Kapitel 7 → adverb + adjektiv Fill in the gaps


Kapitel 7 → adverb + adjektiv Fill in the gaps
Kapitel 7 Æ adverb + adjektiv
Fill in the gaps
....................................... (surprising) Daisy and Donald fell in love at
first sight though they were ....................................... (total –
different). Whereas Daisy led the ....................................... (hectic) life
of a Boston yuppie, Donald lived ....................................... (simple and
quiet) on a farm in the country. She had an .......................................
(elegant – furnished) apartment in a .......................................
(fashionable) part of the city. She went out with her friends
....................................... (regular) and .......................................
(usual) came home ....................................... (late). Donald, however,
preferred to spend his evenings reading a .......................................
(good) book. He ....................................... (hard) ever went to town. If
anyone had told them that they would get married almost
....................................... (immediate) after meeting they
....................................... (simple) would have laughed. Their wedding
day was the first day of an ....................................... (extreme –
turbulent) but ....................................... (high – satisfying) marriage.
Since both of them were ....................................... (full – convinced)
that their own particular life style was the deal one it
....................................... (real) was not .......................................
(easy) for them to lead a harmoniuose married life. Daisy always got
....................................... (angry) when Donald insisted on living in the
farmhouse and Donald could not remain .......................................
(calm) when Daisy praised her ....................................... (modern)
apartment. In the early stages of their marriage they changed their
residence ................................. (weekly), until Daisy
....................................... (final) agreed to transfer her office to the
farm. This was only one of their ....................................... (numerous)
conflicts, sometimes they were ....................................... (deep –
depressed) about the other´s stubbornness (Sturheit), but
....................................... (most) they enjoyed heir arguments because
they always ended in a ....................................... (wonderful)
reconciliation (Versöhnung)....
Kapitel 7 Æ adverb + adjektiv
Finish the translations
1. Alle Speisen sahen köstlich aus, aber schmeckten scheußlich.
All the dishes ......................................., but
2. Glücklicherweise konnte ich nicht gut riechen, weil ich Heuschnupfen
....................................... I couldn´t .......................................
because I had hay fever.
3. Ein alter Mann kostete den Wein gründlich, bevor er ging, ohne zu
An old man ....................................... the wine
....................................... before he went without paying.
4. Einer der Kellner schien verrückt.
One of the waiters .......................................
5. Eine junge Dame schaute hin und wieder ungeduldig zur Tür.
Now and again a young lady ....................................... towards the
6. Um 10 läutete der Barkeeper eifrig die Glocke. Alle wurden traurig.
At 10 o´clock the barman ....................................... the bell
....................................... Everybody .......................................
7. Der Koch befühlte nervös sein Kinn, weil ein Gast ihn niedergeschlagen
The cook ....................................... his chin
......................................., because a customer had knocked him down.
8. Das Orchester hörte sich schrecklich an, weil die Musiker betrunken
The orchestra ....................................... because the musicians were
9. Die junge Dame wurde jedesmal blaß, wenn die Tür aufging.
The young lady ....................................... every time the door opened.
10. Der Geschäftsführer fiel in Ohnmacht, weil seine Frau ihn ärgerlich
The manager fainted because his wife ....................................... at him
Kapitel 9 Æ Reported speech I
Put into reported speech
1. We are really glad to see you here.
She said that.....................................................................................
2. Last week I met your brother
She said that.....................................................................................
3. We would like you to stay for a couple of days
She said that.....................................................................................
4. Tomorrow we are having a party
She said that.....................................................................................
5. I have been working a lot recently
She said that.....................................................................................
6. I will tell Oliver you are here
She said that.....................................................................................
7. We can have dinner at the Italian restaurant round the corner
She said that.....................................................................................
8. Yesterday we got a new sofa
She said that.....................................................................................
9. Oliver´s sister has had a baby
She said that.....................................................................................
10. We are going to the Great Barrier Reef next month
She said that.....................................................................................
