest screening times.
To see the Tales from Camp films in full and for further
details on the project go to:
or call 0161 872 3767.
jo clements
& the Secret
As part of the Secret Gardens Festival, local
artist Jo Clements will be working with The Oasis
Academy to create a hidden trail of short films
around MediaCityUK from 22 – 23 June. //
Each film can be accessed via a QR code; special
barcodes which when you scan with a smartphone
can be viewed as you explore this unique trail.
The films will focus on the possibilities for gardens
– be that actual, futuristic, imagined or virtual. In
addition a number of archive films made for public
information campaigns will be shown providing a
variety of interesting, humorous and useful facts.
The QR codes which will make up the trail will be
visible and accessible on special trail markers.
Visitors can view the different films as they follow
the trail through MediaCityUK.
The trail will be opened during the festival
showcase event on Fri 22 and Sat 23 June.
Just remember to make sure you bring your
smartphone with you and download FREE QR
code reader software so you can experience this
special interactive digital trail.
For more information head to: www. To access images and
additional information regarding the project
see: http://secretspacessecretplaces.tumblr.
// // //
By Emma Smith
Contact us at the Angel Centre:
St Philips Place Off Chapel St,
Salford, M3 2AA
T: 0161 833 0495
For this edition of M3 I was told to stop going on about all of the stuff we have
happening at our centres and turn the camera and attention back on to you! So that’s
what I’ve done! Be inspired!
he course has ‘totally changed the
future for me, I now see life in a
more positive way and I use the
techniques daily to help me relax and deal
with situations’. This is how Susan, a 60 year
from Salford, described the Mindfulness
course she’d recently completed at The
Angel Centre.
’d love to work full-time at Ordsall Hall’ was
Danielle’s response when I asked about her
future aspirations. Danielle Dewitt is 25
years old; she lives in Walkden with her mum
and the fish and has been visiting the Hall
weekly since she was a child. What about the
ghosts? Danielle merrily reeled off a load of
ghostly encounters, from spotting the white
lady herself to hearing somebody call her
name whilst volunteering at the haunted hall.
Danielle joined the knitting group at The Angel
Centre last year, ‘I didn’t feel nervous because
it felt like a really friendly place with friendly,
patient staff’ remembered Danielle. From the
knitting group, she moved on to volunteering
at Garden Needs, drumming, healthy hips
and hearts, pottery and archaeology. She’s
now busy helping to sort out a trip for the
archaeology course to Ordsall Hall! Danielle
feels that she has gained more confidence
since she’s been visiting The Angel Centre;
she knows a lot more people and is definitely
Danielle also squeezes in volunteering at
the Manchester Dogs Home; she walks the
dogs every Tuesday morning and has almost
convinced her mum to get her a dog sometime
very soon!
y experiences of mindfulness are
all good memories, it’s helped me
with my everyday life...I feel as
though I can cope better with my pain and
depression and I tend not to worry about
tomorrow and concentrate and be more
focused on today’. Jeanette
’ve been tinkering with bikes all of my life’,
that’s Sean Cain, he’s 45 years old and has
been popping down to Garden Needs for
the past 5 months. Sean found out about it
through the social prescribing programme at
The Angel Centre. The programme is available
to anybody who wants to make a change in
their life but needs a bit of a leg up.
Sean remembers feeling nervous about his
first visit to Garden Needs but quickly relaxed
in an environment that he describes as ‘fun
and interesting, with people in the same
situation as him’. Garden Needs provides him
with a structure to his week, something to look
forward to and a reason to get out of bed. ‘It’s
cathartic for all of us, we talk, support one
another, it’s a mix of characters who all get
Bikes are Sean’s first love, he’s got a garage
stuffed full of them, ‘they’ve kept me alive!’
Sean is now ‘tinkering’ with the bikes hired out
through the cycle hub scheme at The Angel
Centre. Volunteering provides Sean with ‘a
focus, not a cure, but it stops him dwelling on
his own problems!’ Sean is excited about a
visit to France later this year, ‘will you be taking
your bike?’ I ask, ‘oh yeah I’ll probably take the
fold up bike for a quick ride!’
carol &
hris Morrison is 28 years old, he’s
been volunteering in the Creation Café
since November 2011. Chris started
volunteering once a week as a pot wash,
he now volunteers 3 days a week and is
responsible for cooking some of the café’s
fresh and healthy meals. Volunteering in the
café has provided Chris ‘with the freedom to
be creative’ in an environment that ‘feels like
one big happy family’.
