classification of lamprophyres, lamproites
classification of lamprophyres, lamproites
t75 The CanndianM ineralogist Vol, 34,pp. 175-186(1996) KIMBERLITES' LAMPROITES, OF LAMPROPHYRES, CLASSIFICATION ROCKSX AND LEUCITIC MELILITIC, AND THEKALSILITIG, ALAN R. WOOLLEY RoaLbndon SW SBD'U.K Crornwell NaturalHistoryMuseum, Departuentof Mineralogy, STEYEN C. BERGMAN 2j00 WestPIarc Parkway,Plano,Texas75075'U'S'A' Research, and Production Exploration Technnlogy, ARCOResources ALAN D. EDGAR Ontario,LondaUOntarioN6A587 Universityof Westem Deparxwntof EarthSciences, MICHAELJ. LEBAS of leicester,IsicesterIEI 7RH'U'K' of Geology,University Department ROGERH. MITCIIELL Bay,OntarioP7B5EI Thunder InkehzadlJniversity, of Geotogy, Department NICHOLAS M.S. ROCKT Austalin"Australia Australia.Nedlanh6009,Westem of Westem University Geology, of Department BARBARA H. SCOTTSMITH 2M9 BrttishColumbin'WR Boulevar4NorthVancoaver, Petrology,2555Edgemount Scox-Smith ABSIRAC"I rocls The nomenclatureand classificationof lamprophyres,lamproites,kimberlites andthe kalsilitic, melilitic and leucitic on the IUGS-Subcommi-ssion t{e, by groups establghed working of three recommendations The detined. are inaaequately the aboveare Systematicsof igneousRocksto resolveaspectsof tlle problem arepresentedfor discussion.New definitionsof given, variouslyln mineralogicaland geochemicalterms,and a reviied sequencefor the systematicclassificationof the rocks is provided which integrateswith the existingIUGS hierarchicalsystem. Kewords: lamprophlre, lamproite,kimberlite, kalsilitic rocks, melilitic rocks, leucitic rocks, classification. Sovnrtarnn m€lilite, l,a nomenclatureet la classificationdu clan dgs tamFrophyres,lamproites,kimberlites, et des rochesa kahilite, de recommandations les discussion p9* de presentons i"i Nous jamais de fagon satisfaisante. d6finies 6t6 leucite n'ont et 1* Intemationale I'Union de igrdes roches des la syst6matisation dL charg6e par trois groupesde travail 6tablis la sous-commission min€ralogiques' CesS"cientesG6ologiques.Nous pr6sentonsdesd6finitionJnouvellei desmembresde ce clan, en tennessoit nouvellede classificationsyst6matique,int6gr6eau sch6mahidrarchiquedu systbmeexistant soit gdochimiques,et une s6quende de ITUGS' (fraduit par la R6daction) plassification' Mots-cl6s:lamprophyre,lampro'ite,kimberlite, rochesi kalsilite, rochesi m6lilite, rochesl leucite, * Recommendatrons of the IntemationalUnion of GeologicalSciences(IUGS), Subcommissionon the Systematicsof Igneous Rocks. t Deceased. 176 TI{E CANADTAN MINERAIOGIST IlqrnonucttoN In the book "A Classificartonof lgneous Roclcsand Glossary of Terms: Recommendations of the International Union of Geological Siiences Subcornmission on the Systematicsof lgneous Rocks. (LelVlaite et al. 1989),lamprophyres,lamproitesand kimberlites were amalgamatedunder the hearting "lamprophyric rocksoo.This was regarded as a provisional expedientuntil, as noted in the heface of the book, a more satisfactoryclassification could be established. In thebook"Lamproplryres",Rock(1991) went even further and placed lamproites and kimberlites in his "lamprophyre clan',. However, to many petrologists, inclusion of lamproite and kimberlite with the lamprophyresis either inappropriate or incorrect becausethe terrn tampropSe is devalued,whereasthe classificationof lamproitesand kimberlitesis not furthered. During a meeting of the Subcommissionat the Intemational Geological Congressin Washingtonin 1989, three working groups were establishedto reconsiderthe classification of these rocfts, together with certain feldspathoidatand leucitic, melilitii, and kalsilitic rocks, which are also inadequatelydefinedin Le Maitre et al. (1989).The working groupsincluded members of the Subcommission, and several specialists,particularly in the areasof kimberlitic and lamproitic rocls, were invited to participate. This contribution brings together the findings of the working groups and the Subcommissionon tlese topics, and is presentedas the best compromise currently achievable. The recommendationsare presentedfor discussionand shouldnot be regardedas the definitive statementon the topic. The objectiveof the Subcommissionis not to crearc a highly detailed ttxonomy, either mineralogical or chemical,but to provide a broadly basedclassification to be _usedin a logical manner by any geologist. The-classificationsuggestedfollows tle principtes established by Le Bas& Streckeisen (1991).The classificationof theseexotic alkaline rocks is not a trivial tash and there will probably never be, at least in our lifetimes, a truly practical and workable scheme.Advanceshave been made in the past two decadesin kimberlite and lamproite nomenclature, prinarily becauseof their economic importance.In contrast, the vast array of lamprophyres has not receivedthe sameamountof attention,and there will be a slow natural evolution of our ideas regarding their classification as a consequenceof subsequent investigatious. INTEGRAIoN wrrr{ TIIE IUGS l:lrrnnncucAr, Sysru\4 Le Maite et al. (1989) and Le Bas & Streckeisen (1991,Fig. 8). In the publishedhierarchicalsysrem, lamprophyres, lamproites and kimberlites were combined under "lamprophyric rockso', but if