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Ausgabe 35 KW 35
Ausgabe 35
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
John Sinclair
Ulisses Spiele
John Sinclair: Verfluchtes Atlantis..............29,95
RatCon 2011 - Eintrittskarte ....................12,00
Die Hochzeit von Will Mallmann und
Karin Bauer hätte einer der wenigen
unbeschwerten Abende im Leben
der Geisterjäger werden können.
Doch dann werden sie auf eine
Mission geschickt, in der die
Regeln von Raum und Zeit außer
Kraft gesetzt wurden. Im antiken
Atlantis müssen sie sich bislang
ungekannten Gefahren stellen, die
auch nach ihrer Rückkehr kein Ende
Der letzte, entscheidende Schlag
gegen die Herolde und damit gegen
den schwarzen Tod steht bevor.
Aber werden die Geisterjäger ihn
Die Veranstaltung für alle Fantasy und
Science Fiction
Begeisterten aus ganz Deutschland!
vom 16.09.2011 bis 18.09.2011
im Fritz-Henßler-Haus,
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 33-37,
Beginn: Freitag ab 18.00 Uhr
Ende: Sonntag um 18.00 Uhr
Eintritt: 12,- Euro (für alle 3 Tage)
Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Donner und Sturm (Ab.169).......................20,00
Lieferbar ab 08.09.2011
"Seit der heilige Streitwagen der
Kriegsgöttin Rondra vor 25
aventurischen Jahren das letzte Mal
in einer abenteuerlichen Wettfahrt
errungen wurde, hat sich in
Aventurien viel verändert. Dieser
umfangreiche Abenteuerband
thematisiert neben dem
eigentlichen Rennen etliche dieser
Veränderungen und kulminiert in
einem Rondra gefälligen Finale."
Donner und Sturm
von Thomas Finn und Tobias
Vor fast zweitausend Jahren errang
Leomar von Baburin von der
Kriegsgöttin Rondra persönlich den
Donnersturm, den aus Eternium geschmiedeten alveranischen
Streitwagen, und seit fast ebenso langer Zeit existiert die Tradition des
Donnersturmrennens, in dem alle 25 Jahre das Recht, den Wagen zu
rufen und zu führen, auf den jeweiligen Sieger übergeht.
Nun ist es wieder so weit: Aus aller Herren Länder haben sich die Fahrer
in Baburin versammelt, um an diesem rondrianischen Kräftemessen
teilzunehmen – und Ihre Helden sind mit von der Partie! Wird es ihnen
gelingen, die kostbare Trophäe gegen den äußersten Einsatz
professioneller Wagenlenker, rondrianischer Recken, aventurischer
Potentaten und hinterlistiger Schlagetots zu erringen – oder müssen sie
Staub schlucken? Welches Geheimnis verbirgt sich hinter den Fragen,
die an den verschiedenen Stationen des Rennens auf die Teilnehmer
warten? Und wer sind dieses Mal die Gegner, die versuchen, den
Ausgang des Rennens zu manipulieren?
Nehmen Sie die Zügel in die Hand und begleiten Sie uns auf einer Reise,
an deren Ende unvergleichlicher rondrianischer Ruhm wartet!
Neben der Beschreibung der Rennstrecke und der Teilnehmer, der
Ereignisse und Hindernisse des Rennens enthält der Band auch ein
umfangreiches Kapitel über die regeltechnische Abwicklung eines so
herausfordernden Langstrecken-Streitwagenrennens.
auch ausführen können?
Diese Erweiterung für das John-Sinclair-Abenteuerspiel beschließt den
„Herold-Zyklus“ mit einem furiosen Finale. Im Quellenteil warten neue
Ausrüstung, besondere Eigenschaften und erweiterte Regeln auf die
Einsamer Wolf
7 - Schloss des Todes................................14,95
Erscheint am 08.09.2011
Du bist Einsamer Wolf - der letzte
Kai-Meister! Setze dein Abenteuer
mit dem siebten Band dieser
Rollenspielserie Schloss des
Schreckens fort und werde Teil
dieser einzigartigen Fantasy-Saga.
Dein Schwur, die Kai wieder zu
ihrem einstigen Ruhm zu führen,
bringt dich in das sagenhafte Land
Dessi, das Heimat für Monster und
Magier ist. Die Zauberer dieses
Reiches haben versprochen, dir bei
deinem Vorhaben zu helfen - aber
sie verlangen einen hohen Preis für
ihre Hilfe. Tief im SCHLOSS DES
TODES liegt der Schlüssel zum
Wissen deiner Vorfahren. Wirst du
diesen Schlüssel finden oder wie
alle, die diesen Ort vor dir betreten haben, dem Schrecken erliegen, der
in den Verliesen dieser alptraumhaften Festung sein Unwesen treibt?
Jedes Buch der Saga Einsamer Wolf kannst du einzeln für sich oder
kombiniert mit den anderen Abenteuern dieser Reihe als einzigartige
Rollenspielsaga spielen und erleben. Im Zusatzabenteuer DER
ALLSEHENDE schlüpfst du in die Rolle des Kriegers Tavig. Um das Leben
deiner Schwester zu retten, musst du in die dunkle Festung Kazan-Oud
eindringen und ihren fürchterlichen Meister vernichten. Kannst du
deinen Auftrag erfüllen und lebend aus der Todesburg fliehen oder wirst
du den vielen Bestien und Monstern zum Opfer fallen, die hier zu Hause
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 35
KW 35
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Legenden von Harkuna 01 - Das Reich ...........
des Krieges...............................................14,95
Erscheint am 08.09.2011
und werden zum unsterblichen
Helden dieses Fantasy-Spielbuchs.
Seit dem gewaltsamen Tod von
König Corin VII. wird das Reich
Sokara von einem Bürgerkrieg
heimgesucht. Der aufständische
General Marlock herrscht mit Hilfe
der Armee über das Land, während
des Königs Sohn in die Berge
geflohen ist. Als Krieger, Magier,
Barde, Wanderer, Priester oder
Schurke kannst du dem Thronerben
zu seinem Recht zurück verhelfen
oder im Auftrag des Generals diese
Adelslinie für immer auslöschen.
