• Italian • Bakery • Kitchen • Chinese Friday, December 19, 2014 Published for customers of Hy-Vee Food Store, Marshall, Minnesota 56258 ATTENTION TO HY-VEE CUSTOMERS/TRADER READERS: Submit your ads only by dropping off at Hy-Vee or online at http://www.marshallhyvee.com/ index.php/trader before 7 am Mondays. No phone calls please. We reserve the right to edit or decline word advertisements that do not follow guidelines. The Trader is offered for personal advertisements and notices as a service provided by Hy-Vee for Hy-Vee customers. It is not meant for business advertisers. If you are a business and wish to advertise in the Trader please call 507-537-1551 and ask for sales or email [email protected] and someone will contact you. Ads are printed on space available basis only. WANTED: Part time work in the Marshall area. Ph. 829-7074. GIVEAWAY: 3 Kittens, 2-1/2 mo., old, 2 adult cats. Ph. 476-7731. MLS FOR SALE: Westgate Palace Resort in Orlando, FL, minutes from Disney World, across from water park & other activities, 2 bedrooms, sleeps 6-8, completely furnished, lots of room for 7 days, every other odd year, pay only maintenance fees, yours to own. Ph. 829-6714 or 537-4972. Buying or Selling a home? Call Us! FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Focus SE, good condition, $2,000. Ph. 828-5170. FOR SALE: 66” Erskine skid loader snow blower, Hyd. drive, standard flow, nice condition, $3,850; 2000 VW bug 2.0, 5 speed, 150,000 mi., new tires, runs super, $3,600. Ph. 223-5126 or 829-0211. 010314t56247db www.wilsonobrien.com 532-5756 NOTICE: We have several volunteer opportunities for our monthly Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution in Marshall. Distribution will be Tuesday, December 30, National Guard Armory. Opportunities begin at 3 p.m. Bring your friends & family. For more information email [email protected]. information on the program www.rubyspantry.org FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge Dakota, reg cab, 2 wheel drive, auto, V6, nice pick up, runs good. Ph. 872-6765 or 829-2105. LLC. NOTICE: Volunteers to deliver home delivered meals, Meals on Wheels, 10:45 a.m. takes about 1/2 hour-45 minutes, Monday-Friday. Ph. 537-6124. FOR SALE: Bedding, table cloths, dishes, books, footwear, glasses & look thru many boxes with different stuff. Ph. 537-4873. FOR SALE: 1999 Buick Century Custom 3.1, V6, PW, PL, PS, air bags both sides, 70,800 mi., always serviced, $2,950. Ph. 476-3078. 507-423-6274 070314t61893lk Cottonwood, MN www.Brians-Treeservice.com FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Impala LT, 3500, V6, 62,000 mi., auto start. Ph. 828-7452. FOR SALE: Small square bales of wheat straw, $4/bale. Ph. 530-1433. BH Electronics, Inc. FOR SALE: 1977 Arctic Cat snowmobile, JD 5 bottom plow, JD dozer, Skill 18 volt battery & charger, OMC skid loader; WANTED: Chimney brush, stick Welder IH pitless mover. Ph. 401-1113. Taking applications for full-time employment Apply in person at 604 Michigan Rd., Marshall, MN or call 532-3211 to set up an appointment. EOE/M/F/Vet/Disability 070314t61430lm Town and Country 1404 E. Lyon St. 537-3585 www.MarshallAreaHomes.com Sedation (IV & Oral) • Laser Dentistry • Implants Clear Correct Invisible Braces • ZOOM! Whitening Emergency Appointments • Flexible Financing Most Major Dental Plans Accepted • Family Friendly Flat Screen TVs in patient rooms Call Today 507-532-2233 EW N 304 W. Lyon St • Marshall, MN PATIENT L! IA EC SP www.marshallmndentist.com Headquarters 110714t65084lk 070314t61892lk 070314t61894lk MOVING SALE: 708 W 1st, Cottonwood, take Cty Rd 9 entrance, December 26, 3-7 p.m. Saturday, December 27, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Huge moving sale, 2 dehumidifiers, water softener, L Polaris men’s coat, womens XXL Wilson leather coat, new & used womens size 10 winter boots, Redwing crocks, some furniture, kitchen items, small tiller, some tools, large 4 drawer locking file cabinet, clothes, will sell anything early. Ph. 829-8088. WILL DO: Interior painting for the winter, over 20 years experience, free estimates, insured, references. Ph. 929-0621. 