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22 June 2012 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 TRADE MARKS JOURNAL TRADESINGAPORE MARKS JOURNAL SINGAPORE PATENTS PATENTS TRADE TRADE MARKS MARKS DESIGNS DESIGNS PLANT VARIETIES © 2012 Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. All rights reserved. Reproduction or modification of any portion of this Journal without the permission of IPOS is prohibited. Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 51 Bras Basah Road #04-01, Manulife Centre Singapore 189554 Tel: (65) 63398616 Fax: (65) 63390252 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 TRADE MARKS JOURNAL Published in accordance with Rule 86A of the Trade Marks Rules. Contents Page 1. General Information i 2. Practice Directions iii 3. Notices and Information (A) General xii (B) Collective and Certification Marks xxxiv (C) Forms xxxv (D) eTrademarks xxxix (E) International Applications and Registrations under the Madrid Protocol (F) Classification of Goods and Services xli xlvii (G) Circulars Related to Proceeding Before The Hearings And Mediation Division 4. Applications Published for Opposition Purposes (Trade Marks Act, Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) 5. lxvi 1 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes (Trade Marks Act, Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) 6. 208 Changes in Published Applications Errata 385 Applications Amended after Publication 386 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Information Contained in This Journal The Registry of Trade Marks does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications, data records or advice nor accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. Permission to reproduce extracts from this Journal must be obtained from the Registrar of Trade Marks. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. i GENERAL INFORMATION References to “section” and “rule” in these notes are references to that section of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) and that rule of the Trade Marks Rules, unless otherwise stated. Trade Marks Journal This Journal is published by the Registry of Trade Marks in accordance with the direction of the Registrar under rule 86A. Request for past issues published more than three months ago will have to be made in writing and is charged at $12 per issue. It will be reproduced in CD-ROMs and it is to be collected at the following address: Registry of Trade Marks Intellectual Property Office of Singapore 51 Bras Basah Road #04-01 Manulife Centre Singapore 189 554 This Journal is published every Friday and on other days when necessary. Official working hours of the Registry The official working hours of the Registry are as follows: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1730 hours Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed Payment at the counter should be made during the following time period: Monday to Friday : 0830 hours to 1700 hours Enquiries For enquiries relating to official notices and other information appearing in the Journal, please contact the Registry at the following telephone number: 6339-8616 Information on trade marks is available at the Registry’s web site at: Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. ii Making Payment IPOS accepts: 1. Payment by cheque (crossed), money order and bank draft (in Singapore Dollars and drawn on banks operating in Singapore). These should be addressed to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. 2. Payment by NETS, GIRO, CashCard, eNets Debit (Internet Banking), eNets Credit (Credit Card). Information on the payment modes is available at the Registry’s web site ( Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. iii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2009 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days: This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1st day of June, 2009. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) All Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of May, 2009 LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. iv IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2008 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 26th December 2008 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 2nd January 2009 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 25th day of April 2008. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. v IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2007 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2007 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 14th day of December 2007. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. vi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 28th January 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 17th day of January 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. vii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2006 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: 23rd October 2006 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 16th day of October 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. viii IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 3 OF 2006 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 15 December 2006. A. Hours Of Business Subject to rules 79(4) and 79(6A) of the Trade Marks Rules, the hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (a) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. B. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. (2) Subject to B(1), all Saturdays shall be excluded days for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 15th day of November 2006. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. ix IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 1 OF 2005 EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the days which are to be treated as excluded days: (a) 24th December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date; and (b) 31st December 2005 is an excluded day for any business under the Trade Marks Act and Rules, where the time for doing the business expires on that date and where the business was not done by that date. Dated this 19th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. x IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2005 REGISTRATION AS ACCOUNT HOLDER TO E-FILE AND PAY BY GIRO This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Rule 78B(1) of the Trade Marks Rules, to specify the procedure for applying to the Registrar to be registered as an account holder. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 January 2006. Any person who wishes to use eTrademarks to effect a transaction and make payment by GIRO must register with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) as an Account Holder. Approval is at the sole discretion of IPOS. Upon approval, an eTrademarks account will be created in the name of the person and the person will receive a User ID and Password. To register, access IPOS address at and download the eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form. The person may appoint an Administrator to administer and manage his eTrademarks Account through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. The responsibilities of the Administrator are as follows: • • • appointment of one or more Representatives to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder; updating of the particulars of the Representatives; and removal of any Representative's rights to access eTrademarks and make payment by GIRO on behalf of the Account Holder. These responsibilities are to be conducted through the eTrademarks "Maintenance of Authorised Representatives" service. Please note that all Authorized Representatives must be CPF account holders with SingPass. The Authorized Representatives are required to sign in using their SingPass to ensure security for GIRO deductions for the online transactions. If the person does not have a GIRO account with IPOS, please complete the GIRO Application Form and submit it to IPOS. The completed eTrademarks Account Holder Registration Form and GIRO Application Form should be mailed or couriered to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore with the address 51 Bras Basah Road #0401 Plaza By The Park Singapore 189554 and attentioned to Mrs Ang-Ong Bee Lian. Fax submissions are not acceptable. Dated this 30th day of December 2005. LIEW WOON YIN REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xi IN THE REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE OF SINGAPORE PRACTICE DIRECTION NO. 2 OF 2004 HOURS OF BUSINESS AND EXCLUDED DAYS This Practice Direction is issued by the Registrar under Section 78 of the Trade Marks Act, to specify the hours of business of the Registry and the days which are to be treated as excluded days. This Practice Direction will come into effect on 1 July 2004. Hours Of Business (1) The hours of business of the Registry shall be as follows: (b) 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, except on a day which is an excluded day; and (b) 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any Saturday which is not an excluded day. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), for the purposes of carrying out of any transaction referred to in rule 78A(2) by means of the electronic online system, the Registry shall be taken to be open every day at all hours, except on any day which is an excluded day for the purposes of carrying out of transactions by means of the electronic online system. Excluded Days (1) All Sundays, public holidays and such other days as the Registrar may specify, shall be excluded days for all purposes under the Act and the Rules. Dated this 1st day of July 2004. CHIAM LU LIN ACTING REGISTRAR REGISTRY OF TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xii NOTICES AND INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TRADE MARK APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION PROCEDURES A) GENERAL Pre-2004 Circulars Amendment to Specification Presently, whenever the Registrar raises an objection to the specification of goods or services, the agent representing the applicant would write to the Registrar with a proposed amendment to the specification. Only if the Registrar agrees to the proposed amendment will the agent file Form TM 27 to effect the amendment. The processing of such letters by the Registrar slows down the registration process considerably. To shorten the registration process, agents should file Form TM 27 to effect the amendment straightaway instead of writing to the Registrar for her confirmation. If agents are relying on precedents in support of the amendment, they should enclose such precedents with the Form TM 27. Certificates of Registration The Trade Marks Act 1998 was revised on 30 December 1999 and accorded the same chapter number as the repealed Trade Marks Act, that is, chapter 332. To facilitate the Registry’s operations, for both applications made under the repealed Trade Marks Act and applications made under the Trade Marks Act 1998 which have been accepted for registration and are not subject to opposition proceedings, the Registrar will issue certificates of registration which are headed: SINGAPORE TRADE MARKS ACT (CHAPTER 332) CERTIFICATE ISSUED UNDER SECTION 15(5) Description of Device on Form TM 4 The purpose of the description of device on Form TM 4 is to assist the Registrar in conducting a search for conflicting marks. The description need not be too detailed; a general description is sufficient. Disclaimers of Chinese Characters and Foreign Characters A disclaimer relating to Chinese characters is published in the Journal as follows: Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese character(s) of which the hanyu pinyin is "_________". For characters other than Chinese characters (for example, Japanese characters), the disclaimer reads: Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the ___________ character(s) of which the transliteration is "__________". Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xiii Examination Practice With Respect to Colours in Marks To avoid any confusion, this notice documents the Registrar's practice in relation to the examination of : (i) trade marks consisting solely of colours; and (ii) trade marks consisting of colours as a component or as an element in combination with other elements or components. Such examination practice has been effected by the Registrar in relation to both national applications and international registrations designating Singapore. (i) Trade Marks Consisting Solely of Colours Where the trade mark consists solely of colours, the Registrar will need to be satisfied that the colours per se are capable of distinguishing the applicant's goods or services from those dealt with by others. As it will be necessary to determine the precise scope of such a claim, it will be necessary for the applicant to provide a description of the claim in the application form. For the purpose of an illustration, if the trade mark sought for registration is the colour "neon pink" and the colour is applied to the packaging of the goods, an appropriate description would be: "The trade mark is the colour neon pink as applied to an aspect of packaging of the goods as claimed as shown in the representation of the mark on the application form". Such a description will enable the Registrar to examine the mark as filed. (ii) Trade Marks Consisting of Colours As a Component of the Mark Where the trade mark consists of colours in combination with other elements such as a letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, aspect of packaging, the trade mark will be examined as a whole. If the trade mark as a whole is capable of distinguishing the applicant's goods or services from those dealt with by others, the trade mark will be registered as filed, that is, in the colours as filed. The Registrar does not require a colour limitation in such a case. The Registrar will also not seek to clarify whether the colour(s) as an element of the mark constitute a distinctive feature of the mark or not as the mark will be examined as a whole and registration rights will be conferred on the mark as a whole. Mark Numbers Preceded by the Letter "L" Search reports obtained from the Registry and examination letters issued by the Registrar may contain references to marks with numbers preceded by the letter "L" instead of the letter "T". These are marks which have been recorded with the Registrar for purposes of rule 13. The prefix "T" refers to marks which are the subject matter of trade mark applications or registrations. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xiv (Multiple Classes, this circular was removed on 3 July 2009) Representation of Marks Marks published in the Journal and reflected on the certificates of registration appear exactly as represented on the application forms. Applicants and agents are reminded to provide clear representations of marks on the application forms. The marks should also be of reasonably large size (but not larger than A4) to ensure that all the features are clearly shown. Series Clause For applications for registration published in the Gazette on or after 15 January 1999 for opposition purposes, the series clause should read as follows: "Application for a series of _____ (number) marks." Service of Documents in Opposition, Revocation, Invalidation and Rectification Proceedings When filing notices of opposition, counter-statements and applications for revocation, invalidation or rectification with the Registrar, a copy of the same must be served on the relevant party or parties concerned. Please refer to Rules 29, 30, 31, 32, 56, 57, 58, 65, 66 and 66A of the Trade Marks Rules as amended by the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2000. The requirement of service of evidence on the relevant party or parties concerned remains unchanged. Please refer to Rules 32, 33, 34, 56, 59 and 66A. It would be greatly appreciated if trade marks agents filing the aforesaid documents with the Registrar could indicate in their covering letters that they have served the necessary on the relevant party or parties concerned in compliance with the Rules. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xv Validity of Priority Claims Under Section 10 of the Trade Marks Act 1999, a person may claim a right of priority for the registration of a trade mark from the date on which a corresponding application was filed in a "Convention country" ("Convention application") if the application for the registration of the trade mark is filed within 6 months after the date on which the Convention application is made. A "Convention country" refers to a country or territory, other than Singapore, which is a party to the Paris Convention or a member of the World Trade Organisation. For the purpose of assessing the validity of a priority claim, IPOS will assess whether the "Convention application" was filed in a relevant country which has already become a Convention country as at the date of the filing of the Convention application in the Convention country. For example, Trademark application filed in country A on 3 Oct 2001. Country A became a member of the Paris Convention or WTO on 2 Jan 2002. Trademark application filed in SG = 3 Feb 2002 (claims priority of earlier application in country A). Question: Is the claim to priority (application filed in country A) in the Singapore application valid? Answer: No 2004 Circulars (Application to Register a Change in Ownership (TM 22), Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 3/2008, dated 1 February 2008) (Application to Register a Licensee (TM 37), Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 24/2007, dated 29 June 2007) (Marks published for opposition purposes, Circular No. 16/2004, dated 2 July 2004. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 8/2009, dated 3 July 2009). Applications for registration of sound marks (Circular No. 25/2004, dated 17 December 2004) To assist the Registrar in the examination of applications for registration of sound marks, the Registrar may request the applicant to submit 2 copies of a CD-ROM recording of the sound mark sought for registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xvi 2005 Circulars (Translation of Non-English words, Circular No. 4/2005, dated 30 March 2005. This circular is replaced by Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) Amendment of Typographical Errors in Class Numbers in Form TM 4 (Circular No. 21/2005, dated 21 October 2005) An amendment of the class number in Form TM 4 may be amended by lodging Form TM 27 with fee for each amended class of goods / services, but only if (i) a re-search in the new amended class revealed no prior conflicting marks; (ii) all of the items in the specification did not fall under the class as filed but in one other class; and (iii) that mistake was obvious to a third party inspecting the Register. Three examples have been provided for illustrative purposes. Example 1: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "clothing, hats and shoes". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would be allowed. Example 2: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "all goods in this class". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would not be allowed because it would not be obvious to a third party inspecting the Register that the correct class intended to be claimed was Class 25 and not Class 5. It was possible that the applicant intended to claim all goods in Class 5. Example 3: An application was filed in Class 5 in respect of "clothing, hats and pesticides". An amendment of the class number from "5" to "25" would not be allowed, even with the deletion of the item, "pesticides" because it would not be obvious to a third party inspecting the Register that the correct class intended to be claimed was Class 25 and not Class 5. Since "pesticides" was correctly claimed in Class 5, it was possible that the applicant intended to claim "pesticides" in Class 5 but had incorrectly classified "clothing and hats" in Class 5 as well. It would be necessary for the applicant to file a fresh application in Class 25 in respect of "clothing and hats". Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xvii Trade Marks Act (Chapter 332) (2005 Revised Edition) (Circular No. 24/2005, dated 16 December 2005) Pursuant to Order Under Section 11(3) of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act (Chapter 275) [S 467/2005], the Trade Marks Act (2005 Revised Edition) came into operation on 31 July 2005. The following provisions in the 1999 Revised Edition of the Trade Marks Act have been renumbered by the Law Revision Commissioners in the 2005 Revised Edition: 1999 Ed. 8—(1) to (3) (3A) (3B) (3C) (4) (5) (6) (6A) (7) 2005 Ed. 8—(1) to (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 10—(1) to (6) (6A) (7) (8) 10—(1) to (6) (7) (8) (9) 15—(1) and (2) 15—(1) and (2) (3) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) (4) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) (5) — — (3) 19—(1), (2) and (3) (3A) (3B) (4) (5) (6) 19—(1), (2) and (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 22—(1) to (4) (5) (Deleted by Act 28/2000) (6) (7) (8) 22—(1) to (4) — (5) (6) (7) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xviii 23—(1) to (6) 23—(1) to (6) (6A) (6B) (7) (8) (7) (8) (9) (10) 34—(1) and (2) (2A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 34—(1) and (6) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 39—(1) to (4) (4A) (5) (6) 39—(1) to (4) (5) (6) (7) 42—(1) to (5) (5A) (5B) (6) 42—(1) to (5) (6) (7) (8) 45—(1) to (5) (6) (Deleted by Act 20/2004) 45—(1) to (5) — (7) (8) (9) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (9) (10) Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Act 2005 (Act No. 42 of 2005) (Circular No. 25/2005, dated 23 December 2005) Section 21 of the Statutes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Act 2005 which amends the Trade Marks Act will come into operation on 1 January 2006. A summary of some of the amendments to the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 2005 Ed.) are: Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xix (a) Convention country The definition of “Convention country” in section 2(1) is amended to provide that except in section 10 and paragraph 13 of the Third Schedule (claiming priority) “Convention country” includes Singapore. (b) Examination of application for registration An application for registration will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. (c) Collective marks An application for registration of a collective mark will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to file the regulations governing the use of the mark, pay the prescribed fee for lodging the regulations, or respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark, within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. (d) Certification marks An application for registration of a certification mark will be treated as withdrawn if the applicant fails to file the regulations governing the use of the mark, pay the prescribed fee for lodging the regulations, or respond to the Registrar’s queries or objections regarding the registrability of the trade mark, within the period specified by the Registrar for doing so. The Rules, which are being amended to come into operation on 1 January 2006, will deal with restoration of applications which are treated as withdrawn and the conditions for such restoration. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xx Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 Notification (Circular No. 27/2005, dated 30 December 2005) Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 Notification (Circular No. 27/2005, dated 30 December 2005) The above Notifications were gazetted on 28 December 2005 and it declared that the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 and Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 would come into operation on 1 January 2006. Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 which will come into force on 1 January 2006: (a) Rule 7 : Service of documents Non-fee bearing documents (except documents pertaining to hearings) may be sent to the Registry by facsimile transmission. However, each facsimile transmitted document must be legible and the responsibility for ensuring legibility rests with the sender. (b) Rule 9 : Address for service An address for service indicated on Form TM 19 and Form TM 24 is effective only for renewal maters and does not become the proprietor’s address for service for all other matters pertaining to that trade mark. (c) Rule 21 : Deficiencies in application The amendment clarifies the actions that will be taken by the Registry if minimum filing requirements are not met. (d) Rules 32, 33, 34 : Extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation/rectification proceedings The second and subsequent requests for extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation/rectification proceedings have to be made on Form TM 50, for which a fee will be imposed. (e) Rule 50 : Notice of renewal The Registrar’s notice to the proprietor informing him of the date of expiry of the trade mark registration will be sent to the proprietor’s address for service for renewal purposes, that is, the address for service indicated on Form TM 19 or Form TM 24, if one has been lodged, or if none, to the proprietor’s address for service. (f) Rule 77B : Restoration of applications treated as withdrawn Applications which are treated as withdrawn under the Act or Rules by reason that the applicant has failed to do any act on time may be restored by filing Form TM 40 with fee within three months from the date of the Registrar’s notice informing the applicant of that fact. (g) Removal of Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 have been removed and Forms TM 4, TM 11, TM 12 and TM 13 respectively will be used in their place. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxi Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 which will come into force on 1 January 2006: (a) Rule 5 : Specification of Goods/Services The amendment clarifies that the Registrar is entitled to raise an objection against vague terms in the specification of goods / services of an International Registration designating Singapore. (b) Rule 28 : Notification to International Bureau The amendment clarifies that in relation to an international application, the Registry will notify the International Bureau where the basic application is treated as withdrawn and is not restored in accordance with the Trade Marks Rules. Amendment of Trade Mark Forms Some trade mark forms have been revised and the revised forms are to be used from 1 January 2006. A separate edition of the Trade Marks Journal containing a consolidation of forms to be used in proceedings before the Registrar will be available online at from 30 December 2005. The changes made to the forms are as follows: (a) All forms have been amended to incorporate information on the estimated time needed to complete the form. (b) Amendments have also been made to Forms TM 1, TM 4, TM 11, TM 12, TM 13, TM 19, TM 22, TM 24, TM 37 and MP 1. (c) Form TM 4, TM 11, TM 12 and TM 13 will now be used in place of Forms TM 9, TM 14, TM 15 and TM 16 respectively. (d) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2005 also introduce: I. Form TM 40 for restoration of an application treated as withdrawn. The fee for this form is $130; and II Form TM 50 for second and subsequent requests for extension of time to file evidence by way of a statutory declaration in opposition/revocation/invalidation proceedings. The fee for this form is $100 in respect of each trade mark. 2006 Circular The State of Incorporation (Circular No. 30/2006, dated 27 October 2006) Please note with respect to companies incorporated in the United States of America, the state of incorporation must be indicated on all trade marks forms. This is because companies incorporated in different states of America are separate and distinct legal entities. If the state of incorporation of a United States of America company is not indicated on Form TM 4, a Form TM 26 will be required for the insertion of the state of incorporation. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxii 2007 Circulars Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 (Act No. 3/2007) (Circular No. 7/2007, dated 14 February 2007) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 has been passed by Parliament on 22 January 2007 and has received Presidential assent on 1 February 2007. Some of the key amendments include: Provision for multiple class registration Registration for trademarks is presently based on single classes. The amendments will now allow for a multi-class registration. A multi-class registration allows for one single application in multiple classes of goods and services to lead to one registration. Upon registration, the registration is maintained as one, resulting in the need to renew only once for the renewal to be effective for all the classes of goods and services registered. Division of an application for registration To complement a multiple-class system, it is now possible to divide a trademark application into two or more applications. A trademark applicant may divide up his application into two or more applications so that those classes of goods or services that do not face opposition or objection can proceed to registration first. Division will therefore expedite trademark registration where appropriate. Relief Measures for Procedural Oversight The Act also provides for relief measures to alleviate procedural mistakes by trademark applicants, notably missed time limits. The relief measures provide the avenue for a trademark applicant to maintain the rights in an application that has been filed, even when time limits have been missed. Registration of Licence of Pending Trademarks The amendments will now allow for registration of licences relating to pending trademarks. Prior to the amendments, only licences relating to registered trademarks can be recorded on the register. The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 will come into operation on a date to be notified. A copy of the Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007 can be purchased at SNP Corporation Ltd ( Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxiii Cautionary Notice on Unsolicited Mail about Unofficial Registration Services (Circular No. 13/2007, dated 11 April 2007) It has been brought to our attention that trade mark proprietors and/or agents whose trade marks have been published in recent IPOS Trade Marks eJournals are receiving letters from companies for payments for unofficial registration services. These companies use names, abbreviations or emblems that appear to be “official” and send out letters which resemble invoices to trade mark proprietors and/or agents with details of the proprietor, the trade mark, class(es) of goods or services, etc. These companies will offer to register marks in registers or publications for a fee, and in return, claim they will send the respondent a copy of the publication. Please treat such letters as unsolicited mails. These companies are neither related to nor connected with IPOS. There is no obligation to pay for such services as they are not official services. The only office constituted under Singapore laws that provides registration services for trade marks in Singapore is our office, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). Upon receiving such letter or invoice, if you are in any doubt, please consult your trade mark agent, your lawyer, or email us for clarification. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxiv Amendments to the Trade Marks Act, the Trade Marks Rules and the Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules (Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act 2007, the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007 and the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2007 have been gazetted and will come into force on 2 July 2007. The (Amendment) Act and (Amendment) Rules can be purchased at SNP Corporation Ltd ( Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007 The following is a summary of some of the amendments in Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2007: (a) Rule 17 : Division of applications for registration An application for registration may be divided, at the request of the applicant, into 2 or more separate applications for registration. The request for division is to be made on Form TM 8 and a fee of $280 is chargeable for each new divisional application created. (b) Rule 22 : Amendment of application Form TM 27 (Request to change the details of an application for registration) will no longer be used. In its place are Forms TM 27A and TM 27B. Form TM 27A is chargeable on a per class basis while Form TM 27B is chargeable on a per trade mark basis. Form TM 27A is to be used for amendments pertaining to the class number, the specification of goods or services to which the application for registration relates, or the particulars of any claim to a right of priority included in the application for registration. Form TM 27B is to be used for any other amendment not involving the above. (c) Rule 56 : Application to alter registered trade mark The proprietor of a registered trade mark may apply to the Registrar on Form TM 27B for alteration of the registered mark. Form TM 35, the form which is currently used, will no longer be used as from 2 July 2007. (d) Rule 57 : Rectification of an error or omission in the register An application to the Registrar for the rectification of an error or omission in the register may be made by the proprietor of a registered trade mark or by any other person. Where the application is made by the proprietor of a registered trade mark, the amendment shall be made on – (a) Form TM 27A, where the amendment pertains to the class number, the specification of goods or services to which the registration relates, or the particulars of any claim to a right of priority; (b) Form TM 27B, for any other amendment not involving the above. Where the application for rectification is made by any other person, the application shall be made on Form TM 28. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxv (f) Rule 77B : Reinstatement of application, right or thing Subject to certain exceptions, an applicant, proprietor or other interested person who has missed a time limit for action before the Registry, may apply on Form TM 40 to have his rights reinstated, if: 1) the request for reinstatement is made within 6 months from the date of expiration of the time limit; 2) the omitted act is completed together with the request; and 3) the failure to comply with the time limit is unintentional. Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2005 The Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2007 has been amended to make it clear that division does not apply to international registrations designating Singapore. Amendment of Trade Mark Forms Some trade mark forms have been revised and the revised forms are to be used from 2 July 2007. A separate edition of the Trade Marks Journal containing a consolidation of all Trade Mark forms will be available for sale from 29 June 2007. The changes made to the forms are as follows: (a) All forms have been amended to indicate whether the fee for that particular form is payable on a per class, per trade mark or per form basis. The fee structure is as shown in the table below. Per form basis TM 26 MP 3 Per trade mark basis TM 1 TM 7 TM 10 TM 20 TM 22 TM 27 B TM 29 TM 30 TM 31 TM 33 TM 34 TM 37 TM 38 TM 39 TM 40 TM 42 TM 46 Per class basis TM 4 TM 11 TM 12 TM 13 TM 19 TM 21 TM 24 TM 27 A TM 28 TM 32 TM 44 TM 45 TM 50 MP 1 MP 2 (b) Where fees are payable on a per class basis, such as renewal forms and opposition forms, the class numbers affected by the request, are to be indicated on the form. (c) Amendments have been made to all forms, with the exception of Form TM 23. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxvi (d) Forms TM 18 and TM 35 have been removed. (e) Forms TM 8, TM 27A and TM 27B are new. Translation of Non-English words (Circular No. 17/2007, dated 7 May 2007) For purposes of rule 20(2), where the mark consists of non-English words, it is not necessary to file with the Registrar a certified translation by a qualified translator. A copy of relevant extracts from relevant dictionaries showing the meaning of each word and the words as a whole in English will be sufficient. However, it will be necessary to indicate on the application form that the mark consists of non-English word/words. A failure to include such an indication on the application form will have to be rectified by the filing of amendment via Form TM 27 with the requisite fee. The applicant should forward to the Registrar the requisite translation and/or the transliteration together with a copy of relevant extracts from dictionaries or relevant certification as soon as possible. As regards the indication on the application form, it is necessary to submit an accurate and complete translation and/or transliteration of the non-English words in the mark. Two examples are provided below as illustration. Example 1: An application was filed for the mark consisting of three Chinese Characters which is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant’s company name. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Fei Li Shi" which has no meaning and it is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant’s company name "Philips". An appropriate indication in the Application form may read as: 9 If the mark contains or consists of word(s) not being English word(s), provide the derivation of the word(s). If it is invented, state so. If it can be translated, fill in Part 10 below. The Chinese characters of which the mark consists is derived from the Applicant's company name i.e. it is the phonetic equivalent of "Philips" 10 If the mark contains or consists of non-English word(s), and/or non-Roman character(s), provide the English translation and/or transliteration as follows: Representation of the words(s)/ characters 菲立士 Language of word(s)/character(s) Chinese Translation of each word(s)/ character(s) and the word(s)/ character(s) taken together as a whole Translation of the Chinese characters as a whole: no meaning. It is the phonetic equivalent of the Applicant's company name "Philips". Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxvii (Enclosed dictionary exact/ Certified translation/ supporting document of the same) Transliteration of character(s) Transliteration of the Chinese characters: "Fei Li Shi". Example 2: An application was filed for the mark consisting of two Chinese Characters and the word “SINGER” (which is part of the Company name). Company : THE SINGER COMPANY LIMITED The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Sheng Jia" which has no meaning. An appropriate indication in the application form may read as: 9 If the mark contains or consists of word(s) not being English word(s), provide the derivation of the word(s). If it is invented, state so. If it can be translated, fill in Part 10 below. 勝家" appearing in the mark is used to denote a brand name of The Chinese characters" Singer's product. 10 If the mark contains or consists of non-English word(s), and/or non-Roman character(s), provide the English translation and/or transliteration as follows: Representation of the words(s)/ characters 勝家 Language of word(s)/character(s) Chinese Translation of each word(s)/ character(s) and the word(s)/ character(s) taken together as a whole Translation of the Characters as a whole: no meaning. Transliteration of character(s) Sheng Jia (Enclosed dictionary exact/ Certified translation/ supporting document showing meaning of each of the Chinese characters and characters taken as whole) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxviii Application to Register a Licensee (TM 37) (Circular No. 24/2007, dated 29 June 2007) (i) Processing Of An Application To Register A Licensee (TM 37) An application to register a licence (Form TM 37) filed on or after 2/7/2007, will be processed by the Registry even though the status of the mark is still pending registration. However where the application to register a licence (Form TM 37) was filed before 2/7/2007, it will be processed only after the mark has been registered. (ii) Licence Commencement Date The licence commencement date (i.e. the date entered in Part 5 of TM 37) should not predate the date from which the proprietor’s rights in the mark accrue. For a trade mark application filed before 1/7/2004, the earliest licence commencement date is the trade mark application date or the priority date, if any. For a trade mark application filed on or after 1/7/2004, the earliest licence commencement date is the trade mark application date. (iii) Exclusive Licence Periods Do Not Overlap Where there are 2 exclusive licences or more, the licence periods involving the same goods or services should not overlap. (iv) Licensed Goods/Services Application/Registration Should Not Be Wider Than Trade Mark The list of licensed goods or services (Annex of TM 37) should not be wider than those under the trade mark application/registration. Deficiencies in applications for registration : amendments after filing (Circular No. 28/2007, dated 27 July 2007) The Registrar has been conducting formalities check on all applications for registration to ensure that they contain all formal requirements under the Trade Marks Act. Where the application does not comply with the requirements which are essential for a filing date to be accorded, the filing date will not be accorded until all the deficiencies have been rectified. In such cases, the application will be accorded the earliest date on which all essential requirements for filing date are complied with. There is no need for the correction to be accompanied by the relevant amendment form. The essential requirements for filing date are spelt out in section 5(2) and (3) of the Trade Marks Act. In respect of other deficiencies or irregularities that do not affect the filing date, amendments must be effected through the lodgement of the relevant trade mark forms, such as Form TM 27A, Form TM 27B and Form TM 26. This practice pertains only to new applications filed with effect from 01 August 2007. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxix The Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act (Circular No. 40/2007, dated 5 December 2007) The Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act was passed in Parliament on 12 November 2007. Under the Act, the following emblems may not be used in Singapore, unless approval is given by the Ministry of Health: • Red Cross emblem • Red Crescent emblem • Red Crystal emblem • Red Lion and Sun emblem Red Cross emblem Red Crescent emblem Red Lion and Sun emblem Red Crystal emblem With the commencement of the Act, the Registrar will object to trade mark applications consisting of or containing these emblems or emblems closely resembling them, under Section 7(5) of the Trade Marks Act, unless consent from the Ministry of Health is furnished. This is so even for applications lodged before the effective date of the Act. Proprietors of registered trade marks containing or consisting of such emblems, or emblems closely resembling them, should note that in spite of their registration, they have one year from 12 November 2007 to cease using the emblems. 2008 Circulars Image of e-filed mark (Circular No. 11/2008, dated 4 July 2008) IPOS has encountered certain electronic trade mark applications which have images of marks that have jagged and blurred edges in our database and the images of the mark will not appear as clear as intended by the applicants in the trade mark journal and certificate of registration. The reason for the blurred image of marks is that applicants attach images of the marks with a lot of background or blank space. To ensure that such images are not too small for viewing purposes, IPOS has to make adjustment to the marks which then result in blurred images. In order to ensure that the image of mark is accurately captured by IPOS, applicants should crop the mark with little background or blank space and save the image as approximately 480 x 480 pixel. This will remove the need for IPOS to make adjustment to the image in the publication and the registration certificate and the applicant can then obtain clear and accurate image of the mark. (Translation Clause, Circular No. 12/2008, dated 11 July 2008. This circular was removed on 1 August 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxx Return of assignment deeds and other registrable transaction documents (Circular No. 14/2008, dated 26 September 2008) The Registry will stop its practice of returning deeds of assignment and other documents lodged in support of applications for transfer of ownership and recordal of other registrable transactions. However, should the applicant wish for the return of such documents, he may make his request known at the time of lodgement of the recordal application on a covering letter accompanying the application to that effect. The letter shall provide contact details so that the Registry may make the necessary arrangements for the return of the documents. This practice will affect all applications lodged on or after 1 October 2008. Launch of e-Communications Portal on 1 December 2008 (Circular No. 17/2008, dated 28 November 2008) Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2008; Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendment) Rules 2008 (Circular No. 17/2008, dated 28 November 2008) IPOS will launch the e-Communications Portal on 1 December 2008. The eCommunications Portal is an electronic online system developed by IPOS for the main purpose of facilitating the sending, receipt and exchange of all correspondence, relating to trademark applications and prosecutions, between IPOS and registered account holders. The following firms and companies will be taking part in the pilot scheme that is scheduled for the initial period of 6 months. DREW AND NAPIER LLC DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP WONG & LEOW LLC AMICA LAW LLC LLOYD WISE ALBAN TAY MAHTANI & DE SILVA ONE LEGAL LLC PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE LTD HAQ & SELVAM NAMAZIE & CO TITO ISAAC & CO LLP PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION The Trade Marks Rules have been amended to give effect to the sending, receipt and exchange of correspondence via the e-Communications Portal. In particular, the changes in the Rules will:(a) provide for service of documents by the Registrar as well as by applicants by electronic communication through the e-Communications Portal; (b) provide for the sending of a true and complete image of the original paper document by electronic communication through the e-Communications Portal for documents that are required to be signed, made on oath or affirmed or are required to be attested; (c) provide for the extension of deadlines that fall on excluded days in spite of the availability of the e-Communications Portal; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxi (d) treat the date of receipt of documents received by IPOS as the day on which the documents are received by IPOS as long as the time of receipt is before the midnight of the day. It is to be noted that applicants must still comply with the requirement to provide an address for service under rule 9. The electronic address of these persons, if they are using the eCommunications Portal to send documents to and receive documents from the Registrar, is not intended to be part of their address for service. However, service of documents by electronic communication through the eCommunications Portal is intended to be valid service notwithstanding that there is an address for service filed in accordance with rule 9. The Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules have also been amended to permit the use of one Form for multiple classes of goods or services for Forms for use in opposition, namely Form TM 11 and Form TM 12. A copy of the Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2008 and the Trade Marks (International Registration) (Amendments) Rules 2008 are available for sale at SNP Corporation Ltd. ( Application for Renewal of Registration (Form TM 19) (Circular No. 18/2008, dated 12 December 2008) With effect from 1st January 2009, the Registrar will not be issuing renewal certificates confirming that a mark has been renewed. This is applicable to all applications for renewal of registration (Form TM 19) lodged on or after 1st January 2009. For applications for renewal made online, the renewal will be processed instantaneously and an acknowledgement of the renewal showing the extended expiry date will be displayed for printing. These acknowledgements of renewal will remain available for printing for a period of one month from the renewal application date. In very limited circumstances, such as where there are pending applications affecting the validity of the trade mark, instant renewal will not be possible and the applicant will be notified that the acknowledgement of renewal will be posted in due course. Where the application for renewal is posted or submitted over the counter, the applicant will not be receiving any acknowledgement from the Registry. The onus will be on the applicant to check the expiry date of the mark at within 2 weeks of lodgement of the application for renewal of registration (From TM 19) to confirm that the expiry date has been extended by the Registry. If the expiry date has not been extended, applicants are advised to contact our Renewal Officer at 63302 707 immediately for assistance. This change in practice does not apply to Late Application for Renewal of Registration (Form TM 24) and Application for Restoration and Renewal of Registration Removed from the Register (Form TM 21). To reflect the change in practice in Form TM 19, an information note has been incorporated into the form. This revised form should be used from 1st January 2009. A copy of the revised Form TM 19 will be available for downloading by end of December 2008 at Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxii 2009 Circulars Trade Marks Work Manual (Circular No. 5/2009, dated 24 April 2009) The Registry of Trade Marks has added six new chapters to the existing Trade Marks Work Manual. The six new chapters cover the following topics: (1) Marks contrary to public policy or morality; (2) Names and representation of famous people, building, etc; (3) Other grounds of refusal; (4) Deceptive marks; (5) Licences; and (6) Slogans. You may access the Trade Marks Work Manual online at: Marks published for opposition purposes (Circular No. 8/2009, dated 3 July 2009) The following types of publication in the Trade Marks Journal are subjected to opposition: Notice of Opposition via Form 1) Application published before registration; TM 11 2) Collective or certification marks published before registration; TM 11 3) Alteration to registered marks; TM 11 4) Amendment to regulations governing use of collective or certification marks; TM 11 5) Application amended after publication TM 11 With respect to items 3)-5), the ground(s) stated in the Notice of Opposition must be confined strictly to the alteration or amendment. The Notice of Opposition must be lodged within 2 months from the date the alteration or amendment is published in the Trade Marks journal. If an extension of time to file the notice of opposition is required, the request must be filed using Form TM 48 within 2 months from the date of publication of the alteration or amendment. The maximum extension of time for filing Notice of Opposition is 4 months from the date of publication of the alteration or amendment. Rules 29(2) to (8) and 31 to 40 apply to these oppositions with the necessary modifications. Costs for attending Case Management Conferences and Pre-Hearing Reviews (Circular No. 10/2009, dated 28 August 2009) In opposition, invalidation and revocation proceedings for trade mark applications or registrations, the Registrar has, as a matter of course, directed parties to attend case management conferences and pre-hearing reviews at the appropriate time for the purpose of achieving a just, expeditious and economical disposal of the matter pursuant to the power conferred on the Registrar in the Trade Marks Rules. The Registrar will treat the costs for attending such case management conferences and pre-hearing reviews in the same vein as for attending interlocutory hearings, which costs may be included as party and party costs under rule 73 of the Trade Marks Rules to be awarded to the successful party at the end of the proceedings. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxiii 2011 Circular Trade Mark (Amendment) Rules 2011 and Trade Mark (International Registration) Rules 2011 (Circular No. 5/2011, dated 28 October 2011) The Trade Mark (Amendment) Rules 2011 amend the Trade Marks Rules (R 1, 2008 Ed.) (the "TM Rules") and the Trade Mark (International Registration) Rules [the "TM (IR) Rules"] as follows: (a) Amendment of Rules 15 and 16 of the TM Rules, to come into effect from November 2011. (b) Amendment of the First Schedule of the TM Rules, to come into effect from December 2011. (c) Amendment to the First Schedule of the TM (IR) Rules to come into effect from December 2011. (d) Amendment of the Third Schedule of the TM Rules, to come into effect from January 2012. (a) 1 1 1 1 Rules 15 and 16 of the TM Rules Rules 15 and 16 have been amended with a view to capture various types of non-traditional trade marks applications in addition to 3D shape marks and colour marks. The amendments to Rule 15 and 16 result from the amendment to the Regulations concerning the details concerning a trade mark application under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. The rationale for this amendment is to provide for adequate means of representation of non-traditional marks avoiding procedural requirements that would be too prescriptive or onerous for applicants. (b) First Schedule of the TM Rules; Schedule to the TM The amendment to the First Schedule reflects revision in fees in respect of the following forms: TM1, TM4, TM42, TM11, TM12, TM13 and TM28. (c) First Schedule of the TM (IR) Rules The amendment reflects revision of fees in respect of form MP1. (d) Third Schedule of the TM Rules The amendment to the Third Schedule reflects changes to the Class headings and items thereunder brought about as a result of the upcoming 10th Edition of the Nice Classification. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxiv B) PERTAINING TO COLLECTIVE AND CERTIFICATION MARKS Pre-2004 Circular Publication of Collective Mark and Certification Mark Applications Collective mark and certificate mark applications are published in the Trade Marks Journal for opposition purposes before protection is granted. They are published in a separate section of the Trade Marks Journal titled "Collective and Certification Marks Applications Published for Opposition Purposes". Pursuant to the First and Second Schedules of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.), the Regulations governing the use of the collective and Certification Marks are available for inspection at the Registry of Trade Marks. 2004 Circular Regulations Governing the Use of Certification/Collective Marks (Circular No. 7/2004, dated 19 March 2004) The filing with the Registrar of regulations governing the use of certification or collective marks under rule 63 of the Trade Marks Rules must be accompanied by Form TM 10. Regulations filed without Form TM 10 will not be recognised and will be returned. The filing of TM 10 without regulations attached will also be rejected. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxv C) PERTAINING TO FORMS Pre-2004 Circular Form TM 26 A request to change the name, address or other particulars (except trading nature) of an applicant for registration, proprietor of a registered trade mark or other interested person, where the change does not affect the representation of the trade mark, should be made on Form TM 26. 2004 Circulars Form TM 26 Notification Letter (Circular No. 8/2004, dated 26 March 2004) Please note that the main purpose of the Notification Letter is to inform as to the fact that the name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor has/have been updated. Thus, the Notification Letter cannot be treated as conclusive as to the status of marks reflected therein. Where there is no reply within the given period to our latest examination report, an application will be updated as abandoned notwithstanding any interim Notification Letter from the Registrar. Form TM 1 [Request to appoint or change an agent or to enter or change an address for service] (Circular No. 18/2004, dated 30 July 2004) One Form TM 1 may be used for multiple trade mark numbers. However, the fee for this form is still charged on a per trade mark number basis unless the request is to alter an agent’s name and/or address for service which does not affect the legal entity of the agent. In such a case, only a single set of fee is payable. Kindly note that it is not necessary to lodge Form TM 1 together with forms such as TM 4, TM 9, TM 11, TM 14, TM 19, TM 22, TM 24, TM 26, TM 28, TM 29, TM 37 and TM 48 as each of these forms contains a section for the indication of an address for service. 2006 Circular Erratum - Form TM 40 (Circular No. 1/2006, dated 13 January 2006) Please note that the title of Form TM 40 should read as "REQUEST FOR RESTORATION OF APPLICATION TREATED AS WITHDRAWN" and Part 2 of the Form should read as "Particulars of applicant/registered proprietor". Please visit IPOS website at to download the corrected Form TM 40. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxvi 2007 Circular Form TM 32 (Circular No. 32/2007, dated 21 September 2007) Part 4 of Form TM 32 which used to read as “Goods or services to be cancelled” has been amended to “Goods or services to remain”. The amendment is to ensure that there is clarity in the residual specification. Please visit IPOS website at to download the amended Form TM 32. The Registrar will reject the old Form TM 32 (V02/01/07) with effect from 1 October 2007. It is also to be noted that Form TM 32 is the appropriate Form to file to effect any amendment to specifications of goods or services of registrations that has the effect of cancelling some goods or services or narrowing down the specifications. For example, Form TM 32 is to be filed to effect an amendment from "books" in Class 16 to "books relating to business management" in Class 16. 2008 Circular Application to Register a Change in Ownership (TM 22) (Circular No. 3/2008, dated 1 February 2008 ) i)Effective Date when Subsequent Proprietor/Applicant for Registration Took Ownership The effective date when the subsequent proprietor/applicant for registration took over ownership (i.e. the date entered in Part 4 of Form TM 22) should not predate the date from which the proprietor's rights in the mark accrue. For a trade mark application filed before 1 July 2004, the earliest assignment effective date is the trade mark application date or the priority date, if any. For a trade mark application filed on or after 1 July 2004, the earliest assignment effective date is the trade mark application date. ii)Address for Service of Subsequent Proprietor/Applicant for Registration The address for service entered in Part 5 of the Form TM 22 is effective for all proceedings in respect of the trade mark including the subject application for change of ownership. As such, there is no need to lodge Form TM 1 together with Form TM 22 for this purpose. Form TM 1 will be required only if:a. there is a change of agent whilst the TM 22 is being processed; or b. the agent will not be continuing to act for the subsequent proprietor / applicant for registration after TM 22 is recorded. Such Form TM 1 appointing the agent solely for "Assignment" matters (Part 3 of Form TM 1) will not be processed until a subsequent Form TM 1 appointing an agent for "Application for registration / Registration" is received. iii)Correction of Errors in Relation to a Recorded Change of Ownership Once a change in ownership has been recorded according to the request, should the owner need to correct any errors in the recorded details, Form TM 27B is required. Should the assignment(s) need to be re-recorded and re-examined, the relevant Form TM 22 with fees will need to be re-lodged. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxvii iv)Covering Letter To ensure that the transactions are recorded accurately, please lodge a covering letter stating :a. b. c. the sequence of events; the exact nature of the transaction, and the trade mark numbers involved. When e-filing, a covering letter can be attached via the “covering letter” button for eTM 22 and 27B. 2009 Circulars eCommunications (Circular No. 2/2009, dated 27 February 2009) The Registry has been receiving Trade Mark Forms via the eCommunications portal. Please note that this portal is to facilitate the exchange of correspondences only. All forms should be either eFiled, submitted over the counter or posted to us. Enhancements made to eTM 22 (Application to register a change of ownership) (Circular No. 4/2009, dated 27 March 2009) With immediate effect, users may file up to 50 trade mark numbers in one eTM 22 (Application to register change of ownership) form provided that all the trade mark numbers belong to the same assignor under the same IPOS assigned company code. A link is included in the eForm to a search page allowing applicants to check their company code. Efiling multiple assignment applications (Circular No. 4/2009, dated 27 March 2009) This is to inform users that eTrademarks may be used to efile multiple assignment applications. So long as there exists a prior assignment application which has not yet been recorded by the Registry, when the user attempts to efile a subsequent assignment application, the field under "Current Proprietor's details" is intentionally left blank by the system for the user to enter the correct details. For example in the case of an assignment from A to B (1st TM 22), and then from B to C (2nd TM 22), the user will have to input B's details manually when efiling the second TM 22. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxviii Form TM 4 - Application to register a trade mark, collective mark or certification mark (Circular No. 9/2009, dated 21 August 2009) Form MP 1 - Request to transform an international registration into national application(s) (Circular No. 9/2009, dated 21 August 2009) With effect from 15/09/2009, an Application to register a trade mark, collective mark or certification mark and a Request to transform an international registration into national application(s) must be made on version V05/01/09 of Form TM4 and MP 1 respectively. The corresponding electronic Form TM 4 available on eTrademarks will also be amended on the same day. The changes are found at Annex A of both forms and pertain to the information to be provided when making a priority claim. Annex A Annex A is amended so that where the priority claim is not in respect of all the goods or services claimed in the class, the applicant is to state the goods or services in respect of which priority is claimed. This amendment is to ensure that there is clarity in the scope of the priority claim. 2010 Circular Notification on Application to Register a Change in Ownership (TM 22) (Circular No. 5/2010, dated 26 November 2010) With immediate effect, the Registry will be issuing a notification prior to the recordal of an assignment in matters relating to an application for the registration of an assignment application in a trade mark or application for a trade mark pursuant to Rule 55 of the Trade Marks Rules. The purpose of the notification, which will be issued to the proprietor(s)/applicant(s) for registration [or their appointed agent] at the address for service in Singapore, is to provide an opportunity for the proprietor(s)/applicant(s) to inform the Registry without delay in the event they have not authorised the transaction. 2011 Circular Amendment of Form TM 46 (Circular No. 1/2011, dated 15 July 2011) To bring Form TM 46 for the "Application to register the grant, amendment or termination of Security Interest or memorandum relating to a trade mark" to be in alignment with the wordings in Rule 55(2)(d) relating to the signature of the grantor and requirements in Rule 55(3A)(d) of the Trade Marks Rules relating to the documentary evidence sufficient to establish the transaction, boxes 7 and 8 of Form TM 46 have been amended with immediate effect. Please use the new form TM 46 for all new applications filed. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xxxix D) PERTAINING TO eTRADEMARKS Pre-2004 Circular New Features of IPOS’ eTrademarks Services (1) Generation of Check Digit/Year of Trade Mark Numbers A new eService for the generation of year/check digit of Trade Mark Number is added to IPOS Online Transactions. This eService has two fields for entry. One is for the old TM No format while the other is for the new TM No format. For the old TM No format, both the year and the check digit would be generated. For the new TM No format, the check digit will be generated. This eService is already available. (2) Attachment for Form TM26 The eService for Form TM26 has been enhanced. As filing of Form TM26 usually requires a covering letter to list the TM numbers and sometimes to explain a certain situation, it can only be submitted through the counter. With this enhancement, when a Form TM26 is submitted, it allows for a covering letter to be attached to the said form. This is to facilitate the filing of Form TM26 through eTrademarks. This eService is already available. (3) Filing of mark in colour or greyscale With effect from 1 November 02, eTrademarks will be accepting colour or greyscale attachments for marks filed for Forms TM4 and TM9 in addition to the current black and white. Marks filed in colour or greyscale would be printed in greyscale for the Acknowledgement Letter, Trade Marks Journal and Certificate of Registration. Please note that viewing and printing of the mark images from the Enquiry System would still be in black and white. (4) “Save/Save As” feature The “Save/Save As” feature has been implemented on 4 December 02, from 10am onwards. This feature would be available for Forms TM4 and TM9. Any application that is saved would be kept in IPOS’ system for 3 working days excluding the current day. All saved documents residing in IPOS’ database for more than 3 working days would be removed. (5) Display Mark Image The “Display Mark Image” feature has been implemented on 4 December 02, from 10am onwards. Mark images attached to Forms TM4 and TM9 will be displayed for viewing. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xl 2004 Circular Online Trademarks Search and Enquiry System (Circular No. 4/2004, dated 6 February 2004) The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore is pleased to announce that its eTrademarks Search has been made available from 30 January 2004. The following search services have been made available through the system: Search for similar marks; Search for marks belonging to a proprietor; Search for mark detailed information, registered marks, pending marks, certification marks, collective marks, expired marks, cancelled marks, expired marks, withdrawn marks, abandoned marks, expunged marks, refused marks, destroyed marks and article 6ter based on relevant periods. The services will be offered free of charge. To access this service, please log on to the eTrademarks webpage and click on the eTrademarks Search link. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xli E) PERTAINING TO INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS AND REGISTRATIONS UNDER THE MADRID PROTOCOL Pre-2004 Circulars Singapore's Accession to the Madrid Protocol Singapore acceded to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (Madrid Protocol) on 31 July 2000. The Madrid Protocol came into operation in Singapore on 31 October 2000. Publication of International Registration Designating Singapore for Opposition Purposes International registrations designating Singapore under the Madrid Protocol are treated in the same manner as Singapore national applications, and are therefore published in the Trade Marks Journal for opposition purposes before protection is granted. They are published in a separate section of the Trade Marks Journal titled "International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.)". Unlike Singapore national applications, they are not published according to the class of goods or services, but are published according to the international registration number. Request for Recording of Changes in the Name and/or Address of the Holder for International Registrations Designating Singapore Such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) using WIPO's prescribed Form MM9(E). Form TM 26 is not the relevant form to be used. Form MM9(E) is available for downloading at Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlii 2004 Circulars Issuance of Registration Certificates for Protected International Trade Marks (Singapore) (Circular No. 13/2004, dated 18 June 2004) The Registrar has received queries as to whether IPOS issues registration certificates for protected international trade marks (Singapore). Please note that IPOS does NOT issue such certificates. Under the Madrid Protocol, an Office which has examined an international registration in which it is designated and found no grounds for refusal may issue a statement of grant of protection. However, it is not obliged to do so and no legal consequences follow from the fact that no such statement is given. Further, such statements will only be issued if it is still within the 18-month time limit from the date of notification of the international registration. Where no such statements are issued, by the end of the 18-month time limit, the international registration will be regarded as protected in Singapore. In the Singapore context, IPOS does issue such statements, as a matter of customer service, if at the time of issuance, it is still within the said period. In cases where a provisional refusal or a provisional refusal based on opposition has been issued, a confirmation or withdrawal of such a provisional refusal in the form of a letter of final decision in accordance with Rule 17(5) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of marks will be sent to the International Bureau, who will in turn transmit a copy to the holder of the international registration. Requests for Recording of Changes in the Ownership of the International Registrations Designating Singapore or where Singapore is the Office of Origin (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) For international registrations designating Singapore, in accordance with Rule 25 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM5(E). Form MM5(E) is available for downloading at Form TM 22 should not be lodged for such recordation of change in ownership. Where Singapore is the Office of Origin, requests for recording of changes in the ownership must also be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder. However, Form TM 22 may be lodged (if appropriate) to record the change in ownership of the basic application or basic registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xliii Requests for Recording of Changes in the Name and/or Address of the Holder for International Registrations Designating Singapore or where Singapore is the Office of Origin (this serves to replace an existing pre-2004 circular in the journal) (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) For international registrations designating Singapore, in accordance with Rule 25 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM9(E). Form MM9(E) is available for downloading at Form TM 26 should not be lodged for such recordation of change in name and/or address. Where Singapore is the Office of Origin, requests for recording of changes in the name and/or address of the holder must also be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder. In such a case, TM 26 should be lodged to amend the change in name and/or address of the basic application or basic registration. Requests for Designation Subsequent to the International Registration (Circular No. 21/2004, dated 19 November 2004) In accordance with Rule 24 of the Common Regulations, such requests must be presented to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) directly by the holder on WIPO’s official Form MM4(E). Form MM4(E) is available for downloading at 2005 Circulars (Effect of the Recording of Licenses in the International Register in respect of International Registrations Designating Singapore, Circular No. 21/2005, dated 21 October 2005. This Circular is replaced by Circular No. 1/2010, dated 12 February 2010) 2007 Circular (Modes of Payment to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation for Madrid Protocol Matters, Circular No. 42/2007, dated 28 December 2007. This Circular is replaced by Circular No. 1/2008, dated 11 January 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xliv 2008 Circulars Modes of Payment to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation for Madrid Protocol Matters (Circular No. 1/2008, dated 11 January 2008) With effect from 1 January 2008, there will be some amendments to the Administrative Instructions for the Application of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating Thereto ("AI"). The amendments are necessary for the implementation of a more broad-based electronic communications platform for the benefit of users of the Madrid system. The AI can be found here ( and the International Bureau's ("IB") notification of the amendments can be found here ( Please note that under the new Section 19 of the AI, fees payable to the IB must be made i. by debit to a current account with the IB, ii. by payment into the Swiss postal account or to any of the specified bank accounts of the IB, or iii. by credit card, where, in the context of an electronic communication envisaged in Section 11, an electronic interface for online payment has been made available by the IB. The previous modes of payment by cash at the IB and by a banker's cheque would no longer be available. Please note that while Section 19 now provides that in the context of electronic communications, fees due to the IB may be paid by credit card only in relation to specific types of transaction or request in respect of which a dedicated electronic interface has been provided, the IB has advised that this mode of payment by credit card would not be applicable to the filing of international applications. If you are filing an international application through IPOS on and after 2 January 2008, please note that our previous primary mode of payment to the IB via a banker's cheque is no longer available in light of the changes in the AI. Instead, your payment in Swiss Francs to the IB can be made by either options (i) or (ii) as stated above. Current Account If you conduct regular monetary transactions with the IB, you may opt to open a current account with them. Please see for details. Bank Transfer We envisage that the majority of applicants and agents are likely to use bank transfers under (ii) as the preferred mode of payment. Details of WIPO's postal account and bank account are as follows: Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlv WIPO bank account IBAN No. CH51 0483 5048 7080 8100 0 Credit Suisse, CH-1211 Geneva 70 Swift/BIC: CRESCHZZ80A WIPO postal account IBAN No. CH03 0900 0000 1200 5000 8 Swift/BIC: POFICHBE The above account details are found on page 6 of the Form MM2(E). To confirm that the payment has been made, the applicant must indicate the payment details of the bank's transfer transaction in the appropriate space provided in IB's Form MM2(E) Application for International Registration Governed Exclusively by the Madrid Protocol at the time of filing. You must also provide us with a photocopy of the bank's transaction advice. If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service Officer at 6339 8616 or email us at [email protected]. Requests for Recording of a Renewal for International Registrations where Singapore is the Office of Origin (Circular No. 5/2008, dated 22 February 2008) For an international registration where Singapore is the Office of Origin, a request for the recording of a renewal may be made by the holder or his agent upon payment of the relevant fees in Swiss Francs to WIPO via any of the following ways:(a) lodgement of WIPO’s Form MM11(E) or an official letter from the holder indicating the necessary information (number(s) of the international registration(s) concerned and the purpose of the payment); (b) lodgement done online at WIPO Marks E-Renewal System portal; or (c) lodgement of Form MM11(E) or the official letter mentioned under (a) through IPOS, together with a separate fee of S$85 for handling the renewal request. Kindly note that the above renewal is only effective for the international registration. Holders should lodge IPOS Form TM 19 in order to renew the Singapore basic registration, if necessary. With regard to the renewal of an international registration where Singapore is not the Office of Origin, even if Singapore had been designated, such a request must be effected via (a) or (b). It is also possible to do so via the Office of Origin of that international registration provided that that Office of Origin has agreed to collect the renewal fees and forward them to WIPO. We wish to emphasise that IPOS Form TM 19 must not be lodged for the renewal of any international registrations designating Singapore. Only WIPO would be able to process the renewal of that international registration. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlvi E-Payments to the World Intellectual Property Organization (Circular No. 19/2008, dated 26 December 2008) The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has introduced an E-Payment Service at, which allows payment of fees notified in their irregularity letters or other WIPO communications with regard to international applications or registrations. Payments can be made through the WIPO Current Account or by credit card. To make payment through the WIPO Current Account, you will be required to provide the userID and the password generated by them for the current account holders. If you do not have a current account, please read Current Account at WIPO at for details, on how to open, use or close a current account with WIPO, if you are thinking of opening one. If you already have a WIPO current account, but do not have a password, please send an email to WIPO at [email protected], mentioning E-Payment as the subject matter. To make payment by credit card, please follow the steps in the E-Payment Service. American Express, Mastercard and Visa are acceptable to WIPO. Unfortunately at this stage, WIPO is still unable to accept payment via credit card for the filing of international applications. For such applications, the only payment modes are via the WIPO Current Account, or the Swiss postal account or any of the specified bank accounts of WIPO. 2010 Circular Effect of the Recording of Licenses in the International Register in respect of International Registrations Designating Singapore (Circular No. 1/2010, dated 12 February 2010) Pursuant to Rule 20bis(6)(b) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Protocol, Singapore has notified the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation on 21 March 2002 that Singapore law would not give effect to the recording of trade mark licenses in the International Register. Accordingly, any recording of a license made under Rule 20bis(3) of the Common Regulations will have no effect on any International Registration designating Singapore. However, the holder of such an International Registration may still record the relevant license with IPOS by lodging Form TM 37, and the fee of S$60.00 per trade mark number. Similarly, the holder of such an International Registration may request for the amendment or cancellation of the recording of the license via Forms TM 38 and TM 39 respectively. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlvii F) PERTAINING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS AND SERVICES (I) General Information Pre-2004 Circulars (8th Edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, this circular was removed on 18 January 2008) Compliance with the International Classification of Goods and Services To assist the Registrar in expediting the acceptance of trade mark applications for registration, agents are reminded to ensure that the specifications of goods or services set out in the application forms conform with the International Classification of Goods and Services as far as possible. Very often, the Registrar receives applications where the marks are acceptable for registration but the specifications are not in order. This slows down the registration process. Precedents in Support of Specification In the examination of the specification of goods or services for compliance with the International Classification of Goods and Services, the Registrar is prepared to rely on precedents relating to Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia and Hong Kong registrations. Applicants and agents are therefore free to file these precedents in support of their specifications of goods and services for the Registrar's consideration. However, the Registrar would not rely on such precedents in the following situations: (a) where the precedent relates to goods or services which have been accepted by the Registrar concerned in the wrong class; (b) where the precedent relates to goods or services which are no longer classified in the class stated in the precedent in view of a change of classes by the Special Union for the International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Union); (c) where the precedent relates to goods or services which are no longer classified in the class stated in the precedent in view of a change or clarification of practice by the Registry concerned. The use of square brackets [ ] and round brackets ( ) in specifications An expression between square brackets is intended to define more precisely the text or item preceding the brackets. Square brackets are used when the item is ambiguous for classification purposes. Round brackets are used to qualify the text or item preceding the brackets to ensure the correct classification. Round brackets are used when it is possible that the item can be classified in various classes depending on the intended goods or services sought to be covered. Use of the term “Internet” in specifications of goods and services In view of the widespread use of the term “Internet” in the generic sense, the Registrar will henceforth not raise any objections to the use of the term “Internet” in the specifications of goods and services of Singapore national applications or international registrations designating Singapore. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlviii However, the use of the term “Internet” in specifications of goods and services is generally not encouraged as the word “Internet” is a registered trade mark in some countries and may be objected to by the designated offices of these countries in respect of international applications originating from Singapore filed under the Madrid Protocol. This may arise where the term “Internet” is listed in a Singapore national application or registration and the Singapore national application or registration forms the basis of an international application originating from Singapore under the Madrid Protocol. In the circumstances, it is advisable for applicants to use the term “global communications network” instead. 2004 Circulars Underlining of precedents for objections on specification of goods / services (Circular No. 19/2004, dated 3 September 2004) When lodging precedents to overcome the Registrar’s objection on the specification of goods / services, the Registrar requests that the relevant portions of the precedents to be underlined for greater visibility. This would assist the Registrar to identify and consider the relevant portions of the precedents in order to assess whether the objection should be waived. Vague descriptions in specifications (Circular No. 20/2004, dated 12 November 2004) A clear description of the goods or services claimed in a trade mark application is important as it determines the scope of the application. As such, the indication of goods, for example “pouches and the like”, is not acceptable as the expression, “and the like”, is vague. In the example given, it is not clear as to what other goods the applicant is claiming apart from pouches. 2005 Circular (Use of acronyms for specifications of goods and/or services, Circular No. 6/2005, dated 22 April 2005. This circular was removed on 18 January 2008) 2006 Circular International Classification of Goods and Services NICE Classification – Ninth Edition (Circular No. 32/2006, dated 8 November 2006) The ninth edition of the NICE Classification for the purposes of the registration of trade marks will come into effect on 1 January 2007. Copies can be ordered online at The majority of the changes involve Classes 14, 20, 21, 26, 34, 42 and 45 but minor changes and additions have also been made to other classes. For more information regarding the specific changes, please refer to the Nice Union Report CLIM/CE/20/ which is obtainable at the following link Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. xlix The eighth edition of the NICE Classification shall still apply to all applications filed before 1 January 2007. Applications filed on or after 1 January 2007 shall be filed in accordance with the ninth edition of the NICE Classification. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no reclassification of goods and services for existing applications filed prior to 1 January 2007, after the 9th Edition of the NICE Classification comes into force. 2007 Circular Use of registered trade marks in specifications of goods and services (Circular No. 38/2007, dated 14 November 2007) Registered trade marks which are ordinary dictionary words are allowed to be used in specifications of goods and services as a descriptor. This practice is consistent with our previous journal notice on the use of the term, “Internet”, which has become generic. However, words which are invented and have been registered as trade marks will not be acceptable in specifications of goods and services. Instead, applicants should use ordinary English words to describe their goods and services. For example, a specification of goods which reads "bluetooth-enabled devices for communications, namely telephones, handsets, headsets, speakers, microphones and earphones” should be amended to “devices for communications which are enabled by short range radio technology, namely telephones, handsets, headsets, speakers, microphones and earphones”. 2011 Circulars The use of punctuation in specifications (Circular No. 2/2011, dated 9 September 2011) Applicants are advised to take note of the following guidelines when using punctuation within a specification: 1. Use semicolons (;) to delimit the goods and services as segments within a class; 2. Use commas (,) within the same segment only if the goods or services claimed are related to each other; 3. Avoid the use of colons (:). To illustrate, if a trade mark is used on computers, computer software, mouse pads, eyeglasses and goggles for sports, all of which are classified in Class 9, the list of goods should be indicated as "computers, computer software, mousepads; eyeglasses, goggles for sports". In the example given, the related goods are separated by commas while unrelated goods are separated by a semi-colon. If, for example, a trade mark is used on pharmaceutical preparations, plasters, materials for dressings and disinfectants, the list of goods should be indicated as "Pharmaceutical preparations; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants". As both "plasters" and "materials for dressings" are used for wound dressing purposes, they may be separated by a comma instead of a semi-colon. This practice applies to both International Applications as well as national applications. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. l International Classification of Goods and Services NICE Classification – Tenth Edition (Circular No. 3/2011, dated 16 September 2011) The Tenth Edition of the NICE Classification for the purposes of the registration of trade marks will come into effect on 1 January 2012 and is available for reference at For more information regarding the specific changes, please refer to the Nice Union Report CLIM/CE/21/ which is obtainable at Changes include the transfer of goods and services from one class to another, addition of items to a class, deletion of items, changes in descriptions and changes to the class headings. The Registry will provide more information on the specific changes shortly. The Search & Pick and eTrademarks Search databases will be duly updated and the relevant changes will be captured once the Tenth Edition of the NICE Classification comes into force on 1 January 2012. The Ninth Edition of the Nice Classification shall continue to apply to all applications filed before 1 January 2012. Applications filed on or after 1 January 2012 shall be filed in accordance with the Tenth Edition of the NICE Classification. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no reclassification of goods and services for existing applications filed prior to 1 January 2012, after the Tenth Edition of the NICE Classification comes into force. The Registry will conduct cross class searches to ensure that relevant citations are captured. International Classification of Goods and Services NICE Classification – Tenth Edition Specific Changes (Circular No. 6/2011, dated 16 December 2011) With reference to our circular issued on 16 September 2011, the Tenth Edition of the NICE Classification for the purposes of the registration of trade marks will come into effect on 1 January 2012. The Registry has compiled a list of specific changes which includes: • • • • • items that have been added to the Tenth (10th) edition of the NICE Classification; items that no longer exist in the Tenth (10th) edition of the NICE Classification; items that have been transferred to another class; descriptions of goods and services that have been changed; and descriptions of goods and services that have been changed and transferred to another class. For the listing of the specific changes, please refer to the same Circular at > Trade Marks> Other Information & Updates > Pertaining to the Classification of Goods and Services. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. li (II) Information on specific items Pre-2004 Circulars (Cereal-based beverages, Beverages made from cereals, Pre-2004 Circular. This Circular was replaced by Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Club [dining] services With effect from 31 October 2003, the Registrar will accept the specification “club [dining] services” in Class 43 instead of Class 41 of the International Classification of Goods and Services. The emphasis on the word “dining” puts the item more in line with the class heading and explanatory notes of Class 43. Consultancy Services In the 8th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, consultancy services will be classified according to their subject matter. For example, consultancy services relating to telecommunications will be classified in Class 38, transportation consultancy services in Class 39 and intellectual property consultancy services in Class 42. The Registry had been taking this position in its examination of applications. WIPO has clarified that pending the coming into force of the 8th edition, the correct classification is in accordance with the 7th edition where such services are classified in class 35 if they are business-related and class 42 if they are non-business-related. Hence, the Registry is adopting this stand. However, in order not to prejudice any party who has acted on the Registrar’s earlier position on such services, the Registry will not reject consultancy services which have been classified according to their subject matter. Desserts With effect from 31 October 2003, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “desserts” per se. This is in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization’s view that the said item, without further qualification, is vague. Examples of acceptable descriptions are : “Desserts [Jellies for food]” in Class 29 or “Desserts [Ice cream]” in Class 30 (Executor services, Pre-2004 Circular. This Circular was replaced by Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lii Mail order services A specification of services consisting of or containing “mail order services” is unacceptable as it does not conform to the International Classification of Goods and Services and should be reworded to "the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order” in accordance with the practice in the United Kingdom. Provision of information for business or domestic purposes in Class 38 With effect from 30 July 2003, a specification which reads "provision of information for business or domestic purposes" in class 38 will not be acceptable. The applicant is requested to further qualify the specification so that it will read as “provision of information in the field of telecommunications for business or domestic purposes”. This is in line with the General Remarks as provided in the Nice Classification that the subject matter of the information being provided determines the correct class for the services. (Provision of user access time to the global computer network, Pre-2004 Circular. This circular was removed on 26 September 2007) (Storage of data, information or documents, Pre-2004 Circular. This circular was removed on 5 December 2008) 2004 Circulars Retailing of services (Circular No. 2/2004, dated 7 January 2004) With effect from 7 January 2004, the Registrar will not accept a specification containing a claim for “retailing of services” or “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of services (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those services”. Applicants will be asked to clarify on the type(s) of services they are providing and to apply for such services in the appropriate class(es). WIPO’s Recommendation No. 16 (Circular No. 4/2004, dated 6 February 2004) For applications lodged on or after 13 January 2004, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the items stated below in the designated classes: (1) Pastilles and chewing gum for cosmetic purposes - Class 3 (2) Soap bubbles and foam generators for shows - Class 11 (3) Lenyards (Keycords) - Class 14 (Joss sticks, Circular No. 5/2004, dated 13 February 2004.This circular was removed on 20 March 2009) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. liii Canned foodstuffs of plant origin (Circular No. 6/2004, dated 5 March 2004) For applications lodged on or after 12 March 2004, the Registrar will accept the specification “canned foodstuffs of plant origin” in Class 30 instead of Class 29. This is in line with the explanatory note of Class 30 which states “Class 30 includes mainly foodstuffs of plant origin prepared for consumption or conservation”. Manufacturing of goods (Circular No. 12/2004, dated 11 June 2004) For applications lodged on or after 18 June 2004, a specification of services consisting of or containing “manufacturing of goods” is unacceptable as it does not conform to the International Classification of Goods and Services. If a person is manufacturing goods, registration should be sought for the goods only. As appropriate, the specification may be phrased as “custom assembling of materials [for others]” or "custom manufacturing of goods [for others]”. For example, where the items in question are cell cultures, it may be more appropriate to describe the service as "custom manufacturing of cell cultures [for others]”. However, if the goods in question are clothing, "custom assembling of clothing [for others]” would be more appropriate. (Providing search engines for the internet, Circular No. 12/2004, dated 11 June 2004. This circular was removed on 20 March 2009) WIPO’s Recommendation No. 17 (Circular No. 17/2004, dated 9 July 2004) For applications lodged on or after 16 July 2004, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the items stated below in the designated classes: (1) Packaging containers of regenerated cellulose - Class 16 (2) Refilling of empty toner cartridges - Class 37. Provision of news (Circular No. 19/2004, dated 3 September 2004) For applications lodged on or after 10 September 2004, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “provision of news” per se. This is in line with the World Intellectual Property Organization’s view that this description, without further qualification, is vague. The subject matter of the news provided and the purpose for which it is provided are important in determining the class to which it should fall under. Generally, these services are classified in the same classes as the services that correspond to the subject matter of the information. Examples of acceptable descriptions are:“Provision of business news [business management]” in Class 35; “Provision of news [telecommunication services]” in Class 38; and “Provision of news for entertainment purposes” in Class 41. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. liv (Leasing services, Circular No. 20/2004, dated 12 November 2004. This circular was removed on 30 December 2011) 2005 Circulars Computerised communication network security and other security services (Circular No. 5/2005, dated 1 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 8 April 2005, the Registrar will only accept “computerised communication network security” and like services in Class 42 and not in Class 45, as such items are forms of computer services classified under Class 42. Class 45 covers services for the protection and security of individuals and property in general, eg “security services for buildings”, “personal body guarding” and “night guards”. If such services and information relating to such services are offered online or via a computer network, they will be classified under Class 45 as well. However, Class 42 will cover security services if they pertain to security of computer networks or the internet, eg. “computerised communication network security”, or if such services are offered as a form of computer service, eg “data security services [firewalls]” or “professional consultancy relating to computer security”. It would not be correct to classify such computer security services in Class 45. It is also useful to note that the International Classification of Goods and Services (8th Edition) classifies some security services in Class 39. Security services relating to transport, eg. “guarded transport of valuables” and “escorting of travellers”, are classified under Class 39 and not Class 45. WIPO’s Recommendation No. 18 (Circular No. 5/2005, dated 1 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 8 April 2005, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Enzymes for human consumption – Class 29 (2) Soya milk [condiment] – Class 30 (3) Supervision of teamwork to improve its effectiveness – Class 35 (4) Consultancy in the field of computer security – Class 42 (5) Therapy services – Class 44 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lv Prepared meals (Circular No. 6/2005, dated 22 April 2005) For applications lodged on or after 29 April 2005, the Registrar will not accept a specification consisting of “prepared meals” per se as the said item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. The item should specify the content of the prepared meals, for example, “Prepared meals consisting of meat” in Class 29 or “Prepared meals containing principally of rice” in Class 30. 2006 Circulars Crib bumpers (Circular No. 3/2006, dated 3 February 2006) For applications lodged on or after 10 February 2006, the Registrar will only accept the item, “crib bumpers”, in Class 20. This item is a type of cushion for lining the base and sides of the crib and serves a protective purpose for the baby. Since the item “cushions” is listed in Class 20 of the Nice Classification, by analogy, the item, “crib bumpers”, should be classified in Class 20 as well. Retail services and other like services in Class 35 (Circular No. 6/2006, dated 24 February 2006) The Registrar has revised her practice concerning retail services and other like services in Class 35. This revision in practice shall take effect for all applications lodged on or after 3 March 2006 In the past, applicants, in most instances, are required to list the goods to which the retail services relate. With the revised practice, where it is practical, it is still advisable to list the goods to which the retail services relate. However, the Registrar will no longer insist on such a requirement in all cases, as long as the description “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods”, is used in conjunction with the means of bringing goods together. Thus, in cases where it is not practical to list all the goods to which the retail services relate, the Registrar will accept an indication of the means of bringing goods together and displaying such goods for the benefit of customers, for example, from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet. Such an indication can be inserted at the end of the description “the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods”. With the revised practice, “wholesale services” will also be treated in the same manner as “retail services”. The following descriptions provide guidance on what is considered to be acceptable to the Registrar in future: (a) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lvi (b) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; (c) “Retail services in relation to [list the goods]”; (d) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; (e) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; (f) “Wholesale services in relation to [list the goods]”; (g) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; (h) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; and (i) “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”. The Registrar is prepared to accept similar descriptions of the above services provided that the services are clearly described and fall within the ambit of retail or wholesale services. Please note that vague descriptions such as “distributorship services” are not acceptable as the term “distributorship” may encompass more than just retail or wholesale services, for example, it may include transportation services. Interior decoration services (Circular No. 22/2006, dated 7 July 2006) For applications lodged on or after 14 July 2006, the Registrar will only accept “interior decoration services” in Class 42 and not in Class 37, as such services are analogous to the item “design of interior décor” which is listed in Class 42 of the International Classification of Goods and Services (8th Edition). WIPO’s Recommendation No. 19 (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes : (1) Incontinence garments – Class 5 (2) Telephone ring tones [downloadable] – Class 9 (3) Milk jam – Class 29 (4) Toasted natural wood chips added to wine to improve its flavour – Class 30 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lvii WIPO’s Recommendation No. 20 (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes : (1)Paper sheets, sensitized, for carrying photographic imaging materials – Class 1 (2) Slot machines[vending machines] – Class 9 (3) Paper sheets, not sensitized, for carrying photographic imaging materials – Class 16 (4) Slot machines[amusement] – Class 28 (5) Stand-alone video game machines – Class 28 Technical consultancy services (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) Technical support services (Circular No. 25/2006, dated 16 August 2006) For applications lodged on or after 23 August 2006, the Registrar will classify “technical consultancy services”, “technical support services” and other similar technical advisory and technical information services according to their subject matters. The General Remarks in the Nice Classification (8th Edition) states that services that provide advice, information or consultation are in principle classified in the same classes as the services that correspond to the subject matter of the advice, information or consultation. Further, in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Registrar will consider indications such as “technical consultancy services” and “technical support services”, per se as too broad and vague and objections will be taken. Such indications will have to be specified in respect of their subject matters for the purpose of classification. 2007 Circulars WIPO’s Recommendation No. 21 (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) For applications lodged on or after 1 August 2007, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Scoreboards for sports, other than mechanical or electric – Class 20 (2) Advice on tax preparation – Class 35 (3) Advice on fiscal assessments, advice on fiscal valuations – Class 36 (4) Carbon offsetting services [recycling] – Class 40 (5) Prenatal exercises – Class 41 (6) Weblog [blog] services [on-line publication of journals or diaries] – Class 41 (7) Creating and maintaining weblogs [blogs] for others – Class 42 (8) Hosting of weblogs [blogs] – Class 42 (9) Preparation of technical projects, technical research and consultancy services in the field of carbon offsetting – Class 42 (10) Carbon offsetting services [reforestation] – Class 44 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lviii Providing on-line forums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Operating chat rooms (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Providing chat rooms (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Providing discussion services on-line (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) For applications lodged on or after 1 August 2007, the Registrar will only accept the items “providing on-line forums”, "operating chat rooms", “providing chat rooms”, and “providing discussion services on-line” in Class 38, regardless of the topic of the discussion. These items are analogous to the items “electronic bulletin board services [telecommunication services]” and “providing internet chatrooms” listed in Class 38 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition). This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Arranging and conducting of colloquiums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of conferences (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of congresses (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of seminars (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of symposiums (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of conventions (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) Arranging and conducting of exhibitions (Circular No. 27/2007, dated 25 July 2007) The Registrar wishes to clarify that the above items with the exception of the last, viz. “arranging and conducting of colloquiums”; “arranging and conducting of conferences”; “arranging and conducting of congresses”; "arranging and conducting of seminars”; “arranging and conducting of symposiums”; and “arranging and conducting of conventions” are classified in Class 41, regardless of the topic relating to these services. It is the purpose of the service and not the topic that determines their classification in Class 41. By virtue of their dictionary definitions, the terms, “colloquiums”, “conferences”, “congresses”, “seminars”, “symposiums” and “conventions” refer to activities linked with training or education, both of which are proper to Class 41. To illustrate, “arranging and conducting of conferences for commercial or advertising purposes” and “arranging and conducting of seminars for commercial or advertising purposes” are both classified under Class 41. However, the item, “arranging and conducting of exhibitions”, will be classified according to the subject matter since this service only refers to showing of products or services to the public, and is not primarily offered for the purposes of training or education. By analogy, “organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes" is listed in Class 35 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition), but "organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes” is listed in Class 41 of the NICE Classification (Ninth Edition). This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lix Providing access to databases (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Rental of access time to the internet / global computer networks (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Providing of user access to the internet / global computer networks (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) Rental of access time to databases (Circular No. 33/2007, dated 26 September 2007) For applications lodged on or after 3 October 2007, the Registrar will accept these and other analogous items in Class 38 only. These are essentially telecommunication services and are classified under Class 38 whether they are provided by an Internet Service Provider or a non-Internet Service Provider. Hence, our previous journal notice on the classification of these services based on the status of the applicant is no longer applicable. (The last paragraph in this circular was removed on 30 December 2011) 2008 Circulars Cereal-based beverages (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Beverages made from cereals (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) Executor services (Circular No. 7/2008, dated 5 March 2008) The pre-2004 circulars on “cereal-based beverages/ beverages made from cereals” in Class 32 and “executor services” in Class 42 have been removed in light of recent directives from the World Intellectual Property Organisation. A specification of goods consisting of or containing “cereal-based beverages” or “beverages made from cereals” will be classified in Class 30 by analogy to “cereal preparations” that are classified under Class 30 of the NICE Classification. A specification of services consisting of or containing “executor services” will be classified in Class 36 because such services generally relate to the administration of money, investments, real estate, assets, and other valuables. Such services are analogous to “fiduciary services” and “trusteeship services” both of which are classified under Class 36 of the NICE Classification. The above changes affect all applications lodged on or after 12 March 2008. Retail services and other like services in Class 35 (Circular No. 9/2008, dated 2 May 2008) In addition to Circular No. 6/2006, the Registrar will accept the descriptions for applications lodged on or after 9 May 2008 (where it is not practical to list all the goods to which the retail services or wholesale services relate): a. “retail services” b. “wholesale services” However, the Registrar will continue to reject descriptions such as “distributorship services”, “mail order services”, “departmental store services”, “supermarket services”, or “internet shopping”. These terms are considered vague as they include services more than retail and wholesale services. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lx With the addition, the following descriptions provide guidance on what is considered to be acceptable to the Registrar in future: a. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; b. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet”; c. “Retail services in relation to [list the goods]”; d. “Retail services”; e. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; f. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a wholesale outlet”; g. “Wholesale services in relation to [list the goods]”; h. “Wholesale services”; i. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; j. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet”; k. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; l. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications”; m. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 n. o. Page No. lxi “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network”; “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a departmental store”; p. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a departmental store”; q. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods [list the goods] (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a supermarket”; and r. “The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a supermarket”. WIPO's Recommendation No. 22 (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) For applications lodged on or after 28 November 2008, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: (1) Milk ferments [bacteria preparations] used in making foodstuffs - Class 1 (2) Wind turbines - Class 7 (3) Pill distributor and organizer boxes for medical purposes - Class 10 (4) Electronic cigarettes for medical purposes - Class 10 (5) Meditation stones - Class 14 (6) Pill boxes [not for medical purposes] - Class 21 (7) Tablecloth holders - Class 21 (8) Electronic cigarettes, not for medical purposes - Class 34 (9) Publicity film production - Class 35 (10) Illustrators’ services - Class 42 (11) Diamond authentication and certification services - Class 42 (12) Electronic data storage - Class 42 (13) Advice concerning cooking recipes - Class 43 Electronic data storage (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) Storage of data, information or documents (Circular No. 16/2008, dated 21 November 2008) The pre-2004 circular on "Storage of data, information or documents" (Class 35 or 39) has been removed in light of recent directive from the World Intellectual Property Organization. A specification of services consisting of "Electronic data storage" will be classified in Class 42 instead of 35 by analogy to "Duplication of computer programs" and "Data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]" which are classified under Class 42 of the NICE Classification. This is in conformity with the explanatory note "Class 42 includes mainly services provided by ... computer programmers, etc.". Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxii On the other hand, if the data, information or documents are being stored physically, for example, in a warehouse, then it is proper to Class 39. The determining factor is where the data, information, or documents are being stored. Examples of items which are proper to Class 39 are: i. "Data storage" ii. "Information storage" iii. "Storage of electronically-stored data, information or documents". The above changes affect all applications lodged on or after 28 November 2008. 2009 Circulars Association services (Circular No. 6/2009, dated 30 April 2009) For applications lodged on or after 7 May 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "association services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. The World Intellectual Property Organization also regards this description as being vague and takes the view that a service should not in principle commence with the description "association services" even if it is followed by a qualifier. For example, the description, "association services, namely arranging business introductions", is not acceptable. In light of the above, applicants should avoid using descriptions beginning with “association services”. A description like "association services, namely, promoting the general interests of those concerned with the importance of health and nutrition", should be reworded to "business promotion relating to the importance of health and nutrition, provided through an association" in order for it to be classified in Class 35. Concierge services (Circular No. 6/2009, dated 30 April 2009) For applications lodged on or after 7 May 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "concierge services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague and may fall within several classes. This is in line with the view of the World Intellectual Property Organization that the description is vague and can fall within several classes. In light of the above, applicants should specify the exact nature of the concierge services that are being claimed. If they insist on using the description, "concierge services", that must be qualified by a precise description of the concierge service. The following are examples of acceptable descriptions. i. ii. iii. iv. v. "Concierge services for the arranging of tours" in Class 39 "Concierge services, namely, the delivery of luggage for guests" in Class 39 "Concierge services, namely, arranging for theater tickets" in Class 41 "Concierge services relating to restaurant reservations" in Class 43 "Concierge services [baggage inspection for security purposes]" in Class 45. On the other hand, descriptions such as "concierge services for others comprising of making requested personal arrangements and providing customer specific information to Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxiii meet the needs of individuals", "hotel and resort concierge services", and "personal services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely, concierge services" are not acceptable since the exact nature of the services is unclear. Personal and/or social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals (Circular No. 7/2009, dated 19 June 2009) This is to clarify that a description consisting of “personal and/or social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals” in Class 45 has never been acceptable to the Registrar because it is vague and too broad in scope. For the purpose of clarity, applicants must specify the exact nature of the services that they wish to claim. If, however, an applicant insists on using this description, it must be qualified by a precise description of the personal or social services claimed. An example of an acceptable description would be “personal services rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, namely baby sitting”. Ancillary Services / Related Services (Circular No. 11/2009, dated 25 September 2009) For applications lodged on or after 2 October 2009, the Registrar will not accept a description containing “ancillary services”, ”related services” or their equivalent, regardless of whether they are preceded or followed by a specific term. This is because the exact nature of these descriptions remains unclear. The addition of qualifiers such as “included in this class” or “all in this class” in such descriptions does not help in making those descriptions any clearer. The following are some examples of the objectionable descriptions:(a) “advertising services; services ancillary or related to the aforementioned included in this class”; (b) “services ancillary or related to the provision of business management services; all in this class”; and (c) “all services relating or ancillary to computer services; all included in Class 42”. In such cases, the Registrar will request that the applicant specify the “ancillary services” and “related services” claimed so that the specification is clear and unambiguous. This practice direction is consistent with Circular No. 20/2004 that relates to “Vague descriptions in specifications”. 2010 Circulars WIPO's Recommendation No. 23 (Circular No. 2/2010, dated 5 March 2010) For applications lodged on or after 12 March 2010, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes: 1. Trophies of common metals (Class 6) 2. Trophies of precious metals (Class 14) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxiv 3. Brackets for setting up flat screen TV sets (Class 9) 4. Baby gates (Class 20) 5. Decorative sand bottles (Class 21) 6. Ankle garters (Class 26) 7. Storage of human cells (Class 39) 8. Rental of water dispensers (Class 43) 9. Service of actual notice (Class 45) Computer services (Circular No. 3/2010, dated 25 June 2010) For applications lodged on or after 2 July 2010, the Registrar will not accept a description consisting of "computer services" per se because the item, without further qualification, is vague. The insertion of a description that reads, for example, "all included in this class" at the end of a specification will not assist in avoiding an objection from the Registrar. According to the International Classification of Goods and Services (ICGS), services that relate to the installation, maintenance or repair of computer hardware are classified in Class 37, while services in relation to computer rental and the installation, maintenance or repair of computer software are classified in Class 42. To avoid ambiguity and to ensure conformity with the ICGS, applicants are requested to specify the exact nature of the computer services that they are claiming. However, those who wish to include the description, "computer services", in their specification of services may refer to the following examples which are considered acceptable to the Registrar: • "Computer services, namely installation of computer hardware" (Class 37) • "Computer services, namely providing search engines for the internet" (Class 42) • "Computer services in the nature of hosting web sites for others" (Class 42) WIPO's Recommendation No. 24 (Circular No. 4/2010, dated 8 October 2010) For applications lodged on or after 15 October 2010, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the classes indicated in brackets next to the item: 1. Ear candles (Class 5) 2. Massage chairs with built-in massage apparatus (Class 10) 3. Airline seats with a massage function (Class 12) 4. Ergonomic chairs for seated massage (Class 20) 5. Electronic pet feeders (Class 21) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxv 2011 Circular WIPO's Recommendation No. 25 (Circular No. 4/2011, dated 21 October 2011) For applications lodged on or after 28 October 2011, the Registrar, following the recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, will accept the following items in the designated classes indicated in brackets next to the item: 1. Fuel gas cartridges (Class 4) 2. Metal stables (Class 6) 3. Emergency warning lights (Class 9) 4. Gasifiers for laboratory use (Class 9) 5. Emergency flares [pyrotechnics] (Class 13) 6. Christmas stockings (Class 28) 7. Streamers [novelty items] (Class 28) 8. Adhesive grip tape for sports equipment (Class 28) 9. Natural fishing bait [live or not live] (Class 31) 10. Snow removal services (Class 37) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxvi G) CIRCULARS RELATED TO PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE HEARINGS AND MEDIATION DIVISION HMD 2009 Circulars (Applications for Security for Costs, HMD Circular No. 1/2009, dated 20 November 2009. This circular is replaced by HMD Circular No. 3/2011, dated 08 April 2011.) Completion of Form TM 28 (HMD Circular No. 2/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Form TM 28 is used for 3 different types of proceedings:(i) (ii) (iii) Application for revocation of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(a) of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR)); Application for declaration of invalidity of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(b) of the TMR); and Application for rectification of the register by persons other than the proprietor of the trade mark (Rule 57(1A)(b). Thus, when completing the form, please ensure that: (i) (ii) the correct information is provided in Form TM 28 pursuant to the particular type of proceedings for which the Form TM 28 is filed; and the statement of grounds provided under Part 5 of Form TM 28 is worded consistently in accordance with the type of proceedings pursued under TM 28 ie application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification of the register, as applicable. In the event of any inconsistencies between the statement of grounds and the type of proceedings indicated, the applicant would generally be directed to re-file Form TM 28 with a clear indication as to the type of proceedings pursued, unless there are exceptional reasons for the Registrar to exercise her discretion to waive the need for such correction. The earlier application will be treated as withdrawn and the application date will be the later filing date. Fees paid are non-refundable as the need to re-file is attributable to the applicant or his agents. Filing of Form TM 11 by Joint-Opponents (HMD Circular No. 3/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Under the provisions relating to oppositions in the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev. Ed. and Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed., there is no prohibition against joint-opponents opposing a trade mark application. In such an instance, it is sufficient for the purposes of the opposition that one Form TM 11 be filed. To reflect that there are joint-opponents opposing the registration of a particular trade mark, the opponents simply need to indicate, at Part 3 of TM 11, the particulars of the different opponents opposing such a registration. The fees which are chargeable for TM 11 will depend upon the number of classes included in TM 11. Similarly, in such circumstances, for the purpose of lodging evidence via statutory declarations (this will occur at a later stage in an opposition proceeding), the joint- Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxvii opponents need to file only one set of evidence via statutory declarations provided that it is clear from each statutory declaration that the deponent has been duly authorized by all the joint-opponents to give such evidence on their behalf. Service of Form TM 11 (Notice of Opposition) and Form TM 28 (Application for Revocation / Declaration of Invalidity / Rectification) (HMD Circular No. 4/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Service of Form TM 11 and Form TM 28 is regulated under Rule 29 and Rule 57 of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR) respectively. Rule 29(2) provides that the opponent shall serve on the applicant a copy of the notice of opposition at the same time as the notice of opposition is filed with the Registrar. Rule 57(3) provides that the applicant for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification shall, if he is not the proprietor of the registered trade mark, serve a copy of the application and the statement of grounds on which the application is based on the registered proprietor at the same time as he files the application and statement of grounds with the Registrar. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the above Rules, the opponent / applicant is to indicate clearly, on the cover letter enclosing the notice of opposition or application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification to the Registrar, that a copy of Form TM 11 or Form TM 28, as applicable, has been served on the applicant / registered proprietor. Failure to do so will be taken as non-compliance with Rule 29(2) or Rule 57(3) respectively. Accordingly, the Registrar will treat the case as no proper service of Form TM 11 and Form TM 28 respectively, unless the opponent / applicant proves otherwise. In such an event, Form TM 11 / Form TM 28 will be rejected as non-compliant. The opponent / applicant will have to re-file Form TM 11 / Form TM 28 afresh and serve the same on the applicant / registered proprietor. In relation to Form TM 11, in the event that the notice of opposition cannot be re-filed as the 2-month or 4-month maximum time period has expired, the prospective opponent will then have to consider filing for invalidation after the mark has been registered. Service of Form TM 12 (Counter-statement) (HMD Circular No. 5/2009, dated 20 November 2009) Service of Counter-statement for opposition is regulated under Rule 31 of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev. Ed. (TMR) and service of Counter-statement for an application for revocation / declaration of invalidity / rectification is regulated under Rule 58 of the TMR. Rule 31(2) provides that the applicant shall serve on the opponent a copy of the Counterstatement at the same time as it is filed with the Registrar. Rule 58(2) provides that the registered proprietor shall serve on the applicant a copy of the Counter-statement at the same time as he files the Counter-statement with the Registrar. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the above Rules, the applicant / registered proprietor is to indicate clearly, on the cover letter enclosing Form TM 12 to the Registrar, that the same has been served on the opponent / applicant. Failure to do so will be taken as non-compliance with the Rules. Accordingly, the Registrar will treat the case as no proper service of Form TM 12. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxviii In such an event of non-service, and provided that the irregularity would not result in a detriment to the other party that cannot be remedied, the Registrar would generally, pursuant to Rule 83, exercise her discretion to direct that the procedural irregularity be rectified by issuing deadlines for service of the Form TM 12 on the other party and an order as to costs against the applicant / registered proprietor as appropriate. HMD 2010 Circulars Compliance with Rule 30(3) (HMD Circular No. 1/2010, dated 20 August 2010) Where an opponent relies on an “earlier trade mark which is well known in Singapore” in support of his opposition, Rule 30(3) of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev Ed applies. Rule 30(3) requires that: (i) information on the use of the earlier trade mark; and (ii) information on any promotion undertaken for the earlier trade mark be provided in the notice of opposition. There are no pre-set requirements on the specific information needed to comply with Rule 30(3). Therefore, any relevant information will be accepted as long as: (i) the information relates to the use or promotion of the earlier trade mark; and (ii) it is “for the purpose of determining if the trade mark is well known in Singapore” as expressed in Rule 30(3). Non-exhaustive examples include: (i) revenue figures for the earlier trade mark worldwide and in Singapore, if any (ii) promotion figures for the earlier trade mark worldwide and in Singapore, if any (iii) information on the duration of the use and promotion of the earlier trade mark (iv) information on the extent of the use and promotion of the earlier trade mark (v) information on the geographical area of the use and promotion of the earlier trade mark Examples (iii) to (v) above are essentially information pertaining to Section 2(7)(b) of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev Ed. The information provided can be descriptive (e.g. “Our well known mark has been used on clothing and footwear in 20 countries worldwide including the USA, UK, Germany, China and Singapore since 1990”) or quantitative (e.g. actual revenue and promotional figures”). Any information provided under Rule 30(3) must, however, be more than that which is already required of earlier trade marks which are not registered nor pending registration under Rule 30(2)(c). In other words, the information must go beyond information on the goods or services in respect of which the mark is used. If Rule 30(3) is not complied with, the opponent will be directed to amend his notice of opposition to comply with the requirement if the parties are not negotiating. In practice, the above applies to an application for invalidation that is based on "an earlier mark which is well known in Singapore" as well. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxix Amendments to Form TM 11, Form TM 28 and Form TM 12 (HMD Circular No. 2/2010 dated, 20 August 2010) Amendments may be made to Form TM 11 (Notice of Opposition), Form TM 28 (Application for Revocation or Declaration of Invalidity of Registration of Trade Mark) and Form TM 12 (Counter-Statement) in the course of opposition/revocation/invalidation proceedings before the Registrar if it is fair and reasonable to do so. Depending on when the request to amend is made, different considerations apply. A. AMENDMENTS BEFORE CLOSE OF PLEADINGS The Registrar will in appropriate cases generally allow amendments to Form TM 11 and Form TM 28 before pleadings are deemed to be closed. Pleadings are deemed to be closed immediately upon the filing of Form TM 12 (Counter-Statement), or, in the case of an invalidation action where no Counter-Statement is filed, the last date that the CounterStatement could have been filed. For avoidance of doubt, amendments to Counter-Statements are always made after the close of pleadings by the foregoing definition. In such instances, B. below applies. Where the proposed amendments are allowed, the Registrar may grant an extension of time to the other party to file his Counter-Statement and/or award such costs as may be just against the party seeking the amendments. B. AMENDMENTS AFTER CLOSE OF PLEADINGS Where amendments are sought after pleadings are deemed to be closed, consent from the other party must first be sought. If there is consent from the other party, the Registrar will in appropriate cases generally allow the amendment and if necessary, issue such directions on the subsequent procedure as is deemed fit. Where there is no consent, leave of the Registrar must be obtained for any amendment after the close of pleadings. Whether leave would be granted depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. In considering whether to grant leave for the amendments, the Registrar will conduct a balancing exercise, involving a consideration of the public interest that rules relating to procedure are complied with and the need to ensure that there is proper adjudication of a case based on its merits in the interest of justice between the parties. In particular, the Registrar will carefully weigh the following non-exhaustive factors on a case by case basis: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) whether the party seeking the amendment could have claimed the particular ground/defence or cited the additional “earlier trade mark” earlier, when filing Form TM 11, Form TM 28 or Form TM 12 whether the amendment is necessitated by the pleading or evidence filed by the other party whether the other party would suffer any real prejudice which cannot be compensated with costs if the amendment is allowed whether allowing the amendment will facilitate the determination of the real question in controversy between the parties or whether the amendment is only a tactical manoeuvre and allowing the amendment would result in prejudice to the other party Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 (v) (vi) (vii) Page No. lxx whether the amendment raises grounds or facts which the applicant need not set out in reply, for example, the ground was not raised by the opponent and is therefore inapplicable to the particular proceedings at hand the substantiality of the amendment the stage of the proceedings the amendment is sought. If leave to amend is granted, the Registrar may issue such necessary directions on the subsequent procedure as is deemed fit, including but not limited to adjourning the case, allowing amendments to be made to the Counter-Statement by the other party, granting extensions of time for the filing of further evidence by both parties as well as awarding such costs as may be just against the party seeking the amendments. Using Form TM 28 for Two or More Different Types of Actions (HMD Circular No. 3/2010, dated 20 August 2010) Form TM 28 is used for 3 different types of actions: (i) (iii) (iii) Application for revocation of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(a) of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev Ed (“TMR”)) Application for declaration of invalidity of registration of a trade mark (Rule 57(1)(b) of the TMR) Application for rectification of the register by persons other than the proprietor of the trade mark (Rule 57(1A)(b) of the TMR) As each type of action is different in that different grounds are applicable, one Form TM 28 is required for each type of action (revocation / invalidation / rectification) pursued in relation to a trade mark. Thus, should the applicant for invalidation / declaration of invalidity / rectification seek to institute two (or three) different types of actions in relation to a trade mark, two (or three) Form TM 28’s are to be filed accordingly. In the event that two (or three) different types of actions are indicated in one Form TM 28, the form will only be considered to be relevant for one of the actions for the particular trade mark. This means that should the applicant for invalidation / declaration of invalidity / rectification still wish to pursue the second (or third) action(s), he will be required to file another Form TM 28 with the consequent costs and filing date implications. For avoidance of doubt, the above does not affect the existing cost calculation for Form TM 28, which is on a per class basis. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxi Dealing With Extensions of Time and Case Management Conference Timelines (HMD Circular No. 4/2010, dated 20 August 2010) To better manage trade mark opposition, invalidation and revocation proceedings, the Registrar has, at case management conferences (CMC) convened under Rule 81A of the Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev Ed, been issuing timelines for the filing of evidence by both parties. The primary objectives are to ensure that the parties explore the possibility of a settlement through negotiations and that all parties have the same expectations on the amount of time given to each party for the filing of evidence. This circular sets out the Registrar’s practice in relation to extensions of time for filing evidence and the application of CMC timelines. Fast-Track and Slow-Track CMC Timelines Timelines issued through CMCs are generally of two types – slow-track and fast-track. Slow-track timelines are issued in cases where parties are already exploring or are intending to explore the possibility of settlement through negotiations. In such cases, the objective of issuing a longer timeline for the party initiating the action to file his evidence is to allow parties sufficient time to negotiate and reach an amicable settlement. In other cases, fast-track timelines will be issued. This table sets out typical timelines for slow-track and fast-track cases: Evidence of initiating party Evidence of responding party Slow-Track Timelines 14 months from CounterStatement 6 months from evidence of initiating party Fast-Track Timelines 8 months from CounterStatement 6 months from evidence of initiating party These CMC timelines represent the maximum extent to which the Registrar will generally exercise her discretion in granting extensions of time to parties and they are predicated on the appropriate requests for extensions of time being made. Extensions of Time Within CMC Timelines The Registrar will, as a matter of general practice, grant extensions of time where they fall within the CMC timelines. Extensions of Time Beyond CMC Timelines 1. Slow-Track Cases Under the slow-track timelines, as the evidence of the party initiating the action can be filed as late as 14 months from the Counter-Statement, parties effectively have a total of 14 months to reach a settlement. This saves parties unnecessary expense in preparing evidence for the adversarial process while they negotiate. As 14 months would provide parties a reasonable opportunity to reach a settlement in most cases, in exercising the discretionary power under Rule 32(9), the Registrar will most likely refuse to grant any further extension of time beyond that timeline unless it is shown to the Registrar’s satisfaction that there are good and sufficient reasons to do so as required under Rule 32(9). Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxii Once the filing of evidence has started, again, in exercising the discretionary power under Rule 33(9) or Rule 34(9), the Registrar will most likely refuse to grant any further extension of time beyond the CMC timelines unless the Registrar is satisfied that there are good and sufficient reasons to do so as required under Rule 33(9) or Rule 34(9) respectively. 2. Fast-Track Cases Where initially fast-track timelines applied but subsequently parties require more time to negotiate, they may apply to the Registrar to adjust the timelines for the filing of evidence and provide the Registrar with information as to the specific additional period of time that will be needed for parties to fully explore settlement through negotiations. Again, in exercising the discretionary power under Rule 32(9), Rule 33(9) or Rule 34(9), the Registrar will most likely refuse to grant any further extension of time beyond the adjusted timelines unless it is shown to the Registrar’s satisfaction that there are good and sufficient reasons to do so. 3. Reasons Supporting Extensions of Time beyond CMC Timelines The Registrar may, in exceptional cases, and in so far as it is substantiated, consider the non-exhaustive list of circumstances below as justifications for the further extension of time to file evidence beyond the CMC timelines: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) parties are negotiating a world-wide settlement agreement involving many jurisdictions parties are negotiating a settlement agreement involving a few other parties other than the parties themselves parties are awaiting the outcome of relevant court or other proceedings (such as proceedings before another IP office or foreign court or WIPO) that has a material bearing on the settlement agreement or on how the parties wish to proceed significant progress has been made but parties still require a specific period of additional time to complete the negotiations one party has had a change of agent shortly before the deadline for him to file his evidence a circumstance has arisen that is beyond one party’s control, provided that the party has acted promptly and diligently at all times; for example, corporate changes such as merger and bankruptcy; the party’s decision-maker has taken ill or left and the party needs more time to make certain decisions; civil war; declaration of state of emergency. Whenever an extension of time beyond the CMC timeline is sought, the party must provide the reason and information on the specific additional period of time needed. In addition, except for (v) and (vi) above, the party requesting an extension of time beyond the CMC timeline must also obtain the consent of the other party to the further extension of time. If the Registrar accepts the reason for a further extension of time beyond the CMC timeline, it shall not be possible to request any further extension of time based on the same reason beyond the specific additional period of time indicated by the party. 4. Adjustment of CMC Timelines Where the Registrar has granted an extension of time beyond the original CMC timeline, the latter may also be adjusted as appropriate, to take into account the new circumstances that have set in. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxiii Concurrent Statutory Deadlines and CMC Timelines Parties should note that statutory deadlines and CMC timelines run concurrently. CMC timelines and any further extensions of time beyond CMC timelines granted do not negate the need for parties to apply for extensions of time in accordance with the Trade Marks Rules, including, where applicable, filing Form TM 50 and fee. Typically, the Registrar will grant an extension of not more than 2 months each time for each Form TM 50 filed. To illustrate, if a party has specified an additional period of 4 months in addition to the 8 months given for the filing of his evidence pursuant to the fast track timelines under any of the reasons at (i) to (vi) above, and the Registrar has accepted the reason for extending the deadline for 4 months beyond the CMC timeline, the party would have to file one Form TM 50 for the first extension beyond 6 months from the date of the Counter-Statement and, then, two Form TM 50’s for the additional 4 months required. Conclusion The Registrar will seek to apply these guidelines consistently and in a fair and reasonable fashion so as to ensure that timelines issued through the CMC process are properly tracked and complied with by both parties. This, in turn, will enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of the hearings process as well as the CMC process. It will also ensure that applications for extensions of time beyond CMC timelines are not made routinely but are the result of and supported by evidence of circumstances that warrant the extension. HMD 2011 Circulars Applications to File Further Evidence (HMD Circular No. 1/2011, dated 8 April 2011) A party may apply to the Registrar for leave to file further evidence after evidence is closed (Rule 35, Trade Marks Rules 2008 Rev Ed). The requesting party should submit a draft statutory declaration setting out the further evidence that is sought to be admitted and state why the evidence is relevant but could not have been adduced earlier. At the same time, the other party must be copied on the request and his consent must be sought. A. FURTHER EVIDENCE WITH CONSENT If there is consent from the other party, the Registrar will in appropriate cases generally allow the further evidence and if necessary, issue such directions on the subsequent procedure as is deemed fit, including but not limited to adjourning the hearing, allowing the other party to file further evidence in reply where relevant, as well as awarding such costs as may be just. B. FURTHER EVIDENCE WITHOUT CONSENT If there is no consent from the other party, the Registrar does not allow further evidence to be filed simply as a matter of course. Whether leave would be granted depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. In considering whether to grant leave for the further evidence, the Registrar will conduct a balancing exercise, involving a consideration of the public interest that rules relating to procedure are complied with and the need to ensure that there is proper adjudication of a case based on its merits in the interest of justice between the parties. In particular, the Registrar will carefully weigh the following non-exhaustive factors on a case by case basis: Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 (i) (ii) (iii) (vi) (v) Page No. lxxiv why the party seeking to file the further evidence did not do so earlier when the main evidence or evidence in reply fell due; it should be shown that the evidence could not have been obtained earlier with reasonable diligence whether the further evidence is necessitated by the evidence filed by the other party whether the other party would suffer any real prejudice which cannot be compensated with costs if the further evidence is allowed whether allowing the further evidence will allow the substantial issues to be satisfactorily and fully considered and determined or whether the application is only a tactical manoeuvre and allowing the further evidence would result in prejudice to the other party the stage of the proceedings at which the further evidence is sought (e.g. at the PreHearing Review in contrast to one day before the hearing), considerations of disruption to proceedings and extra costs generated by the delay being relevant. All relevant factors will be considered, though the main weight is attached to the desirability of having the substantial issues satisfactorily and fully considered and determined. However, this factor may be outweighed by the totality of the other factors in certain cases. If leave to file further evidence is granted, the Registrar may issue such necessary directions on the subsequent procedure as is deemed fit, including but not limited to adjourning the hearing, allowing the other party to file further evidence in reply where relevant, as well as awarding such costs as may be just. Proprietor's Evidence in Trade Mark Revocations (HMD Circular No. 2/2011, dated 8 April 2011) This circular pertains to trade mark revocations on the ground of non-use and the proprietor's obligation to file evidence in defence of his trade mark registration. Rule 58(3) of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap 332) 2008 Rev Ed requires a proprietor to file evidence of use together with his counter-statement (Form TM 12). Mode of Giving Evidence Rule 69(1) provides that "evidence shall be given by way of a statutory declaration, unless otherwise provided by the Act or these Rules or directed by the Registrar." In both the Trade Marks Act and Rules, there are no exceptions given to Rule 69(1) in terms of how evidence is to be given by a proprietor under Rule 58(3). Hence, Rule 69(1) applies to Rule 58(3). In practice, this means that if a proprietor intends to defend his trade mark registration against revocation for non-use, he needs to file evidence of use by way of statutory declaration together with his counter-statement. On the other hand, if a proprietor intends to defend his trade mark registration by giving proper reasons for non-use, there is no issue of evidence of use. Hence, he merely needs to give his reasons for non-use in the counter-statement without a statutory declaration. Content of Evidence At the counter-statement stage, a proprietor is only required to show that he has an arguable case. The evidence does not need to comprise the proprietor's entire defence in relation to use. More detailed evidence, if any, can be filed later in the proceedings. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxv The requirement in Rule 58(3) for a proprietor to file prima facie evidence of use upfront reflects the statutory burden on the proprietor of a registered mark to show what use has been made of it, under Section 105. As a matter of best practice, the proprietor's prima facie evidence should comprise: (i) some material showing the mark in use e.g. catalogues, product labels, advertisements (ii) some indication of sales e.g. invoices, purchase orders Grace Period The consequence of not filing evidence in accordance with Rule 58(3) is that the application for revocation will be granted under Rule 59(1). This means that the proprietor's registered mark will be revoked. As the Registrar has accepted counter-statements containing information on the use of the mark without sworn evidence under past practice, there will be a grace period of 6 months from 1 May 2011 to 31 October 2011 for proprietors to adjust to the change set out in this circular. Where the proprietor's counter-statement is filed during this grace period, if his information on the use of the mark is not filed by way of a statutory declaration, the Registrar will direct the proprietor at the Case Management Conference to remedy this defect in evidence by re-filing it as a statutory declaration and will allow the proceedings to continue. However, if the counter-statement does not already contain any information on the use of the mark, nor proper reasons for non-use, the Registrar will apply Rule 59(1) to grant the application for revocation. After the grace period, from 1 November 2011 onwards, the Registrar will apply Rule 59(1) to grant the application for revocation if no evidence by way of statutory declaration is filed with the counter-statement. Evidential Rounds After the proprietor's counter-statement and evidence by way of statutory declaration is filed, Rule 59(1) provides that Rules 32 to 40 apply with the necessary modifications to terms of reference. In effect, this means that the applicant for revocation files his evidence after the counterstatement under Rule 32. This is followed by the proprietor's second set of sworn evidence under Rule 33, and the applicant's evidence in reply, if any, under Rule 34. If the proprietor does not file evidence under Rule 33, Rule 59(2)(d) applies and he is treated as admitting to the facts alleged by the applicant for revocation. In practice, if the proprietor has already filed evidence of use amounting to his entire defence together with his counter-statement, after the applicant for revocation files his evidence, the proprietor may file a simple statutory declaration to refer to the statutory declaration filed earlier with his counter-statement as his entire evidence in defence. There is no need to adduce all the earlier evidence afresh in such a case. As there is no further evidence for the applicant to reply to in such a case, evidence for the matter will be deemed closed. The matter will move on to the Pre-Hearing Review stage. On the other hand, if, beyond the evidence of use filed together with his counter-statement, the proprietor has more evidence to adduce after the applicant files his evidence, the usual evidential process in Rules 33 and 34 applies. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxvi Costs (HMD Circular No. 3/2011, dated 15 April 2011) A. LIABILITY FOR COSTS Award of Costs The Registrar has the discretion to award costs against any party to proceedings brought before him in relation to any matter and in the amounts provided for by the Trade Marks Rules (Section 69 of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev Ed). Pursuant to the above discretionary power, the Registrar can also direct the method in which payment is to be made. In general, the successful party in contested proceedings is usually entitled to an award of costs. At any hearing, it is open to the parties to submit arguments on costs, and this should always be done especially if it is claimed that costs should not follow the event. Consolidation of Proceedings If the proceedings were consolidated before any evidence had been filed, the cost would normally be awarded for each stage of the evidence as if it was a single set of proceedings. However, if the consolidation had been requested after evidence had been filed, costs would normally be awarded for each set of proceedings separately up to the stage when consolidation was requested, and as though they were one set of proceedings thereafter. Joint Initiating Parties Where two or more parties have joined in to oppose / invalidate / revoke / rectify an application and the action is successful, any costs awarded to the joint initiating parties are calculated as being for one party only. If the action is not successful, the default position is that the joint initiating parties are considered to be jointly and severally liable unless otherwise stated. Taxation The usual order for costs in an inter partes hearing would direct the party and party costs to be taxed if not agreed. Unless they are agreed, no costs are payable unless they have been taxed. “Party and party costs” refer to such costs as are necessary or proper for the attainment of justice or for enforcing or defending the rights of the party whose costs are being taxed. The party and party costs chargeable under a taxation are all that are necessary or proper to enable the party to conduct the proceedings, and no more. Unless the order for costs specifies taxation on some other bases, costs would be taxed on party and party basis. Applicability of Scale of Costs (Fourth Schedule of the Trade Marks Rules) The Scale of Costs in the Fourth Schedule applies in relation to taxation hearings / proceedings. The Registrar does not have the discretion to depart from the Scale of Costs provided in the Fourth Schedule (Rule 75(1)). Further, it is to be noted that costs awarded in taxation proceedings are not intended to compensate the parties for the expense to which they may have been put (Rule 75(2)). Guidelines to the Application of the Scale of Costs In applying the Scale of Costs, the Registrar will be guided by the factors below: (i) In relation to the preparation, drawing, filing and review of the notice of opposition, application for revocation, declaration of invalidity of registration and rectification of an entry in the Register, the Registrar will take into account: (a) the number of grounds raised (b) the complexity of the issues of fact and law will be considered Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxvii (ii) In relation to the preparation, drawing and filing of the evidence, the Registrar will take into account: (a) the complexity of the evidence filed (b) the amount and relevance of the evidence filed (c) the number of deponents involved (iii) In relation to the preparation of all types of hearings, the Registrar will take into account: (a) the number of grounds raised (b) the complexity of issues of fact and law (c) the length of written submissions (if any) (d) the amount and relevance of authorities cited (if any) (e) the number of witnesses taking the stand (if any) (iv) In relation to the attendance of all types of hearings, the Registrar will take into account: (a) the complexity of issues of fact and law (b) the time taken for the hearing (c) the number of witnesses taking the stand (if any) (v) In relation to the general and travelling expenses incurred by witnesses, the Registrar will take into account: (a) the complexity of issues of fact (b) the time taken for the witness' attendance B. SECURITY FOR COSTS (This section of the circular updates and replaces HMD Circular No. 1/2009 on Applications for Security for Costs.) Section 70 of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332) 2005 Rev Ed provides: If a person who neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore — (a) gives notice of opposition under section 13; or (b) applies to the Registrar under section 22 or 23 for the registration of a trade mark to be revoked or to be declared invalid, as the case may be, the Registrar may require the person to give security for the costs for the proceedings and may, if security is not given, dismiss the proceedings. [Emphasis added] It is clear from the above that there can be 2 stages involved in proceedings related to security for costs. At the first stage, the Registrar has the discretion whether to require one party to give security upon the fulfillment of the criteria. At the second stage, where security is not given, again the Registrar has the discretion whether to dismiss the proceedings. In general, the Registrar will exercise her discretion as a 2-stage process. I. Application for Security for Costs A) Whether to Grant Security for Costs Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxviii Condition Precedent It is only if the Initiating Party1 neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore that the Registrar has a discretion to require him to provide security for costs of the opposition or revocation or declaration of invalidity proceedings. Thus, the party seeking security for costs must first show that the Initiating Party neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore. Registrar’s Discretion Once it has been shown that the Initiating Party neither resides nor carries on business in Singapore, the Registrar then has a discretion to require the Initiating Party to provide security for costs. The word “may” makes it clear that security cannot be ordered as a matter of course, but only if the Registrar thinks it is just to do so in the circumstances of the case. The Registrar will exercise this discretionary power judiciously and by considering all the circumstances of the case. Although the wording of Section 70 differs from that of Order 23 of the Rules of Court, the primary purpose behind Section 70 is similar to that for Order 23, which is to ensure that the defending party ("Defending Party") in any action has some security that, in the event that he wins, the Initiating Party or the party taking out the action will pay his costs. Thus, the factors that will be taken into consideration by the Registrar in deciding whether to grant security for costs in an opposition or revocation or declaration of invalidity proceedings are similar to the factors that the courts will take into account in deciding whether to grant security for costs in a civil suit. These factors include, amongst others: (i) Whether granting the security would stifle a genuine claim. Impecuniosity of the Initiating Party is inextricably linked to this factor. Where the granting of the security would stifle a genuine claim, the application for security may be denied. One of the ways to moderate the concern of stifling a genuine claim is to reduce the quantum of the security allowed. (ii) The ease with which a Singapore decision can be enforced overseas. Generally, if the foreign jurisdiction is covered under either the Reciprocal Enforcement of Commonwealth Judgments Act (Cap 264) or the Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (Cap 265), then there is a tendency that the application for security may be refused. (iii) The likelihood of the Initiating Party succeeding. However, it is important to note that in coming to her view as to the probability of success of an action, the Registrar is not required to make a detailed examination as to the merits of the case. Indeed, the Registrar would not be in position to do so in particular where the action is still at an early stage. If both parties have an arguable case on the face of it, then this will be a neutral factor. (iv) The stage at which the application for security for costs is made. In general, the case is stronger where the application is made at an early stage of the action. This 1 For clarity, in the context for Security for Costs "Initiating Party" refers to the party initiating the main action e.g. an Opposition, and not the application for the security for costs. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxix because where an application is made at a late stage, the Defending Party would have already expended much costs. This casts doubt as to whether the Defending Party is genuinely concerned about recovering costs from the Initiating Party. (v) Whether the Initiating Party is an individual or a corporate entity. This is relevant as the attitude in relation to impecuniosity differs with regard to companies versus individuals. Where the Initiating Party is a natural person, public policy leans much more towards encouraging access to the Registrar. (vi) Where the Initiating Party is a limited company, whether there is evidence that it is unable to pay costs. There are 2 potential ways this factor may apply: (a) Where the Initiating Party is impecunious. When one is dealing with a company rather than a natural person, public policy is in favour of limiting, rather than encouraging, uninhibited access to the Registrar. (b) Where the Initiating Party claims that it is fully able to pay the Defending Party's costs if the latter wins. For example, the Initiating Party may be a public listed company with many assets. Since the Defending Party is not able to show that the Initiating Party is unable to pay costs, this factor will work against the Defending Party. Based on a consideration of the above, the Registrar may then decide whether the application for security for costs should be granted. However, where the circumstances are evenly balanced it would ordinarily be just to order security against a foreign Initiating Party. B) Mode of the Security In the event that the Registrar does grant the application for security for costs, the Registrar will also direct the quantum, mode of payment as well as the period within which such security is to be furnished. There are two generally accepted modes for the provision of the security: (i) (ii) A solicitor's undertaking A banker's guarantee If the Initiating Party's agents are a firm of solicitors, the more common mode for the provision of the security would be via a solicitor's undertaking as obtaining a banker's guarantee would entail the foreign Initiating Party opening an account with a Singapore bank if the it does not already have one. In comparison, where a solicitor's undertaking is given, the foreign Initiating Party simply needs to make payment to its solicitor agent's account. Where the Initiating Party's agents are not a firm of solicitors, then a solicitor's undertaking is not applicable and a banker's guarantee will be required. C) Stay of Proceedings Once the Registrar has made a grant of security, pending the provision of the security, there may be a need to stay the proceedings. Whether or not such a need arises will depend on the stage of the action when the grant is made. If it is the Defending Party's turn to file a document, the proceedings are usually stayed so that the Defending Party does not Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxx have to incur additional costs. However, if it is the Initiating Party's turn to file a document, the proceedings are usually not stayed. II. Application for Proceedings to be Dismissed Following the interlocutory hearing, in the event that the party whom the Registrar has ordered to provide security for costs fails to do so, the party to whom security for costs has been granted can then apply, in writing, for the opposition / revocation / declaration for invalidity proceedings to be dismissed. The Registrar will call for submissions in writing from both parties and exercise her discretion to decide whether the proceedings should be dismissed. If parties request an interlocutory hearing to decide the issue, the Registrar may also fix one to hear the parties in person. Generally, unless there are good and sufficient reasons to justify the default in payment of the security, the Registrar is likely to order that the opposition / revocation / declaration for invalidity proceedings be dismissed. Service of Form TM 11 (Notice of Opposition), Form TM 28 (Application for Revocation / Declaration of Invalidity / Rectification) and Notice Required under Rule 29(5) where there is no Address for Service (HMD Circular No. 4/2011, dated 26 August 2011) In an opposition / invalidation / revocation / rectification proceeding before the Registrar, the Initiating Party has to file his action with the Registrar and serve the relevant documents on the Opposite Party at the same time. HMD Circular 4/2009 details the matters which the Registrar will be looking out for in determining whether this requirement has been met. HMD Circular 4/2009 applies in a situation where the Opposite Party has an address for service ("AFS") in accordance with rule 9 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap 332, 2008 Rev Ed), which includes a trade or business address in Singapore under rule 9(9)(b). This Circular supplements HMD Circular 4/2009 and caters for the situation where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9. Rule 9(1) provides that for the purposes of any proceedings before the Registrar, an AFS in Singapore shall be filed accordingly. In particular, rule 9(1)(a) and rule 9(1)(e) provide that an AFS shall be filed by every applicant for a registration of a trade mark and every proprietor of a registered trade mark which is the subject of an opposition / invalidation / revocation / rectification. The consequences of a failure to provide an AFS are provided in Rule 9(6).1 In the case of oppositions to international registrations, rule 14(1) of the Trade Marks (International Registration) Rules (Cap 332, 2002 Rev Ed) ("TMIRR") requires the holder of an international registration to file an AFS within 4 months from the Registrar's notification of refusal based on opposition. The consequence of a failure to provide an AFS is provided in Rule 14(10).2 A. 1 SERVICE OF FORM TM 11 (NATIONAL APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION) In the case of an applicant for a registration of a trade mark, the application shall be treated as withdrawn. In the case of a proprietor of a registered trade mark, he shall not be permitted to take part in the proceedings in question. 2 The holder's request for protection in Singapore shall be treated as withdrawn. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxi Where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9, the Initiating Party should, when filing the opposition action with the Registrar, send a copy of Form TM 11 to the Opposite Party's address indicated on the Register at the same time and indicate to the Registrar accordingly (rule 29(2)). Upon receipt of Form TM 11 from the Initiating Party, the Registrar will notify the Opposite Party to file a Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file CounterStatement). Where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9, the Registrar will also notify the Opposite Party to file Form TM 1 at the same time as he files his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement). For avoidance of doubt, the Registrar will rely on the date of receipt by the Registrar of Form TM 11 for the purposes of compliance with rules 29(1) and (2) and for the purposes of calculating the due date for filing the Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) in accordance with rule 31, save under the circumstances below. Opposite Party did not receive Form TM 11 If the Opposite Party clearly indicates that he did not receive Form TM 11, the Initiating Party is required to show Proof of Service. For proof, either a courier receipt or invoice or if by normal post, a Statutory Declaration that the Notice of Opposition (Form TM 11) has been posted will suffice. The Opposite Party will be directed to file an AFS and thereafter, the Initiating Party will be directed to re-serve the documents on the Opposite Party at the AFS. The deadline for the Opposite Party to file his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) is 2 months from the date of receipt by the Opposite Party of Form TM 11 that was re-served. Opposite Party receives Form TM 11 after the date of receipt by Registrar If the Opposite Party receives Form TM 11 after the date that the Registrar receives the same, the Opposite Party should promptly inform the Registrar and the Initiating Party in writing of the actual date of receipt of Form TM 11. The deadline for the Opposite Party to file his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) is taken to be 2 months from the actual date of receipt by the Opposite Party of Form TM 11. Service which is effected in accordance with this HMD Circular is deemed to be in compliance with rule 29(2). B. FILING OF FORM TM 11 (INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION DESIGNATING SINGAPORE) Rule 13 of the TMIRR governs the process for the filing of Form TM 11 in relation to an international registration. In relation to an international registration, there is no issue of "service" of Form TM 11. The opponent is only required to file Form TM 11 with the Registrar. C. SERVICE OF FORM TM 28 (NATIONAL REGISTRATION AND INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION DESIGNATING SINGAPORE) Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxii Where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9, the Initiating Party should, when filing the relevant action with the Registrar, send a copy of Form TM 28 to the Opposite Party's address indicated on the Register at the same time (rule 57(3)). Upon receipt of Form TM 28 from the Initiating Party, the Registrar will notify the Opposite Party to file a Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file CounterStatement). Where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9, the Registrar will also notify the Opposite Party to file Form TM 1 at the same time as he files his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement). For avoidance of doubt, the Registrar will rely on the date of receipt by the Registrar of Form TM 28 for the purposes of calculating the due date for filing the Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) in accordance with rule 58, save under the circumstances below. Opposite Party did not receive Form TM 28 If the Opposite Party clearly indicates that he did not receive Form TM 28 at all, subject to proof that the Initiating Party has sent Form TM 28 by post to the Opposite Party, the Opposite Party will be directed to file an AFS and thereafter, the Initiating Party will be directed to re-serve the documents on the Opposite Party at the AFS. The deadline for the Opposite Party to file his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) is 2 months from the date of receipt by the Opposite Party of Form TM 28 that was re-served. Opposite Party receives Form TM 28 after the date of receipt by Registrar If the Opposite Party receives Form TM 28 after the date that the Registrar receives the same, the Opposite Party should promptly inform the Registrar and the Initiating Party in writing of the actual date of receipt of Form TM 28. The deadline for the Opposite Party to file his Counter-Statement (or a request for an extension of time to file Counter-Statement) is 2 months from the actual date of receipt by the Opposite Party of Form TM 28. Service which is effected in accordance with this HMD Circular is deemed to be in compliance with rule 57(3). D. SERVICE OF NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER RULE 29(5) (NATIONAL APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AND INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION DESIGNATING SINGAPORE) Where there is no AFS filed nor any trade or business address in Singapore to be treated as the AFS in accordance with rule 9, the Initiating Party should send the notice required under rule 29(5)1 to the Opposite Party's address indicated on the Register. For avoidance of doubt, the Registrar will take the date of receipt by the Registrar of Form TM 48 together with the notice required under rule 29(5) as the date for the purposes of compliance with rules 29(3) and (6). 1 The notice shall contain (i) a statement of the opponent's intention to request for an extension; (ii) the extension requested for; (iii) the reason for the extension; and (iv) a request for the consent of the applicant or other person to the extension. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxiii Separately, the Registrar will take the date stated on the face of the notice required under rule 29(5) as the date for the purposes of compliance with rule 29(5), unless the Opposite Party clearly indicates otherwise, e.g. the Opposite Party notifies the Registrar in writing that the notice required under rule 29(5) was not received by the date the Registrar receives Form TM 48. In cases of irregularity, the Registrar will exercise her discretion under rule 29(7) and/or rule 83 on the facts of each case and may grant an extension of time (for more details see below). Service which is effected in accordance with this HMD Circular is deemed to be in compliance with rule 29(5). E. REGISTRAR'S DISCRETION UNDER RULE 29 Rule 29(7) provides that the Registrar may refuse to grant the extension of time if: (i) (ii) the person requesting for the extension fails to provide a good and sufficient reason for the extension; or if the person fails to show to the Registrar's satisfaction that a notice referred in rule 29(5) has been served on the applicant and every person likely to be effected by the extension. Where a person on whom a notice referred to in rule 29(5) is served fails or refuses to give his consent within 2 weeks from the date of the notice, the Registrar may, if he is satisfied that a good and sufficient reason has been shown, grant the extension and the Registrar may do so without having to conduct a hearing in accordance with rule 67 – see rule 29(8). The Registrar's discretion is not constrained by whether or not the Opposite Party gives his consent to an extension of time. While the effect of rule 29(7) and rule 29(8) is such that the Registrar has the discretion to grant an extension of time to file Form TM 11, the total extension of time which can be granted is 4 months from the publication date of the national application for registration or international registration designating Singapore (r29(4)). Attendance at Opposition / Revocation / Invalidation / Rectification Hearings (HMD Circular No. 5/2011, dated 26 August 2011) This circular seeks to clarify the application of rule 37 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap 332, 2008 Rev Ed). Rule 37 relates to attendance at an opposition hearing. In particular, rule 37(3) provides that any party who intends to appear at the hearing shall file Form TM 13 before the hearing. Rule 59 extends the application of rule 37 to revocation / invalidation / rectification proceedings. Form TM 13 not filed by one party: Registrar will usually proceed with hearing If no Form TM 13 is filed on behalf of a party, he may be treated as not desiring to be heard. The Registrar may proceed with the hearing in the absence of that party or may, without proceeding with the hearing, give his decision, dismiss the proceedings or make such other order as he thinks fit (R37(4)). Where Form TM 13 is filed by only one party, the Registrar will, under ordinary circumstances, proceed with the hearing in the absence of the party who did not file Form TM 13. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxiv In practice, if a party has not filed Form TM 13 but appears at the hearing desiring to be heard before the session formally begins, the Registrar will require the party to file Form TM 13 immediately or extract a solicitor's undertaking, where relevant, from the party's agent that Form TM 13 will be filed by the end of the next working day. Form TM 13 filed but party does not appear: Registrar will usually ascertain party's intention Where a party does not attend the hearing after filing Form TM 13, the Registrar may proceed with the hearing in the absence of that party or may, without proceeding with the hearing, give her decision, dismiss the proceedings or make such other order as she thinks fit (R37(5)). In practice, the Registrar will contact the absent party/parties as far as reasonably possible to ascertain his/their intention. Where a party has filed Form TM 13 but fails to turn up at the hearing, the Registrar will be slow to move the matter ahead with the other party who is present without hearing further from the absent party who has filed Form TM 13. Likewise where both parties do not attend the hearing, but Form TM 13 has already been filed by both parties, the Registrar will be slow to strike out the proceedings without verifying their intention. If it is a party's intention to be heard but he cannot be present for legitimate reasons (e.g. medical reasons), the Registrar will, where reasonable, vacate the hearing and refix it for another day. Form TM 13 not filed by both parties and both parties do not appear: Registrar will usually strike out the proceedings Where both parties do not attend the hearing, and Form TM 13 has not been filed by either party, the Registrar will, under ordinary circumstances, strike out the proceedings. The proceedings may, however, be restored on the Registrar's direction (R37(6)). In practice, where parties do not intend to attend the hearing, they would usually have informed the Registrar in writing before the hearing date. They would also have requested the Registrar to make a decision without their presence at a hearing. In such cases, where the parties' intention is clear, the Registrar will decide on a case by case basis whether to proceed to make a decision without a hearing (if both parties are not present) or dismiss the proceedings under Rule 37(4) or strike out the proceedings under Rule 37(6). Generally, the initiator of an action is expected to attend the hearing to prove his case unless there are exceptional reasons, for example, the responding proprietor in an invalidation action has shown no interest in defending his registration and has not filed any document through the process. Restoration of proceedings Where the Registrar has exercised her discretion to strike out the proceedings, a party may apply to restore the proceedings under Rule 37(8). Such an application must be made within 7 days after the Registrar's notice that the proceedings have been struck out. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxv Completing Form TM 48 (HMD Circular No. 6/2011, dated 26 August 2011) Form TM 48 is to be filed with the Registrar when requesting an extension of time to file a Notice of Opposition. Rule 29(3) provides that such request shall be made by filing Form TM 48 with the Registrar within 2 months from the date of the publication of the application for registration. A. DETAILS OF INTENDED OPPONENT Part 2 of Form TM 48 requires the Intended Opponent to include his details. Where there is no clear indication of who the Intended Opponent is, the Registrar will reject Form TM 48 as being non-compliant, unless there are exceptional circumstances which dictate otherwise. B. DISCREPANCY BETWEEN FORM TM 48 AND FORM TM 11 Where there is a discrepancy in the details of the Intended Opponent in Form TM 48 vis-avis the details of the Opponent in Form TM 11, the Registrar will reject Form TM 11 as noncompliant unless there are exceptional circumstances which dictate otherwise. For example, the Opponent can show to the satisfaction of the Registrar that the Intended Opponent and the Opponent are related entities or belong to the same group of companies. Bill of Costs (HMD Circular No. 7/2011, dated 26 August 2011) HMD Circular No 3/2011 relates to costs, including taxation. This circular supplements HMD Circular No 3/2011 and provides clarification on some of the items in a Bill of Costs submitted for a taxation hearing. Rule 73(1) provides that where the Registrar has awarded party and party costs and the party wishes to have the costs taxed by the Registrar, the party shall, within one month from the date of the award of costs, apply for the costs to be taxed by filing a copy of the bill of costs with the Registrar and send at the same time a copy of the bill of costs to every other person having an interest in the taxation proceedings. Rule 73(2) provides that every bill of costs shall set out the following items: (a) the work done in the cause or matter; (b) all disbursements made in the cause or matter; (c) the sum claimed for each item; and (d) in chronological order and with dates, all events in the cause or matter which are relevant. Any party on whom a copy of the bill of costs has been served shall, if he wishes to dispute the bill or any part thereof, within one month from the receipt of the copy of the bill, mark the copy in accordance with rule 73(5) and send copies of the marked copy to the Registrar and the party requesting for taxation – see rule 73(4). Rule 73(5) provides that the marking of a copy of a bill of costs shall be effected by writing on the right hand margin against each item the word "Agree" if the party concerned agrees with the costs claimed for that item, or the word "Disagree" if the part concerned disagrees with the costs claimed for that item. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxvi A. COST ITEMS Where parties have agreed on a particular costs item in the bill of costs, the Registrar will not intervene in relation to that item and will award the quantum as agreed between the parties. In the event that parties disagree in relation to a particular item claimed, the Registrar will award an amount for the item having regard to the Fourth Schedule as well as to the particular circumstances of the case. B. DISBURSEMENTS Similarly, where parties have agreed on a particular item claimed, the Registrar will not intervene in relation to that item and will award the quantum as agreed between the parties. In the event that parties disagree in relation to a particular item claimed, the Registrar will only award claims which are reasonable. Generally, standard claims which are substantiated with receipts will be awarded. Opposition to Amendment of Trade Mark Application after Publication (HMD Circular No. 8/2011, dated 26 August 2011) Rule 23 of the Trade Marks Rules (Cap 332, 2008 Rev Ed) provides for opposition to amendment of a trade mark application for registration, where the amendment affects the representation of the trade mark or the goods or services covered by the application. Rules 23(1) and (2) provide that the proposed amendment or a statement of the effect of the amendment shall be published for opposition purposes. The process for such opposition is similar to the process for opposing an application for registration under Rule 29. The same rules apply to these two types of oppositions (Rule 23(4)). A Rule 23 action opposes the amendment of an application (which will move on to registration) while a Rule 29 action opposes the registration of the application mark itself. A. OPPOSITION TO AMENDMENT – NO RE-OPENING OF SUBSTANTIVE OPPOSITION An opposition under Rule 23 is confined to objections to the proposed amendment of an application and is not meant to re-open the application for opposition. Thus, if a prospective opponent had missed the deadline for opposition when the application was first published, and there is subsequently an amendment to the application which is then published, he cannot file an opposition within 2 months of the publication of the amendment, unless his grounds of opposition are directly attributed to the published amendment. If his grounds of opposition are leveled against the registration of the application mark, the prospective opponent should instead apply to invalidate the registration after the application mark has been registered. In summary, the publication of the amendment is not intended to extend the time for a prospective opponent to oppose the registration of a mark nor give him two bites of the cherry. B. NOTICE OF OPPOSITION Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. lxxxvii The Notice of Opposition must contain a statement of the grounds upon which the person opposes the amendment. Such grounds include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The amendment is contrary to Section 14(3) of the Trade Marks Act (Cap 332, 2005 Rev Ed) because it does not correct the name or address of the applicant or errors of wording or of copying or obvious mistakes. The amendment is contrary to Section 14(3) of the Trade Marks Act because it substantially affects the identity of the trade mark. The amendment is contrary to Section 14(3) of the Trade Marks Act because it extends the goods or services covered by the application. The amendment to the trade mark will render it contrary to specific absolute or relative grounds under Rules 7 and 8, to be specified in the statement of grounds. C. APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF RES JUDICATA Where the substantive opposition to an application for registration has already been dealt with and results in an amendment which is published, it is not possible to revisit the issues raised in the substantive opposition by filing an opposition under Rule 23. The principle of res judicata applies. This means that a judicial decision is conclusive as between the parties. In such a case, if an opponent disputes the decision of the Registrar in the substantive opposition, he has the right to appeal to the High Court. It is not for the Registrar to sit on appeal or review a decision that has been made by the Registrar on the same issues and between the same parties. The opponent is not entitled to a second opposition on the same issues. The principle of res judicata was applied by the Registrar in Campomar S.L. v Nike International Ltd and Another [2004] SGIPOS 3. On appeal, the High Court in Nike International Ltd and Another v Campomar S.L. [2005] 4 SLR(R) 76 affirmed the application of this principle. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 1 Applications Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 1999 Ed.) Registration has been applied for in the respect of the following Trade Marks under the provisions of the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332, 1999 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 2 T0719615J 03/10/2007 (35 37 40 42) Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; business project management services; business assistance services including project business case development; business assistance in the areas of project scoping, project delivery strategies, business risk management services, project directing services, project governance, project auditing, project management, corporate consulting, management consulting, business development planning; personnel management services, namely recruitment, placement, formation and management of a design team comprised of design consultants, specialists and advisors; business assistance in the areas of project programming, procurement strategies, recruitment and placement of management personnel, business analysis, commercial advisory services, commercial analysis, project commercial review services, economic and feasibility studies, business infrastructure risk assessments and project leadership services. Class 37 Building construction; repair, installation services; building, construction and civil engineering services; repair, maintenance, restoration and installation services relating to building and construction; pipeline maintenance services; on site building project management; contract-based construction services; construction supervision services; demolition supervision services; quarrying services; mining services; road building services; soil stabilisation; construction management and supervision; professional construction consultancy services in relation to asbestos assessments; professional consultancy services in relation to mining and mining engineering; professional consultancy services in relation to environmental reclamation, namely land reclamation and mining reclamation; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the foregoing. Class 40 Treatment of materials; professional consultancy services in relation to air purification, air treatment, including treating air quality, soil remediation, water treatment, water purification, waste water reprocessing, waste management, waste treatment, processing of gas, processing of oil, generation of electricity, generation of energy and generation of power. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; environmental and ground engineering services; professional Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 3 consultancy services in relation to biological science, cultural science, archaeology, engineering, hydrogeology, hydrology, geotechnical engineering, geology, geophysics, environmental engineering, environmental remediation, environmental assessment, environmental health and safety, technical data analysis, computerised analysis of data and design of information systems; professional consultancy services in relation to technical studies in the area of water environment and hydrology of surface water and ground water, architecture; professional consultancy services in relation to air quality testing and control; software design and development services, website design and development services; scientific and technological project management services; construction quality assurance services. GOLDER ASSOCIATES CORPORATION 3730 CHAMBLEE TUCKER ROAD, ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30341, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 4 T0810000I 28/07/2008 (35) Application for a series of two marks. Class 35 Business management and business administration; commercial management; business planning; business research; business investigation; business appraisals; business management and administration of real estate, residential, industrial and commercial properties, offices, business centers, departmental stores, shopping centers, retail and wholesale outlets, temporary accommodation, hotels, motels, resorts, service apartments, buildings, houses, condominiums, apartments, flats, warehouses, factories and developments; organisation of conventions, conferences and exhibitions for business and commercial purposes; business management in relation to commercial property; the bringing together for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in departmental stores, shopping centers, retail and wholesale outlets, hotel, food and beverage outlet, from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications, or from a general merchandise global communications network website; retail store services in relation to building materials, non-metallic rigid pipes for building, sheets made of plastic material for building, membranes made of plastic material for building, panels made of plastic material for building, signboards, natural and artificial stone, cement, lime, mortar, plaster, gravel, road making materials, asphalt, pitch, bitumen, articles made wholly or principally from the aforesaid goods, portable buildings; compilation of mailing lists; compilation of business directories and business guides; data processing; computerised data storage, computerised data retrieval of information, images, audio material and text; direct mail advertising; advertising services; television advertising; display services for merchandise; window dressing; publicity services; preparation and issuing of publicity materials; manufacturers’ representative services; ordering products and services for third parties via electronic data transmission; distribution and demonstration of goods and samples; advertising and publicity services; rental of advertising space; marketing and promotional services; public relations services, dissemination of advertising matter; internet based promotion; product marketing through computer networks; organisation, operation and supervision of sales and promotional schemes; organisation, management, performance and facilitation of sales of products and services via a global computer network; market analysis and research; business analysis services; organisation of business competitions; accounting; preparation of reports; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; business and market Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 5 statistical information; provision of information relating to trade development and business opportunity; all included in Class 35. FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED 438 ALEXANDRA ROAD, SINGAPORE 119958 #21-00 ALEXANDRA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE POINT, MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 6 T0904328I-01 20/04/2009 (35 36 37 38 41 42) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0310081G, T0310471E and T9906929J. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising and promotion services; advertising, promotional and marketing services provided via satellite transmission, the Internet or through other electronic means; compilation of advertisements, marketing and promotional material for use on the Internet or by other electronic means; preparation and presentation of audio visual displays for promotional or advertising purposes not including illuminated signs; provision of business information, compilation of computerized business information data, all relating to the provision of and/or broadcasting of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Class 36 Financial services provided via satellite; all of the aforegoing excluding settlement and custody of securities. Class 37 Installation services; maintenance services in relation to computer hardware; installation, maintenance, repair and continuous and automated maintenance of apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images for the transmission, distribution and broadcasting of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text, via satellite systems or computer networks; installation, maintenance, repair and continuous and automated maintenance of data processing equipment, computer hardware, telecommunication apparatus, digital point of sale material and electronic signage, in each case for use in connection with the aforesaid purposes; installation, repair and continuous and automated maintenance of electronic apparatus and instruments, all for use in connection with the aforesaid purposes; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Class 38 Telecommunication services; telecommunication of information and data including those contained in computer programs and computer software, providing satellite transmission of data contained in computer programs and computer software, satellite broadcasting of graphics, information, data, sound, music, videos, animation and text, audio, video and data communications services; satellite broadcasting services; satellite communications Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 7 services; satellite transmission; telecommunications services by satellite; rental of satellite broadcasting sets; transmission of data by communications satellite; communication of information and data including those contained in computer programs and computer software; broadcasting of programmes by satellite; broadcasting; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic mail services; communication services for video conferencing purposes; satellite video conferencing services; video conferencing services; providing voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) peer-to-peer communications; electronic transmission of data and documents over computer terminals and instant messaging services; providing a high speed access to area networks and a global computer information network; teletext services; news broadcasting services and news agency services; news agency services for electronic transmission; transmission of news; supply of satellite radio and television broadcasting facilities; providing access to and rental of access time to a computer database; providing access to or rental of access to satellite capacity; broadcasting on radio, TV and on the Internet of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether downloadable or non-downloadable; telecommunication services for the distribution of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether downloadable or non-downloadable; telecommunications services by satellite earth stations; broadcasting of television programmes relayed by satellites; satellite communication services being in the nature of web-based online systems for booking satellite capacity and for the automated remote-control of satellite transmission equipment; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Class 41 Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; television and radio entertainment services; information relating to sporting events provided by satellite transmission, the Internet or by other electronic means; television, radio and film production in studios or by means of outside broadcasting facilities; provision of entertainment, sporting and cultural information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text comprising or relating to programme content in respect of entertainment, sporting and cultural activities, gambling, betting, wagering and gaming services and entertainment information and advisory services related thereto; on-line and telephone gambling, betting, wagering and gaming services; entertainment sporting services provided by telephone, satellite, the Internet or on-line from a computer network database; gaming, machine entertainment services; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 8 gaming services for entertainment purposes; rental of machines used in connection with gambling, betting, wagering or gaming services; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; computer systems analysis; repair, maintenance, updating and monitoring of computer software and computer programs; consultancy and advisory services in the field of data processing equipment, computer hardware, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, all for the transmission, distribution and broadcasting of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text, via satellite systems or landline computer networks; technological consultancy and advisory services in the field of telecommunications apparatus, computer software and electronic apparatus and instruments, all being for use in the provision of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text; supply of hardware and software programs used in connection with gambling, betting, wagering or gaming services; rental of software used in connection with gambling, betting, wagering or gaming services; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services; electronic data storage, all relating to the provision of and/or broadcasting of information, data, graphics, sound, music, video, animation and text. Priority Claims: Class 35 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 9 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 23/10/2008 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES All goods/services claimed in this application. SATELLITE INFORMATION SERVICES LIMITED SATELLITE HOUSE, 17 CORSHAM STREET, LONDON N1 6DR, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 10 T0908871A 11/08/2009 (18 24 25 28) Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; Animal skins, hides; Trunks and travelling bags; Umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; Whips, harness and saddlery; Bags made of leather and imitation leather; Handbags; Bags for campers; Bags for climbers; Bags for clothes; Bags for toiletry kits; Bags for use in sports for carrying sports clothing; Beach bags; Boston bags; Camping bags; Casual bags; Clutch bags; Cosmetic bags (not fitted); Duffel bags; Evening bags; Garment bags; Hat bags; Jewellery bags (empty); Laundry bags; Make-up bags; Overnight bags; Pouches (bags); School bags; Shoe bags; Shopping bags; Shoulder bags; Sling bags; Toilet bags; Toiletry bags; Tote bags; Travel bags; Purses. Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; Bed and table covers; Bed linen; Bed clothes; Bed coverings; Towels; Golf towels. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 28 Games and playthings; Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; Golf balls; Golf woods; Golf irons; Golf putters; Golf wedges; Golf package sets consisting golf clubs, golf balls and golf bags; Golf bags; Golf gloves; Golf club head covers; Golf ball markers; Pitch forks, being pitch mark repair tools (golf accessories); Golf practice ball bags; Articles for playing golf; Bag stands for golf bags; Caddie bags for golf clubs; Golf apparatus; Golf bag travel covers; Golf bags, with or without wheels; Golf ball retrievers; Golf ball spotters; Golf buggies (hand propelled); Golf club bags; Golf club covers; Golf club grips; Golf club heads; Golf club shafts; Gold clubs; Golf mats; Golf tees; Golfing apparatus; Grips for golf clubs; Handles for golf clubs; Sporting articles for playing the game of golf. AMERICAN SPORTS LICENSING, INC. 300 DELAWARE AVENUE, SUITE 548, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19801, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 11 T0908872Z 11/08/2009 (18 24 25 28) Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; Animal skins, hides; Trunks and travelling bags; Umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; Whips, harness and saddlery; Bags made of leather and imitation leather; Handbags; Bags for campers; Bags for climbers; Bags for clothes; Bags for toiletry kits; Bags for use in sports for carrying sports clothing; Beach bags; Boston bags; Camping bags; Casual bags; Clutch bags; Cosmetic bags (not fitted); Duffel bags; Evening bags; Garment bags; Hat bags; Jewellery bags (empty); Laundry bags; Make-up bags; Overnight bags; Pouches (bags); School bags; Shoe bags; Shopping bags; Shoulder bags; Sling bags; Toilet bags; Toiletry bags; Tote bags; Travel bags; Purses. Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; Bed and table covers; Bed linen; Bed clothes; Bed coverings; Towels; Golf towels. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 28 Games and playthings; Gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; Golf balls; Golf woods; Golf irons; Golf putters; Golf wedges; Golf package sets consisting golf clubs, golf balls and golf bags; Golf bags; Golf gloves; Golf club head covers; Golf ball markers; Pitch forks, being pitch mark repair tools (golf accessories); Golf practice ball bags; Articles for playing golf; Bag stands for golf bags; Caddie bags for golf clubs; Golf apparatus; Golf bag travel covers; Golf bags, with or without wheels; Golf ball retrievers; Golf ball spotters; Golf buggies (hand propelled); Golf club bags; Golf club covers; Golf club grips; Golf club heads; Golf club shafts; Gold clubs; Golf mats; Golf tees; Golfing apparatus; Grips for golf clubs; Handles for golf clubs; Sporting articles for playing the game of golf. AMERICAN SPORTS LICENSING, INC. 300 DELAWARE AVENUE, SUITE 548, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19801, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 12 T1000641C 21/01/2010 (12 35 36 37 39 42) Application for a series of two marks. Class 12 Vehicles; motor land vehicles; passenger motor cars; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Class 35 Business management; business administration; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); marketing services; market research services; distribution of goods (not being transport services)(agent, wholesale, representative services, by any means); import agency services; export agency services; retail services in relation to the sale of vehicles, motor land vehicles and passenger motor cars; retail services in relation to rented vehicles, motor land vehicles and passenger motor cars. Class 36 Financial services; loan services; arranging of loans; vehicle leasing services; financial leasing for vehicles; insurance services; insurance brokerage; insurance agency services; insurance consultation services; insurance information and underwriting services; re-insurance services; debt factoring. Class 37 Maintenance and repair services for vehicles; vehicle cleaning; vehicle polishing; vehicle washing; vehicle lubrication; vehicle servicing; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; maintenance of vehicle engines; reconditioning of vehicle engines. Class 39 Distribution of motor vehicles; delivery of motor vehicles; warehousing; vehicle parking; carriage of motor vehicles for others; vehicle valet services; rental of vehicles, motor land vehicles and passenger motor cars. Class 42 Inspection of motor vehicles before transport. INCHCAPE PLC 22A ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, LONDON, SW1Y 5LP, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 13 T1009570Z 28/07/2010 (09 17) Class 09 Optical fibres; optical fibre films; optical fibre rods; optical light guides; flexible optical light guides; light guide rods; light conducting rods; light conducting films; optical fibres [light conducting filaments]. Class 17 Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal; flexible rods, not of metal; silicone rubber materials in the form of sheets, tapes, films, plates, tubes, sticks and rods for lighting and illumination [other than for packaging]; light guiding films made of silicone rubber; films of silicone rubber used in the manufacture of key pads; films of silicone rubber used in the manufacture of displays, illuminations, instrument panels and electric appliances comprising one or more LEDs; surface protective films of plastic for electronic and optical components. FUJI POLYMER INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. 21-11, CHIYODA 5-CHOME, NAKA-KU, NAGOYA-SHI, AICHI 460-0012, JAPAN. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 14 T1010032J 05/08/2010 (09) Class 09 Cables, electric; electric cables; electric cables for use with telecommunication apparatus; electric extension cables; electrical cable; electrical cabling; electrical communications cables; instrumentation cables (electric); insulated electric cables; insulated electrical cables; insulated telecommunications cables; electric wire; electric wires; electrical wires; heat resistant electric wires; insulated electric copper wires; insulated electric wire; insulated electrical wires; sheaths for electrical wires; all used in combination with cables, or low tension of power cables. SIGMA CABLE COMPANY (PTE) LIMITED 19 BENOI ROAD, #05-00 SIGMA CABLE HIGH TECH COMPLEX, JURONG TOWN, SINGAPORE 629909 AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1011244B 01/09/2010 (09 28) Class 09 Gaming software that generates or displays wager outcomes of gaming machines. Class 28 Gaming devices, namely, gaming machines, slot machines, bingo machines, with or without video output; gaming machines, namely, slot machines with or without video output; gaming machines; gaming machines that generate or display wager outcomes; gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; gaming machines, namely, electronic slot and bingo machines. ARUZE GAMING AMERICA, INC. 745 GRIER DRIVE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 89119, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 15 T1011846G 15/09/2010 (36) Class 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; life and health insurance and annuity services; reinsurance services; wealth creation and management services; financial planning and financial advisory services; savings and retirement services, namely pension fund services, annuity services, and retirement fund management services; tax and estate planning services; investment and investment management services; trading in financial instruments; securities dealing; mutual fund brokerage, management, distribution and investment services; custodial services, private placement and capital market services; banking and insurance referral services; banking services; trust company services; lending services; management of real estate; real estate administration; rental of real estate; real estate investment services; mortgage issuing services; provision of financial and insurance information to group health policy holders about foreign doctors and foreign medical facilities when travelling away from Canada; arranging for the sale of investment funds, mutual funds, pooled funds, wrap account products, segregated funds, and securities-based investment products by brokers, dealers and financial advisors; provision of financial information and advice on investment funds, mutual funds, pooled funds, wrap account products, segregated funds, and securities-based investment products to brokers, dealers and financial advisors. Priority Claims: Class 36 16/03/2010 CANADA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 200 BLOOR ST. EAST, NT-10, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA M4W 1E5, CANADA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 16 T1012405Z 24/09/2010 (41) Class 41 Arranging and conducting of concerts, conferences, seminars, symposiums and workshops; Publication of books; Educational services; Organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; Presentation of live performances; Photography; Practical trainings; Publication of electronic books and journals on-line; Publication of texts, other than publicity texts; Production of shows; Educational and training services in the field of arts; Educational and training services in the field of music, theatre, dance, visual art, fashion design, cinema, multimedia and cooking; Training of teachers, professional and arts practitioners in the field of visual arts, performing arts and fashion design; Theatre productions; Exhibition of films; organization of film festivals; Vocational guidance; Management and provision of entertainment and educational services at multidisciplinary art centers; Presentation of works of visual and performing arts; Art exhibitions for cultural, artistic, entertainment and educational purposes; Organisation of art fairs for entertainment purposes; Professional training in dance, drama, new media, visual arts, music and singing; Provision of facilities for performing and training in the field of arts; Entertainment services; training of children in art and artworks. THE OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE LIMITED 1 OLD PARLIAMENT LANE, SINGAPORE 179429 AGENT: SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION, 1 KIM SENG PROMENADE, #15-12 GREAT WORLD CITY WEST TOWER, SINGAPORE 237994 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 17 T1012728H 01/10/2010 (38 41) Class 38 Television broadcasting services via cable, satellite and other means; cable radio transmission; cable radio broadcasting; radio broadcasting; radio communication; mobile radio communication; broadcasting and telecommunications services; cable and satellite transmission services; wireless mobile phone services [telecommunications]; mobile phone telecommunication services; providing user access to websites on the Internet featuring downloadable ring tones, music, moving picture experts group audio layer-3 (audio file format/extension) (MP3s), graphics, games, video images and information for wireless mobile communication devices; providing wireless transmission of uploadable and downloadable ring tones, voice, music, moving picture experts group audio layer-3 (audio file format/extension) (MP3s), graphics, games, video images, information and news via a global computer network to a wireless mobile communication device; providing user access to voting and polling services on websites on the Internet through a wireless mobile communication device; transmission of voice and text messages between wireless mobile communications; internet portal services; electronic transmission of data, documents, music, videos, images, text and other data via a global computer network; communication services, including transmitting streamed sound and audio-visual recordings via the internet; all the aforesaid services also provided via television, video on demand, and/or streaming internet and wireless communication devices. Class 41 Entertainment and education; entertainment services in the nature of an amusement park ride and attraction, educational, teaching and training, entertainment, sporting and cultural services, including production of radio and television programs; preparation, presentation, distribution [other than transportation] and rental of television and radio programs and of films, animated films and sound and video recordings whether or not through interactive media, among which include wireless communication devices and the internet; production of films and live entertainment features; production of animated motion pictures and television features; provision of cinema and television studio services; provision of motion picture entertainment services, provision of television entertainment services and provision of live entertainment performances and shows; production of television music programs; publication of books, magazines and periodicals; providing information on television programming services to multiple users via the world wide web or the internet or other on-line databases including on-line voting system [entertainment services]; production of dance shows, music shows and video award Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 18 shows; comedy shows, game shows and sports shows before live audiences which are broadcast live or taped for later broadcast; live musical concert services; news program services; organizing talent contests and music and television award events; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; providing information in the field of entertainment by means of a global computer network; providing on-line voting services via the internet or a wireless communication device [entertainment services]; production and rental of educational and instructional materials; organization, production and presentation of events for educational, cultural or entertainment purposes, whether or not through interactive media; organization, production and presentation of competitions, contests, games, quizzes, exhibitions, sporting events, organization of interactive games; shows, road shows for educational, cultural or entertainment purposes; organizing events, theatrical performances, concerts, live performances and audience participation events for educational, cultural or entertainment purposes; production of SMS-quiz programs [entertainment services]; all aforementioned services also rendered via a global computer network and other (interactive) communication networks, including the internet. COMEDY PARTNERS 1515 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10036, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 19 T1013902B 26/10/2010 (09 16 35 36 38 39 41 42 43) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0901083F and T0907394C. Class 09 Electric, electronic, facsimile, telex, telephone, telegram, data acquisition installation, apparatus and instrument; all for processing, logging, storing, transmission, display, reception, input, output or print-out of non-pictorial or graphical data; computer software and programmes; computer software and publications in electronic form supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the global communications/computer network (including web sites); travel guides in the form of audio recordings; travel guides in the form of video recordings; computer software and telecommunications apparatus (including modems) to enable connection to databases and the global communications/computer network; computer software to enable searching of data; computer software and networking hardware for the facilitation of interactive multimedia communications; digital wireless telecommunications hardware and software; computer software for use in creating, editing and delivering textual and graphic information via computer communication networks; computer programs for digital publishing, printing, imaging, and electronic document storage, manipulation, transfer and retrieval; computers, computer hardware and computer output apparatus, printers, image setters, copiers, proofers, plate makers; facsimile machines and telecommunications equipment; computer programs and telecommunications equipment; computer programs for digital publishing, printing and imaging via a local or global communications networks; optical disc players and computer programs therefor; electronic devices for receiving television and global communication network transmissions and transmitting them to a television or other display device and computer programs for use therewith; entertainment consoles comprising computer hardware and software for providing audio, video and multimedia output; handheld computers; operating system programs; computer programs for managing communications and data exchange between handheld computers and desktop computers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter, entertainment guides, recreational guides, travel guide books, bus travel guides, maps, guide pamphlets; photographs; stationery; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); publications, journals and newspapers. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 20 Class 35 Commercial or industrial management assistance for travel and travel-related industries; commercial or industrial information agencies for travel and travel-related industries; advertising and promotion services and information services relating thereto; rental of advertising space; television advertising commercials; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the global communications/ computer network; preparation and presentation of audio visual displays for advertising purposes; dissemination of advertising matter; collecting computerised business information data for use by the travel and travel-related industries; marketing studies; business planning, business appraisal for travel and travel-related industries; marketing and business research; compilation of business statistics and commercial information for use by the travel and travel-related industries; all the above also provided via the global communications/computer network, terrestrial or satellite television, radio, or other means of communication; retail services in relation to travel related goods; department store retailing including such services provided on-line; organisation of promotional activities through audio visual media; provision of business news [business management]; organisation of promotional activities through audio visual media; provision of information relating to all the aforesaid services on-line from a computer database or from the internet. Class 36 Financial and monetary affairs; banking services; securities brokerage and electronic discount brokerage services and on-line discount brokerage services; investment services; lending services and lending against security; offering of treasury and derivative financial products; investment banking, treasury and foreign exchange services and providing financial services to institutional investment client; trust, credit, investment, savings, safety deposit, loans, loan guarantees; credit card and charge card services; automated banking services; financial management and advisory services relating to investment; financial planning and financial services; financial appraisal; actuarial services; arrangement and financial management of life insurances, guarantee insurance and mutual funds; pension services, travel insurance; bankers’ clearing services; financial advisory services; redemption and issuing of travellers’ cheques; currency exchange services; escrow services; fund and capital investment advisory services; stock broking agency services; provision of financial guarantees; issuing letters of credit and certificates of deposit; investment trust services; surety services; share underwriting; clearing-house services; insurance services; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance underwriting, accident insurance underwriting, fire insurance underwriting, health insurance underwriting, life insurance underwriting, marine insurance underwriting; insurance Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 21 brokerage, accident insurance brokerage, fire insurance brokerage, health insurance brokerage, life insurance brokerage, marine insurance brokerage; savings banks; credit bureaux; issuance of credit cards; debit card services; issue of tokens of value; deposits of valuables; safe deposit services; funds transfer, electronic funds transfer; fiduciary services; stock exchange quotations; stocks and bonds brokerage; banking evaluation; fiscal assessments; financial management; instalment loans, lease purchase financing, hire purchase financing, mortgage banking; retirement payment services; leasing of modems; and all the above also provided on-line from a computer database or the global communications/computer network; provision of information, consultancy services and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services. Class 38 Electronic and telecommunication transmission services; transmission of data, documents, messages, images, sounds, voices, text, audio, video and electronic communications and data and information by electronic computer, cable, radio, radio paging, teleprinter, teleletter, electronic mail, facsimile machine, television, microwave, laser beam, communications satellite, microwave link, terrestrial means, cable, wireless or wire link system or other communications means; provision of multi-media information and interactive multimedia services; consultancy services relating to data communications; transmission of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer-stored data bank (telecommunication services); provision of information for business or domestic purposes from a computer-stored data bank (telecommunication services); electronic mail services; telecommunication services relating to the global communications/computer network; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programs and any other data; providing user access to the global communications/computer network (service providers); providing telecommunications connections to the global communications/computer network or databases; teletext services; telecommunication access services; telecommunication gateway services; provision of telecommunication on-line access and links to private computer network, global communications/computer network and intranet; providing multiple-user access to a global computer information network; electronic messaging services; providing online facilities for real-time interaction with other computer users; renting of modems; provision of access to Internet and intranet; provision of access to sites on an electronic information network; provision of access to various databases; rental of access time to a computer database (other than by Internet Service Providers); hiring and rental of set-top boxes and internet devices; provision of information relating to all the Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 22 aforesaid services on-line from a computer database or from the internet; all included in Class 38. Class 39 Travel services; tourist offices services (except hotel reservation) and tourist agency services; arranging and providing travel transport by land, sea and air; arranging and providing tours and cruises; travel agency services; ticketing services for travel; rental of apparatus for transportation by land, sea and air; cargo handling; provision of car parking facilities; carting and chauffeur services; collection of goods for transportation, crating of goods, delivery of goods; escorting of travellers; guarded transport, travel guide services; porter services; conducting sightseeing tours; tour operating and organising; transport brokerage; travel courier services; chartering of ships; cruise ship services; ferry transport services; sea freight services; marine transport services; piloting of ships; pleasure boat transport services; river transport services; reservation services for travel; and all the above also provided on-line from a computer database of the Internet; provision of information, consultancy services and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services; physical storage of computerised business information data for use by the travel and travel-related industries; advice and assistance in the selection of travel and travel-related goods and services; services for the arranging of travel; provision of information relating to travel; information relating to travel, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet or via terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; all included in Class 39. Class 41 Education, entertainment, travel, sports and leisure services in the nature of planning, production and distribution of live or recorded audio, visual or audiovisual material for broadcasting on terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, the Internet, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; provision of information relating to television and radio programmes, entertainment, music, sport and recreation; information relating to entertainment or education, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet or via terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; electronic games services provided by means of the Internet or via terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); publication of electronic books and journals on-line; organisation and sponsorship of competitions; box office services, namely, ticket agency services (entertainment); information and advisory services relating to education and entertainment; hiring and rental of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 23 television and television display apparatus; news and current affairs information services relating to the aforesaid services; news and current affairs programmes; commissioned writing for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; all included in Class 41. Class 42 Computer services, namely, interactive hosting services which allow the user to publish and share their own content online; application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing, providing electronic media or information over the Internet or other communications network; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications for classifieds, virtual community, social networking, photo sharing, video sharing, travel review sharing and transmission of photographic images; design and drawing all for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; creating and maintaining web sites; hosting web sites of others; installation and maintenance of computer software; hiring and rental of computers, computer programs, computer terminals, monitors, computer keyboards, laptop computers, computer peripherals, and parts and accessories of all these goods; computerised storage of business information data for use by the travel and travel-related industries; provision of information relating to all the aforesaid services in the form of news and current affairs; provision of information relating to all the aforesaid services on-line from a computer database or from the internet; all included in Class 42. Class 43 Travel agency services for booking temporary accommodation; appraisal of tourist accommodation; booking and reservation services for holiday accommodation including holiday apartments, hotels, motels, resorts, cabins, self-catering holiday apartments, boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, tourist camps; accommodation finding services for tourists and travellers; cruise accommodation reservation services; booking of restaurant places or seats; and all the aforesaid services also provided on-line from a computer database of the global communications/computer network; provision of temporary accommodation including holiday apartments, hotels, motels, resorts, cabins, self-catering holiday apartments, boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, tourist camps; cruise accommodation services; providing of campground facilities, caravans, tents; catering services for the provision of food for tourists and travellers; provision of information and electronic information services relating to all of the above. ZUJI PROPERTIES A.V.V. WATAPANASTRAAT 7, ORANJESTAD, ARUBA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 24 AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1014711D 09/11/2010 (03 05 10 35) Application for a series of three marks. Class 03 Soaps; Dentifrice; Cosmetics; Perfumery; False nails; False eyelashes. Class 05 Medicines; Paper impregnated with oil for medical purposes; Gauze dressings; Capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; Eye bandages (dressings); Ear bandages (dressings); Sanitary bands; Sanitary tampons; Sanitary napkins; Sanitary briefs; Absorbent cotton; Adhesive plasters; Bandages (dressings); Liquid adhesives for use as surgical dressings; Breast-nursing pads; Bracelets for medical use. Class 10 Baby teething rings; Ice pillows for medical purposes; Triangular bandages (supportive); Support bandages; Catgut for surgical operation; Feeding cups for surgical and/or medical purposes; Syringes; Teats; Ice bags for medical purposes; Ice bag suspender for medical purposes; Nursing instruments; Nursing bottles; Finger stalls; Contraceptive devices; Medical apparatus and instruments; Gloves for medical use; Ear picks; Medical masks. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, namely medicines and medical accessories, cosmetics, dentifrices and soaps (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail or wholesale outlets. IKEDA MOHANDO CO., LTD. 16 JINDEN, KAMIICHI-MACHI, TOYAMA, JAPAN. NAKANIIKAWA-GUN, AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 25 T1015353Z 22/11/2010 (03 44) Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words "Skin" and "Care". Class 03 Cleanser, toner, moisturiser, beauty masks, eye cream, eye gel, cosmetic ampoules for skin care, pimple cream, sunblock, cosmetic serum, massage oil, massage cream. Class 44 Providing beauty consultation and beauty treatment service using cleanser, toner, moisturiser, mask, eye cream, eye gel, ampoule, pimple cream, sunblock, serum, massage oil, massage cream and beauty related products. APPLE SKIN CARE PTE LTD 177 TOA PAYOH, #01-140, SINGAPORE 310177 AGENT: NANYANG LAW LLC, P.O. BOX 1861 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 903711 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 26 T1015919H 02/12/2010 (09 16 28 35 38 41 42) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Suo Ai" which has no meaning. Class 09 Electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; mobile multimedia and communications devices; electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments for recording, storing, editing, transmitting, reproducing, playing, or displaying sound, music, voice, images, photographs, text, e-mail, data, video, radio, television, games, or other multimedia content; computer software; downloadable computer software; downloadable electronic publications; cellular or mobile phones; cellular or mobile phones featuring the capacity to function in any number of extra ways beyond just as a phone, namely, to function as a camera, to perform instant messaging, to conduct multimedia messaging, to access and communicate with e-mail, to access and communicate with the Internet, to access and communicate data, to function as a radio, to record, play, transmit, receive, and/or manage music, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage audio or voice, to record, play, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage video, to create, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage photographs or pictures, to upload, view, transmit, receive, edit, and/or manage graphics or images, to play electronic games, to upload photographs and text onto online journals or web logs also known as blogs, to manage a calendar and contact information and otherwise function as a personal digital assistant (PDA), to effectuate printing, to perform satellite navigation, to view electronic city guides, to function as a remote control for computers and run multimedia presentations, to transmit video, sound, and/or data to websites, and/or to otherwise function as a mobile multimedia and communications device; downloadable electronic manuals in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; personal computer cards that enable computers and laptop computers to gain wireless access to, and communicate with, e-mail, the Internet, Intranets, or private computer networks; computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable computer application software for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; downloadable music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies, all downloadable to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices via the Internet; camera devices adapted for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 27 electronic devices that allow images from cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to be shown on televisions, display screens or computer monitors; electronic devices that allow audio from cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to be heard on stereo systems; audio speakers for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; combination amplifier and speaker system for listening to music or audio from mobile or cellular phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; radio transmitters; computer games for use with cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; accessories adapted for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of headsets and devices for hands-free use such as earphones and headphones; accessories adapted for cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices in the nature of chargers, batteries, cases, covers, holders, docking stands, cables, power packs, and tripods; remote controls for electronic communications and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; and digital photo frames for displaying digital pictures, video clips and/or music. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters, pens, pencils, highlighters, punches, and staplers; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; stickers; printed manuals and guides in the field of cellular or mobile phones and accessories therefor; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); note pads; prepaid gift cards for use in redeeming music and multimedia downloads online (other than encoded or magnetic); magazines, catalogues, envelopes, books, newsletters, pamphlets, posters, pictures, note pads, postcards, and calendars. Class 28 Toys, games and playthings; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods. Class 35 Retail store services in the field of cellular or mobile phones, related goods, accessories for use with cellular or mobile phones, and computer application software for cellular or mobile phones; online retail store services in the field of cellular or mobile phones, related goods, accessories for use with cellular or mobile phones, ring tones, pre-recorded music, games, music, screensavers, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 28 wallpapers, and computer application software for cellular or mobile phones; call centre services (customer service) in the field of cellular or mobile phones, accessories for use with cellular or mobile phones, and computer application software for cellular or mobile phones; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop] in relation to cellular or mobile phones, accessories for use with cellular or mobile phones, and computer application software for cellular or mobile phones. Class 38 Telecommunications services; telecommunications in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; information, advice and consultancy services, all relating to the aforesaid services; telecommunications services in the nature of transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; transmission of sound, picture, image, video, and data signals to personalize or enhance cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, such transmission enabled by means of the Internet and wireless technology, provided in response to commands from computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of sound, picture, graphic, image, and video signals to the website, where the signals may be edited and then transmitted to computers and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; providing information on calling plans and telecommunication services of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices; providing access via the Internet and cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices to music, games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies for the purpose of playing, viewing and/or downloading the music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies; providing online forums for transmission of messages among computer users concerning cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; and providing electronic data links to websites of others in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones and devices; providing telecommunications news, information and commentary in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones; providing telecommunications information on cellular or mobile phones and accessories and applications for such phones in Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 29 the form of photographic and video content; news broadcasting and sending (transmission) of news in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones; provision of technical information, advice and assistance relating to telecommunication apparatus such as cellular or mobile phones and accessories for cellular or mobile phones in the area of their functionality and operations, via customer services rendered over telephone and electronic help lines. Class 41 Entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; entertainment in the nature of sporting events, tournaments, and competitions; entertainment in the nature of tennis tournaments; entertainment in the nature of futbol tournaments also known as soccer tournaments; entertainment featuring exhibition sporting events, specifically, a modified form of the game of tennis performed as a floor show in night clubs or venues prepared in the style of a night club, such events being performed in a way that interprets the game of tennis as a night club activity by playing the game rapidly, in the dark, under ultraviolet light, with light and music shows, and also featuring fashion shows and disc jockey performances; entertainment services, namely, non-downloadable music, electronic games, ringtones, wallpapers, themes, and movies presented to mobile multimedia and communications devices via a global computer network and wireless networks; entertainment in the nature of conducting contests regarding the creation of personalized electronic characters or caricatures; publication of online journals, namely, blogs featuring content in the field of cellular or mobile phones and mobile multimedia and communications devices, and accessories and applications for such phones; education, provision of training, conferences, seminars, congresses, correspondence courses, all relating to telecommunication; information relating to entertainment or education provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet or via terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; electronic games services provided by means of the Internet or via terrestrial means, cable, satellite channels, wireless or wirelink systems and other means of communication; information and advisory services relating to education and entertainment. Class 42 Technological services; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for others to upload images and video from cellular or mobile phones, edit the images and video, and then download the edited images and video onto computers or cellular or mobile phones; and providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for others to upload music from Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 30 cellular or mobile phones, edit the music, and then download the edited music onto computers or cellular or mobile phones; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software, via a website, for creating personalized electronic characters or caricatures online by starting with a pre-set online figure that lacks personalizing features and then adding personalizing features from an online collection of possible features. SONY MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AB NYA VATTENTORNET, SE-22188, LUND, SWEDEN AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1016138I 08/12/2010 (09) Class 09 Single crystal silicon ingots for solar cells, polycrystal silicone ingots for solar cells; wafers [silicon slices]; crystalline cells, crystalline modules, thin-film modules, thin-film targets, all being parts of or for use in solar cells or photovoltaic modules; solar powered devices for generating energy; electronic components for solar photovoltaic modules; photovoltaic power generators; solar cells. HANWHA CORPORATION #1, JANGGYO-DONG, JUNG-GU, SEOUL, KOREA. AGENT: PYPRUS PTE LTD, 30 BIDEFORD ROAD, #07-01 THONG SIA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 229922 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 31 T1016355A 10/12/2010 (11) Class 11 Electric coffee roasters for industrial purposes; electric coffee makers for industrial purposes: electric tea makers for industrial purposes; coffee brewers for industrial purposes: electric waffle makers for industrial purposes; cooking equipment for industrial purposes; dish disinfectant apparatus for industrial purposes; electric cup warmers for industrial purposes; electric coffee roasters for household purposes; electric coffee makers for household purposes; electric tea makers for household purposes; electric coffee brewers for household purposes; electric beverage dispensers for household purposes (other than vending machines); electric waffle makers for household purposes; household electrothermic appliances; hand-operated coffee roasters for household purposes; non-electric cooking heaters for household purposes; refrigerators for beverages for industrial purposes; electric refrigerators for industrial purposes; refrigerating or freezing showcase; freezing machines and apparatus; filters for water purifying apparatus; water purifying apparatus; electric tabletop coffee makers containing brewing and heating elements for use with coffee siphons. LUCKY I CREMAS CO., LTD. 95 FUKAEHAMAMACHI, HIGASHINADA-KU, KOBE-SHI, HYOGO-KEN 658-0023, JAPAN. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 32 T1016801D 22/12/2010 (09 16 37 41 42) Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; downloadable software; electronic manuals and publications; electronic newsletters; software recovery programmes; computer hardware; computer software; computer installation and diagnostic support and utility software; computer games; computer peripheral devices; amusement apparatus adapted for use with television receivers; photographic apparatus and equipment; telecommunications apparatus and equipment; compact discs; DVD’s; magnetic data media; audio and video tapes and cassettes; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 16 Manuals, training manuals, exercise manuals, training materials (other than apparatus). Class 37 Installation, repair, maintenance and servicing of computers and of electronic, electromechanical, optical, magnetic and electrical equipment for use with computers; computer support services (installation, repair and maintenance of computer hardware, computer peripherals and telecommunications apparatus); diagnostic maintenance services for computer hardware, computer peripherals and telecommunications apparatus including such services provided on-line or via the Internet or extranets; provision of information relating to installation, maintenance, repair, and servicing of computer hardware via mailshots, electronic mail updates, electronic mail support notices, and over telecommunications networks; installation, maintenance, repair and servicing of computer hardware, computer peripheral devices, photographic, apparatus and equipment, apparatus and equipment for recording and/or reproducing sound and/or images, and telecommunications apparatus and equipment; computer installation services; computer maintenance services; computer repair services; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid. Class 41 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 33 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; on-line training services; technical training services; technician training for consultants and experts; entertainment, education and training and information relating thereto provided on-line from a computer database, via the Internet, or over telecommunications networks; electronic games services provided on-line, via the Internet or over telecommunications networks; provision of on-line publications; gaming services; providing electronic publications (not downloadable) related to services and support information; computer assisted teaching services; computer assisted training services; computer based educational services; education services, providing of training, instruction and entertainment relating to computers, computer software, multimedia products, interactive products and online services, telecommunications apparatus, mobile phones, handheld and mobile digital electronic devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, faxes, electronic mail, video, instant messaging, music, audiovisual and other multimedia works, and other digital data, and distributing course materials therewith; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer support services, namely, troubleshooting of problems relating to computer software; hosting web portal for troubleshooting of problems relating to computer hardware, computer peripherals, consumer electronic devices, computer software and computer networks; providing computer support information and troubleshooting information via the Internet and voice telecommunications networks relating to repair of computer software; computer software consultation for optimizing the performance and functionality of computer hardware, computer peripherals, consumer electronic devices, computer software and computer networks; installation, repair, updating and maintenance of computer software; computer hardware, software and peripherals technical advisory and information services; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); diagnosis of faults in computer software; information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); computer support services (installation, repair and maintenance services) relating to computer software and telecommunications software; online provision of web-based applications and software. Priority Claims: Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 34 Class 09 28/06/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 28/06/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 28/06/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 28/06/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 28/06/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO All goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CALIFORNIA 95014, AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 35 T1100014A 03/01/2011 (09 28) Class 09 Electronic components adapted for gaming machines that generate or display wager outcomes, namely, controllers, displays, button panels, bolsters, electrical wiring, and computer hardware and software associated therewith; computer game software for gaming machines including slot machines or video lottery terminals; computer software and firmware for games of chance on any computerized platform, including dedicated gaming consoles, video based slot machines, reel based slot machines, and video lottery terminals; electronic components for slot machines; gaming software that generates or displays wager outcomes of gaming machines. Class 28 Components for gaming machines that generate or display wager outcomes, namely, controllers, displays, button panels, bolsters, electrical wiring, and computer hardware and software associated therewith; electronic gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; gaming equipment, namely, slot machines with or without video output; gaming machines; gaming machines featuring a device that accepts wagers; gaming machines for playing games of chance; slot machines (gaming machines); gaming machines that generate or display wager outcomes; gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; machines for playing games of chance; slot machines; all for use in casinos. ARUZE GAMING AMERICA, INC. 745 GRIER DRIVE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 89119, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 36 T1100147D 06/01/2011 (09) Class 09 Electronic control modules for rack power distribution systems; electronic control modules for UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) systems; hardware modules for rack power distribution systems, namely, computer hardware modules for controlling rack power distribution systems, rectifiers and controller based electronic hardware modules for rack power distribution systems; hardware modules for UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) systems, namely, computer hardware modules and telecommunications hardware modules for UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems, rectifiers and controller based electronic hardware modules for UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems. Priority Claims: Class 09 14/07/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. LIEBERT CORPORATION 1050 DEARBORN DRIVE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43085, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 37 T1100480E 13/01/2011 (09 16 28 29 30 32 34 41 43) Class 09 Motion picture films; musical recordings; audio recordings; video recordings; prerecorded audio tapes and discs; prerecorded video tapes and discs; magnetic, optical and digital recording media prerecorded with educational and or entertaining programs; electronic apparatus; apparatus for receiving and transmitting sound, images, and audio and video programs; audio and video recording and reproducing apparatus; audio and video machines for singing with prerecorded background music; microphones; headphones; speakers; cables and connectors; calculators; data processing equipment; computers; computer hardware and software; computer keyboards, mouse and mouse pads; web cams; computer peripheral devices and USB devices; data carriers; recording discs; flash drives; electronic personal organizers; personal digital assistants; wireless apparatus; telephones; videophones; cordless telephones; cellular telephones; cellular telephone accessories; cellular telephone cases; radios; walkie-talkies; electronic games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; video game machines for use with televisions or monitors; portable gaming systems and machines for use with televisions or monitors; stand alone portable video games for use with televisions or monitors; video game amusement apparatus (adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor); video and computer game programs; video and computer game cartridges; video and computer game devices adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; prerecorded game discs; prerecorded data carriers; interactive video game programs; motion-controlled video game programs; motion-controlled video game machines for use with televisions or monitors; motion-sensitive controllers for video games; interactive multimedia game programs; video and computer interactive programs combining animated images or live-action images with data and synchronized sound for entertainment and or educational use; playing apparatus (electronic apparatus) for use with televisions or monitors; DVD and CD ROMs with recorded game software; video game cards; video and computer game data storage apparatus; downloadable gaming programs for video and computer games; downloadable gaming programs for portable LCD electronic games; game joysticks; handheld joystick units for playing video and computer games; plaything shaped controllers and accessories for playing computer games; plaything shaped controllers and accessories for playing video games for use with televisions only; electronic game programs; game software; video game systems and machines adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; video and computer game controllers; video and computer game accessories adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; accessories for video and Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 38 computer game controllers; optical apparatus and instruments; magnifying devices and video devices; binoculars; three dimensional viewers; batteries; battery chargers; transformers; photographic and cinematographic apparatus and instruments; teaching apparatus and instruments; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; eyeglasses; sunglasses; eyeglass cases; decorative magnets; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods. Class 16 Writing articles, instruments and materials; drawing articles, instruments and materials; arts and craft paint kits and accessories; colouring pencils; crayons; stamps and inks; printed matter; books and booklets; picture books; comic books; comic strips; cartoon strips; magazines; periodicals; movie novels; video game guides; paintings; portraits; photographs; pictures; posters; art prints; postcards; stickers; decals; printed transfers; Christmas cards; greeting cards; invitation cards; stationery; letterheads; envelopes; name cards; notebooks; note paper; memo pads; calendars; diaries; address books; guest books; pens and pencils; refills for pens and pencils; pencil sharpeners; pen and pencil cases and boxes; rulers; erasers; writing, drawing, colouring and picture books and boards; children’s activity books; trading cards [printed matter]; flash cards; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; bookbinding materials; staplers; binders; book covers; bookmarks; photograph albums; stamp albums; coin albums; paper and paper articles; cardboard and cardboard articles; artists’ materials; paint brushes; modelling plastics, compounds and materials; instructional, teaching and educational materials (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture); bookends; paperweights; printers’ type; printing blocks; disposable diapers for babies; paper napkins; plastic materials for packaging purposes; gift cards; gift wrapping paper; decorative paper; paper bags and cardboard boxes; printed advertising and promotional materials. Class 28 Toys, games and playthings; toy action figures; dolls and doll playsets; doll clothing, doll accessories; toy animals; plush toys; stuffed toys; toy vehicles; spinning toys; spinning tops; toy wheels; interactive toys and games; multiple activity toys and playsets; outdoor activity toys; flying toys; kites; water and pool toys; water squirting toys; toy bucket and shovel sets; beach balls; inflatable toys; bubble making wand; solution sets (plaything); construction toys; building blocks; musical toys; electronic learning toys; toy scale models or replicas; collectible toy figures; puppets; toy moulds and moulding compounds and materials [playthings]; jigsaw puzzles; playing cards; card games; board games; ball games; toy sporting articles; athletic, gymnastic and sporting Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 39 articles; balls for play; golf balls; golf ball markers; jump ropes; skateboards; knee guards and wrist guards (sports articles); ornaments and decorations for Christmas trees; Christmas stockings; balloons; party games; character playing toys; party hats and masks; party favours in the nature of small playthings; festival toys; toy playsets; electronic toys; electric toys; mechanical toys; wind-up toys; squeeze toys; action skill games; target games; shooting game toys; driving game toys; toys with light visual effects and or audio sound effects; parlour games; electronic games not for use with televisions or monitors; video games not for use with televisions or monitors; handheld unit for playing electronic games; handheld unit for playing video games; handheld LCD games; battery-powered video game with LCD screen which features animation and sound effects; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; cheese; dairy based food products. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, biscuits, cakes, cookies, wafers, puddings; ice cream; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based preparations and beverages; bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; rice, pasta, noodles; pizzas; sandwiches, non-dairy creamers; tea-based beverages. Class 32 Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; soya-based beverages; malt-based beverages; ready to drink non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages. Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek, snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, pipes, pipe filters, ashtrays, tobacco smoke filters, lighters; matches. Class 41 Entertainment and recreational services; provision of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 40 entertainment facilities; club services (including entertainment, recreation, health, sport and education); providing karaoke services; discotheque services; night clubs; provision of recreational and sports facilities; health club services; recreation and leisure club services; golf courses and driving ranges; providing tennis facilities; providing swimming pool facilities; provision of fitness and exercise facilities; fitness and exercise instructions; provision of gymnasium and health club facilities; body training and sports instructions; physical education services; entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; arranging and organization of meetings, conferences, exhibitions, social events, shows and displays for sporting and cultural purposes; art gallery services; publication of books, booklets, picture books, comic books, comic strips, cartoon strips, magazines, periodicals, movie novels and video game guides; on line and electronic publishing services; education; providing of training; provision of education and learning facilities; education and training centers; arranging and conducting educational courses, lectures, seminars, training programs and workshops; training of personnel; motion picture entertainment, television entertainment and live entertainment services; production, presentation, distribution and rental of motion picture films, musical recordings, audio recordings and video recordings; production, presentation, distribution and rental of television programs and radio programs; production, presentation, distribution and rental of educational and or entertaining programs; production of interactive educational and or entertaining programs; provision of educational and or entertaining programs via global communication networks, computer networks and the Internet; production and provision of animated television series; provision of electronic games playable via global communication networks, computer networks and the Internet; provision of downloadable computer games via global communication networks, computer networks and the Internet; cinemas; amusement parks; theme parks; game arcades; casinos and gaming services; live stage shows; musical concerts; production and presentation of live performances; theatre productions; online education services; online entertainment services; online game services. Class 43 Hospitality services; provision of temporary accommodations and lodgings; hotel, motel, motor inn and guesthouse services; resort hotel services; holiday villas, cottages and lodging (accommodation); provision of facilities for meetings, conferences and exhibitions; provision of facilities [accommodation] for functions and events; provision of hotel facilities, including ball rooms, function rooms and meeting rooms; hotel concierge services relating to restaurant reservations, providing information including online, about services for providing food and drink, and Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 41 temporary accommodation, and arrangement of accommodation for travellers; restaurant, hot pot restaurant, barbecue restaurant, sashimi and sushi bar, tea house, coffee shop, cake shop, cafe, cafeteria, fast food outlet, self service restaurant, canteen, snack bar and food counter services; bar and cocktail lounge services; provision of food and drink for dine in, take home and delivery; provision of food and drink for consumption on and off hotel premises; catering and banqueting services; provision of banquet facilities; hiring of rooms for social functions; professional consultancy relating to hotels and resorts, restaurants and bars; reservation services for temporary accommodations, hotel services and hotel facilities. YANUA INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. 138 ROBINSON ROAD, #17-00 THE CORPORATE OFFICE, SINGAPORE 068906 AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 42 T1100642E 18/01/2011 (03 05 21 29 30 32) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Jia Shi" which has no meaning. Class 03 Cosmetics, namely, face cream, skin cream, body cream, beauty face pack, face mask, make-up removal sheet impregnated with cosmetic removal agents or cosmetic removing preparations, skin lotion, face lotion, body lotion, lip cream, skin gel, body gel, make-up base, skin cleansing preparations, soaps, body soap, skin whitening preparations, cleansing preparations for removing make-up, foundation make-up, face powder, bath powder, eye make-up, eye liner, mascara, eye brow pencils, lipsticks, cheek color, oil blotting paper, nail care preparations, namely, nail color and cuticle coat, nail polish, nail polish remover, nail polish top coat, nail glitter, nail color remover, cosmetic preparations for bath, namely, non-medicated bath salts, bubble bath, bath oils, hair care preparations, namely, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, hair lotion, hair cream, hair-dye, hair spray, hair gel, hair mousse, hair waving preparations, hair bleaching preparations, namely, hair bleaching cream, hair bleaching oil, hair bleaching lotion, hair bleaching wax, depilatory preparations, depilatory cream, depilatory oil, depilatory lotion, depilatory wax, depilatory jelly, depilatory foam, depilatory tape, perfumery, namely, perfume, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, dentifrices, all included in Class 3. Class 05 Antibiotics, medicines, Chinese herbal medicine, pharmaceutical preparations, gauze for dressings, absorbent cottons, bandages for medical purposes, adhesive plaster, teeth filling materials, dental cement, medicated bath preparations, bath salts for medical purposes, dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes, dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes, all included in Class 5. Class 21 Cosmetic utensils, cosmetic brushes, eye brow brushes, hair brushes, nail brushes, shaving brushes, hair combs, cosmetic powder compact, dispensers for liquid soap, soap holders, sponge holders, perfume atomizers sold empty, powder puffs, powder compacts, sponges for cosmetic purposes, non-electric appliances for removing make-up, tooth brushes, electric tooth brushes, all included in Class 21. Class 29 Preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, food supplements and nutritional supplements (other than for medical Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 43 use), consisting of extract of algae, fruits, extracts of fruits and vegetables, proteins, fish, shellfish, meat and egg with added vitamins and minerals, all included in Class 29. Class 30 Coffee, cocoa, tea, confectionery, namely, chewing gum, biscuits, cookies, candy for food, caramels, chocolate, ice cream, cakes, fruit jellies, edible ice, sherbets, cereal based snack food; snack food consisting principally of confectionery, coated nuts (confectionery), mixes for making bakery products and cakes, instant confectionery mixes, food supplements and nutritional supplements (other than for medical use) consisting of tea leaves, cereal, yeast or rice vinegar; propolis (bee glue) for human consumption; royal jelly for human consumption (not for medical purposes), all included in Class 30. Class 32 Soft drinks, mineral waters, aerated waters, fruit drinks, fruit juices, non-alcoholic drinks, powders for beverages, all included in Class 32. KRACIE HOLDINGS, LTD. 20-20, KAIGAN 3-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 T1101160G 31/01/2011 (41) Class 41 Provision of observation wheels, observation decks and platforms; all for entertainment purposes; amusement park services; theme park services; amusements and amusement arcade services. THE LONDON EYE COMPANY LIMITED 3 MARKET CLOSE, POOLE, DORSET BH15 1NQ, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 44 T1101221B 01/02/2011 (09) Class 09 Mobile phones; USB (Universal Serial Bus) modems; encoded cards for carrying data; magnetic cards for carrying data; gateways; video telephones; modems; computers; set-top boxes; household network communication terminal devices and equipments for accessing internet, making phone calls, viewing videos and playing games; digital readers; ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) broadband accessing terminal devices and equipments; routers [telecommunications]; electronic book readers; communication modules; PDA (personal digital assistant); telephones for remote telephone conferencing; electronic apparatus for displaying digital photographs; remote video conferencing apparatus; apparatus for network video conference; electronic control apparatus for video conference; batteries; battery chargers; computer mouse; headphones; communication software; microphone. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. BANTIAN, LONGGANG DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, ONE GEORGE STREET, #20-01, SINGAPORE 049145 T1101249B 02/02/2011 (29 30) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Shinsyu-ichi Miso" meaning "Number One Soybean Paste In The Shinto Land". Class 29 Soybean paste instant soup (instant miso soup). Class 30 Soybean paste (miso), freeze-dried soybean paste (freeze-dried miso). MIYASAKA BREWERY CO., LTD. 2-4-5 NOGATA, NAKANO-KU, TOKYO 165-0027, JAPAN AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 45 T1102037A 18/02/2011 (28) Class 28 Chip sorting machines being gaming apparatus (other than adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor); parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 28. SHUFFLE MASTER GMBH & CO KG WIPPLINGERSTRASSE 25, A-1010 VIENNA, AUSTRIA AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 46 T1103148I 15/03/2011 (03 09 14 18 25 26 35) Class 03 Soaps and detergents; hair care preparations; cosmetic soaps; hair shampoos and conditioners; detergents for household use; dentifrices; cosmetics; perfumery, fragrances and incenses. Class 09 Sunglasses; eyeglasses (spectacles); parts and accessories for sunglasses and eyeglasses; eyeglass chains and cords; cases for eyeglasses and sunglasses; eyeglass frames; cellular phone straps. Class 14 Keyrings; clothing ornaments of precious metals; dress ornaments in the nature of jewellery; ear ornaments in the nature of jewellery; hair ornaments of precious metal (jewellery); hat ornaments (of precious metal); imitation jewellery ornaments; jewellery ornaments; ornamental articles of precious metal; ornamental figurines made of precious metal; ornamental models made of precious metal; ornamental pins; ornaments for attachment to buttons (of precious metal); ornaments made of precious metal; ornaments made of silver; earrings; insignias of precious metal; badges of precious metal; bonnet pins of precious metal; tie clips; tie pins; necklaces; bracelets; pendants; jewellery and their accessories; brooches; medals; rings; medallions; bangles; cuff links; unwrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations; shoe ornaments of precious metal; clocks and watches. Class 18 Handbag frames; purse frames; horseshoes; bags; folding briefcases; shoulder bags; Gladstone bags; briefcases; suitcases; carrying bags; carry-on bags; trunks; handbags; Boston bags; backpacks; pouches; charm bags; card cases; shopping bags; purses; key cases; wallets; commutation-ticket holders; business card cases; purses and wallets of precious metal; vanity cases [not fitted]; umbrellas and their parts; industrial packaging containers of leather; clothing for domestic pets. Class 25 Clothing; jackets; blouson; suits; skirts; one-piece dress; trousers; pants; short pants; jeans; coats; sweaters; cardigans; vests; parkas; pullovers; shirts; sport shirts; blouses; T-shirts; camisoles; tank tops; nightwear; underwear [underclothing]; swimwear; swim caps; aprons; socks and stockings; shawls and stoles; scarves [scarfs]; gloves and mittens; necktie; neckerchiefs; bandanas; mufflers; ear muffs; nightcaps; headgear for clothing; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders; waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear, sandals; boots; half-boots; women’s shoes; masquerade costumes; clothes for sports; sports pants; sports jerseys; sports Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 47 jackets; sports uniforms (other than golf gloves or helmets); boots for sport. Class 26 Hair barrettes; hair bows; hair buttons; hair fasteners; hair ornaments; hair bands; hair slides; hair grips; hair clips; hair nets; hair ribbons; hair scrunchies; hair elastics; hair chopsticks; wigs; hair extensions; hair pins. Class 35 Retail services or wholesale services for a variety of goods in each field of clothing, foods and beverages, and livingware; retail services or wholesale services for cosmetics, perfumery, fragrances, incenses, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents, cellular phone straps, sunglasses, eyeglasses and their parts and accessories, personal ornaments of precious metal, keyrings, earrings, insignias of precious metal, buckles of precious metal, badges of precious metal, bonnet pins of precious metal, tie clips, tie pins, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, jewellery, jewellery accessories, jewellery cases, brooches, medals, rings, medallions, bangles, cuff links, tableware of precious metal, powder compacts of precious metal, semi-wrought precious stones, clocks and watches, bags, handbag frames, purse frames, unfitted vanity cases, folding briefcases, shoulder bags, Gladstone bags, briefcases, suitcases, carrying bags, carry-on bags, trunks, handbags, Boston bags, backpacks, pouches, charm bags, shopping bags, purses, wallets, purses and wallets of precious metal, card cases, key cases, commutation-ticket holders, business card cases, umbrellas, clothing, jackets, blouson, suits, skirts, one-piece dress, trousers, pants, short pants, jeans, coats, sweaters, cardigans, vest, parka, pullover, shirts, sport shirts, blouses, tee-shirts, camisole, tank-top, nightwear, underwear [underclothing], swimwear, swim caps, aprons, socks and stockings, stoles, shawls, scarves [scarfs], gloves and mittens, neckties, neckerchiefs, bandanas, mufflers, ear muffs, nightcaps, headgear for clothing, garters, sock suspenders, suspenders, waistbands, belts for clothing, footwear, sandals, boots, half-boots, women’s shoes, hair accessories, wigs and hair pins; consultation and advising services of business management relating to the foregoing retail or wholesale services; providing information relating to the foregoing retail or wholesale services. MARK-STYLER CO., LTD. 19-15, HIROO 5-CHOME, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 48 T1104177H 01/04/2011 (30) The mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration of transliteration of the Korean characters appearing in the mark is "Meol-ti", "Bi-ta-min" and "Mi-ne-ral" meaning "Multi", "Vitamin" and "Mineral" respectively. Class 30 Preparations made from cereals; confectioneries; spices; tea; tea-based beverages; oatmeal; glucose preparations for food containing vitamins and grape juice powder (not for medical purposes). Priority Claims: Class 30 18/10/2010 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION 181, 2-GA, HANGANG-RO, YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 49 T1104331B 05/04/2011 (35 36 42 45) Class 35 Business advisory services in the fields of business administration, business management, business investigations, business project management, business appraisals, business analysis, business statistical analysis, cost analysis, business data analysis, economic analysis, economic forecasting analysis, market analysis and business information analysis; corporate management advisory services; accounting services; business consultancy services relating to insolvency; business assistance in corporate recovery; forensic accounting. Class 36 Advisory services relating to financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate affairs, financial valuations, fiscal valuations, real estate valuations, valuation of assets, financial business appraisal, financial appraisal, real estate appraisal, financial analysis, investment analysis and financial investigation; financial services; financial advisory services relating to insolvency; provision of insolvency advice (financial) in relation to business management and administration. Class 42 Advisory services relating to science, technology, information technology, technical data analysis, scientific and technical analysis, computer analysis, computer systems analysis and computer security; computer advisory services relating to computer hardware, computer software, computer programming, computer program updating services, computer systems design, computer network services, computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) and computer disaster recovery services; forensic science services; recovery of computer data; forensic science services relating to information technology. Class 45 Advisory services relating to the law, due diligence (legal services), legal investigations, private investigations, criminal investigations and investigation into identity theft and fraud; crime prevention advisory services; forensic advice for criminal investigations. ETHEREAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED LEVEL 29, 600 BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA. AGENT: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 DBS BUILDING TOWER TWO, SINGAPORE 068809 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 50 T1104540D 08/04/2011 (05 31 35 36 37 41 42 43 44) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Feng Sheng" meaning "Rich", "Sumptuous" and "Bumper". Class 05 Medicines for human purposes; Chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations; Sterilizing preparations; Dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; Depuratives; Medicines for veterinary purposes; Noxious animals (Preparations for destroying-); Dressings (Surgical-); Teeth filling material. Class 31 Trees; Grains [cereals]; Plants; Animals (Live-); Fruit, fresh; Vegetables, fresh; Seeds (Plant-); Fodder; Malt for brewing and distilling; Animal litter (Products for-). Class 35 Advertising; Communication media (Presentation of goods on-), for retail purposes; Business management and organization consultancy; Organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; Import-export agencies; Sales promotion for others; Procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; Management consultancy (Personnel-); Auctioneering; Sponsorship search. Class 36 Financing services; Appraisal (Art-); Estate management (Real-); Accommodation bureaux [apartments];Guarantees; Charitable fund raising;Trusteeship; Lending against security;Insurance underwriting; Brokerage. Class 37 Building construction supervision; Construction; Building of fair stalls and shops; Upholstering; Electric appliance installation and repair; Motor vehicle maintenance and repair; Furniture maintenance; Cleaning (Dry-); Disinfecting; Lift installation and repair. Class 41 Educational services; Arranging and conducting of congresses; Bookmobile services;Publication of books; Shows (Production of-); Parks (Amusement-); Club services [entertainment or education]; Museum facilities (Providing-) [presentation, exhibitions]; Zoological gardens; Modelling for artists. Class 42 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 51 Engineering; Quality control; Surveying; Chemical analysis; Vehicle roadworthiness testing; Architecture; Maintenance of computer software; Authenticating works of art; Graphic arts designing; Computer programming. Class 43 Accommodation bureaux [hotels, boarding houses]; Canteens; Hotels; Cafeterias; Snack-bars; Rental of transportable buildings; Retirement homes; Day-nurseries; Boarding for animals; Rental of chairs, tables, table linen, glassware. Class 44 Health care; Nursing [medical]; Convalescent homes; Massage; Animal grooming; Landscape gardening; Gardening; Plant nurseries; Exterminating (Vermin-) [for agriculture, horticulture and forestry]; Hospitals. FULLSHARE GROUP LIMITED FLAT/RM 2210 C C WU BUILDING, 302 HENNESSY ROAD, WANCHAI, HONG KONG c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 52 T1105426H 26/04/2011 (16 35) By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0627978H and T0627979F. The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the respresentation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 16 Printed matter; greeting cards; periodicals; books; calendars; maps; diaries; organizers [stationery]; inserts for organizers [stationery]; stickers; stationery; pencil cases; pens; pencils; mechanical pencils; correction tapes for stationery use; pencil sharpeners; stampers for office use; post-it memo pads; erasers; rulers; staplers; staples; hole punchers for office use; writing pads; notebooks; artists’ requisites and materials [other than paints, colours or varnish]; paper and paper articles; bookmarkers; rubber erasers; rubber stamps [other than hand tools or parts of machines]; bookbinding material; photographs; printers’ type; printing blocks; manuals; patterns for sewing; charts; decalcomanias; stickers; patterns for embroidery; knitting patterns; crayons; colour pencils; artists drawing materials [other than paints]; pastels [crayon]; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); albums; apparatus for mounting photographs; stationery cabinets [other than furniture]; cardboard articles; clipboards; clips [stationery]; files [stationery]; portfolio cases [folders]; magnetic paper holders; cardboard folders; clear folders; collection folders; file folders; letter trays; paper weights; school supplies (stationery); gift bags; materials for packaging [paper, plastic and cardboard]; gift wrapping paper and gift tags; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; office requisites (except furniture); drawing and sketching pads and paper; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastic for packaging; all excluding painting and decorating brushes, pads and rollers, all for applying paints, trays and paint scuttles, all for use therewith, paint roller sleeves and paint roller handles, parts and fittings included in Class 16 for all the aforesaid goods. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), namely printed matter, books, text books, periodicals, general gifts, toys, games and playthings, decorations for Christmas trees, calendars, maps, diaries, stickers, stationery, pencil cases, artists’ requisites and materials, instructional and teaching materials, albums, apparatus for mounting photographs, cabinets for stationery, cardboard articles, clipboards, clips, files, letter trays, paper weights, school Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 53 supplies (stationery), gift bags, packaging materials, gift wrapping paper and gift tags, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, office requisites (except furniture), drawing and sketching pads and paper, bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastic for packaging and all school and office supplies and related products, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail outlet, in a wholesale outlet, from a general merchandise catalogue, a general merchandise website or by mail order or by means of telecommunication; retail services relating to the sale of books; marketing and promotional services; display services for merchandise; information and advisory services for the aforesaid; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty schemes for customers whether or not with the use of a card; dissemination of advertising materials; advertising services; business management of performing artists; business assistance regarding purchase of books for other enterprises, entities or persons; rental of advertising space; compilation of mailing lists; publication of publicity materials; compilation of advertisements; provision of sales, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network; radio and television commercials; radio and television advertising; consultancy, information, management and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35. POPULAR HOLDINGS LIMITED 20 OLD TOH TUCK ROAD, SINGAPORE 597655 AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 54 T1105444F 26/04/2011 (09 38) Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of data, sound or images; wireless handheld units for the wireless transmission of data and/or voice signals; phones, cell phones, smartphones, mobile phones, tablet computers, Personal digital assistants (PDAs); computer software; computer communication software for the synchronization, transmission and sharing of data, calendar, content and messaging between one or more electronic handheld units and data stored on or associated with a computer; computer software to enable the transmission of mapping, navigation, traffic, weather and point-of-interest information to telecommunications networks, mobile telephones, smartphones, tablet computers, electronic handheld units and navigation devices. Class 38 Telecommunications services for wireless handheld devices adapted with data-compression technology; telecommunication; providing access to the Internet; providing access to electronic databases, providing access to GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation services; provision of connectivity services and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of audio, video or multimedia content; provision of connectivity services and access to electronic communications networks for transmission or reception of computer software and applications; web casting services; e-mail service; delivery of messages by electronic transmission; wireless data messaging services, namely services that enable a user to send and/or receive messages through a wireless data network; electronic transmission of computer software and applications via the internet and other computer and electronic communication networks and wireless devices; broadcasting; broadcasting or transmission of radio programs; broadcasting or transmission of streamed and downloadable digital audio and video content via computer and other communications networks; provision of telecommunications consultation and information to third parties to assist them in developing and integrating one-way or two-way wireless connectivity to data, including corporate and home/personal data, and/or voice communications. Priority Claims: Class 38 27/10/2010 CANADA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 55 295 PHILLIP STREET, WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2L 3W8, CANADA. AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 T1105783F 03/05/2011 (06) Application for a series of two marks. Class 06 Common metals, and their alloys, metal plates, flat rolled metal sheets and strips, building materials of metal. SHANGHAI STAL PRECISION STAINLESS STEEL CO., LTD. NO. 291 HUAJIN RD. XINZHUANG INDUSTRIAL ZONE, MINHANG DISTRICT, SHANGHAI 201108, CHINA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 56 T1106253H 24/05/2011 (18 25) Application for a series of two marks. Class 18 All purpose sports bags; animal skins, hides; articles made from animal skins; articles made from leather; articles made from the skin of birds; articles made from the skin of reptiles; attache cases; baby-changing bags; backpacks; bags; bags [envelopes, pouches] of leather, for packaging; bands of leather; beach bags; boston bags; briefcases; card cases; cases for keys; cases of leather for agendas and weekly planners; clutch bags; clutch purses; coin cases; coin purses; credit card cases; credit card holders made of leather; cosmetic cases sold empty; duffel bags; evening bags; evening purses; fur skins; garment bags (for travel); gladstone bags; handbag frames; handbags; hatboxes (of leather); imitation leather; key holders; keycases; key cases [leatherware]; ladies’ handbags; leather address hang-tags; leather business card booklets; leather business card holders; leather address booklets; leather shoulder belts; leatherware made of leather or imitation leather; leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials; luggage; luggage tags; overnight bags; net bags for shopping; notecases; parasols; plaid bags; pocket wallets; portmanteaus; pouches, of leather, for packaging; purses; purses (not of precious metal); rucksacks; satchels; school bags; school knapsacks; toiletry cases sold empty; shopping bags; shoulder bags; shoulder belts [straps] of leather; sports bags; suitcases; travelling bags; travelling trunks; tote bags; umbrellas; unworked or semi-worked leather; vanity cases (not fitted); valises; wallets; wheeled shopping bags. Class 25 Anoraks; articles of fancy dress; babushkas; bandanas; bathrobes; bathing suits; beach cover-up dresses; beach dresses; beachwear; belts [clothing]; belts and sashes for clothing; bermuda shorts; bikinis; blazers; blouses; brassieres; boots; camisoles; caps; cardigans; cashmere clothing; clothing; clothing of leather; clothing of imitations of leather; coats; cocktail dresses; corsets; dance clothes; dresses; dressing gowns; footwear; formal evening wear; gaiters; garters; gloves and muffs for clothing; hats; halters [clothing]; headgear; hoods (clothing); hosiery; jackets; jeans; jerseys; jerkins; jumpers; knitwear; leather belts (clothing); leggings; lingerie; loungewear; neckties; neckerchiefs; nightclothes (sleeping garments); nightgowns; overcoats; overboots; pyjamas; pants; pareus; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; petticoats; pullovers; pockets for clothing; pocket squares; raincoats; sashes for wear; sandals; scarves; shawls; shift dresses; shirts; shoes; singlets; skirts; skorts; slacks; slippers; socks; sports shirts; stockings; stoles; suits; suspenders; sweaters; sweat-shirts; swimsuits; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 57 swimwear; Tee-shirts; track suits; tights; topcoats; trousers; underwear; vests; waistcoats; wedding dresses. SANDY CHUA KHANG EIN, CHUA SIM BIAN TRADING AS MODLASH 293 KAKI BUKIT AVENUE 1, SHUN LI INDUSTRIAL PARK, SINGAPORE 416081 AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1106416F 16/05/2011 (07) Class 07 Pumps (machines), electric motors (other than for land vehicles), hydraulic controls for machines, engines or motors; expansion tanks (parts of machines), filtration machines. MACRO DYNAMICS ASIA PTE LTD. 10 ANSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 079903 #23-11 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, AGENT: DAVID ONG & CO, ADVOCATES & SOLICITORS, 151 CHIN SWEE ROAD, #08-14 MANHATTAN HOUSE, SINGAPORE 169876 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 58 T1106631B 20/05/2011 (29) Class 29 Processed or roasted nuts; fruit chips; tapioca crisps; corn chips; potato chips; potato crisps; preserved peas; preserved fruits and vegetables; processed fruits and vegetables; preserved fruit peel; salted nuts; salted fruits; salted vegetables; salted fish; salted meats; preserved meat; preserved fish; potato-based snack foods; nut-based snack foods; nut crisps. HADI SUTIONO JL. RAYA PATI - KUDUS KM 6.3 PATI, CENTRAL JAVA INDONESIA 59163, INDONESIA AGENT: SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION, 1 KIM SENG PROMENADE, #15-12 GREAT WORLD CITY WEST TOWER, SINGAPORE 237994 T1106653C 23/05/2011 (16) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Wu Yue Hua" which has no meaning. Class 16 Bags, namely envelopes, pouches of paper or plastic, for packaging, and bags for microwave cooking; covers (stationery); photographs; pictures, pamphlets; postcards; stationery; writing materials; writing pads; writing paper; wrappers (stationery); bags of paper or plastics for packaging; coasters of paper; paper napkins; paper towels; paper serviettes; place mats of paper; signboards of paper or cardboard; table cloths of paper; table linens of paper. TUNG LOK MILLENNIUM PTE LTD 298 TIONG BAHRU ROAD, #14-02/04 CENTRAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 168730 AGENT: DAVID LIM & PARTNERS LLP, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-01 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 59 T1107324F 08/06/2011 (16) Class 16 Adhesively coated plastic films for household purposes; adhesively coated plastic films for packaging purposes; adhesively coated plastic films for stationery purposes; adhesively coated plastic films for wrapping purposes; bags made of plastics materials for packing; clear coated plastics film for packaging; films of plastics for wrapping purposes; materials for packaging (plastics); materials for wrapping (plastic); plastic envelopes; pouches of plastic for wrapping; protective covers (jackets) of plastics for data carriers. MR NG YAU HWEE, MR KHOO KOK POH TRADING AS E-UNITED INTERNATIONAL 28 SIN MING LANE, #04-146 MIDVIEW CITY, SINGAPORE 573972 T1107578H 13/06/2011 (17 20 24) Class 17 Plastic fibers (not for textile use) in the form of a three dimensional spring structure with rubber elasticity; padding materials of rubber or plastics; plastic semi-worked products. Class 20 Beds; mattresses; Japanese floor cushions [Zabuton]; pillows; cushions [furniture]. Class 24 Futon and quilts; bed sheets; pillow cases [pillow slips]; bedcovers. TOYO BOSEKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (TRADING ALSO AS TOYOBO CO., LTD.) NO. 2-8, DOJIMA HAMA 2-CHOME, KITA-KU, OSAKA, JAPAN AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 60 T1108300D 24/06/2011 (09 41) Class 09 Video game machines and cases therefor, all adapted for use with television receivers or video monitors only, printed circuit boards for video game machines, all for commercial use; slot machines [vending machines]; video game machines for use with television receivers; entertainment software; magnetic, optical or laser tapes, cards, discs and ROM (Read Only Memory) cartridges all bearing encoded video game programs; memory cartridges or memory cards for video games, memory cartridges or memory cards for hand-held electronic games; phonograph records, pre-recorded compact discs, pre-recorded video tapes and discs; controllers for personal computers, controllers for video game machines for use with television receivers; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods; downloadable pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; electronic publications (downloadable); additional data for computer games (downloadable). Class 41 Amusement park services, amusement center services; provision of sports facilities; rental of records, compact discs or pre-recorded magnetic tapes; rental of pre-recorded video tapes, video disks and movie films; rental of amusement machines and equipment for amusement parks; rental of toys, planning of movies, performances, shows, plays, concerts or music events; production of movies, distribution of movies [other than transportation], presentation of live shows, directing of plays, performance of plays, presentation of musical performances, production of radio programs, production of television programs, provision of audio studios, provision of visual studios; providing entertainment information about video games, computer games, amusement machines, amusement center or amusement parks through telecommunication or computer networks; providing video games, computer games, sound or images, or movies through telecommunication or computer networks for entertainment purposes. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI NAMCO GAMES (ALSO TRADING AS NAMCO BANDAI GAMES INC.) 4-5-15, HIGASHI-SHINAGAWA, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 61 T1108450G 29/06/2011 (03 06 08 09 14 16 18 20 21 24 25 28 39 41) Class 03 Soaps for personal use; perfumes; toilet water; essential oils; cosmetics; lotions, namely, hair lotions, aftershave lotions, body lotions; body sprays; body oil; bath gel; bath oil; bubble bath; bath powder; shampoos; hair spray; massage oil; non-medicated lip balm; non-medicated bath salts; mouthwash; pre-moistened cosmetic wipes; sunscreen creams; tooth gel; toothpaste; incense sticks. Class 06 Figurines of common metal; sculptures of common metal; common metal key chains; metal bottle stoppers. Class 08 Axes; swords; knives; and sword scabbards. Class 09 Electronic game software; interactive multimedia electronic game programs; video game cartridges; pre-recorded CDs featuring fantasy films, fantasy games and/or cartoons; pre-recorded DVDs featuring fantasy films, fantasy games and/or cartoons; decorative magnets; trading cards recorded on compact discs. Class 14 Jewelry, watches, clocks, key chains of precious metal; figurines of precious metal. Class 16 Arts and craft kits [artists’ materials and stationery], namely, arts and craft clay kits, arts and crafts paint kits, and children’s arts and crafts paper kits; cardboard figures; posters; stickers; lithographic prints; books on film, fiction, fantasy and/or myths; bookmarks; postcards; trading cards [printed matter]; books featuring photographic prints; books for role-playing; calendars; printed holograms; collector albums for trading cards, stickers, stamps and coins. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of leather and imitations of leather, namely, trunks and traveling bags, luggage; umbrellas; sports bags; duffel bags; garment bags; backpacks; briefcases; fanny packs; handbags; luggage tags; tote bags; purses; wallets; credit card cases; gym bags; school bags; messenger bags. Class 20 Figurines made of plastics; figurines made of synthetic resins; sculptures made of plastics; sculptures made of synthetic resins. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 62 Class 21 Mugs; beer mugs; goblets; drinking glasses; lunch boxes; earthenware, glass or ceramic figurines. Class 24 Textile wall hangings; fabric flags; bath linen except clothing; table linen, not of paper; bed linen. Class 25 Clothing, namely, headwear, jackets, sweatshirts, t-shirts, shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, socks, ties and costumes, namely, Halloween costumes and costumes for role playing; footwear; pajamas; and infant wear. Class 28 Toys, namely, action figures, board games, toy weapons; chess sets; three dimensional puzzles; jigsaw puzzles; hobby craft kits for making model figures; trading card games; dolls. Class 39 Travel and tour information services; provision of information regarding the arrangement of travel and tours, via a website or links to websites; arrangement of travel and tours via a website; organization and arrangement of excursions and sightseeing tours; providing travel information, travel arrangement news and travel guide commentary, via a website or links to websites. Class 41 Entertainment services, namely, providing online electronic games; games services provided online from a computer network, namely, providing online computer games; providing information online about electronic games and updates for such games; providing online multiplayer interactive games over the Internet; provision of on-line gaming via a web-based system and website portal. Priority Claims: Class 03 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 06 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 08 16/06/2011 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 14 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 Page No. 63 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 64 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 16/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. THE SAUL ZAENTZ COMPANY 2600 TENTH STREET, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94710, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 65 T1108801D 04/07/2011 (05 09 10 11 35 36 37 42 44) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of malignant tumor; diagnostic reagents for pharmaceutical purpose; diagnostic preparations for medicinal use; medical preparations; drugs for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purpose; antibiotics for medical use; adjuvants for medical use; hygiene preparations for medical use; microorganism for medical use; pharmaceutical preparations of multiple vitamins; ointments for medical use; food for babies except for powdered milk; dental filling material; antiseptics; germicides; herbicides; first-aid kits; diagnostic reagents for medical use; reagents for gene diagnosis [for medical purposes]; media for cell culture for use in medical research laboratories; culture media for medical purposes; pharmaceutical products for cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery or dermatology; pharmaceutical preparations for preserving human tissues; veterinary preparations for preserving human tissues; pharmaceutical preparations for preserving internal organs of human; veterinary preparations for preserving internal organs of animal; diagnostic reagents for allergy; veterinary preparations; injectable dermal medical preparations for recovering human skin; pharmaceutical preparations for injection for use in smothing out wrinkles and fine lines; pharmaceutical preparations for injection for use in contouring the face; diagnostic reagents for measuring hepatitis B surface antibody; diagnostic reagents for measuring hepatitis C surface antibody; cardiovascular pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of endocrine disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of muscloskeletal disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurological disorder; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of metabolic disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of infectious disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune disease; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dermatosis; vaccines; pharmaceutical preparations of minerals; adjunct preparations for the treatment of cancer [medical preparations]; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of anemia; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of infertility; pharmaceutical preparation for the purpose of inducing ovulation; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of sexual disorder; medical preparations for the purpose of contrast media; adjunct preparations for surgical procedures on the eyes [medical preparations]; growth hormones for humans; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of urologic disease; analgesics; drugs for fever reducing; antiphlogistics [anti-inflammatory preparations]. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 66 Class 09 Dosage dispensers; capillary tubes; oxygen transvasing apparatus; incubators for bacteria culture; test tubes; food analysis apparatus; physical and chemical laboratory apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for physics; laboratory apparatus for automatic chromatography; magnetic agitators [laboratory or scientific]; pipettes; chemistry apparatus and instruments; computer software for medical purposes; testing apparatus for cell chips; analysis apparatus for cell chips; computer software for diseases diagnostics for medical purposes; computer software for electronic chart for medical purposes; electrophoresis apparatus for laboratory use; amplifiers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) used to amplify DNA for laboratory use; rotating stirrer [laboratory apparatus]; laboratory apparatus for use in DNA extraction; centrifugal separators [for laboratory use]; laboratory apparatus and devices and chemical diagnostic reagents for scientific use for sale in kit form; DNA extracting kits for laboratory apparatus; low-temperature reactors for laboratory use; enzyme reactors for laboratory use; agitating apparatus (laboratory or scientific); absorption spectrophotometers; boiler control apparatus for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus for use in microbial analysis. Class 10 Medical apparatus and instruments; medical machines and apparatus; blood testing apparatus; apparatus for blood analysis; devices for measuring blood sugar; diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes; radiological apparatus for medical purposes; radiotherapy apparatus; roentgen apparatus for medical purposes; X-ray appliances for dental; irrigators for medical use; heart pacemakers; electric dental apparatus; orthodontic machines and instruments for dental purposes; nursing appliances; suture materials for medical purposes; electric blankets for medical purposes; electric heating pads for medical purposes; gloves for medical purposes; masks for medical purposes; irrigating apparatus (medical) for use in washing body cavities; portable X-ray appliances; portable X-ray detectors; DNA analysis apparatus for medical purposes; DNA diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes; DNA diagnostic apparatus for in vitro diagnosis; DNA diagnostic apparatus; medical apparatus for testing DNA; automated external defibrillator [AED]; diagnosis apparatus for blood; diagnosis apparatus for hereditary disease; diagnosis apparatus for DNA; diagnosis apparatus for clinical purposes; diagnosis apparatus for medical experiments; diagnosis apparatus for pregnancy testing; diagnosis apparatus for hepatitis C virus; diagnosis apparatus for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS); diagnosis test apparatus for medical purposes; diagnosis apparatus for testing virus infections; diagnosis apparatus for testing microbial infections; diagnosis apparatus for testing Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 67 contagious infectious diseases; detection test apparatus for pathogenic microbes [for medical use]; diagnosis apparatus for allergy; measuring instrument for allergy diagnosis; measuring instrument for molecule diagnosis; measuring apparatus for medical purposes; light irradiator for medical purposes; light-emitting diode (LED) lamps for medical purposes; electric massage apparatus; lamps for medical purposes; laser for medical purposes; massage apparatus for medical purposes; analyzing apparatus for medical use; galvanic therapeutic appliances. Class 11 Sterilizing apparatus for hospital use. Class 35 Commercial intermediary management consultancy services in the field of medical machines and apparatus; wholesale services in relation to pharmaceutical products; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely pharmaceutical products (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet; retail store services featuring pharmaceutical products; commercial intermediary management consultancy services in the field of pharmaceutical products; display services for merchandise namely pharmaceutical and medical products. Class 36 Medical insurance services; health insurance underwriting; insurance services; insurance advisory services; insurance information. Class 37 Construction of medical establishments; building of hospitals; repair of medical machines and apparatus. Class 42 Research and development of vaccines and medicines; crude medicines research; research on adult diseases; bacteriological research; research on cancer; pharmaceutical development; pharmaceutical research; pharmaceutical product evaluation; research for medical products; medical research; scientific analysis of genes; genetic research; research and development of DNA chips; services for the planning [design] of hospitals; chemical research; computer software development; medical apparatus research; research and development of diagnostic apparatus. Class 44 Medical nursing; health care; physical examination services; hospitals; medical clinics; veterinary services; advisory services relating to pharmacies; pharmaceutical advice; dispensing of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 68 pharmaceuticals; pharmacy advice; sanatoriums; telemedicine services; medical nursing; rental of medical machines and apparatus; Rental of medical and health care equipment; medical assistance; medical consultations; medical clinics; rental of X-ray apparatus for medical purposes; providing health information; medical product information; medical services provided by doctors; clinical medicine; midwife services; performing diagnosis of diseases; dental assistant services; dentistry; orthodontic services; acupuncture; health care by oriental medicines; physical therapy by oriental medicines; medical services by oriental medicines; herb clinics [health clinic services]; oriental medical clinics; blood testing; blood bank services; hospices; convalescent homes; consultancy pertaining to pharmacology. Priority Claims: Class 05 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 69 Class 42 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 44 14/01/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. LG CORP. 20 YEOUIDO-DONG, YEONGDEUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 150-721, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1108810C 04/07/2011 (11 21 29 30) Class 11 Apparatus for cooking, rice cooker; sushi rice cooker; electric steamer for cooking; food cookers. Class 21 Kitchen utensils in the form of mat for use in preparing sushi; kitchen utensils and containers for household or kitchen use; strainers; non-electric steamers for cooking. Class 29 Processed vegetables; edible seaweed; pickled ginger; dried shiitake mushrooms; miso-based soups; sesame seeds. Class 30 Rice; vinegar; tea; rice and wheat noodles; rice seasonings; jun-mirin; horseradish; rice crackers; wasabi sauce. ORIENTAL MERCHANT PTY LTD 10 WESTGATE DRIVE, LAVERTON NORTH VICTORIA 3026, AUSTRALIA c/o EVELYN TANG, 8 ANGKLONG LANE, #11-04 FABER GARDEN CONDOMINIUM, SINGAPORE 579981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 70 T1109047G 07/07/2011 (18) Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes, namely, leather and imitation leather goods (except for cases adapted for the goods for which they are intended). BEAUMANOIR ASIA HOLDING SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 11 COLLYER QUAY, #11-02 THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE 049317 AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 71 T1109211I 08/07/2011 (03 18 20 21) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Ran Sha Ben Cao" which has no meaning. Class 03 Cosmetics; cosmetics in the form of creams, milks, lotions, gels, powders and serum for the face, the body and the hands; lipsticks, lip gloss, lip gels and lip balms; mascaras; toner; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; cosmetic preparations for slimming, whitening and facial and body shaping purposes; suntan preparations; self-tanning preparations; sunscreen preparations; peeling and exfoliating preparations for use on the face and the body; non-medicated creams, milks, lotions, gels, powders and serums for clearance of acne; non-medicated creams, milks, lotions, gels, powders and serums for controlling and clearing of facial sebum; moisturizers for the face and the body; spot removers; pore minimisers; cosmetic pencils; nail care preparations; nail care varnish; nail polish; false nails; false lashes; cotton sticks, wool and wipes for cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; shampoos; hair-conditioner; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolourant preparations; hair permanent waving and curling preparations; hair straightening preparations; preparations and substances for skin care and hair care; beauty masks; cleansing milk for toilet purposes, oils for toilet purposes, talcum powders for toilet use; mineral water-based sprays for face for cosmetic use; shower gels; body washes; body care preparations [non-medicated]; manicure preparations; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils; body deodorant; perfumery; toilet water; essential oils; aromatherapy lotions and creams for cosmetic use; aromatic oils and aromatic substances for cosmetic use; soaps; anti-perspirants; toothpastes; tooth care preparations; cosmetic skin care products; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; double eye-lid tapes; pumice stones. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, purses and wallets, cases, luggage, pouches; attache cases; backpacks; garment bags; shopping bags; bands of leather; shoulder belts; belts; canes; card cases [notecases]; collars for animals or pets; key cases; laces made of leather or imitations of leather; vanity cases; muzzles; school satchels; suitcase handles; suitcases; travelling sets; travelling trunks; umbrella covers; umbrella handles; walking stick seats; luggage belts; beach bags; briefcases; boxes and cases, of leather; handbags; leather straps; mountaineering sticks; music cases; net Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 72 bags for shopping; rucksacks; school bags; bags, envelopes and pouches of leather for packaging; furniture coverings of leather or imitations of leather; handbag frames; sling bags for carrying infants; wheeled shopping bags. Class 20 Mirrors; air cushions, not for medical purposes; air mattresses, not for medical purposes; air pillows, not for medical purposes; amber (yellow-); ambroid bars; ambroid plates; animal hooves; armchairs; art (works of-) of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; artificial honeycombs; bamboo; barrel hoops, not of metal; barrels, not of metal; baskets (fishing-); baskets, not of metal; bassinettes; bed casters, not of metal; bed fittings, not of metal; bedding, except linen; beds; beds for household pets; beds (hospital-); bedsteads of wood; beehives (comb foundations for-); beehives (sections of wood for-); benches [furniture]; benches (work-); binding screws, not of metal, for cables; bins, not of metal; bolsters; bolts, not of metal; book rests [furniture]; bottle caps, not of metal; bottle casings of wood; bottle racks; bottles (corks for-); boxes (nesting-); boxes (nesting-) for household pets; boxes of wood or plastic; bread baskets (bakers’-); broom handles, not of metal; brush mounting; bungs, not of metal; busts of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; cabinet work; cabinets (index-)[furniture]; cable clips, not of metal; caps, not of metal (sealing-); cases of wood or plastic; cask hoops, not of metal; cask stands, not of metal; casks, not of metal; casks of wood for decanting wine; chairs [seats]; chests for toys, not of metal; chests, not of metal; chests of drawers; chopping blocks [tables]; claws (animal-); clips (cable and pipe-) of plastics; closures, not of metal, for containers; clothes hooks, not of metal; coathooks, not of metal; coatstands; coffin fittings, not of metal; coffins; containers, not of metal, for liquid fuel; containers, not of metal [storage, transport]; coral; cork bands; corks; corozo; cots; counters [tables]; covers for clothing [wardrobe]; cradles; crates; cupboards; curtain holders, not of textile material; curtain rails; curtain rings; curtain rods; curtain rollers; curtain tie-backs; curtains (bamboo-); curtains (bead-) for decoration; cushions; cushions (pet-); decoration of plastic for foodstuffs; desks; dinner wagons [furniture]; display boards; display stands; divans; dog kennels; door fittings, not of metal; door handles, not of metal; doors for furniture; dowels, not of metal; draughtman’s tables; dressing tables; easy chairs; edgings of plastic for furniture; fans for personal use, non-electric; figurines [statuettes] of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; filing cabinets; fire screens, domestic; fireguards; fittings, not of metal (furniture-); fittings, not metal (window-); flagpoles; floating containers, not of metal; flower-stands [furniture]; fodder racks; footstools; frames (embroidery-); frames (picture-); funerary urns; furniture casters, not of metal; furniture partitions of wood; furniture shelves; garment covers [storage]; gun racks; hairdressers’ chairs; hampers Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 73 [baskets]; handles (tool-) not of metal; handling pallets, not of metal; hangers (coat-); hat stands; head-rests [furniture]; high chairs for babies; hinges, not of metal; honeycombs; hooks (curtain-); hooks, not of metal, for clothes rails; horns (animal-); hoses (winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible-); house numbers, not of metal, non-luminous; hydrostatic beds, not for medical purposes; identification bracelets, not of metal, for hospitals; identity plates, not of metal; indoor window blinds [shades][furniture]; infant playpens (mats for-); infant walkers; inflatable publicity objects; ivory, unworked or semi-worked; kennels for household pets; key cards (plastic-), not encoded; keyboards for hanging keys; knife handles, not of metal; ladders of wood or plastics; latches, not of metal; lecterns; letter boxes, not of metal or masonry; library shelves; lockers; locks, not of metal, for vehicles; locks, other than electric, not of metal; magazine racks; mannequins; massage tables; mattress (straw-); mattresses; mattresses (spring-); meat chests, not of metal; medicine cabinets; meerschaum; mirror tiles; mobiles [decoration]; moldings for picture frames; mooring buoys, not of metal; mother-of pearl, unworked or semi-worked; nameplates, not of metal; newspaper display stands; numberplates, not of metal; nuts, not of metal; oyster shells; packaging containers of plastic; pallets, not of metal (loading-); pallets, not of metal (transport-); pedestals (flower-pot-); picture frame brackets; picture frames (moldings [mouldings] for-); pillows; pins [pegs], not of metal; placards of wood or plastics; plate racks; playpens for babies; plug [dowels], not of metal; plugs, not of metal; poles, not of metal; pulleys of plastics for blinds; racks [furniture]; railway waggons [wagons](loading gauge rods, not of metal, for-); rattan; reels, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses; reels of wood for yarn, silk, cord; registration plates, not of metal; reservoirs, not of metal nor of masonry; rivets, not metal; rods (picture-)[frames]; saw horses; scratching posts for cats; screens [furniture]; screws, not of metal; scythe handles, not of metal; seats; settees; shells; shelves for filing-cabinets [furniture]; shelves for storage; shelves for typewriters; shoulder poles [yokes]; showcases [furniture]; sideboards; signboards of wood or plastics; sinks (removable mats or covers for-); slatted indoor blinds; sleeping bags for camping; sofas; stag antlers; stair rods; stairs (mobile boarding-), not of metal, for passengers; stakes for plants or trees; stands (costume-); stands for calculating machines; statues of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; statuettes of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; staves of wood; steps [ladders], not of metal; stools; stoppers for bottles, not of glass metal or rubber; stoppers, not of metal; straw edgings; straw plaits; straws for drinking; stuffed animals; table tops; tables; tailors’ dummies; tanks, not of metal nor of masonry; taps for casks, not of metal; tea carts; tea trolleys; tent pegs, not of metal; tortoiseshell; tortoiseshell imitation; towel closets [furniture]; towel dispensers, fixed, not of metal; traps of plastic (drain-)[valves]; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 74 trestles [furniture]; trolleys for computers [furniture]; trolleys [furniture]; troughs, not of metal, for mixing mortar; typing desks; umbrella stands; valves, not of metal, other than parts of machines; vats, not of metal; vice benches, not of metal; wall plugs, not of metal; washstands [furniture]; water beds, not for medical purposes; water-pipe valves of plastic; wax figures; waxcomb for beehives; whalebone, unworked or semi-worked; wickerwork; wind chimes [decoration]; wood ribbon for furniture; woven timber blinds [furniture]; writing desks. Class 21 Bottles; brushes; comb cases; combs; combs for the hair; cosmetic utensils; deodorising apparatus for personal use; eyebrow brushes; appliances for removing make-up; nail brushes; pads for cleaning purposes; perfume sprayers; perfume vaporizers; powder compacts, not of precious metal; powder puffs; scrubbing brushes; sponges for cosmetic purposes; powder puff for face; sponge for face; boxes for domestic use; brushes incorporating a pumice stone; household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; napkin rings; napkin rings of precious metals and stones. ROSY SINO LIMITED P.O. BOX 957, OFFSHORE INCORPORATIONS CENTRE, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 75 T1110074Z 22/07/2011 (35 36) Application for a series of two marks. Class 35 Advertising and business; commercial information agencies; dissemination of advertisements; dissemination of advertising material; document reproduction; publicity documentation; market statistics information; business reports; market research; advisory services for business organization and management; assistance in business management of commercial or industrial companies; economic forecasting for business purposes; business information. Class 36 Financial services rendered in financial and monetary affairs and financial services rendered in connection with insurance contracts such as stock distribution services, namely, stock brokerage, valuation and acquisition of shares issued by investments funds, share deposit; financial management of issuance of securities; provision of financial services regarding third-party portfolio management, advice to others and provision of financial services to assist financial intermediaries in carrying out their operations. VECTOR GLOBAL WMG, INC. 801 BRICKELL AVE., SUITE 2500, 33131 MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1110248C 27/07/2011 (34) Class 34 Tobacco; cigarettes; smoking tobacco; roll-your-own tobacco; chewing tobacco; moist snuff; cigars; little cigars. WIND RIVER TOBACCO COMPANY, LLC P.O. BOX 4600, WYOMING JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING 83001, AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 76 T1110533D 01/08/2011 (12) The mark is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hua Xia" and "Shen Long Guo Ji You Xian Gong Si" meaning "China" and "Great Dragon International Corporation Limited" respectively. Class 12 Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, electric buses; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. GREAT DRAGON LIMITED INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 8TH FLOOR, DCH BUILDING, 20 KAI CHEUNG ROAD, KOWLOON BAY, KOWLOON, HONG KONG AGENT: PETER LOW, P.O. BOX 300 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913110 T1110545H 02/08/2011 (10) Class 10 Medical devices, stents and drug eluting stents. BIOSENSORS EUROPE S.A. RUE DE LAUSANNE 29, 1110 MORGES, SWITZERLAND AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 77 T1110549J 02/08/2011 (10) Class 10 Medical devices, stents, drug eluting stents, stents for the treatment of vascular, esophageal, tracheal and bilary duct bifurcations. BIOSENSORS EUROPE S.A. RUE DE LAUSANNE 29, 1110 MORGES, SWITZERLAND AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 78 T1110585G 02/08/2011 (25) Class 25 Money belts[clothing]; leather shoes; rubber shoes; galoshes; golf shoes; shoe soles; wooden shoes; anglers’ shoes; basketball shoes; shoes; heelpieces for boots and shoes; mountaineering boots; rugby shoes; lace boots; bath sandals; bath slippers; half-boots; winter boots; boxing shoes; boots; vinyl shoes; beach shoes; sandals; ski boots; slippers; inner soles; soles for footwear; footwear uppers; heelpieces for boots and shoes; non-slipping devices for boots and shoes; tips for footwear; fittings of metal for shoes and boots; training shoes; baseball shoes; esparto shoes or sandals; overshoes; rain boots; footwear for track and field athletics; work shoes and boots; long boots; straw sandals; gymnastic shoes; football shoes; hockey shoes; handball shoes; cyclists’ clothing; wet suits for water-skiing; anoraks for exercises; aerobics suits; clothing for gymnastics; breeches [for wear]; riding boots; masquerade costumes; school uniforms; raincoats; overcoats; liveries; mantles [clothing]; knee trousers; half-coats; blousons; saris; safaris suits; suits; smocks; skirts; slacks; men’s suits; anoraks, not for exercises; children’s clothing; trousers; overalls; overcoats; one piece suits; infants’ clothing; evening dresses; jackets [clothing]; working clothing; jumpers [shirt fronts]; paper clothing; chasubles; blue jeans; capes; combinations [clothing]; topcoats; tuxedos; togas; two piece suits; tunics; parkas; pelisses; frocks; trousers [Korean clothes]; underwears [Korean clothes]; skirts [Korean clothes]; girdles; nightgowns; aloha shirts; negligees; dressing gowns; rompers; leotards; mantillas; bath robes; bodices; body shirts; brassieres; blouses; shower caps; shirt yokes; shirt fronts; underwear; drawers [clothing]; undershirts; underpants; bathing caps; swimsuits; bathing trunks; chemisettes [shirt fronts]; chemises; sweaters; sweat shirts; sweat pants; sports shirts; slips [undergarments]; white shirt; uniforms for exercises; unitards; collars [clothing]; nightwear; jerseys [clothing]; vests; cardigans; collar protectors; collar cuffs; camisoles; corsets [underclothing]; corselets; combinations [clothing]; tank tops; teddies [undergarments]; tracksuits; pajamas; pantyhose; petticoats; polo shirts; pullovers; tee-shirts; spats; neckties; sweat-absorbent stockings; legwarmers; leggings; muffs [clothing]; mufflers; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; ear muffs [clothing]; winter gloves; mittens; veils [clothing]; boas; foot muffs, not electrically heated; shawls; shoulder wraps; wimples; maniples; scarves; stockings; heelpieces for stockings; stoles; ascots; socks; pocket squares; aprons [clothing]; stockings for exercises; babies’ diapers of textile; pockets for clothing; tights; pelerines; nightcaps [clothing]; caps [headwear]; sun visors; berets; miters[hats]; hoods [clothing]; turbans; top hats; waterproof clothing; gaiters; stocking suspenders; sock suspenders; braces for clothing [suspenders]; leather belts [clothing]. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 79 KIM YOUNG JIN #401, 179-100, SEONGBUK-DONG, SEONGBUK-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 80 T1110776J 04/08/2011 (18 25 35) Class 18 Clothing for pets, collars and covers for animals, accessories for pets namely, leather leads and tethering articles of leather or imitations of leather; collars of leather and its imitations; harnesses; leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials; animal skins; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas; parasols; walking sticks; luggage; bags; music cases; cases of leather or leather board; card cases [notecases]; vanity cases (not fitted); suitcases; handbags; shoulder bags; purses; clutch bags; tote bags; backpacks; rucksacks; shooting sticks; briefcases; attache cases; holdalls; pochettes; suit carriers; credit card cases (pocket wallets); key cases; coin purses; diary covers (not adapted) made of leather or imitations of leather; wallets; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Class 25 Clothing; headgear; footwear; articles of outerclothing and underclothing; suits; stockings; tights; pantyhose; shirts; T-shirts; tank tops; blouses; trousers; skirts; articles of fancy dress; dresses; dressing gowns; evening gowns; jackets; overalls; waistcoats; fur coats; leather coats; raincoats; sports coats; suit coats; top coats; knitted articles of clothing and articles of clothing made from knitted materials; ties; bath robes; articles of sports clothing; sleepwear; hats; socks; scarves; gloves; caps; aprons; jeans; neckwear; swimwear; belts (clothing); athletic footwear; athletic shoes; golf shoes; clogs; slippers; boots; shoes. Class 35 Retailing, wholesaling and ordering services (for others) by mail, telephone and internet, computerized on-line stock ordering and retailing services; all the aforesaid relating to bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, cosmetics, perfumery, fragrances, fragrant room sprays, room scenting sprays, potpourri, oils for perfumes and scents, scented water, scented wood, aromatics, fumigation preparations which are emitted into the air or atmosphere in the form of smoke, vapour or gas for the purpose of perfuming, essential oils, soaps, cleansing preparations, dentifrices, hair care preparations and lotions, body care preparations and lotions, hand and foot care preparations and lotions, nail care preparations, lip moisturizers and conditioners, skin moisturizing creams, lotions and gels, skin whitening preparations, facial and skin masks, skin toners, eye masks, eye creams, lotions and gels, skin and body massage creams, air freshening preparations, air purifying preparations, room air fresheners, preparations for perfuming or fragrancing the air, air deodorants, room deodorants, deodorants (other than for personal Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 81 use), preparations for neutralising odours, disinfectants, insecticides, parasiticides, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, metallic accessories for pets including collars, chains, bells, buckles (not for clothing), leads, hooks, chokers, identity tags, doors and door flaps of metal for use with pet animals, common metals and their alloys, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal, safes, goods of common metal not included in other classes, bags, cases and covers adapted for notebook computers and tablet computers, flash memory (data storage devices), flash memory cards and drives, card readers (data processing equipment), computer peripheral devices, mouse (data processing equipment), mouse pads, wrist rests for use with computers, weighing machines, measures, mobile phones, cases and covers adapted for mobile phones, straps for mobile phones, personal stereos, earphones, headphones, bags adapted for carrying photographic apparatus, magnifying glasses (optics), electric adapter connectors, transformers (electricity), eyewear, spectacles, eyeshades, eyeglasses, sunglasses, spectacle frames, eyeglass cases, cases for spectacles and sunglasses, decorative magnets, precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, jewellery, precious stones, earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, pendants, brooches, key rings (trinkets or fobs), jewellery cases (caskets), cuff links, tie clips, tie pins, key rings (trinkets or fobs), watch straps, watch cases, horological and chronometric instruments, watches, clocks, absorbent diapers of paper or cellulose for pets, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes, printed matter, bookbinding materials, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists’ materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), plastic materials for packaging (not including in other classes), printers’ type, printing blocks, writing instruments, pouches for writing instruments, gift cases for writing instruments, ink and refills, writing cases, personal organizers, desk sets, fountain pens, ball-point pens and pencils, pen and pencil holders, paperweights, diaries, inkwells and ink stands, passport holders, cheque book holders, cheque book covers, clothing for pets, collars and covers for animals, accessories for pets including leather leads, tethering articles of leather or imitations of leather, collars of leather and its imitations, leather chews and bits, harnesses, leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, animal skins, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols, walking sticks, luggage, bags, cases, vanity cases, suitcases, handbags, shoulder bags, purses, clutch bags, tote bags, backpacks, rucksacks, shooting sticks, briefcases, attache cases, document holders and cases made of leather or imitations of leathers, holdalls, pochettes, suit carriers, credit card cases and holders, key cases, coin purses, passport holders made of leather or imitations of leather, cheque book holders, spectacle Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 82 cases (not adapted) made of leather or imitations of leather, pen pouches, diary covers made of leather or imitations of leather, travel organisers made of leather or imitations of leather, tie holders made of leather or imitations of leather, key fobs made of leather or imitations of leather, wallets, furniture, mattresses, trays and bins, not of metal, mirrors (looking glasses), picture frames, fans for personal use (non-electric), display boards, clothes hooks and furniture fittings, not of metal, cushions, pillows, air cushions and air pillows, not for medical purposes, pet cushions, cages for household pets, litter boxes or trays for pets, plastic containers for dispensing drink and food to pets, combs for animals, household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), combs and sponges, brushes (except paint brushes), brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, steelwool, unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building), glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes, containers for household or kitchen use, tableware, other than knives, forks and spoons, chopsticks, basins (bowls), dishes, table plates, pots, cruets, sugar bowls, butter dishes, trays for domestic purposes, bottles, pitchers, cups, mugs, cups of paper or plastic, beer mugs, coasters, not of paper and other than table linen, lunch boxes, utensils for household purposes, kitchen utensils, cooking utensils, non-electric, bottle openers, glass flasks (containers), boxes of glass, glass bowls, drinking vessels, drinking glasses, tea services, tea infusers, tea strainers, teapots, tea caddies, coffee services, non-electric coffeepots, soap boxes, soap holders, soap dispensers, boxes of metal for dispensing paper towels, paper towel dispensers and holders, toilet paper dispensers and holders, towel rails and rings, toilet utensils, vases, trash cans, clothes-pegs, clothes-pins, aerosol dispensers, not for medical purposes, candle holders, candlesticks, candelabra (candlesticks), shoe horns, perfume burners, combs, hair brushes, brushes, material for brush-making, toothbrushes, electric or non-electric, tooth brush holders and containers, toothpick holders, cosmetic utensils, fitted vanity cases, abrasive sponges for scrubbing the skin, perfume sprayers, perfume vaporizers, heat-insulated containers, heat insulated containers for beverages, ice cube molds (moulds), litter trays for pets, textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes, bed and table covers, fabric, labels of cloth, felt, fleece blankets, bath linen, except clothing, towels of textile, table napkins of textile, handkerchiefs of textile, face towels of textile, bath towels, bed linen, bedspreads, bed sheets, bed covers, pillowcases, bed blankets, quilts, travelling rugs (lap robes), eiderdowns (down coverlets), duvets, duvet covers, quilt bags, quilt covers, tablecloths, not of paper, coasters (table linen), place mats, not of paper, tablemats, not of paper, covers for cushions, curtain holders of textile material, curtains of textile or plastic, shower curtains of textile or plastic, fitted toilet lid covers of fabric, clothing, headgear, footwear, articles of outerclothing and underclothing, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 83 suits, stockings, tights, pantyhose, shirts, T-shirts, tank tops, blouses, trousers, skirts, articles of fancy dress, dresses, dressing gowns, evening gowns, jackets, overalls, waistcoats, fur coats, leather coats, raincoats, sports coats, suit coats, top coats, knitted articles of clothing and articles of clothing made from knitted materials, ties, bath robes, articles of sports clothing, sleepwear, hats, socks, belts, scarves, gloves, caps, aprons, jeans, neckwear, swimwear, belts (clothing), athletic footwear, athletic shoes, golf shoes, clogs, slippers, boots, shoes, carpets, rugs, mats, mats for pillows, bath mats, door mats, carpets for automobiles, non-slip mats, floor mats, wallpaper, toys for domestic pets, games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, decorations for Christmas trees, manicure sets, pedicure sets, electric or non-electric nail clippers, nail files, electric or non-electric razors, beard clippers, eyelash curlers, scissors, knives, penknives, non-electric tin openers, non-electric cheese slicers, non-electric egg slicers, table cutlery (knives, forks and spoons), cutlery, table fork, spoons, ladles (hand tools), boxes of paper or cardboard for storage purposes, laundry bags. ITHK TM LIMITED P.O. BOX 3340, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. AGENT: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 T1110908I 05/08/2011 (35) Class 35 Business consultation services and business advisory services to independent sales representatives in the field of retail jewelry sales. LIA SOPHIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH MUEHLENTALSTRASSE SWITZERLAND. 38, 8200 SCHAFFHAUSEN, AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 84 T1110940B 08/08/2011 (35) The second mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the form of representation in the application. Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Luo Sheng" which has no meaning. Class 35 Administrative processing of orders for delivery; Business administrative handling of orders; advertisement marketing, namely presentations of goods and services for retail purposes; business administration; business intermediary services; business management and business technical consultancy; electronic commerce services, namely administrative processing of orders, import services, not being transport services; invoicing for electronic ordering systems as well as presentation of goods and services for retail purposes; merchandising; Business negotiation of trading transactions for third parties; administrative processing of purchase orders by electronic means, telephone and/or in computerised form; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); providing commercial information via an Internet web site in the fields of automation components to facilitate the business to business purchasing of such parts and related equipment and materials through the Internet and to facilitate electronic negotiations between buying organizations and their trading partners in these fields; retail and wholesale services concerning automation components; sales planning; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail and distributor outlet. ACE PILLAR CO., LTD 4F, NO. 5, LANE 83, SEC 1, KUANG-FU ROAD, SAN-CHUNG DISTRICT, NEW TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION, 1 KIM SENG PROMENADE, #15-12 GREAT WORLD CITY WEST TOWER, SINGAPORE 237994 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 85 T1110966F 08/08/2011 (09) Class 09 Electric and electronic apparatus; electric and electronic security or alarm apparatus; electrical control apparatus for doors; electrically operated door openers and closers; keyboard actuated electric or magnetic locks; electronically controlled locks; key operated controls (electric); infra red keys (encoded); keycards (encoded); electrical and electronic locking devices; alarms (not for vehicles); alarm locks; electric and electronic door bells; push button electric and electronic locks; computer control apparatus for coding keyboards; decoders; transformers; electronic key pads; electrical power supply apparatus (other than generators); sirens; electric door strikes; infra red and magnetic contact detectors; and parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. BIOLOCK PTE LTD BLK 233 BUKIT BATOK SINGAPORE 650233 EAST AVENUE 5, #01-49, AGENT: AXIS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL PTE LTD, 21 SCIENCE PARK ROAD, #03-01 THE AQUARIUS, SCIENCE PARK II, SINGAPORE 117628 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 86 T1111296I 17/08/2011 (42) Class 42 Hosting computer sites (web sites); web portal services (designing or hosting); online provision of web-based applications; online provision of web-based software; computer services, namely, hosting online web facilities for others for conducting online conferences, meetings, demonstrations, virtual tours, presentations and interactive discussions. Priority Claims: Class 42 17/02/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. CITRIX ONLINE LLC 7414 HOLLISTER AVENUE, GOLETA, CALIFORNIA 93117, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1111662Z 24/08/2011 (25) Class 25 Clothings, scarves, wraps (clothing), belts and footwear. METRO (PRIVATE) LIMITED 391A ORCHARD ROAD, #17-01 NGEE ANN CITY TOWER A, SINGAPORE 238873 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 87 T1111790A 24/08/2011 (25) Class 25 Belts, blazers, blouses, boxer shorts, caps, casualwear, coats, dresses, drawers, headgear, jackets, jeans, jerseys, knitwear, lingerie, neckwear, nightwear, outer clothing, panties, pants, polo shirts, pinted t-shirts, pullovers, scarfs, shirts, shorts, singlets, skirts, slacks, socks, sportswear, stocking, suits, sweaters, t-shirt, trousers, vests, waistcoats, women’s clothing. woven garments, footwear, tops, ties, gloves, children’s clothing, all included in Class 25. ZOKO FASHION PTE LTD 19 JALAN KILANG BARAT, #02-01/02 ACETECH CENTRE, SINGAPORE 159361 T1111817G 26/08/2011 (35) Class 35 Business management relating to shipping; recruitment of crew for ships; supply chain management services for oil and gas activities and the provision of consulting services relating to all the aforesaid services. ALTUS GROUP LTD. 80 BROAD STREET, MONROVIA, LIBERIA AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 88 T1111966A 31/08/2011 (04) Class 04 Mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes (not for fuel); non-mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes (not for fuel); industrial greases; lubricating oils (industrial lubricants); cutting oils; petroleum jelly; quenching oils; mould releasing oils; all included in Class 4. YUSHIRO CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 34-16, 2-CHOME, CHIDORI, OTA-KU, TOKYO 146-8510, JAPAN AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 89 T1112144E 02/09/2011 (07 09 11 21) Class 07 Food processors [electric], electric blenders, citrus presses [electric], coffee grinders, other than hand-operated, mixers [machines], stab mixers [machines], electric juice extractors, electric juicers, electric milk shake makers, electric frozen dessert makers, electric ice shavers, electric appliances for preparing food; electric kitchen machines for food preparation [other than cooking]; electric brushes. Class 09 Electrical apparatus and equipment for domestic uses including flat irons, electrically heated hair-curlers; extension insulated electrical wires in cord form; electrical equipment including switches and plugs; scales and weighing machines for domestic use; household safety equipment including alarms and smoke detectors. Class 11 Drinking water filters, electric heaters, electric espresso makers, electric coffee makers, milk frothers [aeration apparatus], electric toaster ovens, electric tea makers, electric kettles and jugs, toasters, sandwich presses and makers, grills [cooking apparatus], toaster grills [cooking apparatus], electric pressure cookers, electric slow cookers, rice cookers, electric steamers for cooking, electric saucepans, electric frypans, electric woks, electric deep fryers, bread makers, sandwich toaster, electric waffle makers, electric pastry makers, egg cookers, electric popcorn makers, wine chillers, electrical appliances for cooking. Class 21 Cutting boards, kitchen tools and implements in this class (hand operated), saucepans, frying pans, bakeware, cookware, ovenware, salt and pepper sets, cups and saucers, tea pots, coffeepots, canisters, storage containers, bread boards, ceramics for household purposes, non-electric apparatus for making coffee, tea balls, tea filters, tea infusers, tea strainers, flasks (not of precious metal), food serving utensils, trays for domestic purposes (not of precious metal), parts and accessories in this class for all the aforesaid goods, kitchen utensils and containers included in class 21; electric toothbrush. BREVILLE PTY LIMITED BUILDING 2, PORT AIR INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, 1A HALE STREET, BOTANY, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2019, AUSTRALIA AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 90 T1112215H 05/09/2011 (09 42) Class 09 Computer hardware and software; computer application development software; Computer software to enable authoring, posting, uploading, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, playing, storing, organizing, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the Internet or other communications network; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with computers, media players, mobile phones, smartphones and portable and handheld digital electronic devices; computer software to enable users to program and distribute audio, video, text and other multimedia content, including music, concerts, videos, radio, television, news, sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related and educational programs via communication networks; computer game software and programs enabling users to play games with mobile phones; downloadable computer game software; software applications for use in connection with computers, media players, mobile phones, smartphones and portable and handheld digital electronic devices; electronic publications (downloadable). Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design services relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; hosting of a software as a service (SaaS) services; technical support services, namely, updating and maintenance of computer software and troubleshooting support programs for diagnosis, and diagnosing computer hardware problems using software. RAYSER PTE. LTD. 21 SCIENCE PARK SINGAPORE 117628 ROAD, #03-17 THE AQUARIUS, AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 91 T1112587D 12/09/2011 (29 30) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Ma Shi Da" which has no meaning. Class 29 Edible seaweed; potato chips; fruit-based snack food; yoghurt; fried seaweed; seasoned edible seaweed; milk; processed peanuts; processed seaweed; and preserved vegetables. Class 30 Foodstuff prepared in the form of snacks consisting of flour and seaweed [flour predominating]; tea; tea-based beverages; coffee; coffee-based beverages; crackers; biscuits; bread; chocolate; corn flakes; custard; cereal-based snack food; rice-based snack food; and cakes. BOON RAWD BREWERY CO., LTD. 999 SAMSEN ROAD, BANGKOK 10300, THAILAND AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 T1112590D 12/09/2011 (03) Class 03 Skin care, facial care, beauty care products for the body and beauty care products for use at home including creams; body lotions; scrubs (preparations), other than for medical use; moisturizers; cleansing solution and gel; toners; skin renewal cosmetics; essential oils; cosmetics; skin care preparations (cosmetic), namely oxygen uptake serum; anti-wrinkle gel; anti-aging gel; beauty masks; facial packs; facial soap; face and body powders; sun protection lotions; sun protection creams; antiperspirant; deodorants; hair care products including shampoos; conditioners; anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners; hair sprays; non-medicated scalp treatments; hair styling aids; hair styling preparations; hair care preparations; hair coloring preparations; foot massage cream; massage lotion; massage oil; foot mask cream; foot mask lotion; aromatherapy preparations; fragrances; perfumes; toiletries. TEO CHUAN JOO 31 KIM KEAT LANE, #05-04 CALARASI, SINGAPORE 328882 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 92 T1112613G 12/09/2011 (29 30 32) Class 29 Milk; goat milk; milk beverages (milk predominating); cocoa milk (milk predominating); milk products; drinks flavoured with tea and having a base of milk; cheese, milkshake, milk powder; soya bean milk; fermented milk; milk based beverages containing lactic acid bacteria (not for medical purposes); yoghurt; yoghurt drink; milk flavored with papaya juice, green bean paste or fruit juice; milk flavored with green bean paste or milk flavoured with fruit juice; flavored milk; cream (dairy products); butter; sesame oil; peanut oil, corn oil; olive oil; bean oil; vegetable oil; sunflower seed oil for food; fried shredded meat; dried meat; meat fluff prepared as foodstuffs; meat paste; preserved meat; fried shredded fish; fish fluff prepared as foodstuffs; fish ball; meat ball; sausage; bacon; chicken nugget; fish nugget; poultry meat; meat and vegetable covered with frying powder (flour for food); prepared foodstuffs made from fish, meat and vegetables; frankfurter; ham; frozen processed instant foodstuffs made from fish, meat and vegetables; concentrated instant bouillon; meat and preserved canned meat; dried or frozen foodstuffs made from fresh fruit and vegetable; dried fruit and vegetable; jellies for foods namely edible jellies made from devil’s tongue; dried konnyaku or jelly made of the root of devil’s tongue prepared as foodstuffs; pickles; pickled vegetable; soya-preserved vegetable; pickled cucumber; eggs; preserved egg; salted egg; chicken essence (chicken extracts); chicken extracts prepared as foodstuffs; edible pollen; edible pollen prepared as foodstuffs; edible lecithin (edible cream); edible lecithin (containing principally of corn and egg yolk) prepared as foodstuffs; meat substitutes prepared from vegetables (textured vegetable protein), vegetable based meat substitutes, soya bean based meat substitutes; vegetable based meat substitutes; foodstuffs made from bean; preserved vegetables, fruit, fish and meat; prepared foodstuffs principally made of meat, fish, poultry, game or vegetables, all being preserved, dried, refrigerated, frozen or cooked; soups; tomato paste; dairy products; processed milk; milk based beverages; non-alcoholic drinks prepared from milk or yoghurt; edible oils; frozen prepared foodstuffs made from fish, meat and vegetables; potato fries; peanut soup; peanut soup flavored with milk; potato chips; soya bean milk beverages; soya based dairy substitutes; bean curd; meat products; hot dog; jellies; frozen chicken, frozen chips, frozen soups, frozen vegetables, fresh frozen shrimps, frozen cooked fish, frozen edible protein, frozen eggs, frozen fish, frozen fish products, frozen french fries, frozen fruits, frozen meat, frozen meat products, frozen potato products, frozen prepared meals consisting principally of fish, frozen prepared meals consisting principally of meat, frozen prepared meals consisting principally of poultry, frozen prepared meals consisting principally of vegetables, frozen seafood, frozen seafood Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 93 products, mushrooms being frozen, poultry products being frozen, pre-packed poultry products being frozen; fishballs; cuttle fish ball; potatoes; French fries; artificial milk based desserts, cream dessert toppings, cream desserts, dairy desserts, desserts in the form of puddings with a milk base, desserts made from milk, desserts made from milk products, desserts made from yoghurt, desserts made principally of milk, desserts made wholly or principally of dairy products, fruit desserts, instant desserts having a milk base, preparations with a milk base for use as desserts, prepared desserts (fruit based), prepared desserts (milk based), soya desserts, yoghurt desserts; casseroles (prepared meal of meat or vegetables), curry (prepared meals consisting principally of meat, with or without rice), meals prepared from poultry, prepared meals comprising principally meat, prepared meals consisting principally of fish, prepared meals consisting principally of game, prepared meals consisting principally of mushrooms, prepared meals consisting principally of poultry, prepared meals consisting principally of vegetables, prepared meals consisting substantially of seafood, prepared meals consisting wholly or principally of potatoes, prepared meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of chicken, prepared meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of fish, prepared meals consisting wholly or substantially wholly of meat, prepared meals containing (principally) tofu, prepared meals made from fruit (fruit predominating), prepared meals made of eggs (eggs predominating), prepared meals made principally of cheese, prepared meals made wholly or principally from meat products, prepared meals made wholly or substantially wholly from beef, prepared meals made wholly or substantially wholly from beef products, prepared meals predominantly of meat or vegetables; chicken products; canned meat, canned vegetables, canned seafood, canned poultry, canned fish, canned game, canned mushrooms, canned potatoes, canned fruit, canned meat products, canned beef, canned beef products; dairy products; all included in Class 29. Class 30 Jelly [confectionery]; fruit jelly [confectionery]; tea jelly [confectionery]; coffee jelly [confectionery]; almond jelly [confectionery]; Black tea; green tea; oolong tea; oolong with osmanthus flower; jasmine tea; lemon tea; tea flavored with fruit juice; tea flavored with wheat seedling; milk tea; milk tea mix; coffee mix; cereal mix; tea bag; tea leaf; beverages made of tea; coffee; coffee beverages with milk (cafe au lait, latte); coffee substitute; beverages made of coffee, cocoa or chocolate; chocolate; ice; ice cream; ice lollies; ice-sucker (popsicle); Eskimo pie (ice creams); ices being in powder or granulated form; ice cream sundae; salt; soy sauce; creamy soy sauce; sauce (condiments); sweet-chili sauce; barbecue sauce; chili sauce; ketchup; condiments; vinegar; sugar; honey; fructose; fructose syrup for use Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 94 in the manufacture of foods; royal jelly (not for medical purposes); propolis (bee glue) for human consumption; confectionery; candy; chewing gum (not for medical purposes); biscuit; rice crackers; pastry; cake; cereal chips; toast; cheese cake; bread; sandwich; hamburger; pudding; bean curd pudding; puddings containing soybean; roasted pudding; steamed bread; steamed bun with stuffing; shao-mai; carbonado bun; hot dog (sausages in a bread roll); ravioli (wonton); fish dumpling; egg dumpling; dumpling with meat; shrimp dumpling; squid dumpling; rice; wheat; plumule rice for food; wheat flour; flour; powder for frying chicken; powder for frying food; seasoning powder for frying chicken; seasoning powder for frying food; frying powders; preparations made from cereals; mixed cereals in powder form; roasted wheat flour; bread crumbs; oatmeal; starch for food in the shape of balls; starches for foods; sweet porridge; instant porridge; oat porridge; instant noodle; instant rice noodle; instant bean noodles; ramen noodle; fried noodle crackers; buckwheat noodle; instant vermicelli; frozen dough; dumpling (pastry); frozen dumpling (pastry); noodle; rice noodle; edible yeast; tea; tea-based beverages containing or flavored with fruit juice or vegetable juice; tea-based beverages; coffee-based beverages; cocoa-based beverages; salad dressings; spaghetti; macaroni; vermicelli; fried gluten; vegetarian noodles; frozen desserts (confectionery), frozen fruit desserts (sorbets), frozen ice dessert, ice cream desserts, ice desserts, muesli desserts, prepared desserts (chocolate based), prepared desserts (confectionery), prepared desserts (pastries); sauces; spices; bean sauces; seasoning; tempura powder; corn flour; meal; cereal; plain steamed bread; steamed bread with meat and vegetable fillings; pasta; glutinous rice dumplings; fried rice; stewed rice; dumplings for soup; rice balls; sugar powder; vegetarian foodstuffs containing or comprising predominantly fried gluten; fried gluten prepared as foodstuffs (vegetarian foodstuffs); gluten used as meat substitutes; mousse (sweet), mousse confections, mousse desserts; rice milk, all included in Class 30. Class 32 Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; aerated water; aerated water flavored with fruit juice; carbonated water, mineral water; purified water flavored with fruit juice; isotonic drinks; fruit juice; diluted fruit juice; fruit-vegetable juice; vegetable juice; chrysanthemum drinks; herbal jelly drinks, not for medical purposes; sugar cane juice; white gourd beverages; asparagus juice; honey date juice; almond beverages; soya bean based beverages; non-alcoholic beverages containing pulp; purified water; tomato juice; non-alcoholic drinks; soyabased beverages (not being dairy substitutes); other preparations for making beverages; non-alcoholic beverages in this Class containing added nutrients and vitamins (not for medicinal purposes); sarsaparilla; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 95 plum beverages; ginger juice; all included in Class 32. UNI-PRESIDENT ENTERPRISES CORP. NO. 301, ZHONGZHENG RD., YONGKANG DIST., TAINAN CITY 71001, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1112676E 14/09/2011 (16 35 41) Class 16 Printed materials, namely, newsletters, magazines (periodicals), brochures, and publicity leaflets (flyers) featuring information for association executives; series of non-fiction books featuring information for association executives; pens (writing instruments); pencils; highlighters (writing instruments); business cards; binders (stationery); folders (stationery); stationery; notebooks; note pads; daily planner tables; all included in Class 16. Class 35 Business promotion services relating to the interests of association executives, provided through an association or rendered through an association; all included in Class 35. Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, lectures, conferences, and workshops (training) for association executives in the fields of association management, finance, business, legal and marketing and distribution of course material (other than transportation) in connection therewith; production and publication of on-line non-downloadable magazines and newsletters directed towards association executives, association staff professionals and association industry partner members in the field of non-profit association management and leadership; all included in Class 41. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES 1575 EYE STREET, N.W., SUITE 1200, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 96 T1112678A 14/09/2011 (16 35 41) Application for a series of two marks. Class 16 Printed materials, namely, newsletters, magazines (periodicals), brochures, and publicity leaflets (flyers) featuring information for association executives; series of non-fiction books featuring information for association executives; pens (writing instruments); pencils; highlighters (writing instruments); business cards; binders (stationery); folders (stationery); stationery; notebooks; note pads; and daily planner tables; all included in Class 16. Class 35 Business promotion services relating to the interests of association executives, provided through an association or rendered through an association; all included in Class 35. Class 41 Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, lectures, conferences, and workshops (training) for association executives in the fields of association management, finance, business, legal and marketing; dissemination of educational course material for association executives in the fields of association management, finance, business, legal and marketing; production and publication of on-line non-downloadable magazines and newsletters directed towards association executives, association staff professionals and association industry partner members in the field of non-profit association management and leadership; all included in Class 41. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES 1575 EYE STREET, N.W., SUITE 1200, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 97 T1112888A 19/09/2011 (09 16 35 38 41 42) Application for a series of four marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Ju Hua Suan" which has no meaning. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the internet; online electronic publications (downloadable from the internet or a computer network or a computer database); downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice and images over the internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in web-based meetings and classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; computer workstations (apparatus and installations); servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, communication routing apparatus and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; cases adapted for laptop computers and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone parts and fittings; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; telephone earpieces; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 98 speakers; Global Positioning System (GPS) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programs and software (including software downloadable from the internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; outdoor signboards of metal (luminous); encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; all included in Class 9. Class 16 Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and website directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials being printed matter; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials made of paper, plastic or cardboard; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and figurines made of paper; paper party bags; all included in Class 16. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising agency services; advertising services provided for others; database management; compilation of information into computer databases; business consulting services; business consulting services in the field of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; business consulting services in the field of delivering web-based knowledge; business consulting services in the field of online collaboration and collaboration technologies; business consulting services in the fields of sales and marketing; business project management services; business project management services relating to the development, set up, staging, production, recording, monitoring and follow-up of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; market research and business consulting services; business consultancy services relating to facilitating the transaction of business via local and global computer networks by locating and providing referrals for the delivery of a wide variety of business and consumer products and services; dissemination of business information of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 99 goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; provision of online business consultancy services in relation to the sourcing of goods and services and fulfilling trade leads and orders; providing computerized online ordering services; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; international import and export agency services; rental of advertising space on communication media; auctioneering and business evaluation services provided online via a computer database or the internet; online retail services of consumer products; compilation of business directory of third party websites to facilitate business transactions; business consultancy services relating to operating an electronic marketplace for the buyers and sellers of goods and/or services on a global computer network; business assistance relating to facilitating business transaction via local and global computer networks; corporate management consultancy services; marketing and promotion services; publication of publicity materials; marketing of vacant premises; dissemination of advertising materials, updating of advertising materials, compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; rental of advertising space; computer data processing; sales promotion, business, promotional information services; telephone answering (for unavailable subscribers); telephone answering (for others); auctioneering provided on the internet; personnel management; provision of sales promotion, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network and via the internet; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise internet website and in a wholesale outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail outlets; retail and wholesale of telephones, mobile phone handsets, mobile phone accessories, electronic and telecommunications goods, computer hardware and computer software, batteries, battery chargers, apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images and/or sound, precious metals, jewellery, precious stones, printed matter, stationery and magnetic and non magnetically encoded cards, furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen utensils, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, laces and embroidery, buttons, ribbons, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, games and electronic toys, chemicals used in industry, science, photography and agriculture, paints, varnishes Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 100 and lacquers, personal hygiene products, soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, hair and body lotions, essential oils, cleaning and bleaching preparations, lubricants, fuels, candles, pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, machines and machine tools, cutlery, razors and hand tools, computers, calculating machines, electrical, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles and sun glasses, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, firearms, fireworks, silverware, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, magazine, cards, paper and cardboard products, pictures, typewriters and office requisites, packaging materials, rubber and plastics for manufacture use, packing and insulating materials, leather and imitations of leather and goods made from these materials, handbags, purses, wallets, leather holders, bags, luggage, umbrellas, mirrors, ropes, string, nets, tents, yarns and threads for textile use, coat hangers, place mats, dressmaker’s articles, bed and table covers, playthings and sporting articles, foodstuffs and beverages, meat, fish, poultry, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jams and fruits sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, flour, bread and cakes, condiments, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer, mineral water, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages, floral products, tobacco, smokers’ articles and matches; direct mail advertising; import-export agency services; selection of goods and procurement of goods for individuals and businesses; ordering services [for others]; department store retailing services; supermarket retailing services; secretarial services; provision of business statistical information; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business assistance services relating to compilation and rental of mailing lists; business investigation; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; business referral services and personnel placement; import-export clearance agencies (import-export agency services); arranging newspaper subscriptions (for others); document reproduction; transcription (including stencil-paper writing); rental of office equipment; customer relationship management; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management and administration services relating to sponsorship programs; accounting services; charitable services, namely organizing and conducting volunteer programs and community service projects; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35. Class 38 Telecommunications services; providing web-based multimedia Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 101 teleconferencing, video conferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of web-based applications, teleconferences, video conferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing user access to applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists and discussion forums; internet broadcasting services; providing access to an online computer database containing information relating to online platforms for the submission of web-based complaints; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; provision of telecommunication access to world-wide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; television broadcasting services; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programs; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programs, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to online shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, websites Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 102 and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and rental of access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and notes feature, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 38. Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publication of texts, books and journals (others than publicity texts); publication of diagrams, images and photographs; publication of newspapers, magazines and periodicals; education, training and instruction services relating to telecommunications, computers, computer programs, website design, e-commerce, business management and advertising; provision of education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training both interactive and non-interactive; design of educational courses, examinations and qualifications; entertainment provided via electronic and digital interactive media; electronic games services provided by means of the internet; provision of information Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 103 relating to education, training, entertainment, recreation, sporting, social and cultural activities; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting singing competitions; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting concerts; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting events and competitions for education or entertainment purposes; arranging, organizing, hosting and conducting game shows and quests; entertainment ticket agency services; information relating to entertainment or education, provided online from a computer database or the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable) from MP3 (Moving Picture Experts Group-1 audio layer 3) internet websites; entertainment and education services relating to planning, production and distribution of sound, images, digital music, movies, live or recorded audio, visual or audiovisual material for broadcasting on terrestrial cable, satellite channels, the internet, wireless or wire-link systems and other means of communications; music entertainment services; rental of sound recordings; preparation of entertainment, educational, documentary and news programs for broadcasting; news reporters’ services; information relating to sporting or cultural events, current affairs and breaking news provided by satellite television transmission, the internet or by other electronic means; television, radio and film production; preparation and production of television programs; provision of information, data, graphics, sound, music, videos, animation and text for entertainment purpose; game services; provision of club recreation, sporting and gymnasium facilities; band performances; club entertainment, discotheque, fashion show and night club services; club services relating to entertainment, education and cultural services; arranging, conducting and provision of conferences, conventions, congresses, seminars and training workshops; organizing and conducting exhibitions (for cultural or educational purposes), fashion shows, educational shows and cultural shows and performances; art exhibition and gallery services; art gallery services relating to rental of fine arts; training services in relation to occupation health and safety, environmental conservation; provision of cigar classes, wine tasting classes; providing education information about research materials and agency thereof; arranging, organizing, planning and management of seminars; animal training; direction in producing broadcasting programs; instructional services relating to operation of machines and equipment, including audiovisual equipment, which is used for the production of broadcasting programs; providing audio and visual studios; providing sports facilities; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; entertainment booking agencies; rental of motion pictures (cine-films); rental of musical instruments; rental of television programs; rental of television sets; lending libraries; archive library services; subtitling Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 104 services; sign language interpretation services; providing video games, computer games, sound or images, or movies through telecommunication or computer networks; providing online computer games and contests; rental of pre-recorded video tapes; rental of game machines; rental of arcade game equipment; rental of pictures; photography; translation; language interpretation; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; educational and training programs relating to certification; provision of news [news program services]; lottery services; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 41. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto, industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) in connection with transmitting information, data, documents, and images over the internet; application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting computer software applications of others; application service provider (ASP) services providing software in the fields of web-based conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic messaging, document collaboration, video conferencing, and voice and call processing; providing online non-downloadable software for facilitating the interoperability of multiple software applications; technical support services relating to computer software and applications provided online, by email and by telephone; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) in relation to creating an online community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, engage in social networking, and exchange documents; computer technology advice on programming and software installations, repair and maintenance provided to internet users by means of a support hotline; computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) relating to creating indexes of information, sites and resources on computer networks; providing search engines; design of computers, notebook computers, laptop computers, portable computers and handheld computers; design of personal digital assistants and personal media players; design of mobile telephones and smart phones; design of digital cameras; information technology (IT) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services); computer programming; computer integration services; computer analysis services; computer programming in relation to the defence against virus; computer system software services; computer network Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 105 services for exchanging of data; computer software design; computer system design; design and development of webpages; hosting webpages for others; hosting computer application software for searching and retrieving information from databases and computer networks; providing technical information relating to computer support services (programming and software installation, repair and maintenance services) at the specific request of end-users by means of telephone or global computer network; consultancy services in relation to computer software; computer services relating to customized searching of computer databases and websites; providing computer links to third party websites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; computer and electronic signal coding and decoding; conversion of physical data and documents into electronic media format; testing and evaluation services; architectural and design services; interior designs of buildings, offices and apartments; computer security services, namely, the provision of user certification authority services for others to ensure the security of transmitted information; information services relating to computers and computer networks; computer security risk management programs; computer security information, knowledge, and testing services; quality assurance services; computer services relating to certification of business transactions and preparation of reports therefor; authentication services for computer security; computer security services relating to providing access control to computers, electronic networks and databases; data security services (firewalls) relating to data transmission and of transactions via computer networks; online authentication of electronic signatures; consultancy in the field of data security; consultancy concerning securing computer network communications by means of a global computer network; rental of entertainment software; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 42. Priority Claims: Class 09 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 106 Class 38 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 19/07/2011 HONG KONG, CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING LIMITED FOURTH FLOOR, ONE CAPITAL PLACE, P.O. BOX 847, GEORGE TOWN, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS AGENT: MARGARET LAW CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, #05-10, SINGAPORE 179934 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 107 T1112965I 21/09/2011 (06 12) The mark consists of a Latin word meaning "A Key". Class 06 Apparatus of metal for securing; lockable boxes (metal) for cash and valuables; door security devices of metal for buildings (non-electric, not optical); doors of metal for security purposes; fasteners of metal being security devices for doors; fasteners of metal being security devices for windows; lockable boxes of metal for tools (empty); lockable chests of metal for tools (empty); lockable security containers (safes); lockable security containers made of metal; locking apparatus (non-electric) of metal; locking fuel tank caps of metal; locking gate hasps of metal; locking oil tank caps of metal; locking pins of metal; locks (other than electric) of metal; locks (other than electric) of metal for trolleys; locks (other than electric) of metal for use on buildings; locks (other than electric) of metal for vehicles; locks (other than electric) of metal for windows; locks of metal for bags; locks of metal for handbags; locks of metal for vehicles; locks of metal incorporating straps; manually operated apparatus (metal) for locking doors; mechanical combination locks (non-electric); mechanical locks (non-electric, metal); mechanical safety locks (non-electric); mechanisms of metal (non-electric) for locking doors; mechanisms of metal (non-electric) for locking windows; metal building elements for security structures; metal locks (non electric); metal roller shutter doors for security purposes; metal security (anti-theft) devices (non-electric, not for vehicles); metal security barriers; metal security cabinets (other than furniture); metal security wire; non-electric security locking devices of metal; portable outdoor security cabins of metal; prefabricated security vaults (safes); securing devices (fastenings) of metal for building purposes; securing wire for plants; security boxes (money boxes) of metal; security boxes (safes); security boxes of metal; security cases (safes) for money; security chests (safes); security closures of metal; security containers of metal; security devices (locks) of metal for vehicles; security devices of metal, other than for vehicles; security door frames of metal for buildings; security doors of metal for buildings; security gratings of metal for the outside of buildings; security shutters of metal; security trays of metal; security units (safes). Class 12 Anti-lock brake apparatus for vehicles; anti-theft security apparatus for vehicles; anti-locking apparatus for road vehicles; anti-theft locks for use on automobile steering wheels; anti-theft security devices for vehicles; electric security apparatus for the prevention of theft from vehicles; electric security apparatus for the prevention of theft of vehicles; electrical apparatus for vehicles Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 108 for security purposes; electrical security apparatus for vehicles; electrical security devices for vehicles; electrically operated security apparatus for vehicles; electronic security apparatus for vehicles; electronic security devices for vehicles; electronic security equipment for vehicles; metal security (anti-theft) devices for vehicles; remote control security (anti-theft) devices for vehicles; security alarm systems for vehicles; security alarms for vehicles; security apparatus incorporating lights for use on vehicles; security devices for use on the doors of vehicles (other than locks); security devices for use on the windows of vehicles (other than locks); security devices of metal for vehicles (other than locks); security harness for vehicle seats; security harnesses for vehicle seats; security systems for vehicles (other than locks). SANZ PTE LTD 20 WOODLANDS LINK, #07-30 JTC, SINGAPORE 738733 T1113284F 27/09/2011 (34) The mark consists of an aspect of packaging of the goods claimed as shown in the representation on the form of application. The first mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown on the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hong Shuang Xi" which has no meaning. The ligature of the Chinese character appearing in the mark, "Xi", means "Double Happiness". Class 34 Cigarettes; tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches. NANYANG BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED 9 TSING YEUNG CIRCUIT, TUEN MUN, NEW TERRITORIES, HONG KONG. AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 109 T1113741D 04/10/2011 (14) Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; fashion jewellery; costume jewellery; rings (jewellery); necklaces (jewellery); earrings; bracelets; gold thread (jewellery); imitation gold; ornamental pins; ornaments (jewellery); hat ornaments (of precious metal); pearls (jewellery); pins (jewellery); pins of precious materials (other than for dental use); tie clips; tie pins; works of art of precious metal; gold; precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought; diamonds; jades; coral jewellery; jewellery made of crystal; imitation jewellery; cases for jewellery; jewellery boxes. PLUKKA (HK) LTD. 18TH FLOOR, CORPORATION SQUARE, 8 LAM LOK STREET, KOWLOON BAY, HONG KONG AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1114049J 07/10/2011 (06) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Do Zi Ran" meaning "Nature". Class 06 Laths of metal; doors of metal; windows of metal; ceilings of metal; wire gauze; screws of metal; Fittings of metal for furniture; locks (other than electric) of metal; safes (strong boxes); springs (metal hardware); all included in Class 6. JILIN DAYANG DOOR CO., LTD. NO. 8559, QINGNIAN ROAD, LUYUAN CHANGCHUN CITY, JILIN PROVINCE, REPUBLIC OF CHINA DISTRICT, PEOPLE’S c/o CHAN YEE HANG, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 110 T1114513A 17/10/2011 (35 42) Class 35 Retail services; wholesale services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet, a distributor outlet, a general merchandise catalogue by means of telecommunications and from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network. Class 42 Fashion design; design of clothing and accessories; design services relating to fashion articles. F J BENJAMIN HOLDINGS LTD 10 SCIENCE PARK ROAD, #04-01 THE ALPHA, SCIENCE PARK II, SINGAPORE 117684 AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 111 T1114589A 18/10/2011 (38 42 45) Class 38 Telecommunications; communication and telecommunication services; telecommunication access services; communications by computer; communication between computers; electronic sending of data and documentation via the Internet or other databases; electronic transmission of data between computers and servers; transmission of data and news by electronic means; providing telecommunication access to websites and electronic news services online allowing the download of information and data; providing telecommunication access to web sites on the Internet; providing wireless telecommunications via electronic communications networks; wireless digital messaging, paging services, and electronic mail services, including services that enable a user to send and/or receive messages through a wireless data network; communication by computer, computer intercommunication; provision of telecommunications access and links to computer databases and the Internet; electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files via computer and other communications networks; webcasting services (transmission); delivery of messages by electronic transmission; provision of connectivity services and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of audio, video or multimedia content; provision of telecommunications connections to electronic communication networks; providing telecommunication access to digital music web sites on the Internet; providing telecommunication access to MP3 web sites on the Internet; provision of telecommunications connections to the Internet or computer databases; electronic mail services; telecommunication of information (including web pages); streaming of video content via a global computer network; audio broadcasting; electronic transmission of data via communications networks; providing on-line bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning computer gaming and entertainment; rental and hire of communication apparatus and electronic mail-boxes; news agency services for electronic transmission; electronic communications consultancy; transmission of data by audio-visual apparatus controlled by data processing apparatus or computers; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; provision of telecommunication access time to web-sites featuring multimedia materials; providing telecommunication access to databases and directories via communications networks for obtaining data in the fields of computer gaming and entertainment; providing users with telecommunication access time to electronic communications networks with means of identifying, locating, grouping, distributing, and managing data and links to third-party computer servers, computer processors and computer users; delivery of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 112 digital images; providing temporary internet access to use on-line non-downloadable software to enable users to program audio, video, text and other multimedia content; providing user access to the Internet (service providers); providing communications services namely voice over internet protocol (VOIP) peer-to-peer communications, electronic transmission of data and documents over computer terminals, and instant messaging services; rental of access time to the internet to use on-line non-downloadable software to enable users to program audio, video, text and other multimedia content; providing of user access to the internet. Class 42 Application service provider (ASP) services featuring computer software; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, and electronic publications; scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of user interface for application software; design and development of user interfaces for computer devices for the purposes of computer gaming; design and development of computer software and hardware for use in telecommunications and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) applications; providing temporary use of online, non-downloadable computer software that allows subscribers to utilize voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) communication services; providing online software for downloading by others that allows subscribers to utilize voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) communication services; computer hardware and software consulting services; rental of computer hardware and software apparatus and equipment; multimedia and audio-visual software consulting services; computer programming; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; graphic design for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; information relating to computer hardware or software provided on-line from a global computer network or the Internet; creating and maintaining web-sites; hosting the web-sites of others; providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software that enables users to play and program music and entertainment-related audio, video, text and multimedia content, and software featuring musical sound recordings, entertainment-related audio, video, text and multimedia content;; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; operating search engines; computer consulting and support services for scanning information into computer discs; hosting of a social networking Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 113 website; computerized data storage services; computerized data storage services for text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content; hosting of an online searchable database of text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content; computer timesharing services for communication apparatus; electronic storage of data, text, images, audio, and video; computerised data storage services for archiving electronic data; information and consultation in connection with electronic storage of data, text, images, audio, and video; information and consultation in connection with computerised data storage services for archiving electronic data. Class 45 Online social networking services. RAZER (ASIA-PACIFIC) PTE LTD 514 CHAI CHEE LANE, #07-05, SINGAPORE 469029 AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 T1114707Z 19/10/2011 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics; hair lotion; make-up powder; shampoo; skin care products [cosmetic][non-medicated]; toiletries; lotion for cosmetic purpose; but not including toilet soaps. NG KIM PANG TRADING AS SILKEN COSMETICS BLK 163 BUKIT MERAH CENTRAL, #03-3593, SINGAPORE 150163 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 114 T1114838F 21/10/2011 (43) The transliteration of the Korean characters appearing in the mark is "Bos Barbikiu" meaning "Boss Barbecue". Class 43 Consultancy services relating to food preparation, catering (food and drink-); restaurant services; provision of information relating to the preparation of food and drink. DAEDAE FC CO., LTD. 100B-12-L NAMDONG INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, 666-11 GOJAN-DONG, NAMDONG-GU, INCHEON 405-818, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 115 T1115231F 31/10/2011 (35 36 37 43) Application for a series of two marks. Class 35 Business management and organization consultancy; business administration; business assistance; business appraisals; business inquiries; administration of the business affairs of franchises; business assistance relating to franchising; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; sales promotion for others; sales promotions through customer loyalty programmes (for others); sales promotion services; business organization and management of discount services; discount services (retail, wholesale, or sales promotion services); advertising; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; rental of advertising space; provision of advertising space; rental of advertising time on communication media; production of radio, television and cinema commercials; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunication or from a general merchandise website in the global communications network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; marketing; marketing research; marketing studies; promotional marketing; demonstration of goods; distribution of samples; office functions; real estate auctioneering; compiling real estate brokerage listings; organization of housing and real estate displays and exhibitions for promotion or advertising purposes; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35. Class 36 Real estate affairs; real estate management; project coordination and management services relating to real estate; real estate (building management); real estate services relating to real estate or property development; real estate agency services; letting and leasing of real estate, commercial, residential and industrial properties; real estate selection and acquisition (for others); brokerage of real estate; real estate appraisals (valuations); real estate assessment (financial); real estate licensing; financing of real estate or property developments; property portfolio management; asset management; rental of real estate; rental of offices (real estate); renting of apartments; stock and station agencies (real Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 116 estate services); rent collection; capital investments; fund investments; fiscal valuations; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); financial affairs; monetary affairs; financing services; financial management; financial analysis; financial appraisals; financial assessments; finance leasing; financial sponsorship; lease-purchase financing; insurance; insurance services relating to real estate and property; insurance underwriting; apartment house management services; surety services; guarantees; discount card services (financial services); information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 36. Class 37 Real estate and property development (building and construction services); property maintenance; repair, installation and maintenance services; restoration and renovation; maintenance and cleaning of buildings, commercial, residential and industrial properties; refurbishment and renovation of buildings, commercial, residential and industrial properties; redevelopment of buildings; building project management (building construction supervision); building construction; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 37. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; theatre restaurants (provision of food and drink); snack-bars; cafeterias; cafes; restaurants; self-service restaurants; bistro services; catering services; banqueting services; takeaway food and drink services; coffee shop services; canteens; tea room services; cocktail lounge services; bar services; wine bars; preparation of food and drink; provision of facilities for conferences, conventions and exhibitions; temporary accommodation; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 43. EW PRIVATE LIMITED 400 ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE 238875 #16-06 ORCHARD TOWERS, AGENT: MARGARET LAW CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, #05-10, SINGAPORE 179934 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 117 T1115237E 31/10/2011 (01) Class 01 Industrial chemicals; chemical additives for oils; surface-active chemical agents; glycerin for industrial purposes; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; ferments for chemical purposes; esters; ethane; alcohol; dextrose for industrial purposes; enzymes for industrial use; desiccants; oil dispersants; filtering materials [chemical preparations]; flocculants; artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]; chemical reagents, other than for medical use; anti-oxidants for use in manufacture; organic acid salts; mineral acid; emulsifiers. AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION 181, 2-GA, HANGANG-RO, YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1115301J 01/11/2011 (12) Class 12 Automobile and its structural parts thereof; covers for vehicle steering wheels; wheels for vehicles; wheel hubs for vehicles; vehicle bumpers; steering wheels for vehicles; automobile hoods; seat covers for vehicles; luggage carriers for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles. LUXGEN MOTOR CO., LTD. NO. 39-1, BOGONGKENG, SANYI TOWNSHIP, MIAOLI COUNTY 367, TAIWAN AGENT: FIRST LAW & IP OFFICES, 20 CECIL STREET, #14-01 EQUITY PLAZA, SINGAPORE 049705 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 118 T1115302I 01/11/2011 (35) Class 35 Retail services in relation to automobile and automobile parts abd accessories. LUXGEN MOTOR CO., LTD. NO. 39-1, BOGONGKENG, SANYI TOWNSHIP, MIAOLI COUNTY 367, TAIWAN AGENT: FIRST LAW & IP OFFICES, 20 CECIL STREET, #14-01 EQUITY PLAZA, SINGAPORE 049705 T1115303G 01/11/2011 (37) Class 37 Transportation vehicle maintenance and repair; Transportation vehicle maintenance; Transportation vehicle repair; Anti-rust treatment for transportation vehicle; Transportation vehicle lubrication; Transportation vehicle wash; Car wash; Vehicle service stations (refueling and maintenance); Anti-rust treatment for vehicle; Motor-driven (or motor) vehicle maintenance and repair; Motor-driven (or motor) vehicle repair; Motor-driven (or motor) vehicle maintenance; Retreading of tires (tyres); Transportation vehicle polishing and waxing. LUXGEN MOTOR CO., LTD. NO. 39-1, BOGONGKENG, SANYI TOWNSHIP, MIAOLI COUNTY 367, TAIWAN AGENT: FIRST LAW & IP OFFICES, 20 CECIL STREET, #14-01 EQUITY PLAZA, SINGAPORE 049705 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 119 T1115446G 03/11/2011 (25 35) Class 25 Clothing; sports caps and hats; footwear, including boots, slippers, sandals, shoes, watersocks and sport shoes. Class 35 Advertising, business management and business administration services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely footwear, apparel, purses, handbags, accessories, and backpacks (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet or from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network. SPERRY TOP-SIDER, LLC 191 SPRING STREET, LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02421, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1115630C 08/11/2011 (35) Class 35 Advertising agencies; auctioneering; business management of hotels; commercial information agencies; demonstration of goods; distribution of samples; employment agencies; import-export agencies; marketing studies; online advertising on a computer network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; price comparison services; publicity; sales promotion (for others); shop window dressing; updating of advertising material; writing of publicity texts. DONG YEMIN 586 WOODLANDS DRIVE 16, #06-100, SINGAPORE 730586 AGENT: CONVERGE HONESTY INT’L CONSULTANT LIMITED, P.O. BOX 119 CLEMENTI CENTRAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911204 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 120 T1115676A 08/11/2011 (18 25) Application for a series of two marks. Class 18 Bags for travel, shopping bags, backpacks, bags for campers, bags for climbers, beach bags, briefcases, game bags (hunting accessory), garment bags, handbags, net bags for shopping, pocket wallets, purses, school bag, school satchels, suitcases, traveling trunks, luggage, shoulder belts, fur, key cases, leather, parasols, pelts, imitation leather; all included in Class 18. Class 25 Aprons, bandanas, headbands, hats, headgear for wear, hoods, bath robes, dressing gowns, bath sandals, slippers, bathing trunks, beach clothes, waterproof clothing, wet suits, swimsuits, trunks, belts, money belts, braces for clothing (suspenders), boas, neckties, scarves, shoes, boots, sandals, ski boots, sports boots, football boots, football boots (studs for-), sports shoes, shoes for gymnastics, half-boots, wooden shoes, caps (headwear), cap peaks, visors, sun visors, clothing for gymnastics, motorists’ clothing, cyclists’ clothing, clothing of imitations of leather, clothing of leather, coats, over-coats, topcoats, waistcoats, collars, cuffs, shirt fronts, shirt yokes, chemisettes (shirt fronts), fittings of metal for shoes and boots, soles for footwear, gloves, mittens, ear muffs, muffs, miters, socks, foot muffs (not electrically heated), jackets, stuff jackets, jerseys, jumpers, knitwear, pullovers, sport jerseys, sweaters, linen (body), pajamas (Am.), pyjamas, pants, trousers, pocket squares, pockets for clothing, ready-made clothing, ready-made linings of clothing, trouser straps, shirts, tee-shirts, suits, combinations, sweat absorbent underclothing, underclothing, underclothing (anti-sweat), underpants, underwear, underwear (anti-sweat), leggings, turbans, uniforms, vests, fishing vests, boxer shorts, bicycle shorts, gym shorts, warm-up suits, panties, bras, body stockings, girdles, hats and caps (headwear); all included in Class 25. JASPAL CO., LTD. 1054 SUKHUMVIT 66/1 ROAD, BANGCHAK, PRAKANONG, BANGKOK 10260, THAILAND AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 T1115706G 03/11/2011 (01) Class 01 Rust converting preparations. PLUROTECH INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD 12 TUAS ROAD, SINGAPORE 638486 T1115730Z 09/11/2011 (11) Class 11 Lighting [other than for medical photographic use], including lamps, furniture lighting, light-emitting diode lighting apparatus and installations; lighting fixtures; apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes (water-saving). EWINS PTE LTD 39 SUNGEI KADUT AVENUE, SINGAPORE 729663 Page No. 121 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 122 T1115822E 10/11/2011 (20 35) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 20 Furniture for kitchens; furniture units for kitchens; fitted kitchen furniture. Class 35 Retail and wholesale services in relation to furniture and furniture for kitchens, fitted kitchen furniture, kitchen utensils, appliances and accessories; business management and organisation consultancy, business management assistance, business research, marketing research; all the aforesaid services being provided in connection with the furniture and fittings business. FEDERAL FURNITURE LIFESTYLE SDN BHD LEVEL P1, MENARA CHOY FOOK ON, NO. 1B, JALAN YONG SHOOK LIN, 46050 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1115927B 11/11/2011 (20) Class 20 Mattresses, mattress bases, beds; bedding (except linen); bed fittings, not of metal in this class. SEALY ASIA (SINGAPORE) PTE LIMITED 9 BATTERY ROAD, #10-01/05 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 049910 AGENT: COLIN NG & PARTNERS LLP, 36 CARPENTER STREET, SINGAPORE 059915 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 123 T1115999Z 14/11/2011 (14) Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; jewelry; rings (jewelry); ankle bracelets; bracelets; necklaces (jewelry); earrings; pendants (jewelry); rings (jewelry), namely, body piercing rings; charms (jewelry); jewelry chains; ornamental pins; brooches (jewelry); bangles; pins (jewelry); tie pins; lapel pins of precious metals; dress and ear ornaments in the nature of jewelry; ornaments (jewelry); pearls (jewelry); precious jewelry; sterling silver jewelry; synthetic stones (jewelry); chains (jewelry); costume jewelry; fashion jewelry; artificial jewelry; boxes for jewelry; cases adapted to contain items of jewelry; cuff links; key rings (trinkets or fobs); ring holders; scarf rings of precious metal; tie bars of precious metal; tie chains of precious metals; tie clasps of precious metals; tie holders of precious metal; tie tacks of precious metals; bracelets for watches; jewelry rope chain for bracelets; metal expanding watch bracelets; scarf pins of precious metal; hair ornaments of precious metal (jewelry); jewelry watches; clocks; watches. GENERAL MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 6800 BROKEN SOUND PARKWAY NW, SUITE 100, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33487, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 124 T1116006H 15/11/2011 (03 14 25) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Wan Mei Mi Mi" which has no meaning. Class 03 Soap; shampoos; washing preparations; essential oils; cosmetics; skin whitening creams; cosmetic kits; eyebrow pencils; cosmetics for animals. Class 14 Brooches (jewellery); necklaces (jewellery); rings (jewellery); earrings; pendants (jewellery); jewellery; amulets (jewellery); hat ornaments (of precious metal); paste jewellery (costume jewelry (Am.)); ornamental pins (of precious metal); shoe ornaments (of precious metal); ornaments (jewellery); trinkets (jewellery); key rings (trinkets or fobs); bracelets. Class 25 Clothing; men’s clothing; women’s clothing; underwear; pajamas; singlets; swimming suits; shirts; skirts; pants; suits; brassieres; overcoats; coats; sportswear; raincoats. KUO-CHUN CHIANG NO. 38-7, DEHE RD., HENGCHUN TOWNSHIP, PINGTUNG COUNTY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 T1116383J 21/11/2011 (30) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Xin Lu" which has no meaning. Class 30 Sweetmeats (candy); fondants (confectionery); biscuits; puddings; meal; cereal preparations; prawn crackers; vegetable flavoured corn chips; starch for food; crackers; all included in Class 30. SINGAPORE HUAZHONG FOODS GROUP (CHINA) LIMITED FLAT 7A, 7/F., KIMLEY COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 142-146 QUEEN’S ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG c/o W.S. LI, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 125 T1116399G 21/11/2011 (09) Class 09 Marine internal communicator equipment. RIQ PTE LTD BLK 3007 UBI ROAD 1, #02-440, SINGAPORE 408701 T1116419E 22/11/2011 (16) Class 16 Printed matter; menus; newsletters; magazines; pictures; calendars; cards; greeting cards; posters; photographs; gift wrapping paper; memo pads; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; booklets; bookmarkers; coasters of paper; placemats of paper; notebooks; memo books (printed matter); picture cards; postcards; bumper stickers; paper napkins; all included in class 16. TEN & HAN TRADING PTE LTD 2 WOODLANDS TERRACE, SINGAPORE 738427 AGENT: YUSARN AUDREY, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 126 T1116423C 22/11/2011 (30) Class 30 Curry (spice); curry mixes; curry paste, powder and sauces; curry sauce mix; pre-cooked curry; spices; sauce (edible); curry roux; curry noodles; dried curry; curry condiments; curried food pastes; pancakes; flour-based pancake (roti prata); curry puffs [confectionery]; pastry; confectionery; dumplings; tarts; pies; peanut confectionery; spring rolls; bakery products containing vegetables, meat, potatoes; rice; noodles; sandwiches; bread; buns; coffee; coffee-based beverages; tea; tea-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; cocoa-based beverages; cookies; biscuits; petites fours (cakes); prepared desserts [confectionery] and puddings [desserts]; cakes; ice cream and frozen confections; fruit pies; waffles; farinaceous food pastes; sauces for rice; all included in Class 30. TEN & HAN TRADING PTE LTD 2 WOODLANDS TERRACE, SINGAPORE 738427 AGENT: YUSARN AUDREY, 24 RAFFLES PLACE, #27-01 CLIFFORD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 048621 T1116479I 23/11/2011 (05) Application for a series of two marks. The transliterations of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark are "Zhang Guo Zhou" and "Qiang Wei San" which have no meaning. Class 05 Medicines for human, Chinese medicines, Chinese medicinal herbs, pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations for human consumption, medicinal drinks; nutritional preparations and substances for medical use; all included in Class 5. CHANG KUO CHOU PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. NO. 9, DINGNING RD., JUNG-LI CITY, TAOYUAN 320, TAIWAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 127 T1116663E 25/11/2011 (41) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Kang Tuo" which has no meaning. Class 41 Education; providing of training, sporting and cultural activities; wagering services; gambling services; betting services; gaming services in the nature of casino gaming; betting, wagering, and casino services offered via mobile telecommunications devices; providing online casino and gambling games via telecommunication or computer networks; entertainment services, namely, providing temporary use of non-downloadable electronic games; providing information in the fields of gambling, wagering, and gaming; providing information relating to sports and sporting events; entertainment services, namely, arranging, organizing, conducting, and accepting bets prior to and during various competitions and events including sporting events; operating lotteries; instruction services; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); lending libraries; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; entertainment; animal training; distribution of video cassettes; rental of sound recordings; providing sports facilities; modeling for artists. Priority Claims: Class 41 25/05/2011 CHINA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. CANTOR FITZGERALD SECURITIES 110 EAST 59TH STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DAVID LIM & PARTNERS LLP, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, #17-01 SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 128 T1116759C 28/11/2011 (03) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Fei Ling" which has no meaning. Class 03 Hair lotions; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; beauty masks; cosmetic kits; perfumes; lipsticks; soap; cosmetics; disinfectant soap; hair colorants. DENG WEIWEN NO. 78 CUNQIAN STREET, FEN VILLAGE, FUHELI, ZHONGXIN TOWN, ZENGCHENG CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA AGENT: CONVERGE HONESTY INT’L CONSULTANT LIMITED, P.O. BOX 119 CLEMENTI CENTRAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911204 T1116811E 29/11/2011 (35 41) Class 35 Arranging, conducting and organizing business and/or advertising exhibitions in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology for business and advertising purposes; arranging, conducting and organising business competitions in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology. Class 41 Arranging, conducting and organising conferences, congresses, exhibitions, seminars, symposia and workshops in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology, for educational and training purposes; provision of education services via classes, conferences, congresses, exhibitions, seminars, symposia and workshops (training) in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology; training services in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology. GSMA LTD 1000 ABERNATHY ROAD, SUITE 450, ATLANTA, GA 30328, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 129 T1116813A 29/11/2011 (35 41) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Ya Zhou Yi Dong Tong Xin Bo Lan Hui" meaning "Asia Mobile Expo". Class 35 Arranging, conducting and organizing business and/or advertising exhibitions in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology for business and advertising purposes; arranging, conducting and organising business competitions in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology. Class 41 Arranging, conducting and organising conferences, congresses, exhibitions, seminars, symposia and workshops in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology, for educational and training purposes; provision of education services via classes, conferences, congresses, exhibitions, seminars, symposia and workshops (training) in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology; training services in the fields of mobile telephone communications and mobile telecommunication technology. GSMA LTD 1000 ABERNATHY ROAD, SUITE 450, ATLANTA, GA 30328, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 130 T1116881F 30/11/2011 (29) Class 29 Edible oils and fats and all emulsions thereof; palm oil for food; palm olein; palm stearin; coconut oil; palm kernel oil for food; palm kernel olein; palm kernel stearin; soya bean oil for food; corn oil; cottonseed oil; sunflower oil; rapeseed oil; canola oil; hydrogenated oil for food; hydrogenated palm olein; hydrogenated palm kernel olein; hydrogenated palm kernel stearin; hydrogenated fats; hydrogenated palm stearin; margarine; spreads (jams); butter; confectionery fat; cocoa butter substitute; cocoa butter replacer; cocoa butter equivalent made from palm oil and non-dairy fats; shortening; interesterified fat; butter oil substitutes; blended fats; milk fat substitutes; vegetable oils and fats for food; blended oils and fats; cheese fat; yogurt fat; milk and milk products; peanut butter; coconut-eggs jam; condensed milk; and cocoa butter. MEWAH BRANDS (S) PTE LTD 5 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK, #05-00 MEWAH BUILDING, SINGAPORE 609914 AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1117255D 05/12/2011 (21) Class 21 Traps and bait stations for pest control. BASF AGRO B.V., ARNHEM (NL)- ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNG WADENSWIL MOOSACHERSTRASSE 2, AU, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 131 T1117323B 06/12/2011 (29 30) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Huang Pai" meaning "Emperor Brand" or "Royal Brand". Class 29 Preserved, dried, cooked and canned fruits; preserved, dried, cooked and canned vegetables; pickles. Class 30 Tomato ketchup, tomato sauce, vegetable pastes [sauces], soya sauce, chilli sauce, seafood chilli sauce, garlic chilli sauce, sweet chilli sauce, extra hot chilli sauce, seafood soya sauce, chinese braising sauce, chicken marinade, kung po sauce [cooking sauce], seafood marinade, sweet and sour sauce, hot and sour sauce, lemon sauce, teriyaki sauce, barbecue sauce, stir fry sauce, hoisin sauce [cooking sauce], oyster sauce, sugar and natural sweeteners. TAI HUA FOOD INDUSTRIES PTE LTD 12 JALAN BESUT, SINGAPORE 619566 AGENT: KINETICA PTE. LTD., 6 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, 29TH FLOOR, SUNTEC TOWER FOUR, SINGAPORE 038986 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 132 T1117397F 08/12/2011 (28 41) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Tu Teng Wang" which has no meaning. Class 28 Games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; Games; Games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor (Apparatus for-); Toys; Theatrical masks; Novelties for parties, dances [party favors, favours]; Toy masks; Parlor games; Playing cards; Jigsaw puzzles. Class 41 Game services provided on-line from a computer network; Entertainment information; Recreation information; Amusements; Production of shows; Scriptwriting services; Writing of texts, other than publicity texts; Publication of books; Publication of texts, other than publicity texts; Providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable. TIPCAT INTERACTIVE INC. ROOM 101-104, 13 BUILDING, NO. 368 ZHANG IIANG ROAD, SHANGHAI, 201203, CHINA AGENT: CONVERGE HONESTY INT’L CONSULTANT LIMITED, P.O. BOX 119 CLEMENTI CENTRAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911204 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 133 T1117582J 13/12/2011 (35) Class 35 Advertising of published texts; retail service for cosmetics; franchise services, namely, offering business management assistance in the establishment and operation of cosmetics retail store; franchise services, namely, offering business management assistance in the establishment and operation of cosmetic utensils retail store; franchise services, namely, offering business management assistance in the establishment and operation of soaps retail store; franchise services, namely, offering business management assistance in the establishment and operation of health functional food retail store; display services for merchandise, namely cosmetics and cosmetic utensils; retail service for health functional foods; demonstration of goods; import-export agencies; marketing research; administrative processing of purchase orders; sales promotion for others. INNISFREE CORPORATION 191, HANGANGRO 2-GA, YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1118234G 20/12/2011 (44) The Italian word "viva" appearing in the mark means "live". Class 44 Medical clinics; dentistry; health care; hospices; hospitals; medical assistance; midwife services; nursing homes; nursing, medical; opticians’ services; pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions; pharmacy advice; physical therapy; physiotherapy. CAREGGI PUBLISHING LIMITED WOODBOURNE HALL, P. O. BOX 3162, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 134 T1118236C 20/12/2011 (44) The Italian word "Viva" appearing in the mark means "Live". Class 44 Medical clinics; dentistry; health care; hospices; hospitals; medical assistance; midwife services; nursing homes; nursing, medical; opticians’ services; pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions; pharmacy advice; physical therapy; physiotherapy. CAREGGI PUBLISHING LIMITED WOODBOURNE HALL, P. O. BOX 3162, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 T1118319Z 21/12/2011 (29 43) Application for a series of two marks. The Spanish word "Pollo" appearing in the mark means "Chicken". Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; prepared meals consisting predominantly of either meat, or fish, or poultry, or vegetables; prepared entrees consisting predominantly of either meat, or fish, or poultry, or vegetables. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; restaurant services. POLLO OPERATIONS, INC. 7300 N. KENDALL DRIVE, 8TH FLOOR, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33156, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 135 T1118463C 22/12/2011 (29) Class 29 Dairy products; milk; milk products; flavoured milk beverages; milk-based products (milk predominating); ultra-high temperature (UHT) processed milk; cheeses; yoghurts; yoghurt products; yoghurt based drinks; butters and creams; desserts made wholly or principally of dairy products. LD&D MILK PTY LTD 737 BOURKE AUSTRALIA STREET, DOCKLANDS VICTORIA 3008, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1118661Z 24/12/2011 (25) Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, poloshirts, pants, shorts, denims (clothing), sweaters, jackets, coats, bandannas, turtlenecks, gloves (clothing), vests, parkas, hats, caps, beanies, belts [clothing], boxers, socks, scarves, underwear, swimwear, swim trunks, trousers, tank tops, snowboard boots; shoes for skis and snowboards. VANS, INC. 6550 KATELLA AVENUE, CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA 90630, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 136 T1118901E 29/12/2011 (03 05) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 03 Non-medicated skin lotion; non-medicated acne treatment preparations; facial masks (cosmetics), facial lotions (cosmetics); skin cleansing preparations (cosmetic); skin toner; non-medicated lip balm; lotion for the eyes (non-medicated); hair shampoo; hair conditioner; hair lotion; bath lotions (not medicated); skin lotions (cosmetic); make-up removing lotion; preparations for toning the face, body, and hands; sun-tanning preparations (cosmetic); sun-block; shaving lotion; after-shave lotion; anti-aging cream; anti-wrinkle cream; exfoliants for the care of skin; medicated hair shampoo; medicated hair conditioner; medicated hair lotion. Class 05 Medicated skin lotions; Acne creams (pharmaceutical preparations); skin tonics (medicated); medicated facial care preparations; skin cleansers (medicated); medicated lip balms; lotion for the eyes (medicated); medicated bath lotions; medicated sun-tan lotion; medicated creams for protection against the sun. ADVANCED SKIN AND HAIR, INC. 12121 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 1012, LOS ANGELES, CA 90025, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 137 T1119040D 30/12/2011 (09) Class 09 Computer peripheral devices; heat sinks for conducting heat away from electrical components; computer mouse; anti-dust computer covers; computer keyboards; speakers for computers; uninterruptable power supply apparatus; power supplies for computers; microphones for computers; headphones; computers; flat panel displays for computers; interface cards for computers; coolers adapted for hard disk drives; coolers adapted for flat panel displays; heat radiators adapted for computers; cooling devices and their parts adapted for computers; cooling modules adapted for computers; heat pipes adapted for computers; cooling fans adapted for computers; clips and fasteners for cooling devices adapted for computers. THERMALTAKE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 5F., NO. 185, SEC. 2, TIDING BLVD., NEIHU DIST., TAIPEI CITY 114, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 T1200015C 03/01/2012 (09) Class 09 Computers; electronic agendas; apparatus to check stamping mail; false coin detectors; ticket dispensers; electronic tags for goods; weighing machines; measures; mechanical signs; fibre (fiber (am.)) optic cables; cameras (photography); gauges; binoculars; material for electricity mains (wires, cables); semi-conductors; integrated circuits; capacitors; transformers (electricity); fluorescent screens; remote control apparatus; electric apparatus for commutation; lightning arresters; extinguishers; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; protection devices for personal use against accidents; fire alarms; pince-nez; galvanic cells; animated cartoons; socks, electrically heated; all included in Class 9. LEI GUIBIN NO. 13 DAFEN VILLAGE, ZHOUXINLIANGANG ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE, QINGCHENG DISTRICT, QINGYUAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA c/o W.S. LI, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 138 T1200276H 09/01/2012 (30) The mark is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Class 30 Tea bags; tea-based beverages; biscuits; noodles in retort pouch; noodles; instant noodles; condiments; candy; cereal-based snack food; fondants; all included in Class 30. TIAN-I PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. NO. 31, GONGYE RD. ERJHEN VILLAGE, GUANTIAN TOWNSHIP TAINAN CITY 720, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: LIM HWEE LIAN, 716 WOODLANDS DRIVE 70, #11-138, SINGAPORE 730716 T1200332B 10/01/2012 (30 43) Application for a series of two marks. Class 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, cocoa-based beverages, chocolate-based beverages, flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, buns, biscuits, cakes, pastry, non-medicated candy, cookies, sandwiches, pancakes, waffles and confectionery; all included in Class 30. Class 43 Cafes, cafeterias, catering, fast-food restaurants, self-services restaurants, bar services, bistro services, snack-bars, restaurants, preparation of food and drinks; all included in Class 43. PRIMA LIMITED 201 KEPPEL ROAD, SINGAPORE 099419 AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 139 T1200351I 10/01/2012 (11) Class 11 Drying apparatus; laundry dryers; tumblers (heat dryers) for laundry use; hair dryers; hand dryers; hand drying apparatus for washrooms; hand and face dryers; air conditioning apparatus; air conditioners; fans; electric fans; ceiling fans; free-standing fans; electric fans for personal use; air cooling apparatus; air sterilisers; air purifiers; humidifiers (other than for medical use); extractor hoods; filters, being parts of household or industrial installations; heat exchangers; heating apparatus; electric heaters; electric fans having combined heating and cooling capabilities; electric heaters having combined heating and cooling capabilities; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Priority Claims: Class 11 25/07/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. DYSON LIMITED TETBURY HILL, MALMESBURY, WILTSHIRE SN16 0RP, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 140 T1200352G 10/01/2012 (11) Class 11 Drying apparatus; laundry dryers; tumblers (heat dryers) for laundry use; hair dryers; hand dryers; hand drying apparatus for washrooms; hand and face dryers; air conditioning apparatus; air conditioners; fans; electric fans; ceiling fans; free-standing fans; electric fans for personal use; air cooling apparatus; air sterilisers; air purifiers; humidifiers (other than for medical use); extractor hoods; filters, being parts of household or industrial installations; heat exchangers; heating apparatus; electric heaters; electric fans having combined heating and cooling capabilities; electric heaters having combined heating and cooling capabilities; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Priority Claims: Class 11 25/07/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. DYSON LIMITED TETBURY HILL, MALMESBURY, WILTSHIRE SN16 0RP, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 141 T1201078G 27/01/2012 (35 36) Class 35 Business advisory and consulting services; analysis of information for business purposes and the compilation of information into computer data bases; surveys for business purposes on finance related matters; advertising and marketing services associated with banking, business and financial services. Class 36 Banking, including electronic banking and internet banking services; financial services; insurance; financial credit services; funds management; electronic funds transfer services; real estate services relating to real estate or property development. WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION LEVEL 20, 275 KENT STREET, SYDNEY NSW 2000, AUSTRALIA AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 142 T1201169D 30/01/2012 (02 07 09 10 12 17 37 39 40 42) Class 02 Anti-rust preparations for preservation; anti-tarnishing preparation for metals; oil and moisture repellant coatings. Class 07 Bookbinding apparatus and machines for industrial purposes, automatic distribution machines, packaging and packing machines, sealing machines for industrial purposes, electrical apparatus for sealing plastics (packaging). Class 09 Capacitors, cathodes, chemistry apparatus and instruments, chips for integrated circuits, circuit breakers, circuit closers, clothing especially made for laboratories, electric and electromagnetic coils, computer programs and software, filters for photography, integrated circuits, magnetic identity cards, material testing instruments and machines, electric measuring devices, measuring instruments, probes for scientific purposes, weighing apparatus and instruments. Class 10 Acupuncture needles, blood testing apparatus, catheters, surgical cutlery, diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes, gloves for medical purposes, hypodermic syringes, injectors for medical purposes, masks for use by medical personnel, medical apparatus and instruments, needles for medical purposes, nursing appliances, probes for medical purposes, surgical apparatus and instruments, syringes for injections, syringes for medical purposes, testing apparatus for medical purposes. Class 12 Aeronautical apparatus, machines and appliances, automobiles, cars, lifting/lift cars, locomotives, lorries, motor cars, trucks, vehicle chassis, electric vehicles, vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail. Class 17 Flexible tubes, not of metal, gaskets, rings of rubber, raw or semi-worked rubber, rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines, rubber solutions, rubber stoppers, synthetic rubber, seals and rubber stoppers. Class 37 Airplane maintenance and repair, anti-rust treatment for vehicles, dry cleaning, machinery installation, maintenance and repair, refilling of toner cartridges. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 143 Class 39 Air transport, courier services (messages or merchandise), delivery of goods, freight forwarding, freight (shipping of goods), storage of goods, marine transport, packaging of goods, parcel delivery, rental of warehouses, stevedoring, storage of goods in containers, storage information, transportation logistics, warehousing, wrapping of goods. Class 40 Coating by vacuum deposition process for acid proof chemical compositions for pharmaceutical and waterproofing purposes, anti-rust preparation for preservation, anti-tarnishing preparation for metals, oil and moisture repellant coatings, bookbinding apparatus and machines for industrial purposes, automatic distribution machines, packaging and packing machines, sealing machines for industrial purposes, electrical apparatus for sealing plastics (packaging), capacitors, cathodes, chemistry apparatus and instruments, chips for integrated circuits, circuit breakers, circuit closers, clothing especially made for laboratories, electric and electromagnetic coils, computer programs and software, filters for photography, integrated circuits, magnetic identity cards, material testing instruments and machines, electric measuring devices, measuring instruments, probes for scientific purposes, weighing apparatus and instruments, acupuncture needles, blood testing apparatus, catheters, surgical cutlery, diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes, gloves for medical purposes, hypodermic syringes, injectors for medical purposes, masks for use by medical personnel, medical apparatus and instruments, needles for medical purposes, nursing appliances, probes for medical purposes, surgical apparatus and instruments, syringes for injections, syringes for medical purposes, testing apparatus for medical purposes, aeronautical apparatus, machines and appliances, automobiles, cars, lifting/lift cars, locomotives, lorries, motor cars, trucks, vehicle chassis, electric vehicles, vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail, flexible tubes, not of metal, gaskets, rings of rubber, raw or semi-worked rubber, rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines, rubber solutions, rubber stoppers, synthetic rubber, seals and rubber stoppers, abrasion; cloth treating, cloth waterproofing, custom assembling of materials for others, electroplating, framing of works of art, laminating, material treatment information, paper finishing and treating, refining services, textile treating, window tinting treatment (surface coating) and wool treating. Class 42 Authenticating works of art, chemical research, computer software consultancy, laboratory (scientific) services, material testing, packaging design. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 144 CHANG YOKE MUN 3G HILLCREST ROAD, HILLCREST VILLA, SINGAPORE 286666 T1201483I 08/02/2012 (29 30 32) Class 29 Oat-based beverages for use as a milk substitute; milk substitutes containing oats, cream substitutes containing oats, sour milk substitutes containing oats, yoghurt substitutes containing oats. Class 30 Flour, oatmeal, rolled oats, oat-based foodstuffs, bread, oat-based biscuit mixes, pancakes, waffles, liquid pancake batter, oat-based gruel, oat-based sauces, oat-based vanilla custard, ice-cream, oat-based ice-cream, flavoured ice-cream, fruit ice-cream. Class 32 Non-alcoholic beverages, oat-based beverages, fruit and berry beverages based on oats. OATLY AB FORETAGSVAGEN 42, 261 51 LANDSKRONA, SWEDEN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 145 T1201781A 14/02/2012 (35) Application for a series of two marks. The transliteration of Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Shi Ken" which has no meaning and "You Mu" meaning "Teak". Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or a distributor outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunication or from a general merchandise website in the global communications network; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administration of the business affairs of franchises; logistics services (business management and organization of facilities and resources); administrative processing of purchase orders; advertising; advertising agencies; advertising by mail order; updating of advertising material; rental of advertising space; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; demonstration of goods; distribution of samples; on-line advertising on a computer network; rental of advertising time on communication media; sales promotion for others; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; all included in Class 35. HAWAII FURNISHING PTE LTD 60 SUNGEI KADUT DRIVE, SINGAPORE 729569 AGENT: MARGARET LAW CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, #05-10, SINGAPORE 179934 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 146 T1201833H 15/02/2012 (10) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Sa Long Shi Bu" which has no meaning. Application for a series of two marks. Class 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; massage apparatus, heating pads for medical purpose, low-frequency healing machines for medical use, high-frequency healing machines for medical use, electric massagers for home use, body warmers for medical use; medical devices for cooling fever, medical devices and instruments for transdermal drug administration consisting of micro needles and an adhesive patch; gel-type cooling pads or patches for absorbing and radiating sudden heat in human body for medical purposes. HISAMITSU PHARMACEUTICAL CO., INC. 408, TASHIRO DAIKAN-MACHI, TOSU, SAGA, JAPAN AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 T1201925C 16/02/2012 (05) Class 05 Collagen based honey and royal jelly dietary supplement. API NUTRITION & THERAPY CENTRE PTE LTD 315 OUTRAM ROAD, #09-01 TAN BOON LIAT BUILDING, SINGAPORE 169074 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 147 T1202087A 17/02/2012 (41) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Hua" and "Na Ke Shu" meaning "Chinese" and "The Tree" respectively. Application for a series of six marks. Class 41 Academies (education); academy education services; adult education; adult education services; adult tuition; advisory services relating to education; arranging and conducting of workshops (training); arranging of competitions; arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; coaching (education and training); conducting of educational conferences; conducting of educational courses; conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; conducting workshops (training); consultancy services relating to education; copy writing; design of educational courses; dissemination of educational material; education academy services; education advisory services; education information; education services; educational advisory services; educational assessment services; educational consultancy services; educational examination; educational institute services; educational instruction; educational seminars; educational services; foreign language education services; information relating to education; information services relating to education; instruction in languages; kindergarten services (education or entertainment); kindergartens (nursery schools); language teaching; language training; language tuition; lingual education; management of education services; mentoring (education and training); nursery schools; organisation of competitions (education or entertainment); organisation of contests (education or entertainment); organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; organisation of teaching activities; preschool teaching; preschools (education); presentation of live performances; primary education services; providing facilities for educational purposes; providing information, including online, about education, training, entertainment, sporting and cultural activities; provision of children’s’ educational services through play groups; provision of education courses; provision of educational courses; provision of educational examinations; provision of educational information; provision of facilities for education; provision of facilities for tuition; provision of information relating to education; provision of tuition; publication of educational materials; publication of educational texts; remedial tuition; rental of educational materials or apparatus; school services; teaching; translation; tuition; writing of texts (other than publicity texts). LIAW PER ER TRADING AS THE TREES CHINESE Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 148 LEARNING HUT 144 UPPER BUKIT TIMAH ROAD, #B1-K16 BEAUTY WORLD CENTRE, SINGAPORE 588177 270 TOH GUAN ROAD, #14-101, SINGAPORE 600270 T1202178I 21/02/2012 (09) Class 09 Computer software programs, in particular to enable data interfacing, specifically for use in research and diagnostic laboratories. STARLIMS CORPORATION 4000 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD, HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 149 T1202240H 22/02/2012 (06) Class 06 Metal building products in this class, including metal roofing, metal cladding, metal awnings, metal louvres, partitions of metal; metal building products in this class made from steel or aluminium, including metal roofing, metal cladding, metal awnings, metal louvres, partitions of metal; coated metal building products in this class, including metal building products coated with aluminium alloy. FLETCHER BUILDING HOLDINGS LIMITED 810 GREAT SOUTH ROAD, PENROSE, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1202321H 23/02/2012 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, face cream, skin cream, face packs [cosmetics], skin lotion, milky face lotion, lip cream, make-up base, skin cleansing preparations, soaps, skin whitening preparations, foundation make-up, face powder, bath powder, eye make-up, eye liner, mascara, eye brow pencils, lipsticks, blusher, nail care preparations, nail polish and cuticle conditioners, cosmetic preparations for bath, non-medicated bath salts, hair care preparations, shampoo, hair rinse, hair conditioner, hair lotion, hair creams, hair-dye, hair spray, hair gel and hair mousse; perfumery, perfume, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, cotton balls for cosmetic purposes; sunscreen preparations; all included in Class 3. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION) 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 150 T1202566J 28/02/2012 (18 25) Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and traveling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; tote bags; carry-on bags; rucksacks; boston bags; shoulder bags; suitcases; roller bags; key cases of leather; key cases; leather shoulder belts; garment bags for travel; vanity cases, not fitted; cases for fitting cosmetics; pouches; pouches of leather, for packaging; purses; pocket wallets; coin purses; purses with common metal clasps; handbag frames; briefcases; trunks [luggage]; card cases [notecases]; shopping bags; telescopic umbrellas; umbrella covers; leather straps; fur-skins. Class 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; overcoats; topcoats; trench coats; mantles; down jackets; ponchos; jackets [clothing]; jumpers; blousons; vests; suits; capes [clothing]; dressing gowns; rain coats; parkas; blouses; dress shirts; tunics; sleeveless shirts; tee shirts; polo shirts; shirts; buttondown shirts; sport shirts; sweaters; cardigans; tank tops; dress; trousers; denim trousers; bermuda shorts; short pants; sweat pants; chinos pants; salopettes; culottes; skirts; tunic skirts; culotte skirts; gathered skirts; pleated skirts; camisole dresses; camisoles; brassieres; panties, shorts and briefs; undershirts; chemises; slips [undergarment]; petticoats; girdles; corsets [underclothing]; combinations [clothing]; night gowns; negligees; pajamas; bath robes; swimsuits; bathing suits; bathing caps; socks; leggings; spats not for sports; stirrup leggings; toeless and heelless tights; stockings; panty stockings; tights; leg warmers; scarves; mufflers; stoles; shawls; neckerchiefs; gloves [clothing]; mittens; boa furs [clothing]; ear muffs [clothing]; neckties; hair bands; caps; hats; knit caps; beret; waistbands; belts [clothing]; suspenders; garters; braces for clothing [suspenders]; sock suspenders; court shoes; pumps; sandals; mule [footwear]; ballet shoes; sneakers [footwear]; casual shoes; bootees; short boots; half-boots; long boots; beach shoes; slip-on shoes; dress shoes; deck shoes. CITY HILL CO., LTD. 4F HONMACHI TAIHEI BUILDING, 5-9, BAKUROUMACHI 4-CHOME, CHUO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0059, JAPAN AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 151 T1202587C 28/02/2012 (28) Class 28 Hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; toys; models sold in kit form [toys]; dolls; playing cards; board games; conjuring apparatus; billiard equipment; machines for physical exercises; fishing tackle. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI (ALSO KNOWN AS BANDAI CO., LTD.) 4-8, KOMAGATA 1-CHOME, TAITO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 152 T1202592Z 28/02/2012 (30) Class 30 Artificial coffee; Artificial tea (other than for medicinal use); Beverages consisting principally of coffee; Beverages made from coffee; Beverages made of tea; Beverages with coffee base; Beverages with tea base; Chocolate coffee; Coffee; Coffee beans; Coffee beverages; Coffee beverages with milk; Coffee concentrates; Coffee drinks; Coffee essences; Coffee extracts; Coffee flavorings (flavourings); Coffee products; Coffee substitutes; Coffee-based beverages; Extracts of coffee for use as flavours in beverages; Extracts of coffee for use as flavours in foodstuffs; Flavoured coffee; Food products having a pastry base; Frozen pastries; Frozen yogurt (confectionery ices); Fruits flavoured tea (other than medicinal); Ground coffee; Ice beverages with a coffee base; Ice cream; Iced tea; Instant coffee; Instant cooking noodles; Instant tea (other than for medicinal purposes); Malt coffee; Malt coffee extracts; Mixtures of coffee; Mixtures of coffee and malt; Mixtures of coffee essences and coffee extracts; Non-medicated tea bags; Non-medicated tea based beverages; Non-medicated tea beverages; Non-medicated tea extracts; Non-medicated tea products; Packaged tea (other than for medicinal use); Pastry confectionery; Preparations for creaming coffee (cereal or vegetal based); Preparations for making beverages (coffee based); Preparations for making beverages (tea based); Preparations for use in whitening tea (vegetable based); Preparations with a coffee and tea base; Prepared desserts (pastries); Sherbets (ices); Sorbets (ices); Tea; Tea-based beverages; Unroasted coffee; Vermicelli (noodles); all included in Class 30. KOPITIAM ASIA PACIFIC SDN. BHD. NO. 80, HALA BERCHAM TIMUR 11, BERCHAM HEIGHTS, 31400, IPOH, PERAK, MALAYSIA c/o UNIRENO IP MANAGEMENT SERVICES, 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #27-01/02 PENINSULA PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179098 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 153 T1202593H 28/02/2012 (28) Class 28 Hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; toys; models sold in kit form [toys]; dolls; playing cards; board games; conjuring apparatus; billiard equipment; machines for physical exercises; fishing tackle. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI (ALSO KNOWN AS BANDAI CO., LTD.) 4-8, KOMAGATA 1-CHOME, TAITO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1202594F 28/02/2012 (28) Class 28 Hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; toys; models sold in kit form [toys]; dolls; playing cards; board games; conjuring apparatus; billiard equipment; machines for physical exercises; fishing tackle. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI (ALSO KNOWN AS BANDAI CO., LTD.) 4-8, KOMAGATA 1-CHOME, TAITO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 154 T1202764G 01/03/2012 (19) Class 19 Non-metallic roof panels; non-metallic roof tiles. GRENZONE PTE LTD 2 WOODLANDS SECTOR 1, #05-14 WOODLANDS SPECTRUM 1, SINGAPORE 738068 AGENT: GRENZONE PTE. LTD., 2 WOODLANDS SECTOR 1, #05-14 WOODLANDS SPECTRUM 1, SINGAPORE 738068 T1202774D 01/03/2012 (33) Class 33 Wine. ACCOLADE WINES AUSTRALIA LIMITED REYNELL ROAD, REYNELLA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5161, AUSTRALIA AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 155 T1202870H 02/03/2012 (30) Class 30 Biscuit mixes; biscuit products; biscuit rusks; biscuits; biscuits with an iced topping; bread biscuits; chocolate biscuits; chocolate coated biscuits; chocolate covered biscuits; chocolate covered wafer biscuits; cookies; danish butter cookies; egg roll cookies; malt biscuits; oat biscuits; petit-beurre biscuits; rice biscuits; rolled wafers (biscuits); salted biscuits; salted wafer biscuits; salty biscuits; shortbread biscuits; sweet biscuits for human consumption; toasts (biscuits); wafer biscuits; wafers (biscuits). KHONG GUAN BISCUIT FACTORY (SINGAPORE) PRIVATE LIMITED 338 JALAN BOON LAY, SINGAPORE 619526 T1202892I 02/03/2012 (43) Class 43 Hotels; hotel services; hotel accommodation services; hotel reservations; restaurant services; cafeteria services; all included in Class 43. ELEVATION DEVELOPMENTS PTE. LTD. 66 WHITE HOUSE PARK, SINGAPORE 257629 AGENT: SUKRAJ CONSULTANCY, 395 YISHUN RING ROAD, #09-1695, SINGAPORE 760395 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 156 T1202897Z 02/03/2012 (43) Class 43 Hotels; hotel services; hotel accommodation services; hotel reservations; restaurant services; cafeteria services; all included in Class 43. ELEVATION DEVELOPMENTS PTE. LTD. 66 WHITE HOUSE PARK, SINGAPORE 257629 AGENT: SUKRAJ CONSULTANCY, 395 YISHUN RING ROAD, #09-1695, SINGAPORE 760395 T1202920H 05/03/2012 (44) Class 44 Beauty salons and spas (including slimming centres). QUEK CHOON GEOK TRADING AS FACEWORKZ 13 UPPER DICKSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 207473 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 157 T1202925I 05/03/2012 (28) Class 28 Video game machines; coin-operated or non coin-operated amusement machines; coin-operated or non coin-operated amusement game machines; games; playing cards and card games; hand-held electronic games; playthings; toys and dolls. KABUSHIKI KAISHA BANDAI NAMCO GAMES (ALSO TRADING AS NAMCO BANDAI GAMES INC.) 4-5-15, HIGASHI-SHINAGAWA, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1202999B 06/03/2012 (09) Class 09 Display apparatus (electronic or electrical); operations recording apparatus and network software for measuring, receiving, operating, transmitting, storing, relaying, inputting, outputting, networking of data, information, scores, points, time game and competition results and for counting up and down of time used for sports games, competitions and activities. SEIKO HOLDINGS KABUSHIKI KAISHA (TRADING AS SEIKO HOLDINGS CORPORATION) 5-11, GINZA 4-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 158 T1203087G 07/03/2012 (42) Class 42 Design consultancy. NO WONDER PTE LTD 151 TELOK AYER STREET, SINGAPORE 068609 AGENT: GLOBAL INTELLECTS, P.O. BOX 171 TOWNER POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913226 T1203156C 08/03/2012 (25) The mark consists of a Spanish word meaning "Dawn". Class 25 Bathing suits; bathing trunks; beach clothes; beach shoes; clothing; clothing of leather; dresses; esparto shoes or sandals; footwear; hats; knitwear [clothing]; sarongs; shoes; swimsuits; trousers. EDIT LIFESTYLE PTE LTD 237 ARCADIA ROAD, #09-03 THE ARCADIA, SINGAPORE 289844 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 159 T1203390F 13/03/2012 (38) Class 38 Communications and telecommunications via satellite; providing access to the global computer network; providing access to electronic data bases; providing access to global positioning system (gps) navigation services; provision of telecommunication connection and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of audio, video or multimedia content; provision of telecommunication connection and access to electronic communications networks, for transmission or reception of computer software and applications; web casting services; wireless data messaging services; transmission and reception of voice communication services; electronic transmission of computer software and applications via the internet and other computer and electronic communication networks and wireless devices; delivery of messages by electronic transmission; broadcasting or transmission of streamed and downloadable digital audio and video content via computer and other communications networks; telecommunications consultation, namely providing telecommunication information to third parties in developing and integrating wireless connectivity to data, including corporate and home and/or personal data, and/or voice communications. PRODIGIUM LTD. ARCHER HOUSE, BRITLAND NORTHBOURNE ROAD, EASTBOURNE, SUSSEX BN22 8PW, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 160 T1203518F 15/03/2012 (30 43) Class 30 Doughnuts; bakery products; breads; biscuits; pastries; cakes; chocolates; toffees; chewing and bubble gum, not for medical purposes; ice cream; confectionery; coffee; tea; cocoa; spices; flour and preparations made from cereals; yeast; sugar; sauces (condiments); wafers (food); noodles; sweetmeats; puddings; custard powder; pasta; waffles; flavourings, other than essential oils; coffee based beverages; chocolate-based beverages. Class 43 Restaurants; restaurants (self-service); snack bars; hotels; cafes; cafeterias; canteens and catering services; takeaway food and drink services; food courts (provision of food and drinks); bar services; services for providing food and drink. PRAGATI VENTURES PTE LTD 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, #24-06 PENINSULA PLAZA, SINGAPORE 179098 T1203779J 20/03/2012 (08) The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Yi Jian" which means "free (hair)cut for charity or other worthy causes". Class 08 Finger nail nippers; toenail nippers; tweezers; hair scissors; nail files. CONG TY CO PHAN KEM NGHIA (NGHIA NIPPERS CORPORATION) 10/20 LAC LONG QUAN, WARD 9, TAN BINH DISTRICT, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 161 T1203938F 22/03/2012 (09) Class 09 Computer software. Priority Claims: Class 09 22/09/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED 345 PARK AVENUE, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95110, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1203943B 22/03/2012 (09) Class 09 Carrying cases for cellular phones; cases for mobile phones; carrying cases for tablet computers and hand-held computing devices; protective cases adapted for PDA (personal digital assistants); decorative cases and covers specially adapted for use with MP3 players and mobile telephones; protective covers and cases for cell phones and portable media players. NAVJACK CO., LTD. NO. 13, LANE 306, SEC. 2, TAILIN ROAD, TAISHAN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 243, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 162 T1204193C 27/03/2012 (24) The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Roiyaru" and "Kopu" meaning "Royal" and "Coop". The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Huang Shi Gong Fang" meaning "Royal House Feather Workshop", "Imperial Household Feather Workshop", "Royal Household Feather Workshop", "Imperial Family Feather Workshop", "Royal Court Feather Workshop" or "Imperial Government Feather Workshop". Class 24 Textile fabrics for use in making clothing and household furnishings; quilts; bed blankets; bed covers; bed linen coverlets; mattress covers; pillowcases; mosquito nets; woolen blankets; tapestries of textile; textile wall hangings; curtains; furniture coverings of textile; bath towels; towels of textile; personal articles of woven textile, not for wear, namely, handkerchiefs. ROYAL H&S CORPORATION 7 FL.-1, NO. 194, SEC. 3, TA TON ROAD, XIZHI DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 221, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1204279D 28/03/2012 (29 31) Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Class 31 Animal feed; binder for animal feed pellets; preserved crops for animal feeds; animal feed preparations; animal feedstuffs; food for birds; seeds prepared for consumption by animals; grains (seeds). MALVOLIA PTE LTD 391B ORCHARD ROAD, #18-08 NGEE ANN CITY TOWER B, SINGAPORE 238874 AGENT: RAJAH & TANN LLP, 9 BATTERY ROAD, #25-01 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING, SINGAPORE 049910 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 163 T1204382J 29/03/2012 (37) Class 37 Landscaping (construction). UNISEAL GLOBAL PTE LTD 119 NEO TIEW LANE, SINGAPORE 719098 T1204384G 29/03/2012 (09) Class 09 Application software; communication software; software; computer software downloaded from the computer software packages; computer software computer software programs; packaged software; computer application software. computer internet; products; personal LUNABEE PTE LTD 20 MAXWELL ROAD, SINGAPORE 069113 #06-09D MAXWELL HOUSE, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 164 T1204404E 29/03/2012 (43) Class 43 Providing food and drink; bar services; cocktail lounge services; all included in Class 43. LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP. 3355 LAS VEGAS BOULEVARD SOUTH, LAS VEGAS, NV 89109-8941, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 DBS BUILDING TOWER TWO, SINGAPORE 068809 T1204406A 29/03/2012 (25 41) Class 25 Articles of clothing and headgear. Class 41 Organization and management of sports, entertainment and social events; organization of competitions [education, sports or entertainment]; event management services [organization of educational, entertainment, sporting or cultural events]; providing sports and recreation facilities and equipment; rental of sports equipment, sports grounds and sports facilities; educational and training services; instruction in sports; publishing of printed matter; publishing by electronic means; information services (education, entertainment or recreation). TOUCH COMMUNITY SERVICES LIMITED 3615 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, 3RD FLOOR COMMUNITY THEATRE, SINGAPORE 159461 TOUCH AGENT: OPAL IP PTE LTD, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #23-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 165 T1204407Z 29/03/2012 (43) Class 43 Hotels; hotel services; hotel accommodation services; hotel reservations; restaurant services; cafeteria services; all included in Class 43. ELEVATION DEVELOPMENTS PTE. LTD. 66 WHITE HOUSE PARK, SINGAPORE 257629 AGENT: SUKRAJ CONSULTANCY, 395 YISHUN RING ROAD, #09-1695, SINGAPORE 760395 T1204498C 30/03/2012 (37) Class 37 Repair and maintenance services; repair and maintenance of generators, motor generators and associated controls. Priority Claims: Class 37 08/12/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. 