Chris was diagnosed with schizophrenia when
he was 19 years old, for the next 8 years Chris
stayed at home, healing, on his own ‘personal
journey to work out who he was’. He found
out about The Angel Centre through the CVS in
Eccles. Volunteering has been the best thing
to happen for Chris, he tells how it was ‘the
final piece in the puzzle to my recovery’ and
how it gave him a ‘feeling of self-worth’.
I asked Chris about his future plans, ‘As Peter
Kay once said - The world’s my lobster’. Chris
has started an NVQ Level 2 in professional
food preparation and is excited about a future
career in food!
arol Amoako–Adofo and Arrianne
Garton, both 22 and graduates in
exercise, physical activity and health
from Salford University have developed and
launched a new approach to health and
nutrition – Work Out Eat Out.
They’ve just started their ladies only
‘Trim and Tone’ on a Tuesday night at The
Angel Centre. For just £4.50 they provide
a fantastic hour class and pack you up a
healthy tea to take home to boot!
Susan had an accident at work which
prevented her from going back, in a matter
of months Susan lost her job, daily structure,
income and mobility. She started to comfort
eat, feeling more and more isolated. With
her confidence at an all time low Susan
finally got help from the practice nurse who
suggested a session with The Angel Centre’s
social prescriber, Lorraine Metcalf.
‘I cried throughout my first meeting with
Lorraine, I just didn’t know what was
happening to me’ explains Susan. Lorraine
encouraged Susan on to a Ways to Wellbeing
course followed by Strive for 5, yoga and
then Mindfulness. Describing Mindfulness
as ‘one of the best things I have ever done in
my life’ Susan now practices its techniques
daily; she’s lost weight and attends a weekly
yoga class. Susan’s aspiration for the future
is to keep a ‘healthy mind and healthy body’
and to tell as many people as possible to get
on a Mindfulness course!
Carol first visited the centre with Salford
University, impressed with the range of
activities available she started volunteering
in the Creation Café. Carol and Arrianne
developed a pilot Work Out Eat Out
programme and started leading the baby
walks to help new mums trim up, socialise
and have fun. Where do you see Work Out
Eat Out going? ‘We’d love to own something
similar to The Angel Centre, connect up
exercise and healthy food that will inspire
people to take responsibility for their health’.
Some amazing stories! Just enough space to add - check out for news on courses, social prescribing,
activities (pilates, zumba, yoga, Trim and Tone) and for 8 – 13 year
olds - the Healthy Holiday Club!
We celebrate our local schools
say ‘trees!’
ith the London Olympics 2012 on the
horizon, the children at The Friars
Primary School are actively engaged in
exciting work around the Olympic and Paralympic
In September 2011 the school was successful in
applying to join London’s 2012 official education
programme ‘Get Set’ and throughout the year
children have been encouraged to try new
sports, take part in festivals and competitions
and demonstrate a commitment to the Values
through a variety of fun and exciting activities.
The children have also had the opportunity
to learn about the history of the Ancient and
Modern Day Games, find out about some of
the teams, athletes and nations competing in
the London 2012 Games and meet the official
Mascots ‘Wenlock and Mandeville’
Sarah Toole observes: ‘The Games are the
world’s greatest festivals of sport and London
2012 has inspired children at The Friars to learn
about athletes, cultures, food and language from
all over the world. The Olympics and Paralympics
have a huge amount to teach children about
values such as team work and highlights the
importance of playing sport. The children have
particularly enjoyed following the story of the
mascots, Wenlock and Mandeville are extremely
excited about learning the London 2012 Mascot
Dance in preparation for Sports Day.’
Braidon Winter Age 5 says ‘The mascots are made
from steel and their eyes are cameras. Wenlock is
my favourite mascot.’