11. I have not seen my parents for a while
She said that.....................................................................................
12. I don´t know what Oliver is doing tonight
She said that.....................................................................................
13. My father-in-law had an accident 2 weeks ago, but he wasn´t
She said that.....................................................................................
14. It´s a pity that Sheila isn´t at home today
She said that.....................................................................................
15. We could meet in Sydney in summer
She said that.....................................................................................
Kapitel 9 Æ Reported speech I
1. Rose to Sophia: „Doro can´t come tonight“
Sophia to Blanche: „Rose told me ...................................................
2. Tom to Bill: „I have been a teacher for 5 years“
Bill to Jim: „Tom mentioned that .....................................................
3. Jane to Molly: „I am not very well today“
Molly to Fred: „Jane said that .........................................................
4. John to Matrin: „I have really been looking forward to seeing you
Martin to sb: „John said that ...........................................................
5. Jill to Gina: „I am going on holiday in 2 days“
Gina to Nora: „Gina told me .........................................................
Nora to Pete: „Gina told me ...........................................................
6. Bob to Georg: „Nigel has to stay in hospital for 2 weeks“
Georg to sb: „Bob said ................................................................
George to Mandy: „Bob told me ...................................................
7. Charlene to Margret: „I like it here“
Margret to Ken: „Charlene remarked ................................................
Margret to hubby: „Charlene said ...................................................
8. Liz to Heather: „I returned from Paris last week“
Heather to Ed: „Liz mentioned ...................................................
Kapitel 9 Æ if-Sätze I
1. If I ....................................... (invite) Linda, Garry
....................................... (not come). But if Gary
....................................... (not come), Sheila
....................................... (go) mad. And if Sheila
....................................... (go) mad, we .......................................
(not guarantee) for anything
2. If Peter ....................................... (not tell) Mary about the job yet, I
....................................... (apply [bewerben]) for it. But if she
....................................... (know) about it already, I
....................................... (not have) a chance
3. If John ....................................... (telephone) at the moment, Phyllis
.......................................(not talk) to him about the new
development, they ....................................... (lose) the contract.
4. If you ....................................... (go) on diet, Susan
....................................... (fall) in love with you. But if you
.......................................(not slim), she .......................................
(ignore) you.
5. If everybody ....................................... (come), there
....................................... (be) twenty of us. But if there
....................................... (be) twenty of us we
....................................... (not have) enough chairs.
Translate into english
1. Wenn Patrick den Flug noch nicht gebucht hat, sollte er es spätestens
heute tun.
2. Wenn seine Frau mitfährt, kann er seine alten Freunde nicht treffen.
3. Wenn er ohne sie fährt, wird sie ihn verlassen
4. Wenn sie sich trennen, könnte er seine reiche Nachbarin heiraten.
5. Wenn sie aber zu Hause bleiben, sterben sie vielleicht vor Langeweile
Kapitel 11 Æ prepositions
Im Theater
An der Wand
Bei der Arbeit
Am Himmel
Im Zug
Auf dem Weg
Zu Hause
Auf der oberen Seite
Auf dem Bild
In der Schule
Auf der Straße
An der Küste
Auf See
An der Grenze
Fill in: in, on or at
1. ....................................... the seaside
2. ....................................... Sussex
3. ....................................... the floor
4. ....................................... the Rhine
5. ....................................... the bus stop
6. ....................................... the plane
7. ....................................... the country
8. ....................................... her wedding
9. ....................................... the baker´s
10. ....................................... the playground
11. ....................................... the bottom of the pool
12. ....................................... the right-hand side
13. ....................................... breakfast
14. ....................................... her way to work
15. ....................................... Baker Street
Kapitel 11 Æ prepositions
Answer the questions
1. When are you coming?
....................................... a few days
2. When did you meet Mary?
....................................... a rainy day ....................................... June
3. When will you have the next meeting?
....................................... May 5th
4. When is Johnny going home?
....................................... at lunchtime
5. When are Tom and Jerry going on holidays?
....................................... autumn
6. When are you getting up tomorrow?
....................................... daybreak
7. When do you go to church?
....................................... Sunday mornings
8. When are we having dinner?
....................................... six o´clock
9. When did you take your driving test?
....................................... the age of eighteen
10. When did Peter arrive?
....................................... the afternoon
11. When did Harry see Vivian?
....................................... various occasions (versch. Gelegenheiten)
12. When may I come to see you?
....................................... at any time
13. When were you born?
....................................... 1966
14. When is your wedding anniversary?
....................................... New Year´s Day
15. When did you come back from Australia?
....................................... the beginning of April
Kapitel 11 Æ prepositions
1. Letzte Woche verbrachte ich eine Nacht im Holmers & Watson-Hotel in
2. Ich ging nach Mitternacht zu Bett und las bis 2 Uhr morgens
3. Ich konnte nicht schlafen, und mir war kalt. Mein Bett stand neben dem
Fenster, und es waren mindestens 10 Grad Celsius unter Null (the
temperature was ...)
4. Ich hörte merkwürdige Geräusche vom Treppenhaus. Jemand schien
die Treppe herauf- oder herunterzuschleichen (seemed to be creeping)
5. Ich stand auf, entzündete die Kerze auf dem Tisch gegenüber meinem
Bett und bewegte mich auf die Tür zu. Ich öffnete sie vorsichtig – ein
riesiger Hund saß auf der Treppe.
6. Ich eilte in mein Zimmer zurück, aber der Hund lief hinter mir her.
7. Ich drehte mich um, sprang über den Tisch versteckte mich hinter dem
Sessel und starrte den Hund an.
8. Würde das Tier mich angreifen und töten?
9. Weit gefehlet (Far from it)! Die „Bestie“ kroch unter das Bett, legte sich
hin – und wedelte mit dem Schwanz (wagged its tail!)
10. Nach einer Weile schloß der Hund die Augen und begann zu
11. Ich setzte mich vorsichtig auf das Bett und warf noch einen Blick auf
den Hund, der jetzt friedlich schlief. Ich mußte über mich selbst lachen.
1. ...................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................................
9. ...................................................................................................
10. ...............................................................................................
11. ...............................................................................................
Kapitel 14 Æ if – Sätze II
Connecting elements. Which part is the if-clause?
1. lie in bed so long
have more time
2. wait for my husband
miss the beginning of the performance
3. not work till midnight
go to a night class
4. work less
earn more
5. go to work by tram
save time
6. waste time
discuss the problem with boss
7. be you
take my time for this task
Ifs and buts. Form senteces with if
1. The audience (Publikum) can´t understand the speaker because he
doesn´t speak English fluently
But if................................................................................................
2. I´m not going on holiday because I have so much work
But if ...............................................................................................
3. The Johnsons don´t buy a car because they don´t have enough
But if................................................................................................
4. He is so fat because he eats so much ice-cream
But if................................................................................................
5. We don´t see her very often because she lives so far away
But if................................................................................................
Kapitel 16 Æ Modalverben
Yes or no? Fill in and answer the questions
1. .................................. you translate „pickpocket“ into German?
.................................. .................................. .................................
2. ..................................you ever .................................. talk to
nativespeakers of English?
.................................. .................................. .................................
3. Should your partner .................................. speak English with you?
.................................. .................................. .................................
4. .................................. you .................................. read an English
newspaper recently?
.................................. .................................. .................................
5. .................................. you .................................. go on holiday to
Great Britain next year?
.................................. .................................. .................................
6. .................................. you imagine living abroad?
.................................. .................................. .................................
7. .................................. you find a better job if you learnt another
foreign language?
.................................. .................................. .................................
8. .................................. your English teacher at school explain
grammer well?
.................................. .................................. .................................
9. .................................. you .................................. cope with more
complicated exercise?
.................................. .................................. .................................
Kapitel 16 Æ Modalverben
Translate into English
1. Ich konnte gestern nicht kommen, weil mein Mann beim Friseur war.
................................. ................................. .................................