110714t65688lm View all our listings at: www.realestateretrievers.com 507-537-4321 • 800 E Main St. Marshall Serving Southwest MN & Southeast SD NOTICE: Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution will be held on Tuesday, December 30, 4:30-6 p.m. National Guard Armory, 500 Timmerman Drive, Marshall, $20 Cash Donation (no checks/ credit/debit/EBT Cards accepted) you will receive an abundance of grocery items. Everyone who gets hungry qualifies. Bring 2 large laundry or tote baskets for your food. Hosted by Holy Redeemer Church, in Partnership with Western Community Action, United Way of Southwest Minnesota and all area faith communities. Questions, WCA. Ph. 537-1416. NOTICE: Free ESL, GED, citizenship, and computer classes at the court house. Call Adult Basic Education for days/times. Ph. 537-7046. FOR SALE: Brown couch, 64”x33”, excellent condition, no tears or wearing, very comfortable, comes from pet & smoke free home, no delivery, must pick up, $350. Ph. 828-3041. Buying or Selling Your Home? Contact Us! 411 West Main • Marshall • 532-4401 FOR SALE: Refrigerator w/freezer on top, works good, almond, no ice maker, $250; Microwave cart, oak, good condition, very functional, $200. Ph. 215-4263. FOR SALE: Chest of drawers, 2 small cupboards, old dresser, small bookcase, round coffee table, 4.6 fridge, black, nice sofa & pillows, patio table, umbrella & stand. Ph. 752-7812. FOR RENT: Nice clean, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home; FOR SALE: 1997 Grand Cherokee, high miles, $1,200; 1996 Pontiac Bonneville, $800. Ph. 532-0848. FOR SALE: 150 bales of small square bales of grass hay, stored inside, $3.50/bale, 100 bales of straw, $3.50/bale; 4-75lb goat kids. Ph. 828-0472. FOR SALE: Clam portable fish house, 6’x5’, 4 hole, next to new, $200 or BO. Ph. 763-3562. WANTED: Someone to put pictures in albums. Ph. 829-4433. FOR SALE: Little Buddy portable heater, used twice, $30, portable Frabill fish house, folds into large suitcase, $100. Ph. 476-8801. WANTED: Refrigerator/freezer you can switch to either, 5’-15’ chest freezer; Gallon of plow coat for plow mouldboards & transport lock for IHC 4800 digger. Ph. 320-855-2565. FOR SALE: Big square alfalfa hay, small square grass hay, big round bales alfalfa grass mix. Ph. 829-8079 or 247-5443. WILL DO: House cleaning, reasonable rates, good references. Ph. 476-0930. SOUTHWESTCORPORATION ASSURANCE INSURANCE We’ve got you covered... FOR SALE: Electric stove, almond, Fridge 5’ almond, both in good condition, $180 for both. Ph. 401-7402. FOR SALE: Firewood dried 3 years, antique rocker, bar stools, walker. Ph. 829-4732. • Auto • Home • Business FOR SALE: 1996 Lumina, 2 new tires, BO. Ph. 530-8488. 507-537-1448 WANTED: Electric wheel chair. Ph. 320-269-6549. FOR SALE: 1999 Chevy Blazer, 143,000 mi., no rust, good tires & interior; Sleep number bed. Ph. 342-5739. FOR SALE: Kenmore 27” wide laundry center, washer/dryer combo, 4 years old, excellent condition, $475. Ph. 381-8965. WANTED: JD 20” corn planter, gas powered golf cart, screw in type corn dryer. Ph. 530-5199. FOR SALE: Hand held GPS Garmin, w/video & book, $50. Ph. 274-6652. FOR SALE: 1995 Chevy Suburban, 4x4, $850 firm; Loftness 8’ snowblower, $1,350; 1976 Olds Cutlass, 2 door, needs restoration, $1,350; 1976 Chevy Monte Carlo, $1,900. Ph. 430-1445. FOR SALE: Black leather Chevrolet winter front that fits, 2007-2014 Chevy trucks, almost new. Ph. 734-3042 or 530-3656. FOR SALE: Four 275-55-20 Good Year Eagle tires, aluminum rims, 65-70% tread, Dodge 5 hole, $650; One new spare tire, 275-60-20 Good Year Wrangler, w/rim, Dodge 5 hole, $150; Four 275-6020 tires, clean, 35-40% tread, $100. Ph. 828-1847. FOR SALE: Cabinet, 36”x19”x30”, 2 shelves, 2 doors, nice. Ph. 532-7584. WANTED: Allis Chalmers 2800, used on AC combines. Ph. 694-1781. 