Lewis Carney Age 6 adds ‘I like watching the
cartoons about Wenlock and Mandeville visiting
places around our country.’
The BBC selected two children from Y1 to take
part in the maths programme ‘3,2,1 Go!’ at the
Manchester Velodrome where they met Team
GB’s paralympic athletes and timed athletes
racing around the track.
he year 5 children from St.Philip’s
primary school had the fantastic
opportunity to be photographer’s
for an entire morning when they ventured
over to Islington Park to snap images of the
local environment. The session was lead
by a photographer who was kind enough
to allow the group the chance to use Digital
SLR cameras which are usually only used by
professionals. The aim of the visit was to
capture the often over looked beauty of
inner city spaces with
the best photographs
eventually being printed
onto sheets of material. The pictures will
then be wrapped around various trees
in Clifton Country Park for the public to
admire. Everybody had a great time as was
expressed by Callum aged 10 who said, “I
loved using the cool cameras and exploring
the local area with my friends”.
Monday 25th June is Lloyds TSB National World
Sports Day and the launch of National School
Sports Week. This is the chance for The Friars
Primary School to join other schools across the
UK in celebrating the athletes and cultures of the
During School Sports Week the children will
take part in a whole host of sporting activities
where parents and the wider community will
be encouraged to get involved and support the
school. Ten children from key stage two have
been chosen to take part in the London 2012
World Sports Day Live Site Spectacular to meet
VIP guests and celebrate on a grand scale.
Headmistress, Pat Arnold, says: ‘This will
help build further on the existing excitement
and anticipation for the start of the London
2012 Games on 27th July. It also gives us the
opportunity to work with the pupils and staff in
local schools in the community in preparing for
the Olympic Games.’
he children had a cracking time
designing their own egg scenes in
a whole school competition which
brought out everybody’s sunny side and
encouraged people to have a laugh and
a yolk. Entries including the eggcellent
“Olympiceggs” and the eggtraordinary
gymnasium scene, “Eggercise”.
judge’s feathers were ruffled and their
brains scrambled as they found it
extremely difficult to peck the winning
entries. After much deliberation prizes
were awarded to one child in each year
group. The teachers were shell-shocked
with the number of children who took
part and are already looking forward to
next year’s event. But future contestants
be warned, all entries must be 100 %
original so do not go poaching other
people’s ideas.
There’s only one Mrs.Quinn!
After 40 years of hard work and loyal service
to St.Philip’s Primary School, Mrs.Quinn has
decided that the time has come to take a bow
and to head off into the sunset of retirement.
She will be missed greatly but we wish her
nothing but happiness and miles of smiles
as she takes a well deserved rest with her
husband. Mrs.Quinn will always be a part of
St.Philip’s from now until forever and the school
is thankful for all that she has ever done x
T: 0161 832 4664
T: 0161 832 6637
The New
The Cathedral
School of
St Peter and St
Bexley Square
RC Primary
Gallery showcases pupils art in
Olympic exhibition
alford Art Gallery is displaying
art works representing the 2012
Olympics. School children from
Cathedral School of St. Peter and
St.John and other local schools have
created sculptures, batiks paintings,
clothing designs and wall hangings
to present in the exhibition.
The art works represent all five
continents of the world. “I thought
it was outstanding, I was blown
away” said Rhiannan a Year 3 pupil.
roman feast
ast week Year 3 threw a lavish
Roman Party. In Roman times,
they learned, the rich people ate
dormice and pig intestines. The
class made their treats out of
marshmallows, candyfloss and
strawberry laces. They also wore
togas and tunics made out of sheets.
The classroom was turned into
an army headquarters and made
contracts for soldiers. Maverick
Muldoon said, “I liked the tasty
feats, and I would like to have lived
in Roman times.”
he Foundation Stage of The Cathedral
School of St Peter and St John RC
Primary had a fantastic afternoon when
we went to see “The Gruffalo” at the
Lowry Theatre. We were excited to travel
on a coach and then nervous when we
entered the theatre in case the Gruffalo
was hiding in there somewhere!