2. Tom wird dir nicht helfen können. Er hat zwei linke Hände
................................. ................................. .................................
3. Ann kann nicht zu Hause sein. Ich habe sie gerade mit R. R. gesehen
................................. ................................. .................................
4. Josephine Mutzenbacher darf ins Kino gehen, weil ihr Vater seine
Freundin zum Tee (for tea) eingeladen hat
................................. ................................. .................................
5. Ich habe noch nie verstehen können, warum du Sam geheiratet hast,
als du doch mich hättest haben können.
................................. ................................. .................................
6. Du könntest Carol bitten, dich zum Flughafen zu fahren.
................................. ................................. .................................
7. Letztes Jahr konnte ich den Preis (award) gewinnen, weil es keine
Mitbewerber gab.
................................. ................................. .................................
8. Harry durfte nicht zu der Party gehen, weil sein Smoking zu eng war.
................................. ................................. .................................
Fill in the gaps
1. The switchboard operator is late today. She .................................
(muß verschlafen [oversleep] haben)
2. The accountants ................................. (brauchten nicht zu
schreiben) any invoices (Rechnung) xesterday because they
................................. (mußten waschen) their boss´s car.
3. The trainees .................................... (hätten nicht zu übersetzen
brauchen) the letters into German.
4. The new scretary ................................. (muß sein) ugly, otherwise
the boss´s wife wouldn´t have given her the job
5. The office boy ................................. (braucht nicht teilzunehmen) in
the office party because he is ill.
6. The personnel manager ................................. (wird feuern müssen)
the caretaker. He ................................. (muß nicht sagen) him why.
7. The cleaning lady ................................. (hat nie zu putzen brauchen)
the boss´s office. He does it himself.
Kapitel 16 Æ Aktiv + Passiv
Transform into passiv
1. French president expected to meet Dalai Lama
................................. ................................. .................................
2. Famous actress found injured last night
................................. ................................. .................................
3. Murderers not yet arrested
................................. ................................. .................................
4. Price increased next year?
................................. ................................. .................................
5. White whale seen in Thames yesterday
................................. ................................. .................................
6. More Bank robberies committed in last few months
................................. ................................. .................................
activ or passiv?
1. The „Globe“ publishes a column called SCANDAL CHRONICLE
................................. ................................. .................................
2. The Prime Minister´s wife has been beaten by her husband
................................. ................................. .................................
3. The judge will reject the charge (Anklage) against the ex-major
................................. ................................. .................................
4. People say that America´s most famous tennis player takes drugs
................................. ................................. .................................
5. Last year´s Oscar winners were found guiltyof bribery (Bestechung) by
the jury.
................................. ................................. .................................
6. Some pupils blackmailed the headmaster last year
................................. ................................. .................................
7. The youngest starlet will be married by the oldest film director.
................................. ................................. .................................
8. Some people suspect that the new senator is an international spy
................................. ................................. .................................
Kapitel 23 Æ complements
1. Mrs Jackson (bathroom)
Æ Mrs Jackson has her own bathroom
Æ Mrs Jackson has a bathroom of her own
2. The Millers (two cars)
3. Little Charly (teddy bear)
4. Jane and Tina (TV set)
the same again:
1. I am no longer prepared to share my office with Sb (insist on – office)
2. I am fed up with working for other people (want to start – company)
3. My daughter doesn´t want to use her brother´s bike any longer (would
like to have – bike)
4. We don´t like living in a rented house (preverliving – house)
Kapitel 23 Æ comparisions
1. Men – drive carelessly – women
Æ Men drive more/less carelessly than woman.
Æ Men (don´t) drive as carelessly as a women
2. Women – think logically – men
3. Men – give in easily – women
4. Women – cook well – men
5. Men – work effectively – women
6. Men – argue objectively – women
7. Women – express their feelings openly – men
Kapitel 24 Æ gerunds
Put the sentences in correct order
1. meet – in Hull – Manfred and Irene – next Friday – are going to
2. will have to – during the day – business affairs – discuss – they
3. will be finished – of the company party – by 9 o´clock – the official part
4. at an exclusiv restaurant – are planning – they – in the country – the
evening – to spend
Complete the sentences
1. (often) Manfred and Irene – have tried – to meet in person
2. (never) unfortunately – they – had succeeded in – seeing – each other
3. (once or twice a week) but – they – have called – each other
4. (already) in fact – they – have spent – a fortune on phone calls
1. Irene freut sich sehr (darauf), Mafred zu treffen
2. Sie kann (es) kaum abwarten (to await), ihn persönlich kennenzulernen
3. Obwohl sie ihn schon ganz gut kennt, ist sie ein bißchen nervös
4. Werden sie sich wirklich verstehen (get on well together)
Complete sentences
1. (quiet) He is convinced that the meeting will go ahead this time
2. (carefully) He is preparing for the business part of the trip
3. (impatiently) Of course Manfred would never admit that he is counting
the hours
4. (privately and on business – at the same time) What will it be like to
meet Irene?
Kapitel 7 Æ Auflösung
1. surprisingly
2. totally different
3. hectic
4. simply and quietly
5. elegantly furnished
6. fashionable
7. regularly
8. usually
9. late
10. good
11. hardly
12. immediately
13. simply
1. looked deliciouse
2. Fortunately
3. tasted
4. seemed crazy
5. looked impatiently
6. sounded
7. felt
8. sounded terrible
9. turned pale
10. looked
extremly turbulent
highly satisfying
fully convinced
deeply depressed
tasted awful
smell well
became sad
Kapitel 9 Æ Auflösung
1. they were really glad to see me there
2. she had met my brother the week before
3. they would like me to stay for a couple of days
4. they were having a party the next day
5. she had been workinga lot in the last few weeks
6. she would tell Oliver I was there
7. we could have dinner at the Italian restaurant round the corner
8. they had got a new sofa the day before
9. Oliver´s sister had had a baby
10. they were going to the Great Barrier Reef the following month
11. she hadn´t seen her parents for a while
12. she didn´t know what Oliver was doing that evening
13. her father-in-law had had an accindent 2 weeks before but he
hadn´t been injured
14. it was a pity that Sheila wasn´t at home that day
15. we could meet in Sydney in summer
Dorothy can´t come tonight
he has been a teacher for 5 years
she wasn´t very well that day
he had really been looking forward to seeing me again
she is going on holiday 2 days later
Jill was going on holiday 2 days later
6. Nigel has to stay in hospital for 2 weeks
Nigel has to stay in hospital for 2 weeks
7. she likes it here
she likes it here
8. she had returned from Paris the week before
Kapitel 11 Æ Auflösung
1. at the theatre
2. on the wall
3. at work
4. in the sky
5. on the train
6. on the way
7. at home
8. at the top of the page
9. in the picture
10. at school
11. in the street
12. on the coast
13. at sea
14. on the border
1. at
2. in
3. on
4. on
5. at
6. on
7. in
8. at
9. at
10. in
11. at
12. on
13. at
14. on
15. in
9. at
1. Last week I spend a night at the Holmes & Watson Hotel in Baskerville.
2. I went to bed after midnight and read „irgendwas“ till/until 2 o´clock in
the morning.
3. I couldn´t sleep and I felt cold. My bed stood/was next to the window
and the temperature was at least 10 °C below zero.