this portmanteauterm is to be abandoned,then it must be replaced by a logical hierarchy of classification for thesethree groups of rocks that integratesthem with the melilitic and leucitic rocks. Lamprophyres do not lend themselvesto either mineralogicalor chemicalclassificationon accountof their very variable HrO and CO, contents,which are primary in someinstancesandsecondaryin others,and which are not taken into account in most proposed classifications.Nevertheless,the members of the working groupsand the Subcommissionagreedalmost unanimouslythat the following proposalswere a step in the direction of establishinga nomenclaturewith minimum ambiguify and maximumusefulness. It must be sfiessed,however,that the hierarchical systempresentedhereis not definitive andhasminimal genetic conlent. Any classification of a rock as a lamprophyre,kimberliie or lamproiteusingthis system shouldbe consideredprovisional until further investigations have been undertakenusing the specialized literatureas a key to correctclassification. h.oposEDSvsruraFoRTIrECtassmcetow or Msr,trffIc, Kersrrnc, KrvrsFRlmc.Latwnomc ANDLEUCmcRocrs aNo Lavpnopnynrs Classificationof melilitic rocla The melilite-bearingrock classificationis used for rocks with >lUVo modal melilite. Triangular plots are presented for plutonic (melilitolite) (Fig. 1) and volcanic (melilitite) rocks @ig. 2), and Table I is intendedfor melilitic rocks containingkalsilite. If the mode cannotbe determined"then one should apply the total alkalis versus silica CIAS) chemical classification,as follows: (a) The rock should plot in the foidite field. (b) If the rock does not contain kalsilite but has larnite in the norm, then one should apply Figure 3. (c) If nomrativelamite is greaterthan l07o and KrO is less than NqO (wt7o), then it is a melilitite or olivine melilitite. (d) If K2Ois greaterthan NarO and KrO exceeds2 wt%o,then it is a potassic melilitite orpotassicolivine melilitite. The latter canbe termeda lcanngife,which mineralogicallyis a kalsilite - leucite - olivine melilitite. (e) If normativelarnite is lessthan lUVo,thenthe rock is a melilite nepheliniteor a melilite leucitite according to the nature of the dominantfeldspathoidmineral. Classificationof lealsilitic rocks The principal mineralsof the katsilitic roctrsinclude Any classificationshouldbe capableof integration clinopyroxene,kalsilite, leucite, meliliteo olivine and with the IUGS hierarchical system described by phlogopite (Iable 2). These rocks cannot be called CI.-ASSIFICATIONOF LAMPROPTIYRES Me l 177 TABIfi 1. SUGGESTEDNOMENCLAN'RE FOR KAMAFUGITIC ROCKS Rocknane MineralAssemblage Mafurite Olivine-pyroxenekalsilitite Kalsilite-leuote-olivinemelilitite Kafilngite Venarzite Coppaeute Kalsitt+,pblogopite-olivine-leucitenelilitite Kalsilite-phlogopit€melilitite pyroxene olivine pyroxene melilitolite melilitolite (1974).From the point of view of the IUGS systemof classification, the presenceof essential melilite or leucite (or both) indicatesthat either the classification Ol Cpx that deals with melilitic or leucitic rocks should be Plutonicrocks applied.However,the presenceof kalsilite audleucite Frc. 1. Classification of the plutonic(melilitolite)melilitic is consideredpetrogenetically so distinctive and rockswith modalmelilite>10VoO-eMaifreer al, 1989 important that the acceptedterm, kamafugite, should be retained for this consanguineousseries of rocks. Fig.B.3). Table I indicatestheir nomenclatureas a function of mineral assemblage. Plutonic kalsilitic rocks of the Aldan and North pyroxenitebecausethat lerm is reservedfor plutonic Baikal petrologicalprovincesof Russi4 which are not rocls. The rock types maftrite and katungite,together kamafugitic, may be distinguished by the prefix with the closely associatedleucitic rock ugandite o'kalsilite".Thus, synnyrite becomeskalsilite syenite, (which is excludedfrom Table 1. asit doesnot contain andyakutitebecomeskalsilite-biotite pyroxenite. kalsilite and is more logrcally classifiedas an olivine leucitite), constitutethe kamafugitic seriesof Sahama Classffication of kimberlite s peridotite melilile-bearing and pyroxenite Kimberlites are currently divided into Group I and Group tr (Smith et al. 1985, Skinner 1989). Group-I Mel kimberlites correspond to archetypal rocks from Kimberley, SouthAfric4 which were formerly termed "basaltic kimberlites" by Wagner (1914). Group-tr kimberlites correspondto the micaceousor lamprophyric kimberlitesof Wagner(1914). Petrologists actively studying kimberlites have concluded that there are significant petrological differencesbetweenthe two groups,althoughopinion is divided as to the extent of the revisionsrequiredto their nomenclature.Somewish to retain the sntus qw (Ski:rner 1989),whereasothers(Mitchell & Bergman 1991, Mtchell 1994b) believe that the terminology shouldbe completelyrevised (seebelow). Regardless, the working group is unanimousin agreeingthat a single definition cannotbe usedto describeboth rock types. Becauseof the mineralogicalcomplexity of the melalite-bearing ultramaflcvolcanics rocks, a simple succinctdefinition cannotbe devised. Following a conceptoriginally developedby Dawson Ol Cpx (1980), the rocks may be recognizedns containing a ' Volcanicrocks of minerals. characteristicassemblage of Group-I characterization The following (meilitite) Ftc. 2. Classification of the volcanic melilitic rocks with modal melilite >10Vo(Le Maitre er al. 1989, kimberlites is a.fterMitchell (1995), which is based essentiallyon that of Mirchell (1986, 1994b),and Fig.8.3). 