When the play started we were
captivated as the mouse danced and
sang, telling us the story of ‘The Gruffalo’
by Julia Donaldson. We joined in with all
the familiar parts of the story, and even
tried to help the mouse find her way to
her hazelnut.
T: 0161 834 4150 // W:
here are plans for BBQ’s, beer festivals and an everchanging array of British and continental ales. Some
18 cask ales and 127 varieties of bottled Belgian beers
should provide enough choice for all. They also serve a great
cup of coffee and delicious soft drinks.
Recently they gained another award - the North Manchester
CAMRA pub of the year 2012. They are soon going to need a
bigger trophy cabinet! Tim is planning two “meet the brewery
nights.” He explains “the first one will be with Slappmuske, a
Belgian brewery. Customers will be able to meet with their
staff to discuss the brewing process and taste a free sample.”
That sounds like an invitation worth accepting. The other
brewery will be announced shortly on their website.
Paulette is planning the new summer menu; fresh food is
available Monday to Friday from 12 noon until 4pm. With
the regular quiz nights on Tuesdays continuing as normal,
let’s hope for a great summer to enjoy the tables and chairs
outside and relax with a drink in Bexley Sq.
W: // T: 0161 832 7082
If you want to be amazed by the
extraordinary work then pop
along to the Salford Art Gallery on
the first floor. After the olympics
the art works will be returned to
the schools. Dylan Battel one of
the artists said “When I saw my
sculpture in the exhibition I was
excited and proud”.
Founation T
Stage visit to
The Gruffalo
The coming summer promises
some great times at this busy
Bexley Sq Venue
- learning through play
n Thursday 5th March we
celebrated our 1st Birthday
here at Chapel Street. We had
balloons, cakes and a Bouncy castle!
“I loved it when the snake wiggled and
told us all that we looked beautiful!”
said Karolina.
“I liked the way we the mouse tried to
get away from the animals that wanted
to eat her” said Savanna.
“I like the way we scared away the fox.
We got to roar as loud as we could like
a Gruffalo!” said Bradley.
We weren’t scared of his “terrible tusks,
and terrible claws and terrible teeth in
his terrible jaws” – in fact we thought
the Gruffalo was “exciting” “funny”
“brilliant” and “beautiful”.
On the same day we also held the
‘Toddle Waddle’ for the Meningitis Trust,
an organisation close to our hearts after
one of our children here was struck
down by the illness in 2010. Over 50
children and adults walked down Chapel
Street, along Trinity way and through
Spinningfields dressed in yellow like the
Trusts mascot Monty the Duck. Luckily
the weather stayed fine and we all
had lots of fun! The day was a massive
success and we raised nearly £1000
through sponsors from friends and
family and donations from the ‘Waddle’
Thank you to all our children and their
families for their support.
Early Learning Childcare 210-212 Chapel Street, Salford, M3 6BY
T: 0161 831 9831 // E: [email protected]
Quote from Ofsted report Nov 2011
“The staff create a stimulating
environment indoors to encourage
the children’s curiosity & imagination”
Only £50 deposit to register your
child before September!
Usually £150 // Offer expires 31/08/12
We offer the Nursery Education Grant for all 3
and 4 year olds. Free 15 hours, term time only
available to children from the term after their
3rd Birthday. Please get in touch for more details.
at the language
cafe in bexley sq
- after 36 years at the surgery in bexley square -
hen John Breislin first came
to the dental practice in
Bexley Square, it was 1981
and a very different world to the one
we find there today. He took over the
practice from Mr. Tim O’Sullivan and
the building itself was in a run down
and dilapidated state.
“I felt there was a good community
within the area and Bexley Square
was an excellent location. So I rebuilt,
extended and modernised the surgery
over several years.” John observes, “ I
have seen many changes to the area,
including the pedestrianisation of
Bexley Square and, more recently, the
development of Chapel Street itself.”
Because he has been in practice here
for so long, Mr. Breislin has treated
many families during that time, seeing
their children grow up and now
bringing along their own children.
“It leaves me feeling quite old, and
wondering where the time has gone,”
he smiles.
“I have been very lucky in having good
loyal staff working for me over the
years, several well into their second
decade with me. I would like to thank
all my patients for their loyalty and the
many, many good wishes expressed
for my retirement.”
