Untitled - Molitor


Untitled - Molitor
p o o l a rt l i f e 5
t h e s to ry o f a l i g h t n i n g s t r i k e 7
a r c h i t ec t u r e a n d d e s i g n 9
p o o l ! 11
t h e w i n t e r p o o l 13
t h e s u m m e r p o o l 15
a rt ! 17
t h e p r o g r a m m e 19
t h e p o o l a rt l i f e a s s o c i at i o n 21
l i f e ! 23
t h e r e s ta u r a n t 25
t h e b a r 27
t h e m e z z a n i n e a n d r o o f t e r r ac e 29
t h e s pa 31
t h e s p o rt h a l l s 33
t h e r ec e p t i o n r o o m s 35
t h e r o o m s a n d s u i t e s 37
t h e c lu b 39
a few figures
p l a n 40
p r e s s co n tac t 42
p o o l a rt l i f e
opened in
1929 , f o r 60 y e a r s m o l i to r wa s t h e m o s t p o p u l a r
s w i m m i n g b at h s i n pa r i s
w i t h i ts t wo p o o l s , i ts g a l a s a n d i ts
ava n t - g a r d e a m b i e n c e .
i t wa s c lo s e d i n
1989 a n d l i s t e d a s a h i s to r i c a l m o n u m e n t .
i t t h e n b ec a m e t h e h a u n t o f a rt i s ts w h o co n v e rt e d t h e d i l a p i dat e d
b u i l d i n g i n to a n i m m e n s e u r b a n a rt v e n u e ; i t b ec a m e t h e t e m p l e
o f t h e pa r i s u n d e r g r o u n d .
2014 , m o l i to r w i l l b e r e b o r n i n t h r e e wo r d s : p o o l , a rt , l i f e .
3 wo r d s t h at i t i n t e r p r e ts f o r e v e ryo n e t h r o u g h o u t i ts fac i l i t i e s
a n d e v e n m o r e pa rt i c u l a r ly f o r t h e m e m b e r s o f i ts p r i vat e c lu b .
w i t h i ts lu x u r i o u s m g a l l e ry co l l ec t i o n r o o m s a n d t h e s pa
by c l a r i n s , t h e w i n t e r a n d s u m m e r p o o l s a n d r e s ta u r a n t w h o s e
co n c e p t wa s d e v e lo p e d by ya n n i c k a l l e n o , w i t h t h e b a r a n d
t e r r ac e s , s p o rts h a l l s a n d r o o m s f o r p r i vat e h i r e , c r e at i v i t y a n d
w e l l - b e i n g a r e e v e ry w h e r e .
m o l i to r s e e k s to b e a m e e t i n g p l ac e f o r s h a r i n g a n d e x p r e s s i o n ,
w h e r e h i s to ry i s w r i t t e n i n day to day l i f e . s o t h at s o m e day ,
i n t h e f u t u r e , i ts v i s i to r s w i l l s ay
b e e n t h e r e ".
i n t h e m e a n t i m e , f o r pa r i s i a n s a n d t r av e l l e r s s e e k i n g o u t
t h e at y p i c a l , i t i s t h e i d e a l p l ac e to r e v i ta l i s e , to b e c a u g h t
by s u r p r i s e a n d ta k e a l i t t l e t i m e o u t .
© gilles rigoulet
t h e s to ry o f a l i g h t n i n g s t r i k e
bertrand delanoë, the mayor of paris from march 2001 to april 2014,
undertook a commitment: that the molitor pool should reopen. the
paris mayor's office launched its call for projects in 2007; three
groupings were contenders and it was colony capital's bid which was
selected a few months later. led by sebastien bazin, the team brings
together colony capital, accor, bouygues and four architects.
while they were indeed expecting to be involved with an exceptional
space, they were amazed by the spectacle of the stunning decor in which
art deco remnants mingled with the great names of urban art. they
experienced a bodily thrill, that of the special atmosphere that is found
only at molitor.
from then on, the project evolved so that the molitor story could
continue, so that it would once again become a welcoming place full of
the attraction was so strong that even before it reopened, molitor had
already changed the course of one person's life. vincent mezard, at that
time in charge of the project for colony capital, is today the director
general of molitor.
© alexandre soria
a r c h i t ec t u r e a n d d e s i g n
never short on paradoxes, molitor cultivated its status as a listed
historical monument, while at the same time requiring full
reconstruction. how could pastiche therefore be avoided? how could
authenticity be preserved?
it was by combining the know-how of four architects that molitor
responded to this challenge with a simple approach: where the elements
of art deco were located, the place was rebuilt as lucien pollet had
imagined it in 1929.
this is particularly the case in the winter pool, the booths, or the
restaurant. it is also very visibly the case on the exterior facade with
its yellow tango colour!
where the original elements could not be found, and of course in the
new spaces, the architecture is completely contemporary.
in charge of historical matters, the perrot and richard firm conducted
an authentic investigation to find the colours, measurements, signage
and original materials in the damaged concrete and under the layers of
paint that had accumulated over time.
jacques rougerie, an enthusiast of the marine environment and an
inventor of transaquatic environments, was asked for his opinion on
the renovation of the pools and for the unique design of a venue of
urban vitality but which is bathed in water.
the derbesse firm coordinated all the work and designed the raising of
the building to house the guest rooms. transparent, straight as a die, it
complements the building while respecting its original appearance.
