Publikationen als PDF - Departement für Sport, Bewegung und


Publikationen als PDF - Departement für Sport, Bewegung und
Publikationen - Monographien
Ludwig, H.; von Martial, I.: Schulpädagogik heute - Probleme und Perspektiven, Frankfurt am Main:
Verlag Peter Lang 1994 (=Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Gerhard Steindorf).
Stressmanagement im Sportunterricht. Ein Trainingsprogramm in 8 Modulen. Broschüre für
BerufsschullehrerInnen. Dübendorf: Helsana Versicherungen AG 2010.
Albrecht, K.; Meyer, S.; Zahner, Lukas: Stretching. Das Expertenhandbuch - Grundlagen für Trainer
und Sportler, Heidelberg: Karl Haug Verlag 1997.
Barker-Ruchti, Natalie: Women's Artistic Gymnastics: An (Auto-) Ethnographic Journey, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane 2007 (Unveröffentliche Dissertation).
Brettschneider, W.-D.; Gerlach, Erin: Sportengagement und Entwicklung im Kindesalter. Eine
Evaluation zum Paderborner Talentmodell, Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2004.
Brockhaus, Bettina; Seelig, Harald; Bengel, Jürgen: Wissenschaftliche Begleitung und Evaluation
des Projekts „Medizinisch-Berufliche Rehabilitation Südbaden“, Stuttgart: Deutsche
Rentenversicherung 2013 (=Forschungsbericht).
Dittler, Martina: Computervermittelte Kommunikation in netzbasierten Lernszenarien, München:
Herbert Utz Verlag Wissenschaft, 2002.
Dittler, Martina: Evaluation von multimedialen Lernprogrammen als Beitrag zur Qualitätssicherung
von Weiterbildungsmassnahmen, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1998 (=Reihe Europäische
Ehrsam, Rolf; : Bewegung und Sport bei Übergewicht, Verlag Hans Huber. Bern 2010 (in press).
Engel, Peter: Die Anfänge der Skivereine und Skiverbände im deutschsprachigen Raum
(Skilauf und Skisport von 1890-1914 unter dem Einfluss mitteleuropäischer Einigungsideen), Basel
1991 (=Diplomarbeit).
Faude, Oliver: Regeneration im leistungssportlichen Training. Zur Wirkung verschiedener
regenerativer Maßnahmen während und nach intensiven Trainingsphasen im Radsport. VDM
Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken 2007.
Faude, Oliver; Wegmann, M; Krieg, A; Meyer, T: Kälteapplikation im Spitzensport. Eine
Bestandesaufnahme der wissenschaftlichen Evidenz. Sportverlag Strauß, Köln 2010.
Gerber, Markus: Pädagogische Psychologie im Sportunterricht. Ein Lehrbuch in 14 Lektionen,
Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2015.
Gerber, Markus: Sport, Stress und Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen, Schorndorf: Hofmann 2008.
Gerber, Markus; Hartmann, Tim; Pühse, Uwe: Polizei-Studie 2008-2009: Stress, spezifische
Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz, Gesundheitsverhalten und Einschätzungen der betrieblichen
Gesundheitsförderung bei der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt, Basel: Selbstverlag 2012.
Gerber, Markus; Hartmann, Tim; Lang, Christin; Lüthy, Mirjam; Brand, Serge: Stressmanagement
im Sportunterricht. Ein Trainingsprogramm in 8 Modulen. Broschüre für BerufsschülerInnen,
Dübendorf: Helsana Versicherungen AG 2010.
Gerber, Markus; Hartmann, Tim; Lang, Christin; Lüthy, Mirjam; Brand, Serge: Stressmanagement
im Sportunterricht. Ein Trainingsprogramm in 8 Modulen. Broschüre für BerufsschullehrerInnen,
Dübendorf: Helsana Versicherungen AG 2010.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 1
Gerber, Markus; Lang, Christin; Lüthy, Mirjam: Stressmanagement im Sportunterricht. Ein
Trainingsprogramm in 6 Modulen. Trainingsmanual für Sportlehrkräfte an Berufsfachschulen, 2.
vollst. überarb. Aufl. Basel: Universität Basel 2014.
Gerber, Markus; Lang, Christin; Lüthy, Mirjam: Stressmanagement im Sportunterricht. Ein
Trainingsprogramm in 6 Modulen. Trainingsheft für Lernende an Berufsfachschulen, 2. vollst.
überarb. Aufl. Basel: Universität Basel 2014.
Gerber, Markus; Oberer, N.; Pühse, Uwe: Beweg Dich gesund! Ein praktischer Ratgeber für ein
körperlich aktives Leben. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2014.
Gerlach, Erin: Sportengagement und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Eine längsschnittliche Analyse
der Bedeutung sozialer Faktoren für das Selbstkonzept von Heranwachsenden, Aachen: Meyer &
Meyer 2008.
Gerlach, Erin; Brettschneider, W.D.: Aufwachsen mit Sport. Befunde einer 10-jährigen
Längsschnittstudie zwischen Kindheit und Adoleszenz, Aachen; Meyer & Meyer 2013.
: Neuromuskuläre Leistungsfähigkeit im Alter: Auswirkungen von Kraft- und sensomotorischem
Training, Geislingen/Steige 2006.
Häusermann, Stefan: Bewegung, Spiel und Sport mit behinderten Menschen - Schwerst- und
Mehrfachbehinderung, 2. Aufl. Volketswil 2002.
Hartmann, Tim; Pecoraro, Nadia; Pühse, Uwe; Zahner, Lukas: Brainfitness - Fit und clever durch
den Schulalltag, Baar 2010.
Hartmann, Tim; Pecoraro, Nadia; Pühse, Uwe; Zahner, Lukas: Fit und clever durch den Alltag.
Brainfitness-Inputs zur geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit, Baar 2010.
Hartmann, Tim; Gerber, Markus; Pühse, Uwe: Zeig dem Stress die rote Karte! Manual zur
Stressbewältigung, Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2014.
Häusermann, Stefan: Auf Schnee und Eis - Wintersportfächer, Sport und Behinderung,
Herzogenbuchsee: Ingold Verlag/Plusport 2015.
Häusermann, Stefan: Sport und Handicap - Wege zum gemeinsamen Sport, Magglingen:
Bundesamt für Sport BASPO 2014.
Häusermann, Stefan: Mit Unterschieden spielen - Themenfächer für den integrativen Sportunterricht, Herzogenbuchsee: Ingold Verlag/Plusport 2008.
Häusermann, Stefan; Bläuenstein, Chantal; Zibung, Isabelle: Sport erst recht - Grundlagen in der
Begleitung von Menschen mit Behinderung im Sport, Herzogenbuchsee: Ingold Verlag/Plusport
Herrmann, Christian: Interventionsstudie PRimus - Psychosoziale Ressourcen im Jugendsport.
Methoden und Ergebnisse der Programmdurchführung und Programmwirksamkeit,
errmann.pdf 2012.
Herrmann, Christian; Wedel, H.; Blümel, K.; Sygusch, R.: Persönlichkeits- und Teamentwicklung.
Förderung psychosozialer Ressourcen im Basketball, Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Sportjugend
Körner, U.; Körner, R.; Zahner, Lukas: "Gemeinsam aktiv". Gesundheitsförderung im Kindesalter
durch bewegung und Sport. Eine Broschüre für Eltern, Münsingen: Fischer 2007.
: Le contraddizioni nel Socrate platonico (Die Widersprüche im platonischen Sokrates).
Unveröffentlichte Dissertation, Parma 2004.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 2
Ludyga, Sebastian: Anpassungen der Hirnfunktion nach Radsporttraining: Effekte von Hoch- und
Niederfrequenztraining im Radsport auf die zentralnervale Aktivität sowie die aerobe und anaerobe
Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit, Hamburg: Dr. Kovac 2014 (=Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft 124).
: Zum Stellenwert des Subjektiven Beanspruchungsempfindens als Steuerungsmittel für
gesundheitsorientierte Ausdauerbelastungen, Hannover: Deutscher Ruderverband 1998.
Pühse, Uwe: Kindliche Entwicklung und soziales Handeln im Sport, Schorndorf: Hofmann 2004
(=Schriftenreihe: Beiträge zur Lehre und Forschung im Sport Band 137).
Pühse, Uwe: Soziales Handeln im Sport und Sportunterricht. Texte, Quellen, Dokumente zur
Sportwissenschaft, Schorndorf: Hofmann 1994.
Pühse, Uwe: Soziales Lernen im Sport. Ein Beitrag zur sportpädagogischen Lernzieldiskussion,
Bad Heilbrunn/Obb: Klinkhardt Verlag 1990.
Pühse, Uwe; Firmin, F.; Mengisen, W.: Schulsportforschung im Spannungsfeld von Empirie und
Hermeneutik, Magglingen 2005 (=Festschrift für Prof. Kurt Egger).
Pühse, Uwe; Illi, U.: Die Bedeutung von Bewegung und Sport im Lebensraum Schule, Schorndorf:
Hofmann 1999 (=Kongressbericht).
Pühse, Uwe; von Martial, I.; Ludwig, H.: Schulpädagogik heute - Probleme und Perspektiven,
Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Peter Lang 1994 (=Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Gerhard Steindorf).
Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: O imaginario no rafting: uma busca pelos sentidos da
aventura, do risco e da vertigem, Sao Paulo/Brasil 2004 (Zouk).
Seelig, Harald: Subjektive Theorien über Laborsituationen - Methodologie und Struktur subjektiver
Konstruktionen von Sportstudierenden, Schorndorf: Hofmann 2002.
Styp v. Rekowski, Anne; Seelig, Harald; Bengel, Jürgen: Evaluation und wissenschaftliche
Begleitung des Modellprojektes zur beruflichen Integrationsförderung ehemaliger
Suchtmittelabhängiger, Stuttgart: Deutsche Rentenversicherung 2013 (=Forschungsbericht).
Sygusch, R.; Herrmann, Christian: PRimus - Psychosoziale Ressourcen im Kinder- und
Jugendsport. Hamburg: Czwalina 2013.
Sygusch, Ralf; Herrmann, Christian: Persönlichkeits- und Teamentwicklung im Kinder- und
Jugendsport 2002-2012, Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Sportjugend 2013.
Zahner, Lukas; Steiner, R.: Kräftig altern - Lebensqualität und Selbständigkeit dank Muskeltraining,
Karlsruhe: Health and Beauty 2010 (=Taschenbuch).
Zahner, Lukas; Steiner, R.: Kräftig altern - Die positiven Effekte von Muskeltraining in der 3.
Lebensphase, Karlsruhe: Health and Beauty 2010 (=Handbuch für Fachpersonen).
Zahner, Lukas; Bürgi, Flavia; Niederer, Iris; Kriemler, Susi; Liechti, B.; Puder, J.: KIDZ-BOX.
Kartenset zur Gesundheitsförderung bei Kinder. Informationen für Lehrpersonen, Bern:
Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz 2008.
Zahner, Lukas; Pühse, Uwe; Stüssi, C.; Schmid, J.; Dössegger, A.: "Aktive Kindheit - Gesund
durchs Leben", Handbuch für Fachpersonen, Münsingen: Fischer 2004.
Zahner, Lukas; Pühse, Uwe; Stüssi, C.; Schmid, J.; Dössegger, A.: "Aktive Kindheit - Gesund
durchs Leben", Elternbroschüre, Münsingen: Fischer 2004.
Zahner, Lukas; Babst, H.: Die 12 Bausteine zum Erfolg im Schweizer Nachwuchs-Leistungssport,
Bern: Schweizerischer Olympischer Verband 1999.
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Seite 3
Publikationen - Herausgeberschaften
Fuchs, R.; Göhner, W.; Seelig, Harald (Hg.): Aufbau eines körperlich-aktiven Lebensstils: Theorie,
Empirie und Praxis, Göttingen: Hogrefe 2007.
Fuchs, Reinhard; Gerber, Markus (Hg.): Handbuch Sport und Stressregulation, Heidelberg:
Springer 2016 / in preparation.
Gerlach, Erin; Gramespacher, E.; Hebbel-Seeger, A. (Hg.): Hochschuldidaktik und digitale Medien,
Ze-phir, 14 (2) 2008.
Hebbel-Seeger, A.; Gerlach, Erin (Hg.): Hochschuldidaktik – Satzungsänderung , Ze-phir, 12 (1)
Helmes, A.; Barth, J.; Bengel, J.; Fuchs, R.; Koerner, M.; Seelig, Harald (Hg.):
Lebensstiländerungen in Prävention und Rehabilitation, Lengerich: Pabst 2005.
Klein, Marie-Luise; Kurz, Dietrich; Lames, Martin; Memmert, Daniel; Strauß, Bernd; Thiel, Ansgar;
Wiemeyer, Josef; Gerlach, Erin (Hg.): Forum Sportwissenschaft. Schriftenreihe des Vereins zur
Förderung des sportwissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Hamburg: Czwalina. 2006-2009 (=Band
Pühse, Uwe; Gerber, Markus (Hg.): International comparison of physical education. Concepts,
problems, prospects, Aachen: Meyer & Meyer 2005.
Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno (Hg.): Themenheft Sport- und Bewegungsmedizin, 72, Bern 2015
(=Therapeutische Umschau).
Seelig, Harald; Göhner, W.; Fuchs, R. (Hg.): Selbststeuerung im Sport. 37. Jahrestagung der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) vom 5. bis 7. Mai 2005 in Freiburg, Hamburg:
Czwalina 2005.
Sudeck, G.; Conzelmann, A.; Lehnert, K.; Gerlach, Erin (Hg.): Differentielle Sportpsychologie –
Sportwissenschaftliche Persönlichkeitsforschung, Hamburg 2008.
Wagner, I; Schultz, U; Fehr, U (Hg.): Karrieremöglichkeiten, Nachwuchs- und Stellensituation in der
Sportwissenschaft, Hamburg: Feldhaus 2011.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 4
Publikationen - Zeitschriftenaufsätze
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2007). Nicht nur der Autorität verpflichtet Mobile, 6, S. 26-28.
Abdoli, N; Farnia, V; Delavar, A; Esmaeili, A; Dortaj, F; Farrokhi, N; Karami, M; Shakeri, J;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2015). Poor mental health status and aggression are associated
with poor driving behavior among male traffic offenders Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment,
11, S. 2071-2078 (IF: 2.145).