Das Schicksal Sokaras liegt in
deiner Hand.
Uhrwerk Verlag
Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor
Musica Myranor - Myranor Musik-CD........17,95
Erscheint am 08.09.2011
Myranor - Das Güldenland - ist ein
Rollenspiel in der Welt des
Schwarzen Auges. Auf dem
Kontinent westlich von Aventurien
mit seinen Burgen und Rittern, den
Reichen der Menschen Orks, Elfen
und Zwerge, herrschen die
Optimaten. Sie stellen eine Kaste
von magisch Begabten, die ihre
Herkunft von den legendären
Archäern ableiten, den
menschenähnlichen Kindern der
Göttin Mada. Vor nahezu 5.000 Jahren errichteten diese ein Imperium
Myranum, welches über den Großteil des Kontinents herrschte und auch
heute noch weite Teile davon einschließt. Bevölkert wird dies Reich von
einer Vielzahl an Rassen und Völkern.
Gewaltige Metropolen liegen wie eigene Kontinente in den Weiten des
Landes, umgeben von zahlreichen Städten, kleineren Inseln der
Zivilisation gleich. In diesen Orten blühen Handel, Kunst und Politik, sie
bieten Raum für Intrigen und Träume, Herausforderung und Erfolge. In
den rauen Landstrichen darum herum leben wilde Tiere, hausen
Chimären und andere gefährliche Kreaturen in Ruinen und Gewölben.
Starke Reiche, wie das der löwenartigen Leonir im Westen oder der Bund
der menschlichen Kerrishiter im Süden, umgeben das Imperium, wie eine
Perlenkette den Hals.
In den Städten mögen die Optimaten mit ihrer Magie und ihren Truppen
das Sagen haben, außerhalb, in der Wildnis, beweisen die Helden mit
Mut, Geschick und Cleverness ihren Wert.
Advanced Primate Entertainment Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Order of the Stick: Dungeon of Durokan............
Deluxe Edition.............................................44,00
Adventure! Comedy! Beating your
friends! What else could you ask
for in a board game? Why just
read about foolish and incompetent
adventurers when you can be one
yourself? Dive head first into the
world of the inexplicably popular
fantasy gaming webcomic, The
Order of the Stick with the aptlynamed The Order of the Stick
Adventure Game! This Deluxe
Edition includes the original
Dungeon of Dorukan set and the brand-new expansion deck, The Order of
the Stick Adventure Game: The Shortening! For the first time, find new
cards and rules to let you squeeze a quick game in during any lull in your
otherwise-busy social life. Compete with your allies to fulfill your
dramatic Backstories, or watch in horror as the evil Xykon gets tired of
waiting for you and comes up to dish out the hurt on his schedule.
Master new shticks, gather new loot, get the job done faster - or take all
day! It's your decision now.
1955: The War of Espionage ....................19,95
1955: The War of Espionage is a 2
player board game that utilizes a
deck of cards common to both
players. The cards inside the deck
can be used in a multitude of ways,
both offensively and defensively.
Each card has a special ability that
will allow you to manipulate the
game in some way. Players are
attempting to gain control of three
of the six countries in order to
influence the future of mankind.
Players: 2
Time: 15-45 Minutes
Battlefront Miniatures
Flames of War
Rolls Royce Armoured Car (x2).................16,00
with two Rolls Royce Armoured
Cars, two Boys anti-tank rifle
gunners, two AA MG, two sets of
sand channels.
The origins of the Rolls Royce
Armoured Car go back as far as
1914 when the Royal Navy Air
Service (RNAS) set-up an airbase in
Belgium and required a vehicle in
order to rescue downed pilots. After
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Ausgabe 35
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
several ad-hoc designs, an official design was produced in December
1914 making use of the chassis of the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost.
A steel superstructure was constructed to provide protection for the crew
and a rotating open-topped turret place on the top, rear of the vehicle.
In order to cope with the additional weight of the superstructure; twin
wheels were fitted to the rear of the vehicle. Armament was provided by
mounting a Vickers machine-gun in the turret, however it was quickly
learnt that an enclosed turret needed.
By the beginning of World War Two the Rolls Royce armoured car had
received some minor improvements including the wider wheels and the
addition of disc brakes. The Rolls Royce armoured car saw action during
the desert campaign in North Africa in 1940; retro-fitted with a Boys
anti-tank rifle in an open top turret. But it soon became clear that the
design did not belong on the battlefield and was replaced by armoured
cards of a modern design.
Panzer III G Platoon (x3)..........................26,00
with three Panzer III G tanks, two
stowage sprues, three stowage bins,
open and closed cupolas and Tank
Commander figures.
Once Germany threw off the
shackles imposed by the Treaty of
Versailles; prohibiting them from
possessing any form of tracked
armoured fighting vehicle. Its
designers wasted little time in
constructing the Panzer divisions
that would prove so effective during
the Blitzkrieg campaigns of 193941.
The German philosophy called for
each battalion to consist of one
Heavy Company equipped with
larger calibre guns to provide close support for the infantry and three
Medium Companies armed with a dedicated anti-tank weapon to engage
enemy tanks. These Heavy Companies would be made up of the Panzer
IV while the Medium Companies were comprised of the Panzer III.
In the years leading up the start of the Second World War, the German
engineers continued to refine their designs and by October 1940 the
Panzer III G had reached the battlefield. By now the lessons learnt from
the campaigns in Poland and France accelerated the necessity to up gun
the 3.7cm KwK L/46.5 gun that armed earlier of the the Panzer III to
the 5cm KwK L/42.
