Dr. med. Markus GLEITZ Curriculum vitae


Dr. med. Markus GLEITZ Curriculum vitae
Dr. med.
Curriculum vitae
Education and career:
Nationality: German
30, Grand-Rue, L-1660 Luxembourg
(+352) 22.91.92
[email protected]
High School:
1973-1982 Hindenburg Gymnasium Trier
[summa cum laude]
Postgraduate Training:
1982-1988 Studies of Human Medicine at the University of Saarland
[summa cum laude]
1991 Doctorate of Medicine (Dr. med.) at the University of Saarland
[magna cum laude]
1988-1990 Orthopaedic Surgery at the Orthopaedic University Hospital
Homburg/Saar (Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. H. Mittelmeier)
1991 General Surgery at the St. Franziskus Hospital Saarburg
(Dr. med. P. Gerometta)
1992-1996 Orthopaedic Surgery at the Orthopaedic University Hospital
Homburg/Saar (Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. H. Mittelmeier)
1994 Graduation as Orthopaedic Surgeon
1989-1994 Additional specialisation in
- Sports Medicine
- Physical Therapy
- Chirotherapy
- Naturopathy
awarded by the Saarland Medical Association
1996 - present Orthopaedic Surgery in Luxembourg City
Personal skills and
Conservative (non-operative) treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the
musculoskeletal system, particularly myofascial pain and tendinopathies.
Ultrasound diagnostic of tendon pathologies. Functional electromyography.
Development of empirical muscle treatment regimens using different shock
wave devices.
Scientific work:
Presentations (related to ESWT, first authorship):
Shockwaves for the treatment of myofascial pain in orthopaedics: A new
treatment option
[Stoßwellen zur Behandlung myofaszialer Schmerzen in der Orthopädie: Eine
neue Therapiemöglichkeit]
51 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2003
Gleitz M.
Introduction to the diagnosis and therapy of myofascial trigger points
using extracorporeal shockwaves
[Einführung in Diagnostik und Therapie myofaszialer Triggerpunkte mit
extrakorporalen Stoßwellen]
52 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2004
Gleitz M.
Age-dependency of cervical range of motion increases with treatment of
myofascial trigger points using extracorporeal shockwaves
[Altersabhängigkeit der Bewegungssteigerung der HWS durch Behandlung
myofaszialer Triggerpunkte mit extrakorporalen Stoßwellen]
52 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2004
Gleitz M.
Improvement of calf muscle elasticity using extracorporeal shockwaves
with chronic achillodynia
[Verbesserung der Wadenmuskel-Dehnfähigkeit mittels Extrakorporaler
Stoßwellen bei chronischen Achillodynien]
52 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2004
Gleitz M.
The importance of the flexor chain for the results of treating chronic
plantar fasciitis with pressure waves
[Die Bedeutung der Flexorenkette für die Behandlungsergebnisse der
chronischen Plantarfasziitis mit Stoßwellen]
Symposium on tendon problems held at the Orthopaedic University Clinic of
Mainz (Prof. Dr. J.D. Rompe), 2005
Gleitz M.
Improvement of calf muscle elasticity using extracorporeal shockwaves
with chronic achillodynia
[Verbesserung der Wadenmuskeldehnfähigkeit mittels extrakorporaler
Stoßwellen bei chronischen Achillodynien]
16 International Bad Closterlausnitz Symposium, 2005
Gleitz M.
The importance of trigger point pressure wave therapy in the treatment
of pseudoradicular cervicobrachialgia
[Die Bedeutung der Trigger-Stoßwellentherapie in der Behandlung
pseudoradikulärer Cervicobrachialgien]
53 Annual meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2005
Gleitz M.
Limits of trigger point pressure wave therapy in pseudoradicular
[Grenzen der Trigger-Stoßwellentherapie bei der pseudoradikulären
53 Annual meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2005
Gleitz M.
Gluteal trigger points as a common source of pseudo sciatic pain and
their therapy with radial shockwaves
8 International Congress of the International Society for Musculoskeletal
Shockwave Therapy (ISMST), Vienna, 2005
Gleitz M.