© alexandre soria
finally, jean-philippe nuel was the molitor interior designer. he
imagined a journey in which eras interact with one another, from the
birth of swimming baths in the 1930s to the present.
m o l i to r i s r e p l e t e w i t h s u g g e s t i o n s b u t i t n e v e r f o r g e ts
w h at i t r e a l ly i s , w h at d i s t i n g u i s h e s a n d m a k e s i t p r o u d : i ts
t wo p o o l s a n d t h e f e e l i n g o f s pac e , h o l i days , l i f e a n d b r e at h
t h at t h e y b r i n g .
their size,
46 m f o r t h e s u m m e r p o o l a n d 33 m f o r t h e w i n t e r
p o o l , m a k e t h e m a r a r i t y i n pa r i s . t h e s e m o n u m e n ta l e m b l e m s
a r e t h e f o u n dat i o n o f i ts a r c h i t ec t u r e , m ov e m e n t a n d i ts
e xc i t e m e n t .
at m o l i to r , e v e ryo n e i s a p ot e n t i a l s w i m m e r , a wo u l d - b e
s u n b at h e r . t h i s o p p o rt u n i t y to r e l a x i s w h at c r e at e s t h e
at m o s p h e r e o f t h e p l ac e ; i t i s w h at m a k e s i t u n i q u e .
at m o l i to r , yo u a r e i n pa r i s a n d y e t yo u a r e s o fa r away .
© gilles rigoulet
the winter pool
the winter pool, sheltered by its huge glass roof, surrounded by its
mythical blue booths on three levels and enhanced by its beautiful
mosaics, is an invitation to sport.
© alexandre soria
the summer pool
the summer pool, surrounded by its beaches, is an ode to slipping into
oblivion. however, no excuses! heated year round at 28°c, you can swim
an incisive crawl or an elegant breaststroke during any season.
The pools are open monday to friday from 07.00 to 22.00 and from 08.00
to 20.00 at weekends. Access is restricted to room guests and club members.
molitor also welcomes school children 3 mornings a week.
© alexandre soria
a rt !
m o l i to r i s n ot j u s t f o r s w i m m i n g a n d s u n b at h i n g .
t h e p o o l s h av e a lways i n s p i r e d . t h i s i s p r o b a b ly d u e
to t h e s pac e t h at t h e y o p e n u p , to t h e r e l a x at i o n t h at
t h e y i m p o s e , t h e e n co u n t e r s t h at t h e y p r o m ot e .
m o l i to r h a s h o s t e d g a l a s , pa r a d e s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e s
s i n c e i ts o r i g i n s . i t h a s at t r ac t e d a rt i s ts , w r i t e r s , u n i f y i n g
s p i r i ts a n d ot h e r p i o n e e r s .
n ot h i n g h a s e v e r b e e n p l a n n e d i n a dva n c e , a n d t h i s i s p r o b a b ly
t h e s p ec i f i c s t r e n g t h o f i ts e v e n ts , s o u v e n i r s a n d e v e n
t h e a s s o c i at e d m y t h s .
© thomas jorion
the programme
around the rediscovered pools, the desire is to unearth history so that
molitor can become a rallying point for artists.
in first place among them are the representatives of urban art; molitor
will be the platform which they need to meet and exchange. during the
work, the doors will be left open for the artists. with the approval of
magda danysz, the gallery owner, the great names of 50 years of urban
art have continued to use molitor's walls throughout the works
project. the signs of their passing enable the viewer to appreciate, in
the blink of an eye, all the currents and techniques that mark this
more broadly, molitor’s ambition is to be a place that welcomes the
artistic and creative community that is open to parisians. its schedule
will be devised based on meetings and desires, provided that contributes
to the happiness of the guests. cinema, music, the arts, fashion, design,
contemporary art, think tanks: molitor will be the place where
everything is happening. a place to keep up to date with, therefore.
molitor's events schedule is posted at mltr.fr
and can be followed at #mltrparis and #poolartlife.