While the initial production models of the Panzer III G were armed with
the 3.7cm KwK gun, the 5cm KwK L/42 became standard on all
vehicles produced from July 1940 onwards. The Panzer III G was also
modified for the condition facing the Panzer crews in North Africa; a
larger radiator was fitted to aid in cooling and additional air filters made
of felt were added to keep sand and dust out of places where it could
potentially cause harm.
Extra armour was also added by the means of adding externally mounted
plate to any vulnerable areas of the vehicle. However, the extra weight of
this added protected meant that the suspension was being pushed
beyond the limits of it capabilities. An overhaul of the design of the
running gear was needed to handle the additional weight; the upgrade led
to the design of what became known as the Panzer III H.
105/28 Howitzer Battery (x4)................35,00
with four 105/28 howitzer with
crew, Command Rifle team, Staff
team and Observer Rifle team.
The 105/28 howitzer was a World
War One vintage gun of French
design (Canon de 105 mle 1913
Schneider or L13 S); originally
starting life as a design on the
drafting board of the Russian
Putilov Armaments factory. It
proved a popular design and was
exported to various countries, Italy
among them.
The breech mechanism was based
on a screw design; a swinging arm
allowed the breech to swing in and
out of the breech ring without
having to be withdrawn axially. Upon opening the breech, a shell guide
was raised from the bottom of the breech ring to assist in guiding the
shell into the chamber. The 105/28 also had a number of safety
features to ensure the gun wasn’t discharge unless the breech was
properly closed and the barrel had fully recovered from the recoil of a
previous firing.
The 105/28 howitzer had a maximum elevation of 37o and could fire
it’s 16.3kg shell up to range beyond 12kms. It remained a common
weapon during World War Two and continued in Italian service until
1943 seeing action on both the African and Russian fronts.
Tobruk Pits (x2)........................................26,00
with two resin gun nests, two
47/32 guns, two sets of Italian
crew and two sets of Australian
crew & four Ammunition boxes.
The vast fronts of the North African
battlefields were impossible for
either side to completely fortify
along the entire length. There
simply wasn’t the manpower or
equipment. Instead they used a
series of mutually supporting
fortified posts made up of trenches,
machinegun and anti-tank gun
positions. These were manned by
small sections of infantry and could
be encircled by anti-tank ditches,
minefields and barbed wire.
The Italian fortifications around Bardia and Tobruk were well-planned.
Barbed wire, minefields and anti-tank ditches encircled the two towns.
Behind the wire were two lines of mutually supporting posts. The front
line posts consisted of three concrete lined nests, or Tobruk Pits, each
encircled by barbed wire and a shallow ditch.
When the Australians took Tobruk they inherited these fortified posts.
The posts’ firepower and obstacles were used to blunt the German
attacks. Timely counterattacks from their reserves, and fire from
secondary gun lines, were used to deal with breakthroughs.
The Germans developed fortified positions to defend the frontier
between Libya and Egypt. A Stützpunkt, or strongpoint, was designed for
all-round defence and could hold even if outflanked. It was manned by
infantry and anti-tank guns (including 8.8cm FlaK36 guns) and
reinforced by artillery. A Stützpunkt would wear down the enemy before
counterattacks were launched by panzer troops.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 35
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Catalyst Game Lab
Classic Battletech
Descendants of the Star League
Defence Force, they returned to the
Inner Sphere in 3050 with violence
and honour. Stalled by the
combined might of the Inner
Sphere, the Clans have been
waiting for the chance to strike for
Terra once more. But fractures
within Nicholas Kerensky’s Great
Society have widened. A new
enemy threatens to destroy the
Clans once and for all: themselves.
The resulting Wars of Reaving
touches every Clan: some will be
destroyed, all will be forever
Strategic Operations..................................39,99
Strategic Operations is the one-source rulebook for advanced rules
aerospace assets that open the entire conquest of a solar system. It
includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit
construction rules, as well as comprehensive maintenance, salvage,
repair and customization rules. Finally, a complete game system—
BattleForce—allows players to use their existing miniatures and
mapsheets to play quick, fast-paced BattleTech games, from companies
to battalions and even regiments.
Wars of Reaving........................................27,99
Liftoff planet and conquer an entire
solar system! Deploy kilometerlong WarShips as escorts, first for
JumpShips bridging the gulf
between stars, then for detaching
DropShips that burn in system to
drop troops onto any battlefield.
New aerospace tactics will allow
you to gain air supremacy to match
your grasp of ground tactics. Yet
the war for a star system is more
than a single battle and a
commander that utilizes his
supplies and personnel with skill
will survive the numerous battles to
The Wars of Reaving sourcebook details the Clans from 3067 through
the end of the Jihad era and includes detailed reports, faction updates,
personalities, units, and equipment that have a hand in this widespread
orgy of war. Essential gameplay statistics, maps, and a complete
campaign allow players to immerse themselves completely within these
Wars of Reaving
Cipher Studios
Maria Box.................................................39,99
Maria oder die Puppenmeisterin,
wie sie bei vielerlei Munde ist, ist
die gefürchtetste Agentin der
Kirche, mit vielleicht einer
Ausnahme: dem Träger. Mit ihrer
fantastischen Fähigkeit die
Überreste der Memitim zu
kontrollieren, lässt sie die Mächte
der Finsternis sich gegen sich
selbst wenden.
Technical Readout: Prototypes...................27,99
The Jihad is over. A new Republic
has been born. In the wake of one of
humanity’s greatest conflicts, the
Inner Sphere, Periphery and Clans
must adapt to new political and
industrial realities—a new balance
of power. But changes on the map
are only the beginning. The Word of
Blake’s war has scattered a new
wave of technological progress across nearly every realm, giving rise to a
new generation of combat units. Only the sheer devastation of the
relentless fighting has slowed the arms race that is sure to come… but
for how long?
Technical Readout: Prototypes introduces the wave of new battle armor,
vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units that debuted in the years after the
birth of the Republic of the Sphere. Featuring technologies rarely seen
outside the testing fields or Solaris arenas, these new war machines
provide a peek at the new age to come as mankind faces a new century.
