the hanoverian - the American Hanoverian Society!


the hanoverian - the American Hanoverian Society!
No. 11 | November 2013 129th
Fabulous start of autumn
Mare of the Year:
Ria Grande
Elvis VA and Nadine Capllemann. Photo: Tilgner
Top seller of the 129th Elite Auction:
Friemel by Fidertanz/De Vito. Photo: Ernst
Fabulous start of autumn
Breeders, riders and trainers talked about the 129th elite auction many weeks before
the actual auction date October 11 and 12. The media gave the auction a lot of
attention, too. The high expectations were fulfilled – the auction concluded with a top
By Jörg-Wilhelm Wegener und Julia Martin
The Hanoverian 11|2013
he auction management consistently strives to
optimize the sale events and to set new highlights. The overall high quality of the participants in
the 129th elite auction was very impressive; especially the overall athletic ability was. The people in
charge wanted to ask experts for their opinions to
evaluate just that. So they invited to a training session with professionals: Top trainer Klaus Balkenhol and team world champion Markus Beerbaum
joined training’s leader Hartmut Kettelhodt on
Wednesday before the auction. They evaluated the
young athletes and gave the auction riders valuable tips to perfect the presentations under saddle.
Before the official start of the auction there was a
déjà-vu with a former auction participant: Anabel
Balkenhol bought FRH Davinia la Douce by Don
Frederico/A Jungle Prince at the 2011 summer
auction. Now the Olympic rider showed off the
progress of the powerful mare under the watchful
eye of her dad in the Niedersachsenhalle. “For me
the basic pre-requisites for a Grand Prix-horse are
a high level of impulsion, an active hind leg and
good back activity. Everything else builds upon
these basic fundamentals. Davinia la Douce is
equipped with all these merits. Her current training
status is at the M-level.” Riding Master Klaus Balkenhol explained. The pair showed the first flying
changes, half-passes and the first attempts at Piaffe with help from the ground during the 20-minute
long presentation. It was a very educational demonstration that can be viewed in full on the Hannoveraner Verband You-Tube channel.
Afterwards Klaus Balkenhol sat next to Hartmut
Kettelhodt and they commented on the dressage
horses in the auction. The expert did not skimp on
compliments, “I have rarely seen such a well-balanced collection of auction horses of such good
quality. The riders apply their aids delicately – it is
exemplary.” The worldwide renowned trainer also
called for caution, “These youngsters are of such
high quality and are already amazingly well balanced as three-year olds and offer a lot to the rider
that one might be easily inclined to do too much!
The rider has to be careful and refrain from doing
so. The buyers have to be careful not to allow these
auction participants to fall into a hole after the
conclusion of this auction time.” Anabel Balkenhol
tried out one auction participant while her father
talked in the Lower Saxony arena: Friemel by Fidertanz/De Vito (breeder: Gerd Prigge, Lastrup; exhibitor: Hannoveraner Breeding Farm GmbH & Co KG,
Lilienthal). Klaus Balkenhol described the powerfully moving bay as being a diamond in the raw
and hoped that the youngster would find a good
trainer who would carefully train him for big competition. Friemel found just that in Balkenhol! As
the top-seller of this auction the four-year old gel-
ding sold to a customer from Brazil for 200,000.00
Euros and will stay in training with Anabel Balkenhol. Verden’s riding horse champion was an auction candidate as a foal, too. Today he is victorious
in suitability classes and has his ticket to participate in the Bundeschampionate.
Eight horses sold over 100,000.00 Euros
The above mentioned high and well balanced quality reflected in the auction result: Eight horses sold
for more than 100,000 Euros; a result the Hannoveraner Verband has not obtained in such form
since 2006. The Westphalian sire Equitaris by Estobar NRW/Rubiloh (breeder: Norbert Borgmann,
Ostbevern; exhibitor: Stefan Borgmann, Ostbevern)
was the second highest-priced auction candidate
with a final offer of 175,000.00 Euros. The typy
and licensed bay sold to a longstanding, devoted
customer from North Rhine Westphalia who runs a
breeding and competition stable with top professionalism. He also acquired a promising young jumper for 35,000.00 Euros: Carricoco by Carrico/For
Keeps (breeder: Frank Johannsen, Buxtehude).
Price range
Descada was another top seller. The beautiful bay
by Desperados/Hohenstein (breeder: Heino Bruns,
Gödenstorf) is equipped with the same athletic talent as her sire andjust floated through the arena.
She too found a new home in North Rhine Westphalia for Euro 170,000.00. Matthias Bouten who
is a former professional rider in the barn of Isabell
Werth held the last bid for the facility called ‘Freiberger Hof’ where he has worked since August
2013. Andreas Bruns who exibited Descada deserves a special mention. He was the exhibitor of the
Riding horses
Net returns
Average price
Top price
Lowest price
64 horses
64 horses
Euro 43.804,68
Euro 200.000,00
Euro 11.000,00
Euro 10.000 to 14.999 6 horses
Euro 15.000 to 24.999 19 horses
Euro 25.000 to 49.999 25 horses
Euro 50.000 and more 14 horses
Sales by regions
Lower Saxony
Schleswig-Holstein 1
26 horses
Great Britain
38 horses
An admirable jumper stallion: Cadanos was worth 155,000.00 Euros to
a customer from China. Photo: Ernst
The Hanoverian 11|2013
top-selling horse Faustus. in the 2013 summer
auction. He exhibited the most expensive horse
Liselle at the Alsfelder Advent in 2012. Such excellent results have their roots in a trusting and respectful cooperation that is aimed at producing the
best results for the exhibitor, the buyer and the
Hannoveraner Verband.
The foal Lord Paradies out of the
breeding program of Anja Rietbrock
was raffled off benefitting the FRH.
The fortunate winner is an enthusiastic female rider from Buchholz.
Photo: Tilgner
What exists on the exhibitors side can also be seen
on the buyers side: The couple Palabe from the
USA visited Verden for the first time when they attended Verden’s autumn elite auction in 2012.
Then the pair bought the highest-priced horse
Dornvelder. The couple has been very happy and
satisfied with the gelding by Desperados and also
with the service and the conditions at the auction
site. So they decided to return to Verden looking
for a stable mate for Dornvelder. They bought Filou
by For Compliment/Dimension (breeder/exhibitor:
Ludwig Fischer, Baernau) for 105,000.00 Euros.
Athletes are looking for athletes
Team Olympic champion Nadine Capellmann officially retired her top star Elvis VA from competition on Friday nights Gala-Evening. Another horse
caught her attention during the almost completely
sold out show: Felice by Fürst Piccolo/Ehrentanz
(breeder: Manfred Walla, Bochum; exhibitor: Lud-
Hitting the jackpot
When a dark bay colt by Fidertanz entered
the auction arena in the autumn of 2009 nobody expected to see him again at the same
location four years later as the radian and,
top-selling riding horse of the 129th elite
auction. “He did not show himself very well.
I just put in a bid,” Siegfried Pilz remembers.
He bought the foal Figo II for 8,500.00 Euros
and took him home. The committed businessman has operated a Hanoverian breeding farm in Lilienthal for the last ten years.
He has bought and sold more than 80 horses
in Verden.
The dark bay grew up amidst twenty other
foals. Siegfried Pilz sent the gelding called
Friemel, to the training and sale centre in
Verden once broken to saddle; there he was
put into training with Sascha Böhnke, who
liked him immediately and moved him to his
show stable in Nienburg. Victories and
placements in young horse classes followed.
Wiebke Borchers took over the training after
Böhnke’s accident during the summer auc-
The Hanoverian 11|2013
wig Fischer, Bärnau). The next day she bought the
Westphalian mare for 140,000.00 Euros. A large
number of international competitors came during
the auction preparation time; it substantiates the
quality and the athleticism of the auction candidates. During the training periodone was able to
watch the new team European champion Ingrid
Klimke try a few auction participants and Olympic
vice champion in eventing, Sandra Auffahrt as well
as Markus Beerbaum, Cian O’Connor, Jessica von
Bredow-Werndl and Benjamin Werndl, Lena and
Christin Schütte and Andreas Knippling to just to
name a few.
Markus Beerbaum made the following comment
about the jumper horses during the training’s time
“I like this collection. It is right up my alley. Overall
the horses are equipped with good reflexes, ability,
technique, far-sightedness and carefulness.” Attributes that have their price: The top-seller of the
jumper cadre was Cadanos by Catoki/Lordanos
(breeder: Christina Martens, Ringstedt; exhibitor:
Fritz Dieter Tietjen, Bremen). The licensed and performance-tested stallion obtained a large fan club
during the preparation period. Auctioneer Bernd
Hickert auctioned him off to China for 155,000.00
Euros. The new owner wants to make sure that Cadanos continues to be available to breeders in Ger-
tion. The pair won the Riding Horse Championships in Verden and participated in the
Bundeschampionate in Warendorf. His even
temper is his signature says Siegfried Pilz.
Siegfried Pilz is on very friendly terms with
breeder Gerd Pigge. Pilz bought another foal
from Friemel’s breeder on this year‘s foal
Donna Doria by De Vito was the first mare
Gerd Pigge registered with the Hannoveraner Verband in 2006. He discovered her dam
at the Anton Böckmann farm whose stallion
station is located only a stone-throw away
from Pigge’s farm. The breeder celebrated
many show successes with Weniga and even
participated in the European Mare Show in
Brussels in 1994. “I always wanted to register one of my mares in Hanover,” the breeder
from Lastrup explains. He hit the jackpot
with Donna Doria. He had actually planned
to breed the tall and lanky liver chestnut only
once and then get her ready for competitions. But the quality of the first foal was so
convincing that Gerd Pigge reconsidered and
inseminated Donna Doria again right away
this time with semen of the Rhineland sire
Fidertanz. The ten-year old mare has delivered six colts up tol now; all of which sold
in Verden earning more than 300,000.00
Euros for Gerd Pigge. The first one was born
in 2006 and is the licensed stallion Fiderstar.