© christophe piova
t h e p o o l a rt l i f e a s s o c i at i o n
memories of past encounters belong only to those who have experienced
them and they contribute to the collective imagination. for all those
who would have dreamed of being part of it, there remains only the
evidence, copious but dispersed.
to gather recollections of the past and witness the great pages of
molitor's history so that the moments which deserve it can be written
over time, that is the mission of the poolartlife non-profit association.
it preserves molitor's heritage and assigns a grant which was first used
for the production of 42 lithographs in 10 copies, exhibited in the guest
rooms and available for sale. these are the first works of a collection
which will include, in the long term, a lithograph for each of the 124
© thomas jorion
f o r a n h o u r , a n i g h t o r a l i f e t i m e , m o l i to r i s t h e p l ac e
f o r t h o s e s e a r c h i n g f o r a v e n u e w h e r e t h e y c a n c u lt i vat e
a n a rt o f i d e a l l i v i n g i n pa r i s . f r o m t h e s pa to t h e p o o l s ,
f r o m t h e gy m to t h e b a r a n d f r o m t h e r e s ta u r a n t
to t h e r o o f t e r r ac e , o n e o n ly n e e d s to p u s h a d o o r o p e n
o r c l i m b t h e s ta i r s to b e p lu n g e d i n to a n at m o s p h e r e
co n d u c i v e to d i s cov e r i e s a n d m e e t i n g s .
© jean-baptiste talbourdet
t h e r e s ta u r a n t
born of the imagination of multi-star chef yannick alleno, molitor's
dining spaces are lifestyles in themselves and make the restaurant a
urban gastronomy venue.
the restaurant overlooks the summer pool and has established an
intergenerational vision of food. a virtuous encounter between a "new
generation" chef and the meilleurs ouvriers de france (winners of the
best workers in france award) who are invited for each season.
together, they interpret a culinary duo, and they each compose, in their
own way, their chosen menus in which their technical expertise and their
visions of gastronomy are brought together around french cuisine.
a "house of chefs" has therefore been created, with cross-fertilization
of talents who can express themselves and inspire one another.
The restaurant, open to all, offers 80 places in the dining room
and 30 places outside.
The service is open every day from 06.30 to 10.00, from 12.00 to 15.00
and from 19.00 to 23.00, with brunch on sundays. Dishes from 25 euros.
Bookings can be made on 01 56 07 08 50. Club members have access
to the quota of permanently reserved tables.
© alexandre soria
the bar
a place for exchanges, meetings and parties, the chic and passionate bar
is the life and soul of molitor. its central position between the two
pools makes it a rallying point, an observatory, a place where everything
can be seen, shown... or a place to take cover.
it offers signature cocktails, a choice of detox drinks and a short menu
designed by the house of chefs with improvised but high quality meals
that are perfect for sports enthusiasts, observers or groups of
The bar is open to everyone and does not take reservations.
Open daily, 06.30 to midnight.
© alexandre soria
t h e m e z z a n i n e a n d r o o f t e r r ac e
a place for a stroll or a wander. molitor opens its spaces and invites
its guests to settle themselves wherever they feel most comfortable.
in summer, the area around the summer pool is irresistible for cocktails,
music and dipping your feet in the water. the roof terrace was designed
by thierry dalcant, landscape designer for perceptions, who envisaged
it as a hanging garden of aromatic herbs and flowers, a sensory or liferenewing oasis with a breathtaking view of the eiffel tower.
the house of chefs extends to these spaces and the meals provided are
light, basic but always elegant. the mezzanine offers a menu of balanced
and healthy dishes, for dining at the water's edge.
on the roof terrace, grills, salads, and cocktails are the order of the
day. raw or minute-cooked foods, aperitifs for sharing: a summery and
casual scent to prolong the idling.
The roof terrace is open to all and can only be booked by club members.
For others, it’s first come, first served. Dishes from 25 euros.
© alexandre soria
t h e s pa
pamper yourself, enjoy letting go, cultivate well-being: these are
essential luxuries. molitor spa by clarins is a perfect match for the
venue that hosts it: majestic, for the care of its hosts - whether they
are sports enthusiasts or mere pleasure seekers - with a simple promise,
living better.
in its 1700m2 dedicated to water and its wide range of benefits, clarins
presents its collection of bespoke care with three "signature" rituals
devised for molitor. developing the art of massage in 100% manual
treatments, the care offers a lavish sensation of lightness, harmony,
euphoria and release. the deep-acting treatments are based on
recognized expertise in cosmetics using the same plants as are found in
clarinspro products.
an area bathed in water and pleasure, the spa has 13 booths including
two 50 m2 private suites; steam rooms, saunas, experience showers, rest
room, library, herbal tea room, hair salon and barber complete the spacare invitations.
the spa also offers partner brands: shu uemura for hair beauty,
révérence de bastien for feet care and beauty and kure bazaar, a hand
beauty specialist brand, for nail polishing.
are you sure that you are still in paris?
© clarins
The spa is open to all, every day, from 10.00 to 20.00 Appointments can be
made on 01 56 07 08 80 and at mltr.fr, where the available care packages can
be viewed. Members have permanent and unlimited access to the steam room,
the sauna, the experience showers, the herbal tea room and the rest room.