For use with BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and
Strategic Operations.
Conflict Games
Pathfinder RPG: Conflict Miniatures ..............
Skirmishing RPG Rulebook........................15,99
Most RPGs involve groups of players
pitted against a challenge
by a GM, but there are times when
that guy on the other side of the
game table… man, you just want to
slap the overconfident grin off his
stupid mug. If you want player vs
player competition—if you’re looking
to provide your customers with a
chess match that pits their wits
against real-world prey—you want
the Conflict Roleplaying Rulebook!
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 35
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Cubicle 7
Wild Talents
Progenitor (Wild Talents)...........................31,99
How Will Your Power Change the
In 1967, one woman inexplicably
gains inconceivable power. Trying
to use that power for the good of
her country, she unwittingly passes
it on to a handful of people. They
pass it along to others in turn, and
soon thousands around the world
have amazing paranormal powers.
Some of them use these powers for
personal gain. Some to help others.
And some change the very course of
world events.
Progenitor is a Wild Talents roleplaying game setting that explores the
shape of the world and the changes wrought by metahumans over the
past five decades. It tracks the alternate history of the world in rich
detail from the moment the Progenitor, Amanda Sykes, gains her
incredible powers, to the year when a single metahuman nearly destroys
the Earth, to Sykes’ strange departure from the global scene. The world
is yours to build and explore using the rules in this book.
• Details dozens of characters, factions, and nations
• Rules for shaping the world based on the players’ actions
In Flames
In Flames (Core Rules)...............................23,99
What you know...
You are not in your own body. You
can remember snatches of your past,
of a heavenly existence, and of a
terrible fall from grace, but no more.
This place is only fleetingly familiar.
What you have been told...
The thing that calls itself Ghede has
told you that you were once
something more than human; you
were a god, a post-human, one of the
You and your fellows carved worlds
from pure matter, danced in the
corona with suns and created life as
playthings. You moulded the very
stars themselves, and held worlds in the palm of your hand. Your world
was called the Understar – a paradise beyond this reality. But times
change. You committed a crime. A terrible crime, one that stood against
all that your peers believed in. And for that you were thrown out, ejected,
cast down to the lower worlds, named an Exile. Now the Understar seems
little more than a vague memory that slips through your fingers.
But there is hope. Ghede, the force that represents the Understar in the
material reality, has offered you a chance to return home. All you must
do is walk these lesser worlds performing tasks as required by your new
master, and in doing so find a way to resolve the guilt of your crime.
What you seek is forgiveness and a return to the Understar. Under
Ghede’s guidance you invoke your one-time comrades, the Loa, and
through them reveal more of your home and your past. Doing so risks
psychosis, but Ghede gives you the black pills it keeps to help with that,
as long as you are good.
This is where you are – the Flame Worlds, a hazily remembered place of
death and intrigue, among billions of souls trapped in this mundane
existence. You and your fellow Exiles must accept Ghede’s offer, and
meet others of your kind to do his bidding. What will you discover
among the Flame Worlds? Who knows, but if it ends your exile, it is
worth it.
In Flames is a science fiction role-playing game of action, adventure,
psychosis and discovery utilising a variant of the D6 system.
Fantasy Flight Games
Call of Cthulhu LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
COC: Kingsport Dreams Pack Revised ........11,95
The Gleaming Spiral is the fifth Asylum Pack in the
Rituals of the Order cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The
Card Game. Lucy sees the horrifying consequences
of learning secrets that are best left alone as she
witnesses the fate of Dr. Cooke
COC: The Shifting Sands ...........................11,95
The Shifting Sands is the first of six Asylum
Packs in the Ancient Relics cycle.
The Great Old Ones' reach extends world-wide in
this pack, which features 12 new story cards for
the 2011 Story Deck. The Shifting Sands strikes
out in a bold new direction, moving Call of
Cthulhu's action away from the darkened
mansions of Arkham and onto the burning sands
of Egypt. Learn what evil lurks in the cursed tomb
beneath the pyramids!
This 60 card pack contains 12 story cards and
16 different never-before-seen cards designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to Call of Cthulhu. The Shifting
Sands adopts the versatile new collation format, meaning you'll receive
three copies each of the non-story cards in one convenient purchase.
Warhammer Invasion LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Warhammer Invasion: Fiery Dawn.............11,95
Fiery Dawn is the sixth and final Battle Pack in
The Morrslieb Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion
The Card Game! When the small village of
Swartzenholden falls to a violent raid by ungors,
their attack culminates in an orgy of murder and
destruction. But their excessive bloodlust catches
the attention of Slaanesh, who has different
plans altogether for the savage beastmen...
Fiery Dawn, a 60 card expansion pack containing
three copies each of 20 unique cards, brings a
versatile selection of new units, tactics, and
support cards to your Warhammer: Invasion
deck. As the Dwarf’s Spelleater Rune deflects hostile magic, the Empire’s
mighty Helstorm Rocket Battery scatters the ranks of opposing armies.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 35
KW 35
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ● [email protected]
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Meanwhile, the Wood Elves unleash the power of the ancient Forest
Dragon, and Slaanesh’s Keeper of Secrets invades the minds of her
weak-willed victims.
And in the included short story, as one last village falls to Chaos, the
mysterious power of Morrslieb finally begins to wane. But what
destruction has it left in its wake?
A Game of Thrones LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Rune Age ..................................................27,95
War and conflict grip the lands of
Terrinoth. While battles wage
between four different factions,
even more deadly storms brew on
the horizon, threatening to demolish
the rivaling nations. Prophets look
to the sky and speak of a coming
doom. Some say that if the warring
armies do not come together and
face the foretold Cataclysm, all
hope for Terrinoth is lost. Others
surmise that a victor must be
named, or the wars will never end. Regardless of who is right, an age of
uncertainty is upon us. Whose side will you join?