Abdoli, N; Farnia, V; Delavar, A; Esmaeili, A; Dortaj, F; Farrokhi, N; Karami, M; Shakeri, J;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2015). Mental health status, aggression, and poor driving
distinguish traffic offenders from non-offenders but health status predicts driving behavior in both
groups behavior in both groups Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 2063-2070 (IF:
Abraham, R; Schäfer, J; Rothe, M; Bange, J; Knyazev, P; Ullrich, A. (2005). Identification of
MMP-15 as an anti-apoptotic factor in cancer cells. J Biol Chem, 280, 40, S. 34123-34132 (IF 2005:
Ahmadian, A; Mirzaee, J; Omidbeygi, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2015). Differences in
maladaptive schemas between patients suffering from chronic and acute post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) and healthy controls Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 1677-84 (IF:
Ahmadpanah, M; Haghighi, M; Jahangard, L; Borzoei, S; Heshmati, S; Bajoghli, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2015). No evidence for metabolic syndrome and lipid profile
differences in patients suffering from bipolar I disorder with and without suicide attempts
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, S. 1-6 (IF: 1.33).
Ahmadpanah, M; Keshavarz, M; Haghighi, M; Jahangard, L; Bajoghli, H; Sadeghi Bahmani, D;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2016). Higher emotional intelligence is related to lower test
anxiety among students Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12, S. 133-136 (IF: 1.78).
Ahmadpanah, M; Paghale, S; Kaikhavani, S; Aghaei, E; Nazaribadie, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E;
Brand, S. (2016). Effects of psychotherapy in combination with pharmacotherapy, when compared
to pharmacotherapy only on blood pressure, depression and anxiety in female patients with
hypertension Journal of Health Psychology, 21, S. 1216-1227 (IF: 2.01).
Ahmadpanah, M; Sabzeiee, P; Hosseini, S; Torabian, S; Haghighi, M; Jahangard, L; Bajoghli, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2014). Comparing the effect of prazosin and hydroxyzine on
sleep quality in patients suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder Neuropsychobiology, 69, S.
235-242 (IF 2.37).
Ahmadpanah, M; Sheikhbabaei, M; Haghighi, M; Roham, F; Jahangard, L; Akhondi, A; Sadeghi
Bahmani, D; Bajoghli, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2016). Validity and test-retest validity of
the Persian version of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale Neuropsychiatric Disease
and Treatment, 12, S. 603-607 (IF: 1.78).
Ahmadpanah, M; Soheili, S; Jahangard, L; Bajoghli, H; Haghighi, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E;
Conrad, D; Brand, S; Keikhavandi, S. (2014). Cooperative Learning Improves Social Skills and
Knowledge of Science Topics in Pre-adolescent Children in Iran. British Journal of Education,
Society, and Behavioural Science, 4, S. 1029-1037.
Akbarian, F; Bajoghli, H; Haghighi, M; Kalak, N; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2015). The
effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy with respect to psychological symptoms and
recovering autobiographical memory in patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 395-404.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 5
Amort, M; Fluri, F; Schäfer, J; Weisskopf, F; Katan, M; Burow, A; Bucher, H C; Bonati, L H; Lyrer, P
A; Engelter, S T. (2011). Transient ischemic attack versus transient ischemic attack mimics:
frequency, clinical characteristics and outcome. Cerebrovasc Dis, 32, 1, S. 57-64 (IF 2011: 2.723).
Antonini Philippe, R; Sagar, S S; Hauw, D; Gerber, M. (2016). Players’ perception of coaches’
contribution to their mental toughness International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching, 10, S.
Arida, R; Gomes da Silva, S; de Almeida, A; Cavalheiro, E; Zavala-Tecuapetla, C; Brand, S; Rocha,
L. (2015). Differential effects of exercise on brain opioid receptor binding and activation in rats
Journal of Neurochemistry, 132(2), S. 206-17 (IF: 4.244).
Arnet, U; Hinrichs, T; Lay, V; Bertschy, S; Frei, H; Brinkhof, M. (2016). Determinants of handbike
use in persons with spinal cord injury: results of a community survey in Switzerland. Disability and
Rehabilitation, 38, 1, S. 81-86 (IF 2015: 1.919).
Bachmann, G; Dittler, M; Tesak, G. (2004). Was hat Didaktik mit Lernen zu tun? Uni Nova
Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Basel, Nr. 98, S. 15-17.
Baer, G; Baumann, P; Buettcher, M; Heininger, U; Berthet, G; Schäfer, J; Bucher, H C; Trachsel, D;
Schneider, J; Gambon, M; Reppucci, D; Bonhoeffer, J M; Stähelin-Massik, J; Schuetz, P; Mueller,
B; Szinnai, G; Schaad, U B; Bonhoeffer, J. (2013). Procalcitonin guidance to reduce antibiotic
treatment of lower respiratory tract infection in children and adolescents (ProPAED): A randomized
controlled trial. PLoS One, 8, 8, S. e68419 (IF 2013: 3.534).
Bajoghli, H; Joshaghani, N; Gerber, M; Mohammadi, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2013). In
Iranian female and male adolescents, romantic love is related to hypomania and low depressive
symptoms, but also to higher state anxiety. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice,
17, S. 98-109 (IF 2010: 0.5).
Bajoghli, H; Alipouri, A; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2013). Sleep patterns and psychological
functioning in families in northeastern Iran; evidence for similarities between adolescent children
and their parents Journal of Adolescence, 36, S. 1103-1113 (IF: 1.88).
Bajoghli, H; Joshaghani, N; Mohammadi, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2011). In female
adolescents, romantic love is related to hypomanic-like stages and increased physical activity, but
not to sleep or depressive symptoms International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 15, S.
164-170 (IF 211: 0.5).
Bajoghli, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2009). Cultural and gender-related differences of
concepts of love between Iranian and Swiss adults based on Hafez’ poetry of love Interpersona, 3,
S. 177-189.
Banzer, W; .. .; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; .. .; Zimmermann, E. (2011). Doping in Competitive Sports in
West-Germany Deut Z Sportmed, 62, 11, S. 343-344 (IF 2011: --).
Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Gerber, M; Gerlach, E; Sattler, S; Bergman, M; Pühse, U. (2013).
Swiss youths, migration and integrative sport: Critical-constructive reading of popular discourse.
European Journal for Sport and Society, 10, S. 143-160.
Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Gerber, M; Gerlach, E; ; Sattler, S; Bergmann, M; Pühse, U. (2010).
Swiss youths and the storying of non-participation in organised sport: A narrative examination of
two cases Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education Bulletin, 60, S. 38-43.
Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Gerber, M; Gerlach, E; Sattler, S; Pühse, U. (2011). Youths with
migration backgrounds and their experiences of physical education: an examination of three cases
Sport, Education, & Society, 19, S. 186-203 (IF 2011: 0.83).
Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Sattler, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2011). Understanding youths with
migration backgrounds and their relations to physical education Sportunterricht, 60, S. 239-242.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 6
Barker, D. (2010). Swiss youths and the myth of integrative sport Research Intelligence: News
From the British Educational Research Association, 112, S. 13.
Barker, D. (2007). Reconsidering teamwork Quest, 59, 4, S. 415-427.
Barker, D. (2007). Teamwork Teacher Magazine, S. 8-10.
Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Pühse, U. (2011). Constructive readings of interactive episodes:
examining ethics in physical education from a social constructionist perspective Sport, education
and society, S. 1-16.
Barker, D; Pühse, U; Rossi, A. (2010). Managing teams: Comparing organizational and sport
psychological approaches to teamwork Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, 1, S. 115-132.
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2009). Ballerinas and Pixies: A Genealogy of the Changing Female Gymnastics
Body International Journal of the History of Sport, 26, 1, S. 45-62.
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2008). "They Must be Working Hard": An Ethnographic Account of Women's
Artistic Gymnastics Cultural Studies Cultural Methodologies, 8, 3, S. 372-380.
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2008). Gender und Geschlechterrollen Uninova, 108, S. 12-15.
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2002). A Study Journey: A Useful Example of Action Research Journal of
Physical Education New Zealand, 35, 1, S. 12-24.
Barker-Ruchti, N; Barker, D; Sattler, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2015). Second generation immigrant
girls’ negotiations of cultural proximity in Switzerland: A Foucauldian reading Journal of
International Migration and Integration, 16, S. 1213-1229, doi:10.1007/s12134-014-0386-9.
Barker-Ruchti, N; Barker, D; Sattler, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2013). Sport: ‘It’s just healthy’:
Locating healthism within discourses of social integration Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
39, S. 759-772 (IF 2011: 1.03).
Barker-Ruchti, N. (2006). "Stride Jump - Begin!": Swedish Gymnastics in Victorian England
Sporting Traditions, 22, 2, S. 13-29.
Barker-Ruchti, N; Tinning, R. (2010). Foucault in leotards: Corporeal discipline in women's artistic
gymnastics Sociology of Sport Journal, 27, 3, S. 229-250.
Bauer, M; Caviezel, S; Teynor, A; Erbel, R; Mahabadi, A; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2012). Carotid
intima-media thickness as a biomarker of subclinical atherosclerosis. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142,
S. w13705 (IF 2011: 1.9).
Baulmann, J; Nürnberger, J; Slany, J; Schmieder, R; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Baumgart, D;
Cremerius, P; Hess, O; Mortensen, K; Weber, K. (2010). Arterial stiffness and pulse wave analysis
Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 135, 1, S. 4-14 (IF 2011: 0.53).
Baumann, M; Schwarz, S; Kotliar, K; von Eynatten, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Burkhardt, K; Lutz, J;
Heemann, U; Lanzl, I. (2009). Non-Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease Influences Retinal
Microvasculature. Kidney Blood Press Res, 32, 6, S. 428-433.
Baumgart, C; Gokeler, A; Donath, L; Hoppe, M; Freiwald, J. (2015). Effects of Static Stretching and
Playing Soccer on Knee Laxity Clin J Sport Med, (in press) (IF: 2.0).
Bazzazi, N; Ahmadpanah, M; Akbarzadeh, S; Seif Rabiei, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S.
(2015). In patients suffering from idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy, anxiety scores are
higher than in healthy controls, but do not vary according to sex or repeated central serous
chorioretinopathy Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 1131-6 (IF: 2.145).
Beck, J; Gerber, M; Brand, S; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2013). Executive function
performance is reduced during occupational burnout but can recover to the level of healthy controls
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47, S. 1824-30 (IF 2012: 4.07).
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Seite 7
Beck, J; Hemmeter, U; Brand, S; Muheim, F; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2011). Modafinil
reduces microsleep during partial sleep deprivation in depressed patients Journal of Psychiatric
Research, 44, S. 853-864 (IF 2011: 3.72).
Beck, J; Bruni, N; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2015). Repeated Cortisol Awakening
Response as Predictor of Antidepressant Treatment Outcome with Duloxetine Neuropsychobiology,
71(2), S. 97-102 (IF: 2.35).
Berger, U; Schäfer, J; Ulm, K. (2003). Dynamic Cox modelling based on fractional polynomials :
time-variations in gastric cancer prognosis. Stat Med, 22, 7, S. 1163-1180 (IF 2003: 1.134).
Bignasca, N; Häusermann, S. (2008). Vom Umgang mit dem Anderen mobile - die Fachzeitschrift
für Sport, 10, 6/08, S. 13-15, 18-20.
Bloch, J; Duplain, H; Rimoldi, S; Stuber, T; Kriemler, S; Allemann, Y; Sartori, S; Scherrer, U.
(2009). Prevalence and time-course of acute mountain sickness inolder children and adolescents
after rapid ascent to 3450m Pediatrics, 123, S. 1-5.
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Bossuyt, F; Arnet, U; Brinkhof, M; Eriks-Hoogland, I; Lay, V; Müller, R; Sunnåker, M; Hinrichs, T.
(2017). Shoulder pain in the Swiss spinal cord injury community: prevalence and associated
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Böttger, S; Müller, H J; Oswald, K; Puta, C; Donath, L; Gabriel, H; Bär, K-J. (2009). Inflammatory
changes upon a single maximal exercise test in depressed patients and healthy controls Progress
in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 34, 3, S. 475-478 (IF: 3.2).
Böttger, S; Puta, C; Yeragani, V; Donath, L; Müller, H J; Gabriel, H; Bär, K-J. (2009). Heart rate
variability, QT variability, and electrodermal activity during exercise Medicine in Science in Sports
and Exercise, 42, 3, S. 443-448 (IF: 4.5).
Böttger, S; Wetzig, F; Puta, C; Donath, L; Müller, H J; Gabriel, H; Bär, K-J. (2009). Physical fitness
and heart rate recovery are decreased in major depressive disorder Psychosomatic Medicine, 71,
5, S. 519-523 (IF: 4.1).
Brach, M; Moschny, A; Bücker, B; Klaaßen-Mielke, R; Trampisch, M; Wilm, S; Platen, P; Hinrichs,
T. (2013). Recruiting hard-to-reach subjects for exercise interventions: a multi-centre and
multi-stage approach targeting general practitioners and their community-dwelling and
mobility-limited patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10, 12,
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Brand, S; Furlano, R; Sidler, M; Schulz, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2014). Associations between
Infants’ Crying,
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Mother’s Sleep and Well-Being Neuropsychobiology, 69, S. 39-51 (IF 2.35).
Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Naranjo, J; Schmidt, S. (2012). Influence of mindfulness practice
on cortisol and sleep in long-term and short-term meditators Neuropsychobiology, 65, S. 109-118
(IF 2011: 2.56).
Brand, S; Kirov, R. (2011). Sleep and its importance in adolescence and in common adolescent
somatic and psychiatric conditions International Journal of General Medicine, 4, S. 425-442 .
Brand, S; Furlano, R; Sidler, M; Schulz, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2011). “Oh, Baby, please don’t
cry!” In infants suffering from infantile colic hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis activity
is related to poor sleep and increased crying intensity Neuropsychobiology, 14, S. 15-23 (IF 2011:
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Brand, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2011). 'Bright side' and 'dark side'
hypomania are associated with differences in psychological functioning, sleep and physical activity
in a non-clinical sample of young adults Journal of Affective Disorders, 131, S. 68-78 (IF 2011:
Brand, S; Wilhelm, F; Kossowsky, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Schneider, S. (2011). Children
suffering from separation anxiety disorder (SAD) show increased HPA axis activity compared to
healthy controls Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45, S. 452-459 (IF 2011: 3.72).