Mr. Breislin adds, “I am pleased that I
am leaving my patients in the care of
Revive Dental, under the leadership
of Dr. Ben Atkins. I have known Ben
for many years and, along with my
loyal staff, who will be there to look
after everyone, I am sure that the
dental care of Bexley Square patients
is assured for years to come.”
Council accreditation last
September to become the
first accredited private language
school in Salford and one of around
600 in the country, Language Cafe
continues to provide a range of
language services to the local and
international community.
New language classes include Greek
and Lithuanian for children, along
with the usual French, Spanish,
Arabic and Italian.
This summer will see the first
summer school for young learners
coming from Italy and Saudi Arabia
as well as the continued social
program taking trips to famous
places in the area with students
from all over the world.
evive Dental Care is owned by Dr Ben Atkins. Dr Atkins already
has two practices, one on Rocky Lane in Monton and the other
in Davyhulme. Dr Atkins told us “At Revive Dental Care, we offer
a modern approach to dentistry, with friendly professional staff
dedicated to high quality dental care. We are looking forward to
continuing the great work that Mr Breislin has done for his patients
and developing NHS Dental Services in the local community. We wish
him all the very best for his retirement.”
The practice is currently taking on new NHS patients. If you wish to
register at the Bexley Square site, please contact the reception team
on 0161 834 5166.
T: 0161 637 1321
A: 7-9 Bexley Square, Salford, M3 6DB
We chatted to the guys from the Midi Music School on Chapel St/Bexley Sq M3 about their students and
were introduced to Lucy Ironmonger. Here she gives her views on getting recognition as a female DJ in a
predominately male environment.
She’s a DJ
n the not too distant past, having a sizeable
collection of vinyls was a prerequisite and
a stumbling block to many who wanted to
try their hand at DJing. However, this decade
has played host to the gradual acceptance of
laptop DJing, along with the production of
many affordable controllers (and a maelstrom
of torrents and filesharing). These factors
have been instrumental in the displacement
of DJing from the realms of unaffordable to
the readily accessible. Then, after your mix is
done and you get serious about promotion,
reaching a wider audience is much easier than
it used to be too. There’s no need to land a
record deal or be pally with a club promoter
- the internet readies itself with open arms to
help you share your mixes, all it asks is time
and a Soundcloud account.
Now let’s talk about the annual DJ Magazine
Top 100 DJ List. Comprised from public votes,
in 2011 not a single female made the grade.
Many will reach straight for the argument
that the DJ Mag list is by no means credible,
being too Eurocentric and topped by DJs such
as David Guetta. A litmus test of current DJ
talent... No, it’s not that, but it certainly is an
indication that something is amiss. Why? Well,
when you look at the previous history of this
list it’s clear that this result isn’t anomalous.
Since 2007, only 1 female (Claudia Cazacu)
has made it, rolling in at 93rd in 2010 - that’s
1 in 500 places. In an age where DJing is so
much more accessible, why is there still such
huge gender disparity, I hear you cry!
Let’s explore that by asking a few more
questions. ‘Does your gender determine
whether you like dance music or not?’
Somebody, please, call me when they
find that gene. ‘Have women been put off
by Lucy Ironmonger
exploring their inner DJ and producer because
of socially-conditioned technophobia, and a
dislike for being the only female in the room?’
That sounds more like it.
Kerry Anderson is the perfect person to grill
on this topic - not only is she a veteran of the
Manchester Midi School’s DJ course, but my
classmate on the Electronic Music Production
course too.
Hi Kerry! How have you come to having
such an intense relationship with electronic
My younger brother had a set of 1210’s which
I had a dabble on over the years. When I was
about 18 I joined a DJ society in the college
I was studying at - it was great to be around
a like-minded crowd. Then after years of
partying, doing the Ibiza first and then Berlin
circuit, downloading and dancing to other DJs
mixes I decided its about time to make my own
mixes. I enrolled on the MMS DJ course at the
age of 25, and went on to buy some CDJ’s. This
fed my passion for a couple of years and then
decided I wanted to make my own tunes so
again enrolled on Music Production course at
MMS which was amazing, I learned so much!