Dust Tactics
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Dust Tactics: Axis Zombies Expansion .......11,95
In the wake of Germany's invasion
of Stalingrad, where hundreds of
thousands of soldiers had been lost
or grievously injured, the Axis
leaders turned to the extremes of
science. From the labs of the
Blutkreuz Korps comes a horrific
solution: Wiederbeleben Serum.
When this elixir is injected into the corpses of fallen soldiers, it not only
reanimates them but grants them incredible resilience. With the Axis
Zombies, the Axis now has plenty of new troops for the front lines.
Despite their simple minds, the Blutkreuz Korps needs these undead
soldiers to focus on only one objective, annihilating the enemy. With
their Fast ability, the Axis Zombies can easily close in on their targets.
Allied commanders will need to adapt quickly to these new enemies as
they are both mindlessly fearless and sometimes appear impervious to
Dust Tactics: Tank Busters Expansion ........11,95
Add the speed and power of the
"Tank Busters" to your Dust Tactics
forces! These new Allied soldiers
seem to be a contradiction; despite
their heavy combat armor they are
able to move across the battlefield
at lightning fast speed. The Tank
Busters' specialty is to function as highly effective anti-armor units.
Each member is equipped with a reactor-fueled bazooka that can waste
enemy armored vehicles. Take advantage of their phenomenal speed to
reach an enemy walker no matter where it hides; they are able to ignore
obstacles in their path by flying over them! Should their bazookas fail
them, these unbelievably strong individuals can punch through a walker's
armor during close combat.
Gale Force Nine
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
D&D Dungeon Master Keep......................108,00
The Dungeon Master’s Keep is the
perfect bastion of secrecy from
which DMs can run their adventures
and campaigns. Dungeon Master’s
Keep is cast from durable resin and comes pre-painted and ready to use
right out of the box. The gatehouse is secured by two stout doors with
pair familiar-looking door knockers, and above the doorway hangs the
D&D 4th Edition Dragon Logo. Behind the screen are shelves to store
miniatures, game cards and other record keeping notes. Two handy trays
are built into the walls to hold your GF9 Dungeon Master’s Tokens. The
towers of the gatehouse also serve as dice towers, with one tower facing
out to your players and one securely behind the screen for private rolls.
D&D 4th Ed. Forgotten Realms World .............
Vinyl Game Mat 20"x30"..........................16,20
The Forgotten Realms is one of
beloved and storied campaign
settings. From the snow-swept
North, home to the city-state of
Neverwinter, to the great nations of
the west, such as Amn and
Calimshan, adventure abounds in
the lands of Faerûn. The devastating Spellplague has altered the face of
this world, so depend on GF9’s Forgotten Realms Campaign Map to chart
your adventurer’s course.
D&D 4th Ed. Eberron Continent of Khorvaire ...
Vinyl Game Mat.........................................16,20
The popular Eberron campaign
setting infuses the traditional
aspects of Dungeons & Dragons with
magic-fueled technology to create a
rich world of pulp adventure. The
grand continent of Khorvaire is
home to many of the disparate
nations and races that populate the
war-weary world of Eberron. Navigate this fantastic landscape with
GF9’s new Eberron – Continent of Khorvaire Campaign Map.
D&D 4th Ed. Sanctuary of Fate .......................
Vinyl Game Mate ......................................16,20
Gale Force Nine’s Official
Sanctuary of Fate are ideal battle
grid for staging encounters during
your adventures! The vinyl mat may
be marked with WET-ERASE
markers to temporarily alter terrain
areas or make other notes about
battlefield conditions during play. The Game Mats measure 20” x 30”
and are marked with a 1” grid. The Game Mat are based on artwork
provided by Wizards of the Coast.
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Mantic Games
Orc Range
Orc Morax Troop (10)................................15,99
Morax do not usually carry the
shields favoured by lesser Orc
warriors, instead they carry two
huge weapons, one in each hand.
These chunks of metal are too
heavy to be wielded by a man, but
Morax are capable of raining down
a flurry of punishing blows upon
their enemies.
This set contains ten Morax,
including a command group and 1
Mantic points
Orc Ax Horde (30)......................................21,99
Orcs live and die for fighting. Fierce and
brutal, they wield only the biggest
weapons, the largest shields and the
spikiest armour.
This plastic set contains 30 plastic Orc
warriors with hand weapons and
shields, with enough pieces to add a
complete command group and Mantic
Orc Gore Riders (10)..................................21,99
Gores are beasts bred for one purpose –
war. Fast, agile and furious to behold,
these war-beasts make great ferocious
cavalry for the Orcs. Many an enemy
has turned tail and fled when they sight
ranks of Gore Riders on the horizon. Not
that running is a good idea – Gores can
run for many miles without tiring.
This set contains ten Plastic Resin Gore
Rider, including a command group and 1
Mantic points
Orc Krudger's Gang (3)...............................21,99
As far as an Orc is concerned, might is
right. He who hits hardest laughs
longest, and all of their leaders have had
to fight their way into their positions of
power. A good Orc chief might last a
decade or more, before age, infirmity or
old wounds weaken him, and then he
will be bested in combat by another Orc
and replaced, his body devoured at his
vanquisher’s victory feast. It is a brutal
way of life, but the Orcs do not bemoan it. For them it is the way of
things, and so only right. Other creatures that follow more civilised ways
they see as weak and feeble.
This premium metal kit contains 3 figures: Orc Krudger on Gore, Orc
Flagger and a Goblin Sneek, and includes 1 Mantic Point.
Orc Army Set (84).....................................51,99
As far as an Orc is concerned,
might is right. He who hits hardest
laughs longest, and all of their
leaders have had to fight their way
into their positions of power. A
good Orc chief might last a decade
or more, before age, infirmity or
old wounds weaken him, and then
he will be bested in combat by
another Orc and replaced, his body
devoured at his vanquisher’s
victory feast. It is a brutal way of
life, but the Orcs do not bemoan it. For them it is the way of things, and
so only right. Other creatures that follow more civilised ways they see as
weak and feeble.