Brand, S; Annen, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Blaser, A. (2011). Intensive two-day
cognitive-behavioral intervention decreases cortisol secretion in soldiers suffering from specific
phobia to wear protective mask Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45, S. 1337-1345 (IF 2011: 3.72).
Brand, S; Beck, J; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Kirov, R; Pühse, U; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.
(2011). ). Dream recall and its relationship to sleep, perceived stress and creativity among
adolescents Journal of Adolescent Health, 49, S. 525-531 (IF 2011: 3.325).
Brand, S; Beck, J; Hatzinger, M; Savic, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2011). Unfavorable
polysomnographic sleep patterns predict poor sleep and poor psychological functioning in patients
with Restless Legs Syndrome three years later Neuropsychobiology, 53, S. 92-102 (IF 2011: 2.12).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Beck, J; Hatzinger, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Exercising,
sleep-EEG patterns, and psychological functioning are related among adolescents The World
Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11, 2, S. 129-140 (IF 2010: 5.56).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). The relation between sleep and pain
among a non-clinical sample of young adults. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical
Neuroscience, 260, 7, S. 543-551 (IF 2010: 2.75).
Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Das Burnout Syndrom – eine Übersicht Therapeutische
Umschau, 67, S. 561-565.
Brand, S; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Depression, hypomania and dysfunctional
sleep-related cognitions as mediators between stress and insomnia: The best advise is not always
found on the pillow International Journal of Stress Management, 17, S. 114-134 (IF 2011: 0.78).
Brand, S; Lehtinen, A; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Comparison of sleep-EEG
profiles of patients suffering from RLS, RLS and depressive symptoms, and major depressive
disorders Neuropsychobiology, 61, S. 41-48 (IF 2011: 2.12).
Brand, S; Opwis, K; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). REM-sleep is related to the
transfer of implicit procedural knowledge following metacognitive learning Somnology, 14, S.
Brand, S; Angst, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Is the increase of hypomanic stages during
adolescence gender- and developmental task-related? The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry,
11, S. 231-239 (IF 2011: 5.48).
Brand, S; Beck, J; Hatzinger, M; Harbaugh, A; Ruch, W; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010).
Associations between satisfaction with life, burnout-related emotional and physical exhaustion, and
sleep complaints The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11, S. 744–754 (IF 2011: 5.48).
Brand, S; Blechschmidt, A; Sader, R; Müller, A; Schwenzer-Zimmerer, K; Zeilhofer, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2009). Psychosocial functioning and sleep patterns in children and
adolescents with cleft lip and palate (CLP) compared to healthy controls The Cleft Palate
Cranio-Facial Journal, 46, S. 125-135 (IF 2011: 1.1).
Brand, S; Hatzinger, M; Beck, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2009). Perceived parenting styles,
personality traits and sleep patterns in adolescents Journal of Adolescence, 32, S. 1189-1207 (IF
2011: 1.802).
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Brand, S; Heller, P; Huss, A; Bircher, A; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Niederer, M; Schwarzenbach, S;
Waeber, R; Wegmann, L; Küchenhoff, J. (2009). Patients with environment-related disorders:
interdisciplinary diagnostics and differential treatment International Journal of Hygiene and
Environmental Health, 212, S. 157-171 (IF 2011: 1.89).
Brand, S; Beck, J; Muheim, F; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2009). Psychological
vulnerability factors and neuroendocrine and sleep regulation in healthy children and adolescents.
European Psychiatry European Psychiatry, 23, S. S9-S10.
Brand, S; Beck, J; Gerber, M; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2009). “Football is good for
your sleep.” Favorable sleep patterns and psychological functioning of adolescent male intense
football players compared to controls Journal of Health Psychology, 14, S. 1144-1155 (IF 2011:
Brand, S; Beck, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2008). Hypericum perforatum Extrakt LI 160: Ein
Praxiserfahrungsbericht (PEB) über die Anwendung von Johanniskraut bei depressiven und
körperlichen Beschwerden Hypericum perforatum extract LI 160: An Observational Study on
Treatment of Depressive and Somatic Symptoms with St. John’s Wort Ganzheitsmedizin, 20, S.
Brand, S; Hermann, B; Muheim, F; Beck, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2008). Sleep patterns, work
and strain among young students in hospitality and tourism Industrial Health, 46, S. 199-209 (IF
2011: 1.215).
Brand, S; Opwis, K. (2007). Effects of mood and working in dyads on transfer Swiss Journal of
Psychology, 66, S. 51-65 (IF 2011: 1.024).
Brand, S; Reimer, T; Opwis, K. (2007). How do we learn in a negative mood? Effects of a negative
mood on transfer and learning Learning and Instruction, 17, S. 1-16 (IF 2011: 2.37).
Brand, S; Heller, P; Bircher, A; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Huss, A; Niederer, M; Schwarzenbach, S;
Waeber, R; Wegmann, L; Küchenhoff, J. (2007). Interactional behavior as marker for screening
patients with environment-related complaints. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental
Health, 210, S. 79-89 (IF 2011: 1.89).
Brand, S; Luethi, M; Von Planta, A; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2007). Romantic love,
hypomania, and sleep pattern in adolescents Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, S. 69-76 (IF 2011:
Brand, S; Reimer, T; Opwis, K. (2005). Effects of negative mood on transfer and learning The
German Cognitive Science Conference, 2005, S. 21-26.
Brand, S; Schwarzenbach, S; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Heller, P; Huss, A; Küchenhoff, J. (2005).
Allergologische und psychologische Befunde bei Patienten mit umweltbezogenen Beschwerden
Allergologie, 11, S. 444-454 .
Brand, S; Frei, N; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2005). Adolescents‘ self-reported sleep
quantity and sleep personality traits Somnology, 9, S. 166-172.
Brand, S; Heller, P; Huss, A; Bircher, A; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Niederer, M; Schwarzenbach, S;
Waeber, R; Wegmann, L; Küchenhoff, J. (2005). Psychiatrische, medizinische und
umweltanalytische Faktoren bei Menschen mit umweltbezogenen Gesundheitsstörungen
Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 55, S. 55-64 (IF 2011: 1.1).
Brand, S; Heller, P; Huss, A; Bircher, A; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Niederer, M; Schwarzenbach, S;
Waeber, R; Wegmann, L; Küchenhoff, J. (2005). Seelische Belastung bei Menschen mit
um-weltbezogenen Störungen: Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Selbstbild und der Fremdeinschätzung
Der Nervenarzt, 76, S. 36-42 (IF 2011: 0.776).
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Brand, S; Reimer, T; Opwis, K. (2003). Effects of metacognitive thinking and knowledge acquisition
in dyads on individual problem solving and transfer performance Swiss Journal of Psychology, 62,
4, S. 251-261 (IF 2011: 1.024).
Brand, S; Beck, J; Gerber, M; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Evidence of favorable
sleep-EEG patterns in adolescent male vigorous football players compared to controls The World
Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11, S. 465-475.
Brand, S; Colledge, F; Beeler, N; Pühse, U; Kalak, N; Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Mikoteit, T;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Gerber, M. (2016). The current state of physical activity and exercise
programs in German-speaking, Swiss psychiatric hospitals: results from a brief online survey
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12, S. 1309-1317 (IF: 1.78).
Brand, S; Farnia, V; Shakeri, J; Tatari, F; Juibari, T; Yazdichi, K; Bajoghli, H; Abdoli, N; Aghaei, A.
(2014). Aripiprazole versus Risperidone in amphetamine induced psychotic disorder The American
Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 40, S. 10-15 (IF: 1.77).
Brand, S; Foell, S; Bajoghli, H; Keshavarzi, Z; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Schmidt, N; Norton, P;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2015). “Tell me, how bright your hypomania is, and I tell you, if you are
happily in love!” – Among young adults in love, bright side hypomania is related to reduced
depression and anxiety, and better sleep quality International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical
Practice, 19(1), S. 24-31 (IF: 1.313).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Beck, J; Hatzinger, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). High exercise
levels are related to favorable sleep patterns and psychological functioning in adolescents: A
comparison of athletes and controls Journal of Adolescent Health, 46, S. 133-141 (IF 2010: 3.12).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Beck, J; Kalak, N; Hatzinger, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2011).
Perceived parenting styles differ between genders, but not between elite athletes and controls
Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 2, S. 9-14.
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Hatzinger, M; Beck, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2009). Evidence for similarities
between adolescents and parents in sleep patterns. Sleep Medicine, 10, S. 1124–1131 (IF 2011:
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Kirov, R; Lemola, S; Clough, P J; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.
(2014). “Sleep well, our tough heroes!” – In adolescence, greater mental toughness is related to
better sleep schedules Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12, S. 444-454 (IF 2012: 1.55).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Kirov, R; Lemola, S; Clough, P J; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.
(2014). Adolescents with greater mental toughness show higher sleep efficiency, more deep sleep
and fewer awakenings after sleep onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54, 109-113 (IF 2012: 2.97).
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2010). Depression, hypomania and
dysfunctional sleep-related cognitions as mediators between stress and insomnia: The best advice
is not always found on the pillow International Journal of Stress Management, 17, S. 114-134.
Brand, S; Hatzinger, M; Perren, S; Stadelmann, S; von Wyl, A; von Klitzing, K; Holsboer-Trachsler,
E. (2014). In pre-school children, sleep objectively assessed via actigraphy remains stable over 12
months and is related to psychological functioning, but not to cortisol secretion Journal of
Psychiatric Research, 55, S. 22-28 (IF: 4.07).
Brand, S; Hatzinger, M; Stadler, C; Bolten, M; von Wyl, A; Perren, S; von Klitzing, K; Stadelmann,
S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2015). Does objectively assessed sleep at five years predict sleep and
psychological functioning at 14 years? - Hmm, yes and no! Journal of Psychiatric Research, 60, S.
148-55 (IF: 4.09).
Brand, S; Jossen, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Gerber, M. (2015). Impact of aerobic
exercise on sleep and motor skills in children with autism spectrum disorders – a pilot study
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 1911-1920 (Impact Factor: 2.15).
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Brand, S; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Clough, P J; Lemola, S; Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Pühse, U;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2016). During early to mid adolescence, moderate to vigorous physical
activity is associated with restoring sleep, psychological functioning, mental toughness and male
gender Journal of Sports Sciences, S. 1-9 (IF: 2.25).
Brand, S; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Cough, P J; Lemola, S; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2016).
During early and mid-adolescence, greater mental toughness is related to increased sleep quality
and quality of life Journal of Health Psychology, 21, S. 905-915 (IF: 1.88).
Brand, S; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Kirov, R; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2014). High
self-perceived exercise exertion before bedtime is associated with greater objectively assessed
sleep efficiency Sleep Medicine, 15, S. 1031-1036 (IF 2013: 3.49).
Brand, S; Kirov, R; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Pühse, U; Lemola, S; Correll, C; Cortese, S; Meyer, T;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2015). Perfectionism related to self-reported insomnia severity, but not
when controlled for stress and emotion regulation Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S.
263-71 (IF: 2.145).
Brand, S; Kirov, R; Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Schmidt, N; Lemola, S; Correll, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E.
(2016). Poor sleep is related to lower emotional competence among adolescents Behavioral Sleep
Medicine, 14, S. 602-614 (IF 2014: 1.56).
Brand, S; Zimmerer, S; Kalak, N; von Planta, S; Schwenzer-Zimmerer, K; Mueller, A; Zeilhofer, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E. (2014 / in press). Compared to controls, patients with ruptured aneurysm
and surgical intervention show increase in symptoms of depression and lower cognitive
performance, but their objective sleep is not affected. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, S. IF:
Brand, S; Kirov, R. (2011). Sleep and its importance in adolescence and in common adolescent
somatic and psychiatric conditions International Journal of General Medicine, 4, S. 425-442.
Brinkhof, M; Al-Khodairy, A; Eriks-Hoogland, I; Fekete, C; Hinrichs, T; Hund-Georgiadis, M; Meier,
S; Scheel-Sailer, A; Schubert, M; Reinhardt, J. (2016). Health conditions in people with spinal cord
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Brönnimann, E; Hoffmann, H; Schäfer, J; Hahnloser, D; Rosenthal, R. (2015). Effect of different
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Brupbacher, G; Harder, J; Faude, O; Zahner, L; Donath, L. (2014). Music in CrossFit - Influence on
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Bürgi, F; Meyer, U; Niederer, I; Ebenegger, V; Granacher, U; Marques-Vidal, P; Kriemler, S; Puder,
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Caviezel, S; Dratva, J; Schaffner, E; Teynor, A; Baumstark, M; Schindler, C; de Groot, E; Burdet, L;
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Caviezel, S; Dratva, J; Schaffner, E; Schindler, C; Endes, S; Autenrieth, C; Wanner, M; Martin, B;
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Cheng, D-C; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Liu, C-H; Liu, S-H. (2010). Automated Detection of the Arterial
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Cheng, D; Billich, C; Liu, S; Brunner, H; Qiu, Y; Shen, Y; Brambs, H; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A;
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Donath, L; Faude, O; Bridenbaugh, S; Roth, R; Soltermann, M; Kressig, W R; Zahner, L. (2013).
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healthy community-dwelling seniors: A pilot study. J Aging Phys Act, (in press), S. (Impact factor:
Donath, L; Zahner, L; Cordes, M; Hanssen, H; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Faude, O. (2013).
Recommendations for aerobic endurance training based on subjective ratings of perceived exertion
in healthy seniors. J Aging Phys Activity, 21, 1, S. 100-111 (IF 2012: 1.9).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2012). Testing single and double limb standing balance
performance: Comparison of COP path length evaluation between two devices. Gait Posture, 36, 3,
S. 439-443 (Impact Factor: 2.3).
Donath, L; Faude, O; Lichtenstein, E; Nueesch, C; Muendermann, A. (2016). Validity and reliability
of a portable gait analysis system for measuring spatiotemporal gait characteristics: comparison to
an instrumented treadmill Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, (in press) (IF: 2.7).
Donath, L; Faude, O; Lichtenstein, E; Pagenstert, G; Nüesch, C; Mündermann, A. (2016). Mobile
inertial sensor based gait analysis: validity and reliability of spatiotemporal gait characteristics in
healthy seniors Gait & Posture, (in press) (IF: 2.3).
Donath, L; Faude, O; Roth, R; Hagmann, S; Zahner, L. (2015). Fundamental movement skills in
pre-schoolers: A randomized controlled trial targeting object control proficiency Child: Care, Health
and Development, (in press) (IF: 1.8).