178 T}IE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST A A MELILITITE X M E L I L I T EN E P H E L I N I T E AA K 64 A AL A A 20 ur 18 F 2rc E J14 ul A A AA ?tz =10 A F' (E o z8 oo {io"oo 4 '+ ^"a 'ffi :bf{ 4 2 6 8'to12 r xJ{rr rf - lt I I 14 16 1820222426283.O N O R M A T I V EN E P H E L I N E Flc. 3. Plot of normativenephelineversusnormatle lamite for melilitic lavas showing the proposedboundary(dashedline) betweenthe melilitites and melilite nephelinites. The data plotted are taken from eastem,western atd southemAfric4 Europe, the former USSR,Australia, andU.S.A., including Hawaii, andarevariously describedas olivine melilitite, melilitite or melilite nephelinite (see Le Bas 1989, Table 2). Also plotted are typical potassic melilitic volcanic rocks: A, melilite ankmatrite; K, katungite;L, leucitemelilitite; M, potassicolivine melilitite; V, venanziteftalsilite - phlogopite- olivine - leucite melilitite). evolved from earlier "definitions" given by Clement et al. (1984) andMtchell (1979). Group-I kimberlites consist of volatile-rich (dominantly COr) potassic ultrabasic rocks commonly exhibiting a distinctiveinequigranulartextureresul :ng from the presenceof macrocrysts(a generalterm for large crystals,fypically 0.5-10 mm in diameter)and, TABII 2. IVID].IERAL ASSEMBLAGESOF (ALSII,ITTC RocKs Phl Cpx Lct Kal Mel Ol Maftrite-x-xx Katungrtexxxxx VenaDzitorrxxrr Coppaelitexx-xxSymbolg:Phf phbgopite,Cpc olimpyroxrc, kt ltuire, Msl ndflita, OL olivine, Gb: glas. x prcem, -: ab&d. Afrrr Mjtc,hel & Bsgoln (t991, Table2.3). in some cases,megacrystsQargercrystals, t,?ically 1-20 cm) set in a fine-grainedmatrix. The assemblage of macrocrystsand megacrysts,at leastsomeof which are xenocrystic,includes anhedralcrystalsof olivine, magnesianilmenite, plrope, diopside (in some cases subcalcic),phlogopite,enstatiteand Ti-poor chromite. Olivine macrocrystsare a characteristicand dominant constituent in all but fractionated kimberlites. The matrix contains a second generation of primary euhedralto subhedralolivine, which occurs together with one or more of the following primary minerals: monticellite,phlogopite,perovskite,spinel (magnesian ulviispinel - magnesiochromite- ulvdspinel magnetite solid solutions), apatite, carbonateand serpentine.Many kimberlites contain a late-stage poikilitic mica belonging to the barian phlogopite kinoshitalite series. Nickeliferous sffides and rutile are common accessoryminerals.The replacementof earlier-formed olivine, phlogopite, monticellite and apatiteby deuteric serpentineand calcite is common. Evolved members of the Group may be poor in, CI/,SSIFICATION OF I.AMPROPHYRES or devoidof, macrocrysts,andcomposedessentiallyof second-generationolivine, calcite, serpentineand magnetite, together with minor phlogopite, apatite andperovskite. It is evident that kimberlites are complex hybrid rocks in which the problem of distinguishing the primary constituentsfrom the entrained xenocrysts precludessimple definition. The above characterization at0emptsto recognizethat the composition and mineralogyof kimberlitesarenot entirely derivedfrom a parentmagma,and the nongeneticterms macrocryst and megacryst are used to describe minerals of cryptogenic,i.e., unknown,origin. Macrocrystsinclude forsteritic olivine, chromian pyrope, almandinepyrope, chromian diopside, magnesianilnenite and phlogopitecrystals,that are now generallybelievedto originate by the disaggregation of mantle-derived lherzolite, harzburgite, eclogite and metasomatized peridotite xenoliths.In most cases,diamond,which is excludedfrom the above"definition", belongsto this suiteof mineralsbut is muchlesscommon.Megacrysts are dominatedby -agnesian ilnenite, titanian pyrope, diopside, olivine and enstatile that have relatively Cr-poor compositions(<2 vttvo CrrOr). The origin of the megacrystsis still being debated(e.9., Mirchell 1986),and somepetrologistsbelievethat they may be coguate.Both of thesesuitesof mineralsare included in the characterization because of their common presencein kimberlites. It canbe debatedwhetherreferenceto thesecharacteristic constituents should be removed from the oodefinition"of kimberlite. Strictly, minerals that are known to be xenocrystsshould not be included in a pehological definition, as they have not crystallized from the parentalmagma.Smaller grains of both the macrocryst-and megacryst-suiteminerals also occuro but may be easily distinguishedon the basis of their compositions.In this respect, it is important to distinguisl' pseudoprimarygroundmassdiopsidefrom macrocrystic or megacrysticclinopyroxene. Group-I kimberlitesdo not usually containthe former exceptas a productof crystallizationinducedby the assimilation of siliceous xenoliths (Scott Smith et al. 1983). T'he primary nature of groundmassserpophitic serpentine wasoriginallyrecognizedbyMitchell & Putnis(1988). Recentstudies(Smith et aI. 1985, Skinner 1989, Mitchell l994b,lggs,Tainton & Browning1991)have demonstrated that GroupI andGrouptr kimberlitesare mineralogicallydifferent andpetrogeneticallyseparate rock-types. A definition of Group-tr kimberlites has not yet been agreedupon, as they have been insufflciently studied.Mitchell (1.994b,1995)has suggesred that theserocks arenot kimberlitic at all. andshouldbe termed o'orangeite',in recognition of their distinct characterand unique occturencein southernAfrica. Wagner (1928) previously suggestedthat the rocks which he initially termed micaceous kimberlite (Wagner L91.4) be renamed "orangite" (src,). The 179 following characterization of the rocks currently described as Group-II kimberlites or micaceous kimberlitesfollows that of Mitchell (1995). Group-tr kimberlites(or orangeites)belongto a clan of ultrapotassic,peralkaline rocks rich in volatiles (dominantly H2O), characterized by phlogopite macrocrystsand microphenocrysts,together with groundmassmicas that vary in composition from phlogopite to'lefiafeniphlogopite". RoundedInacrocrysts of olivine and euhedral primary crystals of olivine are common, but are not invariably major constituents.Characteristicprimary phasesin the groundmassinclude: diopside, commonly zoned to, and mantled by, titanian aegirine; spinels ranging in composition from Mg-bearing chromite to Ti-bearing magnetite; Sr- and kEE-ich perovskite; Sr-rich apatite; REE-ich phosphates(monazite, daqingshanite);potassianbariantitanatesbelongingto the hollandite $oup; potassium triskaidecatitanates (K.{!g'O2); M-bearing rutile and Mn-bearing ilmenite. Thesearesetin a mesostasisthat may contain calcite, dolomite, ancylite and other rare-earth carbonates,witherite, norsethite and serpentine. Evolved membersof the group contain groundmass sanidineand potassiumrichterite. Zirconium silicates (wadeite, zircon, kimzeyitic garnet, Ca-Z-silicate) may occur aslate-stagegroundmassminerals.Barite is a commondeutericsecondarymineral. Note that theserocks have a greatermineralogical affinity to lamproites than to Group-I kimberlites. However, there are significant differences in the of minerals,as compositionsand.overallassemblage detailed above,that permit their discrimination from lamproites(Mitchell L994b,1995). Classffi cation of lamproites The classification system of lamproites described it by Mitchell & Bergman(1991) is recommended; involves mineralogical and geochemicalcriteria, as follows: Lamproites are characterizedby the presenceof widely varying amounts(5-90 vol.Vo)of the following primary phases: (1) titanian (2-10 wt%o TiO), aluminum-poor (5-12 wtVo Al2O) phenocrystic phlogopite,(2) titanian (5-10 wt%oTiO) groundmass poikilitic "tetraferriphlogopite",(3) titanian (3-5 vtt%o TiO) potassium (4-6 wt%o K2O) richterite, (4) forsteritic olivine, (5) aluminum-poor(<l t*,t%oN2O3), sodium-poor (<l wtvo Na2O) diopside, (6) nonstoichiometriciron-rich (14 wt%oFqOr) leucite, and (7) iron-rich sanidine(typicafly L-5 vttvo Fe2Or).The presenceofall the abovephasesis not requiredin order to classi$ a rock as a lamproite.Any onemineralmay be dominant,and this, togetherwith the two or tlree other major mineralspresent,sufficesto determinethe petrographicname. Minor and common accessoryphases include 180 TIIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST priderite, wadeite, apatite, perovskite, magnesiochromite, titanian magnesiochromite,and magnesian titaniferousmagnetite;lesscommonly,but characteristically, jeppeite, armalcolile, shcherbakovite,ilmenite and enstatitealso arepresent. The presenceof the following mineralsprecludesa rock from being classified as a lamproite: primary plagioclase,melilite, monticellite, kalsilite, nepheline, Na-rich alkali feldspar, sodalite, nosean,hauyne, melanite,schorlomiteor kimzsyite. Lamproites conform to the following chemical characteristics:molar K2O/1.{a2O > 3, i.e., ulfiapotassic, (2) molar KrO/Al2O3 > 0.8 and commonly > L, (3) molar (KrO + NqO)/Al2O3 typically > | i.e., peralkaline, (4) typically <1,0wtVo each of FeO and CaO,TiO, l-:7 v,ttVo, >2000andcommonly>5000ppm Ba, >500 ppmzx, >1000ppm Sr and>200ppm La. The subdivisionof the lamproitesshouldfollow the scheme of Mitchell & Bergman (1991), in which the historical terminology is discarded in favor of compoundnames based on the predominanceof phlogopite, richterite, olivine, diopside, sanidine and leucite, as given in Table 3. It shouldbe notedthat the term "madupitid' in Table 3 indicates that the rock containspoikilitic groundmassphlogopite,as opposed to phlogopitelamproite,in which phlogopiteoccursas phenocrysts. The complex compositional and mineralogical criteria required to define lamproites result from the diverseconditionsinvolved in their genesis,compared with thoseof rocks that canbe readily classifiedusing the IUGS system. The main petrogenetic factors contributing to the complexity of composition and mineralogy of lamproites are the variable nature of their metasomatizedsource-regionsin the mantle, depth and extentof partial melting, coupledwith their conrmonextensivedifferentiation. TABLE3. NOMENCT-ATURB OFLAMPROITtsS llislorical name Classificationof