This premium metal kit contains 3 figures: Orc Krudger on Gore, Orc
Flagger and a Goblin Sneek, and includes 1 Mantic Point
This set includes:
* 1 Orc Krudger on Gore
* 1 Orc Flagger
* 1 Goblin Sneek
* 1 Mantic Point
* 3 Bases
* 1 Mantic Carry Case with Protective Foam
Minion Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Nitro Dice (Racing Board Game)..................21,59
You have the Car. You have the
Nerve. Do you have what it takes to
win on the open streets in a nitroburning race for fame and fortune?
It won't be easy with opponents
that know how to cheat the game
and drive the winding streets. You'll
be dodging them and anything they can throw at you. Whoever drives
fastest, smartest, and toughest will become the Nitro Circuit champion.
Nitro Dice is a fast-paced card-driven racing game where pushing the
limit of safety is part of the fun. In Nitro Dice players use a ten-sided-die
to represent their race car on a course made of cards.
Pelgrane Press
Gumshoe System
Out of TIme (Four Adventures For Trail of Cthulhu)
Pelgrane Press presents four centuryspanning adventures for Trail of Cthulhu by
three Mythos masters. From war-damaged
soldiers on the Western front, to chthonic
forces in the remote Kergueln archipelago,
from atomic tests on Bikini atoll to occult
machinations in the Mojave Desert, Out Of
Time will take your Investigators into the
far reaches of madness and beyond.
Created by Call of Cthulhu veteran Adam
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Gauntlett; Jason Morningstar, award-winning creator of Fiasco and the
Shab-al-Hiri Roach and Bill White, creator of Ganakagok, Out of Time
Not So Quiet: Bullet-ridden, bruised and bloody, the Investigators,
soldiers and nurses in the Great War, are brought from the frontline to
Military Hospital Number Five. Once the haze of morphine clears, they
sense a brooding malevolence and they will soon realise there are worse
things in this life than a bullet wound.
The Black Drop: Something slowly gathers strength beneath the frozen
basalt of the Kerguelen archipelago – a monstrous thing once worshipped
and then betrayed, a terrible god from the antediluvian past. Its time has
come again, and mysterious forces gather. Will the Investigators usher
in its rebirth – or put an end to it forever?
The Big Hoodoo: Play sci-fi great Robert Heinlein, his ex-Navy engineer
wife Virginia, renowned editor and mystery writer Tony Boucher, or a
young Philip K. Dick as they confront the lunatic fringe in La-La Land,
and find themselves caught in a charlatan’s web of chicanery,
mendacity, and deceit-laced with a strong strand of Mythos menace.
Castle Bravo: It’s March 1954. The Investigators are sailors and
scientists deployed aboard the USS Bairoko to the South Pacific as part
of Joint Task Force One to participate in a series of secret thermonuclear
test shots in the Bikini atoll called Operation Castle. After the first
detonation, the PCs will have more than just radiation to fear.
Out of Time also features extensive handouts, pregenerated characters
and exclusive new essays from the authors.
Reaper Miniatures
Dark Heaven Legends
Familiar Pack XI..........................................4,79
Leprechaun and Owl .....................................5,59
Pulp Monsters
Pulp City
Loup Garou II & Moonchild..........................19,90
Warlord Fantasy
Loup Garou II & Moonchild (Level 2 & Level 1, Hero/Villain, The Coven
OR Blood Watch): A voodoo werewolf and a werecoyote (Shapeshift form
included). Thanks to the power of the Moon Talisman both can be fielded
as either Blood Watch or The Coven. 3 Miniatures and their respective
Arquero & Riposte......................................13,99
Riposte & Arquero (Level 2 & Level 1, Hero/Villain): Greatest archer and
fencer in Pulp City. 2 Miniatures and their respective cards.
Sable Guard.................................................8,69
Victroria Jakobs, Cowgirl.............................4,79
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Bonzo the Killer Clown.................................6,29
King Castruccio Irovetti................................5,99
Savage Worlds
U.S. Agent...................................................5,49
Baba Yaga...................................................6,39
Mad Scientist (Female).................................5,19
Sands of Time Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Catacombs: Caverns of Soloth....................28,80
The Catacombs: Cavern of Soloth
expansion introduces 4 new heroes
that dramatically change how the
game can be played. The Paladin's
armour is resistant to attacks and
the Ice Princess can freeze
monsters in place with her ice
shards. They are joined by the
Witch Hunter who can craft artifacts from monsters he has defeated,
enabling him to improve his abilities over the life of the game. Finally
the Sorceress' magic enables her to unleash powerful attacks and shrink
making her more difficult to hit. The 18 new Items dramatically
increases the number of powerful weapons, defensive shields and exotic
potions are available to the heroes (those from this set and the base
Catacombs game) to aid them in their quest. The number of monsters
expands by 12 to 25, effectively increasing the Overseer's strategic
choices. The Catacombs: Cavern of Soloth takes everything unique and
exciting about the original Catacombs and offers new play scenarios.
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Catacombs: Dark Passageways.....................7,99
Catacombs: Dark Passageways is a
card based mini expansion for the
original Catacombs game. This
expansion introduces new
"exploration" room cards which add
exciting effects to the base game
while the heroes are exploring the
Catacomb. The heroes can uncover
unexpected benefits to aid them in
their quest; however the Overseer
controlling the monsters can
unleash new dark powers to thwart
their efforts.
Eclipse Phase
Eclipse Phase: Panopticon..........................35,99
Eclipse Phase is the postapocalyptic game of transhuman
conspiracy and horror. Technology
allows the re-shaping of bodies and
minds, but also creates
opportunities for oppression and
puts the capability for mass
destruction in the hands of
everyone. Other threats lurk in the
devastated habitats of the Fall,
dangers both familiar and alien.