Therapy with focused shockwaves at “trigger points”
[Thérapie par application d’ondes de choc extracorporelles focalisées sur le
“trigger point”]
1 German-French Symposium for Shock Wave Therapy, Wissembourg /
France, 2006
Gleitz M.
Trigger point shockwave therapy: Update 2006
[Triggerpunkt-Stoßwellentherapie: Update 2006]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKO), Berlin, 2006
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
Treatment results for combined radial and focused shockwave therapy
for chronic cervical spine pain
[Behandlungsergebnisse der kombinierten radialen und fokussierten
Stoßwellentherapie bei chronischer Cervicalgie]
55 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2007
Gleitz M.
Diagnostic value of focused shockwaves for pseudoradicular low back
[Diagnostischer Wert der fokussierten Stoßwellen bei der pseudoradikulären
55 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2007
Gleitz M.
Results of the combined treatment with radial and focused shockwaves
in patients with chronic cervical pain
10 International Congress of the International Society for Musculoskeletal
Shockwave Therapy (ISMST), Toronto/Canada, 2007
Gleitz M.
Trigger point shockwave therapy: Update 2007
[Triggerpunkt-Stoßwellentherapie: Update 2007]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKO), Berlin, 2007
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
The advantage of planar (defocused) shockwaves over classical focused
shock waves for pseudoradicular low back pain
[Vorteile der planaren (defokussierten) Stoßwelle gegenüber der klassischen
fokussierten Stoßwelle bei der pseudoradikulären Lumboischialgie]
56 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2008
Gleitz M.
Trigger point shockwave therapy: An Overview
11 International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave
Treatment (ISMST), Antibes/France, 2008
Gleitz M.
ESWT in myofascial pain syndromes: Update 2008
[Stoßwellentherapie bei myofaszialen Schmerzen: Update 2008]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU), Berlin,
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
ESWT on skeletal muscles
[ESWT an der Skelettmuskulatur]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU), Berlin,
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
ESWT on muscles: Theory of trigger point treatment
[„ESWT an der Muskulatur“: Theoretische Grundlagen in der TriggerpunktBehandlung]
Seminar of the Shockwave work group of the Austrian Society for
Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (ÖGO), Wien, 2009
Gleitz M.
Shockwave therapy and diagnostic ultrasound: An experience report
[Stoßwellentherapie und Ultraschalldiagnostik: Ein Erfahrungsbericht]
58 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern German Orthopaedists
(VSO e.V.), Baden-Baden, 2010
Gleitz M.
ESWT in myofascial pain syndromes: Update 2010
[ESWT bei myofaszialen Schmerzsyndromen: Update 2010]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU), Berlin,
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome – Diagnostic ultrasound and shockwave
1st Interdisciplinary combined focused, planar and radial shock wave
conference “Shockwave Frankfurt”, Institute for Sports Medicine
Frankfurt/Main e. V. (SMI, Prof. Dr. H. Lohrer), 2011
Gleitz M.
ESWT in myofascial pain syndromes: Update 2011
[ESWT bei myofaszialen Schmerzsyndromen: Update 2011]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU), Berlin,
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
Hypotheses about physiology and pathophysiology as a rationale for
[Hypothesen über Physiologie und Pathophysiologie als Rationale für ESWT]
DIGEST-Meeting 2012 in cooperation with the Shockwave work group of the
Austrian Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (ÖGO),
Linz/Austria, 2012
Gleitz M.
The role of shockwave medicine in pain control (Keynote Lecture)
15 International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave
Treatment (ISMST), Cartagena/Colombia, 2012
Gleitz M.
Pain modulation through ESWT
[Schmerzbeeinflussung durch ESWT]
German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU), Berlin,
Continuing education course for shockwaves by DIGEST e.V.
(Deutschsprachige Internationale Gesellschaft für Extrakorporale
Gleitz M.
Results of shockwave treatment in lateral epicondylitis in relation to
tendon changes in Power Doppler
16 International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave
Treatment (ISMST), Salzburg/Austria, 2013
Gleitz M.