8000 WEST FLORISSANT AVENUE, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63136-1415, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 166 T1204518A 30/03/2012 (41) Class 41 Physical fitness instruction. UFIT-URBAN FITNESS PTE. LTD. 97 AMOY STREET, SINGAPORE 069917 AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 167 T1204522Z 30/03/2012 (03) Class 03 Adhesives for cosmetic purposes; Almond lotion for cosmetic purposes; Almond lotion for cosmetic use; Almond milk for cosmetic purposes; Aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; Anti-sun preparations (cosmetics); Astringents for cosmetic purposes; Beauty care preparations; Beauty care products; Beauty creams; Beauty face packs; Beauty gels; Beauty masks; Beauty milks; Beauty preparations; Beauty products; Bleaching preparations (decolourants) for cosmetic purposes; Body creams (cosmetics); Body paint (cosmetic); Cellulose wadding for cosmetic purposes; Cellulose wipes for cosmetic purposes; Cellulose wool for cosmetic use; Chemical products for bleaching (cosmetic use); Cleaning oils for cosmetic purposes; Collagen preparations for cosmetic application; Colour cosmetics for the eyes; Colour cosmetics for the skin; Colouring agents for cosmetic purposes; Colouring preparations for cosmetic purposes; Colours for cosmetic purposes; Cosmetic acne cleansers; Cosmetic acne creams; Cosmetic articles; Cosmetic articles for personal use; Cosmetic bath products; Cosmetic cotton wool; Cosmetic creams; Cosmetic dyes; Cosmetic dyestuffs; Cosmetic eye gels; Cosmetic eye pencils; Cosmetic face powders; Cosmetic goods for care of the skin; Cosmetic kits; Cosmetic masks; Cosmetic moisturisers; Cosmetic oils; Cosmetic pencils; Cosmetic powder; Cosmetic preparations; Cosmetic preparations adapted for sun-tanning; Cosmetic preparations for application to the nails; Cosmetic preparations for baths; Cosmetic preparations for cleansing the mouth; Cosmetic preparations for cleansing the skin; Cosmetic preparations for cleansing the teeth; Cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; Cosmetic preparations for skin care; Cosmetic preparations for skin tanning; Cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; Cosmetic preparations for tanning the skin; Cosmetic preparations for use in giving a sun-tan effect; Cosmetic preparations for use in suntanning; Cosmetic preparations for use in the bath; Cosmetic preparations for use on the body; Cosmetic preparations for use on the face; Cosmetic preparations for use on the skin; Cosmetic products for eyebrows; Cosmetic products for eyelashes; Cosmetic products for protection against the sun; Cosmetic products for skin care; Cosmetic skin care products; Cosmetic soaps; Cosmetics; Cosmetics for animals; Cosmetics for bronzing the skin; Cosmetics for eyebrows; Cosmetics for eyelashes; Cosmetics for personal use; Cosmetics for protecting the skin from sunburn; Cosmetics for skin tanning; Cosmetics for sun tanning; Cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin; Cosmetics for the use on the hair; Cosmetics for use on the skin; Cosmetics in the form of creams; Cosmetics in the form of eye shadow; Cosmetics in the form of gels; Cosmetics in the form of lotions; Cosmetics in the form of mascara; Cosmetics in the form of milks; Cosmetics in the Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 168 form of nail polish; Cosmetics in the form of oils; Cosmetics in the form of powders; Cosmetics in the form of rouge; Cosmetics preparations; Cosmetics to remove pigmentation marks; Cotton balls for cosmetic use; Cotton buds for cosmetic use; Cotton for cosmetic purposes; Cotton pads for cosmetic use; Cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; Cotton swabs for cosmetic purposes; Cotton tipped sticks for cosmetic purposes; Cotton wool balls for cosmetic use; Cotton wool buds for cosmetic use; Cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; Cotton wool in the form of balls for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of buds for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of pads for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of rolls for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of sticks for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of swabs for cosmetic use; Cotton wool in the form of wipes for cosmetic use; Cotton wool tips for cosmetic purposes; Decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; Dentifrices; Distilled oils for beauty care; Dyes for cosmetic use; Essential oils; Essential oils for cosmetic purposes; Essential oils for use in cosmetics; Eye lotions for cosmetic use; Eye moisturisers for cosmetic use; Eye pads for cosmetic use; Eyebrow cosmetics; Facial care products (cosmetic); Facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); Facial care products in the form of lotions (cosmetic); Facial care products in the form of milks (cosmetic); Facial creams (cosmetic); Facial lotions (cosmetic); Facial masks (cosmetic); Facial moisturisers (cosmetic); Facial packs (cosmetic); Facial packs for cosmetic purposes; Facial preparations (cosmetic); Facial scrubs (cosmetic); Facial toners (cosmetic); Facial washes (cosmetic); Facial wipes impregnated with cosmetics; Glitter for cosmetic purposes; Greases for cosmetic purposes; Hair cosmetics; Hair dyes and tints; Hair lotions; Hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; Impregnated cloths for cosmetic use; Impregnated pads containing cosmetic preparations; Liners (cosmetics) for the eyes; Lotions for cosmetic purposes; Masks for the face (cosmetic); Milks (cosmetics); Mineral oils (cosmetic); Mineral water sprays for cosmetic purposes; Moisturisers (cosmetics); Moisturising body lotion (cosmetic); Moisturising creams (cosmetic); Moisturising gels (cosmetic); Moisturising lotions (cosmetic); Moisturising preparations (cosmetic); Moisturising skin creams (cosmetic); Moisturising skin lotions (cosmetic); Nail base coat (cosmetics); Nail enamel (cosmetics); Nail enamel remover (cosmetics); Nail gloss (cosmetics); Nail hardeners (cosmetics); Nail polish removers (cosmetics); Nail preparations (cosmetics); Nail revitalising lotions (cosmetics); Nail tips (cosmetics); Nail treatment creams (cosmetics); Nail treatment gels (cosmetics); Nail treatment lotions (cosmetics); Nail varnish remover (cosmetics); Nail varnish removing preparations (cosmetics); Natural oils for cosmetic purposes; Nibs for pens for cosmetic use; Night creams (cosmetics); Non-medicated beauty preparations; Non-medicated skin care beauty products; Non-medicated cosmetic preparations; Non-medicated cosmetics; Nourishing creams (cosmetics); Oil for Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 169 cosmetic use; Oils for cosmetic purposes; Oils for the body (cosmetics); Oils for the breasts (cosmetics); Oils for the skin (cosmetics); Ointments for cosmetic use; Paper face towels impregnated with a cosmetic preparation; Paper hand towels impregnated with cosmetics; Paper tissues impregnated with cosmetic preparations; Paper towels impregnated with cosmetic preparations; Paper wipes impregnated with cosmetic preparations; Pencils for cosmetic use; Perfumery preparations; Petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; Pomades for cosmetic purposes; Powder compacts (cosmetics); Powders for cosmetic purposes; Powders for the face (cosmetic); Preparations for colouring and bleaching the hair; Preparations for removing cosmetics; Preparations for the nails (cosmetic); Preparations for the skin (cosmetic); Preparations for waving and settling the hair; Products for beauty care; Pumice stones for cosmetic purposes; Rouge (cosmetic); Self tanning creams (cosmetic); Self tanning lotions (cosmetic); Self tanning mists (cosmetic); Self tanning preparations (cosmetic); Serum for cosmetic use; Shampoos; Skin balms (cosmetic); Skin care creams (cosmetic); Skin care lotions (cosmetic); Skin care oils (cosmetic); Skin care preparations (cosmetic); Skin care products (cosmetic); Skin cleaners (cosmetic); Skin cleansing cream (cosmetic); Skin cleansing preparations (cosmetic); Skin creams (cosmetic); Skin discomfort cream (cosmetic); Skin jewels (for cosmetic use) (other than jewellery); Skin lightening compositions (cosmetic); Skin lotions (cosmetic); Skincare cosmetics; Skincare preparations (cosmetic); Slimming aids (cosmetic); Slimming preparations (cosmetic); Slimming products (cosmetic); Sprays for use on the body (cosmetics); Sun barriers (cosmetics); Sun blocking cream (cosmetics); Sun blocking gel (cosmetics); Sun blocking lipsticks (cosmetics); Sun blocking lotions (cosmetics); Sun blocking oils (cosmetics); Sun blocking preparations (cosmetics); Sun creams (cosmetics); Sun gel (cosmetics); Sun lotions (cosmetics); Sun milk (cosmetics); Sun protecting creams (cosmetics); Sun protection oils (cosmetics); Sun protection products (cosmetics); Sun protectors for lips (cosmetics); Sun screen preparations (cosmetics); Sun screening preparations (cosmetics); Sun skin care products (cosmetics); Sun-tanning preparations (cosmetics); Suntan lotion (cosmetics); Suntan milk (cosmetics); Suntan oils (cosmetics); Suntan preparations (cosmetics); Tan lotions (cosmetic); Tanning compositions (cosmetics); Tanning creams (cosmetics); Tanning oils (cosmetics); Tanning preparations (cosmetics); Temporary tattoos (decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes); Textile pads impregnated with cosmetics; Tints (cosmetics); Tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; Tissues impregnated with cosmetics; Toiletry goods; Toilet soaps; Toilet napkins of cellulose impregnated with cosmetics; Toilet napkins of cellulose wadding impregnated with cosmetics; Toilet napkins of paper impregnated with cosmetics; Tonics (cosmetic); Tonics (cosmetic) based on plant Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 170 extracts; Toning creams (cosmetic); Toy cosmetics (usable); Varnishes (cosmetics); Water for cosmetic use; Wipes (tissues) impregnated with cosmetic lotions; Wipes for toilet use impregnated with cosmetic preparations. GLAMOGIRL PTE. LTD. 16 HARTLEY GROVE, SINGAPORE 457885 AGENT: POINTER LLC, 16 HARTLEY GROVE, SINGAPORE 457885 T1204531I 30/03/2012 (30) Class 30 Biscuits; cereal-based snack food; coffee; yogurt (frozen-) [confectionery ices]; puddings; rice-based snack food; propolis; tea. TSANG LIN INDUSTRIES LTD. NO. 20, INDUSTRIAL PARK 35TH ROAD, TAICHUNG CITY, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA. AGENT: TAN PENG CHIN LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #11-00 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 171 T1204542D 02/04/2012 (44) The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Ai Yi Li" which has no meaning. Class 44 Chiropractics; health care; physical therapy; plastic surgery; convalescent homes; beauty salons; hairdressing salons; massage; manicuring; visagists’ services. SHEEN STAR LIMITED FLAT/RM 1321 LEIGHTON CTR CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG 77 LEIGHTON RD AGENT: GLOBAL IP LAW LTD, 14 ROBINSON ROAD, #13-00 FAR EAST FINANCE BUILDING, SINGAPORE 048545 T1204575J 02/04/2012 (15) Class 15 Musical instruments, in particular violins and string instruments. LEOPOLD VIOLINS PTE LTD 81A CLEMENCEAU AVENUE, #02-26, SINGAPORE 239918 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 172 T1204576I 02/04/2012 (01) Class 01 Chemicals for use as corrosion inhibitors in hydrocarbon refining operations. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 RIVER ROAD, SCHENECTADY, NY 12345, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 T1204580G 02/04/2012 (01) Class 01 Chemical composition for providing waterproof of coatings. NAUKRATIS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED NAUKRATIS INTERNATIONAL, 3RD FLOOR, JONSIM PLACE, 228 QUEEN’S ROAD EAST, WANCHAI, HONG KONG AGENT: GLOBAL INTELLECTS, P.O. BOX 171 TOWNER POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913226 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 173 T1204581E 02/04/2012 (40) Class 40 Application of waterproof coatings to articles. NAUKRATIS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED NAUKRATIS INTERNATIONAL, 3RD FLOOR, JONSIM PLACE, 228 QUEEN’S ROAD EAST, WANCHAI, HONG KONG AGENT: GLOBAL INTELLECTS, P.O. BOX 171 TOWNER POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913226 T1204645E 03/04/2012 (41) Class 41 Arranging of seminars; Arranging professional workshop and training courses; Book publishing; Business training consultancy services; Coaching in the field of motivation; Educating at senior high schools; Educating at university or colleges; Teaching at elementary school; Teaching at junior high. KAY REN TSE TRADING AS MOTIVATION GENOME 25 JALAN LEGUNDI, SINGAPORE 759282 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 174 T1204646C 03/04/2012 (41) Class 41 Arranging of seminars; Arranging professional workshop and training courses; Book publishing; Business training consultancy services; Coaching in the field of motivation; Educating at senior high schools; Educating at university or colleges; Teaching at elementary school; Teaching at junior high. KAY REN TSE TRADING AS MOTIVATION GENOME 25 JALAN LEGUNDI, SINGAPORE 759282 T1204657I 04/04/2012 (12) Class 12 Chains for driving road vehicles; automobile chains; chain guards for vehicles; chains for driving cycles; driving chains for land vehicles; transmission chains for land vehicles; all included in Class 12. KILANG RANTAI S.A. SDN BHD 2440, LORONG PERUSAHAAN 10, PRAI ESTATE, 13600 PRAI, PENANG, MALAYSIA INDUSTRIAL AGENT: INTELLECT WORLDWIDE (S) PTE. LTD., 10 ANSON ROAD, #12-14 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 175 T1204669B 04/04/2012 (11) Class 11 Chillers for use in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. SMARDT INC. 1800 TRANS CANADA HWY., DORVAL (QUEBEC) H9P 1H7, CANADA AGENT: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 T1204677C 04/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, dietary supplements for humans and animals, nutritional supplements; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. CATALYSIS, S.L. MACARENA, 14, 28016 MADRID, SPAIN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 176 T1204678A 04/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Welding machine control apparatus. DURA-METAL (S) PTE LTD 1001 JALAN BUKIT MERAH, #06-01/04, SINGAPORE 159455 AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 T1204687J 04/04/2012 (30) Class 30 Biscuits; cereal-based snack food; chips (cereal products); confectionery; cookies; crackers; farinaceous foods; flour-milling products; petit-beurre biscuits; rice-based snack food; waffles; all included in Class 30. CHUNG HSIANG FOODS IND CO., LTD. NO. 275, SEC. 2, MUSIN RD., WUNSHAN DISTRICT, TAIPEI CITY 116, TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 177 T1204698F 04/04/2012 (16) Class 16 Magazines, articles (published in newspaper or magazines); paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter, bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. JESSICA LIMITED 3RD FLOOR, WAH SHING CENTRE, 5 FUNG YIP STREET, CHAI WAN, HONG KONG AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 T1204809A 05/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Electronic antennas for control and tracking of products in retail stores; antennas for radio frequency tracking of products in retail stores; deactivators for deactivating security tags used to protect retail products against theft; software for use with electronic gate systems and antennas utilized to prevent theft at retail stores. CHECKPOINT SYSTEMS, INC. 101 WOLF DRIVE, THOROFARE, NEW JERSEY 08086, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 178 T1204810E 05/04/2012 (35) Class 35 Advertising; Business management; Business administration; Office functions; Export-import agency services; Retail services. YIP WAI KIN 2 WOODGROVE DRIVE, #03-01, SINGAPORE 738207 AGENT: GLOBAL INTELLECTS, P.O. BOX 171 TOWNER POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 913226 T1204820B 05/04/2012 (43) Application for a series of four marks. Class 43 Cafes; Cafeteria; Restaurants, Self-service restaurants; Restaurant services; Take-away food and beverage services; Catering services; Bistro; Snack-bar and coffee shop services; Preparation of food and drink, Providing food and drink; all included in Class 43. PORN’S PTE LTD 3 JALAN ANAK BUKIT, #17-04 SHERWOOD TOWERS, SINGAPORE 588998 AGENT: SAMUEL SEOW LAW CORPORATION, 1 KIM SENG PROMENADE, #15-12 GREAT WORLD CITY WEST TOWER, SINGAPORE 237994 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 179 T1204957H 09/04/2012 (16) Class 16 Address files; alphabetical indexes; apparatus for office use for emptying files; apparatus for office use for file identification; articles (other than furniture) for filing documents; artists’ trays; binding borders for files; book-style business card files; box files; box files for drawings; boxes for filing cards; card files; card index cabinets (other than furniture); card index cases; card index portfolios of cardboard; card index portfolios of plastics; card index tabs; card indexes; card indexes with tabs; cardboard folders; clamping files; classification files; clear folders; clear suspended filing pockets; collecting files; collection folders; correspondence folders; correspondence trays; crepe paper folds; desk files; desk filing folders; desk top letter files; desk trays; display folders; dividers for files; document cases for files [stationery]; document files (stationery); document files adapted to facilitate the classification of documents; document files adapted to facilitate the sorting of documents; document folders (stationery); embossed folders for data sheets; envelope files; expandable card files; expanding files (stationery); fasteners for filing purposes; file binders; file cases; file covers; file dividers; file folders; file guides; file indexes; file inserts; file pockets; files (office requisites); files (stationery); files for exercise books; files for holding papers; files for office use; files for records; files made of paper; files made of plastics; filing baskets being office requisites; filing boxes; filing cabinets (other than furniture); filing cabinets for the office; filing cards; filing cases; filing containers; filing systems (other than furniture); filing systems for storing graphic material; filing systems for storing pictorial material; filing trays; folder boxes; folders (stationery); folders for endless forms; folders for holding papers; folders for papers; folders for photographs; folders made of cardboard; folders made of plastic; folders with storage pockets; folding files; folding machines for office use; frames for hanging file folders; hanging file folders; hanging file frames; hanging record card folders; holders for files; holders for folders; index appliances; index books; index boxes; index cabinets (not being furniture); index card containers; index card holders; index cards (stationery); index dividers; index files; index folders; index guides; index indicating devices; index notebooks; index strips; index systems; indexed books for recording information; indexes; indexing cabinets (other than furniture); inserts for files (stationery); inserts for folders; intermediate sheets for index cards; labels for files; leaflet folders; letter files; letter filing apparatus; letter folders; letter paper folders; letter trays; lever arch files; loose-leaf binders containing forms for filing information; loose-leaf binders for storing record index strips; loose-leaf file covers; loose-leaf files; machines for office use for folding documents; machines for the folding of documents (office); Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 180 magazine storage files (other than furniture); multiple files (stationery); non-metallic trays for counting money; non-metallic trays for sorting money; note folders; notepaper holders (folders); office machines for destroying files; office machines for shredding data files; paint roller trays; paint trays; paper file jackets; paper files (stationery); paper folders (stationery); paper for insertion into folders; paper indexes; paperboard trays for packaging food; pen trays; pendulum files; personal files (stationery); personal organiser files (stationery); plastics trays for sorting money; portable filing cases; portable filing systems; portfolio cases (folders); printed folded sheets containing advertising material; programme binders (folders); project folders (stationery); quick release files (stationery); record indexes for use in business systems; register files; registering devices (pendulum files); registering devices (suspended files); registering files; ring book files; ring files; sample folders (stationery); segmented banking files (printed matter); segmented computer files (printed matter); segmented personnel files (printed matter); shelf filing boxes; sight files; signature folders; song index books; stacked filing trays (office requisites); stacking trays of card; stationery in the nature of files; stationery trays; storage cabinets (other than furniture) for filing purposes; storage cases (other than furniture) for filing purposes; storage cupboards (other than furniture) for filing purposes; storage drawers (other than furniture) for filing purposes; storage files of paper; storage frames (other than furniture) for filing purposes; storage systems adapted for use in the filing of documents; support rails for suspension files; suspended card-indexes; suspended files; suspended files for register purposes; suspended hanging files with internal file clips; suspended lever arch files; suspension files; suspension files fitted with metallic fastenings; suspension files for artwork; suspension units for files; table filing boxes for card; table filing boxes for papers; tags for index cards; telephone index notebooks (printed matter); thumb-index directories; transparent letter folders; travel document folders; trays being office requisites; trays for painting; trays for sorting and counting money; trays for stationery use; trays for use on desks to contain stationery; trays for use with office machines; wallets (stationery) for filing flat objects. KANG KIANG MARKETING CHOONG TRADING AS CHOONG 605B MACPHERSON ROAD, #04-14 CITIMAC INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, SINGAPORE 368241 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 181 T1204995J 09/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Human pharmaceutical preparations. JOHNSON & JOHNSON ONE JOHNSON & JOHNSON PLAZA, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY, 08933, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1205009F 09/04/2012 (44) Class 44 Massage and therapeutic shiatu massage, beauty salons, health spa services for health and wellness of the body and spirit, namely, providing massage, facial and body treatment services, cosmetic body care services. FACTORY JAPAN GROUP CO., LTD. 3-10-1, KOUJI-MACHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO, 102-0083, JAPAN AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 182 T1205073H 10/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Electrical cables; electronic cables; telecommunication cables; conductors, electric; conductors for electric cables. TONN CABLE SDN BHD LOT 4, JALAN CJ 1/4 KAWASAN PERUSAHAAN CHERAS JAYA 43200 BALAKONG SELANGOR, MALAYSIA AGENT: NANYANG LAW LLC, P.O. BOX 1861 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 903711 T1205078I 10/04/2012 (10 21) Application for a series of two marks. Class 10 Gloves for medical examinations; gloves for medical purposes; gloves for medical use; gloves for surgical purposes; gloves for surgical use; gloves for use during operations; medical gloves; surgeons’ gloves; surgical gloves; surgical gloves for use in surgery; surgical gloves for use in the examination of patients; face masks for medical use; face masks for surgical use; clothing especially made for medical use; disposable clothing for medical use; articles of clothing for surgical purpose; clothing especially made for medical use; cloths for washing the body for medical use; disposable or reusable surgical clothing, footwear and headgear including caps, gowns, masks and over-boots; sponge cloths for surgical use; sterile clothing for surgical use. Class 21 Articles for cleaning purposes; cleaning cloths; cleaning wipes; cloths for cleaning; cloths for polishing; disposable cloths for cleaning; materials for cleaning purposes (other than preparations); non-electric articles for cleaning purposes; non-textile cloths for industrial cleaning; non-woven materials for cleaning; wiping cloths for cleaning; wiping articles for cleaning; wiping materials. INOUT ENTERPRISE PTE LTD 196 PANDAN LOOP, #01-20 COMPLEX, SINGAPORE 128384 PANTECH INDUSTRIAL AGENT: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 24 PECK SEAH STREET, #02-12 NEHSONS BUILDING, SINGAPORE 079314 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 183 T1205079G 10/04/2012 (03) Class 03 Body creams (cosmetics); collagen preparations for cosmetic application; cosmetic acne cleansers; cosmetic acne creams; cosmetic bath products; cosmetic creams; cosmetic eye gels; cosmetic goods for care of the skin; cosmetic masks; cosmetic moisturisers; cosmetic preparations for cleansing the skin; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for use in the bath; cosmetic preparations for use on the body; cosmetic preparations for use on the face; cosmetic preparations for use on the skin; cosmetic products for protection against the sun; cosmetic skin care products; cosmetic soaps; cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin; cosmetics for the use on the hair; cosmetics for use on the skin; cosmetics in the form of creams; cosmetics in the form of gels; cosmetics in the form of lotions; cosmetics in the form of milks; cosmetics in the form of oils; cosmetics in the form of powders; essential oils for cosmetic purposes; essential oils for use in cosmetics; eye lotions for cosmetic use; eye moisturisers for cosmetic use; facial care products (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of lotions (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of milks (cosmetic); facial creams (cosmetic); facial lotions (cosmetic); facial masks (cosmetic); facial moisturisers (cosmetic); facial scrubs (cosmetic); facial toners (cosmetic); facial washes (cosmetic); hair cosmetics; masks for the face (cosmetic); moisturisers (cosmetics); moisturising body lotion (cosmetic); moisturising creams (cosmetic); moisturising gels (cosmetic); moisturising lotions (cosmetic); moisturising skin creams (cosmetic); moisturising skin lotions (cosmetic); night creams (cosmetics); non-medicated cosmetics; nourishing creams (cosmetics); oils for the body (cosmetics); oils for the skin (cosmetics); ointments for cosmetic use; serum for cosmetic use; skin balms (cosmetic); skin care creams (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care oils (cosmetic); skin care products (cosmetic); skin creams (cosmetic); skin lotions (cosmetic); skincare cosmetics; sun blocking cream (cosmetics); sun protecting creams (cosmetics); toning creams (cosmetic). SWIFTLET GARDEN SDN BHD 839 WOODLANDS STREET 82, #09-309, SINGAPORE 730839 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 184 T1205080J 10/04/2012 (16 25 28) Application for a series of three marks. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; document folders (stationery); folders made of plastic; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); paper crafts materials; paper bags (wrapping materials); packaging materials made of paper; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in Class 16. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25. Class 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; toys; dolls; accessories for dolls; plush toys; stuffed toys; board games; card games; all included in Class 28. WONG SZE JIA 16 CANTONMENT CLOSE, #08-45, SINGAPORE 080016 AGENT: MARGARET LAW CORPORATION, 36 ARMENIAN STREET, #05-10, SINGAPORE 179934 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 185 T1205090H 10/04/2012 (03) Class 03 Body creams (cosmetics); cleaning oils for cosmetic purposes; collagen preparations for cosmetic application; cosmetic articles; cosmetic articles for personal use; cosmetic creams; cosmetic eye gels; cosmetic goods for care of the skin; cosmetic masks; cosmetic moisturisers; cosmetic oils; cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetic preparations for use on the body; cosmetic preparations for use on the face; cosmetic preparations for use on the skin; cosmetic products for skin care; cosmetic skin care products; cosmetics; cosmetics for personal use; cosmetics for the treatment of dry skin; cosmetics for use on the skin; cosmetics in the form of creams; cosmetics in the form of gels; cosmetics in the form of lotions; cosmetics in the form of milks; cosmetics in the form of oils; cosmetics preparations; essential oils for cosmetic purposes; essential oils for use in cosmetics; eye lotions for cosmetic use; eye moisturisers for cosmetic use; facial care products (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of creams (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of lotions (cosmetic); facial care products in the form of milks (cosmetic); facial creams (cosmetic); facial lotions (cosmetic); facial masks (cosmetic); facial moisturisers (cosmetic); facial packs (cosmetic); facial packs for cosmetic purposes; facial preparations (cosmetic); lotions for cosmetic purposes; masks for the face (cosmetic); milks (cosmetics); mineral oils (cosmetic); mineral water sprays for cosmetic purposes; moisturisers (cosmetics); moisturising body lotion (cosmetic); moisturising creams (cosmetic); moisturising gels (cosmetic); moisturising lotions (cosmetic); moisturising preparations (cosmetic); moisturising skin creams (cosmetic); moisturising skin lotions (cosmetic); natural oils for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated cosmetic preparations; non-medicated cosmetics; nourishing creams (cosmetics); oil for cosmetic use; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for the body (cosmetics); oils for the breasts (cosmetics); oils for the skin (cosmetics); ointments for cosmetic use; skin balms (cosmetic); skin care creams (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care oils (cosmetic); skin care preparations (cosmetic); skin care products (cosmetic); skin creams (cosmetic); skin lotions (cosmetic); skincare cosmetics; skincare preparations (cosmetic); slimming aids (cosmetic); slimming preparations (cosmetic); slimming products (cosmetic); toning creams (cosmetic). NATURAL PHARMA PTE. LTD. 5A ST. HELIER’S AVENUE, SINGAPORE 555801 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 186 T1205136Z 11/04/2012 (29) Class 29 Meat; fish (not live); poultry (not live); game (not live); meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies; jams; compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. PLATINUM INVESTMENTS (BVI) LIMITED ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 T1205140H 11/04/2012 (29) Class 29 Edible oils and fats. PLATINUM INVESTMENTS (BVI) LIMITED ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 187 T1205147E 11/04/2012 (41) Class 41 Arranging of award ceremonies. KPMG SERVICES PTE. LTD. AND SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS LIMITED 16 RAFFLES QUAY, #22-00, HONG LEONG BUILDING, SINGAPORE 048581 AND 1000 TOA PAYOH, NORTH NEWS CENTRE, SINGAPORE 318994 AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1205255B 12/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Insecticides. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY 1007 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 188 T1205259E 12/04/2012 (41) Class 41 Education advisory services; Education services; Vocational training services; Ticket agency services (entertainment); Sporting activities; Ticket agency services (sporting); Cultural activities; organisation of exhibition for cultural or educational purposes; Providing information, including online, about education, training entertainment, sporting and cultural activities. AMAZING BORNEO TOURS & EVENTS SDN BHD LOT 1-39, 1ST FLOOR, ASIA CITY COMPLEX, JALAN ASIA CITY, 88000, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH, MALAYSIA c/o SENRIE TRADEMARK INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD, 10 ANSON ROAD, #18-17 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 T1205262E 12/04/2012 (43) Class 43 Arranging for the provision of food; Food and drink catering; Accommodation reservation services; Arrangement of accommodation for travellers; Hotel accommodation reservation services; Providing information, including online, about services to providing food and drink, and temporary accommodation. AMAZING BORNEO TOURS & EVENTS SDN BHD LOT 1-39, 1ST FLOOR, ASIA CITY COMPLEX, JALAN ASIA CITY, 88000, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH, MALAYSIA c/o SENRIE TRADEMARK INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD, 10 ANSON ROAD, #18-17 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 189 T1205263C 12/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Computer software programs for design, construction, and operation of gas plants, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants, and other fluid processing facilities. ASPEN TECHNOLOGY, INC. 200 WHEELER ROAD, BURLINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01803, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1205388E 13/04/2012 (09 25) Class 09 Motorcyclists’ clothing for protection against accident or injury; helmets for motorcyclists; safety goggles for motorcyclists; boots (protective footwear). Class 25 Articles of clothing made of imitation leather, leather and textile; raincoats; articles of waterproof and windproof clothing; motorcyclists’ clothing (other than for protection against accident or injury); suits made of leather for wear by motorcyclists; riding jackets; gloves; balaclavas; waterproof boots; all included in Class 25. RACING WORLD (S) PTE LTD 37 TANNERY LANE, #02-02 TANNERY HOUSE, SINGAPORE 347790 AGENT: THOMSON LEGAL LLP, 1 THOMSON ROAD, #04-336G, SINGAPORE 300001 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 190 T1205418J 16/04/2012 (35) Application for a series of two marks. Class 35 Logistics services (business management and organization of facilities and resources); procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); sales promotion (for others); business information agency services; export-import agency services; marketing agency services; retail services; retailing of goods by any means; wholesale services; wholesaling of goods by any means; intermediary business services relating to the commercialisation of goods; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; the bringing together for the benefit of others, a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods presented and displayed in a retail store or wholesale outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; franchising services [group purchasing, group advertising]; administrative processing of purchase orders; advisory, information and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; all the aforesaid services also provided on-line from a computer database or via the global communications network or via computer networks, mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs); all included in Class 35. SOURCEBYNET PTE LTD 38 MAXWELL ROAD, SINGAPORE 069116 #05-01 AIR VIEW BUILDING, AGENT: ATMD BIRD & BIRD LLP, P.O. BOX 0643 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911722 T1205422I 16/04/2012 (07) Class 07 Electric vacuum cleaners and parts thereto, such as suction nozzles, hoses and brushes to vacuum cleaners. AKTIEBOLAGET ELECTROLUX S:T GORANSGATAN 143, SE-10545 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 191 T1205428H 16/04/2012 (37) Class 37 Providing repair and maintenance services for electrical and electronic apparatus, including components thereof. KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. 28775 AURORA ROAD, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44139, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1205437G 07/05/2012 (30) Class 30 Cereal brekfast foods; food products containing (principally) cereals; foods produced from puffed cereals; oat-based food; processed cereals for food for human consumption; processed grains for food for human consumption; processed grains for use in food; processed oats for food for human consumption; rice prepared for food for human consumption; rice products for food; tumeric for food. ALLSWELL TRADING PTE LTD 41 SUNSET WAY, #02-05 CLEMENTI ARCADE, SINGAPORE 597071 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 192 T1205463F 17/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceuticals, pain relief medicines. AFT PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED LEVEL 1, 129 HURSTMERE RD, TAKAPUNA, AUCKLAND 0622, NEW ZEALAND AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1205474A 17/04/2012 (09 41) Class 09 Video game software; video game programs; computer game software; computer game programs; electronic game programs. Class 41 Entertainment services, namely providing online computer games accessible via video game machines, mobile phones and computers; providing online computer games via network between communications networks; providing information, images, music and sound regarding games; entertainment services, namely arranging, organizing and conducting video game tournaments. KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD. 9-7-2, AKASAKA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 193 T1205475Z 17/04/2012 (34) Class 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches. PHILIP MORRIS BRANDS SARL QUAI JEANRENAUD 3, 2000 NEUCHATEL, SWITZERLAND AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1205512H 18/04/2012 (38) Class 38 Broadcast transmission by satellite; broadcasting or transmission of recorded messages and information; communication network consultancy; communication of data by means of telecommunications; data broadcasting services; information services relating to broadcasting; provision of facilities for radio receiving and radio transmission; radio broadcasting; radio communication network services; transmission of information on a wide range of topics, including online and over a global computer network. BFM MEDIA SDN BHD 5.01, WISMA BU8, NO. 11, LEBUH BANDAR UTAMA, 47800 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA c/o RUSTINI, P.O. BOX 450 JURONG POINT POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 916415 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 194 T1205531D 18/04/2012 (09 41) Class 09 Publications (Electronic-). Class 41 Education; providing of training. INTUITION CONSULTING PTE LTD 51 MERCHANT ROAD, #02-01-05 MERCHANT SQUARE, SINGAPORE 058283 AGENT: MCLAUGHLIN IP PTE. LTD., 24A MOSQUE STREET, SINGAPORE 059504 T1205532B 18/04/2012 (36) Class 36 Analysis (Financial-); capital investments; consultancy (financial); investment consultancy; financial services; financial management; mutual funds; fiscal valuations; fund investments; information (financial-). ORCHARD GLOBAL CAPITAL GROUP (S) PTE LTD 28 MAXWELL ROAD, SINGAPORE 069120 #02-12 REDDOT TRAFFIC, AGENT: LAWRENCE QUAHE & WOO LLC, 180 CLEMENCEAU AVENUE, #02-02 HAW PAR CENTRE, SINGAPORE 239922 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 195 T1205540C 18/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Navigation systems using satellite reference; satellite navigational apparatus; Global Positioning Systems [GPS] apparatus; road map display apparatus for assisting in the navigation of a vehicle; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); road map display apparatus for assisting in the navigation of a vehicle; navigational instruments; personal digital assistants (PDAs); mobile phones; headphones; earphones for radios; battery chargers; batteries; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); electronic pens (visual display units); computer operating programs, recorded; computer programs (downloadable software); computer software (recorded); modems; monitors (computer hardware); telecommunications apparatus; communication software; touch sensitive electronic screens; video players; electronic publications (downloadable); all included in class 9. AMTEL CELLULAR SDN. BHD. NO. 5, JALAN PJS 7/19, BANDAR SUNWAY, 46150 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA 664B JURONG WEST STREET 64, #07-240, SINGAPORE 642664 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 196 T1205543H 18/04/2012 (38) Class 38 Satellite telecommunications services; radio broadcasting; television broadcasting; cable television broadcasting; communication by computer; communications by fiber (fibre) optic networks; communications by telephone; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); electronic mail; message sending; paging services (radio, telephone or other means of electronic communication); providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; web portal services (providing user access to global computer network); rental of modems; rental of facsimile apparatus; rental of telecommunication equipment; rental of telephones; satellite transmission; rental of message sending apparatus; telecommunications routing and junction services; teleconferencing services; telephone services; satellite telecommunications services; information services relating to telecommunications; all included in class 38. AMTEL CELLULAR SDN. BHD. NO. 5, JALAN PJS 7/19, BANDAR SUNWAY, 46150 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA 664B JURONG WEST STREET 64, #07-240, SINGAPORE 642664 T1205544F 18/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. GLAXOSMITHKLINE TRADING SERVICES LIMITED 6900 CORK AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK, KINSALE ROAD, CORK, IRELAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 197 T1205554C 18/04/2012 (36) Class 36 Securities brokerage services. TD AMERITRADE IP COMPANY, INC. 4211 SOUTH 102ND STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68127, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1205637Z 19/04/2012 (05) Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. GLAXOSMITHKLINE TRADING SERVICES LIMITED 6900 CORK AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK, KINSALE ROAD, CORK, IRELAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 198 T1205645J 19/04/2012 (40) The first mark in the series is limited to the colour(s) as shown in the representation on the form of application. Application for a series of two marks. Class 40 Custom manufacture and assembling of furniture (for others); custom manufacture of furniture parts and components (for others); edgebanding services (custom assembling of furniture or furniture parts and components for others); all included in Class 40. SUNYU PRODUCTS & SERVICES PTE. LTD. BLK 1079 EUNOS AVENUE 7, #01-169, SINGAPORE 409582 AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 T1205653A 19/04/2012 (01) Class 01 Chemicals for use in the processing of petrochemicals. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 RIVER ROAD, SCHENECTADY, NY 12345, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 199 T1205711B 19/04/2012 (29) Application for a series of two marks. Class 29 Meat; frozen meat; frozen meat products; frozen seafood; fish fillets; fish meal for human consumption. MOHAMAD ARMIYA FOOD INDUSTRY PTE LTD BLK 15 WOODLANDS LOOP, #04-41 WOODLANDS EAST INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, SINGAPORE 738322 T1205715E 20/04/2012 (01) Class 01 Enzymes for use in drinks; chemical additives for use in enzyme stabilization; enzyme preparations for the food industry; enzymes for use in flavouring; enzymes for use in foodstuffs; fungal enzymes for use in brewing; all included in Class 01. GREENKOUSO SDN BHD NO. 7, LORONG IMPIAN RIA 1, TAMAN IMPIAN RIA, 14000 BUKIT MERTAJAM, PENANG MALAYSIA. AGENT: INTELLECT WORLDWIDE (S) PTE. LTD., 10 ANSON ROAD, #12-14 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SINGAPORE 079903 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 200 T1205735Z 20/04/2012 (03 44) The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Plurecil" which has no meaning. Class 03 False eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; eyebrow cosmetics; cosmetic preparations for eyelash care; make-up removing preparations for eyelashes; nail care preparations; nail polish; false nails; adhesives for affixing false nails; cosmetics; make-up preparations. Class 44 Beauty salons; eyelash care services; false-eyelash care services; manicuring; hairdressing salons. M&K INC. 24-13, HIMONYA 4-CHOME, MEGURO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 201 T1205740F 20/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Audio equipment consists of stereo audio speakers, built-in wireless communication receivers and docks for use with portable electronic apparatus, namely, electronic book readers, tablet computers, mp3 players, mp4 players, mobile phones, and smart phones; computer application software for portable electronic apparatus to install and control audio equipments aforementioned; blank Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash memory drives; camcorders; computer game software; computer network hubs, switches and routers; computer software for instant messaging, sending and receiving emails and contact information, schedule sharing and contents sharing service; computer software for managing and organizing various digital reading contents, namely, e-books, e-newspapers, thesis, and e-magazines; computer software for personal information management; computer software for purchasing, downloading, playing or listening to music; computer software for purchasing, subscribing, downloading, playing or listening to digital reading contents, namely, e-books, e-newspapers, thesis and e-magazines and electronic games; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transmitting, manipulating, and reviewing text, data, audio files, video files and electronic games in connection with TV, computers, music players, video players, media players, mobile phones, and portable and handheld digital electronic devices; computer application software for use in voice recognition; computer software for use with satellite and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation systems for navigation, route and trip planning, and electronic mapping; computer software for travel information systems for the provision or rendering of travel advice and for information concerning hotels, landmarks, museums, public transportation, restaurants and other information regarding travel and transport; computer software suggesting the most suitable pen-input applications for the mobile device; computer software to be used for viewing and downloading electronic maps; computer software embedded on portable phones and/or portable computers that allows users to play and download electronic games, listen to and download ring tones and music, and view and download screen savers and wallpapers; computer software to edit daily activities, address book, calendar, memos, and multimedia contents stored in mobile devices; computer software to enable authoring, posting, uploading, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, playing, storing, organizing, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the Internet or other communications network; computer software to enable users to program and distribute audio, video, text and other multimedia content, namely, music, concerts, videos, radio, television, news, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 202 sports, games, cultural events, and entertainment-related and educational programs via communication network; computers; digital albums in the nature of digital photo viewers; digital cameras; digital photo frames; digital set-top boxes; downloadable digital images, namely, photographic or video images in the field of education and entertainment; downloadable ring tones; DVD players; electronic whiteboards; facsimile machines; hard disk drives; intercom key terminals for connection to a telephone network; Internet Protocol (IP) Phones; Internet protocol (IP) private branch exchange switchboards; key phone operating system software; key phone switch boards; Local Area Network (LAN) Switches; mobile phone and tablet computer accessories, namely, batteries, electric battery chargers, data communication cables, wired headsets, wireless headsets, ear phones, car chargers, leather cases for mobile phones and electronic devices, hands free kits adapted for use with mobile phones and tablet computers, flip case covers adapted for mobile phone and tablet computer, stylus, phone holders, screen protective films, phone straps, faceplates of plastic or silicon adapted for use in encasing; replacement front panels for mobile phones and portable computers; audio decks adapted for use with mobile phone and tablet computer; holders adapted for mobile phones; mobile phone operating system software; mobile telephones; monitors [computer hardware]; MP3 players; network access server hardware; network access server operating software; PDA (Personal Digital Assistants); portable computers; portable multimedia player; printers for computers; semiconductors [chips]; smart phones; software for network management system; stylus for portable electronic devices; tablet computer operating system software; tablet computers; telephones; telephones used as terminal devices for Internet protocol (IP) private branch exchange (PBX); television receivers; three-dimensional (3D) eyeglasses; wide area network(WAN) routers. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 416, MAETAN-DONG, YEONGTONG-GU, GYEONGGI-DO, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE SUWON-SI, MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 203 T1205761I 20/04/2012 (30) Class 30 Cakes. THEJELLYHEARTS PTE LTD 1 PASIR RIS CLOSE, #02-111 E!HUB@DOWNTOWN EAST, SINGAPORE 519599 T1205857G 24/04/2012 (07 40) Class 07 Apparatus for vacuum deposition of coating materials on films and other substrates. Class 40 Process of applying inorganic and organic coatings on film substrates and other materials. DARLY CUSTOM TECHNOLOGY, INC. 276 ADDISON ROAD WINDSOR, CT 06095, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: FRANCINE TAN LAW CORPORATION, 6 EU TONG SEN STREET, #09-09, SINGAPORE 059817 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 204 T1205880A 25/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Signal lanterns; Inductors [electricity]; Cell switches [electricity]; Transformers [electricity]; Current rectifiers; Inverters [electricity]; Time switches, automatic; Dimmers [regulators] (Light-), electric; Lighting ballasts; Protectors (Voltage surge-); Stage lighting regulators; Remote control apparatus; Transducer; Theft prevention installations, electric; Commutation (Electric apparatus for-); Alarms. HYDRIM ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. BLOCK A6, LINPOKENG INDUSTRIAL PARK, HAO’SI, SHAJING STREET, BAO’AN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 T1205884D 25/04/2012 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics; make-up foundations; lipsticks; eye shadows; cosmetic preparations for skin care; skin lotions; solid powder for compacts; hair shampoo; dentifrices; shampoos for pets. Priority Claims: Class 03 01/11/2011 REPUBLIC OF KOREA All goods/services claimed in this application. AMOREPACIFIC CORPORATION 181, 2-GA, HANGANG-RO, YONGSAN-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: INFINITUS LAW CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 259 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911709 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 205 T1205910G 25/04/2012 (09) Class 09 Software and hardware for an electrophysiology navigation and ablation system that integrates x-ray generated images. CORDIS CORPORATION 430 ROUTE 22, BRIDGEWATER, NJ, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1205914Z 25/04/2012 (03) Class 03 Cosmetics, lotions for the face. L’OREAL 14, RUE ROYALE, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 206 T1206072E 27/04/2012 (30 43) Application for a series of two marks. Class 30 Noodles. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; restaurant services. CENTENARY VENTURES LIMITED COMMENCE CHAMBERS, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 T1206140C 30/04/2012 (33) Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Priority Claims: Class 33 30/03/2012 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. DIAGEO BRANDS B.V. MOLENWERF 10-12, NETHERLANDS 1014 BG AMSTERDAM, THE AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 207 T1207231F 18/05/2012 (42) Class 42 Application service provider (ASP) services; providing information, including online, about industrial analysis and research services; providing information, including online, about scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; provision of online non-downloadable software (application service provider). SERVICE BUREAU PTE LTD 104 POTONG PASIR AVENUE 1, #13-396, SINGAPORE 350104 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 208 International Registrations filed under the Madrid Protocol Published for Opposition Purposes under the Trade Marks Act (Cap.332, 1999 Ed.) OPPOSITION Notice is hereby given that any person who wishes to oppose the registration of any of the marks published in the class groups which follow may within two months from the date of this journal file a Notice of Opposition on Form TM 11 (fee $374). Formal opposition should not be filed until after reasonable notice has been given to the Applicant for registration so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his application before the expenses of preparing the Notice of Opposition are incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an Opponent for an Order for Costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Applicant. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 209 T1111830D (16 21 32 35) (International Registration No. 1012178) Date of International Registration: 28/07/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/07/2011 The German words "Bayerische Staats Brauerei" appearing in the mark mean "Bavarian State Brewery". Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, in particular glass coasters and beer mats, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office machines (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not included in other classes), not of precious metal or coated therewith; plastic bottles; brushes (except paint brushes); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not included in other classes; bottle openers. Class 32 Beers and mixed beer beverages, included in this class; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 35 Advertising; business management administration; office functions. services; business BAYERISCHE STAATSBRAUEREI WEIHENSTEPHAN ALTE AKADEMIE 2, 85354 FREISING, GERMANY AGENT: KASS INTERNATIONAL SDN. BHD., C/O KASS REGIONAL IP SERVICES PTE. LTD., 190 MIDDLE ROAD, #03-21 FORTUNE CENTRE, SINGAPORE 188979 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 210 T1205279Z (34) (International Registration No. 1017253) Date of International Registration: 13/02/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/03/2012 Class 34 Processed or unprocessed tobacco, smokers’ items, tobacco products, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, packs for tobacco, cigar holders, cigarette holders, cigars and cigarettes cases, ashtrays, pipe holders/cases, cigar clippers, tobacco pipes, pouches of tobacco, lighters, pocket devices for rolling cigarettes, cigarette paper, humidors for tobacco products, matches. KARELIA TOBACCO COMPANY INC. ATHINON STREET, GR-241 00 KALAMATA, GREECE T1111986F (05) (International Registration No. 1030202) Date of International Registration: 20/10/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/07/2011 Class 05 Nutritional food and dietary supplement for use in the field of sports and performance enhancement, consisting mainly of nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements and/or vitamin preparations; nutritional meal replacement, nutritional weight gain and nutritional dietary supplement drink mixes for sports enhancement, performance enhancement, weight management and for use as a meal substitute consisting mainly of nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements and/or vitamin preparations. ALAN BARRATT OAK LANE HOUSE, OAK LANE, BARSTON, SOLIHULL, WEST MIDLANDS B92 0JR, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 211 T1206348A (09 40) (International Registration No. 1030449) Date of International Registration: 11/11/2009 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/03/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue, green and orange. Class 09 Telecommunication device and apparatus; printed circuit boards; integrated circuits; circuit boards; semi-conductors; video-frequency machines and apparatus; audio and video receivers; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; electric or magnetic meters and testers; photographic instruments and apparatus; cinematographic instruments and apparatus; optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for consumer games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; testing apparatus for testing printed circuit boards; LCD screen display; projection screen; converter for audio and video signals; matrix switcher for audio and video signals. Class 40 Custom assembling, processing, assembling and interconnecting of integrated circuits, circuit boards and semi-conductors; providing information regarding custom assembling, processing, assembling and interconnecting of integrated circuits, circuit boards and semi-conductors. MEIKO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 14-15, OGAMI 5-CHOME, AYASE-SHI, KANAGAWA 252-1104, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 212 T1206215I (09) (International Registration No. 1045232) Date of International Registration: 09/06/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/02/2012 Class 09 Power supplying devices and systems as well as power converters, in particular comprising transformers, inverters, converters, DC/DC converters, electrical battery storages and their measuring and regulating devices; regulating, controlling and measuring devices and systems, in particular for operating with wind-powered devices, hydroelectric power stations, combustion engines or other generator systems for electro-mechanical energy conversion as well as the evaluation software therefor; all aforementioned goods as far as included in this class. SMA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY AG SONNENALLEE 1, 34266 NIESTETAL, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 213 T1100708A (03 12 21) (International Registration No. 1052221) Date of International Registration: 10/06/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/11/2010 Class 03 Cleaning and polishing products for cleaning various materials, including cleaning plastics, wood, glass, tiles, mirrors, metals and precious metals; chemical products for cleaning vehicles, machines, metals, wood, stone, glass, ceramics, porcelain, leather and plastics. Class 12 Trolleys for use in cleaning buildings and windows, hospitals and hotels; essential parts of the aforementioned goods included in this class; boat hooks of fiberglass reinforced plastic material, in part with brass threads. Class 21 Small hand-operated household or kitchen apparatus (not of precious metal or coated therewith); household or kitchen containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith), in particular buckets; spray bottles and spray cans of plastic and/or metal for cleaning agents; hand-operated apparatus and containers of plastic and/or metal (not of precious metal or coated therewith) for cleaning buildings and windows; dispensers for moistening manual floor cleaning apparatus, as accessories for manual floor cleaning apparatus; brooms, scrubbing brushes, hand brushes, brushes, toilet sets, consisting of brushes and stands; mops (hand-operated cleaning apparatus for boats), dusters, radiator cleaning apparatus (hand-operated), chamois leather for cleaning purposes, cleaning cloths; hand-operated/hand-driven wiping and cleaning apparatus for windows, walls, ceilings and floors, in particular window wipers, carriers (holders) for window wiper covers, water squeegees, window and floor scrapers, ceiling and wall brushes and hand-operated waxing apparatus; replacement rails for window, wall, ceiling and floor wipers; wiper rubbers; fastening clips for hand-operated/hand-driven wiping and cleaning apparatus, also for brushes and sponges; joints of plastic for telescopic poles, grips of plastic for telescopic poles, all of these as parts of hand-operated cleaning apparatus; window, ceiling, wall and floor wipers, water squeegees and window and floor scrapers (cleaning apparatus, hand-operated); window, floor, ceiling and wall wiper covers; water floating poles of hand-operated cleaning apparatus consisting of aluminum poles with brass or plastic connections; chamois leather, microfiber cleaning cloths, wiper mops; brushes; sponges; specifically adapted cases for holding all suitable apparatus and utensils for cleaning, in particular for cleaning windows; adapted straps for the aforementioned cases as Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 214 well as carrier devices adapted thereto; paper pickers (waste grippers); multi-purpose grippers for holding objects (hand-operated cleaning apparatus); adapted holders for brushes and apparatus for cleaning, in particular for cleaning windows; parts of the aforementioned goods (included in this class); adapted holders (in particular of corrosion-resistant plastic) for steel blades for cleaning glass and surfaces; steel blades for cleaning smooth surfaces. VERMOP SALMON GMBH ZEPPELINSTRABE 24, 82205 GILCHING, GERMANY. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1014128J (02) (International Registration No. 1052497) Date of International Registration: 01/10/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/10/2010 Class 02 Tattoo inks. Priority Claims: Class 02 02/04/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. TECHNICAL INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CORP. 68 CABOT STREET, WEST BABYLON, NY 11704, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 215 T1014134E (35 36) (International Registration No. 1052601) Date of International Registration: 20/08/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/08/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Pantone colour is purple, pantone colour PMS 2587. Colour is purple pantone PMS 2587 throughout, the upper "sail" being a lighter tone of the same colour. Class 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; commercial research services, including collection, storage and processing of business and financial information, analysis of research and provision of reports; economic forecasting and analysis for business purposes; economic forecasting for financial purposes; advertising services; marketing services; promotion services; business management, administration, marketing and advertising services, all related to real estate property investments; information, consultancy and advisory services related to all of the aforesaid. Class 36 Financial services, including provision of financial services products; investment services; pension services; taxation services; trusteeship services; management of pension funds, mutual funds, investment funds and unit trusts; management of property investment; actuarial services; insurance services; brokerage and valuation services; financial, pension and tax planning services; provision of annuities; real estate services; financial and investment services related to development, maintenance, rental and sale of real estate property; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid. ARGONAUT CAPITAL PARTNERS LLP 50 BOTHWELL STREET, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND G2 6HR, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 216 T1014419J (16) (International Registration No. 1053767) Date of International Registration: 01/09/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/09/2010 Class 16 Paper; printed matter; stationery; pencils; colored lead pencils; crayons; pencil sharpeners; pencil holders; fountain pens; ball-point pens; roller ball pens; refills for ball-point pens and for roller ball pens; mechanical pencils and lead therefor; marking pens; correction tapes; correcting fluids (office requisites); plastic erasers; rubber erasers; drawing instruments; writing cases; adhesive tape dispensers (office requisites); adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; adhesives (glues) for stationery or household purposes. Priority Claims: Class 16 25/08/2010 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. TOMBOW PENCIL CO., LTD. 10-12, TOSHIMA 6-CHOME, KITA-KU, TOKYO 114-8583, JAPAN AGENT: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 DBS BUILDING TOWER TWO, SINGAPORE 068809 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 217 T1205657D (09) (International Registration No. 1059302) Date of International Registration: 31/08/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/03/2012 Class 09 Theatre glasses; monocular frames; reading eyeglasses; unmounted spectacle frames; dustproof glasses; anti-glare glasses; eyeshades; corrective glasses; eyeglasses; protective eyeglasses; protective eye pieces; sunglasses; lenses for sunglasses; glasses with a handle; swim goggles; snow goggles; ski goggles [ski glasses]; goggles for sports; spectacles [optics]; cases for spectacles and sunglasses; spectacle glasses; side guards for eyeglasses; eyeglass cords; chains for spectacles; eyeglass frames; frames for spectacles and sunglasses; frames for eyeglasses and pince-nez; spectacle holders; children’s eye glasses; glacier eyeglasses; opera glasses; monocles; diving goggles; anti-dazzle spectacles; pince-nez; pince-nez chains; pince-nez cords; pince-nez mountings; contact lenses; contact lens cleaning apparatus; polarizing spectacles; field-glasses; spectacle frames made of metal and synthetic material; eyeglass chains; eyeglass cases; pince-nez cases; containers for contact lenses. GEO MEDICAL CO., LTD. 971-25 WOLCHUL DONG, BUK-GU, GWANGJU, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 218 T1016900B (09 16 18 24 25) (International Registration No. 1059607) Date of International Registration: 26/07/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/07/2010 The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Bibuta" meaning "A beautiful pig". Class 09 Apparatus for arcade games adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; spectacles (eyeglasses and goggles); amusement apparatus adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and cd-roms recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; weight belts (for scuba diving); inflatable swimming floats; protective helmets for sports; air tanks (for scuba diving); swimming flutter boards; regulators (for scuba diving); phonograph records; metronomes; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; downloadable music files; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; electronic publications. Class 16 Industrial packaging containers of paper; paper and cardboard; stationery and study materials; printed matter; paintings and calligraphic works. Class 18 Handbag frames; purse frames; horseshoes; industrial packaging containers of leather; clothing for domestic pets; bags, namely shoulder bags, briefcases, folding briefcases, suitcases, trunks (luggage), handbags, boston bags, school bags, school children’s backpacks, backpacks, rucksacks, gladstone bags, Japanese wicker trunks, carry-on-bags; pouches, namely Japanese utilities pouches, shopping bags, purses, cases for keys, key cases (leatherware), wallets, leather wallets, pocket wallets, wallets for attachment to belts, ticket holders (leather), commutation ticket holder (leather), charm bags, card cases (notecases), business card cases; vanity cases (not fitted); umbrellas and their parts; leather and fur (unworked or semi-worked). Class 24 Woven fabrics; knitted fabrics; felt and non-woven textile fabrics; personal articles of woven textile (not for wear); mosquito nets; bedsheets; futon quilts; futon and quilts cases (linen); futon ticks (unstuffed futon); pillowcases (pillow slips); blankets; toilet seat covers of textile; seat covers of textile; wall hangings of textile; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 219 curtains; table cloths (not of paper); draperies (thick drop curtains). Class 25 Clothing; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders (braces); waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear (other than boots for sports); masquerade costumes; clothes for sports; boots for sports. CREWZ COMPANY CO., LTD. SENBA KICCHOU BLDG., 1-10, KITA-KYUHOUJI-MACHI 2 CHOME, CHUO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0057, JAPAN. AGENT: OLIVER QUEK & ASSOCIATES, 105 CECIL STREET, #07-03 THE OCTAGON, SINGAPORE 069534 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 220 T1100432E (35 43) (International Registration No. 1061957) Date of International Registration: 23/09/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/09/2010 Class 35 Advertising; business management; providing support, assistance, advisory and consultancy services for business management or corporate management; research services relating to business, marketing and advertising; marketing studies; providing business franchise assistance; retail services, the bringing together, for the benefit of others (excluding the transport thereof), of a variety of goods namely beer, wine, liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages, mineral water, soft drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices and other non-alcoholic beverages and food products in general, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet and via a general merchandise web site in the global communication network; demonstration of goods on communication media for retail sale purposes; import and export; services for organization of exhibitions for commercial purposes; office work services; services for advertisement promotion and management of shopping centres and business parks; publishing and writing of advertising texts; direct mail advertising (leaflets, printed matter, prospectuses) and public relations; price comparison services; consumer business information and consultancy; business administration for licensing of goods and services for others; outsourcing services; sponsorship search. Class 43 Franchising services, namely, provision of restaurants and other facilities providing prepared food and drink for consumption in the operation of franchises; services for providing food and drink; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; bars, cafeterias and canteens; hotel services and hotel reservations; temporary accommodation. Priority Claims: Class 35 24/03/2010 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 43 24/03/2010 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. COMESS GROUP DE RESTAURACION, S.L. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 221 C/ ENRIQUE GRANADOS, 6 - COMPLEJO EMPRESARIAL IMCE - EDIFICIO B, E-28224 POZUELO DE ALARCON (MADRID), SPAIN AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 T1101417G (33) (International Registration No. 1063973) Date of International Registration: 23/11/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/11/2010 The Italian words appearing in the mark mean "The house on the hill". Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). TERRE DA VINO S.P.A. VIA BERGESIA, 6, I-12060 BAROLO (CN), ITALY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 222 T1101643I (33) (International Registration No. 1064475) Date of International Registration: 23/11/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/11/2010 The Italian words "Essenze" and "Terredavino" appearing in the mark mean "Essences" and "Lands of wine" respectively. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). TERRE DA VINO S.P.A. VIA BERGESIA, 6, I-12060 BAROLO (CN), ITALY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 223 T1106455G (03 09 16 25 35 38 41) (International Registration No. 1065384) Date of International Registration: 24/11/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/03/2011 The mark consists of an Italian word meaning "Grace". Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Class 09 Electric and electronic apparatus, radio; blank and pre-recorded audio and video tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, audio-books, compact discs and floppy discs featuring educational topics of general interest to the public, action, comedy, drama and music; apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sounds and images, namely, audio cassettes, video cassettes, CD and DVD recorders and players; apparatus for playing computer games, namely, equipment containing memory devices, like discs, computer game cartridges, computer game cassettes, computer game discs, computer game joysticks, computer game controllers and video monitors; apparatuses for electronic games using television receivers (pre-recorded and not pre-recorded); computer peripherals, namely, computer mouse, computer mouse pads, printers, modems; electronic publications downloaded on line from databases or the Internet; electronic books and publications; magazines, newsletters, newspapers, brochures, publications and other printed publications in electronically readable form downloaded via the Internet, Intranet or mail servers; computer games programmes downloaded via the Internet; computer programs for using the Internet and the worldwide Web; computer programs for Web page design; digital video and music (downloadable) provided from Web sites on the Internet; software preset on electronic cards or electronic computers, desktop and portable computers; software downloaded onto computers through communication services, software pre-recorded on tape, CD-ROMs, DVDs, floppy disks; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for mobile apparatuses and mobile phones; computer hardware and computer software programs for the creation, processing and integration of texts, audio, graphics, pictures and moving pictures into interactive contents and applications; computer software for on-line access to applications and services through the mean of internet systems; USB memory apparatus and accessories; solid state memory devices; application software and computer programs for portable devices; device for reading electronic publications; downloadable and Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 224 non-downloadable files concerning shows, news and general content information, all in electronically readable form; eyeglasses and eyeglasses accessories, namely, eyeglasses frames and eyeglasses cases. Class 16 Articles of paper and cardboard not included in other classes; office requisites (except furniture), greeting cards, printed matter, annuals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, periodicals, pamphlets, books, instruction manuals, reference guides, catalogues, albums, diaries, note books, address books, posters, calendars, maps, personal organizers; photograph albums, photographs, stationery, drawing articles, lithographs or engravings, adhesive labels and prints, teaching material. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Class 35 Compilation for advertisement for use as Web pages on the Internet; composing advertisement for use as Web pages; provision of space on Web sites for advertising goods and services; advertising including on-line advertising on a computer network; mail advertising including electronic mail advertising; commercial business management; commercial business administration; office functions; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of publications, books, magazines, printed matters, periodicals, electronic texts and non electronic texts (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; management of computer files; business management assistance in relation to franchises and provision of assistance (business) in the establishment and operation of franchises for business providing goods, namely goods from the fields of hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals, perfumery and cosmetics, optical goods, sports and games, photography, movies, music, audiovisual, telephony (including mobile telephony), telecommunications, computing, press and publishing, stationery, printed products, clothing and fashion accessories; marketing services; subscribers and customers care services [providing commercial information and advice to consumers]; newspapers subscription services for others; rental of advertising materials, space and media (including on-line on a global computer network such as the Internet); organization of exhibitions or trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; dissemination of advertising matter and materials (posters, leaflets, printed matters, samples); shop-window dressing; demonstration of goods; auctioneering services; procurement for others (purchasing of goods and services for other companies); the Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 225 bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely goods relating to hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals, perfumery and cosmetics, optical goods, sports and games, photography, movies, music, audiovisual, telephony (including mobile telephony), telecommunications, computing, press and publishing, stationery, printed products, clothing and fashion accessories (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a shop, at a commercial exhibition site, in a general merchandise catalogue or from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; news clippings on-line services; promotional services; advertising and commercial information on-line or via Internet services; market research and market analysis research services via Internet; advisory services relating to business organisation in the field of Internet sales and retail and whole sales services of goods for others relating to hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals, perfumery and cosmetics, optical goods, sports and games, photography, movies, music, audiovisual, telephony (including mobile telephony), telecommunications, computing, press and publishing, stationery, printed products, clothing and fashion accessories; business consulting, analysis and management services of prices and products on Internet websites concerning Internet purchases; commercial management advisory services in the field of sales promotions via the Internet; business consulting services in the field of Internet marketing; provision of commercial information via Internet; personnel recruitment; import-export agency services, commercial information agencies, import-export agencies and the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely goods from the fields of hygienic and beauty care for human beings and animals, perfumery and cosmetics, optical goods, sports and games, photography, movies, music, audiovisual, telephony (including mobile telephony), telecommunications, computing, press and publishing, stationery, printed products, clothing and fashion accessories (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a distributor outlet. Class 38 Providing access to digital music Web sites on the Internet; providing access to MP3 Web sites on the Internet; providing access to Web sites on the Internet; provision of access to Web pages; provision of an access to data networks, in particular to the Internet, to Internet forums, the worldwide Web and to server services; telecommunication of information (including Web pages); Web messaging; Web site forwarding services, namely, forwarding domain name and addresses to other addresses located on the internet; communication and telecommunication services, namely radio and television program broadcasting; satellite broadcasting Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 226 and rebroadcasting via television antennas, cable and tertiary radio-television emitters or by on-line services via telematics and data processing networks; mobile radiotelephony services; communications through electronic computer terminals, transmission of messages, information and images through the mean of a computer; electronic mail services; electronic transmission of data and documents by computer; transmission of data via a global computer network; providing chatroom, namely on-line audio, video and text chat for social networking; providing of information related to communications and telecommunications; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services) featuring topics of general interest to the public in the field of educational and entertainment, news and telecommunication information agencies and press agencies (news agencies), providing access to an Internet portal with commercial content. Class 41 Provision of entertainment services via a web site featuring musical performances, musical videos, related film clips, photographs and other multimedia materials; providing digital music (not downloadable) for MP3 Internet Web sites; publishing of Web magazines; education and entertainment services; education and entertainments services in the form of television, radio, cable, satellite and Internet programmes; distribution of television programmes (rental of programme material) via fibre optic, cable, Internet, digital or satellite broadcast means; interactive television entertainment, organization of interactive games and organization of interactive competitions; interactive entertainment, educational, sporting and cultural services for television viewers; organization of educational courses, training and refresher courses, colloquiums, seminars, reviews, shows, events, exhibitions, competitions for cultural and educational purposes; cultural and sporting activities; on-line publication and editing of books, magazines, publications, printed matter, periodicals and texts, films, video and sound recordings; production and distribution of films; organizing theatrical, musical, cinematographic and variety events; production of television and radio events and shows; news reporters services; photographic reporting; games services provided on-line on a computer network; electronic gaming services for games offered on-line; electronic games services provided via the Internet; providing on-line publication namely e-books; publication of electronic books, audio-books, music and pictures; weblog (blog) services (online publication of journals or diaries); on-line library services namely library services related to magazines, books and newspapers. Priority Claims: Class 03 16/11/2010 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 227 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 16/11/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. ARNOLDO MONDADORI EDITORE SPA VIA BIANCA DI SAVOIA 12, I-20122 MILANO, ITALY AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 228 T1102641H (14) (International Registration No. 1066710) Date of International Registration: 13/10/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/10/2010 The German word "Basilika" appearing in the mark means "Basilica". Class 14 Horological and chronometric instruments. ALEXANDER SHOROKHOFF UHRENMANUFAKTUR GMBH HANAUER STR. 25, 63755 ALZENAU, GERMANY c/o RED ARMY WATCHES PTE LTD, 28 MAXWELL ROAD, #04-04 REDDOT TRAFFIC, SINGAPORE 069120 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 229 T1102923I (05 09 10 16 35 38 41 42 44) (International Registration No. 1067839) Date of International Registration: 06/09/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/09/2010 Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations for the treatment of disorders in the field of ophthalmology, eye care; care solutions for contact lenses; preparation of products for ophthalmologic use for diagnostic purposes and treatment of ocular disorders. Class 09 Contact lenses; database software in the field of ophthalmology and eye care; video and audio cassettes, CD-ROMs in the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Class 10 Surgical, medical apparatus and instruments, in the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Class 16 Printed matter on all types of media, particularly information bulletins (newsletters), newspapers, magazines, periodicals, books, reviews, posters pertaining to the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Class 35 Advertising, marketing in the field of ophthalmology and eye care, distribution of promotional material in the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Class 38 Telecommunications, communications by radio or television, by electronic means, by telephone, computer and remote data processing, communication by means of computers and also via the Internet; computer-assisted transmission of messages and images, transmission of information in the field of ophthalmology and eye care on all kinds of media including the Internet; transmission of information for all health professionals. Class 41 Education and training in the field of ophthalmology and eye care; organization of seminars, conferences and congresses in said field; publishing of reviews, books and manuals in the field of health. Class 42 Scientific and technological services namely chemical research, biological and pharmaceutical research, design and development of Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 230 software and databases, all in the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Class 44 Medical services in the field of ophthalmology and eye care; health care, provision of information in the field of ophthalmology and eye care. Priority Claims: Class 05 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 09 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 231 Class 44 19/03/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SANOFI 174, AVENUE DE FRANCE, F-75013 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1103352Z (25) (International Registration No. 1068697) Date of International Registration: 02/02/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/02/2011 Class 25 Headwear. NEW ERA CAP CO., INC. 160 DELAWARE AVENUE, BUFFALO, NEW YORK 14202, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: LEE & LEE, 50 RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE LAND TOWER, SINGAPORE 048623 #06-00 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 232 T1104135B (35) (International Registration No. 1069769) Date of International Registration: 24/02/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/02/2011 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Alliance". Class 35 Organisation and management of customer loyalty programmes, for commercial, promotional and/or advertising purposes. ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS, INC. 600 CORPORATE PARK DRIVE, ST. LOUIS MO 63105, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 233 T1104152B (09 16 35 36) (International Registration No. 1069985) Date of International Registration: 02/02/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/02/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Dark blue, petrol green, light green and white. Class 09 Downloadable electronic publications and data; electronic data media of all types; computer software; application programs. Class 16 Printed matter of all types related to the promotion and provision of financial services, including books, pamphlets, magazines, aide-memoires, loose-leaf books; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); excluding envelopes (stationery), cards, franking machines (stamping machines), greetings cards, letters (type), packing paper, articles of cardboard and paper in the form of cartons, labels (not of textile) for addresses and packaging material, postage stamps and stamp dispensers for postage stamps. Class 35 Economic forecasting; analyses of businesses, of public corporations and of joint public-private economic entities in regard to sustainability; business organization and management consulting; consultancy regarding commercial business; evaluation of businesses using qualification and certification systems (schemes) in the field of sustainable investment potential; compilation of data into electronic databases; electronic commerce services (E-commerce), namely, arranging of contracts for others for the procurement and sale of shares in sustainable investments; maintenance of data banks namely, updating of their content; commercial information agencies, in particular for information on companies with sustainable business models; electronic commerce services (E-commerce), namely, providing of business information on products for enterprises via telecommunication networks in the field of sustainable investments. Class 36 Financial analysis and evaluation of businesses; insurance underwriting; banking; financial consultancy; preparation of financial analyses; financial management, financial investment consulting; investment-related affairs, financial investment agency services; real estate affairs; financial information and financial consulting (including via the Internet) relating to sustainable investments and to businesses with sustainable business models; financial evaluations of businesses with sustainable business Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 234 models; none of the aforesaid services being in connection with credit cards, debit cards, charge cards and/or payment cards and none in connection with debt collection and payment agency, payment administration services, automated financial payment services, financial pre-payment services, on-line services relating to payment transaction using pre-payment cards, financial services relating to using and reading pre-payment credit and debit cards, crediting and debiting of funds to charge, pre-payment credit and debit cards, crediting and debiting of funds to charge, pre-payment credit and debit cards, provision of services enabling payment for usage of utilities including gas, electricity, water, postal and telecommunication services. Priority Claims: Class 09 18/01/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 18/01/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 18/01/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 18/01/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SAM GROUP HOLDING AG JOSEFSTRASSE 218, CH-8005 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. AGENT: HSLEGAL LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #22-23 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 235 T1106456E (09) (International Registration No. 1074654) Date of International Registration: 18/11/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/11/2010 Class 09 Electrical and electronic apparatus and equipment for satellite communications, namely, transceivers, transmitters, antennas; signal generators, receivers, multiplexes, modems and system management computers; electronic circuits and components all for processing, coding and decoding of electronic radio frequency and optical signals; encoding and decoding apparatus and instruments, including analog to digital and digital to analog converters, speech processors, amplifiers, receivers and transmitters; network termination equipment; satellite communication terminals; telephones; facsimile machines; wired and/or wireless computer network, routers, modems, firewalls and/or bridges; pre-paid calling cards; computer software; computer software for use in telephony, telecommunications, data communications, satellite communication and the transmission, receipt, display, compression, decompression, encryption and decryption of digital signals; computer software for provision and display of data from local and global computer networks and for receiving, exchanging and displaying of messages, images or data; computer software in the field of communications networks, network security, messaging services, filtering services, and electronic mail services; computer software providing access to local and global computer networks and computer software enabling parties to view, display, transmit and download information from local and global computer networks; computer software for the management and analysis of satellite communication systems; computer software for providing telephony and Voice Over IP services; computer software for sending and receiving electronic mail, facsimile transmissions, messages, telex, images, voice and video; computers; computer hardware; computer peripherals; telecommunications apparatus and equipment; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Priority Claims: Class 09 17/11/2010 ISRAEL All goods/services claimed in this application. RRSAT GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LTD. 1, HAGOLAN ST, 70199 AIRPORT CITY, ISRAEL Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 236 T1106583I (35 38 41) (International Registration No. 1074936) Date of International Registration: 11/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/03/2011 Class 35 Marketing services; advertising services, namely audit, creation and development of commercial strategies; advertising services; business organization and management advice; management assistance services for commercial or industrial companies; market studies; qualitative and quantitative studies in the framework of market research; publishing of advertising texts; socio-economic analysis and expertise for business purposes, namely in the field of advertising and consumerism; advertising on Internet and Intranet-type computer communication networks; dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); dissemination of advertisements; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; promotional sponsorship search; personnel recruitment and placement services; employment agencies; document reproduction; rental of advertising time on all means of communication; rental of advertising space; computer file management; public relations services; preparation of advertising events. Class 38 Information transmission via telematic means; providing access to national and international server centers; transmission of messages, data, sounds, images and music via a local wireless network, via a telecommunication or radio-communication network or via a global communication network (such as the Internet); providing access to computer or telematic databases and database server centers; electronic mail and messaging services; news and information agencies; videoconference and audioconference services; broadcasting of radio and television programs. Class 41 Teaching services in the fields of advertising and marketing; editing of books, of newspapers, of magazines, of phonograph records, of cassettes, of audio, video and digital disks, of films; production of radio or television programs, of films on videotapes, of shows; rental of films, of phonograph records, of sound recordings; videotape editing; photography services; organization of educational competitions, of recreational events and shows; radio and television entertainment; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; organization and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, conventions; electronic publication of books and periodicals on line; desktop publishing; booking of seats Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 237 for shows. Priority Claims: Class 35 13/09/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 13/09/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 13/09/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. PUBLICIS GROUPE SA 133 AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 238 T1107671G (14) (International Registration No. 1075076) Date of International Registration: 01/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/04/2011 Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys, all goods made thereof or coated therewith, particularly timepieces and other chronometric instruments and components thereof, more specifically clocks, watches, alarm clocks, wall clocks, spare parts and accessories thereof included in this class; components and fittings and profiles of timepieces of all kinds; jewelry; boxes for such products. Priority Claims: Class 14 07/10/2010 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SWIZA S.A. 1, RUE SAINT-MAURICE, SWITZERLAND CH-2800 DELEMONT, AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 239 T1106591Z (09 35 36 38 41 42 45) (International Registration No. 1075094) Date of International Registration: 16/07/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/07/2010 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue and white. The letters are white against a blue background. By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0722265H, T0606013A, T0606018B, T0606015H, T0606021B, T0606016F and T0606022J. Class 09 Computer software (recorded programs); computer software development tools; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); application programming interface (API) for computer software which facilitates online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; computer software to enable uploading, downloading, accessing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via computer and communication networks. Class 35 Sales promotion for third parties; procurement services for third parties (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); presentation of goods on any communication media, for retail purposes; on-line advertising on a computer network; invoicing; commercial information and advice for consumers; compilation of information into a central file; computerized file management; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; administrative processing of purchase orders; business information; business inquiries; marketing, advertising and promotional services; market studies and information services; promoting the goods and services of third parties via computer and communication networks; facilitating the exchange and sale of services and products of third parties via computer and communication networks; on-line retail store services featuring delivery of digital media; charitable services, namely promoting public awareness about charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities (advertising); business consultancy for and management of contests for commercial purposes, namely, the arranging of contests in the context of award programs designed to recognize, reward and encourage individuals and groups engaging in self-improvement, personal growth, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 240 community service, humanitarian activities and sharing of creative work products. Class 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; charitable fund-raising; factoring; financial clearing; financial transaction processing services, including clearing and reconciling financial transactions via computer and communication networks; electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data for users of computer and communication networks; electronic funds transfer services; bill payment services; financial exchange services, namely, providing a virtual currency for use by members of an online community via computer and communication networks. Class 38 Providing Internet chatrooms; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); electronic messaging services; providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; providing user access to a global computer network; rental of access time to global computer networks; radio broadcasting; television broadcasting; providing access to databases; information about telecommunications; telecommunications services; providing access to computer, electronic and online databases; telecommunications services, including electronic transmission of data, messages and information; providing online forums for communication on topics of general interest; providing online communications links which transfer web site users to other local and global web pages; providing access to third party Web sites via a universal login; providing online chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards; audio, text and video broadcasting services over computer or other communication networks including uploading, posting, displaying, tagging, and electronically transmitting data, information, audio and video images; operation of an online network service namely providing access to databases enabling users to transfer data in connection with their personal identity and for sharing said personal data with and via various Web sites; providing access to computer databases in relation to a social network, social integration and meetups; communication services for the transmission of information by means of operating a website containing a technology enabling online users to create personal profiles containing social network information and enabling the transfer and sharing of this information via various Web sites, namely providing access to online infrastructure enabling online users to create personal profiles containing social network information and the transfer and sharing of this information via various Web sites. Class 41 Education information; entertainment information; recreation Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 241 information; organization of competitions (education or entertainment); electronic publication of books and journals online; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; electronic desktop publishing; photography services; game services provided online from a computer network; gaming; providing entertainment services by means of computer, electronic and online databases; providing educational or entertainment services in the field of secondary, collegiate, social and community interest groups; photo-sharing and video sharing services, online publication of electronic journals and Web logs featuring user-generated or specified content; electronic publishing services for third parties; entertainment services, including facilitating interactive and multi-player and single player game services for games played via computer or communication networks; providing information about online computer games and video games via computer or communication networks; arranging and conducting competitions for video gamers and computer game players; arranging of contests for recognizing, rewarding and encouraging individuals and groups for self-improvement, personal growth, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer activities, public and community service activities and humanitarian activities and for sharing of goods from creative activity (entertainment and education). Class 42 Providing Internet search engines; creating and maintaining Web sites for third parties; rental of computer software; maintenance of computer software; computer services, including creating virtual communities for registered users to organize groups and events, participate in discussions, and engage in social, business and community networking; computer services, including hosting electronic facilities for third parties for organizing meetings, events and interactive discussions via communication networks; application service provider (ASP) services, including hosting computer software applications for third parties; application service provider (ASP) featuring software, namely to enable the temporary use of software for uploading, downloading, streaming, posting, displaying, blogging, linking, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over communication networks; providing information on computer search indices and information databases, particularly containing texts, electronic documents, databases, graphic and audiovisual information, via computer and communication networks; computer services in the form of personalized Web pages, including user-generated content or specific contents, personal profiles, sounds, videos, data images; computer services for the temporary provision of non-downloadable software for using social networks creating a virtual community, and the transmission of audio, video data, photographic images, texts, graphics. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 242 Class 45 Social introduction, networking and dating services; providing social services namely social network services in the field of personal development, namely self-improvement, personal growth, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer activities, public and community services and humanitarian activities; information on social networking services with respect to personal development, namely self-improvement, personal growth, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer activities, public and community service activities, and humanitarian activities. Priority Claims: Class 09 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 45 23/05/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. FACEBOOK, INC. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 1601 SOUTH CALIFORNIA AVENUE, CALIFORNIA 94304, UNITED STATES Page No. 243 PALO ALTO, AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 244 T1110113D (09 35 41 42) (International Registration No. 1075529) Date of International Registration: 29/04/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/04/2010 Class 09 Computers, computer software, computer application software for mobile phones, portable media players, and handheld computers; electronic publication reader software; computer software for authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, and electronic publications; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, plays, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, journals, magazines, and periodicals on a wide range of topics of general interest. Class 35 Advertising and marketing services; sales promotion services; promoting the goods and services of others; conducting market research; retail store services featuring electronic publications provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services in the field of books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and other publications on a wide range of topics of general interest, provided via the Internet and other computer, electronic and communications networks; retail store services featuring electronic publications for use on handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; subscription services, namely, providing subscriptions to text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content, provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; subscription services, namely providing downloadable pre-recorded text, data, image, audio, video, and multimedia content for a fee or pre-paid subscription, provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Class 41 Educational and entertainment services; publication of electronic books, magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, and other publications; providing information in the fields of entertainment, sports, games, cultural events and activities, and publications; providing information in the fields of news, current events, history, the media, hobbies and other topics, all for educational, entertainment, sport and recreational purposes; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Class 42 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 245 Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; computer programming; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; information relating to computer hardware or software provided on-line from a global computer network or the Internet; creating and maintaining web-sites; hosting the web-sites of others; providing search engines for obtaining data via communications networks; providing temporary non-downloadable software to enable users to program audio, video, text and other multimedia content; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; providing internet search engines; computer services for creating indexes of online information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; providing web portal services (hosting) to allow internet users to preview, download and read electronic publications; provision of online non-downloadable software to allow internet users to preview, download and read electronic publications. Priority Claims: Class 09 25/01/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 25/01/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 25/01/2010 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Partial goods/services claimed in this application. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 246 T1109931H (09 38 42) (International Registration No. 1075531) Date of International Registration: 14/10/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/10/2010 Class 09 Computer software (recorded); magnetic and digital data carriers. Class 38 Telecommunication services, namely, electronic transmission and retrieval of data, images, audio, video and documents, as well as electronic transmission of computer software, over local or global communications networks, including the Internet, intranets, extranets, television, mobile communication, cellular and satellite networks. Class 42 Computerization services, including computer programming; designing and writing computer programs; consultancy on computerization and computer programming; installation, implementation and maintenance of computer software; development of computer hardware and software; providing use of on-line, non-downloadable software; computer technical support services, namely, assisting computer users in installing and upgrading software. Priority Claims: Class 09 05/07/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 05/07/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 05/07/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. UNIT4 BUSINESS SOFTWARE HOLDING B.V. STATIONSPARK NETHERLANDS 1000, AGENT: & ALLEN NL-3364 GLEDHILL DA LLP, SLIEDRECHT, ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 Page No. 247 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 248 T1109940G (35 42) (International Registration No. 1075709) Date of International Registration: 21/01/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/01/2011 Class 35 Collection and systematization of data in computer databases; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; advisory services for business management; procurement services for others (purchase of goods and services for other companies); professional business consultancy; computerized file management; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; data search in computer files for others; business project management in the field of electronic data processing; outsourcing services (business assistance); business strategy development services; systemization of information into computer databases; rental of advertising space on the Internet; compilation of information into computer databases. Class 42 Updating of computer software; maintenance of websites for others; computer network services in relation to the administration of user access rights; consultancy with regard to the design of homepages and Internet pages; consultancy with regard to the development of information technology; consultancy with regard to the use of information technology; computer consultancy; consultancy in the field of computer hardware and software; computer systems analysis; design and creation of homepages and Internet pages; computer software design; computer system design; certification of quality or standards of the digital codes and/or digital signatures; computer programming; graphic arts designing; computer virus protection services; graphic design; consultancy services in relation to computer programs in the field of electronic data processing; data security services (firewalls); electronic data storage; development of software products; computer programming (individual software); computer programming; programming of computer animations; creating and maintaining Web sites for others; software installation and maintenance; installation and maintenance of Internet access software; installation of computer software; configuration of computer networks by means of software; data conversion of computer programs and data (not physical conversion); conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; duplication of computer programs; maintenance of computer server [software]; technical consultancy relating to computer systems; technical project studies; technical project management in the field of computer systems relating to electronic data processing; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 249 digital signature verification services (electronic cryptology services); hosting computer sites (Web sites); computer rental; rental of computer software; rental of computer software; rental of Web servers; maintenance of computer software; recovery of computer data; quality control services for the purposes of certification; hosting and rental of electronic memory space (Web space) on the Internet. TARENT GESELLSCHAFT FUR SOFTWAREENTWICKLUNG UND IT-BERATUNG MBH HEILSBACHSTR. 24, 53123 BONN, GERMANY AGENT: GATEWAY LAW CORPORATION, 8 EU TONG SEN STREET, #15-98 THE CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 059818 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 250 T1110124Z (05) (International Registration No. 1075749) Date of International Registration: 06/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/04/2011 Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; herbicides for agricultural crops and insecticides for agricultural use on crops; bouillons for bacteriological cultures; bacteriological preparations for medical and veterinary use; biological preparations for medical purposes; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; biochemical preparations for medical and veterinary purposes; enzymes for medical purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; enzyme preparations for medical and veterinary purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; vaccines; preparations for migraine; nutritive substances for microorganisms; plasters for medical purposes; pharmaceutical preparations; vesicants; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; medicines for human purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; medicines for dental purposes; biochemical substances and genetic preparations for pharmaceutical purposes. Priority Claims: Class 05 21/10/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. BIOFRONTERA AG HEMMELRATHER GERMANY. WEG 201, 51377 LEVERKUSEN, AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 251 T1107126Z (32 33) (International Registration No. 1076176) Date of International Registration: 27/01/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/01/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Cobalt blue (RAL 5013) and silver grey (PMS 877C). Silver grey for the word "SKYY"; cobalt blue for the background. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Priority Claims: Class 32 29/10/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 33 29/10/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. SKYY SPIRITS, LLC ONE BEACH STREET, SUITE 300, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 252 T1111339F (03) (International Registration No. 1076742) Date of International Registration: 23/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/06/2011 Class 03 Soaps; cosmetics; perfumery. KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (ALSO TRADING AS KAO CORPORATION) 14-10, NIHONBASHI KAYABACHO, 1-CHOME CHUO-KU, TOKYO 103-8210, JAPAN. AGENT: WONGPARTNERSHIP LLP, ONE GEORGE STREET, #20-01, SINGAPORE 049145 T1207442D (02 05) (International Registration No. 1077175) Date of International Registration: 04/02/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/04/2012 Class 02 Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. Class 05 Preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; biocides for combating the growth of algae and organisms on boats. I-TECH AB HARALDSGATAN 5, SE-413 14 GOTEBORG, SWEDEN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 253 T1107507I (18 20 22 25 28) (International Registration No. 1077360) Date of International Registration: 24/12/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/12/2010 Class 18 Containers for personal effects, namely rucksacks, backpacks, bags, sport bags, traveling bags, suitcases, briefcases, shoulder bags; walking sticks or sticks for mountaineering. Class 20 Sleeping bags, in particular for camping or mountaineering. Class 22 Tents and tarpaulins, in particular for camping mountaineering; bags of textile material; ropes for climbing. or Class 25 Clothing, in particular jackets, heavy jackets, anoraks, windproof jackets, padded jackets, sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, shirts, blouses, short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirts, polo shirts, jeans, long trousers, short trousers, tracksuits, socks, gloves, scarves, waterproof clothes, underwear, bathing clothes such as swimsuits; footwear, in particular shoes, sport shoes and boots; headware, in particular hats, caps and headbands. Class 28 Snowshoes; bindings for snow sport tools, particularly for snowshoes; ski poles; rucksacks adapted for transporting specific articles for snow sports, in particular snowshoes; harnesses for climbing. Priority Claims: Class 18 01/07/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 01/07/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 22 01/07/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 254 Class 25 01/07/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 01/07/2010 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. FERRINO & C. S.P.A. CORSO LOMBARDIA, 73, I-10099 SAN MAURO TORINESE (TO), ITALY AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1107511G (09) (International Registration No. 1077397) Date of International Registration: 21/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/04/2011 Class 09 Connectors (electricity). Priority Claims: Class 09 08/11/2010 OFFICE FOR HARMONIZATION IN THE MARKET Partial goods/services claimed in this application. INTERNAL TYCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1050 WESTLAKES DRIVE, BERWYN PA 19312, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 255 T1205163G (18 25) (International Registration No. 1077899) Date of International Registration: 08/11/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/03/2012 Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. ACTIVE SPORTSWEAR INT. A/S MALTVEJ 20, DK-9700 BRONDERSLEV, DENMARK Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 256 T1107866C (09) (International Registration No. 1078133) Date of International Registration: 05/08/2010 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/08/2010 Class 09 Data storage products, namely, digital media servers, portable media players, blank magnetic tapes for storing data, audio, and video; hard disk drives, solid state drives, flash memory devices, namely, memory cards, flash memory cards and blank smart cards, flash memory card readers, and universal serial bus (USB) flash drives; blank optical discs, namely, recordable and rewritable compact discs, recordable and rewritable DVD discs, and BD-R discs (recordable optical disc storage) and BD-RE discs (rewritable optical disc storage); and electronic monitoring and control apparatus for the identification of such data storage products, namely, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers, radio transmitters and radio receivers; global positioning system (GPS) tracking devices for tracking such data storage products; computer software for such data storage products for encrypting, safeguarding, backing-up, and key management of files and controlling the access to and use of such files, excluding computer programmes and software for remotely controlled apparatus and instruments; and protective storage bags and cases for carrying and transporting such data storage products. IMATION CORP. LEGAL AFFAIRS, ONE IMATION WAY, OAKDALE, MN 55128, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 257 T1108058G (35 42 44) (International Registration No. 1078382) Date of International Registration: 08/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/04/2011 Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; file management; file management of clinical tests and clinical research; file management of clinical data; file management of medical data; assistance and advice regarding data management of clinical researches and clinical tests. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; services related to medical laboratories; clinical tests and clinical research providing advice and information in this regard; research of medical information. Class 44 Medical services; medical analysis; medical services for diagnoses or treatment of disorders of the human body; medical advice related to physical health. GENAE ASSOCIATES, NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP PALEISSTRAAT 24, B-2018 ANTWERPEN, BELGIUM Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 258 T1108108G (09 10 16) (International Registration No. 1078987) Date of International Registration: 20/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/04/2011 Class 09 Microscopes, especially microscopes for surgical, medical and ophthalmological purposes; optical machines and instruments. Class 10 Surgical and medical, especially, ophthalmological machines and instruments; chairs for medical and dental use. Class 16 Catalogues, brochures, prospectuses, posters, journals, books, photographs. MOLLER-WEDEL GMBH ROSENGARTEN 10, 22880 WEDEL, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 259 T1108641J (09 16 35 38 41) (International Registration No. 1079332) Date of International Registration: 26/01/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/01/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red, white, black. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computers and data-processing apparatus; computer programs (recorded, downloadable); games programs for computers; computer software (recorded or downloadable), in particular for the scanning, displaying, processing and output of multimedia data on computer networks, including the Internet, and on mobile terminals; machine-readable data carriers of all kinds containing information, and sound and image recording carriers (except unexposed film), in particular floppy discs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, chip cards, magnetic cards, USB sticks, magnetic hard discs, video cassettes, compact discs and video discs; data and information pools recorded on data carriers (downloadable); films (in digital form and downloadable); video films (downloadable); electronic publications (downloadable). Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; Printed matter, publications, periodicals, newspapers, books; operating and user instructions in printed form; brochures; handbooks and other written accompanying material for computers, computer programs and/or other technical apparatus and equipment; posters; stickers (stationery); calendars (stationery); signboards and architectural models of paper or cardboard; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office machines (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); packaging materials of paper, cardboard or plastic, not included in other classes; printers’ type; printing blocks. Class 35 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 260 Advertising, in particular television advertising, online advertising on computer networks (banner exchange), radio advertising, advertising by mail order, bill-posting, print and Internet, advertising; advertising via mobile radio networks; advertising on mobile phone television; advertising on the Internet, for others; advertising agency services; planning of advertising activities; distribution of samples; sales promotion (for others), public relations; marketing (market research), including in particular for others, on digital networks (webvertising); telemarketing services; market research and analysis services; PR agency services, namely public relations; rental of advertising space on the Internet; arranging advertising events; merchandising agency services, namely advertising, marketing (sales research) and marketing studies and analysis; auctioneering on the Internet; arranging and conducting of exhibitions and trade fairs for industrial, commercial and advertising purposes; business management services; advisory services relating to advertising and marketing; business management and organisation consultancy, in particular development of business management advisory and consultancy services; business consultancy and advisory services; business consultancy; assistance to commercial or industrial firms in the conduct of their business; display services for merchandising; presentation of goods, for others for promotional purposes, namely presentation in relation to pharmacy goods, cosmetics and household goods, health sector goods, machines, tools and goods of common metal, construction articles, DIY articles and garden articles, hobby requisites and craft supplies, electric and electronic goods, sound and data carriers, vehicles and vehicle accessories, clocks and jewellery, musical instruments, printed matter, stationery, office requisites, bags and saddlery, furnishings and decorative goods, clothing, shoes and textile goods, toys, sporting goods, food and drink, tobacco goods and other natural stimulants; administrative order processing; maintenance and compilation of data and information in computer databases; systematic ordering of data in computer databases; compilation of statistics; office functions for the administration and indexing of data and information; office functions for the creating of indexes with regard to information, websites and other information sources; compilation of data, in particular image, audio and/or video data in computer databases. Class 38 Telecommunications, in particular mobile telephone services, telephone services, fax services, radio communication services, paging services, telex services, telegram services, e-mail data services; telecommunications via telecommunications networks, in particular mobile phone networks or satellite-supported telecommunications networks; wireless mobile phone services; provision of access time to databases; mobile telecommunications Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 261 services, included in this class; cellular telephone communication; television and radio transmission; television and/or radio broadcasting; mobile phone television broadcasting; videoconferencing; news and information agencies within the framework of press agencies; electronic mail; web messaging; computer-aided transmission of messages and images; electronic transmission of data, messages, images, documents and information relating to topics of general interest; wireless telecommunications through electronic transmission of data, sound, messages, images, information and documents via the Internet; providing access to online computer databases; providing access to electronic publications on the Internet; wireless telecommunications through electronic transmission of data, sound, messages, images, information and documents via the Internet; providing access to information on the Internet and on the mobile Internet, in particular access to downloadable files, namely sound, image, music and video recordings, all the aforesaid files in particular for downloading for mobile telephones and other mobile terminals; transmission of information stored on databases, namely by means of interactive computer systems and/or by providing access to information on the Internet (included in this class); telecommunications services via the Internet, intranets, extranets; providing access to a global computer network; providing access to data on computer networks, namely information, texts, drawings and images concerning goods and services; providing access to data on the Internet and on the mobile Internet, namely information and messages in the form of sound or images; providing access to software on data networks for Internet access; providing access to information for entertainment on computer networks; providing chatrooms on the Internet; electronic exchange of messages via chat lines, chat rooms and Internet forums; telecommunications by means of platforms and portals on the Internet; providing of telecommunication channels for teleshopping services; electronic mail services; transmitting information and data via computer networks and the Internet; leasing access time to a computer database; leasing of access time to Internet games. Class 41 Publication of printed matter, books, newspapers and/or periodicals (other than for advertising purposes); publication of newspapers, periodicals and books, and of printed instructional and information material (other than for advertising purposes), in electronic form and/or on the Internet, including in the form of recorded sound and image information; rental of printed publications; online publication of printed matter (other than for advertising purposes), in particular of electronic books and periodicals (not downloadable); editing of content for (mobile) websites; sound and television studio services, in particular sound Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 262 and image recording, and creating multimedia programs; showing and rental of sound and image recording; rental of recorded data carriers of all kinds, for entertainment purposes, in particular video rental (data carriers) and film rental (data carriers); production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes; production of television, mobile phone television and radio programmes; entertainment, in particular radio and television entertainment; conducting entertainment events, cultural events, live cultural and sporting events, training events, including in connection with the allocation of certification marks; conducting educational events and cultural and sporting events, included in this class; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses, concerts and symposiums, seminars, training courses, educational events and lectures (for cultural or educational purposes); organisation of exhibitions for cultural purposes; organisation of entertainment shows; entertainment through Internet Protocol television (IP-TV); entertainment through mobile phone television; online games services (on computer networks); conducting games on the Internet, including on the mobile Internet; arranging poker games and tournaments; photographic reporting; entertainment in the form of information on entertainment services via computer networks. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/08/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 04/08/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 04/08/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 04/08/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 04/08/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 263 CHIP XONIO ONLINE GMBH POCCISTRASSE 11, 80336 MUNCHEN, GERMANY. T1108658E (29) (International Registration No. 1079494) Date of International Registration: 13/01/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/01/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red and black. The Spanish word appearing in the mark means "Mountaineer". Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Priority Claims: Class 29 12/01/2011 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. JAMONES Y EMBUTIDOS JAEM, S.A. POZO, 2, E-37320 VILLAR DE GALLIMAZO (SALAMANCA), SPAIN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 264 T1109066C (03) (International Registration No. 1080233) Date of International Registration: 23/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/05/2011 Class 03 Cosmetics, creams, pomades, milks, lotions, gels and powder for the face, body and hands; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; beauty masks; cosmetic preparations for preparing, stimulating and prolonging skin tanning; cosmetic preparations for protecting the skin from the sun’s rays; moisturizing and revitalizing creams, nourishing creams and lotions for the face and to moisturize the skin; nail care preparations; toilet soap; antiperspirants; bath gels and salts not for medical purposes; essential oils; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; gels, mousses, balms, lotions and preparations in aerosol form for hair care and styling; hair dyes; hair colors; hair waving preparations; hair spray; shampoos; toilet water; scented water; perfumes; perfumery; body deodorants; beauty care preparations for cosmetic purposes. Priority Claims: Class 03 16/12/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. SOTHYS INTERNATIONAL 128, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: KHATTARWONG LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 265 T1109075B (31) (International Registration No. 1080291) Date of International Registration: 03/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/05/2011 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Pack". The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: The mark consists of the word "EAGLE" in white stylized letters and highlighted in orange. An orange eagle in flight with talons thrust forward appears to the right of the word "EAGLE". The eagle’s head is facing downward. The word "PACK" in orange stylized letters appears underneath the letters "L" and "E" and underneath the eagle. The entire design element appears on a black background. The color(s) white, orange and black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. Class 31 Pet food. WELLPET LLC 200 AMES POND DRIVE, TEWKSBURY, MA 018761274, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 266 T1109108B (09 35) (International Registration No. 1080607) Date of International Registration: 06/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/05/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Black and orange-yellow. The elements "c ad X2" are in black and the spot to the side of the "c" is in yellow-orange. Class 09 Electronic components, chips, integrated circuits, microcircuits, printed circuits, printed circuit boards, semi-conductors, processors, microprocessors, microcontrollers. Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others (excluding the transport thereof), of a variety of goods namely electronic components, chips, integrated circuits, microcircuits, printed circuits, printed circuit boards, semi-conductors, processors, microprocessors, microcontrollers, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet, a general merchandise web site in the global communication network or a general merchandise catalogue by mail order. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/11/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 10/11/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. INSIDE SECURE 41 PARC DU CLUB DE GOLF, F-13856 AIX EN PROVENCE, FRANCE AGENT: RODYK & DAVIDSON LLP, P.O. BOX ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 900912 462 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 267 T1206349Z (01 02) (International Registration No. 1081535) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/03/2012 Class 01 Chemicals; plastic adhesives, not for stationery or household purposes; synthetic resins for printing ink, unprocessed; synthetic resins for paints or coatings, unprocessed; epoxy resins, unprocessed; unprocessed plastics (plastics in primary form). Class 02 Gum rosin; pine gum; varnishes; paints or coatings; printing ink, other than mimeographing inks. ARAKAWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. 3-7, HIRANOMACHI 1-CHOME, CHUO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 541-0046, JAPAN T1109360C (03) (International Registration No. 1081729) Date of International Registration: 03/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/06/2011 Class 03 Cleaning products in this class namely chemical cleaning preparations for cleaning food and beverage preparation and dispensing apparatus including ovens, grillers, microwaves, ice cream dispensers, ice machines, hot and cold beverage dispensers. Priority Claims: Class 03 03/12/2010 AUSTRALIA All goods/services claimed in this application. EISOFEN PTY LTD 12 COGLIN STREET, BROMPTON SA 5007, AUSTRALIA AGENT: K L TAN & ASSOCIATES, 144A NEIL ROAD, SINGAPORE 088873 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 268 T1109365D (35) (International Registration No. 1081783) Date of International Registration: 11/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/05/2011 Class 35 Retail services or wholesale services for socks and stockings, Japanese style socks (tabi), pantyhose, tights, spats, legwarmers, sock covers; retail services or wholesale services for clothing; retail services or wholesale services for woven fabrics and beddings; retail services or wholesale services for footwear; retail services or wholesale services for bags and pouches; retail services or wholesale services for personal articles; retail services or wholesale services for sports goods. TABIO CORPORATION 3-8 NAGAYOSHINAGAHARANISHI, 1-CHOME, HIRANO-KU, OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA 547-0015, JAPAN AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 T1109379D (16) (International Registration No. 1082004) Date of International Registration: 09/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/06/2011 Class 16 Hygienic paper; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; hand towels of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; table cloths of paper; paper and cardboard; printed matter; paintings and calligraphic works; photographs; photographs stands. Priority Claims: Class 16 08/03/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. HANKYU COMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD 1-1, SAKAE-MACHI, IKEDA-SHI, OSAKA 563-0056, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 269 T1109735H (35 41) (International Registration No. 1082289) Date of International Registration: 26/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/05/2011 Class 35 Organization and conducting of exhibitions, trade fairs, trade shows and events for advertising and commercial purposes. Class 41 Organization and conducting of exhibitions and events for cultural and educational purposes; organization and conducting of congresses. Priority Claims: Class 35 01/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 01/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MCH GROUP AG RECHTSDIENST POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLAND AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 270 T1109738B (35 41) (International Registration No. 1082357) Date of International Registration: 26/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/05/2011 Class 35 Organization and conducting of exhibitions, trade fairs, trade shows and events for advertising and commercial purposes. Class 41 Organization and conducting of exhibitions and events for cultural and educational purposes; organization and conducting of congresses. Priority Claims: Class 35 01/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 01/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MCH GROUP AG RECHTSDIENST POSTFACH, CH-4005 BASEL, SWITZERLAND AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 271 T1109784F (03) (International Registration No. 1082971) Date of International Registration: 30/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/05/2011 The Italian word "Vendemmia" appearing in the mark means "Vintage". Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; perfumes, perfume water, eau de Cologne, toilet water, after shave creams, after shave lotions, shaving lotions, shaving creams and foams, shampoos, hair conditioners, beauty masks, cold creams, hand creams, body and facial creams, deodorants for personal use, antiperspirants for personal use, skin cleansers, soaps for personal use, toilet soaps, bath soaps, bath and shower foams, bath and shower gels, body oils, body lotions, skin lotions. Priority Claims: Class 03 11/04/2011 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. SALVATORE FERRAGAMO S.P.A. VIA DEI TORNABUONI, 2, I-50123 FIRENZE, ITALY AGENT: PRITHIPAL & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910809 241 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 272 T1110720E (17) (International Registration No. 1084683) Date of International Registration: 23/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/05/2011 Class 17 Adhesive tapes, adhesive bands, adhesive films, adhesive papers, adhesive foils, all of the above goods other than for medical purposes, stationery or household purposes; rubber, gutta-percha, plastic goods, gum, gum substitutes and goods made thereof included in this class; plastic films other than for packaging purposes; adhesive tapes of metal basis as well as adhesive metal foils for technical and insulating purposes. Priority Claims: Class 17 16/12/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. TESA SE QUICKBORNSTRASSE 24, 20253 HAMBURG, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 273 T1110875I (03 05 16 18 22 28 31) (International Registration No. 1084828) Date of International Registration: 17/01/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/01/2011 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; animal perfumes, room perfumes, essential oils, deodorants, in particular with a base of essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices, cosmetics for animals, mouth washes for animals, not for medical purposes; breath freshening aerosols for animals; shampoos for pets; deodorants for animal use; medicated shampoo for use with animals. Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical and veterinary use; pharmaceutical and medicinal complementary foodstuffs for animals and additives for foodstuffs for animals; vitamin concentrates, protein concentrates, calcium preparations, minerals, trace elements and electrolyte preparations, all for medical purposes and as additives for foodstuffs for animals, all the aforesaid goods in particular for administering to small animals, including rodents, dogs and cats; disinfectants; fungicides; disinfestation preparations for household pets and cattle, including in the form of powders, sprays or collars; medicated cleaning preparations for use with animals. Class 16 Printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; articles of stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); printers’ type; printing blocks; paper; cardboard; boxes of cardboard or paper; posters; albums; cards; books; newspapers; prospectuses; pamphlets; calendars; writing instruments; engravings or lithographic works of art; paintings (pictures) framed or unframed; watercolour pictures; drawings; drawing instruments; paper handkerchiefs; face towels of paper; table linen of paper; toilet paper; napkins of paper and cellulose, disposable, including for animals; bag (envelopes, pouches) of paper, cardboard or plastic, for packaging; garbage bags of paper or plastic; bags and boxes of cardboard, paper or plastic for collecting animal excrement. Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 274 materials, included in this class; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags, in particular collars, muzzles, whips, leads, animal fittings and harnesses, dog coats, net bags for shopping or shopping bags; bags or sachets (envelopes, pouches) of leather, for packaging; wallets; change purses; bags, backpacks, wheeled shopping bags, travelling bags; bags for climbers, bags for campers, travelling bags, beach bags, school bags; vanity cases in this class; saddlery, bags for transporting animals (included in this class), clothing and non-edible chews; the aforesaid goods in particular for household pets. Class 22 Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (sacks) for packaging materials in bulk, bags (sacks) for transportation purposes, bags for storage purposes, body bags; padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials; stuffing for bedding, all for use with domestic pets; sawdust for use in animal cages. Class 28 Games and playthings, including chew toys; gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for christmas trees; christmas trees of synthetic material; appliances for physical exercise or gymnastics; gaming balls; card games or board games; sailboards and surfboards; racquets; snowshoes; skis; protective paddings (parts of sports suits); play mats for animals; playing cards. Class 31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, included in this class; fresh fruit and vegetables, potatoes and preparations made from these goods being non-medical supplements for animal foodstuffs; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, including foodstuffs for rodents, dogs, cats, birds and fish, and biscuits, small delicacies and reward snacks; foodstuffs for animals, mixed feed for animals, strengthening feed for animals, rearing feed for animals, mineral feed for animals; complementary foodstuffs for animals and non-medicated additives for foodstuffs for animals, mineral feed supplements for animals, not for medical purposes; edible toys for animals, in particular chewing bones, digestible chewing bones and sticks for pets, non-medicated feed supplements not for veterinary purposes; malt; bedding for animals; live animals; fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, potatoes, non-medicated additives to animal feed in the form of alimentary preparations. Priority Claims: Class 03 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 275 All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 05 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 22 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 31 30/11/2010 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. H. VON GIMBORN GMBH ALBERT-EINSTEIN-STR. 6, 46446 EMMERICH, GERMANY AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 276 T1205659J (09) (International Registration No. 1086209) Date of International Registration: 01/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/03/2012 Class 09 Theatre glasses; monocle frames; reading eyeglasses; unmounted spectacle frames; dustproof glasses; anti-glare glasses; eyeshades; corrective glasses; eyeglasses; protective eyeglasses; protective eye pieces; sunglasses; lenses for sunglasses; glasses with a handle; swim goggles; snow goggles; ski goggles [ski glasses]; goggles for sports; spectacles [optics]; cases for spectacles and sunglasses; spectacle glasses; side guards for eyeglasses; eyeglass cords; chains for spectacles; eyeglass frames; frames for spectacles and sunglasses; frames for eyeglasses and pince-nez; spectacle holders; children’s eye glasses; glacier eyeglasses; opera glasses; monocles; diving goggles; anti-dazzle spectacles; pince-nez; pince-nez chains; pince-nez cords; pince-nez mountings; contact lenses; contact lens cleaning apparatus; polarizing spectacles; field-glasses; spectacle frames made of metal and synthetic material; eyeglass chains; eyeglass cases; pince-nez cases; containers for contact lenses. GEO MEDICAL CO., LTD. 971-25 WOLCHUL DONG, BUK-GU, GWANGJU, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 277 T1111840A (07 35 36 37 39 40 42) (International Registration No. 1086225) Date of International Registration: 23/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 23/03/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue and black. The words AGUA IMARA is in black, the device is in different shades of blue. The Spanish word "Agua" appearing in the mark means "Water". The Swahili word "Imara" appearing in the mark means "Strong", "Sustainable" or "Stable". Class 07 Machines; motors and machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); electrical generators; turbines, including hydroelectric turbines, wind turbines and hydraulic turbines; windmills for producing electric power and parts thereof. Class 35 Wholesale services in connection with equipment for power plants in the field of renewable energy; price and cost analysis; wholesale services of goods in Class 7 of this application, namely machines, motors and machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles), electrical generators, turbines, including hydroelectric turbines, wind turbines and hydraulic turbines, windmills for producing electric power and parts thereof. Class 36 Energy brokerage services, including electric power, hydroelectric power, solar power, wind power and geothermal power; financial affairs. Class 37 Building construction; repair; installation services; construction, installation, repair and maintenance related to hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power and geothermal and hydro electric plants and power plants; construction of power plants for production of renewable energy; construction management [supervision] and maintenance services related to power plants for production of renewable energy; building constructions relating to industrial complexes; construction of dams, reservoirs and power stations. Class 39 Transmission and distribution of energy and electricity; energy Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 278 storage services; water distribution and water supply; consultation, advisory and information services related to the aforementioned services in this class; canalization of water. Class 40 Generation of renewable energy, including electric power and production of district heating; services related to generation of renewable energy. Class 42 Engineering services and research services in the field of renewable energy, electricity, hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power and geothermal power; technical project studies. Priority Claims: Class 07 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 39 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 40 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 10/03/2011 NORWAY All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 279 AGUA IMARA AS POSTBOKS 200 LILLEAKER, N-0216 OSLO, NORWAY AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 T1111858D (09) (International Registration No. 1086486) Date of International Registration: 28/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/03/2011 Class 09 Commutators; uninterrupted power supply; integrated circuits; manostat; battery chargers; intercommunication apparatus; electric accumulators; transformers; apparatus for electric commutation; electric converters. XIAMEN KEHUA HENGSHENG CO., LTD. 3/F, EAST GUANGYE BUILDING, TORCH HIGH-TECH INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, XIAMEN, FUJIAN, CHINA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 280 T1111761H (09 37 42) (International Registration No. 1086703) Date of International Registration: 29/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/06/2011 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T8503281J, T8503283G and T9606857I. Class 09 Control computers and electrical actuators for marine machinery and marine engines; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Class 37 Installation, repair and maintenance in the fields of control equipment for marine machinery and marine engines. Class 42 Computer services namely consultancy, updating, interfacing, modification and amendments in the fields of control equipment for marine machinery and marine engines especially with respect to computer hardware, computer programming, computer software, computer software design and rental of computer software. ETAPILOT CONTROL AB KAVLINGEVAGEN 1, SE-222 40 LUND, SWEDEN AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 281 T1112013I (14) (International Registration No. 1087301) Date of International Registration: 29/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/07/2011 The French words "D’Amour" appearing in the mark mean "Of love". Class 14 Cuff links, tie clips, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, key rings, watches, chronometers, clocks; watch bands, boxes of precious metal for watches and jewelry. Priority Claims: Class 14 29/03/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. CARTIER INTERNATIONAL AG HINTERBERGSTRASSE 22, POSTFACH STEINHAUSEN, SWITZERLAND. 61, CH-6312 AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 282 T1113818F (35 43) (International Registration No. 1087993) Date of International Registration: 29/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/04/2011 Class 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely apparel, clothing, footwear, leather products, foodstuffs and the like, gifts, furniture and interior design items, cosmetics and fragrances, with a special emphasis on products manufactured in Italy, (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet or departmental store; promotion [advertising] of business; business advertising and marketing services relating to franchising; promotional marketing; business advice and consultancy relating to franchising; organization of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes, with a special emphasis on the promotion of products manufactured in Italy. Class 43 Services of bars, restaurants, boarding houses and motels, cafeterias and cafes, and hotels; providing temporary accommodation. Priority Claims: Class 35 15/04/2011 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 43 15/04/2011 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. STIL NOVO SVILUPPO S.P.A. VIALE DELL’ASTRONOMIA, 30, I-00144 ROMA, ITALY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 283 T1112368E (30) (International Registration No. 1088185) Date of International Registration: 22/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/04/2011 The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "Paramiron" meaning "Paramylum". Class 30 Processed foods mainly made from glucose and starch in the shapes of tablet, capsule, powder, granulated powder, pill, rod, paste, fluid, gel, jelly or solid. EUGLENA CO., LTD. UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, ENTREPRENEUR PLAZA 7F, 7-3-1, HONGO, BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO 113-0033, JAPAN AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1112519Z (09) (International Registration No. 1088573) Date of International Registration: 15/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/07/2011 The mark consists of a Greek word meaning "Leader" or "Master". Class 09 Portable handheld digital electronic device for transmitting and receiving data over a communication network, and for displaying, reviewing and organizing such data in multiple formats, such formats being in the nature of software applications, text, images, audio, and video, whether such data is transmitted or received over a communication network or stored local to the portable electronic device. COBY ELECTRONICS CORPORATION 1991 MARCUS AVENUE; SUITE 301, LAKE SUCCESS NY 11042, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 284 T1112741I (03 09) (International Registration No. 1088895) Date of International Registration: 27/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/05/2011 Class 03 Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics; soap, hair lotions, body lotions and dentifrices. Class 09 Optical apparatus and instruments, including contact lenses; spectacles, spectacle lenses, spectacle frames, spectacle cases and boxes; sunglasses, lenses for sunglasses, frames for sunglasses, boxes and cases for sunglasses. VAN NOTEN ANDRIES, NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP GODEFRIDUSKAAI 36, B-2000 ANTWERPEN, BELGIUM. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1113121A (43) (International Registration No. 1089540) Date of International Registration: 20/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/06/2011 Class 43 Canteens; tea rooms; restaurants; buffet restaurants; western style restaurants; restaurant services; bakery services for the provision of food; cafes; cafeterias; temporary accommodation. ELANDWORLD LIMITED 19-8, CHANGJEON-DONG, MAPO-GU, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 285 T1113030D (07) (International Registration No. 1089794) Date of International Registration: 15/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/08/2011 Class 07 Lifts, other than ski-lifts; elevators (lifts); hoists; elevating apparatus; moving staircases (escalators); roller bridges; conveyor; hoisting machine; elevators adpated for use with three-dimensional garages; elevator belts. SYMAX LIFT (CHINA) CO., LTD. 48 MIDDLE TUANJIE RD, XISHAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE, WUXI CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 286 T1113500D (07 11) (International Registration No. 1089802) Date of International Registration: 15/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/04/2011 Class 07 Tea manufacturing machine; electromechanical food preparation machines; electromechanical beverage preparation machines; mixing machines; household soymilk machines; fruit juicers; washing machines for laundry; motors for refrigerator; compressors (machines); vacuum cleaners; drums (parts of machines); pressing filter machines; sifters; filtering machines; smoothing presses; curtain drawing devices, electrically operated; sifting machines; electric shoe polishers; racket pull string machine; electric door roller; automobile maintenance equipment; liquid containing part (parts of machines); fruit and vegetable washers; beer machines; presses. Class 11 Lighting apparatus and installations; vehicle lamps; blowtorch; gas lighters; water heaters; sun energy water heaters; fans (air-conditioning); extractor hoods for kitchens; air dehumidifer for household purposes; exhaust fans; electrical drier with a blower; air conditioners for vehicles; air cooling apparatus; air purifying apparatus and machines; fans (parts of air conditioning installations); electric rice cooker, induction cookers; gas burners; microwave ovens (cooking apparatus); bread toasters; electric cooking utensils; electric coffee percolators; electric pressure cookers (autoclaves); electric deep fryers; electric coffee filters; bakers ovens; electric coffee machines; sterilized cupboard; drinking fountains; water purifying apparatus and machines; ice machines and apparatus; electric radiators; electrically heated carpets; bedwarmers; gas lighters; friction lighters for igniting gas; drying apparatus; hearths; heating installations; bath fittings; steam facial apparatus (saunas); commercial electromagnetic oven; electric chafing dish; hot pots (electrically heated); electric steamers; infrared ovens; pots (electrically heat preserved); electric frying pans; electric baking pan; deep fryers; toaster ovens. Priority Claims: Class 07 20/10/2010 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 20/10/2010 CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 287 All goods/services claimed in this application. GD MIDEA AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. PENGLAI ROAD, BEIJIAO TOWN, SHUNDE DISTRICT, FOSHAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CHINA AGENT: ALPHA & OMEGA LAW CORPORATION, 24 PECK SEAH STREET, #02-12 NEHSONS BUILDING, SINGAPORE 079314 T1113408C (11) (International Registration No. 1089874) Date of International Registration: 02/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/08/2011 Class 11 Water heaters; stoves; electric water heaters; extractor hoods for kitchens; gas boilers; hydrants; solar water heaters; solar collectors; disinfectant cupboards; radiators; gas laundry dryer; gas burners; flushing tanks; safety lamps; bakers’ ovens; refrigerating appliances and installations; apparatus for disinfecting; domestic fireplaces; sinks; hand drying apparatus for washrooms; filters for drinking water. ZHU QINGGUO GUANGMANG ROAD, XINQIAO TOWN, JINGJIANG CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA AGENT: LIM HWEE LIAN, 716 WOODLANDS DRIVE 70, #11-138, SINGAPORE 730716 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 288 T1113844E (18 25) (International Registration No. 1090326) Date of International Registration: 25/03/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/03/2011 Class 18 Leather and imitations of leather, goods made of these materials not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; climbing, camping and beach bags; handbag frames; frames for umbrellas or parasols (parasols); mountaineering sticks; bags for sports, luggage bags; handbags; travelling bags; travel and key cases (leathercraft); briefcases; purses not made of precious metal; school satchels; garment bags for travel; hat boxes of leather; leather (or material) bags for carrying infants; wheeled shopping bags; containers and boxes of leather or leatherboard; boxes of vulcanised fibre; school bags; pocket wallets; briefcases (leatherware); unfitted vanity cases; animal collars; dog leashes; leather laces; umbrella covers; saddle cloths for horses; rucksacks; horse blankets; haversacks; school bags; music cases; reins for horses; bags (envelopes, pouches) for packaging (of leather); horse riding saddles; pads for horse saddles; umbrella rings; blinkers (harness); harness fittings of iron; harnesses for animals; harness fittings; walking stick seats; shoulder belts (straps) of leather; unfitted leather tool bags; chain mesh purses (not of precious metal); beach bags; muzzles; bridles (harnesses); head-stalls; leatherboard; leather straps; traveling trunks; shopping bags; straps for soldiers’ equipment; harness straps; straps of leather (saddlery); straps for skates; leather trimmings for furniture; leather straps; butts (parts of hides); curried skins; whips; coverings of skins (furs for clothing or ornaments); stirrup leathers; parts of rubber for stirrups; bits for animals (harness); reins; small suitcases; moleskin (imitation leather); fur (animals skins); skins of chamois, other than for cleaning purposes; nose bags (feed bags); net bags for shopping; casings, of leather, for springs; knee-pads for horses; fastenings for saddles (girths); card holders made of leather; straps (harnesses); leather valves; stirrups. Class 25 Ready-to-wear clothing for men, women and children, footwear (except orthopaedic footwear), headwear; clothing for motorists and cyclists; bibs, not of paper; headbands (clothing); dressing gowns; swimsuits; bathing caps and sandals; boas (necklets); lingerie; babies pants; scarves; sports and beach footwear; hoods (clothing); shawls; belts (clothing); moneybelts; water skiing suits; neckties; corsets; sashes for wear; fur stoles; girdles (lingerie); caps; stiff caps; gloves (clothing); waterproof clothing; Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 289 underclothing, head scarves; stockings; socks; neckerchieves; babies’ diapers of textile; pocket kerchiefs; furs (clothing); pyjamas; shoe soles; heels; veils (clothing); braces; paper clothing; gymnastic and sports outfits; layettes; collars (clothing), jerseys, mittens; earmuffs (clothing); inner soles; bowties; pareus; cuffs for clothing; dress shields; masquerade costumes; beach clothes; cap visors (headwear); dressing gowns; pockets for clothing; sock suspenders; stocking suspenders; petticoats; tights (complete stockings or leotards); aprons (clothing); headdresses (headwear); wooden shoes; head coverings; garters; coats; espadrilles; non slipping devices for footwear; bath robes; bath slippers; mortar boards (caps); overalls; bodies (lingerie); berets; non-electrically heated footmuffs; heavy duty boots; boots; boot uppers; studs for football boots; half-boots; iron fittings for footwear; tips for footwear; welts for footwear; heelpieces for footwear (heel reinforcements); briefs and pants; shirts; shirt yokes; shirt fronts; short-sleeved shirts; camisoles; vests; jackets; fishing jackets; heavy jackets; combinations (clothing); combination underwear; detachable collars; collars; leather clothing; imitation leather clothing; shower caps; slippers; skirts; ready-made linings (parts of clothing); overcoats; gabardines (for clothing); gymnastic shoes; jerseys; pullovers; sweaters; livery; muffs (for clothing); footwear uppers; parkas; pelerines; pelisses; leggings; leg protectors (socks); knitwear; knitted clothing; gymnastic clothing; outerclothing; sandals; saris; panties and underpants; hats; brassieres; wimples (for clothing); togas; trouser straps; suits; turbans; dresses; slippers: sport shoes, pants. INDUSTRIA DE DISENO TEXTIL, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.) AVENIDA DE LA DIPUTACION, EDIFICIO INDITEX E-15142 ARTEIXO (LA CORUNA), SPAIN AGENT: W.P. LAI & CO, P.O. BOX 0399 PSA BUILDING POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911144 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 290 T1113434B (09 11) (International Registration No. 1090327) Date of International Registration: 26/04/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/04/2011 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; lasers, not for medical purposes; light control systems; light-emitting diodes, including organic light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, in particular power laser diodes, semiconductor power laser diodes for material processing, semi-conductor components, fibre optical light conductors inclusive LED operated fibre optical light conductors, optocouplers, optical sensors, light barriers, light-emitting diode modules (modules with light functions, constructed from light-emitting diodes, including organic light-emitting diodes with light functions), especially for lighting and signalling applications, LED and LED-modules for industrial applications, light emitting diodes and LED modules for material and surface processing, LED and LED-modules as parts in testing and measuring systems, light-emitting diode technology displays, including organic light-emitting diode technology displays; parts for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Class 11 Apparatus for lighting, especially electric lamps and luminaires; lighting apparatus and systems, lighting apparatus and systems based on light emitting diodes (LEDs), including organic light-emitting diodes, LED lamps and LED luminaires and their parts, lighting apparatus and parts therefor on LED basis. Priority Claims: Class 09 24/11/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 24/11/2010 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. OSRAM AG HELLABRUNNER STRABE 1, 81543 MUNCHEN, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 291 T1113449J (43) (International Registration No. 1090713) Date of International Registration: 22/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/07/2011 Class 43 Accommodation services; hotel services and hotel reservation services; services in relation to the booking and reserving of temporary and hotel accommodation; provision of food and drink services, including restaurant, cafe, and bar services. SO SYSTEMS PTY LTD LEVEL 1, 3 AMY STREET, ALBION QLD 4010, AUSTRALIA AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 T1113962Z (22) (International Registration No. 1090814) Date of International Registration: 31/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/08/2011 Class 22 String loops for hanging products, used in the meat, cheese processing industries. Priority Claims: Class 22 01/04/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. DELAWARE CAPITAL FORMATION, INC. 501 SILVERSIDE ROAD, SUITE 5, WILMINGTON, DE 19809, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 292 T1113970J (30) (International Registration No. 1090867) Date of International Registration: 31/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/05/2011 Class 30 Cocoa, cocoa extracts for food and consumption, chocolate-based beverages, chocolate pastes and toppings, bars of chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate sauces, sugar confectionery, marzipan, marzipan substitutes, pralines with liquid fillings of wines and spirits, pastry and confectionery, edible ices, powder for edible ices, coffee, candy, candy filled with liquids, dry cakes, cookies and biscuits. Priority Claims: Class 30 19/04/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. CHOCOLADEFABRIKEN LINDT & SPRUNGLI AG SEESTRASSE 204, CH-8802 KILCHBERG, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 293 T1113971I (09) (International Registration No. 1090868) Date of International Registration: 06/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/06/2011 Class 09 Digital interfaces for computers for audio recording; amplifiers; keyboard amplifiers; signal converters; sound equalizers and crossover networks for audio apparatus; stereo receivers; transceivers; microphones; electric sound mixing apparatus, namely, mixing consoles; software for audio editing, recording and production; audio cables; recording media for audio signals, namely, blank digital storage media for recording audio signals; headphones and headphone amplifiers; audio speakers; computer monitors for audio studio use; guitar microphones and amplifiers; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of manuals in the field of sound recording production; downloadable electronic publications, namely, magazines in the field of audio production; digital music downloadable from the Internet. Priority Claims: Class 09 16/12/2010 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. PRESONUS AUDIO ELECTRONICS, INC. 7257 FLORIDA BOULEVARD, BATON ROUGE LA 70806, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 294 T1113864Z (05 30) (International Registration No. 1090876) Date of International Registration: 16/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/05/2011 Class 05 Medicines for human purposes; medicinal tea; medicinal herbs; Chinese patent medicines; medicinal liquor; medicinal oils; dietetic food preparations adapted for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; medical preparation bags. Class 30 Coffee-based beverages; tea; tea substitutes; candy; nutritious substances being carbohydrate-based food preparations in the form of liquid, paste, powder and capsule, not for medical purposes; cereal preparations; flour-milling products. FUJIAN XIANZHILOU TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND 31 BUILDING, JUYUANZHOU INDUSTRIAL ZONE, NO. 618, JINSHAN ROAD, FUZHOU CITY, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA. AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 295 T1113869J (12 35 37) (International Registration No. 1090944) Date of International Registration: 09/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/08/2011 Class 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; replacement parts for all the aforesaid goods. Class 35 Trade promotional services in relation to vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, replacement parts for the aforesaid goods. Class 37 Repair and maintenance of vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. Priority Claims: Class 12 29/04/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 29/04/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 29/04/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. CONRADO DORNIER FAISTENBERG 1, 82547 EURASBURG, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 296 T1113991C (22) (International Registration No. 1091044) Date of International Registration: 31/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/08/2011 Class 22 String loops for hanging products, used in the meat, cheese processing industries. Priority Claims: Class 22 01/04/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. DELAWARE CAPITAL FORMATION, INC. 501 SILVERSIDE ROAD, SUITE 5, WILMINGTON, DE 19809, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 297 T1113994H (09) (International Registration No. 1091056) Date of International Registration: 03/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/08/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red and black. Spider, red-Black. Class 09 Computer hardware inclusive of video cards; computer software for use in conjunction with video cards and/or video editing; computer software for the transmission of video and images over computer networks including global computer networks and the world wide web; audio visual equipment, apparatus and accessories including electronic audio visual equipment, apparatus and accessories; computer software for audio visual applications, including control and processing software for audio visual applications; audio signal processing apparatus; video signal processing apparatus; television standards converters; video processing, recording and reproduction apparatus; apparatus for the transfer of film material to video; amplifiers, buffers, distributors, signal generators and converters, all for use with audio signals, video signal or combinations of audio and video signals; video tapes and discs; television coders and decoders; apparatus for the generation of digital video effects; v ideo distributors and mixers; apparatus for the conversion of a video signal for the purpose of display in a television; software for use with all the aforesaid; electronic apparatus for television broadcast and television studios; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. DECIMATOR DESIGN PTY LTD SUITE 411, 4 COLUMBIA COURT, BAULKHAM HILLS NSW 2153, AUSTRALIA AGENT: ROBERT WANG & WOO LLP, 9 TEMASEK BOULEVARD, #41-01 SUNTEC TOWER 2, SINGAPORE 038989 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 298 T1113888G (09) (International Registration No. 1091145) Date of International Registration: 26/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 26/08/2011 Class 09 Contact lenses; optical lenses; ophthalmic lenses; spectacles; spectacle frames; lenses and lens blanks; contact lens containers and carrying cases; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Priority Claims: Class 09 30/06/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. COOPERVISION INTERNATIONAL HOLDING COMPANY, LP EDGHILL HOUSE, SUITE #2, WILDEY BUSINESS PARK, ST. MICHAEL, BARBADOS, BARBADOS AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 299 T1113893C (03 08 41 44) (International Registration No. 1091240) Date of International Registration: 10/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/08/2011 Class 03 Cosmetic products. Class 08 Hand tools and implements, hand-operated. Class 41 Training and organization of conferences, teaching. Class 44 Personal care services (medical nursing, health, hygiene and beauty care). BGA LD "LES RIOUX", BP 9, F-19260 AFFIEUX, FRANCE AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 T1114012A (08) (International Registration No. 1091246) Date of International Registration: 30/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/08/2011 Class 08 Hand pump that dispenses concentrated cleaning products. Priority Claims: Class 08 01/04/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. DELAWARE CAPITAL FORMATION, INC. 501 SILVERSIDE ROAD, SUITE 5, WILMINGTON, DE 19809, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 300 T1113894A (09 16 25 41 43 44) (International Registration No. 1091269) Date of International Registration: 14/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/06/2011 Class 09 Audio and video recordings; phonograph records; laser discs; compact discs; read only memory (ROM) discs; floppy discs; audio cassettes; video cassettes; magnetic tape; electronic publications; apparatus and equipment for the recordal or reproduction of sound and video recordings; audio digital discs; audio compact discs; video compact discs; videodiscs; electronic data carriers; computer software to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications; digital music (downloadable) provided from the internet; digital music (downloadable) provided from MP3 web sites on the internet; downloadable musical sound recordings; video and sound recordings; downloadable electronic publications; electronic publications (downloadable). Class 16 Printed matter; books; flyers; leaflets; photographs; printed publications; stationery; newsletters; magazines; printed programmes; brochures; albums; stickers; bookmarks; erasers; notepads; diaries; calendars; stickers and transfers; removable tattoos (decalcomanias); postcards; greetings cards; paper crafts materials; artists’ materials (other than paints); printed tickets; security passes [not encoded or magnetic]; promotional printed matter; promotional publications; ball-point pens; pens; coloured pencils; black lead pencils; posters; prints; beer mats; coasters of cardboard. Class 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; sweatshirts; t-shirts; caps; jackets. Class 41 Provision of play facilities for children; providing recreational areas in the nature of play areas for children; organisation of sporting activities; rental of sports equipment; providing sports facilities; band live performances; circus performances; concert, musical and video performances; providing services related to entertainment in the form of live musical performances; entertainment in the nature of ballet performances; entertainment in the nature of dance performances; live band performance services; organisation and production of audio and visual shows, performances, programmes and recordings; organisation and production of stage and theatrical performances and concerts; organisation, presentation and production of shows, live performances and audience participation events; organization, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 301 production and presentation of theatrical performances; performance of dance, music and drama; providing a web site featuring musical performances, musical videos, related film clips, photographs, and other multimedia materials; provision of facilities for live band performances; arranging and conducting competitions and sports events; arranging of festivals for entertainment purposes; organising of festivals; entertainment services featuring music, dancing, comedy, drama and magic shows; live comedy shows; production of entertainment in the form of sound recordings; production of video and/or sound recordings; arranging for ticket reservations for shows and other entertainment events; entertainment ticket agency services; reservation services for concert and theatre tickets; ticket information services for entertainment events; ticket procurement services for entertainment events; advisory services relating to entertainment; arranging and conducting competitions and sports events; production and presentation of radio and television programmes, films and shows; organisation and production of audio and visual shows, performances, programmes and recordings; digital music [not downloadable]provided from the internet; digital music [not downloadable]provided from mp3 web sites on the internet. Class 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; services for the provision of camp ground facilities; hire of marquees; mobile catering services; outside catering; provision of campground facilities for caravans; rental of tents; provision of campground facilities for tents; bar and restaurant services; cafe and cafeteria services. Class 44 Beauty and hair care services; beauty therapy and beauty treatment services; health care relating to relaxation therapy; massage services; health spa services. GORHAM, ROBERT AND HUGHES, JOHN C/O BESTIVAL LIMITED, 25 DENMARK STREET, LONDON WC2H 8NJ, UNITED KINGDOM AGENT: IPHUB ASIA PTE. LTD., 1 SHENTON WAY, #36-09 ONE SHENTON, SINGAPORE 068803 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 302 T1113904B (03) (International Registration No. 1091381) Date of International Registration: 01/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/08/2011 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, cosmetic in the form of creams, skin whitening creams, bleaching preparations (decolorants) for cosmetic purposes, gels for the care of the skin, lotions for cosmetic purposes, oils for toilet purposes, cleansing milk for toilet purposes; hair lotions; dentifrices. Priority Claims: Class 03 09/06/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. SCHICK MEDICAL GMBH AUF DEM WALL 29, 78628 ROTTWEIL, GERMANY AGENT: HENRY GOH (S) PTE LTD, P.O. BOX 183 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL, SINGAPORE 913107 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 303 T1114501H (32 35) (International Registration No. 1091515) Date of International Registration: 28/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/07/2011 The mark consists of the Italian words meaning "Lands for wine". Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Priority Claims: Class 32 19/07/2011 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 19/07/2011 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. TERRE DA VINO S.P.A. VIA BERGESIA, 6, I-12060 BAROLO (CN), ITALY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 304 T1114289B (09 42) (International Registration No. 1091905) Date of International Registration: 28/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/07/2011 Class 09 Apparatus for recording, transmitting or reproducing sound or images; computers and data-processing apparatus; laptop computers, notebook computers, hand-held computers, gps systems, on-board computers and tablet PC (personal computer); computer keyboards and computer peripheral devices; monitors and computer display apparatus; computer hardware and software; scanners, joysticks, switches, network switches, electrical power supply apparatus (other than generators) and electric apparatus for commutation, routers; bags and cases especially adapted for portable computers. Class 42 Design and development of computer software and hardware. Priority Claims: Class 09 31/01/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 31/01/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. MIDEF TECHNOLOGY AB BOX 22079, SE-250 22 HELSINGBORG, SWEDEN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 305 T1114295G (20) (International Registration No. 1091994) Date of International Registration: 05/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/09/2011 Class 20 Office furniture; furniture; seats; tables; sofas; trays, not of metal; pipe or cable clips of plastics; work of art made of bamboo and wood; furniture fittings, not of metal; door fittings, not of metal. ZHEJIANG CHAIRMAN FURNITURE CO., LTD. YANGGUANG INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE, DIPU TOWN, ANJI COUNTY, HUZHOU, 313300 ZHEJIANG, CHINA c/o ZHANG HONGLU, SINGAPORE 049909 6 T1114418F (09) (International Registration No. 1092131) Date of International Registration: 15/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/09/2011 Class 09 Chromatography columns for laboratory use; gas chromatography apparatus (not for medical use). AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 5301 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., SANTA CLARA, CA 95051, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: KHATTARWONG LLP, 80 RAFFLES PLACE, #25-01 UOB PLAZA 1, SINGAPORE 048624 BATTERY ROAD, #31-01, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 306 T1114426G (01) (International Registration No. 1092193) Date of International Registration: 01/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/09/2011 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T4705868I, T9407982D, T0303571C and T0804211D. Class 01 Chemical products for use in industry, particularly amines. Priority Claims: Class 01 07/03/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. RHODIA OPERATIONS 40 RUE DE LA HAIE-COQ, F-93306 AUBERVILLIERS, FRANCE AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 307 T1114445C (14) (International Registration No. 1092409) Date of International Registration: 30/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/08/2011 The mark consists of the French words meaning "Fifth Season". Class 14 Jewelry; jewelry products, precious stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments; precious metals and their alloys; coins; works of art of precious metal; jewelry cases; boxes of precious metal; watch cases, bands, chains, springs or glasses; key rings (trinkets or fobs); statues or figurines (statuettes) of precious metal; cases or presentation cases for timepieces; medals. Priority Claims: Class 14 24/05/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. CHRISTIAN BERNARD 1/3, RUE LULLI, F-75002 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: AMICA LAW LLC, 30 RAFFLES PLACE, #18-03/04 CHEVRON HOUSE, SINGAPORE 048622 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 308 T1114657Z (27) (International Registration No. 1092549) Date of International Registration: 05/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 05/08/2011 Class 27 Materials for covering floors, walls and stairs. Priority Claims: Class 27 24/02/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. ALTRO LIMITED WORKS ROAD, LETCHWORTH GARDEN HERTFORDSHIRE SG6 1NW, UNITED KINGDOM. CITY, AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1114663D (16 18 25) (International Registration No. 1092630) Date of International Registration: 22/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/07/2011 Class 16 Paint boxes (articles for use in school); cabinets for stationery (office requisites); pastels (crayons); book bindings; printed matter; writing cases (stationery); stationery; printed publications; towels of paper; paper. Class 18 Umbrellas; shopping bags; handbags; valises; school satchels; briefcases; purses; haversacks; key cases of leather. Class 25 Clothing; layettes; swimming suits; football shoes; hats; socks and stockings; gloves; scarves; trouser straps. QUANZHOU ZIYAN LIGHT INDUSTRY CO., LTD. TA QIAN KAIYUAN GONGYEQU, QUANZHOU SHIQU, FUJIAN PROVINCE, CHINA c/o W.S. LI, 97 HOLLAND ROAD, #04-03, SINGAPORE 278541 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 309 T1114672C (01) (International Registration No. 1092686) Date of International Registration: 01/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/09/2011 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0303571C, T0804211D, T4705868I and T9407982D. Class 01 Adipic acid for industrial use. Priority Claims: Class 01 07/03/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. RHODIA OPERATIONS 40 RUE DE LA HAIE-COQ, F-93306 AUBERVILLIERS, FRANCE AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 310 T1114677D (07 21) (International Registration No. 1092790) Date of International Registration: 24/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/08/2011 Class 07 Electric dust-removing apparatus; vacuum cleaners; vacuum cleaner hoses; vacuum cleaner bags and parts for vacuum cleaners. Class 21 Dusting apparatus, non-electric; vacuum cleaner attachments not included in other classes, namely brushes and nozzles for vacuum cleaners. Priority Claims: Class 07 01/03/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 01/03/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. GROENEWOUDSEWEG NETHERLANDS 1, NL-5621 BA EINDHOVEN, AGENT: PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD, 620A LORONG 1 TOA PAYOH, TP4 BLDG, LEVEL 2, SINGAPORE 319762 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 311 T1114794J (09 42) (International Registration No. 1092794) Date of International Registration: 18/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/08/2011 Class 09 Electrical signalling, measuring, counting, recording, monitoring, open and closed-loop control and switching devices; electrical data input, processing, transmission, storage and output devices; electronic instruments and devices for electric power transmission and distribution systems for the transmission of electric energy from the producer to the consumer; electronic instruments and devices for data acquisition and control of electrical variables in electric power transmission and distribution systems; electronic instruments and devices for application of electric energy systems as well as for interaction with controlled devices and their users in the field of electric power transmission and distribution systems; electric accumulators and electrical batteries; data processing programs; data processing devices and computers including peripheral equipment; the goods mentioned above also for data communication via wired and wireless telecommunication networks for remote data transmission and for data transmission in local area networks. Class 42 Technical planning, research and development of systems, equipment and devices in the field of electric power transmission and distribution systems; technical development of electrical accumulators and electrical batteries; technical consulting and preparation of expert reports, particularly in the field of power transmission and distribution; creation and rental of data processing and process engineering programs, particularly for the construction, equipment and operation of power transmission and distribution systems; technical project management in the field of power transmission and distribution. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT WITTELSBACHERPLATZ 2, 80333 MUNCHEN, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 312 T1114694D (07) (International Registration No. 1092998) Date of International Registration: 11/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/05/2011 Class 07 Instrument comprising a pressure regulator and a valve used for the distribution of specialty gases intended for use in the manufacturing of semiconductors. Priority Claims: Class 07 18/11/2010 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. L’AIR LIQUIDE, SOCIETE ANONYME POUR L’ETUDE ET L’EXPLOITATION DES PROCEDES GEORGES CLAUDE 75, QUAI D’ORSAY, F-75007 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1115005D (24 25) (International Registration No. 1093186) Date of International Registration: 16/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/05/2011 Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, home gowns. EDMUND FRETTE S.A.R.L. 2, AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE, L-1653 LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 313 T1115116F (42) (International Registration No. 1093395) Date of International Registration: 28/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/06/2011 Class 42 Consulting services in the field of software as a service (SAAS); design, development, and consulting services related thereto in the field of computer software for use on social media platforms; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for creating, managing, and publishing content on social media platforms; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for creating and managing advertising campaigns in the fields of social media and social networking; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for enabling companies to manage and evaluate content, conversations, and messages on social media platforms, and to manage and evaluate the interactions of others on social media platforms; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for enabling companies to measure the marketing effectiveness of their advertising, company content, brand content, company-generated messages, and the interactions of others on social media systems; software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for enabling companies to create and maintain groups of social media system users that are interested in company-related or brand-related content on social media platforms; computer services, namely, hosting and maintaining online branded websites for advertising companies and users to produce, edit and distribute videos for the purpose of promoting the goods, services, brand identity, commercial information, and news of others; computer services, namely, providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for users to create, upload and share visual content, for the purpose of promoting the goods, services, brand identity, commercial information, and news of others. Priority Claims: Class 42 23/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. VITRUE, INC. 101 MARIETTA STREET, SUITE 1700, ATLANTA GA 30303, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ALLEN & GLEDHILL LLP, BOULEVARD, #28-00, SINGAPORE 018989 ONE MARINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 314 T1115119J (16 20 21) (International Registration No. 1093412) Date of International Registration: 09/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/08/2011 Class 16 Packaging materials made of paper, cardboard, foamed plastics and plastic, all included in this class, namely containers and packaging made from the aforesaid packaging materials for ice creams, dairy products, beverages and fast-food products. Class 20 Packaging containers of plastic. Class 21 Containers and apparatus for household and kitchen use (neither of precious metals, nor of coated metals); isothermic containers of all kinds, particularly containers for hot beverages and cold beverages. Priority Claims: Class 16 11/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 11/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 11/02/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SEDA SUISSE AG RIGISTRASSE 3, CH-6300 ZUG, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 315 T1115505F (35) (International Registration No. 1094062) Date of International Registration: 27/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/09/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: The mark consists of the word EXPONENTIAL with circles rippling out from the letter "O". The color black appears in the letters "EXP" and "NENTIAL". The color blue appears in the letter "O", and in the rippled waves design. The color(s) black and blue is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. Class 35 Advertising services, advertising agency services, business marketing services, advertising consulting services, and promotional services; publicity agents specializing in the representation of website advertisers and publishers; creative services for advertising, namely brand creation for others and business assistance relating to corporate identity in the field of advertising, and creating and updating advertising material; dissemination of advertising for others via the Internet and other means of communication. EXPONENTIAL INTERACTIVE, INC. 2200 POWELL STREET, SUITE 600, EMERYVILLE CA 94608, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA c/o TRIBAL FUSION SINGAPORE, 30 CECIL STREET, #14-01 PRUDENTIAL TOWER, SINGAPORE 049712 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 316 T1115533A (25) (International Registration No. 1094253) Date of International Registration: 31/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/08/2011 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 25 09/03/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1115876D (09) (International Registration No. 1094879) Date of International Registration: 29/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/09/2011 Class 09 System for detecting analytes comprised of bioanalyzer, housing, fluidic handling robotics, fluidic cartridge with microelectromechanical sensor(s), and computer software programs for use in capturing, detecting, quantitating and analyzing analytes. BIOSCALE, INC. 4 MAGUIRE ROAD, LEXINGTON, MA 02421, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 317 T1115773C (07 16 35) (International Registration No. 1094899) Date of International Registration: 27/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/07/2011 Class 07 Hand-held tools and agricultural implements, other than hand-operated; metal, wood, plastics working machines, machines for agriculture, construction machines; packaging machines, driving motors (other than for land vehicles), transmission shafts (other than for land vehicles), lawnmowers (machines), sifters, shearing machines, grinding machines, mixers (machines), paring machines, bellows (machines), planing machines, compressors (machines), saws (machines), machine tools, cutting machines, electric hammers; electric machines, in particular hand drills, chisels, knives, machines and apparatus for cleaning, shears, welding machines; generators; generators for electricity; emergency power generators; gear boxes (other than for land vehicles); motors (other than engines for land vehicles), electric motors (other than for land vehicles), hydraulic engines and motors; hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; control mechanisms for machines, motors or engines; starters for motors and engines; pistons for engines; cooling radiators for motors and engines; fans for motors and engines; piston segments; superchargers; machines and parts of motors and engines, in particular joints, filters, taps, pumps; machines and parts of machines namely drill chucks, drilling heads, drilling bits, hammers, knives, regulators, saw blades, saw benches, sieves, slide valves, grinding wheels, grindstones, lubricators, valves, machine tools and holding devices for machine tools; machine couplings and transmission components (other than for land vehicles); handling apparatus for loading and unloading; dynamos. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); packaging materials made of plastic, not included in other classes; printers’ type; printing blocks. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; retail and wholesale services in relation to hand-held tools and agricultural implements, metal, wood, plastics working machines, machines for agriculture, construction machines, packaging machines, driving motors (other than for land vehicles), Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 318 transmission shafts (other than for land vehicles), lawnmowers (machines), sifters, shearing machines, grinding machines, mixers (machines), paring machines, bellows (machines), planing machines, compressors (machines), saws (machines), machine tools, cutting machines, electric hammers, electric machines, in particular hand drills, chisels, knives, machines and apparatus for cleaning, shears, welding machines, generators, generators for electricity, emergency power generators, gear boxes (other than for land vehicles), motors (other than engines for land vehicles), electric motors (other than for land vehicles), hydraulic engines and motors, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, control mechanisms for machines, motors or engines, starters for motors and engines, pistons for engines, cooling radiators for motors and engines, fans for motors and engines, piston segments, superchargers, machines and parts of motors and engines, in particular joints, filters, taps, pumps, drill chucks, drilling heads, drilling bits, hammers, knives, regulators, saw blades, saw benches, sieves, slide valves, grinding wheels, grindstones, lubricators, valves, tools, holding devices for machine tools, machine couplings and transmission components (other than for land vehicles), handling apparatus for loading and unloading, dynamos, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists’ materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (except furniture), instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), packaging materials made of plastic, printers’ type, printing blocks. Priority Claims: Class 07 15/03/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 15/03/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 15/03/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. DKSH SCHWEIZ AG WIESENSTRASSE 8, CH-8008 ZURICH, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 319 #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 320 T1116437C (14 18 25) (International Registration No. 1095322) Date of International Registration: 27/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/06/2011 The French word "Etoile" appearing in the mark means "Star". Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods made of or coated with these materials; jewelry, jewels, precious stones; paste jewelry; rings (jewelry), silver ornaments, bands (jewelry), earrings, bracelets (jewelry), charms, brooches (jewelry), necklaces (jewelry); timepieces and chronometric instruments, alarm clocks, watches, watch bands, watch cases, watch chains; jewelry cases of precious metal, boxes of precious metal, novelty key rings, tie pins, cufflinks, medals, medallions (jewelry), hat ornaments of precious metal; statuettes of precious metal. Class 18 Leather and imitation leather; bags, namely handbags, backpacks, travel bags, school satchels, school bags, beach bags, garment bags (for travel), trunks and suitcases, travel baggage of leather, leather or leatherboard boxes, purses, briefcases, leather trimmings for furniture, card holders (wallets), key cases (leatherware), toiletry bags, carrying cases in the nature of bags, change purses; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars for animals, leashes, coverings of skins (furs). Class 25 Clothing for men, women and children, including sports clothing (except diving suits), hats, caps and headgear, headbands (clothing), berets, gloves (clothing), furs (clothing), jackets, coats, slacks, dresses, skirts, chasubles, shirts, tee-shirts, pullovers, jerseys and knitted clothing, waterproof clothing, leather clothing, bathing suits, bathrobes, neckties, sashes for wear, scarves, shawls, socks, belts, underclothing (including stockings and tights), aprons (clothing), overalls, suspenders, briefs, swimming trunks, jerseys (clothing), mittens, pajamas, footwear (except orthopedic footwear); slippers. Priority Claims: Class 14 02/05/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 02/05/2011 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 321 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 02/05/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. IM PRODUCTION 3, PASSAGE SAINT SEBASTIEN, F-75011 PARIS, FRANCE. AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 322 T1116239G (09) (International Registration No. 1095422) Date of International Registration: 01/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/09/2011 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Authorized Reseller". The Spanish word "Moda" appearing in the mark means "Fashion" or "Style". Class 09 Computer hardware and software system for monitoring environmental conditions and managing quality control in the field of life sciences; computer software that provides web-based access to manufacturing operations and testing data through a portal interface; computer hardware and software system for data capture, collections, labeling and testing in the field of life sciences. Priority Claims: Class 09 12/05/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. LONZA WALKERSVILLE, INC. 8830 BIGGS FORD ROAD, WALKERSVILLE MD 21793-0127, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., C/O ELLA CHEONG SPRUSON & FERGUSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., 152 BEACH ROAD, #30-00 GATEWAY EAST, SINGAPORE 189721 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 323 T1116246Z (08 10 21) (International Registration No. 1095504) Date of International Registration: 19/05/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/05/2011 Class 08 Table cutlery made of plastic, for babies or children; punches for making holes in teats; cutlery for adults, babies, infants and children; spoons, forks and knives; electric hair clippers, hair trimmers, shavers. Class 10 Feeding bottles, teats, pacifiers and teething rings for babies; spoons for administering medicines; cups, adapted for feeding babies and children; incubators for babies; breast pumps; nursing appliances for use in breast feeding. Class 21 Utensils and containers for household and kitchen use, and for cosmetic and toilet use; holders for use in sterilizing feeding bottles for babies and closures for such containers; combs, sponges; brushes and table utensils; baths and potties for babies; glassware, porcelain and earthenware; bowls and buckets; drinking utensils, cleaning articles and cleaning materials. Priority Claims: Class 08 30/11/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 10 30/11/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 30/11/2010 BENELUX All goods/services claimed in this application. KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. GROENEWOUDSEWEG NETHERLANDS 1, 5621 BA EINDHOVEN, AGENT: PHILIPS ELECTRONICS SINGAPORE PTE LTD, 620A LORONG 1 TOA PAYOH, TP4 BLDG, LEVEL 2, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 324 SINGAPORE 319762 T1116258C (03) (International Registration No. 1095688) Date of International Registration: 21/06/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/06/2011 The transliteration of the Russian characters of which the mark consists is "Sekret Krasoty" meaning "Secret of Magnificence". Class 03 Cosmetics. OBSHCHESTVO S OTVETSTVENNOSTYU NAOUCHNO-PROIZVODSTVENNAYA "LN-KOSMETIKA" OGRANICHENNOY LABORATORIA DOM 10A/2, UL. PERVOMAISKAYA, GOR. BERDSK, RU-633011 NOVOSIBIRSKAYA OBL., RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGENT: MARKS & CLERK SINGAPORE LLP, P.O. BOX 636 TANJONG PAGAR POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 910816 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 325 T1116633C (25) (International Registration No. 1096631) Date of International Registration: 18/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/08/2011 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 25 30/03/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1117133G (25) (International Registration No. 1097050) Date of International Registration: 18/08/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/08/2011 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 25 30/03/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. ABERCROMBIE & FITCH EUROPE SA VIA MOREE, CH-6850 MENDRISIO, SWITZERLAND AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 326 T1117170A (35 43) (International Registration No. 1097369) Date of International Registration: 13/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/09/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Dark green: Pantone 369C and light green: Pantone 382C. Class 35 Business management in the field of the hotel industry and providing of food and drink; business administration in the field of the hotel industry and providing of food and drink; advertising services in the field of the hotel industry and providing of food and drink; online advertising on a computer network in the field of the hotel industry and providing of food and drink; business management of hotels, motels, hotel complexes, of apartments and of residential hotels. Class 43 Hotels; motels; hotel and restaurant (providing of food and drink) services; services of cafeterias, tea rooms, bars (with the exception of clubs); temporary accommodation; tourist homes; hotel room reservation services for travellers; reservation of temporary accommodation; provision of information relating to hotels and restaurant services. Priority Claims: Class 35 22/07/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 43 22/07/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. ACCOR 110 AVENUE DE FRANCE, F-75013 PARIS, FRANCE AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 327 T1205919J (10) (International Registration No. 1098480) Date of International Registration: 27/10/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/03/2012 Class 10 Surgical apparatus and instruments; orthopedic articles; prostheses, endoprostheses; implant systems for the spinal column; plate systems for the spinal column; bone screws for the spinal column; surgical instruments and tools for implantation of implants and their parts. ZIMMER SPINE INC. 7375 BUSH LAKE ROAD, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439-2027, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 328 T1117880C (14 18 25 35) (International Registration No. 1099210) Date of International Registration: 30/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/09/2011 Class 14 Jewelry cases of precious metal; jewelry made of precious metals or coated therewith, namely, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, pendants, chains, rings, tie pins, tie clips and cuff links; jewelry made of gems, namely, gem brooches, gem pendant heads and gem rings, gem earrings; precious and semi-precious stones; charms; key rings of precious metal or coated therewith; horological and chronometric instruments. Class 18 Bags, namely, handbags, shoulder bags, briefcases, shopping bags, backpacks, suitcases, luggage and traveling bags; products made of leather and imitation leather, namely, purses, wallets, credit card cases, business card cases in the nature of notecases, key cases; cosmetic bags sold empty; umbrellas and parasols. Class 25 Clothing, namely, suits, dresses, coats, overcoats, jackets, rainwear, pants, skirts, jeans, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, vests, sweaters, underwear, nightwear, sweat suits, swimwear, ties, scarves, shawls, mufflers, gloves, socks, tights, sock suspenders, stocking suspenders, braces for clothing, Japanese style clothing being kimonos; sashes; wedding dresses; waist belts for clothing; headgear, namely, caps and hats; footwear, namely, shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, Japanese style clogs and sandals. Class 35 Retail or wholesale store services for jewelry made of precious metals or coated therewith, namely, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, pendants, chains, rings, tie pins, tie clips and cuff links; retail or wholesale store services for jewelry made of gems, namely, gem brooches, gem pendant heads and gem rings, gem earrings; retail or wholesale store services for charms; retail or wholesale store services for key rings of precious metal or coated therewith; retail or wholesale store services for horological and chronometric instruments; retail or wholesale store services for bags, namely, hand bags, shoulder bags, briefcases, shopping bags, backpacks, suitcases, luggage and traveling bags; retail or wholesale store services for products made of leather and imitation leather, namely, purses, wallets, credit card cases, business card cases, key cases; retail or wholesale store services for cosmetic bags sold empty; retail or wholesale store services for umbrellas and parasols; retail or wholesale store services for clothing, namely, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 329 suits, dresses, coats, overcoats, jackets, rainwear, pants, skirts, jeans, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, vests, sweaters, underwear, nightwear, sweat suits, swimwear, ties, scarves, shawls, mufflers, gloves, socks, tights, sock suspenders, stocking suspenders, braces for clothing; retail or wholesale store services for wedding dresses; retail or wholesale store services for waist belts for clothing; retail or wholesale store services for headgear, namely, caps and hats; retail or wholesale store services for footwear, namely, shoes, boots, sandals and slippers. Priority Claims: Class 14 08/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 08/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 08/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 35 08/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. CROSS COMPANY CO., LTD. 2-8, SAIWAICHO, KITA-KU, OKAYAMA-SHI, OKAYAMA 700-0903, JAPAN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 330 T1118610E (06 08 20) (International Registration No. 1100543) Date of International Registration: 22/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/09/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue-red. The transliteration of the Arabic characters appearing in the mark is "Rsto" which has no meaning. Class 06 Common metals and their alloys; building materials of metal; buildings, transportable, of metal; railway material of metal; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores of metal. Class 08 Hand tools and implements [hand operated]; cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms, other than firearms; razors. Class 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods, not included in other classes, of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. AL MATTGAR AL ARABY - OMER ABD EL AZIZ ATTAIA BARAKA AL OBOUR CITY -, A YASMIN CENTER -, EAIGHT ZONE, CAIRO, EGYPT AGENT: PYPRUS PTE LTD, 30 BIDEFORD ROAD, #07-01 THONG SIA BUILDING, SINGAPORE 229922 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 331 T1200524D (24 27) (International Registration No. 1102793) Date of International Registration: 04/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/07/2011 The Spanish word "Desde" appearing in the mark means "From". Class 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table linen except woven fabric for ready-to-wear clothing for persons. Class 27 Carpets, rugs, mats, linoleum and other materials for covering floors; non-textile wall hangings, including carpeting, wallpaper and hanging paper. GASTON Y DANIELA, S.A. CALLE VELAZQUEZ, 42-47, E-28001 MADRID, SPAIN AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 332 T1201001I (09 38 41 42 45) (International Registration No. 1103415) Date of International Registration: 17/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/11/2011 Class 09 Computer software for publishing and sharing digital media and information via global computer and communication networks; computer software development tools; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); computer software for creating indexes of information, indexes of web sites and indexes of other information resources. Class 38 Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of data and digital messaging via global computer and communication networks; providing online forums, chat rooms and electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; digital multimedia broadcasting services over the Internet, namely, posting, displaying, and electronically transmitting data, audio and video; providing access to computer databases in the fields of general interest. Class 41 On-line journals, namely, blogs featuring user-defined content in the fields of social commentary, cultural commentary, and political news; electronic publishing services, namely, publication of digital media in the form of electronic magazines via global computer and communications networks in the fields of social commentary, cultural commentary, and political news; entertainment services, namely, providing temporary use of non-downloadable interactive multiplayer and single player games played via global computer and communication networks. Class 42 Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for publishing and sharing digital media and information via global computer and communication networks; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software development tools; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for use as an application programming interface (API); providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for creating indexes of information, indexes of web sites and indexes of other information resources; technical support services, namely, on-line troubleshooting of computer software problems for non-downloadable computer program users; providing a web hosting platform for others for organizing and conducting Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 333 meetings, social events and interactive text, audio, and video discussions; hosting on-line databases featuring software applications which enable users to share data. Class 45 On-line social networking services. Priority Claims: Class 09 28/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 28/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 28/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 28/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 45 28/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. GOOGLE INC. 1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: ONE LEGAL LLC, 6 SHENTON WAY, #21-08 DBS BUILDING TOWER TWO, SINGAPORE 068809 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 334 T1204422C (09) (International Registration No. 1106283) Date of International Registration: 22/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/03/2012 Class 09 Computer software and hardware, namely, servers and routers, used to create and manage virtualized data centers and computing infrastructures. BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. 130 HOLGER WAY, SAN JOSE CA 95134, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1203237C (05) (International Registration No. 1107965) Date of International Registration: 06/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/02/2012 Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations. Priority Claims: Class 05 29/11/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 BASEL, SWITZERLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 335 T1204308A (36) (International Registration No. 1109582) Date of International Registration: 19/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/12/2011 Class 36 Financial services; investment services; investment fund management; management and creation of investment products; derivatives transactions in the fields of banking, finance and investments; quotation of stock exchange prices; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; all the aforesaid services also provided on-line from a computer database and from the Internet. Priority Claims: Class 36 22/11/2011 UNITED KINGDOM All goods/services claimed in this application. MAN GROUP PLC RIVERBANK HOUSE, 2 SWAN LANE, LONDON EC4R 3AD, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 336 T1204437A (16) (International Registration No. 1109588) Date of International Registration: 11/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 11/01/2012 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Company". Class 16 Printed materials, namely, books and booklets in the field of crafting, scrapbooking and photograph display and preservation, printed patterns, photograph albums and slipcases for albums, mat boards, scrapbooks and related scrapbooking items, namely, stickers, rub on transfers, photo corners, photo paper, vellum, printed or colored paper, printed or colored cards, paper ribbons, paper tags, paper die-cuts, envelopes, twist ties and ornamental tacks; gift bags, filing folders, storage folders, page protectors, notepads, memo cubes, stationery sets, easels, paperweights, paper clips, writing pens, desk stands and holders for pens and pencils. Priority Claims: Class 16 02/09/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. K & COMPANY LLC 11125 NW AMBASSADOR, KANSAS CITY MO 64153, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1204439H (39) (International Registration No. 1109598) Date of International Registration: 18/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/01/2012 Class 39 Commercial and non-commercial flight tracking services, namely, providing arrival, departure, and real-time position information for commercial and non-commercial flights. FLIGHTAWARE, LLC EIGHT GREENWAY PLAZA, SUITE 1300, HOUSTON TX 77046, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 337 T1204318I (41) (International Registration No. 1109655) Date of International Registration: 10/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/01/2012 The French word "Absolue" appearing in the mark means "Absolute". Class 41 Teaching and providing of training. Priority Claims: Class 41 03/10/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. FONDATION MIRAISME GRAND’RUE 92, SWITZERLAND CP 1526, T1204320J (07) (International Registration No. 1109690) Date of International Registration: 17/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/01/2012 Class 07 Bottle washing machines; washing jar machines; foodstuff packaging machines; beer (apparatus for drawing up-under pressure); aerated beverages making machines; wine presses; mineral water making machines; bottle sealing machines; packaging machines; wrapping machines. GUANGZHOU TECH-LONG PACKAGING MACHINERY CO., LTD. NO.23 YUNPU 1 ROAD, ECONOMIC TECHNOLOGICAL, DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, (LUOGANG QU DISTRICT), GUANGZHOU, CHINA CH-1820 MONTREUX 1, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 338 T1204328F (03) (International Registration No. 1109749) Date of International Registration: 28/09/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/09/2011 Class 03 Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and beauty care preparations; powders, creams and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; soaps; shower and bath preparations; beauty masks; talcum powder; nail polish; nail polish remover; enamel for nails; false nails; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye makeup remover, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip liner, lipgloss; make-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations for cleaning, moisturising, colouring and styling the hair; preparations for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave preparations; perfumes, fragrance, toilet waters, eau de cologne; deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use; essential oils (cosmetic); all the aforesaid being alone, in combination and/or in gift sets comprised of some or all of these items. Priority Claims: Class 03 15/04/2011 CANADA Partial goods/services claimed in this application. Class 03 15/04/2011 EL SALVADOR Partial goods/services claimed in this application. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. WORLD HEADQUARTERS, 1345 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY 10105-0196, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 339 T1204329D (09) (International Registration No. 1109786) Date of International Registration: 16/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/01/2012 Class 09 Chips (integrated circuits); integrated circuits; printed circuits. SHENNAN CIRCUITS CO., LTD. #99 QIAO CHENG EAST ROAD, NANSHAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 340 T1204340E (14 16 18 25 28 30 41) (International Registration No. 1109988) Date of International Registration: 01/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/12/2011 Class 14 Earrings; chains (jewelry); tie clips; bracelets (jewelry); brooches (jewelry); medals; cufflinks; stopwatches; clocks; alarm clocks; wristwatches. Class 16 Pastes for stationery or household purposes; babies’ diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; albums; pencil lead holders; note books; pens (office requisites); pencils; paper knives (cutters) (office requisites); rubber erasers; stationery; postcards; graphic prints; posters; printed matter; books; comic books; graphic reproductions; pictures; photograph stands. Class 18 Clothing for pets; dog collars; collars for animals; card cases (notecases); suitcases; backpacks; handbags; briefcases; rucksacks; purses; school bags; travelling trunks; umbrellas. Class 25 Layettes (clothing); pants; coats; jackets (clothing); skirts; trousers; parkas; leggings; tights; sweaters; tee-shirts; pullovers; vests; shirts; socks; gloves (clothing); headgear for wear; caps (headwear); hats; garters; trouser straps; belts (clothing); footwear; boots; sports shoes. Class 28 Toys for domestic pets; balls for games; tables for indoor football; toys; rattles (playthings); ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; jigsaw puzzles; soap bubbles (toys); teddy bears; scale model vehicles; dolls; building blocks (toys); mobiles (toys); parlour games; dice; playing cards; board games; billiard cues; billiard balls; golf clubs; rackets; gloves for games; baseball gloves; rods for fishing; fishing tackle; reels for fishing; artificial fishing bait; bite indicators (fishing tackle). Class 30 Iced tea; tea-based beverages; tea; Japanese green tea; cocoa products; coffee-based beverages; cocoa; cocoa-based beverages; coffee; chocolate-based beverages; coffee beverages with milk; chocolate beverages with milk; artificial coffee; rice cakes; ice cream; caramels (candy); cookies; crackers; confectionery for Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 341 decorating Christmas trees; sherbets (ices); chewing gum, not for medical purposes; chocolate; bread; pancakes; biscuits; puddings; fruit jellies (confectionery); frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices); popcorn; waffles; confectionery; sugar confectionery; sweetmeats (candy); cakes; seasonings; soya bean paste (condiment); meat gravies; ketchup (sauce); dressings for salad; soya sauce; sauces (condiments); mayonnaise; vinegar; curry (spice); mustard; corn flakes; pasta; noodles; pizzas; meat pies; ravioli. Class 41 Publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of books; videotape film production; film production; movie theatre presentations; production of radio and television programmes. Priority Claims: Class 14 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 342 GRAPHIS LTD. 1-7-7, SHIBUYA, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO 150-0002, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 343 T1204351J (14 16 18 25 28 30 41) (International Registration No. 1110128) Date of International Registration: 01/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 01/12/2011 Class 14 Earrings; chains (jewelry); tie clips; bracelets (jewelry); brooches (jewelry); medals; cuff links; stopwatches; clocks; alarm clocks; wristwatches. Class 16 Pastes for stationery or household purposes; babies’ diapers of paper and cellulose, disposable; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; albums; pencil lead holders; note books; pens (office requisites); pencils; paper knives (cutters) (office requisites); rubber erasers; stationery; postcards; graphic prints; posters; printed matter; books; comic books; graphic reproductions; pictures; photograph stands. Class 18 Clothing for pets; dog collars; collars for animals; card cases (notecases); suitcases; backpacks; handbags; briefcases; rucksacks; purses; school bags; travelling trunks; umbrellas. Class 25 Layettes (clothing); pants; coats; jackets (clothing); skirts; trousers; parkas; leggings; tights; sweaters; tee-shirts; pullovers; vests; shirts; socks; gloves (clothing); headgear for wear; caps (headwear); hats; garters; trouser straps; belts (clothing); footwear; boots; sports shoes. Class 28 Toys for domestic pets; balls for games; tables for indoor football; toys; rattles (playthings); ornaments for Christmas trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; jigsaw puzzles; soap bubbles (toys); teddy bears; scale model vehicles; dolls; building blocks (toys); mobiles (toys); parlour games; dice; playing cards; board games; billiard cues; billiard balls; golf clubs; rackets; gloves for games; baseball gloves; rods for fishing; fishing tackle; reels for fishing; artificial fishing bait; bite indicators (fishing tackle). Class 30 Iced tea; tea-based beverages; tea; Japanese green tea; cocoa products; coffee-based beverages; cocoa; cocoa-based beverages; coffee; chocolate-based beverages; coffee beverages with milk; chocolate beverages with milk; artificial coffee; rice cakes; ice cream; caramels (candy); cookies; crackers; confectionery for Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 344 decorating Christmas trees; sherbets (ices); chewing gum, not for medical purposes; chocolate; bread; pancakes; biscuits; puddings; fruit jellies (confectionery); frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices); popcorn; waffles; confectionery; sugar confectionery; sweetmeats (candy); cakes; seasonings; soya bean paste (condiment); meat gravies; ketchup (sauce); dressings for salad; soya sauce; sauces (condiments); mayonnaise; vinegar; curry (spice); mustard; corn flakes; pasta; noodles; pizzas; meat pies; ravioli. Class 41 Publication of electronic books and journals on-line; publication of books; videotape film production; film production; movie theatre presentations; production of radio and television programmes. Priority Claims: Class 14 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 16 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 18 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 25 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 28 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 30 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 41 09/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 345 GRAPHIS LTD. 1-7-7, SHIBUYA, SHIBUYA-KU, TOKYO 150-0002, JAPAN T1204882B (12) (International Registration No. 1110383) Date of International Registration: 17/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/02/2012 Class 12 Motor-driven water vehicles. PERSONAL WATER CRAFT PRODUCT 39 AVENUE SAINT ROCH, F-13740 LE ROVE, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 346 T1205398B (14 35 40) (International Registration No. 1111254) Date of International Registration: 15/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/01/2012 The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "Zhao Jin" which has no meaning. Class 14 Ingots of precious metals; alloys of precious european union metal; jewellery cases (caskets); jewellery; silver ornaments; precious stones; necklaces (jewellery); rings (jewellery); works of art of precious metal; badges of precious metal. Class 35 Advertising; demonstration of goods; business management assistance; auctioneering; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; relocation services for businesses; office machines and equipment rental; sponsorship search; rental of vending machines. Class 40 Metal smelting; gilding; refining services; vulcanization (material treatment); air purification; water treating; sawing (saw mill); metal treating; custom assembling of materials for others; silver-plating. SHANDONG ZHAOJIN GROUP CO., LTD. NO. 2, WENHUA ROAD, ZHAOYUAN SHANDONG PROVINCE, CHINA CITY, 265400 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 347 T1205307I (25) (International Registration No. 1111374) Date of International Registration: 14/10/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/10/2011 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 25 17/05/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. FASHION TEAM BEHEER B.V. KONINGIN WILHELMINAPLEIN AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS T1205317F (33) (International Registration No. 1111449) Date of International Registration: 09/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/03/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Yellow, green, orange, black and white. Class 33 Distilled beverages. Priority Claims: Class 33 09/09/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. POLMOS ZYRARDOW SP. ZO.O UL. MICKIEWICZA 1-3, PL-96-300 ZYRARDOW, POLAND 13, NL-1062 HH Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 348 T1205343E (09 35) (International Registration No. 1111622) Date of International Registration: 03/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/01/2012 Class 09 Digital materials, namely, CD’s, DVD’s and digital audio files in the nature of music; downloadable podcasts in the field of music; earphones and headphones; microphones; protective carrying cases for portable music players, namely, mp3 players, sunglasses. Class 35 On-line retail store services featuring clothing, clothing accessories, pre-recorded music, headphones and earphones, microphones and mp3 player carrying cases. V-MODA, LLC SUITE 290, 6565 W. SUNSET BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90028, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA T1205215C (07) (International Registration No. 1111663) Date of International Registration: 02/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 02/02/2012 Class 07 Sewing machines. THE SINGER COMPANY LIMITED S.A.R.L. 1, RUE DES GLACIS, L-1628 LUXEMBOURG, LUXEMBOURG. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 349 T1205348F (33) (International Registration No. 1111699) Date of International Registration: 22/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/02/2012 Class 33 Alcoholic beverages, except beer; wine. Priority Claims: Class 33 25/10/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. GROUPE CLINET 16 CHEMIN DE FEYTIT - CHATEAU CLINET, F-33500 POMEROL, FRANCE T1205682E (09) (International Registration No. 1111862) Date of International Registration: 16/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/02/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Red and black. The trademark consists of the letter AH in red and the stylized letters ARTHUR HOLM in black. Class 09 Monitors and projector, television and video screens; electronic apparatus for reproduction of sound or images intended to provide all kinds of information; data-processing apparatus; telecommunications apparatus for the creation, dissemination and transmission of messages. ALBIRAL DISPLAY SOLUTIONS, S.L. C. FATIMA, 25, E-08512 SANT HIPOLIT DE VOLTREGA, SPAIN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 350 T1205582I (25) (International Registration No. 1111887) Date of International Registration: 22/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 22/03/2012 Class 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Claims: Class 25 28/09/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. IRMAOS VILA NOVA, S.A. AVENIDA DAS INDUSTRIAS, SAM, RIBEIRAO, P-4760-725 RIBEIRAO, (VILA NOVA DE FAMALICAO), PORTUGAL Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 351 T1206019I (35 36) (International Registration No. 1112290) Date of International Registration: 18/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/11/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Blue and white. The word "Otkritie" and the filled in circle appear in blue; the stylized character "O" appears in white. Class 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; arranging subscriptions to telecommunication services for others; import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; advertising agencies; cost price analysis; rental of advertising space; auditing; employment agencies; computerized file management; accounting; invoicing; demonstration of goods; transcription; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; commercial information and advice for consumers; business investigations, business research; marketing research; personnel recruitment; business management and organization consultancy; personnel management consultancy; business organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; layout services for advertising purposes; business management of performing artists; news clipping services; updating of advertising material; word processing; secretarial services; shorthand; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; business appraisals; evaluation of standing timber; evaluation of wool; payroll preparation; data search in computer files for others; sponsorship search; business management assistance; commercial or industrial management assistance; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; economic forecasting; auctioneering; sales promotion for others; office machines and equipment rental; rental of advertising time on communication media; publicity material rental; rental of vending machines; rental of photocopying machines; publication of publicity texts; typing; radio advertising; bill-posting, outdoor advertising; distribution of samples; direct mail advertising, dissemination of advertising matter; writing of publicity texts; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order; television advertising, television commercials; document reproduction; compilation of statistics; compilation of information into computer databases; business inquiries; systemization of information into computer databases; tax preparation; drawing up of statements of accounts; publicity columns preparation; psychological testing for Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 352 the selection of personnel; business management of hotels; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administrative processing of purchase orders; public relations; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; relocation services for businesses; price comparison services; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); outsourcing services; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; photocopying; efficiency experts. Class 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; credit bureaux; debt collection agencies; real estate agencies; customs brokerage; financial analysis; leasing of farms; hire-purchase financing, lease-purchase financing; savings banks; accommodation bureaux; rent collection; issuing of travellers’ checks; issuance of credit cards; issue of tokens of value; capital investments, fund investments; insurance information; financial information; clearing, financial; insurance consultancy; financial consultancy; stock exchange quotations; business liquidation services, financial; brokerage; financial management; exchanging money; debit card services; credit card services; home banking; factoring; organization of collections; antique appraisal; jewellery appraisal; stamp appraisal; real estate appraisal; numismatic appraisal; art appraisal; financial evaluation (insurance, banking, real estate); repair costs evaluation; electronic funds transfer; bail-bonding, guarantees; securities brokerage, stocks and bonds brokerage; housing agents, real estate brokers; insurance brokerage; loans; lending against security; check (cheque) verification; charitable fund raising; leasing of real estate; rental of offices (real estate); renting of apartments; financial sponsorship; mortgage banking; instalment loans; insurance; apartment house management; real estate management; actuarial services; banking; retirement payment services; fiduciary, trusteeship; mutual funds; financing services; safe deposit services; deposits of valuables; fiscal assessments. Priority Claims: Class 35 02/08/2011 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 36 02/08/2011 RUSSIAN FEDERATION All goods/services claimed in this application. OTKRITIE FINANCIAL CORPORATION JSC Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 353 12, BLDG. 1, YAKOVOAPOSTOLSKIY PEREULOK, RU-105064 MOSCOW, RUSSIAN FEDERATION T1205930A (29 30 35) (International Registration No. 1112468) Date of International Registration: 30/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 30/01/2012 Class 29 Yoghurt; yoghurt based drinks; yoghurt preparations; yoghurt products. Class 30 Frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices); yoghurt based ice cream (ice cream predominating); yoghurt confectionery. Class 35 Retailing of goods (by any means). YOTOPIA PTY LTD. 7-13 ARDENA COURT, BENTLEIGH EAST, VIC 3165, AUSTRALIA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 354 T1206031H (06 11 21) (International Registration No. 1112497) Date of International Registration: 25/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 25/11/2011 Class 06 Foils of metal for wrapping and packaging, safes (strong boxes), bust of common metal, letters and numerals of common metal, except type, hooks of metal for clothes rails, aluminium foil, money boxes of metal, letter boxes of metal, padlocks. Class 11 Ornamental fountains, pocket searchlights, Chinese lanterns, electric lights for Christmas trees, cooking utensils electric, gas lighters, lighters. Class 21 Confectioners’ decorating bags (pastry bags), bust of china, terra-cotta or glass, tea infusers, tea balls, tea services, soap dispensers, boxes of metal, for dispensing paper towels, toilet paper dispensers, baby baths (portable), toilet paper holders, soap holders, candle rings, rags (cloth) for cleaning, pottery, litter trays (for pets), portable coolers, chamois leather for cleaning, pepper mills, hand operated, cruets, coffee services, ceramics for household purposes, clothes-pegs; cover, not of paper, for flower pots; garbage cans, litter boxes (trays) for pets, cages for household pets, kitchen utensils, cooking pot sets, shoe horns, syringes for watering flowers and plants, cabarets (trays), gloves for household purposes, drying racks for washing, birdcages, liqueur sets, drinking glasses, painted glassware, strainers for tea, garlic presses, crumb trays, mixing machines, non electric, for household purposes, molds (kitchen utensils), cookery molds (moulds), cooking pots, coffee grinders, hand operated, pastry cutters, grills (cooking utensils), spice sets, bottle openers, kettles, non electric, dust bins, ice buckets, dusting cloths (rags), cloth for washing floors. Priority Claims: Class 06 02/08/2011 CZECH REPUBLIC All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 02/08/2011 CZECH REPUBLIC All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 355 Class 21 02/08/2011 CZECH REPUBLIC All goods/services claimed in this application. ELMICH GROUP S.R.O. HRUBKU 1570/123, CZ-709 00 OSTRAVA - NOVA VES, CZECH REPUBLIC T1206032F (14) (International Registration No. 1112539) Date of International Registration: 08/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 08/03/2012 Class 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, included in this class; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Priority Claims: Class 14 01/03/2012 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. CERTINA AG (CERTINA SA) (CERTINA LTD) CHEMIN DES TOURELLES SWITZERLAND 17, CH-2400 LE LOCLE, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 356 T1205942E (12) (International Registration No. 1112588) Date of International Registration: 27/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 27/01/2012 Class 12 Bicycle parts, namely, bicycle pedals. Priority Claims: Class 12 13/12/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. SHIMANO INC. 3-77, OIMATSU-CHO, SAKAI-KU, SAKAI CITY, OSAKA 590-8577, JAPAN T1205951D (09) (International Registration No. 1112708) Date of International Registration: 04/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/01/2012 Class 09 Cameras and components thereof, included in this class, camera accessories, included in this class, software for the integration of cameras for electronic image capture and image processing. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. ALLIED VISION TECHNOLOGIES GMBH TASCHENWEG 2A, 07646 STADTRODA, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 357 T1205952B (09) (International Registration No. 1112709) Date of International Registration: 04/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/01/2012 Class 09 Cameras and components thereof, included in this class, camera accessories, included in this class, software for the integration of cameras for electronic image capture and image processing. Priority Claims: Class 09 04/07/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. ALLIED VISION TECHNOLOGIES GMBH TASCHENWEG 2A, 07646 STADTRODA, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 358 T1206358I (36) (International Registration No. 1112814) Date of International Registration: 06/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 06/12/2011 Class 36 Providing through a website commercial financial transaction data, account management, financial reporting, accounting features and related reference information; on-line financial planning services; on-line trading of financial instruments, shares, options and other derivative products; providing personal financial information and financial advice through a website; electronic financial trading services; financial administration of retirement plans; financial advisory services; financial consultancy services; financial affairs and monetary affairs, namely, financial information, management and analysis services; financial and investment services, namely, management and brokerage in the fields of stocks, bonds, options, commodities, futures and other securities, and the investment of funds of others; financial asset management; financial investment brokerage services; financial investment analysis and stock research; financial management; financial management via the internet; financial planning; financial planning and investment advisory services; financial planning for retirement; financial portfolio management; financial services, namely, a total portfolio offering for high net worth clients consisting of both separate accounts and mutual funds for equity and fixed income investments; financial services, namely, investment advice, investment management, investment consultation and investment of funds for others, including private and public equity and debt investment services; financial services, namely, wealth management services; providing financial services with respect to securities and other financial instruments and products, namely, trading of and investments in securities and financial instruments and products for others; providing financial services with respect to securities and other financial instruments and products, namely, money management services, providing financial information regarding rating changes that affect financial portfolios via e-mail notification alerts; providing information and advice in the field of finance, financial investments, financial valuations, and the financial aspects of retirement; providing on-line financial calculators; strategic financial advisory services. Priority Claims: Class 36 07/06/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 359 NUKU INC. 93 SOUTH JACKSON STREET, SUITE 40221, SEATTLE WA 981042818, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 360 T1206232I (03 20 21 24 27) (International Registration No. 1112823) Date of International Registration: 17/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/11/2011 Class 03 Soaps and detergents; dentifrices; fragrances with odor eliminating effect and fragrances with odor masking effect; abrasive paper (sandpaper); abrasive cloth; abrasive sand; artificial pumice stone; polishing paper. Class 20 Cases of plastic, used for storing small articles; tray of plastic, used for storing small articles; boxes of plastic, used for storing small articles; hooks not of metal for bag and clothes hanger; hooks of plastics; clothes hangers. Class 21 Gloves for household purposes; household gloves for general use; whisks, non-electric, for household purposes; cooking strainers; pepper pots; sugar bowls; salt shakers; napkin holders; colanders; shakers; Japanese style cooked rice scoops (shamoji); cooking funnels; cooking graters; pan-mats; ladles and dippers for kitchen use; chopping boards for kitchen use; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); cleaning tools and washing utensils, namely clothes racks for drying, clothes-pegs, cloths for cleaning, brooms, dustbins, garbage cans, scrubbing brushes, mops, dust-pans; cleaning instruments, hand-operated; dusting apparatus, non-electric; sponge holders; abrasive sponges for scrubbing the skin; sponges for household purposes; scrubbing sponges; net for facial cleansing; cleaning cloth for removing hair from hair brushes and pet brushes where the cloth is applied to brush before use then removed after use taking hair with it; plastic mold for household use in washing, drying and storing lingerie to keep it in shape; cosmetic and toilet utensils (other than "electric toothbrushes"); polishing cloth. Class 24 Felt and non-woven textile fabrics; personal articles of woven textile (not for wear), namely towels of textile; table napkins of textile; dish towels for drying; tea towels. Class 27 Bath mats for wash places; bath mats. Priority Claims: Class 03 22/08/2011 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 361 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 22/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 22/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 22/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 27 22/08/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. KOKUBO & CO., LTD. 201-9, NOKAMISHIN, KAINAN-SHI, WAKAYAMA 640-1161, JAPAN T1206235C (09) (International Registration No. 1112849) Date of International Registration: 10/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/11/2011 Class 09 Cameras and components thereof, included in this class, camera accessories, included in this class, software for the integration of cameras for electronic image capture and image processing. Priority Claims: Class 09 10/05/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. ALLIED VISION TECHNOLOGIES GMBH TASCHENWEG 2A, 07646 STADTRODA, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 362 T1206241H (03) (International Registration No. 1112896) Date of International Registration: 10/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/02/2012 Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; perfumes, eau de parfum, Cologne, toilet water, essential oils, cold cream, personal deodorants, antiperspirants, skin cleansing lotions, skin moisturizer, body oil, skin emollients, bath and shower gels, body lotions, skin lotions. Priority Claims: Class 03 12/01/2012 ITALY All goods/services claimed in this application. EMANUEL UNGARO ITALIA S.R.L. CORSO MONFORTE, 41, I-20122 MILANO, ITALY T1206244B (05) (International Registration No. 1112909) Date of International Registration: 28/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 28/02/2012 Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations. Priority Claims: Class 05 27/10/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH 55218 INGELHEIM, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 363 T1206245J (09 38 42) (International Registration No. 1112970) Date of International Registration: 29/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/02/2012 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. Class 38 Telecommunications. Class 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Priority Claims: Class 09 20/12/2011 FINLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 38 20/12/2011 FINLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 42 20/12/2011 FINLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. SUNDUKA OY PURSIMIEHENKATU 26 C, FI-00150 HELSINKI, FINLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 364 T1206863G (09 37) (International Registration No. 1113485) Date of International Registration: 16/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/02/2012 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, phonograph records and optical disks; compact disks (audio-video); automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; extinguishers; electronic publications (downloadable electronically). Class 37 Construction; repair; installation services. Priority Claims: Class 09 14/11/2011 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 37 14/11/2011 SPAIN All goods/services claimed in this application. GRUPO ORMAZABAL, S.L.U. EDIFICIO ARTEAGA, TXORIHERRI ETORBIDEA, 9-2O, E-48160 DERIO (VIZCAYA), SPAIN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 365 T1206722C (09) (International Registration No. 1113504) Date of International Registration: 17/01/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/01/2012 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Advanced Batteries" and the numeral "1". Class 09 Batteries; storage batteries. Priority Claims: Class 09 28/07/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. MIDAC S.P.A VIA A. VOLTA, 2, I-37038 SOAVE (VR), ITALY T1206750I (25) (International Registration No. 1113839) Date of International Registration: 20/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 20/12/2011 Class 25 Clothing; layettes (clothing); gymnastic shoes; footwear; hats; hosiery; gloves (clothing); neckties; girdles; bathing suits. Priority Claims: Class 25 03/08/2011 CHINA All goods/services claimed in this application. ZHEJIANG DINGPAI CLOTHING CO., LTD. NO. 241-245, NANSHUITOU ROAD, LINGXI TOWN, 325000 CANGNAN COUNTY, CHINA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 366 T1206652I (18 25) (International Registration No. 1113842) Date of International Registration: 18/11/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/11/2011 Class 18 Bags; pouches; umbrellas. Class 25 School uniforms; jackets; skirts; trousers; coats; sweaters; shirts; nightwear; underwear; swimwear; swimming caps; collar protectors; socks and stockings; fur stoles; shawls; scarves; gloves and mittens; neckties; neckerchieves; bandanas; thermal underwear; mufflers; ear muffs; headwears; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders; waistbands; belts for clothing; shoes and boots other than shoe dowels, shoe pegs, shoe handles, hobnails and shoe protective metal members; clothes for sports; boots for sports other than horse-riding boots. Priority Claims: Class 18 26/07/2011 JAPAN All goods/services claimed in this application. CONOMI CO., LTD. 3-2-5, YANAIDA-CHO,, MYOKO-SHI, NIIGATA 944-0008, JAPAN Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 367 T1206759B (35) (International Registration No. 1113925) Date of International Registration: 14/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 14/03/2012 Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Networks". Class 35 Advertising and marketing. Priority Claims: Class 35 19/09/2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All goods/services claimed in this application. LINKABLE NETWORKS, INC. 268 SUMMER STREET, FIFTH FLOOR, BOSTON MA 02210, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 368 T1206664B (11 17) (International Registration No. 1114084) Date of International Registration: 21/12/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/12/2011 Class 11 Apparatus for heating, steam generating, refrigerating, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; separators (not automatic) for steam heating systems; expansion vessels for central heating; venting valves for heating, domestic hot water and hot water systems; mixer taps for water pipes; control and safety accessories for water heaters; control equipment for water or gas appliances as well as for water or gas pipes; boiler pipes for heating installations; taps for pipes. Class 17 Packing, stopping and insulating materials; reinforcing materials, not of metal, for pipes; compositions to prevent the radiation of heat; pipe couplings, not of metal; pipe fittings, not of metal; sound proofing materials; non-conducting materials for retaining heat. Priority Claims: Class 11 11/11/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 17 11/11/2011 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. REFLEX WINKELMANN GMBH GERSTEINSTRABE 19, 59227 AHLEN, GERMANY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 369 T1206992G (03) (International Registration No. 1114480) Date of International Registration: 12/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 12/03/2012 Class 03 Perfumes, eaux de toilette; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; soaps for toilet purposes; body deodorants; cosmetics particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up preparations; shampoos; hair care and hair styling gels, mousses, balms and aerosol products; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching preparations; hair waving and styling preparations; essential oils. Priority Claims: Class 03 07/03/2012 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. HELENA RUBINSTEIN 129, RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT-HONORE, F-75008 PARIS, FRANCE Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 370 T1206995A (08 11 20 21 24) (International Registration No. 1114535) Date of International Registration: 24/02/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 24/02/2012 The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "Mi Shang Di Meng" which has no meaning. Class 08 Table cutlery. Class 11 Lamps. Class 20 Furniture of wood, wicker, fabric and iron; mirrors; frames for framing purposes. Class 21 Tableware, not of precious metal; glass (receptacles); pottery; covers, not of paper, for flower pots. Class 24 Fabric. Priority Claims: Class 08 07/09/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 11 07/09/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 20 07/09/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 21 07/09/2011 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. Class 24 07/09/2011 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 371 FRANCE All goods/services claimed in this application. DARAUX ANGELA AVENUE SAINTE FOY 15/17, F-92200 NEUILLY SUR SEINE, FRANCE T1207072J (05) (International Registration No. 1114679) Date of International Registration: 16/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/03/2012 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Plum (Pantone PMS 262 C), silver (Pantone PMS 7543 C) and gold (Pantone PMS 124 C). Class 05 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer. Priority Claims: Class 05 20/01/2012 GERMANY All goods/services claimed in this application. BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT KAISER-WILHELM-ALLEE, GERMANY 51373 LEVERKUSEN, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 372 T1207010J (14) (International Registration No. 1114701) Date of International Registration: 19/04/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/04/2012 Class 14 Cuff links, tie clips, rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, key rings, watches, chronometers, clocks; watch bands, boxes of precious metal for watches and jewelry, alarm clocks. Priority Claims: Class 14 03/11/2011 SWITZERLAND All goods/services claimed in this application. MANUFACTURE ROGER DUBUIS SA RUE ANDRE-DE-GARRINI SWITZERLAND T1207450E (09) (International Registration No. 1114761) Date of International Registration: 18/07/2011 Date of Protection in Singapore: 18/07/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Pantone green 348 and Pantone green 382. The wording "nau" is in the color pantone green 348; the graphic element, representing an exclamation point, is in the color pantone green 382. Class 09 Optical instruments, eyeglasses, sunglasses, frames, correcting lenses, contact lenses, ophthalmic lenses; eyeglass cases and eyeglass chains; computer hardware and software for medical educational purposes and to be used in the management of optical retail stores; protective ski masks eyeglasses; cash registers, credit cards, debit cards and prepaid codified cards and magnetic cards, on-line publications related to the optical field. NAU S.R.L. VIA S. E P. MAZZUCCHELLI, 7, I-21043 CASTIGLIONE OLONA (VA), ITALY. 2, CH-1217 MEYRIN, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 373 T1207344D (06 07 39) (International Registration No. 1114807) Date of International Registration: 09/03/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 09/03/2012 Class 06 Metal containers for the storage and transportation of goods; portable buildings of metal for use in storage; racking [structures] of metal for storage purposes; storage apparatus [structures] of metal; storage modules [structures] of metal; storage installations [structures] of metal; storage units [structures] of metal. Class 07 Machines for storage purposes; mechanical handling installations for storage purposes; installations for the loading of materials into storage containers and units; installations for the unloading of materials from storage containers and units. Class 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; arranging storage and transport of goods; leasing and rental of storage units; consultancy services relating to storage and transport of goods. KONECRANES PLC KONEENKATU 8, FI-05830 HYVINKAA, FINLAND Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 374 T1207373H (01 05 10) (International Registration No. 1115225) Date of International Registration: 16/04/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 16/04/2012 Class 01 Chemical products for diagnostic use; diagnostic preparations for scientific and research use. Class 05 Chemical diagnostic reagents for medical use; diagnostic kits for pharmaceutical use; diagnostic preparations, substances and reagents for medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary use; all the aforesaid goods excluding gels, preparations, substances, reagents for the treatment of labial herpes. Class 10 Surgical, medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; diagnostic apparatus and instruments for medical and pharmaceutical purposes. NOVARTIS AG CH-4002 BASEL, SWITZERLAND T1207797J (12) (International Registration No. 1115566) Date of International Registration: 04/04/2012 Date of Protection in Singapore: 04/04/2012 Class 12 Vehicles, parts and spare parts therefor; as far as included in this class. Priority Claims: Class 12 05/10/2011 EUROPEAN UNION All goods/services claimed in this application. OPEL SPECIAL VEHICLES GMBH MAINZER STR. (ADAM RUSSELSHEIM, GERMANY OPEL AG - M55), 65428 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 375 T1204357Z (25) (International Registration No. 588868) Date of International Registration: 07/07/1992 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/02/2012 Class 25 Clothing, including boots, shoes, slippers, clothing for sports and shirts. IMPALA WORLD INC AKARA BUILDING, 24 DE CASTRO STREET, WICKHAMS CAY I, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, BRITISH VIRGIN T1116168D (07) (International Registration No. 695101) Date of International Registration: 04/02/1998 Date of Protection in Singapore: 19/05/2011 Class 07 Machines and machine tools, compacting machines, drum compactors, granulating machines for chemical compounds, mixers, mills, transporting apparatus (conveying machines) for the industries producing pharmaceuticals, food, plastic materials and chemicals; presses, including machines for preparing tablets. PAUL GERTEIS HUMMELWALDSTRASSE SWITZERLAND 15, CH-8645 JONA, AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 376 T1207381I (10) (International Registration No. 699045A) Date of International Registration: 23/07/1998 Date of Protection in Singapore: 13/04/2012 Class 10 Surgical, medical and dental apparatus and instruments. SANOFI SA 11 RUE VEYROT, SWITZERLAND T0906976H (06 20) (International Registration No. 718073) Date of International Registration: 07/04/1999 Date of Protection in Singapore: 15/05/2009 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T0218403J. Class 06 Waste containers, recyclable material containers, especially waste collecting containers and recyclable material collecting containers, made of metal, especially mobile or fixed, particularly for inground installations. Class 20 Large scale waste containers not for household use and large scale recyclable material containers not for household use, especially waste collecting containers and recyclable material collecting containers not for household use, made of plastics, especially mobile or fixed, particularly for inground installations. COMPAGNIE PLASTIC OMNIUM 19 AVENUE JULES CARTERET, F-69007 LYON, FRANCE AGENT: DONALDSON & BURKINSHAW, P.O. BOX 3667 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 905667 CH-1217 MEYRIN/GENEVE, Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 377 T1003768H (03 04 05 08 09 16 21 29 31 32 33) (International Registration No. 842564) Date of International Registration: 15/07/2004 Date of Protection in Singapore: 10/12/2009 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: Orange, black and white. Class 03 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Class 04 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust-absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles, wicks for lighting. Class 05 Pharmaceutical and veterinary products; sanitary products for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; products for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Class 08 Hand-operated hand tools and implements; cutlery (knives, forks and spoons); side arms, other than firearms; razors. Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), emergency (life-saving) and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound or images; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing and computer equipment; fire extinguishers. Class 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paintbrushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional or teaching material (except apparatus); plastic packaging materials (not included in Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 378 other classes); printing type; printing blocks. Class 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paintbrushes); brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Class 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and dairy products; edible oils and fats. Class 31 Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains, not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; natural seeds, plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Class 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). ETABLISSEMENTS DELHAIZE FRERES ET CIE "LE LION", EN NEERLANDAIS GEBROEDERS DELHAIZE EN CIE "DE LEEUW", SOCIETE ANONYME RUE OSSEGHEM 53, B-1080 MOLENBEEK-SAINT-JEAN (BRUXELLES), BELGIUM AGENT: RAVINDRAN ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 2988 RAFFLES CITY POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 911799 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 379 T1100319A (33) (International Registration No. 856637) Date of International Registration: 14/03/2005 Date of Protection in Singapore: 29/09/2010 The transliteration of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "Aka-Kiri-Shima" meaning "Red Mist Island". Class 33 Sake, western liquors (in general), alcoholic beverages of fruit, Chinese liquors (in general), flavored tonic liquors. KIRISHIMASHUZO CO. LTD. 28-1, SHIMOKAWAHIGASHI 4-CHOME, MIYAKONOJO-CITY, MIYAZAKI 885-0011, JAPAN. AGENT: PATRICK MIRANDAH CO. (S) PTE. LTD., P.O. BOX 1093 ROBINSON ROAD POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE 902143 T1206286H (25) (International Registration No. 868871) Date of International Registration: 25/03/2005 Date of Protection in Singapore: 17/02/2012 Class 25 Clothing (outwear and underwear) excluding protective clothing; footwear; headgear; socks; belts (clothing), neckties, gloves (clothing). G.R. DERI TEKSTIL AYAKKABI VE HEDIYELIK ESYA URUNLERI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI YENIDOGAN MH. ZUBEYDE HAMM CAD. 41., SK. NO. 72, ZEYTINBURNU, ISTANBUL, TURKEY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 380 T1107171E (09) (International Registration No. 939085) Date of International Registration: 30/08/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/05/2011 The following claim is made in the International Registration: Colours claimed: The color(s) blue, red, black, white and gray is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of a stylized depiction of a compass; the ring located at the top of the compass appears in gray and white; the case around the outside of the compass is comprised of black, gray and white rings; all of the letters and the design on the face of the compass appear in the color white, and the letters "N", "E", "S", and "W" appear in dark blue circles with a white triangle on the edge of the circle; the needle in the middle of the compass is red on the upper right half, and white and gray on the lower left half; the remainder of the face of the compass is in varying shades of blue with white and gray line markings. Class 09 Internet browser software; downloadable internet browser software. APPLE INC. 1 INFINITE LOOP, CUPERTINO, CA 95014, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGENT: WONG & LEOW LLC, 8 MARINA BOULEVARD, #05-01 MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE TOWER 1, SINGAPORE 018981 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 381 T1109964D (09) (International Registration No. 939687) Date of International Registration: 24/05/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 21/03/2011 Class 09 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and, instruments; computers, computer firmware (but not stand-alone software products) and hardware; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus, instruments and media for recording, reproducing, carrying, storing, processing, manipulating, transmitting, broadcasting, retrieving and reproducing music, sounds, images, text, signals, software, information, data and code; sound and video recordings; audio and visual recordings provided by downloading and/or streaming; downloadable music files from the internet; coin feed apparatus; electronic amusement apparatus; computer games software; arcade games; multimedia apparatus and instruments; televisions and television games apparatus and instruments; pre-recorded vinyl records, audio tapes, audio-video tapes, audio video cassettes, audio video discs; audio tapes (all being sold together with booklets); CD-ROMs; digital versatile discs; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; data processing equipment and computers; apparatus for data storage; hard drives; miniature hard disk drive storage units; mouse pads; batteries; rechargeable batteries; chargers for electric batteries; headphones; stereo headphones; in-ear headphones; audio speakers; audio speakers for home; monitor speakers; speakers for computers; speakers for portable media players; digital audio and video devices; audio cassette recorders and players, video cassette recorders and players, compact disc players, digital versatile disc recorders and players, digital audio tape recorders and players; radios; cameras; video cameras; portable digital electronic devices and software related thereto; hand held digital electronic devices and software related thereto; MP3 players; hand held computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; microprocessors, memories boards, monitors, displays, keyboards, cables, modems, printers, videophones, disk drives; bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain MP3 players, hand held computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers and electronic notepads; bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain cameras and/or video cameras; cordless telephones; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones; mobile telephone covers; mobile telephone cases; mobile telephone cases made of leather or imitations of leather; mobile telephone covers made of cloth or textile materials; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 382 goods. DISRUPTIVE LIMITED 4 BLENHEIM ROAD, HIGH WYCOMBE HP12 3RS, UNITED KINGDOM Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 383 T1010022C (03 05 29 30) (International Registration No. 940409) Date of International Registration: 23/05/2007 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/05/2010 The mark consists of a German word meaning "Potter". Class 03 Cosmetics. Class 05 Dietetic substances adapted for medical purposes, preparations for health care, dietary supplements for medical purposes, food for babies; pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, in particular medicine to be purchased over the counter, pharmaceutical drugs, medicinal teas and tea mixtures; fresh plant juices made from medicinal herbs, being suitable also for children, sick persons and for diabetics and persons being sensitive with regard to sodium salt as well as for baby food; dietetic substitutes for cooking salt and sugar adapted for medical use. Class 29 Milk; milk powder for the human diet; whey; dietetic food, also in the form of semi-finished dietetic food, or dietary supplements for non-medical purposes on the basis of proteins and fats, also with added fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, either separately or in combination (included in this class), namely food jellies and mould extracts for food. Class 30 Dietetic food or dietary supplements for non-medical purposes on the basis of carbohydrates and dietary fibre, also with added vitamins, minerals, trace elements, either separately or in combination (included in this class), namely cereal preparations, confectionery, cakes, ice-cream, gruel with milk base for food, chocolates, aromatic preparations for food and chocolate beverages with milk; cereal or rice-based desserts containing milk. TOPFER GMBH HEISINGER STRASSE 6, 87463 DIETMANNSRIED, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 384 T1110758B (09) (International Registration No. 961979) Date of International Registration: 28/01/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 31/03/2011 By consent of the registered proprietor of TM No T1110738H. Class 09 Apparatus and instruments for measuring temperature, in particular thermometers, glass thermometers, dial type thermometers, laboratory thermometers, thermometers with contact, electronic thermometers, machine thermometers, thermometers with electric teletransmitter, measuring transformers, electric and electronic analyzing and indication apparatus for the aforementioned apparatus and instruments; electric measuring amplifier, except for scales and for accessories and parts of scales; apparatus for measuring and monitoring flow; water meters; measurement equipment for water consumption and control, leakage warning systems; flow measuring apparatus for allocating and billing of costs, for example oil or gas; radio systems for electronic monitoring, control and indication systems for temperature, humidity, flow and level; sensors and transmitters, in particular electric and electronic temperature sensors, humidity sensors, flow sensors and level sensors; calibrators for temperature, humidity, flow and level; switches actuated by temperature, humidity, flow or level; apparatus for monitoring flow systems for fluids or gas in buildings. SIKA DR. SIEBERT & KUHN GMBH & CO. KG STRUTHWEG 7-9, 34260 KAUFUNGEN, GERMANY AGENT: DREW AND NAPIER LLC, 10 COLLYER QUAY, #10-01 OCEAN FINANCIAL CENTRE, SINGAPORE 049315 T1204366I (05) (International Registration No. 975035) Date of International Registration: 22/07/2008 Date of Protection in Singapore: 03/02/2012 Class 05 Dietetic and/or food supplements. SIGMA-TAU INDUSTRIE FARMACEUTICHE RIUNITE S.P.A. VIALE SHAKESPEARE, 47, I-00144 ROMA, ITALY Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 385 Changes in Published Applications Errata Trade Mark No Journal No Page No Class Name and Address T1101930F 012/2011 231 01 02 07 SICPA HOLDING SA (International Registration No. 1065060) 09 16 40 45 AVENUE DE FLORISSANT PRILLY, SWITZERLAND. 41, CH-1008 Name and address of applicant should have read: SICPA HOLDING SA of Avenue de Florissant 41 CH-1008 Prilly CH T1110288B 015/2012 135 03 05 (International Registration No. 1031407) SISIG LIMITED 5TH FLOOR, 7/10 CHANDOS STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDRES W1G 9DQ, UNITED KINGDOM Advertisement of this application should be disregarded. Trade Marks Journal No. 025/2012 Page No. 386 Applications Amended After Publication Trade Mark No Journal No T1111166J 045/2011 Page No 100 Class Name and Address 41 MERLIEN INSTITUTE PTE LTD 14 ROBINSON ROAD, #13-00 FAR EAST FINANCE BUILDING, SINGAPORE 048545 Specification of goods/services amended to read:Class 41 T1111166J(41) --------------------Event management services (organization of educational, entertainment, sporting or cultural events), arranging of conferences, and management of education services; the aforesaid services all being in relation to marketing, marketing research, market research and consumer insights domains.