121914t66698kz 103 East Main Street • Marshall, MN nds Construction, L LC. rie Wi i a r P PWC Residential &Agricultural Construction Immediate Positions Available 507-829-3024 Polesheds • Heated Shops Concrete • Rigid Frame Steel Buildings Stamped Concrete License #BC 637835 FILL YOUR CART. 2 SIGN UP TODAY! FOR SALE: RCA 50” big screen TV, works great, with Ideas receiver in front; 4-2 way radio Regency AM this is not CB’s & amplifiers. Ph. 828-9011. WANTED: Junk cars, trucks, pay you cash & haul them away. Ph. 320-226-5842. WANTED: Good used, Lorenz 7’ snow blower, double auger. Ph. 694-1381. GIVEAWAY: Farm kittens & cats, to good home. Ph. 223-7345. FOR SALE: Closet doors, set of 48”, 72” & 18” with frames, some trim included, $25. Ph. 929-0621. FOR SALE: Maytag gas, white stove, very clean, $200 or BO. Ph. 530-2224. FOR SALE: Plastic tool box/work box for pickup, fits all sizes, $40. Ph. 247-5360. FUEL YOUR CAR. THE HY-VEE FUEL SAVER™ REWARDS PROGRAM! WILL DO: Cleaning houses or baby sitting young or old in the Tyler area. Ph. 247-3225. FOR SALE: 1993 Ford Conversion van, Econoline, blue & silver, loaded, towing package, runs good. Ph. 423-6601. 070314t61132lb FOR SALE: Electrolux upright & canister vacuums, have Electrolux shampooer, good used compact vacuum & attachments. Ph. 532-3703. FOR SALE: Rear 7’ HD Cat, 1 grader, w/carrying wheel, used very little, $975; Rafters for 46x60 building, 24” on center, $3,200 for all; Complete units of HD sliding door track, w/double roller, very good, all shedded. Ph. 360-4896 or 425-2235. FOR RENT: 4+ bedroom, farm house, $600/mo., plus utilities. Ph. 530-2382. WANTED: Driving lesson, have permit but no car, willing to pay. Ph. 828-1813. FOR SALE: Microwave over the oven mounted, excellent shape, $40 or BO. Ph. 428-9123. FOR SALE: 2 Mini Donkey Jenny’s 4 & 5 years, $300/ea. $500/pair; 11 year old paint mare, 40” bred to Buckskin, 31” stud, $350. Ph. 296-4574. FOR SALE: Blue love seat w/2 recliners, $50 or BO; Dell laptop w/mouse, $150 or BO; Lift chair, light brown, medium size, $375. Ph. 828-2655. 100314t65487lb FOR SALE: Pair JD fenders for 4010-20 or 30 series, need some metal work, $100 or BO; 1992 Olds 88, 4 door, 3800, low mileage, good dependable, cloth interior, good gas mileage; WANTED: Good heat houser, side door entry, canvas style, not a cab. Ph. 320-894-8657. FOR SALE: Strike Master ice auger 8” used approximately 10 times, excellent condition, $225, Mr. Heater, excellent condition, $45, NASCAR Winston collectibles limited edition 7 time champions Suburban R Petty & Earnhardt, Sr. Miniature Simpson helmets, J. Burton, Earnhardt Sr., J. Gordon. E Irvan, all in original boxes, playing cards in collectible tins, B. Elliott & J. Gordon +6 more collectibles, all for $125, Antique Bible 1884 Douay & Rheims, the Holy Bible containing the entire Canonical Scriptures, signatures of Arch Bishops & Bishops, leather bond w/metal clasps, $475. Ph. 763-3970. FOR SALE: Over size recliner, like new, tan, micro suede material, $75 or BO. Ph. 537-1155. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent FOR SALE: Used, white, Kenmore Elite washer, 3 speed motor w/6 speed combinations, King size capacity, heavy duty, used, white, Kenmore 27” gas dryer, both in good condition. Ph. 401-3361. FOR SALE: Table & 4 chairs, $45, Lasko tower heater, works good, $17. Ph. 320-669-7663. FOR SALE: 2001 Dakota SLT, Ext. cab, V6, 2 wheel drive, posi rear end, 7’ box, maroon topper, 119,000 mi., $3,800; 1990 Pontiac 6000, 2.5, 4 cylinder, 4 door, white, new tires, brakes, shocks, battery & many other parts, $1,600. Ph. 320-226-3626. FOR SALE: 2012 Nissan Murano AWD, w/low miles, very clean, one-owner, 33,000 mi., bright silver, accident-free, below NADA book value, $19,000. Ph. 501-6676. FOR SALE: Two portable fish houses, both are wood & canvas, smaller one is 4’x6’, bigger one is 4’x8’, $25 or BO. Ph. 828-8387. FOR RENT: Sleeping/efficiency rooms, 18 miles East of Marshall, on Hwy 19, everything included $250/mo., $75 