The significance of inflammatory tendon hypervascularization for the
treatment results with ESWT: Are the actual recommendations still valid?
17 International Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave
Treatment (ISMST), Milan/Italy, 2014
Gleitz M.
Physical Basics of Shockwaves
Scientific Session on Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT),
XXVI SICOT Triennial World Congress, 20-22 November 2014,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gleitz M.
Journal articles (related to ESWT):
Orthopaedic trigger shockwave therapy with radial and focused
shockwaves: Current status
[Die orthopädische Trigger-Stoßwellentherapie mit fokussierten und radialen
Stoßwellen: Eine Standortbestimmung]
Orthopädische Praxis 42, 5 (2006), 303-12
Gleitz M., Dreisilker U., Rädel R.
Orthopaedic shockwave treatment in myofascial syndromes
[Die Orthopädische Stoßwellentherapie bei myofaszialen Erkrankungen]
Medizinisch-Orthopädische Technik (MOT) 4 (2008): 218-223.
Gleitz, M., Rädel R.
Improvement of ankle joint dorsiflexion by the use of extracorporeal
pulse activation therapy (EPAT) in patients with chronic Achilles
tendinosis: A new approach.
ISMST Newsletter, 4(1) (2008): 17-20
Orthopaedic shockwave treatment in myofascial syndromes
[Die Orthopädische Stoßwellentherapie bei myofaszialen Erkrankungen]
Physio-Ortho 2 (Sonderheft) (2009): 67-73.
Gleitz M., Rädel R.
ESWT in myofascial pain syndromes
ISMST Newsletter, 7(1) (2011): 5-6
Gleitz M.
Trigger Points - Diagnosis and treatment concepts with special reference
to extracorporeal shockwaves]
[Triggerpunkte - Diagnose und Behandlungskonzepte unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung extrakorporaler Stoßwellen]
Orthopäde 41, no. 2 (2012): 113-125.
10.1007/s00132-011-1860-0 [doi]
Gleitz M., Hornig K.
Books (related to ESWT):
Myofascial Syndromes & Trigger Points - Shock Wave Therapy in
1 ed., Level 10 Publishing House Daniela Bamberg, 2011, Heilbronn
English edition 208 pages
Gleitz M.
Myofasziale Syndrome und Triggerpunkte - Stoßwellentherapie in der
1. Auflage, Level 10 Verlag Daniela Bamberg, 2011, Heilbronn
German edition 209 pages
Gleitz M.
• Co-author of the ESWT Consensus Statement of DIGEST and ISMST
shockwave therapy:
Since 2000 use of radial and focused shock waves to treat muscular pain and
Development of empirical muscle treatment regimens using different shock
wave devices from several manufacturers, based on known trigger point
Since 2003 lectures about this subject at annual conferences on orthopaedics
and trauma surgery:
VSO/VSOU (Association of Southern German Orthopaedists and Trauma
Surgeons, Baden-Baden, www.vsou.de) and
DKO/DKOU (German Congress for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery,
Berlin, www.dkou.org).
Since 2003 director of advanced medical training courses for doctors in the
use of muscular shockwave treatment at the annual conferences of
VSO/VSOU (Association of Southern German Orthopaedists and Trauma
Surgeons) and DGO/DGOU (German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma
From 2007 to 2013 Director of continuing education courses for shockwaves
by DIGEST e.V. and ISMST.
President of DIGEST e.V. 2012-2013
General Secretary of ISMST 2012-2015
Conflict of interest
From 2000 to 2010 intermittent adviser to Storz Medical AG,
Lohstampfestrasse 8, 8274 Tägerwilen, Switzerland, for testing devices and
providing therapy recommendations for the use of focused and radial
Used orthopaedic
shockwave devices:
Previous: Dolorclast (EMS), Piezoson 100 (Wolf), Duolith SD1 T-Top (Storz
Present (2015): Duolith SD1 “Ultra” (Storz Medical), Duolith SD1 “Tower”
(Storz Medical), Masterpuls 100 (Storz Medical), Orthogold 180 (MTS)