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Donath, L; Faude, O; Roth, R; Zahner, L. (2014). Effects of stair climbing on balance, gait, strength,
resting heart rate and submaximal endurance in healthy seniors Scand J Med Sci Sports, 24, 2, S.
93-101 (IF 3.2).
Donath, L; Faude, O; Schefer, Y; Roth, R; Zahner, L. (2015). Repetitive daily point of choice
prompts and occupational sit-stand transfers, concentration and neuromuscular performance in
office workers: a RCT Int J Env Res Publ Health, (in press) (IF: 2.0).
Donath, L; Faude, O; Zahner, L. (2015). Grundlagen gesundheitsorientierten Krafttrainings im Alter:
Ziele und Umsetzung Thera Umsch, 72, 5, S. 335-342 (IF: --).
Donath, L; Endes, K; Roth, R; Zahner, L. (2014). Motor Skill Improvement in Preschoolers: How
Effective Are Activity Cards Sport, 2, 4 (IF:--).
Donath, L; Kurz, E; Roth, R; Hanssen, H; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2014). Does
a single session of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) provoke a transient elevated risk of falling in
seniors and adults? Gerontology, S. (in press) (IF: 2.7).
Donath, L; Kurz, E; Roth, R; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2016). Leg and trunk muscle coordination and
postural sway during increasingly difficult standing balance tasks in young adults and older adults
Maturitas, (in press) (IF: 2.9).
Donath, L; Kurz, E; Roth, R; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2015). Different ankle muscle coordination
patterns and co-activation during quiet stance between young adults and seniors did not change
after a bout of high intensity training BMC Geriatrics, (in press) (IF: 2.0).
Donath, L; Puta, C; Boettger, S; Mueller, H; Faude, O; Meyer, T; Bär, K; Gabriel, H. (2010).
Ventilatory inefficiency in major depressive disorder: A potential adjunct for cardiac risk stratification
in depressive disorders? Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatr, 34, S. 882-887 (IF: 3.2).
Donath, L; Rössler, R; Faude, O. (2016). Effects of virtual reality training (Exergaming) compared to
alternative exercise training and passive control on standing balance and functional mobility in
healthy community-dwelling seniors: A meta-analytical review Sports Med, (in press) (IF: 5.6).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Hohn, Y; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2014). The effects of Zumba training on
cardiovascular and neuromuscular function in female college students Eur J Sport Sci, 14, 6, S.
569-577 (Impact factor: 1.1).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Hürlimann, C; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2015). Pilates vs. balance training in
community-dwellers: a three-armed randomized-controlled trial Int J Sports Med, (in press) (IF: 2.1).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Lichtenstein, E; Elliot, C; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2015). Jeopardizing Christmas:
Why spoiled kids and a tight schedule could make Santa Claus fall? Gait and Posture, (in press)
(IF: 2.3).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Rueegge, A; Groppa, M; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2013). Effects of slackline
training on balance, jump performance and muscle activity in young children Int J Sports Med, 34,
12, S. 1093-1098 (Impact Factor: 2.3).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2016). Slackline training (balancing over narrow nylon
ribbons) and balance performance: A meta-analytical review Sports Med, (in press) (IF: 5.6).
Donath, L; Roth, R; Zahner, L; Faude, O. (2015). Slackline training and neuromuscular
performance in seniors: a RCT
Scand J Sport Sci Med, (in press) (IF: 3.2).
Donath, L; Siebert, T; Faude, O; Puta, C. (2014). Pre-Information does not affect the occurrance
and magnitude of the bilateral force deficit. J Sport Sci Med, 13, 2, S. 439-443 (IF: 0.9).
Donath, L; van Dieen, J; Faude, O. (2015). Exercise-Based Fall Prevention in the Elderly: What
About Agility? Sports Med, (in press) (IF: 5.1).
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Donath, L; Wolf, P. (2015). Reliability of force application to instrumented climbing holds in elite
climbers Journal of Applied Biomechanics, S. (in press) (IF: 1.3).
Donath, L; Zahner, L; Roth, R; Fricker, L; Cordes, M; Hanssen, H; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Faude, O.
(2013). Balance and gait performance after maximal and submaximal endurance exercise in
seniors: Is there a higher fall-risk? Eur J Appl Physiol, 113, 3, S. 661-669 (Impact Factor: 2.7).
Donath, L; Böttger, S; Puta, C; Wetzig, F; Müller, h J; Bär, K-J; Gabriel, H. (2010). Dissociation of
performance parameters at the IAT requires specific exercise recommendations for depressed
patients Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 34, 1, S. 131-135.
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Stöcker, U; Bourassa-Moreau, M; Garrido, I; Drum, S; Beekmeyer, S; Ziltener, J; Taylor, N;
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Dratva, J; Probst-Hensch, N; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Caviezel, S; de Groot, E; Bettschart, R; Saleh,
L; Gaspoz, J-M; Rothe, T; Schindler, C; Stolz, D; Turk, A; Rochat, T; Künzli, N; Zemp, E. (2013).
Atherogenesis in youth - Early consequence of adolescent smoking Atherosclerosis, 230, S.
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Dratva, J; Caviezel, S; Schaffner, E; Zemp, E; de Groot, E; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Bettschart, R;
Saleh, L; Turk, A; Gaspoz, J; Carballo, D; Kuenzli, N; Probst-Hensch, N. (2014). Early detection of
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Swiss Med Wkly, 30, 144, S. w14052 (IF 2013: 1.877 ).
Drum, S; Bellovary, B; Jensen, R; Moore, M; Donath, L. (2016). Perceived demands and
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Sports Med Phys Fitness, (in press) (IF: 0.97).
Drum, S; Faude, O; de Fay du Lavallaz, E; Allemann, R; Nève, G; Donath, L. (2016). Acute effects
of walking at moderate normobaric hypoxia on gait and balance performance in healthy
community-dwelling seniors: A randomized controlled crossover study Archives of Gerontology and
Geriatrics, (in press) (IF: 1.97).
Drum, S; Faude, O; de Fay du Lavallaz, E; Allemann, R; Nève, G; Donath, L. (2015). Acute effects
of walking at moderate normobaric hypoxia on gait and balance performance in healthy
community-dwelling seniors: A randomized controlled crossover study Archives of Gerontology and
Geriatrics, (in press).
Drum, S; Klika, R; Carter, S; Sprod, L; Donath, L. (2016). A feasibility study related to inactive
cancer suvivors compared with non-cancer controls during aerobic exercise testing Journal of
Sports Science and Medicine, (in press) (IF: 1.5).
Drum, S; Swisher, A; Buchanan, C A; Donath, L. (2015). Effects of a custom bite-aligning mouth
guard on performance in college football players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, in
press (IF: 2.1).
Ebenegger, V; Marques-Vidal, P; Kriemler, S; Nydegger, A; Zahner, L; Niederer, I; Bürgi, F; Puder,
J. (2012). Differences in aerobic fitness and lifestyle characteristics in preschoolers according to
their status and sports club participation Obesity Facts, 5, S. 23-33.
Ebenegger, V; Marques-Vidal, P; Nydegger, A; Laimbacher, J; Niederer, I; Bürgi, F; Giusti, V;
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level on adiposity and eating habits of preschool children European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 65,
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Endes, S; Bachler, M; Li, Y; Mayer, C; Hanssen, H; Hametner, B; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A;
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using the VaSera VS-1500: comparison with a common tonometric method. Blood Press Monit, 9
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Endes, S; Caviezel, S; Dratva, J; Schaffner, E; Schindler, C; Rothe, T; Rochat, T; Künzli, N;
Probst-Hensch, N; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2015). Reproducibility of oscillometrically measured
arterial stiffness indices: Results of the SAPALDIA 3 cohort study. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 75, 2,
S. 170-176 (IF: 2.1).
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S; Probst-Hensch, N; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2016). Associations of Novel and Traditional Vascular
Biomarkers of Arterial Stiffness: Results of the SAPALDIA 3 Cohort Study PLOS ONE, 11, 9, S.
Endes, S; Schaffner, E; Caviezel, S; Dratva, J; Autenrieth, C S; Wanner, M; Martin, B W; Stolz, D;
Pons, M; Turk, A; Bettschart, R; Schindler, C; Künzli, N; Probst-Hensch, N; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A.
(2015). Physical activity is associated with lower arterial stiffness in older adults: results of the
SAPALDIA 3 Cohort Study. European Journal of Epidemiology, S. 1-11 (IF 5.339).
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Pons, M; Turk, A; Bettschart, R; Schindler, C; Künzli, N; Probst-Hensch, N; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A.
(2016). Long-term physical activity is associated with reduced arterial stiffness in older adults:
longitudinal results of the SAPALDIA cohort study. Age and Ageing, 45, 1, S. 110-115 (IF 3.642).
Endes, S; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2016). Does exercise capacity attenuate coronary artery
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Engel, P. (2013). The Discursive Construction of National Identity through the Swiss Magazine SKI
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Wiltfang, J. (2008). Einfluss von multimodaler sportlicher Aktivität auf Kognition und
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Farnia, V; Shakeri, J; Tatari, F; Juibari, T; Yazdchi, K; Bajoghli, H; Brand, S; Abdoli, N; Aghaei, A.
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Farnia, V; Shakeri, J; Tatari, F; Ahmadi Juibari, T; Bajoghli, H; Golshani, S; Hookari, S;
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occurrence of psychosis in metamphetamine users Psychiatry Research, 240, S. 431-434 (IF:
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Farnia, V; Shirzadifar, M; Shakeri, J; Rezaei, M; Bajoghli, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S.
(2015). Rosa damascena oil improves SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction in male patients suffering
from major depressive disorders: results from a double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled
clinical trial Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 625-35 (IF: 2.145).
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childhood obesity? Importance of primary prevention Rev Med Suisse, 4, S. 533-536.
Faude, O; Roth, R; Di Giovine, D; Zahner, L; Donath, L. (2013). Combined strength and power
training in high-level amateur football during the competitive season: a randomized-controlled trial.
J Sports Sci, 31, 13, S. 1460-7 (Impact Factor: 1.9).
Faude, O; Schnittker, R; Schulte-Zurhausen, R; Müller, F; Meyer, T. (2013). High intensity interval
training vs. high-volume running training during pre-season conditioning in high level youth football:
a cross-over trial. J Sports Sci, 31, S. in press; Impact Factor: 1.9.
Faude, O; Koch, T; Meyer, T. (2012). Straight sprinting is the most frequent action in goal situations
in professional football. J Sports Sci, S. in press; Impact Factor: 1.9.
Faude, O; Meyer, T. (2012). Regeneration im Leistungssport. Eine Standortbestimmung aus
sportmedizinischer und trainingswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Leistungssport, 3, S. 5-11; Impact
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Faude, O; Schmidt, C; Meyer, T. (2011). Altitude Adaptation and Team Success during the FIFA
World Cup 2010. Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 14, 4, S. 41-48; Impact Factor: --.
Faude, O; Kellmann, A; Ammann, T; Schnittker, R; Meyer, T. (2011). Seasonal changes in stress
indicators in high level football. Int J Sports Med, 32, S. 259-265; Impact Factor: 2.4.
Faude, O; Schlumberger, A; Fritsche, T; Treff, G; Meyer, T. (2010). Leistungsdiagnostische
Testverfahren im Fussball - methodische Standards. [Performance Diagnosis in Football Methodological Standards]. Dtsch Z, 61, S. 129-133; Impact Factor: 0.4.
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Faude, O; Kerper, O; Multhaupt, M; Winter, C; Beziel, K; Junge, A; Meyer, T. (2010). Football to
tackle overweight in children. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20 Suppl 1, S. 103-110; Impact Factor: 2.9.
Faude, O; Kindermann, W; Meyer, T. (2009). Lactate threshold concepts - how valid are they?
Sports Med, 39, S. 469-490; Impact Factor: 5.2.
Faude, O; Meyer, T; Federspiel, B; Kindermann, W. (2009). Verletzungen im Profifussball - eine
Analyse auf der Basis von Medieninformationen. [Injuries in elite German football - media-based
analysis] Dtsch Z Sportmed, 60, S. 139-144; Impact Factor: 0.4.
Faude, O; Meyer, T; Urhausen, A; Kindermann, W. (2009). Recovery training in cyclists:
ergometric, hormonal and psychometric findings. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 19, S. 433-441; Impact
Factor: 2.9.
Faude, O; Meyer, T. (2008). Methodische Aspekte der Laktatbestimmung. [Methodological Aspects
of Lactate Determination]. Dtsch Z Sportmed, 59, S. 305-308; Impact Factor: 0.4.
Faude, O; Meyer, T; Scharhag, J; Weins, F; Urhausen, A; Kindermann, W. (2008). Volume vs.
intensity in the training of competitive swimmers. Int J Sports Med, 29, S. 906-912; Impact Factor:
Faude, O; Meyer, T; Rosenberger, F; Fries, M; Huber, G; Kindermann, W. (2007). Physiological
characteristics of badminton match play. Eur J Appl Physiol, 100, S. 479-485; Impact Factor: 2.1.
Faude, O; Junge, A; Kindermann, W; Dvorak, J. (2006). Risk factors for injuries in elite female
soccer players. Brit J Sports Med, 40, S. 785-790; Impact Factor: 4.1.
Faude, O; Meyer, T; Kindermann, W. (2006). The work rate corresponding to ventilatory threshold
during steady-state and ramp exercise. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 1, S. 222-232; Impact Factor:
Faude, O; Junge, A; Kindermann, W; Dvorak, J. (2005). Injuries in female soccer players: a
prospective study in the German national league. Am J Sports Med, 33, 1694-1700; Impact Factor:
Faude, O; Fuhrmann, M; Herrmann, M; Kindermann, W; Urhausen, A. (2005). Ernährungsanalysen
und Vitaminstatus bei deutschen Spitzenathleten. Leistungssport, 4, S. 4-9; Impact Factor: --.
Faude, O; Nowacki, P; Urhausen, A. (2004). Vergleich ausgewählter (unblutiger) Testverfahren zur
Bestimmung der kardiopulmonalen Ausdauer bei Schulkindern. [Comparison of non-invasive tets to
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Faude, O; Donath, L; Roth, R; Fricker, L; Zahner, L. (2012). Reliability of gait parameters during
treadmill walking in community-dwelling healthy seniors. Gait Posture, 36, 3, S. 444-448 (IF: 2.3).