per week, Dish TV in room, no lease. Ph. 531-1128. FOR SALE: Arachnid English mark darts 5000, older refurbished dart game, everything works great, $275; Arachnid Cricket Pro 425 talking electronic dart board, like new, $75. Ph. 532-5973. FOR SALE: 10 year old, quarter horse mare, black, ride ready, $650 have saddle and tack to go with or sell separate, $650, Arab quarter cross gelding not sure how old, rideable but I use as pasture buddy, cash only. Ph. 612-210-3256. FOR SALE: 950 head permitted cattle farm & 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, residency on 10.76 acres located 5 miles North of Marshall, on Hwy 59, located on a major highway with no road restrictions for easy freight, easement on land for hauling manure in return for taking potential bales off the land nearby. Ph. 530-7308. WANTED: Can you help transport cats from the Twin Cites/Gaylord area to Marshall on occasion, crated so no handling. Ph. 532-7422. FOR SALE: 42” snow blower attachment for a 2000 & up Cub Cadet lawn tractor, model number 190-341-100, has belts & chains for tires, $500. Ph. 227-8223. WANTED: Model cars, trucks, semi trucks & trailers, kits or put together, 1/24 or 1/25 scale. Ph. 532-3599. Rent is income based and our residents are 62 and older or disabled GIVEAWAY: 32” Panosonic TV, works good. Ph. 532-6608. Drain cleaning, experience. FOR SALE: All tackle 50% off Rapala’s & ice tackle, 100 gallon minnow tank, minnow traps, ox regulator, home security monitor w/speakers, zoom, & 4 color cameras. Ph. 530-1640. FOR SALE: B&W grain aeration for drying grain; Kory wagon box 185 w/Killbros gear; 12 tooth Allis chisel plow. Ph. 629-4095. IN HOUSE FINANCING 12 mo. NO Interest, NO Money Down We are FOR SALE: Video cassette recorder, $5, 36” grapevine Christmas wreath, w/red bow & large pine cones, $8. Ph. 532-9229. LOST: On December 6, at Wal-Mart parking lot in Marshall between 8:30-9, large amount of money. Ph. 530-5043. FOR SALE: 8” Jiffy ice auger w/american made Tecumseh motor, excellent shape, $250. Ph. 829-6579. WANTED: Working old 12g double barrel shotgun, pump 12g or revolver. Ph. 320-981-1070. WANTED: Old pocket knives, hunting knives, old jewelry, fountain pens, pocket watches. Ph. 829-9039. Cindy Robinson, FIC 101014t65589lm GIVEAWAY: Good used full size mattress & box springs, will sleep 2 adults comfortably, you must move. Ph. 532-3422. WANTED: Indiana blue harvest grape punch bowl. Ph. 320-769-2507. 917 W. Main St., Ste. A Marshall, MN 56258 507-530-7426 [email protected] FOR SALE: New 6 panel oak door 30” w/left hand opening. Ph. 320-226-8975. MNlic # 40194307 Life/Annuities/401k’s/ Disability/Long Term Care FOR SALE: 2009 Kawasaki 140 dirt bike, nice shape, well maintained, $1,495. Ph. 320-905-1920. Barrels and Arrows Gunsmithing and Sales Buy, Sell, Trade OPEN DAILY 3041 U.S. Hwy 59 GIVEAWAY: Kitten, female, soft gray tabby color, very sweet & lively indoor cat, some shots. Ph. 428-3495. FOR SALE: 2003 Chevy Impala, 166,000 mi., 3800 engine, runs great, excellent mpg, body is O.K. $2,350 or BO. Ph. 829-6788. WANTED: Any items related to Otto Brothers Dairy, Marshall. Ph. 215-2026. Justin: 507-530-5877 Greg [email protected] www.barrelsandarrows.com FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom house on acreage, double detached garage, 20 miles South of Marshall on Hwy 59, $625/mo. Ph. 605-483-3443. FOR SALE: JD 1032 snow blower, great condition, ready to blow snow, $700 or BO. Ph. 828-8539. Touching lives. Securing futures.® FOR SALE: New Inversion table, rated for individuals up to 300 lbs, easy break down for storage, turn your world up side down for better health. Ph. 829-8181. FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4x4, Ext. cab, 5.3 trailer, tow package, box liner, excellent condition, 135,000 mi., $8,000. Ph. 865-1563. FOR SALE: St. Croix Auburn corn or pellet stove, $1,100 or BO; Harman 1500 new wood furnace, that goes inside the house, $1,500 or BO. Ph. 768-3680. 