Party monster! How have you found being
a female involved in the electronic music
I felt intimidated in the days of the DJ society
as I was the only female there. No one ever
talked down to me, but I would say they more
felt sorry for me when I was trying to perfect
beat matching! When I joined the DJ course at
MMS again I was the only female, which was
still intimidating, but I soon found that I had a
lot more knowledge from my past experience
than a lot of those in the class. Mark the tutor
was a great help, I wasn’t made to feel any
different that the lads and didn’t get special
treatment which I was glad of to be honest.
What’re your feelings on the sorry state-ofaffairs that is DJ Mag’s list?
I agree with your findings about the Top 100
DJ’s, however it doesn’t tell the full story.
What you have to remember is that it covers
the commercial but forgets the underground,
which is the very nature of that sort of music you have to dig a bit deeper. I can think of lots
of women who I have seen fly the flag in the //
Lucy Ironmonger manages Zphyr Records, and spends her
spare time DJing and producing electronic music’.
underground scene - Cassy, Steffi, Margaret
Dygas, for example. These days for me I
actually think it’s beginning to slowly creep
towards a better balance - it’s not there yet
Finally, what’s your advice to females out
there who may want to give their musical
inklings more of a look-in?
My advice is go for it! I waited around long
enough and haven’t looked back since. Even
if you do end up with a class full of boys just
remember why you’re there!
Yes, there are more males on the electronic
music scene, producing and DJing. This
doesn’t mean there aren’t females doing
it too, and doing it with style - regardless of
the impression that DJ Mag casts. As Kerry
highlighted - when you dig a little you find
the likes of Maya Jane Coles, Anja Schneider,
Tokimonsta, Nina Kraviz, Peaches and Ellen
Allien, to name a few. Crucially, the reason
they’re where they are is because they made
the same decision that Kerry and I did: we
didn’t let being the only female in the room
stop us.
The great thing is that as more and more
women embrace this, being the only female
in the room scenario will fall apart. The
Manchester Midi School is a testament
to this. The current DJ course has a 50:50
gender split, and there are more females on
the Electronic Music Production course than
ever before. However, until the dance music
gene has been found, I’m staying resolute
in redressing the gender balance. Females:
explore the technical, and venture into
the wider world of electronic music! And
everyone else: encourage it!
Salford ROAR 2012
- everyone’s welcome to be part of the largest
community event on jubilee sunday 3rd june 2012!
he fun-day will include a
community/performing arts stage
with everything from Brazilian
Samba to rap artists to world-wide
cooking! Activities include junior football
and rugby tournament, refreshments,
cultural food and inter-active cooking
demonstrations led by renowned
Salford based Chef Robert Owen Brown,
children’s fairground, amusements and
entertainment area, craft stalls, market
stalls with local produce plus health and
wellbeing, community, environmental
and sustainability information available
through support groups.
Salford ROAR encourages participants
from all areas including community
based organisations, community groups,
schools, artists and individuals. If would
like to perform, display, sell something or
volunteer then we want to hear from you.
The City of Salford Lions Club in
partnership with Social Adventures and
The Orchid Group are keen to celebrate
our cultural diversity through the activities
of local groups.
Salford ROAR 2012 is brought to you by
City of Salford Lions Club in partnership
with Social Adventures and The Orchid
Proceeds will support Salford Young Carers
and St Anne’s Hospice.
You can register your interest at
[email protected] //
T: 0845 833 4974 or phone Social
adventures, T: 0161 833 0495
mma Smith will be one of the Olympic Torchbearers!
She’ll be carrying the torch on 23 June through
This is her nomination story: Emma is an innovative and
inspirational character in our community here in Salford.
First she set up a sustainable waste social enterprise
in 2002 which diverted fruit and vegetable waste from
landfill. The project created local jobs and produces
compost to feed the soils of Manchester! She is now a
Director (Trustee) and Positive Impact Manager at Social
adVentures where she has created a Community Larder
involving planting fruit trees in parks, schools and open
spaces so residents can forage for wild fruit and then make
up jams (jam making classes also provided!). In addition
she has set up a community welbeing garden centre
to provide anyone who has or is experiencing mental
distress, with training and volunteer opportunities.