Faude, O; Rössler, R; Junge, A. (2013). Football injuries in children and adolescent players. Are
there clues for prevention? Sports Med, 43, S. (IF: 5.3).
Faude, O; Zahner, L; Donath, L. (2015). Trainingsprinzipien im gesundheitsorientierten Freizeitsport
Thera Umsch, 72, 5, S. 327-334 (IF: --).
Florio, J; Arnet, U; Gemperli, A; Hinrichs, T. (2016). Need and use of assistive devices for personal
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Fluri, F; Grünstein, D; Cam, E; Ungethuem, U; Hatz, F; Schäfer, J; Samnick, S; Israel, I;
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Frigg, A; Schäfer, J; Dougall, H; Rosenthal, R; Valderrabano, V. (2012). The midfoot load shows
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Fuchs, J; Scheidt-Nave, C; Hinrichs, T; Mergenthaler, A; Stein, J; Riedel-Heller, S; Grill, E. (2013).
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Fuchs, M; Faude, O; Wegmann, M; Meyer, T. (2013). Critical evaluation of a badminton-specific
endurance test. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, S. in press; Impact Factor: 1.8.
Fuchs, R; Seelig, H; Göhner, W; Burton, N W; Brown, W J. (2012). Cognitive mediation of
intervention effects on physical exercise: Causal models for the adoption and maintenance stage
Psychology & Health, 27, 12, S. 1480-1499.
Fuchs, R; Goehner, W; Seelig, H. (2011). Long-term effects of a psychological group intervention
on physical exercise and health: the MoVo concept Journal of physical activity & health, 8, 6, S.
Fuchs, R; Göhner, W; Seelig, H; Fleitz, A; Mahler, C; Schittich, I. (2010). Lebenssstil-integrierte
sportliche Aktivität: Ergebnisse der MoVo-LISA Interventionsstudie Bewegungstherapie &
Gesundheitssport, 26, 6, S. 270-276.
Fuchs, R; Seelig, H; Kilian, D. (2005). Selbstkonkordanz und Sportteilnahme: Eine
clusteranalytische Unterscheidung verschiedener Formen des Dabeibleibens und Abbrechens
Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 13, 3, S. 126-138.
Fuchs, R; Seelig, H; Göhner, W; Mahler, C. (2005). Self-concordance and physical exercise: A
cluster-analytical differentiation of different forms of maintenance and dropout. Psychology &
Health, 20, S. 86-87.
Fuchs, R; Gerber, M; Klaperski, S; Seelig, H. (2015). Messung der Bewegungs- und Sportaktivität
mit dem BSA-Fragebogen: Eine methodische Zwischenbilanz Zeitschrift für
Gesundheitspsychologie, 23, S. 60-76,(IF 2014: 0.32).
Fuchs, R; Seelig, H; Göhner, W; Schlatterer, M; Ntoumanis, N. (2016). The two sides of goal
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Psychology & Health, S. doi:10.1080/08870446.2016.1247840.
Fullagar, H; Skorski, S; Duffield, R; Hammes, D; Coutts, A; Meyer, T. (2014). Sleep and Athletic
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Responses to Exercise. Sports Med. (epub ahead of print).
Fürst, T; Müller, I; Coulibaly, J; Yao, K; Utzinger, J; N'Goran, E. (2011). Questionnaire-based
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impact of helminth and Plasmodium spp. infections in Côte d’Ivoire Parasites & Vectors.
García-Ortiz, L; Recio-Rodríguez, J; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Puigdomenech-Puig, E;
Martínez-Vizcaíno, V; Fernández-Alonso, C; Rubio-Galan, J; Agudo-Conde, C; Patino-Alonso, M;
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Gebert, A; Krebs, A; Murer, K; Müller, R. (2010). Einfluss eines Gleichgewichtstrainings auf die
Leseleistung. Haltung und Bewegung, 30, 4, S. 5-14.
Genstorfer, J; Schäfer, J; Kettelhack, C; Oertli, D; Rosenthal, R. (2014). Surgery for ischemic colitis:
outcome and risk factors for in-hospital mortality. Int J Colorectal Dis, 29, 4, S. 493-503 (IF 2014:
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 20
Gerber, M. (2008). Sportliche Aktivität und Stressreaktivität: Ein Review Deutsche Zeitschrift für
Sportmedizin, 59, 7/8, S. 168-174 (IF 2008: 0.83).
Gerber, M. (2012). Schlafstörungen durch Stress Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und
Neurologie, 12, S. 5-9.
Gerber, M. (2010). Der Sport als Stresskiller. Fakt oder Fiktion? Druckpunkt, 2, S. 30-31.
Gerber, M. (2007). Schützt sportliche Aktivität im Jugendalter vor stressbedingten
Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen? Empirische Befunde aus der Basler Sport und Stress Studie
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 55, S. 77-87.
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Feldmeth, A K; Lang, C; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2013).
Adolescents with high mental toughness adapt better to perceived stress: A longitudinal study with
Swiss vocational students. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, S. 808-814 (IF 2011: 1.88).
Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Lemola, S; Clough, P; Pühse, U; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S.
(2012). Adolescents’ exercise and physical activity are associated with mental toughness. Physical
Activity and Mental Health, 5, S. 35-42.
Gerber, M; Kellmann, M; Hartmann, T; Pühse, U. (2010). Do exercise and fitness buffer against
stress among Swiss police and emergency response service officers? Psychology of Sport and
Exercise, 11, 4, S. 286-294 (IF 2010: 2.15).
Gerber, M; Fuchs, R; Pühse, U. (2010). Einfluss eines Kurz-Interventionsprogramms auf das
Bewegungsverhalten und seine psychologischen Voraussetzungen bei Übergewichtigen und
Adipösen: Die Basler MoVo-LISA Studie. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 18, 4, S. 159-169
(IF 2010: 0.33).
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2010). Fitness and exercise as correlates
of sleep complaints. Is it all in our minds? Medicine and Science of Sports Exercise, 42, S. 893–901
(IF 2011: 3.707).
Gerber, M; Hartmann, T; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2010). The relationship
between shift work, perceived stress, sleep and health in Swiss police officers Journal of Criminal
Justice, 38, S. 1167-1175 (IF 2011: 0.78).
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2008). 'Don't crack under pressure!' – Do leisure time physical activity and
self-esteem moderate the relationship between school-based stress and psychosomatic
complaints? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 65, 4, S. 363-369 (IF 2008: 2.54).
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2007). Die Beziehung zwischen psychosomatischen Beschwerden und
psychischer Gesundheit bei Schülerinnen und Schülern der Sekundarstufe II Psychologie in
Erziehung und Unterricht, 3, S. 223-235 (IF 2007: 0.55).
Gerber, M; Barker, D; Barker-Ruchti, N; Gerlach, E; Sattler, S; Knöpfli, M; Müller, C; Pühse, U.
(2011). Sport und soziale Integration: Begriffserklärung und Konzeption der Basler SSINC-Studie
Sportunterricht, 60, 8, S. 227-231.
Gerber, M; Barker, D; Pühse, U. (2012). Acculturation and physical activity among ethnic minorities:
A systematic review. Journal of Public Health, 20, S. 313-341 (IF 2011: 2.54).
Gerber, M; Börjesson, M; Ljung, T; Lindwall, M; Jonsdottir, I. (2016). Fitness Moderates the
Relationship Between Stress and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, 48, S. 2075-2081 (Impact Factor: 3.98).
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2014). Aerobic exercise, ball
sports, dancing, and weight lifting as moderators of the relationship between stress and depressive
symptoms: an exploratory cross-sectional study with swiss university students Perceptual and
Motor Skills, 119, S. 679-697 (IF 2013: 0.49).
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Seite 21
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Beck, J. (2013). Aerobic exercise
training and burnout: a pilot study with male participants suffering from burnout BMC Research
Notes, 6, S. 78, doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-78.
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Herrmann, C; Colledge, F; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2014).
Increased objectively assessed vigorous-intensity exercise is associated with reduced stress,
increased mental health and good objective and subjective sleep in young adults. Physiology &
Behavior, 135, S. 17-24 (IF 2013: 3.16).
Gerber, M; Brand, S; Lindwall, M; Elliot, C; Kalak, N; Herrmann, C; Pühse, U; Jonsdottir, I. (2012).
Concerns regarding hair cortisol as a biomarker of chronic stress in exercise and sport science.
Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 11, S. 571-581 (IF 2011:0.75).
Gerber, M; Colledge, F; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Zimmerer, S; Brand, S. (2016). Sleep
quality, sleep EEG pattern, mental wellbeing and cortisol secretion in patients with ruptured
aneurysm post-treatment: A comparison with post-surgery meningioma patients and controls
Neuropsychobiology, 73, S. 148-159 (IF: 2.25).
Gerber, M; Endes, K; Brand, S; Herrmann, C; Colledge, F; Donath, L; Faude, O; Hanssen, H;
Pühse, U; Zahner, L. (2016 / in press). In 6- to 8-year-old children, cardiorespiratory fitness
moderates the relationship between severity of life events and health-related quality of life Quality
of Life Research, S. (Impact Factor: 2.43).
Gerber, M; Endes, K; Brand, S; Herrmann, C; Colledge, F; Donath, L; Faude, O; Pühse, U;
Hanssen, H; Zahner, L. (2016 / in press). In 6- to 8-year-old children, hair cortisol is associated with
body mass index and somatic complaints, but not with stress, health-related quality of life, blood
pressure, retinal vessel diameters, and cardiorespiratory fitness Psychoneuroendocrinology, S.
10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.11.008 (Impact Factor: 4.70).
Gerber, M; Endes, K; Herrmann, C; Colledge, F; Brand, S; Donath, L; Faude, O; Pühse, U;
Hanssen, H; Zahner, L. (2016). Does physical fitness buffer the relationship between psychosocial
stress, retinal vessel diameters and blood pressure among primary schoolchildren? Biomed
Research International (IF: 2.134).
Gerber, M; Feldmeth, A; Lang, C; Brand, S; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2015). The
relationship between mental toughness, stress and burnout among adolescents: A longitudinal
study with Swiss vocational students Psychological Reports, 117, S. 703-723 (IF: 0.53).
Gerber, M; Fuchs, R; Pühse, U. (2013). Selbstkontrollstrategien bei hohem wahrgenommenem
Stress und hohen Bewegungsbarrieren: Bedeutung für die Erklärung sportlicher Aktivität bei
Polizeiangestellten. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 20, S. 107-116 (IF 2011: 0.30).
Gerber, M; Fuchs, R; Pühse, U. (2010). Follow-up of a short motivational and volitional
exercise-intervention trial with overweight and obese individuals. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 58, S. 108-114.
Gerber, M; Gerlach, E; Pühse, U. (2011). Integration in den Sport – Integration durch Sport.
Ausgewählte Befunde aus dem quantitativen SSINC Survey Sportunterricht, 60, S. 232-238.
Gerber, M; Hartmann, T; Pühse, U. (2009). Umgang mit Schlafstörungen: ein vordringliches
Gesundheitsthema basileaInfo, 2, S. 4-8.
Gerber, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Brand, S. (2016). Author's reply to the Letter to the
Editor "Exercise is medicine for depression: Even if the "pill" is small" of Hallgren, Stubbs and
Vancampfort Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12, S. 2717-2720 (IF: 2.36).
Gerber, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Brand, S. (2016). Exercise is Medicine for Patients
with Major Depressive Disorders.
But Only if the “Pill” is Taken! Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 12, S. 1977-1981 (Impact
Factor: 1.74).
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 22
Gerber, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Brand, S. (2011). Elite sport is not an additional
source of distress for adolescents with high stress levels Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112, S.
581-599 (IF 2011: 0.7).
Gerber, M; Jonsdottir, I; Arvidson, E; Lindwall, M; Lindegård, A. (2015). Promoting graded exercise
as a part of multimodal treatment in patients diagnosed with stress-related exhaustion Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 24, S. 1904-15 (IF 2014: 1.23).
Gerber, M; Jonsdottir, I; Kalak, N; Elliot, C; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2013).
Objectively assessed physical activity is associated with increased hair cortisol content in young
adults Stress, 16, S. 593-599 (IF 2012: 3.25).
Gerber, M; Jonsdottir, I; Lindwall, M; Ahlborg, G. (2014). Physical activity in employees with
differing occupational stress and mental health profiles: A latent profile analysis Psychology of
Sport and Exercise, 15, S. 649-658 (IF 2013: 1.77).
Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Brand, S. (2013). Both hair cortisol
levels and perceived stress predict increased symptoms of depression:
an exploratory study in young adults Neuropsychobiology, 68, 100-109 (IF 2012: 2.68) (M. Gerber
and N. Kalak have equally contributed to this study)).
Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Lemola, S; Clough, P; Perry, J; Pühse, U; Elliot, C; Holsboer-Trachsler, E;
Brand, S. (2013). Are adolescents with high mental toughness levels more resilient against stress?
Stress & Health, 29, S. 164-171 (IF 2012: 1.23).
Gerber, M; Kellmann, M; Elliot, C; Hartmann, T; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2014).
Perceived fitness protects against stress-based mental health impairments among police officers
who report good sleep Journal of Occupational Health, 55, S. 376-384 (IF 2012: 1.55).
Gerber, M; Lang, C; Feldmeth, A K; Elliot, C; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U. (2015).
Burnout and mental health in Swiss vocational students: The moderating role of physical activity
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, S. 63-74 (IF 2014: 2.51).
Gerber, M; Lemola, S; Colledge, F; Kalak, N; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Brand, S. (2016 ).
Validation of the German Version of the Insomnia Severity Index in Adolescents, Young Adults and
Adult Workers: Results from Three Cross-Sectional Studies BMC Psychiatry, 16, S. 174 (Impact
Factor: 2.21).
Gerber, M; Lindwall, M; Brand, S; Lang, C; Elliot, C; Pühse, U. (2015). Longitudinal relationships
between perceived stress, exercise self-regulation and exercise involvement among physically
active adolescents Journal of Sports Sciences, 33, S. 369-380 (IF 2014: 2.08).
Gerber, M; Lindwall, M; Lindegård, A; Börjesson, M; Jonsdottir, I. (2013). Cardiorespiratory fitness
protects against stress-related symptoms of burnout and depression Patient Education and
Counselling, 93, S. 146-152 (IF 2012: 2.31).
Gerber, M; Mallet, C; Pühse, U. (2011). Beyond intentional processes: The role of action and
coping planning in explaining exercise behaviour among adolescents. International Journal of Sport
and Exercise Psychology, 9, S. 209-226 (IF 2011: 0.96).
