Spring 2008 Music Department Calendar of Events


Spring 2008 Music Department Calendar of Events
Spring 2008 Music Department
Calendar of Events
May 19, 7 PM
May 20, 7 PM
May 21, 7 PM
May 22, 7 PM
May 23, 7 PM
May 24, 2 PM
May 25, 2 PM
May 25, 6 PM
May 26, 6 PM
May 27, 7 PM
May 28, 7 PM
May 29, 7 PM
May 30, 7 PM
May 31, 2 PM
May 31, 5 PM
June 1, 1 PM
June 1, 2 PM
June 1, 4 PM
June 1, 7 PM
June 2, 6:30 PM
June 2, 7 PM
June 6, 7 PM
July 11, 7 PM
Guest Pianist: Regina Yeh*
IAJE Jazz Combo Nite+
CWU Percussion Ensemble Concert*
Horn Studio Recital+
IAJE Jazz Combo Nite+
James D. Orr, Senior Saxophone Recital+
John Pickett – Chamber Recital+
Michael Connolly and Jared Ice, Voice Recital*
Stuart McAlister, Horn Recital+
CWU Symphonic Band Concert*
String Studio Recital+
CWU Wind Ensemble Concert*
Jazz Nite II*
Annual Brass Blowout*
Toby Weston, Junior Cello Recital
Steven Cobb and Michael Linehan, Joint Recital*
Kittitas Valley Youth Orchestra*
Musica Antiqua+
Kelsey French, Junior Horn Recital+
Prep Strings Concert*
Weber Clarinet Recital
Prep Choir Concert*
Allison Campbell Voice Recital +
This concert is made possible by the generous contribution
from the CWU Retirement Association.
The CWU Symphony Orchestra
CWU Chamber Choir
*Concert Hall
+ Recital Hall
The Calendar of Events changes frequently.
For our most up-to-date calendar,
visit our website at www.cwu.edu/~music or call (509)963-1216
CWU University Chorale
Please turn off your cell phone and refrain from the use of any electronic devices through the
duration of your visit to our new facility. Thank you.
You can further the excellence of our Music Department!
A contribution of $250 will contribute to the program of your choice, and inscribe your name, or the
name of a loved one, on a chair in our beautiful Concert Hall. Find out more about “La Sedia”
(The Music Chair) at www.cwu.edu/~music.
Music Building Concert Hall
Sunday, May 18, 2008
4:00 PM
CWU Symphony Orchestra Personnel
Nikolas Caoile, Director
Bret Smith
Violin I
Heather Netz,
Concert Master
Rebecca Stamm
Annie St. John
Jared Jones
Paul Walk
Emily Maulden
Katie Hanson
Matthew Armbrust
Kim Roy
Michelle Vaughn
Violin II
Jeff Ball, Principal
Heather McRostie
Clare Bresnahan
Christie Beard
Dorin Ellis
Marcin Paczkowski
Brandon Christomos
Rebecca Hindmarsch
Anita Perkins
Ben Macspadden
Ross Chambers,
Trista Delo, Co-Principal
Angeline Solano
Jessica Jasper
Samantha Sabrowsky
Doug Brockwell
Lynn Thometz
Mark Hahne
Timothy Rooney
Timothy Betts
Autumn Wilson, Principal
Dannel Fischer
Michael Chapman
Marysa Gunning
Ben Lundgen
Marjorie Parkington
Lauren Rosenkrantz
Kara Hunnicutt
Brett Smith
Isaac Castillo, Principal
Janss Woldseth
Jason Prindle
Marina Christopher
Mike Pechan
Andy Lowe
Josh Howle
Emi Ogawa, Principal
Lauren Wenger
Thomas Hamilton
Sarah Dilley
Andrea Paine
Brent Hages
Bass Trombone
Zach Morris-Kenfield
David Rolandson
Aaron Julyan, Principal
Nathan Johnson
Jason Swingle
Jeff Dermont
Stage Manager
Matt Clegg
Gus Labayen
Daniel Lipori
Sean Brown, Principal
Burke Anderson
Bobby Collins
Stephanie Karlak
Christi Wans, Principal
Brian Rascon
Erik Burrough, Principal
Matt Clegg
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Assistant Conductor
Kim Roy
Festival Manager
Daniel Becker, Principal Michelle Vaughn
Ryan Uldall
Kyle Duffey
Jeremy Bennett
Serenade to Music
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 “Choral”
Ludwig van Beethoven
Allegro ma non troppo e un poco maestoso
Molto vivace – Presto
Adagio molto e cantabile – Andante moderato
Finale: Presto – Allegro assai – Allegro assai vivace (alla Marcia) –
Andanate maestoso – Adagio ma non troppo ma divoto – Allegro
energico e sempre ben marcato – Allegro ma non tanto – Presto –
Maestoso – Prestissimo
Diane Reich, soprano
Melissa Schiel, mezzo-soprano
Ricardo Pereira, tenor
Vijay Singh, bass
University Chorale
Vijay Singh, Director
Katrina Rooney, Assistant Director
Adam Bacot
Garrett Bays
Joelle Bird
Thomas Burke
Chelsea Casey
Kayla Chambers
Casey Jo Clifton
Stephanie Cooke
Chris Eger
Celine Ferland
Daniel Guerra
Megan Hennings
Lance Hueter
Katie Johnson
Travis King
Sarah Koll
Jagar LaGrander
Dana Lede
Marisa Lopez
Owen Magelssen
J.R. Maxwell
A. J. Melcher
Brett Morrison
Kali Sierra O’Banion
Sonya Pandey
Crisol Quevedo
Curtis Recor
Adam Robb
Yannick Ruault
Lauren Short
Elizabeth Simons
Karah Steinman
Valerie Stucki
Maggie Szymanowski
Deborah Waidmann
Mitchell Armstrong
Jesimee Baldwin
Jazmarae Beebe
Holly Bolyard
Deanna Byman
Mitch Cate
Diocelina ChavezGonzalez
Clinton Coburn
Kasey Cooper
Arianna Elias
Marie Fierst
Jill Harmon
Cynthia Hiatt
Becky Joachim
Jennifer Jones
Kris Kittridge
Taylor Kragness
Nicholas Larson
Eliah Lewis
Aly Lovie
Shay Mailloux
Gregg McNutt
Trey Miller
Abigail Myers
Brenna O'Malley
Ashley Parsons
Rex Rackley
Suzie Reese
Katrina Rooney
Brittney Ruiz
James Shumate
Sondra Soderberg
Elizabeth Stewart
Susanna Sundborg
Sherri Torrenga