volcanic leucitic roclcs The leucitic rocks. after elimination of the lamproites and kamafugites, should be named according to the QAPF (volcanic) diagram with the prefix '1eucite" or ooleucite-bearing" as appropriate. Rocks containing liftle or no feldspar, i.e., falling in field 15 (foidite) of QAPF 0-e Maitre et al. 1989, Fig. B.10), areleucitites,which are divisible into three subfields:(a) QAPF subfield 154 phonolitic leucitite: Foids 60-907oof light-coloredconstituents,and alkali feldspar > plagioclase; (b) QAPF subfield l5b, tephritic leucitite: Foids 60-907o of light-colored constituents,and plagioclase > alkali feldspar; (c) QAPFfield 15c,leucititesensustricto:Foids9G-1007o of light-coloredconstituents,andleucitepracticallythe solefeldspathoid. The essentialmineralogyof the principal groupsof leucitic rocls is given in Table 4. No unambiguous chemical criteria have been found to distinguish this group of rocks. In terms of the TAS plot, leucitites extend significantly beyond the foidite field into adjacentfields @g. 4). They are better distinguished from lamproites by other compositionalparameters, althoughevenheresomeoverlapoccurs.The chemical characteristicsof the potassicrocks, and attemptsat distinguishinglamproitesfrom certain leucitic rocks, usinga varietyofcriteria, areexploredbyFoley et al. (1987)andMitchell & Bergman(1991). r op hyr es Classifi cation of Lamp Lamprophyres are mesocratic to melanocratic igneous rocks, usually hypabyssal,with a pan:idiomorphic texture and abundantmafic phenocrystsof dark mica or amphibole (or both) with or without pyroxene,with or without olivine, setin a matrix of the same minerals, and with feldspar (usually alkali feldspar)restrictedto the groundmass.For the general classffication of these rocks, see I* Mal:tre et aI. (1989),andfor detaileddescriptions, seeRock (1991). Revisodname Wyoniagite diopside-leucite-pblogopitelsmproite Orendite diopside-sanidine,phlogopitelamproile TABLE 4. MINERAIOGY OF TI{E PRINCIPAL ROUPS OFLEUCIT1CROCKS Madupite diopsftle nafupitic lamproite Cedricite diopsftte.leucite lamproite Masilite leucite-richtedte lamproite I*ucitite Wolgidit€ diopside-lercite-richerie madupitic lamproite Fihoyilo lerrite-phlogopite lamproite Verite hyaloolivinediopsidepblogopite Tephritic leucitite Phonolitic leucitite kucitct@hdte L4cito basanite Leucitephonolit€ Fortnite laoproite olivine.diopside-richterite madupitic laqtroite hyalo-enstatite-phlogopie lamFroite Cancalitc ensutite-sanidin+'phlogopite laryroite Jumi[ite after Mitchell & Bergoan (1991) cpx x r x x r x I r x x x >10% x>x x<r xx- <to% >to% x $llnbols Cpc dinopyrorog I,a: lruite Pt plagioolase,Ss: midiao (lroducn ol its emoluion), OL olivine. x prs€il, -: abs€d. A[ ths roc&snay @dab somo n€pbslirc. 181 CT.ASSIFICATIONOF I.AMPROPFIYRSS ;e Eto q Y8 o AI to 37 41 45 49 53 s7 61 SiOzwt% 65 69 73 FIG. 4. Percentagefrequencydisribution diagram for 112 samplesof leucitite plotted in the TAS diagram,showingthat only about507oplot in the foidite fiel{ with major concentrationsin the basanite-tephriteand phonotephritefields. Reproducedfrom Fig. 23 oflr Bas et al. (1,992),Star indicatesthe peakofthe frequencydistribution. The Subcommissionno longer endones the terms 'lamprophyric rocks", or'lamprophyre clan", used as by Le Maitre et al. (1989) and Rock (1991) to encompasslamFrophyres,lamproitesand kimberlites, becauselamproitesandkimberttes arebestconsidered independentlyof lamprophyres. 5. If the rock is fine-grainedor glassyand has larnite in the norm. the rock should be classified as a MELILITICROCK. 6. Ifthe volcanic rock containsessentialleucite"with or without phlogopite (biotite), or is from a minor intrusion vdth mafic phenocrystsonly (generallymica Rsusm SseuBrflAL Sysrsr,rron or amphibole, or both), apply the following criteria Crassn'yNc Iovnous Rocrs sequentially: (a) If the rock is free of leucite but rich in olivine The revised hierarchy, which modifies that of the (typically 35-55 modal % including macrocrysts, wall chart accompanyingLe Maitre et al. (1989) anid xenocrysts and phenocrysts), and one or morg Figure 8 of Le Bas & Sneckeisen(L991), is given dominaal primary minerals in the groundmassare below @igs.5, 6). Eachstatementis a preconditionfor monticellite, phlogopite, carbonate, serpentine or the next in the sequence. diopside, the rock should be classified as a KIMBERLITE. 1. If the rock is fragmental, the rock should be @) If the rock containstitanian phlogopi0eas Al-poor phenocrystsor groundmassgrains (or both), together classifiedas aPYROCLASTIC ROCK. with common Fe-rich leucite or forsteritic olivine (or both), as well as one or more of titanian potassium 2. If the rock contains more than 50Vo pimary carbonate. the rock should be classified as a richterite, Al-Na-poor diopside, Fe-rich sanidine, CARBONATITB. accessorywadeite and priderite in the groundinass, thenthe rock shouldbe classifiedas a LAMPROITE. 3. If the rock contains >107a modal melilite and (c) Any rcrnnining leucitic rocks should be classified M > 90Vo. the rock should be classified as a using the terms provided in the classification of MELILITIC ROCK. VOLCANIC LEUCMC ROCKS. (d) Apart from certain pyroxene-and olivine-bearing 4. If the rock contains kalsilite. the rock should be rocks, e.g., ankaramiteand oceanite,which are not classifiedas a KALSILITIC ROCK. lamprophyres (for tlese rocks proceed to the 182 THE CANADIAN Use pyroclasticrock classification Use charnockite classification Use ultramafic classification Is it high-Mg? Use TAS. If it falls in fields F or Ul. usenonn ne r. norn ab classification Ftc. 5. Flow chaxt (after Le Bas & Streckeisen1991) for the classification of igneous rocks following the IUGS schemeQ.e Maitre er al. 1,989),but modified for the proposalspresentedin this report paper (dashedbox). The 'horm ze versusnorm ab classification"is that siven by Le Bas (1989). QAPFITAS systems),any remainingrocks containing phlogopite (biotite) or amphibole(or both) and those ftom minor intrusionswith only mafic phenocrysts,go to the LAMPROPIIYRE classification (Le Maitre et al.1989). 7. If the rock is glassy or the mode is not otherwise determinable,the rock may be lamproitic, if molar K2O/NqO is greaterthan 3, molar K2O/N2O3greater than0.8 andmolar (KrO + NqO)/AlrO, greaterthan I (peralkaline); then go to the LAMPROITE classification. 8. The classificationofthe charnockitic,plutonic and rcmaining volcanic rocks proceeds as described in te Maihe et al. (1989). MINERALOGIST TnE PRoBLEMS oF CI-A.SSFICATIoN Many schemesof classificationfor igneousrocks, such as that based on the total alkali versr.s silica method(TAS), have a major petrogeneticcomponent, and ultimately all taxonony of igneous rocks v/ill incorporategeneticfactors.For no otherigneousrocks is the petrogeneticcomponentof classificationmore important than for lamprophyres, lamproites and kimberlites.Onecriticism of the IUGS classificationof rocks, discussedby Le Bas & Streckeisen(1991),is that it is deficient in a stronggeneticcomponent.This is essentially an historical artifact of the pragmatic approachoriginally adoptedby Streckeisento attain a Becauseof the plethoraof classification consensus. systemsthat have been suggestedand applied in the past, the Subcommissionfollowed a consensual approach. The widespread adoption of the IUGS systemwould seemto havejustified this approachfor many igneousrocks. However, althoughmuch of the IUGS system undoubtedlyhas some petrogenetic significance, and is used in genetic discussion,for examplethe TAS system,purely descriptivetermsmay have to be applied where there is disagteementas to interrelationshipsof rock suites. This would seem to apply at present to the lamprophyres,for which difficulties remain in erecting a petrogeneticclassification. The main problemsof the classificationof lamprophyres, lamproites, kimberlites, feldspathoidal, kalsilitic, melilitic, and leucitic rocks are briefly outlinedbelow. Inrnprophyres The lamprophyresare a complex gtoup of rocks thathavemineralogicalsimilaritiesto somekimberlites and lamproites.Lamprophyresare difificult to classiS unambiguouslyusing existing criteria. They are not amenable to classification according to modal proportions, such as the system QAPF, nor compositional discrimination diagrams, such as TAS (Le Mure et al. 1989). It seemsunlikely that a simple taxonomic system viill be found unless appropriategeneticcriteria are applied,that is, unless the classification takes into account the genesis of the rocks. The term "lamprophyre" was introduced by von Gumbel in 1874 for a group of dark rocls that form minor intrusions,containphenocrystalbrown mica and hornblende,but lack feldsparphenocrysts.Following its introduction, the term was used by Rosenbusch (1877) to encompassa wide variety of hypabyssal rocks containing ferromagnesianphenocrysts,e.9., minette, kersantite, camptonite and vogesite. Eventually, spessartite,monchiquite and alnoite also were includedin the group.Thus, the group becamea repositoryfor any mafic-phenocryst-richrock that was CLASSIFICATIONOF LAMPROPIIYRES melilite > 1070 183 use melilitic rocks classification containskalsilite leucite or minor intrusion with only mafic phenocrysts K2O/Na2O> 3.0 molar K2O/AI2O3> 0.8 and peralkaline difficult to categorize.Subsequently,Middlemost (1986)andRock (1986,1991)extendedthe definition further to include kimberlites, lamproites and even rocks containing feldspar and leucite phenocrysts. Reviews of the history of lamprophyrenomenclature can be found in Rock (1991), Mitchel & Bergman (1991)andMtcheU (1994a). Rock (1991) used 'lamprophyre" synonymously with "lamprophyte clan',, a term that included lamprophyres,lamproites and kimberlites. To many petrologists working on lamproites and kimberlites, "lamprophyre" is an inappropriate general term. Consequently,the working group and Subcommission 6vsrwfuelmiagly rejected the use of the term lamprophyres(sensu "lamprophyreclan" to encompass Rosenbusch),kimberlitesandlamproites. Mitchell (L994a) discussed at some length the inadequaciesof the conceptof the 'lamprophyre clan" and proposed adoption of the term "lamprophyre facies" to conveythe conceptthat somemembersof a petrologicalclan crystallizedunderdifferent conditions than othermembersof the clan. Mitchell's approachto the problemis determinedby a convictionthat systems of classificationshouldbe geneticin character. The working groups found it impossibleto devise a definition of'lamprophyric rocks" that is not so broad as to be almost petrologically meaningless. For the lamprophyres(sezsa Rosenbuschor Rock), the working group could not draft a satisfactory definition, in part becauseRock (1991) included a numberof rock types that differ mineralogicallyfrom +lct+ol+ Fto. 6. Flow chart for the melilitic. kalsilitic and leucitic rocks and the kimberlites, lamproites andlamprophyres(dashed box ofFig. 