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2009). Review Article: Do exercise and fitness protect against stress-induced
health complaints? A review of the literature Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 37, 8, S.
801-819 (IF 2009: 1.49).
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2008). Sport für die Psyche UNI NOVA Wissenschaftsmagazin der
Universität Basel, 108, S. 6-8.
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2006). 35 Länder im Vergleich. Internationale Studie Mobile, 8, S. 47-49.
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Seite 23
Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2005). Selbst- und Körperkonzepte bei Jugendlichen mit unterschiedlichem
Sportengagement Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften, 17, S. 26-44.
Gerlach, E. (2008). Sport, Persönlichkeit und Selbstkonzept Sportunterricht, 57, S. 5-10.
Gerlach, E; Barker, D; Gerber, M; Knöpfli, M; Müller, C; Pühse, U. (2011). Förderung
interkulturellen Lernens im Sportunterricht – Ergebnisse der Programmdurchführung der
SSINC-Interventionsstudie Sportunterricht, 60, S. 254-258.
Gerlach, E; Seiler, S; Herrmann, C. (2014). „Denn wir wissen nicht, was wir messen?“ Zur Frage
der Output-Diagnostik im Sportunterricht mit Hilfe von motorischen Tests. Sportunterricht, 63, 7, S.
Gerlach, E. (2010). Die Bedeutung personaler und sozialer Ressourcen aus dem Sport für die
Entwicklung des Selbstwertgefühls Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, , 30,
3, S. 295-310.
Gerlach, E. (2008). Hochschuldidaktik in der Schweiz – Ein Erfahrungsbericht Ze-phir, , 14, 2, S.
Gerlach, E. (2006). Selbstkonzepte und Bezugsgruppeneffekte. Entwicklung selbstbezogener
Kognitionen in Abhängigkeit von der sozialen Umwelt Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, , 13, S.
Gerlach, E. (2006). Sportunterricht in Deutschland (SPRINT). Ergebnisse der ersten großen
Schulsportstudie pluspunkt, , 5, 3, S. 14-15.
Gerlach, E. (2006). Bericht zur 20. Tagung der dvs-Sektion Sportpädagogik Sport und Bewegung
vermitteln 15.-17. Juni 2006 in Kassel - Zu Gast bei Freunden sportunterricht, , 55, S. 373-374.
Gerlach, E. (2005). Prima Klima? Einflussgrößen und Effekte Sportunterricht, , 54, S. 243-247.
Gerlach, E. (2005). Aufruf zur Kandidatur Ze-phir, , 12, 1, S. 29-30.
Gerlach, E. (2004). Ein Gang durch 10 Jahre Ze-Phir-Geschichte – Stationen, Inhalte und Trends
Ze-phir, 11, 1, S. 6-13.
Gerlach, E. (2004). im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Heim & PD Dr. Rainer Wollny. (2004). Die
Ent-stehungsgeschichte des Ze-Phir – Fragen an den damaligen Sprecherrat Ze-phir, , 11, 1, S.
Gerlach, E. (2001). Net(t) zitiert – das Zitat aus dem Internet dvs-Informationen, , 16, 1, S. 43-47.
Gerlach, E. (1996). Das Ritterfest Akademica '96 aus der Sicht eines Schildknappen. Bericht über
die 4. dvs-Sommerakademie „Sportwissenschaftliches Arbeiten von der Theoriekonstruktion zur
Dateninterpretation“ vom 16.-22. August 1996 in Berlin Ze-phir, , 3, 2, S. 42-44.
Gerlach, E; Trautwein, U; Lüdtke, O. (2007). Referenzgruppeneffekte im Sportunterricht. Kurz- und
langfristig negative Effekte von sportlichen Klassenkameraden auf das Selbstkonzept Zeitschrift für
Sozialpsychologie, , 38, S. 73-83.
Gerlach, E; Brettschneider, W-D. (2004). Sportliches Engagement und Entwicklung im Kindesalter.
Eine Längsschnittstudie Spectrum der Sportwissenschaften, , 16, S. 108-126.
Ghaleiha, A; Jahangard, L; Sherafat, Z; Ahmadpanah, M; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E;
Bajoghli, H; Haghighi, M. (2012). Oxybutynin reduces sweating in depressed patients treated with
sertraline: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial study Neuropsychiatric Disease and
Treatment, 2012, 8, S. 407-412 (IF 2012: 2.00).
Ghaleiha, A; Davari, H; Jahangard, L; Haghighi, M; Ahmadpanah, M; Seifrabie, M; Bajoghli, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2016 / in Press). Adjuvant thiamine improved standard treatment
in patients with major depressive disorder: results from a randomized, double-blind, and
placebo-controlled clinical trial European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (IF:
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 24
Giese, M; Unternährer, E; Brand, S; Calabrese, P; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Eckert, A. (2013). The
interplay of stress and sleep impacts BDNF level PLoS One, 16, 8(10), S. e76050 (IF 4.077).
Giese, M; Unternährer, E; Brand, S; Calabrese, P; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Eckert, A. (2014). BDNF:
an indicator of insomnia? Molecular Psychiatry, 19, S. 151-152 (IF 15.14).
Glatz-Krieger, K; Glatz, D; Gysel, M; Dittler, M; Michatsch, M. (2003). Web-basierte Lernwerkzeuge
für die Pathologie Der Pathologe, 24, S. 394-399.
Göhner, W; Schlatterer, M; Seelig, H; Frey, I; Berg, A; Fuchs, R. (2012). Two-Year Follow-Up of an
Interdisciplinary Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Program for Obese Adults The Journal of
Psychology, 146, 4, S. 371-391.
Göhner, W; Seelig, H; Fuchs, R. (2009). Intervention Effects on Cognitive Antecedents of Physical
Exercise: A 1-Year Follow-Up Study Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1, 2, S. 233-256.
Gollhofer, A; ; Gruber, M; Taube, W. (2009). Training des sensomotorischen Systems
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 57, S. 26.
Gollhofer, A; ; Taube, W; Melnyk, M; Gruber, M. (2006). Motor control and injury prevention
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 11/12, S. 266-270.
. (2004). Strength training or balance training: What best protects seniors from falls? Münchner
Medizinische Wochenschrift - Fortschritte der Medizin, 146, S. 15-18.
; Mühlbauer, T; Maestrini, L; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A. (2011). Can balance training promote balance
and strength in prepubertal children? J Strength Cond Res, 25, 6, S. 1759-1766.
; Mühlbauer, T; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A; Kressig, R. (2011). Comparison of traditional and recent
approaches in the promotion of balance and strength in older adults Sports Med. 41, 5 (377-400).
; Gruber, M; Förderer, D; Strass, D; Gollhofer, A. (2010). Effects of ankle fatigue on functional reflex
activity during gait perturbations in young and elderly men Gait & Posture, 32, S. 107-112.
; Gollhofer, A; Kriemler, S. (2010). Effects of balance training on postural sway, leg extensor
strength and jumping height in adolescents Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, 3, S.
; Mühlbauer, T; Maestrini, L; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A. (2010). Can balance training promote posture
and strength in prepuberal children? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, S. Status: in
; Gollhofer, A; Zahner, L. (2010). Posturale Kontrolle im Alter: Effekte von Gleichgewichtstraining
Praxis Physiotherapie, 2, S. 131-136.
; Mühlbauer, T; Dörflinger, B; Strohmeier, R; Gollhofer, A. (2010). Promoting strength and balance
in adolescents during physical education: Effects of a short term resistance training Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, S. Status: Epub ahead of print.
; Mühlbauer, T; Bridenbaugh, S; Bleiker, E; Wehrle, A; Kressig, R W. (2010). Balance training and
multi-task performance in seniors International Journal of Sports Medicine, 31, 5, S. 353-358.
; Bridenbaugh, S; Mühlbauer, T; Wehrle, A; Kressig, R W. (2010). Age-related effects on postural
control under multi-task conditions Gerontology, S. Status: in press.
; Gollhofer, A. (2010). Is there an association between variables of postural control and strength in
adolescents? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, S. Status: in press.
; Mühlbauer, T; Bridenbaugh, S; Wehrle, A; Kressig, R W. (2010). Age-related differences during
single and multi-task walking Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, S. Status: in press.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 25
; Iten, N; Roth, R; Gollhofer, A. (2010). Slackline training for balance and strength promotion
International Journal of Sports Medicine, S. Status: in press.
; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A; Kressig, R W. (2010). Sturzpräventive Wirkweise von Kraft- und
Gleichgewichtstraining im Alter Geriatrie Praxis, 8, S. 31-33.
; Mühlbauer, T; Gollhofer, A; Kressig, R W; Zahner, L. (2010). An Intergenerational Approach in the
Promotion of Balance and Strength for Fall-Prevention – A Mini Review Gerontology, S. Status:
Epub ahead of print.
; Mühlbauer, T; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A; Kressig, R W. (2010). Comparison of traditional and recent
approaches in the promotion of balance and strength in older adults Sports Medicine, S. Status: in
; Wick, C; Rueck, N; Esposito, C; Zahner, L. (2010). Promoting balance and strength in the
middle-aged workforce International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 1, S. 35-44.
; Wolf, I; Wehrle, A; Bridenbaugh, S; Kressig, R W. (2010). Effects of
muscle fatigue on gait characteristics under single and dual-task conditions in
young and older adults Journal of NeuroEngieering and Rehabilitation, S. Status: in print
; Gruber, M; Gollhofer, A. (2009). Force production capacity and functional reflex activity in young
and elderly men Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, S. Status: Epub ahead of print.
; Gruber, M; Gollhofer, A. (2009). Resistance training and neuromuscular performance in seniors
International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30, 9, S. 652-657.
; Gruber, M; Gollhofer, A. (2009). The impact of sensorimotor training on postural control in elderly
men Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 60, 12, S. 16-22.
; Kriemler, S; Gollhofer, A; Zahner, L. (2009). Neuromuscular impact of strength training in children
and adolescents: Implications for exercise Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin , 60, S. 41-49.
; Kriemler, S; Gollhofer, A; Zahner, L. (2009). Krafttraining im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Teil 1
Bodymedia, 3, S. 74-79.
; Gollhofer, A. (2009). Grundlagen der Bewegungskontrolle und deren funktionelle Bedeutung
Medizinische Orthopädieschuhtechnik, Sonderheft, S. 6-11.
; Kriemler, S; Gollhofer, A; Zahner, L. (2009). Krafttraining im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Teil 2
Bodymedia, 4, S. 22-26.
; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A. (2008). Strength, power, and postural control in seniors: considerations for
functional adaptations and for fall prevention European Journal of Sport Science, 8, S. 325-340.
; Kriemler, S; Zahner, L. (2008). Bewegung und Gesundheit Uni Nova, 108, S. 9-10.
; Zahner, L; Gollhofer, A. (2008). Krafttraining für Kinder und Jugendliche Extra Fit, 1, S. 4-6.
; Gruber, M; Strass, D; Gollhofer, A. (2007). Auswirkungen von sensomotorischem Training im Alter
auf die Maximal- und Schnellkraftfähigkeit Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin , 12, S. 446-451.
; Bergmann, S; Gollhofer, A. (2007). Allgemeine Richtlinien für den Einsatz von sensomotorischem
Training im Schulsport Sportunterricht, 9, S. 259-265.
; Gollhofer, A. (2007). Sensomotorisches Training im Alter - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
alltagsmotorischer Aufgaben Medizinische Orthopädieschuhtechnik, 1, S. 36-43.
; Gruber, M; Gollhofer, A; Strass, D. (2007). The impact of sensorimotor training in elderly men on
maximal and explosive force production capacity Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 12, S.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 26
; Merkel, R; Michelangeli, W; Gollhofer, A. (2006). Der Einsatz von sensomotorischem Training in
der Schule – eine biomechanische Analyse in den Jahrgangsstufen 12 und 13 Sportunterricht, 8, S.
; Gollhofer, A; Strass, D. (2006). Training induced adaptations in characteristics of postural reflexes
in elderly men Gait & Posture, 24, S. 459-466.
; Gollhofer, A. (2006). Sensomotorisches Training in der Bewegungstherapie, der
Verletzungsprophylaxe und im Sport Medizinische Orthopädieschuhtechnik, Sonderheft, S. 72-79.
; Gollhofer, A. (2005). Neuromuskuläre Leistungsfähigkeit im Alter Krankengymnastik, 9, S.
; Gollhofer, A. (2005). The impact of aging on explosive force production and on postural reflexes
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 3, S. 68-73.
Gronwald, T; Hottenrott, K; Ludyga, S. (2015). Variabilität im Trainingsprozess - Train your Brain.
Medical Sports Network, 4, S. 40-44.
Gronwald, T; Ludyga, S; Hottenrott, K. (2015). Gehirnaktivität bei identischer Belastung - Eine
standardisierte fahrradergometrische Laborstudie unter Normoxie und normobarer Hypoxie
Leistungssport, 45, 2, S. 42-47.
Gronwald, T; Ludyga, S; Hottenrott, K. (2015). Einfluss einer intensiven Intervallbelastung auf die
Beanspruchung der kortikalen Gehirnaktivität Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und
Sporttraumatologie, 63, 1, S. 23-28.
Gronwald, T; Schulze, S; Ludyga, S; Hottenrott, K. (2016). Evaluierung individueller
auf Basis der Herzfrequenzvariabilität
für ein Lauftraining im
Freizeit- und Gesundheitssport Praxis, 105, 18, S. 1-6
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Hinrichs, T; Rehberger, T; Bodenburg, W; Scheiderer, W. (2003). Belastungsmessungen mittels
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Hinrichs, T; Superti-Furga, A; Scheiderer, W; Bonafé, L; Brenner, R; Mattes, T. (2010). Recessive
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(2010). Correlates of sport participation among community-dwelling elderly people in Germany: a
cross-sectional study. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 7, S. 105-115 (IF 2010:
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Heinemann, M; Berger-Bächi, B. (2007). Living with an imperfect cell wall: compensation of femAB
inactivation in Staphylococcos aureus. BMC Genomics, 8, S. 307 (IF 2007: 4.18).
Huonker, A; Sorichter, S; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Keul, J. (2000). Akute Belastungsforderungen und
Grenzen der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit von Kurzdistanz-Triathleten
Sportorthopädie-Sporttraumatologie, 4, S. 198-202.