405 W Main St. • Marshall • 532-5714 • Terry: 605-520-5676 FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, Tracy. Ph. 320-296-1605. FOR SALE: 1-1/2 year old, female, pomeranian, $250 or BO. Ph. 320-361-0341. WANTED: Used fuel oil barrel, not interested in spending much. Ph. 640-0480. FREE Delivery & FREE Disposal simply the best! FOR SALE: Chihuahua puppies, both female, one black & one tan, be ready to go on December 21, $150/ea., Tracy area, must pick up. Ph. 626-4214. FOR SALE: Xr80 Honda, dirt bike, $900. Ph. 734-5362. 121914t58797lm WILL DO: Ph. 872-6898. Call 507-532-4029 or email [email protected] 071814t61902kk FOR SALE: Pick up topper, 6’x10”x5’x9”, like new, $400 or BO; Queen size pillowtop mattress & box spring, excellent shape, $200. Ph. 640-1432 or 762-3224. 070314t61131lb 1 Bedroom Apartments Available FOR SALE: Four boxes of Western books. Ph. 763-3149. 1.5 miles North of Marshall on Hwy. 59 WANTED: Looking for room to rent in Marshall, needed by January, male, 49 yrs, steady income. Ph. 476-0617 or E-mail: [email protected] Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent 3 FOR SALE: 2000 JD 4700 4x4 compact tractor, power shuttle, 2014 JD loader, cab & heat, front tire chains & 7’ 3pt snowblower, $19,500. Ph. 828-2530. FOR SALE: MN State Park Mug collection 19862011, this includes the early, hard-to-find mugs, $200. Ph. 605-988-4788. FOR SALE: Springfield XDm 9mm pistol with complete carrying case, extra grips & magazine, safety lock, holster, and clip carry, in excellent condition, $600 firm. Ph. 605-595-5885. FOR SALE: Hesston National Rodeo Finals belt buckles 1980-1989 inclusive, 10 total, new, never worn, $100 cash. Ph. 276-7589. FOR SALE: Balzer tandan axle running gear, good condition, w/6, 12 ply 12.l 15, tires are in excellent condition, $1000. Ph. 530-8374. WANTED: Old paper items, 10¢ & 12¢ comic books, old 1960’s or older baseball cards, old catalogs, postcards etc. Ph. 828-9528. FOR SALE: New ATV large black hard surface enclosed lockable cargo rear rack mount storage box $85, 4 Cooper Zeon LTZ 275/60R20 tires, $40, ASUS Eee PC 1005PEB Netbook w/10” screen used very little, 11 hrs battery life w/Super Hybrid engine, Windows 7, External USB DVD drive, WiFi, E-Cam, Microsoft Office/Power Point/Works, Dell Picture Studio, Jasc Paint Shop, Windows Fax & Scan/Media Player, current Norton 360 Premier Edition Security Program, $100. Ph. 626-0243 or 746-4555. FOR SALE: Oxygen snowboard w/boots & case, very nice, $140, 1920's 3 piece bedroom set very nice condition, $475. Ph. 627-1165. James Carr (507) 532-2291 FOR SALE: Camoplast Tatou T4S UTV tracks, less than 30 hours on them, $3,750. [email protected] RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENTALS Lindsey Paulson Leasing Agent (507) 829-6582 www.carrpropertiesmarshall.com Office: 1601 Hwy 59 North, P.O. Box 1215, Marshall, MN 56258 WANTED: 2 Sukup power sweeps 8” I will size them, would consider other brands. Ph. 532-2094. FOR SALE: 16" Hereford saddle $450, 16" Circle Y saddle, $400, 16" Texas Saddle $450, 13" Tex Tan youth saddle, $250, 13" Big Horn saddle $250, 14" unmarked saddle, $200, Cinches & bridles. Ph. 828-7356. 070314t61896lk (507) 734-6381 Fax: (507) 734-6107 FOR RENT Large 1 bedroom apartment in Tyler. Nice, clean and quiet building. Laundry and parking on site. Rent based on income. Contact Shari at 507-829-2648 or Alyssa at 612-701-7058 FOR SALE: Favorite Recipes of Yellow Medicine Lutheran Cookbooks, $10 plus $3 postage. Ph. 768-3547. John’s Garage Door Service FOR SALE: Western paperback books, 30 Zane Grey & 30 by various authors, 50¢, buy 1 or 30. Ph. 532-6451 or 531-0061. Overhead Doors & Openers Installations • Repairs FOR SALE: Farm fresh eggs, $1.50. Ph. 530-7029. 4 120514t66369lb WANTED: Reloading press for rifle shells. Ph 929-1354. LOCALLY OWNED No Job too Small Great Service/Low Prices Call Anytime! 