Final announcement
Final announcement
FUTURE IN PLASMA SCIENCE JULY 12 - 15, 2015 GREIFSWALD, GERMANY A very warm welcome to you in the lead up to the Future in Plasma Science event taking place at the INP Greifswald from 12 - 15 July 2015. Below is important information you will need prior to the event, so please take a few minutes to read it. The document contains information on the following: Registration and Organisational information Programme and Scientific sessions Venues and Contact persons Travel and Accommodation You can view the final information prior to the event by clicking on the following link We look forward to seeing you at the Future in Plasma Science. REGISTRATION AND ORGANISATIONAL INFORMATION Registration The registration desk will be located in the Foyer, on the ground floor of the INP Greifswald. On registration at the INP, you will receive your name badge and a USB stick giving you further information on the event and on the reimbursement procedure. Registration will open at 6.30 pm on Sunday 12th July and at 7:30 am on Monday 13th July if you wish to register and collect your badge in advance. Please note name badges must be worn at all times to gain access to sessions and social events Cloakroom The cloakroom will be open throughout the event at the foyer of the Staffel. There is no cover charge to use the cloakroom. Mobile phones Please switch your phones and/or PDAs to silent during all conference sessions. Refreshments and lunch Refreshments will be available in the foyer of Staffel for all participants during the official morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Lunch will be provided on all three days. On Monday the lunch will be served in the marquee in front of the INP. On Tuesday it will be organised in a combined poster session. The lunch on Wednesday will also offer take-away for the guests needed to leave in time. If you have special dietary requirements, e.g. vegetarian, kosher or gluten free, please ensure that you have informed the announced organisational committee of your requirements. We cannot guarantee that your needs will be catered for if we are not informed in advance. LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMASCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMME Scientific sessions The scientific sessions will be held mainly in the room Staffel at the 4th floor of the INP. During the scientific sessions we will discuss 3 topics in parallel groups. To give all attendees the chance to switch between the topics, we will have two scientific sessions on two consecutive days (in sum 4 scientific sessions). After the Keynote lecture on July 13th, there will be interactive lectures. Later on the discussion will be then open for the audience. All speakers are requested to bring their presentation on a USB stick. The chair of the session will summarize the results of the sessions together with the CoChair, the Secretary and the Support to continue in the follow-up session and in the summary for the consensus paper. Scientific session July 13th Fundamentals keynote lectures on Modelling: Ralf Brinkmann, Diagnostics: Peter Bruggeman, Sources: Klaus-Dieter Weltmann and Transfer: Kurt Becker Chair and Secretary: Hans Sawade Scientific session Energy & IT Keynote lecture: Dirk Uhrlandt, Interactive lecture: Marley Becerra, Interactive lecture: Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Interactive lecture: Ute Ebert, Statement: Volker Brüser, Chair: Sergey Gortschakow, CoChair: Volker Brüser, Secretary: Steffen Franke Optics & Glass Keynote lecture: Milan Simek, Interactive lecture: Dirk Hegemann, Interactive lecture: Rainer Martini, Chair: Rainer Martini, CoChair: Rüdiger Foest, Secretary: Holger Testrich Medicine & Biomedicine Keynote lecture: Pietro Favia, Interactive lecture: Greg Fridman, Interactive lecture: Antoine Rousseau, Interactive lecture: Xinpei Lu, Statement: Thomas von Woedtke, Chair: Peter Bruggeman, CoChair: Stephan Reuter, Secretary: Sybille Hasse Scientific session Aerospace & Automotive Keynote lecture: Satoshi Hamaguchi, Interactive lecture: Ute Ebert,Interactive lecture: Ulf Helmersson, Chair: Maik Fröhlich, Secretary: Hannes Grünwald. Plastics & Textiles Keynote lecture: Mirko Cernak, Interactive lecture: David Cameron, Interactive lecture: Dirk Hegemann, Interactive lecture: Yuri Akishev, Chair: Jürgen Röpcke, CoChair: Jean-Pierre van Helden, Secretary: Stephan Hamann/ Frank Hempel Environment & Hygiene Keynote lecture: Zdenko Machala, Interactive lecture: Bruce Locke, Interactive lecture: Kurt Becker, Statement: Jürgen Kolb, Chair: Bruce Locke, CoChair: Ronny Brandenburg, Secretary: Anna Steuer Scientific session July 14th Scientific session Energy & IT Follow-up Optics & Glass Follow-up Medicine & Biomedicine Follow-up Scientific session Aerospace & Automotive Follow-up Plastics & Textiles Follow-up Environment & Hygiene Follow-up Monday afternoon activities The young scientists are invited to present a scientific pitch on Monday afternoon and a poster at the Poster Lunch on Tuesday. We will