Huonker, M; Schmid, A; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Grathwohl, D; Keul, J. (2003). Size and blood flow
of central and peripheral arteries in highly trained able-bodied and disabled athletes J Appl Physiol,
95, 2, S. 685-691.
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Huonker, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Heiss, H; Keul, J. (2002). Effects of physical training and
age-induced sturcutral and functional changes in cardiovascular system and skeletal muscles Z
Gerontol Geriatr, 35, S. 151-156.
Huonker, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Grathwohl, D; Schmid, A; Boragk, R; Upmeier, H; Keul, J.
(1999). Tissue doppler imaging for the evaluation of wall motion and stiffness of the common
carotid artery Medical Review, 68, S. 1-7.
Huonker, M; Sorichter, S; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Irmer, M; Staiger, J; Keul, J. (1999). Effectiveness
of digitoxin versus trichlormethiazide/amiloride in congestive heart failure NYHA class II/III and
sinus rhythm Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 13, S. 233-241.
Huonker, M; Schmid, A; Sorichter, S; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Mrosek, P; Keul, J. (1998).
Cardiovascular differences between sedentary and wheelchair- trained subjects with paraplegia
Med Sci Sports Exercise, 30, S. 609-613.
Huonker, M; Halle, M; Frey, I; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Sorichter, S; Keul, J. (1998). Stellenwert von
körperlicher Mehraktivität in der ambulanten kardiovaskulären Prävention Z Kardiol, 87, S. 881-890.
Huonker, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Sorichter, S; Irmer, M; Dürr, H; Lehmann, M; Keul, J. (1997).
Highland mountain hiking and coronary artery disease: exercise tolerance and effects on left
ventricular function Med Sci Sports Exercise, 29, S. 1554-1560.
Huonker, M; Zehender, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Just, H-J; Keul, J. (1996). Kardiale Gefährdung
im Sport TW Sport und Medizin, 8, S. 236-244.
Endes, K; Faude, O; Donath, L; Bean-Eisenhut, S; Hanssen, H; Zahner, L. (2015). The association
of socio-economic factors with physical fitness and activity behaviours, spinal posture and retinal
vessel parameters in first graders in urban Switzerland. Journal of Sports Sciences (DOI:
Endes, K; Faude, O; Strebel, V; Donath, L; Roth, R; Zahner, L. (2015). Examining the association
between physical fitness, spinal flexibility, spinal posture and reported back pain in 6 to 8 year old
children Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 5, 5, S. 274 (doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000274 ).
Endes, K; Zahner, L; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Faude, O; Hanssen, H. (2015). Influence of physical
fitness and activity behavior on retinal vessel diameters in primary schoolchildren Scandinavian
Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (10.1111/sms.12499).
Endes, K; Zahner, L; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Hanssen, H. (2016). Association of body composition
and blood pressure categories with retinal vessel diameters in primary school children Hypertension
Research (doi:10.1038/hr.2015.159).
Jahangard, L; Haghighi, M; Bajoghli, H; Ahmadpanah, M; Ghaleiha, A; Zarrabian, M; Brand, S.
(2012). Training emotional intelligence improves both emotional intelligence and depressive
symptoms in inpatients with borderline personality disorder and depression International Journal of
Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 16, S. 197-204 (IF 2011: 0.5).
Jahangard, L; Haghighi, M; Bigdelou, G; Bajoghli, H; Brand, S. (2012). Comparing efficacy of ECT
with and without concurrent sodium valproate therapy in manic patients The Journal of ECT, 28, S.
118-123 (IF 2011: 1.330).
Jahangard, L; Haghighi, M; Bajoghli, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2014). Among a sample
of Iranian premenopausal and menopausal women differences in mood, sleep and health quality
are small International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 18, S. 139-144 (IF: 0.48).
Jahangard, L; Haghighi, M; Shyayganfard, M; Ahmadpanah, M; Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Bajoghli, H;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2016). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
improved symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), but also cognitive performance? Results form a randomized clinical trial with cross-over design and sham-condition
Neuropsychobiology, 17, S. 224-232 (IF: 2.261).
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Seite 34
Jahangard, L; Soroush, S; Haghighi, M; Ghaleiha, A; Bajoghli, H; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S.
(2014). In a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial, adjuvant allopurinol improved
symptoms of mania in in-patients suffering from bipolar disorder European
Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, S. 1210-1221 (IF 4.56).
Jean, D; Leal, C; Kriemler, S; Meijer, H; Moore, L. (2005). Medical recommendations for women
going to high altitude Hight Alt Med Biol, 6, S. 22-31.
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Schuster, T; Weis, M; Hanssen, H; Halle, M; Köhler, F. (2009).
Daily walking performance as an independent predictor of advanced heart failure: Prediction of
exercise capacity in chronic heart failure Am Heart J, 157, 2, S. 292-298.
Jehn, M; Schindler, C; Meyer, A; Tamm, M; Koehler, F; Witt, C; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Stolz, D.
(2013). Associations of daily walking activity with biomarkers related to cardiac distress in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration, 85, 3, S. 195-202 (IF 2013: 2.61).
Jehn, M; Schindler, C; Meyer, A; Tamm, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Stolz, D. (2012). Daily Walking
Intensity as a Predictor of Quality of Life in Patients with COPD Medicine Science Sports Exercise,
44, 7, S. 1212-1218 (IF 2011: 4.4).
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Hanssen, H; Schuster, T; Halle, M; Koehler, F. (2011). Association
of physical activity and prognostic parameters in elderly patients with heart failure J Aging Phys Act,
19, 1, S. 1-15 (IF 2011: 1.3).
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Meyer, A; Schindler, C; Tamm, M; Stolz, D. (2011). Association of
daily physical activity volume and intensity with COPD severity Respir Med, 105, 12, S. 1846-52 (IF
2011: 2.48).
Jehn, M; Halle, M; Schuster, T; Hanssen, H; Koehler, F; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2011).
Multivariable analysis of heart rate recovery after cycle ergometry in heart failure: Exercise in heart
failure Heart Lung, 40, 6, S. e129-137 (IF 2011: 1.32).
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2010). Association between daily activity and VO2peak Med Sci
Sports Exerc, 42, 6, S. 1229 (IF 2011: 4.43).
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Schuster, T; Weiss, M; Hanssen, H; Halle, M; Koehler, F. (2009).
Daily walking performance as an independent predictor of advanced heart failure: Prediction of
exercise capacity in heart failure Am Heart J, 157, 2, S. 292-298.
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Schuster, T; Hanssen, H; Halle, M; Koehler, F. (2010). Pedometer
Accuracy in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Int J Sports Med, 31, 3, S. 186-191.
Jehn, M; Halle, M; Schuster, T; Hanssen, H; Weis, M; Koehler, F; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2009).
The 6-min walk test in heart failure: is it a max or sub-maximum exercise test? Eur J Appl Physiol.
107, 3, S. 317-23.
Jehn, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Schuster, T; Hanssen, H; Weiss, M; Halle, M; Koehler, F. (2009).
Accelerometer-based quantification of 6-minute walk test performance in patients with chronic heart
failure:applicability in telemedincine. J Card Fail, 15, 4, S. 334-340.
Jochum, H; Baumgarter-Gruber, A; Brand, S; Zeilhofer, H-F; Leiggener, C. (2015). Chronische
Kiefer- und Gesichtsschmerzen. Psychoedukation und Physiotherapie verringern Schmerzen bei
Patienten mit chronischen Kiefer- und Gesichtsschmerzen in Abhängigkeit der
Schmerzchronifizierung. Eine Pilotstudie. Der Schmerz, 29, S. 285-292 (IF: 1.504).
Jochum, H; Baumgartner-Gruber, A; Brand, S; Zeilhofer, H; Keel, P; Leiggener, C. (2015).
Myofacial is not the same as myofascial. Der Schmerz, 29, S. 665-6.
Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Kirov, R; Mikoteit, T; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2012). The
relation of objective sleep patterns, depressive symptoms, and sleep disturbances in adolescent
children and their parents: A sleep-EEG study with 47 families. Journal of Psychiatric Research
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 35
(Kalak, N. and Gerber, M. have equally contributed to this study), 46, S. 1374-1382 (IF 2011: 4.66).
Kalak, N; Brand, S; Beck, J; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Wollmer, M. (2015). Association between
subjective actual sleep duration, subjective sleep need, age, body mass index, and gender in a
large sample of young adults. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 11, S. 107-13 (IF: 2.154).
Kalak, N; Gerber, M; Kirov, R; Mikoteit, T; Jordanova, J; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S.
(2012). Daily morning running for 3 weeks improved sleep and psychological functioning in healthy
adolescents compared with controls. Journal of Adolescent Health (Kalak, N. and Gerber, M. have
equally contributed to this study), 51, S. 615-622 (IF 2011: 3.33).
Kalak, N; Lemola, S; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Grob, A. (2014). Sleep duration and
subjective psychological wellbeing in adolescence: A longitudinal study in Switzerland and Norway
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 10, S. 2955-2965 (IF: 2.00).
Kaluza, G; Simon, G; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Büchler, G. (1998). Wohlbefinden und kardiovaskuläre
Fitness bei Teilnehmern eines laktatgesteuerten Ausdauertrainings Zeitschrift für
Gesundheitspsychologie, 6, S. 33-36.
Kamalinia, G; Brand, S; Ghaeli, P; Abedi, N; Bajoghli, H; Sharifi, V; Zahiroddin, A; Amini, M;
Rounini, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Mohammadpoor, A. (2013). Serum level of sodium valproate in
patients suffering from bipolar disorders: Comparing acute and maintenance phases of mania
Pharmacopsychiatry, 46, S. 83-87 (IF 2011: 2.07).
Kantermann T; Forstner, S; Halle, M; Schlangen, L; Roenneberg, T; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2012).
The stimulating effect of bright light on physical performance depends on internal time. PloSOne, 7,
7, S. e40655 (IF 2011: 4.1).
Kantermann, T; Duboutay, F; Haubruge, D; Kerkhofs, M; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Skene, D. (2013).
Atherosclerotic risk and social jetlag in rotating shift-workers: First evidence from a pilot study.
Work, 46, 3, S. 273-82 (IF 2012: 0.51).
Kedi Leutwyler, K. (2009). Stressstudie basileaInfo, 1, S. 2-5.
Keshavarzi, F; Farnia, V; Yazdchi, K; Najafi, F; Brand, S; Bajoghli, H; Nankali, A; Salmanzadeh, H.
(2014 / in press). The Effect of Maternal Anxiety on Maternal Serum and Fetal Cord Blood Cortisol.
Asia Pacific Psychiatry, S. IF: 0.49.
Keshavarzi, Z; Bajoghli, H; Mohamadi, M-R; Salmanian, M; Kirov, R; Gerber, M;
Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Brand, S. (2014). In a randomized case-control trial with 10-year old
suffering from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) sleep and psychological functioning
improved during a 12-week sleep-training program World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 15, S.
609-619 (IF 2013: 3.57).
Kirov, R; Brand, S; Kolev, V; Yordanova, J. (2012). Commentary on the target article “The brain
basis of emotion: A meta-analytic review” by Kristen A. Lindquist, Tor D. Wager, Hedy Kober, Eliza
Bliss-Moreau, and Lisa Feldman Barrett Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, S. 155-6 (IF 2011:
Kirov, R; Brand, S. (2011). Nightmares as predictors of psychiatric disorders in adolescence
Current Trends in Neurology, 5, S. 1-12.
Kirov, R; Brand, S. (2014). Sleep problems and their effect in ADHD. Expert Review of
Neurotherapeutics, 14, S. 287-299 (IF: 2.96).
Klaperski, S; Seelig, H; Fuchs, R. (2012). Sportaktivität als Stresspuffer Zeitschrift für
Sportpsychologie, 19, 2, S. 80-90.
Knaier, R; Meister, S; Aeschbacher, T; Gemperle, D; Rossmeissl, A; Cajochen, C;
Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2015). Dose-response relationship between light exposure and cycling
performance Scand J Med Sci Sports.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 36
Knöpfli, M; Barker, D; Gerlach, E; Müller, C; Gerber, M; Pühse, U. (2011). Die SSINC-Intervention.
Theoretische Fundierung, Konzeption und praktische Umsetzung einer Interventionsmassnahme
zum interkulturellen Lernen und zur Förderung sozialer Integration im Sportunterricht Lehrhilfen für
den Sportunterricht, 60, S. 243-253.
; Kriemler, S; Roman, M; Roth, R; Puder, J; Zahner, L. (2007). Ein Schulinterventionsprogramm zur
Verbesserung der Gesundheit und Fitness bei Kindern im Alter von 6-13 Jahren (Kinder- und
Jugendsportstudie KISS) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 55,
2, S. 45-51.
; Kriemler, S; Romann, M; Roth, R; Puder, J; Zahner, L. (2007). Ein Schulinterventionsprogramm
zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit und Fitness bei Kindern im Alter von 6-13 Jahren
(Kindersportstudie KISS) Schweiz ZT Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 2, S. 45-51.
Kohler, M; Kriemler, S; Handke, E; Brunner-LaRocca, H; Bloch, K. (2008). Children increase
nocturnal ventilation similar to adults but have less periodic breathing at high altitude Europ Respir
J, 32, S. 189-196.
Korsten-Reck, U; Rocker, K; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Schumacher, Y; Striegel, H; Rimpler, H;
Dickhuth, H. (2007). External iliac artery occlusion in a young female cyclist J Sports Med Phys
Fitness, 47, 1, S. 91-95.
Kotliar, K; Vilser, W; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Halle, M; Lanzl, I. (2009). Temporal oscillations of
retinal vessel diameter in healthy volunteers of different age Ophthalmologe, 106, 7, S. 609-18.
Kotliar, K; Hanssen, H; Eberhardt, K; Vilser, W; Schmaderer, C; Halle, M; Heemann, U; Baumann,
M. (2013). Retinal pulse wave velocity in young male normotensive and mildly hypertensive
subjects. Microcirculation, 20, 5, S. 405-415.
Kotliar, K; Lanzl, I; Hanssen, H; Eberhardt, K; Vilser, W; Halle, M; Heemann, U; Schmidt-Trucksäss,
A; Baumann, M. (2012). Does increased blood pressure rather than aging influence retinal pulse
wave velocity? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 24, 53 (4), S. 2119-2126 (IF 2011: 3.6).
Kotliar, K; Lanzl, I; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Sitnikova, D; Ali, M; Blume, K; Halle, M; Hanssen, H.