507-829-8963 FOR SALE: 72"x72" desk excellent condition, two tiered, $200, 4 drawer locking file cabinet, 42"x18"x52", $100. Ph. 829-8088. FOR SALE: Chocolate Lab/English Pointer puppies, excellent retrievers, w/pointing bred into them, mothers an excellent hunter, $150. Ph. 531-0034. 121214t66831lk 1160 County Road 63 P.O. Box 382 Balaton, MN 56115 FOR SALE: Serta twin mattress, box springs, & bed frame, like new, $100. Ph. 532-6382. FOR SALE: Electric Belgium cookie irons & stove top cookie irons. Ph. 428-3204. WANTED: Used canoe, in good condition. Ph. 626-0062. CARR PROPERTIES FOR SALE: Full over full custom made bunks, Storage drawers underneath the bunk 36"x38.5" & within the 5 steps, 16"x16", removable side rails for the top bunk. Bunks can be separated into 2 full beds, steps can be placed on either side of bunk. Ph. 249-2680. FOR SALE: Used lumber & barn siding, Used tires, 4-700x16 6 ply & 2-215x85x16 8 ply. Ph. 768-3402. WANTED: Vintage police, fire dept lights & sirens. Ph. 829-1569. FOR SALE: JD 46A & Westendof WL30 loaders choice, $750, Blade to Country plow $275, or BO. Ph. 360-8798. WANTED: IH 510 grain drill with grass, & SC case engine in good shape. Ph. 532-2094. FOR SALE: 2001 Chevy Malibu, great gas mileage car, w/new tires with only 8,000 miles, 18,500 on car, only costs $30 to fill the tank, $2,000. Ph. 430-9576. FOR SALE: 2007 Pontiac G6, 135,000 mi., PW, PL, sun-roof, rear spoiler, aluminum wheels, single disk CD player, PM, tilt steering wheel, & keyless entry, clean title & lean card, $5,500. or BO. Ph. 320-226-8023. FOR SALE: 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay. Ph. 275-3464. 071114t61615km FOR SALE: 2001 Pontiac Grand Am 75th Anniversary Edition, leather seats, sunroof, PS, 149,000 mi., $3,000 or BO. Ph. 829-7083. FOR SALE: White ivory Lab hunting dog, 1-1/2 year old, champion blood line, AKC, $500, with dog shock collar. Ph. 407-1282. FOR SALE: 1999 Grand Prix, 167,000 mi., 3.8 motor, good tires, new A/C $2,000 or BO. Ph. 605-880-6411. FOR SALE: 1988 Polaris Indy 500, great older sled, starts easy, runs great, new cover on 2-UP seat, hitch, $600. Ph. 530-5317. FOR SALE: 2004 Yamaha Raptor 660, excellent condition, $2,500 or BO. Ph. 828-8539. FOR SALE: Stainless steel nerf bars, off 2004 Chevy extended cab pickup, $200 or BO. Ph. 828-9606. FOR SALE: Child's easy bake oven, like new, used once, $25, new collectors limited M&M candy dispenser, new smaller roll vinyl flooring, baby bounce seat, used very little, also vibrates, large stainless steel roasting pan, little boys winter jackets 24m-3s, new 3D outside lighted Christmas bear. Ph. 828-5215. FOR SALE: Mesh wrapped corn stalk bales. Ph. 530-1423. FOR SALE: Vintage McKee Tom & Jerry bowl w/7 cups, excellent condition, $20. Ph. 532-3983. FOR SALE: Snowblower, MTD 2 stage 5 HP 24” cut electric start, $300 cash, JD 1/16 collector series tractors, 1935 B on steel $35, 1931 GP on steel $35, 420 crawler $100, 6400 $55, 6400 $55, all are new condition in original boxes. Ph. 276-7589. FOR SALE: 2003 Chevy S10 Crewcab, 4x4, 150,000 mi., 1999 Chevy Silverado LT, Ext cab, 4x4, 170,000 mi., both trucks have new tires & are very nice, $6,000 choice, both are Pewter. Ph. 530-5655. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent FOR SALE: Well built, beautiful oak entertainment center 59"x21"x55", TV area 35"x21"x30", 30"x21"x18.5" etched glass door, shelves, lower drawers, $200. Ph. 829-8131. FOR SALE: New Harman 1500 wood & coal furnace, has been stored in a shed protected from rain etc but has some dust on it from sitting 5 years, $1,900, comes w/blower fan & all electrical components, auto draft adjuster, heavy made to last unit, used St. Croix Auburn corn-pellet stove, $800. Ph. 768-3680. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, 2 acres, 6 miles East of Marshall, $700/mo., first month, last month & $500 deposit, references required, pets negotiable. Ph. 828-1736. FOR SALE: Brown electric lift chair, good condition, $200, like new walker w/brakes & seat, $75. Ph. 476-0790. FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Bronco 2, runs & drives, no title, make an offer, 1991 Buick Park Ave, runs & drives, but no brakes, good parts car, clean title, make offer. Ph. 828-1474. FOR SALE: 2003 Specialties sprayer, pull type, tires set on 120” center hydracrylic pump, foam marker, all hydracrylic, 60’ boom, 1000 gallon tank, 440 raven monitor x booms, $8,500. Ph. 227-2162. FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge Neon, white, high miles, good runner, no rust, 40+ mpg. nice looking car, new tires, brakes, calipers, $1,500 or BO. Ph. 612-414-5252. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Focus, 2.0l sohc, auto trans, 230,000 mi., green exterior, black interior, A/C, PL, PW, tilt, cruise, A/C, AM/FM CD recent engine work, & other repairs, tires like new in front, rear in good shape, car does have some rust on rockers, runs & drives good, good cheap car, $2,000 or BO. Ph. 530-6450. FOR SALE: Dodge 1 ton, extended cab, 4x4, dually pickup, V10, Auto $13,500 or BO. Ph. 828-4622. FOR SALE: Black Lab, Treeing Walker Coonhound puppy, male, looks like a black lab, 8 weeks old, vet checked & has had first shots, ready to go to a new home, $100. Ph. 828-4438. FOR SALE: 650 Demco wagon, 365 Demco wagon, 1,000 gallon fuel barrel w/pump. Ph. 829-6720. FOR SALE: Bumper pool table, like new, excellent shape. Ph. 828-9011. FOR SALE: 1,000 gallon LP tank, $1,000, buy & fill it up w/cheap LP. Ph. 320-981-2001. WANTED: Grass hay, will pay approximately $3/bale. Ph. 485-3323 or 530-1514. FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Equinox AWD, 120,000 mi., $7,500. Ph. 530-0298. FOR SALE: 2005 Pontiac Vibe, sport wagon, 1.8 motor, AT, CC, sunroof, charcoal grey, custom wheels,135,000 mi., good runner, $3,950 or BO. Ph. 605-237-3295. COMPLETE BUILDING PRODUCTS CENTER HOME DESIGN • AG BUILDING • MILLWORK WINDOWS • SIDING • CABINETS 121914t58725lm FOR SALE: 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix, 142,000 miles, nice car for work or school, St Croix corn/pellet stove, Lancaster model, works like new. $800 or BO. Ph. 215-1945. WANTED: Handyman jobs such as hanging curtain rods or blinds, tasks around the house. Prefer in Marshall, Responsible adult, wage negotiable. Ph. 401-6693. Locally Owned &Operated 508 Baseline Road • Marshall, MN • 507-537-1479 Murray’s Auto Glass, Inc. Mobile Glass Service, Windshield & Chip Repair Tractor Cab Glass Service Marshall’s Only Locally Owned Specialty Auto Glass Shop Murray Sullivan - Owner, over 30 yrs. experience 507-537-1173 • [email protected] 200 West College Drive • Marshall, MN 121914t58818lm FOR SALE: Two motorcycle seats that will fit 2000-2006 Harley-Davidson Heritage soft tail motorcycle. Ph. 430-1326. FOR SALE: Boys leather ZR1 jacket, size 8, leather protech chaps w/fringes, size adult med, $25/ea., or BO, Evenflo car-seat, $10, Jeep Liberty 3 wheel stroller, like new, $65 or BO, Camel pool table light, $175 or BO, Sanyo home stereo system & other misc stereo equipment, make offer, 2 old desks, Misc light truck tires, 25% tread, BO; FOR RENT: Still have storage room for campers, ect. Ph. 828-4524. AUTO DETAILING by Jason Complete Interior & Exterior. For appointments & pricing call Jason @ 507-530-2672 Town &Country Agency An Independent Insurance Agency www.tcamn.com Main Office: 800 E. Main - POBox 270 Marshall, MN [email protected] 300 Front St. Russell, MN 507-823-4391 110 N. 3rd St. Hanley Falls, MN 507-768-3494 Enviro Pump–Plus 330 2nd Ave. WoodLake, MN 507-485-3111 “Where you need us… When you need us.” FOR RENT: 1 or 2 bedroom timeshare fully furnished, in Branson, Mo. anytime for 7 nights, $450 or $795. Ph. 320-269-7606. FOR SALE: 13 grass round bales, brome, stored inside, net wrapped, average 1,687 lbs. Ph. 626-0818. FOR SALE: 2005 Volkswagen Jetta TDI diesel, Silver, w/black heated cloth, very clean car, 136,000 mi., AT, sunroof, power everything, great mileage. Ph. 320-226-6550. FOR SALE: Otter medium cabin, flip over with seat, wired w/LED remote control