Care treatments from 130 euros.
t h e s p o rt h a l l s
molitor's reputation is not based on sporting achievements. nonetheless,
the pools are all under the benevolent patronage of johnny weissmuller
and aileen riggin soule, who together, as young olympic champions,
inaugurated them in 1929.
today, molitor is reviving this legacy by offering a vast range of sports
three perfectly equipped rooms - measuring 171m2, 45m 2 and 40m 2 enable users to practise gentle or intensive cardio training and weight
training; we bet that the unobstructed view of the summer pool will
bring a second wind to all users.
a team of a dozen professionals offers a private programme of sessions
tailored to your needs and collective sessions in the rooms and pools
and even on the roof terrace. zumba, pilates, aqua aerobics? and why not
take up the challenge of an aerial butterfly stroke or a walk against
the current?
molitor is also a venue which is located in an exceptional environment.
jean bouin, roland garros and the parc des princes, the auteuil
hippodrome and the bois de boulogne are among the highly recommended
neighbouring venues for events or to practice other disciplines.
molitor is the ideal place for exceeding your goals or simply staying fit.
© alexandre soria
The gyms are open to club members from monday to friday, 07.00 to 22.00 and
saturday and sunday, 08.00 to 20.00. They are equipped by technogym.
Hotel guests have access to a dedicated cardio room and pools.
t h e r ec e p t i o n r o o m s
work, create, celebrate: for businesses wishing to roll up their sleeves
in the heart of paris and refresh their meetings and seminars, molitor
offers 400m2 of fully equipped modular meeting rooms and a dedicated
person at their service for the whole duration of their event. they can
accommodate for up to 430 people.
for more intimacy, two dining rooms with a view of the summer pool and
two green lounges on the roof terrace can accommodate 2 to 15 people.
and for unforgettable celebrations, the roof terrace and the winter
pool offer their exceptional facilities which will make your event a
fantastic success.
The reception rooms can be booked by all types of businesses,
for all types of events. From 130m2 to 154m2, they can be adapted
to any type of configuration (banquet, u shape, etc.).
Bookings can be made on 01 56 07 08 50.
© alexandre soria
the rooms and suites
molitor's rooms and suites are managed by mgallery, the accor signed
collection of top of the range hotels.
this demanding brand selects places for their ability to offer a unique
and authentic experience, full of excitement and discovery.
because molitor's architectural and design approaches are very
powerful, mgallery has chosen to be listed among its signature
whether you are a long-standing molitor club member or a traveller
to paris in search of the unusual, the 104 guest rooms and 20 suites are
the best way to feel at home and to experience moments outside time and
the city, in a place of vibrant creativity.
these are cocoons of simple and sleek décor, that combine the essentials
with the pleasures of a comfortable 5 star hotel. they offer all
services expected by both business and leisure customers and the room
service is designed by the house of chefs.
each room also displays one of the 42 lithographs edited for molitor.
in the event that you are struck by lightning, don't try to resist: here,
the art is to take away and the funds go straight to an artist in a
virtuous circle.
finally, the rooms are welcome bubbles of relaxation, where customers
have year round access to the heated summer pool and to the winter
pool, to a dedicated fitness room and, of course, to the spa, restaurant
and bar.
© alexandre soria
The rooms:
1 "grand suite" with a 61 m2 terrace,
6 "pool suites",
2 junior suites with terraces,
11 junior suites, over 30 m2, without terraces ,
37 luxury rooms measuring over 25m2,
67 classic rooms between 21 and 25 m2.
Reservations on 01 56 07 08 50 or at mltr.fr, mgallery.com
or accorhotels.com.
Average price for a classic room: 300€.
t h e c lu b
what if love for molitor was unending? what about getting into the
molitor club?
exclusive and private, the club brings together those who know that
life in paris is perfect.
for everyday enjoyment of its 46m heated summer pool and its southfacing beach. or to swim under the art deco style corridors of the 33m
winter pool and exercise in the private fitness room, with the latest
equipment and exclusive courses. to feel privileged everywhere: in the
bar, restaurant, on the roof terrace and even in the rooms. to be at the
front of the queue for events on molitor’s own art programme.
to have the right to say mltr.
being a member of the club provides the assurance of a comprehensive
bespoke package that combines sport, care, beauty, pleasure and
discovery. an approach that is constantly renewed, because throughout
the seasons and events, club members are offered activities with
partner venues or prestigious guests.
to join the club is to arrive in the morning, follow a bespoke training
programme and finally forget about time and just be guided by ones
desires and maybe even spend the evening just relaxing on the roof
it means recovering familiarity with one’s own body and awakening
…the best way to take time out from paris on a whim.
© alexandre soria
Numerus clausus of 1 000 members.
Club members share common values of demand
and openness of spirit and the management reserves
the right to accept or refuse an application.
Sponsorship is required.
Membership fees: 1 200€. Annual membership: 3 300€.
Dual membership: 3 000€. 1st child: 1 000€, 2nd: 750€, 3rd: 550€.
Corporate membership: 10 500 € (1 holder + 2 guests variable).
01 56 07 08 80.
13 000 m 2 f o r a v e n u e w i t h a u n i q u e at m o s p h e r e i n pa r i s .
124 r o o m s i n c lu d i n g 20 s u i t e s
summer pool:
open air,
46 m lo n g , 28° c t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r
r e s ta u r a n t
110 p l ac e s , i n c lu d i n g 30 o n t h e t e r r ac e ,
32 p l ac e s at t h e b a r , 80 o n t h e r o o f t e r r ac e
i n d o o r b a r , m e z z a n i n e b a r , r o o f t e r r ac e b a r
r o o f t e r r ac e o f
550 m 2 : b a r , g r i l l , b a r b ec u e
winter pool
cov e r e d ,
33 m lo n g , 28 ° c t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r
gy m s
1 gy m , 171 m 2 , 1 g r o u p co u r s e r o o m , 45 m 2
s pa by c l a r i n s
1 p r i vat e coac h i n g r o o m , 40 m 2
11 b o ot h s a n d 2 p r i vat e s u i t e s , tota l a r e a o f 1 700 m 2
c l a r i n s p i o n e e r i n g m a n ua l t ec h n i q u e s
steam room, sauna, experience showers
5 co m b i n a b l e s e m i n a r r o o m s
i.e. more than
400 m 2 o f s pac e s f o r p r i vat e h i r e
© gilles rigoulet
p r e s s co n tac t
image 7 - 01 53 70 74 70
roxane planas / [email protected]
marie artzner / [email protected]
charlotte mouraret / [email protected]
there are hotels that have an unusual spirit, a secret beauty,
a peerless charm. they form a worldwide archipelago of
addresses that are unlike any others and do not resemble
one another. they have presence, inspiration, a soul that
they owe to the history of the location or to those artists,
personalities and celebrities who have been their guests.
these hotels are the repositories of a cultural, artistic and
gastronomic heritage, which they interpret with elegance
and modernity... from bangkok to biarritz via naples, oran,
melbourne, buenos aires, carcassonne... these places, unique
in the world, uncover stories that amaze the heart and mind
of those whom they welcome.
There was once a collection of top range hotels throughout the
world... Unique establishments that every day combined uniqueness,
elegance, and consideration: the fundamental values that MGallery
shares with its guests.
Uniqueness: every hotel in the collection invites the traveller to
enter a different world
Elegance: although they are all different, the charm of the MGallery
hotels above all reflects the Collection’s shared spirit
Consideration: committed hoteliers, enthusiasts who contribute to
making every traveller’s stay a memorable one
The Collection’s Hotels present a talented staging of a unique
personality and history that the traveller is led to experience through
their architecture, décor and services. The traveller is invited to
discover the richness of the place through exceptional experiences
connected to the unique history of each hotel. The arrangement of
the spaces, the interior design, the scents and aromas, the services
provided; every element reflects the identity of the establishment.
This “sense of place”, the imprint of the MGallery hotels, permeates
every aspect of the customer’s journey.
MGallery is aimed at customers who place the hotel at the heart
of their stay and who want to be hosted in a place offering riches
that add spiritual pleasure to their experience. This story, that the
traveller is moved to experience throughout the trip, can take three
forms. Some «Heritage» hotels highlight their historical origins
and are bursting with history; others reflect an aesthetic world, a
style, the «Signature» of a personality that has contributed to their
creation or decoration; finally, others promise a haven of relaxation,
«Serenity», whether at sea, in the countryside, in the mountains or
in the city. All the Collection’s Hotels invite travellers to experience
«Memorable Moments».
The MGallery Collection of top of the range hotels of the Accor
group (the world’s leading hotel operator group which is active
in 92 countries with 3,600 hotels) has over 70 hotels in the five
continents. The aim of the brand is to build a network of over 100
establishments by 2015.
co n tac ts
régine le brun
director media relations - luxury and upscale brands
tel: +33 (0)1 45 38 18 86 / + 33 (0)6 14 67 03 16
accor - immeuble odyssey
110 avenue de france - 75210 paris cedex 13
marine todesco
communication manager - luxury and upscale brands
tel: +33 (0)1 45 38 18 79 / + 33 (0)6 30 42 69 90
accor - immeuble odyssey
110 avenue de france - 75210 paris cedex 13
t h e t i m e to c a r e f o r yo u r fac e
a n d b o dy i s n o lo n g e r a lu x u ry
b u t a n ec e s s i t y o f co n t e m p o r a ry l i f e .
to day , m e n ta l w e l l n e s s s ta rts
w i t h ta k i n g c a r e o f yo u r s e l f p r o p e r ly .
at c l a r i n s , o u r m i s s i o n h a s a lways
b e e n to e n s u r e yo u r w e l l - b e i n g
a n d h i g h l i g h t yo u r b e a u t y .»
dr olivier courtin-clarins
molitor. the sporting spirit of this mythical place finds a
true echo in clarins: a pioneering and holistic vision of beauty
that combines aesthetics, well-being and health.