(2011). Dynamic retinal vessel response to flicker in obesity: a methodological approach. Microvasc
Res. 81, 1, S. 123-128 (IF 2011: 2.83).
Kovacs, A J; Mühlbauer, T; Shea, C H. (2009). The coding and effector transfer of movement
sequences Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 2, S.
Krämer, L; Helmes, A; Seelig, H; Fuchs, R; Bengel, J. (2014). Correlates of reduced exercise
behaviour in depression: The role of motivational and volitional deficits Psychology & Health, 29,
10, S. 1206-1225.
Krämer, N; Schäfer, J; Boulesteix, A L. (2009). Regularized estimation of large-scale gene
association networks using graphical Gaussian models. BMC Bioinformatics, 10, S. 384 (IF 2009:
Krebs, A; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Wagner, J; Krebs, J; Dörfer, J; Schwab, K. (2005). Adult-like but
regressive increase of intima-media thickness and roughness in a child with type 1 diabetes Pediatr
Diabetes, 6, 3, S. 161-164.
Krebs, A; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Doerfer, J; Grulich-Henn, J; Holder, M; Hecker, W; Krebs, K;
Barth, M; Schwab, K. (2012). Cardiovascular risk in pediatric type 1 diabetes: sex-specific
intima-media thickening verified by automatic contour identification and analyzing systems. Pediatr
Diabetes, 13, 3, S. 251-258 (IF 2011: 2.16).
Krebs, A; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Alt, J; Dörfer, J; Krebs, K; Winkler, K; Schwab, K. (2009).
Synergistic Effects of Elevated Systolic Blood Pressure and Hypercholesterolemia on Carotid
Intima-Media Thickness in Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Cardiol, 30, 8, S. 1131-6.
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Seite 37
Krebs, A; Doerfer, J; Grünert, S; Wöhrl, J; Stier, B; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Lichte, K; Winkler, K;
Grulich-Henn, J; Holder, M; Schwab, K. (2014). Decreased levels of homoarginine and asymmetric
dimethylarginine in children with type 1 diabetes: associations with cardiovascular risk factors but
no effect by atorvastin J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 15 (IF 2013: 0.711).
Kriemler, S; Puder, J; Zahner, L; Roth, R; Meyer, U; Bedogni, G. (2010). Estimation of percentage
body fat in 6- to 13-year-old children by skinfold thickness, body mass index and waist
circumference Br J Nutr, 12, S. 1-8.
Kriemler, S; Zahner, L; Schindler, C; Meyer, U; Hebestreit, H; Brunner-La Rocca, H; Van Mechelen,
W; Puder, J. (2010). Effect of a school-based physical activity program (KISS) on fitness and
adiposity in primary school children: a cluster-randomized controlled trial British Medical Journal,
340, S. c785.
Kriemler, S; Puder, J; Zahner, L; Roth, R; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Begnoni, G. (2009).
Cross-validation of bioelectrical impedance analysis for assessment of body composition in a
representative sample of children Eur J Clin Nutr, 63, S. 619-626.
Kriemler, S; Jansen, C; Linka, A; Kessel-Schaefer, A; Zehnder, M; Kohler, M; Bloch, K;
Brunner-LaRocca, H. (2008). Higher pulmonary artery pressure in children than adults upon fast
ascent to high altitude Eur Respir J, 32, S. 644-669.
Kriemler, S; Mengisen, W; Zahner, L; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Schindler, C; Puder, J. (2008). Obesity
and cardiovascular risk in children are best associated with reduced physical activity and fitness
and with the neighbourhood environment Diabetologia, 51, S. 1408-1415.
Kriemler, S; Zahner, L; Puder, J; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Schindler, C; Kränzlin, M; Rizzoli, R. (2008).
Weight bearing bones are more sensitive to physical exercise in boys than in girls during pre- and
early puberty Osteoporosis Int, 19, S. 1749-1758.
Kriemler, S; Manser-Wenger, S; Zahner, L; Braun-Fahrländer, C; Schindler, C; Puder, J. (2008).
Reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, low physical activity and an urban environment are
independently associated with increased cardiovascular risk in children Diabetologia, 51, S.
Kriemler, S; Zahner, L; Puder, J; Roth, R; Schmid, M; Guldimann, R; ; Rizzoli, R. (2007). Bone
Mass in Children is Independent of Muscle Mass and Strength Associated with Physical Activity
Med Si Sports Exerc. 39.
Kriemler, S; Zahner, L; Puder, J. (2007). Was wissen wir über unsere molligen Bewegungsmuffel
(couch potatoes) Kinder? Was können wir tun? Swiss Medical Forum, 9, S. 220-224.
Kriemler, S; Kohler, M; Zehnder, M; Bloch, K; LaRocca, H. (2006). Successful treatment of severe
AMS and excessive pulmonary hypertension with dexamethasone in a prepubertal girl High Alt Med
Biol, 28, S. 256-261.
Kriemler, S; Keller, H; Saigal, S; Bar-Or, O. (2005). Aerobic and respiratory performance in
premature children, with and without chronic lung disease of infancy Clin J Sport Med, 15, S.
Kriemler, S; Hebestreit, H; Bar-Or, B. (2002). Temperature-related overestimation of energy
expenditure, based on heart-rate monitoring in obese boys Eur J Appl Physiol, 87, S. 245-250.
Küchenhoff, J; Heller, P; Brand, S; Huss, A; Bircher, A; Niederer, M; Schwarzenbach, S; Waeber,
R; Wegmann, L; Braun-Fahrländer, C. (2004). Quantitative und qualitative Analysen bei Menschen
mit umweltbezogenen Gesundheitsstörungen Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und
Psychotherapie, 50, S. 288-305 (IF 2011: 1.149).
Kulmala, J; Hinrichs, T; Törmäkangas, T; von Bonsdorff, M; von Bonsdorff, M; Nygård, C; Klockars,
M; Seitsamo, J; Ilmarinen, J; Rantanen, T. (2014). Work-related stress in midlife is associated with
higher number of mobility limitation in old age – results from the FLAME study. Age (Dordrecht,
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 38
Netherlands), 36, 6, S. 9722 (IF 2014: 3.390).
Lang, C; Brand, S; Feldmeth, A K; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Gerber, M. (2013). Increased
self-reported and objectively assessed physical activity predict sleep quality among adolescents
Physiology & Behavior, 120, S. 46-53 (IF 2012: 3.16).
Lang, C; Feldmeth, A K; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Gerber, M. (2016). Stress
Management in Physical Education Class: An Experiential Approach to Improve Coping Skills and
Reduce Stress Perceptions in Adolescents Journal of Teaching in Physical Eduation, 35, S.
149-158 (Impact Factor: 0.74).
Lang, C; Feldmeth, A K; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Gerber, M. (2016). Effects of a
physical education-based coping training on adolescents’ coping skills, stress perceptions and
quality of sleep Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, S. 1-18 (Impact Factor: 0.95).
Lang, C; Gerber, M. (2016 / in press). EPHECT: Ein theoriebasiertes und evidenzbasiertes Konzept
zur Förderung von Stressbewältigungskompetenzen im Sportunterricht Sportunterricht.
Lang, C; Kalak, N; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Pühse, U; Gerber, M. (2015). The relationship
between physical activity and sleep from mid adolescence to early adulthood. A systematic review
of methodological approaches and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 25, S. 28-41 (Impact
Factor: 9.14).
Lange, V; Malmström, J A; Didion, J; King, N L; Johansson, B P; Schäfer, J; Rameseder, J; Wong,
C H; Deutsch, E W; Brusniak, M Y; Bühlmann, P; Björck, L; Domon, B; Aebersold, R. (2008).
Targeted quantitative analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes virulence factors by multiple reaction
monitoring. Mol Cell Proteomics, 7, 8, S. 1489-1500 (IF 2008: 8.834).
Lanzl, I; Seidova, S; Maier, M; Lohmann, C; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Halle, M; Kotliar, K. (2011).
Dynamic retinal vessel response to flicker in age-related macular degeneration patients before and
after vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor injection. Acta Ophthalmol, 89, 5, S. 472-479 (IF
2011: 2.63).
Lemola, S; Brand, S; Vogler, N; Perkinson-Gloor, N; Allemand, M; Grob, A. (2011). Habitual
computer game playing at night is related to depressive symptoms Personality and Individual
Differences, 51, S. 117­-122 (IF 2011: 1.878).
Lemola, S; Perkinson-Gloor, N; Brand, S; Dewald-Kaufmann, J; Grob, A. (2015). Adolescents'
electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(2), S. 405-18 (IF: 2.87).
Lemola, S; Perkinson-Gloor, N; Brand, S; Dewald-Kaufmann, J; Grob, A. (2014 / in press).
Adolescents' electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the
smartphone age. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, S. IF 2.35.
Lemola, S; Perkinson-Gloor, N; Hagmann-von Arx, P; Brand, S; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Grob, A;
Weber, P. (2015). Morning cortisol secretion in school-age children is related to the sleep pattern of
the preceding night. Psychoneuroendocrinology, S. 297-301 (IF: 5.591).
Li, Y; Bopp, M; Botta, F; Nussbaumer, M; Schäfer, J; Roth, R; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Hanssen, H.
(2015). Lower body vs. upper body resistance training and arterial stiffness in young men. Int J
Sports Med, 36, 12, S. 960-967 (IF 2015: 2.528).
Li, Y; Cordes, M; Recio-Rodriguez, J; García-Ortiz, L; Hanssen, H; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2014).
Diurnal variation of arterial stiffness in healthy individuals of different ages and patients with heart
disease. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 74, 2, S. 155-162 (IF 2013: 1.3).
Li, Y; Hanssen, H; Cordes, M; Rossmeissl, A; Endes, S; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. (2014). Aerobic,
resistance and combined exercise training on arterial stiffness in normotensive and hypertensive
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Sabouri, S; Gerber, M; Lemola, S; Becker, S; Shamsi, M; Shakouri, Z; Sadeghi Bahmani, D; Kalak,
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Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Sandrock, M; Cheng, D; Müller, H; Baumstark, M; Rauramaa, R; Berg, A;
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Schütz, U; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A; Knechtle, B; Machann, J; Wiedelbach, H; Ehrhardt, M; Freund,
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Shakeri, J; Farnia, V; Karimi, A; Tatari, F; Ahmadi Juibari, T; Alikhani, M; Bajoghli, H;
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Gerlach, Erin; Marsh, H.; Trautwein, U.; Lüdtke, O.; Brettschneider, W.D.: Zur dynamischen
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Gerlach, Erin; Kussin, U.: Erste Ergebnisse der SPRINT-Studie aus Schülerperspektive, in:
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Gerlach, Erin; Kussin, U.; Brandl-Bredenbeck, H.P.; Brettschneider, W.-D.: Der Sportunterricht aus
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Gerlach, Erin; Brettschneider, W.-D.: Effects of physical activity in sports clubs on self-concept and
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Gerlach, Erin; Herrmann, Christian: Effekte der Sportteilnahme, in: Schmidt, W (Hg.): Dritter
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Gerlach, Erin; Seiler, Sara; Herrmann, Christian; Pühse, Uwe: Motorische Basisqualifikationen im
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Göhner, W.; Mahler, C.; Fuchs, R.; Seelig, Harald: Lebensstilintegrierte sportliche Aktivität Wirkungs-analyse der theoriegeleiteten Intervention MoVo-LISA in der orthopädischen
Rehabilitation, in: Eschenbeck, H.; Heim-Dreger, U.; Kohlmann, C. W. (Hg.): Beiträge zur
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Hänsel, F.; Seelig, Harald: Patientenzufriedenheit und Antwortverhalten - eine Reanalyse, in:
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Hartmann, Tim; Pühse, Uwe: Sport und psychische Gesundheit bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, in:
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Konradi, J.; Seelig, Harald: Der Begriff Siegertyp als Diagnostikum für Trainer und Talentscouts, in:
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Experiment und Handlungsoptimierung, Hamburg: Czwalina 2010, S. 113.
Kussin, U.; Gerlach, Erin: Schülerinteressen und des Schülers Interesse. Deskription und
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Mahler, C.; Göhner, W.; Seelig, Harald; Fuchs, R.: Die Rolle von Selbststeuerungskompetenzen
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Pühse, Uwe; Seiler, R.: Bildung durch Bewegung und Sport. Abschlussbericht der
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Seelig, Harald; Fuchs, R.: Sportteilnahme: Häufig oder regelmässig? in: Pfeffer, I.; Alfermann, D.
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Barker, Dean; Rossi, Anthony: A discursive-constructionist approach to teamwork in sport and
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Barker-Ruchti, Natalie: Ballerinas and Pixies: A Genealogy of the Changing Female Gymnastics
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Barker-Ruchti, Natalie: Traditionelle Weiblichkeitsideale, 2008.
Barker-Ruchti, Natalie: Female Elite Artistic Gymnastics and its Past: A Foucauldian Genealogy,
Barker-Ruchti, Natalie: Swiss Newspaper Coverage of Karin Thürig's Bronze Medal Performance in
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Barker-Ruchti, Natalie; Weber, Julia: The importance of sports photography in the feminization of
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Barker-Ruchti, Natalie; Annerstedt, Claes; Grahn, Karin: The 'new woman' of the 1920s: Athleticism
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Barker-Ruchti, Natalie; Gerber, Markus; Barker, Dean; Pühse, Uwe: Social Integration of Migrants
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Pühse, Uwe; Müller, Claudine: Bewegung und Lernen - Bewegung und Hirnleistungsfähigkeit,
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Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: Rio 2016 and Sport Legacies: The legacies of the Olympic
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Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: Sport Programme in benachteiligten Stadtviertel: Am Beispiel
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Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: Sport Policies in marginalised communities: the case of Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
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Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: Sport Programmes in Brazil: A Study of Vilas Olímpicas in Rio
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Rodrigues de Sousa-Mast, Fabiana: The Sport Legacies of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic
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Sattler, Simone: Mitgliedschaft und Wissenschaft - Vereinsmitglieder berichten, 2010.
Sattler, Simone: Das Konzept Lebenswelt und die Integration durch Vereinssport, 2010.
Sattler, Simone: ‚Makkabi chai?!' Teilnehmende Beobachtung im jüdischen Tennisclub ? Ein Dissertations-Projekt
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Sattler, Simone: Soziale Integration durch Sport von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund, 2009.
Stand: 16.01.2017
Seite 76