EUGOGO Graves Orbitopathy Teaching Course PDF


EUGOGO Graves Orbitopathy Teaching Course PDF
9th EUGOGO Graves´ Orbitopathy Teaching
ETA | SRE Teaching Course
25.09.2015, 13:00 - 26.09.2015, 19:00
Belgrade, Serbien
European Thyroid Association - ETA
The ninth version of the EUGOGO teaching course on Graves’ orbitopathy will be held in Belgrade, Serbia. The course focuses on the
pathogenesis, assessment and management of Graves´ Orbitopathy. On Friday, aspects of pathogenesis and diagnosis of GO as well as
management will be discussed. On Saturday, a practical assessment masterclass, two grand rounds featuring live demonstrations, a
surgical orbital procedures session, an index case presentation and interactive presentations will be held.
Fortbildungspunkte: 0
Max. Teilnehmer: unbegrenzt
Gebühren ab: k.A.
Ärzte in Weiterbildung
Max. Teilnehmer: unbegrenzt
Gebühren ab: k.A.
Diese Veranstaltung findet jährlich statt und bietet Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten für Fachärzte und Ärzte in Weiterbildung.
Die Zertifizierung wurde bei der European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) beantragt.
Vom Veranstalter gemeldetes Programm:
Friday, September 25, 2015
02.00pm – 02.15pm
Welcome Session | Marcocci, Eugogo chair & Zarkovic, LOC chair
02.15pm – 03.00pm
State of the Art: EUGOGO – Past, Present and Future | Wiersinga
03.00pm – 04.40pm
Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of GO | Chair: Kahaly & Beleslin
Pathogenesis | Salvi
Natural history, epidemiology and risk factors | Clarke
Clinical activity and severity | Boborides
Assessment of eye muscle motility | Stankovic
Differential diagnosis of GO and imaging | Pitz
05.00pm – 07.00pm
Management | Chair: Daumerie & Knezević
Thyroid treatment | Bartalena
Classical orbital treatment: IV steroids and radiotherapy | Kahaly
Antioxidative approach | Marino
Novel treatments: Rituximab and IGF-1 antagonist | Hegedüs
Orbital decompression surgery | Baldeschi
Squint and eyelid surgery | Eckstein
Saturday, September 26, 2015
08.00am – 08.45am
Practical Assessment Masterclass
Two groups, four leaders – Key history details & examination pearls
For endocrinologists: ophthalmic history key points including when to refer for surgery & an ophthalmologist teaching basic exam (visual
acuity, hertel values, RAPD, eye muscle motility, etc.) offered by four Eugogo opthalmologists | Morris, Knezević, Stankovic, von Arx
For opthalmologists: endocrinologist teaching medical history key points & a thyroid diagnostics teaching advanced skills offered by
four Eugogo endocrinologists | Daumerie, Beleslin, Brix, Ayvaz
09.00am – 11.00am
Grand Rounds I
Template for local organizer with room distribution required. Eight rooms marked from A-H. Delegates rotate in alphabetical order. Eugogo
doctors rotate opposite direction at half time (so they have two patients during the circuit). Eight ophthalmologists and eight
endocrinologists from Eugogo involved.
First session of live demonstrations with a total of four GO patients requiring 30 minutes per patient. Focus on one major clinical sign per
patient, emphasis on distinguishing active signs (comparative). Include concept of congested /hydraulic signs. Thus the delegates may
learn to differentiate clinical signs after investigating several patients.
11.30am – 01.30pm
Grand Rounds II
Second session with four patients
02.30pm – 04.00pm
Surgical Orbital Procedures
Interactive sessions for small groups (25-30), video demonstrations recommended, rotation every 25 minutes:
Decompression surgery and orbital fat removal | Fichter
Squint surgery | Boschi
Lid surgery | Curro
04.30pm – 05.25pm
Index Case
Patient with e.g. “congestive orbitopathy”: 5-10 minute slide presentation | Zarkovic
Subsequently discussion and differential diagnosis of the index case within four (or five) separate groups (25-30 attendees) coached by
two ophthalmologists and two endocrinologists of the Eugogo group
05.30pm – 06.30pm
Present Your Own Cases | Chair: Wiersinga & Konuk
Interactive 3-4 case presentations (15 min. each) run by Serbian colleagues and/or active participants coached by two Eugogo members
moderating the session.
06.30pm – 07.00pm
Summary and Feedback
From the audience | Marcocci & Zarkovic
Belgrade, Serbien
European Thyroid Association - ETA
European Thyroid Association - ETA
ETA Standing Office
EndoScience - Endokrinologie Service GmbH
Sandra Crutchley
Hopfengartenweg 19
DE - 90518 Altdorf
Tel.: +49 (0)6136 762 197
Fax: +49 (0)6136 761 953
E-Mail: [email protected]
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