collect the posters and the scientific pitches on Monday morning. We organized a bus transfer for Monday afternoon to go to the MaJuWi for the Young Scientists Scientific Pitches and Barbecue. We will meet at 2.00 pm outside at the INP entrance to the parking. The bus transfer will also go back to Greifswald in the evening at 9.00 pm from MaJuWi. Please note! For the activities on Monday afternoon please take casual clothes with you since we will offer you options for leisure activities. You may change clothes at the INP. LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMASCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VENUES INP Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2, 17489 Greifswald, Staffel (4th floor). The event will be held at the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology. The institute is located in the South Western part of Greifswald near bus stations ‘Klinikum’ and ‘St. Georgsfeld’. There are good bus connections between the institute, the hotels and the central station. (Link) MaJuWi Maritimes Jugenddorf Wieck GmbH Greifswald, Yachtweg 3, 17493 Greifswald/ Wieck, Seminar room. The Maritimes Jugenddorf Wieck is located between the islands Rügen and Usedom at the Greifswalder Bodden in close proximity to Greifswald. (Link) AKK Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald, Martin-Luther-Straße 14, 17489 Greifswald, Conference room. The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg is situated in the historical centre of the old University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald. Right next to St. Nicholas‘ Cathedral, the Institute building unites new substance with a restored historical building, the „Old Apothecary‘s Shop“, the oldest half-timbered building constructed using the post and beam technique in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. (Link) Restaurant “Zum Friedrich” Markt 27, 17489 Greifswald. (Link) CONTACT PERSONS If you have further questions, require more detailed information or need support, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee: Dr. Hans Sawade [email protected] +49 3834 554 3899 +49 172 4758550 Dr. Christine Poehlke [email protected] +49 3834 554 3914 Norman Kalbfleisch [email protected] +49 3834 554 3975 LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMASCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRAVEL Greifswald is located in the North Eastern part of Germany. You can reach Greifswald with the train from Berlin. The travel costs of you and your postdoctoral fellow will be reimbursed by the project PlasmaShape (Economy class). ACCOMMODATION For your convenience we booked for you hotel rooms in Greifswald at: Hotel Kronprinz Lange Straße 22, 17489 Greifswald (Link) [email protected] +49 3834 7900 Europa Hotel Greifswald GmbH Hans-Beimler-Straße 1-3, 17491 Greifswald (Link) [email protected] +49 3834 8010 Acknowledgement The work leading to this event has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 316216 (Project PlasmaShape). LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMASCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GREIFSWALD CITY MAP N Str als und and er L str aße L e ad bo we h r C au ss ee Stadthafen Ladebow Dänische La d e bow e r C h a u s s e e L Wieck T o er ha us Müntzer C mas- eb ho ad w see S t r. Ryck rfs Do e ße nk la m er St ra os tr aß Er e ße Mak r de ße ra st in Ha nd en st ra ße nko str aß ns t- Th äl m an n- R in e g an a re m äl Er ns t- Th g ub nari ng ee de rw eg St er - nn - R i n g E r n s t - T hä l m a K oi te nh äg er n La ds Ra ße h L a n ds t ra ß e A aß e INP - Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology 2. Maritimes Jugenddorf Wieck n St er La n io at 3. Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald am ay wa ld er kl ilw S ch ö n tr 1. ße ra ut So nd st Am Li ße nk D ie ra ße raß er Landst Dubnarin tr. J.-Curie-S Beiml Ha n s - Fl A n de r Sparkasse rg L an d s t r aß e r re a ll d G o r zb e He in ric z-S tra h- He r t M Vitu s - Be ring -S tr aß e R iga e r S tra ße ra aße aße st ka str in Ma - St r e äge ra ll e ite St e la Ko er pp nh H m An g traß We te r e n -S asm Zin ch e br uc hSt ra ß la Pa r L and Ha Karl - Kru ll nk Ta l l i n e r S tr aße e B u s Sto p „Klinikum“ A ste g aß lga in tr Wo R ns g an g A p f el w e g an Que rf e l d 4. Restaurant “Zum Friedrich” 5. Hotel Kronprinz e 6. Europa Hotel Greifswald GmbH A n den B ä cke rw iese n h ron pos t G ü tz k o w er La n d s tr a ß e ße t Rin hm ossow nl Sc h ö n w a l d Stra ühle Wolg a s te r S t r a ß e Lo m o n rü N e l ke n we A m Gor zb erg Qu e rfe l d ter 2 BertholdBeitzPlatz ne sc bk ei Einstein- G Siem en sa llee gas d-R Wol dorff Str. ße nstra stei Ein R o s e nw e g m e A rs t ra ß allee S c h i l le ße Am R y ck uss gs ße Ryck rl Lie Fl we g K i rs c h e n Ki r sc h en w eg ra traße n che r S tra Felix-Haus B i r nen w e g s St äld Am hs tr . H oh er Weg en Siem n- n- e weg an ckw Zum aße Gerd ingstr h uc Str. A Birnen- nsc ste te al W 6 Ge s S tr. Victor-Klemperer Straße im Ry 1 Hor lg a Knu en 1 r Ra th - M e h r i n g - S tr aß e Ger ha rd t-K a t s ch- Re fe l d A m S an kt Ge org s S tr . H u g o -H elf rit z- au - S tra Am Skt. Ge orgsfeld ße ße - St ra ing ell - S t nn en F.