Christopher Ward
Christina Atkinson
Roxanne Baldwin
Tarik Bentlemsani
Kira Brook
Kayla Carbon
Laurel Cawley
Katherine Christensen
Bonnie Coleman
Elissa Cortright
Samantha Erickson
Danielle French
Stephanie Helgerson
Jessica Hix
Kelsey Jobst
Monica Juarez
Brittney Klouse
Gus Labayen
Emily Laue
Jenna Logan
David Lucas
Nicole Matthews
Skyler Mehal
Katharine Miller
Carly Neher
Curtis Peacock
Margaret Patterson
Alex Rawley
Bryan Ritter
Alexander Rowley
Joshua Setten
Jamie Simcoe
Joel Stamm
Sarah Stotler
Corey Suraci
Theresa Vandenberg
Rachael White
CWU Chamber Choir
Gary A. Weidenaar, Director
Katrina Rooney, Assistant Director
Jamie Collins, Accompanist
Allison Campbell
Laurel Cawley
Amy Edwards
Andrea Hansen
Monica Juarez
Tiffany Lawrence+*
Natalie Mehio*
Jenny Ohrstrom*
Kim Straka
Valerie Stucki
Allison Sutton*
Angela Armbruster
Rachelle Bunch
Jamie Collins
Shannon Fisher
Dakota Gemmer
Jan Jaffe+
Katy Kerr
JR Maxwell*
Abby Myers
Suzie Reese
Katrina Rooney
Jessikah Tisdale
Kelsey Weber
Michael Connolly
Daniel Guerra
Skyler Mehal
Chad Opitz*
Michael Scott*
Josh Setten
Paul Walk*
Andy Wilson+
Mitchell Armstrong
Jay Cobb
Erik Flaten
Ryan Harris
Jared Ice*
Gus Labayen
Micah Parker+*
Jason Prindle
Zach Schoenwald*
Mark Seidl
Megan Hennings
* - Serenade to Music Soloist
+ - Section Leader
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 “Choral” –text for the fourth movement “An die Freude” (Ode
to Joy) is an ode written in 1785 by the German poet, playwright and historian Friedrich Schiller.
O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Oh friends, not these tones!
Sondern laßt uns angenehmere
Rather let us sing more
anstimmen und freudenvollere.
cheerful and more joyful ones.
Freude! Freude!
Joy! Joy!
“Serenade to Music”
The composer drew the text from the discussion about music and the Music of the Spheres
in Act V, scene 1 of the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.
Read by Peter Gries
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
There's not the smallest orb that thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls;
But whilst this muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.
Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn!
With sweetest touches pierce your mistress' ear,
And draw her home with music.
I am never merry when I hear sweet music.
The reason is, your spirits are attentive –
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted. Music! hark!
It is your music of the house.
Methinks it sounds much sweeter than by day.
Silence bestows that virtue on it
How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!
Peace, ho! the moon sleeps with Endymion
And would not be awak'd. Soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligthum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng getheilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Joy, beautiful sparkle of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium!
We enter, fire-drunk,
Heavenly one, your shrine.
Your magics again bind
What custom has strictly parted.
All people will be brothers
Where your tender wing lingers.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
Whoever succeeds in the great attempt
To be a friend of a friend,
Whoever has won a lovely woman,
Let him add his jubilation!
Yes, whoever calls even one soul
His own on the earth's globe!
And who never has, let him steal,
Weeping, away from this group.
Freude trinken alle Wesen
An den Brüsten der Natur;
Alle Guten, alle Bösen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Küsse gab sie uns und Reben,
Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod;
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
All creatures drink joy
At the breasts of nature;
All the good, all the evil
Follow her roses' trail.
Kisses gave she us, and wine,
A friend, proven unto death;
Pleasure was to the worm granted,
And the cherub stands before God.
Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan,
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,
Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen.
Glad, as his suns fly
Through the Heavens' glorious plan,
Run, brothers, your race,
Joyful, as a hero to victory.
Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt!
Über Sternen muß er wohnen.
Be embraced, you millions!
This kiss for the whole world!
Brothers, beyond the star-canopy
Must a loving Father dwell.
Do you bow down, you millions?
Do you sense the Creator, world?
Seek Him beyond the star-canopy!
Beyond the stars must He dwell.
Finale repeats the words:
Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Seid umschlungen,
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Finale repeats the words:
Be embraced, ye millions!
This kiss for the whole world!
Brothers, beyond the star-canopy
Must a loving Father dwell.
Be embraced,
This kiss for the whole world!
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods