Mrs. Schramek, President of the German
Mrs. Schramek, President of the German
Mrs. Schramek, President of the German-Canadian Remembrance Society, Members of the Provincial Parliament and local authorities, Representatives of German organizations, Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, Ladies and gentlemen, Liebe Landsleute, On Monday, on Remembrance Day, I laid a wreath at the cenotaph in Toronto, honouring the Canadian soldiers who died in the wars of the 20th and the 21st century, many of them killed in wars against Germany. I went to lay my wreath accompanied by my French colleague on the left and my Polish colleague on the right. We are grateful that the integration of Europe has stopped enmity not only for the dead but also for the living. In this same spirit I welcome the Canadian veterans who join us today. Joining in grief and remembrance reminds me of a word of Manfred Rommel, the former Lord Mayor of Stuttgart and son of General Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox. Manfred Rommel once said: “After death all enmity must end.” This sentence is a tribute to human dignity, to the right to be buried and grieved by family and friends. By respecting this human dignity we do not pass judgement on the rights and wrongs of a person’s life. But we respect that justice has been transferred to another level, beyond our earthly reach. Today, on Volkstrauertag, our German Remembrance Day, we therefore stand here at the cemetery of Kitchener to commemorate the dead, the hecatombes of dead of a dismal 20th century and beyond. Today, we remember all victims of aggression and war – children, men and women. Wir gedenken der Soldaten, die in den Weltkriegen starben, der Menschen, die durch Kriegshandlungen ihr Leben verloren oder danach, in Gefangenschaft, als Vertriebene und Flüchtlinge. We think of those who have been persecuted and murdered because they belonged to another nationality or race or religion - or because they did not conform to some inhuman ideal. Wir gedenken derer, die ums Leben kamen, weil sie Widerstand gegen Gewaltherrschaft geleistet haben, und derer, die den Tod fanden, weil sie an ihrer Überzeugung oder an ihrem Glauben festhielten. We mourn the victims of wars and civil conflicts, of terrorism and political persecution. We mourn our fallen soldiers – Canadian, German and other nationalities – in Afghanistan. Wir trauern um jeden von ihnen - mit ihren Müttern, Partnern, Kindern und mit allen, die Leid tragen um die Toten. Let us pray that from mourning we learn to respect the other and live in peace with our neighbors – as individuals and nations. It is in this spirit that we join every year on Volkstrauertag, the third Sunday in November, We are grateful to the German Canadian Remembrance Foundation for organizing this gathering every year and for taking care of this dignified place of mourning and rest. Mrs. Schramek, we all owe you and your team our deep gratitude. Thank you very much