In this harsh setting, the players
participate in a cross-faction
conspiracy called Firewall that
seeks to protect transhumanity
from threats both internal and external. Along the way, they may find
themselves hunting for prized technology in a gutted habitat falling from
orbit, risking the hellish landscapes of a ruined Earth, or following the
trail of a terrorist through militarized stations and isolationist habitats.
Players may even find themselves stepping through a Pandora Gate, a
wormhole to distant stars and the alien secrets beyond….
• Details the inner workings of the different types of space habitats in
Eclipse Phase—a crucial source of information for bringing the setting to
• Provides comprehensive information on surveillance and surveillance
technologies, the impact they have on culture, and the means for by
passing them.
• Explores uplifts (animals raised to human-level sapience) and the
socio-political challenges they face, including essential background
information for uplift characters and a selection of new uplift morphs.
Triple Ace Games
Savage Worlds
All for One: Paris Gothique.........................19,99
Paris Gothique is the definitive
guide to Paris for All for One:
Regime Diabolique.
This supplement includes
information on all the important
figures, places, and secret societies
in France’s capital city. Also
included is information on Parisian
streets, architecture, and other
aspects of everyday life.
In short, Paris Gothique provides
the Game Master with everything
needed to run swashbuckling
adventures in the city.
Contents of the book include
detailed information and locations in central Paris, how to set up
adventures, new personalities and secret societies, and of course new
monsters and lackeys!
Troll Lord Games
Castles & Crusades
Castles & Crusades: Engineering Castles..........
An aspiring Castle Keeper will often
have many floor-plans of places
through which unsuspecting player
characters will venture, generally
taking the forms of underground
complexes or even wilderness or
urban areas, but many likely do not
have much stock for the "other"
locales such as bastions, keeps,
temples, and castles. This tome will
remedy that situation and provide
the Castle Keeper the tools and
templates to design such from
nothing or, if desired, to modify an
existing structure with new and
unknown (which may be otherwise familiar) traits. To start, it helps to
answer very basic questions, making the needed background choices
which will further assist as fine details are determined. Those who have
read the first work, SG1: Engineering Dungeons, will find the procedure
similar – please note that the former is not needed to enjoy or use what
is here. In many senses, a "castle" is but a dungeon in a different sense,
so an understanding of them is helpful but not essential. It may, at first,
seem unusual that much of this work is focused on chapels or temples,
but in the real world, castle structures were often built into, or from preexisting, religious institutions, these being the bases for architectural
endeavors for most of pre-Industrial history.
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Bolt Action (WW2)
Visions of Essence
Eoris Essence
Eoris Essence ............................................68,00
Eoris Essence is a high fantasy,
profoundly philosophical and
psychological world in which a
celestial event that may bring
about the end of time confronts our
devotion to God to our need to live.
What is more important, God or her creation? The Essence System is a
success based system that uses dice with twenty sides, a fast paced
combat mechanic and an intuituve set of rules that allows players the
ability to create any character they want and put them through any
conceivable situation.
Warlord Games
The Last Argument of the Kings ................21,90
At the beginning of the 18th
century, warfare entered a new
era. The widespread use of the
flintlock musket had transformed
the way armies trained and fought.
This period was a golden age for
the crowned heads of Europe. They
commanded professional troops,
gloriously outfitted in splendid
uniforms, and fought each other
over land, wealth and the
succession to their thrones. Some
even led their armies on the field of
battle. Yet by the end of the
century, the real power of kings
was gone or greatly eroded –
parliaments would decide the
foreign policy of nations, democracy had taken hold in the New World
and the divine right of kings was everywhere being questioned.
These were the last wars fought to protect the succession rights of
royalty. These wars were the Last Argument of Kings.
This supplement for the Black Powder game overviews the main
conflicts and armies of this period, and includes army lists and special
rules to enable you to refight these wars using the Black Powder rules,
as well as scenarios for the most dramatic battles of the time. Featured
conflicts include:
* The War of the Spanish Succession – the Battle of Blenheim (1704)
* The Great Northern War – the Battle of Holowczyn (1708)
* The Austro-Turkish Wars – the Battle of Petrovardin (1716)
* The War of the Austrian Succession – the Battle of Fontenoy (1745)
* The Wars of the English Succession – the 1745 Rebellion
* The Seven Years’ War – the Battle of Hundorf (1762)
* War in the Colonies – The French Indian War & The War in India
* Raids and Invasions – Amphibious Warfare in the 18th Century
This is a full colour 112 page softback book.
British Cromwell Tank ..............................24,10
The most produced Cruiser tank the
European theatre! Armed with a
potent 75mm gun and with good
cross country performance this
vehicle was more than a match for
the venerable Panzer IV! Though
sadly it was still outclassed by the
German “Big Cats”! Cromwells were
used in the 7th armoured division
and in the armoured recce regts of
the Guards and 11th Armoured
Divisions. Even the 6th Airborne
armoured recce regt acquired about 8 Cromwells in Normandy and kept
hold of them during the Winter fighting in “The Bulge”.
Normally a troop would comprise 3 Cromwells and a Firefly.
One Cromwell Mk IV tank
Resin hull/tracks and turret
Metal machine guns, lights, spotlight, shackles, main gun barrel and
opening commanders and drivers hatches.
Bolt Action Universal Carrier .....................28,90
The Bren (or more accurately
“universal”) carrier is possibly
unique in all the armies of WW2. A
small light weight armoured troop
transport capable of carrying up to
6 men, it was used on every front
the Commonwealth armies fought
on – and even by the Russians via
lease-lend and the Germans via
captured examples! Their primary
role was not recce as many think
but simply as a transport to get
troops right up to the fighting –
and, if needs be, to fight from the carrier itself. Other roles included
weapon carrier (3” mortar and Vickers medium machine gun) and towing
AT guns as well as artillery observation vehicles.