1946 - while the first bikini was being presented at the molitor
pool, jacques courtin-clarins was unaware of how it would
change his life. indeed, it was by listening to women who were
more and more demanding about their figures, in particular
summer in a bikini on the beach, that his mission was born: to
tell women how beautiful they are! and to help them to take
care of their beauty.
he therefore perfected a revolutionary care method and
created his famous oils from plant extracts for the face
and body. the parisian institute leads the way in beauty with
its creative audacity: cosmetic innovations, avant-garde and
iconic products, reworked formulas... clarins beauty by plants
offers women and men ultra-performance textures with
delightful sensations.
in line with this perpetual renewal, molitor spa by clarins is
a place of life in constant ferment. an invitation to take care
of your body and recover balance, right here in paris, and yet
so far away...
molitor awakens your desires, clarins reveals your beauty.
The science
pioneering beauty by plants.
Within its own Laboratories, Clarins Research mobilizes all the
resources of science to unlock the beauty secrets of plants, analysing
their cosmetic properties and studying their interactions on the skin,
to devise cutting-edge, highly efficient formulas which respect the
skin’s natural balance. Intended exclusively for use in the booth,
ClarinsPro products allow full customization of care treatments with
immediately visible results.
60 years’ listening and know-how.
Based on an «empirical» study in today’s leading Parisian Institute
for effectiveness testing, the exclusive Clarins method has proven
its worth. 100% Manual, it optimizes the performance of the Clarins
formulas. Clarins beauticians possess the power of the sovereign
touch: invigorating, relaxing, strengthening, shaping... They listen to
you and create your custom package to prolong the benefits that
you receive.
The Senses
awakening, harmony and balance.
Delicate aromas from aromatherapy, oily textures, 100% manual
treatments. Clarins Care is orchestrated as a sensory ritual which
harmonizes body and spirit.
s pa by c l a r i n s
- surface area: 1700 m², 13 booths, including 2 large double suites
- clarins face & body care for women and men
- exclusive: parentheses signature clarins for molitor and signature
care for men
- hair salon and hair care booth (shu uemura art of hair)
- kure bazaar hand beauty
- révérence de bastien foot beauty
c lu b
s pa
- 2 cardio-training & weight training rooms equipped with technogym,
artis range high-tech devices; one room private
- private coaching room and group course room
- private coaching and group course schedule
- 2 pools, open year round: 46 m outdoor summer pool / 33 m covered
winter pool, both heated to 28 °c
- rest and reading room with complimentary herbal teas
- priority access to the hotel restaurant and the roof terrace
- saunas, steam room
inspired by the refined aesthetic of his country of origin,
japan, and deeply influenced by his work with the major
stars of hollywood’s golden age, shu uemura is famous and
respected worldwide by beauty experts for his perpetual
quest for harmonious and comprehensive beauty. created for
high class hairdressing salons throughout the world, the shu
uemura art of hair brand reflects an infinite passion for hair
beauty through exclusive and refined lines of care products.
these care treatments draw their exceptional efficiency
from rare and valuable ingredients, enhanced by scientific
révérence de bastien is a line of products dedicated to foot,
hand and nail care and beauty, created by a french former
he wanted it to be sensual and generous and his professional
collaboration with french cosmetology specialists has given
birth to:
Effective formulas based on natural ingredients and essential oils
Ideal textures for optimizing the pleasure of touch
Olfactory identities developed to create delicate and refined
sensory universes
Ultimately, a reverence for your feet to recover harmony with
your own body...
nomade manicure... around the molitor pools:
kure bazaar is the first of a new generation of nail polishes
that marries the ethos of an ecological formula with the
vibrant colours of parisian fashion.
following several years’ research, a technological innovation
has enabled us make significant reductions in chemical
substances, without compromising quality: resistance, shine
and brilliance of colours are all exceptional.
A new philosophy
The exclusive Kure Bazaar formula - up to 85% natural origin
(based on wood pulp, cotton, maize, potato and wheat) - therefore
preserves the vitality of the fingernails by respecting their natural
cycle of renewal.
Unique colour effects
Kure Bazaar colours are derived from natural elements and are
directly inspired by scenes of Parisian and International fashion.
The reds vibrate with chic glamour tones, the natural colours mark a
contrasting and soft timelessness...
Exceptional protocols
Kure Bazaar’s nail beauty rituals immediately exalt the hands and
feet with elegance: perfect care, precise forms and magnificent
colours... for a very Parisian style.
yannick alléno, a multi-starred chef, insists on french cuisine,
with its strong heritage and its creative ambitions. he is
therefore developing a visionary approach to the culinary
arts where know-how and excellence team up with boldness to
push him further into the realm of imaginative experimentation
with new flavours and ways of exhilarating palates. chef at
the cheval blanc, courchevel, he transcends frontiers in his
endless search for the quintessence. he inspires and leads
the kitchens of the royal mansour, marrakech, disseminates a
french art of living in dubai, beijing and taipei and publishes a
bimonthly kitchen review for professionals: yam.
he has made his audacity and creativity available to molitor to
convert this mythical place into an urban gastronomy venue
which reflects its surprising and unexpected underground
spaces. he has developed the concept of a «house of chefs»
where talents are showcased with the seasons from the
restaurant to the roof terrace, from the bar to the mezzanine
and even in the room service.
yannick alléno’s signature marks molitor’s culinary identity.
a very «arty» renaissance in all its splendour…
the molitor landscaping project is managed by the avenir
environnement group under the direction of thierry dalcant,
designer for perceptions.