She works with the local children, over 60s and even
organised knitting sessions to create a quilt for BLISS
(premature babies charity). She then cycled down to
London to deliver the patchwork quilt personally. Emma
has been a force for good in our community and her work
here in Salford M3 has made a noticeable impact in our
area. And she can run!
Congratulations to Emma from all at M3 Magazine
creative adVentures 2012
pring and Summer 2012 promises
to be an adventure at The CMC,
Bexley Square. But first, ask
yourself, “Am I ready to discover
something new?”.
If the answer is Yes, we have events
and training to entice you out of the
house and into the wonderful world of
the Secret Garden Festival.
As we grow through Spring, with
courses on photography, computers
and drumming, The CMC is moving
towards a showcase event, in June, as
part of the Secret Garden Festival.
Who knows what treasures we will
find! All we can hope for is that, The
Bank Space at The CMC, will inspire
you to get involved and discover
talents and skills that ooze with
For training and event details, please
pop in, pick up some information and
let’s see where we end up!
Peel Park BioBlitz
n Friday 23 and Saturday
24 March Peel Park played
host to a BioBlitz - the idea
of which is to intensely survey an
allotted area within 24 hours to
record as many different species
as possible. A BioBlitz is designed
so that it is not intense surveying
but a fun activity that can get the
public involved and interested in
The event was run with the Salford
Ranger Team in conjunction
with the University of Salford
Community Action Teams and
involved students, naturalists and
the local community.
On the Saturday local organizations
had stalls promoting their
work with the chance to meet
some local wildlife, including a
photogenic hedgehog rescued by
the Withington Hedgehog Trust!
Tree planting
Student volunteers from the
University of Salford Community
Action Teams were on hand to
help run the event and capture it
through photography and film –
which can be seen on the USCATs
facebook site at www.facebook.
All the data captured from the
BioBlitz was inputted through the
Greater Manchester Local Records
Centre into the Record On-line
Data Input System (RODIS) and a
report will be available soon and
a programme of events for Peel
Park is being created to take full
advantage of this beautiful space.
For further details contact Linda
Richings on 0161 295 4494 or
[email protected]
Galliford Try Infrastructure Limited
would like to take this opportunity to
thank Salford City Council and the local
community for their continuous support
and co-operation throughout
the highways and public realm
works for the Chapel Street
Regeneration Project
t the beginning of 2012 some children from St Philips School had
noticed a faded commemorative stone in Islington Park in memory
of the many adults and children buried in the grounds in the early
19th century.
They suggested a “freshen up” of the stonework and wondered if they
could plant a cherry tree in their memory. Help was at hand from Salford
City Council and their environmental team, Galliford Try ( the contractors
working on Chapel St improvements), the school staff and Friends of
Islington Park.
Information correct at time of printing
e: info@
Neighbourhood Managers
East Salford
Sheila Murtagh
Neighbourhood Management Team
Broughton Hub, 50 Rigby Street, M7
t: 0161 686 5428
Ordsall & Langworthy
Ross Spanner
Community Services Division
Ordsall Neighbourhood Office
2 Robert Hall Street, M5 3LT
t: 0161 603 4090
Residents Groups
Bridgewater Residents Association
e: [email protected]
BRA membership is £2 and open to all
residents from Bridgewater St, Poplin
Dr, Georgette Dr, Twillbrook Dr, Dean
Rd, Greengate West & Evan St.
The Islington Tenants & Residents
Association (TIETARA)
e: [email protected]
TIETARA represents tenants and
residents in the high rise flats, low
rise flats and houses in Islington.
Meetings are held every last Monday
of the month at 7pm in the Islington
Community Centre.
Trinity Area Residents Group (TARG)
e: [email protected]
Representing tenants & residents
in the Trinity area. The group meets
bi-monthly, between 6.30pm - 8.00pm
in the Angel Centre. See Targ website
for details. All Trinity residents are
Vertical Villages
e: [email protected]
VV represent represents tenants &
residents in the high rise & low rise
blocks in Blackfriars. Meetings are held
every first Wednesday of the month in
Newbank Tower at 7pm.