5). It is entered after the "carbonates >50Vo" box and exits to the "charnockitic" box of Fig. 5. The symbolsused follow those of Kretz (1983)wherepossible. the generallyacceptedcharacteristicsof lamprophyres. However, of greater significance is the realization that members of the lamprophyre group have distinctly different origtns, and thus it is unwise to describeor group togetherrocks that are genetically different. Among the rocksincludedin the lnmprophyregroup by Rock (1991) are alnoite and polzenite. These containmore than L0 vol.Vomelilite, and thus arenow consideredasvarietiesof melilitic rocks.$imililly, fts abundantcarbonatein aillikite suggeststhat it may be considereda variety of silicocarbonatite. Minette is a biotite-rich lamprophyre. However, certain mica-rich rocks that usually occur in minor intrusions should not be called minette becausethe mica is phlogopite (commonly titaniferous), and the rock is alkaline. Such rocks might be befter termed 'alkali minette" rather than "glimmerite" or "phlogopitite", as it is the alkalinity rather than the Fe/IVIgratio that is their characteristicfeature. The widespreadusageof the term lamprophyrein English, French and Germanpetrological literature is in markedcontrastto its infrequencyin the extensive Russianliterature. There the term is usually reserved for alkaline rocks. Specific rock types, such as kersantite" are considered as varieties of diorite. Similarly, camptonite and alnoite are regarded as variants of gabbro and melilitite, respectively (Atdreevaet a\.1.985,Kononova1984).This approach to lamprophyrenomenclature155imil6 to the facies conceptproposedby Mitchell (L99ad. 184 TIIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Lamproites Lamproites have always been a difficult group of rocks in terms of their identification and nomenclafure.Recent interest in them has been prompted by the discovery of economically viable diamond-bearingvarieties, which has led to a detailed re-examinationof the group and complete revision of the nomenclature (Scott Smith & Skinner 1983, Mitchell & Bergman 1991). These revisions have resulted in the reclassificationas lamproites of some rocks previously regarded as kimberlites (e.g., Prairie Creek, Arkansas, and Majhgawan,India). It is only in the last few decadesthat lamproites have been consideredto crysrallize from a distinct type of magma. Formerly, the presenceof leucite, the similarity of some olivine-bearing lamproite to kimberlite, and the presence of some "lamprophyrico'characteristics,e,g., abundantphenocrysts of pblogopite, led not only to a plethora of names, but to an ill-defined place in petrological taxonomy. The problem was further exacerbatedby their geochemical characteristics,with the magrna chemistry stabitzing a large number of unusual minerals(K-Ba titanatesand silicates,K-Z silicates), someof which can be usedas discriminantsfor these rocks.For most examplesef lamproite,the presenceof these minerals reflects derivation from a sourse enriched in incompatible and large-ion-lithophile elements; this enrichment distinguishes lamproitic rocks from Group-I kimberlites 6d lam.Frophyres. A full discussionof the nomenclatureof lamproites, their relationshipsto other potassicand ultrapotassic rocks, in both mineralogical and chemical terms, together with a suggestedrevised nomenclature,is found in Mitchell & Bergman (1991). The Subcommissionessentiallyacceptedthe detailedwork of Mitchell & Bergman(1991) and Scott Smith & Skimer (1983), and neededonly to integrate these rocks into the IUGS hierarchicalsvstem. Melilitic roclcs The main problemshere concernvolcanic melilitic rocks. In Le Maitre et al. (1989), the coarser-grained melilitolite is classified on the basis of modal proportions,but a completelysatisfactoryclassification for the finer-grained rocks was not attained. A definition basedon rock chemistry is desirable,but unfortunately these rocks cannot be distinguished adequatelyftom other volcanic rocks in the TAS system.However,the presenceof melilite in morethan tracemodal amountsresultsin the formation of lamite (or calcium orthosilicate)in the CIPW norm, and this can be used as a potential discriminant. Although lamite may appearin the norm of some melilite-free nepheliniticrocks containingclinopyroxenerich in the Tschermaks component(H.S.Yoder,Jr.,pers.comm.), we find that the lafier is typically expressedin the norm as anorthite. A furtherproblemremains,that thereis a continuous seriesfrom melilitite, tlrough melilite nepheliniteto nephelinite.Investigationof this problemindicatesthat a reasonablyclear discriminantbetweenmelilitite and melilite nepheliniteis normative larnite. In Figure 3, samplesof melilitite and nephelinite are plotted in terrnsof normativelamite versusnotmatle nepheline. The bestdivision appearsto be at LlVolarrtrte. When classilying the melilitic rocks, the following should be taken into consideration:(a) The present classification for melilitic rocks in I* Mao.neet al. (1989,p. 12)is basedon thepresence of modalmelilite exceedingl0 vol.Voin either plutonic (melilitolite) or volcanic (melilitite) occlurences,in combinationwith M > 9AVo.O) In the IUGS scheme(see flow chart accompanyingLe Maitre et al. 1989),their identification is made after excluding the lamprophyresbut beforeenteringQAPF. It is now consideredpreferable to identify melilitic rocks before lamproites, kimberlitesandlamprophyres.