Every Commonwealth infantry battalion had a carrier platoon of 4
sections of 3 carriers each. The motor battalions of the Armoured
divisions used them in platoons of 3 sections. In both cases 2 carriers
formed the HQ component. In addition every infantry company had a
carrier at HQ simply as the CO’s runabout! Even the Parachute battalions
had two each carried by glider! In short – carriers were everywhere!
One Universal Carrier
One British driver
Stowage such as weapons, headlight, boxes, etc to customise your
Bolt Action Imperial Japanese Army ..........30,10
Loyal subjects of the Emperor
rejoice – the brave soldiers of the
Rising Sun are here! Our longawaited Japanese for our Bolt
Action WWII range are kicked off
with this great boxed set.
“Banzai!” A cry that caused great
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fear in allied troops during WW2.The Imperial Japanese army were
adept in many forms of warfare, and the use of this battlecry was all
part of their fierce battle tactics. They were excellent soldiers, with
extraordinary will power and devotion to their country and to their
They smashed the British Commonwealth and American forces in the
early years of the war using devastating tactics that confounded the
allied troops and who had no answer to the fast moving fanatical
Japanese infantryman. They were well trained and suitably equipped for
their campaigns, making up for a paucity of heavy weapons with dash
and raw courage that was alien to their foes.
As with most armies the sections used the light and medium machine
guns to lay down suppressive fire whilst their rifle armed comrades
covered the gun, fed them ammunition before outflanking and then
charging a rattled opponent.
They made good use of the small mortars to shake up the enemy before
closing in with deadly long bayonets fixed to their Arisaka rifles.
By the war’s end they were a battered, shattered army, with few
supplies and terrible casualties. Their reputation for bravery was
legendary, as was sadly their appalling record of civilian and military
atrocities which will always be associated with the amazing resilience
and skill of the Japanese soldier.
Warlord’s Imperial Japanese boxed set provides you 20 finely detailed
metal models such as:
• Command Section
• MMG team
• Knee Mortar
• Rifleman Squad
Also included are devotional rifle banners and full colour flags.
WAGB-WM-129 Bolt Action STUG III Aus G German Assault Gun
The Sturmgeschutz assault gun was
based on the Panzer III Chassis. It
saw service at the start of the war.
Throughout the war it was uparmed and up-gunned and became
the standard German Army Assault
Gun. It fought on all battlegrounds
and fronts.
By the end of the War it had
confirmed itself as the principle tank killer of the German army. There
were a few variants produced, this is the deadly 75mm cannon.
This contains 1x Stug III ausf G
Metal and resin model - supplied unpainted and unassembled
WAG-CE-SAR-01 Sarmatian Cataphract Support .....................7,25
A chance for your customers to bulk
up their units of Sarmatian
Cataphracts with this handy
support pack. It provides them with
two mounted Cataphract warriors.
Blister pack containing two
Sarmatian Cataphracts.
Pike & Shotte
Pike & Shotte Imperial Harquebusiers (12 Cavalry)
Warlord’s boxed set portrays typical
mounted harquebusiers of the late
16th and early 17th century, and
can represent troops of many
In each box of Harquebusiers you’ll
- 12 multi-part metal
Harquebusiers (including command)
- 12 plastic horses
- Plastic bases
- Background guide
- Six Full-colour flags for Thirty Years War
Bonnie Prince Charlie...................................6,00
Depending on where your
sympathies lay, Prince Charles
Edward Louis John Casimir
Sylvester Maria Stuart, would be
more commonly known as Bonnie
Prince Charlie or The Young
Pretender. As prime instigator of
the Jacobite uprising that would
ultimately end in defeat and the
death of the Jacobite Cause. Fleeing
Scotland after defeat at the Battle
of Culloden in 1746 he cut a romantic figure as he narrowly escaped the
dragnet of Government forces searching for him and his followers. His
escape complete Charles Edward Stuart would spend his life in exile in
France and, later, Rome.
Blister pack containing a single mounted metal miniature
Duke of Cumberland.....................................6,00
Unflatteringly nicknamed ‘Butcher’
Cumberland by his foes following his
‘efficient’ quelling of the Jacobite
Rebellion at Culloden, Prince William,
The Duke of Cumberland showed no
mercy to the rebels and went on to
‘pacify’ rebel areas after the battle. He
was lauded as saviour from the Jacobite
menace by those opposed to that cause.
Following the heights of his experience at Culloden The Duke would fade
from military life and instead immerse himself into the life of politics
and horse-racing…
Our portly Cumberland model is shown sat astride his horse. This model
comes with two different right hand options – the baton shown above
and also an option for a hand holding a goblet as he enjoys a tipple prebattle!
Blister pack containing a single mounted metal miniature
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
White Wolf
Exalted: The Patchwork Scroll....................11,99
In Creation, everything has power.
Sometimes, Exalted writers produced
quite a bit more than they expected.
Over time, little scraps and fragments
of materials and rules built up, and
they seemed too cool to leave in the
oblivion of a computer trash bin.
Before we knew it, we had a lot of
pieces with no home, and it seemed a
shame just to throw the excess
material away. So we decided to stitch
them together into a crazy quilt of
additional game pieces for your Exalted
series into The Patchwork Scroll.
A collection of Exalted Second Edition
- The Imperfect Lotus contains eight supernatural martial arts styles,
ranging from simple Terrestrial styles to powerful Celestial fighting arts.
- Splinters of the Wyld provides new Wyld locations, Mutations,
Derangements, creatures and characters.
- Debris of the Fallen Races contains five martial art styles for Dragon
Kings, Chaos Pattern Charms, and statistics for subterranean creatures.
- Lost Arts of the Dead contains four new Arcanoi for ghosts.
LARPzeit #33.............................................5,00
LARPzeit ist die weltweit größte
Fachzeitschrift für Live-Rollenspiel.
Die Inhalte reichen von Tipps für
Neueinsteiger über
Vereinsvorstellungen und Do it
yourself-Beiträgen bis zu einem
88 Seiten, DIN A4
Vierteljährlich zu Dezember, März,
Juni, September
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.

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