Avenir Environnement
In 2000, when François Chotte created La Générale d’Aménagements,
he already had 15 years’ experience in landscaping and a real passion
for plants and vegetation. Building on team spirit and a strong
work ethic, the company evolved very fruitfully and established an
increasingly broad skill set.
In 2008, François Chotte created the Avenir Environnement group to
bring all the subsidiaries together under the same entity and develop
a technical design office. The multidisciplinary team is therefore fully
equipped to undertake complex high-end projects in their entirety.
3 units:
• Technical design office: Avenir Environnement
• Creation and maintenance of green spaces, outdoor carpentry,
landscaped spaces for company headquarters, tree management,
Ile-de-France office: La Générale d’aménagements
• Creation and maintenance of green spaces, outdoor carpentry
Normandy office: L‘Esprit de jardin
Currently the companies employ 40 people. Overall turnover is 6
million Euros.
Perceptions deploys its plant know-how and environmental expertise
in daring landscaping projects. Linking landscaping and plastic
research, Perceptions seeks primarily to be a laboratory of ideas. Its
design office houses multidisciplinary teams around permanent and
transient, indoor and outdoor landscaping projects. Every creation is
an exclusive. Bijou garden, outdoor object design, floral decoration,
event scenography... Our approach is always the same: to reveal the
full potential of a site through creative and contemporary layouts
which prioritize poetry, luxuriance and plant diversity.
Thierry Dalcant
Following a successful spell as a stylist and style director in fashion
houses such as Yves Saint Laurent and Nina Ricci, Thierry Dalcant
was awarded the Prix Daum for landscape creation in 2012 and
became a signature name in the world of urban planning projects.
Today he manages the artistic direction of Perceptions.
In collaboration with the architect, he dreamt up the patios and the
courtyard of the new Chloé boutique on Rue Saint-Honoré as well as
the terrace of the new restaurant of the Palais de Tokyo, «Monsieur
bleu»; he has also signed other projects such as the gardens of the
«Belle Juliette» hotel and has designed many private gardens.
The molitor project
Thierry Dalcant imagined the landscaping of molitor’s roof terrace
in close collaboration with the wishes expressed by Vincent Mezard,
the venue’s director.
This resulted in two well-defined projects:
the cooking space, the bar and the aromatics wall
This is a friendly space that also creates ambiances, with a fullfledged identity of its own expressed by an exact geometry. Its
concentric form houses a veritable island of professional cooking
and a bar.
An aromatics wall complements this bar, treated as a garden would
be treated, prioritizing real diversity of species and edible blossoms.
This custom-designed structure in wood and steel is presented as
a stylish object that is emblematic of the venue itself. The range of
vegetation was selected in collaboration with chef Alleno’s team, so
as to guarantee full interaction between plant and plate.
the private lounges
This project is based on plant topography, a modelled garden that
creates a play of levels involving two lounges, each accommodating
six to eight diners.
It is a fully-fledged garden, inspired by Mediterranean shrubs, partly
planted with aromatics, a garden to awaken the senses and transport
you to a soothing and relaxing world.
All the strata are represented here - ground covering plants,
perennials and dry terrain shrubs based on an informal design.
A few oak tubs full of sand host beautiful parrotia persica, providing
a few shady areas here and there.
the «signes du temps» exhibition
the artists: blek le rat, futura, katre, l’atlas, nunca,
skki, tanc, jacques villegle, vhils, yz.
exhibition curator: magda danysz
Hidden from public view throughout the time of its closure, for
nearly twenty years molitor concealed an artistic frenzy. Throughout
the years that the building lay dormant, artists from around the
world took possession of its swimming pools, walls, corridors, the
very depths of this drunken vessel, this place of myth, turning it into
a vast field of expression, like a rite of passage for artists who until
yesterday were journeymen and of whom some have become the
stars of today.
In its renovation project, molitor opted to retain this artistic DNA
by devoting a hall to artistic expression on the history of street art
under the exhibition curatorship of Magda Danysz and to restore the
colours of its walls to the flaming splendour of their past.
During this first stage, the exhibition consists exclusively of in situ
productions covering the walls of the exhibition hall. «SIGNES DU
TEMPS» (SIGNS OF THE TIMES) brings together ten recognized artists
who represent the wealth of street art techniques by offering a
journey back through the forty year history of this movement.