The privately owned sire Foundation followed in 2008 and is creating a sensation at
Schockemöhle’s station. Three other colts
sold for top prices and found new homes in
foreign countries. Then there was Friemel. He
was a powerful mover but a bit on the heavy
side as a foal the breeder remembers. He is
delighted that Donna Doria has delivered a
filly this year; he definitely wants to keep it. Britta Züngel
Reine Freude
De Vito
Donna Doria
De Niro
many. Samoa by Stolzenberg/Graf Top (breeder:
Adolf Bahn, Maasen; exhibitor: Axel Bahn, Maasen) was another favorite and high in demand. The
state’s premium aspirant has several placements in
jumper classes for young horses and sold for
130,000.00 Euros to Sweden to the stable of
Olympic competitor Henrik Lanner who is a longstanding customer at Verden’s auctions. He added
another talent to his acquisitions buying Chicca
Blue by Chacco-Blue/Sandro (breeder/exhibitor:
Kurt-Heinrich Böttcher, Brüninghorstedt) for
40,000.00 Euros. Shelby by Stolzenberg/For Pleasure (breeder: Susanne Führer, Adelheidsdorf; exhibitor: Heinrich Hack, Dossenheim) was the last
horse in the league of the successful eight. The bay
gelding sold for 100,000.00 Euros and will start
his international career at the renowned jumper
barn of Bob Young in Great Britain.
The riding horses sold for an average price of
43,805.00 Euros. 38 talents will compete in foreign countries. The United States leads the statistics with eleven purchases. It shows that the foreign marketing program continues to be successful
on the traditional market places like the USA but
also in countries with growing interest like Asia
and South America.
The result of the 129th elite auction is more than
satisfactory for the auction management: The debut including horses from the Rhineland and West-
phalia turned out well. The group of riding horses
that breeding manager Martin Spoo selected was
excellent and the friendliness of the exhibitors
from the Rhineland was inspiring. Furthermore the
atmosphere in the stables between riders and
grooms was excellent over the entire training period; this certainly greatly contributed to the positive
course the auction took.
Descada will start her career on the
‘Freiberger Hof’. Photo Ernst
The top-selling horses
No. 13, Friemel by Fidertanz/De Vito
B.: Gerd Prigge, Lastrup
E.: Hannoveraner Zuchtgestüt, Lilienthal
200.000 Euro, Brazil
No. 28, Shelby by Stolzenberg/For Pleasure
B.: Susanne Führer, Adelheidsdorf
E.: Heinrich Hack, Dossenheim
100.000 Euro, Great Britain
No. 2, Equitaris by Estobar NRW/Rubiloh
B.: Norbert Borgmann, Ostbevern
E.: Stephan Borgmann, Ostbevern
175.000 Euro, Northrhine Westphalia
No. 59, Darcy Noir by Dancier/Fürst Heinrich
B.: Rudi Seifert, Nordholz
E.: Saskia Nebel, Dörverden
70.000 Euro, Spain
No. 26, Descada by Desperados/Hohenstein
B.: Heino Bruns, Gödenstorf
E.: Andreas Bruns, Gödenstorf
170.000 Euro, Northrhine Westphalia
No. 63, Candido by Canstakko/Perpignon
B.: Dr. Dieter Burfeindt, Heeslingen
E.: Uwe Lemmermann, Wilstedt
62.000 Euro, Switzerland
No. 3, Cadanos by Catoki/Lordanos
B.: Christina Martens, Ringstedt
E.: Fritz Dieter Tietjen, Bremen
155.000 Euro, China
No. 4, Question of Honour by Quaterback/Sandro Hit
B.: Gerhard Hladik, Großostheim
E.: Klaus-Hermann Ehlen, Bremervörde
60.000 Euro, Lower Saxony
No. 23, Felice by Fürst Piccolo/Ehrentanz
B.: Manfred Walla, Bochum
E.: Ludwig Fischer, Bärnau
140.000 Euro, Northrhine Westphalia
No. 29, Flor de Luna by Fürst Nymphenburg/Don Crusador
Z. u. E.: Gerd Clasen, Neddenaverbergen
60.000 Euro, Great Britain
No. 14, Samoa by Stolzenberg/Graf Top
B.: Adolf Bahn, Maasen
E.: Axel Bahn, Maasen
130.000 Euro, Sweden
No. 15, Filou by For Compliment/Dimension
Z. u. E.: Ludwig Fischer, Bärnau
105.000 Euro, USA
Enjoying her purchase of Felice:
Nadine Capellmann. Photo: Beelitz
No. 1, Fräulein W by Fidertanz/Sandro Hit
B.: Herbert Werth, Wesel
Aussst.: ZG Werth, Duisburg
57.000 Euro, Schleswig-Holstein
No. 34, Finest Feeling M by Fidertanz/Rubin-Royal
B.: Ferdinand Meer, Aerzen
E.: Sabine Richter, Bad Essen
55.000 Euro, Hamburg
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Inquiring by Martin Spoo
Net returns
Average price
Top price
Lowest price
55 foals
52 foals
Euro 345.500,00
Euro 30.000,00
Price range
3.000 to 3.999 13 foals
4.000 to 4.999 11 foals
5.000 to 7.999 17 foals
8.000 to 9.999
3 foals
Euro 10.000 and more
8 foals
Sales by regions
Lower Saxony
28 Ba.-Württemb.
1 Bremen
Schleswig-Holstein 1
39 foals
Great Britain
13 foals
inquired by Martin
Spoo who is the
breeding manager
and managing director of the “Rheinisches
Book Rhineland).
THE HANOVERIAN: The cooperation with
the Hannoveraner Verband has made it possible for breeders from the Rhineland area
to market their horses on Verden’s auctions.
What is your impression after this elite auction?
Martin Spoo, “I am totally enthusiastic and so are
our breeders from the Rhineland. The riding horse
debut could not have run any better. Reaching
such an outstanding result during these somewhat
difficult times was so uplifting for me as well as for
our breeders.“
THE HANOVERIAN: How do you evaluate the
conditions in Verden?
Martin Spoo, “I arrived early to be able to take a
good look at the events as they took place and to
The most expensive foal: Diamond’s
Hit sold for 35,000.00 Euros to a
farm where stallions are raised.
Photo: Beelitz
52 foals sold for an average price of 6,644 Euros.
Diamond’s Hit by Diamond Hit/San Remo (breeder/
exhibitor: Klaus Niemann, Petershagen) was the
observe what happens behind the scenes. I have
been in the business for a very long time and am
certainly capable of correctly evaluating the conditions. The professionalism in all areas was impressive. The employees are competent, friendly and
always ready to help. Whether it is the veterinarian, the groom, the rider or the customer advisor –
everywhere you are welcomed with open arms and
competently looked after. The wellbeing of the horses is of utmost importance. Never before have I
witnessed such organization. I have total confidence in Verden and will send top horses in the
care of the Hannoveraner Verband without any
THE HANOVERIAN: Will this auction create a
chain-reaction in your breeders?
Martin Spoo, “Absolutely. I am 100 percent sure
we shall see a much larger number of horses on
the next selection trips. There will be auctions that
are not quite as successful. However we now realize that we are working with people who know
their business perfectly in Verden. Knowing this
creates trust. I am looking forward to the stallion
licensing. We all stand for the same thing and
want to create a positive future. I am delighted
that I am able to do so with so many friendly people!“ n
top-selling foal and sold for a sale price of 30,000
Euros; he will grow up on the “Gerkenhof” in
Kirchlinteln, Lower Saxony. New London by Nabab
de Reve/Argentinus (breeder/exhibitor: Heinrich
Wecke, Stadthagen) was the highest-priced jumper
foal. This youngster found a new home in Switzerland for 16,000 Euros. 13 Hanoverian youngsters
will leave Germany; Finland bought the largest
contingent of foals.
The 129th elite auction started out Friday night
with an impressive gala evening. Team European
champion D’Agostino from Fabienne Lütkemeier
was awarded the seal-of-excellence FRH from the
Association for Promoting Hanoverian Horses in
Competition just like the reigning five-year old federal champion Chipmunk who was beautifully
presented by rider Julia Krajewski. At the end of
the day Fabienne Lütkemeier wrote on her homepage: “First I rode a short freestyle on Daggi. Then
the breeding manager and managing director of
the Hannoveraner Verband called Dr. Werner Schade honored us. This is the grand finale after the
success at the European Championships.” n
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Frederic Pignon
The Thunder Guys
Magali and Estelle Delgado
Gala - Evening
Wicki and the English
Chipmunk FRH
Photos: Tilgner, Ernst
D‘ Agostino FRH
Photo: Rau
Elvis VA –
The „King of Dressage“
A star leaves the competition platform. His career began on Verden’s elite auction in
April 2000. Thirteen years later Elvis VA says good-bye to his devoted fans from the
same place.
By Malte Kanz
The Hanoverian 11|2013
lvis VA proved his world-class status in December 2012 when he finished the World Cupfreestyle in Mechelen in third place. He danced his
freestyle to Elvis’ classic song “Return to sender”
showing highlights in the extended trot and in the
passage. His musical namesake is a rock legend –
the chestnut gelding Elvis VA has become a legend
himself over the past years – a dressage legend.
A new chapter started for Elvis VA in August 2013.
He is now a retiree. It is not as if the 17-year old
would have no longer enjoyed competitions but he
clearly savors his training-free time with his Shetland buddy Barbie in the paddock. His owner and
rider Nadine Capellmann decided to retire Elvis VA.
He developed a hoof problem after his demonstration on the Equitana that would have taken a very
long time to heal – too long to bring him back into
competitive shape afterwards. “I am immensely
proud of him! Obviously I am very sad that I cannot compete him any longer but it was the most
sensible decision. I shall continue riding Elvis VA at
home. I am looking forward to our trail rides on a
long rein through the countryside!”
Successful dam line
Elvis VA by Espri/Garibaldi II was born at the barn
of Christian Pfeil in Bremerhaven on March 16,
1996. His dam line of Nagiaza produced successful
jumper horses. Elvis’ full sister Ella P received the
ideal score of 10,0 for her free-jumping performance at the mare performance test before she
started a successful jumper career up to the M-level with rider Claus Thiele. The privately owned
stallion Garant and the sporthorse Georgina that
successfully competed in jumper classes at the Mlevel with rider Frank Berenzen descended from
Elvis’ granddam. Great-granddam Fassade is the
dam of jumper horse producer Grandferdinand by
mann remembers. The combination of Elvis VA and
Nadine Capellmann laid the first milestone of their
career with the victory at the Nürnberger Burgpokal in the same year. The pair entered the award
ceremony with a record result of 81 percent; it has
not been beaten to date. The jump into international competitions followed. Elvis VA became
Germany’s shooting star. He competed with the
German equip against the best of the world during
the next years. In addition to numerous victories
and placements the team titles at the World
Equestrian Games 2006 in Aachen and at the
Olympic Games 2008 in Hong Kong as well as
team silver at the European Championships 2007
in Turin were the biggest successes of the chestnut.
