Bienvenue! Bienvenido! - Hinchingbrooke School
Bienvenue! Bienvenido! - Hinchingbrooke School
Welcome to Hinchbrooke A level Modern Foreign Languages! Willkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenido! We hope you found the Department of Education advice about A Level Modern Foreign Languages useful and reassuring. The following pages provide you with a range of tasks which will help you to prepare for A Level German. The key to success in languages is, as always, regular revision and practice. In order to keep up the language skills you have already acquired you should spend a few hours each week on these tasks over the summer. Your German teachers will expect you to bring the completed tasks to your first A level German lesson. CONTENTS Section A - Explore, investigate, read, listen and watch 1. Listening practice on some of the A Level topics 2. Reading practice on some of the A level topics 3. Internet based research Section B – Write 4. Revision of past tense 5. Diary task Section C – Express yourself 6. Speaking presentation Section A - Explore, investigate, listen and watch Task 1 - Listening practice on some of the A Level topics Work from BBC Bitesize Higher Listening tasks Complete all revise + test exercises on the following A Level topic areas • Mobile phones • Technology • Healthy and Unhealthy Lifestyles As you complete these exercises make a list for each topic of any vocabulary you don’t know. Task 2 - Reading practice on some of the A Level topics Work from BBC Bitesize Higher Listening tasks Complete all revise + test exercises on the following A Level topic areas • Health Resort Activities • Social Issues • Problems facing the Planet As you complete these exercises make a list for each topic of any vocabulary you don’t know. Task 3 – Internet based Research Work from the German news site which has slowed down versions of current news items from across the World Choose a minimum of 3 items which interest you, make notes in German on the key points and compile a vocab list on the topic. Please make sure that you include details of the date of the article or the web address so that we can find the article when we need to. Section B – Write Task 4 – Grammar revision of past tense Mein Tagebuch Samstag, den 8. Juni Heute bin ich ziemlich spät aufgestanden, da ich meinen Bruder zum Bahnhof bringen mußte. Danach bin ich einkaufen gegangen. Unterwegs nach Hause habe ich meine Freundin, Karola besucht. Ich hatte Glűck – sie hatte gerade Kuchen gebacken und wir haben sie im Garten gegessen und eine Stunde lang űber alles Mögliche geplaudert. Am Nachmittag habe ich ein bißchen Gartenarbeit gemacht, aber es ist auf einmal sehr kalt geworden, also bin ich ins Haus gegangen, wo ich ein paar E-Mails geschrieben habe. Um halb fűnf habe ich mich warm angezogen, um mit meiner Freundin Anneliese und ihrem Hund spazieren zu gehen. Das war ganz anstrengend, weil der Hund immer wieder weggelaufen ist und einmal sogar ins Wasser gesprungen ist, aber es hat Spaß gemacht. Abends habe ich einen Krimi gesehen, der äußerst gruselig war ( nachher konnte ich nicht gut schlafen!). Es handelte von einem Massenmörder, der meinem Schulleiter ähnlich aussah! Ich bin um halb elf ins Bett gegangen, weil ich am nächsten Tag meine Großeltern besuchen wollte. Finde im Text (leave out any information which is not required and remember to change the word order as necessary) 1. I got up 2. I went shopping 3. I visited my friend 4. We ate in the garden 5. We chatted 6. I did some gardening 7. It became cold 8. I went indoors 9. I wrote e-mails 10. I got dressed 11. The door rang away 12. The dog jumped into the water 13. It was fun 14. I watched a thriller 15. I went to bed The Past tense ( Perfect tense) The perfect tense is used to describe things that have happened in the past. It can be translated into English with either the simple past ( I did, I worked, I ate, I learnt) or the perfect tense ( I have done, I have worked, I have eaten, I have learnt). In German the perfect tense has 2 parts – an auxiliary verb ( haben / sein) + the past participle e.g. ich habe Fußball gespielt ich bin in die Stadt gefahren er hat Pizza gegessen wir haben Fanta getrunken die Kinder sind nach Deutschland gefahren Now go back to the sentences 1-15 and check that each sentence has an auxiliary verb and a past participle. Underline the auxiliary verb in red, underline the past participle in blue. Also check that the auxiliary verb goes with the subject ( the person who is doing the verb. e.g. ich habe die Hausaufgaben gemacht but Harry hat die Hausaufgaben gemacht Markus und Detlev haben die Hausaufgaben gemacht Hast du die Hausaufgaben gemacht? To write or talk about something you have done in the past, you must use the perfect tense – it is therefore vital that you know all parts of the verbs “sein” + “haben” and that you know how to form the past participle and how to find the irregular past participles (strong verbs) in a dictionary or verb table. Revise and learn: sein ( to be) haben ( to have) ich bin wir sind ich habe wir haben du bist ihr seid du hast ihr habt Sie sind er/sie/es/ ist Sie haben sie sind er/sie/es hat sie haben Some of the most common past participles you need to learn Please note this list is not complete, but hopefully you will start to recognise patterns and also see how verbs with the same root change in the same way ( eg. fangen + anfangen) Infinitive anfangen beginnen bleiben bringen denken essen fahren fallen fangen finden fliegen geben gefallen gehen gewinnen helfen kommen laufen lesen nehmen Past Participle angefangen begonnen geblieben* gebracht gedacht gegessen gefahren* gefallen* gefangen gefunden geflogen* gegeben gefallen gegangen* gewonnen geholfen gekommen gelaufen* gelesen genommen Infinitive schlafen schlagen schwimmen schreiben sehen sprechen springen stehen steigen sterben tragen treffen trinken verlieren wachsen waschen werfen wissen ziehen Past Participle geschlafen geschlagen geschwommen* geschrieben gesehen gesprochen gesprungen* gestanden gestiegen* gestorben* getragen getroffen getrunken verloren gewachsen* gewaschen geworfen gewusst gezogen * verbs which take “sein” instead of “haben” Task 5 – Diary ( mein Tagebuch) Keep your own diary (Tagebuch) for a week of the summer holiday Refer to these notes and examples of the perfect tense. In order to raise the level of your language you will also need to include some of the following in the same way as you did at GCSE: • • • • • • • Simple links ( und, aber – don’t change the word order) Subordinating links ( weil, da, als, obwohl – send verb to end) Time phrases ( remember to put the verb 2nd if you start a sentence with a phrase like etwas später, um sechs Uhr, dann, danach…) Modal verbs ( ich konnte, ich mußte, ich wollte etc. + infinitive at the end) Opinions+ personal reactions Don’t just stick to “ich”, include examples of verbs in the 3rd person singular form (he / she / my mum) and the 3rd person plural form( they / my friends) Can you include an example of the pluperfect ie. what you or someone else had done ( sie hatte Kuchen gebacken)? Section C – Express yourself Task 6 - Speaking presentation Please prepare a 2 minute presentation in German about yourself for the first lesson so we can all get to know each other better. Have some notes to help you, but you are not expected to just read notes. You could include the following: • Personal details. • Family and friends. • Where you live (good /interesting places, thing to do etc…). • Your hobbies and school life. • And what plans you have for the future. • Opinions! IMPORTANT : How to write vocabulary lists When you list new vocabulary it is important to all information about the word 1. For a noun include the gender and the plural form e.g. die Banane (-n) 2. For an irregular verb include the infinitive, present tense, imperfect and past participle e.g. fahren, fährt, fuhr, gefahren ( + sein)