-Krüger-Stra ße traße ills Sch e-Ko llwitz-Str. ha Jo - P.-Uhlenhuth-Str. Feldstraße ag Friedrich - Ludwig - Jahn - Bu ge nh ag en st r. B l e i c hst r a ß e Lan F e ld s tr a ß e a ße nz Straße he Rei Fra F r a n z - M e hr i ng S t r sh ee Wo F. -S au er z ar o x- Ryck Ka raß alo W P. - G e br. - W i t t e - S t r. h sc t r. H a n s - B e i ml e r - S t r a ß e St st r e aß S w- E ri ch- We i n er t- er Pe t zis in Feldstraße ow g e n s t r a ße te r A ll l-Straße -Schol ster wi ch tzk N e u mo r str- ge aße Gü S te Burg- in s tr r aß e Br aße r Vul k a ns t r a ß e ße tra tr a S te ße in s S t ra Arn aße Pe ße s tr o lf - tra sen kstr t ks e Güt B r in e aß raß Wie Rud ns ße aße lst s tr a Str h s tr Re ge . m Lan s tr Käth B lu H eitsche id-Stra ße t- aße er B le ic ih e Lux R .- ani A n den Wur t h e n H a n s e r in g -S t b u rg em et Go ph ob Rudolff - Br st r aß e n- S c hü tz e Ku h- r. R B u s Sto p „ St. G e o rg s fe l d “ lka wer ße tte zko tra he s tr. ße e S t r aß s t raß e s traße Str. Brüg g- Kn op f . Rakower Str. Fi s c h s tr a ße J oh. -Seb .-B a c h-St r. B ad e r st r. F l ei sc her str aße uthere straß Ryck te r S tr a ß e Mi Erich -Böh mke- as Wolg Vu Pf. Wachsmann Str. Bau- S te d ts s t ra ße S teinbecke rstraße Hunnen- S t r a ße ße W e i ßger be rs t r. Ma r t in - L Woll- R o t g e rb e rs t r a Ka p au n en s t r aß e w ebe r st r aß e r Straße n B ur g st Gertudenstr. io at en - e or ls Wal ße W i es raß nt w Str . St Bahnhofstra M ü h l e ns t le Do m s t r a ß e S c h uh h a g Markt üh 3 4 M R ub e n o Cent ra l Bus St at i on aße La n g e St r F r i e dr ich - Lo e f f l e r - S tr a ße en D om s t r aße n ai M H 5 vid ar-Da Caspdrich-Str. Frie Hirt en str. L an ge S t ra ß e Holzgasse M ar i e n s t r a ß e Ro ßm ü h len s t r. Fr ie dr i ch -Loef f le r -St raß e Ma H a fe n s t r a ß e Haf e n s tra ß e Hansering ATTENDEE LIST title First name Name Organisation City Country Prof. Yuri S. Akishev Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (TRINITI) Troitsk Russia Dr. Katia Bazaka Joint Sustainable Processes and Devices Laboratory, Queensland University of Technology and CSIRO, Sydney-Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia Lindfield Australia Prof. Marley Becerra KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden Prof. Kurt H. Becker NYU Polytechnical School of Engineering New York City USA Dr. Ronny Brandenburg Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Ralf Peter Brinkmann Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Elektrotechnik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Germany Prof. Peter Bruggeman Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota Minneapolis USA Dr. Volker Brüser Research Programme Materials/Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. David Cameron CEPLANT, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, Brno Brno Czech Republic Dr. Giuseppe Camporeale Department of Chemistry, University of Bari Bari Italy Dr. Jan Cech CEPLANT, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, Brno Brno Czech Republic Prof. Mirko Cernak CEPLANT, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, Brno Brno Czech Republic Prof. Ute Ebert Centrum Wiskunde & Informatika and Department of Applied Physics, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Amsterdam and Eindhoven The Netherlands Prof. Pietro Favia Department of Chemistry, University of Bari Bari Italy Dr. Rüdiger Foest Research Programme Materials/Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Steffen Franke Research Programme Welding/Switching, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Katja Fricke Research Programme Bioactive Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Greg Fridman A. J. Drexel Plasma Institute, Drexel University Philadelphia USA Dr. Maik Fröhlich Research Programme Materials/Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Torsten Gerling Research Programme Plasma Medicine, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Sergey Gortschakow Research Programme Welding/Switching, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Johannes Grünwald Research Programme Materials/Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchi Osaka University, School of Engineering Osaka Japan Stephan Hamann Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Jens Harhausen Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Sybille Hasse Research Programme Plasma Medicine, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Dirk Hegemann EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science & Technology Zurich Switzerland Prof. Ulf Helmersson Plasma and Coatings Physics, University of Linköping Linköping Sweden Dr. Frank Hempel Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Hans Höft Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Tomas Homola