Elvis VA had his last official performance on
Verden’s gala evening. Nadine Capellmann presented the powerfully moving chestnut gelding in
her usual graceful fashion. One last time Elvis VA
proved that he is an international dressage horse
and that he deservedly belongs in the elite group
of the world’s dressage competitors. His passage
was hard to beat, his impulsion optimal and his
charm heart stirring! Guests from all around the
globe said goodbye to a world star. Not only Nadine Capellmann, Elvis and his breeder Christian
Pfeil were noticeably moved. The audience showed
respect and paid tribute to Elvis VA through standing ovations. “Elvis VA was a very special horse
and a true star from the beginning! I am grateful
for the large role he has played in my competitive
career and that he will continue to play in my life,”
so his delighted owner Nadine Capellmann says
about the bittersweet retirement. n
Elvis VA and his breeder
Christian Pfeil. Photo: Tilgner
“My heartfelt gratitude to the
Hannoveraner Verband for this
invitation to honor this
exceptional horse in front of this
backdrop, to Christian Pfeil for
breeding Elvis and for having
the great idea to market Elvis as
a dressage horse in spite of his
jumper pedigree and to Elvis to
whom I owe so much!”
Nadine Capellmann on
How it all began: Elvis VA in the
elite-auction brochure, April 2000.
Photo: Ernst
Elvis VA participated in Verden’s spring auction of
2000. Auction rider Andreas Homuth presented
him at his best and his groom Rilana Schwab turned him out beautifully; this resulted in the sale of
the four-year old to the renowned rider Martin
Schaudt for 57,000.00 Euros. The team Olympic
champion obtained victories in young-horse classes before top trainer Heiner Schiergen took over
his training. The pair won the first S-level dressage
competition in 2004. Elvis VA then moved to the
stable of Olympic champion Nadine Capellmann.
“It is inconceivable that my first encounter with
Elvis was ten years ago. I shall never forget the first
time I watched him float through the arena; it sent
a shiver down my spine. It is furthermore unbelievable that the playful youngster had already dumped three Olympic champions,” Nadine Capell-
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Quality for the
dressage ring
Ria Grande by Ritual/Grande is the Hanoverian Mare of the
Year 2013. We can find performance guarantors in her
pedigree whose quality has already impressively been
proven inthe descendants Daianira van de Helle and
Damsey FRH.
By Ulrich Hahne
Hanoverian Mare of the Year: Ria
Grande came to Verden with her filly
by Dressage Royal.
Photo: Tilgner
-year old Ria Grande by Ritual/Grande was
awarded the title Hanoverian Mare of the
Year 2013 on the gala evening of the 129th eliteauction. Ria Grande entered the Niedersachsenhalle with sparkling eyes and great radiance accompanied by this year’s foal that is a full sister to
the sire Damsey FRH by Dressage Royal. She embodies attributes like health, strength, power and
performance willingness even at her age of 22 –
attributes that are important for a sport horse and
that she passes on to her offspring.
Kornelia Haak-Höring from Drochtersen bred Ria
Grande. Her pedigree reflects a high percentage of
blood. In addition to Anblick xx we can find Der
Loewe xx and Ladykiller xx already in the third generation. Performance guarantors like Ramiro and
Amselkoenig through the sire Ritual and Grande
on the dam side combined with the Thoroughbred
influence make this pedigree and this horse very
At a few months
Ria Grandes type, radiance, exterior and basic gaits
were convincing from as early on as being a foal.
These attributes made the bay very desirable. First
Ria Grande was sold to today’s owners Dorit and
Hermann Kothe. Leon Melchior from the breeding
farm Zangersheide noticed the qualities of the
young filly on the foal show on the ‘Alsenhof and
so she changed owners once again. One cannot let
go of an exceptional horse! Ria Grande returned to
Dorit and Hermann Kothe in 1997 and began her
career as a broodmare. The breeders succeeded in
producing special dressage horses breeding Ria
Grande to Dream of Glory and Dressage Royal. It is
The Hanoverian 11|2013
impressive how suitable jumper lines can be very
valuable in the breeding of dressage horses.
Ria Grande delivered her first foal at the age of
eight. Daianira van de Helle by Dream of Glory developed into an internationally successful dressage
horse. The mare was a finalist in the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses with Belgian
rider Vicky Smits-Vanderhasselt in 2005 in Verden
and won international Grand Prix classes in Bremen, Münster, and Braunschweig. The geographic
circle closes once again for Ria Grande with her
Belgian rider.
Ria Grande delivered her best foal so far in 2002.
Damsey FRH by Dressage Royal. Damsey was discovered on the stallion sales as a two-and-a-half
year old, licensed under saddle one year later and
received the premium status. His competitive career with rider Steffen Frahm led from the Bundeschampionate to the World Championships for
Young Dressage Horses to victories at the Grand
Prix. He was awarded the suffix FRH of the Association for Promoting Hanoverian Horses in Competition just last August. From a breeder’s point of
view the stallion also holds high hopes. Ria
Grande’s younger descendants are ready to conquer the world in the United States as well as in
Germany. Damsey’s two-and-a-half year old full
brother is expected to be presented on the late licensing in December in Verden. n
Women Power
It just does not work without them: The guestriders of
Verden’s auctions. They support the team of the Training and
Auction Centre during the entire auction periods.
In portrait: Dressage rider Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier.
By Malte Kanz
nne-Kathrin Pohlmeier has supported
Verden’s auction team since the last May auction. That was when she took on her first auction
ride. She remembers well that her heart beat loudly whilst she was waiting for her start signal in the
tunnel of the arena of Lower Saxony. “The debut
went well. It was not as bad as I thought it would
be. Trainer Hartmut Kettelhodt helped me during
my presentations with advise over the microphone. He assisted me during the training with all the
auction horses I was entrusted with. Other auction
riders also offered help and gave me many useful
tips. They basically took me by my hand. It could
therefore only go well!” Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier
has now ridden in the third auction. “The elite
auction in the fall is a special highlight. I am a
little bit proud,” the professional rider admits and
smiles. Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier was born in 1987
in Salzkotten, Westphalia. She was fortunate. Her
father was a devoted horse breeder and she was
able to ride homebred horses. Her riding career
however began in the neighbor’s yard. There she
jumped on the ponies and rode without a saddle
with only a halter and a lead. Later on she was
allowed to ride the jumpers her father had bred.
She successfully presented them in jumper horse
classes at the L-level.
in S-level dressage classes. She successfully represented the Hanoverian colors at the World Championships for six-year old dressage horses with the
chestnut gelding Wyoming by Weltmeyer/Grenadier (breeder: Klaus Michaelis, Basdahl). She celebrated her biggest successes with her favorite
horse Dodo by Davignon/Matcho AA (breeder:
Peter v. d. Fecht-Ehlers, Belum). Her life-partner
Horst Rimkus bought Dodo on Verden’s spring
auction in 1999. The mare was made available to
the young dressage rider as a schoolmaster. “I
learned how to ride properly on Dodo. She taught
me to view the horse as my partner! I am incredibly thankful to Dodo and Nicole for the education
that I have received and for the beautiful times we
shared together!” Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier did not
just give 100 percent during her apprenticeship.
She gathered professional experience in a dressage stable in Italy where she worked as a rider
and trainer after her apprenticeship. She operates
a training and show stable with her life-partner
Jan Toedtmann who is a jumper rider. n
Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier with Royal
Rose M by Royal Classic/Weltmeyer.
Photos: Ernst
Anne-Kathrin Pohlmeier moved to Dörverden in
Lower Saxony on November 1, 2005 to start her
career path as a professional rider at the Horst
Rimkus training and show stables. The former
auction rider took on her training in the jumping
sector together with horse management master
Verena Boelte, while Dr. Nicole Deinzer helped her
with her dressage work. “Nicole was my teacher.
All I know today I have learned from her,” AnneKathrin Pohlmeier sums up and declares that Dr.
Nicole Deinzer often had to dig deep in the box of
tricks to teach her dressage 101 as well as selfconfidence and willpower. Dr. Nicole Deinzer is a
successful dressage rider with numerous victories
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Dressage Triumph
in Donaueschingen
Hanoverian dressage horses triumphed at the renowned
horse show in Donaueschingen/Germany. They won top
classes at all age levels.
By Britta Züngel
CDI Arezzo/Italy
St.Pr.A. Wiona (VA) by White Star/Archipel
(breeder: Hans-Hermann Brunckhorst, Buxtehude) started the international dressage
show in Arezzo with a victory. Rider Claudia
Brambilla won the FEI-test for young riders
with the mare. The 13-year old finished the
individual test in second place. Dumbledore
(VA) by Depardieu/Condor M (breeder: Ilse
and Wilhelm Niebel, Quartzau) was discovered on the November auction of 2007. The
black received the fifth-best score in the
team test with his young rider Francesca Ec-
chia. The pair placed fourth in the individual
Hanoverians were strongly represented in the
Small Tour. The victories in Prix St. Georges
and in Inter I went to Rockabella (VA) by
Rosentau/Weltmeyer (breeder: Günter Lübbers, Hoogstede) and rider Nausicaa Maroni.
Gloria Colombo rode Goldeneye by Grand
Royal/Wenzel II (breeder: Uta Köneke-Rohde,
Stelle) into second place in Prix St. Georges.
The pair finished in third place at Inter II.
Olympic champion Martin Schaudt bought
What’s Up (VA) by Wittinger/Matcho AA
(breeder: Ernst-August Schröder, Melle) on
the elite auction in the fall of 1998. He placed
fourth in Prix St. Georges and in Inter I with
Chiara Biliotti from Italy.