4. I heard strange noises from the staircase. Someone seemed to be
creeping up or down the stairs
5. I got up, lit the candle on the table opposite my bed and moved
towards the door. I opened it carefully – a gigantic dog was sitting on
the stairs
6. I hurried back in the room, but the dog ran after me.
7. I turned round, jumped over the table, hid behind the armchair and
stared at the dog
8. Would the animal attack and kill me?
9. Far from it! The beast crept under the bed, lay down – and wagged ist
10. After a while the dog closed ist eyes and began to snore.
11. I carefully sat down on the bed and had another look at the dog,
which was now peacefully sleeping. I had to laugh at myself
Kapitel 14 Æ Auflösung
1. If I didn´t lie in bed so long in the mornings, I would have more time.
2. If I waited for my husband, I would miss the beginning of the
3. If I didn´t work till midnight, I would/could got to a night class
4. I would work less if I earned more
5. If I went to work by tram, I could/would save time
6. I would waste time, if I discussed the problem with the boss
7. If I were you, I would take my time for this task
he spoke English fluently, the audience could understand him
I didn´t have so much work I would go on holiday
the Johnsons had enough money they would buy a car
he didn´t eat so much ice-cream he would not be so fat
she did not live so far away we would see her very often.
Kapitel 16 Æ Auflösung
been able to
be able to
been able to
be able to
Will/Are able to
I can
I have
he should
I have
I will
I can/could
I could
he can
I will
I can´t
I havn´t
he shouldn´t
I havn´t
I won´t
I can´t/couln´t
I couln´t
he can´t
I won´t
1. I couldn´t/wasn´t able to come yesterday because my husband was at
the hairdresser´s
2. Tom will not be able to help you. He has (got) two left hands
3. Ann can´t be at home. I have just seen her with R. R.
4. Josephine Mutzenbacher can/is allowed to go to the cinema because
her father has invited his girlfriend for tea
5. I have never been able to understand why you married Sam when you
could have had me
6. You could ask Carol to take you to the airport.
7. Last year I was able to win the award because there weren´t any
8. Harry couldn´t/wasn´t allowed to go to the party because his dinner
jacket was too tight
The French president is expected to meet Dalai Lama
A famous actress was found injured last night
The murderers haven´t been arrested yet
Will the prices be increased next year?
A white whale was seen in the Thames yesterday
More bankrobberies have been committed in the last few months
A column called SCANDAL CHRONICLE is published by the „Globe“
The Prime Minister has beaten his wife
The charge against the ex-major will be rejected
America´s most famous tennis player is said to take drugs
The jury found last year´s Oscar winners guilty of bribery
The headmaster was blackmailed by some pupils last year
The oldest film director will marry the youngest starlet
The new senator is suspected to be an international spy
Kapitel 23 Æ Auflösung
2. 2 cars of their own
3. his own teddy bear/ a teddy bear of his own
4. their own TV seet/ a TV set of their own
2. I want to start my own company/ a company of my own
3. She would like to have her own bike/ a bike of her own
4. We prefer living in our own house/ a house of our own
2. Women think more/less logically than men
Women (don´t) think as logically as men
3. Men give in more/less easily than women
Men (don´t) give in as easily as women
4. Women cook better than men
Women (don´t) cook as well as men
5. Men work more/less effectively than women
Men (don´t) worke as effectively as women
6. Men argue more/less objectively than women
Men (don´t) argue as objectively as women
7. Women express their feelings more/less openly than men
Women (don´t) express their feelings as openly as men
Kapitel 24 Æ Auflösung
1. Manfred and Irene are going to meet in Hull (next Friday)
2. (During the day) they will have to discuss business affairs (during the
3. The official part of the company party will be finished by 9 o´clock
4. They are planning to spend the evening at an exclusiv restaurant in the
Manfred and Irene have often tried to meet in person
Unfortunately, they have never succeeded in seeing each other
But they have called each other once or twice a week
In fact they have already spent a fortune on phone calls
1. Irene is looking forward to meeting Manfred very much.
2. She can hardly wait to get to know him in person
3. Although she already knows him quite/rather/fairly/pretty well, she is a
bit nervous
4. Will they really get on well together?
1. He is quite convinced that .....
2. He is (carefully) preparing for the business part of the trip (carefully)
3. Of course Manfred would nerver admit that he is (impatiently) counting
the hours (impatiently)
4. ... to meet Irenen privately and on business at the same time?

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