(c) Evenin fine-gained rocks, melilite canusually be idenffied in thin section where it occurs in essential proportions, i.e., >10 voLvo.This assumes therock is not altered;if it is, Kimberlites melilite is usually carbonated.(d) Some fine-grained melilitic rocks are stronglypotassic,e.g.katungite,the The Subcommissionconsidered it inappropriate potassic character usually being reflected in the to re-investigatethe nomenclatureand definition of presenceof modal leucite or kalsilite (or both). (e) kimberliles in detail, becausethis has been done Melilitite is characterizedby the presenceof melilite extensively in the last few years by the many andperovskiteandcontainslessthan 38 wtVoSiO2and specialistsof kimberlites (Skinner & Clement 1979, greaterthan 13 WVoCaO. Dawson 1980,Clementet al. 1984,Mitchell 1986). Nevertheless, a clear definition of kimberlite Kalsilitic rocl<s should be formulated, particularly for purposes of dist''rguishing these rocks from olivine lamproite, Kalsittic rocls havenot previouslybeenconsidered and for placing kimberlites in the hierarchical by the Subcommission.Thesefall into two groups:the classification system.Currently, the classification of kamafugrticseriesof Sahama(1974),andthekalsilitekimberlite is undergoing revision, and the nomen- bearing syenitesand pyroxenites,e.9., synnyrile and clatureadvancedby Mtchell (1994b)hasnot yet been yakutite, occurring in the Aldan and North Baikal tully explored. petrologicalprovincesofRussia(Kogarkoet al.1995, CLASSIFICATION 185 OF T.AMPROPTIYRES Kostyuk et al. 1990). Someof the kamatugitic rocks contain leucite or melilite (or both) and might be consideredfeldspathoidalor melilitic rocks.However, the presenceof kalsilite is consideredso importantthat it requiresassignmentoftheserocksto a specialgroup. Foiditic and leucitic rocl<s The problemsposedby theserocks arerestrictedto the fine-grainedmembers.The coarser-grainedrocks of equivalent composition containing nepheline or leucite (or both) and, despiteheteromorphismin some cases (Yoder 1986), can be satisfactorily classified using the QAPF and other mineralogical systems (Le Maitre et al. L989). The boundariesbetweenthe feldspathoidalfield and the basanite+ephrite,phonotephrite,tephdphonolite andphonolitefields in the TAS systemarenot wholly satisfactory, as they do not provide an acceptable boundaryfor the nephelinitic and leucitic rocls. The problem with regardto the leucitic rocks is illustrated by Figure 4. It is evident that leucitic rocks cannot be distinguishedchemicallyon the TAS diagram.However,as leucite is, with few exceptions,a phenocrystphase,or forms small but identifiable crystals,a modal system shouldbe feasible.This approachwas not adoptedby Le Maitre et al. (L989). The distinction between nepheliniteandbasanitehasbeenconsideredby Le Bas (1989). AcIC{OWLEDGENmNIS The authorsthank their colleaguesin the working groups and the Subcommissionfor their constructive approachto the controversialproblems encountered. The members of the working groups and others who contributed include D.S. Barker, J.L. Brandle, A. Cundari,S.V. Efremovq J. Keller, S. Kravchenko, E. Lazko, A.N. Mcl.aurin, H.O.A. Meyer, E.A.K. Middlemost, T.F.D. Nielsen, A. Streckeisen, E.J.Visentin,K.Yag1,H.S.Yoder,Jr. andB. Zanettin. We acknowledgethe numeroususeful suggestionsof two referees,particularly Frank Dudas, and of the Editor for his major "tidying" operations on the manuscript. Sadly,Nick Rock died in Februaryof 1992,before He is he sawthe final dmft of theserecommendations. included as a coauthorhere not only becauseof his significant participation in the discussions of the working groups, but also becauseof his immense contributionto the investigationsof lamprophyresand relatedrocks andthe enthusiasmwith which he studied them. Although he may not have agreedwith all the ideasand conclusionspresentedin this reporl he saw most of its components,supporled them, and was active in their discussionalmost to the final stage, includingthe meetingin Brazil (1991),duringthe Fffi International Kimberlite Conference, when agreement was reached on some of the major problems. RSFERB{cEs ANDREVA,E.D.,Basrore, V.A. & BocArtr<ov,O.A. (1985): Magmatic Rocks: Classification, Nomenclature and Petrography.Nauka,Moscow,Russia(2 volumes). Crrrranrn, C.R., Srnwnn, E.M.W. & Scom Surru, B.H. (1984):Kimberliteredefined.J. Geol.92,223-228. DAwsoN, J.B. 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