Wisuell (VA) by Walt Disney/Diemat (breeder: Beate Spatz, Loxstedt) had also sold on
an elite auction and had found a new home
in Hungary. He placed second in Inter II with
rider Csaba Szokola. At the end of the show
Heimlich Liebe by Hohenstein/Davignon
(breeder: Ulrich Heitmann, Hagenah) and rider Morgan Barbancon Mestres finished the
Grand Prix in third place.
CDI-W Breslau/Poland
Jaybee Alabaster by Alabaster/Glorieux
(breeder: Australia) placed fourth with rider
Hayley Beresford in the Grand Prix and Romeo-Star by Romantic Star/Mister A (breeder: Joerg H. Ohlmann, Hagen) finished in
fifth position with Elena Sidneva in the saddle. Heimliche Liebe by Hohenstein/Davignon (breeder: Ulrich Heitmann, Hagenah)
and rider Morgan Barbancon Mestres enjoyed a second place in the freestyle ahead of
Jaybee Alabaster and Hayley Beresford. MD
Waterford by Wolkenstein II/Matcho AA
(breeder: Wilfried Schlichting, Wingst) with
rider Alexandra Malmstroem finished the
Special in third place. Peter Brenske and his
Daquino (VA) by De Niro/Bolero (breeder:
Gerhard P. Wilczek, Soderstorf) earned international merits when they received the fifthhighest score in this class.
Apropos by Antaeus/Donnerhall (breeder:
Heike Kemmer, Winsen) was successful on
the Small Tour. The eleven-year old finished
Inter I in fourth place after having placed fifth
in Prix St. Georges. The Czech Fabrizio Sigismondi rode Apropos into fourth position in
the final freestyle.
CHI Donaueschingen/Germany
Hanoverian dressage horses celebrated
grand triumphs in the dressage ring located
in the magnificent park of the castle of Donaueschingen. They won all final classes.
Celle’s state stud sire Edward by Embassy/
Fabriano (breeder: Hans-Heinrich Dittmer,
Radbruch) won the qualification; this was his
ticket for the participation in the final of the
Nuernberger Burgpokal in Frankfurt with his
rider Charlott-Maria Schürmann . Dark Dynamic by Don Vino/Hohenstein (breeder:
Georg Kok, Bunderhee) and rider Nadine Ca-
Romeo-Star and Elena Sidneva performed beautifully in Breslau. Photo: Frieler
The Hanoverian 11|2013
pellmann were just as fortunate. They will
participate in the Louisdor Prize in Frankfurt.
Wolke Sieben by Wolkenstein II/Hitchcock
(breeder: Kurt Griemsmann, Bülkau) and rider Sanneke Rothenberger won the PiaffFörderpreis. Moncassado by Münchhausen/
Weltmeyer (breeder: Matthias Ohmen, Stinstedt) with rider Petra Middelberg was the
final champion of the juniors and the young
riders. There was a dual victory for Hannover
in this class. Sil Jander by Sunlight xx/Davignon (breeder: Otto Rudolf Fuchs, Meinerzhagen) followed in second place with rider
Vivien Niemann. Isabell Werth won the Grand
Prix Special on Johnson FRH by Don Frederico/Warkant (breeder: Ulrike Meyer, Dedelstorf); this meant the qualification for the
Meggle Championship Final.
The introductory class for the Louisdor Prize
already saw a Hanoverian winner: Redford
(VA) by Rosentau/Escudo (breeder: Gisela
Franke, Helmstedt) with rider Jessica v. Bredow-Werndl. Burgpokal-winner Burlington
FRH by Breitling W/Rohdiamant (breeder:
Hans-Heinrich Oltmann, Borstel) finished
third with rider Charlott-Maria Schürmann;
the later final champion Dark Dynamic only
obtained the seventh-best result. The judges
awarded the fourth-highest score to Don
Johnson and Isabell Werth in the Grand Prix
Shaitaan and Frederik Knorren finished the Speed-Cup of Paderborn in fourth place. Photo: Frieler
the European Youngster Cup and won the
class on 18-year old Last Chance by AchillLibero H/Grosso Z (breeder: Karl-Heinz Bruckschen, Mettingen).
Josephine Sorensen from Ireland was another successful young rider. The 1995-born
jumper rider participated in the difficult clas-
CSI***** Lausanne/Switzerland
CSI*** Paderborn/Germany
Lausanne hosted one stage of the Global
Champions Tour. LB Solero by Salieri/Radiator (breeder: Klaus Bünger, Oetzen) celebrates his first entry in the international sports
pages of THE HANOVERIAN with a big bang:
He won a speed class with rider Roger Umnus from Switzerland. Another Hanoverian
finished in the top five in this class: HH Lets
Fly (VA) by Lordanos/Forrest xx (breeder:
Uwe Dreesmann, Hesel) and rider Alexa Pessoa enjoyed a fourth place. Shutterfly’s halfbrother obtained the same placement in the
final of the Big Tour.
Firth of Lorne by For Pleasure/Stakkato
(breeder: Meinolf Roelleke, Bochum) and rider Katrin Eckermann won the Paderborn
championship. Only two out of 14 participants remained faultless in the jump-off .
CHI Donaueschingen/Germany
Nasser Al Ghazali is one year younger than
his horse! He was almost four seconds faster
than his opponents in the first speed class of
ses of the Escon Spring Club. She rode Fräulein Wunder (VA) by for Feeling/Athletico
(breeder: Werner Wegener, Wunstorf) into
fifth place in the first round. Michael Wittschier rode Galaxy HS (VA) by Go on Top/
Acorado (breeder: ZG Spreckels and Hoops,
Hammah) into third place in a two-phase
jumper class of these series. Kristaps Neretnieks competed Caramsin by Cornet Obolensky/Argentinus (breeder: Heinz Lenter,
Meppen) in the final of the Medium Tour for
Letland and finished in an excellent third position.
Forry Deluxe and Jan Wernke successfully
competed in the Youngster Cup of Paderborn.
Photo: Frieler
Ex escudo orior by Escudo/ Calypso II
(breeder: Hinrich Bartels, Wittingen) obtained
fourth place with rider Udo Klötzel in the first
S-level jumper class of the SML-Tour. Jan
Wernke rode Forry Deluxe by For Pleasure/
Landadel (breeder: Wilhelm and Heike Strunk,
Bochum-Stiepel) into second place in the
Youngster-Cup. St.Pr.A. Stakki (VA) by
Stakkato Gold/Silvio and rider Jan Sprehe
held up the Hanoverian flag placing third in
the final after an exciting jump-off.
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Hannoveraner News
Dante Deluxe MJ by Danone/Rouletto
(breeder: Christin Boekhoff, Friedeburg)
has moved into the barn of world-class
rider Adelinde Cornelissen from the
Netherlands. The dark bay premium sire
sold on the stallion sales in 2009 to
Marianne Jerich for 320,000.00 Euros. Up
to now the stallion has been in training
with Isabell Werth’s former professional
rider Matthias Bouten with whom he has
obtained victories in dressage classes at
the M-level. The Austrian has sent the
radiating beauty to Adelinde Cornelissen;
she is sponsored by Marianne Jerich and
has been for several years.
St.Pr.A. Comtessa by Contendro/Acord II
(breeder: Erich Mohrfeld, Espelkamp) attracted attention in the international opening
class. The dark bay finished the free-jumping
competition in Verden in fifth place as a
three-year old. Now Henrik Griese rode her
into third position in this fault & time jumper
Hanoverians can be fast. Shaitaan by Stolzenberg/For Future (breeder: Lutz Wimmer,
Meine) is living proof; the nine-year old finished a speed class with the fourth-best time
under rider Frederik Knorren.
CSI**-W Tallin/Estland
Zigmantas Arka rode Cashman by Cashman/Götz (breeder: Horst Schmidt, Ihlienworth) into fifth position in a six bars class in
Tallinthat is the capital of Estland. Chandra
H by Chasseur/Drosselklang (breeder: Heike
Heyer, Vechelde) won a 1,40-meter class with
rider Girts Bricis on the last day.
The Hanoverian 11|2013
The second week of this show series was
highly successful for Laith and Michael Hutchinson, too. The pair won the first and the
third jumper class for six-year olds; they finished the second class in second place.
CSI***** Vienna/Austria
The “Vilamoura Champions Tour” attracted
jumper riders to the coast of Algarve for three
The world’s top jumper riders met in front of
the gorgeous backdrop of Vienna’s townhall.
Nina Brand and Calme P (VA) by Calido/
Alme (breeder: Wilfried Niemann, Beverstedt)
appeared to be in great shape in the second
class of the Gold Tour and finished in third
CSI* Wiener Neustadt/Austria
The 1994 born Gyon by Glockenklang/
Grenadier (breeder: Jürgen Stürke,
Cuxhaven) was retired from competition.
The chestnut looks back onto 24 S-level
victories and 232 additional placements.
He helped Esther Forkert who is the
breeder’s daughter and Steffen Engfer to
obtain their golden riding badge. Gyon
said goodbye after a victory in a jumper
class at the M-level in Winsen.
Al Calypso by Askari/Calypso II (breeder:
Meike Fischer, Bad Bevensen) placed fifth
with rider Samuel Parot in a two-phase jumper class of the CSI**. This pair participated
at the Olympic Games in London last year.
CSI** Vilamoura/Portugal
Gyon and Esther Forkert. Photo: Ruechel
Dhannie by Don Crusador/Weltmeyer
(breeder: Hinrich Engelke, Dörverden)
competed for Spain in the World Championships for five-year old dressage horses in
2012. He was sold to the renowned trainer
and former Olympic participant for Spain
called Juan Matute at the end of September. Juan Matute resides in Florida.
Dhannie is considered to be Spain’s best
young dressage horse.
whole weeks. Week one started on the last
weekend of September. Alberto Harari from
Mexico rode Maria Bonita by Stakkato/Zacharias (breeder: Peter v. Reith, Grasberg)
into second place in a speed class for 6-year
olds. Michael Hutchinson rode Laith (VA) by
Lord Z/Weinberg (breeder: Norbert Nowak,
Haren) into third position in a two-phase
jumper class for 6-year olds. The same rider
finished a time & fault class in third place on
W Diva Rosa MFS by Wallenburg/Emillion
(bred in Great Britain).
Young jumper riders gain their first international experience on the “Children Tours”.