Bevill Square and Nathan Drive
Residents Association (BSNDRA)
Greengate Residents
e: [email protected]
Salford Crescent Neighbourhood
Association (scna)
e: [email protected]
Councillors for Irwell Riverside
Stephen Coen (Labour)
t: 07872 808019
e: [email protected]
Matt Mold (labour)
t: 07931 998 379
e: councillor.mold@
Stephen Ord (Labour)
t: 07842 548684
e: councillor.ord@salford.
Councillors for Ordsall
Alan Clague (Labour)
t: 0161 737 6975
e: councillor.clague@
Ray Mashiter (Labour)
t: 07968 389 478
e: councillor.mashiter@
Peter Dobbs (Labour)
t: 0161 877 1268
e: councillor.dobbs@
Member of Parliament
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
t: 0161 925 0705
e: blearsh@parliament.
Trinity Medical Centre
t: 0161 833 3862
Lower Broughton
Medical Centre
t: 0161 832 4915
Mocha Parade
t: 0161 839 2721
Ordsall Health centre
t: 0161 872 2021
Blackfriars Medical
138 Chapel Street, M3
t: 0161 819 4790
t: 0161 872 3372
Windsor Dental Practice
t: 0161 736 1397
Revive Dental Care
Bexley Sq t: 0161 834
Salford Royal Hospital
t: 0161 789 7373
Trafford general
t: 0161 748 4022
Manchester Royal
t: 0161 276 1234
North Manchester
t: 0161 795 4567
Royal Manchester
Childrens Hospital
t: 0161 276 1234
The Angel Center
t: 0161 833 0495
Sports Centres & Pools
Fit City Broughton
t: 0161 792 2375
t: 0161 792 2847
Fit City Clarendon
t: 0161 736 2375
Fit City Ordsall
t: 0161 848 0646
t: 0161 745 8858
(animal hospital only)
t: 08709 085311
Dog Warden
t: 0161 909 6500
t: 0161 909 6500
Local Neigbourhood
Policing Team
Central Salford
t: 0161 856 5084
East Salford
t: 0161 856 5127
Peel Park Pink Picnic whiskers pet care
he Peel Park Pink Picnic is an
annual LGBT community event
that is open to all. The event
allows people from the Salford
community to gather in the center of
Peel Park to enjoy a family-friendly
event. Last year the event attracted a
larger than expected turn out, proving it
to be more popular than we previously
thought. The field was a riot of colour
with people spread out on the grass
with picnic blankets, hampers and even
tables and chairs with pink tablecloths.
Many people entered into the spirit
of the event by bringing and wearing
anything pink.
A number of stalls were present at the
event put on by various groups and
charities. The day was filled with fun,
games and plenty of food. The game
of rounders was a hit with both the
younger and older members of the
community alike. We were pleased to
see the support from some of the local
councilors that attended the event.
Building on last year’s success we hope
that this years event will be bigger,
better and even more enjoyable. The
event will be held on 29th July 2012
between 12pm-6pm in Peel Park,
located behind the main building of
the University of Salford. For further
information and confirmation of these
details, please visit the Out IN Salford
website closer to the date. www.
- someone to care for your pet while
you are away – purrrfect!
Jean Davies of Whiskers Pet Care will take care of your pet
in your own home, which means that you can go away
without worrying about boarding fees, asking neighbours
to step in or depending on friends to look after your pet.
Jean is qualified in Animal First Aid and uses Reiki
energy to help alleviate the stress that your animal can
experience in your absence. If you have a pet cat, small
caged animal or an aquarium then take a look at Jean’s
website at for more details
or phone Jean today on: 07974 347269.
In April 2012 the plaque was moved and renovated and a cherry tree
was planted next to it, by the children (with a bit of help from the
environmental team!) and staff from St Philips School. Great team work!
(Script from commemorative stone: THIS IS THE BURIAL PLACE ON SOME
Whiskers Pet Care:
a magazine that celebrates
the local area
[email protected] OR WRITE TO:
Salford M3 Magazine // E: [email protected] // W: // T: 07880 626499 //