CEPLANT, Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, Brno Brno Czech Republic Dr. Kazumasa Ikuse School of Engineering, Osaka University Osaka Japan Alireza Khakpour Research Programme Welding/Switching, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Jürgen Kolb Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Bruce R. Locke Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Florida State University Tallahassee USA Prof. Martin Greifswald USA LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMALotze University Medicine Greifswald SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ATTENDEE LIST Prof. Xinpei Lu School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Huazhong University of Science & Technology Wuhan PR China Prof. Zdenko Machala Division of Environmental Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava Bratislava Slovakia Prof. Rainer Martini Director of the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken USA Dr. Camelia Miron Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov Joint Sustainable Processes and Devices Laboratory, Queensland University of Technology and CSIRO, Sydney-Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia Lindfield Australia Prof. Jens Oberrath Leuphana University Lüneburg Lüneburg Australia Dr. Christine Pöhlke Management Support, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Branislav Pongrac Division of Environmental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava Bratislava Slovakia Dr. Stephan Reuter Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Jürgen Röpcke Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Antoine Rousseau LPP, Ecole Polytechnique, UPMC, Université Paris Sud-11, CNRS Palaiseau France Dr. Abdollah Sarani Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Hans Sawade Management Support, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Milko Schiorlin Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Alexander Schwock Management Support, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. Milan Simek Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. Prague Czech Republic Dr. Claudia Stancu Research Programme Bioactive Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Anna Steuer Research Programme Decontamination, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany An-Bang Sun Research Programme Welding/Switching, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Holger Testrich Research Programme Materials/Surfaces, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Jannis Teunissen Centrum Wiskunde & Informatika Amsterdam The Netherlands Dr. Dirk Uhrlandt Research Programme Welding/Switching, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Jean-Pierre van Helden Research Programme Process Monitoring, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Marianne Vandenbossche EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science & Technology Zurich Switzerland Dr. Tiny Verreycken Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research DIFFER Eindhoven The Netherlands Dr. Michelle Villameyer Plasma and Coatings Physics, University of Linköping Linköping Sweden Prof. Thomas von Woedtke Research Programme Plasma Medicine, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Prof. KlausDieter Weltmann Director and Head of Research Division Environment & Health, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Kristian Wende Research Programme Plasma Medicine, INP Greifswald Greifswald Germany Dr. Yubin Xian School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Huazhong University of Science & Technology Wuhan PR China Dr. LEIBNIZ INSTITUTE FOR PLASMASCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Sunday At the INP Monday At the INP and MaJuWi Tuesday At the INP Fundamentals Keynote: Modelling, Diagnostics, Sources and Transfer Scientific session Wednesday At the AKK 8:00 h 9:00 h Coffee Break Scientific session 10:00 h Energy & IT Optics & Glas 11:00 h Energy & IT Follow-up Medicine & Biomedicine Coffee Break Scientific session 12:00 h Aerospace & Automotive Plastics & Textiles Medicine & Biomedicine Follow-up Optics & Glas Follow-up Coffee Break Summary of Scientific Sessions for the Consensus Paper Coffee Break Discussion of next steps for Consensus Paper Live Experiments and lab tour at INP Environment & Hygiene Lunch / Lunch to go 13:00 h Young Scientists Poster Session and Lunch Lunch 14:00 h Scientific session Bus Transport to Wieck (MaJuWi) 15:00 h Young Scientists Scientific Pitches 16:00 h Aerospace & Automotive Follow-up Plastics & Textiles Follow-up Environment & Hygiene Follow-up Live Experiments at INP with open end Coffee Break 17:00 h Coffee Break Senior Scientists presentations Summary of Scientific Pitches 18:00 h Free-your-mind session Coffee Break Experiments Barbecue and Physics live in Wieck at the Baltic Sea MaJuWi 19:00 h 20:00 h 21:00 h Lunch/Barbecue/Dinner Young Scientists presentations Official Dinner and special award ceremony Restaurant „Zum Friedrich“ Welcome Reception Bus Transport to Greifswald