Twelve-year old Frantisek Struzinsky won in
the final on both his Hanoverian horses in
Wiener Neustadt. He rode Lucky Lifestyle
by Laptop/Ramiro’s Son II (breeder: HansJürgen Klee, Scheeßel) into first place and
Calivado by Contendro/Dynamo (breeder:
Johann and Jan-Hinnerk Haar, Tarmstedt)
into second position.
Third place in the Youngster-Cup of Paderborn
for Stakki and Jan Sprehe. Photo: Frieler
Chambertino (VA) by Contendro/Dynamo
(breeder: Rolf Blohm, Freiburg) finished a
speed class of the Big Tour in second place
with rider Luis Jesus Escobar one week later.
Denis Nielsen rode Special One by Stakkato/Escudo (breeder: Hans-Heinrich Pahlmann,
Hänigsen) into fourth place in the final of the
Small Tour. His dam is a half-sister to the internationally successful privately owned sire
Gem of India.
CIC* Ardingly/Great Britain
Michael Jung was still successfully competing
Nobilis by Nobre xx/Lemon xx (breeder:
Wolfgang Badenhausen, Jesberg) in March.
Now ssix months later Christopher Burton is
victorious with the eight-year old. The Australian rider won the CIC* in Ardingly. He had
the second-best dressage score that put the
pair in a top position for this great success.
CIC*/CCI*** Bialy Bor/Poland
Llanero by Limonit/Matcho AA (breeder:
Gerhard Schlichting, Großenwörden) completed his first 3*-competition in Bialy Bor on
the first weekend in October. Andreas Dibowski rode the eight-year old into an excellent
third place. Elmar Lesch and Lanzelot by
Lauries Crusador xx/Ramiro’s Son (breeder:
Guenther Hahl, Osterbruch) obtained the
same result in the CIC**.
CIC* Bad Segeberg
Hanover celebrated a dual victory in the CIC*
of Bad Segeberg. Both division-winners were
former auction horses, both born in 2006 and
both won an international competition for
the first time. Little Charming F (VA) by
Lauries Crusador xx/Espri (breeder: Jens Fuseler, Geestenseth) won the first division with
rider Helene Emond who became Holstein’s
State Champion for juniors and young riders
with this performance. Johann-Philipp Bechstein rode Nexxus (VA) by Nobre xx/Rabino
(breeder: Dieter Kelpe, Schellerten) to victory
in the second division.
CIC Langenhagen-Twenge/Germany
St.Pr.A. Caramella by Contendro/Fabriano
(breeder: Annelie Lübbeke, Wingst) with rider
Michael Meier did not add any penalty points
to the dressage score in the one star-competition in Langenhagen and moved up from 7th
place after dressage to second place overall
in the second division. Payman (VA) by
Prince Thatch xx/Warkant (breeder: Jürgen
Mindermann, Lilienthal) and rider Tabea Johanna Henze would have led the field of
competitors, if it had not been for the rail on
the stadium course. The pair finished in fifth
place. In the CIC**, Hanoverian horses took
Henry and Josefa Sommer finished third in Langenhagen. Photo: Rau
second and third place. Josefa Sommer rode
Henry by Heraldik xx/Furioso’s Sohn (breeder: Joachim Sommer, Holzhausen) into third
position; Andreas Dibowski rode Llanero by
Limonit/Matcho AA (breeder: Gerhard
Schlichting, Großenwörden) into fourth position. This was quite amazing as the pair was
in 34th place after dressage!
CIC* Ströhen/Germany
The international event in Ströhen was scheduled to take place on one day only for the
first time. Emiljo by El Bundy/Don Juan
(breeder: Josef Bolmer, Meppen) and rider
Franziska Roth won the event.
CIC Strzegom/Poland
Andreas Dibowski and his mount Llanero by
Limonit/Matcho AA (breeder: Gerhard
Schlichting, Großenwörden) enjoyed their second international top placement with a third
placement in the 2*-competition in September. Easter Sunday by Escudo/Groom Dancer xx (breeder: Ulrike Sybrecht, Isernhagen)
and rider Elmar Lesch finished in third place
in the CIC*, this was the best Hanoverian re-
sult. The seven-year old dark bay is a fullbrother to the mare Eskadia who is one of
Andreas Dibowskis very successful mounts.
CIC* Varsseveld/The Netherlands
Laura Loge from Belgium rode St.Pr.A. Lilly
Maleen by Lauries Crusador xx/Argentan
(breeder: Eckbert Weiss, Kroge) into fourth
place in this one star-competition.
CAI-B Piber/Austria
Andrea Dobretsberger won with Westminster by Weltmeyer/Donnerhall (breeder: Dr.
Helmut Funke, Halstenbek) in the division for
one-in-hands. The chestnut was the National
Champion of driving horses in 2001. Josef
Scheibelhofer took third place with his pair in
the two-in-hand competition. The pair consisted of Feiner Willi by Wanderbusch II/
Askan (breeder: Rolf Beckmann-Ihnen, Emden) and Baily (VA) by Bergamon/Czardas
(breeder: Elke Golsch, Hechthausen). n
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Six out of
nine medals
Hanoverian horses won six out of nine medals in the
classes for young dressage horses at the ‘Grande
Semaine de Saumur” that is a large dressage show in
By Ariane Pourtavaf
he French championship for young dressage
horses and dressage ponies takes place in Saumur every September on an annual basis. Its main
focus is on four- to six-year old dressage horses
and ponies. The four-year olds are judged in a test
that is similar in difficulty to an A-level dressage
test while the five- and six-year olds perform an
L- and M-level test similar to the world championship tests. In addition to that all horses are judged
on conformation but this score weighs less with
increasing age. More tests have been added
around these original classes over the course of
the years: a championship for seven-year olds, foal
championships as well as classes for two-year old
fillies and stallions and for those three-year olds
that are also evaluated in a riding horse class under saddle (before they were already evaluated in
Hilario Saint by Herzensdieb/Acorado won bronze in the six-year old
Complete results are available
on the Internet at
The Hanoverian 11|2013
More than ten titles are awarded and the French
Championships take place in the Small, Middle and
Large Tour, too. Hanoverian horses won six out of
nine medals awarded in the SHF-Championships.
Five out of the six Hanoverians had participated in
Verden’s auction program. Jessica Michel who is
the professional rider of the renowned breeding
and training facility Haras de Hus won two medals:
the gold medal in the division for five-year olds on
Hermes de Hus by Hotline/Rohdiamant (breeder:
Heinrich Gießelmann, Barver) a stallion from
Verden’s stallion sales. The French rider enjoyed a
second place in the four-year old division with her
own mare Divine Star JM by Desperados/Rohdiamant (breeder: Barbara Ivemeyer, Bad Essen). She
had had bought her on the foal auction. The fiveyear olds celebrated a Hanoverian dual victory.
Domingo H by Don Henrico/Baryshnikov (breeder:
Hans-Heinrich v. Thun, Laak) followed Hermes de
Django de Charry by Dancier/Londonderry won the
six-year old division. Photos: Garennes
Hus in second place as reserve champion. His rider
Jean-Heinrich Suisse de Sainte Clair used to ride
for Haras de Hus, too and is now an independent
trainer. The third-placed rider was also a professional: Pierre Volla who exchanged a dressage saddle
for a jumper saddle enjoyed winning bronze with
Don Meyer by Don Frederico/Weltmeyer (breeder:
Hermann Fenneker, Lembruch). The following horses completed the success record of Hanoverians:
Selda by Soliman de Hus/Rotspon (breeder: Kerstin
Holthaus, Birkenzell) finished in fourth place and
Lancelot de Hus by Lord de Hus/Rotspon (breeder:
Haras de Hus, France) in fifth. A Hanoverian owned
by Family Hereth was the winner in the six-year old
division. The family bought Django de Charry by
Dancier/Londonderry as a foal at the Heinrich Oetting farm in Warmsen. Jean Francois Combecave
presented the gelding. Hilario Saint H by Herzensdieb/Acorado (breeder: Stefan Aust, Armstorf) won
the bronze medal. Bertille Pelardy presented this
elite auction horse. She is Pierre Vollas sister-inlaw and the only amateur under the above-mentioned riders. Many amateurs that ride in Saumur
decide to participate in the easier tour; it takes
place at the same time and also awards championship titles – the so-called “Cycle libre”. This tour
with easier tests is designed for horses that are not
trained as far or for riders who have less show experience. Hanoverian horses won two medals in
Cycle libre, too: Chiquita by Carabas/De Niro (breeder: Christel and Helge Deußer, Hünfelden) won
silver with rider Sophie Schipani. Lavinia by Londontime/Bergkristall (breeder: Otto Cohrs, Hollenstedt) finished in third position with rider Vanina Nayrolles; she bought Lavinia on Verden’s elite
auction in October of 2011. The atmosphere between the riders and breeders of Hanoverian horses
was wonderful. More than 30 percent of the participants in the young horse divisions carried the
Hanoverian foal brand. Especially in the classes for
foals up to the classes for three-year olds a rather
large number of participants were Hanoverians
born in France; this included the champion of
three-year old mares and geldings called Sultant
des Paluds by Soliman de Hus/De Niro (breeder: Dr.
Pablo Bouillot). He was born in southern France
and trained by Nino Chaveiro who is a rider in the
Carlos Pinto stable. He came in second in the ove-
rall evaluation of all three-year olds. Sting de Hus
by Soliman de Hus/Argentinus (breeder: Xavier
Marie, France) placed second in the division for
three-year old geldings with rider Guillaume Recoing. Amadeus de L’Idylle by Sarkozy/Ragazzo
(breeder: Marie Groux, France) finished second in
the division for three-year old stallions with rider
Julien Vincent who is a former student of Jessica
Michel. Sparrow de Hus by Soliman de Hus/Fürst
Heinrich (breeder: Xavier Marie, France) won bronze with Guillaume Recoing. More than fifty Hanoverians placed in the young-horse classes. n
champion with rider Jordi Domingo. Dhannie (VA)
by Don Crusador/Weltmeyer (breeder: Hinrich Engelke, Dörverden) followed in second place with
Juan Francisco Fernandez. Both had already competed in the world championships. Samuel Delgado rode Sandronnerhall by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall
(breeder: Joachim Essink, Stockach) and won bronze. Delinger (VA) by Don Frederico/Sandro Hit
(breeder: Harley World Stables B.V./The Netherlands) and rider Alberto Garcia Martin won the
bronze medal in the division for five-year olds.