The adventure starts with a work by Jacques VILLEGLE (born in
1926), representing the pioneers of this artistic movement, and
continues with a work by BLEK LE RAT (born in 1951), embodying
the stencillists’ movement. The American forerunners are, in
turn, represented by the New York graffiti legend FUTURA (born in
1955) who produced a wonderful mural, 20 metres long, for the
occasion. The origins of French graffiti are symbolized by one of the
founding artists of the movement in France who is among the most
conceptual of his generation, SKKI (born in 1967). Visitors can then
admire a mural by the Brazilian NUNCA (born in 1983), which seeks
to represent the duality of the culture from which it emerges, the
imprint of its Indian origins and of a country engaged in a headlong
rush towards modernity. Continuing the work of NUNCA, a new work
appears representing the art of calligraphy, fully mastered by ATLAS
(born in 1978), a young French artist whose talent and fame has now
moved far and wide beyond the borders of his country, exemplified
in the award of the contemporary calligraphy prize in the UAE. The
tour continues with the discovery of a work by YZ (born 1975), full of
tenderness and poetry, before it reaches its conclusion with a new
masterpiece by the young Portuguese prodigy VHILS (born in 1987)
created with a... jack hammer.
The molitor production grant
Beyond the tribute to its past, molitor is confirming its long-term
commitment to art through the establishment of a production grant
with the aim of providing selected street artists with a range of
services, from consulting to financing of the production of the works
or their dissemination.
The first round of production grants therefore provided support for
42 artists’ projects, published in the form of traditional lithographs
under the guidance and advice of Magda Danysz. The artists, in
residence for the occasion, were able to call on the skills of the
Paris workshops of IDEM, one of the last companies specializing
in traditional lithography techniques, for the production of works
of outstanding quality, currently being exhibited throughout the
molitor site and providing visitors with an opportunity to indulge in
a genuine contemporary treasure hunt.
wo r k h a s m e a n i n g o n ly i f i t i s a fa i t h f u l
w i t n e s s o f i ts e r a »
to go through the door of a place designed by jean-philippe nuel is
to experience a space in perfect harmony with its environment. it is
to feel that every detail of the decoration, lighting or colour has
been selected using a «concentric circles» approach, in relation
to the city, region and country in which it is sited... not only that...
it is also to understand that the all elements - both visible and
invisible - of the décor and the interior design are the notes of
a sophisticated composition, that of the atmosphere of the place.
the tension between inspiration drawn from the environment
and the creation of what will be the character of the place is a
feature both of the hotels signed by jean-philippe nuel and in his
private works projects.
Jean-Philippe Nuel based this creative approach first on his personal
From a family of architects, he trained at Paris Beaux-Arts before
entering numerous competitions that enabled him to position
himself as a leader in the hotel industry...
There he found fertile ground for the development of his creativity.
With each new project, he refines his expression to give birth to a new
generation of hotels and luxury resorts, where the customer is never
struck by ostentatious decoration or impersonal design features.
According to Jean-Philippe Nuel, creativity in the hotel industry must
offer a unique experience to the customer, a sensitive, cultural or
artistic experience: it must be anchored in the reality of each project,
it becomes a performer of magic and a creator of dreams within
reach of every customer. As a director, Jean-Philippe Nuel gives life
to the places that he imagines, building real characters that will
take part in the life of the cities or regions to which they belong.
«I try to shape an identity that is built around two key pieces of
data: the environment in the broad sense, the country, the city, the
neighbourhood and the architecture.»
His reasoning proves correct because today Jean-Philippe Nuel
supports hotel projects around the world for the biggest brands in
the industry, who trust him. Whether he is engaged in conversions
of monuments replete with history, such as the Palace of Justice in
Nantes, the Hotel Dieu in Marseille or the molitor swimming pool
in Paris, or even creations exporting the French lifestyle abroad
such as the Baccarat hotel project in Dubai, Jean-Philippe Nuel’s
creative repertoire is easily transposed to the international level...
And by addressing each new adventure with disconcerting freshness
and open-mindedness. From one project to the next the architect’s
signature can be read as a challenge to any predefined recipe – Nuel
never yields to formal gimmicks that reveal his work, to the detriment
of the identity of the place in which he is operating.
«I love designing luxury hotels, they are places of life, dreams, complex
projects with restaurants, bars and increasingly sophisticated
spaces. They are indicative of our lifestyles, our expectations. I like
the way they look like us, they are engaged with their time but they
also transcend our everyday lives.»
Enthusiasm and creative desires that are also found in residential
projects, conceived as intimate dialogues with the owners or objects
designed for houses such as Ligne Roset - Cinna that give life, a in
certain way, to a clever alchemy between the personality of their
creator and his interlocutor.
Because while Jean-Philippe Nuel has built his reputation through
luxury hotels, he nevertheless continues his work with private clients.
There, he sometimes produces both architecture and interior
design, and signs inspired, evident contemporary creations. From a
panorama of the sea at Sete, a neighbour of the Soulages studio, he
will create a villa in black and white, traced with a knife… between
stone, wood and sky.
Here, in a creation stripped of all artifice, in a simple but exact gesture,
the architect’s hand can be discerned... It is here, in this highly
personal sensitivity brought to humans in their environment that,
between the lines, the signature of Jean-Philippe Nuel is revealed.
p r e s s co n tac t
s2h communication - tel: +33 (0)1 70 22 58 55
sarah hamon - [email protected]
marie-caroline vennin - [email protected]