lights, hitch & hyfax, $360, cash. Ph. 829-4820. FOR SALE: 2006 Yamaha YFZ 450, great condition, to many aftermarket parts to list, $4,500 or BO or will consider trade for fuel injected 4x4 ATV. Ph. 530-6108. FOR SALE: Fish house frame lift system, 6.5’x12’ w/3’ V-nose, well built, primed & ready for you to build your own house, $1,550 firm. Ph. 476-3105. FOR SALE: Four pair men's Wrangler jeans size 44x30, like new, $4/ea., 100’ antenna cable from Radio Shack, new, never used $20. Ph. 694-1871 or 530-2607. FOR SALE: black walnut trees, 20" push lawnmower, works good, $40, exercise bike, works good, $40, Coleman gas camping stove, 2 burners, works good, $25. Ph. 629-4242. WANTED: Queen size bed for give away. Ph. 626-5604. •Septic Tank Pumping •Portable Toilet Service 070314t61897lk FOR SALE: Prom dress, iridescent jewels on the top, turquoise, bottom of dress is vertical ruffles, text me for pictures, $175 or BO. Ph. 476-8488. FOR SALE: 2 cell phone cases w/screen protectors, for I4 cell phones. $15/ea. Ph. 360-6677. FOR SALE: 2002 Polaris 250 Trailblazer, 4 wheeler, 2 WD, good shape, $1,250, 1999 Skidoo Formula Z 500, $1,250, 2004 Husqvarna 125, $1,850, 1992 750 Yamaha Verago, $1,850 both in excellent shape, or trade either for 600-700 snowmobile or a car, 2001 Glasstron 19-1/2’ boat w/5.0, V8, very good shape, $10,900, 2003 Jayco Kiwi Too, smooth side camper, w/slideout, sleeps 7-8, $8,950. Ph. 530-0075. FOR SALE: Grass hay big round bales. Ph. 828-4622. 070314t61895lk FOR SALE: Brand new 10’x8’ metal storage shed, white, w/brown trim, never been put up still in box, $300 or BO. Ph. 320-9789-0353. 1-800-530-9607 MPCA #573 FOR SALE: Registered 2002 Sorrel Quarter horse gelding, 15 hands, good boy, loads well, sound $900 or BO, Variety of tack, 15" saddle, good condition $400 or BO, Very nice 1975 Hale 2 horse trailer $2000 or BO. Ph. 828-1083. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent 5 WANTED: Looking for a winter project, older cycles or parts from the 1960's-1970's. Bridgestone, Honda, Yamaha ETC. Ph. 320-269-8949. WANTED: 2000+ sq. ft. insulated & heated building w/high ceilings & bathroom. Ph. 828-9036. FOR SALE: 1972 JD JDX4 295cc, good condition, good starter snowmobile for kids, starts & runs good, checked over & ready to ride, $400 or BO. Ph. 537-1157. FOR SALE: 1/2 ton 4x4 reg cab pickup, 5L, AT, 218,000 mi., recent new plugs, plug wires, fuel filter & new battery, good running condition, $2,200 or BO. Ph. 430-6153. FOR SALE: Half black lab/ half rottweiler puppies, ready December 22, all black, 4 males & 2 females left, $175, dad is great hunter weighing 89lbs and mom is weighing at 75lbs. Ph. 828-9696. SHOP HY-VEE – “WHERE THERE’S A HELPFUL SMILE IN EVERY AISLE.” Please use this form when submitting ads or submit online at http://www.marshallhyvee.com/index.php/trader NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: – Your Ad – FOR SALE: 1998 Ford F-250, extended cab, 4x4, good tires, 246,000 mi., minimal rust, 5th wheel plate. $3,500 or BO. Ph. 320-226-0189. FOR SALE: 1996 Polaris Express, 4 wheeler, 400cc, $500, or parts. Ph. 430-7732. Ads printed on space available basis only. Please limit ad copy to 30 words, one ad per customer. All ads must be legible. Please use provided form to submit ads or submit online at http://www.marshallhyvee.com/index.php/trader. Ad deadline is Monday at 7 am - HyVee & the Marshall Independent do not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all ads. This completed form may be dropped off at HyVee, 900 E. Main St. Marshall, MN. 080114t61610lm The Trader is offered for personal advertisements and notices as a service provided by Hy-Vee for Hy-Vee customers. It is not meant for business advertisers. If you are a business and wish to advertise in the Trader please call 507-537-1551 and ask for sales or email [email protected] and someone will contact you. Ads are printed on space available basis only.
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