Sunfire (VA) by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall (breeder:
Siegfried Pilz, Lilienthal) was reserve champion of
the four-year olds with rider Jesus Fajardo. Don Primus (VA) by Don Primus/Welvita (breeder: Jürgen
and Bernd Holborn, Bovenden) followed in third
position with rider Eneko Paredes Pujol. n
Strong six-year old
Spain’s best young dressage horses participated in
the championships in Segovia. Hanoverian horses
won eight medals in various age groups. Elevado
by Falkenstern II/Weltmeyer (breeder: Georg Harsmann, Wilsum) won gold in the seven-to nine-year
old division with rider Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo.
Beatriz Ferrer-Salat rode Du Pre (VA) by Don Frederico/Weltmeyer (breeder: Fred Wedemeier, Isernhagen) into second place in this division.
Hanoverian horses won all medals in the six-year
old class: Mango Statesman (VA) by Sandro Hit/
Brentano II (breeder: Bernd Eylers, Hude) was the
Swedish victories
The foal and mare shows as well as the mare performance tests in Denmark took place in Ringsted
and in Hedensted. As Ringsted is relatively close to
Sweden, guests from Sweden brought their Hanoverians, too. Riding- and dressage horse classes
were offered at both events for the first time. The
riding horse classes also serve as qualifications for
the Hanoverian riding horse championships in August in Verden. Two horses were able to make use
of this opportunity. One of them was a former foal
auction participant called Dream Dancer by Dancier/Lord Lowenherz out of the breeding program
of Jürgen Rohst from Schinne. Now by Pernilla
Stroem, Soedra Sandby and in Swedish ownership
the well developed stallion impressed with his
good basic gaits and especially his excellent uphill
canter. He won the riding horse class. The powerfully moving three-year old C-Esmeralda by Crelido/Ragazzo (breeder/owner: Per Torp, Oelgod) also
received the ticket to the Hanoverian riding horse
championships. This very noble yet powerful mare
was highlighted as the best mare of the show.
Once again a young horse with dressage talent
and jumping genetics in her pedigree! The foal
show proved the importance of the chestnut color
in the Hanoverian breed as there were exclusively
chestnut foals! Pernilla Stroem from Sweden presented the champion foal that was a long-legged,
noble colt by De Niro/Lauries Crusador xx with
supple, active trot movement. A very long-legged
two-year old filly by Dancier/Weltjunge (breeder:
Inge Fredborg) with beautiful long lines became
the overall show champion in Hedensted. She impressed with her striking make-up, her good topline and her rhythmical and active movement. Also
a chestnut! The champion foal was a colt by Quasar de Charry/Baroncelli out of the breeding program of Lone Rytter, Tondern. The typy colt impressed with his light movement in the trot, his
good walk and canter. Both events deserve to have
more visitors and a greater number of participating horses. They offer a great variety of classes
from a foal and mare show, a mare performance
test to riding and dressage horse classes. UH
Don Meyer by Don Frederico/Weltmeyer came in third in the division
for four-year olds.
From riders
to riders
The professional riders Marlies and Dirk
Visscher are very successful with their
breeding program and in competition.
Numerous strong performance horses have
been born in Leer.
By Jürgen Stroscher
orses and the riding sport have always played
an important role in the life of 46-year old
Dirk Visscher. He was nine-years old when he received his first horse as a present. The main focus lay
on agriculture with an emphasis on dairy cows on
his father’s 60-hectares farm at the time. Visscher
learned to be a butcher and completed his master
degree in this profession to be professionally secured. He took over the management of the family
business in Leer in 1998 and together with his wife
Marlies Siefkes began to increase the importance
of horses as a business on the farm. Dirk Visscher
who is an active jumper competitor enjoyed a
good reputation as a trainer of young sport horses
during the eighties and nineties. At first he focused
on training young horses and introducing them to
competitions in his new business branch – this in
addition to his main professions as a farmer and a
butcher. He made an excellent name for himself
with breeders far beyond his area through the successful preparation of mares for mare tests and
stallions for licensings. Some of Meredith Michaels-Beerbaums top horses for instance Donnerlitchen by Drosselklang/Watzmann (breeder: Walter
Sander, Quernheim) and Shutterfly by Silvio/Forrest
xx (breeder: Uwe Dreesmann, Hesel) experienced
their first show successes under the tutelage of
Dirk Visscher.
Marlies and Dirk Visscher do not just have a great
relationship; they also complement each other in
their professional careers. As an ambitious dressage rider the forty-two year old is a perfect match
to her jumper-oriented husband. The births of
daughters Janne (11) and Jule (3) did not keep her
out of the saddle for long. On the contrary! She
competes up to the M-level on Danica by Don
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Vino/ Hohenstein (breeder: Georg Kok, Bunderhee). This eight-year old is a full-sister to Dark Dynamic and has celebrated his first international
successes with rider Nadine Capellmann. “It was
one of our goals to preferably achieve everything
that is related to riding. Because of our successful
training’s program with young horses we were
able to own good and promising sport horses
again and again and compete - at least in our vicinity – very successfully,” Dirk Visscher explains.
With all these training possibilities and show successes the question arises: Why not also breed
sport horses? Father Helmut Siefkes gave his
daughter Marlies the three-year old filly Ashley by
Acorado/Chasseur as a present to train. Both professional riders realized what potential the damline of father Helmut Siefkes had when this young
mare was sold. Ashley sold when she was five years old. She won team silver on the PanAm Games
with her current rider Rodrigo Pessoa in 2011.
Now the 13-year old chestnut mare competes at
the World Cup-level under her Brazilian rider.
Foundation mare Calinka
Helmut Siefkes has made all the female offspring
of now 20-year old Calinka by Chasseur/Grandferdinand available to daughter Marlies and her husband Dirk Visscher since the middle of the past
decade. Three-year old California by Contender/
Landadel (breeder: Regina Neubauer, Idstein) joined Family Visscher in 2005. She received the
state’s premium award and Dirk Visscher competed California in jumper classes at M-level. The Visschers started professionally breeding horses when
the mare was injured. The couple then turned their
rather advanced hobby into a career and started a
training and breeding facility in Leer. “We both had
full-time jobs and did the work with the horses on
the side until seven years ago. I worked as a
doctor’s assistant in a rural practice for almost 17
years. I greatly enjoyed all our patients,” Marlies
Visscher remembers. She fulfilled a lifetime dream
when she started the business together with her
husband. They have worked together toward this
goal and have expanded the family facility by building an indoor riding arena and an additional horse barn. The milk cows remain a second leg to
stand on in the business.
The Visschers experienced remarkable successes
with their broodmares within the shortest period
of time. Germany’s most successful driving horse is
a product out of their breeding program. Theo Timmermann from the Netherlands became World
Champion in Riesenbeck in 2012 and placed
fourth in the individual competition with his fourin-hand team. One of his horses in harness is Draco by Drosselklang/Silvio (breeder: Family Visscher). This breeding success was not planned. The
focus of the breeding program in East Friesland is
actually directed towards breeding Hanoverian
dressage and jumper horses with strong performance abilities. “Most often the entire family is in
on the outings when we compete on weekends.
Our daughter Janne also enjoys riding. Often we
go to shows with ten – mostly our own – horses,”
Marlies Visscher explains. Three-year old Jule does
not want to stay behind and so the participation in
leadline-classes is planned for the coming year.
Father Dirk Visscher was the most successful rider
of the family at the horse show in Oldersum in August of 2013 even though he won an M-level jumper class on the homebred Gento by Graf Top/
Cento; Daughter Janne Visscher was instead. The
talented rider is carefully trained by her parents
and won several classes including an A-level jumper class - judged on style - with her German riding
pony Jammy Fellow and a dressage class with just
four-year old homebred Naila by Now or Never/
Chasseur. Mom Marlies completed the family’s excellent success results with a third placement in an
L-level dressage class. Janne’s good performances
were no surprise though. She has actually obtained several victories this summer. The just elevenyear old young rider convinces with her excellent
riding style in jumping and in dressage. Not only
the parents are proud of the accomplishments of
Janne; grandfather Helmut Siefkes enjoys his
granddaughters good performances, too. “We
breed horses primarily for our own use and not for
the market. When we succeed in being successful
with our breeding products we have reached an
essential goal.,” Dirk Visscher clarifies the family’s
philosophy. They obviously try to market horses but
it makes no sense to Family Visscher to sell mares
with great potential. They prefer to nurse their very
own mare line. It is not the mass that is of prime
importance; it is the quality of the horses! The family prefers using proven sires in the breeding program. “I must know the stallions or must have
ridden their offspring when choosing a sire. Then I
feel safe. We do not really believe in fashion stallions.”
Talented rising youngsters
The impressive breeding and competition successes support the Hanoverian breeder from East Frisia. Gento and five-year old Ludo by Linton out of
the mare California are two talented young horses
that stand in the stable in Leer. Dirk Visscher is also
victorious in jumper classes at M-level with the
eight-year old mare Guayana by Graf Top out of
Calinka. Almost all of the mares in the Family Visscher barn have received the perfect score of 10,0
for jumping in the mare performance test and have
been awarded the state’s premium; this includes
four-year old Naila by Now or Never/Chasseur and
Quibell by Quintender/Contender. Three- year old
Quaitlin by Quintender/Chasseur proved her qualities when she became a finalist on the Herwart
von der Decken-Show in Verden in 2013. The mares Guayana I, Naila and Quaitlin were elected
elite family on the mare show in Timmel.
The horses that stand at the Visschers are in professional hands from birth to training. The quality
stable counts about 20 horses and exists without
internet or advertisement. Competition participation is the only way the family gets the word around.
“Every horse has a great value to us. The Hanoverians though lay the foundation with their power,
perseverance, strong backs and honesty. We do
our best to breed powerful, rideable, strong performance horses,” so Marlies and Dirk Visscher. There
is not much time for other hobbies or vacations. n
Marlies and Dirk Visscher with their
broodmares Quibel and La Grafina.
Photos: Stroscher
St.Pr.A. Quaitlin by Quintender/Chasseur performed on the Herwart von
der Decken-Show. Photo: Ernst
The Hanoverian 11|2013
From the Pacific
to the Atlantic
The inspection tour in North America took the
judging commission through the United States and
through Canada. The American daughter society
supported the representatives of the Hannoveraner
Verband in the USA.
By Dr. Ludwig Christmann
he American Hanoverian Society (AHS) visited
eleven US-states and the Canadian province of
Ontario during the summer tour. Additional states
and especially those that are located in the south
where it is hot like Florida, Texas, Georgia etc. will
be visited in September and October. The Northeast
and northern centre of the United States were the
highlights of the trip for Assistant President Jürgen
Rump and Dr. Ludwig Christmann. A visit to the
southern state of Georgia was also scheduled for
Jürgen Rump.
Dakota and Judy Harvey on Prince
Edward Island. Photo: Richardson
The central site on the East Coast is always Hilltop
Farm in the US-state of Maryland. It has developed
into an important centre for sport horse breeding
in the USA. Two days were set aside for the visit to
Hilltop Farm with its mare performance test, mare
inspection, foal show and stallion licensing. Only
two stallions were presented for licensing. Sternlicht GGF who is a three-year old very elegant and
long-legged Soliman de Hus son out of elite mare
Rhapsody GGF by Rascalino was licensed. In addition to his excellent type Sternlicht GGF impressed
with good rideability, an excellent disposition and
good basic gaits including a very impressive canter.
Rachel Ehrlich from Greengate Farms in Massachusetts is the breeder. Rachel Ehrlich has bred Hanoverians for decades. Sternlicht GGF is the second
licensed stallion out of her breeding program next
to Donar Weiss GGF by De Niro. A second licensing
site for stallions was cancelled due to a lack of
Dr. Christmann continued on to visit the neighboring country of Canada while Jürgen Rump returned to Germany. Official inspections were sche-
The Hanoverian 11|2013
duled in the centre as well as in the west. The
United States has its own Hanoverian studbook
with a central office in Kentucky that works closely
together with the central office in Verden: The
studbook for Canada is handled in its entirety by
the German central office in Verden.
There are two breed associations next to the National Canadian Hanoverian Society; one in the east
and one in the west. There were seven official inspection sites located from the West Coast in the
beautiful province of British Columbia to the furthest eastern spot on Price Edward Island. The two
inspections in British Columbia took place on
Dreamscape Farm in Langley and at Dreamcatcher
Meadows in Pemberton. Jennifer and Armin Arnoldt operate Dreamscape Farm. It has developed
into an important stallion station within only a few
years with a strong influence on entire North America. The roster of breeding stallions includes for
instance Bon Balou by Balou du Rouet/Argentinus
(breeder: Heinrich Wecke, Stadthagen). The stallion
won the jumping part of the stallion performance
test in Oklahoma last year.
Jill Giese and John Dingle have bred Hanoverians
at Dreamcatcher Meadows for many years; it is the
place they call home. It is located about three
hours north of Vancouver in a beautiful countryside surrounded by an impressive mountain range.
They offer the Hanoverian stallions Windfall by
Weltmeyer and the homebred sire Dreammaster by
Dimaggio/Dream of Glory for breeding. Jill had organized a Hanoverian reception and had invited
many friends, clients, neighbors and also a small
delegation of the RCMP that is performing its famous musical ride in the vicinity of Vancouver. The
quality of foals was very convincing; especially a
colt by Windfall/Lokomotion. One of the highlights
of the entire trip was a Pas de Deux performed by
the sire Dreammaster with his rider John Dingle
and Dreammaster’s dam the elite mare Daisy Dee
by Dream of Glory with rider Jill Giese. Both horses
are trained to the Grand Prix-level.
The journey continued to Manitoba where a small
but dedicated group of Hanoverian enthusiasts
organized an inspection with the help of Albert
Kley on Woodhaven Farms. It is owned by Kathleen Sulz and is located in Arden – about two
hours outside of Winnipeg. Kathleen Sulz operates
a stallion station in cooperation with the neighboring farm called Crooked Creek. She has made a
good name for herself. She offers Wolkentanz II
who was proven in Germany. The sire Autocrat by
Aalborg/Matcho AA (breeder: Otto Rudolf Fuchs,
Meinerzhagen), who they had bought from the
State Stud Celle has retired from breeding. He
made a good name for himself especially as a
hunter producer.
The inspections in Calgary, Ontario and on Prince
Edward Island took place on a second trip in September. This trip started with a visit to the International Masters on Spruce Meadows in Calgary.
There has been a very loyal and close connection
between Family Southern who transformed Spruce
Meadows into the most important horse show site
in Canada and the Hannoveraner Verband for
more than 35 years. It has become tradition that
the Hannoveraner Verband has a booth on the
show grounds. The quadrille of the German state
stud was a highlight. Ten stallions, one from each
state stud, represented the breeding of horses in
Germany. Ole Köhler from the State Stud Celle
brought Heinrich Heine. The State Studs Prussendorf and Marbach had also saddled Hanoverians.
Prussendorf brought Fürst Weltin by Fürst Heinrich/Friedensfürst and Marbach Hochfein by His
Highness/Feiner Stern.
Hanoverian breeders love to present their horses in
this phenomenal environment. The first event on
the schedule was a small breed show on Dan
Frenchs neighboring farm. The Hanoverian breeders held their mare and foal show on Spruce Meadows one day later. Five-year old London Reign
by Londonderry/Rosentau was exceptional not
only in the test but also in the mare show. Her exhibitor was Kyla McKinney from the Edmonton region. The blood-influenced gray mare was well
trained. She exhibited three good basic gaits, excellent rideability and was pronounced champion
mare. Rüdiger Dupierry who left the area around
Celle for Alberta many years ago had bred London
Reign. He was one of the great supporters of the
Hanoverian breed in Western Canada. He died after a long and hard illness much too early a few
years ago. His work is successfully continued. The
following mares were also awarded the premium
status: four-year old Stiletto by Sir Donnerhall/Rosentau, a half-sister to the champion mare and
also out of Kyla McKinney’s breeding program,
four-year old Charmony by Conteur/Comic (breeder: Gerrit and Ute Brinkmann, New Norway, Alberta) and Isadora by Iberio/Bold Indian xx (breeder: Guenter Rodenberg, Edemissen; owner: Katy
Jorgensen, Alberta).
Sternlicht GGF was licensed on
Hilltop Farm. Photo: privat
Seven foals that were divided into foals with either
jumper or dressage pedigrees participated in a
small foal show. A colt by Earl/Autocrat out of the
breeding program of Heather Smith won the division of foals with jumper pedigrees. A very harmonious and typy filly by Rascalino/Westporte won
the dressage foal division.
Pas de Deux at Dreamcatcher Meadows: Dreammaster and Daisy Dee.
Photo: Christmann
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Detyana (owner: Lea Wouters) became Show Champion on Southlane
Farm. Photo: White
official inspection with a mare performance test.
Ruth Hanselpacker is very influential as she manages a Hanoverian stallion station on Prince Edward
Island with the stallions Schwarzenegger by Sion/
Calypso II and Bonheur by Brentano II/Roncalli xx.
Three mares participated in the performance test.
Dakota by Danone/Fabriano (breeder: Peter and
Regula Strehler; exhibitor: Judy Harvey) was the
most striking horse in the test and in the mare
show. Dakota is an important and expressive mare
who revealed to be a very rideable dressage talent
in the mare test. She was awarded the premium
candidate status. The breeders Peter and Regula
Strehler are originally from Switzerland. They have
bred Hanoverians with a small group of broodmares of top quality for many years. They bred this
year’s very typy champion foal by Wokentanz II/
Don Gregory. This was a good beginning for the
Hanoverian breeders in the Maritimes.
Dr. Ludwig Christmann continued on from Calgary
to the most eastern part of Canada to Prince Edward Island where he met Inga Hamilton. She judged a show with him. There have been committed
Hanoverian breeders in the so-called Maritimes for
a few years. The Maritimes includes the provinces
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward
Island. It was the right time this year to offer an
Fritz-Floto-Prize in Canada
London Reign was Show Champion at Spruce Meadows and was awarded the Fritz-Floto-Prize.
Photo: Christmann
The Canadian Hanoverian Society gives out the Fritz-Floto-Prize in memory of the Hanoverian pioneer Fritz Floto who died last year. This prize is awarded to two three- to fiveyear old Hanoverian mares that complete the mare performance test as the best mare for
dressage and the best mare for jumping. Premium candidate Reign by Londonderry/Rosentau (breeder: Ruediger Dupierry, Leduc, Alberta; owner: Kyla McKinney, Leduc) was the
recipient of this year’s Fritz-Floto-Prize Dressage. Four-year old premium candidate Charmony by Conteur/Comic (breeder/owner: Gerrit and Ute Brinkmann, Equitop Farm, New
Norway, Alberta) received this year’s Fritz-Floto-Prize Jumping. n
The Hanoverian 11|2013
The journey continued to the Ottawa area. Joe and
Louise Palmer operate Southlane Farm east of the
Canadian capital near the border to the province
Quebec. The farm has been an inspection and
show site for many years. The day started with a
foal show that included 20 foals that was a remarkable number of participants. A well muscled, typy
and elastic colt by Hunters Scendix/Caletto was
selected as the best jumper foal. The breeder is
South Shore Farm from the area of Montreal. The
breeding farm Ferme de Lys from Ulverton, Quebec
presented the best dressage foal. It was a correct
and typy colt by Belissimo M/Weltmeyer with good
movement just as one would expect with this pedigree. Six mares participated in the performance
test that was followed by a mare show. Detyana by
De Niro/Longchamp (breeder/exhibitor: Lea Wouters, Brinston, Ontario) was the most striking horse. A black mare with large lines and good basic
gaits. Detyana gave the impression that she is a
good candidate for the sport of dressage. Many
horses were of good quality. Next to Detyana the
following mares were awarded the premium candidate status: three-year old class champion Bellarina by Belissimo M/Sherlock Holmes (breeder:
Southlane Farm), Sibhneigh by Sir Wanabi/Salvano
(breeder/owner: Dan Mc Dougall, Ottawa), De Garance by Dancier/Rubin-Royal (breeder: Meike
Harbers-Bahr, Butjadingen; owner: Royal Canadian
Mounted Police), Soraya by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall
(breeder/owner: Patricia Close, North Gower, Ontario) and Penny Lane by Providence/Ginsberg
(breeder/owner: Southlane Farm).
Parkwood Farm near Rockwood is owned by Ted
and Elaine Parkinson and was the second inspection site in Ontario. The day started with the presentation of nineteen foals. A filly by Cranach/Cas-
Ted and Elaine Parkinson and Inga Möller presented Winslett on Parkland Stables. Photo: White
sini II (breeder: Mike Boyd) was highlighted as the
best jumper foal. Mike Boyd who is a committed
jumper horse breeder bought the dam Cassina as
a foal on Verden’s auction. Marjorie Haus presented the champion foal in the dressage division; it
was a colt by Valentino/Dauphin with an unusual
combination of bloodlines. This youngster was very
correct with a lot of expression and he showed the
by far best trot movement of this day! Ferdi Haupt
and Dr. Ludwig Christmann judged this show. Ursula Hosking and Dr. Ludwig Christmann judged
the mare performance test that took place the following day. The mare Bellalula by Belissimo M/
Weltruhm (breeder: Christine Stec, Fergus, Ontario;
owner: Ted and Elaine Parkinson) caught
everybody’s eye. This mare seemed a bit insignificant in hand but gained everybody’s respect under
saddle when she moved with elastic gaits through
the ring and showed off her good rideability.
Three-year old and typy Winslett by Wolkenstein II/
Lauries Crusador xx with her beautiful lines was
the shows champion mare (breeder: Ted and Elaine
Parkinson). In addition to Bellalula and Winslett
the following mares also received the premium
candidate status: three-year old Sassy Gina B by
Stolzenberg/Graf Grannus (breeder: Mike Boyd) –
she also qualified for the jumper horse program and the typy Suzie by Scolari/Londonderry (breeder: Ferdi Haupt). A mare family was presented. for
the first time. Elaine and Ted Parkinson showed
Liesel by Lauries Crusador xx with a two-year old
and powerfully moving daughter by Fidertanz and
show champion Winslett. The family was awarded
the title elite family. n
The most impressive Hanoverian
of the show is highlighted at
the International Masters on
Spruce Meadows in Calgary
every year. This year the prize
was awarded to Galippo who
was brought to Canada by Lars
Nieberg. He finished the Six
Bars in second place against
tough international competition.
Lars Nieberg could not have
been a more appropriate
recipient of this prize as he not
only bred Galippo but also rode
Galippo’s sire Giorgio as well as
dam-sire For Pleasure to
international fame. Luck was
not particularly on Lars
Nieberg’s side at this show. He
participated in the victory gallop
as a member of the victorious
nation prize team with his mare
Leoni where he fell and broke
his collarbone. This prevented
him from participating in the
final Grand Prix.
Hanoverian Day on the Breeding Farm Lindhof
The breeding farm Lindhof opened its doors for a
Hanoverian day for the third time. This is a central
location to present mares for inspection and foals
in a foal show for Austrian breeders. The beautifully situated farm attracted many spectators who
followed the program with great interest. The President of the Hannoveraner Verband Manfred
Schaefer and the representative of the association
from Southern Germany Heinz Croonenbroek judged the event. In a small mare show two mares –
both by Londonderry – were awarded the title of
Hanoverian premium mare candidate. Laissez Fair
out of a mare by Gomez was bred and is owned by
the Lindhof breeding farm; Little Doris out of a
mare by Donnerhall was bred by Nadina Krage,
A colt by Desperados was Champion Foal.
Tiefenort and is owned by Petra Panhuber from
Haidershofen. Eleven foals participated in the foal
show that reflected high-grade quality. A colt by
Desperados/Angard (breeder/owner: Eva-Maria
Winkelhofer, Salzburg) was highlighted as the
champion foal of this event. n
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Wild Child
British Hanoverian breeders met at the Riding Centre
Keysoe near Bedford for the first time. Hermann
Jürgen Rump and Martin Klintworth represented the
German Hannoveraner Verband.
By Monika Meyer
he Riding Centre Keysoe facility offered excellent conditions for the two-day event that had
been organized very well. Four stallions were presented for licensing. Wild Child by Wavavoom by
Weltregent H/Longchamp was accepted. Wild
Child’s dam is two-time world champion of young
dressage horses, Woodlander Farouche by Fürst
Heinrich/Dimaggio. The owner and breeder is Lynne Crowden. Wild Child impressed with his good
type, his well-muscled body, an industrious walk
and a forward-upward canter.
Subtitle: A son of Floriscount/Der Lord – bred in
Great Britain – was highlighted as Supreme Champion on the Hanoverian Day of the British daughter
Six mares participated in the mare performance
test. Every horse was well prepared and presented.
Dizzy Rascal by Dimaggio/Olympic Cocktail (breeder: Sandy Senior; owner: Victoria Moss) stood out
as an exceptional mare with powerful movement
and a lot of dressage potential. She received a
score of 8,5 for her walk and an 8,25 for her rideability. A daughter of For Compliment/Longchamp
(breeder/owner: Lynne Crowden) won the class for
two-year old fillies because of her outstanding movement in the following mare show. Sassi Neri by
San Amour/Don Frederico (breeder/owner: Judith
Davis) a mare of modern type with good trot movement was the winner of the three-year olds.
Dark Chili by Don Frederico/Sandro Hit (breeder:
Hannes Bruening, Ochtmannien; owner: Bruce
Matthews) was also awarded a Ia.
Show champion Dizzy Rascal
The division of four- and five year olds had the largest number of participants; ten mares. The later
show champion Dizzy Rascal led the way in this
class. She also received the highest scores in the
mare performance test. Dolce Vita by Daddy Cool
(breeder/owner: Judith Davis) followed in second
place. This long-legged and modern mare exhibited a good walk. Seven Ia-prizes were awarded in
this division and five mares received the tile ‘elite
mare candidate’.
The foal show was a highlight on this event. Twenty foals were presented. They had qualified for this
event on regional foal shows befoehand. A longlegged daughter of Supertramp/Florencio (breeder:
Lynne Crowden) was the best filly of the show. The
unchallenged colt champion who became the overall best foal and supreme champion of the show
was a son of Floriscount/Der Lord (breeder: Fosshey Stud; owner: Sandra Tinker). This colt left nothing
to be desired for with his natural and first-rate movement in the trot. His walk got more and more
relaxed and better and better with each round
until it reached the highest score! A top foal of
extraordinary quality that you do not find very often! The judges were pleased with what they saw.
The Hanoverian breed in Great Britain developed
beautifully over the past years. The excellent successes of Hanoverians born in Great Britain underline this development in an impressive fashion. n
A son of Floriscount/Der Lord – bred in Great Britain
– was highlighted as Supreme Champion on the Hanoverian Day of the British daughter society.
The Hanoverian 11|2013
Highlights 2013/14
For Bijou Carrus was best Hanoverian mare.
Unique: EBEF Finnland
second place (breeder: Sanna Aalto). Stacco
by Stalypso/Contendro (breeder: Ida Hyotylainen) was the best Hanoverian colt.
The European Breeding Event in the Finish
horse centre Ypaja is unique: Several associations - here Hanover, Oldenburg and the Finish Warmblood Association – get together
and jointly organize a breeding and marketing event. The idea was born a few years ago
by the energetic Hanoverian Breed Association in Finland that still has the overall control.
Some classes are open to all participating
breed associations like the foal show or the
presentation of young colts; other classes are
only open to its respective breed organization, i.e. mare inspection and mare performance test. The open foal show has developed into an important marketing platform for
Finnish sport horse breeders. Sixty foals were
presented; 16 jumper foals and 44 dressage
foals. Hanoverian foals won both divisions. A
blood-influences filly by Quality Time/Derwisch won the division for foals with jumper
pedigrees. Sari Kolehmainen bred this hopeful
youngster. A very typy and powerfully moving
foal by Fidertanz/De Niro won the division for
foals with dressage pedigrees. Carrus Dressage is the most important shorthorse breeding farm in Finland and bred this youngster.
Family Niiranen operates this farm. “It shows
again and again that combining Fidertanz
with De Niro is a Golden Cross,” so the breeder Helena Niiranen. Cherrygarden’s Fit for
Fun by Foundation/Rosentanz is a filly with a
lot of movement, too and followed closely in
Three-year old Bijou Carrus is a right sister to
the champion foal and was highlighted as the
best Hanoverian mare in a mixed class of twoand three-year old fillies. Bijou Carrus impressed with her good type, correct conformation and her athletic and powerful moving
ability. She received a Ia-prize and is a Hanoverian premium mare candidate. So also
Quintessa who is a four-year old daughter of
Quaterback out of a mare by Ravallo (breeder:
Miia Ojala). The same breeder also successfully presented a two-year old daughter of Lissaro van der Helle/Beluga that received a Iaprize. The class for mare families was an open
class. Four groups were presented. Carrus
Dressage won in the end with Dina by De
Niro/Weltmeyer and her two daughters, the
show champion For Bijou and a two-year old
sister both by Fidertanz. Four mares bred for
dressage were presented. in the Hanoverian
mare performance test. They all performed
surprisingly well in the free-jumping chute. A
four-year old Finnish mare called Fe’e Clochette Carrus by San Amour/Davignon II (breeder:
Carrus Dressage) convinced in all three parts
of the test with strong performances and received the highest scores. Sanna Maki-Tuuri
who was the main organizer of this event said
at the end, “I heard a lot of satisfied and positive comments especially regarding the
good atmosphere and the high quality of the
foals.” n
Editorial: THE HANOVERIAN is published by Hannoveraner Verband e. V., Lindhooper Str. 92, D-27283 Verden,
Germany, e-mail: [email protected]. Editor: Britta Züngel, Translations: Yvonne Zuther, Paul Kershaw
Paganini was discovered in Verden.
November 29/30
5th Alsfelder Advent
Sport Horses
Dressage | Jumping | Leisure
January 24/25
Sport Horses
Dressage | Jumping | Leisure
February 5/March 5
Free-jumping Competition
Four- and three-year-olds
April 11/12
130th Elite-Auction
Sport Horses and Foals
Dressage | Jumping | Leisure
Hannoveraner Verband e. V.
Lindhooper Str. 92
D-27283 Verden
Phone +49 42 31/67 30
Fax +49 42 31/67 37 12
[email protected]

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